id username date time status 7276143864 gokhanarik 1/1/2010 1:06 PM << kabul etmeli.Kendini anlatmamali.Reklamini yapmakla degil,isini yapmakla ugrasmali.Birak seni baskalari anlatsin.Sen bol sifili ol.>> 7275979966 zweitansage 1/1/2010 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 7275687050 1D4TW 1/1/2010 12:47 PM ZERO ANTHRO TV: Anti-NATO protests in Afghanistan: Thousands of Afghans hit the streets of Kabul and ea... 7275661659 informazione 1/1/2010 12:45 PM Afghanistan: vivi i giornalisti francesi in mano talebani: Fonte: L'Unità (ANSA) - KABUL, 1 GEN - I giornalisti f... 7275591437 thedillweed 1/1/2010 12:42 PM US-sponsored cash-for-weapons program awards Afghans for tips leading to ...: KABUL, Afghanistan — It's not exact... 7275517730 RobNeill 1/1/2010 12:39 PM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) – The CIA vowed on Thursday to... 7275491345 sdoering 1/1/2010 12:38 PM NEWS UPDATE: 50 Tote bei Selbstmordanschlag in Pakistan - Islamabad/Kabul (dpa) - Blutbad am Sportplatz: Bei einem ... 7275458519 info_feeder 1/1/2010 12:37 PM Intel Officer: CIA Officers' Deaths Will Be 'Avenged' [commondreams]: KABUL, Afg.. 7275349810 NaheedMustafa 1/1/2010 12:32 PM @strickvl Kabul was the Paris of South Asia and Beirut was the Paris of ME, that's why Hezbollah reading is on Afg deployment reading list. 7275236275 saralovesjon 1/1/2010 12:27 PM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7 - '"WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to ... 7275105626 Universat 1/1/2010 12:22 PM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to.. 7274949070 ivanethan 1/1/2010 12:15 PM A Letter From Kabul : 7274828189 turgaymegrel 1/1/2010 12:10 PM Afghans angry over civilian deaths: video - by Al Jazeera The streets of Kabul have been flooded with protesters, ang... 7274585092 zweitansage 1/1/2010 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 7274502232 Jaiyan 1/1/2010 11:56 AM change. Kabul 40 Years Ago Vs. Kabul Today: 7274009373 candy_girl69 1/1/2010 11:34 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7 - '"WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to ... 7274009536 tricky_dick2007 1/1/2010 11:34 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7 - '"WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to ... 7273917935 toralvaria 1/1/2010 11:30 AM Reading Asne Seierstad's-Th angel of Grozny. Life inside Chechnya. For those who don't knw, she is has also penned 'the bookseller of kabul' 7273825611 muladhara 1/1/2010 11:26 AM @amancool5:Lk both Kabul Indian Emb bum attcks, suisai bum attck tht klld 7 CIA afsers mst hv hd blsng of ISI beardo section(+ KiyaniPasha) 7273775703 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 11:23 AM Paul, Vanier Ontario, CA has given loan amount of 1175 to Adalet Basafa Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new sewing machine 7273708421 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 11:20 AM Joe, Cambridge MA, US has given loan amount of 1175 to Adalet Basafa Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new sewing machine 7273603616 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 11:16 AM Lee, Kentfield CA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Hamida Najame Yar Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: to expand four small businesses 7273601557 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 11:16 AM Lee, Kentfield CA, US has given loan amount of 1175 to Adalet Basafa Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new sewing machine 7273532583 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 11:12 AM Donn and Pat, Santa Rosa CA, US has given loan amount of 1450 to Zadran Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Purchasing needed materials 7273532296 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 11:12 AM Donn and Pat, Santa Rosa CA, US has given loan amount of 825 to Nemroz Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7273513306 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 11:12 AM Lori, St. Louis MO, US has given loan amount of 1175 to Adalet Basafa Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new sewing machine 7273479871 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 11:10 AM Cheryl, Oviedo FL, US has given loan amount of 825 to Shogoga Zahra Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase food for a shop. 7273479218 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 11:10 AM Cheryl, Oviedo FL, US has given loan amount of 825 to Manizha Khadeja Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: For purchasing required materials. 7273468182 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 11:09 AM Marianne, Zurich, CH has given loan amount of 825 to Shogoga Zahra Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase food for a shop. 7273468193 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 11:09 AM Marianne, Zurich, CH has given loan amount of 825 to Shogoga Zahra Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase food for a shop. 7273461777 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 11:09 AM Susan and Michael, , has given loan amount of 850 to Hamida Najame Yar Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: to expand four small businesses 7273459782 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 11:09 AM Carol, Germantown MD, US has given loan amount of 825 to Shogoga Zahra Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase food for a shop. 7273453263 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 11:09 AM Jackie, Atlanta GA, US has given loan amount of 1050 to Abdull Basir Rahimullah, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy tools for his metal shop 7273451294 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 11:09 AM Ohillary, san rafael CA, US has given loan amount of 825 to Shogoga Zahra Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase food for a shop. 7273447213 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 11:09 AM Barbara , Purchase NY, US has given loan amount of 825 to Shogoga Zahra Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase food for a shop. 7273390192 Gayyor 1/1/2010 11:06 AM insanları sevmek yanlışlarıyla kabullenmektir..herkes güzel huyları sever ama her şekilde kabul edip,... [pic] 7273333278 madarinarie 1/1/2010 11:03 AM #tweet7tahunlagi ya ampun deg-degan banget ih pengen ijab kabul calon suamiku, semoga lancar ya amin 7273240755 zweitansage 1/1/2010 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 7273060230 ilgiornale 1/1/2010 10:51 AM Pakistan, attacco suicida: 70 le vittime Kabul, ancora vivi i due reporter rapiti #news #esteri 7272874469 adzmi_adzmi 1/1/2010 10:43 AM #tweet10tahunlagi alhamdullilah, ijab kabul lancar, tp tadi rasanya sedih banget pas sungkem ma ibu ayah.. huhu jd teringat masa kecil. 7272855204 NineNickels 1/1/2010 10:42 AM Rad Times: Kabul's Skatepark 7272771183 ibbal 1/1/2010 10:38 AM @ahmethc Depresyonun şeker hastalığndan,romatizmadn bir farkı olmadığını kabul edip doktora gitmeli.Bizim millet güçsüzlük zanneder,değildir 7272710126 NoLiesRadio 1/1/2010 10:35 AM Kabul demands custody of occupation troops responsible for execution of children: Kabul demands foreign ‘killersâ. 7272709534 adzmi_adzmi 1/1/2010 10:35 AM #tweet10tahunlagi tweeps off dulu yaa, mau ijab kabul nih, smoga mas xxx engga grogi. ihiy,jadi malu. 7272681966 RMP_Redcap 1/1/2010 10:34 AM RT @fustymccrank The military police say happy new year from Amsterdam! It couldn't happen in London they are all in Kabul #fb 7272571775 sdoering 1/1/2010 10:29 AM NEWS UPDATE: 39 Tote bei Selbstmordanschlag in Pakistan - Islamabad/Kabul (dpa) - Blutbad am Sportplatz: Bei einem ... 7272467518 born_engineer 1/1/2010 10:24 AM RT @rwac48: Jehadis kill CIA head in Kabul.Irony-the CIA helped to create the ISI.Pak continues to follow parallel indep strat in Af. 7272403758 Nouv84 1/1/2010 10:21 AM Sotto casa mia un bombardamento di botti Kabul Style 7272350736 baemcobel 1/1/2010 10:18 AM tessy kabul 7272262689 ConorrWoods 1/1/2010 10:14 AM #nowplaying Kabul Shit - Liky Allen 7272142761 adistyanggraini 1/1/2010 10:08 AM Belum tau mereka, qt udh bkin bon buat dilunasin abis ijab-kabul. Awas aja!! Re: balik modal @kikiiki @rahmanatalia @aqsarafah 7271997132 ilmessaggeroweb 1/1/2010 10:02 AM Afghanistan, i reporter francesi rapiti sono vivi: trattative con i talebani: KABUL (1° gennaio) - «I giornalisti... 7271980939 thomasstagat 1/1/2010 10:01 AM @dieternuhr Die Kabul-Knaller waren auch gut-:))) 7271948432 zweitansage 1/1/2010 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 7271869918 omerfarukbesli 1/1/2010 9:56 AM @ayseozyilmazel acizane bir tavsiyede bulunmamı kabul edermisin ?? 7271792737 XTremeRocket 1/1/2010 9:52 AM Rad Times: Kabul's Skatepark 7271623925 cartesiancogito 1/1/2010 9:44 AM Photo: Enjoying a mug of chai in the Shoarkhi family bakery in Kabul, by Rick Beven of Deal, Kent. 7271606298 pynarozel 1/1/2010 9:43 AM geçtiğimiz salı gününü perşembe sanıyordum ve bugünü de pazar sanıyorum...inatla bugünün cuma olduğunu kabul edemiyorum...cuma dimi? 7271576410 notiven 1/1/2010 9:41 AM RT: @yahoonoticias :Afganistán: sin noticias de los dos periodistas franceses secuestrados: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - Se seguía sin tener ... htt 7271514187 slmtrz 1/1/2010 9:38 AM @musaadeetmez Bravo kardeşim parça seçimleri başarılı. Eski bir radyocu olarak tebriklerimi kabul et. :)) 7271478401 bernatel 1/1/2010 9:36 AM RT @daniduc: Kabul (capital of Afghanistan) before and after: 7271469519 SKUNKT 1/1/2010 9:36 AM RT @changetimes: Kabul, Afghanistan Protest December 31, 2009 7271459160 YahooNoticias 1/1/2010 9:36 AM Afganistán: sin noticias de los dos periodistas franceses secuestrados: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - Se seguía sin tener ... 7271453079 monique2824 1/1/2010 9:35 AM RT @changetimes Kabul, Afghanistan Protest December 31, 2009 7271451867 rajeshkmr7 1/1/2010 9:35 AM RT @ShashiTharoor: launched "On the Edge" by Sandeep Kumar, extraordnry accnt of life in Kabul by IFS officer, painter, body-builder, wr ... 7271395005 zigwaffle 1/1/2010 9:32 AM RT @infobotz: #news = WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to avenge the deaths of seven officers in ... ... 7271377792 changetimes 1/1/2010 9:32 AM Kabul, Afghanistan Protest December 31, 2009 7271210034 iMarquee 1/1/2010 9:23 AM iMarquee Ent News: Photo from Reuters Pictures - A caged partridge is displayed for sale in a market in Kabul Janua... 7271209483 iMarquee 1/1/2010 9:23 AM iMarquee Ent News: Photo from Reuters Pictures - Children play in front of their home in Kabul January 1, 2010. 7271209219 iMarquee 1/1/2010 9:23 AM iMarquee Ent News: Photo from Reuters Pictures - A man looks through a window of his store in Kabul January 1, 2010... 7271053178 diditrahman 1/1/2010 9:15 AM #tweet10tahunlagi away ya mau ijab kabul :D 7270980933 dindeeey 1/1/2010 9:12 AM Kayak dia mau aja masuk islam -_- RT @kafkahfi: #tweet10tahunlagi deg-degan ih pengen ijab kabul pengen kawin ama lady gaga 7270968897 parthsarathi 1/1/2010 9:11 AM Hi! watched 3 idiots. "JAHAPANA TUSSI GR8 HO....TOHAFA KABUL KARO" , "balaatkaar, stan(breast)"- very funny. otherwise highly dissapointing. 7270962993 Nakrudmassijaya 1/1/2010 9:11 AM Gue lah hahahahaha. Eh masa ada anak kls 1 blg mr hot mirip doi ROFLMAO RT @rannisa: #tweet10tahunlagi lagi ijab kabul 7270892849 rannisa 1/1/2010 9:07 AM #tweet10tahunlagi lagi ijab kabul sama taylor lautner, gue ato @nakrudmassijaya ? 7270866517 BarbieGoesRetro 1/1/2010 9:06 AM @kafkahfi kawin sama gaga ga pake ijab kabul kalee haha 7270851781 kafkahfi 1/1/2010 9:05 AM #tweet10tahunlagi deg-degan ih pengen ijab kabul pengen kawin ama lady gaga 7270850463 akatsukifrost 1/1/2010 9:05 AM ~.~ RT @rannisa: RT @ratnaBLG: #tweet10tahunlagi sedang melakukan ijab kabul ama taylor lautner 7270737166 zweitansage 1/1/2010 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 7270625152 EforEril 1/1/2010 8:54 AM Aminin dong hahaha RT @taurinop0974: Huahahahahahahaha RT @EforEril: #tweet10tahunlagi mau ijab kabul nih.. Hahahaha 7270605794 peralta__ 1/1/2010 8:53 AM 2009 kötü geçti bunu kabul etmek lazım. En çok arayacağım şey Naz Elmas'lı PO reklamıysa, o yıl kötü geçmiştir. 7270604141 taurinop0974 1/1/2010 8:52 AM Huahahahahahahaha RT @EforEril: #tweet10tahunlagi mau ijab kabul nih.. Hahahaha 7270603469 sam0910 1/1/2010 8:52 AM RT @rwac48: Jehadis kill CIA head in Kabul.Irony-the CIA helped to create the ISI.Pak continues to follow parallel indep strat in Af. 7270510559 ipand 1/1/2010 8:47 AM #tweet10tahunlagi alhamdulillah ijab kabul kemarin lancar, saya senang sekali melihat istri saya maksimal dalam segala hal tadi malam 7270476432 leleeey 1/1/2010 8:46 AM kelamaan lah RT @superima: Eh kalo umur 23 ijab kabul 26 baru punya anak kelamaan kaga sih? 7270392574 EforEril 1/1/2010 8:41 AM #tweet10tahunlagi mau ijab kabul nih.. Hahahaha 7270381037 ratnaBLG 1/1/2010 8:41 AM #tweet10tahunlagi sedang melakukan ijab kabul ama bryan uh yeah 7270341055 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:38 AM Herbie, Gatineau QC, CA has given loan amount of 1050 to Mah-e-now Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy carpet-weaving materials 7270340744 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:38 AM Herbie, Gatineau QC, CA has given loan amount of 1175 to Adalet Basafa Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new sewing machine 7270293053 ripvan_twinkle 1/1/2010 8:36 AM Elif Şafak popüler bir yazar olduğunu neden hala kabul etmiyor. aşk' ın gri kapaklısı yayınlandığından beri aklımdaki soru bu. 7270288641 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:35 AM Debra, , has given loan amount of 600 to Khoshbo Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase materials for her business. 7270109198 gaurrav 1/1/2010 8:26 AM RT @rwac48: Jehadis kill CIA head in Kabul.Irony-the CIA helped to create the ISI.Pak continues to follow parallel indep strat in Af. 7270107377 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:26 AM Maureen, charlotte NC, US has given loan amount of 600 to Khoshbo Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase materials for her business. 7270062670 flyfiddlesticks 1/1/2010 8:23 AM RT @rwac48: Jehadis kill CIA head in Kabul.Irony-the CIA helped to create the ISI.Pak continues to follow parallel indep strat in Af. 7270046823 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:22 AM Laura, APO AA, US has given loan amount of 825 to Sha Begam Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Buy necessary materials for their businesses 7270009456 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:20 AM Kathleen, Oak Island NC, US has given loan amount of 1050 to Mah-e-now Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy carpet-weaving materials 7269972538 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:18 AM Emily, Louisville KY, US has given loan amount of 625 to Hajera Safy Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7269956055 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:18 AM Berry, Wyoming, US has given loan amount of 1050 to Mah-e-now Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy carpet-weaving materials 7269920658 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:16 AM Martha, Windsor Ontario, CA has given loan amount of 625 to Hajera Safy Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7269864933 rohit_yadav 1/1/2010 8:13 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vow... 7269863068 infobotz 1/1/2010 8:12 AM #news = WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to avenge the deaths of seven officers in ... @infobotz 7269853279 rwac48 1/1/2010 8:12 AM Jehadis kill CIA head in Kabul.Irony-the CIA helped to create the ISI.Pak continues to follow parallel indep strat in Af. 7269810483 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:10 AM Yuri, , has given loan amount of 625 to Hajera Safy Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7269809412 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:09 AM Karen, Sharon CT, US has given loan amount of 625 to Hajera Safy Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7269804667 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:09 AM Cindy, Davenport IA, US has given loan amount of 625 to Hajera Safy Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7269804125 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:09 AM Cindy, Davenport IA, US has given loan amount of 600 to Khoshbo Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase materials for her business. 7269803245 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:09 AM Carol, St Petersburg FL, US has given loan amount of 625 to Hajera Safy Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7269795468 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:09 AM Nancy, San Antonio TX, US has given loan amount of 625 to Hajera Safy Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7269794899 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:09 AM Dario, Bari, IT has given loan amount of 625 to Sofy Azam Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7269793874 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:09 AM Mark, Melbourne Vict.,, AU has given loan amount of 625 to Hajera Safy Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7269792638 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:09 AM Eunice & Krys, Subang Jaya, MY has given loan amount of 625 to Hajera Safy Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7269792119 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 8:08 AM Eunice & Krys, Subang Jaya, MY has given loan amount of 825 to Shogoga Zahra Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase food for a shop. 7269628344 zweitansage 1/1/2010 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 7269519006 PressTVNews 1/1/2010 7:53 AM Two French journalists abducted near Kabul 7269502756 rello_qwstion 1/1/2010 7:52 AM Service Member Dies; More Civilian Deaths Claimed In Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- NATO says a US service member has died in eastern Afghani.. 7269468624 siberay 1/1/2010 7:50 AM @fikriturkel e bıçaklanmaları caizdir o zaman..gerçi ben rasyonelim..evde ütü yoksa seve seve bıçaksız kabul ederim.. 7269421088 presstv2010 1/1/2010 7:47 AM Two French journalists abducted near Kabul: Two French journalists alongside three Afghans traveling with them .. 7269387394 nopaldi 1/1/2010 7:45 AM hahaha,eheem RT @tasyasyas #tweet10tahunlagi aduh,deg2an nih bentar lg ijab kabul :') 7269376805 cindyapr 1/1/2010 7:45 AM haha RT @tasyasyas: #tweet10tahunlagi aduh,deg2an nih bentar lg ijab kabul :') 7269360507 tasyasyas 1/1/2010 7:44 AM #tweet10tahunlagi aduh,deg2an nih bentar lg ijab kabul :') 7269303810 Press_TV 1/1/2010 7:40 AM PressTV - Two French journalists abducted near Kabul 7269269408 gitaandani 1/1/2010 7:38 AM RT @jasminearya: #tweet10tahunlagi lagi liatin @gitaandani sama adam ijab kabul WAKAKAK 7269243303 jasminearya 1/1/2010 7:36 AM #tweet10tahunlagi lagi liatin @gitaandani sama adam ijab kabul WAKAKAK 7269154135 arslibertatis 1/1/2010 7:31 AM Der Schrecken und Zerfall, der nach Kabul kam - 7269151671 seanzha 1/1/2010 7:31 AM Q:olga syahputra or tessy kabul? A:Olga deh -___- #formspringme 7269079017 TheNewsBlotter 1/1/2010 7:26 AM UPI-Top News: CIA deaths will be avenged, official says - KABUL, Afghanistan, Jan. 1 (UPI) -- The deaths of seven ... 7269063400 mickrover 1/1/2010 7:25 AM Afghanistan/ Otto civili americani uccisi da kamikaze: Kabul, 31 dic. (Apcom) - Strage di civili americani, u.. 7268887616 DanRomero81 1/1/2010 7:14 AM Jack says CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA v.. 7268791858 freedom4USA 1/1/2010 7:08 AM US:#tcot #news AP News in Brief: Taliban claim blasts that killed 8 Americans, 5 Canadians KABUL (AP) - The Tali... 7268681940 febribule 1/1/2010 7:01 AM iyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, coba aja googling RT @LovelyRhey: gtau haaha emng siapa ? kabul ? 7268662245 par3rg0n 1/1/2010 7:00 AM Photo: A woman buys slips at a shop in Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2009. (AP Photo/Alexandre... 7268650850 zweitansage 1/1/2010 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 7268641839 LovelyRhey 1/1/2010 6:59 AM gtau haaha emng siapa ? kabul ? RT @febribule: lah emang anama aslinya siapa? RT @LovelyRhey: @febribule maksudnya kok kabul ?? 7268631442 febribule 1/1/2010 6:58 AM lah emang anama aslinya siapa? RT @LovelyRhey: @febribule maksudnya kok kabul ?? 7268616070 LovelyRhey 1/1/2010 6:57 AM @febribule maksudnya kok kabul ?? 7268513991 EsraKazimoglu 1/1/2010 6:50 AM @Mhmettsa yok bu daha güzel.6 sıfırlı olsa kabul etmezdim.hıh.. 7268505055 febribule 1/1/2010 6:50 AM kabul RT @LovelyRhey: apaan tessy RT @febribule: tessy RT @LovelyRhey: nasi kabul-i...hahahaha RT @febribule: najib kabul RT @LovelyRhey 7268494137 LovelyRhey 1/1/2010 6:49 AM apaan tessy RT @febribule: tessy RT @LovelyRhey: nasi kabul-i...hahahaha RT @febribule: najib kabul RT @LovelyRhey 7268466230 febribule 1/1/2010 6:47 AM tessy RT @LovelyRhey: nasi kabul-i...hahahaha RT @febribule: najib kabul RT @LovelyRhey 7268420262 listenyourlife 1/1/2010 6:44 AM şu kitaplar beni kendi dünyalarına bi kabul etse... 7268403827 LovelyRhey 1/1/2010 6:43 AM nasi kabul-i...hahahaha RT @febribule: najib kabul RT @LovelyRhey: najib apa lagi ya.. hmm.. perang najib.. hahahaa 7268332566 febribule 1/1/2010 6:38 AM najib kabul RT @LovelyRhey: najib apa lagi ya.. hmm.. perang najib.. hahahaa RT @febribule: eh enak, najiiiiib! 7268301256 ahmetera 1/1/2010 6:36 AM RT @istanbulnamaz: 14:32 - İstanbul için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 7268259964 burcakkaratay 1/1/2010 6:33 AM Kurşun iz bırakır, tam görünmez olmasa da silme şansı verir; mürekkep ise hata kabul etmez, asla affetmez. 7268217620 faqqsenqram 1/1/2010 6:30 AM Kabul natuerlich ohne h. #zufaulzumaendern 7268208385 ogrenci 1/1/2010 6:30 AM tamam kabul edene uzun bir hikaye sonu mutlu bitmeyecek. 7268128852 safe_waters 1/1/2010 6:24 AM #reutersIN CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday 7268105945 Chivers1965 1/1/2010 6:23 AM #listeningto "Lily Allen, Kabul Shit"'s%20Not%20Me%2C%20It's%20You/song/Kabul%20Shit 7268089838 johniegallegos1 1/1/2010 6:22 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7 - WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to av... 7268089907 clemons_jeffere 1/1/2010 6:22 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7 - WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to av... 7268089975 leonardoburris2 1/1/2010 6:22 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7 - WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to av... 7268089627 madelinerobbin 1/1/2010 6:22 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7 - WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to av... 7268089695 sheldonmcclain4 1/1/2010 6:22 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7 - WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to av... 7268089764 percyholland596 1/1/2010 6:22 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7 - WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to av... 7268089556 cougar_jamie 1/1/2010 6:22 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7 - WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to av... 7267995904 adjeez 1/1/2010 6:15 AM -__-" RT @adionofebrio: maksa ngejar tgl 01.01.10 ada yg nikahan jam segini.bawa marawisan pula.kelar ijab kabul.lgsg ngeJOSSHH!!!♋ 7267959334 limolou 1/1/2010 6:13 AM Mueren más civiles por bombardeos internacionales en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) ... 7267950728 adionofebrio 1/1/2010 6:12 AM maksa ngejar tgl 01.01.10 ada yg nikahan jam segini.bawa marawisan pula.kelar ijab kabul.lgsg ngeJOSSHH!!!♋ 7267946569 buybooksonline1 1/1/2010 6:12 AM [REUTERS]: CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thur... 7267944517 wcompanyportal 1/1/2010 6:12 AM [REUTERS]: CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thur... 7267886581 rtsradio 1/1/2010 6:08 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to.. 7267867092 memati_zb 1/1/2010 6:06 AM @mrtuncer nasılsın yeni yılın ilk günü nasıl geciyor diye bir sorayım dedim haftayada müsaidsen senin yanına geleceğim tabi kabul edersen 7267833083 BreakingReport 1/1/2010 6:04 AM global: CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The.. [Reuters] 7267831574 USAbreaking 1/1/2010 6:04 AM global: CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The.. [Reuters] 7267829137 RightWingTalk 1/1/2010 6:04 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to.. 7267819584 mariamaqdalena 1/1/2010 6:03 AM aşk mı kariyer mi,sanırım evrene yanlış mesaj gönderdim.aşksız olmaz ki,dünyanın temeli aşkla kaplı ki:( ama makalem kabul edildi go amerika 7267794587 notiven 1/1/2010 6:01 AM RT: @yahoonoticias :Mueren más civiles por bombardeos internacionales en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Una ofensiva aérea de las fuerzas ... http 7267779092 BarraDeHerram 1/1/2010 6:00 AM Mueren más civiles por bombardeos internacionales en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Una ofensiva aérea de las fuerzas ... 7267778335 YahooNoticias 1/1/2010 6:00 AM Mueren más civiles por bombardeos internacionales en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Una ofensiva aérea de las fuerzas ... 7267762541 zweitansage 1/1/2010 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 7267750235 Gumek 1/1/2010 5:59 AM Nation/World update: KABUL — The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for infiltrating a CIA post with a suici... 7267719731 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 5:56 AM Carol, Little Hocking OH, US has given loan amount of 325 to Yalda Abdul Ghafoor, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase a new machine 7267694994 Llanigan 1/1/2010 5:55 AM Wolverhampton was only beaten by Detroit, Seoul, Accra and Los Angeles as worst cities to live in the world. Kabul, Afghanistan was lower! 7267674999 ztbc 1/1/2010 5:53 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to.. 7267615413 indofxtrading 1/1/2010 5:49 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to avenge 7267615432 AllNewsSources 1/1/2010 5:49 AM REUTERS: CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday 7267610992 indofxtrading 1/1/2010 5:49 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to avenge 7267558514 repubblicait 1/1/2010 5:45 AM Afghanistan, sono vivi i giornalisti francesi rapiti mercoledì scorso a nord est da Kabul 7267558603 KimBomin 1/1/2010 5:45 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday... #Korea 7267558364 HeadlinesNewz 1/1/2010 5:45 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to ave... 7267539241 newzdevil 1/1/2010 5:44 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to ave... 7267538529 BssNews 1/1/2010 5:43 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to ave... 7267537255 gundelizer 1/1/2010 5:43 AM #Reuters CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed ... #Topnews 7267537389 HeadlinesNewz 1/1/2010 5:43 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to ave... 7267536880 tweettools4U 1/1/2010 5:43 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vow... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 7267536156 newsfeeding 1/1/2010 5:43 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to ave... 7267536300 GlobalTechNews 1/1/2010 5:43 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to ave... 7267535339 dave13100 1/1/2010 5:43 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to ave... 7267533036 NewsMashup 1/1/2010 5:43 AM Reuters: CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursd... 7267533223 webtipsfree 1/1/2010 5:43 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to ave... 7267532884 SalBarguil 1/1/2010 5:43 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to ave... 7267532184 SmittysWeb 1/1/2010 5:43 AM WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to avenge the deaths of seven officers in a suicide bombing ... 7267531976 MobileAuto 1/1/2010 5:43 AM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to ave... 7267510265 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 5:41 AM Jean michel, vannes, FR has given loan amount of 325 to Yalda Abdul Ghafoor, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase a new machine 7267288328 mertcanli 1/1/2010 5:25 AM digiturk, 2010'un ilk günlerinde lcd ve plazmaları kullanarak plus ı pazara kabul ettirmeye çalışıyor. iyi strateji. 7267281658 DonwCamii 1/1/2010 5:25 AM Cuma namazi saat 12,30 da kilinacaktir. Simdi den Allah kabul etsin! 7267278932 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 5:24 AM Maami, Male', MV has given loan amount of 625 to Sofy Azam Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7267267985 ezgierguney 1/1/2010 5:24 AM @atakanpekli özledim 1sene oldu seni görmeyeli..tamam kabul ediorum iğrençti 7267251908 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 5:22 AM Jason, Little Rock AR, US has given loan amount of 625 to Sofy Azam Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7267220486 de_volkskrant 1/1/2010 5:20 AM [12:05] 'Afghaanse burgers gedood bij luchtaanval': KABUL - Bij een luchtaanval in de Afghaanse provincie Hel... 7267194087 SenaDercy 1/1/2010 5:18 AM is it love or is it lust ???? something that i cant describeeee bu en guzeli hadi kabul ediiiin arzu sevgi istek zevk hepsi icinde yani .... 7267183054 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 5:17 AM J Michael, Whitefish bay WI, US has given loan amount of 625 to Sofy Azam Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7267170266 abhishek_v09 1/1/2010 5:17 AM @varuntweeting kabul karein kabul karein ..hahahah.. 7267132630 balemdar 1/1/2010 5:14 AM @ecevahapoglu asla ünlüden nefret etmem.. ama cinslikten hoşlanmam...eleştiri yaparım...bazen sert çıkarsa uyarıyı da kabul ederim..işte öle 7267085658 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 5:10 AM John, Scottsdale AZ, US has given loan amount of 825 to Qalame Dine Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Expand their businesses. 7267073102 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 5:10 AM Angela, Coolum Queensland, AU has given loan amount of 625 to Sofy Azam Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7267073113 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 5:10 AM Angela, Coolum Queensland, AU has given loan amount of 625 to Sofy Azam Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7267071260 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 5:09 AM John, henley beach SA, AU has given loan amount of 625 to Sofy Azam Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7267070426 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 5:09 AM Michel, Brest Bretagne, FR has given loan amount of 625 to Sofy Azam Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7267063539 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 5:09 AM Michael, Köln am Rhein, DE has given loan amount of 625 to Sofy Azam Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7267062597 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 5:09 AM Mike & Becky, Oshkosh WI, US has given loan amount of 1450 to Zadran Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Purchasing needed materials 7267061742 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 5:09 AM Bakary Camara, APO AE, US has given loan amount of 625 to Sofy Azam Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7267061541 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 5:09 AM Braennstroem family, Gothenburg, SE has given loan amount of 625 to Sofy Azam Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7267059340 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 5:09 AM Murphy, Sherborne Dorset, GB has given loan amount of 625 to Sofy Azam Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7267058461 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 5:08 AM Janan , D-53175 Bonn, DE has given loan amount of 625 to Sofy Azam Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7266931900 zweitansage 1/1/2010 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 7266855656 chibimarikachan 1/1/2010 4:54 AM hahaha apa dah tau tuh KABUL SHIT LOL RT @efyusikei: gua kocak yang kabul shit RT @@chibimarikachan: FUCK YOU FUCK YOU ~ =)) 7266756092 ambreenhaider 1/1/2010 4:46 AM 3 idiots. the second movie which has me awestruck by locations. mountains and blue skies. Kabul Express was as beautiful 7266651133 worldnewsguide 1/1/2010 4:39 AM Nation/World update: KABUL — The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for infiltrating a CIA post with a suici... 7266651149 ZAK750 1/1/2010 4:39 AM Nation/World update: KABUL — The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for infiltrating a CIA post with a suici... 7266455378 sdoering 1/1/2010 4:25 AM NEWS UPDATE: Afghanistan-Attentäter war offenbar Informant - Washington/Kabul (dpa) - Der Anschlag auf eine US-Gehe... 7266423902 HombreHarmonica 1/1/2010 4:22 AM #Afghanistan 04) b. if we go away now, it's a defeat, but propaganda can adjust; but a chaotic flight with Talibans in Kabul is irremediable 7266416435 HombreHarmonica 1/1/2010 4:22 AM #Afghanistan 02) Choises: a. finding a winning strategy by January; b. going away soon, before the Talibans are ready to enter Kabul 7266104995 10dry 1/1/2010 4:00 AM Ingeth bgt wkt kecil dia gendong gw dipundak sambil nyuci baju pk penggilesan. Wkt dia ijab kabul nikah gw duduk dipangkuannya. 7266091749 zweitansage 1/1/2010 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 7266062600 CO2HOG 1/1/2010 3:57 AM CIA deaths will be avenged|Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- An American intelligence official vowed Thursday that the .. 7266061364 CO2HOG 1/1/2010 3:57 AM Taliban infiltrator killed 7 CIA staffers on Afghan post|Associated Press KABUL ? The Taliban claimed .. 7265950715 amous_willing 1/1/2010 3:49 AM “Skateistan” Opens First Skate Park in Afghanistan ///// KSPACE.TV: Now a couple of Aussies have come to the capital, Kabul to offer skat.. 7265885033 KIZILBAY 1/1/2010 3:45 AM Bu önermeyi genel olarak doğru kabul edersek o zaman 2010 da herşey aynı olacak diyebilir miyiz? 7265764639 freedom4USA 1/1/2010 3:37 AM Breaking #news #tcot CIA deaths will be avenged: Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- An American in.. 7265760341 CarissaAndree 1/1/2010 3:36 AM Wah...jangan menyerah dunk papi...! Semangat..!! Ijab kabul ddpn mata.. Aihh.. RT @mbilunk: Ga jadi nyari barang, ujan. Mbojo ae lah 7265406785 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 3:13 AM Ken, Taipei, TW has given loan amount of 1075 to Mohammad Hakim Mohammad Rahim, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: to buy construction materials 7265364019 in_asia 1/1/2010 3:11 AM (AP) KABUL (AP) - An airstrike by international forces in the southern Afghan province of Helmand killed seven .. 7265331504 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 3:08 AM JENNIFER, Orangeville Ontario, CA has given loan amount of 325 to Yalda Abdul Ghafoor, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase a new machine 7265306688 karamika 1/1/2010 3:07 AM sarapan+maksi+dinner(??)=sop iga mas kabul+teh botol. susah betul jadi anak kos..tergantung warung yg buka aja...:( 7265245993 Arkhangel 1/1/2010 3:03 AM @coreanomac lol. I'm 45 miles west of Monte Kabul. Still, I can hear the shots. Lol. 7265180862 zweitansage 1/1/2010 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 7265145666 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 2:57 AM KC, Calgary Alberta, CA has given loan amount of 600 to Khoshbo Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase materials for her business. 7265076763 NoLiesRadio 1/1/2010 2:53 AM Western troops accused of executing 10 Afghan civilians, including children: Jerome Starkey In Kabul D... 7265031402 gcretlife 1/1/2010 2:50 AM Translator (FSN-07) - U.S. Embassy Kabul, Afghanistan: The U.S. Embassy in Kabul is seeking an individual for the position of Translator .. 7264961893 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 2:46 AM Zoe, Berkeley CA, US has given loan amount of 625 to Sofy Azam Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 7264961675 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 2:46 AM Zoe, Berkeley CA, US has given loan amount of 825 to Shogoga Zahra Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase food for a shop. 7264931233 uchilal 1/1/2010 2:45 AM Cuma'nız Mübarek Dua'laınız Kabul Olsun...(AMİN) 7264869542 nancykoen 1/1/2010 2:41 AM @elvinazaroglu su dakika firtina oldugunu kabul ediyorum, hatta korkuyor gibiyim, ama gunes var! 7264839309 in_asia 1/1/2010 2:39 AM KABUL, Afghanistan - US military deaths in Afghanistan doubled in 2009 compared with a year ago as 30,000 addit.. 7264805895 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 2:37 AM Vik Riitta, , CH has given loan amount of 1075 to Mohammad Hakim Mohammad Rahim, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: to buy construction materials 7264774245 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 2:36 AM Pedro, Buffalo MN, US has given loan amount of 600 to Khoshbo Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase materials for her business. 7264592432 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 2:25 AM Curious Joe, Oslo, NO has given loan amount of 600 to Khoshbo Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase materials for her business. 7264361879 tllanes 1/1/2010 2:14 AM Sounds like downtown Beirut in the 80s out there in downtown SF! Maybe downtown Kabul is more apt. #HappyNewYear 7264255346 kivalendactivts 1/1/2010 2:08 AM , , has given loan amount of 1075 to Mohammad Hakim Mohammad Rahim, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: to buy construction materials 7264217511 JosephZwanziger 1/1/2010 2:07 AM geez... it sounds like we live in Kabul or something! 7264078042 brands4london 1/1/2010 2:01 AM Taliban video appears to show captured Ft. Richardson soldier|KABUL, Afghanistan - CBS News is reporting The .. 7264036090 zweitansage 1/1/2010 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 7263988444 CO2HOG 1/1/2010 1:57 AM Suicide bomber in Afghan uniform was Taliban|KABUL ? A suicide bomber who killed seven CIA officers and .. 7263830275 gcretlife 1/1/2010 1:49 AM Afghanistan: Afghanistan Terrorists kidnapped two French journalists, their translator and driver in the area northeast of Kabul, police .. 7263586197 chikwek 1/1/2010 1:36 AM Br tau iklan Mc.d yg ada @adit_insomnia dan @suryainsomnia hehe doa mrk wkt ramadhan kmrn t'kabul :p 7263266238 ravindergyani 1/1/2010 1:20 AM jaahapana tussi gr8 ho..... tofa kabul karo.... 7263210062 maradis 1/1/2010 1:17 AM kata orang kawin itu enak loh...RT @restiariani: @maradis iya ijab kabul doang..ahahhahha..tambah enak to.hehhehhe 7263051255 LahoreGuy 1/1/2010 1:09 AM #Lahore Giving Kabul a leg up: My article in Pragati « The Filter Coffee 7262721896 uppaljs 1/1/2010 12:54 AM #10yearsago i had no idea that i'd be in #kabul after 10 years :P 7262704012 SynchroSoul 1/1/2010 12:54 AM Source: 2 killed in Afghanistan bombing were Xe security contractors: CNN | Dec 31, 2009 Kabul, Afghanist.. 7262441395 shanhoh 1/1/2010 12:41 AM Holy fuck. Its like Kabul over here! 7262440504 MONewsOverviews 1/1/2010 12:41 AM MO News CIA director: 7 CIA workers killed in Afghanistan: KABUL - The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for ... 7262424261 Davarsya 1/1/2010 12:40 AM Bokap: "Awas loh kamu Dav, jangan sampe salah baca ijab kabul!". Siap, bos! 7262388551 mokanews 1/1/2010 12:39 AM 7 muertos estadounidenses en Afganistán eran agentes de CIA: Fuente: La Nación Costa Rica Kabul. Reuters y EFE S... 7262290421 LA_STAMPA 1/1/2010 12:34 AM Fine anno di terrore in AfghanistanStrage di americani, rapiti 2 francesi: KABUL Finisce all'insegna del caos e de... 7261850566 dhillanessie 1/1/2010 12:15 AM 'amir dan hassan . sultan-sultan kabul' pasti nangis deh gw tiap bca itu... 7261790855 krissyshields 1/1/2010 12:13 AM I <3 u. RT @ArianMoayed: But especially thank you @SteppenwolfThtr for introducing me to @krissyshields at Homebody/Kabul. Love the '00s. 7261710086 benitezdavid 1/1/2010 12:10 AM parece kabul en victoria, entre balazos y cuetes... Take cover!! 7261124705 shrelpStockFoto 12/31/2009 11:48 PM Skateboarding News Skating Forward in Kabul: By Chaniga Vorasarun | Thursday, December 31, 20.. 7260923154 news_realtime 12/31/2009 11:40 PM Kabul - Bericht: CIA-Attentäter war Informant 7260537870 jobsintdev 12/31/2009 11:25 PM Procurement Officer -- Kabul, Afghanistan #jobs #international #development #humanitarian #aid 7260537483 jobsintdev 12/31/2009 11:25 PM Deputy Chief of Party / Technical -- Kabul, Afghanistan #jobs #international #development #humanitarian #aid 7260537225 jobsintdev 12/31/2009 11:25 PM Provincial Coordinator -- Kabul, Afghanistan #jobs #international #development #humanitarian #aid 7260537232 jobsintdev 12/31/2009 11:25 PM Provincial Management Unit Head -- Kabul, Afghanistan #jobs #international #development #humanitarian #aid 7260457440 CenterdinSEA 12/31/2009 11:22 PM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $10 #seattle 7259959053 DaftPhully 12/31/2009 11:06 PM We're sleeping with the windows open, after the fireworks, it smells like Kabul in here. 7259632940 CO2HOG 12/31/2009 10:57 PM Taliban claims attack on CIA post|KABUL - The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for infiltrating a CIA post .. 7259277873 Abihanaf 12/31/2009 10:44 PM Tujuh Agen CIA Tewas di Afghanistan: KABUL--Sebanyak tujuh agen CIA terbunuh dalam serangan bom di pangkalan AS di ... 7259041845 BaturayCaliskan 12/31/2009 10:35 PM Aynı anda haraket etme özelliklerini yitirmemiş teen'i yeni aşmış,Tek kişi kabul edilen İkiz adamlar.Güzel sesler ama 7259021271 XerxesNinetails 12/31/2009 10:34 PM @socratic it would actually be an improvement, but only in Baghdad or Kabul... good luck with ricochet! 7258845433 badkarmacore 12/31/2009 10:27 PM Taliban infiltrator in Afghan uniform kills 7 from CIA (McClatchy Newspapers): McClatchy Newspapers - KABUL, 7258807089 fustymccrank 12/31/2009 10:25 PM The military police say happy new year from Amsterdam! It couldn't happen in London they are all in Kabul #fb 7258653256 MDThermo 12/31/2009 10:19 PM CIA Director: 7 workers killed in Afghan blast: KABUL — The Taliban claimed responsibility for infiltrating a CIA... 7257622630 Rudiology 12/31/2009 9:37 PM usually it sounds like Kabul outside by now, but it eeriely quiet out. 7257474447 paola44y 12/31/2009 9:31 PM [] Video: Afghans angry over civilian deaths: December 31, 2009 - The streets of Kabul have been floo... 7257187717 NewsSummaries 12/31/2009 9:19 PM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to ave... 7256451463 ebruderindere 12/31/2009 8:49 PM Kabul ediyorum,benim yerim evim. Hic tribe gerek yok, elimizdeki hammadde bu, degisime aciklik yanlis. Bunye disari firlatiyor. Yorgunluk.. 7256245042 in_asia 12/31/2009 8:41 PM KABUL, Afghanistan — The second episode of civilian deaths within a week was under investigation Thursday by th.. 7255745881 DaftPhully 12/31/2009 8:20 PM Sounds like Kabul outside. 7255511131 in_asia 12/31/2009 8:11 PM KABUL - U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan doubled in 2009 compared with a year ago as 30,000 additional troop.. 7255261401 topstoriestweet 12/31/2009 8:00 PM U.S. troop deaths soar in Afghanistan in 2009 - MSNBC: KABUL - U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan doubled in 2009 ... 7255185617 SPECSEATS 12/31/2009 7:58 PM RT @skipinc: US Army News: CIA Director: 7 workers killed in Afghan blast: KABUL — The Taliban claimed responsi... ... 7254819486 MarineCorps 12/31/2009 7:42 PM CIA Director: 7 workers killed in Afghan blast: KABUL — The Taliban claimed responsibility for infiltrati.. 7254701592 rkomma 12/31/2009 7:38 PM Jahan Panna Tussi great ho, Tofa Kabul kijiye...Happy New Year :) 7254091028 farahtatar 12/31/2009 7:12 PM havalara girmişsin...ama abraxası da benden arakladın kabul et..adaletsiz dünya..bu sene adil ol 7253746239 ArianMoayed 12/31/2009 6:59 PM But especially thank you @SteppenwolfThtr for introducing me to @krissyshields at Homebody/Kabul. Love the '00s. 7253622047 wrldfmsartst 12/31/2009 6:54 PM Back indoors. It is like Kabul out there. crazy fireworks and drunk people. almost got a skyrocket in the head! 7253302197 barryarchie 12/31/2009 6:41 PM RT @MR_NOFLAWS: sorry of the delayHAPPY NEW DECADE as 2010 is already in New Delhi India,Dubai,Kabul Afganistan,Moscow Russia,Cairo Egyp ... 7253127722 rksharing 12/31/2009 6:34 PM Deadly attack in Afghanistan was the work of Taliban: By NANCY A. YOUSSEF KABUL -- A suicide bomber who killed .. 7253016359 emanspinners09 12/31/2009 6:30 PM sorry of the delay its already 2010! HAPPY NEW DECADE as 2010 already in New Delhi India,Dubai,Kabul Afganistan,Moscow R… 7252522301 InIndia 12/31/2009 6:11 PM The SunWolverhampton: We love it!The SunShe said: "To think it is worse than war-torn Kabul, in Afghanistan, an.. 7252038205 sabri_yilmaz 12/31/2009 5:53 PM 2010 yılı bir renk olsaydı mavi olurdu diyorum itirazı olan ? Kabul edilmedi :) 7251610341 freedom4USA 12/31/2009 5:37 PM US:#tcot #news Taliban claim responsibility for blasts killing Americans and Canadians: (IDM) KABUL (AP) — Th... 7251497476 HeyErnie 12/31/2009 5:32 PM CIA Director: 7 workers killed in Afghan blast: KABUL — The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for infiltrat... 7251218606 mrtoto 12/31/2009 5:22 PM @fh fühlt sich an als wurde man über Kabul schauen. Zumindest in manchen Teilen der Stadt ;-) 7250721722 NYBabe 12/31/2009 5:03 PM To make you smile! A professor at University in Kabul was giving a lecture on the supernatura.. 7250711515 RTEnews 12/31/2009 5:03 PM French journalists kidnapped near Kabul: Two French journalists have been kidnapped northeast of Kabul together.. 7250614545 zweitansage 12/31/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 7250608200 Mylastbreathh 12/31/2009 4:59 PM Tek puanla çıkış yapmak istiyor kabul ediyor musunuz dedi.Hayır dedim.Öyle dondu ahahayt. 7250566026 WhyWhatWho 12/31/2009 4:58 PM @kymasizkofte ünlü bi düşünürün (@beguum) bi zamanlar dediği gibi: BÜTÜN O İZLEDİĞİN FİLMLER KABUL OLMADI. 7250564101 CO2HOG 12/31/2009 4:58 PM 8 Americans killed in attack|KABUL (AP) ? The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for bombings that killed 14 .. 7250563306 CO2HOG 12/31/2009 4:58 PM Taliban infiltrator in Afghan uniform kills 7 from CIA|KABUL, Afghanistan ? A suicide bomber who killed seven CIA .. 7250260530 LindaBlog 12/31/2009 4:46 PM New post, "Fiddles for Kabul –" - 7250259719 RTEnewsWorld 12/31/2009 4:46 PM French journalists kidnapped near Kabul: Two French journalists have been kidnapped northeast of Kabul together.. 7250059384 cartesiancogito 12/31/2009 4:38 PM Photo: Kabul, Afghanistan: A man weeps during a protest against a raid by foreign troops which Afghan... 7250021862 1980_ 12/31/2009 4:37 PM RT @EuroFifty: Copenhagen sounds like downtown Kabul tonight - lots of bangs going off, then every now and again a really loud mortar 7249626606 euronews24 12/31/2009 4:22 PM French reporters seized near Kabul 7249619003 reuterskl 12/31/2009 4:22 PM CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday to ave... 7249487095 _flaneuse 12/31/2009 4:17 PM What would make 2010 good for me? Glen Beck getting dropped at 1700 feet over Kabul. 7249464576 ermansire 12/31/2009 4:17 PM Rosie'ye yapılanı kabul etmem mümkün değil. Dünyanın en güzel kadınını podyuma en son çıkaran VS koreografını kınıyorum!!! 7249397872 SwineFluBeware 12/31/2009 4:14 PM Panetta on bombing...Deaths down in Iraq...Swine flu declines: KABUL (AP) — CIA director Leon Panetta says the se... 7249299231 in_asia 12/31/2009 4:10 PM KABUL - The suicide bomber who killed seven CIA employees at a remote outpost in southeastern Afghanistan had b.. 7249023878 EuroFifty 12/31/2009 4:00 PM Copenhagen sounds like downtown Kabul tonight - lots of bangs going off, then every now and again a really loud mortar 7249000174 zweitansage 12/31/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 7248908966 lilithssecrets 12/31/2009 3:56 PM 2010'da tüm eski sevgililer dönsün. tamam hepsi değil, en karizmatikleri dönsün. reddedip kabul etme kararı bize kalsın. 7248769855 bilen09 12/31/2009 3:51 PM projenin yetişmemesi.. o da güzell. mühim olan hoca durumu kabul edecek kadar güzel mi? 7248678981 halidox 12/31/2009 3:47 PM Hocam geç kalırsan Ömer bu sefer cevabı kabul etmeyebilir :) Lütfen.. re: 7248485073 USTalib 12/31/2009 3:40 PM Taliban claims credit for blast that killed nine: KABUL -- The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for infi.. 7248464739 wva 12/31/2009 3:39 PM Taliban claims credit for blast that killed nine: KABUL -- The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for infil... 7248452147 JewishNewsFeeds 12/31/2009 3:39 PM (VIN) Kabul – Suicide Bomber Was Invited Onto U.S. Base in Afghanistan And Not Searched: Kabul – The Associated... 7248451898 vosizneias 12/31/2009 3:39 PM Kabul – Suicide Bomber Was Invited Onto U.S. Base in Afghanistan And Not Searched 7248451480 VIN_Feed 12/31/2009 3:39 PM Kabul – Suicide Bomber Was Invited Onto U.S. Base in Afghanistan And Not Searched: Kabul – The Associated Press has learned that the... 7248363402 VinoCaPisco 12/31/2009 3:35 PM RT @WNYCculture: Happy New Year, Auckland, Tonga, China, Thailand, Khatmandu to Kabul. Soon to Baghdad, Moscow, and all the rest! 7248270701 draenews 12/31/2009 3:32 PM Megite CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday... 7248196762 canars 12/31/2009 3:29 PM RT @cemtasci: Once Kabul dagitim merkezi olarak Diyarbakir ordan Batman il Jandarma K.ligi. Ne diyebilirimki artik. Vatan borcu... 7247880394 reifhi 12/31/2009 3:17 PM @diviiyelovers tio icad kabul dgo yulius,hahaha 7247675192 onderdogan1 12/31/2009 3:10 PM Yenilgiyi baştan kabul etmemek gerek. En azından bu bir yenilik. Yeni yıl yeni umut demek. 7247661848 magaIicious 12/31/2009 3:09 PM Seriously cannot wait for dinner at kabul followed by jammies/movies/snacks/expensive bubbly tonight. My kind of NYE! 7247626790 ekizov 12/31/2009 3:08 PM @karo555 allah kabul etsin 7247420595 publiusalter 12/31/2009 3:00 PM [Blog] CIA probes Afghan base security after bomber kills 7: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The CIA vowed on Thursday... 7247419747 TaraBradford 12/31/2009 3:00 PM RT @RSF_RWB Afghanistan - French TV crew kidnapped northeast of Kabul: Reporters Without Borders is “extremely worr.. 7247394786 zweitansage 12/31/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 7247343576 SwineFluTicker 12/31/2009 2:58 PM Panetta on bombing...Deaths down in Iraq...Swine flu declines: KABUL (AP) — CIA director Leon Panetta says the se... 7247253542 corcoran310 12/31/2009 2:54 PM El Paso, Kabul....u say tomato I say tomahto! RT @ames43: Why does the sun bowl stadium look like it's in the middle of afghanistan?? 7247233033 draenews 12/31/2009 2:53 PM Megite Afghan attacks kill 7 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a base used ... 7247142749 martinhaase 12/31/2009 2:50 PM Meine Straße in #Sberg/Grenze #Xberg hat sich am Abend in Klein-#Kabul verwandelt, hier in #Pberg ist's eher ruhig, nur Böller-#Snipers. 7246854831 TheNewsBlotter 12/31/2009 2:39 PM UPI-Top News: CIA: 7 employees died in Afghan attack - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 31 (UPI) -- The CIA confirmed Thur... 7246714406 StevieKirkwood 12/31/2009 2:34 PM Happy New Year from Kabul (GMT +4.5hrs) you clatty bastards 7246516364 dostana 12/31/2009 2:27 PM Happy New Year Dubai and Kabul!!!!!! 7246453741 gemicikaptan 12/31/2009 2:24 PM herkese hayırlı ve mutlu yıllar bu gecede herkesın dıleklerı kabul olsun 7246431572 wnycculture 12/31/2009 2:23 PM Happy New Year, Auckland, Tonga, China, Thailand, Khatmandu to Kabul. Soon to Baghdad, Moscow, and all the rest. See you next year! 7246159104 blogsguatemala 12/31/2009 2:14 PM Ataques en Afganistán dejan ocho agentes de la CIA muertos: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - Un atacante suicida con bo... 7246135223 de_volkskrant 12/31/2009 2:13 PM [20:41] Aanslag op CIA in Amerikaanse basis: KABUL - Zeven leden van de Amerikaanse inlichtingendienst CIA zi... 7246102318 MariaBowskill 12/31/2009 2:11 PM Kathmandu New Delhi Lahore Kabul Dubai Islamabad Happy new year to you all:) 7246099571 alexjoloy 12/31/2009 2:11 PM Provechito México. Feliz Año Nuevo Dubai y Kabul 7245931457 NewsGeorgia 12/31/2009 2:05 PM Article An Army colonel in Afghanistan on keeping the bad guys out – McClatchy: KABUL, Afghanistan — Col. Lee D... 7245832448 deepthroatfiles 12/31/2009 2:02 PM Kabul demands foreign killers handed over #Conspiracy 7245821451 jorgje 12/31/2009 2:01 PM Happy New Year to everyone in Kabul and Dubai!!! 