The State of the Union Address -- It's a happening
In common parlence an audience is a collection of people who are listening/watching. We think of people at a lecture as audience. We do not think of people at a football game as audience. One way to frame that is to say that audience is passive receivers; people at football games are definitely not passive. Cognitive psychologists would not want to think of the activity of listening as passive; it involves very active cognizing. Communication scholars, at least as far back of Aristotle, have understood that audience was activity. If you were not in tune with that activity you would not persuade.
But we have not had very good tools for tapping the activity that is audience. You can have people keep a diary, and you get only a tiny fraction of the activity. You can put people in a measurement environment, but the environment becomes all you can notice. In addition, people have not had good tools with which to be active in a setting that we call audience -- until now.
Twitter is a tool for people to be active in the communication that we have thought of as audience. And Twitter messages are public. So we can observe the communication without shaping it by our observation; that is a little grand, but the shaping is liimited to us as observers and the rule of no more than 140 characters at a time. Twitter is the opportunity for us to observe their activity.
The State of the Union Address -- every year from George Washington to present the president has delivered an address to congress on the state of the union. At some point in the twentieth century we became audience along with the congress. We are now able to watch the entire affair sitting at our TV set or our computer or our smart phone or our tablet computer or ... on and on. In the twenty-first century the audience has become the world; at least that is the potential. Most of the world does not bother.
I captured the stream of Twitter messages containing the word Obama the hour before the address, the hour of the address, and the hour after the address in 2010 and 2011. There are other ways one might capture Twitter messages related to the State of the Union Address; I examine what the differences are in the paper about the 2010 address (Boynton, 2010). Examinng the properties of the stream lets us see what audience becomes when it is no longer constrained as it has been until now.
Volume: One property of the stream is volume -- the number of messages posted before, during and after the State of the Union address. The figure below shows the volume of the flow aggregated to 10 minute intervals.
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Twitter messages containing Obama every 10 minutes from 7:00 to 9:00 |
The lowest number is 850 and the highest is 1,600. The blue line gives the numbers for 2010, and is considerably more variable than the red line, which is the numbers for 2011. In 2011 the lower number was 1,100 and the highest number was 1,300. In 2010 there was a dip in messaging during much of the speech with a big jump at the end. But in 2011 the messaging was steady throughout. The difference in the totals is not very large. In 2010 there were 19,000 and there were just under 22,000 in 2011. The difference seems modest given the growth in the number of users of Twitter in that year.
What is many Twitter messages? What is only a few? How can we assess volume? The only way to answer that is relative to something else. So, in March of 2011 Mike Huckabee suggested that Natlie Portman was not a good role model for teenagers because she was unmarried and pregnant. That produced 18,500 twitter messages on the fourth and thousands more on the fifth before he caved. Thus the State of the Union address is about as much a Twitter event as a day with Mike Huckabee criticizing a famous actress. Then there is President Obama's birth certificate. He finally conceded to put it on the web for all to see. That produced 170,000 messages in 24 hours on April 27, 2011. Birth certificates are roughly ten times as much Twitter traffic as the State of the Union address. And the 170,000 is not even the largest outporing of the Obama administration. Pride of place goes to the killing of Osama bin Laden.
One thousand twitter messages every 10 minutes is a large, though not a huge, number of messages about political topics, which is about what one would expect for the event.
Activity: This audience is found because of its activity. Every message is activity. There are no individuals who are part of the stream without posting at least one message. These are messages posted by people who want to publicly express their view of what is happening. This is not, however, the limit on the signs of activity in the messages. People using Twitter have developed conventions that facilitate their communication, and they are clear signals of activity.
One of the conventions is the hashtag. A hashtag is a # followed by characters. For the State of the Union Address the hashtag most frequently used was #sotu. In 2010 the hashtag most frequently used for health care reform was #hcr. The point of a hashtag is to establish a domain of communication. If you want to tell the world that your message is about the State of the Union address #sotu is considerably fewer characters than "state of the union address." In a 140 character domain that is an important consideration. If you want to find messages about the State of the Union address searching for #sotu is fast and easy. When it works this does establish a domain. People who favored and who opposed health care reform used the same hashtag to communicate their views. The same was true for #sotu; #sotu was how you reached people with whom you agreed and with whom you disagreed. It is possible to examine the use of hashtags in messages posted to Twitter. In 2010 there were 18,817 twitter messages with a total of 6,356 hashtags and 4,410 [69%] were #sotu. The number of messages was 21,700 in 2011; the number of hashtags was 9,304 with 6486 [69%] being #sotu. In 2010 there were 4,410 messages designed to put themselves into a domain of communication about the State of the Union Address. In 2011 that number increased to 6,356 messages reaching to a domain of communication about #sotu.
Retweeting is a second convention; this one involves both search and expression. A standard way to address a person on Twitter is to use @ plus their username. So one would address me as @bobboynton. One would address President Obama as @barackobama. Retweeting uses this convention and adds a bit to it. The standard format is RT@username original message. It is, in effect, an attributed quotation. I read something that I think is interesting and I want to pass it on. It is search; I had to find it. I may find it by being a follower of the person who posted it. I may find it by searching -- as in searching for #sotu. I have two ways to actively seek messages that I hope to find interesting. Then I repeat it and it goes to anyone following me and it is available to anyone searching. Retweeting is, in principle, interaction between the originator, me and others. While it may be a pretty limited form of interaction as people get to know each other on twitter it becomes a fuller version of interaction. In 2010 5,180 of the 18,817 messages were retweets. In 2011 the proportion of messages that were retweets increased from 27% in 2010 to 37% with 8,028 retweets.
One cannot think of these people as passive listeners. They wanted to go public with their own ideas. They reached for a domain of communication where they could hear and be heard. They read what others were writing and they passed it on for others to read.
Organization: Imagine a stream with a single independent message and all other messages are retweets of the original message. That would be a stream with complete dependence. Imagine a stream in which no message mentioned any other message in the stream. That would be complete indepedence. The two pose the extremes of dependence and independence. There are probably no instances of streams at either extreme, but they set a frame for examining the organization of any stream.
For the 2011 State of the Union stream 8028 of the 21710 tweets were retweets. However, that is not a complete indication of the dependence in the stream. The twitter messages that were retweeted was 4664. So dependence in the stream numbered 12,692 which was 58% of the messages. The indepedent messages in the stream was therefore 9018 messages or 42%. A look at the distribution through time shows how retweeting varied.
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The lower line in the figure is the number of retweets per 10 minute interval. There is a drop in retweeting as the address begins. In the 7:50 p.m. ten minutes the number of retweets was 490. It dropped to 390 at 8:00 and fell to 317 at 8:20 and then picked back up. The address did not begin until just after 8:10 so even as the scene opened, 8:00, the retweeting fell, and only about half way through the address did it increase to the 500 level of the hour before the address. The upper line is the total number of messages, and there is no similar drop in messages at the beginning of the address. So there was a shift away from retweeting and then back to retweeting through the address and after.
That is the overall picture, but more can be said about the structure of the dependence. If you look specifically at the hour of the address the messages totaled 7418, and the retweets were 1887, which was 25% of all messages during the hour. That is the dip seen in the figure. The number of messages retweeted is less than 1887 since some messages were retweeted more than once. The number of messages retweeted was 1320 for an average of 1.4 retweets per message.
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The distribution is heavily skewed and looks like this figure. Most tweets were retweeted only once -- 1038 of the 1320 messages. Twenty was the most times a message was retweeted. Then 16 once, 14 once, and down to 176 that were retweeted twice. So 79% were retweeted only once, and 13% were retweeted twice. Only 8% were retweeted three or more times.
The dependence in the message stream during the hour the president was talking was very low. Of the 7418 messages 4211 were completely independent of all the others. 1320 were independent except they were retweeted one or more times. And 1887 were the retweets of the 1320. The dependence is a distribution: 4211 indpendent + 1320 that were retweeted + 1887 retweets -- with the retweets distributed as in the figure.
Even more than for volume one needs comparative context to know what to make of this distribution. I chose for comparison a set of twitter messages that were very high on retweeting. The messages were posted between 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm on February 27 of 2011. They were captured by searching for #wiunion. Wisconsin was in revolt during the spring of 2011; a revolt against the policies of the newly elected governor and the Repubican majority in the state legislature. These twitter messages were posted the evening of the first major demonstration. Citizens from all over the state descended on the state capital to forcefully demonstrate their opposition to the policies being enacted. An episode of revolt leads to very high retweeting in the messages posted to Twitter (Boynton, 2011). So this should produce something approaching an extreme in dependence in the message stream.
During the three hours 7947 messages were posted to Twitter containing #wiunion, which is not greatly different than the 7418 posted during the State of the Union address. 1777 were retweeted which is more than the 1320 for the State of the Union address. It is the number of retweets that is most different. Of the 7947 messages 5783 were retweets. This distribution is: 1987 independent + 1777 that were retweeted + 5783 retweets. The distribution of the retweets is also very different. One message was retweeted 114 times. A second was retweeted 88 times, a third 62 times, a fourth 59 times, and the high number of times a message was retweeted continued until fewer of the 5783 were retweeted once, 898, than were retweeted once, 1038, during the president's address.