7245764807 zweitansage 12/31/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 7245603957 Buckheadcigar 12/31/2009 1:54 PM Happy New Year 20 min late Kabul 7245558689 specialguitar 12/31/2009 1:52 PM Fiddles for Kabul - 7245530357 vincent_ducrey 12/31/2009 1:51 PM Two French journalists and their Afghan staff kidnapped driving from one district in Kabul Province to another in Kapisa Province. :-(( 7245526775 bindiyayagnik 12/31/2009 1:51 PM Kathmandu, New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Tashkent, Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Aqtobe, Kabul: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 7245436197 TheChiquito 12/31/2009 1:48 PM Happy new year Kabul Afganistan. 7245368796 paketeen 12/31/2009 1:45 PM pa la banda en Kabul, Kul 'am wa antum bikhair 7245357661 benredgy 12/31/2009 1:45 PM Happy new year Kabul, Afghanistan! 7245336806 IronicTimes 12/31/2009 1:44 PM DECADE IN IRONY, 2001: Bob Hope Arrives in Kabul. "So many cab drivers, so few cabs," quips aging comedian. 7245332187 LuceRiv 12/31/2009 1:44 PM #HNY eastern Russia, mainland China, Kabul, France's most easterly territory, all the '...menistans' of eastern europe 7245241750 UsHeycom 12/31/2009 1:41 PM News:: French reporters held near Kabul 7245198131 taqaza 12/31/2009 1:39 PM French reporters held near Kabul: Two French reporters have been kidnapped north-east of the Afghan capital Kabul, ... 7245130630 Zeus5045 12/31/2009 1:37 PM via a live link from a safe house in the Afghan capital, Kabul, at a New Year's Day peace party in Galway city, in the remote western part 7245116961 EeyoresTail 12/31/2009 1:37 PM Happy New Year Kabul! 7245095194 standupkid 12/31/2009 1:36 PM RT @reporterswb: Afghanistan - French TV crew kidnapped northeast of Kabul: 7245067302 brukins 12/31/2009 1:35 PM RT @reporterswb #Afghanistan - French TV crew kidnapped northeast of Kabul: Reporters Without Borders is #Media #War 7245036078 ThisIsSka 12/31/2009 1:34 PM Happy new years to everyone in kabul! 7245031702 Mark_A_Nolan 12/31/2009 1:34 PM Kabul peeps... HAPPY new YEAR 2010 :-) 7245009953 RTEnews 12/31/2009 1:33 PM French journalists kidnapped near Kabul: Two French journalists have been kidnapped northeast of Kabul together.. 7245003449 TheWorldNews 12/31/2009 1:33 PM Afghan attacks kill 7 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a base used by .. 7244973173 kwakie55 12/31/2009 1:32 PM Happy New Year to Kabul! 7244941930 dudeonright 12/31/2009 1:31 PM I'm not sure why it's on the half hour, but Happy New Year to our troops in Kabul, Afghanistan. 7244936936 badjerry 12/31/2009 1:31 PM RT @reporterswb: Afghanistan - French TV crew kidnapped northeast of Kabul: Reporters Without Borders is ... 7244929704 cmcgato 12/31/2009 1:30 PM feliz año a Kabul! 7244927675 michaelg1984 12/31/2009 1:30 PM Happy New Year to #Kabul!!! #HappyNewYear #HappyNewYear2010 2010 7244927221 sanrau 12/31/2009 1:30 PM Happy New Year to Kabul (Afghanistan) 7244913113 DavidFeng 12/31/2009 1:30 PM Next station: Kabul. Interchange station for Line 2010. 7244913204 sarahjgreen 12/31/2009 1:30 PM Happy New Year Kabul, & a late one to Mumbai & Male! 7244905255 RadoxTheGreen 12/31/2009 1:30 PM Happy New Year to all in Kabul! 7244905582 HeistOrHit 12/31/2009 1:30 PM Kabul was a little underwhelming celebration-wise, onwards to Tehran for another bladdering in an hour. So many midnights,so little time. 7244898036 ThomasMarq 12/31/2009 1:29 PM Say a special prayer and Happy New Year to our Troops in Afghanistan...They are bring in 2010 right now in Kabul 7244870329 retrochallenge 12/31/2009 1:28 PM if anyone has a Russian clone of the ZX Spectrum in Kabul then this would be a good time to fire it up. GO GO GO!!!!! 7244867126 Attila_Budapest 12/31/2009 1:28 PM Happy New Year Kabul (Afghanistan)...:) 7244865462 lexpkeat 12/31/2009 1:28 PM New Year in Kabul: 1 Minute to go! #newyear 7244844624 ThomasMarq 12/31/2009 1:28 PM 1 min till our Troops in Kabul bring in 2010 7244786454 Miguelvara1 12/31/2009 1:26 PM HAPPY NEW YEAR...!!! 2010!!!! Kabul 7244762760 ThomasMarq 12/31/2009 1:25 PM 5 mins till a very special Happy New Year goes out to the troops in Kabul 7244739223 ayaz_khan 12/31/2009 1:24 PM @uppaljs Happy new year, bablu in #kabul 7244621300 uppaljs 12/31/2009 1:20 PM Happy New Year :-) from #kabul !! 7244619489 UtdKingdom 12/31/2009 1:20 PM Happy new year Kabul in 9 mins 7244611771 reporterswb 12/31/2009 1:20 PM Afghanistan - French TV crew kidnapped northeast of Kabul: Reporters Without Borders is “extremely worri... 7244606008 Crazy_Dymnd 12/31/2009 1:20 PM RT @cmcgato: y en 11 minutos: año nuevo en Kabul (Afghanistan) 7244574461 cmcgato 12/31/2009 1:19 PM y en 11 minutos: año nuevo en Kabul (Afghanistan) 7244502026 RTEnewsWorld 12/31/2009 1:16 PM French journalists kidnapped near Kabul: Two French journalists have been kidnapped northeast of Kabul together.. 7244493326 ThomasMarq 12/31/2009 1:16 PM Kabul brings in 2010 with our Soliders in 13 mins... 7244450373 joebrooks 12/31/2009 1:15 PM 2010 Alert: Kabul, the Capital of Afghanistan strikes midnight and begins 2010. 7244332068 in_asia 12/31/2009 1:11 PM (AP) KABUL (AP) - The United Nations said Thursday that a weekend raid by foreign troops in a tense eastern Afg.. 7244281011 DXMCQ 12/31/2009 1:09 PM I'm changing the time zone on my watch to celebrate New Years a dozen times. Now I'm in Kabul. 20 minutes to go! 7244278967 NewsSummaries 12/31/2009 1:09 PM Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents have kidnapped two French journalists, t... 7244278231 NewsSummaries 12/31/2009 1:09 PM Afghan attacks kill 7 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army base... 7244245842 wealthhealthhap 12/31/2009 1:08 PM Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould: Charlie Wilson's Backfire: As the first journalists to enter Kabul in 1981.. 7244241680 Freedomman11 12/31/2009 1:08 PM Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould: Charlie Wilson's Backfire: As the first journalists to enter Kabul in 1981.. 7244231959 ilGiornaleNET 12/31/2009 1:08 PM Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould: Charlie Wilson's Backfire: As the first journalists to enter Kabul in 1981 for... 7244186810 HeistOrHit 12/31/2009 1:06 PM Just celebrated New Year with all our fans from Tashkent, now onwards to Kabul in 30 mins for another New Year toast. 7244092071 JSfirm 12/31/2009 1:03 PM JSfirm Aviation Jobs Pilot - TACTICAL ROTORWING: IPA (International Preparedness Associates) Kabul Airport in... #fb 7244091748 PilotHelicopter 12/31/2009 1:03 PM Helicopter Pilot Job Pilot - TACTICAL ROTORWING: IPA (International Preparedness Associates) Kabul Airport in Afg... 7244041272 thespec 12/31/2009 1:01 PM CIA director among those killed by suicide bomber: KABUL, Afghanistan - The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday... 7244030405 ThomasMarq 12/31/2009 1:01 PM New Year countdown around the world (2010) 28 mins till Kabul bring in 2010 7244026653 cronaca24 12/31/2009 1:01 PM Afghanistan 2 Giornalisti Francesi Rapiti Vicino Kabul 7243977678 zweitansage 12/31/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 7243708317 MattDabrowski 12/31/2009 12:51 PM Happy New Year to all from the capital of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. #kabul 7243684041 Media_Freedom 12/31/2009 12:50 PM [RSF] Afghanistan - French TV crew kidnapped northeast of Kabul 7243682280 press_freedom 12/31/2009 12:50 PM [RSF] Afghanistan - French TV crew kidnapped northeast of Kabul 7243662938 wiccashome 12/31/2009 12:49 PM Hep geriye dönüp telafi etmek zor geldiği için bir yenisi kabul edebiliyorum. Yoksa zaman duvarını aşmak iş mi? 7243603531 gregoripavan 12/31/2009 12:48 PM Pela fonte que estou consultando aqui, a seguir é ano novo em Islamabad, depois Kabul, e depois Dubai 7243509515 RobNeill 12/31/2009 12:45 PM Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) – Insurgents have kidnapped two French journalist... 7243508446 RobNeill 12/31/2009 12:44 PM Afghan attacks kill 7 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) – A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army ... 7243333317 bbcnewsbot 12/31/2009 12:39 PM French reporters held near Kabul- Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidnapped north-e... 7243228942 lucibloo 12/31/2009 12:35 PM LOL @ 'Skateistan' LMAO via @nydailynews: Afghanistan's first #skateboarding park & school, Skateistan, opens in Kabul: 7243172389 nydailynews 12/31/2009 12:34 PM Afghanistan's first #skateboarding park & school, Skateistan, opens in Kabul: 7242815945 ittaleem 12/31/2009 12:22 PM French reporters seized near Kabul 7242771497 technical_book 12/31/2009 12:21 PM Establishing IT Structures at Kabul University - by Nazir Peroz - IKO. 7242644479 syracusedotcom 12/31/2009 12:17 PM CIA Director: 7 CIA workers killed in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) — The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for i... 7242284859 GetGeoEnginJobs 12/31/2009 12:06 PM Geotechnical Engineer - Kabul, Afghanistan ( Get Geotechnical Engineering Jobs #GeotechnicalEngineering #jobs 7242168436 imagesofone 12/31/2009 12:02 PM UPI NewsTrack TopNews: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 31 (UPI) -- The suicide bomber who killed at least eight US civil... 7242072346 zweitansage 12/31/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 7242018496 GeorgieP 12/31/2009 11:58 AM @faizmukthar Afghan men with their Islamic buddies who used to shoot women in the head in the Kabul football stadi (cont) 7241957048 topstoriestweet 12/31/2009 11:56 AM CIA says 7 employees killed in Afghan attack - MSNBC: KABUL - The CIA said Thursday that seven of its employees wer... 7241906666 salmanj10 12/31/2009 11:54 AM new york daily news: Afghanistan's first skateboarding park and school, Skateistan, opens in Kabul: Afghanistan's f... 7241906198 NYC_Newz 12/31/2009 11:54 AM Afghanistan's first skateboarding park and school, Skateistan, opens in Kabul: Afghanistan's first skateboarding pa... 7241903514 NYDNnews 12/31/2009 11:54 AM Afghanistan's first skateboarding park and school, Skateistan, opens in Kabul: Afghanistan's first skateboarding pa... 7241786870 eurasier1 12/31/2009 11:51 AM Spiegel meldet:Afghanistan: Französische Journalisten nahe Kabul verschleppt 7241778668 militaryupdates 12/31/2009 11:51 AM #Military_Times : Taliban claims responsibility for lethal blast: KABUL — The Taliban claimed responsibility Thur... 7241662201 RTEnewsWorld 12/31/2009 11:47 AM French journalists kidnapped near Kabul: Two French journalists have been kidnapped northeast of Kabul together.. 7241659026 draenews 12/31/2009 11:47 AM Megite Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents have kidnapped two French journal... 7241652365 gorojaaworld 12/31/2009 11:47 AM Indonesia: Pilot, passenger killed in Indonesia plane crash: 12/31/2009, 6:14 a.m. EST (AP) — KABUL -.. 7241643504 mgylmz 12/31/2009 11:46 AM İkizler karakteri yapıcı, idealler kurucu bir bilinç değil, ideal kabul edilen şeylerin aslında öyle olmadığını gören bir bilinçtir. 7241545789 Hungry4Politics 12/31/2009 11:44 AM (RWN) Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents have kidnapped two French.. 7241496127 WeddingBtque 12/31/2009 11:42 AM RT @TelegraphMG: 2 French journalists kidnapped in Afghanistan north-east of Kabul together wit... 7241429596 sienna_firenze 12/31/2009 11:40 AM @stephy_hyori cc buleku happy new year semoga apa yg cc cita2 dpt t'kabul amiennn..... 7241302464 occcu 12/31/2009 11:36 AM Fernreisen werden total überbewertet. Ich muss einfach die Augen schließen und der Knallerei draußen lauschen. Fühlt sich an wie Kabul. 7241235109 blogsguatemala 12/31/2009 11:34 AM Talibán se responsabiliza de atentados en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - El Talibán se adjudicó la responsabilidad de... 7241220728 RTEnews 12/31/2009 11:34 AM French journalists kidnapped near Kabul: Two French journalists have been kidnapped northeast of Kabul together.. 7241187720 bocomedia 12/31/2009 11:33 AM Jersey turnpike in the slush more dangerous than road from Kabul to Jalalabad ... NBC coverage crew today ... tonight is "blue moon". 7241129010 staciacnn 12/31/2009 11:31 AM RT @AtiaAbawi: Two French journalists and their Afghan staff kidnapped driving from one district in Kabul Province to another in Kapisa 7241031992 lkrwhite 12/31/2009 11:28 AM French reporters seized near Kabul: Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidnapped n.. 7241009243 _Willowtree_ 12/31/2009 11:28 AM RT @BbcSouthasia Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidnapped north-east of Kabul, Af 7240998521 sex_porn_pills 12/31/2009 11:27 AM French reporters seized near Kabul 7240996897 VANews0verviews 12/31/2009 11:27 AM Flash Taliban claim blast killing Americans at CIA base with suicide bomber – Asbury Park Press: KABUL — The Ta... 7240986461 AtiaAbawi 12/31/2009 11:27 AM Two French journalists and their Afghan staff kidnapped driving from one district in Kabul Province to another in Kapisa Province. 7240985677 buybooksonline1 12/31/2009 11:27 AM [BBC]: French reporters seized near Kabul: Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidnappe... 7240956447 wcompanyportal 12/31/2009 11:26 AM [BBC]: French reporters seized near Kabul: Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidnappe... 7240947557 AllNewsSources 12/31/2009 11:26 AM BBC: French reporters seized near Kabul 7240945987 newsfeeding 12/31/2009 11:26 AM French reporters seized near Kabul: Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidnapped north... 7240946008 newsfeeding 12/31/2009 11:26 AM French reporters seized near Kabul: Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidnapped north... 7240940420 compositedoors 12/31/2009 11:25 AM Topstory$: French reporters seized near Kabul $End 7240933858 news89 12/31/2009 11:25 AM French reporters seized near Kabul: Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidnapped north... 7240925365 BBC_News_World 12/31/2009 11:25 AM BBC News: French reporters seized near Kabul: Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidna... 7240854632 HeyErnie 12/31/2009 11:23 AM Taliban claims responsibility for lethal blast: KABUL — The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for bombings ... 7240850185 NewsSearching 12/31/2009 11:23 AM Afghanistan: Französische Journalisten nahe Kabul verschleppt 7240848934 LiveDeutschland 12/31/2009 11:23 AM Afghanistan: Französische Journalisten nahe Kabul verschleppt: Sie planten eine Reportage aus einer Provinz, in de... 7240834383 newsontheglobe 12/31/2009 11:22 AM BBC News: French reporters seized near Kabul 7240820693 brk_news_now 12/31/2009 11:22 AM BBC: French reporters seized near Kabul 7240811402 poluakerford 12/31/2009 11:22 AM French reporters seized near Kabul 7240804087 SAFAD_Soft 12/31/2009 11:21 AM French reporters seized near Kabul: Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidnapped n.. 7240800261 twittfeed 12/31/2009 11:21 AM [BBC] French reporters seized near Kabul: Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidnapped... 7240780508 vvshah15 12/31/2009 11:21 AM BBCNEWS: French reporters seized near Kabul 7240768701 bbcworld 12/31/2009 11:20 AM Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidnapped north-east of Kabul, Afghan official.. 7240766168 mayankchandak 12/31/2009 11:20 AM French reporters seized near Kabul: Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidnapped north-east of Kabul, Afgha... 7240766397 rssofcwz 12/31/2009 11:20 AM BBC French reporters seized near Kabul: Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidnapped n... 7240765540 picsarch 12/31/2009 11:20 AM BBC: French reporters seized near Kabul: Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidnapped north-east of Kabul, ... 7240763371 boshmase 12/31/2009 11:20 AM French reporters seized near Kabul 7240757008 1stNewsHeds 12/31/2009 11:20 AM UK-BBC: French reporters seized near Kabul 7240753202 newsblogsnepal 12/31/2009 11:20 AM BBCSouthAsia- French reporters seized near Kabul: Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them... 7240748119 katembe 12/31/2009 11:20 AM sei q se morre em kabul, q há gritos em teerão, q alvejaram um menino na favela. é exactamente por isso q vos falo desta paz. 7240746627 BbcSouthasia 12/31/2009 11:20 AM Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidnapped north-east of Kabul, Afghan officials say. 7240745995 dinilkannur 12/31/2009 11:20 AM French reporters seized near Kabul: Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidna.. @dilu 7240688771 HowardWorld 12/31/2009 11:18 AM French reporters seized near Kabul 7240669959 myworldnews 12/31/2009 11:18 AM [BBC] French reporters seized near Kabul: Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidna.. 7240653021 RTEnewsWorld 12/31/2009 11:17 AM French journalists kidnapped near Kabul: Two French journalists have been kidnapped northeast of Kabul together.. 7240615000 bbcindia 12/31/2009 11:16 AM French reporters seized near Kabul: Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidnapped n.. 7240591333 bbcnewsbot 12/31/2009 11:15 AM French reporters seized near Kabul- Two French reporters and three Afghans travelling with them are kidnapped north... 7240589075 RFI_Espanol 12/31/2009 11:15 AM Afganistán: - Dos periodistas franceses fueron secuestrados al noreste de Kabul 7240509524 informazione 12/31/2009 11:13 AM AFGHANISTAN: ATTACCO A BASE USA, KAMIKAZE FORSE INFILTRATO NELL ...: Fonte: Il Tempo Kabul, 31 dic. - (Adnkronos) ... 7240442581 dellaarisa 12/31/2009 11:11 AM @vidialdiano happy new year ka vidi,mdh2an thn 2010 semua cita2 & impian bisa t'kabul,makin byk penghargaan nd bisa go internasional,amin :) 7240228394 RTEnews 12/31/2009 11:05 AM French journalists kidnapped near Kabul: Two French journalists have been kidnapped northeast of Kabul together.. 7240148925 Wahlleiter 12/31/2009 11:02 AM 2 Französische Journalisten wurden gestern in Kabul entführt, meldet Le Monde 7240145512 unionsbuerger 12/31/2009 11:02 AM 2 Französische Journalisten wurden gestern in Kabul entführt, meldet Le Monde 7240074390 publiusalter 12/31/2009 11:00 AM [Blog] Afghan attacks kill 7 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign ar... 7240070390 publiusalter 12/31/2009 11:00 AM [Blog] Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents have kidnapped two French journal... 7240042686 zweitansage 12/31/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 7239975150 CO2HOG 12/31/2009 10:58 AM Taliban claims attacks that killed Americans, Canadians|KABUL : The Taliban said Thursday it was behind bombings .. 7239829776 noujij 12/31/2009 10:53 AM Franse journalisten in Afghanistan ontvoerd: KABUL - Twee Franse journalisten zijn ontvoerd door opstandelingen ten... 7239807361 nouwij 12/31/2009 10:53 AM Franse journalisten in Afghanistan ontvoerd: KABUL - Twee Franse journalisten zijn ontvoerd door opstandelingen ten... 7239798193 FELDart 12/31/2009 10:52 AM Afghanistan: escalation di attentati . Rapiti due giornalisti francesi di France 3: di Matteo Giuli KABUL - E' un'e... 7239756416 SingaporeClub 12/31/2009 10:51 AM CNA - Taliban claims attacks that killed Americans, Canadians: KABUL : The Taliban said Thursday it was behind bomb... 7239719920 mirkuss 12/31/2009 10:50 AM Fernreisen werden total überbewertet. Ich muss einfach die Augen schließen und der Knallerei draußen lauschen. Fühlt sich an wie Kabul. 7239696244 TelegraphMG 12/31/2009 10:49 AM French journalists kidnapped in Afghanistan: Two French journalists were kidnapped north-east of Kabul together wit... 7239686984 rtsradio 12/31/2009 10:49 AM UN says killed Afghans were students - KABUL (AP) -- The United Nations says a raid last weekend by foreign tro... 7239587156 spiegel_politik 12/31/2009 10:46 AM Afghanistan: Französische Journalisten nahe Kabul verschleppt... - 7239586312 SPIEGEL_alles 12/31/2009 10:46 AM Afghanistan: Französische Journalisten nahe Kabul verschleppt... - 7239539927 eemorningwood 12/31/2009 10:45 AM Kabul demands foreign 'killers' handed over (AFP) 7239368215 stockorange 12/31/2009 10:39 AM Top News: Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians - KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreig... 7239352262 periodistas 12/31/2009 10:39 AM Un grupo de insurgentes afganos secuestra a dos periodistas ...: KABUL, 31 Dic. (Reuters/EP) - Un grupo de insurgen... 7239351698 periodistas 12/31/2009 10:39 AM 2 periodistas son secuestradas en al norte de Kabul en Afganistán: Bío-Bío La Radio - La red de prensa más gran... 7239302298 ambrosin 12/31/2009 10:37 AM Afghanistan: escalation di attentati . Rapiti due giornalisti francesi di France 3: di Matteo Giuli KABUL - E' un'e... 7239301747 dazebao 12/31/2009 10:37 AM Afghanistan: escalation di attentati . Rapiti due giornalisti francesi di France 3: di Matteo Giuli KABUL - E' un'e... 7239273672 rijnmond 12/31/2009 10:37 AM Veel meer buitenlandse doden in Afghanistan: KABUL - De internationale troepenmacht in Afghanistan heeft dit jaar m... 7239217889 reistweets 12/31/2009 10:35 AM Veel meer buitenlandse doden in Afghanistan: KABUL - De internationale troepenmacht in Afghanistan heeft dit jaar m... 7239136644 freedom4USA 12/31/2009 10:32 AM US:#tcot #news Taliban claim blasts killing Americans, Canadians: KABUL — The Taliban claimed responsibility Th... 7239111910 voxro 12/31/2009 10:32 AM Afganistan: Doi jurnalişti francezi au fost răpiţi la Kabul: Doi jurnalişti de televiziune fran.. #Stiri #Romania 7239041615 vermistverloren 12/31/2009 10:29 AM Franse journalisten in Afghanistan ontvoerd: KABUL - Twee Franse journalisten zijn ontvoerd door opstandeling... 7239008244 ruthowen 12/31/2009 10:28 AM Off out for quiet larks and pondering of the year and its losses in Kold Kabul. 7238997773 anuragvaish 12/31/2009 10:28 AM launched "On the Edge" by Sandeep Kumar, extraordnry accnt of life in Kabul by IFS officer, (via @ShashiTharoor) 7238977720 nonfiction_book 12/31/2009 10:27 AM Establishing IT Structures at Kabul University - by Nazir Peroz - IKO. 7238877851 IdahoStateJ 12/31/2009 10:24 AM Taliban claim blast killing Americans at CIA base : KABUL (AP) — The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday fo.. 7238871903 bnr 12/31/2009 10:24 AM Veel meer buitenlandse doden in Afghanistan: KABUL (ANP) - De internationale troepenmacht in Afghanistan heeft .. 7238747730 goozdee 12/31/2009 10:20 AM - hepsi bizim eserimiz olan bir kısım meze (annem uğradı bir ara yardıma, kabul) 7238506627 blsnbelles 12/31/2009 10:13 AM Afghanistan's First Skatepark Mixes Rich And Poor: KABUL (Reuters) – Afghanistan's first skateboarding park and.. 7238500430 realitybitesbck 12/31/2009 10:13 AM Afghanistan's First Skatepark Mixes Rich And Poor: KABUL (Reuters) – Afghanistan's first skateboarding park and.. 7238252074 BruceChambers 12/31/2009 10:05 AM In Kabul, suicide bomber penetrated army base, killed eight CIA employees.U.S. agency's largest death tolls. Where are daily News Reporters? 7238197433 SATZen 12/31/2009 10:04 AM Kabul demands foreign 'killers' handed over (AFP) 7238082767 nownews 12/31/2009 10:00 AM [World News Update] Kabul demands foreign 'killers' handed over (AFP): AFP - The Afghan gove.. 7238050733 zweitansage 12/31/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 7237912752 Africabiz 12/31/2009 9:55 AM Taliban claim blasts killing Americans, Canadians: KABUL – The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for bombin... 7237812713 AquaVelvet 12/31/2009 9:52 AM RT @AdrianaMullen: @daniduc: Kabul (capital of Afghanistan) before and after: 7237580900 pablomunoz 12/31/2009 9:45 AM RT @biobio 2 periodistas son secuestradas en al norte de Kabul en Afganistán // lamentable noticia 7237557229 djcromosoma 12/31/2009 9:44 AM RT @biobio: 2 periodistas son secuestradas en al norte de Kabul en Afganistán 7237484911 rtsradio 12/31/2009 9:42 AM Taliban claim blasts killing Americans, Canadians - KABUL (AP) -- The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday f... 7237479883 roomynaqvy 12/31/2009 9:42 AM AFP: Kabul demands foreign 'killers' handed over 7237463385 biobio 12/31/2009 9:41 AM 2 periodistas son secuestradas en al norte de Kabul en Afganistán 7237448893 Jembcotech 12/31/2009 9:41 AM Taliban claim blasts killing Americans, Canadians: KABUL – The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday fo.. 7237436316 madeinafrika 12/31/2009 9:40 AM Taliban claim blasts killing Americans, Canadians: KABUL – The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday fo.. 7237395250 rteheads 12/31/2009 9:39 AM French journalists kidnapped near Kabul 7237275368 KCinWPB 12/31/2009 9:35 AM In the news: 6 Afghans beheaded by militants - KABUL (AP) -- Police say militants have beheaded six Afghans for coo... 7237275132 MouseDude 12/31/2009 9:35 AM In the news: 6 Afghans beheaded by militants - KABUL (AP) -- Police say militants have beheaded six Afghans for coo... 7237204301 RTEnews 12/31/2009 9:33 AM French journalists kidnapped near Kabul: Two French journalists have been kidnapped northeast of Kabul together.. 7237091577 EuropaSurvey 12/31/2009 9:30 AM RT:@RTEnewsWorld Two French journalists have been kidnapped northeast of Kabul,Afghanistan. 7236893858 buzzingnews 12/31/2009 9:23 AM Civilians killed in NATO airstrike in Afghanistan - Kabul, Dec 31 (DPA) At least eight villagers were killed and tw... 7236893688 de_volkskrant 12/31/2009 9:23 AM [16:00] Franse journalisten in Afghanistan ontvoerd: KABUL - Twee Franse journalisten zijn ontvoerd door opst... 7236751059 indofxtrading 12/31/2009 9:19 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army base in 7236724674 safe_waters 12/31/2009 9:18 AM #reutersIN Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Two French journalists have been kidnapped b 7236696660 RTEnewsWorld 12/31/2009 9:17 AM French journalists kidnapped near Kabul: Two French journalists have been kidnapped northeast of Kabul together.. 7236693661 emenesesm 12/31/2009 9:17 AM ¡Mal año para los periodistas! Dos colegas franceses de televisión F3 secuestrados al norte de Kabul. Secuestrados 35, sumar 133 muertos 7236640071 snoozinj 12/31/2009 9:15 AM Counting down New Years in Kabul. Happy (almost) 2010 Lance Cpl. Steve 7236491280 nieuwsguru 12/31/2009 9:11 AM Franse journalisten in Afghanistan ontvoerd: KABUL ( ANP) - Twee Franse journalisten zijn ontvoerd door opstand.. 7236472562 ayuananurmala 12/31/2009 9:10 AM Lha ijab kabul donk nanti malem haaha RT @nengero: Mengakhiri masa lajang maksudnya? RT @ayuananurmala: Semoga ini tahun terakhir amin... 7236440806 BreakingNewsDeu 12/31/2009 9:09 AM 2 French journalists have been kidnapped by insurgents northeast of Kabul together with their translator & driver REUTERS 7236391588 kickinghorse892 12/31/2009 9:08 AM Taliban Claim Afghan Bombings Killing Americans, Canadians: KABUL — The Taliban claimed re.. #afghanistan 7236350564 kickinghorse892 12/31/2009 9:07 AM Taliban Claim Afghan Bombings Killing Americans, Canadians: KABUL — The Taliban claimed responsibility Th.. 7236295628 rijnmond 12/31/2009 9:05 AM Franse journalisten in Afghanistan ontvoerd: KABUL - Twee Franse journalisten zijn ontvoerd door opstandelingen ten... 7236292736 draenews 12/31/2009 9:05 AM Megite Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Two French journalists have been kidnapped b... 7236240861 reistweets 12/31/2009 9:04 AM Franse journalisten in Afghanistan ontvoerd: KABUL - Twee Franse journalisten zijn ontvoerd door opstandelingen ten... 7236230614 camomillan 12/31/2009 9:03 AM French journalists kidnapped yesterday north-east of Kabul. In French 7235759614 Bill_Hodgson 12/31/2009 8:50 AM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.: 7235553539 USTalib 12/31/2009 8:43 AM Taliban claim blasts killing Americans, Canadians - KABUL (AP) -- The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday f.. 7235513384 ricardonanan 12/31/2009 8:42 AM Reuters World News Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Re.. 7235495508 rtsradio 12/31/2009 8:41 AM Taliban claim blasts killing Americans, Canadians - KABUL (AP) -- The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday f... 7235490948 armysupporter 12/31/2009 8:41 AM US rushing to build an Afghan army to battle insurgents: By THOMAS L. DAY KABUL -- Several hundred Afghan Nat... 7235453789 RuletaOnline 12/31/2009 8:39 AM Ataques en Afganistán dejan ocho agentes de la CIA muertos: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - Un atacante suicida con bo... 7235428455 LTHolsteadUSN 12/31/2009 8:39 AM @soldiersangels In Kabul at NatoTraining Mission Afghanistan and opened a wonderful care package from Soldiers' Angels. Awesome! Thanks! 7235419381 TheOaklandPress 12/31/2009 8:38 AM US troop deaths soared in Afghanistan in 2009: KABUL (AP) — U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan doubled in 2009 c... 7235338495 newsinators 12/31/2009 8:35 AM Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Two French journalists have been kidnappe.. #tcot 7235327226 BreakingReport 12/31/2009 8:35 AM global: Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Two French journalists.. [Reuters] 7235323314 bonniedavid 12/31/2009 8:35 AM AP News in Brief: AP , 12.31.09, 06:08 AM EST KABUL (AP) - The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for a suicid... 7235319635 KimBomin 12/31/2009 8:35 AM Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Two French journalists have been kidnapped b... #Korea 7235313996 sdoering 12/31/2009 8:34 AM NEWS UPDATE: Anschlag auf CIA-Basis in Afghanistan - Washington/Kabul (dpa) - Ein Selbstmordattentäter hat auf eine... 7235303987 HeadlinesNewz 12/31/2009 8:34 AM Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Two French journalists have been kidnapped by insur... 7235236818 samm121 12/31/2009 8:32 AM @emangine "I dream that lawla flowers will bloom in the streets of Kabul again and kites will fly in the skies. " comes to my mind.. 7235215366 VenusKiss 12/31/2009 8:31 AM 2009'un son kazıklarını kabul ediyorum efenim:Elektrik kesilmesi,su kesilmesi,tam duştayken şampuanlı kalınması ve hiçbir yere gitmiyorum! 7235207367 EllieGolden 12/31/2009 8:31 AM @duruonver önveeeer facede ekledim kabul edermisin :D BOOM BOOM POW! 7235203738 cronaca24 12/31/2009 8:31 AM Afghanistan Kabul a Nato Consegnate Chi Ha Ucciso Civili 7235056914 indofxtrading 12/31/2009 8:25 AM Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Two French journalists have been kidnapped by insurgent 7234986845 virgilio_it 12/31/2009 8:22 AM Afghanistan/ Kabul: Processare stranieri che hanno ucciso civili 7234984892 ztbc 12/31/2009 8:22 AM Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Two French journalists have been kidnapped by i.. 7234976947 rtsradio 12/31/2009 8:22 AM Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Two French journalists have been kidnapped by i.. 7234958221 ersanbilik 12/31/2009 8:21 AM - Kayinpederden Oscar aldim. Bilgisayarciyiz iste Kabul edelim :) 7234949009 aiszque 12/31/2009 8:21 AM RT @IwaIrwansya: Iwa: "Tuhan,aku mau duit yg Banyak di 2010" (Tuhan:kenapa harus kabul kan doamu, kamu gak pernah shalat!) Iwa: aku tau ... 7234917803 tg_buitenland 12/31/2009 8:19 AM Kabul eist verdachten moord burgers op 7234860513 IwaIrwansya 12/31/2009 8:17 AM Iwa: "Tuhan,aku mau duit yg Banyak di 2010" (Tuhan:kenapa harus kabul kan doamu, kamu gak pernah shalat!) Iwa: aku tau kau maha pemurah. 7234852753 Eqtisadi 12/31/2009 8:17 AM Kabul demands foreign 'killers' handed over: The Afghan government demanded Thursday to take into its custody f.. 7234850222 Eqtisad 12/31/2009 8:17 AM Kabul demands foreign 'killers' handed over: The Afghan government demanded Thursday to take into its custody f.. 7234761049 contactolatino 12/31/2009 8:13 AM Kabul demands foreign 'killers' handed over - AFP - Google News World 7234746670 BssNews 12/31/2009 8:13 AM Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Two French journalists have been kidnapped by insur... 7234744844 HeadlinesNewz 12/31/2009 8:13 AM Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Two French journalists have been kidnapped by insur... 7234744500 tweettools4U 12/31/2009 8:13 AM Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Two French journalists have be... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 7234744132 newsfeeding 12/31/2009 8:13 AM Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Two French journalists have been kidnapped by insur... 7234743629 dave13100 12/31/2009 8:13 AM Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Two French journalists have been kidnapped by insur... 7234743491 ChangeThruInfo 12/31/2009 8:13 AM Skating Forward in Kabul 7234741003 webtipsfree 12/31/2009 8:12 AM Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Two French journalists have been kidnapped by insur... 7234739841 MobileAuto 12/31/2009 8:12 AM Afghan insurgents seize 2 French journalists: KABUL (Reuters) - Two French journalists have been kidnapped by insur... 7234644067 ercsener 12/31/2009 8:09 AM "Herkesin yaptigi seyi yapmamak" diye cevapladim. "Bazen de herkesin yapmadigi birseyi yapiyorum" dedi. Mantikli buldum, o da kabul dedim :) 7234575663 mtadude 12/31/2009 8:06 AM US troop deaths soared in Afghanistan in 2009|KABUL ? U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan doubled in 2009 .. 7234538122 telegraaf_buite 12/31/2009 8:05 AM Telegraaf [14:58] Kabul eist verdachten moord burgers op 7234509982 diandianc 12/31/2009 8:04 AM haha ngakak liat sctv mas ijab kabul ngerocker haha 7234448381 Seanotd 12/31/2009 8:01 AM RT @AllMilitaryNews: (Marine Corp Times) Afghan death toll more than doubles in 2009: KABUL — U.S.. #Military 7234431696 anniepaul 12/31/2009 8:00 AM must be Malayalis RT @ultrabrown: Afghanistan's sole Jew feuded with another Jew over custody of a tiny Kabul synagogue. 7234421252 worldfinance 12/31/2009 8:00 AM #finance U.S. pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army: Kabul - 7234404204 zweitansage 12/31/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 7234360355 ultrabrown 12/31/2009 7:58 AM Afghanistan's sole Jew feuded with another Jew over custody of a tiny Kabul synagogue. 7234350399 AllMilitaryNews 12/31/2009 7:57 AM (Marine Corp Times) Afghan death toll more than doubles in 2009: KABUL — U.S.. #Military 7234346790 imagesofone 12/31/2009 7:57 AM AP Top News at 5:38 am EST: KABUL (AP) - The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for a suicide bombing at a b... 7234341485 AllMilitaryNews 12/31/2009 7:57 AM (Navy Times) Afghan death toll more than doubles in 2009: KABUL — U.S. military dea.. #Military 7234335819 heyjimidousmoke 12/31/2009 7:57 AM 2009 un son dileğinin de kabul olmasını istiyorum! yılbaşını sevgilimle geçirmek istiyorum duy beni @god 7234334257 AllMilitaryNews 12/31/2009 7:57 AM (Air Force Times) Afghan death toll more than doubles in 2009: KABUL — U.S. mi.. #Military 7234324975 AllMilitaryNews 12/31/2009 7:56 AM (Army Times) Afghan death toll more than doubles in 2009: KABUL — U.S. military dea.. #Military 7234285988 empressvivian 12/31/2009 7:55 AM Kabul demands foreign 'killers' handed over - AFP 7234255226 TantaoNews 12/31/2009 7:54 AM Taliban claims suicide attack on U.S. military base in Afghanistan: KABUL, Dec. 31 (Xinhua) -- Taliban has clai.. 7234192454 NewsGeorgia 12/31/2009 7:51 AM Article U.S. rushing to build an Afghan army to battle insurgents – Idaho Statesman: KABUL — Several hundred Af... 7234119433 TantaoNews 12/31/2009 7:48 AM Taliban claims suicide attack on U.S. military base in Afghanistan: KABUL, Dec. 31 (Xinhua) -- Taliban has clai.. 7234079852 detroitnewsnow 12/31/2009 7:47 AM Taliban claim blast that killed 8 Americans: Kabul -- The Taliban claimed responsibility today for a suicide bo.. 7234079076 MDThermo 12/31/2009 7:47 AM MDThermo Afghan death toll more than doubles in 2009: KABUL — U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan doubled in 2009... 7234038696 turgaymegrel 12/31/2009 7:45 AM A report on Kabul Gurdwaras and Temples - Dr. Harjinder Singh Lall - Part 1 Part 2 7234031621 shrelpStockFoto 12/31/2009 7:45 AM Skateboarding News Rad Times: Kabul's Skatepark: By Emma Graham-Harrison KABUL (Reuters) .. 7233912699 news_realtime 12/31/2009 7:40 AM Kabul - Wieder Zivilisten in Afghanistan getötet 7233905285 javalukas 12/31/2009 7:40 AM Kabul demands foreign 'killers' handed over #news 7233881205 ChangeThruInfo 12/31/2009 7:39 AM Skating Forward in Kabul 7233881033 HumanityNews 12/31/2009 7:39 AM NonProfit News: Skating Forward in Kabul 7233876483 mefetzeger 12/31/2009 7:38 AM ahhahaha semih erden beni face de kabul etse ya:)zaten bulamadım twitter da:( 7233829878 informazione 12/31/2009 7:36 AM Afghanistan, strage di americani: morti otto agenti Cia. Uccisa ...: Fonte: Adnkronos/IGN Kabul - (Adnkronos/Ign) ... 7233797650 mao2u2 12/31/2009 7:35 AM Taliban attack kills eight CIA agents in Kabul: Horrible 7233687943 cosmoweb 12/31/2009 7:31 AM Taliban claim blasts that kill 13 in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for.. 7233649234 freedom4USA 12/31/2009 7:29 AM US:#tcot #news 8 Americans die in Afghan suicide blast: By Deb Riechmann ASSOCIATED PRESS KABUL, Afghanistan | A... 7233628283 burcininanozel 12/31/2009 7:29 AM retweet çıktı. hepiniz özlü söz manyağı oldunuz. kabul edin! 7233586200 rtsradio 12/31/2009 7:27 AM Taliban claim blasts that kill 13 Westerners - KABUL (AP) -- The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for tw... 7233582974 paradika 12/31/2009 7:27 AM Ho'o i malah ono bulan e barang..SweetRT @tallulahphoebe: @kimiit ngi,do'a mu kq ra kabul.. Kq ra mlah ra udan 7233536816 business_matt 12/31/2009 7:25 AM AP News in Brief: AP , 12.31.09, 06:08 AM EST KABUL (AP) - The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for a su.. 7233486322 draenews 12/31/2009 7:22 AM Megite Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign ar... 7233447036 News_of_the_Day 12/31/2009 7:21 AM Precise #News - Afghan violence: By United Press International KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 31 (UPI).. 7233359589 b_will 12/31/2009 7:17 AM RT @AP_Mobile: KABUL (AP) _ Police say 6 Afghans beheaded by militants for cooperating with government authorities. More: http://apnews. ... 7233336623 TantaoNews 12/31/2009 7:16 AM Taliban speeds up attacks against foreign troops on New Year’s eve: KABUL, Dec. 31 (Xinhua) -- As the wor.. 7233304075 Erenhakan 12/31/2009 7:14 AM @ebrutastan @sarisekersema Ebrucuğum Kıprısda az bu sarışını denize ya da ver gitsin Rumlara..Zamanında ettik kabul etmedi ya 7233251283 tikkyboy34 12/31/2009 7:12 AM YENİ YIL HEPİMİZE SAĞLIK,BAŞARI,MUTLULUK GETİRSİN TÜM DİLEKLERİMİZ KABUL OLSUN İYİ SENELER =) 7233186903 Seanotd 12/31/2009 7:09 AM RT @AP_Mobile: KABUL (AP) Police say 6 Afghans beheaded by militants for cooperating w/government authorities #Afghanistan 7233145999 GarCasey 12/31/2009 7:07 AM RT @AP_Mobile: KABUL (AP) _ Police say 6 Afghans beheaded by militants for cooperating with government authorities. 7233107623 sertactaskin 12/31/2009 7:05 AM mutlu yıllar mesajını buradan kabul edin (: mutlu yıllar 7232982928 yatemiti 12/31/2009 7:00 AM bir önceki korkunç bir eğretileme olmuş, kabul ediyorum. ama ibret olsun diye silmiyorum (sözlük klişesi iyak) 7232972251 sead93 12/31/2009 7:00 AM Kabul 40 years ago and now 7232927189 CO2HOG 12/31/2009 6:57 AM 8 Americans die in Afghan suicide blast|By Deb Riechmann ASSOCIATED PRESS KABUL, Afghanistan A suicide bomber .. 7232926195 satelliweb 12/31/2009 6:57 AM Feed sur Eutelsat W1 à 10.0°E: Fréquence : 12729 V 4166 5/6Format : MPEG-2 4:2:2Infos : ID Kabul Enc1 (no picture) 7232903448 SelTwits 12/31/2009 6:56 AM 2010 da annem telefonuna her gelen teklifi kabul etmesin, indirime giren herşeyi satın almasın. 7232867105 cubablogfeed 12/31/2009 6:55 AM La guerra contra Al Qaida atiza la violencia en Afganistán y Pakistán: KABUL (AFP) - La estrategia del pres... #Cuba 7232830042 ensiz_news 12/31/2009 6:53 AM Talibán se responsabiliza de atentados en Afganistán: Kabul.- La insurgencia talibán se adjudicó el jueves un a... 7232761641 ClipBlast 12/31/2009 6:50 AM (EuroNews Video) Kabul, Afghanistan - Kabul, AfghanistanNo Comment | euronews: watch the international news without... 7232752958 stevenson33 12/31/2009 6:49 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army .. 7232751633 kelly_marx 12/31/2009 6:49 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army .. 7232750738 scullypickles 12/31/2009 6:49 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army .. 7232748708 danielleloved 12/31/2009 6:49 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army .. 7232747502 haven_cole57 12/31/2009 6:49 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army .. 7232700760 militaryupdates 12/31/2009 6:47 AM #Military_Times : Afghan death toll more than doubles in 2009: KABUL — U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan double... 7232697208 tallulahphoebe 12/31/2009 6:47 AM @kimiit ngi,do'a mu kq ra kabul.. Kq ra mlah ra udan 7232654824 HeyErnie 12/31/2009 6:45 AM Afghan death toll more than doubles in 2009: KABUL — U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan doubled in 2009 compared... 7232645782 Alnoorcet 12/31/2009 6:44 AM Taliban Kill 8 CIA Officers, 5 Canadians: KABUL – Taliban have claimed separate attacks that left at least eigh.. 7232433956 marcusexam 12/31/2009 6:34 AM Taliban claim blast that killed 8 Americans: Kabul -- The Taliban claimed responsibility today for a suicide bo.. 7232381490 cerkesli 12/31/2009 6:31 AM Yeni yılda tüm dilek ,gönlünüzden geçenler ve dualarınızı Yüce ALLAH(cc) kabul buyursun. .Gönüllerinizden geçeni... 7232131634 lr3031 12/31/2009 6:19 AM @skipinc Military News: Afghan death toll more than doubles in 2009: KABUL U.S. military deaths in Afghan... #military 7232123816 afgjobs 12/31/2009 6:19 AM Job Ref: 25 - Regional Construction Supervisor needed for ARD, Inc. SWSS/USAID in Nangarhar, Kabul #fb 7232123438 afgjobs 12/31/2009 6:19 AM Job Ref: 23 - HR Sales Executive needed for NETLINKS in Kabul #fb 7232123090 afgjobs 12/31/2009 6:19 AM Job Ref: 24 - Regional M/E Specialist needed for ARD, Inc. SWSS/USAID in Nangarhar, Kabul, Badakhshan #fb 7232122672 afgjobs 12/31/2009 6:18 AM Job Ref: 22 - Marketing Executive needed for NETLINKS in Kabul #fb 7232116909 koraykc 12/31/2009 6:18 AM Eklesem kabul eder mi msn'den RTE.ederse kıpraşım smile ne varsa gönderirim RTE'ye. 7232101367 oneguicom 12/31/2009 6:17 AM You want Register your company washington DC Construction companyin kabul compound 7232067048 MDThermo 12/31/2009 6:16 AM Afghan death toll more than doubles in 2009: KABUL — U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan doubled in 2009 compared... 7232053855 HeyErnie 12/31/2009 6:15 AM Afghan death toll more than doubles in 2009: KABUL — U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan doubled in 2009 compared... 7232019896 MarineCorps 12/31/2009 6:13 AM Afghan death toll more than doubles in 2009: KABUL — U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan doubled in 2009 .. 7231905834 gunderstone 12/31/2009 6:07 AM NH Register - News Blasts kill 8 U.S. civilians, 5 Canadians: Associated Press KABUL — Separate bomb blasts Wedne... 7231808217 serdarozcicek 12/31/2009 6:02 AM neye göre kime göre yeni yıl belki ben tarihin başlangıcını 27 ağustos olarak kabul ediyorum bence insanlar bu saçma adeti bırakmalı 7231785437 notiven 12/31/2009 6:01 AM RT: @yahoonoticias :Talibán se responsabiliza de atentados en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - El Talibán se adjudicó la responsabilidad de... http: 7231750836 zweitansage 12/31/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 7231747267 YahooNoticias 12/31/2009 5:59 AM Talibán se responsabiliza de atentados en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - El Talibán se adjudicó la responsabilidad de... 7231719780 AllMilitaryNews 12/31/2009 5:58 AM (Marine Corp Times) Taliban claims responsibility for lethal blast: KABUL — .. #Military 7231714853 Enji97 12/31/2009 5:57 AM @tary_78 ammiiinnnn re: ijab kabul.? 7231712197 CO2HOG 12/31/2009 5:57 AM Taliban claim bomb that killed 5 Canadians|KABUL - The Taliban are claiming responsibility for a roadside bomb .. 7231711738 AllMilitaryNews 12/31/2009 5:57 AM (Air Force Times) Taliban claims responsibility for lethal blast: KABUL — The .. #Military 7231708984 AllMilitaryNews 12/31/2009 5:57 AM (Army Times) Taliban claims responsibility for lethal blast: KABUL — The Taliban cl.. #Military 7231597992 NewsSummaries 12/31/2009 5:51 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army base... 7231553889 ecologint 12/31/2009 5:49 AM From Düsseldorf to Dubai, from Washington D.C. to Shanghai, from Tetovo to Istanbul, from Kuwait to Kabul ...... 7231551936 LA78ers 12/31/2009 5:48 AM @okanitto biz bu kadar şeyi aynı gün yaşayanlara "kabul gününmüş" diyoruz.. 7231462064 kocaelimedya 12/31/2009 5:44 AM GölHbr: “2010 Bütçesi Bütünlemeye Kaldı”: 2010 Bütçe Tasarısı'nın TBMM'de kabul edilmesiyle ilgili y... 7231460906 golcukhaber 12/31/2009 5:44 AM “2010 Bütçesi Bütünlemeye Kaldı”: 2010 Bütçe Tasarısı'nın TBMM'de kabul edilmesiyle ilgili yazılı b... 7231456811 sex4sunglasses 12/31/2009 5:44 AM @adelphie_ elmalar var hocam, kabul müdür 7231267891 SCUBAYAN 12/31/2009 5:33 AM Anne olmak hep bir yetistirme drumunu her fiili haliyle kabul etmektir ve en zoru cocuk bavuludur cunku ilac da oyunak da ayni bavula girmez 7231263149 SavannahNow 12/31/2009 5:33 AM Taliban claim blasts that killed 8 Americans, 5 Canadians: KABUL — The Taliban claimed responsibility early thi.. 7231252331 EuroShejk 12/31/2009 5:33 AM Spain: Kabul, Afganistán ( 7231225998 notiven 12/31/2009 5:31 AM RT: @yahoonoticias :Ocho estadounidenses y 5 canadienses mueren en 24 horas en Afganistán: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - Ocho civiles de EEUU, ... ht 7231206772 TheNewsBlotter 12/31/2009 5:30 AM AP Int'l: US troop deaths soared in Afghanistan in 2009 - KABUL (AP) -- U.S. military deaths in Afghanistan dou... 7231175047 YahooNoticias 12/31/2009 5:29 AM Ocho estadounidenses y 5 canadienses mueren en 24 horas en Afganistán: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - Ocho civiles de EEUU, ... 7231160841 rtsradio 12/31/2009 5:28 AM Taliban claim bomb that killed 5 Canadians - KABUL (AP) -- The Taliban are claiming responsibility for a roadsi... 7231068859 HELO_Magazine 12/31/2009 5:23 AM Have local writers in Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria; Grozny, Chechnya; Kenya; and Kabul, Afghanistan, developing stories for this month, too. 7231048361 jaybird691 12/31/2009 5:22 AM AP News in Brief|KABUL (AP) ? The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for a suicide bombing at a base in .. 7230828327 ayemnut 12/31/2009 5:10 AM @NeecroX Sonra beni izlemesini istediğim insanları nasıl kabul ediyorum ? 7230792588 Esmayakut 12/31/2009 5:08 AM sadece sakinlik istemistim sanırım dilegim kabul olmayacak.. once istanbul sonra izmir yolu gorundu bana ilk haftada.. 7230758009 muzlimz 12/31/2009 5:07 AM Taliban Kill 8 CIA Officers, 5 Canadians: KABUL – Taliban have claimed separate attacks that left at least eight... 7230749421 rapid_news 12/31/2009 5:06 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army .. 7230713399 business_matt 12/31/2009 5:04 AM Taliban claims responsibility for bombing: CNN Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- The Taliban has claimed responsibili.. 7230674232 lendyleorenza 12/31/2009 5:02 AM perpisahan pak kabul bapaknya kak adhiguno te @muteei 7230621101 zweitansage 12/31/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 7230584186 CO2HOG 12/31/2009 4:57 AM Afghan bomb attack kills 8 Americans|KABUL A suicide bomber at a base in Afghanistans volatile east killed eight .. 7230582655 tittoantony 12/31/2009 4:57 AM @mad_nad ok thanks @thecomicproject got marathi lessons from 1 yr with 8 marathi manoos in Kabul bachelor life :o)) Oh those golden days :o) 7230362673 tary_78 12/31/2009 4:45 AM ngapin loe di masjid At-Tin bu? ijab kabul? hehehe 7230210639 irfan_waheed 12/31/2009 4:36 AM News - Taliban Kill 8 CIA Officers, 5 Canadians - KABUL – Taliban have claimed separate attacks that left at least ... 7230198040 Seanotd 12/31/2009 4:36 AM RT @AP_Mobile: KABUL (AP) _ Taliban claim responsibility 4suicide attack that killed 8 U.S. civilians in Afghanistan. 7230155738 informazione 12/31/2009 4:33 AM Afghanistan/ Kamikaze attacco Khost forse era un soldato afgano: Fonte: L'Unità Kabul, 31 dic. (Ap-Apcom) - Sareb... 7230058540 freedom4USA 12/31/2009 4:28 AM US:#tcot #news 8 Americans, 5 Canadians Die In Afghan Suicide Attack: KABUL | A suicide bomber at a base in Afgha... 7230009941 niidtux 12/31/2009 4:25 AM Ya Allah please kayaknya gw banyak bgt keinginan d 2010 .. Kabul kan ya .. :) 7229928120 euronews_tv 12/31/2009 4:20 AM I uploaded a YouTube video -- Kabul, Afghanistan 7229924149 islamonline2009 12/31/2009 4:20 AM Taliban Kill 8 CIA Officers, 5 Canadians: KABUL – Taliban have claimed separate attacks that left at least eigh.. 7229906975 cutemeenu 12/31/2009 4:19 AM Reuters World News Highlights at 0630 GMT, Dec 31: KABUL - Insurgents intensified their campaign against milita.. 7229877332 lodos06 12/31/2009 4:17 AM @BilgeSltnOkuyan Beni kabul etmesenizde size Mutlu yıllar diliyorum.Her şeyin gönlünüzce olması dileklerimle.şans hep sizin yanınızda olsun 7229792357 Meelogsin 12/31/2009 4:12 AM saw a film on kabul. my heart goes out to the people of that land. 7229763558 Traders_Online 12/31/2009 4:11 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army .. 7229590618 Detainee063 12/31/2009 4:00 AM 0500. Detainee was asked if he had ever been to Kabul and it was pointed out on a map that he woul... 7229571131 zweitansage 12/31/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 7229459417 islamonline2009 12/31/2009 3:53 AM #islam Taliban Kill 8 CIA Officers, 5 Canadians: KABUL – Taliban have claimed separate a.. 7229435624 suttonspy 12/31/2009 3:51 AM @KittyPatrick if u add me as a follow il be tweting from Kabul? 7229375135 suttonspy 12/31/2009 3:48 AM @KittyPatrick 4th jan im shipping out xxx London to Kabul 7229350559 TheMuslimDude 12/31/2009 3:46 AM Taliban Kill 8 CIA Officers, 5 Canadians: KABUL – Taliban have claimed separate attacks that left at least eigh.. 7229324646 shamamciyan 12/31/2009 3:45 AM @oykumb olmaz cicim kabul edilemez bisi bu hemen at üstünden hemen 7229241255 Churchnilled 12/31/2009 3:40 AM Letter From Kabul 7229151067 clemons_jeffere 12/31/2009 3:35 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians - KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army bas... 7229151164 leonardoburris2 12/31/2009 3:35 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians - KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army bas... 7229150792 percyholland596 12/31/2009 3:35 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians - KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army bas... 7229150975 johniegallegos1 12/31/2009 3:35 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians - KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army bas... 7229150539 cougar_jamie 12/31/2009 3:35 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians - KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army bas... 7229150635 madelinerobbin 12/31/2009 3:35 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians - KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army bas... 7229150706 sheldonmcclain4 12/31/2009 3:35 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians - KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army bas... 7229130877 onderfurkan 12/31/2009 3:34 AM @haritaci70 @notredamedesion a sormak lazım ablalığı paylaşmayı kabul ederse, bide @SahnazCakiralp de gerekli şartlara haizse neden olmasın 7229129462 DAcurrentevents 12/31/2009 3:34 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) – A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign a... #news 7229026093 nehamehta09 12/31/2009 3:28 AM @daaku aap ne to itne gunah kiye ki aap daaku ban gaye... aur humara 1 gunah apko kabul nahi.. bahut na insaafi hai ye 7228937164 Amorous_VI 12/31/2009 3:23 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army .. 7228931408 geceleriesen 12/31/2009 3:22 AM @MuratAykul kimse gay, maganda, mal ve kadın düşmanı olarak anılmayı kabul etmeyecektir kanımca :) sıralamayı korudum ilkine göre. 7228922949 onderfurkan 12/31/2009 3:22 AM @suatkilicsamsun u twitter grubumuzun başkan vekilliğine teklif ediyorum. kabul edenler...? 7228866480 geceleriesen 12/31/2009 3:19 AM @MuratAykul :) siyaseti eğlencesine izlemek kabul görürse, sanırım ben de demem uygun düşer. 7228793331 haritaci70 12/31/2009 3:15 AM abimiz olmayı kabul edecek insana hocaefendiden irşad eksenini armağan edeceğim. 7228749621 ahmetpesen 12/31/2009 3:12 AM @burcuyaravul ben o hatları bildiğimden, kendimi şimdiden kutlamanı almış kabul ediyorum birci :) 7228531410 ersin_ata_1903 12/31/2009 3:00 AM akşam ewde yer olmayacakmış varmı kabul eden beni :) 7228526348 mokanews 12/31/2009 3:00 AM Mata atentado 8 estadounidenses en Afganistán: Fuente: Vanguardia KABUL, AFG.- Ocho estadounidenses murieron en u... 7228514933 zweitansage 12/31/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 7228512806 deccanchronical 12/31/2009 2:59 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army .. 7228423986 GaniMujde 12/31/2009 2:54 AM 2000 de milenyum için Uludağ'a gittik.O sene 2000 yazılı yüzükler modaydı.Sevgilime ondan hediye ettim.Boynuma sarılıp kabul ediyorum dedi. 7228410894 mehterr 12/31/2009 2:54 AM herkese güzel bir perşembe olsun... bize gelen tüm güzellik ve zenginlikleri sevgiyle kabul edelim... :))))) 7228279111 ahmetpesen 12/31/2009 2:47 AM tipki dogumgunumde oldugu gibi,facebook,twitter ve sms yolları ile gelen kutlamaları kabul etmiyorum, duyurulur :) 7228262273 de_volkskrant 12/31/2009 2:46 AM [09:33] Omgekomen Amerikanen werkten voor CIA: KABUL - De acht Amerikanen die woensdag door een explosie in d... 7228253146 lodos06 12/31/2009 2:45 AM @BilgeSltnOkuyan mesela ben.kabul etmediniz. 7228246793 safe_waters 12/31/2009 2:45 AM #reutersIN Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign ar 7228153753 turgaymegrel 12/31/2009 2:40 AM NATO Shot Dead Afghan Teens - KABUL — Afghan government investigators concluded on Wednesday, December 30, that for... 7228148694 blogsguatemala 12/31/2009 2:40 AM Mueren 8 estadounidenses por atentado en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Un atacante suicida se hizo estallar en una base... 7227995680 fuckwhatyousay 12/31/2009 2:32 AM 2010 yılından en büyük beklentim , mason locasına kabul edilmek. bir atsam kapağı locaya , ekmeğin kralını... 7227966886 ayaz_khan 12/31/2009 2:30 AM @uppaljs Dude, no one is trying to blow your arse off. Please exercise a healthy level of paranoia only. #terror #kabul 7227955604 draenews 12/31/2009 2:30 AM Megite Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign ar... 7227896976 ludovicoblog 12/31/2009 2:27 AM @goktuggulluce Bence tüm zorlklra rağmn, başına geleblcklre rağmen, insn kendini kabul edip, diğerlerine de kabul ettrmk için savaş vermeli. 7227892543 Dhedot 12/31/2009 2:27 AM Amin amin amin hehehe RT @dayendong: @dhedot kan udh d blg mlm p'gntian taun,naek aj phn kelapa biar doany cpt nyampe n t'kabul,hee :) 7227890465 freedom4USA 12/31/2009 2:27 AM US:#tcot #news Taliban Claim Bombings that Kill Eight Americans: KABUL - The Taliban claimed responsibility Thurs... 7227873370 ibtimes 12/31/2009 2:26 AM Afghanistan: USA unterstützen afghanische Armee mit 16 Mrd Dlr: Die USA wollen nach Angaben der Regierung in Kabul... 7227872627 ludovicoblog 12/31/2009 2:26 AM @goktuggulluce cesurca "ben böyleyim, bunu kabul edin" demediği sürece, burada hoşgörünün, kabullenmenin artmayacağı da gerçek. 7227854897 ludovicoblog 12/31/2009 2:25 AM @goktuggulluce almak demek. Ama şu da bir ikilem: "kimse risk alıp dolaptan çıkmasın" ama "eşcinsellerin varlığı kabul edilsin." Birileri 7227760542 supeRedgirl 12/31/2009 2:20 AM herşey gönlünüzce, dilediğinizce, herşey her zamankinden yüce olsun, en derin saygılarımı arz ediyorum, kabul buyurun efenim. zeki müren. 7227753718 jalan046 12/31/2009 2:20 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army .. 7227666958 zaqzaqat 12/31/2009 2:15 AM French Defense Minister Arrives in Kabul 7227664977 Moraqeb 12/31/2009 2:15 AM French Defense Minister Arrives in Kabul 7227662992 Eqtisadi 12/31/2009 2:15 AM French Defense Minister Arrives in Kabul 7227660703 Eqtisad 12/31/2009 2:15 AM French Defense Minister Arrives in Kabul 7227648154 app_news 12/31/2009 2:14 AM KABUL:La insurgencia talibán se adjudicó un ataque suicida dentro de una base militar estadounidense que mató a 8 agentes de la CIA 7227605067 burcakonder 12/31/2009 2:12 AM Başbakan Erdoğan ın IMF nin Türkiyenin şartlarını kabul ettiğini ve önümüzdeki günlerde anlaşma yapılacağını söylediği belirtiliyor 7227513053 mahiryilmaz 12/31/2009 2:08 AM Not: Aldığınız belgeleri daha sonra bunlar da ne lan bizim bi işimize yaramaz deyip iade etmek yok ama.İade kabul etmiyoruz 7227411471 BreakingReport 12/31/2009 2:03 AM global: Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber p.. [Reuters] 7227410981 hincal_gunluk 12/31/2009 2:03 AM Ertuğrul davet etti. Ben kabul ettim, ama benim değil, onun vakti olmadı bir türlü.. "Hıncal şu gün" diyemedi.. 7227410261 USAbreaking 12/31/2009 2:03 AM global: Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber p.. [Reuters] 7227362333 informazione 12/31/2009 2:01 AM AFGHANISTAN: BOMBA NEL SUD, UCCISI 4 SOLDATI CANADESI E UNA ...: Fonte: Adnkronos/IGN Kabul, 31 dic. - (Adnkronos/... 7227355592 TwitSpotlight 12/31/2009 2:00 AM KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army base in Afghanistan to kill eight U.S. CIA employe.. 7227335298 zweitansage 12/31/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 7227292762 CO2HOG 12/31/2009 1:57 AM Afghan attack kills eight U.S. civilians|KABUL - The Taliban are claiming responsibility for a suicide bombing at .. 7227292481 CO2HOG 12/31/2009 1:57 AM Afghan Suicide Bomber Killed C.I.A. Operatives|KABUL, Afghanistan -- A suicide bomber wearing an explosive vest .. 7227202471 RuletaOnline 12/31/2009 1:53 AM Atacante suicida fue oficial de Ejército afgano: grupo talibán: KABUL (Reuters) - La insurgencia talibán se adju... 7227142084 asgasgsa 12/31/2009 1:50 AM tırt insan var, bugün tam gün, yarın da tam gün, allah belanızı versin, adam polikliniğinde pijamayla nargile içerken hasta kabul ediyor. 7227135800 ultimenotizie 12/31/2009 1:50 AM Afghanistan: bomba nel sud, uccisi 4 soldati canadesi e una giornalista: Kabul, 31 dic. – (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Nel... 7227050575 MobileKUB 12/31/2009 1:46 AM World News>> Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Re.. Best Regards AYKubik 7227049517 AYKubik 12/31/2009 1:46 AM World News>> Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Re.. Best Regards AYKubik 7227041912 topstoriestweet 12/31/2009 1:45 AM CIA agents killed in Afghanistan suicide blast - MSNBC: KABUL - The Taliban are claiming responsibility for a suici... 7226956556 in_asia 12/31/2009 1:41 AM KABUL (AFP) – The Taliban on Thursday claimed an attack by a suicide bomber on a US base in eastern Afghanistan.. 7226934134 publiusalter 12/31/2009 1:40 AM [Blog] Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign ar... 7226888336 middlegeorgia 12/31/2009 1:38 AM U.S. rushing to build an Afghan army to battle insurgents: KABUL — Several hundred Afghan national army recruits ... 7226859649 Hungry4Politics 12/31/2009 1:37 AM (RWN) Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a fo.. 7226842684 WANews0verviews 12/31/2009 1:36 AM SayWA! Taliban claim blast that killed 8 Americans – YAHOO!: KABUL – The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursda... 7226839535 jorrisvandoorn 12/31/2009 1:36 AM External: Omgekomen Amerikanen in Afghanistan werkten voor CIA: KABUL - De acht Amerikanen die woensdag door een ... 7226827676 KimBomin 12/31/2009 1:35 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign ar... #Korea 7226825940 HeadlinesNewz 12/31/2009 1:35 AM Afghan attacks kill 8 CIA employees, 5 Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber penetrated a foreign army base... 7226682808 dayendong 12/31/2009 1:29 AM @dhedot kan udh d blg mlm p'gntian taun,naek aj phn kelapa biar doany cpt nyampe n t'kabul,hee :) 7226630676 freedom4USA 12/31/2009 1:26 AM US:#tcot #news Taliban claim blast that killed 8 Americans: KABUL — The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday... 7226624739 rtsradio 12/31/2009 1:26 AM Taliban claim blast that killed 8 Americans - KABUL (AP) -- The Taliban claimed responsibility Thursday for a s... 7226522007 maviyildiz 12/31/2009 1:21 AM @computeraided Tamam kabul çoğu zaman :) 7226321443 goyalrahul 12/31/2009 1:13 AM "Jahanpanah tusi gr8 ho!!!!, tofa kabul karo" :) 7226199108 m_insider 12/31/2009 1:07 AM Afghan insurgents kill CIA agents, Canadians: KABUL, Dec 31 — Insurgents intensified their campaign against milit... 7226105210 alihassaan 12/31/2009 1:03 AM Taliban claim blast that killed 8 Americans: KABUL: The Taliban are claiming responsibility for a suicide bombing a... 7225896887 Rainews24 12/31/2009 12:55 AM Parlamentari Usa a Kabul chiedono (per il momento invano) a Karzai di rinviare le elezioni previste nel maggio 2010: troppi brogli 7225862915 reuterskl 12/31/2009 12:53 AM Suicide attacker was Afghan army officer - Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban on Thursday claimed responsibilit... 7225814897 hi_paresh 12/31/2009 12:51 AM RT @ShashiTharoor: launched "On the Edge" by Sandeep Kumar, extraordnry accnt of life in Kabul by IFS officer, painter, body-builder, wr ... 7225730317 AdhityaWijaya 12/31/2009 12:48 AM Amin.. Liat bbm..RT @bebbyramawati: Ya Allah kabul kan doa ku....mudah2an mlm ini g ad pasien Ya Allah....amiiiieeeennnn..... 7225617477 nlnieuwsnl 12/31/2009 12:43 AM Omgekomen Amerikanen in Afghanistan werkten voor CIA: KABUL - De acht Amerikanen die woensdag door een explosie.. 7225563772 rtsradio 12/31/2009 12:41 AM Taliban claim blast that killed 8 Americans - KABUL (AP) -- The Taliban are claiming responsibility for a suici... 7225559083 Celsoldc 12/31/2009 12:41 AM Alguém quer passar o reveillon comigo em Kabul? 7225469113 skebbabbie 12/31/2009 12:37 AM Omgekomen Amerikanen in Afghanistan werkten voor CIA: KABUL - De acht Amerikanen die woensdag door een explosie in ... 7225469294 dinerspecials 12/31/2009 12:37 AM Omgekomen Amerikanen in Afghanistan werkten voor CIA: KABUL - De acht Amerikanen die woensdag door een explosie in ... 7225463777 bebbyramawati 12/31/2009 12:37 AM Ya Allah kabul kan doa ku....mudah2an mlm ini g ad pasien Ya Allah....amiiiieeeennnn..... 7225403742 Twit_krant 12/31/2009 12:35 AM Omgekomen Amerikanen in Afghanistan werkten voor CIA: KABUL - De acht Amerikanen die woensdag door een explosie.. 7225389938 txnews 12/31/2009 12:34 AM TX News U.S.: 8 Americans die in Afghan suicide attack: KABUL - Separate bomb explosions Wednesday in Afghanistan's... 7225380165 jorrisvandoorn 12/31/2009 12:34 AM External: Omgekomen Amerikanen in Afghanistan werkten voor CIA: KABUL - De acht Amerikanen die woensdag door een ... 7225380316 snel_nieuws 12/31/2009 12:34 AM Omgekomen Amerikanen in Afghanistan werkten voor CIA: KABUL - De acht Amerikanen die woensdag door een explosie in ... 7225300755 Sulekha_News 12/31/2009 12:31 AM NATO reaching turning point in Afghan war: Kabul, Dec 31 (DPA) For retired army colonel Gholam Rabani, th.. 7225282708 omgitsjosie 12/31/2009 12:30 AM - Kabul 40 years ago and Kabul today 7225210367 vchepur 12/31/2009 12:27 AM RT @ShashiTharoor: launched "On the Edge" by Sandeep Kumar, extraordnry accnt of life in Kabul by IFS officer, painter, body-builder, wr ... 7225088947 indiatalkies 12/31/2009 12:23 AM NATO reaching turning point in Afghan war: Kabul, Dec 31 - For retired army colonel Gholam… 7224759299 mutluska 12/31/2009 12:10 AM lütfen gülünüz, gülünüz efendim. lütfen kabul buyrunuz efendim. gülelim, girelim efendim! 7224655113 info_feeder 12/31/2009 12:06 AM Afghan Suicide Bomber Killed C.I.A. Operatives [sott]: KABUL, Afghanistan - A su.. 7224525131 findmeabout 12/31/2009 12:02 AM About rush limbaugh rushed, hospital, radio host limbaugh, rush limbaugh chest: KABUL (AP) — Two bomb blasts .. 7224458787 Shimmer11 12/30/2009 11:59 PM RT @SOTTnet: Around the World: Afghan Suicide Bomber Killed C.I.A. Operatives: KABUL, Afghanistan 7224385293 candarabaz 12/30/2009 11:57 PM Dilek soyut bir şey. Akıl ve kalbi de soyut olarak kabul edersem ki öyle, gönlümce varsayımda bulunabilirim "2010 da şu olsun bu olsun" diye 7224359796 uppaljs 12/30/2009 11:56 PM @lizva in #kabul? 7224276305 rijnmond 12/30/2009 11:53 PM Omgekomen Amerikanen werkten voor CIA: KABUL - De acht Amerikanen die woensdag door een explosie in de Afghaanse pr... 7224272772 reistweets 12/30/2009 11:53 PM Omgekomen Amerikanen werkten voor CIA: KABUL - De acht Amerikanen die woensdag door een explosie in de Afghaanse pr... 7224268410 itamena 12/30/2009 11:52 PM Bye, bye 0-0s. Hello '10. Happy New Year from Kabul, Afghanistan :) #fb 7224261997 BarraDeHerram 12/30/2009 11:52 PM Mueren 8 estadounidenses y 5 canadienses en Afganistán: AP - KABUL (AP) - Atentados por separado con explosivos oc... 7224120425 newsoverviews 12/30/2009 11:47 PM New Overview U.S. Official: 8 Americans Killed in Afghanistan – FOX News: KABUL — Separate bomb explosions Wedn... 7224086647 News_One 12/30/2009 11:46 PM Taliban claim blast that killed 8 Americans: KABUL (AP) -- The Taliban are claiming responsibility for a suicid.. 7224061904 limolou 12/30/2009 11:45 PM Mueren 8 estadounidenses y 5 canadienses en Afganistán: AP - KABUL (AP) - Ate... 7223865914 Tora123 12/30/2009 11:38 PM RT @ShashiTharoor: launched "On the Edge" by Sandeep Kumar, extraordnry accnt of life in Kabul by IFS officer, painter, body-builder, wr ... 7223835373 freedom4USA 12/30/2009 11:37 PM Breaking #news #tcot 8 Americans, 5 Canadians slain in Afghan attacks: KABUL: Eight America.. 7223689866 energyindia37 12/30/2009 11:32 PM Afghan insurgents kill CIA agents, Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents intensified their campaign against milit... 7223668634 rtsradio 12/30/2009 11:31 PM 8 Americans, 5 Canadians dead in Afghan attacks - KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber at a base in Afghanistan's vol... 7223587403 informazione 12/30/2009 11:28 PM Afghanistan/ Otto civili americani uccisi da kamikaze: Fonte: Il Riformista Kabul, 31 dic. (Apcom) - Strage di civ... 7222879889 ren_harman 12/30/2009 11:04 PM @bo_hart i was thinking spring break fargo, or maybe spring break kabul...ok that is going to piss some people off on twitter for that one. 7222777538 NesliTime 12/30/2009 11:01 PM su havada ıkı kıtada olmak elvıs dınlerken ve bogazı tum mahmurluguyla kabul etmek, ızlemek. 7222085767 rtsradio 12/30/2009 10:38 PM 8 Americans, 5 Canadians dead in Afghan attacks - KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber at a base in Afghanistan's vol... 7221473623 ticles_keting 12/30/2009 10:17 PM Suicide bombing kills 8 US civilians at military base: By DEB RIECHMANN AP KABUL — A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest at a mil.. 7221223760 febrinafeby 12/30/2009 10:09 PM mantap ganteng dong cyyyn RT @ajengristia: HAHAHA KABUL MIRIP GLEN ALINSKIE RT @febrinafeby: @ajengristia ah elu 7221038863 puneetkokru 12/30/2009 10:03 PM SETMax was showin 'Kabul Xprss' last night.Was a gud slow movie.Wonder wht its fate wud hav been had Aamir Khan playd the John Ab role. 7220580663 TheHourNews 12/30/2009 9:49 PM 8 Americans, 5 Canadians die in Afghanistan: KABULAssociated. . . 7220578134 t_NYC 12/30/2009 9:49 PM #LessonsofTheDecade Whether you are in NEW YORK, NEW ORLEANS, KABUL or BAGHDAD, the United States GOVERNMENT(not Military!) IS UNRELIABLE! 7220543211 febrinafeby 12/30/2009 9:47 PM @ajengristia ah elu kabul supirnya fajar haha 7220317675 publiusalter 12/30/2009 9:40 PM [Blog] Afghan insurgents kill CIA agents, Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents intensified their campaign agains... 7220277289 cosmoweb 12/30/2009 9:39 PM 8 Americans, 5 Canadians dead in Afghan attacks: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber at a base in Afghanistan's vola.. 7220182494 masridwan 12/30/2009 9:36 PM Agen-Agen CIA di Afghanistan Tewas Oleh Serangan Bunuh Diri: Pejabat AS di Kabul dan Jubir Kementerian Luar Neg.. 7220180502 randomsubu 12/30/2009 9:36 PM RT @ShashiTharoor launched "On Edge" by SandeepKumar, extraordnry ac life in Kabul IFS officer writtn w grt sensitivity 7220125733 mislexic 12/30/2009 9:34 PM RT @daniduc Kabul (capital of Afghanistan) before and after: reality of changing landscape of war (via @jaypea_aitken) 7220033970 fabi_hana 12/30/2009 9:31 PM Agen-Agen CIA di Afghanistan Tewas Oleh Serangan Bunuh Diri: Pejabat AS di Kabul dan Jubir Kementerian Luar Negeri ... 7219940575 HOESTON_DOPPLER 12/30/2009 9:28 PM @ShashiTharoor listen fake ass sanjay gupta ass motherfucker no one wants to hear about kabul or your garjaka halwa 7219900452 ShashiTharoor 12/30/2009 9:27 PM launched "On the Edge" by Sandeep Kumar, extraordnry accnt of life in Kabul by IFS officer, painter, body-builder, writtn w grt sensitivity 7219764887 sf_tv 12/30/2009 9:23 PM USA rüsten Afghanistan weiter auf: Die USA wollen nach Angaben der Regierung in Kabul 16 Milliarden Dollar (rund 1... 7219723849 notiven 12/30/2009 9:21 PM RT: @yahoonoticias :Mueren 8 estadounidenses por atentado en Afganistán: AP - KABUL (AP) - Un atacante suicida se hizo estallar en una... ht 7219670115 YahooNoticias 12/30/2009 9:20 PM Mueren 8 estadounidenses por atentado en Afganistán: AP - KABUL (AP) - Un atacante suicida se hizo estallar en una... 7219576394 lmdapper 12/30/2009 9:17 PM Afghan insurgents kill CIA agents, Canadians: KABUL Insurgents intensified their campaign against military targets 7219499255 DanRomero81 12/30/2009 9:14 PM Jack says Afghan insurgents kill CIA agents, Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents intensified their.. 7219493888 rtsradio 12/30/2009 9:14 PM Afghan insurgents kill CIA agents, Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents intensified their campaign against m.. 7219472048 HeadlinesNewz 12/30/2009 9:14 PM Afghan insurgents kill CIA agents, Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents intensified their campaign against milit... 7219470451 tweettools4U 12/30/2009 9:13 PM Afghan insurgents kill CIA agents, Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents intensified their c... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 7219468063 newsfeeding 12/30/2009 9:13 PM Afghan insurgents kill CIA agents, Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents intensified their campaign against milit... 7219462908 webtipsfree 12/30/2009 9:13 PM Afghan insurgents kill CIA agents, Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents intensified their campaign against milit... 7219462236 NewsMashup 12/30/2009 9:13 PM Reuters: Afghan insurgents kill CIA agents, Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents intensified their campaign agai... 7219457932 MobileAuto 12/30/2009 9:13 PM Afghan insurgents kill CIA agents, Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents intensified their campaign against milit... 7219458182 SmittysWeb 12/30/2009 9:13 PM KABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents intensified their campaign against military targets and U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan... 7219441468 buybooksonline1 12/30/2009 9:13 PM [REUTERS]: Afghan insurgents kill CIA agents, Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents intensified their campaign ag... 7219438517 wcompanyportal 12/30/2009 9:12 PM [REUTERS]: Afghan insurgents kill CIA agents, Canadians: KABUL (Reuters) - Insurgents intensified their campaign ag... 7219426998 bill_long1 12/30/2009 9:12 PM Taliban commander warns US over AfghanistanIn an exclusive interview with the BBC's Kabul correspondent... http:/ (cont) 7219384119 NewsSummaries 12/30/2009 9:11 PM Afghan suicide blast kills eight U.S. civilians: KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber killed eight American civilians... 7219353030 mowryrich 12/30/2009 9:10 PM Taliban commander warns US over AfghanistanIn an exclusive interview with the BBC's Kabul correspondent... 7219287764 ricardonanan 12/30/2009 9:08 PM Reuters World News Afghan insurgents kill CIA agents, Canadians: KABUL (Re.. 7219166542 hmetromy 12/30/2009 9:04 PM 13 maut serangan di Afghanistan: KABUL: Lapan rakyat Amerika dan lima Kanada terbunuh dalam kejadian letupan bom be... 7218972721 AllMilitaryNews 12/30/2009 8:58 PM (Marine Corp Times) 8 Americans die in Afghan attack: KABUL — A suicide bomb.. #Military 7218962681 AllMilitaryNews 12/30/2009 8:57 PM (Air Force Times) 8 Americans die in Afghan attack: KABUL — A suicide bomber d.. #Military 7218694020 oroolihan 12/30/2009 8:49 PM Congrats to the youth of Kabul, Afghanistan for their first skatepark/co-ed board school Skate free! 7218624582 KPCCNews 12/30/2009 8:47 PM State Department: 8 Americans die in Afghan attack : KABUL — Separate bomb explosions Wednesday in Afghanistan&.. 7218494506 danielsansao 12/30/2009 8:42 PM Kabul em 1970 e hoje: 7218474051 francism1975 12/30/2009 8:42 PM Taliban gaining favor in Afghanistan: 30 (UPI) -- Corruption and a weak central government in Kabul leave many Afgh... 7218309065 andreawbz 12/30/2009 8:36 PM KABUL (AP) Eight American civilians have been killed by a suicide bomber in eastern Afghanistan. The attack happened at a military base. 7217971801 edbales 12/30/2009 8:25 PM I'm looking for an Senior Accountant, ready to be a CFO. Location is Kabul, Afghanistan. Defense, Military and/or Consulting background a +. 7217924899 mybohemianlife 12/30/2009 8:24 PM RT @skipinc: US Air Force News: 8 Americans die in Afghan attack: KABUL — A suicide bomber detonated his explo... # ... 7217897555 cbptwit 12/30/2009 8:23 PM NATO: Four Canadian troops, 1 journalist from Canada die in bomb blast in southern Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan ... 7217866842 USCGAuxVin 12/30/2009 8:22 PM RT @ConservativFeed: Attacks Kill 8 CIA employees (Afghanistan): Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- A senior U.S. official tells CNN that the a ... 7217851806 agthorn 12/30/2009 8:21 PM News: Attacks Kill 8 CIA employees (Afghanistan): Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- A senior U.S. official tells CNN that... 7217576088 KPCCNews 12/30/2009 8:12 PM @KPCC State Department: 8 Americans die in Afghan attack: KABUL — Separate bomb explosions Wednesday... 7217374859 Markish 12/30/2009 8:06 PM @ashbuckles The city of Khost, capital of Khost province, is 222 kilometers (138 miles) southeast of Afghanistan's capital city, Kabul 7216960813 ashbuckles 12/30/2009 7:52 PM Can anyone tell me how far Khost is from Kabul? I'm mobile right now. 7216794354 wva 12/30/2009 7:47 PM Suicide bomber kills 8 Americans in Afghanistan: By Deb Reichmann The Associated Press KABUL -- A suicide bombe... 7216316851 rtsradio 12/30/2009 7:31 PM NATO: 5 Canadians killed in blast in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- Four soldiers and one journalist from Canada w... 7216076029 JimmyMcIver 12/30/2009 7:23 PM RT @freedom4USA: US 8 Americans die in suicide blast in Afghanistan: KABUL A suicide bomber detonated his explosiv... 7216028465 freedom4USA 12/30/2009 7:21 PM US:#tcot #news 8 Americans die in suicide blast in Afghanistan: KABUL — A suicide bomber detonated his explosiv... 7215955758 MDThermo 12/30/2009 7:19 PM MDThermo 8 Americans die in Afghan attack: KABUL — A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest at a military ba... 7215955440 HeyErnie 12/30/2009 7:19 PM 8 Americans die in Afghan attack: KABUL — A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest at a military base in eas... 7215905820 maribah7 12/30/2009 7:17 PM Q:ti vi ontem agarrando um doidin kabul... A:kkkkkkkkkkkk viiu?! ahh nem.. era seg... #formspringme 7215855280 gracielavaldez1 12/30/2009 7:15 PM Registro trágico RT @AdrianaMullen Thanks for this! RT @daniduc: Kabul (capital of Afghanistan) before and after: 7215846076 rtsradio 12/30/2009 7:15 PM 8 Americans die in suicide blast in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest a... 7215753618 TwaddictsRUs 12/30/2009 7:12 PM KABUL (AP) NATO: 4 Canadian soldiers, 1 Canadian journalist die during attack in southern Afghanistan 7215502976 jaypea_aitken 12/30/2009 7:03 PM RT @AdrianaMullen RT @daniduc: Kabul (capital of Afghanistan) before and after: reality of changing landscape of war 7215380328 schachin 12/30/2009 6:59 PM RT @CO2HOG: Suicide bomber kills 8 Americans in #Afghanistan|By Deb Reichmann #AP KABUL A suicide bomber .. 7215318994 CO2HOG 12/30/2009 6:57 PM Suicide bomber kills 8 Americans in Afghanistan|By Deb Reichmann The Associated Press KABUL -- A suicide bomber .. 7215221724 IdahoStateJ 12/30/2009 6:54 PM 8 Americans die in Afghan attack : KABUL (AP) — A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest at a military bas.. 7215133292 HeyErnie 12/30/2009 6:51 PM 8 Americans die in Afghan attack: KABUL — A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest at a military base in eas... 7215077301 merayse 12/30/2009 6:49 PM eee be cd madem 702 mb ım ben diyorsun neden 295 mb kabul etmiyorsun. uyumak istiyorum artık nolur yaaa 7214990378 wvgazette 12/30/2009 6:46 PM Suicide bomber kills 8 Americans in Afghanistan: By Deb Reichmann The Associated Press KABUL -- A suicide bombe... 7214949807 selin_diyor_ki 12/30/2009 6:45 PM abartma huyum var. kabul. 7214922745 Abihanaf 12/30/2009 6:44 PM Bom Tewaskan Delapan Warga AS: KABUL--Delapan warga sipil Amerika Serikat tewas dalam peristiwa bom bunuh diri di p... 7214838013 in_asia 12/30/2009 6:41 PM KABUL, Afghanistan — Deepening a rift between allies, Afghan investigators on Wednesday sharply contradicted ac.. 7214818614 militaryupdates 12/30/2009 6:40 PM #Military_Times : 8 Americans die in Afghan attack: KABUL — A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest at a mi... 7214806029 axismedia 12/30/2009 6:40 PM KABUL (AP) NATO: Four Canadian soldiers, one Canadian journalist die during attack in southern Afghanistan. 7214695798 mcfancher 12/30/2009 6:36 PM @seven47norman what kind of champagne you got. It costs $32. Not Kabul. 7214552598 FOXToledo 12/30/2009 6:31 PM KABUL (AP) -- NATO: Four Canadian soldiers, one Canadian journalist die during attack in southern Afghanistan. 7214550166 zachlandes 12/30/2009 6:31 PM RT @zaibatsu Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. (Photo) 7214539853 smetcalf1966 12/30/2009 6:30 PM KABUL (AP) - NATO: Four Canadian soldiers, one Canadian journalist die during attack in southern Afghanistan. 7214539900 WJTV 12/30/2009 6:30 PM KABUL (AP) - NATO: Four Canadian soldiers, one Canadian journalist die during attack in southern Afghanistan. 7214497359 diegoqmp 12/30/2009 6:29 PM Wow... RT @daniduc Kabul (capital of Afghanistan) before and after: 7214273844 daniduc 12/30/2009 6:21 PM Kabul (capital of Afghanistan) before and after: 7214045498 MarineCorps 12/30/2009 6:13 PM 8 U.S. troops die in Afghan attack: KABUL — A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest at a military b.. 7214028322 merymogollon 12/30/2009 6:13 PM Ocho civiles estadounidenses mueren en un atentado suicida en Afganistán: Kabul .- Ocho civiles estadounidenses mu... 7214028622 MDThermo 12/30/2009 6:13 PM 8 U.S. troops die in Afghan attack: KABUL — A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest at a military base in e... 7213963831 doyougo 12/30/2009 6:10 PM "bazen kabul edilmeyen dualarımız, tanrının bize bir armağandır." ... 7213904116 POTUFSS 12/30/2009 6:08 PM Haqqani commanders nabbed in Afghanistan|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 30 (UPI) -- Afghan and international military .. 7213873713 WakeUp_USA 12/30/2009 6:07 PM U.S. pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army: Kabul - 7213730269 ucharm 12/30/2009 6:02 PM State Department: 8 American civilians die in Afghan attack|KABUL -- The State Department says the eight .. 7213684431 AllMilitaryNews 12/30/2009 6:01 PM (Army Times) 8 U.S. troops die in Afghan attack: KABUL — A suicide bomber detonated.. #Military 7213581054 CO2HOG 12/30/2009 5:57 PM Suicide bomber kills 8 Americans at military base in Afghanistan|KABUL ? A suicide bomber detonated his explosive .. 7213555138 fa_bulgarelli 12/30/2009 5:56 PM Eu tenho uma camiseta escrita: Skateboarders Will Rule The World. E ontem eu estava vendo fotos da primeira skatepark afegã em Kabul!!! 7213331523 wkyc_cleve_rss 12/30/2009 5:48 PM State Department: 8 American civilians die in Afghan attack: KABUL -- The State Department says the eight Americans... 7213245745 musicmaestro 12/30/2009 5:45 PM RT @zaibatsu: Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. (Photo) 7213149639 in_asia 12/30/2009 5:42 PM KABUL — At least six Americans were killed Wednesday when a suicide bomber wearing an explosive vest made his w.. 7213148579 in_asia 12/30/2009 5:42 PM KABUL — Deepening a rift between the allies, Afghan investigators Wednesday sharply contradicted accounts by NA.. 7213042807 zoombuzz 12/30/2009 5:38 PM Is this real or photoshopped...?! RT @zaibatsu: Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. (Photo) 7213038991 davemcevers 12/30/2009 5:38 PM RT @zparcell: Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. (Photo) (via @zaibatsu) wow thats crazy 7213010423 kopka 12/30/2009 5:37 PM RT: @pnh: RT @Radlein: RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 7213004485 zparcell 12/30/2009 5:37 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. (Photo) (via @zaibatsu) wow thats crazy 7212947030 yaserhelmy 12/30/2009 5:35 PM RT @jonathandblack: RT @zaibatsu: Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. (Photo) 7212921085 rtsradio 12/30/2009 5:34 PM 8 Americans die in suicide blast in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest a... 7212919505 jonathandblack 12/30/2009 5:34 PM RT @zaibatsu: Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. (Photo) 7212917310 robindrafari 12/30/2009 5:34 PM RT @zaibatsu: Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. (Photo) 7212909325 KevinMinott 12/30/2009 5:33 PM RT @zaibatsu: Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. (Photo) 7212881853 alihassaan 12/30/2009 5:32 PM 8 US men perish in Afghan suicide attack: KABUL: At least 8 American civilian workers were killed on Wednesday in a... 7212881335 hansschepers 12/30/2009 5:32 PM RT @zaibatsu: Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. (Photo) 7212880547 stockbonn 12/30/2009 5:32 PM 8 Americans die in suicide blast in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest at.. 7212866935 TurboHeather 12/30/2009 5:32 PM omg thats aweful! RT @zaibatsu: Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. (Photo) 7212834950 zaibatsu 12/30/2009 5:31 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. (Photo) 7212489148 freedom4USA 12/30/2009 5:19 PM US:#tcot #news 8 Americans dead in Afghan attack: By Deb Reichmann ASSOCIATED PRESS KABUL, Afghanistan -- Eight ... 7212436469 fridaworld 12/30/2009 5:17 PM @Transitionland Do those decisions involve renting a cheap guesthouse in Kabul? I'm scheming ways to get back there for a few months as well 7212172771 mengub 12/30/2009 5:07 PM 2009, özürünü kabul ediyorum, affettim seni ama bi daha yaparsan ananı sikerim. 7211948796 zweitansage 12/30/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 7211893986 EnginKorkmaz 12/30/2009 4:58 PM @eyupcur doğru kabul ediyoruz, senin değil evet.. 7211883793 CO2HOG 12/30/2009 4:57 PM Taliban gaining favor in Afghanistan|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 30 (UPI) -- Corruption and a weak central .. 7211771195 ilgiornale 12/30/2009 4:53 PM Kabul, attentato suicida: morti otto americani #news #esteri 7211698735 tonysharon04 12/30/2009 4:51 PM RT @TheNewsBlotter: UPI-Top News: Taliban gaining favor in Afghanistan - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 30 (UPI) -- Corruption and a weak ce. ... 7211508099 bettypufpuf 12/30/2009 4:44 PM @KOKHUCRE olucak, olmak zorunda. aksini kabul etmiyoruz bu yıl :) 7211464774 rtsradio 12/30/2009 4:43 PM 8 Americans die in suicide blast in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest a... 7211455872 TheNewsBlotter 12/30/2009 4:42 PM UPI-Top News: Taliban gaining favor in Afghanistan - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 30 (UPI) -- Corruption and a weak ce... 7211350767 EqualGravity 12/30/2009 4:39 PM @AfPakChannel if you haven't seen @ebertchicago 's Kabul '69 vs '09 check it out. Mindboggling. 7211321458 WebNews_de 12/30/2009 4:37 PM Bewerten Afghanistan: Selbstmordattentäter greift US-Basis an: Kabul (fdi) - In der Provinz Khost im Osten Afghani... 7211255516 stockorange 12/30/2009 4:35 PM Top News: Afghan suicide blast kills eight U.S. civilians - KABUL (Reuters) - Eight American civilians were killed ... 7211254837 stockorange 12/30/2009 4:35 PM Politics: U.S. pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army: Kabul 7211252833 handeburma 12/30/2009 4:35 PM @EdaYASAR kesin kabul eder onlar :D 7211156338 zibidil 12/30/2009 4:32 PM @accousmatic ben kabul etmedim, etse miydin acaba? 7211070851 JDeveaux 12/30/2009 4:29 PM @QueenKris_ Beni de facebook'tan kabul etmioo ! Gıcık edicem onu bn ekliorm o iptal yapıo ... Eninde sonnda ya kabul edck yada engelck xD 7211049821 trueskinbeauty 12/30/2009 4:28 PM Pete Thomas: Afghanistan children on a roll as skate park opens in Kabul 7211002399 ma3hd 12/30/2009 4:26 PM Americans Killed In Afghan Blast: Americans Killed In Afghan Blast - اخبار المعهد العربي KABUL — Eight 7210978009 bharianmy 12/30/2009 4:25 PM 8 warga AS terbunuh dalam serangan di Afghanistan: KABUL: Lapan pekerja awam Amerika Syarikat (AS) terbunuh semalam... 7210766145 flensburgonline 12/30/2009 4:18 PM Radikaler Moslem greift US-Basis in Afghanistan an: Kabul (dts) - In der Provinz Khost im Osten Afghanistans hat ei... 7210729948 HandToNose 12/30/2009 4:16 PM @plainwalker 2 litreden fazla alkol kabul etmiyor ki Turkiye :( Aslinda 4 litre eder ki$i ba$i. Hmm.. Fena degil aslinda. 7210695813 kickinghorse892 12/30/2009 4:15 PM Americans Killed In Afghan Blast: KABUL — A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest at a military bas.. 7210487622 POTUFSS 12/30/2009 4:08 PM Taliban gaining favor in Afghanistan|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 30 (UPI) -- Corruption and a weak central .. 7210310294 blognotte 12/30/2009 4:01 PM @asliyazicioglu bu filmi hangi kafayla yazmislar? yapimci hangi kafadaymis da kabul etmis? yonetmen cekerken hangi kafadaymis? 7210260853 leonardoburris2 12/30/2009 4:00 PM Afghan suicide blast kills eight U.S. civilians - KABUL (Reuters) - Eight American civilians were killed in a suici... 7210260534 clemons_jeffere 12/30/2009 4:00 PM Afghan suicide blast kills eight U.S. civilians - KABUL (Reuters) - Eight American civilians were killed in a suici... 7210260171 johniegallegos1 12/30/2009 4:00 PM Afghan suicide blast kills eight U.S. civilians - KABUL (Reuters) - Eight American civilians were killed in a suici... 7210258430 cougar_jamie 12/30/2009 4:00 PM Afghan suicide blast kills eight U.S. civilians - KABUL (Reuters) - Eight American civilians were killed in a suici... 7210258563 zweitansage 12/30/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 7210239211 cronicruel 12/30/2009 3:59 PM Video: 09 tırt bir seneydi, kabul edelim tırtoluklar gözümüzün önünden film şeridın gibi akarken koca bir... 7210194153 CO2HOG 12/30/2009 3:57 PM ICRC meets captives of Taliban|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 30 (UPI) -- The International Committee of the Red Cross .. 7210162454 Pete_Thomas 12/30/2009 3:56 PM Afghanistan children on a roll as skate park opens in Kabul 7210101358 ilmessaggeroweb 12/30/2009 3:54 PM Afghanistan, attentato suicida: morti otto civili americani: KABUL (30 dicembre) - Almeno otto cittadini americani,... 7210069415 MeieTV 12/30/2009 3:53 PM 8 U.S. Deaths At Military Base In Afghanistan: Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Eight Americans were killed in a sui.. 7210060582 MeieTV 12/30/2009 3:52 PM 8 U.S. Deaths At Military Base In Afghanistan: Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Eight Americans were killed in a sui.. 7210039091 musikmesse 12/30/2009 3:52 PM Musikmesse at Google Geigen für Kabul - - Dialog mit der islamischen Welt: Geige.. 7209986181 rtsradio 12/30/2009 3:50 PM 8 Americans dead in Afghan attack - KABUL (AP) -- Eight Americans died Wednesday in a suicide bombing at a mili... 7209760903 demirons 12/30/2009 3:42 PM şimdi S söylesem kabul eder mi? rafting ve kaya tırmanışını.. :)) lan kesin eder :))) dur bir sorayım.. ne diyecek.. :)) 7209696010 cosmoweb 12/30/2009 3:39 PM State Department: 8 Americans die in Afghan attack: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest.. 7209627349 RuletaOnline 12/30/2009 3:37 PM Suicida afgano mata a ocho civiles EEUU en explosión: KABUL (Reuters) - Ocho civiles estadounidenses murieron el m... 7209516456 milagildo 12/30/2009 3:33 PM @Freitas_Junior Kabul, isso sim! 7209502101 cas1rga 12/30/2009 3:32 PM @chilekperisiaze en güzel gülleri getirirdim ama uçuyosun 1:30 da söz sana en güzel güllerden bir demet benden olsun kabul eyle 7209450986 IsraelAirForce 12/30/2009 3:30 PM US pledges $16b to equip Afghan #army: KABUL (Reuters) – The United States has pledged $16 billion to spend on training 7209450225 IsraeliAirForce 12/30/2009 3:30 PM US pledges $16b to equip Afghan #army: KABUL (Reuters) – The United States has pledged $16 billion to spend on training 7209385947 PakAirForce 12/30/2009 3:28 PM US pledges $16b to equip Afghan #army: KABUL (Reuters) – The United States has pledged $16 billion to spend on training 7209322558 bilalmirza 12/30/2009 3:26 PM U.S. pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul 7209292876 Musiker2Follow 12/30/2009 3:25 PM Geigen für Kabul - - Dialog mit der islamischen Welt: Geigen für - Dialog mit der islamische 7209235715 101teletekst 12/30/2009 3:23 PM Kabul en NAVO oneens over aanval: Volgens een woordvoerder van president Karzai zijn er afgelopen zondag onschuldig... 7209235217 teletekst_101 12/30/2009 3:23 PM Kabul en NAVO oneens over aanval: Volgens een woordvoerder van president Karzai zijn er afgelopen zondag onschuldig... 7209201879 Camabron 12/30/2009 3:22 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7209199914 Camabron 12/30/2009 3:22 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7209022807 EcoNewMexico 12/30/2009 3:15 PM Afghanistan’s First Skate Park Brightens Kids’ Futures: Photo by Alexandra FranklinKabul opened its very first... 7208993327 FloeDezzy 12/30/2009 3:14 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7208954094 michellechase 12/30/2009 3:13 PM RT @JasonMunich: Awesome, they protested in Kabul & Jalalabad & burned Obama in effigy. Had a sign on the effigy reading "Obama black dog" 7208940844 2_gud 12/30/2009 3:12 PM firangi in 'kabul express' is super...Linda is gud as well...but she kept me engaged more than any.. #woa 7208927030 b92vesti 12/30/2009 3:12 PM Kabul:Ubijeno osam američkih civila 7208908784 JasonMunich 12/30/2009 3:11 PM So awesome, they protested in Kabul and Jalalabad and burned Obama in effigy. HAHA, Had a sign on the effigy reading "Obama black dog" 7208862035 mavianka 12/30/2009 3:09 PM Isıtıcı UFO'dan bahsedip uzaylılar için genel kabül görmüş UFO tabirini anlayıp beni takip eden UFO severlere ne demeli? Bence blocklamalı. 7208699051 EsraKazimoglu 12/30/2009 3:04 PM @slmtrz :)melekler,kabul..bebekler çok tatlıdır ama yeni doğduklarında çok da güzel olmuyorlar(olmuyoruz) 7208692097 addamiattualita 12/30/2009 3:03 PM Afghanistan: 8 americani uccisi in attentato suicida nell’est: Kabul, 30 dic. – (Adnkronos) – Almeno ot... 7208682851 bigbooming 12/30/2009 3:03 PM Ze kunnen Kabul beter Kaboom noemen voortaan. Denken ze echt dat daar verkiezingen kunnen komen? #NOS 7208664626 kk07 12/30/2009 3:02 PM @anushkasharma01 kabul express was such an underrated film, it really was so good 7208634163 bedraj 12/30/2009 3:01 PM Watched KABUL EXPRESS again today... it was really fun... you can remove the nation out of a South Asian... not cricket... 7208619545 runres 12/30/2009 3:01 PM RT @amedbaba İyi Sair olmak kesmemis İsmet Ozel'i Dahi oldugunu kabul ettirmeye calisiyor! EGO sen ne yalancı bir aynasin! 7208601980 publiusalter 12/30/2009 3:00 PM [Blog] Afghan suicide blast kills eight U.S. civilians: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight American civilians were killed in a... 7208581032 zweitansage 12/30/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 7208564726 chaogrey 12/30/2009 2:59 PM @48kutay Onlara abi demesi kabul edilemez, ama bizim de bu ihtimali kabul etmememiz kabul edilemez. O duruma düşmeyi istememek yanlış mı? 7208552278 Chandlerswatch 12/30/2009 2:59 PM #chandlerswatch Operational Update, Dec. 30: KABUL, Afghanistan - Partnered forces killed several i... #tcot #military 7208431346 Danabolly 12/30/2009 2:54 PM @yaybasanti kabul express is a movie with john abraham ;) 7208333993 genieMJ 12/30/2009 2:51 PM RT Watched kabul express again n cried till my eyes hurt .... It's a hardhitting film yet so simple ... Pls watch it once. Deserves so much. 7208303398 myfox8 12/30/2009 2:50 PM U.S. Officials: 8 Americans Killed in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) — At least eight Americans died Wednesday in a... 7208245869 chaogrey 12/30/2009 2:48 PM @48kutay O cümle Arda'nın müthiş zekasının bir göstergesidir. İnancın ne olursa olsun bunu kabul etmelisin, çünkü... 7208224939 rtsradio 12/30/2009 2:47 PM As many as 8 Americans dead in Afghan attack - KABUL (AP) -- At least eight Americans died Wednesday in a suici... 7208124363 notiziestampa 12/30/2009 2:43 PM Afghanistan: 8 americani uccisi in attentato suicida nell’est: Kabul, 30 dic. – (Adnkronos) – Almen.. 7208099197 ANUSHKASHARMA01 12/30/2009 2:42 PM @yaybasanti no no kabul express isn't a book .... Tat I was talkin bout smthin else .. 7207885647 50plusmale 12/30/2009 2:35 PM Eight Americans killed by a suicide bomber in Kabul; unbelievable tragedy...when does the madness end? 7207869554 ANUSHKASHARMA01 12/30/2009 2:34 PM Watched kabul express again n cried till my eyes hurt .... It's a hardhitting film yet so simple ... Pls watch it once. Deserves so much. 7207813136 underlandtongue 12/30/2009 2:32 PM From K&L Forum: Afghanistan's first skatepark mixes rich and poor: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan.. 7207791527 abgpt 12/30/2009 2:31 PM Wouldn't it be nice to go for a Jeep ride to Kabul... I would love it... Just watched Kabul Express... 7207789996 buybooksonline1 12/30/2009 2:31 PM [REUTERS]: Afghan suicide blast kills eight U.S. civilians: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight American civilians were killed ... 7207784316 wcompanyportal 12/30/2009 2:31 PM [REUTERS]: Afghan suicide blast kills eight U.S. civilians: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight American civilians were killed ... 7207655510 volkangunak 12/30/2009 2:27 PM Tanrim nolur yeni yilda dilegimi kabul et!!! 7207625982 axismedia 12/30/2009 2:26 PM KABUL (AP) 8 Americans die in suicide blast in Afghanistan 7207623497 starbulletin 12/30/2009 2:26 PM Eight Americans killed in Afghanistan bombing: KABUL >> At least eight Americans died today in a suicide bombing at... 7207610448 Eros_KNL 12/30/2009 2:25 PM From K&L Forum: Afghanistan's first skatepark mixes rich and poor: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's first skateboard... 7207584925 Europa_Press 12/30/2009 2:24 PM Internacional: Ocho estadounidenses mueren en un atentado suicida en Afganistán: KABUL, 30 Dic. (Reuters/EP) - U... 7207570137 de_volkskrant 12/30/2009 2:24 PM [21:01] Acht Amerikanen gedood in Afghanistan: KABUL - Acht Amerikanen zijn woensdag omgekomen door een explo... 7207556315 K_N_L 12/30/2009 2:23 PM Afghanistan's first skatepark mixes rich and poor: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's first skateboarding park and.. 7207445051 drbillasu 12/30/2009 2:19 PM RT @danielnasaw: US military source in Kabul tells me attack that killed eight US civilians in Afghanistan was at Forward Operating Base ... 7207419084 cappuccino010 12/30/2009 2:18 PM het lijkt wel of ik de hond uitlaat in kabul #vuurwerk 7207414049 beenarboy 12/30/2009 2:18 PM 30 Years Later, the Soldier and the Little Girl Remember Fall of Kabul Palace : 7207384521 danielnasaw 12/30/2009 2:17 PM US military source in Kabul tells me attack that killed eight US civilians in Afghanistan was at Forward Operating Base Chapman, a PRT base 7207349867 constablekidd 12/30/2009 2:16 PM RT @Dannyboy5_0: RT @DefendGlenn: Quick send Eric Holder to Kabul to read them their Miranda rights! #tcot #gop #teaparty 7207247608 uppaljs 12/30/2009 2:12 PM #terror alert for tomorrow [ Dec 31 ] in #kabul . Just got the advisory , Stay safe! 7207244774 in_asia 12/30/2009 2:12 PM KABUL (AFP) – NATO forces fighting in Afghanistan on Wednesday disputed the results of an Afghan government inv.. 7207243414 in_asia 12/30/2009 2:12 PM KABUL — Deepening a rift between the allies, Afghan investigators Wednesday sharply contradicted accounts by NA.. 7207235565 californianewz 12/30/2009 2:12 PM U.S, officials: Eight Americans killed in Afghanistan: KABUL — A U.S. official says eight Americans have been kil... 7207223343 rijnmond 12/30/2009 2:12 PM Acht Amerikanen gedood in Afghanistan: KABUL - Acht Amerikanen zijn woensdag omgekomen door een explosie in de prov... 7207186594 Vakantiefotos 12/30/2009 2:10 PM Acht Amerikanen gedood in Afghanistan: KABUL - Acht Amerikanen zijn woensdag omgekomen door ee... 7207185552 reistweets 12/30/2009 2:10 PM Acht Amerikanen gedood in Afghanistan: KABUL - Acht Amerikanen zijn woensdag omgekomen door een explosie in de prov... 7207131769 ADOnline 12/30/2009 2:08 PM Acht Amerikanen gedood in Afghanistan: KABUL - Acht Amerikanen zijn woensdag omgekomen door een explosie in de prov... 7207075079 tarekrizk 12/30/2009 2:06 PM RT @anniewhite: This month, Kabul got its first skate park, "Skateistan." Intended to promote social cohesion. 7207051017 annie5050 12/30/2009 2:05 PM RT @dangerroom: AP: 8 Americans killed in Kabul suicide attack. US military: no troops dead. 7207007905 seolatta 12/30/2009 2:04 PM US official says 8 Americans killed in eastern Afghanistan. : KABUL (AP) - US official says 8 Americans killed .. 7206979052 hazimiai 12/30/2009 2:03 PM Eight Americans Killed In Afghan Blast: KABUL — The head of a presidential delegation investigating th.. 7206932194 efeser 12/30/2009 2:01 PM şu "yaban tv" ye bozulan bir tek ben miyim yahu.. İstemeyen izlemesin kabul de konu kürk olunca istemeyen giymesin diye geçiştiriyor muyuz ? 7206930267 wfaachannel8 12/30/2009 2:01 PM US official says 8 Americans killed in eastern Afghanistan. : KABUL (AP) - US official says 8 Americans killed .. 7206895291 tomgpalmer 12/30/2009 2:00 PM I've been busy. I was in Istanbul, Kabul, and Jalalabad recently to promote libertarian values. Today I had a... 7206875557 zweitansage 12/30/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 7206795386 go2gold 12/30/2009 1:57 PM Afghan investigators say 10 civilians, including children, killed by foreign troops: KABUL (AP) — The head of a p... 7206742539 bnr 12/30/2009 1:55 PM Acht Amerikanen gedood in Afghanistan: KABUL (ANP) - Acht Amerikanen zijn woensdag omgekomen door een explosie .. 7206669274 andysternberg 12/30/2009 1:52 PM Contractors? Or confusion? RT @dangerroom: AP: 8 Americans killed in Kabul suicide attack. US military: no troops dead. 7206564593 bhatiakunal 12/30/2009 1:49 PM Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an explosion i... 7206564378 energyindia37 12/30/2009 1:49 PM Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an explosion i... 7206562679 manjulaT 12/30/2009 1:49 PM Latest Indian News Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were kille... 7206487070 ShortNews_Polit 12/30/2009 1:46 PM Kabul: Russischer Botschafter und Außenminister Afghanistans führen Gespräche: Wie das Informationsamt des Auße... 7206437847 reuterskl 12/30/2009 1:44 PM Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an explosion i... 7206362072 BaltimoreLocks 12/30/2009 1:42 PM BREAKING NEWS 8 Americans killed in apparent suicide attack in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) — The head of a presidenti... 7206324517 kiwancht_85 12/30/2009 1:40 PM "Başka Dilde Aşk" gerçekten çok beğendim filmi ve bi süre aşk filmlerinden uzak durma kararı aldım.. mutsuz oluyorum kabul.. 7206321398 jswtx 12/30/2009 1:40 PM RT @RodrigoBNO: U.S. Embassy in Kabul confirms: Explosion kills 8 Americans at a facility associated with the Embassy. 7206306953 kgulpinar 12/30/2009 1:40 PM bende BizSpark a başvurdum ama kabul dahi edilmedim :S re: 7206275949 mercurynews 12/30/2009 1:39 PM U.S, officials: Eight Americans killed in Afghanistan: KABUL — A U.S. official says eight Americans have been kil... 7206273315 mercnews 12/30/2009 1:38 PM U.S, officials: Eight Americans killed in Afghanistan: KABUL — A U.S. official says eight Americans have been kil... 7206272848 karo555 12/30/2009 1:38 PM @SlinOz çocuuu üzme,kabul et evlenme teklifini:))) 7206051809 kaptopril 12/30/2009 1:31 PM bugün lisede çıkma teklifimi kabul etmeyen kız beni faceten eklemiş. ve ilk ergenliğin seçicici olmayan beğenisine şaştım kaldım yine. 7206048934 wsvn 12/30/2009 1:31 PM KABUL (AP) -- A U.S. official says eight Americans have been killed in eastern Afghanistan. 7206015620 utahnews 12/30/2009 1:30 PM US officials: 8 Americans killed in apparent suicide attack in eastern Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) — A U.S. o... (Fox13) 7206015691 buybooksonline1 12/30/2009 1:30 PM [REUTERS]: Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an ... 7206007895 wcompanyportal 12/30/2009 1:29 PM [REUTERS]: Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an ... 7206001516 Jwelsh8 12/30/2009 1:29 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7205950414 Traders_Online 12/30/2009 1:27 PM Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an explosi.. 7205879618 promisucher 12/30/2009 1:25 PM bei SN: Politik: Kabul: Russischer Botschafter und Außenminister Afghanistans führen Gespräche 7205848913 buraakk 12/30/2009 1:24 PM savaşı kazanmak istiyorsan yenilgiyi kabul et 7205828490 ztbc 12/30/2009 1:23 PM Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an explosi.. 7205786663 ShortestNews 12/30/2009 1:22 PM Politik: Kabul: Russischer Botschafter und Außenminister Afghanistans führen Gespräche: Wie das Informati.. #news 7205652383 ezgiituran 12/30/2009 1:17 PM @OUPPSS ider ider merak yapma sen :D:D kızım tigiinin ödevi kabul etmiş o çocuu geçirmişse o dersten sen kesin kes geçtin yewru :D:D 7205636477 indofxtrading 12/30/2009 1:17 PM Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an explosion in Kh 7205636692 AllNewsSources 12/30/2009 1:17 PM REUTERS: Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an explo 7205609949 newzdevil 12/30/2009 1:16 PM Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an explosion i... 7205608889 BssNews 12/30/2009 1:16 PM Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an explosion i... 7205604651 HeadlinesNewz 12/30/2009 1:16 PM Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an explosion i... 7205602965 gundelizer 12/30/2009 1:16 PM #Reuters Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed... #Topnews 7205602087 tweettools4U 12/30/2009 1:16 PM Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were kil... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 7205599777 anniewhite 12/30/2009 1:15 PM This month, Kabul got its first skateboard park, "Skateistan." Intended to promote social cohesion. 7205598282 GlobalTechNews 12/30/2009 1:15 PM Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an explosion i... 7205592524 newsfeeding 12/30/2009 1:15 PM Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an explosion i... 7205590310 dave13100 12/30/2009 1:15 PM Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an explosion i... 7205587106 webtipsfree 12/30/2009 1:15 PM Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an explosion i... 7205585455 NewsMashup 12/30/2009 1:15 PM Reuters: Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an ex... 7205584939 SalBarguil 12/30/2009 1:15 PM Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an explosion i... 7205583522 SmittysWeb 12/30/2009 1:15 PM KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an explosion in Khost province, in southeastern Afghanistan on Wed... 7205582466 MobileAuto 12/30/2009 1:15 PM Eight Americans killed in explosion in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight Americans were killed in an explosion i... 7205567648 susanlali 12/30/2009 1:14 PM U.S. pledges 16 billion to train, equip Afghan army: Kabul (Reuters) 7205567960 ellisnancy22 12/30/2009 1:14 PM U.S. pledges 16 billion to train, equip Afghan army: Kabul (Reuters) 7205567469 mariahelen10 12/30/2009 1:14 PM U.S. pledges 16 billion to train, equip Afghan army: Kabul (Reuters) 7205566726 nancyreiner00 12/30/2009 1:14 PM U.S. pledges 16 billion to train, equip Afghan army: Kabul (Reuters) 7205567007 heilhenry 12/30/2009 1:14 PM U.S. pledges 16 billion to train, equip Afghan army: Kabul (Reuters) 7205566517 bettyklein02 12/30/2009 1:14 PM U.S. pledges 16 billion to train, equip Afghan army: Kabul (Reuters) 7205565698 jessicascheer00 12/30/2009 1:14 PM U.S. pledges 16 billion to train, equip Afghan army: Kabul (Reuters) 7205566107 sarahkruse 12/30/2009 1:14 PM U.S. pledges 16 billion to train, equip Afghan army: Kabul (Reuters) 7205565476 angelalewis45 12/30/2009 1:14 PM U.S. pledges 16 billion to train, equip Afghan army: Kabul (Reuters) 7205564919 bonitareiner 12/30/2009 1:14 PM U.S. pledges 16 billion to train, equip Afghan army: Kabul (Reuters) 7205565122 melissakrupp07 12/30/2009 1:14 PM U.S. pledges 16 billion to train, equip Afghan army: Kabul (Reuters) 7205529946 jerrida 12/30/2009 1:13 PM sınavda hollywood filmlerinden sorumlu olmayı kabul etmiyorum efendim! ben bu oyunu bozarım arkadaş! 