The most telling difference between the two streams of Twitter messages was 57% of the messages were independent at the State of the Union address whereas only 25% were independent in the Wisconsin stream. But it was also the case that the retweets were more concentrated in the Wisconsin stream than they were in the State of the Union stream. During the president's address dependence was not nearly as concentrated as it was in Wisconsin -- a flat distribution versus a peaked distribution.
Focus: Perhaps the most important property of the stream is focus. The president was speaking. Were the Twitter messages about the same subjects or were they different? If different what was their focus?
One way to tackle focus is to look at the language being used by the president compared with the language of the Twitter messages. To make them roughly comparable I deleted Obama, Barack, president, sotu and RT from the Twitter messages.
These are two word clouds that picture the words used frequently in the text with words used more often larger and words used less often smaller. The two word clouds are for the first ten minutes of the president's address. The first is from the president's speech. The second is the Twitter messages.
![]() |
world |
new | |
jobs | |
word | |
people | |
just | |
whether | |
together | |
now | |
years | |
workers | |
tonight | |
idea | |
good | |
changed | |
business | |
Tucson |
![]() |
Boehner |
together | |
A/address | |
tie | |
whether | |
now | |
tonight | |
speech | |
just | |
Giffords | |
work | |
wearing | |
like | |
Tucson | |
color | |
all | |
purple |
After a few introductory sentences in which he congratulated Mr. Boehner, the new speaker of the House, and mentioned the empty chair of Representative Giffords who was shot in Tucson the president talked about the economy. Economy, jobs, workers, business, and the place of the US economy in the world. That was largely his focus. Even words used less frequently such as competition, paychecks, compete, research, private were part of his discussion about how to get the economy growing again.
While you can find a few references to the economy in the words used in the Twitter messages the focus is quite different. Boehner was the most frequently used word. Most of the references to the Speaker were like this one: "pittswiley: The Biden-Obama-Boehner color contrast is psychedelic. #SOTU". The contrast was written about almost 100 times. Then there was the tie. What color was the president's tie? So you find tie, color, purple, blue, and wearing. Eventually they settle on periwinkle though that was not used frequently enough to show up in the word cloud. Michelle Obama was referred to. Giffords and Tucson loomed much larger in the Twitter messages than they did in the president's address. One way to characterize this stream of Twitter messags is that they reflect taking in the ambience of the setting.
The audience may have heard what the president was saying, but the focus of their messages was somewhere else. It was relevant, but different.
A reasonable supposition is that the divergence seen above would go away during the course of the address. At the beginning the Twitter audience was absorbing the ambience. Once they had taken that in they would be tweeting about what the president was saying. The next two word clouds are taken from minutes 30 through 39 of the president's address. The first is based on the Twitter messages; the second based on the president's address.
"Just" is the word that stands out in the Twitter messages. It is an indication of attention to what the president was saying because it was usually included in messages like this: "Obama just said all taxpayers will recieve a $2,100 Stimulus check by April!!!!" Just is what Obama just said. It is a temporal reference to a statement in the president's address. While that occurred frequently enough to stand out in the word cloud it did not aggregate to the focus of the president's remarks.
![]() |
just |
needs | |
care | |
like | |
health | |
fix | |
years | |
tax | |
move | |
forward | |
speech | |
America | |
TSA | |
spending | |
people | |
rail | |
freeze |
Spending, deficit, health care, jobs and willingness to tackle this set of problems was the focus of this ten minutes of the address. About the only overlap in the two is health care and taxes. TSA was big in the Twitter messages, but was a minor point for the president.
![]() |
spending |
now | |
deficit | |
without | |
willing | |
last | |
health | |
care | |
years | |
make | |
law | |
jobs | |
tax | |
American | |
like | |
put | |
cuts |
In these two segments of the State of the Union address the focus of the president and the Twitter messages is rather different. They are not completely disconnected, but they not the same. Twitter messages have a 'life of their own.'
However, ten minute intervals is completely arbitrary. The lack of fit may be the result of that selection procedure. Another sampling procedure can be investigated.
There was an audience in the House. Members of congress and invited guests were there. I began with the contrast of lecture and football game. The audience in the House acted more like they were at a football game than like they were at a lecture. With every telling point they jumped to their feet while clapping and from time to time cheering. These punch lines may have been the focus of much of the Twitter messaging, and that could be lost in aggregating to ten minute segments.
There are very practical difficulties making the comparisons. First, there were 62 applause lines in a speech that lasted only a few minutes more than 60 minutes. Second, there are many Twitter messages per minute, and at this exploratory point it is actually better to read them than to collapse them into codes. I will start with the complete display and then add some counts.
This is what he said:
Tonight I want to begin by congratulating the men and women of the 112th Congress, as well as your new Speaker, John Boehner. (Applause.) And as we mark this occasion, we’re also mindful of the empty chair in this chamber, and we pray for the health of our colleague -- and our friend -– Gabby Giffords. (Applause.)
He congratulated the newly elected congress, the new Speaker Boehner, and asked for prayer for the health of Representative Giffords.
These are the twitter messages for 8:12 and 8:13. There are 235. I will put a + in the central column for any message that mentions the congratulations to the congress and the Speaker, and that mentions Giffords. I only mark those mentioning Boehner which mention the president's congratulations. Other references to Boehner were not checked. There are too many messages, which is the reason for the word cloud. But it is worth reading some to see how they were responding to the situation.
8:12 PM President Barack Obama opened his State of the Union address Tuesday 8:12 PM RT @aarptx: MT @whitehouse: Live: President Obama delivers State of the Union. Watch & engage at #sotu 8:12 PM President Barack Obama opened his State of the Union address Tuesday 8:12 PM Obama's wearing a blue-ish tie this #SOTU -- the last two years he wore red ones with white stripes 8:12 PM @robdelaney Hey I am DVR'ing the State of the Union let me know if Obama says anything about the iPhone 5. 8:12 PM RT @whitehouse: President Obama begins his #SOTU now: 8:12 PM In laying out his vision for the future, Obama must focus on deficits and debt this decade 8:12 PM RT @squibble: If I were President Obama, I'd be saying ËHow's it goin, AssholeË to everyone as I'm moonwalking down the aisle. #SOTU 8:12 PM Our future is in the sustainability of the Minotaur population. They must be preserved! - Obama #SOTU 8:12 PM RT @whitehouse: President Obama begins his #SOTU now: 8:12 PM In laying out his vision for the future, Obama must focus on deficits and debt this decade 8:12 PM RT @squibble: If I were President Obama, I'd be saying ËHow's it goin, AssholeË to everyone as I'm moonwalking down the aisle. #SOTU 8:12 PM Our future is in the sustainability of the Minotaur population. They must be preserved! - Obama #SOTU 8:12 PM RT @time: President Obama just kicked off his State of the Union speech. Follow along with the full text of his remarks | 8:12 PM Obama be sleepin in that du rag, his wave game rusty tho. 8:12 PM +Obama starts by acknowledging empty chair where Rep. Giffords should be 8:12 PM YES RT @KellenDaniel: Michelle obama sho is thick round about her hind parts 8:12 PM @tickle_b great! Glad to be on twitter with my Obama buds! :) xxo 8:12 PM +President Obama: Tonight I want to begin by congratulating the men and women of the 112th Congress, as well as... 8:12 PM I love that the republicans and democrats are sitting together (as they should) . #Obama 8:12 PM P just said "wouldn't it be funny if Obama got up there & his 1st words were "Well...pimpin aint easy. My pimp hand is strong, RUSSIA!" LMAO 8:12 PM Boehner is darker than Obama. Seriously. #fb #sotu 8:12 PM RT @LevequeThots: Yes I am watching Obama. I like to hear this stuff first hand since it will be wildly spun in about 34 minutes... 