7205442993 derIch 12/30/2009 1:10 PM RT @zeigor: Compare: Kabul 1969 ( & Kabul 2009 ( 7205408678 UserCan 12/30/2009 1:09 PM kontroller artiyor. artik amerika'ya giden cirilciplak soyunmayi kabul edecek. yok insan haklari falan. gecerli degil. istemezsen geri dön.. 7205389703 WAOW 12/30/2009 1:08 PM RT @WKOW: JUST CROSSED: KABUL (AP) -- US official says 8 Americans killed in eastern Afghanistan. 7205353620 gokhanarik 12/30/2009 1:07 PM @gelegelmish Seni de kabul ediyoruz bak.. 7205319775 CONTRACOMA 12/30/2009 1:06 PM ShortNews: Kabul: Russischer Botschafter und Außenminister Afghanistans führen Gespräche: Wie das Inf.. 7205299429 KVALnews 12/30/2009 1:05 PM KABUL (AP) — US official says 8 Americans killed in eastern Afghanistan 7205276922 kgoradio 12/30/2009 1:05 PM KABUL (AP) - US official says 8 Americans killed in eastern Afghanistan. 7205266008 amedbaba 12/30/2009 1:04 PM İyi Sair olmak kesmemis İsmet Ozel'i Dahi oldugunu kabul ettirmeye calisiyor! EGO sen ne yalancı bir aynasin! 7205216701 seding10 12/30/2009 1:03 PM RT @RodrigoBNO: U.S. Embassy in Kabul confirms: Explosion kills 8 Americans at a facility associated with the Embassy. 7205210173 gabetrav 12/30/2009 1:02 PM KABUL (AP) - US official says 8 Americans killed in eastern Afghanistan. 7205156829 KIONrightnow 12/30/2009 1:01 PM KABUL (AP) - US official says 8 Americans killed in easternAfghanistan. 7205121472 zweitansage 12/30/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 7205089386 joebrooks 12/30/2009 12:58 PM KABUL (BNO NEWS) -- U.S. official says eight Americans dead after explosion at U.S. base in eastern Afghanistan. 7205046609 memachel 12/30/2009 12:57 PM contracters? RT @RodrigoBNO U.S. Embassy in Kabul confirms: Explosion kills 8 Americans at a facility associated w/ the Embassy. 7205038698 WKOW 12/30/2009 12:57 PM JUST CROSSED: KABUL (AP) -- US official says 8 Americans killed in eastern Afghanistan. 7205019190 wdglover 12/30/2009 12:56 PM @midnightonmars Here's something, which the AP finally released: KABUL (AP) — US official says 8 Americans killed in eastern Afghanistan. 7205014926 karolw 12/30/2009 12:56 PM AP NewsAlert Dec 30 01:51 PM US/Eastern KABUL (AP) - US official says 8 Americans killed in eastern Afghanistan. 7205005116 kyungai 12/30/2009 12:56 PM RT @RodrigoBNO: U.S. Embassy in Kabul confirms: Explosion kills 8 Americans at a facility associated with the Embassy. 7204992279 AdamRhew 12/30/2009 12:55 PM KABUL (AP) - US official says 8 Americans killed in eastern Afghanistan.///CBS News reporting all are civilians, killed in suicide bombing 7204984432 gokhanarik 12/30/2009 12:55 PM Herkesi kendi konumunda kabul etmeliyiz. 7204980952 mike_ware 12/30/2009 12:55 PM RT @RodrigoBNO: U.S. Embassy in Kabul confirms: Explosion kills 8 Americans at a facility associated with the Embassy. 7204974459 GayPatriot 12/30/2009 12:55 PM RT @RodrigoBNO: U.S. Embassy in Kabul confirms: Explosion kills 8 Americans at a facility associated with the Embassy. 7204941346 RodrigoBNO 12/30/2009 12:53 PM U.S. Embassy in Kabul confirms: Explosion kills 8 Americans at a facility associated with the Embassy. 7204912918 13News 12/30/2009 12:53 PM KABUL (AP) -- US official says 8 Americans killed in easternAfghanistan. 7204901014 omerfarukparlar 12/30/2009 12:52 PM Evet Kabul ettim hepiniz1numara ,evet haklısın benim yokki bir numaram,hepiniz kralsınız,hepiniz mükemmel,benkendiçapımdayım kalemim tknmz 7204872642 ProdGirl 12/30/2009 12:51 PM KABUL (AP) - US official says 8 Americans killed in eastern Afghanistan. 7204860215 Znuc 12/30/2009 12:51 PM #nowplaying Kabul Shit XD 7204785531 lanagay 12/30/2009 12:48 PM Kabul today vs 40 years ago. 7204739952 ellen1066 12/30/2009 12:47 PM RT DefendGlenn: Quick send Eric Holder to Kabul to read them their Miranda rights! #tcot #gop #teaparty hahaha 7204610611 nlitenmebabe 12/30/2009 12:42 PM US pledges $16Bln to train, equip Afghan army-Kabul [where in the heck is this $$ coming from??] 7204329310 ashutosh_g 12/30/2009 12:33 PM RT: @naren1012 @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 --GOOD1 7204153184 NW75012 12/30/2009 12:27 PM @aclr8 or better ... #french #army at home and not in #Kabul !!! 7204076512 naren1012 12/30/2009 12:24 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7204032193 astarimaghfira 12/30/2009 12:23 PM •> Awal januari 2009, gue pengen banget tahun 2009 cepet berlalu. Permintaan gue ke kabul sekarang!!!! 7203884653 uppaljs 12/30/2009 12:18 PM crap , housing just painted my room blue! :o WTF? #kabul 7203847989 emreunayli 12/30/2009 12:17 PM @pinarhamzaoglu ahhah tuse Iyiydi kabul :)) ben en iyisi sominemin karsisinda ayi postuma bakip durayim :P 7203547060 nestorlld 12/30/2009 12:07 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7203545270 nestorlld 12/30/2009 12:07 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7203453947 WTFWire 12/30/2009 12:04 PM Afghanistan’s first skatepark mixes rich and poor: KABUL (Reuters) – Afghanistan’s first skateboardi... #oddnews 7203321051 zweitansage 12/30/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 7203292809 TantaoNews 12/30/2009 11:59 AM Afghans Demonstrate Against Civilian Killings: KABUL, Dec. 30, 2009 (Xinhua) — Afghan protestors stage a .. 7203262767 AllNewsSources 12/30/2009 11:58 AM AlertNet: U.S. pledges $16 bln to train, equip Afghan army-Kabul 7203089207 joergheber 12/30/2009 11:52 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7203088170 joergheber 12/30/2009 11:52 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7203055029 AsliCin 12/30/2009 11:51 AM An itibariyle - Bu lafı pek sevdim - oğluşa zor da olsa Noel Baba'nın varlığını kabul ettirmiş durumdayız. - Neye yarayacaksa??? - 7203003927 DNCDUDES 12/30/2009 11:49 AM ODDSTERS! Afghanistan's first skatepark mixes rich and poor: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan'.. #tcot @cnn 7202977775 shrelpStockFoto 12/30/2009 11:48 AM Skateboarding News Kabul opens skateboarding park: Afghanistan's first skateboarding park.. 7202690786 romance1993 12/30/2009 11:39 AM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. 7202426031 OddPlanet 12/30/2009 11:30 AM Afghanistan's first skatepark mixes rich and poor: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's first skateboarding park and.. 7202285552 HotNewz 12/30/2009 11:26 AM Afghanistan’s first skateboarding park opens in Kabul and of course it is named, “Skateistan” 7202276064 Merweilleuse 12/30/2009 11:25 AM Duların sonunda kabul olması! Migros' ta gezerken onlarca M&M' sin bana sırıtması!! :))))) 7202136296 zigaurre 12/30/2009 11:21 AM @anaaldea "mamá,te voy a contar la verdad,me he enamorado de un afgano,me voy con él a Kabul,mañana,ya tengo el burka". 7202098993 NityaSJ 12/30/2009 11:20 AM #waktukecil ska mkn bubur ayam mba ming, n bakso bang kabul..trus ska nari' buat knaikn kls..=_=" + ska main barbie n bli sticker' nya -_-" 7202085956 HoosierThom 12/30/2009 11:19 AM Kabul 40 Years Ago Vs. Kabul Today via @addthis 7202060633 homiedr 12/30/2009 11:18 AM Afghanistan's first skatepark mixes rich and poor: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's first s.. 7202032999 markbyars 12/30/2009 11:18 AM Excluded was that the boys were dressed as bombs. RT @latimes: Afghan panel U.S. strike killed 8 schoolboys n Kabul 7201994611 snkr 12/30/2009 11:16 AM RT: @tajim @SarahM: Wow. Kabul, 1969: Same view, 2009: via @pnh @Radlein @ebertchicago 7201904331 MikeElk 12/30/2009 11:13 AM RT @allisonkilkenny: Kabul in 1969:, Same view, 2009: (Via @ebertchicago) 7201851545 chrisanding 12/30/2009 11:12 AM Afghanistan's first skatepark mixes rich and poor: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's first skateboarding park and sch... 7201850871 ukoddnews 12/30/2009 11:12 AM #oddnews Afghanistan's first skatepark mixes rich and poor: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's first skateboarding par... 7201850296 serdarakinan 12/30/2009 11:12 AM Tanimadigim insanlardan gelen mesajlar bazen ne kadar kirici? Neden ki? Bu nasil bir ofke? Hos bunu kabul ederek burada olmali...Ama gene de 7201847985 jmschwartzman 12/30/2009 11:12 AM Afghanistan's first skatepark mixes rich and poor: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's first skate... 7201791379 grrlinthecity 12/30/2009 11:10 AM "The ocean of sorrow has no shore," a Dari sticker spotted on the back of some car in Kabul this morning by my pal, Asma. 7201732422 prepaidproducts 12/30/2009 11:08 AM U.S. casualties reported at military base in Afghanistan - Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- A suicide bomber stru.. 7201686562 tajim 12/30/2009 11:06 AM RT @SarahM: Wow. Kabul, 1969: Kabul, same view, 2009: / via @pnh @Radlein @ebertchicago 7201680465 vhariraj 12/30/2009 11:06 AM RT @SarahM: Wow. Kabul, 1969: Kabul, same view, 2009: | Afghanistan's 40 yrs story in 2 pics 7201659029 tittoantony 12/30/2009 11:05 AM My friends are wondering why there is no BARF (snow) this Kabul winter??? prepare for 2012! :o)) Yes it's high time :) 7201518890 SarahM 12/30/2009 11:01 AM Wow. Kabul, 1969: Kabul, same view, 2009: / via @pnh @Radlein @ebertchicago 7201480145 jameswales 12/30/2009 11:00 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7201474949 jameswales 12/30/2009 11:00 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7201470730 zweitansage 12/30/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 7201413891 FlowLuckyFree 12/30/2009 10:58 AM FlowLuckyFree! Kabul opens skateboarding park 7201197443 Alnoorcet 12/30/2009 10:50 AM Afghans condemn 'civilian deaths': International forces reject Kabul's claims amid deadly attacks in Khost and .. 7201069532 julidekocoglu 12/30/2009 10:46 AM @nazlieke misafir kabul ediliyor mu ? :) 7200900760 iamyohana 12/30/2009 10:41 AM @luwzhie kabul siapadeh? 7200832503 luwzhie 12/30/2009 10:39 AM @iamyohana aph che , ma abnk kabul gag??Cieieieiieiie 7200718276 kris0stby 12/30/2009 10:35 AM RT @tthoro: Utrolig utvikling i Kabul. 1969: Samme i 2009: 7200585323 CCCFinancing 12/30/2009 10:31 AM Afghans Protest Civilian Deaths: By ANAND GOPAL KABUL -- Protests erupted in Afghanistan Wednesday in response to a... 7200338444 Millonarios10 12/30/2009 10:23 AM RT @tthoro: Utrolig utvikling i Kabul. 1969: Samme i 2009: 7200328098 Chaakles 12/30/2009 10:22 AM RT @ebertchicago: Kabul in 1969 . Kabul, same view, 2009 7200238861 avoidthehype 12/30/2009 10:19 AM AFGHAN MUSCLES - a very interesting documentary about bodybuilding in post-Taliban Kabul. 7200138205 vivekmadan 12/30/2009 10:16 AM •-> Kabul 40 Years ago vs. Kabul Now <-•: *Here’s what the capital of Afghanistan looke.. 7200109869 twnstar2 12/30/2009 10:15 AM RT @latimes: Afghan panel says U.S. strike killed 8 schoolboys RT @latimesworld in Kabul 7199974918 NotJasonFeldman 12/30/2009 10:11 AM - Kabul, same view, 2009 7199968135 NotJasonFeldman 12/30/2009 10:11 AM - Kabul in 1969 7199905376 latimes 12/30/2009 10:09 AM Afghan panel says U.S. strike killed 8 schoolboys RT @latimesworld in Kabul 7199781176 xylvr 12/30/2009 10:05 AM @ceyhunyilmazz cehaletimi mazur görün ayrıca tebriklerimi kabul edin lütfen; hem hoş şiir, hem güzel buluşma olmuş mazhar bey'in şarkısıyla. 7199756079 yesayten 12/30/2009 10:04 AM @tennure dua ettim senin için. Allah kabul etsin. (amin) 7199614578 zweitansage 12/30/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 7199554740 tucikko 12/30/2009 9:58 AM erkeğin beğendiği bir kadını bir ömür boyu seçtiğini kabul etsek bile, sonunda kadının bir başkasını seçme olasılığı çok daha kuvvetlidir. 7199412770 PCZ 12/30/2009 9:53 AM RT @vancouversun Gallery: Kabul's Skateboard Park 7199383203 muralcom 12/30/2009 9:52 AM Mataron extranjeros a civiles.- Kabul : Las tropas extranjeras mataron a 10 civiles, incluidos ocho menores, du.. 7199364633 PCZ 12/30/2009 9:51 AM RT @vancouversun Gallery: Kabul's skateboarding park 7199198355 AfghanNews24 12/30/2009 9:46 AM Civilian toll inflames Afghanistan (Detroit Free Press) - KABUL, Afghanistan -- As Afghanistan braces for tens of t... 7199133065 konstantin_frbg 12/30/2009 9:44 AM RT @fss13: RT @ht82: Entwicklung kann auch grausam sein. Kabul 1969 und 2009 (via @ice ... 7199019892 TND_Obama 12/30/2009 9:40 AM U.S. pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul #obama 7198871696 stockorange 12/30/2009 9:34 AM Politics: U.S. pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul 7198690221 Anna_Beatriz_G 12/30/2009 9:28 AM RT @REFORMACOM: Mataron extranjeros a civiles.- Kabul 7198590724 ucandepik 12/30/2009 9:24 AM "bikbik sana birtane hediye gönderdi.Lütfen hediyemi kabul edip bana birtane gönderir misin?" nahadar yüzsüzsünüz lan. 7198584690 inayet 12/30/2009 9:24 AM RT @AfPakChannel: Love it RT @joshuafoust: I can't wait for the X Games to be hosted in Kabul. 7198507627 reformainter 12/30/2009 9:21 AM Mataron extranjeros a civiles.- Kabul: Las tropas extranjeras mataron a 10 civiles, incluidos ocho menores, durante... 7198487100 REFORMACOM 12/30/2009 9:21 AM Mataron extranjeros a civiles.- Kabul 7198486146 notifeed 12/30/2009 9:21 AM Reforma: Mataron extranjeros a civiles.- Kabul 7198484575 edbarito 12/30/2009 9:21 AM Mataron extranjeros a civiles.- Kabul: Las tropas extranjeras mataron a 10 civiles, incluidos ocho menores, durante... 7198069991 mtadude 12/30/2009 9:06 AM Rodriguez: Less aggressive posture is a necessary risk in Afghanistan|KABUL ? Coalition troops will have to .. 7198016976 nadiarachmawati 12/30/2009 9:04 AM @dindacindyarini aku minta anak, tp kl udah ijab kabul aja :D 7198011073 sigitpradityo 12/30/2009 9:04 AM RT @asaluella: amin :) RT @fitraarmela: semoga @asaluella bisa pacaran sampe ijab kabul *jujur aja ngerasa mereka udah siap nikah* 7197971748 rezzahakiki 12/30/2009 9:02 AM 40 org meaminakan nyaman kabul RT @RakhmatAzimi: Ne.. Ne.. Ne.. Lakas jara RT @hariszwahyudi@mutiahakiki:@ferdyarisa: 7197915636 Farhaj 12/30/2009 9:00 AM RT AfPakChannel: Love it RT @joshuafoust: I can't wait for the X Games to be hosted in Kabul. 7197894550 zweitansage 12/30/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 7197868519 MidwestBAS 12/30/2009 8:59 AM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.: 7197731816 muharrembelge 12/30/2009 8:53 AM Fifa ödül töreni gibi bir organizasyon varsa, kabul, yılın bilmemnesi falan seçilmesi güzeldir. Ama onun haricinde, sürekli bir... 7197731185 johnmccullagh 12/30/2009 8:53 AM Kabul, same view 40 years apart:1969: 7197596025 AfPakChannel 12/30/2009 8:48 AM Love it RT @joshuafoust: I can't wait for the X Games to be hosted in Kabul. 7197345917 gulkanik 12/30/2009 8:39 AM eski bi arkadaşım yılbaşında Serdar Ortaç'a gidelim mi dedi. bunu hayatımda aldığım en büyük hakaret olarak kabul ettim. 7197333800 rtsradio 12/30/2009 8:38 AM Kabul: U.S. Pledges $16B to Train Afghan Army 7197262571 ladykayaker 12/30/2009 8:35 AM @ricksanchezcnn Kabul photographs: 40 yrs ago & today. 7197120655 Military_RTs 12/30/2009 8:29 AM RT @HeyErnie Afghans insist NATO troops killed children: KABUL — ... 7197109380 armyAfghanistan 12/30/2009 8:29 AM Forces Capture Taliban Commanders in Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan - Afghan and international security forces cap... 7197109049 armyAfghanistan 12/30/2009 8:29 AM IJC Operational: KABUL, Afghanistan - Partnered forces killed several insurgents while responding to an attack agai... 7197061682 iMarquee 12/30/2009 8:27 AM iMarquee Ent News: Photo from Reuters Pictures - Birds fly over as the sun sets in Kabul December 30, 2009. 7197054384 Fenty_ira 12/30/2009 8:27 AM Ijab kabul di tepi jurang uluwatu Bali adlh impianku tentunya dgn Ridho ALLAH SWT 7196977966 mehmet15846 12/30/2009 8:23 AM be adam işte dilekçe kabul etsen insan gibi olmazmıydı... 7196930182 asaluella 12/30/2009 8:21 AM amin :) RT @fitraarmela: semoga @asaluella bisa pacaran sampe ijab kabul *jujur aja ngerasa mereka udah siap nikah* 7196906836 TRALAFITTI 12/30/2009 8:20 AM RT @fss13: RT @ht82: Entwicklung kann auch grausam sein. Kabul 1969 und 2009 (via @ice ... 7196878375 tuyku 12/30/2009 8:19 AM aşk'ın bir metabolizma bozukluğu olduğunu kabul etmemek saçmalık! gözün kör, miden buruk, ağzın kuru, kalbin taşikardi.e hastasın işte! 7196852823 militaryworld 12/30/2009 8:18 AM Forces Capture Taliban Commanders in Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan - Afghan and international security forces cap... 7196852326 militaryworld 12/30/2009 8:18 AM IJC Operational: KABUL, Afghanistan - Partnered forces killed several insurgents while responding to an attack agai... 7196792043 fitraarmela 12/30/2009 8:16 AM semoga @asaluella bisa pacaran sampe ijab kabul *jujur aja ngerasa mereka udah siap nikah* 7196645913 goodlivin 12/30/2009 8:10 AM RT @Suntimes: Stunning: RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - 7196583998 wealthhealthhap 12/30/2009 8:07 AM Afghan Probe Says NATO Fighting Killed Children: KABUL — The head of a presidential delegation investi.. 7196580776 Freedomman11 12/30/2009 8:07 AM Afghan Probe Says NATO Fighting Killed Children: KABUL — The head of a presidential delegation investi.. 7196558700 caramel83 12/30/2009 8:06 AM @Aicha90 tamam kabul ediyorum ben bir tembelim..ama evi temizlemeye çok üşeniyorum şu an :) 7196529532 DanRomero81 12/30/2009 8:05 AM Jack says Afghan Probe Says NATO Fighting Killed Children: KABUL — The head of a presidential.. 7196495592 pludk 12/30/2009 8:03 AM RT @Radlein: RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 7196398945 zweitansage 12/30/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 7196385634 zaqzaqat 12/30/2009 7:59 AM Afghan Probe Says NATO Fighting Killed Children: KABUL — The head of a presidential delegation investigat.. 7196374488 zaqzaqat 12/30/2009 7:58 AM Afghan Probe Says NATO Fighting Killed Children: KABUL — The head of a presidential delegation investi.. 7196370640 hazimiai 12/30/2009 7:58 AM Afghan Probe Says NATO Fighting Killed Children: KABUL — The head of a presidential delegation investi.. 7196331925 RtrsIN_SthAsia 12/30/2009 7:57 AM U.S. pledges $16 bln to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul 7196301166 nigauw 12/30/2009 7:55 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7196298796 nigauw 12/30/2009 7:55 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7196286699 semtbizim 12/30/2009 7:55 AM “Şöhret yok para yok”.“Hırs var azim var”Bunları kabul etmeyene de kapı orada"Alen Markaryan 7196286401 inayet 12/30/2009 7:55 AM RT @USEmbassyKabul: Kabul Sanitation Department Initiates New Project to Remove Solid Waste as part of USAID Program 7196220359 SalameeQueen 12/30/2009 7:52 AM US pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul 7196108890 USEmbassyKabul 12/30/2009 7:47 AM Kabul Sanitation Department Initiates New Project to Remove Solid Waste as part of USAID ProgramKabul,... 7196015272 stegerva 12/30/2009 7:42 AM Correspondents: Kabul Golf Club -Times Online: via @addthis 7195998148 nlitenmebabe 12/30/2009 7:42 AM USA pledges $16 bln to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul 7195959703 twiternair 12/30/2009 7:40 AM U.S. pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul 7195947528 photoj1 12/30/2009 7:39 AM @tonyhawk check out this Reuters Story on the first skate park in Kabul. Very cool. Http:// 7195922496 zcolewriter 12/30/2009 7:38 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7195920822 zcolewriter 12/30/2009 7:38 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7195874345 afghanistanwire 12/30/2009 7:36 AM US pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul - Reuters: Boston GlobeUS pledges $16 billion to tra... 7195836309 SinemFeyman 12/30/2009 7:34 AM londrada ikamet eden toplam 16 büyük bankanın hergün saat 11 de belirlediği ve tüm dünya bankalarınca referans kabul... 7195779479 santi_2108 12/30/2009 7:32 AM Amien RT @aulia171195: @santi_2108 sansan doa lo kabul dah ckck :p 7195747178 TheNewsBlotter 12/30/2009 7:30 AM UPI-Top News: Airstrike aimed at insurgents - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 30 (UPI) -- The Afghans killed in a militar... 7195721637 joinourpurpose 12/30/2009 7:29 AM Karzai sends team to probe student death claim - KABUL — President Hamid ... 7195685428 rtsradio 12/30/2009 7:27 AM Afghan probe says NATO fighting killed children - KABUL (AP) -- The head of a presidential delegation investiga... 7195670847 armysupporter 12/30/2009 7:27 AM US pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul: KABUL (Reuters) - The United States has pledg... 7195668105 ArmyCadetForce 12/30/2009 7:27 AM US pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul 7195665347 ElgasmiNews 12/30/2009 7:26 AM #politics | U.S. pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul 7195581926 twittlogs 12/30/2009 7:23 AM Blog post: US pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul - Reuters 7195557295 mirayzeybek 12/30/2009 7:21 AM kabul edıorum, rüya perisi harika bir rüya armağan etti bana ama gerçekleşemez ki =) peri'den de anca :D 7195550674 kahyakoray 12/30/2009 7:21 AM Gerçek büyücü müşteri kabul eder mi? 7195528077 halidox 12/30/2009 7:20 AM Ben kabul edeyim de o problemi çözemezsiniz re: 7195464505 dav1son 12/30/2009 7:17 AM US pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul - Reuters 7195449580 Seanotd 12/30/2009 7:16 AM RT @AllMilitaryNews: (Air Force Times) Afghans insist NATO troops killed children: KABUL — #Military 7195445807 kappaalpha 12/30/2009 7:16 AM U.S. pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul 7195374388 buybooksonline1 12/30/2009 7:13 AM [REUTERS]: U.S. pledges £10 billion to train, equip Afghan army - Kabul: KABUL (Reuters) - The United States has p... 7195365212 wcompanyportal 12/30/2009 7:12 AM [REUTERS]: U.S. pledges £10 billion to train, equip Afghan army - Kabul: KABUL (Reuters) - The United States has p... 7195353106 pnh 12/30/2009 7:12 AM RT @Radlein: RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 7195342799 notiven 12/30/2009 7:11 AM RT: @yahoonoticias :Investigadores: Niños asesinados por soldados en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - El líder de una delegación presidenci... http: 7195285208 badjerry 12/30/2009 7:09 AM RT @skipinc: Military News: Afghans insist NATO troops killed children: KABUL — The head of a presidential delegatio... 7195206043 MDThermo 12/30/2009 7:05 AM MDThermo Afghans insist NATO troops killed children: KABUL — The head of a presidential delegation investigating ... 7195205628 HeyErnie 12/30/2009 7:05 AM Afghans insist NATO troops killed children: KABUL — The head of a presidential delegation investigating the death... 7195201124 ummut 12/30/2009 7:04 AM mümkünse 2010 da da aşk kapımın önünden bile geçmesin,hayır bunca yıl gelmemiş bünyem kabul etmez, hiç kendini yorma eeyyy aşk 7195165128 zoelshah 12/30/2009 7:03 AM Blog: U.S. pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul 7195162889 reutersuk_world 12/30/2009 7:03 AM U.S. pledges £10 billion to train, equip Afghan army - Kabul 7195150471 Nebuch 12/30/2009 7:02 AM biz ülke olarak bu aromalı kahve işinden anlamadık kabul et, bi fındıklıyı biliyoruz, gerisi tırt dimi 7195133134 Okami0731 12/30/2009 7:01 AM Weren't they? I was really shocked RT @MaryMG: @Okami0731 Those Kabul photos are amazing. 7195120147 AllNewsSources 12/30/2009 7:01 AM AlertNet: U.S. pledges $16 bln to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul 7195098088 soglosen 12/30/2009 7:00 AM U.S. pledges £10 billion to train, equip Afghan army - Kabul 7195096317 zweitansage 12/30/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 7195079724 econfalcon 12/30/2009 6:59 AM U.S. pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul 7195075427 acoupleofideas 12/30/2009 6:58 AM Sıradanlığımız farklı olduğumuzu sanmamızdan mıdır? Asıl farklılığımız sıradanlığımız mıdır, yoksa sıradanlığımızı kabul etmemiz midir? 7195038452 MofPuppets 12/30/2009 6:57 AM doğan grubu vergi diyetini enteresan şekilde ödüyor. 1 milyar tl eö için, 2 milyar tl ad için kalanı 12 taksit. maliye kabul eder mi görcez? 7195015322 memachel 12/30/2009 6:55 AM (Marine Corp Times) Afghans insist NATO troops killed children: KABUL #Military RT@AllMilitaryNews 7194953827 AllMilitaryNews 12/30/2009 6:52 AM (Marine Corp Times) Afghans insist NATO troops killed children: KABUL — The .. #Military 7194948629 AllMilitaryNews 12/30/2009 6:52 AM (Navy Times) Afghans insist NATO troops killed children: KABUL — The head of a pres.. #Military 7194943758 AllMilitaryNews 12/30/2009 6:52 AM (Air Force Times) Afghans insist NATO troops killed children: KABUL — The head.. #Military 7194940116 AllMilitaryNews 12/30/2009 6:52 AM (Army Times) Afghans insist NATO troops killed children: KABUL — The head of a pres.. #Military 7194919114 ReutersPolitics 12/30/2009 6:51 AM U.S. pledges $16 billion to train, equip Afghan army, says Kabul 7194864372 vermistverloren 12/30/2009 6:48 AM 'Buitenlandse troepen vermoordden Afghanen': KABUL - Uit een Afghaanse overheidsonderzoek is gebleken dat bui... 7194775480 YahooNoticias 12/30/2009 6:43 AM Investigadores: Niños asesinados por soldados en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - El líder de una delegación presidenci... 7194775638 BarraDeHerram 12/30/2009 6:43 AM Investigadores: Niños asesinados por soldados en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - El líder de una delegación presidenci... 7194765950 nongenderous 12/30/2009 6:43 AM RT @KChavda: Kabul, same view, 2009 - RT @ebertchicago 7194757667 nongenderous 12/30/2009 6:42 AM RT @KChavda: Kabul in 1969 - RT @ebertchicago 7194723588 rtsradio 12/30/2009 6:41 AM Afghan investigators: Children killed by troops - KABUL (AP) -- The head of a presidential delegation investiga... 7194708748 militaryupdates 12/30/2009 6:40 AM #Military_Times : Afghans insist NATO troops killed children: KABUL — The head of a presidential delegation inves... 7194658058 noujij 12/30/2009 6:37 AM 'Buitenlandse troepen vermoordden Afghanen': KABUL - Uit een Afghaanse overheidsonderzoek is gebleken dat buitenlan... 7194655487 nouwij 12/30/2009 6:37 AM 'Buitenlandse troepen vermoordden Afghanen': KABUL - Uit een Afghaanse overheidsonderzoek is gebleken dat buitenlan... 7194611410 contactjk 12/30/2009 6:35 AM JaHaPanA TuSi GrEaT Ho.. TOfaa KaBul kAroo... 7194605836 mcoRAa 12/30/2009 6:35 AM @baharateser Allah kabul etsin. Keşkekin bi özelliği var mı? 7194589644 HeyErnie 12/30/2009 6:34 AM Afghans insist NATO troops killed children: KABUL — The head of a presidential delegation investigating the death... 7194452045 sarperg 12/30/2009 6:27 AM MS Office Word Türkçe versiyonunun "geçmek" fiiliyle alıp veremediği nedir ya? "Geçtiğimiz" ve "geçerek" i kabul etmiyor.Geçerim bööle işe! 7194213689 SCUBAYAN 12/30/2009 6:15 AM Eskiden dilimin ucunda dediklerim simdi parmagimin ucunda anormal gunler geciriyoruz kabul 7194179395 MarineCorps 12/30/2009 6:13 AM Afghans insist NATO troops killed children: KABUL — The head of a presidential delegation investigating t.. 7194138862 2central_americ 12/30/2009 6:11 AM Afghans chant anti American slogans in Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2009, #america #2central 7194103964 Onayli 12/30/2009 6:09 AM @AYLINASLIM kabul ediyorum kötü espri:(ama şarkı güzel...ordan kurtardım galiba. 7194079016 ACMilan90 12/30/2009 6:07 AM RT @tthoro: Utrolig utvikling i Kabul. 1969: Samme i 2009: 7193957002 MuratAykul 12/30/2009 6:01 AM Bütün yılı öyle geçirmek için yılbaşına para sayarak girdi. Gerçekten de vergi dairesindeki veznedarlık işine kabul edildi 3 Ocak'ta... 7193935597 zweitansage 12/30/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 7193898247 marion1311 12/30/2009 5:57 AM Bitirme tezim için 6-7 Eylül 1955 ile ilgili röportaj yapmayı kabul eden,ermeni ya da rum tanıdklarınızı bana yönlendrn svp,sevgiler 7193866859 cubablogfeed 12/30/2009 5:55 AM Gobierno afgano asegura que tropas extranjeras mataron a civiles: KABUL, (AFP).- Una investigación del gobie... #Cuba 7193864015 stenm 12/30/2009 5:55 AM RT @tthoro: Utrolig utvikling i Kabul. 1969: Samme i 2009: 7193820655 MouthShut_com 12/30/2009 5:53 AM 4/5 Review on 3 Idiots by piyal.mukherjee : 3 Idiots... Tussi Great ho - Taufa kabul - 7193792678 adaletistiyorum 12/30/2009 5:51 AM •evliyim ve en yakın arkadaşimin eşi bana aşık..bunu iki sene sonra itiraf ettı kabul etmek istemedım ama nevarki konuşmaya basladık netten. 7193670677 adaletistiyorum 12/30/2009 5:44 AM kadınlar aldatıyor erkekler kabul ediyor erkek aldatması yalan bayanlar kuyruk sallıyor 7193667128 huysuzbalik 12/30/2009 5:44 AM @Yolagiden benim de takıntım var o konuda . Eleştirimi açık yureklilikle kabul ettiginiz için teşekkürler . 7193663363 rijnmond 12/30/2009 5:44 AM 'Buitenlandse troepen vermoordden Afghanen': KABUL - Uit een Afghaanse overheidsonderzoek is gebleken dat buitenlan... 7193607925 BarisOkur 12/30/2009 5:40 AM twitter benle bir başka güzel kabul edin :) heyecan geldi, zevk geldi, ben geldim hahahaha :)))) 7193557687 reistweets 12/30/2009 5:37 AM 'Buitenlandse troepen vermoordden Afghanen': KABUL - Uit een Afghaanse overheidsonderzoek is gebleken dat buitenlan... 7193526977 Kumbangh 12/30/2009 5:35 AM Pas ijab kabul??? RT @galantri: ra ya... mam&pa: pasti...didoain..semua lancar...(sambil memeluk) sy:menitikkan air mata 7193517464 luckfamousa 12/30/2009 5:35 AM RT: @zeigor: mhh, ok, here we go again with the kabul links: Kabul 1969: & Kabul 2009: 7193503861 farbwerte 12/30/2009 5:34 AM Met David from Canada in Varanasi. He is a photographer/teacher in Kabul. We talked about the idea bringing this project to Afghanistan. 7193394571 sowmyasundar 12/30/2009 5:27 AM Kushan empire lasted 300 yrs. Capital - 1st Kabul, then Peshawar (then called Purushapura). 7193389939 pr_ny_times 12/30/2009 5:27 AM A Shiite Ritual Returns to Kabul #postrank #ny_times 7193374398 cosmoweb 12/30/2009 5:26 AM Afghan investigators: Children killed by troops: KABUL (AP) -- The head of a presidential delegation investigat.. 7193340411 bnr 12/30/2009 5:24 AM 'Buitenlandse troepen vermoordden Afghanen': KABUL (ANP) - Uit een Afghaanse overheidsonderzoek is gebleken dat.. 7193336705 starzholic 12/30/2009 5:24 AM mau ta'ziah di mappanyukki,ntar kabul ke bakso Alam Indah ah(haha) 7193292152 nurhandemirel 12/30/2009 5:21 AM Habertürk'te canlı sokak röportajı yapıyorlar. Adamın biri: Bi seksüelim, ailem kabul etmiyor beni! diye dert yanıyor... 7193289943 eriopellep 12/30/2009 5:21 AM Avance: Gobierno afgano asegura que tropas extranjeras mataron a civiles : Kabul.- Una inves.. eriopelle.- 7193225945 TheBuGz 12/30/2009 5:17 AM Pak, Afghanistan and NATO military chiefs review security situation in tribal areas: Kabul, Dec. 30 : Senior milita... 7193149754 padster 12/30/2009 5:13 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7193147697 padster 12/30/2009 5:12 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7193061184 Khi 12/30/2009 5:07 AM Pak, Afghanistan and NATO military chiefs review security situation in tribal areas: Kabul, Dec. 30 : Senior milita... 7192974873 pauldettman 12/30/2009 5:02 AM Time to leave Afghanistan: Kabul is accusing US forces of the massacre of civilians. Whatever happened, we are not wanted there now. 7192936185 zweitansage 12/30/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 7192873325 slmtrz 12/30/2009 4:56 AM @omerfarukbesli Eevet ama @amedbaba bizi kabul etmeli. Yani tanımalı. Benim kabulüm. 7192757624 cobbe 12/30/2009 4:48 AM #Kabul in 1969: / Kabul, same view, 2009: 7192703142 mediacoder 12/30/2009 4:45 AM RT @zeigor: mhh, ok, here we go again with the kabul links: Kabul 1969: & Kabul 2009: 7192687324 lizva 12/30/2009 4:44 AM the decision: suffocate in a sunny greenhouse-like office or open the window and choke on the dusty kabul air. 7192678029 TheInfoSage 12/30/2009 4:43 AM News Updates: Pak, Afghanistan and NATO military chiefs review security situation in tribal areas: Kabul, Dec... 7192668942 swissbusiness 12/30/2009 4:43 AM RT @CNN: RT @fpleitgenCNN: For those who did not see our ordeal trying to find a Christmas tree for the Kabul office yet. ... 7192656371 fancypantz 12/30/2009 4:42 AM RT @zeigor: mhh, ok, here we go again with the kabul links: Kabul 1969: & Kabul 2009: 7192624966 andrewpmccarthy 12/30/2009 4:40 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7192622086 andrewpmccarthy 12/30/2009 4:40 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7192511509 TheNewsBlotter 12/30/2009 4:33 AM AP Int'l: Afghan investigators: Civilians killed by troops - KABUL (AP) -- The head of a presidential delegatio... 7192491558 alialkan 12/30/2009 4:31 AM @julidekocoglu yeni yıl dileklerini bugün kabul etmiyorum, yarın lütfen... :) haha :) 7192405870 mufirn 12/30/2009 4:26 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7192403405 mufirn 12/30/2009 4:26 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7192371947 urbandesire 12/30/2009 4:24 AM RT Entwicklung kann auch grausam sein. Kabul 1969 und 2009 (via @icedsoul) (via @ht82) 7192338701 ahguner 12/30/2009 4:22 AM @ntvmsnbc tebrikler Orhan Pamuk. son derece demokratik bir ifade. zaten bunların tersi bi düşünceye sahip olunca hain kabul ediliyorsun. 7192223228 mikesweezy 12/30/2009 4:14 AM Another busy, but relatively nice day in Kabul. This will be a challenging and growing experience. 7192163800 GeoNewsTweets 12/30/2009 4:11 AM World Hizb claims killing of two coalition troops: KABUL: The Hizb-e-Islami has claimed killing of two coalition so... 7192150046 KalbiminND 12/30/2009 4:10 AM @kalbiminnd Golden Retriver cinsi köpek itina ile hediye kabul edilir... :) 7192142457 ghensel 12/30/2009 4:09 AM RT @zeigor: mhh, ok, here we go again with the kabul links: Kabul 1969: & Kabul 2009: 7192141973 Shervin 12/30/2009 4:09 AM RT @zeigor: mhh, ok, here we go again with the kabul links: Kabul 1969: & Kabul 2009: 7192107757 zeigor 12/30/2009 4:07 AM mhh, ok, here we go again with the kabul links: Kabul 1969: & Kabul 2009: 7192031028 findmeabout 12/30/2009 4:02 AM About western afghanistan, italian troops, fire, afghan soldier, soldier killed: Kabul, Afghanistan (AHN) &.. 7191988659 zweitansage 12/30/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 7191961859 zeigor 12/30/2009 3:58 AM Compare: Kabul 1969 ( & Kabul 2009 ( 7191954786 mersingenc 12/30/2009 3:57 AM RT @Yolagiden: Yeni yılda siyasetçiler kuyu kazmasın rekabet zafer getirsin, kurumlar birbiriyle çatışmasın. Tüm dileklerinizi kabul olsun. 7191873212 scottbutler5 12/30/2009 3:52 AM RT @DanaHoule: RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7191871894 scottbutler5 12/30/2009 3:52 AM RT @DanaHoule: RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7191850424 Yolagiden 12/30/2009 3:51 AM Yeni yılda siyasetçiler kuyu kazmasın rekabet zafer getirsin, kurumlar birbiriyle çatışmasın. Tüm dileklerinizi kabul olsun. 7191847283 omerozdamar 12/30/2009 3:50 AM Aşk zamanı durdurmak ister, zaman kabul etmez. Zaman aşkı durdurmak ister ama aşk kabul etmez. 7191790304 analizmerkezi 12/30/2009 3:47 AM Genelkurmay, Jandarma İstihbarat ve Terörle Mücadele (JİTEM) adlı birimin varlığını yine kabul etmedi. 7191662144 fss13 12/30/2009 3:39 AM RT @ht82: Entwicklung kann auch grausam sein. Kabul 1969 und 2009 (via @icedsoul) 7191647570 Chalalu 12/30/2009 3:38 AM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.: 7191628518 emineozkan 12/30/2009 3:37 AM Yaşasın!! dualarım kabul olmaya başladı bile annem aşure yapmış :) 7191569048 dingstweets 12/30/2009 3:33 AM RT @icedsoul: RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7191564925 dingstweets 12/30/2009 3:33 AM RT @icedsoul: RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7191556639 shosho 12/30/2009 3:32 AM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.: 7191550778 rtsradio 12/30/2009 3:32 AM Afghan investigators: Civilians killed by troops - KABUL (AP) -- The head of a presidential delegation investig... 7191537647 mustafacem 12/30/2009 3:31 AM dünya gudik bi varlıktır kabul edelim 7191498208 ataozcelik 12/30/2009 3:29 AM @BiRi_ADSL SSG'yi kabul etmeniz lazımdı ikisi de aynı kişi biri nicki-diğeri adı.. 7191427927 _bertan_ 12/30/2009 3:24 AM @sporservisi UEFA finalinde Saraçoğlu rüştünü ispatladı diyenler. Bugün Fener stadını dışlıyor. ayrıca Trabzon'un olmaması kabul edilemez. 7191250533 meenaxydesign 12/30/2009 3:14 AM 状況の変化はさらに瞬間的で加速度的になるのかな??60年代のカブールの思い出話をしてくれた人を思い出した。Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.: 7191199479 serdarozcicek 12/30/2009 3:11 AM sirius gezegenine göçmenlik başvurusu yaptım ama kabul etmediler 7191066369 DiandraPrmth 12/30/2009 3:03 AM @demetraazalia kayaknya sih gituuu tp gatau deh huhu kacian :/ kalo kamu kabul nanti naik apaaaach? 7191050367 BL 12/30/2009 3:02 AM and - The same view of Kabul in 1969 and 2009 /via @ebertchicago 7191018231 Mom_Jobs 12/30/2009 3:00 AM Afghans Announce Spring Election (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette): KABUL, Afghanistan -- The Afghan government said Tu.. 7191004353 zweitansage 12/30/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 7191001582 himwiththecyst 12/30/2009 2:59 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7191000414 himwiththecyst 12/30/2009 2:59 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7190914608 YiitK 12/30/2009 2:54 AM pr'cılara duyurulur: melis alphan'ın tersine pahalı hediyeleri seve seve kabul edebilirim 7190900207 melisalphan 12/30/2009 2:53 AM @mehmettez Fakat senden hediye olarak bir uçak bileti kabul edebilirim, haberin olsun. Zira bu ödeyeceğimiz paraya THY'yle mis gibi uçardık 7190653990 al_qaeda_news 12/30/2009 2:40 AM World goat news: A road; highway No.16 from Islamabad to so called capital Kabul in south Armagh is closed following r... 7190575531 PscoManiaC 12/30/2009 2:35 AM @ZeynepKLs Bende aNLaMaDıM iğrenç bişiye Benziyor!... =)öLe arkadaş istek yolladı kabul ettim bende yaptım can sıkıntısı ne yaparsın! 7190404176 kimberly_star 12/30/2009 2:26 AM Yaaa beni niye kabul etmiyo yaaaaaaaaaaa 7190371635 BiRi_ADSL 12/30/2009 2:24 AM Sorular @biri_adsl'den sorulacak, cevaplar da @biri_adsl'e reply edilerek verilecek. Reply edilmeden verilen cevaplar kabul edilmez. 7190369760 senolkabil 12/30/2009 2:24 AM @melisalphan ben her türlü hediye kabul ederdim ya; ajanda bile gelmedi.. :))) 7190303099 uspoliticsnow 12/30/2009 2:21 AM Visiting congressmen tell Karzai to delay election or risk US aid: BY JIM HEINTZ AP KABUL, Afghanistan -- Congr.. 7190290077 selcak83 12/30/2009 2:20 AM RT @melisalphan: Pahalı hediye kabul etmiyorum. Bu böyle biline 7190270108 melisalphan 12/30/2009 2:19 AM Pahalı hediye kabul etmiyorum. Bu böyle biline 7190104093 denizkutsal 12/30/2009 2:11 AM Ülkemiz 2010 yılı Bütçesi kabul edildi ve alkış! yine bütçeden neredeyse en büyük payı diyanet alıyor.... [pic] 7190009073 m_yanagisawa 12/30/2009 2:06 AM Horrible! > Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.: 7190001187 Obamashitlist 12/30/2009 2:06 AM Civilian toll inflames Afghanistan|KABUL, Afghanistan -- As Afghanistan braces for tens of thousands of fresh .. 7189934176 sinembas_ 12/30/2009 2:02 AM günaydınn.. dualarım kabul oldu ve boğaz ağrım nezleye dönütü.. 7189874752 zweitansage 12/30/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 7189653333 NonProfitBlogs 12/30/2009 1:49 AM Kabul 1969 / 2009 in One Picture 7189444845 UpDogSports 12/30/2009 1:39 AM Gallery: Visit Skateistan: Meet the boys and girls of Kabul who find refuge from conflict in a new skateboarding park. 7189366922 GeoNewsTweets 12/30/2009 1:35 AM World Afghan civilian casualties up 10%: UN: KABUL: Civilian deaths in Afghanistan rose more than 10 percent in the... 7189239504 yeldyseptomiko 12/30/2009 1:29 AM Ljula tom. Ak nak maen bnana mbot agek tuh.hehe.Siapkela duet 160rbRT @To_warDo: mun uji tony kabul yee!!haha..oii melok nnton dk kw ye agk? 7189211612 haberler 12/30/2009 1:28 AM İnternethaber -- Eski paşalar kabul etti TSK yok diyor! 7188998580 minebal 12/30/2009 1:19 AM @mehmet15846 bunu bir iltifat olarak kabul etmek istiyorum :) gunaydin... 7188968399 To_warDo 12/30/2009 1:17 AM mun uji tony kabul yee!!haha..oii melok nnton dk kw ye agk?? RT @yeldyseptomiko Kabul apo kabur tom?? 7188939627 yeldyseptomiko 12/30/2009 1:16 AM Kabul apo kabur tom??RT @To_warDo: mandi..mandi..mau cabut nyemput si kaburrrrrrrr!?! 7188935665 mozikato 12/30/2009 1:16 AM Ülkemde böyle kabul görülen bir müzik çeşididir, Rap. Ha Türkiye de yapılır mı, orasının tartışılması lazım. Bence yapılmaz, uygun adam yok. 7188892000 ikarahma 12/30/2009 1:14 AM @twittaura @arif_dharma beneeerr !!lagi ngafalin ijab kabul ntr jaman aku yg baca ijab aku kayanya bkn rey *lhoo...hihihihihiii 7188861844 Haber24 12/30/2009 1:13 AM Eski paşalar kabul etti TSK yok diyor!: Eski paşalar kabul etti TSK yok diyor! Genelkurmay... 7188859010 Haber24 12/30/2009 1:13 AM Eski paşalar kabul etti TSK yok diyor! 7188611073 shiprab 12/30/2009 1:02 AM RT @ebertchicago - Kabul in 1969, - Kabul, same view, 2009 7188494357 CO2HOG 12/30/2009 12:57 AM Taliban courts more popular than 'corrupt' Karzai government in Afghanistan|Kabul, Dec. 30 : More and more .. 7188431419 arif_dharma 12/30/2009 12:54 AM @twittaura @ikarahma ijab kabul gak usah diapalin neeeengg. Ntar kan yg ngomong si rey. Hihihi 7188403706 cdr525 12/30/2009 12:53 AM Roger Ebert tweeted this. Kabul in 1969 versus 2009. Same location seperated by 40 years. 7188346610 mampdx 12/30/2009 12:51 AM MT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969; - Kabul, *same view*, 2009 // Holy crap. 7188308862 anandx 12/30/2009 12:49 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7188306403 anandx 12/30/2009 12:49 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7188227308 priyanka217 12/30/2009 12:45 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7188225929 priyanka217 12/30/2009 12:45 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7188133570 HumanityNews 12/30/2009 12:42 AM Blogpost: Kabul 1969 / 2009 in One Picture 7187854895 SandhuBhamra 12/30/2009 12:30 AM RT @mathewi RT @ebertchicago: Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - [via @fififofum] 7187737732 Radlein 12/30/2009 12:25 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 7187595201 ellenaz 12/30/2009 12:19 AM benarkah?? selamat ya vi :p RT @RiriNd: @Yuniqly wooowww...lagi ijab kabul vi?? :D 7187554271 DanaHoule 12/30/2009 12:18 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7187552110 DanaHoule 12/30/2009 12:18 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7187502674 shinka 12/30/2009 12:16 AM RT @Chetterb: RT @ebertchicago - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 7187429889 RiriNd 12/30/2009 12:13 AM @Yuniqly wooowww...lagi ijab kabul vi?? :D 7187402456 comonews 12/30/2009 12:12 AM Afghan police work helps women overcome barriers - KABUL — The young Afghan woman leaves home every morning wit... 7187119242 limemintcooler 12/30/2009 12:01 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7187115996 limemintcooler 12/30/2009 12:01 AM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7186626849 chiitraa 12/29/2009 11:42 PM What a complete class!ijab kabul pun ada!heheee @Rendi_Kain @pitriwiarini @yuditsaputra 7186595161 agentsdelfuturo 12/29/2009 11:41 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7186591960 agentsdelfuturo 12/29/2009 11:41 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7186577297 in_asia 12/29/2009 11:40 PM KABUL, Afghanistan — The Afghan government said Tuesday that it had reached a consensus to hold parliamentary e.. 7186447043 KChavda 12/29/2009 11:35 PM Kabul, same view, 2009 - RT @ebertchicago 7186429177 KChavda 12/29/2009 11:35 PM Kabul in 1969 - RT @ebertchicago 7186397177 metsgrrl 12/29/2009 11:33 PM @keithlaw honestly my dream trip was overland from london to kabul. but not in this lifetime. had friends who did it in the 60's. 7186360933 Michael_Fisher 12/29/2009 11:32 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 | - Kabul, same view, 2009 (via @VelvetHog) 7186115805 toastyken 12/29/2009 11:23 PM Via @ebertchicago: Kabul 1969: same view in 2009: 7185977470 POTUFSS 12/29/2009 11:18 PM Afghan kills U.S. soldier in shooting at military base|KABUL - An Afghan soldier opened fire on foreign troops .. 7185890846 babsalink 12/29/2009 11:15 PM @evdherberg 16th January Rory Stewarts winterguests will be repeated on Nederland 1 at 13.40. I worked with him in Kabul last year 7185750968 AMCAC09 12/29/2009 11:10 PM RT @tatn: Amazing & tragic RT @ebertchicago Kabul in 1969 same view, 2009 via @fififofum @mathewi 7185648721 lifeasdaddy 12/29/2009 11:06 PM Those last 2 Kabul pics were via @ebertchicago 7185636654 lifeasdaddy 12/29/2009 11:06 PM Kabul 1969 - reflective pool , Kabul 2009 same view, destroyed. 7185586598 a_picazo 12/29/2009 11:04 PM RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - 7185502086 fadge 12/29/2009 11:01 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7185444072 fadge 12/29/2009 10:59 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7185412551 tlupick 12/29/2009 10:58 PM RT @mathewi @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - via @fififofum 7185355837 tatn 12/29/2009 10:56 PM Amazing & tragic RT @ebertchicago Kabul in 1969 same view, 2009 via @fififofum @mathewi 7185205386 Darlyn1 12/29/2009 10:50 PM RT @ebertchicago: Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - [via @fififofum] <--no words 7185094553 bnmeeks 12/29/2009 10:47 PM RT @digiphile: Tragic. RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - same view in 2009 - [via @mathewi] 7185077807 gotb30 12/29/2009 10:46 PM RT @ebertchicago - Kabul, same view, 2009 // The change is shocking 7185068893 gotb30 12/29/2009 10:46 PM RT @ebertchicago - Kabul in 1969 7185019106 cornercase 12/29/2009 10:44 PM Tender beef and eggplant... So awesome! (@ Kabul Afghan Cuisine - Burlingame) 7184997920 Kincsem1874 12/29/2009 10:43 PM RT @Suntimes: Stunning: RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - 7184948311 jshell 12/29/2009 10:41 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7184917619 rocza 12/29/2009 10:40 PM Kabul 1969 & 2009 via @ebertchicago & @ilionblaze 7184846206 score670 12/29/2009 10:38 PM Wow, crazy RT @Suntimes: Stunning: RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - 7184829526 digiphile 12/29/2009 10:37 PM Tragic. RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - same view in 2009 - [via @fififofum @mathewi] 7184739737 HappiForever 12/29/2009 10:34 PM May even get to meet up later this summer. He suggested I come visit in Kabul.. it was a joke (largely anyway). 7184709818 dindaws 12/29/2009 10:33 PM wkwkwk ijab kabul pake bahasa arab 7184516440 mrspete 12/29/2009 10:26 PM RT @Suntimes: Stunning: RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - 7184456203 curioushobbyist 12/29/2009 10:24 PM RT @ebertchicago - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 7184439987 bderw 12/29/2009 10:24 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7184438025 bderw 12/29/2009 10:24 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7184406006 jeffreyplatts 12/29/2009 10:22 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7184404520 jeffreyplatts 12/29/2009 10:22 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7184040932 stephenaevans 12/29/2009 10:10 PM RT @mathewi: RT @ebertchicago: Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - [via @fififofum] 7184022896 jshell 12/29/2009 10:09 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7184001338 halostatue 12/29/2009 10:09 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7183998984 halostatue 12/29/2009 10:09 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7183925221 mathewi 12/29/2009 10:06 PM RT @ebertchicago: Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - [via @fififofum] 7183843766 fififofum 12/29/2009 10:03 PM Wow. RT @Suntimes: Stunning: RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - 7183783388 themindminer 12/29/2009 10:01 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7183781111 themindminer 12/29/2009 10:01 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7183714596 sighknot 12/29/2009 9:59 PM I'm at Kabul Afghan Cuisine - Burlingame (1101 Burlingame Ave, California Ave, Burlingame). 7183645539 marygazze 12/29/2009 9:57 PM So sad. RT @Suntimes RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - 7183562468 AlexParker 12/29/2009 9:54 PM RT @Suntimes: Stunning: RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - 7183550949 ryangastelum 12/29/2009 9:54 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7183524497 joshuaishere 12/29/2009 9:53 PM this is really outrageous // RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - 7183523786 summersterling 12/29/2009 9:53 PM Here's the Skateistan website, the skateboard school in Kabul, Afghanistan that's featured in that photo I tweeted abt 7183515210 arrowmustfly 12/29/2009 9:52 PM @ExecutiveEditor The photos of Kabul are heartwrenching. Recommended reading: The Bookseller of Kabul. 7183473037 Hess67 12/29/2009 9:51 PM RT @Suntimes: Stunning: RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - 7183457710 annie5050 12/29/2009 9:50 PM RT @Suntimes: Stunning: RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - 7183444570 aseaman06 12/29/2009 9:50 PM RT @Suntimes: Stunning: RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - 7183411734 executiveeditor 12/29/2009 9:49 PM Stunning: RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - (via @Suntimes) 7183387443 j_bacardi 12/29/2009 9:48 PM RT @Suntimes: Stunning: RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - 7183333674 djheather 12/29/2009 9:46 PM RT @Suntimes: Stunning: RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - 7183318337 samedelstein 12/29/2009 9:46 PM RT @Suntimes: Stunning: RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - 7183280671 kenlowery 12/29/2009 9:44 PM RT @Suntimes: Stunning: RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - 7183215002 Suntimes 12/29/2009 9:42 PM Stunning: RT @ebertchicago Kabul 1969 - - and same view in 2009 - 7183165712 roo_bee 12/29/2009 9:40 PM RT @kerim: Kabul in 1969 Kabul, same view, 2009 /via @ebertchicago (Photographer unknown?) 7183145794 aMMPh 12/29/2009 9:40 PM RT @richardengelnbc: #afghanistan.. yes.. kabul is a different world for women.. life in the villages is still similar to under the tali ... 7183085682 ilionblaze 12/29/2009 9:38 PM Kabul 1969 & 2009 via @ebertchicago 7183064203 andywhitedc 12/29/2009 9:37 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7183057745 andywhitedc 12/29/2009 9:37 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7182967539 mwnau 12/29/2009 9:34 PM RT @kerim: Kabul in 1969 Kabul, same view, 2009 /via @ebertchicago (Photographer unknown?) 7182922935 ds_patton 12/29/2009 9:32 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7182861165 ds_patton 12/29/2009 9:30 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7182813804 andrea317 12/29/2009 9:28 PM RT @ebertchicago - Kabul in 1969 // Heartbreaking. 7182786501 andrea317 12/29/2009 9:27 PM RT @ebertchicago - Kabul in 1969 7182646191 sparky 12/29/2009 9:22 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7182636518 Chetterb 12/29/2009 9:22 PM RT @ebertchicago - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 7182603653 sparky 12/29/2009 9:21 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7182385493 misscrowland 12/29/2009 9:13 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7182384404 misscrowland 12/29/2009 9:13 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7182357711 sarchet62 12/29/2009 9:12 PM RT @kerim: Kabul in 1969 Kabul, same view, 2009 /via @ebertchicago (Photographer unknown?) 7182284021 Okami0731 12/29/2009 9:10 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7182274650 Okami0731 12/29/2009 9:10 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7182258789 narents 12/29/2009 9:09 PM RT @Splurge24: RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 --- - Kabul, same view, 2009 7182147125 Devinho 12/29/2009 9:05 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7182145306 Devinho 12/29/2009 9:05 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7182108985 landlocked54 12/29/2009 9:04 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7182106172 landlocked54 12/29/2009 9:04 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7182050000 uthiehebadd 12/29/2009 9:02 PM @sukmaNEZinggita waduhh..saya taon 2012 sudah harus ijab kabul.. 7182010150 agonist 12/29/2009 9:01 PM RT @ebertchicago - Kabul, same view, 2009--that's insanity 7181995311 agonist 12/29/2009 9:00 PM RT @ebertchicago - Kabul in 1969 7181896254 kerim 12/29/2009 8:57 PM Kabul in 1969 Kabul, same view, 2009 /via @ebertchicago (Photographer unknown?) 7181762522 kerim 12/29/2009 8:53 PM @ebertchicago Where did you get those pictures of Kabul? My parents were there in the late 60s/early 70s and loved it… 7181741299 boredgirl260 12/29/2009 8:52 PM RT @dudeman718: RT - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 (via @ebertchicago)- just wow 7181738998 Bleubug 12/29/2009 8:52 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7181737421 poisond 12/29/2009 8:52 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7181735473 Bleubug 12/29/2009 8:52 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7181734237 poisond 12/29/2009 8:52 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7181678884 wildboy_keniya 12/29/2009 8:50 PM ♥Tumblr :  Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. My CLIP Blog Update 7181662077 SocProf 12/29/2009 8:49 PM posted "Kabul 1969 / 2009 in One Landscape": #sociology #sociotweets 7181654031 The_Tech_Update 12/29/2009 8:49 PM RT @dudeman718: - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 (via @ebertchicago) 7181590207 DutchDoscher 12/29/2009 8:47 PM - Kabul, same view, 2009 /via @ebertchicago 7181529628 Dreamer_ML 12/29/2009 8:45 PM RT @samiTunis: RT:@majed_zoghbi Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.c'est facile a reconnaitre si on suit les indications ... 7181523300 Suzl4 12/29/2009 8:44 PM @ebertchicago The same view of Kabul might have some sort of spyware attached to the website. Safari gave me a warning. 7181500353 samiTunis 12/29/2009 8:44 PM RT:@majed_zoghbi Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.c'est facile a reconnaitre si on suit les indications 7181475248 mattwunderle 12/29/2009 8:43 PM RT @ComfortablySmug: - Kabul in 1969 (via @ebertchicago) 7181469336 EqualGravity 12/29/2009 8:43 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7181453123 DutchDoscher 12/29/2009 8:42 PM - Kabul in 1969 /via @ebertchicago 7181450284 EqualGravity 12/29/2009 8:42 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7181433120 DutchDoscher 12/29/2009 8:42 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7181425023 jstreveln 12/29/2009 8:41 PM RT @dmiller23: RT @Misha1234: RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 7181421366 sylamore1 12/29/2009 8:41 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7181413252 dudeman718 12/29/2009 8:41 PM RT - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 (via @ebertchicago) 7181413669 silvanadifranco 12/29/2009 8:41 PM utterly surreal! RT @ComfortablySmug - Kabul in 1969 (via @ebertchicago) 7181412181 DutchDoscher 12/29/2009 8:41 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7181412305 sylamore1 12/29/2009 8:41 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7181352340 kientran 12/29/2009 8:39 PM Kinda sad really. RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 - - Kabul, same view, 2009 7181333353 MsSarahRose 12/29/2009 8:38 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7181328778 MsSarahRose 12/29/2009 8:38 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7181236402 astrodad 12/29/2009 8:35 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969. - Kabul, same view, 2009. 7181168134 rueclergirl 12/29/2009 8:33 PM RT @Misha1234: RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 || Unbelievable 7181139801 Shugah 12/29/2009 8:32 PM WOW! RT @Misha1234: RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 7181122638 okkyunglee 12/29/2009 8:31 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7181121220 okkyunglee 12/29/2009 8:31 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7181096031 majed_zoghbi 12/29/2009 8:30 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.c'est facile a reconnaitre si on suit les indications 7181094020 bumblebums 12/29/2009 8:30 PM RT @ebertchicago: Kabul in 1969 - | Kabul same view, 2009 - || this is so sad 7181092043 ht82 12/29/2009 8:30 PM Entwicklung kann auch grausam sein. Kabul 1969 und 2009 (via @icedsoul) 7181081804 jimnnoke 12/29/2009 8:30 PM RT @Misha1234 @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 7181059008 jay_barber 12/29/2009 8:29 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7181056870 jay_barber 12/29/2009 8:29 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7181044121 girlfuturist 12/29/2009 8:29 PM @ebertchicago Kabul before/after pics - Amazing, but who are the WASPy looking people? 7181041637 crieger 12/29/2009 8:29 PM RT @icedsoul: RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7181040075 crieger 12/29/2009 8:29 PM RT @icedsoul: RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7181035023 Uncucumbered 12/29/2009 8:28 PM RT @Misha1234: RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 7181031143 dmiller23 12/29/2009 8:28 PM RT @Misha1234: RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 7181020711 phillygirl1441 12/29/2009 8:28 PM RT @Misha1234 RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 7181015660 jimmel 12/29/2009 8:28 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7181013055 jimmel 12/29/2009 8:28 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7180996514 jagibson 12/29/2009 8:27 PM RT @ebertchicago - Kabul, same view, 2009 7180976851 jagibson 12/29/2009 8:26 PM RT @ebertchicago - Kabul in 1969 7180973598 hazimiai 12/29/2009 8:26 PM Yael Fischer: Amid Afghanistan's Turmoil, Farmers Learn And Thrive: I went to Kabul in order to work with Globa.. 7180963945 Michaeldmanley 12/29/2009 8:26 PM - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 /via @ebertchicago 7180949051 JamilSmith 12/29/2009 8:25 PM RT @allisonkilkenny: Kabul in 1969:, Same view, 2009: (Via @ebertchicago) 7180937130 KaylieJones 12/29/2009 8:25 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7180934826 KaylieJones 12/29/2009 8:25 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7180933976 postracialist 12/29/2009 8:25 PM RT @allisonkilkenny: Kabul in 1969:, Same view, 2009: (Via @ebertchicago) 7180921904 curtisandrews 12/29/2009 8:25 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7180918298 deformedcoffee 12/29/2009 8:24 PM - Kabul, same view, 2009 (via @ebertchicago)WTF? That's terrible! 7180918261 curtisandrews 12/29/2009 8:24 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7180900840 deformedcoffee 12/29/2009 8:24 PM - Kabul in 1969 (via @ebertchicago)>>>Seriously? o_O 7180885407 DomBologna 12/29/2009 8:23 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7180883708 gastropoda 12/29/2009 8:23 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7180883777 DomBologna 12/29/2009 8:23 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7180882286 AltarsofRadness 12/29/2009 8:23 PM RT @ebertchicago - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 7180882309 londyjamel 12/29/2009 8:23 PM COMPARISON: Kabul in 1969 vs. Kabul, same view, 2009 (via @ebertchicago) RT @jamilsmith 7180869504 intrepidblue 12/29/2009 8:23 PM RT @laurenoostveen: RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 - Kabul, same view, 2009 7180856631 Shawnte 12/29/2009 8:22 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7180854376 Shawnte 12/29/2009 8:22 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7180846279 loganberrybooks 12/29/2009 8:22 PM - Kabul, same view, 2009 (via @ebertchicago) 7180846423 HansRodriguez 12/29/2009 8:22 PM [Kabul Zoo provides a haven -- for humans][ GIVE 7180841133 loganberrybooks 12/29/2009 8:22 PM - Kabul in 1969 (via @ebertchicago) 7180822829 bpeveril 12/29/2009 8:21 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7180821540 bpeveril 12/29/2009 8:21 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7180816874 HeferDust 12/29/2009 8:21 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 .... - Kabul, same view, 2009 #p2 #tcot 7180813591 mckayslife 12/29/2009 8:21 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7180812151 mckayslife 12/29/2009 8:21 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7180809004 kierankelly 12/29/2009 8:21 PM Wow. RT @ebertchicago Kabul in 1969 ttp:// Kabul, same view, 2009 ttp:// 7180799118 Splurge24 12/29/2009 8:20 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 --- - Kabul, same view, 2009 7180789823 drewishdrewid 12/29/2009 8:20 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul, same view, 2009 7180786344 drewishdrewid 12/29/2009 8:20 PM RT @ebertchicago: - Kabul in 1969 7180786425 OpenBookJen 12/29/2009 8:20 PM RT @allisonkilkenny Kabul in 1969: Same view, 2009: (Via @ebertchicago) 7180784366 Innocentamanda 12/29/2009 8:20 PM - Kabul, same view, 2009 /via @ebertchicago 7180777652 Lambretta_Lady 12/29/2009 8:20 PM RT @ebertchicago - Kabul in 1969 - - Kabul, same view, 2009 > Afghan parliament vote must be held on time: palace: KABUL .. Best Regards AYKubik 7160736900 tafintel 12/29/2009 8:45 AM The horses in Kabul... they are starving - it's frustrating. 7160705031 JMOKC 12/29/2009 8:44 AM RT @sandgram: Karzai: Students die in coalition fighting: KABUL — Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Monday said 10.. ... 7160628708 tafintel 12/29/2009 8:41 AM @timkilbridedc where in Iraq? I think you should come to Kabul... hang out with me! 7160615388 informazione 12/29/2009 8:40 AM Soldato afghano spara "apposta" Morto soldato Usa, feriti due italiani: Fonte: La Repubblica KABUL - "Non si tratt... 7160144533 CarlosCalazans 12/29/2009 8:21 AM KABUL ANTES E DEPOIS 7160124661 KimBomin 12/29/2009 8:20 AM Afghan parliament vote must be held on time: palace: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan parliamentary elections must b... #Korea 7159970281 putrips_ab 12/29/2009 8:14 AM tp kayanya gak ke kabul deh kalo lu doain nama orgnya salah -__- @fikarkar 7159743363 alexi_remus 12/29/2009 8:04 AM ~ 1.5 2 hafta önce paylaşmiştim galiba çok istek mesaj geldi .Amin Diyen Kullarinin Dualarini Kabul et Rabbim... 7159717351 ferhancapraz 12/29/2009 8:03 AM Özkökün son yazısı çölaşanınkiyle kıyaslama bile kabul etmiyordu. Allah Allah nerden icap etti de gitti??? 7159673231 AllMilitaryNews 12/29/2009 8:01 AM (Army Times) Karzai sends team to probe student death claim: KABUL — President Hami.. #Military 7159626624 zweitansage 12/29/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 7159600646 AllMilitaryNews 12/29/2009 7:58 AM RT @WOTN IJC Operational Update, Dec. 28, 2009: ISAF Joint Command Courtesy Story 12.28.2009 KABUL.. #SOT 7159424262 oytunciftci 12/29/2009 7:50 AM @MesSude valla iste, kabul edilebilcek bir durum.. cunku yalnıslık.. bir sonra ki linkten anlamıssınızdır yalnıslıgı sanırım. :) 7159232431 Wjbc 12/29/2009 7:42 AM Schock meets with Afghan president in Kabul #fb 7159161836 armyAfghanistan 12/29/2009 7:39 AM Better pay boosts morale in Afghan army: KABUL — Amal is in the final weeks of his basic training and says he dre... 7159123851 fatinkiddo 12/29/2009 7:37 AM Bukan nya lu punya cewe bas ? Nah tinggal ijab kabul tuh. RT @abasoo: Nyari orangnya susah RT @fatinkiddo: Kawin apa bas! Gampil! RT @abasoo 7159113923 WildanRidwan 12/29/2009 7:36 AM @NadyaPS ibunya tau? udah langsung ijab kabul 7159030679 w2k3 12/29/2009 7:32 AM Kullanıcı oluştururken verdiğim şifreyi kabul etmiyor.: windows cannot set the password for sekreter because: ... 7159000166 bigal72212 12/29/2009 7:31 AM Kabul Zoo provides a haven -- for humans -- - 7158991289 SCUBAYAN 12/29/2009 7:31 AM @serhanozden serhan twitterin nobetcisi sen nzmn uyudun uyandin basari budur arkadas ltfn tebriklerimi ve takdirlerimi kabul et :) 7158927839 bigal72212 12/29/2009 7:28 AM [Kabul Zoo provides a haven -- for humans][,0,3660902.story] 7158805049 Jankovitch 12/29/2009 7:22 AM Kabul 40 years ago vs Kabul today ~ 7158804702 jeanschwarz 12/29/2009 7:22 AM ser fotografado dentro de um American Army Humvees (blindado), Corolla entre o Iraq e Kabul. 7158786969 militaryworld 12/29/2009 7:21 AM Better pay boosts morale in Afghan army: KABUL — Amal is in the final weeks of his basic training and says he dre... 7158744379 arsnovaa 12/29/2009 7:19 AM kabul ne lan diyesim var 7158702920 Mike0616 12/29/2009 7:17 AM Kabul, then and now... 7158699729 BurnNoticeFan1 12/29/2009 7:17 AM Afghan intelligence: Four arrested in attack on deputy spy chief: By : dpa Kabul - Afghan agents arrested four mili... 7158546676 _GuiReisBH_ 12/29/2009 7:09 AM Tenso! RT @CaixaPretta: Kabul, capital do Afeganistão ANTES e DEPOIS - - #kaboom 7158531276 Johsemi 12/29/2009 7:08 AM RT: @CaixaPretta: Kabul, capital do Afeganistão ANTES e DEPOIS - - #kaboom 7158453848 joamot30 12/29/2009 7:04 AM RT @CaixaPretta: Kabul, capital do Afeganistão ANTES e DEPOIS - - #kaboom 7158426546 CaixaPretta 12/29/2009 7:03 AM Kabul, capital do Afeganistão ANTES e DEPOIS - - #kaboom 7158352717 zweitansage 12/29/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 7158338402 Divinipotent 12/29/2009 6:59 AM Bu -de -da'ları -mı -mu'ları ayıramayan dangalakların hiçbir mazereti tarafımdan kabul edilmez. Yerim hepsinin dünya kültürlerini, bitti... 7158290399 fhmrt 12/29/2009 6:56 AM kimsenin suçu yok tanrı bile kabul etmedi duaları... 7158251640 tittoantony 12/29/2009 6:54 AM @teatattler Ya bt I was in Kabul 4 5 yrs & I got this indulgence frm there bt when I read abt it's advantage I bcome fan of it & using daily 7158211215 Nejat_Alp_ella 12/29/2009 6:52 AM ama şunu da kabul etmek lazım ki galiba, ertuurul herşeyine rağmen (rahmetli) çetin emeç'ten sivillik ve demokratlık anlamında daha iyiydi. 7158174481 arathorn35 12/29/2009 6:50 AM RT @GreenpeaceTR: Greenpeace'in kuruldugu gunden bu yana tum dunyada SADECE bireysel destekleri kabul ettigini biliyor muydunuz? 7158163892 CenterdinSEA 12/29/2009 6:50 AM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $2 with promo code: CHEER #seattle 7158055745 jimluce 12/29/2009 6:44 AM Huffpost - Goldman Sachs initiative “10,000 Women” - giving bus. edu.. Andeisha Farid, head of Kabul orphanage, is 1. 7157937774 randush 12/29/2009 6:38 AM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today 7157783542 SonDakikaHaberi 12/29/2009 6:29 AM Myanmar 30 sene öcesine ait probleme çözüm sunarak, 9000 Bangladeşli mülteciyi geri almayı kabul etti.- Reuters India 7157767435 itaatsiz 12/29/2009 6:29 AM 4- TSK ile ilgili herhangi bir iddia gündeme geldiğinde, genelkurmay başkanlarının boş beleş açıklamalarını ayet gibi kabul eden zavallılar. 7157729845 ambrosin 12/29/2009 6:26 AM Militare afghano apre il fuoco. Feriti due italiani, ucciso un americano: Redazione KABUL - Due militari italiani s... 7157729622 dazebao 12/29/2009 6:26 AM Militare afghano apre il fuoco. Feriti due italiani, ucciso un americano: Redazione KABUL - Due militari italiani s... 7157398134 Yolagiden 12/29/2009 6:08 AM @obasturk Genel bir soru olarak kabul ediyor ve cevap veriyorum:. Evde televizyon başında.:)) 7157361964 atayaya 12/29/2009 6:06 AM @dellaerdia emng srius mnusia hewan itu. hewan mnaa yg ada ijab kabul. lngsung nyerobot aja dy mamen. hahaa 7157247803 zweitansage 12/29/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 7157193235 runres 12/29/2009 5:56 AM @atilganbayar Enis Berberoğlunun böyle birşeyi kabul edeceğini sanmıyorum, öyle birşey olsa Eyüp Can gelirdi! 7157190462 sokakkedisi 12/29/2009 5:56 AM kabul etmek gerekir ki mutual friends bir facebook hizmetidir. hiç tanımadığım insanlarla ordan burdan ortak arkadaşım çıkmasının hastasıyım 7157173319 fenegitimicom 12/29/2009 5:55 AM TÜBİTAK 1001 programına 2009 yılı Eylül döneminde (2. dönem) sunduğumuz proje kabul edildi. 7157089455 filozzoff 12/29/2009 5:50 AM 2. Özgürlük zorunluluğun kabul edilmesi midir?: Stoacılık veya spinozacılık gibi zorunluluk felsefesine gö... 7156840413 noujij 12/29/2009 5:35 AM Meer burgerdoden in Afghanistan in 2009: KABUL - In de oorlog in Afghanistan zijn in de eerste tien maanden van 2... 7156836015 nouwij 12/29/2009 5:35 AM Meer burgerdoden in Afghanistan in 2009: KABUL - In de oorlog in Afghanistan zijn in de eerste tien maanden van 2... 7156828734 vermistverloren 12/29/2009 5:34 AM Meer burgerdoden in Afghanistan in 2009: KABUL - In de oorlog in Afghanistan zijn in de eerste tien maanden... 7156766569 tiestito 12/29/2009 5:30 AM @itaatsiz abi zaten hep inkar etmekle, bir $eyleri göz ardı etmekle birikmiyor mu sorunlar. bu da öyle i$te. on yıl sonra kabul edilir. 7156713965 fuzzy_person 12/29/2009 5:27 AM Designer çanta takıp, topuklu ayakkabı giyen beşiktaş semalarındaki çarşaflı hanım kızımız, ben seni böyle kabul ediyorum 7156622951 CouponSpy 12/29/2009 5:22 AM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $2 with promo code: CHEER #seattle 7156447393 srdrsmsk 12/29/2009 5:11 AM @MesSude tabi sen hiç 1 saat artist bi memur yüzünden beklemediğin için bilemezsin halimizi (: bu ayrımcılılk kabul etmiyorum :p 7156401447 habercimurat 12/29/2009 5:08 AM daha anlamayan varsa, followers'a yanıt vermemeyi bir şeref ve üstünlük meselesi olarak kabul eden birileri varsa güle güle 7156381970 POTUFSS 12/29/2009 5:07 AM NATO acknowledges deaths in Afghanistan|Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- NATO officials on Tuesday admitted that a .. 7156356140 Obamashitlist 12/29/2009 5:05 AM NATO acknowledges deaths in Afghanistan|Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- NATO officials on Tuesday admitted that a .. 7156319700 hardeternal 12/29/2009 5:03 AM @aksoyoglu o ne demek ya sen konuşma filan gelirsem konuşurum ben:) dış kapı mandal durumunu kabul edemem üzgünüm :D 7156265477 zweitansage 12/29/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 7155858035 omerozdamar 12/29/2009 4:34 AM Ertuğrul Özkök 20 yıl krallıktan sonra kazasker olmayı kabul etmesi bence hem etik değil değil hem de anti-karizmatiktir... 7155681111 BNR_Nieuwsradio 12/29/2009 4:22 AM Meer burgerdoden in Afghanistan in 2009: KABUL (ANP) - In de oorlog in Afghanistan zijn in de eerste tien maanden... 7155520297 umrankamar 12/29/2009 4:12 AM Piyangoya cikma teklif ediyorum. Umarim kabul eder! 7155516535 gecceorg 12/29/2009 4:12 AM 7155471782 AErdiner 12/29/2009 4:09 AM Kadın olmak, Dissosiyatif kişilik bozukluğunun en kabul edilebilir halidir... 7155458374 fallikosman 12/29/2009 4:08 AM kozmik'in ankara'da semt ismi olması kabul edilmiş. 7155314812 zweitansage 12/29/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 7155224986 picvi 12/29/2009 3:54 AM Kabul 40 Years Ago Vs. Kabul Now (2 pics)- Here’s what the capital of Afghanistan looked like 40 years ago.Look h... 7155220361 IZISMILE 12/29/2009 3:53 AM Kabul 40 Years Ago Vs. Kabul Now (2 pics): Here’s what the capital of Afghanistan looked like 40 years ago.Look h... 7155220478 thikal 12/29/2009 3:53 AM Kabul 40 Years Ago Vs. Kabul Now (2 pics): Here’s what the capital of Afghanistan looked like 40 years ago.Look h... 7155175400 cebrailas 12/29/2009 3:51 AM Muhammed, pi'yi hiçbir zaman 3 olarak kabul etmedi. manyak mısınız lan? 7155113888 peacebob 12/29/2009 3:47 AM Got off phone with buddy in Liberia; FB comments 2 Kabul and comic posted by bud in San's to Global Connectivity 7155006994 uygarer 12/29/2009 3:40 AM @Cimis haklısın ;) kabul ediyorum... bilge senin yüzünden anlaşılmaz oldum... 7154994382 MesSude 12/29/2009 3:39 AM @GabrielPeri ahahhaa :) ederiz ederiz :) yoluğunuzda kabul sayısı 5e çıktı:) benden 1. kabulünüzz :) 7154971776 hokandurmus 12/29/2009 3:38 AM Kabul edilen bir yanlışlık, kazanılmış bir zaferdir. 7154918916 business_matt 12/29/2009 3:35 AM NATO acknowledges deaths in Afghanistan: Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- NATO officials on Tuesday admitted that a .. 7154759448 berkguler 12/29/2009 3:25 AM X'e sorarsın: Sen X misin?X: Hayır hayat kadınıyım.Sen bilirsin aslında ne olduğunu yüzüne bakarken ama kabul etmez kimse ahlaksızlığını.. 7154582724 ilterkalkanci 12/29/2009 3:15 AM @yektakopan ben banyo küvetimde rahatlamayı tercih ederim. Dünya'yı böyle kabul edelim ve sevelim bence :) 7154516757 Rajoka 12/29/2009 3:11 AM *WORLD (AP)* Ten Afghan civilians, including schoolchildren, killed in Kabul. *Nine people, including six children, die in a Mississippi apa 7154377091 zehirlihafiye 12/29/2009 3:03 AM Mesele rujsa önemli olan renk değil, Tanrı'nın, dudaklarınızın bittiği yer konusundaki nihai kararını kabul edebilmektir. 7154303287 zweitansage 12/29/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 7154268103 rickyjosh 12/29/2009 2:58 AM bagus deh kmu ud d kmpus..b'arti doa aku t'kabul..hehe..wekk.. RT @nessiechi: Udh di kampus jg sii.wekk.kmu nyebelin.huhh. 7154262726 emreozucoskun 12/29/2009 2:57 AM @erolyildiz ahah iyiydi ama kabul et 7154219179 GwanSHJ 12/29/2009 2:55 AM 멍하니 쳐다본 사진 한 장. 제목은 kabul의 40년전과 현재 7153893313 simply_funny 12/29/2009 2:38 AM Kabul, Afghanistan: Kabul, Afghanistan 7153892270 simply_funny 12/29/2009 2:38 AM Funny Pictures: Kabul, Afghanistan 7153271644 itamena 12/29/2009 2:07 AM really would like to see Kabul covered under a thick white blanket of pure snow. Really looking forward to my second winter here :) 7153238967 mastiask 12/29/2009 2:06 AM Kabul 40 Years Ago and Now 7153130246 Esmayakut 12/29/2009 2:00 AM @metinarolat kesinlikle metin arolat sarkilardan haber vermeli..En az "dert degil" sarkısı kadar içimize işleyen ve en az "kabul et" albumu 7153122988 cek_yasasi 12/29/2009 2:00 AM Çek Mağdurları ses yazısına Admin tarafından yapılan yorumlar - elden verilebilir. ama bazı yerlerde kabul ed... 7153123024 AYSE_ARMAN 12/29/2009 2:00 AM Çek Mağdurları ses yazısına Admin tarafından yapılan yorumlar - elden verilebilir. ama bazı yerlerde kabul ed... 7153107989 zweitansage 12/29/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 7152950029 shkupipress 12/29/2009 1:52 AM Kabul: Karzai i dënon vrasjet e civilëve 7152902718 djmabbas 12/29/2009 1:50 AM the boat that rocked kabul çok eğlenceli.tamam ben de müzik için yaşıyorum,ölürüm de.ama film fazlasıyla "poser".her şeyi çok göze sokmuş 7152210890 uppaljs 12/29/2009 1:18 AM beautiful day in #kabul today! 7151908791 unid3ntifi3d 12/29/2009 1:04 AM @kukuh_h_i pak kabul ikhu sopo? 7151613907 onurdegerli 12/29/2009 12:52 AM @ruhokuzu tmm kabul chrome daha hızlı ama firefox a da küfür edilmesini istemem yaniiiii :) 7151600701 qhuram03 12/29/2009 12:51 AM Hi all! Kabul 40 Years Ago and Now just got published: 7151203699 HTGazete 12/29/2009 12:34 AM Çin, İngiliz vatandaşını idam etti: Gordon Brown, Şaik'in bağışlanması taleplerinin kabul edilmemesi içi... 7150982836 kukuh_h_i 12/29/2009 12:25 AM Tadi habis lihat Pak Kabul jualan bakso jadi pengen... 7150866563 canadacomTravel 12/29/2009 12:21 AM Travel Photo of the Day: In the streets of old Kabul #travel #photo 7150586733 therepublicnews 12/29/2009 12:10 AM Pence visits soldiers in Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan - The U.S. military will have the manpower, resources .. 7149255413 Ziarecom_actual 12/28/2009 11:20 PM Presa de azi: Kalasnikov de Ciorogarla pentru opium de Kabul 7148711380 ndaabebrina 12/28/2009 11:01 PM Ciieeee imsskyyyRT @imaland: Bisa aja nih si @ardhamarlock. Kl ijab kabul mah udah sangat tidak teratasi, huss jgn bikin gossip!!! X) 7148285569 ABTwits 12/28/2009 10:48 PM "Jahapana tussi gr8 ho, tohafa kabul ho......." 7148226255 sabineas 12/28/2009 10:46 PM kabul 40 anos atras e agora - / triste. 7147837684 imaland 12/28/2009 10:33 PM Bisa aja nih si @ardhamarlock. Kl ijab kabul mah udah sangat tidak teratasi, huss jgn bikin gossip!!! X) 7147318382 ardhamarlock 12/28/2009 10:16 PM RT @imaland: Deg-deg-an tak teratasii.kayak mau ijab kabul aja lo?hahahaha.. 7146949054 mtadude 12/28/2009 10:04 PM Schock talks war strategy in Kabul|Afghan leaders told a congressional delegation a premature withdrawal of U.S. .. 7146442652 ozanyalcin 12/28/2009 9:47 PM sınava herkesin son gun 2 3 saat calısıp sonra herkesin senden yuksek alması. kabul ediyorum herkes ubermansch (dogru yazmısımdır insallah) 7146431877 Annisatangent 12/28/2009 9:47 PM RT @rahadianrizky: takdil gw jd olang CADEL RT @Annisatangent: kasian RT@mucia: @rahadianrizky Eh kalo ijab kabul nanti kan halus lancal 7145907840 EZF_TopPolitics 12/28/2009 9:30 PM RT @barbaran61: rt @bbcworld Eyewitnesses recall Soviet seizure of Kabul in 1979 7145391865 pjstar 12/28/2009 9:13 PM Schock talks war strategy in Kabul 7145339852 spradling 12/28/2009 9:11 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. 7145121092 mtadude 12/28/2009 9:04 PM Allies warned time is running out in Afghanistan|KABUL - As the U.S. and its allies try to overcome logistical .. 7144964350 sboucher 12/28/2009 8:59 PM Kabul 40 years ago and today [PIC] (via @digg) 7144887114 TTBL 12/28/2009 8:57 PM Allies warned time is running out in Afghanistan|KABUL - As the U.S. and its allies try to overcome logistical .. 7144877878 CO2HOG 12/28/2009 8:57 PM Allies warned time is running out in Afghanistan|KABUL - As the U.S. and its allies try to overcome logistical .. 7144778357 dougdunfee 12/28/2009 8:53 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.: 7144042485 eksiduyuru 12/28/2009 8:29 PM Manhattan'da Bir Öğrenci: Yaz stajı için Rockefeller Uni'den kabul alma sevincim orda nasıl barınacağım ya da geçineceğim konu... 7143561984 cuttlefishtech 12/28/2009 8:14 PM RT @brzaik: Paghman Gardens in Kabul...before and after years of religion-fueled warfare. Chilling. ( 7143487011 Aby_Ummy 12/28/2009 8:11 PM Lagi, Tentara Salibis Inggris Akhiri Riwayat Hidupnya Di Afghanistan - Berita: KABUL ( - Salah seo.. 7143353255 MyProps 12/28/2009 8:07 PM - Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. [reddit pics] 7142601791 enterindia 12/28/2009 7:41 PM One who bats as if needing to catch the last plane out of Kabul 7142444021 zey0zey 12/28/2009 7:36 PM bi isteğimde var.insanlar kakalarının renklerini ver ter kokularının kokusunu kendileri belirlemeliler ! tamam.iyice iğrençleştim.kabul. 7142349545 gokhanpala 12/28/2009 7:33 PM Bi insan özünde kötü biri olduğunu kabul ediyorsa,gerçekten kötü müdür? 7142013511 idalia_potter 12/28/2009 7:21 PM Time is running out in Afghanistan intelligence officials say ...: KABUL — As the US and its allies try to overco... 7142012368 earlloyal 12/28/2009 7:21 PM Time is running out in Afghanistan intelligence officials say ...: KABUL — As the US and its allies try to overco... 7142012531 bondborisy 12/28/2009 7:21 PM Time is running out in Afghanistan intelligence officials say ...: KABUL — As the US and its allies try to overco... 7142011956 kacy_dyami 12/28/2009 7:21 PM Time is running out in Afghanistan intelligence officials say ...: KABUL — As the US and its allies try to overco... 7142011047 MableviumPaDe 12/28/2009 7:21 PM Time is running out in Afghanistan intelligence officials say ...: KABUL — As the US and its allies try to overco... 7142010494 hamako27 12/28/2009 7:21 PM Time is running out in Afghanistan intelligence officials say ...: KABUL — As the US and its allies try to overco... 7141936345 sachyyyy 12/28/2009 7:18 PM Hpy b'day k'koeneng cayank, wish u all the best ya kak, smga apapun yg kakak inginkan t'kabul,, Gbu,,!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 7141734102 bbkld5 12/28/2009 7:11 PM from @dotlizard on plurk: Kabul then and now... 7141517233 uchiie 12/28/2009 7:04 PM In ur dream hahaRT @vidiherfiangga: Saya tetaplah rangga...RT @Uchiie: @vidiherfiangga dsr lu kabul haaha tessy doong 7141234644 uchiie 12/28/2009 6:54 PM @vidiherfiangga dsr lu kabul haaha tessy doong 7141073498 StrayOrthopod 12/28/2009 6:48 PM I have nothing to say... -- Kabul 40 Years Ago Vs. Kabul Today 7140962476 dotlizard 12/28/2009 6:44 PM Kabul: 40 years ago vs. today (discussion: 7140443588 ayajanchi 12/28/2009 6:25 PM kabul 40 years ago compared to today. 7139872517 fcesposito 12/28/2009 6:05 PM #musicmonday kabul shit 7139577284 dilaraipekce 12/28/2009 5:55 PM :)) Ne yazık ki senin dışında 5 kişi daha olması gerekiyor..Eğer kabul edersen e-.. 7139207980 aycaeken 12/28/2009 5:42 PM problemin çözümünü kolaylaştırmak için eriyik plastiğin bulunduğu haznenin şeklini silindir kabul etmek problemi kolaylaştırmıyor 7138985145 TracyEMcGovern 12/28/2009 5:34 PM Just received Kabul 24 in the mail. Will be watching it A.S.A.P. 7138919924 besak 12/28/2009 5:31 PM @eliphs şu saatleri ayın 29 diye kabul edip.. 24 gün kaldı diorum:) ve uykuya gidiyoruuum! 7138807091 abagis 12/28/2009 5:27 PM Ezelist arkadaslar.kabul edelim bu aksamki bolum kotuydu.retorik de fazla agdali, gereginden cok ve soyuttu.ramiz dayi sahaya yumruk havaya 7138759252 allahcc 12/28/2009 5:26 PM @saorhan bütün duaları kabul etseydik, bruce almighty' deki tablo ortaya çıkardı. 7138548743 candymasblog 12/28/2009 5:18 PM RT @taberna_de_moe 187.¿Capital de afganistan? Kabul 7138530860 taberna_de_moe 12/28/2009 5:18 PM > @GerardoMitre acertó con: "Kabul" Nuevo Score: 10/200/200 Week/Mes/Total 7138507522 gerardomitre 12/28/2009 5:17 PM @taberna_de_moe Kabul 7138436449 ErtugrulDanaci 12/28/2009 5:14 PM @mustafaoztrk Allah kabul etsin ustad:) 7138276783 badkarmacore 12/28/2009 5:09 PM 'Time is running out' in Afghanistan, intelligence officials say (McClatchy News: McClatchy Newspapers - KABUL... 7138264008 aamet87 12/28/2009 5:08 PM @yektakopan en klişe: 'SENEYE GÖRÜŞÜRÜZ' (her yılbaşı gecesi bunu söyleyen biri çıkar) kabul ediyorum ilkokuldayken ben de söylerdim!!! 7138142729 MrKoray 12/28/2009 5:04 PM yeni gmail adresim isteyen ekleyebilir...kabul ederim merak etmeyin..:)) 7138017464 zweitansage 12/28/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 7137797269 ercanerco 12/28/2009 4:52 PM @alialkan hadi canım güldün kabul et:PP 7137792448 hacktivism 12/28/2009 4:52 PM 'Afghan Civilians Killed' in US/Nato Military Operations; School Children Among Dead: KABUL – Ten civilians, mo.. 7137417243 ekinella 12/28/2009 4:38 PM @Posos Ben 4 senedir 29'dayım tatlım. Sen gel 2010'u kabul et. Et ki tatlı tatlı gelsin. 7137315401 NhrErd 12/28/2009 4:35 PM RT @Tweet_Sozluk: Ben kabul edenlerin isimlerinden liste olusturayim. Sonra eslestirme ile kimin kime kitap hediye edecegini belirleyelim. 7137239668 mserdark 12/28/2009 4:32 PM @Somnambulistt yok canım öyle demeyin. En sevdiğim cinsiyet kadın cinsiyetidir ;) Ayrımcılıksa, kabul! 7137200622 thanrj 12/28/2009 4:30 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today (via @ftf) 7137157483 badkarmacore 12/28/2009 4:29 PM 'Time is running out' in Afghanistan, intelligence officials say (McClatchy News: McClatchy Newspapers - KABUL 7136839504 USRealityCheck 12/28/2009 4:18 PM Afghan official claims 10 civilians killed: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 28 (UPI) -- An apparent U.S. airstrike.. utn 7136757898 pabloacortez 12/28/2009 4:15 PM Solo quiero pegar en la radio para ganar mi primer millón, para comprarte una casa grande en donde quepa tu corazón! ¡Desde Kabul a Curaçao! 7136585611 POTUFSS 12/28/2009 4:09 PM 'Time is running out' in Afghanistan, intelligence officials say|KABUL ? As the U.S. and its allies try to .. 7136494251 mtadude 12/28/2009 4:06 PM 'Time is running out' in Afghanistan, intelligence officials say|KABUL ? As the U.S. and its allies try to .. 7136331448 senaysen 12/28/2009 4:00 PM Fwd: "Ben mutsuzum, sen de mutsuz ol ki iyi anlaşabilelim" önerini kabul edemeyeceğim. Üzgünüm. ( 7136307053 zweitansage 12/28/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 7136241112 TTBL 12/28/2009 3:57 PM 'Time is running out' in Afghanistan, intelligence officials say|KABUL ? As the U.S. and its allies try to .. 7136230035 CO2HOG 12/28/2009 3:57 PM 'Time is running out' in Afghanistan, intelligence officials say|KABUL ? As the U.S. and its allies try to .. 7136041126 de_volkskrant 12/28/2009 3:50 PM [22:46] Karzai boos over burgerdoden: KABUL - Tien burgers, onder wie acht scholieren, zijn zondag in de noor... 7135582530 tanjue 12/28/2009 3:34 PM @gokselcogalan delikanlıysalar rezilliklerini kabul edip Olimpiyatı almazlar hatta. 7135443117 thetime 12/28/2009 3:30 PM in Kabul, Asia is 2:00am 7135325338 dan_larkin 12/28/2009 3:25 PM Amazing: RT @MikeWhitmore: Kabul 40 years ago and another pic from Kabul today - ?? 7135230774 elove4ever 12/28/2009 3:22 PM @cakdeniz30 ilk 3 yok :) 4.soyle fan degil de grup uyeligi arkadas, es, dost desteklemek icin kabul ediliyor :) ne yapalim cannot ignore :) 7135219752 izmir 12/28/2009 3:22 PM "Cemevleri ibadathane kabul edilsin": İzmir İl Genel Meclisi'nin, Kasım ayında aldığı cemevlerinin ibadethane k.. 7135171001 MikeWhitmore 12/28/2009 3:20 PM Kabul 40 years ago and another pic from Kabul today - ?? 7134594626 zweitansage 12/28/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 7134341551 glea 12/28/2009 2:50 PM De Vliegeraar ... RT @godfried: kabul afghanistan 40 jaar geleden en nu: 7134333462 bakayoko10 12/28/2009 2:50 PM @MesSude yok sayılmaz. kumanda kimdeyse onun ratingi sayılır. diğerleri yancı olduğundan rtük kabul etmiyor :) 7134291201 marketactico 12/28/2009 2:48 PM Kabul hace 40 años y hoy - 7134130857 idililhan 12/28/2009 2:43 PM @bujuuu tatlım bende ciddi ciddi dusunuyorum ...ama benım işle ilgili sorunlarım var..zorunlu staj bıde bı yer kabul ederse 1 yıllık istıyor 7134107188 godfried 12/28/2009 2:42 PM kabul afghanistan 40 jaar geleden en nu: 7133979935 cebrailas 12/28/2009 2:37 PM @nerminazorhan takipçi meleklerime efsunlu nazar boncuğu dağıtıyorum, lütfen kabul ediniz. 7133884805 serk_ 12/28/2009 2:33 PM @buzzlebubz tamam kabul, gururum okşandı :) fotoğraflarımı da istiyorum ona göre ... 7133854407 gokhankrt 12/28/2009 2:32 PM @mtanar aaaa bunu kabul etmiyorumm ben çok beğenmiştim yalnız yanımda tufan devamlı konuşuyordu fizikle ilgili şeyler anlatıyordu:))) 7133610160 zeynepaslisvnd 12/28/2009 2:23 PM @nihanbayraktar olasılıklar herzaman olabilir :)) pekala kabul ediyorum 7133533244 melomelis 12/28/2009 2:21 PM kabul ediyorum, kralına maden suyu ekolundenim. im addicted to it. 7133490303 topstoriestweet 12/28/2009 2:19 PM Karzai calls for probe into civilian deaths - MSNBC: KABUL - Ten civilians, including eight students, were killed i... 7133382685 thesese 12/28/2009 2:15 PM @Lifewithkhk anneannen e sööle dostça hayatı kabul ediosa karl la yap aralarını ahaha en azından hayat arkadaşı olrlar ahhahahahahahha 7133219343 rocketeeer 12/28/2009 2:09 PM RT @Falkvinge: Kabul för 40 år sedan vs. idag: #religion 7132951732 zweitansage 12/28/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 7132738204 chaogrey 12/28/2009 1:52 PM @therealalp İsteyen istediğini yapsın. Ama ben de hepsini beğenmek ya da kabul etmek zorunda değilim. 7132682512 bookscollection 12/28/2009 1:50 PM The Bookseller of Kabul responds 7132622967 TweetGlobalJobs 12/28/2009 1:47 PM Laboratory Technician - Kabul Afghanistan... 7132414519 DevCo 12/28/2009 1:40 PM U.S. Envoy to Kabul Vows 'Long-Term Partnership': Radio Free Afghanistan hosted a call-in program wi.. / 7132389358 brzaik 12/28/2009 1:39 PM Paghman Gardens in Kabul...before and after years of religion-fueled warfare. Chilling. ( 7132326120 linugen 12/28/2009 1:36 PM Kabul 40 Years Ago Vs. Kabul Today 7132096877 CmKly53 12/28/2009 1:28 PM Yav bu ne çekememezlik ? Daha bitmemiş stadı adaylığa kabul edildi diye ne bu çemkirme ? Uefa'da biz tebrik etmiştik onların tutumu ortada.. 7132016322 brukins 12/28/2009 1:25 PM RT @triponadeal #Photo: Kabul 40 years ago and today #Afghanistan #War #Travel 7132010106 MesSude 12/28/2009 1:25 PM @srdrsmsk olur eyşan size ezel bana gelsin kabul :) 7131774180 triponadeal 12/28/2009 1:16 PM Photo: Kabul 40 years ago and today 7131768261 mttnn 12/28/2009 1:16 PM @GreenpeaceTRYani Greenpeace sirketlerden,devletlerden ve politik partilerden para ve sponsorluk kabul etmezTum destekcilerimize tesekkurler 7131680445 oyku_uslu 12/28/2009 1:13 PM @EvinJan @sedaksak agırdı laf ama kabul et:p neyse ama hallettik:D 7131546144 haberler 12/28/2009 1:08 PM Cumhuriyet -- "Cemevleri ibadathane kabul edilsin" 7131313601 zweitansage 12/28/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 7131276011 Geniusbastard 12/28/2009 12:58 PM @quotidianlight I saw her on stage doing Kushner's Kabul/Homebody & she was awful. I'll probably always judge her by that, which is unfair. 7131040447 ftf 12/28/2009 12:50 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today 7130841665 simply_funny 12/28/2009 12:42 PM Kabul 40 Years ago and Now: Kabul 40 Years ago and Now 7130841029 Muhtemelen 12/28/2009 12:42 PM "İsa dedi ki, âlemi tanıyıp da kendi nefsinden cahil olan, manevi makamdan da mahrum olur." Toma İncili'nden. Kabul edilmemiş Bir İncil'miş. 7130839336 simply_funny 12/28/2009 12:42 PM Funny Pictures: Kabul 40 Years ago and Now 7130838688 mehtapugurlu 12/28/2009 12:42 PM Zincirlerimden Kurtuldum !!! Yuppi Artık İşsizim :D Hiç bu kadar sevinecegimi sanmazdım! ^^ İSTİFAM KABUL... [pic] 7130504311 FrederiekPascal 12/28/2009 12:30 PM Afghanistan, Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today... 7130502137 hardeternal 12/28/2009 12:30 PM Neden gmail rar dosyasını kabul etmiyor ek olarak? 7130458401 juska 12/28/2009 12:29 PM RT @lindstorm: Landscape change in Kabul, Afghanistan: timespan 40 years - 7130083087 susanracheyqnw 12/28/2009 12:15 PM Phil. Permanent Representative to UN Hilario Davide confirms Filipina Josie Esto, 40, among dead in attack in Kabul, Afghanistan. ! 7129639063 zweitansage 12/28/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 7129602388 desdelamoncloa 12/28/2009 11:58 AM Resumen de la visita de la Ministra de Defensa a las tropas españolas desplegadas en Kabul y Qala-i-Naw (Afganistán) en: 7129414110 ulascobanci 12/28/2009 11:52 AM @minebal çok genç olduğuma inanıyorum :) teşekkür ediyorum ;) ama son dileklerini kabul eder, ilgili yerlere iletebilirim :) 7129335336 MerveErabay 12/28/2009 11:49 AM 31 saat oldu uyumadığım, sabaha kadar ödev yaptım ama bitmedi neyse ki hocalarım sonra götürmemi kabul etti:) oh 7129117159 60secondrecap 12/28/2009 11:41 AM I've succumbed to avoiding Tess with another potential POTW: The Bookseller of Kabul. Thumbs up so far. 7128877818 Tubasokmen 12/28/2009 11:33 AM @alperkul o kabul edilebilir ama 12 yıllık evli kadının küçücük bir söküğü dikerkenki acemiliğine diyecek tek bi kelime yok galiba :) 7128812019 surya66 12/28/2009 11:30 AM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today: 83230527.Hehstghw.PaghmanBeforeAfter.jpg (1600�561) 7128529158 nicowijaya 12/28/2009 11:20 AM @hermansaksono Sudah belajar ijab kabul segala mon? Waaaaaw... Cc @aralle 7128385578 hermansaksono 12/28/2009 11:15 AM sedang ijab kabul rahasia dan gosip bersama @aralle 7128371360 shkupipress 12/28/2009 11:15 AM Kabul: Zyra e Karzait thotë se janë vrarë 10 civilë 7128233345 fashionbysiu 12/28/2009 11:10 AM @ozgesizolmaz bu arada krem kullanmıyorum :) başladığım gün kabul etmiş olucam buna hazır değilim! :) 7127931457 zweitansage 12/28/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 7127914295 ersin_bg_1903 12/28/2009 10:59 AM BU HAYATA GELMEK KAYITSIZ ŞARTSIZ ÖLÜMÜ KABUL ETMEKTİR. DEĞER VERENLERİN DEĞERİ HER DAİM BİLİNECEKTİR... ALBÜMDE... 7127852951 hakancabad 12/28/2009 10:57 AM 14.12.2009 kabul tarihli yeni çek kanunu... 7127555603 jeremya 12/28/2009 10:46 AM RT: @RichardLaksana Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. - [ This is crazy ] 7127498799 richardlaksana 12/28/2009 10:44 AM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. - 7127402416 bulentburgac 12/28/2009 10:41 AM @nurbanuanter albüm bir yana daha çok konser yapsa benim yıllardır çabalarım boşa gitmese konser teklifimi kabul etse nasıl olur? imkansız!! 7127324196 meochacha 12/28/2009 10:38 AM Sini saya sahkan,!!!! RT @rchairani: sudah seperti suami istri sajaaa.. tinggal serumah udah,, kurang ijab kabul aja ini mah.. wkwkwkwkwk ;p 7127142030 lewbo 12/28/2009 10:32 AM Kabul is cold, but wheres the snow? 7126773401 kellyshaw 12/28/2009 10:19 AM btw - that is Kabul 7126737420 POTUFSS 12/28/2009 10:17 AM Military operations kill 10 civilians: Afghan prez|Kabul, Dec 28 (AFP) Ten civilians, mostly school children, .. 7126355641 turuncutime 12/28/2009 10:04 AM @gizem_ozdilli Annem bu teklifi kabul edersen köprüye çıkarım aşağı atarım kendimi :) 7126227553 zweitansage 12/28/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 7126195701 healymonster 12/28/2009 9:58 AM RT @michelfortin: Looking at: Kabul: Capital of Afghanistan (before and after)... Sad. 7126162753 mickrover 12/28/2009 9:57 AM Afghanistan/ Karzai: In operazione Nato uccisi 10 civili: Kabul. 28 dic. (Apcom) - Dieci civili afgani, di cu.. 7126061685 michelfortin 12/28/2009 9:54 AM Looking at: Kabul: Capital of Afghanistan (before and after)... Sad. 7126061602 ahuguluruk 12/28/2009 9:54 AM size beni çocukken ağlatan tek şarkıyı gönderyorum.hala dinleynce naif duygular uyandırır bende.şaka kabul etmyorum. 7125937847 keithbirthday 12/28/2009 9:49 AM Photo: kabul 40 years ago vs. today via 7125735199 Justus_rockt 12/28/2009 9:42 AM Kabul vor 40 Jahren und heute: 7125694972 blondinsztb 12/28/2009 9:40 AM Phil. Permanent Representative to UN Hilario Davide confirms Filipina Josie Esto, 40, among dead in attack in Kabul, Afghanistan. ! 7125547003 selenteen 12/28/2009 9:35 AM @ozgegenc ASN'den kabul geldi bugun!!! 7125322381 JanetVanderhoof 12/28/2009 9:26 AM RT @elizweiland: Oh my gosh, watching afghanistan footage from 1950s taken by my grandfather. So amazing to see Kabul from those days.> Ten Afghan civilians reported killed in airstrike: KABUL (R.. Best Regards AYKubik 7123570351 AYKubik 12/28/2009 8:16 AM World News>> Ten Afghan civilians reported killed in airstrike: KABUL (R.. Best Regards AYKubik 7123521677 ASHION666 12/28/2009 8:14 AM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7123483802 felix85 12/28/2009 8:13 AM Love this photo - An Afghan policeman holds his Kalashnikov rifle with a flower in the barrel in Kabul - 7123473108 PvB73 12/28/2009 8:12 AM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.: 7123360340 HeyErnie 12/28/2009 8:07 AM Militants attack Afghan policemen, kill 2: KABUL — Two members of the Afghan National Police were killed when mil... 7123310365 USAbreaking 12/28/2009 8:05 AM global: Ten Afghan civilians reported killed in airstrike: KABUL (Reuters) - Villagers in a re.. [Reuters] 7123286455 indofxtrading 12/28/2009 8:04 AM Ten Afghan civilians reported killed in airstrike: KABUL (Reuters) - Villagers in a remote part of northeastern Afghani 7123278423 KimBomin 12/28/2009 8:04 AM Ten Afghan civilians reported killed in airstrike: KABUL (Reuters) - Villagers in a remote part of northeast... #Korea 7123277415 HeadlinesNewz 12/28/2009 8:04 AM Ten Afghan civilians reported killed in airstrike: KABUL (Reuters) - Villagers in a remote part of northeastern Afg... 7123263565 adindahuhu 12/28/2009 8:03 AM Najis! Kabul mati aja lo!!!! RT @monicgultom: #sahabat pastinya boneka2 yg dikamarku dooongs :3 ada yg mau kenalan sm mreka? Ayo kerumahku! 7123173008 zweitansage 12/28/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 7123058171 AllMilitaryNews 12/28/2009 7:54 AM (Marine Corp Times) Militants attack Afghan policemen, kill 2: KABUL — Two m.. #Military 7123052298 AllMilitaryNews 12/28/2009 7:54 AM (Navy Times) Militants attack Afghan policemen, kill 2: KABUL — Two members of the .. #Military 7123044687 AllMilitaryNews 12/28/2009 7:54 AM (Air Force Times) Militants attack Afghan policemen, kill 2: KABUL — Two membe.. #Military 7123039194 AllMilitaryNews 12/28/2009 7:53 AM (Army Times) Militants attack Afghan policemen, kill 2: KABUL — Two members of the .. #Military 7122893459 valeskasyifa 12/28/2009 7:47 AM JIJIKKKK RT @monicgultom: Dpt salam dr kabul @valeskasyifa @taliekrgr @rewenaya @sarahandruina @adindahuhu @kalisaporizka @mekaria @mchair 7122828686 UZUNGUN 12/28/2009 7:44 AM @karo555 tamam sizi ekliyorum kabul edersiniz artık 7122775816 JSfirm 12/28/2009 7:41 AM JSfirm Aviation Jobs Pilot - TACTICAL ROTORWING: IPA (International Preparedness Associates) Kabul Airport in... #fb 7122774870 PilotHelicopter 12/28/2009 7:41 AM Helicopter Pilot Job Pilot - TACTICAL ROTORWING: IPA (International Preparedness Associates) Kabul Airport in Afg... 7122744645 BeRRyfromdablog 12/28/2009 7:40 AM @mrsbaros o orman gibi kaşlarla gezen kızlardan biri olsam da tespitinin doğru olduğunu kabul etmek zorundayım sanırım=) 7122646060 onderfurkan 12/28/2009 7:35 AM @ihl_sozluk bu yapının adını kullanan birilerininde bu denli üst perdeden ve "se kimsin" ci bir tavır takınması kabul edilemez. 7122593596 mhardynp 12/28/2009 7:33 AM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7122496652 asaluella 12/28/2009 7:28 AM @captainandrie hehehehe pkknya abs gue wisudaan ye,naek panggung nerima ijazah,trun2 lgsg ijab kabul :P 7122364412 badjerry 12/28/2009 7:22 AM RT @skipinc: US Marines News: Militants attack Afghan policemen, kill 2: KABUL — Two members of the... #usmc #military 7122355194 Liliael 12/28/2009 7:21 AM Enerji şarkısı ve klibiyle ayşe özyılmazel ile evlenmeyi düşünüyorum gelse kabul ederim hea:))) 7122350700 MDThermo 12/28/2009 7:21 AM Militants attack Afghan policemen, kill 2: KABUL — Two members of the Afghan National Police were killed when mil... 7122341832 HeyErnie 12/28/2009 7:20 AM Militants attack Afghan policemen, kill 2: KABUL — Two members of the Afghan National Police were killed when mil... 7122341898 MDThermo 12/28/2009 7:20 AM MDThermo Militants attack Afghan policemen, kill 2: KABUL — Two members of the Afghan National Police were killed... 7122293905 militaryupdates 12/28/2009 7:18 AM #Military_Times : Militants attack Afghan policemen, kill 2: KABUL — Two members of the Afghan National Police we... 7122229589 Volllast 12/28/2009 7:15 AM Außendienst in Kabul. Wenigstens das Essen ist gut bei den Ammis. 7122193506 suyashtrivedi 12/28/2009 7:13 AM Kabul: 40 yrs ago and now. Where are we headed? 7122188150 MarineCorps 12/28/2009 7:13 AM Militants attack Afghan policemen, kill 2: KABUL — Two members of the Afghan National Police were killed .. 7122183719 frankvanrest 12/28/2009 7:13 AM Kabul, Afghanistan: before, after: 7122141799 2central_police 12/28/2009 7:11 AM An Afghan policeman holds his Kalashnikov rifle with a flower in the barrel in Kabul December 2 #police #2central 7122135273 jabbasey 12/28/2009 7:10 AM uh oh Got to go back to Kabul tomorrow. This sucks! I had to be in Karachi for my fathers birthday & retirement dinner. :/ 7121977001 navyexperience 12/28/2009 7:02 AM Militants attack Afghan policemen, kill 2: KABUL — Two members of the Afghan National Police were killed when m.. 7121917845 zweitansage 12/28/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 7121765211 BetteDam 12/28/2009 6:51 AM Eindelijk Het Gesprek over Afghanistan met mij vanuit Serena Kabul kunnen kijken. Blijft leuk: 7121711731 birgeelif 12/28/2009 6:49 AM yağmurun yağdığını ff'den öğrendim. yardım için nereye başvurayım? amatem falan kabul eder mi? [pic] 7121704020 PeyloW 12/28/2009 6:48 AM RT @zssz: Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.: 7121603875 haluk_s 12/28/2009 6:43 AM "Ben mutsuzum, sen de mutsuz ol ki iyi anlaşabilelim" önerini kabul edemeyeceğim. Üzgünüm. 7121536905 tonb 12/28/2009 6:39 AM RT @zenz: Kabul, 40 jaar geleden en nu: 7121510877 CitizenMags 12/28/2009 6:38 AM RT @CollinDouma: wow, before and after shots of Kabul - 40 years difference 7121294700 komacore 12/28/2009 6:26 AM [photo] Kabul - 40 years ago and today - 7120964536 babyprincessy 12/28/2009 6:07 AM Kabul edildim. Çok mutluyum haberi aldığımda gözlerim yaşardı. Tek sorun verilen burs dışındaki ödemeler için finansal kaynak bulmakta.... 7120916478 angelchristie77 12/28/2009 6:04 AM World Scene|AFGHANISTAN U.S. soldier killed in bomb attack KABUL A bomb killed a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan, .. 7120891424 ethan 12/28/2009 6:03 AM Kabul- 40 years later 7120831194 zweitansage 12/28/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 7120823613 costanzo88 12/28/2009 5:59 AM Ericsson Crea Academy'e kabul edildim çok mutluyum :D 7120625166 rksharing 12/28/2009 5:47 AM In 2010, Tehran not Kabul to be Obama?s big challenge: Source: --- Monday, December 28, 2009The F.. 7120346339 ozge_pinar 12/28/2009 5:30 AM KKHB - açılımı: kesin kabul heyet başkanı ya da müteahhitlerin gözüyle: kesin kabul eder bu heyet başkanı ya... 7120314675 pfro 12/28/2009 5:28 AM OFf to Cabo today for NYE. When told Nairobi pals where i was going they thought i said "Kabul" and were understandably confused. 7120257057 isabellns 12/28/2009 5:24 AM Kabul: Capital of Afghanistan (before and after) 7120071934 brezilya 12/28/2009 5:12 AM @byalim EvrenseL Hukuk'un varLığını artık bazı kurumLar kabuL etmek zorunda kaLacak. İstemeseLer de bu böyLe oLacak. Bunu zamanLa anLayacak! 7120014307 backshotiyer 12/28/2009 5:09 AM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7119906623 omercey 12/28/2009 5:02 AM Sevgili Tanrım! 2010 dileklerini kabul etmeye başlamışsın sanırım... Şu benim Kaufman işine yine bi baksak mı acaba? Uygun olduğun bi ara... 7119901966 owarz 12/28/2009 5:02 AM @DGKNCGLYN kabul et bari :) 7119866163 zweitansage 12/28/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 7119831169 gossipgoz 12/28/2009 4:57 AM @krasivalekar olmasi gereken bu.. insan, insan oldugu icin kabul gordugu gun hersey cok guzel olacak.. 7119380268 axemclion 12/28/2009 4:27 AM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. 7119299918 vishaljhamnani 12/28/2009 4:22 AM Req - IVR Technical Consultant - Afganistan - KabulFor more details call me on 9324233959 or send us ur cv at 7119085943 Xavien_Bainedom 12/28/2009 4:08 AM @tatlidarkness Ferizel'e söylediğiniz bu cümle ortalamanın üzerinde olduğunuzun kanıtıdır Lütfen itiraz etmeyiniz kabul edilmeyecektir 8-) 7118957231 zweitansage 12/28/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 7118895927 zenz 12/28/2009 3:55 AM Kabul, 40 jaar geleden en nu: 7118880543 manugrt 12/28/2009 3:54 AM Kabul 40 years ago and now 7118732616 mldncel 12/28/2009 3:45 AM @brckoca valla paper yerine sevgi ve saygılarımı sunsam kabul eder mi gumpert diyorum sadece. hem sana noooldu da cem garipoğluna bağladın? 7118717654 pumpyouup 12/28/2009 3:44 AM Afghan Muscles: In post-Taliban Kabul, the most popular sport is bodybuilding. "Afghan Muscles" takes u.. 7118705718 ahuguluruk 12/28/2009 3:43 AM alişan "evlenmek istediğim kız çok neo-klasik değilse annem kabul eder" dedi..vah..vah 7118700039 yaantrik 12/28/2009 3:42 AM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7118646989 cyclopses 12/28/2009 3:39 AM @Tweet_Sozluk affetmek mi böyle bi durumda aslllaaaa...affetmek yine aldatılmayı kabul etmek demektir bence... 7118540253 JayH99 12/28/2009 3:32 AM 사진.... Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.: 7118470399 missanjelina 12/28/2009 3:28 AM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. 7118444321 politikadam 12/28/2009 3:26 AM Mumcu MHP Isparta adaylığını kabul etmiş diyorlar! :) 7118439784 boa_muenchen 12/28/2009 3:26 AM RT @mparent77772: Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today #afghanistan #photos 7118371691 notiven 12/28/2009 3:22 AM RT: @yahoonoticias :Mueren dos policías en el oeste de Afganistán: autoridades: KABUL (AP) - Un ataque de milicianos contra un puesto... htt 7118342942 YahooNoticias 12/28/2009 3:20 AM Mueren dos policías en el oeste de Afganistán: autoridades: KABUL (AP) - Un ataque de milicianos contra un puesto... 7118202639 missscs 12/28/2009 3:11 AM spor salonundaki erkek hocaların popolarının benimkinden güzel olduğunu düşünüyorum ama kabul etmek istemiyorum! 7118192757 e46fanatics_de 12/28/2009 3:11 AM Grüße aus Afgh..: Hi bin lange nicht mehr online gewesen da ich im Einsatz in Kabul bin.....hab jetzt mal die mö... 7118188062 VivienBoidron 12/28/2009 3:10 AM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7118167569 lindstorm 12/28/2009 3:09 AM Landscape change in Kabul, Afghanistan: timespan 40 years - 7118074095 rwcandeer 12/28/2009 3:03 AM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today... 7118037734 geophys 12/28/2009 3:01 AM Sem comentários (II): "Paghman Gardens in Kabul 40 years ago compared with today (2007)" 7118005199 zweitansage 12/28/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 7117988786 zssz 12/28/2009 2:59 AM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.: 7117759446 mcrpn 12/28/2009 2:45 AM kabul ettıkleri normal standartlara cekemeyecekler " normalıze " edemeyecekler 7117753907 best_yesterday 12/28/2009 2:45 AM #image Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. 2806 diggs 7117737020 bytatos 12/28/2009 2:44 AM Kabul: Capital of Afghanistan (before and after): via 7117692410 khnaveed 12/28/2009 2:41 AM - Kabul 40 years before and after ! 7117447343 pelinpeltekci 12/28/2009 2:27 AM @miss_fb kanka sabah bi uyandım sevmekten kim usanır sölüorum.. ama güzel şarkıyla uyandım kabul ediorum;) 7117423840 eggstone 12/28/2009 2:26 AM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. (via @popurls) 7117280259 ickemkenimesay 12/28/2009 2:18 AM İnsanların Dilekleri Kabul Olsun diye dua ediim diyorum, sonra düşünüyrm; Acaba gerçektn kendileri için doğru olanı mı istiolar? 7117254509 maglo 12/28/2009 2:16 AM RT @Falkvinge: Kabul för 40 år sedan vs. idag: #religion 7117035033 anpamar 12/28/2009 2:04 AM RT @desdelamoncloa: La ministra de Defensa ha llegado hoy a Kabul para visitar a las tropas españolas desplegadas en Afganistán 7117031241 spor3com 12/28/2009 2:04 AM İyi olmadığını kabul etti!: Fenerbahçe’nin milli kalecisi Volkan, son 4-5 hafta iyi olmadığını kabul etti. 7117001361 Haber3com 12/28/2009 2:03 AM İyi olmadığını kabul etti!: Fenerbahçe’nin milli kalecisi Volkan, son 4-5 hafta iyi olmadığını kabul etti. 7116940573 zweitansage 12/28/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 7116901516 shaunmoran 12/28/2009 1:57 AM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today 7116885214 CO2HOG 12/28/2009 1:56 AM 'Time running out' in fight against Taliban: NATO official|Kabul, Dec 28 (AFP) Time is running out in the fight .. 7116810216 Fitness4men 12/28/2009 1:52 AM Afghan Muscles: In post-Taliban Kabul, the most popular sport is bodybuilding. "Afghan Muscles" takes.. 7116761752 icebrgslm 12/28/2009 1:50 AM Downtown Kabul. 