8:12 PM RT @youtube: Starting now: President Obama delivers the State of the Union. Watch live on 8:12 PM Even Obama's purple tie is centrist... and a bit metro #sotu 8:12 PM RT @mfarnsworth: President Barack Obama is about to deliver the 2011 State of the Union Address. Full text here: 8:12 PM +Obama congratulates members of 112th Congress as well as new Speaker Boehner. Notes empty chair of Gabby Giffords, says prayers are with her 8:12 PM RT @toddfasen: Obama's wearing a purple tie. Later tonight Fox will accuse him of wearing this to imply that he's a king. #sotu 8:12 PM +Obama begins by congratulating men & women of the 112th Congress & new speaker John Boehner, noting Gabrielle Giffords' empty chair #sotu 8:12 PM RT @HuffPostHill: CORRECTION: President Obama is wearing a PERIWINKLE tie. Periwinkle, of course, being Marx's favorite color. #SOTU 8:12 PM Obama's R&D funding gap: The cost of his R&D plans eclipse the source he IDs for funding. #SOTUfacts 8:12 PM RT @bevysmith: President Obama always looks like a good time! 8:12 PM It was a little more entertaining last SOTU when Pelosi sat behind Obama blinking like mad... 8:12 PM President Obama *adjusting the cufflinks* 8:12 PM +Obama notes the empty chair in the Chamber and says "we pray for our friend, Gabby Giffords." 8:12 PM +Obama has mentioned "the empty chair in this chamber." So it is a board game! Ohhhhhhhhhh...Gabby Giffords. 8:12 PM @barackobama is now delivering his state of the union address. #obama 8:12 PM RT @caseyferrell: #SOTU moment I'm waiting for: Obama tenderly lending his hanky to a tearful Boehner, overcome by symbolism of bipartisan seating chart. 8:12 PM Obama gives "state of the union" I still stand by my tweet from his election; same shit different suit 8:12 PM (sotu) Americans More Optimistic As Obama Preps For SOTU 8:12 PM Tune in now for President Obama's state of the union address. Streaming on 8:12 PM RT @whitehouse: President Obama begins his #SOTU now: 8:12 PM Sigue #envivo el segundo informe sobre el Estado de la Unión que rinde Barack #Obama. 8:12 PM I wonder how much purell President Obama uses. I could never be president with all the hand shaking. 8:12 PM I really really REALLY hope Obama says something useful. Especially about the future of Social Security. *crosses fingers* 8:12 PM +Obama: "We pray for our friend, and colleague, Gabby Giffords." #SOTU 8:12 PM RT @brokeymcpoverty Wish Obama woulda put on that purple tie. he knows the one im talmbout. he knows what i like. 8:12 PM RT @danamo: President Obama: "Hey, man," to people. #loveit #SOTU 8:12 PM +Obama: "We're also mindful of the empty chair in this Chamber" -- belongs to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords #SOTU 8:12 PM Obama shakes hands with Boehner, but exchanges thumbs-up with Biden. I wish I had a vice-me to act all cool with! #sotu 8:12 PM What I want to hear from Obama's #SOTU - Government must invest in kids, skills, infrastructure and innovation. Time to focus on the future. 8:12 PM RT @whitehouse: President Obama begins his #SOTU now: 8:12 PM +Obama congratulates new House Speaker John Boehner #sotu 8:12 PM CORRECTION: President Obama is wearing a PERIWINKLE tie. Periwinkle, of course, being Marx's favorite color. #SOTU 8:12 PM Video: “Can they play “Hard in the Paint†when President Obama enters the Chamber?†- @Chrisgoldteeth YES! 8:12 PM RT @rudepundit: Oooh, lemme make this joke first: Boehner's darker than Obama. Boo-yah! #SOTU 8:12 PM RT @marcambinder: Heh. RT @jeremyscahill: Obama just referenced leak of his #SOTU, telling Hillary: "I don't need to deliver it now, everyone saw it" 8:12 PM These politicians know how to fake it they know they hate Obama with them fake as smiles #chokebitches 8:12 PM Live: Watch Obama's State of the Union 8:12 PM Here He Goes Again: Obama's 'Clean Energy' SOTU Pitch 8:12 PM +Obama congratulates 112th Congress and new Speaker John Boehner #SOTU 8:12 PM He was once compared w Pres. Obama b/c of his eloquence. Later at 1pm, Sen @SayChiz Escudero is on #TweetConPH. Join us! Tweet questions 8:12 PM RT @brianbeutler: RT @fivethirtyeight In 08, Obama spoke of gw as an existential threat. Now: apparently not worth mentioning! #SOTU 8:12 PM #SOTU Insincere Comment Scorecard: Boehner 1, Obama 1 8:12 PM 1st Lady Obama looks very nice tonight 8:12 PM I think Obama's tie is periwinkle blue. 8:12 PM FRESH: What Have You Done for ME Lately!? #Obama #FXPPolitics #SOTU 8:12 PM RT @onn: Pundits debate possibility of Obama saying, “The State of the Union… is Chaos!†and expelling a flash of lightning from his fingertips #SOTU 8:12 PM Is it wrong that I'm more excited to hear what nonsense Michelle Bachman will say than I am to hear Prez Obama's State of the Union address? 8:12 PM Really ladies? Y'all talk bout sleeping with married men but y'all would sleep wit Barack Obama lol 8:12 PM Obama, I love you & all Mr. President sir. but you do NOT need to be on every damn channel. 8:12 PM Damn, Obama, Bush would have let the intro applause go on for twice as long. Amateur. #SOTU 8:12 PM RT @DMatamala: Obama anuncia visita a Chile // Seria el segundo confirmado para el Lollapalooza Chile? 8:12 PM Is it me or do they need to fix the color on the camera. President Obama looks orange! #StateOfTheUnion 8:12 PM Somos una compañÃa pequeña pero hacemos grandes cosas dijo uno de los empleados de Fisher, según relató Barack Obama. 8:12 PM RT @AmericaGovEsp: El presidente Obama inicia su discurso ante el Congreso y el pueblo estadounidense sobre el Estado de la Unión 8:12 PM Por supuesto, que un discurso de Obama no incluye disparates, arengas, chismes, amenazas, mentiras, payasadas y todo eso que vemos en AL. 8:12 PM Eu sou muito fã da Michelle Obama. chicona! 8:12 PM Obama is nicer than me. I would’ve choked on the “your new Speaker, John Boehner" 8:12 PM +Obama begins speech by congratulating 112th Congress, new Speaker Boehner #SOTU #9NEWS 8:12 PM & sour diesel RT @LAGirlVida: Newports RT @ModelGemini: What DOES Obama smoke?!? 8:12 PM @GuyEndoreKaiser Hey I am DVR'ing the State of the Union let me know if Obama says anything about the iPhone 5. 8:12 PM +and Obama congratulates Boehner straight off. 8:12 PM +Obama begins by congratulating new congress. 8:12 PM RT @General_Patin: Watching Obama swag serf down the aisle to address the nation. Coolest president ever. 8:12 PM Obama goes right for the (Boehner) tears in opening line. #SOTU #nocryingjokesviolated 8:12 PM +Obama begins by congratulating the members of the 112th Congress and Speaker Boehner. 8:12 PM Via @politifact President Obama's Campaign Promises Progress Report: || #SOTU 8:12 PM I would totally watch a TV show that's just Obama shaking hands with people and remembering small detail of their life enthusiastically. 8:12 PM RT @toddfasen: Obama's wearing a purple tie. Later tonight Fox will accuse him of wearing this to imply that he's a king. #sotu 8:12 PM RT @shawpen1: OBAMA-"What-up?" "Aiight!" "That's what it is!" "I see you!" Thanks for coming!" "No doubt!" 8:12 PM Pres just intro'ed @ #SOTU- 1st of many standing ovations. Obama turns, shakes Boehner's hand and says "congratulations" to new Speaker 8:12 PM RT @andrewvazzano: Boehner and Obama: Same color. #sotu 8:12 PM Michelle Obama makes me feel better about my hips but bad about my arms. 8:12 PM If you would like to read along with President Obama, his prepared text is at 8:12 PM Bipartisanship: Obama and Boehner wear purple ties. Partisanship: Obama's has more blue in it. Boehner's has more red. 8:12 PM Not sure if it's the lighting, but Obama is tonight. Is he Snooki-ing it up for ratings? #SOTU 8:12 PM +Pres. Obama: "Tonight I want to begin by congratulating the men and women of the 112th Congress..." 8:12 PM RT @thecaucus: SOTU Live: Obama Greets a Clean-Shaved Senator Coburn #sotu #stateoftheunion #potus #NYTsotu 8:12 PM Presidente Obama comienza el Discurso del Estado de la Nación 8:12 PM RT @congressorg: Obama begins speaking at 9:11:25 EST. #SOTU 8:12 PM +Pres. Obama: "Tonight I want to begin by congratulating the men and women of the 112th Congress..." 8:12 PM RT @congressorg: Obama begins speaking at 9:11:25 EST. #SOTU 8:12 PM +Pres. Obama: "Tonight I want to begin by congratulating the men and women of the 112th Congress..." 8:12 PM +Pres. Obama: "Tonight I want to begin by congratulating the men and women of the 112th Congress..." 8:12 PM Obama is so sexy, most handsome president we've ever had. In my opinion. 8:12 PM Ethanol forever... RT @TomBeaumont Anyone know what Leonard Boswell whispered to Obama? 8:12 PM President Barack Obama has begun delivering his State of the Union 8:12 PM Obama should get Morgan Freeman's vocal chords surgically transplanted in to his throat. 8:12 PM State of the Union speech: Barack Obama speaks to the nation 8:12 PM Im hella mad at my baby nephew his name is Obama. 8:12 PM If there's anything I'm getting out of this live coverage State Of The Union Address, it's that Obama's hair got grey pretty quick. 8:12 PM Watching the State of the Union 2011! Rock it Obama! 8:12 PM watching Obama & the bball game at the same time lol 8:12 PM +Obama congratulates Boehner and members of the 112th Congress 8:12 PM I love President Obama & the entire first family! They Rock 8:12 PM President Obama: Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans: ... #POTUS #SOTU 8:12 PM Obama at the podium. Will people still clap and stand up now that they are in bipartisan pairings? 8:12 PM Obama to Boehner: "Congratulations, Mr. Speaker." Boehner: "Thank you." He'll now introduce POTUS - more applause 8:13 PM RT @WSJ: Here's the full text of President Obama's State of the Union address as prepared for delivery: #SOTU 8:13 PM RT @romeoatlsfinest: RT @SincerelyChenel: I LOVE Obama! 8:13 PM Pres. Obama: "It’s no secret that those of us here tonight have had our differences...that’s a good thing." 8:13 PM @gworl Its in America Obama is having a state of the union 8:13 PM El presidente Barack #Obama da inicio al informe anual de gobierno ante el Congreso. #SOTU 8:13 PM Pres. Obama: "It’s no secret that those of us here tonight have had our differences...that’s a good thing." 8:13 PM RT @kyrstensinema: Obama: Tucson reminded us that no matter who we are or where we come from, each of us is a part of something greater 8:13 PM Obama comienza su discurso recordando a la Congresista Gabrielle Giffords, mencionando "la silla vacÃa" en la Cámara que ella ocupa 8:13 PM Obama done used 11 words i had to look be like that sometimes 8:13 PM President Obama talking about #Tucson shooting at top of #SOTU. 8:13 PM Michelle Obama = Magnificent Backshot opportunities 8:13 PM Obama en el capitolio. Republicanos y demócratas aplauden al Pdte. Mmm grandes diferencias con nuestro sistema. 8:13 PM Obama: Amid all the noise and passion and rancor in public debate...Tucson reminded us that each of us is part of something greater #phx 8:13 PM Obama: Tucson reminded us… each of us is part of something greater… part of the American family. #SOTU #9NEWS 8:13 PM RT @congressorg: Obama channels Martha Stewart: "That's a good thing." 8:13 PM RT @cnnbrk: Obama in #SOTU: “Tucson reminded us that … each of us is a part of something greater† 8:13 PM RT @patpreezy: *squeals* at "King Obama.....I'm not RT'ing that 8:13 PM Here's the leaked text to the #SOTU 8:13 PM Watchimg President Obama 8:13 PM Obama is more orange than Boehner tonight, whoda thunk it 8:13 PM Shouts out to #Obama for not messing up tha Game flow! 8:13 PM RT @kyrstensinema: Obama: Tucson reminded us that no matter who we are or where we come from, each of us is a part of something greater 8:13 PM RT @corbett3000: Boehner is darker than Obama. Seriously. #fb #sotu // You can see his heart? ;) 8:13 PM Obama says "contentious debates" in Congress are a good thing and are what "a robust democracy demands." 8:13 PM RT @ezraklein: Obama wearing purple tie. #ageofcivility//NO....more steel blue. a good contrast to the navy blue suit. 8:13 PM Escuchando a Obama que no se tomará 7 horas para hacer un balance de su gestión en el último año 8:13 PM Its great to see folks engaged in what direction this country is headed under Barak Obama. @StraitsATL is great! 8:13 PM RT @HuffPostHill: CORRECTION: President Obama is wearing a PERIWINKLE tie. Periwinkle, of course, being Marx's favorite color. #SOTU 8:13 PM Presidente Obama hace mención a congresista Gabrielle Giffords, convaleciente del disparo que recibió en la cabeza hace dos semanas 8:13 PM I am Barack Hussein Obama, president of the United States. I am willing to negotiate. 8:13 PM Sessions Rejects Obama's Spending Freeze As Insufficient (The Huffington Post) 8:13 PM @pattonoswalt Hey I am DVR'ing the State of the Union let me know if Obama says anything about the iPhone 5. 8:13 PM That's a great suit. Want it? Call Obama's tailor: #KCETLIVE #SOTU 8:13 PM Obama starts by talking about Tucson. 8:13 PM In other words Obama is saying I know you all talk mad shit about me. 8:13 PM RT @congressorg: Obama channels Martha Stewart: "That's a good thing." 8:13 PM RT @jeremyscahill: In spirit of bipartisanship, Obama wears purple tie, Boehner has purple flask #baracktalk 8:13 PM dear pres.obama, fuck all that bullshit talk and show us the money nigga! 8:13 PM Wolf Blitzer discussing Obama's tie color = me turning the channel to MSNBC. #SOTU 8:13 PM RT @coopmike48: #EDU Obama State Of Education Speech 2011: FULL ED TEXT: Obama State Of Education Speech 2011: FULL ED TEXTMaint... 8:13 PM Obama es todo un rockstar 8:13 PM [The Feed] Video: Obama Will Deliver a ‘Special Presidential Address’ on Gun Control 8:13 PM Obama: Tucson reminded us that no matter who we are or where we come from, each of us is a part of something greater 8:13 PM Of course it could be my crappy tv, but I think Boehner actually may be darker than Obama! #SOTU #melanoma 8:13 PM RT @cebsilver: Since everyone is TWEETING WHAT OBAMA IS SAYING, I'm just gonna make shit up. #SOTU 8:13 PM RT @ezraklein: Twitter disagreeing on color of Obama's tie. #ageofcivilityends #butimprettysureitspurple 8:13 PM RT @iliacalderon: El estado de la nacion! Discurso del Pte Obama ahora por @Univision 8:13 PM Aw damn Obama, here you go... *goes to grab dictionary* 8:13 PM #realtalk RT @DhaniJones: Question of the night...what color tie will President Obama be wearing tonight for State of the Union? 8:13 PM Obama comienza su discurso mencionando a la Representante Gabby Giffords, quién recibió un disparo a la cabeza en Tucson, Arizona. 8:13 PM Pres. Obama: "...Mindful of the empty chair in this Chamber, and pray for the health of our colleague – and our friend – Gabby Giffords." 8:13 PM RT @zpleat: So is Boehner #SEIUinfiltration RT @ezraklein Obama wearing purple tie. #ageofcivility 8:13 PM +Obama calls for prayers for Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords #SOTU 8:13 PM Obama in #SOTU: “Tucson reminded us that … each of us is a part of something greater† 8:13 PM +Pres. Obama: "...Mindful of the empty chair in this Chamber, and pray for the health of our colleague – and our friend – Gabby Giffords." 8:13 PM Obama: Tucson reminded us we are something greater than party or political preference. Live: #SOTU #cnn 8:13 PM Pres. Obama: "...Mindful of the empty chair in this Chamber, and pray for the health of our colleague – and our friend – Gabby Giffords." 8:13 PM Hacemos grandes cosas. EU ha sido la historia de gente común y corriente que se atreve a soñar. Es asà como ganamos el futuro: Obama 8:13 PM Why wouldn't live fish be handled by a different agency than smoked fish? Kinda whole different ball games. 8:13 PM RT @TradiCatholic: RT @EternalRiteWing: It’s the Father, Stupid! Obama...Who is your Daddy? @patdollard 8:13 PM Obama channels Martha Stewart: "That's a good thing." 8:13 PM RT @petershankman: Really, @wolfblitzercnn? Obama's purple tie is because it looks good. Stop reading into it. It's just purple. #SOTU :) 8:13 PM @jessicahalem Boner, er Boehner was about to cry when Obama called his name... 8:13 PM +2 more universal ovations, when Obama recognizes Boehner and notes "empty chair" of Gabby Giffords #SOTU 8:13 PM Was it Obama's strategy to make Boehner start crying right off the top? #SOTU 8:13 PM +Standing O for Gabby Giffords as Obama notes empty chair for her amid Arizona delegation #SOTU 8:13 PM Obama opens brilliantly, apologizing for the Lost season finale. #sotu 8:13 PM President Obama: It’s no secret that those of us here tonight have had our differences over the last two years. #POTUS 8:13 PM RT @PFTompkins: Obama shakes hands with Boehner, but exchanges thumbs-up with Biden. I wish I had a vice-me to act all cool with! #sotu 8:13 PM +Everyone stands in chamber and claps when Obama mentions Boehner and then again for Giffords -- there's an empty chair to remember her 8:13 PM who thought it was a good idea to make Obama look like he was photoshopped for an ELLE cover #SOTU 8:13 PM RT @pakistanpolicy: Barack Hussein Obama is giving the SOTU on the chehlum of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (RA). He's obviously a secret Muslim. 8:13 PM State of Union address begins. Applause as Pres. Obama makes reference to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. #fb 8:13 PM RT @youtube: Starting now: President Obama delivers the State of the Union. Watch live on 8:13 PM Want to follow along with the State of the Union? President Obama's prepared remarks: #SOTU 8:13 PM RT @DavidCornDC Obama goes right for the (Boehner) tears in opening line. 8:13 PM RT @HuffPostHill: CORRECTION: President Obama is wearing a PERIWINKLE tie. Periwinkle, of course, being Marx's favorite color. #SOTU 8:13 PM RT @corbett3000: Boehner is darker than Obama. Seriously. #fb #sotu 8:13 PM RT @TIME: President Obama just kicked off his State of the Union speech. Follow along w/ the full text of his remarks | 8:13 PM John Boehner's skin tone is darker than Barack Obama's tonight 8:13 PM My fellow Americans, I am Batman 8:13 PM Obama alludes to contentious debates b/t GOP and Dems -- "that's what a robust democracy demands" #SOTU 8:13 PM @FlyWiditCustoms that nor is Obama trending yet 8:13 PM RT @NajyK: "you cry!" -- obama to boehner #sotu 8:13 PM +President Obama asks for prayers for Rep Gabby Giffords. #SOTU 8:13 PM Just sat down... Let's go President Obama, I'm ready to be inspired. This is a week that we need to untap some of that hope! 8:13 PM SOTU Live: Obama: "Everybody Saw It" Already #sotu #stateoftheunion #potus #NYTsotu 8:13 PM Barack Hussein Obama is giving the SOTU on the chehlum of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (RA). He's obviously a secret Muslim. 