7116684254 apalancat 12/28/2009 1:46 AM Kabul, foto del mateix lloc fa 40 anys i ara. Impressiona una mica - 7116439929 NPalopoli 12/28/2009 1:33 AM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. ( RT @nuin ) 7116239631 gentedigital 12/28/2009 1:23 AM Chacón visita a las tropas españolas en Kabul y Qala-i-Naw: La ministra de Defensa, Carme Chacón, realizó un vi.. 7116186732 cadenasercom 12/28/2009 1:20 AM Chacón visita a las tropas españolas en Kabul y Qala-i-Naw: La ministra desayuna con el contingente encargado d.. 7116119413 falez 12/28/2009 1:17 AM @lordof_theflies Kabul et "caps lok"tan daha iyi olamaz 7116104530 Cadenaser_titul 12/28/2009 1:16 AM Chacón visita a las tropas españolas en Kabul y Qala-i-Naw 7116091683 Cadenaser_espa 12/28/2009 1:15 AM Chacón visita a las tropas españolas en Kabul y Qala-i-Naw 7115960551 desdelamoncloa 12/28/2009 1:09 AM La ministra de Defensa ha llegado hoy a Kabul para visitar a las tropas españolas desplegadas en Afganistán 7115939268 hindichannels 12/28/2009 1:08 AM Troop death in Afghanistan doubles last year’’s toll: NATO: KABUL: A bomb attack killed a US service member in ... 7115920491 febrhyna 12/28/2009 1:07 AM hbs liat teman ijab kabul..kok gw yg jd deg2 an..jd mikir,gw kpn ya??????wkwkwkwkwk 7115875213 rulebrittania 12/28/2009 1:05 AM @lo_fye Kabul, thats Soviet/US builders for you! 7115605250 WorldZooToday 12/28/2009 12:52 AM New blog post: Kabul Zoo provides a haven -- for humans 7115320274 AndiniAfliani 12/28/2009 12:39 AM Mo ujian onko,,knapa dumba2 kyak mw ijab kabul yak? 7114942954 kirrinuchis 12/28/2009 12:21 AM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - ... =\ 7114706908 RuletaOnline 12/28/2009 12:11 AM Mueren dos policías en el oeste de Afganistán: autoridades: KABUL (AP) - Un ataque de milicianos contra un puesto... 7114672133 USNewz 12/28/2009 12:10 AM 2 US service members killed in Afghan explosion KABUL -- NATO says two U.S. service members have been... #us #news 7114610225 cnppress 12/28/2009 12:07 AM World news - Kabul – Time is running out in the fight to eradicate the Taliban from Afghanistan 7114438752 USTalib 12/28/2009 12:00 AM .@yideotube Kabul - Taliban Release Video of Captured U.S. Soldier 7114434840 USTalib 12/28/2009 12:00 AM 'Time running out' in fight against Taliban: AFP KABUL — Time is running out in the fight to eradicate the Tali.. 7114434168 USTalib 12/28/2009 12:00 AM 'Time running out' in fight against Taliban: AFP KABUL — Time is running out in the fight to eradicate the Tali.. 7114427656 pcdaga 12/28/2009 12:00 AM All izz well chachu, Jahanpanah tusii great ho... Hamara tofa kabul karo... !!! 7114383667 jewishbloggers 12/27/2009 11:58 PM .@yideotube Kabul - Taliban Release Video of Captured U.S. Soldier 7114332547 oakeneagle 12/27/2009 11:55 PM 'Time running out' in fight against Taliban: AFPKABUL — Time is running out in the fight to eradicate the Taliba... 7114332262 aaronherry1 12/27/2009 11:55 PM 'Time running out' in fight against Taliban: AFPKABUL — Time is running out in the fight to eradicate the Taliba... 7114331936 fabianfabian136 12/27/2009 11:55 PM 'Time running out' in fight against Taliban: AFPKABUL — Time is running out in the fight to eradicate the Taliba... 7114055430 hellenico 12/27/2009 11:44 PM Disappointed at: Kabul 40 years ago vs. today: 7113837955 rahimz 12/27/2009 11:35 PM kabul 40 years ago, and now (before/after): (via @michaelneale) 7113700998 ChristmasShack 12/27/2009 11:30 PM New Blog Post: Blog 4: Christmas in Kabul 7113566365 CollinDouma 12/27/2009 11:24 PM wow, before and after shots of Kabul - 40 years difference 7113373471 equilib 12/27/2009 11:17 PM France Visa - French Embassy Information: Embassy of France in Kabul, Afghanistan - Av. De CherpourChahr e Nao Kabo 7113344566 CenterdinSEA 12/27/2009 11:16 PM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $2 with promo code: CHEER #seattle 7113298282 LoriNKY 12/27/2009 11:14 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7112999966 noticia24 12/27/2009 11:03 PM Chacon viaja por sorpresa para visitar a las tropas espanolas en Kabul y Qala-i-Naw 7112721763 xmonkeycn 12/27/2009 10:52 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today 7112572920 itamena 12/27/2009 10:47 PM still in Kabul...back to work yet it's so quite.... 7112369440 acidcow 12/27/2009 10:39 PM Kabul 40 Years Ago and Now (2 pics) 7112362107 worldnewsguide 12/27/2009 10:39 PM World scene: Washington TimesKABUL | A bomb killed a US soldier in Afghanistan, NATO said Sunday, bringing the num... 7111903621 soleoblues 12/27/2009 10:22 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7111661377 elizweiland 12/27/2009 10:13 PM Oh my gosh, watching afghanistan footage from 1950s taken by my grandfather. So amazing to see Kabul from those days. 7111542932 megaluna2 12/27/2009 10:09 PM @misscouturable Stardust, The Moor's Last Sigh, Kite Runner, The Bookseller of Kabul, Elle Enchanted (no, really), East of Eden, Bluest Eye 7111174379 kennynguyeniii 12/27/2009 9:56 PM Kabul before and after 7110904619 jeremyredmore 12/27/2009 9:46 PM Amazing - Kabul 40yrs ago vs Kabul today... 7110801334 arnpeace 12/27/2009 9:43 PM, War on Al-Qaeda Inflames Afghanistan, Pakistan, KABUL,AFP 7110758867 AACSA 12/27/2009 9:41 PM Kabul (Pashto/Dari: کابل Kābul;archaic Caubul), is the capital and largest city of Afghanistan, located in the... 7110729056 USTalib 12/27/2009 9:40 PM Kabul - Taliban Release Video of Captured U.S. ... 7110726798 AACSA 12/27/2009 9:40 PM Kabul (Pashto/Dari: کابل Kābul;archaic Caubul), is the capital and largest city of Afghanistan, with a population... 7110633342 xtfer 12/27/2009 9:37 PM RT @shriansh: Destruction of war: Kabul 40 years ago vs. today - 7110582680 Azcobain 12/27/2009 9:35 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today... 7110454009 dpreacher 12/27/2009 9:30 PM Kabul 40 yrs ago, vs Kabul today. 7110288464 kubish87 12/27/2009 9:25 PM @theDeepRed Allah kabul etsiin in$allah.. Sonra da iyi geceler/sabahlar ikimize de ;) 7110265084 ravenclawgirl 12/27/2009 9:24 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7110139631 ajitkoti 12/27/2009 9:20 PM "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7110131185 emrealt 12/27/2009 9:19 PM son olarak;herkesi oldugu gibi kabul et ister al hayatına ister def et! 7110103105 joeym11 12/27/2009 9:18 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7109974108 jimtobincan 12/27/2009 9:14 PM NWA253 shows cracks in US forces' War on Terror: 1-yr+ to shift troops Iraq-Kabul, now Yemen threat? Fierce CIA req'd, we can't stomach it. 7109695418 mtadude 12/27/2009 9:04 PM NATO Forces Have A Year To Turn Afghan War|KABUL, Dec 28 (Reuters) - Foreign forces have only a year to turn the .. 7109406283 dhiman09 12/27/2009 8:54 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7109355335 shriansh 12/27/2009 8:52 PM Destruction of war: Kabul 40 years ago vs. today - 7109355616 porcheb 12/27/2009 8:52 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs Kabul today Sad huh? 7109140799 jacklucky3 12/27/2009 8:45 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.: 7108373500 Josemd 12/27/2009 8:18 PM "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - (via @digg_2000)Shocking! 7108263717 fhsush 12/27/2009 8:14 PM Picture in picture: Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today 7108151848 waynerad 12/27/2009 8:10 PM Most violent city on earth? a) Baghdad, b) Kabul, c) Mogadishu d) Ciudad Juárez. (click for answer) 7107989611 privatery 12/27/2009 8:04 PM Real Heavy RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7107986589 mtadude 12/27/2009 8:04 PM Taliban video shows captured US soldier denouncing Afghanistan war; family pleads for release|KABUL (AP) ? The .. 7107895490 macpat 12/27/2009 8:01 PM RT @michaelbshane: Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today: -- This is what religious extremism does. 7107872733 brands4london 12/27/2009 8:00 PM Taliban video shows captured US soldier denouncing Afghanistan war; family pleads for release|KABUL (AP) ? The .. 7107803227 bryanomalley 12/27/2009 7:58 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7107766127 CO2HOG 12/27/2009 7:56 PM NATO Forces Have A Year To Turn Afghan War|KABUL, Dec 28 (Reuters) - Foreign forces have only a year to turn the .. 7107765186 CO2HOG 12/27/2009 7:56 PM Taliban video shows captured US soldier denouncing Afghanistan war; family pleads for release|KABUL (AP) ? The .. 7107495672 jonathanboyer 12/27/2009 7:47 PM RT @climenole: Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. 7107349330 tolgatez 12/27/2009 7:42 PM @BasakHuner Kabul:) sızde ıste mart gıbı dıyete:)) sonra ben yerım sız bakarsınız:) 7106990315 msutaria 12/27/2009 7:29 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7106663169 xXLoneGunManXx 12/27/2009 7:17 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today... 7106577661 dsward 12/27/2009 7:14 PM How Soviet troops stormed Kabul palace - BBC News - 7106566021 tahaun 12/27/2009 7:13 PM @haritaci70 müşterek projemizi fütursuzcana paylaşman kabul edilir durum değil ortak ona göre :)) 7106484166 webchina 12/27/2009 7:10 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today 7106460058 mutovkin 12/27/2009 7:09 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.: See what religion can do? 7106434632 Amritgrewal 12/27/2009 7:09 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.: 7106375551 nickyhawkins 12/27/2009 7:06 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today... 7106320769 kenjikee 12/27/2009 7:04 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today 7106201530 hrhsar 12/27/2009 7:00 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7106047215 LarryCarter 12/27/2009 6:54 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7106020958 johnrubio 12/27/2009 6:53 PM Kabul + Religious Extremism = 7106011659 WorldNewsVine 12/27/2009 6:53 PM Dec. 27: Operational Update ISAF Joint Command – Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan (Dec. 27) - An Afghan-in.. 7105961772 prashant_sh 12/27/2009 6:51 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. kabul today 7105882035 nimrodgothic 12/27/2009 6:48 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. 7105858291 lastnamei 12/27/2009 6:48 PM A radical empire looms - Pakistan Defence Forum: Conversely, India has fond memories of the time when Kabul was.. 7105810221 Nicea9 12/27/2009 6:46 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.: 7105772608 reinikainen 12/27/2009 6:44 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7105764153 chocomoccho 12/27/2009 6:44 PM @cnspln tabi ki ispanyollar. su götürmez. kıyas kabul etmez. 7105641740 ozgunakkaymak 12/27/2009 6:40 PM leven üzümcü sosyalizme inancım var demiş. Allah kabul etsin. 7105564489 PaulBenz 12/27/2009 6:37 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.: 7105561824 dillontaylor 12/27/2009 6:36 PM this is depressing. Kabul 40 years ago and today 7105560629 jorgezamora 12/27/2009 6:36 PM nasty! ..Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. 7105400981 benderunit9000 12/27/2009 6:30 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7105369430 bwidayatmo 12/27/2009 6:29 PM Ijab kabul???RT @maksha: menghitung hari... :) 7105345118 amsmota 12/27/2009 6:28 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7105294234 sureyyahardcore 12/27/2009 6:26 PM türkiye'de sesi güzel, itici bir gösterişle bağır çağır şarkı söyleyen kadınları sevmeyi derinlikli kabul etme eğilimi var. alçak sanat bu! 7105017018 MaRyJaNEinSky 12/27/2009 6:16 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7104894252 stevfm2003 12/27/2009 6:11 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7104834277 jesusalmeyda 12/27/2009 6:09 PM @cezasahasi Yanlız şöyle bir durum var ki Portekizdeki şehirler de adaylık sırasında bu kadar eksik yoktu. 6 yıl vadeyi UEFA kabul etmez:( 7104808644 sagefreehaven 12/27/2009 6:08 PM 7104767505 GeeMcBee 12/27/2009 6:06 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7104720027 OriMeissa 12/27/2009 6:05 PM Testament to human greed and stupidity RT @digg_2000 "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7104718201 expeditus 12/27/2009 6:05 PM Kabul Zoo provides a haven -- for humans 7104713259 carrjc66 12/27/2009 6:04 PM RT @digg_2000 "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7104705327 druck21 12/27/2009 6:04 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today.: sad 7104659365 sevalunver 12/27/2009 6:02 PM @KOKHUCRE Var, international arkadaşlarımla ancak ordan görüşüyoruz. Herkesin var malum. Ekleme, kabul edemem. 7104656577 ezanee 12/27/2009 6:02 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7104613983 vjsm_mohan 12/27/2009 6:01 PM "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7104608508 alanashley 12/27/2009 6:00 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7104595099 sevalunver 12/27/2009 6:00 PM @KOKHUCRE Msn'den ekle de yaz, facebuktan yazma;) Ben de ekledim de kabul etmiyor cadı ya :) 7104591958 kblitz83 12/27/2009 6:00 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7104576708 jebjshop 12/27/2009 5:59 PM RT @digg_2000 "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7104576452 androsval 12/27/2009 5:59 PM denso RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7104551613 EvaBaez 12/27/2009 5:58 PM RT @digg_2000: "Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today." - 7104525842 AnthonyMirelli 12/27/2009 5:57 PM Photo: Kabul in the 70’s… and now… 7104510050 ozqurr 12/27/2009 5:57 PM artık ciddi bilişkiye yani ciddi bir ilişkiye ihtiyacım var bunu 3 sene sonra kabul ediyorum..Büyü özgür artık büyü amk ya 7104451366 kissmygumbo 12/27/2009 5:54 PM @YatPundit We start it for Monday in Kabul silly:) Just some don't actually do it until our Monday. 7104380407 pvisintin 12/27/2009 5:52 PM RT @ifernandez: ay, que horror RT @hernannadal: Kabul: La diferencia entre lo que era hace 40 años y lo que es ahora (EEUU lo hizo) http ... 7104332384 michaelbshane 12/27/2009 5:50 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today: -- This is what religious extremism does. 7104301326 wykop 12/27/2009 5:49 PM Kabul? Nie trzeba szukać tak daleko - Kostrzyn nad Odrą. [Link: ] [Dyskusja: ] 7104271853 arrahmah 12/27/2009 5:47 PM Sekali Lagi, Pejabat NATO Akui Kekalahan dalam Perang Afghanistan - Berita: KABUL ( - Tentara penjajah... 7104154698 JharrisON14 12/27/2009 5:43 PM kabul 40 years ago vs. kabul present day 7104152166 hasansoylemez 12/27/2009 5:43 PM chp'nin meclise sundugu yasa teklifi kabul edilirse 1 ay erken terhis oluyorum. biktim artik sinek viziltilarindan bi an once kurtulsam... 7104132566 humbertog 12/27/2009 5:42 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today: 7104127699 ifernandez 12/27/2009 5:42 PM ay, que horror RT @hernannadal: Kabul: La diferencia entre lo que era hace 40 años y lo que es ahora (EEUU lo hizo) 7104063191 mustafarustom 12/27/2009 5:39 PM Kabul 40 years ago! 7104059146 dalgrev 12/27/2009 5:39 PM RT: @hernannadal: Kabul: La diferencia entre lo que era hace 40 años y lo que es ahora (EEUU lo hizo) << muy mal 7103969031 mazcue 12/27/2009 5:35 PM RT @hernannadal: Kabul: La diferencia entre lo que era hace 40 años y lo que es ahora (EEUU lo hizo) << :( 7103967401 jolaus 12/27/2009 5:35 PM RT @hernannadal: Kabul: La diferencia entre lo que era hace 40 años y lo que es ahora (EEUU lo hizo) 7103896370 darkfox8963 12/27/2009 5:32 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today -- 7103838866 mrcandlefork 12/27/2009 5:30 PM RT @toYKillAS: Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today | On the right, devastation. On the left, (a) Betty Draper-esque beauty. 7103769082 incefikir 12/27/2009 5:27 PM niluferx, zulem 'ın sorduğu "kaçmak yenilgiyi kabul etmek midir?" sorusunu cevapladı. 7103742478 msnnoticias 12/27/2009 5:26 PM La OTAN tiene un año para dar la vuelta a la guerra en Afganistán: KABUL, 27 (Reuters/EP) Las fuerzas extranjeras... 7103722785 ted_kennedy 12/27/2009 5:25 PM - kabul 40 years a go vs kabul today 7103722636 punchalice 12/27/2009 5:25 PM - kabul 40 years a go vs kabul today 7103718193 turnaround101 12/27/2009 5:25 PM Small vanguard of female police risk shame, death to work in south Afghanistan: The Canadian Press KABUL, Afgha.. 7103699231 NukhetEveri 12/27/2009 5:24 PM @taneryilmaz güzel değil demedim.O klibinde olduğu kadar asla olmadı diyorum. kabul etmiyorum, normalde 40'ından sonra kadın daha güzeldir 7103472872 RealShowstopper 12/27/2009 5:15 PM NewTopic: Paghman Gardens, Kabul, Afghanistan 7103203532 ilgazerel 12/27/2009 5:04 PM #ilkceptelefonum babamda vardı bundan bitane, ilk konuştuğum mobil telefon olduğundan ilk telefon olarak kabul... [pic] 7103086123 zweitansage 12/27/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 7103086302 jenkins1231 12/27/2009 5:00 PM Big Laughs of Loudness: Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today 7103068857 YalakaMaymunlar 12/27/2009 4:59 PM Emre Boköz adlı faşist ve ırkçı pezevenk "Ah keşke Malezya olsak" deyince aklıbaşında insanlar "Köpeğin duası kabul... 7102926553 ferahatas 12/27/2009 4:53 PM @minebal onlar dünyalı değiller bir kere bunu kabul etmek gerek :) insan yaşantısına uyum sağlamaya çalışan uzaylılar 7102767822 Falkvinge 12/27/2009 4:47 PM Kabul för 40 år sedan vs. idag: #religion 7102749321 jenkins1231 12/27/2009 4:46 PM Big Laughs of Loudness: Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today 7102714584 BenitoBlanco 12/27/2009 4:44 PM RT @sherpaco Kabul 40 yrs ago vs. Kabul today: 7102679218 Chris_Kissel 12/27/2009 4:43 PM RT @sherpaco Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today: 7102676174 ayhanbaysal 12/27/2009 4:43 PM dünyanın kabul ettiği bir insanı iki üç çapulcu kabul etmememiş onlar ilk önce paşamızın mertebesine yaklaşsınlar... 7102674980 TISHIZ 12/27/2009 4:43 PM RT @sherpaco Kabul 40 yrs ago vs. Kabul today: 7102560103 sherpaco 12/27/2009 4:38 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today: 7102354184 robliberal 12/27/2009 4:29 PM Twice as many Americans killed in Afghanistan as last year - KABUL — A bomb attack killed a US service member in Af... 7102046463 JP_Sirois 12/27/2009 4:16 PM RT @DanyPaquin sad! RT @climenole Kabul 40 years ago vs. Kabul today. 7101868828 NColl17802 12/27/2009 4:09 PM RT @liberalchick230: Twice as many Americans killed in Afghanistan as last year|KABUL ? A bomb attack killed a US service member in .. h ... 7101862935 USRealityCheck 12/27/2009 4:08 PM Twice as many Americans killed in Afghanistan as last year: KABUL — A bomb attack killed a US service m.. raw #US 7101665980 liberalchick230 12/27/2009 4:00 PM Twice as many Americans killed in Afghanistan as last year|KABUL ? A bomb attack killed a US service member in .. 7101649792 zweitansage 12/27/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 7101595055 ozozbilen 12/27/2009 3:57 PM Aşure yapımı: Bu yıl’da afiyetle aşuremi az önce yedim.Allah kabul etsin.Leziz’di baya.Peki aşur.. 7101590684 RawStory 12/27/2009 3:57 PM Raw Story Twice as many Americans killed in Afghanistan as last year: KABUL — A bomb attack killed a US service m... 7101578817 audreyov 12/27/2009 3:56 PM "adem'in onceden kabul edilmiş kendine özgü oluşuna paha bicilemez"yazmışım bilgisayara,ama nerden bulmuşum onu hatırlamıyorum, başlığı "ca" 7101407865 aytackara 12/27/2009 3:49 PM öncelikle damada sonra da bunu kabul eden gelin ve ailelere selamlar olsun diyor akıl fikir versin diyerek konuyu bağlıyor kapatıyorum :)) 7101386109 valeman 12/27/2009 3:48 PM Kabul - 40 years ago and the same scene today. VIA Reddit Dhghomon 7101309207 mellerun 12/27/2009 3:45 PM Kabul 40 jaar geleden, en nu. 7101304732 isalton 12/27/2009 3:45 PM Kabul 40 anos atrás vs. Kabul hoje.: 7101279539 andrewjmay 12/27/2009 3:43 PM Kabul 40 years ago vs Kabul today 7101226057 salmgkce 12/27/2009 3:41 PM Nereye girersem gireyim ilk onu ismini araştırıyorum. Hala aklımdan çıkmayan, ulaşıp kabul edilmese de bir özür dileme isteği var. 7101174528 AfghanNews24 12/27/2009 3:39 PM Special ops forces expand in Afghanistan (UPI) - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 27 (UPI) -- Secretive units from U.S. mil... 7101101141 missscs 12/27/2009 3:36 PM çok sevip beğendiği biriyle"onun hiçbirşeyi olmamak" üzere yola çıkıp"herşeyi olmaya varmak"kabul etmeliki insanın ilgisini çeken bir macera 7101016635 eviltv 12/27/2009 3:32 PM Kabul Zoo provides a haven -- for humans 7100973762 kocamancigdem 12/27/2009 3:30 PM yüklenmemiş o program bana kabul et artı o konuda! 7100969550 baharella 12/27/2009 3:30 PM @frhter bu sadece benim görüşüm... kimseyi etki altında bırakmak istemem... hür ve kabul edilmiş twitter dünyası burası:) @tiribit 6987994213 paulinkabul 12/23/2009 10:08 PM Back in Kabul for the holiday season, at least we are assured of zero crass commercialism 6987829813 WildanBassist 12/23/2009 10:03 PM @irawantyan amin ya allah amin... do'a akang 70% di kabul... alhamdulillah 6987374341 jk1789 12/23/2009 9:47 PM @emmahouss Comment vas-tu Emma ? Suis a Kabul pour 1 mois encore, ensuite un vrai retour en France - du nouveau dans ma petite vie ;-) 6987086443 AfghanNews24 12/23/2009 9:37 PM Militants killed, detained in Afghanistan (UPI) - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 23 (UPI) -- A number of suspected milita... 6987080057 mush_boom 12/23/2009 9:37 PM super vadia ela, só começou a cantar Kabul Shit um mês depois do show de São Paulo ¬¬ 6987057524 mush_boom 12/23/2009 9:36 PM ai, caralho. Ouvir Kabul Shit só me lembra que a Lily Allen, se confirmar show em Recife, PRECISA confirmar em São Paulo também ): 6986568169 byKilic 12/23/2009 9:19 PM @tennure Allah kabül etsin. Müstecâb Duâlarınızı bekleriz... 6986557942 jk1789 12/23/2009 9:19 PM @behdad_gharib Hello behdad - The Kabul crowd misses you. When do we see you ? 6986236802 dbthedoulos 12/23/2009 9:08 PM The easiest day going through Kabul aiport- 4 bags and let's just say they didn't eat any of the candy. 6986157229 POTUFSS 12/23/2009 9:05 PM Militants killed, detained in Afghanistan|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 23 (UPI) -- A number of suspected militants, .. 6986086908 Obamashitlist 12/23/2009 9:03 PM Militants killed, detained in Afghanistan|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 23 (UPI) -- A number of suspected militants, .. 6984125181 shineshe 12/23/2009 7:53 PM bunca zaman sadakatına layık olmayan o insanada üzülemiyorum bile.Sana gelen fırsatların yüzde biri ona gelseydi çoktan kabul ederdi zavalı 6983780651 USTalib 12/23/2009 7:40 PM EDITORIAL: INTERVIEW/ Sadako Ogata/ Development of Kabul will be a stabilizing ... - Asahi Shimbun 6983077012 memachel 12/23/2009 7:13 PM UPI-Top News: Miltiants killed, detained in Afghanistan - KABUL via@Fingertipnews 6982850395 marioradio 12/23/2009 7:05 PM Last hour! On the line is Col. Wayne Shanks, live from Kabul Afghanistan. Talking about the troop buildup y mucho mas at 6982706421 fingertipnews 12/23/2009 6:59 PM UPI-Top News: Miltiants killed, detained in Afghanistan - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 23 (UPI) -- A number of suspect... 6982118556 linkedin_jobs 12/23/2009 6:37 PM Magician at Echarcha - Kabul #in #jobs 6982080846 thetension 12/23/2009 6:35 PM OEF Update, Dec. 23, 2009: Joint Force Captures Kabul Criminal Group; Militants Killed, Detained; UK Casualty 6981463373 issaneves 12/23/2009 6:10 PM @kayrakfouri hahahaha vai ser facil de lembrar: bagda, beirut, damasco, ah nao kabul! hahahah to sem credito pra responder! Brigada xuxu 6981447228 ezgikazakk 12/23/2009 6:10 PM niye öyle düşündüm ki mal gibi oldğunu seve seve kabul ederim tam bi dalgacıyım adsasd 6980928767 SonDakikaHaberi 12/23/2009 5:50 PM Obama Kopenhag zirvesinin bir hayal kırıklığı olduğunu kabul ediyor. - BBC 6980870201 rob21fb 12/23/2009 5:47 PM Anti-Drug Push in Afghanistan Lacks Strategy, Report Says: ... Kabul and Islamabad, visits to Kabul and four Afghan... 6980463894 jesusalmeyda 12/23/2009 5:32 PM @tanjue Kabul ama ben isimlere pek takılmıyorum. Bana göre Chelsea kadrosu Manu'dan fersah fersah önde hem de 3-4 sezondur ama sonuç belli 6980415104 TantaoNews 12/23/2009 5:31 PM Afghan President Karzai Visits Injured Soldier in Kabul: KABUL, Dec. 23, 2009 (Xinhua) — Afghan Presiden.. 6980343585 tanjue 12/23/2009 5:28 PM @jesusalmeyda Bak totalde 23 oyuncudan kaçı şampiyon takımda forma giyebilecek seviyede önemli olan o.Bizde bu oran çok düşük kabul edelim. 6980213519 TantaoNews 12/23/2009 5:23 PM Afghan President Karzai Visits Injured Soldier in Kabul: KABUL, Dec. 23, 2009 (Xinhua) — Afghan Presiden.. 6979961068 mrvymndzc 12/23/2009 5:14 PM @FeyzaYavuz feyzaaaa yarın ilk uçakla ankaraya geliyorumm misafir kabul müü;))) 6979939941 bAiM45MF 12/23/2009 5:13 PM KEBUL!!!RT @ninabelinda: KABUL!!!RT @alicesofieNORIN: Miss my hadeeuuhh beg beg begituuu genk! @ninabelinda @dj_noxx @mcdrwe 6979828758 inmoritanya 12/23/2009 5:09 PM @wunnle yalan söylerken utanmayanlardan daha terbiyesizim kabul ediyorum. 6979780161 michaelhsmith 12/23/2009 5:07 PM Kabul 24, a book review 6979585153 zweitansage 12/23/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6979529238 mcyorukoglu 12/23/2009 4:58 PM @SezinSivri Gayet açıklamalı olmuştur. Test edip onayladık :)) Sezriel en iyi Tweetdaş kabul edilmiştir... 6979409993 TantaoNews 12/23/2009 4:53 PM Afghan Anti-Terrorism Unit Seizes Illegal Weapons in Kabul: KABUL, Dec. 23, 2009 (Xinhua) — An Afghan of.. 6979353346 ademdemirdag 12/23/2009 4:51 PM Su DLC cilginligi ne zaman duracak ? Adam gibi DLC`leri kabul ettik hadi, ufacik icerik icin 10 dolar isteyen yapimcilara ne demeli... 6979340364 chaogrey 12/23/2009 4:51 PM @herbkubilenadam Burjuva olmayı seve seve kabul ederim, o öküze güleceğime. 6979292224 lastnamei 12/23/2009 4:49 PM How to Exit Afghanistan: Iran and India are already giving large-scale economic aid to Kabul. Both might well i.. 6979211751 TantaoNews 12/23/2009 4:46 PM Afghan Anti-Terrorism Unit Seizes Illegal Weapons in Kabul: KABUL, Dec. 23, 2009 (Xinhua) — An Afghan of.. 6979183088 birolakbaba 12/23/2009 4:45 PM malesef ülkemizde "sünniler" dışındaki tüm inanışlar, hiçbir zaman saygı ve kabul görmedi.. hep "diğer" oldu.. ama hep aksi iddia edildi. 6979175372 adnan_oktar 12/23/2009 4:44 PM TÜRKİYE\'NİN YÜKSELEN GÜCÜNÜ HERKES KABUL EDİYOR... - 6979145403 adnan_oktar 12/23/2009 4:43 PM TÜRKİYE\'NİN YÜKSELEN GÜCÜNÜ HERKES KABUL EDİYOR... - 6978981704 benizo 12/23/2009 4:37 PM >Kamera gülen kızdan açılır ve uzaklaşmaya başlar. Uzaklaştıkça kızın kıkırdayan sesi fade out olur. Sevimli kızdır, kabul edeceği bellidir. 6978726568 secde 12/23/2009 4:28 PM ne taklalar attım.kendimi twitter'e kabul ettirene kadar. 6978706025 merveguneri 12/23/2009 4:27 PM @azizzpala Olup bitenleri kabul edemeyecek kadar duygusal, kıymetli olduğumun farkında olamayacak kadar umutsuzum. 6978460926 onurcagdas 12/23/2009 4:18 PM one shot bir frp olsaydı da girseydik. 3-5 haftalıklar da kabul. 6977990031 zweitansage 12/23/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6977970708 edashen 12/23/2009 3:59 PM Kimseyi kırmaktan hoşlanmıyorum. Gidiyorum... Peki kabul ettim... Tamamen sevenlerim için... 6977870270 HistoryOfAll 12/23/2009 3:55 PM #onthisday 1979: Soviet forces occupy Kabul, the Afghan capital. #TDIH 6977805631 PhilipArsenault 12/23/2009 3:52 PM Today is the 30th anniversary of the USSRs occupation of Kabul. Whatever happened to the USSR again? h/t WRM 6977588693 aylinsokmen 12/23/2009 3:44 PM o zaman karar ver. ya sus, ya sonuna kadar git, ya da kabul et ki aslında duygudüşünce pazarlaması yapıyorsun. 6977173342 handeakcali 12/23/2009 3:28 PM @ceyhuncebioglu o kadından sıkılıorm. artık salıları 4te gidelim. kabul edenler? 6977162012 sletrem 12/23/2009 3:28 PM @earlgarden En Güzeli..En Güzeli.. Allah Kabul etsin, hayırlı hizmetlerinin devamını dilerim Sisterim 6976963276 hakanbaskan 12/23/2009 3:20 PM Galatasaray Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi T. Yüksek Lisans Programı 2010 Şubat ayında yeniden öğrenci kabul edecek. 6976810686 oyis 12/23/2009 3:14 PM @balbocugu bu ikisi kiyas kabul eder mi sence? 6976777203 cinayetsaati 12/23/2009 3:13 PM 45-Ancak güzel olanı kabul eder. Kabil geri döndü. Allah kardeşini kendisinden üstün tutmuştu 6976740346 cinayetsaati 12/23/2009 3:11 PM 43-- Hayır ,dedi Adem. O malının en güzelini sunduğu için Allah onun hediyesini kabul etti. 6976571510 mim_aleko 12/23/2009 3:05 PM Twitter kullanıcıları hangi koşullar altında karşı cinsi ile buluşmayı kabul ediyor? 6976433843 zweitansage 12/23/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6976228811 Efdalcoach 12/23/2009 2:52 PM @GokcenT Canımsın ya, yine gelir Taylan ne yapalım Gökçenim... Onun yerine ben gelsem bir süreliğine, beni de kabul eder misin :D 6976119955 hotcities 12/23/2009 2:47 PM Hotel bombed in Kabul — Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami: The Latest From Winds Of Jihad: Hotel bombed in Kabul M.. 6975888990 kumiter 12/23/2009 2:39 PM eril söylemi baştan kabul edip itaatkar ve hep ağlayan kadınlar: ece erken 6975889371 globalnn 12/23/2009 2:39 PM CBS World: Video: Bringing America To Afghanistan - Mariam Nawabi left her native Kabul over 30 years ago and adopt... 6975794483 ashtormie 12/23/2009 2:35 PM #nowplaying Kabul Shit - @lilyroseallen 6975594974 NewsGeorgia 12/23/2009 2:27 PM Article Troops in Afghanistan call home, ask for support for ‘Operation … – McClatchy: KABUL, Afghanistan —... 6975562679 salmgkce 12/23/2009 2:26 PM Bu Emilinin her filmi senden birşeyler anlatıyor ve sen bunu kabul etmiyosn Mi :] (Ensemble cest tout) 6975542698 friendlyeco 12/23/2009 2:25 PM In Kabul, custom-made stoves blend warmth, art - Miami Herald: When U.S. guards frog-marched Abdul Salam Zaeef thr... 6975294308 AdamTheRed 12/23/2009 2:16 PM @jamietrecker Yikes, while the Caribbean may be bad....try flying into Kabul ! 6975151486 informazione 12/23/2009 2:10 PM La Russa, a giugno rinforzi a Kabul: Fonte: Corriere dello (ANSA) - LIVORNO, 23 DIC - 'Entro i primi gior... 6974954727 POTUFSS 12/23/2009 2:03 PM Troops in Afghanistan call home, ask for support for 'Operation Outreach'|KABUL, Afghanistan ? Staff Sgt. Danny .. 6974937392 bababerlin 12/23/2009 2:02 PM Custom-made stoves blend warmth, art in Kabul|KABUL ? When snow covers the mountains north of Kabul and .. 6974903377 VascoRossy 12/23/2009 2:01 PM Custom-made stoves blend warmth, art in Kabul|KABUL ? When snow covers the mountains north of Kabul and .. 6974892974 derPoet 12/23/2009 2:01 PM Custom-made stoves blend warmth, art in Kabul|KABUL ? When snow covers the mountains north of Kabul and .. 6974862464 zweitansage 12/23/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6974714703 GloodTV 12/23/2009 1:54 PM VIDEO Bringing America To Afghanistan: Mariam Nawabi left her native Kabul over 30 years ago and adopted the ... 6974540157 FlyAArmy 12/23/2009 1:47 PM @brajit A white mean with Turkey is my Favorite of all times,,,,Yes, Menu,,,Please,,, Yes, He is in Kabul, Afghanistan! (Already) 6974458055 globalnewsprjct 12/23/2009 1:44 PM Custom-made stoves blend warmth, art in Kabul (McClatchy Newspapers) ( 6974284731 SATZen 12/23/2009 1:37 PM Custom-made stoves blend warmth, art in Kabul (McClatchy Newspapers) 6974044503 medyafaresi 12/23/2009 1:28 PM Fransa`da liselerde mini etek ayaklanması!: Fransa`da yeni kabul edilen liselerde kıyafet kanunu büyük tartış... 6973322373 psikolojik_deli 12/23/2009 1:01 PM yardıma ihtiyacım olduğunu kabul edebilmem için yardıma ihtiyacım var. 6973278793 zweitansage 12/23/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6972908312 AllMilitaryNews 12/23/2009 12:45 PM (SgtDanger) Kabul Afghanistan Military District Christmas Devotional: The following messag.. #Military 6972733729 informazione 12/23/2009 12:39 PM La Russa: a giugno rinforzi a Kabul: Fonte: "Entro i primi giorni di giugno pensiamo di avviare con circa 1... 6972501403 defensejobs 12/23/2009 12:30 PM OCONUS: Nortel Engineer - Mission 1st Group - Kabul #jobs 6972430798 alpguclu 12/23/2009 12:28 PM @cuneytyuksel çömezsin bu konuda kabul etmen lazım artık :D 6972397565 girlofgordon 12/23/2009 12:26 PM I am 6 hours into a 24 hour trip to try to get from Kabul to the UK in time for Christmas... 6972047986 lastrose123 12/23/2009 12:13 PM Heves nefsanîdir. Hedef ruhani… Heves edilen şey, nefsin tamam dediği yer ve zamanda son bulur. Hedef kabul edilen... 6971993386 SKYTG24 12/23/2009 12:11 PM La Russa: a giugno rinforzi a Kabul: La Russa: a giugno rinforzi a Kabul Il ministro della Difesa ha... 6971805768 opethmania 12/23/2009 12:04 PM sırasıyla;Yüksek Sadakat,Redd,Badem,Gripin(?) ve 110 (110 kanımca tarz olarak tek) grupları çok severim koşulsuz kabul ederim. 6971786717 89MusTy5 12/23/2009 12:04 PM @PelinCansu nası kabul ettçem:D 6971667413 zweitansage 12/23/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6971448780 armygirlnay 12/23/2009 11:51 AM Beautiful and Touching, TY! RT @sgtdanger: Kabul Afghanistan Military District Christmas Devotional 6971280183 sgtdanger 12/23/2009 11:45 AM Kabul Afghanistan Military District Christmas Devotional 6971117971 Julie_Weathers 12/23/2009 11:39 AM RT @sgtdanger: Kabul Afghanistan Military District Christmas Devotional - 6971109560 TrustSulha 12/23/2009 11:39 AM RT @afghanmagazine: Stuck in Kabul traffic. A city built for 700,000 now home to 5 million. Smells of old Toyota exhaust. (via @AtiaAbawi) 6970718755 ufukuslu 12/23/2009 11:25 AM @iremmm biraz korkutucu bi duygu bu kabul et 6970683247 sgtdanger 12/23/2009 11:24 AM Kabul Afghanistan Military District Christmas Devotional - 6970528055 Themistoclea 12/23/2009 11:18 AM McClatchy blog: Checkpoint Kabul #twine 6970480640 TheBlastFM 12/23/2009 11:17 AM Merry Christmas! The Blast Radio Show kicks off at Noon Central; 11 pm in Kabul, Afghanistan; 9 pm in Baghdad, Iraq; 1800 UTC. 6970382951 dbthedoulos 12/23/2009 11:13 AM Had a great day in Kabul- Costa Rican dinner with friends, and if the flights work out Christmas eve at home. 6970131210 inayet 12/23/2009 11:04 AM RT @AFGMatters: RT @AtiaAbawi: Stuck in Kabul traffic. A city built for 700,000 now home to 5 million. City smells like old Toyota exhaust 6969990121 zweitansage 12/23/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6969806925 nedakaya 12/23/2009 10:53 AM kabul edilmiştir ahahha acıkmıstım zaten @tulinerdem 6969538874 afghanmagazine 12/23/2009 10:44 AM Stuck in Kabul traffic. A city built for 700,000 now home to 5 million. City smells like old Toyota exhaust. (via @AtiaAbawi) 6969245323 BostonMArss 12/23/2009 10:33 AM Herald| Afghan member of parliament gunned down by police: KABUL - A member of the Afghan parliament was mistakenly... 6969245384 Small_Biz_Coach 12/23/2009 10:33 AM Afghan member of parliament gunned down by police: KABUL - A member of the Afghan parliament was mistakenly killed ... 6968476212 nagehan 12/23/2009 10:07 AM yarın maılımde 4 adet kabul edilmiştir,projelerin ayrıntıları için konuşalım maili görmek istiyorummmmmm 6968247980 zweitansage 12/23/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6968163813 MeinTeil 12/23/2009 9:57 AM Today in 1979, Soviet forces occupy Kabul, the Afghan capital. 6967951435 mustaghfirin 12/23/2009 9:49 AM dasar otak kabul *cabul.. hohoho RT @keparatvera: @mustaghfirin itu nma artis kidul *kabul* yah hehe 6967890424 hurriyetavrupa 12/23/2009 9:47 AM TFF ihale şartnamesini kabul etti: TFF, 2010-11 sezonundan geçerli olacak yayın hakları ihalesi için hazırlan... 6967810438 televideorai 12/23/2009 9:45 AM [dal mondo] KABUL, POLIZIA UCCIDE SENATORE PER ERRORE view.jsp?id=666588&p=150 6967757159 jeyhun 12/23/2009 9:43 AM Guus Hiddink 8 Mil. € istemis,Yilmaz Vural para konusmam kabul ederim demis. Peki,neden bizde haketmedigi 500 bin tl icin kapida yatiyor? 6967731851 keparatvera 12/23/2009 9:42 AM @mustaghfirin itu nma artis kidul *kabul* yah hehe 6967647216 davidclinchCNN 12/23/2009 9:39 AM A very Happy Christmas to all our CNN teams in the field this week! We appreciate you! - Kabul Bureau's Xmas tree: 6967572280 cronaca24 12/23/2009 9:36 AM La Russa a giugno rinforzi a Kabul 6967473022 philengland1 12/23/2009 9:33 AM RT @iDeskCNN: A very Happy Christmas to all our CNN teams in the field this week! We appreciate you! - Kabul Bureau's Xmas tree: http:// ... 6967443281 LisaMirandoCNN 12/23/2009 9:32 AM So sweet - a little #x-mas cheer !! @iDeskCNN Kabul Bureau's Xmas tree: 6967406479 cronaca24 12/23/2009 9:31 AM La Russa a giugno rinforzi a Kabul 6967331882 thisisjohnandri 12/23/2009 9:28 AM RT @iDeskCNN: A very Happy Christmas to all our CNN teams in the field this week! We appreciate you! - Kabul Bur... 6967260559 tedleew 12/23/2009 9:26 AM RT @iDeskCNN: A very Happy Christmas to all our CNN teams in the field this week! We appreciate you! - Kabul Bureau's Xmas tree: http:// ... 6967250177 raffale 12/23/2009 9:26 AM RT @iDeskCNN A very Happy Christmas to all our CNN teams in the field this week! We appreciate you! - Kabul Bureau (cont) 6967068760 soskinny 12/23/2009 9:19 AM ilgi manyagi oldugumu kabul ediyorum. 6966803607 dragonomi 12/23/2009 9:11 AM Ford, Volvo'nun Çinli Geely'ye satışını kabul etti 6966708462 Somnambulistt 12/23/2009 9:07 AM .. siz bilirsiniz; ama o saç sizin saçınızdı" diye sesini yukselterek, uzaklasti. :) Hali dedigini kabul ettirmeye calisan cocuklar gibiydi. 6966653468 Somnambulistt 12/23/2009 9:05 AM ..başka bi' gune yemek fişi verebilecegini" söyledi. Kabul etmedim ve bu durumu daha üst kademelere bildirecegimi soyledim. Adam da "tamam.. 6966593412 mymonews 12/23/2009 9:03 AM [news] Politica - La Russa, a giugno rinforzi a Kabul: La parte piu' consistente del contingente partira' in seguito 6966577806 cultoftravel 12/23/2009 9:03 AM RT @FacingTheStreet: Great article on fashion in Kabul by author of Kabul Beauty School: 6966574034 informazione 12/23/2009 9:03 AM La Russa, a giugno rinforzi a Kabul: Fonte: 4minuti Reggio (ANSA) - LIVORNO, 23 DIC - 'Entro i primi giorni di giu... 6966471398 zweitansage 12/23/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6966420628 FacingTheStreet 12/23/2009 8:58 AM Great article on fashion in Kabul by author of Kabul Beauty School: 6966408170 msn_italia 12/23/2009 8:57 AM La Russa, a giugno rinforzi a Kabul: La parte piu' consistente del contingente partira' in seguito 6966304398 daniabee 12/23/2009 8:54 AM @siscastarship ntar ingus nya dilapin sbg ijab kabul,HAHAHAHAHA @ohmyjek tisu nya yang bagus! emas! 6965889377 ansa_it 12/23/2009 8:38 AM La Russa, a giugno rinforzi a Kabul 6965876905 iclalaydin 12/23/2009 8:38 AM @karo555 aslında haklısınız. Teklif ettim ama kibar istanbullu olarak kabul etmedi 6965796931 Somnambulistt 12/23/2009 8:35 AM @Sailke Tabii ki kabul ederim, ne demek?.. Memnun olurum hatta... Yalnız cidden nickiniz bile tanidik geliyor; ner'dense artık?.. :) 6965781570 ankahukuk 12/23/2009 8:35 AM Çek Kanunu Tasarısı Kabul Edildi 6965199096 serhanozden 12/23/2009 8:13 AM bakmak değil görmek maharet kabul ediliyor. lakin başka bir açıdan; kişinin iradesiyle yaptığı şey bakmaktır, görmek istemsiz olabilir. 6965125632 ansa_news 12/23/2009 8:10 AM La Russa, a giugno rinforzi a Kabul: La parte piu' consistente del contingente partira' in seguito 6965124498 ilGiornaleNET 12/23/2009 8:10 AM La Russa, a giugno rinforzi a Kabul: La parte piu' consistente del contingente partira' in seguito 6965104916 iqbalnurs 12/23/2009 8:09 AM baru nyadar tweet gw udah 6000. tahlilan, yasiinan, khitanan, ijab kabul, sujud syukur 6964994002 chaotic97 12/23/2009 8:05 AM hayvanca şeyler söyledim kabul ediyorum.. 6964991072 FigenBalci 12/23/2009 8:05 AM @denizzeyrek TSK'nın dışarıya bilgi sızdığını kabul etmesi ve bunu açıklamayla duyurması bu zaafiyeti kabul etmesini nasıl yorumluyorsun 6964922613 denizzeyrek 12/23/2009 8:02 AM @ahuozyurt @MetehanDemirCK genelkurmayın metnini doğru kabul edersek şu ayrıntı önem kazanıyor: yabancılara mı "yerlilere" mi sızdırıyordu 6964849900 zweitansage 12/23/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6964786799 AyySp 12/23/2009 7:57 AM @Dikielhasani ijab kabul afa? 6964693029 ohinisigita 12/23/2009 7:53 AM Hehe kok kayak tweetnya mieke pas mo ijab kabul ama tora :p RT @ditaditut: Bismillah 6964632892 hilalplaza 12/23/2009 7:51 AM Most Tajiks of Afghanistan reside in Kabul and Herat provinces. Some reside in the mountains north of Hindu Kush, and the Iranian border. 6964598097 ensiz_news 12/23/2009 7:49 AM Policía afgana asesina por error a legislador: KABUL.- Un integrante del parlamento afgano fue asesinado por error... 6964579173 zaferbaykul 12/23/2009 7:49 AM @escobar_gaviria 28.nde doğumgünü varmış her türlü alkol ve hediye kabul ediomuş :):) 6964432255 ebricenolc 12/23/2009 7:42 AM RT @YahooNoticias: Policía afgana asesina por error a legislador: AP - KABUL (AP) 6964420817 thomasbaltes 12/23/2009 7:42 AM RT @panospictures: new story posted: Wrestling Kabul by Sven Torfinn 6964157076 ilGiornaleNET 12/23/2009 7:31 AM Mohammad Yunos Shirnagha, Afghan Member Of Parliament, Gunned Down By Police: KABUL — A member of the Afghan parl... 6964108901 panospictures 12/23/2009 7:29 AM new story posted: Wrestling Kabul by Sven Torfinn 6963819669 MathildeTahon 12/23/2009 7:16 AM @Nilcn ama gidenlerden bazıları da türkçe belge kabul etmiyolar dio, bazı yerlerde de gerek yok dio :S 6963754726 eda426 12/23/2009 7:13 AM @serdargokalp NORMAL İNSANLAR GİBİSİN YANİ:) BÜNYEN KABUL ETMİYO MU? 6963713474 notiven 12/23/2009 7:11 AM RT: @yahoonoticias :Policía afgana asesina por error a legislador: AP - KABUL (AP) - Un integrante del parlamento afgano fue asesinado... ht 6963623432 YahooNoticias 12/23/2009 7:07 AM Policía afgana asesina por error a legislador: AP - KABUL (AP) - Un integrante del parlamento afgano fue asesinado... 6963484028 ismetberkan 12/23/2009 7:01 AM @petite1ze olur mu oyle sey, her fakir rusvet kabul edebilir, hatta haksiz kazanc elde edecek ayricaliklara sahip olabilir mi diyecegiz 6963304887 vagabot 12/23/2009 6:52 AM #AnuradhaL Afghanistan is in South Asia and the capital is Kabul. You can find more information about it on meta-g... 6963301188 youtomama0307 12/23/2009 6:52 AM @AtiaAbawi:i red Japan news of "focus on Kabul expansion". is this ? > A city built for 700,000 now home to 5 million 6963277316 mindproduction 12/23/2009 6:51 AM @SahnazCakiralp gec de olsa bir Gün Aydın.. kabul edilir umarım : )) 6963199266 fmarcial 12/23/2009 6:47 AM Afghan member of parliament gunned down by police: KABUL – A member of the Afghan parliament was mistakenly ki.. 6963172811 fmarcial 12/23/2009 6:46 AM Afghan member of parliament gunned down by police: KABUL – A member of the Afghan parliament was mistakenly kil.. 6963108678 muladhara 12/23/2009 6:43 AM Nxt 5 yrs, India is expected to focus on buildg Afgh’s parliamnt in Kabul, awa the run-of-the-river Salma dam in WAfgh. 6963078591 londonmet 12/23/2009 6:42 AM Santa Claus Protection-Team, Maza-e-Sharif, North of Kabul, Afghanistan: 6963075227 petite1ze 12/23/2009 6:41 AM @ismetberkan tabii ki direkt ilgisi yok, sadece biri diğerini anlaşılır ve kabul edilebilir kılıyor malesef. 6963039027 muladhara 12/23/2009 6:40 AM Acdg 2 JyotiM there are only 12 offcials@ the IndianEmb in Kabul dealg w/ a range of issues vital 2 India's interests. 6962802499 ibrahimselim 12/23/2009 6:28 AM Sakalımda da beyaz çıkmaya başladı, artık büyüdüğümü kabul etmeli miyim? Etmesem?... 6962799513 muladhara 12/23/2009 6:28 AM India mst seriously focus on LongTerm intervntn+asstnc in stablsng Afgh,a variety of politicians,analysts+diplomats sd in Kabul+NDelhi. 6962727763 achiyahks 12/23/2009 6:24 AM RT @Dilaiueo: Ah cmn punya twitter aja nilai gue acak kabul, gmn punya yang lanenan taudeh kebakar kali ye rapot gue nanti 6962698877 muladhara 12/23/2009 6:23 AM Jyoti Malhotra from her perch in Kabul : 6962678340 Dilaiueo 12/23/2009 6:22 AM Ah cmn punya twitter aja nilai gue acak kabul, gmn punya yang lanenan taudeh kebakar kali ye rapot gue nanti 6962599948 muladhara 12/23/2009 6:18 AM BusStd folks need to b complmntd 4 stationing Jyoti Malhotra ( fmrly LiveMint) in Kabul.No idea if she is indeed permnnt.JM hs MKB lk views 6962393428 mehterr 12/23/2009 6:08 AM Sasirarak dun geceki kuantum dokunusunun etkisini tecrube ediyorum. Bana gelen tum guzellikleri sevgiyle kabul ediyorum. :) 6962370500 foolandbeer 12/23/2009 6:06 AM RT @TheGoddessJr: @foolandbeer Bu videoyu gormus oldugunu kabul ediyorum: Ayrica, o is sakat :) 6962314931 georgeweyman 12/23/2009 6:03 AM RT @AtiaAbawi: Stuck in Kabul traffic. A city built for 700,000 now home to 5 million. City smells like old Toyota exhaust. 6962273656 balbocugu 12/23/2009 6:01 AM @habercimurat siz kilitli olduğunuz sürece biri sizi follow etmek istediğinde size mail gelir.kabul ederseniz eğer follow edebilir.. 6962259723 Orzala 12/23/2009 6:01 AM One and half hr is the trip of 10 mints in kabul...we need scholorships for traffic to india to learn hw they manage... 6962237383 zweitansage 12/23/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6962190130 PUTKUL 12/23/2009 5:57 AM sanki ergonokon denilen o dev yapı ve uğur mumcu ve bir çok aydını öldüren yok eden varlığı kabul edenlerle dalga geçiyosun gibi 6962119570 simazt 12/23/2009 5:53 AM kan harus ijab kabul dulu biar halal abis itu terserah anda RT @tiez_ghie: @simazt kalo setubuh hukumnya??? Ahh halal aja kali yee 6962113802 AFGMatters 12/23/2009 5:53 AM RT @AtiaAbawi: Stuck in Kabul traffic. A city built for 700,000 now home to 5 million. City smells like old Toyota exhaust. 6962103559 AtiaAbawi 12/23/2009 5:52 AM Stuck in Kabul traffic. A city built for 700,000 now home to 5 million. City smells like old Toyota exhaust. 6962103409 TheGoddessJr 12/23/2009 5:52 AM @foolandbeer Bu videoyu gormus oldugunu kabul ediyorum: Ayrica, o is sakat :) 6962019521 sondakika_haber 12/23/2009 5:47 AM SonDakika: Sudan'da referandum yasası kabul edildi: Sudan Meclisi 2011 yılında yapılması planlanan Gü.. 6961897481 NegaahTV 12/23/2009 5:41 AM Negaah TV is the first News channel in Afghanistan that provides the latest news from Afghanistan and allover the world from kabul 6961761419 pixelillo 12/23/2009 5:33 AM @logela eso suena a Beers&blogs de Kabul xDDD 6961712258 anandanadya 12/23/2009 5:30 AM Dusta,kabul gendut RT @monicgultom Kabul said 'I'm a slim baby mom' :) 6961682670 kisafilmler 12/23/2009 5:28 AM @bircebozdag Bilmeyen yoktur gerçi ama Requiem For A Dream TVnin kabul gören, yasal bir uyuşturucu olması konusunu işler. 6961596420 ultimenotizie 12/23/2009 5:23 AM Afghanistan: bicibomba esplode a helmand, 3 civili morti: Kabul, 23 dic. – (Adnkronos/Aki) – Un ordigno colloca... 6961594795 Askdoktoru 12/23/2009 5:23 AM @habercimurat kendisi seni follow ettiğinde sana uyarı mesajı gelecek. kabul edersen follow edecek etmezsen etmeyecek 6961560198 sannti 12/23/2009 5:21 AM @kmkayrak beni çağırdılar gel pivot oyna diye de sakatlanırım falan diye kabul etmedim. 6961437182 christanath 12/23/2009 5:14 AM @dinagurning kibul! bukan kabul! 6961270776 Askdoktoru 12/23/2009 5:04 AM @habercimurat sarı basın kartını bankaların bile kabul etmediği bir ortamda yeşil pasaport gerçekleşirse çok itibarlı bir şey olacak. 6961194243 zweitansage 12/23/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6961071168 aliklaslan 12/23/2009 4:52 AM hala yataktayım..elimde telefon sizlere bişiler yazıyorum..neden ki..insan neden diğerlerine seslenir.egosal şeyler bence.kabul etmesenizde. 6960952230 thetime 12/23/2009 4:45 AM in Kabul, Asia is 3:15pm 6960914148 ensonhaber 12/23/2009 4:42 AM Fransa’da mini etek ayaklanması: Fransa’da yeni kabul edilen liselerde kıyafet kanunu büyük tart.. 6960749672 Sailke 12/23/2009 4:32 AM @Somnambulistt Maalesef Ankara ile hiç ilgim olmadı.Yazılarınızı beğendiğim için sizi izlemek istemiştim.Tabii kabul ederseniz.İyi günler:)) 6960449395 televideorai 12/23/2009 4:13 AM [dal mondo] KABUL POLIZIA UCCIDE SENATORE PER ERRORE view.jsp?id=666537&p=150 6960288851 AFGMatters 12/23/2009 4:03 AM Fascinating series of articles, history of Kabul ( & Helmand ( , Afghanistan (tip via @islamnz) 6960234243 zweitansage 12/23/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6960059620 yilmazcahit 12/23/2009 3:48 AM @SezinSivri ya kabul etmiyorsun ama hakkaten komiksinn yaaa..tanrı twett ve korumaaa pc karşısında güldümm çok sagol 6960013086 yasarisgorenler 12/23/2009 3:45 AM @Jean_montmartre şekilci oldugum doorudur kabul ederim bunu ama recep ivedik te turk ama sizin gibi pohpohlamıyorum 6959966832 metebilgin 12/23/2009 3:42 AM @muminee demekki kabul edilemeyecek bir anlaşmamış :) 6959963434 1MRVP 12/23/2009 3:42 AM Afghan MP mistakenly killed in Kabul 6959846176 muminee 12/23/2009 3:34 AM enterasandır ki lisans anlaşmasını okudum kabul ettime tıklıyorum ama next butonu aktif olmuyor bu işin içinde bi bit yeniği var 6959843677 bolbol_gundem 12/23/2009 3:34 AM Para konuşmam kabul ederim 6959754506 prinkanidila 12/23/2009 3:29 AM @daniswe perasaan tadinya mau ijab kabul di rumah ya? taek, undur aja deh 2 taun lagi. 6959718094 talesin 12/23/2009 3:26 AM RT @usfora: UPDATE: Dec. 23: Joint Force Captures Kabul Criminal Group; Militants Killed, Detained; ISAF Casualty 6959648779 usfora 12/23/2009 3:22 AM UPDATE: Dec. 23: Joint Force Captures Kabul Criminal Group; Militants Killed, Detained; ISAF Casualty 6959610376 miccimmiccim 12/23/2009 3:20 AM @ceydaca ceyda hanım facebook ta daveti neden kabul etmiyorsunuz? 6959383313 Udo_Indra 12/23/2009 3:05 AM Alhamdulillah, acara ijab kabul Surya berjalan lancar.. 6959303265 lizva 12/23/2009 3:01 AM lots of Ashura-related decor in Kabul this week. fascinating & impressive how the Shia minority can openly observe/flaunt the 'holiday.' 6959279200 zweitansage 12/23/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6959180704 cobillard 12/23/2009 2:53 AM Afghan alliances & allegiances: 6959128194 bolbol_dunya 12/23/2009 2:50 AM İsrail yasadışı organ topladığını kabul etti 6959030713 ObenKT 12/23/2009 2:44 AM @tennure bildiğim kadarıyla henüz kabul edilmedi..ama emin değilim ? 6958690730 davidtyleryork 12/23/2009 2:23 AM the great afghan war flying spaghetti monster o.O 6958437831 armysupporter 12/23/2009 2:08 AM Sam Isaac Edwards: Army Halts Delivery of Christmas Gifts to Front ...: Kabul, Afghanistan -- "Mr. Edwards, W... 6958294757 zweitansage 12/23/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6958050626 Somnambulistt 12/23/2009 1:45 AM @MetinBosnak Bize sunulanları kabul ederek kurdugumuz villalar, yine baskalari tarafindan kolayca yikilabilir hem!.. 6957933263 ARYNews 12/23/2009 1:38 AM Afghan lawmaker killed in Kabul shootout 6957920953 rizky14 12/23/2009 1:38 AM Sepertinya begitu yu huhu...RT @oahjoe Hehe ngidam harus ijab qabul dulu yah? :p RT @rizky14: Belom juga ijab kabul..kok udah ngidam yu.. 6957627767 emindurukan 12/23/2009 1:21 AM Artik; bir taksiciden daha fazla olan (ara)yol bilgimin de Istanbul trafigine ustunluk saglayamadigini kabul etmek durumundayim. 6957559764 rizky14 12/23/2009 1:17 AM Belom juga ijab kabul..kok udah ngidam yu..ckckckc :bRT @oahjoe Ngidam pancake.. Hmm... @ikkutheblue nanti ke Mr. Pancake yuukk... :) 6957050131 glamrockgal 12/23/2009 12:50 AM Her çiçekten bal almak isteyen arılar aslında hiçbir çiçeğin onlara ait olmadıgını da kabul ederler.salak arılar. 6956211718 layne 12/23/2009 12:09 AM 30 years ago today, the Soviets took Kabul, Peggy Guggenheim died, and I was born. Coincidence? 6955953586 onur_hazar 12/22/2009 11:57 PM @NOdabasi tehlikeli yolcu kagidi bildigim birsey ama kabul edilir birsey degil. Ne icin gidiyorsunuz neyle karsilasiyorsunuz... 6955933476 ayichan 12/22/2009 11:56 PM wokeh thanks before :D RT @sayuri_putchan: Ahahha :p Woke kak, bntar yak RT @ayichan: yiah,dia ijab kabul :p, ayichan dek namanya 6955827527 sayuri_putchan 12/22/2009 11:52 PM Ahahha :p Woke kak, bntar yak RT @ayichan: yiah,dia ijab kabul :p, ayichan dek namanya 6955775870 ayichan 12/22/2009 11:49 PM yiah,dia ijab kabul :p, ayichan dek namanya RT @sayuri_putchan: Iyaa jga ya. Haha yaya saya trima dri jombang. Wkwkw apa namanya kak? 6955762566 abdohoo 12/22/2009 11:49 PM Product Executive – Prepaid, 2 – 5 yrs exp, Kabul – Afghanistan: Afghan Wireless Communications Company - 1.La.. 6955687043 whtsthescorehre 12/22/2009 11:45 PM #WTF The Great Afghan Spaghetti Monster 6955308919 allenavalensia 12/22/2009 11:29 PM Eh @texasjack13 belum =PRT @Ayakdjatie:@BennieFourt wah doane tahun baruan mbiyen pada kabul kabeh yo.lulus kabeh.bsk doane thn br opo.RABI! 6955293443 taqaza 12/22/2009 11:28 PM Afghan's going ahead: KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - DECEMBER 22: NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen (L) looks on ... 6955253690 onur_hazar 12/22/2009 11:27 PM @NOdabasi tehlikeli yolcu kagidi nedir! Ustune bu kabul edilebilecek birsey degil iste.gecmis olsun demek bile anlamsiz 6954943651 tbutson 12/22/2009 11:14 PM Anyone know the best way to do the Kabul to Bagram Air Base run? The best way that preferably avoids the 40km IED prone drive? 6954749087 ragarwal 12/22/2009 11:06 PM #US to use spy planes in #Kabul #news 6954311755 Ayakdjatie 12/22/2009 10:48 PM @BennieFourt wah doane tahun baruan mbiyen pada kabul kabeh yo mas...lulus kabeh hahahahahah...bsk doane thn br opo....R.A.B.I...!!!!! 6953480955 NOdabasi 12/22/2009 10:16 PM Kabul edemiyorum, yutamiyorum ve inanamiyorum. Hayatimda ilk kez boyle bir rezalet! Saygisizlar terbiyesizler. Sonuna kadar devam edicem! 6953426536 NOdabasi 12/22/2009 10:14 PM Hayatimda ilk kez boyle bir sey oluyor. Emirates iki hostesinin saygiz davranislarini kabul etmedigim icin 3 saattir polisteyim. Simdi ok 6953361118 dbthedoulos 12/22/2009 10:12 PM Wilma and Michael have arrived- some breakfast and then the joy of Kabul. 6952385731 siddharthramana 12/22/2009 9:37 PM In Kabul, India punches below its weight: Experts 6952081182 liacantdance 12/22/2009 9:26 PM kabul shit - lily allen :) 6950918474 michaelhsmith 12/22/2009 8:45 PM Going to finish reading a book, Kabul 24, & post a review tomorrow. 