8:13 PM RT @zpleat: So is Boehner #SEIUinfiltration RT @ezraklein Obama wearing purple tie. #ageofcivility 8:13 PM I wish I could see Mrs.Obama, I know she looking good...#radiotweet 8:13 PM I seriously thought that guy was going to sit in Giffords seat when Obama drew attention to it. 8:13 PM @thesulk Hey I am DVR'ing the State of the Union let me know if Obama says anything about the iPhone 5. 8:13 PM Twitter disagreeing on color of Obama's tie. #ageofcivilityends #butimprettysureitspurple 8:13 PM Is Barack Obama black or orange? #sotu 8:13 PM Eduardo Grillo faz na Globo News a tradução simultânea do discurso de Barack Obama no Congresso 8:13 PM Why is Obama not wearing a ribbon? #justsayin 8:13 PM RT @danamo: President Obama: "Hey, man," to people. #loveit #SOTU 8:13 PM that is a long time to applaud ... (as president obama enters chamber) #stateoftheunion 8:13 PM He sho is. RT @TheMajors: My homie Obama's so smooth wit it... 8:13 PM +Obama opens with a message of prayer for Rep. Giffords. Her intern is there with the POTUS tonight. #sotu 8:13 PM +President Obama congratulates @SpeakerBoehner and recognizes Gabby Giffords. 8:13 PM President Obama: It's no secret that those of us here tonight have had our difference over past 2 years... 8:13 PM En su segundo informe sobre el estado de la nación, #Obama llamó a orar por la Legisladora Giffords, quien fue atacada en Tucson, Arizona. 8:13 PM RT @TelemundoNews: Presidente Obama comienza el Discurso del Estado de la Nación 8:13 PM Boehner already on verge of tears afteer callout from Obama prompts standing ovation 8:13 PM #Obama pushes 'clean energy standard' 8:13 PM #sotu #sotu #sotu #Barack Obama 8:13 PM +#Obama opens by asking for prayers for "our colleague and our friend, Gabby Gifford" #SOTU 8:13 PM RT @CNNLive: President Obama enters the House Chamber to deliver the State of the Union address. Live: #SOTU #cnn 8:13 PM +President Obama recognizes Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, missing at tonight's speech because of injuries in Tucson shooting. 8:13 PM RT @BaisdenLive: President Obama on now! I'm proud of that brother! He represents us well. 8:13 PM +Obama mentions Gabby Giffords first, very thoughtful #sofu 8:13 PM RT @CityHallNews: Hillary Clinton to Obama "great speech," O to her "I don't need to deliver it, everyone saw it." also "you look great." 8:13 PM RT @usembassyottawa: President Harry Truman delivered the first televised State of the Union in 1947. Watch President Obama's live now: #CanSOTU 8:13 PM No more cheer leader Nancy Pelosi behind Obama.New house speaker John Bhoener and Vp Biden now behind the President. 8:13 PM watchin president obama's #stateofunion.
Thirty of the first 235 Twitter messages mentioned one or the three first statements of Obama. And we learned that President Truman delivered the first televised State of the Union address -- along 200 other bits of information. There was very little convergence of focus in that 2 minutes.
At about 8:45 the president started talking about health care, the legislation passed by the previous congress, and ways that the legislation could be improved. This was his introduction of the subject.
Now, I have heard rumors that a few of you still have concerns about our new health care law. (Laughter.) So let me be the first to say that anything can be improved. If you have ideas about how to improve this law by making care better or more affordable, I am eager to work with you. We can start right now by correcting a flaw in the legislation that has placed an unnecessary bookkeeping burden on small businesses. (Applause.)
What I’m not willing to do -- what I’m not willing to do is go back to the days when insurance companies could deny someone coverage because of a preexisting condition. (Applause.)
1) Some of you have concerns about new health care law. 2) Anything can be improved.3) Correct flaw producing unnecesary bookkeeping. 4) But not back to insurance companies denying coverage because of preexisting conditions. Those are the four statements in the introduction. However, I will mark with a + any reference to health care reform. And I will mark with a - any statement that is not about a subject covered in the address.
8:45 PM -RT @naufalsanaullah: over/under on the US Dollar Index breaking 78 level during obama's speech... 8:45 PM +Obama says he is “eager†to work with Congress on health care. #SOTU #9NEWS 8:45 PM -RT @Jerseychaser54: Regardless of what anyone says about Obama, he will always be my favorite president. #SOTU<Yep. Flaws but my boy... 8:45 PM +I've heard rumors that a few of you still have concerns about our new health care law. We can improve it: Obama. 8:45 PM -Obama, master of the Deadpan of the Union. #sotu 8:45 PM -Title of next year's Obama #sotu - "To Renew America"... 8:45 PM -RT @dnewhauser: Boehner n Obama are both wearing purple ties, sure, but they're on opposite ends of the purple spectrum #sotu #bipartisanship? 8:45 PM Obama praises regulation - so do something about Taco Bell's faux "meat"! - - #SOTU #TacoBell --DL 8:45 PM -RT @BorowitzReport: Obama: "I want the American people to have as many jobs as Clarence Thomas's wife." #SOTU 8:45 PM amen. "We need to show that it's not just the winner of the SuperBowl who celebrates - but the winner of the Science Fair too." Obama 8:45 PM RT @ChrisRBarron: Oh here we go, pay attention here, this regulatory reform talk is total crap... Obama plans on legislating through regulation 8:45 PM Obama: "Todo puede mejorarse si tienen propuestas de como pueden mejorar esta idea(salud)yo estoy anisoso de trabajar con ustedes" 8:45 PM -My wife can't stop mock-shouting "you lie!" when Obama says something inarguable. 8:45 PM -I'm betting this thing ends with Obama overturning the Packers victory on Sunday. #sotu 8:45 PM +Obama: Now, I’ve heard rumors that a few of you have some concerns about the new health care law. (Laughter) #SOTU 8:45 PM RT @ValiantLight: 25 years Obama?!? That shit will be obsolete. We need it 5 years ago. Where is my high speed rail?!? 8:45 PM +say it to my face then -Pres Obama #SOTU #healthcare 8:45 PM +But Obama you have not proven that the prices are going to change with the new health care law #sotu 8:45 PM Glad to hear President Obama declare that giving the USA clean air to breathe is an important use of regulation!! #SOTU #airquality #enviro 8:45 PM RT @kuamichelle: Dear #Obama you taking out TOO much taxes out my check! Its Slow season at universal. Damn! 8:45 PM Obama habla ahora sobre la Reforma de Salud que el Congreso aprobó con una mayorÃa Demócrata. 8:45 PM +Man, that healthcare joke from Obama was priceless #SOTU 8:45 PM +For those not home, Obama basically just asked who was talkin' sh*t about healthcare. #SOTU 8:45 PM Obama declares high speed trains safe from terrorist attacks! #sotu shh don't tell the TSA! 8:45 PM +RT @edhenrycnn: We finally get a laugh from Boehner. Obama: "I've heard rumors that a few of you still have concerns about our new health care law" 8:45 PM +Obama says we can start "right now" on fixing health care bill. Well, not "right now" presumably. 8:45 PM +Shorter Obama " GOP is pro patient exploitation" #SOTU 8:45 PM RT @ACLU President Obama makes funny about TSA pat-downs, but the violations of the Constitution are NO JOKE! 8:45 PM +If you have ideas about how to improve this law by making care better or more affordable, I am eager to work with you. -Pres Obama 8:45 PM Obama's mention of new rules for credit card co's got the weakest golf clap EVER. #SOTU 8:45 PM RT @uofa: The UA Trauma Center team--Drs. Rhee, Friese and Lemole together with nurse Culbert are also invited guest of Mrs. Obama during the address 8:45 PM -Hey Ohio Obama is going to NAFTA two the hell out of you 8:45 PM +On healthcare, Obama looking reasonable. Republicans? Not quite so much... 8:45 PM +Lol Obama hit em with that Healthcare curveball 8:45 PM +chuckle chuckle #healthcare $$ $UNH obama 8:45 PM +talk to Canada RT @CNNLive: President Obama: Eager to work with people to come up with ideas to make health care more affordable. #SOTU 8:45 PM +Obama: "And it’s why we passed reform that finally prevents the health insurance industry from exploiting patients." 