6950868921 aysemsahika 12/22/2009 8:43 PM @ahyaak Sen uyuda gel asil!! Sabahin 5inde ayakta, sabah namazinami uyandin?? :)) Allah kabul etsin! Berhudar ol :) 6950268660 taniatanz 12/22/2009 8:22 PM Amin Y Allah, kabul.. RT @romy_cool: Amien...RT @taniatanz: Smoga dapet proyek indosat ini ya Allah. Tender-tender-tender... 6949448523 _tabularasa_ 12/22/2009 7:53 PM 3- Geride bıraktığım sevgililer..... ve yaşamadığım hayaller... Kabul edemediğim, bana sunulanların hepsini gördüm. 6949254464 deiarock 12/22/2009 7:46 PM Kabul, quem conhece? (além da @malisboa ) 6949242587 AlanBlogz 12/22/2009 7:45 PM Excume Sir....Your a Kabul Shit! :O 6948291144 in_asia 12/22/2009 7:11 PM At a news conference in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Tuesday, Mr. Karzai said that he had requested the inquiry into .. 6948090949 santinista 12/22/2009 7:03 PM @minebal teşekkür ederim balımm, bunu bir iltifat olarak kabul ediyorum :)) 6948047175 Aby_Ummy 12/22/2009 7:02 PM NATO Tidak Punya Batasan Waktu Pemunduran Pasukan - Berita: KABUL ( - Pimpinan NATO mengatakan pad.. 6947886439 travel_blogs 12/22/2009 6:56 PM Starting proper!!: Well after a short break we have now started our trip!We left Kabul weary and stressed b.. 6947867654 Umyrina 12/22/2009 6:55 PM NATO Tidak Punya Batasan Waktu Pemunduran Pasukan: KABUL ( - Pimpinan NATO mengatakan pada hari Se.. 6947279207 arrahmah 12/22/2009 6:33 PM NATO Tidak Punya Batasan Waktu Pemunduran Pasukan - Berita: KABUL ( - Pimpinan NATO mengatakan pada ha... 6947170781 NSYLMZ 12/22/2009 6:29 PM @btshylmz Duaların mı kabul oldu artık bilemeyeceğim? :))) 6947148909 Ahyhabiby 12/22/2009 6:28 PM KABUL ( - Pimpinan NATO mengatakan pada hari Selasa (22/12) bahwa pihaknya tidak akan menentukan b.. 6947017922 scissorshandss 12/22/2009 6:23 PM "suçlu çocuk yoktur", "suça itilen çocuk vardır" prensibi ülkemizde fiilen kabul görmüyor. 6946952889 ayutyaspratiwi 12/22/2009 6:21 PM @ithowitter Pst lo gemeteran ya?ky mau ijab kabul gtu.. hehehe 6946790190 ramaotti 12/22/2009 6:15 PM düzüsmenin teknolojik olanini kimse kabul etmiyor.demek ki muhafazakarlik iyi bi nokta da muhafazakar olup öbüründe olmamak olmuyor 6946605149 TwitAbla 12/22/2009 6:08 PM RT @muratsngl: @TwitAbla çemkirmedim de! buraya düşüncelerinizi yazıyorsanız cvp istiyorsunuz demektir,kabul edin soğuk ve gereksiz tavr ... 6946588209 muratsngl 12/22/2009 6:07 PM @TwitAbla çemkirmedim de! buraya düşüncelerinizi yazıyorsanız cvp istiyorsunuz demektir,kabul edin soğuk ve gereksiz tavrınız var 6946514964 POTUFSS 12/22/2009 6:04 PM NATO will 'stay the course' in Afghanistan|KABUL - Visiting NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on .. 6946458229 Obamashitlist 12/22/2009 6:02 PM NATO will 'stay the course' in Afghanistan|KABUL - Visiting NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on .. 6946435159 mtadude 12/22/2009 6:01 PM NATO will 'stay the course' in Afghanistan|KABUL - Visiting NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on .. 6946429210 edademir 12/22/2009 6:01 PM allam 6 aylik dualarim kabul oldu. Kivanc Tatlitug saclarini kisacik kestirmis! 6946222398 hamdidemirkan 12/22/2009 5:53 PM @cerensever ama kabul etmiyorsun bir yandan da olanı.Savunma yapmak durumunda kalmışsın. Hoşunada gitmiyor.çekilip birkenarda anlaşılmak zor 6945998612 cileklisakiz 12/22/2009 5:45 PM @berensever ama sen işi yokuşa sürüyosun... :) bak yusuf islamı kabul edersen herşeyi halledebilirlim :P 6945811298 bolbol_ekonomi 12/22/2009 5:38 PM Şimşek Meclis’te nişan tebriklerini kabul etti 6945711866 cronaca24 12/22/2009 5:34 PM Rasmussen a Kabul no abbandono Nato 6945678743 bolbol_gundem 12/22/2009 5:33 PM Para bile konuşmam hemen kabul ederim 6945600100 ranchsosu 12/22/2009 5:30 PM son iett seferi yarım saat önce olduğundan sarı pijamalarımla uzun uzun ana yolda yürüdüm saat biri geciyordu kabul etmeliyim.. 6945483891 fingertipnews 12/22/2009 5:26 PM UPI-Top News: Corruption, security blocks Afghan aid - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 22 (UPI) -- The security situation... 6944983387 berensever 12/22/2009 5:07 PM @cileklisakiz anlaştık.. yalnız cat stevens halini isterim, yusuf islam'ı getirirsen kabul etmem:)) 6944909856 mkarakartal 12/22/2009 5:05 PM ve beklenen an geldi: sayım beni küsmekle tehdit ediyor. tamam, kabul, seviyorum seni. hep sevdim. 6944896052 aslanas 12/22/2009 5:04 PM kavgalar hep küçük şeylerden çıkmaz, kabul edin bazen ihanet bazen büyük yalanlar da söylersiniz 6944777005 bayraktarbaris 12/22/2009 5:00 PM facebook tan once normalde grup davetlerini kabul ederdim :) 6944769349 zweitansage 12/22/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6944493712 BobOpyd 12/22/2009 4:50 PM I head back to Kabul tomorrow night, actually looking forward to getting back! Go figure, I must have some screws loose, LOL! 6944212378 cetincebi 12/22/2009 4:39 PM cuneyt ozdemir billur kalkavani blocklamis beni kabul etti. kendimi adamdan saydim teekkurler cuneyt abicim 6943735525 LLLMadrid 12/22/2009 4:23 PM La Comisión Europea, la Unión Europea y UNICEF reafirman los derechos de los niños de Afganistán: KABUL, Afgani... 6943506700 Chaati 12/22/2009 4:14 PM ... kabul etmicemde iddaayı şunu bulması yönünde çevircem mavi renk olanından mavi-beyaz 6943245969 stratpost 12/22/2009 4:05 PM In Kabul, India punches below its weight: Experts 6943213536 benburadayken 12/22/2009 4:04 PM manasız evet kabul ediyorum ama digerlerinide anladığınız kabul edilemez.bari kerevizle yetinin he ne dersiniz ? 6943135993 pacewayerhy 12/22/2009 4:01 PM Bombs kill 2 service members in Afghanistan: KABUL 8212; NATO says two U.S. service members and an American c 2xvS8f ! 6943101229 zweitansage 12/22/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6942885234 ozlemozum 12/22/2009 3:51 PM @fulyac hep öküzlerle çıktım ama ilk defa öküz olduğunu kabul eden biri ile karşılaşıyorum ondan bünyem kabul etmedi. var bir çapanoğlu ;). 6942748227 irasare 12/22/2009 3:46 PM @okckilinc bizde sakız verelim işte.. kabul etmezse sen verince oluyorya deriz.. oluyoryanın sonunda istedigin ekli de getirebilirsin 6942517417 chaogrey 12/22/2009 3:38 PM @vanadu Pink Floyd'a bulaşma da ne yaparsan yap. Başka birisini kabul etmiyor bünye onlardan sonra. 6942342586 nazliyucel 12/22/2009 3:32 PM @fethikalkan suc bende diil ya! fethi benden nefret etme nolur, hayirsiz oldugumu kabul ediyorum 6942180321 drbrydon 12/22/2009 3:26 PM Classy Houses in Kabul.: I would like to think that Kabul invented the gaudy, tasteless and occasionally offens.. 6942071801 indofxtrading 12/22/2009 3:22 PM NATO says no deadline for Afghan troop withdrawal: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of NATO said on Tuesday there would be no 6942071341 AllNewsSources 12/22/2009 3:22 PM REUTERS: NATO says no deadline for Afghan troop withdrawal: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of NATO said on Tuesday there wo 6941921354 mim_aleko 12/22/2009 3:17 PM Avrupa'dan gelen soğuk hava dalgası, ülkemizi etkisi altına aldı.. Yok abi, Avrupa bizi sevmiyor işte, kabul edelim artık!.. 6941905743 DutYemisBulbul 12/22/2009 3:16 PM Almanca öğrenmek istermisiniz,saat ücreti her saat başı sadece bir followers.. :)) (Veresiye kabul edilir) 6941575479 POTUFSS 12/22/2009 3:04 PM NATO will 'stay the course' in Afghanistan: chief|KABUL: Visiting NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on .. 6941515941 Obamashitlist 12/22/2009 3:02 PM NATO will 'stay the course' in Afghanistan: chief|KABUL: Visiting NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on .. 6941489053 mtadude 12/22/2009 3:01 PM NATO will 'stay the course' in Afghanistan: chief|KABUL: Visiting NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on .. 6941436607 zweitansage 12/22/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6941253342 tmj_engjobs 12/22/2009 2:53 PM Emerging Markets Group is Hiring: Engineering, Quality Assurance and Lo... (Kabul, NA) #Jobs #TweetMyJOBS 6941212127 RediffNews 12/22/2009 2:51 PM In Kabul, India punches below its weight: Experts: As the second Hamid Karzai government settles down to business i... 6941109409 IngridOliphant 12/22/2009 2:47 PM @MyPinkAura Been better! Things aren't good w/ him at all. Major depression+alcoholism+suicidal thts daily+being in Kabul+holiday=not good! 6941098764 anilbhr 12/22/2009 2:47 PM @seheryagmur ewt geldi kabul etmeyenlere inat onunda fotosu var artik :p 6941015301 News711 12/22/2009 2:44 PM NATO will 'stay the course' in Afghanistan: chief: KABUL: Visiting NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.. 6940953551 jasonflemyng 12/22/2009 2:42 PM @fulyac sen hangi bankadaydin? Ihbar kabul edicem bu esnemeyi :) 6940664086 ahmethc 12/22/2009 2:32 PM @Beatweeds Çok haklısın. Ben öyleyim. Ama kabul et ki standartlarım çok düşük olmasına rağmen, seninle hiç ilgilenmedim. 6940313371 crazy_deacay 12/22/2009 2:19 PM ece abla benı twitterine kabul edermısın nolur!!! 6940255187 mortensonedc 12/22/2009 2:17 PM RT @bamadei: Fuel briquette project in Kabul Afgahnistan (MC-EDC and Afghans for Tomorrow): 6940009827 demirons 12/22/2009 2:09 PM Tamam kabul ediyorum... hemen elde edilen şeyler kıymetli de olsa kıymetsiz gibi geliyormuş.. bu sanal algıyı kırmam gerek.. 6939995659 OccultQueen 12/22/2009 2:08 PM @Xery Misafir kabul ediyorsundur umarım. :P 6939733730 zweitansage 12/22/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6939511960 Apikotrug 12/22/2009 1:52 PM Türkçe Rap’in en önemli isimleri arasında kabul edilen Hayki, Patron ve Da Poet tarafından kurulan PMC Stüdyosu,... 6939294957 araftaki 12/22/2009 1:44 PM Tam yeni hikayemi yazacakken uykunun en güzel zamanında uyanmaya mecbur bırakılmak kabul edilemez. 6938539473 mmjox 12/22/2009 1:18 PM Hauptfeldwebel Robert Klein (23),Kabul 07: "Afghanistan, hier gibt es schon lange keinen Gott mehr." (via SZ-Magazin) #Qualitätsjournalismus 6938436261 thetime 12/22/2009 1:15 PM in Kabul, Asia is 11:45pm 6938399637 bursoy 12/22/2009 1:13 PM Ajan Kızlar Kulübü'ne kabul edilmek için popüler olmak gerekiyormuş. Olmayanı kovarmış. Nasıl yani? Elvan'la hayat bir macera! 6937999674 zweitansage 12/22/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6937908059 yalcinonur 12/22/2009 12:56 PM @Tubasokmen Twitter için sözlüğe bakacağım hayatta aklıma gelmezdi: ikra:rı) esk. Benimseme, onama, kabul, tasdik: Sükût ikrardan gelir. 6937749194 victoruribe77 12/22/2009 12:51 PM It's so windy. Id say its a perfect kite day, but Id be afraid my kite line would be broken, by the wind, not by a kite runner from Kabul. 6937631968 TuftsAdmissions 12/22/2009 12:47 PM "It’s 9:53 pm in Kabul on a Sunday night, I’m sitting in the office at the Counterinsurgency Training Center-Afghanistan" 6937619538 ceyhunasik 12/22/2009 12:46 PM birazdan resat ve bilge de bana katilacak kahvede.sonra suleyman ve tolga gelecek bugun kabul gunum.dur bakalim feneeri nerde sondurecegiz. 6937332500 sinemaniac 12/22/2009 12:36 PM @tolgatez yok bazen matematikte yalan söylüyor.böyle olmaz diyolar ama oluyor kabul ediyoruz :D.. 6937069711 dRWarp 12/22/2009 12:27 PM @fujikureta Bu bir şanstır gerek GS gerekse de WR için. Kendi müziğini üretip, bir de muktedir bir etikete kabul ettirmek şapka çıkartmalık 6936437826 MaennerblogDE 12/22/2009 12:05 PM Neuer Blogeintrag: "Unsere Frau in Kabul: Gabi" 6936308088 HelpCureNow 12/22/2009 12:01 PM Thanks to Banner Boswell Medical Center in Sun City, Ariz., for their donation of uniforms to CURE Kabul! 6936259008 zweitansage 12/22/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6936218248 redhatarigan 12/22/2009 11:58 AM haahahaha,cowok seharus nya gondut bukan cewek RT @ogesusilo: Ngapal teks ijab kabul aja.. Hahaha RT @vivimisdia: Apa lah yg mau dibuat inii 6936216807 golfrefugees 12/22/2009 11:58 AM Kabul heaven: Our local golf courses are all covered in a few inches of snow, so how about a golf trip to a warmer ... 6936183198 cnks 12/22/2009 11:57 AM Teklif hazırlıyorum, kabul görmesi temennisiyle 6936178534 ogesusilo 12/22/2009 11:57 AM Ngapal teks ijab kabul aja.. Hahaha RT @vivimisdia: Apa lah yg mau dibuat inii 6936144937 AfghanNews24 12/22/2009 11:56 AM In Kabul, NATO Chief Promises to Stand by Afghanistan - New York Times 6935859361 valeskasyifa 12/22/2009 11:46 AM Menggelikan bukan?RT @Mekarila: KABUL?!?!woakakak RT @monicgultom: *once again* happy birthday @valeskasyifa -kabul 6935787996 emalik25 12/22/2009 11:43 AM RT @nytimesglobal: In Kabul, NATO Chief Promises to Stand by Afghanistan 6935161919 RuletaOnline 12/22/2009 11:22 AM OTAN dice no hay plazo límite para retiro fuerzas de Afganistán: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - El jefe de la OTAN d... 6934949441 fallikosman 12/22/2009 11:14 AM @balikgoz son dönem türk sinemasını eşkıya'dan başlatan adamlar kabul etsinler ilk türk de atatürk'tü. 6934897632 _hakuna_matata_ 12/22/2009 11:13 AM kumaş pantolon aldım tamam kabul de altına new balance mı giycem ne giyilir ki..allahım babamın ayakkabılarına kaldım korkarım!!! 6934815792 afghanistanwire 12/22/2009 11:10 AM In Kabul, NATO Chief Promises to Stand by Afghanistan - New York Times: ReutersIn Kabul, NATO Chief Promises to Sta... 6934730660 Swordsmans 12/22/2009 11:07 AM Daily brief: car bombs kill at least 30 in Kabul, Punjab - AFPAK - 6934526008 elikahalim 12/22/2009 11:00 AM Yaah ngga ke kabul planing ak smuanya batal -.- 6934511183 zweitansage 12/22/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6934468355 Kizilca 12/22/2009 10:58 AM @altux Judith Helen Hunt'a benziyor. Önce sen dene olmazsa ben deneyeyim. Kabul mü?? 6934357456 zeolshah 12/22/2009 10:54 AM Blog: 1 killed in suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul 6933913213 ditaditut 12/22/2009 10:39 AM @sidoblehweeh amin krn lg bdoa, biar ke kabul jd amin..ikt aminin d0ng! 6933900752 cnbcetv 12/22/2009 10:39 AM kabul edilme stresi yaşıyor... Gossip Girl, 2.sezonun 16.bölümüyle 20.00'da CNBC-e'de 6933631638 nytimesglobal 12/22/2009 10:30 AM In Kabul, NATO Chief Promises to Stand by Afghanistan 6932732833 zweitansage 12/22/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6932355059 fingertipnews2 12/22/2009 9:47 AM Reuters Intl: NATO says no deadline for Afghan troop withdrawal: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of NAT.. 6932043207 paulmcleary 12/22/2009 9:36 AM RT @MILNEWSca Canadian gov't seeking company to teach junior Afghan officers in Kabul (MERX public tender site) 6932019878 MILNEWSca 12/22/2009 9:35 AM Canadian gov't seeking company to teach junior Afghan officers in Kabul (MERX public tender site) 6931987120 reuterskl 12/22/2009 9:34 AM NATO says no deadline for Afghan troop withdrawal: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of NATO said on Tuesday there would b... 6931797691 DinaMD 12/22/2009 9:28 AM @CaRaeMeL napa to jeung, fight before married? Depression before ijab kabul? 6931402643 rtsradio 12/22/2009 9:14 AM NATO says no deadline for Afghan troop withdrawal: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of NATO said on Tuesday there wou.. 6931399145 cebrailas 12/22/2009 9:14 AM bundan sonra kutsal meyve olarak hurma yerine kiviyi kabul etmeniz size farz kılındı. 6931326261 melisakutlug 12/22/2009 9:11 AM ahh yarın sabancı üniversitesi gezmesi kabul ediyorum farklı bi dünya! 6931024859 reuterskl 12/22/2009 9:00 AM Karzai says family murder under investigation: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Interior Ministry is investigating t... 6930994435 zweitansage 12/22/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6930989996 maadav 12/22/2009 8:59 AM tv The road to Torkham: CNN's Jonathan Wald captures the sights and sounds on the road from Kabul to Torkham, one o... 6930990082 svjmuralidharan 12/22/2009 8:59 AM The road to Torkham: CNN's Jonathan Wald captures the sights and sounds on the road from Kabul to Torkham, one of A... 6930937329 newzdevil 12/22/2009 8:57 AM NATO says no deadline for Afghan troop withdrawal: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of NATO said on Tuesday there would b... 6930936566 BssNews 12/22/2009 8:57 AM NATO says no deadline for Afghan troop withdrawal: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of NATO said on Tuesday there would b... 6930935060 HeadlinesNewz 12/22/2009 8:57 AM NATO says no deadline for Afghan troop withdrawal: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of NATO said on Tuesday there would b... 6930934747 gundelizer 12/22/2009 8:57 AM #Reuters NATO says no deadline for Afghan troop withdrawal: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of NATO said on Tue... #Topnews 6930934106 tweettools4U 12/22/2009 8:57 AM NATO says no deadline for Afghan troop withdrawal: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of NATO said on ... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 6930933884 KimBomin 12/22/2009 8:57 AM NATO says no deadline for Afghan troop withdrawal: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of NATO said on Tuesday there ... #Korea 6930933569 GlobalTechNews 12/22/2009 8:57 AM NATO says no deadline for Afghan troop withdrawal: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of NATO said on Tuesday there would b... 6930932958 newsfeeding 12/22/2009 8:57 AM NATO says no deadline for Afghan troop withdrawal: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of NATO said on Tuesday there would b... 6930932192 dave13100 12/22/2009 8:57 AM NATO says no deadline for Afghan troop withdrawal: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of NATO said on Tuesday there would b... 6930930269 webtipsfree 12/22/2009 8:57 AM NATO says no deadline for Afghan troop withdrawal: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of NATO said on Tuesday there would b... 6930929577 MobileAuto 12/22/2009 8:57 AM NATO says no deadline for Afghan troop withdrawal: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of NATO said on Tuesday there would b... 6930754095 Janesilence 12/22/2009 8:50 AM #nowplaying "Streets of Kabul" by SolarDaze: 6930599277 ralphcochrane 12/22/2009 8:45 AM Golf in Kabul - not a blade of grass in sight - 6930407870 UNjobs_HIVAIDS 12/22/2009 8:37 AM Counselor, Kabul, AFGA @UNjobs #jobs 6930311490 andritakarai 12/22/2009 8:34 AM @seasonscall *bentar bentar, aku gak ngerti kalo diajak ngomong soal nikahan. ijab kabul aja gak tau* bestmen tuh apa sih? ** 6930226450 oketen 12/22/2009 8:31 AM @josephinex3 kabul ettim ama pazar saat 13:00 açabilirim ancak çünkü şu sıralar kötüyüm :( 6930102590 AllMilitaryNews 12/22/2009 8:26 AM RT @WOTN "The program is about reaching out into the community...": US Embassy in Kabul Connects W.. #SOT 6929915090 fpleitgenCNN 12/22/2009 8:19 AM Waited four hours at Berlin department of motor vehicles. Made Kabul department look much better in comparison. 6929871034 araknakah 12/22/2009 8:17 AM @demirkayaesra yenilgiyi baştan kabul etmeee.. 6929837101 valeskasyifa 12/22/2009 8:15 AM Zialan RT @monicgultom: Pudong bau bodong RT @valeskasyifa: @monicgultom ahaha apa lu kabul busuk 6929597296 NEVERLANDER__ 12/22/2009 8:06 AM @GaniMujde Zaman kabul ettiriyor herşeyi maalesef. Ve seni de alacağını fısıldıyor ruhuna. 6929513936 valeskasyifa 12/22/2009 8:03 AM @monicgultom ahaha apa lu kabul busuk 6929440621 SiegenerZeitung 12/22/2009 8:00 AM Karsai ruft Taliban erneut zu Verhandlungen auf.: Kabul (dpa) - Vor dem Ende des gewaltsamsten Jahres seit dem .. 6929434485 zweitansage 12/22/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6929385247 rijnmond 12/22/2009 7:57 AM Karzai roept Taliban opnieuw op tot gesprek: KABUL - Enkele dagen voor het einde van het bloedigste jaar in Afghani... 6929199424 OzgeInci 12/22/2009 7:50 AM @GaniMujde o halde sabır diliyorum... insanoğlu garip bi varlık herşeye direnci var..kabul etmesek de bu böyle.. 6929138149 arthritis_4ever 12/22/2009 7:47 AM How bin Laden Slipped From Our Grasp: Peter Bergen, The New RepublicFour days before the fall of Kabul in Novem.. 6928849450 Gala_s 12/22/2009 7:35 AM Günün Sözü : İtin duası kabul olsa gökten kemik yağarmış. Yaz bunu bu söz tutar. Hatta ilerde Atasözü olur. 6928808979 Stephers74 12/22/2009 7:33 AM listening to "Lily Allen - Kabul Shit" ♫ 6928649482 zelistalay 12/22/2009 7:26 AM Haber Türk'te diyanetten bir kişiye soru yöneltiliyor; 70 yıldır bir köy yanlış yöne doğru namaz kılıyormuş, sizce namazları kabul olur mu? 6928465410 aomirante 12/22/2009 7:18 AM @cacovelloso Você diz O livreiro de Kabul? 6928451421 TantaoNews 12/22/2009 7:17 AM Karzai repeats offer for talks with Taliban: KABUL, Dec. 22 (Xinhua) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Tuesda.. 6928326382 mrymyldz 12/22/2009 7:11 AM Alamanya'dan kabul yazım geldi... Simdi vize heyecanı =) 6928308758 CenterdinSEA 12/22/2009 7:11 AM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $2 with promo code: SANTA #seattle 6928300732 emrezng 12/22/2009 7:10 AM @MuserrefAkman #saylon duası ettik.. kabul olmuştur tabi : ) yarın da aynı duadan tamam.. seni kimse tutamaz bu saaten sonra : ))) 6928071189 zweitansage 12/22/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6927904219 hakanutku 12/22/2009 6:51 AM @istanbuLLover Bunu iltifat olarak kabul ediyoruz:) 6927861337 armyAfghanistan 12/22/2009 6:49 AM NATO will 'stay the course' in Afghanistan: chief: KABUL — Visiting NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen ... 6927708385 militaryworld 12/22/2009 6:42 AM NATO will 'stay the course' in Afghanistan: chief: KABUL — Visiting NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen ... 6927593021 KenjiKwenwiwo 12/22/2009 6:36 AM God, stars. Now i'm cryin, can you please see my wish. Kabul kan permohonanku tuhaan 6927493888 BaRiHuDa 12/22/2009 6:31 AM RT @istanbulnamaz: 14:26 - İstanbul için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6927360399 devrimgunduz 12/22/2009 6:24 AM @berkulsoy Abi kabul et, kullanmaya alışık değilsin :) 6927346317 orkutozdemirci 12/22/2009 6:23 AM Yani iki dişi arasında hadi yine bi estetiği var da,,. Erkek erkeğe sevimsiz yahu, Kabul etmek lazım :)) re: 6927340413 EmilyJaneWinner 12/22/2009 6:23 AM azılı bir feminist ve firdevs yöreoğlu'nun veliahtı olduğum ofisçe de kabul edildi. tenks u all dudez. 6927337649 vestanbul 12/22/2009 6:22 AM galiba ilk defa bu kadar güzel bir öğlen namazı kıldım... Allah kabul etsin. 6927332157 cek_yasasi 12/22/2009 6:22 AM Çek Mağdurları ses yazısına Su Tav tarafından yapılan yorumlar - 17/12/ 2009 dada erken ibrazı kabul etm... 6927332016 ozgurd 12/22/2009 6:22 AM Çek Mağdurları ses yazısına Su Tav tarafından yapılan yorumlar - 17/12/ 2009 dada erken ibrazı kabul etm... 6927332021 AYSE_ARMAN 12/22/2009 6:22 AM Çek Mağdurları ses yazısına Su Tav tarafından yapılan yorumlar - 17/12/ 2009 dada erken ibrazı kabul etm... 6927266542 emrecakiremre 12/22/2009 6:19 AM @gizem_ozdilli sizinki kabul görülür ama gunahı onlar ceker(kendi yorumum ama dogrusu bu hersalde sizin niyetiniz belli sonucta 6926921457 zweitansage 12/22/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6926838672 kahvekahve 12/22/2009 5:55 AM Photo: Kahveyi Aşk Kabul Edelim Aşk bir fincan kahveyi elinde taşımak gibidir, elindeyken herkes görür,... 6926693522 zazavun 12/22/2009 5:47 AM @gizem_ozdilli gizem hanım Allah kabul etsin kurban kestirmişsiniz sizden sorumluluk gitmiş günahı onların boynuna 6926603015 ceydaca 12/22/2009 5:42 AM @ahmethc Kabul tekrar afiyet olsun :)) 6926595989 signorjacopo 12/22/2009 5:41 AM @gizem_ozdilli iyilere dua kotulere beddua edip artik seneye de Allah kabul etsin demek lazim. 6926503343 crux36 12/22/2009 5:36 AM #obama #imperialism #politicalleft #left #p2 Obama: The Butcher of Kabul 6926331891 anqeLique_ 12/22/2009 5:26 AM RT @hamdialkan: Mesajlarınızı okuyorum ama cevap yazmayı henüz bilmiyorum. Ama kabul edin ilk gün için hiç fena değilim. 6925900041 zweitansage 12/22/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6925899455 hamdialkan 12/22/2009 5:00 AM Mesajlarınızı okuyorum ama cevap yazmayı henüz bilmiyorum. Ama kabul edin ilk gün için hiç fena değilim. 6925858244 Gauravsingh419 12/22/2009 4:57 AM Obama's exit strategy- 30,000 additional US troops for Kabul: 6925789480 evren99 12/22/2009 4:52 AM @ceyhunyilmazz açıktan hediye alanları ihbar etmeye de ödül varsa ben 1-2 gemicik kabul eden tanıyorum. %10da istemem yeter ki işlem görsün. 6925737837 biriyilik 12/22/2009 4:49 AM Atom çarpıştırıcısı asıl görev için hazır: Yüzyılın en büyük deneyi olarak kabul edilen ve Büyük Patlama ortamı.. 6925651297 Johnny_Helms 12/22/2009 4:44 AM Good news from Kabul that you won't read elsewhere: 6925649153 AviationPhoto 12/22/2009 4:43 AM Here is another shot of the only #Afghan #Boeing 767 I know of: #Safi Airways are landing their "City of Kabul" in FRA: 6925606103 mrchambers 12/22/2009 4:41 AM @benspencer I think the most poignant is Kabul... 6925582509 AFGMatters 12/22/2009 4:39 AM RT @lizva: Helping the Afghan economy: A view from Kabul: (@PDTglobal) 6925580659 AFGMatters 12/22/2009 4:39 AM RT @lizva: Winter in Kabul: Afghanistan named 2nd worst humanitarian crisis (; mass exodus of expats for Xmas; sold ... 6925397110 NBA_Turkiye 12/22/2009 4:28 AM Vinny Del Negro rezalet bir koç, kabul; ancak bir maçı 35 sayı farktan kaybediyorsanız, bu maçın mesuliyeti koçtan çok oyuncularındır. 6925324088 Dhinhawati 12/22/2009 4:23 AM tengkyu kabul... I'm home now... RT @cabulitoo cieceie yg mau liburan.hati2 di jalan ya kawand RT @dhinhawati: waiting for my flight; 30 min 6925148061 atharpk 12/22/2009 4:11 AM Kabul allowed to export goods through Wagah 6925084411 mehmetsarkin 12/22/2009 4:07 AM @hamdialkan hazır istanbula da gelmişken yani!!! benide aranıza kabul etmenizden şeref duyarım:D 6925068287 noufel 12/22/2009 4:06 AM RT @lizva: Winter in Kabul: Afghanistan named 2nd worst humanitarian crisis (; mass exodus of expats for Xmas; sold ... 6924966635 adhiiiiiis 12/22/2009 4:00 AM @giezthafeehily iya, kan 2 hr lalu aku mimpi knser wl tgl 30sept di tennis indoor. Mudah2an ke kabul ya 6924961441 zweitansage 12/22/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6924884865 mozel14 12/22/2009 3:54 AM Bugun cok onemlı bır anlasma ıcın teklıf yaptım..kabul olursa yaşadım :)) 6924822587 Luciiaaaa 12/22/2009 3:50 AM Jiah kl it ma @Ervan11 yg mesti ngaplin RT @EdithSilvani: @Luciiaaaa menghafal apa darlooo? menghafal ijab kabul y? wkwkw mw nyusul suci die 6924734740 MattDabrowski 12/22/2009 3:45 AM Lotta posters and billboards around town this week celebrating Gen. Ghulam Mustafa, a fighter pilot killed by Dostum during the war. #kabul 6924676228 entaroadun 12/22/2009 3:41 AM @Demetce zevkle kabul edermis o gazeteci, ama ben kendisiyle konustum fragmanda hic gulmemis.. Cok bi beklentisi yokmus 6924626749 Jonx13 12/22/2009 3:38 AM @AtiaAbawi Your guys Christmas tree looked nice on @Backstory - Merry Christmas to the Kabul Bureau 6924410934 EurActivTR 12/22/2009 3:24 AM AB yolunda iki önemli adım: Biyometrik pasaport ve Geri Kabul Anlaşması: AB ve TürkiyeTürkiye, Avrupa Birliğ... 6924207723 AKistanbul 12/22/2009 3:12 AM @Notredamedesion şunu söyleyebilirmisiniz vicdanınız bunu kabul ediyor mu? Böyle bir şey olabilir mi? Çok rahatsızız Türkiye böyle olmamalı 6924006019 zweitansage 12/22/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6923705069 hakanutku 12/22/2009 2:41 AM kar yağınca mikroplar ölüyormuş. Genel kabul gören yanlışlar diye bi kitap mı yazmalı ne? 6923671828 Akasyaa 12/22/2009 2:39 AM Tanrım,bana kontrol edemeyeceğim şeyleri kabul etme gücü,değiştirebileceğim şeyleri yapabilme cesareti ve bunların arasındaki.. 6923283537 hidalgo71 12/22/2009 2:17 AM sonunda amerikadaki amcam facede kabul etmiş beni 2.bir kişi olmadan rahat rahat konuşurum 6922966583 zweitansage 12/22/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6922390963 neslihanece 12/22/2009 1:28 AM hah, CHP'ymiş Kürt sorununun çözümü, farklı bir Öymen yorumu!Önce kuzenin ve destekçileri Dersim'i kabul etsin. 6922367932 yuksekokceden 12/22/2009 1:27 AM Allah kabul etsin:) 6921885570 cceyhan 12/22/2009 1:02 AM @MetinBosnak aynen ustad. onun icin vahiy suzgecinden gecmemis hicbir evrensel degeri kabul etmemek lazim:) 6921710267 UNcareers 12/22/2009 12:54 AM Operations Project Officer: UNOPS: Operations Project Officer in Kabul, Afghanistan. Closing date: 2009-12-22G.. 6921384743 PeterGreste 12/22/2009 12:38 AM Bright sunny day in Kabul. Military put off our flight to Helmand... AGAIN! Should be on a night flight to Camp Bastion soon. 6920756326 mariostfrancis 12/22/2009 12:09 AM The most unsafe place today on our planet is not in Baghdad or Kabul. It is in a mothers womb. A reality many ignore... DO SOMETHING! plzzz 6920526797 edithsilvani 12/21/2009 11:59 PM @Luciiaaaa menghafal apa darlooo? menghafal ijab kabul y? wkwkw mw nyusul suci die 6920369207 CNNIWorldview 12/21/2009 11:53 PM We've got a new featured video of the day out of Kabul. Topic: christmas tree hunting. 6920242430 4gil_t 12/21/2009 11:47 PM @Nenkgeulisarlun waktu ijab kabul nama mano yg dsebut, tp pas pemasangan cincin...jari ibunya yg dpasangin...:) 6920056022 sachindalal 12/21/2009 11:39 PM RT @lizva: Winter in Kabul: Afghanistan named 2nd worst humanitarian crisis (; mass exodus of expats for Xmas; sold ... 6919883001 1D4TW 12/21/2009 11:32 PM RT @lizva: Winter in Kabul: Afghanistan named 2nd worst humanitarian crisis (; mass exodus of expats for Xmas; sold ... 6919868473 vaneska 12/21/2009 11:31 PM @lianalewis hostel kabul is the famous one 6919841482 lizva 12/21/2009 11:30 PM Winter in Kabul: Afghanistan named 2nd worst humanitarian crisis (; mass exodus of expats for Xmas; soldiers deploy 6919569592 Nenkgeulisarlun 12/21/2009 11:19 PM RT @KissGossip: Daisy Ikut Campur Rumah Tangga Mano, Fakhry Bingung Siapa Istrinya <<< wkt ijab kabul nama mano apa ibux yg disebut? GEBLEK! 6919153862 rasigan 12/21/2009 11:03 PM #rasigan Kabul Express: Cast: John Abraham, Arshad Warsi, Salman Shahid 6919036711 pragmatic_d 12/21/2009 10:59 PM A stable Afghanistan, as all Paki experts claim, is an euphemism for a Pak-friendly govt in Kabul. One that allows jehadis to hit India. 6917787200 dearmarintan 12/21/2009 10:13 PM @destylicious wah, kayaknya lo duluan dest yg ijab kabul, hehehe :> 6916881755 mush_boom 12/21/2009 9:43 PM Ah, meu sonho de ver Naive + Kabul Shit + Knock'em out e todas as outras no cenário gigante-pop-novo, tudo esperanças frustadas ;-; 6916721415 cindyadam 12/21/2009 9:37 PM Januari yah??? RT @gafaryasser: @cindyadam biar bagus ntar baca ijab kabul wakakaka*ngarep abisss :P 6916462544 gafaryasser 12/21/2009 9:29 PM @cindyadam biar bagus ntar baca ijab kabul wakakaka*ngarep abisss :P 6916233436 buknuk 12/21/2009 9:21 PM Published a blog post: "Everywoman – Latvian Dads And Kabul Beauty Salon" 6916221111 indyka 12/21/2009 9:21 PM ngomong apa? RT @Faayfay: ciee tinggal ijab kabul b RT @indyka: nunggu di mandiri.. tadi si @zureeta mau diajak mama gue jalan malah ga ma 6915088997 alexzunega 12/21/2009 8:45 PM Estorou um cano de homens nessa festa que ta rolando no Kabul. 6914549374 anacandy00 12/21/2009 8:27 PM @yasminesposito haha, vcs perderam uma festa INCRÍVEL,, mas hj vou no kabul, rock e pessoas finas, rs, vamos? 6914029774 theminty 12/21/2009 8:10 PM my friend who survived swine flu in Afghanistan just sent me her xmas vid. Wow, a whole lot of fun in Kabul 6913830871 elcinwho 12/21/2009 8:04 PM anladik gaysen gaysin..kalkip "zeki muren'den sonra bunu kabul eden tek turk benim" dediğinde kizarim sna. orada gaylik değil,ibnelik ararm. 6913797814 rikirusmayadi 12/21/2009 8:03 PM @elangeby tos ngapalkeun ijab kabul kasep?hehe 6913410794 anacandy00 12/21/2009 7:50 PM seg é dia de virado à paulistaaaa!! festinha rockk no kabul em instantes!! hoje a bebida é infinita!! e eu vou de salto, será que aguento? 6913091737 andreaamc 12/21/2009 7:40 PM kabul shit - lily allen #MusicMonday 6912277434 airforcesupport 12/21/2009 7:13 PM Reuteurs: Afghan air force to quadruple in size - Minister ...: KABUL, Dec 21 (Reuters) - Afghanistan will re... 6911925242 Umarsiz 12/21/2009 7:01 PM @serpilin Rakı olsa daha caiz olurdu ama teyemmüm adına kabul olunur :) 6911764226 gizemkaymakoglu 12/21/2009 6:56 PM Liked "FF beni ben gibi kabul edebilecek mi acaba" 6911218353 Unnurulhuda 12/21/2009 6:38 PM @ekaprilo hayo kmrn gosip apa sm edong,hahhhaaaa. thumbs up kabul also chipoth !ak ngakak dgr crita'y . 6910692176 cnninchinese 12/21/2009 6:20 PM Kabul bureau's Christmas tree 6910428911 meglersweeney 12/21/2009 6:11 PM My best friend Elissa is a photojournalist in Kabul - she is capturing amazing glimpses of life there - 6910131314 wReport 12/21/2009 6:01 PM Warden Message: U.S. Embassy Kabul Holiday Closure 6910117614 EnginKorkmaz 12/21/2009 6:00 PM twitter kullanıcısı : müttevit. kabul mü? 6909987684 antepian 12/21/2009 5:56 PM Keman çalan kadınlara sempatiden öte zaafım var. Viyola, Viyolansel ve Çello da kabul edilir. 6909958578 sjawshucks 12/21/2009 5:55 PM @TheCoryography Nepal=Kathmundo! Afghanistan=Kabul! Azerbaijan=Baku! Nigeria=Abuja! Nauru=Yaren! Cameroon=Yaourunde! Namibia=Windhoeke! 6909609595 Snowden3 12/21/2009 5:43 PM Walked five miles with Tawney today -- she pooped twice. Reading Bookseller of Kabul. 6909547625 CapHillStyle 12/21/2009 5:41 PM A Friend from home, a Marine, made it home from Kabul but I will be lucky if I get home from DC. I feel sick. 6909352505 virtualista 12/21/2009 5:34 PM How about Avatar II The Quest for Kabul. 6909169604 endhitsband 12/21/2009 5:28 PM RT última chamada para festa!! virado à paulista, segunda feira as 22h no os Dj's Milo, Denise Lopes e HR 6908663117 martingoode 12/21/2009 5:11 PM On the phone with @afgmatters in Kabul, please check out the Afghanistan photo contest: /via @ozsultan 6908325480 zweitansage 12/21/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6908295581 FFeeks 12/21/2009 4:59 PM Kabul Express 6908226415 darkrila 12/21/2009 4:56 PM @Rejisor kadın 3 maymundan sonra bence gelen teklıflerde bocaladı ve en sonunda ay yapım olunca costu kabul ettı 6907413416 moniquefuruta 12/21/2009 4:26 PM O pessoal da CNN Kabul fixou a árvore de Natal deles num vasinho.............. COM FITA ADESIVA!! rssss....... hilário! 6907341111 fiderman 12/21/2009 4:23 PM @shashitharoor We couldnt make ourselves power sufficient but r proud tht we did it in Kabul. Wen can we expect similar treatment at home? 6907237704 fiderman 12/21/2009 4:19 PM @shashitharoor In parlmnt, u said kabul gets 24 hrs e'tricity thnx 2 indian engnrs. N most of india doesnt have tht kind of power suppy. 6907227733 tolga_kara 12/21/2009 4:19 PM 15 yaşında Harvard'a kabul edilen matematik profesörü,nasıl ABDnin enünlü seri katili haline geldi.Theodore Kaczynski'nin hikayesini okuyun. 6906713245 zweitansage 12/21/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6906688644 billc1017 12/21/2009 3:59 PM How dare the scumbags in DC complaining about Pakistani government being corrupt! What is dsifferent in DC and Kabul? 6906526584 alecwisner 12/21/2009 3:52 PM Does Obama's Road to Re-Election Run Through Kabul? 6906438737 SERRAYILMAZ 12/21/2009 3:49 PM @kayhanovic Yani onca drama arasindan bunu mu cikarttin Kayhan?:)) Ama guzeldi Allah icin, kabul ediyorum... 6906226338 RaymondFrenken 12/21/2009 3:41 PM Highly inspiring interview with Rory Stewart on #VPRO tonight. #Afghanistan does not need troops, but patience. #EUPOL #Kabul #Wintergasten 6906143210 USTalib 12/21/2009 3:37 PM UPI-Top News: Afghan forces kill Taliban militants - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 21 (UPI) -- Afghan security force.. 6906060555 fingertipnews 12/21/2009 3:34 PM UPI-Top News: Afghan forces kill Taliban militants - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 21 (UPI) -- Afghan security forces t... 6906024237 fsaglam 12/21/2009 3:33 PM Allah cümlemize nasip etsin birgün hacı olmayı. Gidip gelenlerin haç görevini Allah kabul etsin. 6906016764 delie31 12/21/2009 3:32 PM @BackStory I'm there! I can't miss pieces from the Kabul Bureau! 6905816754 totalwhite 12/21/2009 3:24 PM Make Art not War:18 artiste afghane espongono all'Istituto degli Innocenti 30 opere provenienti dal Center of Contemporary Arts di Kabul. 6905428293 Majestie 12/21/2009 3:09 PM @pclion bi de laptopları baştan kuracaksan sorumluluk kabul etme :) 6905279892 jesusalmeyda 12/21/2009 3:03 PM RT @therealalp: insanlara "seni çok kıskanıyorum" diyerek iltifat etmeye çalışanlar var. kabul da görüyor hani. haset, bir sevgi birimi ... 6905183025 zweitansage 12/21/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6905102205 Vinicius_Dexter 12/21/2009 2:56 PM RT: @deniselopes: - última chamada para festa!! virado à paulista, segunda feira as 22h no 6905080652 figennis 12/21/2009 2:56 PM gidiyorum guzelligime guzellik katmaya. alt bellek: bu hatun çoktan kabul etti çirkin oldugunu. 6905062442 priidias 12/21/2009 2:55 PM RT @deniselopes: - última chamada para festa!! virado à paulista, segunda feira as 22h no os Dj's Mil ... 6905018618 therealalp 12/21/2009 2:53 PM insanlara "seni çok kıskanıyorum" diyerek iltifat etmeye çalışanlar var. kabul da görüyor hani. haset, bir sevgi birimi olmuş memlekette. 6905011663 meshellmarie 12/21/2009 2:53 PM @sijoseph the beginning was really interesting bc they were showing all these "home movies" of kabul in the 70s. super chic 6905002397 meshellmarie 12/21/2009 2:52 PM @sijoseph basically it was a documentary about these american women (2 were originally 4rm kabul) who went to kabul & opened a beauty school 6904483632 rogerioreal 12/21/2009 2:32 PM RT @tarita: RT @deniselopes - última chamada para festa virado à paulista. segunda, às 22h, no Kabul. DJs Milo, ... 6904437457 MesSude 12/21/2009 2:31 PM @srdrsmsk sorusuna bağlıı :)ahahaa ama genel de danışma ücreti almıyoruz.. hatta teklif edenleri bile kabul etmiyoruz..bu kdr tok gözlüyüz:) 6904298490 tarita 12/21/2009 2:25 PM RT @deniselopes - última chamada para festa virado à paulista. segunda, às 22h, no Kabul. DJs Milo, Denise e Heitor 6904185215 gunesoyilmaz 12/21/2009 2:21 PM Yine muhtesem cin fikirlerle cok harika bir fotograf cektim. Takdir ettim kendimi. Upload edince tebrikeri kabul edecegim :o) 6904021433 RobinMacNab 12/21/2009 2:14 PM A look at how some of the residents of Kabul, #Afghanistan live, work and play 6903977939 deniselopes 12/21/2009 2:13 PM - última chamada para festa!! virado à paulista, segunda feira as 22h no os Dj's Milo, Denise Lopes e H 6903636828 zweitansage 12/21/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6903506513 BabyBlueLaces 12/21/2009 1:54 PM The unsafest place today on our planet for the unborn child is not in Baghdad or Kabul. It is in its mothers womb. ~ RightTL New Zealand 6903487296 inayet 12/21/2009 1:54 PM RT @CJTF82: Nuristan PRT & US Embassy in Kabul looking for Lincoln Center homes to bring culture, education to Nuristan 6902870712 separation_bc 12/21/2009 1:30 PM @sexyketchup alınmam çünkü benim fotoğraf anlayışım sıkıcı kabul 6902450251 televideorai 12/21/2009 1:13 PM [dal mondo] NAPOLITANO: A KABUL NON E'GUERRA AMERICANA view.jsp?id=666131&p=150 6902085502 zweitansage 12/21/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6900587089 iyoeoblib 12/21/2009 12:04 PM amien RT @cicinminds: slamat hari ibu, smoga nyokap gw diberi umur panjang buat ngliat gw wisuda, masuk kerja dihari pertama, ijab kabul nik 6900464277 AllMilitaryNews 12/21/2009 12:00 PM (CJTF-82) US Embassy in Kabul connects with Nuristan :  NURISTAN PROVINCE, Afghanistan –The Nu.. 6900458759 zweitansage 12/21/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6900314251 CJTF82 12/21/2009 11:54 AM Nuristan PRT & US Embassy in Kabul looking for Lincoln Center homes to bring culture, education to Nuristan! 6899552760 ddjfx 12/21/2009 11:27 AM RT @ozgurmumcu: İsrail Filistin'de işgalci olduğunu kabul ediyor, Oray Eğin etmiyor. 6899546714 NinianReid 12/21/2009 11:27 AM I uploaded a YouTube video -- Colder than Kabul ? Sub zero Redford Barracks back home in Edinburgh 6899169806 benreverse 12/21/2009 11:14 AM @rudisiahaan @benreverse :amin semoga t'kabul doa lo sob,jd biar suara lo tetep ilang salah yak?? 6898830733 discothing 12/21/2009 11:02 AM Pamam kabul ediorum normalde de gecimsiz sorunlu bi insanim ama uyksuzken kesinlikle tavsiye edilmiorum 6898773620 inayet 12/21/2009 11:00 AM No dual-nationality for #Afghan Cabinet RT @pajhwok: A few comments from #Kabul residents about #Karzai cabinet 6898753993 zweitansage 12/21/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6898543068 rtsradio 12/21/2009 10:52 AM 2 Taliban dead in Afghan city gunbattle - KABUL (AP) -- Police fought a three-hour gunbattle in the center of a... 6898322652 RZSimmern 12/21/2009 10:45 AM Wir feiern Weihnachten daheim - 85 Soldaten der Hunsrück-Kaserne in Kabul, 5500 Kilometer von zu Hause. Da rückt man zusammen 6898114148 antibio 12/21/2009 10:37 AM RT @billurtuz: İsrail, 10 sene öncesine kadar öldürdüğü Filistinlilerin organlarını topladığını kabul etmiş. Tarih hesabını sorar bunun. 6897950277 ElInganni 12/21/2009 10:31 AM kabul san Lucas 6897805526 jsalking 12/21/2009 10:26 AM Alissa Rubin has been appointed the Kabul Bureau Chief for The New York Times. She is the former Baghdad Bureau Chief for the paper. 6897746492 paulmcleary 12/21/2009 10:24 AM RT @pajhwok few comments from Kabul residents about #Karzai cabinet 6897713164 pajhwok 12/21/2009 10:23 AM A few comments from Kabul residents about #Karzai cabinet 6897565593 mabutuner 12/21/2009 10:18 AM - Yengeniz öldü. Acım çok büyük. Taziyeleri kabul ediyorum. Ne kadar daha dayanabilirim bilmiyorum! Dünya ba 6897502056 selenteen 12/21/2009 10:16 AM @elifkalay Dün akşam seni rüyamda gördüm. Yale'den kabul alıyordun :) 6897454593 eksiduyuru 12/21/2009 10:14 AM msn kişi ekleyememek, ekleyenleri kabul edememek: msnime kimseyi ekleyip onlar eklediğinde de kabul edemiyorum, acaba neden? 6897398771 highbg 12/21/2009 10:12 AM @ISAFmedia Is it possible to send some Bulgarian newspapers to our men and women in Kabul and Kandahar? We relied on our MoD but... 6897365777 fisek 12/21/2009 10:11 AM Etmiş de ne mi olmuş? Kabul ettiği bu teklife göre Uruguay'da ve Arjantin'de geçen bir bilimkurgu filmi çekecekmiş... 6897335688 fisek 12/21/2009 10:10 AM Fede Alvarez bu filmi 300$'a mal etmiş ve Kasım'da YouTube'a konulan filmden sonra Sam Raimi'nin 30.000.000$'lık teklifini kabul etmiş. 6897224434 ton_ami 12/21/2009 10:06 AM Mit Reiterhut und Plastetüte pilgern wir über Lotsch, auf nach Kabul. 6897137204 dustandtrash 12/21/2009 10:03 AM "Death to Taliban, In Tehra or in Kabul" #iran #montazeri (via @madyar ) 6897130709 borasanal 12/21/2009 10:03 AM @VenusKiss az daha dayan! akşam oldu bile. yakında dileklerin kabul olacak. vurursun kafayı 10'da ohhh mışıl mışıl. 6897031437 zweitansage 12/21/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6896469282 stockorange 12/21/2009 9:40 AM Top News: Karzai says new cabinet to be accountable - KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on S... 6896165791 suspect22 12/21/2009 9:29 AM had a fabulous time with friends. Bowling, Pizza Hut, Green tea at Kabul Restaurant n 22 birthday bumps! 6895964226 bernadevrimoz 12/21/2009 9:21 AM nihayettt kabul etti yakışıklı arkadaşım:-) 6895895870 elcinwho 12/21/2009 9:19 AM RT @ozgurmumcu: İsrail Filistin'de işgalci olduğunu kabul ediyor, Oray Eğin etmiyor. 6895631302 LConeCNN 12/21/2009 9:09 AM i love it! RT @AtiaAbawi - CNN Kabul Bureau's Xmas tree. It adds some color to our glum office. (@fpleitgencnn) 6895358001 zweitansage 12/21/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6895170197 PDTglobal 12/21/2009 8:52 AM PDT sponsored a winter exhibition in support of the Afghan Women's Business Federation in a popular Kabul restaurant 6895133148 AviationPhoto 12/21/2009 8:51 AM Arriving from #Afghanistan is this Safi Airways #Boeing 767-200(ER) - the jet is named "City of Kabul": 6895063418 Cheesepodding_ 12/21/2009 8:48 AM ve ıste aylardır bekledıgım mutlu son =)) Afs'ye kabul edilmiş olmanın verdiği coşkuyla dolanıyormmm :D 6895051843 rani_vidies 12/21/2009 8:48 AM @dhelova kan wkt itu ijab kabul.a btal ! Wkwkwk 6894960121 addinamarsha 12/21/2009 8:44 AM Gw dong penghulunya RT @anindiaamaliyah: Langsunglah ijob kabul RT @amandanatasya: Haleluya, bismillah 6894728220 silvaticus 12/21/2009 8:35 AM @rsamuels whats with the eths evanston "kabul state" tweet? 6894718913 laureanom 12/21/2009 8:35 AM aguante ksk radio y sobre todo La Casa Rodante, ahora en el aire. me salvaron de la depresión post kabul kaput 6894661244 ulashalit 12/21/2009 8:33 AM @CastratingBitch Lütfen!!! yenilgiyi kabul etmekte bir erdemdir. o elde yenilmiştin hemde şangırtt sesi tee 7. caddenin başından duyuldu... 6894454176 rustyrussell65 12/21/2009 8:25 AM Another day ends in Kabul as the the family back home is just beginning to wake! 6894437728 angelexile 12/21/2009 8:24 AM @hamdidemirkan bunu kabul etmek ya da etmemek sizin tercihiniz ama başksının tercihini alay mevzusu yapmak çok kaba bir hareket. 6894273527 gadjahcakti 12/21/2009 8:18 AM Kaya itjab kabul!! Hehehe RT @vitrie_anita: @gadjahcakti :tttssssssssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh 6893816975 zweitansage 12/21/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6893804670 daghanirak 12/21/2009 7:59 AM @jaznaa biliyorum zaten. ama sevimliydi, kabul edelim. küsmeyelim hemen :) 6893647851 ecemk 12/21/2009 7:52 AM @TwitAbla ama en yaratıcı cevap benmkiydi kabul et twitablacım 6893614610 mrenahtar 12/21/2009 7:51 AM 21 aralık; "sabahlar olmasın" diyenlerin dilekleri kabul bugün. 6893574324 AllMilitaryNews 12/21/2009 7:49 AM (Marine Corp Times) Taliban, police clash in eastern Afghanistan: KABUL — Fi.. #Military 6893550189 AllMilitaryNews 12/21/2009 7:48 AM (Army Times) Taliban, police clash in eastern Afghanistan: KABUL — Five militants a.. #Military 6893292168 sinistrorsum 12/21/2009 7:37 AM Berlin: 14:35 | Brasília: 09:35 | Canberra: 22:35 | Kabul: 17:35 | Tokyo: 20:35 | Via: @zweitansage 6893092054 mim_aleko 12/21/2009 7:28 AM @birolguven giden geri gelmiyor üstad .Bırak yerinde kalsın.Arada sırada sızlayıp sana avrlıgını kabul ettırse de o senin dişin bırakma onu 6893036146 meminoglu 12/21/2009 7:25 AM RT @ozgurmumcu: İsrail Filistin'de işgalci olduğunu kabul ediyor, Oray Eğin etmiyor. 6892886603 Dom1985 12/21/2009 7:19 AM I've connected my nephew's DS to the net, my lounge now sounds like Kabul or Iraq, artillery & everything! 6892850503 duyguycl 12/21/2009 7:17 AM @ahmethc olamaz bünyem böyle bir haberi kabul edemez! Allahtan dövmelik alan bol:) 6892837262 tmj_engjobs 12/21/2009 7:16 AM Agility is Hiring: Laboratory Technician (Kabul) #Jobs #TweetMyJOBS 6892672489 omerfarukbesli 12/21/2009 7:09 AM @uzuncasevindik herseyi Kabul ediyorum AMA ahmet hakanin kankaligini Kabul etmiyorum haci 6892582852 caglarkoseoglu 12/21/2009 7:04 AM @GLSHDLR al dedim git dedim ben kabul edemem dedim 6892472627 zweitansage 12/21/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6892403844 tmj_engjobs 12/21/2009 6:56 AM Agility is Hiring: Fuels Driver (Kabul) #Jobs #TweetMyJOBS 6892399108 mustingen 12/21/2009 6:56 AM blog'da 75 yazı olmuş, iyi iyi zamanla kaliteli arşiv olacak kanısındayım. umarım @mertural kankam dmoz'a kabul eder =) 6892320765 itaatsiz 12/21/2009 6:52 AM RT @ozgurmumcu: İsrail Filistin'de işgalci olduğunu kabul ediyor, Oray Eğin etmiyor. 6892312283 handannn 12/21/2009 6:52 AM RT @ozgurmumcu: İsrail Filistin'de işgalci olduğunu kabul ediyor, Oray Eğin etmiyor. 6892264281 ozgurmumcu 12/21/2009 6:49 AM İsrail Filistin'de işgalci olduğunu kabul ediyor, Oray Eğin etmiyor. 6892015067 turgayguler 12/21/2009 6:36 AM Ama o gelmedi. Cübbeli Ahmet gelmeyi de düelloyu da kabul etti. Bilesin. Ahmet Hakan'a çağrım devam ediyor. 6891808198 yosistanbul 12/21/2009 6:26 AM avatarda jakesullynin bacakları olsaydı filmin sonundaki işi yapar mıydı? bu işi yapmayı na'viler kabul eder miydi? aşkın gözü kör mü acaba? 6891763612 UticaDailyNews 12/21/2009 6:24 AM Afghans wary of new regime: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 21 (UPI) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai may have opted for c... 6891315731 msn_italia 12/21/2009 6:00 AM Afghanistan: attacco a Gardez: A Kabul ministro Difesa illustra programma sicurezza 6891309474 zweitansage 12/21/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6891271591 AhuSenturk 12/21/2009 5:57 AM @selimciprut ''Kabul'' dedi.Öpücük kabul edilmiş yani... :)))) Anlayacağın nana hakikaten komik kadın... DM'ne bak. 6891213355 SalemAntiWar 12/21/2009 5:54 AM RT @malalaijoya_dc: Youtube: Kabul, a song by Flavio Oreglio and Dario Canossi for Malalai Joya: Kabul, a song by Flavio .. http://tri ... 6891057126 detroitlikizil 12/21/2009 5:45 AM @ufunett hiç bir ünlüyü eklememe konusunda fikrim hala aynı. melis birkan seni eklerse kabul et. yoksa gidip ekleme. 6891026242 bestsextoy 12/21/2009 5:43 AM Men watch a cock-fighting tournament in Kabul 6890837496 minebal 12/21/2009 5:32 AM @borasanal tamam tamam kizma, ben seni isyanlarinla kabul ediyorum :))) 6890612061 indiatalkies 12/21/2009 5:18 AM 3 militants killed as Taliban storm Afghan police unit: Kabul, Dec 21 (DPA) Afghan security forces killed three.. 6890460597 mymonews 12/21/2009 5:09 AM [news] Esteri - Afghanistan: attacco a Gardez: A Kabul ministro Difesa illustra programma sicurezza 6890428913 minebal 12/21/2009 5:07 AM @fedige gidenin ruhta actigi oyukla ilgili bu..bazi oyuklarin ici hemen doldurabilir, bazilari ise, hicbir sivayi tutmaz, kabul etmez..... 6890413316 suniljmistry 12/21/2009 5:06 AM #News 3 militants killed as Taliban storm Afghan police unit: Kabul, Dec 21 (DPA) Afghan security forces k.. 6890346407 Gokcag_polat 12/21/2009 5:02 AM phoenix legitimate ve matrix konularını seçti kabul edenler etmeyenler kabul edilmiştir :D 6890328719 Filmticker 12/21/2009 5:01 AM Bühnenkunst spendet Hoffnung in Zeiten des Krieges - Eine spannende Reportage über das "Kulturwunder" Kabul: 6890302866 zweitansage 12/21/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6890293334 USTalib 12/21/2009 4:59 AM Two Taliban killed in Gardez clash: KABUL: Two Taliban gunmen wearing suicide vests and carrying rocket launche.. 6890187760 Pucemargine 12/21/2009 4:52 AM @fpleitgenCNN The Christmas tree in Kabul looks really nice. 6890186821 alihassaan 12/21/2009 4:52 AM Two Taliban killed in Gardez clash: KABUL: Two Taliban gunmen wearing suicide vests and carrying rocket launchers s... 6890123537 ansa_news 12/21/2009 4:48 AM Afghanistan: attacco a Gardez: A Kabul ministro Difesa illustra programma sicurezza 6890123717 ilGiornaleNET 12/21/2009 4:48 AM Afghanistan: attacco a Gardez: A Kabul ministro Difesa illustra programma sicurezza 6889942877 vikasleo16 12/21/2009 4:36 AM @priyankachopra...."Kabul Fizza" from "Kabul Express". 6889733094 haberhukuk 12/21/2009 4:23 AM Yeni Haber: Eğitim Bütçesi Kabul Edildi ( #Bütçe #TBMM #YÖK #Eğitim_Bütçesi #üniversite 6889714218 GeoNewsTweets 12/21/2009 4:21 AM World Two Taliban killed in Gardez clash: KABUL: Two Taliban gunmen wearing suicide vests and carrying rocket launc... 6889691271 SIMONE4000 12/21/2009 4:20 AM RT @Discover_Police: Hiring! Senior Intelligence Policy Mentor - Protect & Serve America - Kabul, Afghanistan #pol ... 6889432516 im_always_late 12/21/2009 4:03 AM "dinime küfreden müslüman olsa", "köpeklerin duası kabul olsa gökten kemik yağardı" gibi lafları çıkartan insanlarla tanışmak istiyorum. 6889420989 youtomama0307 12/21/2009 4:02 AM beautiful : ) RT @AtiaAbawi: - CNN Kabul Bureau's Xmas tree. It adds some color to our glum office. (@fpleitgencnn) 6889381251 zweitansage 12/21/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6889328939 furky1135 12/21/2009 3:56 AM Pipo istiyoruuummmmmmmmm ! ! ! ! ! Yılbaşı hediyesi olarak kabul edilir =) karşılığı verilir .... 6889326863 Bstcabinetmaker 12/21/2009 3:56 AM Taliban clash with police in eastern Afghan city | Home >> Other ...: KABUL (AP) – Five militants armed with guns... 6889262804 AtiaAbawi 12/21/2009 3:52 AM - CNN Kabul Bureau's Xmas tree. It adds some color to our glum office. (@fpleitgencnn) 6889167006 rehabasogul 12/21/2009 3:45 AM İsrail, izinsiz organ topladığını kabul etti - Hürriyet 6888803212 cigdeme 12/21/2009 3:21 AM @Opeker doğru bulmadığım bir işi ayıp olmasın diye kabul ettim, sonra da bir türlü kendimi ikna edip yapamadım.insanlar zor durumda kaldı. 6888575940 UNjobs_HIVAIDS 12/21/2009 3:07 AM Driver, Kabul, OXFAM GB @UNjobs #jobs 6888457877 zweitansage 12/21/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6888444223 elburrito 12/21/2009 2:59 AM @tanjue Dünkü maçta iyi değildi. Bunu kabul ederim ama yine de iyi oyuncudur Alanzinho. 6888119802 melissamahoney 12/21/2009 2:38 AM @kolonsemasi yolda ölme tehlikesi var kuzu. hani ölürüm yoluna o ayrı da bu çok tırt bi ölüm olurdu ve daha gencim kabul etmek lazım =))) 6888087216 PeterGreste 12/21/2009 2:36 AM Back on line... at last. Should be shot for being a crap tweeter... (actually, poor choice of words from Kabul! Hope Talibs not listening) 6887926407 aslkyn 12/21/2009 2:27 AM @sevcancelik kabul olmadı bizim dilekler... 6887859479 billurtuz 12/21/2009 2:23 AM İsrail, 10 sene öncesine kadar öldürdüğü Filistinlilerin organlarını topladığını kabul etmiş. Tarih hesabını sorar bunun. 6887801623 ersoyalap 12/21/2009 2:19 AM hergün aynı şeyleri yapmak (uyumak, yemek yemek, sevismek haric) suç kabul edilsin. cezasıda çok ağır olsun. 