8:45 PM +Here it is: Pres. Obama finally gets to health care. 8:45 PM +Obama says he is willing to improve healthcare reform. Tune in and post your thoughts and questions at #SOTU 8:45 PM +Obama starts in on health care. Quick: Spot the Democrats! #sotu 8:45 PM +Obama then added: If you have ideas about how to improve this law by making care better or more affordable, I am eager to work with you. 8:45 PM +RT @TheOnion: Obama locking eyes with Mitch McConnell during entirety of comments on healthcare. #SOTU 8:45 PM Obama: Within the next 5 years, we will make it possible for business to deploy high-speed wireless coverage to 98% of all Americans #SOTU 8:45 PM -We need to sexually corner him! RT @urbnstylista: how about they lower tuition or offer more financial aid though?! Obama whattuuppp -_- 8:45 PM -RT @JoeBudden: If Wiz performs "Black & yellow" as soon as Obama is done .. i'm retiring, lol 8:45 PM +First standing ovation division over health care reform at #sotu. Obama says he is eager to work with GOP to improve law. 8:45 PM -RT @rudepundit: You know what else is sad? That despite #SOTU being a long blow job to big business, GOP will call Obama a socialist. 8:45 PM -We don't care if #GOP applauds Obama. If they vote with him, however, they are done. #SOTU 8:45 PM +Talk a little bit more about the healthcare details Obama!!! 8:45 PM -RT @LueDiamonds: @DJKUT these white folks are looking at Obama mad weird lmao ~ they're soooo pissed! 8:45 PM -@CrowleyTIME your tweet "Obama will say, "the Iraq..." is now featured on Twitter's Home 8:45 PM -Now comes the part where Obama is paraphrasing O-Ren from KILL BILL. 8:45 PM -Why hasn't Obama mentioned the export of the cast of "Jersey Shore" as a step towards global domination yet? #SOTU 8:45 PM +Obama joking about healthcare. Yup. He's confirming Obamacare is a joke. #SOTU 8:45 PM -RT @bsoler I love how the camera panned to John McCain's face when Obama mentioned illegal immigration. #sotu 8:45 PM +On health care reform, Obama says: "let me be the first to say that anything can be improved" #SOTU 8:45 PM RT @primerimpacto: RT @MariaESalinas: El presidente Obama pide a republicanos trabajar para una reforma migratoria...sus palabras provocan una ovacion... 8:45 PM +Obama on Health Care Law "anything can be improved. If you have better ideas, im eager to work with you" 8:45 PM RT @bbc_chirinos: Obama afirma que en 5 años 98% del pais tendrá cobertura internet inalambrica de alta velocidad. 8:45 PM @delwilliams do you think Obama watched "Waiting for 'Superman'" movie? 8:45 PM -RT @stopbeck: It's called a fact. RT @FoxNation: why does Obama always seem to say other countries are more advanced than America? 8:45 PM +We finally get a laugh from Boehner. Obama: "I've heard rumors that a few of you still have concerns about our new health care law" 8:45 PM +Obama: Anything can be improved, if you have ideas on how to make healthcare better, I'm eager to work with you. #sotu 8:45 PM +Obama: "And it's why we passed reform that prevents the health insurance industry from exploiting patients." Gets some boos from crowd. 8:45 PM -Obama looks cool as fuck to chill with. 8:45 PM RT @kerpen: How can anyone take Obama seriously on reg reform when he's pursuing his whole failed legislative agenda by regulatory backdoors? 8:45 PM -Lol. Obama b crackin jokes during speeches. Lol 8:45 PM RT @khayadlanga: This is the part of the speech where Obama is basically saying, "See, I love business." #SOTU 8:45 PM -@danielpsullivan I think it would be fun to be there. Was last year the year Te guy yelled at Obama? 8:45 PM -if u plan on watchin The Game right after Obama's speech you a hoe 8:45 PM -RT @danieltosh: hurry up Obama, America needs to change the channel... 20 min!! 8:45 PM +#Obama : " We canstart right now by correcting a flaw in the legislatio that 8:45 PM RT @ACLU: President Obama makes funny about TSA pat-downs, but the violations of the Constitution are NO JOKE! #SOTU 8:45 PM -RT @ObviouslyBen: So when will Obama announce the iPad 2? #SoTU 8:45 PM MAC says Prez Obama says on regulations: "I will not hesitate to create or enforce commonsense safeguards to protect the American people." 8:45 PM +“I’ve heard rumors that a few of you have some concerns about the new health care law.†Oh that classic Obama humour. #SOTU 8:45 PM +Obama cracks a joke... 8:45 PM RT @SteveSpangler: President Obama wants our kids to become teachers. Hope we can find a way to pay teachers what they deserve in the future 8:45 PM The UA Trauma Center team--Drs. Rhee, Friese and Lemole together with nurse Culbert are also invited guest of Mrs. Obama during the address 8:45 PM FYI, the South Korea, Colombia, and Panama trade agreements were all ready for consideration upon President Obama entering office. #SotU 8:45 PM RT @cnnbrk: We want to be first nation with 1 million electric vehicles on road by 2015, Obama says in #SOTU 8:45 PM +Obama locking eyes with Mitch McConnell during entirety of comments on healthcare. #SOTU 8:45 PM -Here comes the tough guy talk. Obama gets top billing in next True Grit remake. #sotu 8:45 PM Piñera + Obama en Marzo en La Moneda, tomo palco. 8:45 PM -Regardless of what anyone says about Obama, he will always be my favorite president. #SOTU 8:45 PM No Obama, some neighborhoods do not have clean air to breath, mostly POC neighborhoods 8:45 PM +President Obama: Eager to work with people to come up with ideas to make health care more affordable. Live: #SOTU 8:45 PM Obama moved rather quickly past financial reform. Not much applause. #SOTU 8:45 PM -RT @camdenlee: dear obama, the transcontinental railroad wasn't built by americans, it was built by chinese immigrants #factcheck 8:45 PM RT @abc: "China is building faster trains and newer airports," Obama says -- "We have to do better." #SOTU (via @ABCPolitics) 8:45 PM -Obama is all over it. Repubs not clapping is hilarious. 8:45 PM Barack Obama anuncia visita a Chile en marzo próximo #CNN #Chile 8:45 PM RT @mercatus: Does President's Obama review of regulations go far enough? See what Mercatus scholars have to say: #sotu 8:45 PM -@thekel Shut up and turn the TV on. If for no other reason than to see President Obama's purple tie. 8:45 PM -RT @WSJ: The words "child" and "children" appear 15 times in Obama's speech. "Future" also appears 15 times. Watch live on 8:45 PM -RT @pwire: Obama to Clinton about the leaked speech: "I don't need to deliver it now; everyone saw it." 8:45 PM -RT @Tammy2much: I ain't mad at obama for tryna to be like china..america as a whole is dumb ass fuck 8:45 PM Q buen orador es Obama. Hasta levanta el ánimo. 8:45 PM RT @dwill104: RT @DONDADA001: "Become a teacher, your country needs you" -PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA <--- yeah so we can underpaid youas well. He forgot that 8:45 PM +And it’s why we passed reform that finally prevents the health insurance industry from exploiting patients. - Pres Obama 8:45 PM President Obama makes funny about TSA pat-downs, but the violations of the Constitution are NO JOKE! #SOTU 8:45 PM RT @NMSI: Obama Makes Education a State of Union Centerpiece: 8:45 PM Obama describing mutually beneficial agreements with other nations to boost job creation and increase export markets... 8:45 PM -At times Obama is a bit too civilized for me. I want him to go on a tirade about how teapartiers are dumbshits. But that's just me. 8:45 PM -RT @msignorile: RT @StopBeck: It's called a fact. RT @FoxNation: why does Obama always seem to say other countries are more advanced than America? 8:45 PM Obama calls for the creation of SUPERTRAINS! 8:45 PM RT @ep_uruchurtu: @MiguelCarbonell/ Más oigo lo q dice Obama, más me averguenzo de nuestra clase polÃtica. Tenemos lo que merecemos?/ jaja 8:45 PM -RT @Lurrelle: Biden being behind Obama looking like the proud abolitionist and Boehner lookin like he wondering who taught this n*gga how to read is just 8:45 PM RT @PostPolitics: Factcheck on Obama and free trade #SOTU via @GlennKesslerWP 8:45 PM RT @Karen_DaviLa: Obama puts his money where his mouth is. To improve education: tax credits for college, more (cont) 8:45 PM -RT @TerminalSingles: I wish Obama would be quiet; I'm trying to post pictures of myself for validation. 8:45 PM -looks like an angel and a devil on each of #President #Obama shoulders 8:45 PM +Now, I have heard rumors that a few of you still have concerns about our new health care law, Obama jokes #SOTU 8:45 PM -Work it Obama!! 8:45 PM -How is Barack Obama tweeting at the same time he's speaking. Magical. Oh and speaker of the house just thought Damm my tan looks good. 8:45 PM -Via @nprnews: Transcript: Obama's #StateoftheUnion Address | 8:45 PM RT @HuffPostHill: Obama makes the obligatory molestation joke of the evening #patdowns #SOTU 8:45 PM RT @OregonianPol Jim Houser, Portland auto mechanic & WH example on HCR, is in FLOTUS' box, front row, 6 seats to right of Michelle Obama 8:46 PM +President Obama calls for repeal of 1099 requirement - definately needed - no clue why this was passed #SOTU 8:46 PM +President Obama calls for repeal of 1099 requirement - definately needed - no clue why this was passed #SOTU 8:46 PM En su informe sobre el Estado de la Nación, #Obama convocó a la unidad entre demócratas y republicanos 8:46 PM If Obama thinks patdowns are so funny, let's make him a private citizen again so he can enjoy them - SOON. #SOTU #TSA 8:46 PM En su informe sobre el Estado de la Nación, #Obama convocó a la unidad entre demócratas y republicanos 8:46 PM If Obama thinks patdowns are so funny, let's make him a private citizen again so he can enjoy them - SOON. #SOTU #TSA 8:46 PM -Lmao that nigga Obama sound like The Rock lol 8:46 PM -look at the admiration in Joe Biden's eyes..hes so proud of Barack Obama 8:46 PM - Lmao that nigga Obama sound like The Rock lol 8:46 PM -look at the admiration in Joe Biden's eyes..hes so proud of Barack Obama 8:46 PM RT @CBSnews: Obama on immigration: let’s stop expelling talented, responsible young people who can... further enrich this nation.â°#sotu 8:46 PM +lots of cheers at Obama's State of the Union for comment about improving flaw in Health care reform. #Obama 8:46 PM RT @CBSnews: Obama on immigration: let’s stop expelling talented, responsible young people who can... further enrich this nation.â°#sotu 8:46 PM +lots of cheers at Obama's State of the Union for comment about improving flaw in Health care reform. #Obama 8:46 PM Obama: "I will not hesitate to create or enforce commonsense safeguards to protect the American people." GOP undermines: 8:46 PM +Obama: "Instead of re-fighting the battles of the last two years, let’s fix what needs fixing and let's move forward." 8:46 PM Obama: "I will not hesitate to create or enforce commonsense safeguards to protect the American people." GOP undermines: 8:46 PM +Obama: "Instead of re-fighting the battles of the last two years, let’s fix what needs fixing and let's move forward." 8:46 PM Ready to answer President Obama's call to teach--TONIGHT? Find your path into the profession--and a job!--at @TEACHgov 8:46 PM -RT @ObviouslyBen: So when will Obama announce the iPad 2? #SoTU 8:46 PM +I'm not going back to the days when insurance companies would deny coverage because of pre-existing conditions: Obama. 8:46 PM -RT @ObviouslyBen: So when will Obama announce the iPad 2? #SoTU 8:46 PM +I'm not going back to the days when insurance companies would deny coverage because of pre-existing conditions: Obama. 8:46 PM -In case you found yourself losing consciousness, Obama just read the eye chart. #SOTU 8:46 PM RT @st_ppi: How will Obama pay for high-speed rail to 80% of Americans? Mark Reutter proposes Surface Transpo Trust Fund: #HSR 8:46 PM Obama: he escuchado que algunos de ustedes aun tienen duda sobre la ley de salud. (Sonrie)Estoy dispuesto a escuchar, podemos hacer cambios. 8:46 PM -Obama smooth doe ana! He Keep it 1hundid!! Baaad!! 8:46 PM +Obama refers to several seated in the First Lady's box who he says have benefited from health care law, incl a brain cancer patient 8:46 PM +Obama selling health care reform the way separated husbands sell marriage counseling "I AIN'T PERFECT BUT WE CAN WORK ON THIS, BABY." @sotu 8:46 PM El discurso de Obama absolutamente centrado en el trabajo conjunto con los reps "estoy dispuesto a trabajar con uds". 8:46 PM Obama reconoce q Ley de Salud es mejorable y pide ideas. Pero se niega a devolverle poder dicresional a aseguradoras para negar beneficios 8:46 PM +Obama supports eliminating 1099 healthcare provision -- it was included to game the CBO score, consequences be damned. 8:46 PM -#Obama got #swagggg lol I love my president!! 8:46 PM RT @Devanrmoni: RT @cnnbrk Obama in #SOTU asks Congress to make permanent 4-year college tax credit (cont) 8:46 PM Muchas sentadillas està n haciendo los que escuchan a Obama. Se paran, aplauden, se sientan. Se paran, aplauden, se sientan. 8:46 PM +I’m not willing to go back to the days when insurance companies could deny someone coverage because of a pre-existing condition. ~Obama 8:46 PM -RT @mattklewis: Title of next year's Obama #sotu - "To Renew America"... 8:46 PM +I’m not willing to go back to the days when insurance companies could deny someone coverage because of a pre-existing condition. ~Obama 8:46 PM +#Obama : "let?s fix what needs fixing and move forward" 8:46 PM +Funny. "I have heard that you all still have concerns about our health care law" (Obama) #sotu 8:46 PM +I’m not willing to go back to the days when insurance companies could deny someone coverage because of a pre-existing condition. ~Obama 8:46 PM Obama: "No quiero volver a los dias en que las aseguradoras podian negar el servicio a pacientes con condiciones pre existentes" 8:46 PM -RT @JoeBudden: If Wiz performs "Black & yellow" as soon as Obama is done .. i'm retiring, lol 8:46 PM -Obama thinks his policies are "working", so more of the same is the trick. But more of the same will yield...more of the same stagnation. 8:46 PM +#SOTU Obama on Health Care Law: Anything Can Be Improved. Even The Movie Twilight?? 8:46 PM +Were some of the Republicans standing in support of Obama's statement against health insurance companies? Drunk, too? 8:46 PM -RT @miriamzperez: I'm glad that Obama has a sense of humor. That job would be impossible otherwise. #sotu 8:46 PM -If only Obama would stammer a little to let us know he supports Oscars for "The King's Speech." 8:46 PM +Convenient that Reid & Baucus announced the 1099 repeal bill today and Obama mentions it first in discussing bp work on #HCR law 8:46 PM -John Boehner says "Obama, YOU are a preexisting condition" #sotu 8:46 PM +Yes, Obama, there are a "few" that still have a problem with the healthcare bill. They are called the American people. #sotu 8:46 PM RT @SouthernEnergy: President Obama needs to come out and say "Protect the Clean Air Act." #SOTU 8:46 PM +Obama ON #hcr: I'm not willing to return to days when insurance co's could deny coverage b/c of pre-existing conditions 8:46 PM RT @superchunkband: Re: Healthcare, did Obama just pause btw applause lines and say "Cantor...what a douche." ? #SOTU 8:46 PM +Pres. Obama offers to "improve" health care reform law but warns against going back to days when #insurance cos. had full control. 8:46 PM -Obama's gray is evident in HD. #doesheordoesnthe #sotu 8:46 PM +Obama says he is not willing to go back to the days where insurance companies can refuse preexisting conditions. #SOTU #9NEWS 8:46 PM -I wish i could speak like Obama. He'll make u believe ANYTHING ..i would make women think sucking my dick is good for them 8:46 PM Via MSNBC Obama says U.S. faces 'Sputnik moment': Declaring that the nation faces big decisions like those... 8:46 PM -RT @JoeBudden If Wiz performs "Black & yellow" as soon as Obama is done .. i'm retiring, lol<-- I just pissed myself LOL 8:46 PM -Obama is a great story teller 8:46 PM +RT @yesmagazine: Obama wants idea about improving health care law? Lets do single payer. #SOTU #mediaSOTU #baracktalk 8:46 PM -Pres. Obama opted out of the #SOTU lapel ribbon. Anyone else? 8:46 PM +President Obama just mentioned 1099 repeal in #SOTU 8:46 PM Obama says smart companies avoid paying taxes (cough google cough) #sotu 8:46 PM -Amen! RT @PYTSashaLee: O shit RT @NovaGiovanni: Obama is just like ya deadbeat dad who use to promise you shit (cont) 8:46 PM -@jesslaw OH, I mean running the Twitter account, not that Obama is a robot :) 8:46 PM Two bills out there to repeal #hcr tax provision Obama just mentioned. How long till one passes? 8:46 PM What I'm not going to do... -Pres. Obama RT @twopointoh: "say it to my face then" -Pres Obama #SOTU #healthcare 8:46 PM -RT @TheOnion: Obama's hair noticeably grayer than when #SOTU began 8:46 PM I agree 100% with Obama's vision of our future & his plan for getting us there. Screw the critics. Let's do it. 8:46 PM RT @swiper_bootz: "we gotta do better" "it's not about faster internet or less dropped calls" "i will not hesitate to enforce common sense:" obama is so a dad 8:46 PM +I am not willing to go back to the days insurance companies could deny coverage based on a pre-existing condition - President Obama #SOTU 8:46 PM Obama: "it is no possible to improve everything" 8:46 PM +RT @yesmagazine: Obama wants idea about improving health care law? Lets do single payer. #SOTU #mediaSOTU #baracktalk 8:46 PM OBAMA: Ordered review of government regulations targeted to ease burdens on businesses, job creation. Qualifies new regs may also be created 8:46 PM Sin mención a México en el discurso de #Obama. Sà cita a Colombia, Panamá, El Salvador, Chile... #SOTU 8:46 PM +Obama drops the H-bomb and addresses healthcare. Might aswell. It's on everyone's mind anyway 8:46 PM Obama promete quitar el peso a los pequeños negocios para llevar sus libros contables. 8:46 PM -YALL WATCHIN OBAMA LIVE ITS ON UTUBE 8:46 PM He's trying to walk the line between being pro-consumer but not anti-business. Classic Obama. #sotu 8:46 PM -Obama must have seen my videos; that's why he wants to help teachers. Thanks bro! 8:46 PM Obama: Investments in innovation, education, and infrastructure will make America a better place to do business and create job #SOTU 8:46 PM +#Obama : "this law is making prescription drugs cheaper for seniors 8:46 PM -Re: Healthcare, did Obama just pause btw applause lines and say "Cantor...what a douche." ? #SOTU 8:46 PM -RT @TheOnion: Obama's hair noticeably grayer than when #SOTU began 8:46 PM -Didn't I read that Obama was going to mumble about HCR and quickly put it behind him? 8:46 PM -RT @msignorile: RT @StopBeck: It's called a fact. RT @foxnation: why does Obama always seem to say other countries are > advanced than U.S.? 8:46 PM -The distinction between Obama's rhetoric & his policies is truly incredible. 8:46 PM -RT @thedillon1: Michele Obama is gonna disappear out the Chamber when The Game comes on. Watch. 8:46 PM +Obama: What I'm not willing to do is go back to the day when insurance companies can deny coverage because of pre-existing condition #sotu 8:46 PM -RT @acarvin: RT @camdenlee: dear obama, the transcontinental railroad wasn't built by americans, it was built by chinese immigrants #factcheck 8:46 PM +Only Democrats stand at mention of health reform #sotu #healthcare #obama 8:46 PM +Good idea for Obama to start off health-care section with a joke, then offer a concession to GOP on record-keeping. Then he gets partisan. 8:46 PM +I love that President Obama is challenging Republicans to strengthen healthcare, and he's standing his ground on what we've changed. #SOTU 8:46 PM RT @WatchdogDiva: RT @politifact: Obama is right. American engineers did give the country's infrastructure a 'D' #SOTU #OUCH! 8:46 PM Barack Obama anunció este martes que viajará en marzo a Brasil, Chile y El Salvador, su primera gira por América del Sur y Centra 8:46 PM -obama just made a funny. 8:46 PM Y'all know China is watching this #sotu like "Great, Obama's broke-ass about to hit us up for another loan." 8:46 PM +Obama gets a laugh... "I've heard a few of you still have some concerns about my health care law." #sotu 8:46 PM +Obama wants idea about improving health care law? Lets do single payer. #SOTU #mediaSOTU #baracktalk 8:46 PM +If you have better ideas for my healthcare bill, PUT UP OR SHUT UP, YOU SCHMUCKS. -- Fantasy Barack Obama #sotu 8:46 PM +Flawed legislation. Obama, don't you realize that you signed it like, 2 months ago? Right? 8:46 PM +Spirited defense of HCR, nice work Obama #sotu 8:46 PM +Spirited defense of HCR, nice work Obama #sotu 8:46 PM -I'm glad that Obama has a sense of humor. That job would be impossible otherwise. #sotu 8:46 PM +OH SNAP! Obama is calling the republicans bluff on repealing Obamacare. our negro in charge dont play #SOTU 8:46 PM -RT @e_one: looks like an angel and a devil on each of #President #Obama shoulders <~ WOW but your right! LMAO 8:46 PM RT @escriba: RT @fkrakowiak: Habla Obama y en CNN en español entrevistan a Openheimer. #findelperiodismo < raro 8:46 PM +OH SNAP! Obama is calling the republicans bluff on repealing Obamacare. our negro in charge dont play #SOTU 8:46 PM -RT @e_one: looks like an angel and a devil on each of #President #Obama shoulders <~ WOW but your right! LMAO 8:46 PM RT @escriba: RT @fkrakowiak: Habla Obama y en CNN en español entrevistan a Openheimer. #findelperiodismo < raro 8:46 PM +President Obama addresses "rumors" that some in Congress still have concerns about our new law... #hcr 8:46 PM RT @Leon_Krauze: Dentro de 15 minutos en Hora 21. Jóvenes en el DF, legÃtima defensa, la Nápoles, Obama, arde Egipto, Reinoso, Biutiful y la resortera humana 8:46 PM Presidente Obama está presentando su mensaje a la nación (link para ver online 8:46 PM Love how everyone stands when Pres. Obama mentions an accounting burden on small businesses. #sotu 8:46 PM +RT @edhenrycnn: We finally get a laugh from Boehner. Obama: "I've heard rumors that a few of you still have concerns about our new health care law" 8:46 PM -@StunnazMag I wouldn't mind it, he's a sexy old man with intelligence. But I could never disrespect Mrs. Obama like that. She'd kick my ass! 8:46 PM GOP ideas were shunned during the year and a half debate over #HCR - Obama/Dems, of course, ignored. #YouLie #fb 8:46 PM Obama's "Sputnik Speech" Word Cloud 8:46 PM -best dressed: ruth ginsberg. fiercest hair: olympia snowe. cutest couple: k gillibrand+j thune. league of her own: michelle obama #SOTU 8:46 PM you said what i was thinking RT @pushingrope: Obama really shouldn't brag about the watered down financial reform bill. 8:46 PM It's about connecting every part of America to the digital age - President Obama #SOTU 8:46 PM Obama: "No es posible mejorarlo todo" 8:46 PM Obama endorses the Pure Food and 8:46 PM @susanchamplin @ktumulty @newtgingrich Co-option. It works for the GOP, why not Obama? 8:46 PM RT @G_Polo: lmao RT @rellyOnSMASH: cryin RT @mdotbrown: Has Obama said where Melo is going yet? #SOTU (deadd) 8:46 PM -Obama. Boehner. Biden. Buddy Comedy. jus sayin... 8:46 PM RT @marujatarre: Obama se refiere acuerdos comerciales por firmar con Colombia y Panamá @SOTU 8:46 PM -obama = procyclical & moderate= excellent 8:46 PM +Obama vows to correct "flaw" of 1099 filing requirement in healthcare reform law. Discuss with your colleagues: #SOTU
Eighty of the 249 Twitter messages were about health care reform. Eighty-one were not about the subjects of the speech. Twenty-one of the messages were not in English, and I am not sure what they said. The distribution is 80 that are about health care reform, 81 were about subjects not in the speech, 21 were not in English, and 67 were about other subjects other than health care mentioned in the address. Eighty is better than 30, which was the number of relevant messages for the first two minutes, but it is still modest convergence between the speaking of the president and the Twitter messaging.
It was a happening. One might say the president was first among equals. He was busy delivering a prepared address. People in the House were busy hopping up and down to indicate their approval and disapproval of what he was saying. The audience with Twitter at hand were busy doing their own thing. Not only were they reacting to the president's address they were searching for and reading Twitter messages and writing their own. They reacted to what the president was saying, but often it was not approval or disapproval. It was messages like "RT @edhenrycnn: We finally get a laugh from Boehner. . . " They were calling attention to what was going on -- hence acting as commentators. Often their comments ranged rather far from the subjects of the address. No one would think of this audience as passively following the president.
Imagine this happening as a giant set of interrelated communications: the presidents's remarks, the communication of approval and disapproval in the applause, and all of the connected and disconnected message from the Twitter audience. One should, of course, add the communication of all the news media personnel. And the audience without Twitter at hand who were shouting at the TV set or talking with others in the room. It is a gigantic mix of messages that looks a lot more like a football game than the broadcast of one to many that is the standard interpretation of lecture.
My goal was exploring the possibility that audience could be studied effectively using Twitter messages to understand what the audience was doing. A project to go beyond the question of feasibility would involve much more complete analysis of the messages of both the president and the Twitter messages than I have done in this note. But I think this shows something of what could be done.
Can one take this beyond the fixed format of the State of the Union address? On April 2, 2011, the next day after announcing that Osama bin Laden had been killed, the president and Mrs. Obama appeared on the Oprah show. I was again capturing all messages that mentioned Obama. There were 18,000 in the hour of the TV program. Most of the messages were probably about bin Laden. Extracting the twitter messages about the TV program from those about events of the previous two days would require culling the messages while viewing the show. However, it is possible to have a hint about how feasible it would be to do an audience analysis of a TV broadcast like that. In the hour there were 1235 messages mentioning Oprah. There were also 1135 messages mentioning Michelle Obama. Every message mentioned Obama so that does not help differentiate between TV and events not related to the TV. But something over 2,000 messages is a good start for examining audience in this context. And Nick Anstead and Ben O'Loughlin did an analysis of Twitter messaging during a BBC question time that is a somewhat different take on this (Anstead and O'Loughlin, 2010).
For me, the important points are: it is feasible; and this brief excursion shows that one is going to find much more than approval or disapproval, which is the constraint normally imposed by the news media. We can get a fuller understanding of the human action involved in being audience.
G. R. Boynton (2010) Twenty-four Hours Tweeting the State of the Union
G. R. Boynton (2011) RT @bobboynton new media and the revolting middle east
Anstead, Nick and Ben O'Loughlin, February 2010, The Emerging Viewertariat: Explaining Twitter Responses to Nick Griffin’s Appearance on BBC Question Time (February, 2010).