6887547462 iklanpercuma 12/21/2009 2:04 AM Khidmat Nikah Kahwin di Thailand Ijab Kabul di Yala Thai Akad di Siam (Kuala Kangsar): Assalamualaikum,Disi.. 6887502283 nadiaulia 12/21/2009 2:01 AM cewe spupu gue belagu bangeeeeet ! pokoknya pas mereka mo kawin (pas Ijaq kabul ) gue teriak NGGA SAH !! 6887465144 zweitansage 12/21/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6887381513 ditasayumi 12/21/2009 1:55 AM Kok gue sakit perut sih abis makan es kelapa nye pak kabul!!! Ampe gua keracunan gua apain lu #ganyante 6887380076 softpediapda 12/21/2009 1:54 AM Kabul 1.0 6887059095 ezaaoktafifh 12/21/2009 1:36 AM dasar bego bisa aja ijab kabul diatep mobil. ahaha 6887054232 bandhan 12/21/2009 1:35 AM Muslim, Sunni, Groom. 25 yrs, Ph. D, Punjabi, Kabul, Afghanistan - Bandhan Matrimony Search 6887049006 Ninissaia 12/21/2009 1:35 AM OMG...kocak BGT!!!wkwkwk ijab kabul di atas maskawinnya..(mobil) wkwkwk 6887032701 BRKNC 12/21/2009 1:34 AM @rahsang bende istiyorummm bendee... Reyhan hanım kabul etsin sunduğum formatımı, makinayla gece gündüz çalışalım,şuursuz yemek yiyelim :)) 6886954028 pakstruck 12/21/2009 1:30 AM @uppaljs Good morning, bablu! #kabul #karachi #pakistan: @uppaljs Good morning, bablu! #kabul #karachi #p... ht.. 6886953122 pakstruck 12/21/2009 1:30 AM @uppaljs Good morning, bablu! #kabul #karachi #pakistan: @uppaljs Good morning, bablu! #kabul #karachi #pakistan 6886891067 rtsradio 12/21/2009 1:26 AM 21 militants killed in Afghan operations - KABUL (AP) -- The Afghan Defense Ministry says 21 militants have bee... 6886744880 GeoNewsTweets 12/21/2009 1:18 AM World 21 militants killed in Afghan operations: KABUL: The Afghan Defense Ministry says 21 militants have been kill... 6886447598 pakbot 12/21/2009 1:02 AM @uppaljs Good morning, bablu! #kabul #karachi #pakistan: @uppaljs Good morning, bablu! #kabul #karachi #p... #PakPoint 6886445635 hindichannels 12/21/2009 1:02 AM Nato chief sees Kabul-Islamabad challenges alike: BRUSSELS: Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that ... 6886431546 ayaz_khan 12/21/2009 1:02 AM @uppaljs Good morning, bablu! #kabul #karachi #pakistan 6886395195 hindichannels 12/21/2009 1:00 AM Published a new blog post: Nato chief sees Kabul-Islamabad challenges alike 6886394553 hindichannels 12/21/2009 1:00 AM Nato chief sees Kabul-Islamabad challenges alike 6886309446 bolea_adapt 12/21/2009 12:55 AM Sports Illustrated: Year in Photos issue. Kids playing soccer in Kabul. UN reports 60,000 kids in Kabul alone, have to fend for themselves. 6886168813 cturanli 12/21/2009 12:48 AM Güç verilmez alınır: Kabul etmek lazım başlık o kadar da gerçek değil. Bazıları bir şekilde önde baş... 6886023543 rubiyem 12/21/2009 12:41 AM @sheque foto kita sama Tessy Kabul masih punya Sek, nah itu gw 4L4y star struck 6885820230 News_007 12/21/2009 12:30 AM Karzai defends picks for his new Cabinet - Athens Banner-Herald: KABUL - Afghan President Hamid Karza.. #politics 6885785274 fingertipnews 12/21/2009 12:29 AM UPI-Top News: Afghans wary of new regime - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 21 (UPI) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai may ... 6885642308 iklanportal 12/21/2009 12:22 AM New blog posting, Khidmat Nikah Kahwin di Thailand Ijab Kabul di Yala Thai Akad di Siam - 6885274628 bharianmy 12/21/2009 12:04 AM 21 pemberontak terbunuh dalam operasi tentera Afghanistan: KABUL: Kementerian Pertahanan Afghanistan berkata 21 pem... 6885274647 mrmohdtweet 12/21/2009 12:04 AM 21 pemberontak terbunuh dalam operasi tentera Afghanistan: KABUL: Kementerian Pertahanan Afghanistan berkata 21 pem... 6885202032 thejoshuablog 12/21/2009 12:01 AM Plz #Digg & RT: Ian Pounds Sells Vermont Home, Moves to Kabul to Help Orphan ( #p2 #du1 #pgn ) 6885050429 jojoagoogoo 12/20/2009 11:54 PM Kabul!!!RT @tyshaachucks: @jojoagoogoo KABUR tuh = nama asli tessy srimulat(tau gt dh gw)hhaha..pak KABURR 6885011333 fingertipnews2 12/20/2009 11:52 PM UPI-Top News: Afghans wary of new regime: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 21 (UPI) -- Afghan President Ha.. 6885009127 fingertipnews2 12/20/2009 11:52 PM UPI-Top News: Karzai defends Cabinet selection: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 20 (UPI) -- Afghan Presid.. 6884846742 PhotoJorge 12/20/2009 11:45 PM Ian Pounds Sells Vermont Home, Moves to Kabul to Help Orphan 6884396762 Shijokvarghese 12/20/2009 11:25 PM Another fantastic day in Kabul... 6884374855 USRealityCheck 12/20/2009 11:24 PM Afghans wary of new regime: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 21 (UPI) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai may have opt.. utn 6884374618 fingertipnews 12/20/2009 11:24 PM UPI-Top News: Karzai defends Cabinet selection - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 20 (UPI) -- Afghan President Hamid Karza... 6882909205 Pakconsulate 12/20/2009 10:24 PM Fifth round of Pakistan-Afghan Transit Trade began in Islamabad to finalise draft of agreement between Islamabad and Kabul on Saturday 6882658300 GeoTv 12/20/2009 10:15 PM Nato chief sees Kabul-Islamabad challenges alike: BRUSSELS: Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that ... 6882648825 uppaljs 12/20/2009 10:14 PM morning everyone :-) #kabul , #karachi , #pakistan 6882174727 Sarah_Platts 12/20/2009 9:57 PM Snow day tomorrow, but still have to work from home. Con-call w Kabul at 7:30am...much easier from home :) 6881739124 in_asia 12/20/2009 9:41 PM BUTLERVILLE, Ind. — For American civilians serving in Afghanistan, the last stop before they ship out to Kabul .. 6878284939 freerepublic 12/20/2009 7:39 PM Taliban to release tape of captured U.S. soldier: KABUL - The Taliban have announced they will release a new vi.. 6877639359 Orgetorix 12/20/2009 7:16 PM KABUL : «Afghan President Hamid Karzai unveils cabinet choices» 6876636823 goodkide 12/20/2009 6:40 PM benim de bunu burdan twitlemem çok sick. kabul ediyorum 6876247025 mustafaderin 12/20/2009 6:26 PM kaçsamda kurtulamıyorum, kurallarını sen koydun, ben kurallara uysamda kabul etmiyorsun eksik olan ne, beceremediğim ne??? 6875768273 RayLevesque 12/20/2009 6:09 PM @doctorious Funny that I know more people in Kabul. Yikes! 6875527787 alemsah 12/20/2009 6:00 PM @Akasyaa kabul et, sana daha yakışır akasya ;) 6875503019 sohodoo 12/20/2009 5:59 PM yenildim kabul :) 6875396691 doctorious 12/20/2009 5:55 PM @RayLevesque I assume Kabul is before Oakland on your list? ;) 6875338772 neslihanacu 12/20/2009 5:52 PM hakanutku size özel olarak iyi geceler demek istiyorum, kabul buyurursanız:) 6875233608 bolbol_dunya 12/20/2009 5:48 PM İsrail, izinsiz organ topladığını kabul etti 6875016119 RayLevesque 12/20/2009 5:40 PM Kabul or Oakland or Western Samoa? My job choices are not exactly what they used to be! 6874907690 GaryDFRMTNSE 12/20/2009 5:36 PM @laylaanwar "If they want a homeland they can go back to Kabul because that's where they came from." 6874532990 CeyliNnN 12/20/2009 5:22 PM Sabah 7de uyanmam gerek ama fırtına yüzünden uyuyamiyorum :/ hayir kabul etmicem ben gokgurultusunden falan korkmuyoruuummm ! 6874458049 deniselopes 12/20/2009 5:19 PM - penúltima chamada para festa!!virado à paulista, segunda feira as 22h no Kabul.lista amiga: listaviradoapau 6874305763 denizimin 12/20/2009 5:13 PM @elifkutukcu hımm neyse hadı kabul edelım ıyıde öğrencının borek hamsı yedığı nerde gorulmuş kuru ekmek yıyeceksın en fazla yanına zeytın:-) 6874287426 johnsbond 12/20/2009 5:12 PM syns det er vilt å se hvor mye resursser politiet bruker på en medaljesermoni i Kabul for et halvt års tjeneste. intet mindre enn sjokkerend 6874134261 EMRAHZEYDAN 12/20/2009 5:06 PM @zeynepayturk İşin içinde fenerbahçe varken pazar'ı sevmemezlik gibi bir tepkiyi kabul etmiyorum! 6874069700 edabi 12/20/2009 5:04 PM İnkar etmedim. Kabul. Yaptım. Tamam. Cemre. Noluyo bize ?!?!?! @tiriktirak 6873960500 zweitansage 12/20/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6873756680 HuseyinALT 12/20/2009 4:52 PM @mugeguldas hakaret kabul ederim 6873676666 SerkanBALBAL 12/20/2009 4:49 PM Arkadasım babasıyla anlaşma yapmıs.Piyangodan para çıkarsa kendime Porshe alayım,çıkmazsa sen al bana diye.Babasıda kabul etmiş.:) 6873467221 emre_yilmaz 12/20/2009 4:40 PM Tamam kabul ettim, codeigniter'in validator kütüphanesi şık. hatta django'nunkinden güzel. 6873276658 bilimadami 12/20/2009 4:33 PM @AhuSenturk Ahu şansımı face den deniyorum talebimi kabul edebilir misin? 6872968589 ahmadshuja 12/20/2009 4:21 PM Erratum: The word in the previous tween is "Abu Kabir," not "Abu Kabul." Excuse the mistake. I clearly need more sleep. 6872954891 the_boy 12/20/2009 4:20 PM RT @ahmadshuja: Press TV falls short of clarifying that organs of Israelis and Palestinians BOTH were removed at Tel Aviv's Abu Kabul fo ... 6872925080 ahmadshuja 12/20/2009 4:19 PM Press TV falls short of clarifying that organs of Israelis and Palestinians BOTH were removed at Tel Aviv's Abu Kabul forensic institute. 6872795861 delikarpuzyerim 12/20/2009 4:14 PM @kmlgkts ama olacak olan o be kemalim! kabul et hadi,vazgeç,üzme kendinide seni sevenleride :) 6872547477 derinbuyume 12/20/2009 4:04 PM Herkese iyi geceler. Yarın çok güzel ve pozitif bir hafta başlıyor. Kabul edelim ve güzelleştirelim lütfen. 6872424875 zweitansage 12/20/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6872242220 scrillgates 12/20/2009 3:52 PM I wanna see Survivor: Kabul. 6872173337 paulsdavis 12/20/2009 3:49 PM Kabul has 24 hours of electricity because of Indian Engineers @shashitharoor answering questions in Loksabha on Afgan 6871741537 RayLevesque 12/20/2009 3:32 PM @fatoka97 mas Kabul é uma zona de guerra y Oakland e mesmo perigoso ! 6871698469 nergScavdar 12/20/2009 3:30 PM @aysegulakdemir varlıgı kabul edılmyn bı ask olablrmı heyecnn nedenı? 6871694791 hulyavsar 12/20/2009 3:30 PM @zeynepsunger cok ayip gecen gun aliyodum kabul etseydin ya tele tek macta noldu yazsana 6871426001 Cenktademir 12/20/2009 3:19 PM @sertabci_mirac Takma be herkes seni muhtemelen böyle kabul ediyodur ayrıca böyle daha iyi hımm ama sağlıklı beslen oda var tabii... 6871368578 baharella 12/20/2009 3:17 PM @birolakbaba allah kabul etsin:) 6871295378 burcinergunt 12/20/2009 3:14 PM Bende pazar sendromu olduğunu artık kabul ediyorum. Pazartesi gelsin istiyorum. 6871199233 Ferhad_Fidan 12/20/2009 3:11 PM Lexmark sitesi infolu alan adlarından e-postaları kabul etmiyor. :D 6871149748 BERK_ALPTEKIN 12/20/2009 3:09 PM Ugruna herseyden vazgecegim ve ayni andada herseyi kabul edicegim hayatimin askina sominenin onunde ona askimi fisildamayi isterdim.... 6870917174 zweitansage 12/20/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6870810959 elburrito 12/20/2009 2:55 PM Bizim taraftarımız arasındaki bazı aklı evvellere: Özer'e Selçuk ya da Deniz muamelesi yapamazsınız. Kötüydü. Onu kabul ediyorum tabii :( 6870756889 HELO_Magazine 12/20/2009 2:53 PM We're still new. A huge third issue with writers based in Grozny, Nalchik, Kabul, and northern Kenya still planning to add stories soon. 6870676582 TugceB 12/20/2009 2:50 PM @BurcuBaydur dualarin kabul oldu da diyebiliriz 6870392642 tn_comment 12/20/2009 2:39 PM Take the long view for change in Kabul: Corruption cannot be fought by sacking a few high-profile ministers, but th... 6870032581 greychampion 12/20/2009 2:25 PM newStream ©: Take the long view for change in Kabul 6869487452 coskuncokyigit 12/20/2009 2:03 PM @yuksekokceden Olabilir. Ama Taylan Biraderler'in filmi gerçekten de Türk sinemasının bir standardı varsa bunun üstünde. Bunu kabul etmeli. 6869384816 zweitansage 12/20/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6868904242 efil_ 12/20/2009 1:41 PM @msipek kabul etmiyorum nescafemi içip alıyorum maket bıçağımı elime yetti artık xD 6868451721 MuratAykul 12/20/2009 1:25 PM Kültürü sekse alet etmenin tek kabul edilebilir biçimi, masanın üstünde sevişirken masanın kısa bacağının altına bir kitap koymaktır. 6868288689 zeynepkilik 12/20/2009 1:19 PM @real__eceerk hp snle tanşmk istemşmdir ama kader kere bodrumda sunuculuk yapmıştın kulise girmek istedim kabul etmemiştin :) 6868129729 mrwaquras 12/20/2009 1:13 PM korkma ama bil ki bir gün öleceksin, bunu anlayıp kabul edene kadar anlamsız bir hiçsin. 6867926339 RayLevesque 12/20/2009 1:05 PM I have 3 job offers in economic development: Samoa, Kabul, or Oakland. Should I flip a coin? 6867763826 zweitansage 12/20/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6867474284 serhatucak 12/20/2009 12:49 PM @ardaerdik iddia ediyorum Turkiye'de pavarotti ile canli duet teklifini kabul edecek yuzlerce popcu bulabilirim. 6867473330 NewsSummaries 12/20/2009 12:48 PM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Sunday his... 6867450145 ssumeyye 12/20/2009 12:48 PM daha 1 saat var erken kutlamaları kabul etmiyorum :D 6867393717 drWhiet 12/20/2009 12:46 PM And no this wasnt à Flight from Kabul to New York .. Just à domestic Flight from Berlin to munich .. Whats Next ?flights drugged and najed ? 6867340570 eksiduyuru 12/20/2009 12:43 PM Part time işe nasıl kabul ediliriz?: Yakınlarımıza yeni avm açıldı. İçinde AFM de olacakmış. Ve eleman arıyorlar. Nasıl ka... 6867274505 ardaerdik 12/20/2009 12:41 PM Türkiye'de "Godot'yu Beklerken oyununda Godot'yu oynamak ister misiniz?" diye teklif götürsem hemen kabul edecek yüzlerce oyuncu bulabilirim 6867273798 KCinWPB 12/20/2009 12:41 PM In the news: Karzai: New Cabinet will be accountable - KABUL, Afghanistan -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Sunda... 6867273453 MouseDude 12/20/2009 12:41 PM In the news: Karzai: New Cabinet will be accountable - KABUL, Afghanistan -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Sunda... 6867051244 findmeabout 12/20/2009 12:32 PM About cabinet ministers, hamid karzai, western, afghan president, afghan corruption: KABUL — Afghanistan.. 6866656356 arbcomics 12/20/2009 12:16 PM Liked ""Yubba!" projesine katılmayı kabul edenler artıyor! Şu anki liste şöyle: Extramücadele, Bengi Gençer,..." [pic] 6866335051 MoveOneInc 12/20/2009 12:03 PM Suicide #CarBomb in #Kabul #Afghanistan #ISAF #SouthAsia #US 6866255547 zweitansage 12/20/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6865834462 Achmadsiswo 12/20/2009 11:42 AM afganistan = kabul, iran=teheran,mongolia=ulan bator,jamaica=kingston 6865796813 beyinereksiyonu 12/20/2009 11:40 AM @bebebuell Ok, açıklamanız kabul edilmiştir. :) 6865374639 TantaoNews 12/20/2009 11:23 AM Afghan President Karzai Attends Press Conference with Belgium PM: KABUL, Dec.20, 2009 (Xinhua) — Afghan p.. 6865326880 osman_ulu 12/20/2009 11:21 AM slm ben bugün katıldım aranıza benide kabul edin 6865239498 adithyaamirajab 12/20/2009 11:18 AM Haduh 2 orang ini.. Pacaran kok di twitter.. Sekalian aja ijab kabul disini.. Unfollow aja deh.. Whhhhahahahaha 6864952763 SemiraSK 12/20/2009 11:06 AM RT @zeitonline: "Kunst als größte Hoffnung in Kabul:.."Othello" und "Der Wolf und die sieben Geißlein". (sv)" 6864809756 andiegokil 12/20/2009 11:00 AM @tuannico ANGEELINAAAA!! #kuchkuchhotahei RT: sah? sah! RT @sugahpuff: mengucap ijab kabul. XD 6864786694 zweitansage 12/20/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6864726088 tuannico 12/20/2009 10:57 AM sah? sah! RT @sugahpuff: @tuannico baguslah. kita berbahagia bersama. aku merasa seperti sehabis mengucap ijab kabul. XD 6864638690 sugahpuff 12/20/2009 10:53 AM @tuannico baguslah. kita berbahagia bersama. aku merasa seperti sehabis mengucap ijab kabul. XD 6864605618 icebrgslm 12/20/2009 10:52 AM At an italian restaurant in downtown Kabul. Man that alcohol looks nice. 6864383771 denizzeyrek 12/20/2009 10:43 AM nöbet raporu: YÖK,MEB,ÖSYM,üniversite bütçeleri kabul edildi.Tekel işçileri yarın buluşmak üzere dağıldı, Başbakan Trabzon'dan ayrıldı.18.42 6864253455 ceminaycem 12/20/2009 10:37 AM Cok ukela ve sinirim kabul ediyorum ! 6864103347 GulcanKESTANE 12/20/2009 10:31 AM Arkadaşlarımın oyun davetini sırf kırmamak adına kabul ediyorum bir süre sonra bakıyorum ki oyundan çıkmışlar,sinir oluyorum. 6863665490 BobOpyd 12/20/2009 10:13 AM I can't wait to get back to Kabul, now that is messed up! 6863575794 Fatimacirik 12/20/2009 10:09 AM @hulkicevizoglu Hulki bey pkk terrörunu dunyaya siyasetciler ne cabayla kabul ettiriler,yazik bosa harcanmis enerji,bugun dtp ,nerde hukuk?? 6863337909 zweitansage 12/20/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6863338217 ozlemozum 12/20/2009 10:00 AM @chirimirim bebişim çok tatlısın şarkı süper ama benim aklıma gelmiyor o ayarda bir şey, bunu kabul et :)). 6863204307 madlognl 12/20/2009 9:54 AM Kamer wil uitleg over executies bij Kabul 6863015179 AtiaAbawi 12/20/2009 9:46 AM @arwadamonCNN see if you can get a flight to Kabul just4 xmas, we're having a real turkey,Russ's cooking. And we just decorated Freds tree. 6862915257 fingertipnews2 12/20/2009 9:41 AM Reuters Intl: Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hami.. 6862846823 nisjoen 12/20/2009 9:39 AM @putriayuaisyah eh ijab kabul aja blm dsebut udh jd suami aja lu 6862774808 Zener39 12/20/2009 9:35 AM RT @AfghanNews24 Two NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan (UPI) - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 20 (UPI) -- Two soldiers. 6862756557 andoveer 12/20/2009 9:35 AM Q&A with Our Man in Kabul: British former soldier Rory Stewart sees a path to success in Afghanistan, and it doesnâ. 6862714878 AfghanNews24 12/20/2009 9:33 AM Two NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan (UPI) - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 20 (UPI) -- Two soldiers from Poland and B... 6862482143 erdalcanbaz 12/20/2009 9:23 AM ipekcim bırak bu fazladan kibarlığı,kabul et..çöküyo sana,gitmiyo sonra da:D 6862034858 Haber24 12/20/2009 9:03 AM Büyük Patlama için geri sayım başlıyor: Yüzyılın en büyük deneyi olarak kabul edilen ve Büyük Patlama ... 6861957079 zweitansage 12/20/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6861930308 NazeemMusic 12/20/2009 8:58 AM und aufeinma war sie ga nicht mehr so hübsch... xD afghanische menschen sind komisch, was wohl in kabul abgeht das die so sind ^^ lol 6861923046 DubaiWatch 12/20/2009 8:58 AM @bcsoup What's he doing in Kabul? You must've been in tension? 6861807458 bcsoup 12/20/2009 8:52 AM My husband is out of Kabul finally! Dubai overnight then home to me tomorrow. I am day dreaming of seeing him get off the plane. 6861631368 draenews 12/20/2009 8:44 AM Megite Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on S... 6861592043 zeitonline 12/20/2009 8:42 AM Kunst als größte Hoffnung in Kabul: Trotz Krieg werden "Othello" und "Der Wolf und die sieben Geißlein" gespielt. (sv) 6861336064 Fatimacirik 12/20/2009 8:29 AM Isvec ulusu 1989 same halkini var olusunu kabul etti,ki bu halk german halkindan önce varmis iskandia ulkelerinde,demokrasi nerdeymis?????? 6861227465 Amorous_VI 12/20/2009 8:23 AM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Sunday.. 6861103568 MobileKUB 12/20/2009 8:16 AM World News>> Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters.. Best Regards AYKubik 6861102980 AYKubik 12/20/2009 8:16 AM World News>> Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters.. Best Regards AYKubik 6860946567 ricardonanan 12/20/2009 8:08 AM Reuters World News Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reu.. 6860849562 USAbreaking 12/20/2009 8:04 AM global: Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid .. [Reuters] 6860822178 ayberkole 12/20/2009 8:02 AM hollywood bu adama sözleşme için 30milyon$ teklif etmiş sanı olsam kabul etmem 6860778220 mtadude 12/20/2009 8:00 AM Karzai Cabinet turnover draws legislators' ire|By Rahim Faiez ASSOCIATED PRESS KABUL, Afghanistan Afghan .. 6860764857 zweitansage 12/20/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6860763903 lunaandsea 12/20/2009 8:00 AM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan… Reuters reported 6860753184 RightWingTalk 12/20/2009 7:59 AM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Sunday.. 6860714611 Sems_i_tebriz 12/20/2009 7:57 AM evlenme teklifini kabul etmedi diye adam kiz arkadasini dovmus... kizin hayir cevabi gayet hakliymis demek ki... 6860682527 marlenAustill37 12/20/2009 7:55 AM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Sunday.. 6860664254 rtsradio 12/20/2009 7:54 AM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Sunday.. 6860653950 KimBomin 12/20/2009 7:54 AM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Sun... #Korea 6860607851 HTGazete 12/20/2009 7:51 AM Evlenme teklifini kabul etmedi diye dövdü: Hem de öldüresiye vurdu! 6860594355 zaqzaqat 12/20/2009 7:50 AM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Sunday.. 6860560876 gundelizer 12/20/2009 7:49 AM #Reuters Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai prom... #Topnews 6860560658 MobileAuto 12/20/2009 7:49 AM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Sunday his... 6860560676 BssNews 12/20/2009 7:49 AM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Sunday his... 6860560687 webtipsfree 12/20/2009 7:49 AM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Sunday his... 6860560689 SalBarguil 12/20/2009 7:49 AM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Sunday his... 6860560704 tweettools4U 12/20/2009 7:49 AM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai p... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 6860560710 newsfeeding 12/20/2009 7:49 AM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Sunday his... 6860560712 SmittysWeb 12/20/2009 7:49 AM KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Sunday his new cabinet would be held to account followi... 6860560741 dave13100 12/20/2009 7:49 AM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Sunday his... 6860560745 newzdevil 12/20/2009 7:49 AM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Sunday his... 6860560756 HeadlinesNewz 12/20/2009 7:49 AM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Sunday his... 6860560760 GlobalTechNews 12/20/2009 7:49 AM Karzai says new cabinet to be "accountable": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai promised on Sunday his... 6860535411 imtiazajmir 12/20/2009 7:47 AM @AtiaAbawi No mushkal Atia, snow will come soon in Kabul, 6860510687 depay 12/20/2009 7:46 AM @monicairvania aku juga gtw . ym , twitter ga dbls . kynya lg ijab kabul .. 6860168529 AhuSenturk 12/20/2009 7:27 AM @Askdoktoru ''Aşk,siyah-beyaz kadar net çizgiler taşır,griliği kabul etmez...'' Sevdim bunu. 6859818689 zureyfa 12/20/2009 7:07 AM bana çok yaşa diyenlerin dilekleri kabul olursa sonsuza kadar yaşayacağım... saymadım ancak sanırım 50 kez hapşırdım bugün ve daha gün uzun. 6859805738 gunderstone 12/20/2009 7:07 AM NH Register - News New Afghan cabinet more stable: McClatchy Newspapers KABUL, Afghanistan — Afghan President Ham... 6859747919 Free_Chaos 12/20/2009 7:03 AM Sen ey, ecelimden dahi muaf kadın!Onca intikam yeminine zamir kabul edilmişNice kıyımlara uğramış bu... 6859736572 POTUFSS 12/20/2009 7:03 AM Two NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 20 (UPI) -- Two soldiers from Poland and Britain .. 6859708265 TevhidGuLu 12/20/2009 7:01 AM (Kıyamette kulun ilk sorguya çekileceği ibadet, namazdır. Namazı düzgün ise, diğer amelleri kabul edilir. Namazı... 6859706904 Obamashitlist 12/20/2009 7:01 AM Two NATO soldiers killed in Afghanistan|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 20 (UPI) -- Two soldiers from Poland and Britain .. 6859680268 zweitansage 12/20/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6859631761 MANNHEIM1970 12/20/2009 6:57 AM @tusilencio Bilinen lakin asla kabul edilmiyecek gercekler :( 6859483054 kasimtamer 12/20/2009 6:47 AM Bir şeyi bildiğin zaman , onu bildiğini göstermeye çalış.Bir şeyi bilmiyorsan , onu bilmediğini kabul et.İşte bu... 6859350833 rijnmond 12/20/2009 6:39 AM Karzai wil dat Nederlanders blijven: KABUL - Afghanistan heeft er baat bij dat Nederland zijn militaire missie niet... 6859345588 atoshh 12/20/2009 6:39 AM @RainGirl_ ama kalbim seninle kekliğim:)içses: bence güzel cevap verdi kabul etmekte fayda var:D 6859302653 MesSude 12/20/2009 6:36 AM aaa ezel yalan oldu yok shrek var olsussn :) o da kabul bu hasta halle pazar gününde:) 6859286795 lichtwolf 12/20/2009 6:35 AM Das #Gegenteil der Woche: "Glückloser Verteidigungsminister" != sich in #Kabul vor einem "Mission accomplished"-Plakat ablichten lassen. 6859215160 vonnycivon 12/20/2009 6:31 AM @bhungabhunga amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin gw jg mau klo mas kawinnya kyak gtu..lgsg ijab kabul ajah..taaruf lgsg....hahhahaaa 6859166248 Lancelot1984 12/20/2009 6:28 AM Avatara gitmeden önce bir düşünün , çünkü bundan sonra izliyeceğiniz filmler kıyaslama kabul etmez. 6859161535 ADOnline 12/20/2009 6:28 AM Karzai wil dat Nederlanders blijven: KABUL - Afghanistan heeft er baat bij dat Nederland zijn militaire missie niet... 6859113467 bnr 12/20/2009 6:25 AM Karzai wil dat Nederlanders blijven: KABUL (ANP) - Afghanistan heeft er baat bij dat Nederland zijn militaire m.. 6859109936 rftk 12/20/2009 6:24 AM telaşa gelince burada yahudiler hristiyanlar falan telaşlanmalı. İslam İsayı da Musayı da kabul ediyor nihayet. 6858994528 mihladiz 12/20/2009 6:17 AM @aysunn finansbanka başvur o ezik banka azcık hemen kabul eder 6858771387 TevhidGuLu 12/20/2009 6:02 AM (Kıyamette kulun ilk sorguya çekileceği ibadet, namazdır. Namazı düzgün ise, diğer amelleri kabul edilir. Namazı... 6858761112 stuwitterer 12/20/2009 6:02 AM @gardenergirl1 @bad_sector The taxi home was ££££ but the Afghan guy was a star, really interesting humbling chat about life in Kabul. 6858720603 zweitansage 12/20/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6858618547 65cekic 12/20/2009 5:53 AM APONUN ADAMLARI:Kabul edelim ki ortaya acayip bir durum çıktı.. Bırakın yabancıları, kendimize bile anlatamayız..... 6858505535 iniNoppe 12/20/2009 5:47 AM @el_stevanos hmmmmmmmmm ngga ahhhh tunggu abis ijab kabul aja.......lalu klo lo ngewakilin, emang nya lo masih napsu ma gw????????? 6858378560 CMELEAD 12/20/2009 5:39 AM Karzai says new Afghan Cabinet will be accountable: The Associated PressKABUL — Afghan President Hamid Karzai on... 6858240242 Musawer 12/20/2009 5:30 AM Check this video out -- Kabul Transit - Malang Kohistani 6857933948 dhian_fa 12/20/2009 5:10 AM sngat brharap skali ya robb tgl 23 bsok.....kabul kan ya robb,amiiiiiiiiiin 6857775166 zweitansage 12/20/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6857503299 Europa_Press 12/20/2009 4:41 AM Internacional: Fallecen dos soldados de las fuerzas internacionales en Afganistán: KABUL, 20 Dic. (Reuters/EP) - ... 6857315289 fgoulding 12/20/2009 4:27 AM @ruthowen the number in Kabul is 202.216.6288 :) 6857244117 denizyurdakul 12/20/2009 4:22 AM Bu durumun da istisnalari var tabii beraber olunan adam ultra zengin/guclu/unlu ise ,bir sure konusulup sonra kabul ediliyor 6857188845 guls_un 12/20/2009 4:18 AM Vodkamartiniyle giris yaptigmz gecen tiziano ferroyla cikmaya calisiyoruz cok mutluyuz amsterdam da evlenme teklifini kabul etsem mi :))) 6856996163 dpa_newsticker 12/20/2009 4:04 AM Kabul - Zwei NATO-Soldaten in Afghanistan getötet 6856982996 ensiz_news 12/20/2009 4:03 AM Mueren dos soldados de la OTAN en Afganistán: Kabul.- Dos soldados de la OTAN murieron en Afganistán debido a ata... 6856981151 RiskaAdriani 12/20/2009 4:03 AM Aminnn...moga t'kabul kak...RT @herichan: #wishlist2010 ngajak mama-papa n brur n sis pergi umrah 6856951423 gravychow 12/20/2009 4:01 AM Maiwand Kabul FC #football 6856941709 hanskottke 12/20/2009 4:00 AM Bühnenkunst in Afghanistan: Kulturwunder Kabul... 6856936672 paulakahumbu 12/20/2009 4:00 AM @zulusafari thanks, that was a great article! Peter is loving Kabul 6856932067 zweitansage 12/20/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6856737126 RZTicker 12/20/2009 3:45 AM Kabul: Zwei NATO-Soldaten in Afghanistan getötet 6856546500 malalaijoya_dc 12/20/2009 3:30 AM "Kabul", a song by Flavio Oreglio and Dario Canossi for Malalai Joya: "The p.. 6856113750 zweitansage 12/20/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6855978290 flueke 12/20/2009 2:50 AM Naechster Lesetipp: Guardian ueber UN-Mission in Kabul, Korruption und Kritik 6855933439 zeitonline_all 12/20/2009 2:47 AM Kulturwunder Kabul: Die afghanische Hauptstadt steht im Krieg. Dennoch werden »Othello« und »Die sieben Gei... 6855833933 Zeit_RSS 12/20/2009 2:41 AM Kulturwunder Kabul: Die afghanische Hauptstadt steht im Krieg. Dennoch werden »Othello« und »Die sieben Gei... 6855770225 spiritualsigns 12/20/2009 2:36 AM india arie iyi bir seçimdi kabul... 6855502932 energyindia37 12/20/2009 2:19 AM ANALYSIS - Karzai's new cabinet too big for graft reform: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai's propose... 6855354574 deepnessx 12/20/2009 2:10 AM annemle martha stewart ı izlemek istiyorum, duam kabul olsun, sonra ölmeye hazırım. 6855194958 Jobs_Delhi 12/20/2009 2:00 AM Master Tailor and Cobbler Needed - (Kabul) manufacturing improve your feed 6855188649 zweitansage 12/20/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6854843809 financeheadline 12/20/2009 1:38 AM Gold trade woes reflect mood in Kabul - 6854759077 malalaijoya_dc 12/20/2009 1:34 AM Youtube: Kabul, a song by Flavio Oreglio and Dario Canossi for Malalai Joya: Kabul, a song by Flavio .. 6854728305 reuterskl 12/20/2009 1:32 AM ANALYSIS - Karzai's new cabinet too big for graft reform: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai's propose... 6854332555 ayseguldrcan 12/20/2009 1:10 AM Birde mutevazi olsa da bizde alkislasak..insanlara tepeden bakanları takip edemiyorum kimyam kabul etmiyor 6854107082 iqbalnurs 12/20/2009 12:58 AM HEH ! RT @nikendr Operasi jidat :p RT @iqbalnurs: YEAH !! 5000 tweet !!! tahlilan, syukuran, khitanan, kemantenan, ijab kabul, 6853981107 FreedomArts 12/20/2009 12:52 AM is going out to wrangle some animal paintings around Kabul, horses are popular here so we'll see if I can get lucky... 6853512034 iqbalnurs 12/20/2009 12:28 AM YEAH !! 5000 tweet !!! tahlilan, syukuran, khitanan, kemantenan, ijab kabul, pelaminan, yasiin an, tumpengan !!! apalagi yaahhh ??? 6853225674 hlubis 12/20/2009 12:14 AM Kak erfan RT @jacobian64: @hlubis siapa yg nikah emang har? re: ijab kabul 6853189328 team5stars 12/20/2009 12:12 AM wkwkwkwk!!! manggung. ngepop ria ben.. hehehe!! RT @BenGunawi @yogietwits ngapain gi ntar mlm,ijab kabul? Huaha 6853125787 yogietwits 12/20/2009 12:09 AM wkwkwkwk!!! manggung. ngepop ria ben.. hehehe!! RT @BenGunawi @yogietwits ngapain gi ntar mlm,ijab kabul? Huaha 6853098211 BenGunawi 12/20/2009 12:08 AM @yogietwits ngapain gi ntar mlm,ijab kabul? Huaha 6852752912 artclubcaucasus 12/19/2009 11:52 PM Kabul 6852511540 yousafzy 12/19/2009 11:42 PM I uploaded a YouTube video -- Hafiz And Devyani ali. Kabul Ta Maza_x264.mp4 6852080127 fingertipnews 12/19/2009 11:23 PM UPI-Top News: Karzai keeps 11 holdovers in new Cabinet - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 19 (UPI) -- Eleven previous mini... 6850533627 darkpolitricks 12/19/2009 10:23 PM Afghan president has a cabinet reshuffle, keeps war criminals and drug dealers, he only controls Kabul anyway. what a waste of ££££ 6850023218 veniestlavie 12/19/2009 10:04 PM @fintrul kapan mengikuti jejak bang irfan dong dong dong.apa jng2 udh?tinggal ijab kabul doang? 6849546446 arin_aqmarina 12/19/2009 9:46 PM Huahaha parah deh tiba2 kepikiran pengen liat om toy baca ijab kabul.... 6849296280 michelyne23 12/19/2009 9:36 PM @jmcmasters66 whats your fave genre? Author? Are you all over the place like me? Im reading the swallows of kabul, about to hit some non-fic 6848984777 reuterskl 12/19/2009 9:25 PM Afghan leader unveils cabinet, technocrats stay: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai plans to keep most... 6848688289 lizva 12/19/2009 9:14 PM so far, winter in kabul for me has been all gloomy weather and late night street dog fights. 6848192167 yaravissant 12/19/2009 8:55 PM kalo Ilham maen piano depan muka gue, langsung gue tegrep, iket, borgol, bawa pulang, ijab kabul. 6847316826 jacobian64 12/19/2009 8:22 PM @hlubis siapa yg nikah emang har? re: ijab kabul 6846834553 hlubis 12/19/2009 8:03 PM Ijab kabul lancar.. 6846648743 Kubra_06 12/19/2009 7:56 PM @mrtuncer Allah'ım sen bu emre tuncer'in dilediği herşeyi cümlemiz adına kabul et !sıkıntılardan kurtulmayı nasip et!!! Amiinn... :)) 6846603108 jswo 12/19/2009 7:55 PM Watching The Beauty Academy of Kabul. 6846535578 bethaopi 12/19/2009 7:52 PM Just wake up in this sunday morning,,,and get ready for my causin 'ijab kabul' party 6846159561 TheJewishState 12/19/2009 7:37 PM Sharing a shul in Kabul, by Jill Huber. Read more: 6844211375 draenews 12/19/2009 6:20 PM Megite Afghanistan unveils new cabinet, technocrats stay: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai plans t... 6844057430 ozgurd 12/19/2009 6:14 PM çek yasası 2009, çek mağdurları için 5941 kabusu başladı. - Kanun No. 5941Kabul Tarihi: 14/12/2009Amaç ve ... 6843790801 cek_yasasi 12/19/2009 6:03 PM çek yasası 2009, çek mağdurları için 5941 kabusu başladı. - Kanun No. 5941Kabul Tarihi: 14/12/2009Amaç ve ... 6843790852 AYSE_ARMAN 12/19/2009 6:03 PM çek yasası 2009, çek mağdurları için 5941 kabusu başladı. - Kanun No. 5941Kabul Tarihi: 14/12/2009Amaç ve ... 6843744321 pinarkt 12/19/2009 6:01 PM @alperetis ama buna şike yapmak denir... miranda kerr olunca olay kabul etmek durumundayım lakin 6843041896 haliselciman 12/19/2009 5:33 PM bi domainle banlanınca sittin sene para alamıyormuşun bunu anladım.. tekrar başvuru yapınca gün içinde kabul... re: 6842617510 ascelia 12/19/2009 5:15 PM @zgcn kabul et bu bi cıkar ilişkisi aslında birbirimizden nefret ediyoruz =) autocad ve insanoglu =)()()()()() cok kararsızım farkındaysan.. 6842541672 MileyCNichols 12/19/2009 5:12 PM I contacted Kabul & w the information I provided that standoff was over when Lebannon helped by Norita International bombed Norad 6842526159 pelkur 12/19/2009 5:11 PM evim gibisi yok.yarin avatar holey @DygYildiz yarina hazirla kendini mazeret kabul etmem.3D gozluklerimiz bizi bekler yehhhu ! 6842455954 HTGazete 12/19/2009 5:09 PM "Çarmıh benzetmesini kabul edemeyiz": Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu'ndan Bartholomeos'a yanıt 6842244648 mtadude 12/19/2009 5:00 PM Karzai ousts 2 ministers U.S. wanted gone over corruption|KABUL, Afghanistan ? Afghan President Hamid Karzai took .. 6842233454 zweitansage 12/19/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6842207608 feyyazkurus 12/19/2009 4:59 PM bu da yeni format .. salak olmayı yada salağı oynamayı kabul et gel programa katıl :))) 6842146902 cerencen 12/19/2009 4:56 PM @TwitAbla seksin yerini başka paylaşımlar alabilir, hoş değil ama kabul edilebilir.ama aşk baki kalmalı.aşk var olmaya devam etmeli değil mi 6842078438 Shorlika 12/19/2009 4:53 PM @gokhanyalcin bence sen bu isi misyon olarak kabul et. Ben ikinci kez giderim gitmek isteyen olursa... :) 6842058820 theobeers 12/19/2009 4:52 PM things i would require to stay in kabul permanently: fast internet; my bass; less traffic; my pets. security not even on my list! 6842004865 volkankamil 12/19/2009 4:50 PM @ersinduzen başarı-başarısızlık senteziniz çok doğru. Bu rahatsızlığın neticesini dün aksam gördük. başarısız kabul edilen e.sağlam örneği ! 6841418949 peralta__ 12/19/2009 4:25 PM Sonra Hikmet Karaman'a teklif götürürler. O da kabul eder. Hakan Kutlu ile de sezonu bitirirler. 6841390053 haberler 12/19/2009 4:24 PM Habertürk: "Çarmıh benzetmesini kabul edemeyiz" 6841138145 PROMETYUS45 12/19/2009 4:13 PM @karo555 bu arada teline arada bak ya tebrikleri kabul et bari:::)))) 6841079639 Charina_Flores 12/19/2009 4:10 PM RT @CenterdinSEA: Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $2 with promo code: SANTA ... 6840994998 CenterdinSEA 12/19/2009 4:06 PM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $2 with promo code: SANTA #seattle 6840836030 yasarisgorenler 12/19/2009 4:00 PM @zey0zey cok enteresansın.dilek havuzuna para atıp baskalarının dilekleri kabul olmasını dileyenleri tanıyorum.enteresan kişileri seviyorum 6840833896 zweitansage 12/19/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6840806586 veyysel 12/19/2009 3:58 PM kabul edin şanslı jenerasyonuz. adamlar 6. kupayı da kazandı. tüm bunların yanında messi ve pedro'yu da izletiyorlar. viva barça 6840750208 mrsbaros 12/19/2009 3:56 PM RT @meminoglu: bir insanın bir insanı çekememesi çok normal de, bunu belli etmek yenilgiyi kabül etmekten başka bir şey değil. 6840656937 meminoglu 12/19/2009 3:52 PM bir insanın bir insanı çekememesi çok normal de, bunu belli etmek yenilgiyi kabül etmekten başka bir şey değil. 6840370711 infoantalya 12/19/2009 3:39 PM zu ha ha haAĞCA teklifimi KABUL EDERSE dünyanın EN KRAL REKLAMINI patlatmış olurum yeminle birisi ACİL teklifimi... 6840330102 noise34 12/19/2009 3:37 PM @EmreGokcen yaşadığımız hayatta evet :) asıl problem yanına taşırdığımız boşluklarda doğru olarak kabul ediliyormu ? :) 6840210233 ramaotti 12/19/2009 3:32 PM serdar abi sen bizim zurnamiz degilsin.kabul.ister beyaz,ister siyah ol bizi ilgilendirmiyor.. 6840000025 coctailife 12/19/2009 3:23 PM bence çocukları kabul etmeseler daha iyi. onlar başlı başına bir yetenekler zaten. 6839671272 knipeos 12/19/2009 3:09 PM @cemsanci bu papirüslerden kastım çeşitli inciller. neyse, çarmıh mevzusunda bugün dünya genelinde katoliklerin hikayesini kabul ediyoruz 6839577961 knipeos 12/19/2009 3:05 PM @cemsanci aynı torino kefeni gibi... vatikan o kadar ikiyüzlü ki kefeni kutsal emanet kabul ederken, onunla bulunan papirüslere sahte der. 6839445252 zweitansage 12/19/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6839396044 mahbubsameer1 12/19/2009 2:57 PM I favorited a YouTube video -- Kabul Transit - Malang Kohistani 6839391419 arda93 12/19/2009 2:57 PM @arzumerol döwerim seni ezik kabul et senden iyiyim iyi.. so strangeable situation :D 6839387857 linkedin_jobs 12/19/2009 2:57 PM Energy Team Lead, Afghanistan at International Relief and Development (IRD) - Kabul #in #jobs 6839166808 hurriyetavrupa 12/19/2009 2:47 PM Esad'la Hariri biraraya geldi: Suriye Devlet Başkanı Beşşar Esad, Lübnan Başbakanı Saad Hariri'yi kabul etti. 6839119978 RaiAhrar 12/19/2009 2:45 PM Tavuk soteyi babam annemden daha güzel yapıyor. Anne bunu kabul et artık. 6839061005 efeser 12/19/2009 2:43 PM İki gündür ses kısıklığı yüzünden Vito Corleone gibi dolanıyorum etrafta... Kabul karizmatik bir ses tonu oldu ama çok zorlayıcı yahu... 6839001027 sinademiral 12/19/2009 2:40 PM @pelinerdogan misafir kabul ediyormusunuZ? :/ vapur goren odada... 6838978566 yildirimyasemin 12/19/2009 2:39 PM NBC nin yaptığını " hata " olarak kabul etmek lazım mıdır bilmem. ancak düşman, düşmanlık körüklemek için iş başında gibi... 6838931512 yousafzy 12/19/2009 2:37 PM I uploaded a YouTube video -- Afghan song Khkuley De Kabul Kho Ningarhar De Chana Kam Nede.flv 6838717852 karmahighway 12/19/2009 2:28 PM Q. What should Kabul get for its air defense system? A. A refund. 6838374141 ladyprana 12/19/2009 2:13 PM cumartesi günleri sadece asosyaller internettedir.kabul edelim. 6838306645 in_asia 12/19/2009 2:10 PM KABUL — President Hamid Karzai opted for continuity over change in the list of cabinet nominees he presented to.. 6838045778 zweitansage 12/19/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6837201303 Kuzeyyildizicen 12/19/2009 1:24 PM Ödeme yapmadan Önce yapılan bildirimler geçersiz kabul edilip Dikkate alınmamaktadır.Ödemeden sonra tekrar bildirim yapmanız gereklidir... 6836921178 adhisaputra 12/19/2009 1:12 PM Ups si boCah ingusan ktinggalan "inaY yg langeng y sm @adiguntara " ijab kabul dah buruan (n_n)d 6836889985 in_asia 12/19/2009 1:11 PM KABUL — President Hamid Karzai opted for continuity over change in the list of cabinet nominees he presented to.. 6836751224 tolgatez 12/19/2009 1:06 PM @TuuceFB ahahaaa, artık boyle fantaziler yapıyorum Tuucee:)) hayvanım yaaa:) kabul:)) 6836595203 zweitansage 12/19/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6836479998 Listmans 12/19/2009 12:55 PM Afghan Cabinet Nominations Show Few Signs of Change US Wants: By ALISSA J. RUBIN KABUL — President Hamid Karzai o... 6836224115 pofingerpo 12/19/2009 12:45 PM görüp görmek istediğimi bile bilmediğim insanlar beni facebooktan ekliyorlar resmen yıllara ayıp olmasın diye kabul ediyorum şaşkınım . . 6836069301 MesSude 12/19/2009 12:38 PM @dusunceler davanın kısmen kabulüne de karar verilebilir boşanma kararı verilir ama tazminatlar kabul edilmez ya da daha az kbl edilir.. 6836017113 Stephers74 12/19/2009 12:36 PM I favorited a YouTube video -- Lily Allen Kabul Shit 6835691547 dusunceler 12/19/2009 12:24 PM @MesSude 27 si galiba avukatım dediki davaı kabul etcenmi yoks redmi ret dedim önceden bitse iyidi şimdi dönsün dicem inadına 6835556152 adindahuhu 12/19/2009 12:18 PM Sekamar sama @monicgultom @mekarila @sarahandruina @larasjacob. Najis bgt monic bonekanya minta di labrak bgt tuh si kabul!!!! 6835520477 HTGazete 12/19/2009 12:17 PM "Çarmıh benzetmesini kabul edemeyiz": Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu'ndan Bartholomeos'a yanıt 6835207626 Ercoskunk 12/19/2009 12:04 PM RT: @MeteArgin: kabul gormek icin maymunluk yapanlar bizim tarafimizdan hicbir zaman kabul gormedi 6835156864 MoveOneInc 12/19/2009 12:02 PM Suicide #CarBomb in #Kabul #SouthAsia #Afghanistan #ISAF #US 6835082983 zweitansage 12/19/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6835026975 haberler 12/19/2009 11:57 AM Habertürk: "Çarmıh benzetmesini kabul edemeyiz" 6834974850 max1mos111 12/19/2009 11:55 AM declassified @satyamevajayate Oops he was in Kabul 6834943191 fingertipnews2 12/19/2009 11:54 AM UPI-Top News: Karzai keeps 11 holdovers in new Cabinet: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 19 (UPI) -- Eleve.. 6834932356 ozlemozum 12/19/2009 11:54 AM bugün tezimi bastırdım :) artık özgürüm. ya kabul ya red yicek ama benim içim rahat, elimden geleni yaptım en babayiğit en güçlü benim ;). 6834928820 bir_kirik_bebek 12/19/2009 11:53 AM @hulyavsar bugün ropörtajınızı gördüm TRT'de.Bence gelen senaryolardan birini kabul vizyona girene kadar gündem değişir zaten. 6834476540 jk1789 12/19/2009 11:36 AM Kabul. Got new Twiter account! Yeah guys, follow me! 6834407077 adietORadit 12/19/2009 11:33 AM Tangan kiri gw lagi salaman sama penghulu, mau ijab kabul dulu twepss semoga lancar ya gw ngucapinnya #wrongtime2tweet 6834381885 findmeabout 12/19/2009 11:32 AM About cabinet ministers, hamid karzai, afghan president karzai: KABUL — Afghanistan’s Pre.. 6834355925 tiaravylette 12/19/2009 11:31 AM @putriyanadi saksi&tamu : "aahh penghulu ama nganten cowok ngehe! Laper neh! Ijab kabul kok lewat twitter" #wrongtime2tweet *begosmua* LMAO 6834229530 putriyanadi 12/19/2009 11:26 AM @tiaravylette nganten prempuan: calon suami gw goblok bgt sih ijab kabul 3X salah terus,pegel bego!" #wrongtime2tweet 6834218209 sewda 12/19/2009 11:26 AM @ozgcnklc bensiz alışverişe çıkmanın sonuçlarına katlanıcaksın özel güçlerimi kabul edin artık=)nerden aldın çizmeyi ooff yaa bende istiyrm 6834119128 infoantalya 12/19/2009 11:22 AM zu ha ha haAĞCA teklifimi KABUL EDERSE dünyanın EN KRAL REKLAMINI patlatmış olurum yeminle birisi ACİL teklifimi AĞCA'ya İLETSİN please:) 6834082423 geolarson2 12/19/2009 11:20 AM RT @jackrice: Posted 'Jack Rice Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan.' to 6833957230 ReisAditha 12/19/2009 11:16 AM #wrongtime2tweet "saya terima nikahnya, ....", *ijab-kabul- :)) 6833816075 lastrose123 12/19/2009 11:10 AM Hayat bir mücadele... Bizlerse savaşçıyız; kabul etsek de etmesek de... Savaşımız bizleri kendileri gibi etmek... 6833714166 nilahani 12/19/2009 11:06 AM rawr RT @Ditablabla: Bentar lagi calon suami aku ijap kabul nih. Haha lama amay nih penghulunya doa mending update ;p #wrongtime2tweet 6833653194 rezalibrawan 12/19/2009 11:04 AM #wrongtime2tweet tweep, lagi ijab kabul nih, doain lancar!! 6833539375 zweitansage 12/19/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6833538979 putriyanadi 12/19/2009 11:00 AM Penghulu: Heran deh ni calon nganten cowok,mau ijab kabul aja lama bgt,gw harus ngawinin org lain nih #wrongtime2tweet 6833261417 Benarivo130 12/19/2009 10:48 AM Spor basininda soykirim yapma istegim var. Soykirimi kabul etme garantili!!! 6833212172 a_selim_tuncer 12/19/2009 10:47 AM @heavy distorted/DenizOral; İşte bu konuda çok haklısın. Ben bu sözcüğü artık Türkçe kabul etmeliyiz diyorum.... re: 6833110245 All_AboutLife 12/19/2009 10:42 AM @zollstocker jetzt noch ? *seuuuufz* neeee dat will isch niet ... jaaa naa guuuuut gebense mir das" Alle nach Kabul! Oder direkt erschießen. 6832800399 paywazowski 12/19/2009 10:30 AM Yah ampun ini masa ijab kabul aja pake salah deh dia, jadi makin ragu aja nih. Gimana dong tweeps? #wrongtime2tweet 6832627470 ochamayang 12/19/2009 10:24 AM Bahahhaha makasi gue jd ketawa nich ;) RT @ranityasari: aduh bentar lagi ijab kabul nih, mending lanjut apa ga ye tweeps? #wrongtime2tweet 6832545621 cemsanci 12/19/2009 10:20 AM Star Trek Online'ın betasına kabul edilen bi türk varsa buralarda, yarından sonra beni Author ismi ile oyunda bulabilir. 6832519474 sarahsaintika 12/19/2009 10:19 AM degdeg'an ni..calon suami lg bca ijab kabul.. #wrongtime2tweet 6832179798 sapto 12/19/2009 10:06 AM RT @dianandalengah: Ijab kabul 2 kali salah ngomong terus. Sekali lagi salah batal kawin nih tweeps #wrongtime2tweet 6832085579 EllyKomala 12/19/2009 10:02 AM Bentar..lg ijab kabul niy #wrongtime2tweet 6832067326 sapto 12/19/2009 10:01 AM RT @nickocumicumi: " off 5 menit dolo guys, mao ijab kabul. penghulunya dah nungguin gw lepas hp nih " #wrongtime2tweet 6832020700 zweitansage 12/19/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6831997521 aureliamarcella 12/19/2009 9:59 AM Hhaahhaa!!;)RT @nickocumicumi: " off 5 menit dolo guys, mao ijab kabul. penghulunya dah nungguin gw lepas hp nih " #wrongtime2tweet 6831974479 gulnur 12/19/2009 9:58 AM Sonuç, çoğu zaman aynı dili konuşmuyoruz kabul. Anlaşılamama duygusu iki taraf içinde mevcut. 'Peki biz çalışmıyor muyuz?' sorusu hep var? 6831970770 dianandalengah 12/19/2009 9:58 AM Ijab kabul 2 kali salah ngomong terus. Sekali lagi salah batal kawin nih tweeps #wrongtime2tweet 6831961189 SeagirlX 12/19/2009 9:57 AM RT @jackrice: Posted 'Jack Rice Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan.' to 6831951012 givenchyunique 12/19/2009 9:57 AM #wrongtime2tweet saya terima nikahnya Twitty binti tweeps Dengan mas kawin 1000 followers dibayar trending topics ! (Salah ucap ijab kabul) 6831920392 nickocumicumi 12/19/2009 9:55 AM " off 5 menit dolo guys, mao ijab kabul. penghulunya dah nungguin gw lepas hp nih " #wrongtime2tweet 6831908282 eksiolu 12/19/2009 9:55 AM "Gerçeği otorite olarak kabul etmek yerine,0toriteyi gerçek kabul edenler için bu oldukça zor olmalı." Gerald Massey 6831864559 cendera 12/19/2009 9:53 AM #wrongtime2tweet teman,lagi dibacain ijab kabul nih tp ko pak penghulu kok bajunya ga matching sih 6831802629 dianfitri 12/19/2009 9:51 AM Calon suami gw lagi baca ijab kabul #wrongtime2tweet 6831605204 AghiNarottama 12/19/2009 9:42 AM duh.. calon mertua udah pegang tangan gue nih.. jadi ijab kabul ngga yaa? #wrongtime2tweet 6831254877 NedDagbl 12/19/2009 9:28 AM Nieuws: Karzai stelt kabinet voor: KABUL - President Hamid Karzai van Afghanistan heeft zaterdag zijn kabinet aan h... 6831183698 sinemaniac 12/19/2009 9:25 AM @mhanclk liz hurley'i kabul ediyorum..jessica alba'ya seksi diyorum..o zaman michelle pfeiffer ve charlize theron'u da ekliyelim listeye. 6830935404 herwinrizaldi 12/19/2009 9:14 AM ditunggu ijab kabul nya:-D @adrimartadinata @ichacaniago 6830837560 tikkyman 12/19/2009 9:09 AM Bende Emanetti Sevdan Bir Armağan diye KabuL Ettim,İstemene Gerek Yoktu ''Zaten Geri Verecektim''.h. 6830805668 yesilgundem 12/19/2009 9:08 AM Karabulut: Şehrim Seferihisar CittaSlow (Yavaş Şehir) kabul edildi. 6830759441 Twit_krant 12/19/2009 9:05 AM Karzai stelt kabinet voor: KABUL - President Hamid Karzai van Afghanistan heeft zaterdag zijn kabinet aan het p.. 6830738707 jorrisvandoorn 12/19/2009 9:05 AM External: Karzai stelt kabinet voor: KABUL - President Hamid Karzai van Afghanistan heeft zaterdag zijn kabinet a... 6830738746 snel_nieuws 12/19/2009 9:05 AM Karzai stelt kabinet voor: KABUL - President Hamid Karzai van Afghanistan heeft zaterdag zijn kabinet aan het parle... 6830631268 mtadude 12/19/2009 9:00 AM Karzai's government presents list of new Afghan Cabinet nominees, including US favourites|KABUL, Afghanistan - .. 6830617984 zweitansage 12/19/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6830608004 furkanmani 12/19/2009 8:59 AM bitirme tezimi sunacağım hayata...kabul edilmemesi muhtemel.. 6830541728 UticaDailyNews 12/19/2009 8:56 AM Men watch a cock-fighting tournament in Kabul: December 19, 2009-- Afghan men watch a cock-fighting tournament in ... 6830275246 dinerspecials 12/19/2009 8:44 AM Karzai stelt kabinet voor: KABUL - President Hamid Karzai van Afghanistan heeft zaterdag zijn kabinet aan het parle... 6830175586 daryl_39 12/19/2009 8:40 AM Chating sama cwe kece and si kabul and jga si anis 6829793574 UNjobs_HIVAIDS 12/19/2009 8:22 AM Protection Officer, Kabul (with 35% travel to field), Afghanistan, NRC @UNjobs #jobs 6829723921 deaprilly 12/19/2009 8:19 AM @dillaaajonas hayu atuh..hey #kenielle we're here for u..(sambil dadah dadah)..ehh udah ijab kabul blm?? 6829698085 bilimadami 12/19/2009 8:17 AM @eda_kose ekledm seni feysteki takibime kabul et eda 6829606642 BarraDeHerram 12/19/2009 8:13 AM Karzai trata de contentar a todos con el nuevo gabinete afgano: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - El presidente afgano, Hamid Ka... 6829548852 Cokmadiyim 12/19/2009 8:10 AM @cholecalciferol Gay olduğunu transeksüel olduğunu hiç bir zaman kabul etmediği için. 6829496366 limolou 12/19/2009 8:08 AM Karzai trata de contentar a todos con el nuevo gabinete afgano: AFP - KABUL (A... 6829452282 topstoriestweet 12/19/2009 8:05 AM Old names reappear in new Afghan cabinet - MSNBC: KABUL - Afghan President Hamid Karzai plans to keep most of his t... 6829327591 zweitansage 12/19/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6829317427 arzubayar 12/19/2009 7:59 AM zamanında işim düşmüş öyle çok foruma üye olmuşumki, şindi register olmadan önce sign in yapıorum. kabul ederse de çocuk gibi seviniorum. 6829207224 TantaoNews 12/19/2009 7:53 AM Old faces dominate ministerial nominees, presented to Afghan parliament: KABUL, Dec. 19 (Xinhua) -- Majority of.. 6829118804 mcyorukoglu 12/19/2009 7:49 AM @cuneytozdemir Allah kabul etsin. Vefalı bir insan olmak zor bu zamanda. Bizde gerçekten cenaze işleri çok düzensiz. Hatta herşey 'düzensiz' 6829080838 merayse 12/19/2009 7:47 AM kabul ediyorum çoğu zaman uyuzun tekiyim =) ama bunu yapmayı seviyorum ne yapayım.. 6829006916 YahooNoticias 12/19/2009 7:43 AM Karzai trata de contentar a todos con el nuevo gabinete afgano: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - El presidente afgano, Hamid Ka... 6828990130 erdng 12/19/2009 7:42 AM @ttatari netice de enteli de ,salağı da ,kokoşo da dedikoduyu seviyor kabul edelim:) 6828974547 _jasss_ 12/19/2009 7:41 AM @PebblePony @chirimirim @IronicBaby @ozzy_88 bugün benim kabul günüm olabilirhazırlıklıyım :)) havada güzel 6828776779 ronvanswol 12/19/2009 7:30 AM Buitenland Karzai stelt Afghaans kabinet voor: Kabul, 19 dec. President Hamid Karzai van Afghanista.. 6828722507 gorkemerdogan 12/19/2009 7:27 AM @ozlenenkas ok tamam kabul, o da kabulll :D 6828656661 nickzarzycki 12/19/2009 7:24 AM Ikea store opening in Kabul delayed, cabinets filled with too much corruption. #progress 6828598291 FreedomLanceJob 12/19/2009 7:20 AM #job - Record your voice - Kabul Slide Show ($500) - #jobs 6828514157 de_volkskrant 12/19/2009 7:15 AM [13:41] Afghaanse president Karzai presenteert nieuw kabinet: KABUL - President Hamid Karzai van Afghanistan ... 6828321770 Twit_krant 12/19/2009 7:04 AM Karzai stelt Afghaans kabinet voor: Kabul, 19 dec. President Hamid Karzai van Afghanistan heeft vandaag zijn .. 6828306738 gittamadha 12/19/2009 7:04 AM gua: "aaaauauauaaaa" kaka: "ngigo lu" gua: "kaga ijab kabul ini" 6828234144 zweitansage 12/19/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6828219705 nrc_nieuws 12/19/2009 6:59 AM Karzai stelt Afghaans kabinet voor: Kabul, 19 dec. President Hamid Karzai van Afghanistan heeft vandaag zijn kab... 6828147425 BostonMArss 12/19/2009 6:54 AM Herald| Karzai presents new Afghan Cabinet list: KABUL - Afghan President Hamid Karzai's nominees for a new Cabinet... 6828147436 Small_Biz_Coach 12/19/2009 6:54 AM Karzai presents new Afghan Cabinet list: KABUL - Afghan President Hamid Karzai's nominees for a new Cabinet provoke... 6828121794 is_maile 12/19/2009 6:53 AM kedinin köpeğin duası kabul olsaydı gökten kemik yağardı:) 6828107903 pelolope 12/19/2009 6:52 AM @ronabinay seve seve kabul ederim.bnde bu teklifi kimseye yapamıyorum cekiniyorum.cunku herkes gülerek bana bakıyo.dalga gectigimi sanıyolar 6827641341 uditvashisht 12/19/2009 6:23 AM @arafathb aamir in kite runner was a big loser only +ve thing he did was going back to kabul to get his nephew... 6827414417 phr3akazoid 12/19/2009 6:08 AM #Kunduz: Eiseskälte, die #Frisur hält. #Hindukusch: 38 Grad, die Frisur hält. #Kabul: Die Frisur hält. 3-Wetter-#Verteidigungsminister.#Taft 6827382909 Girisim 12/19/2009 6:05 AM Kabul ediyorum cozene dek sacma tweetlerim oldu halada soru isaretlerim var 6827349209 sarisekersema 12/19/2009 6:03 AM Bütün dualarımı kabul etmediği için Tanrıya teşekkür ederim... 6827326685 findmeabout 12/19/2009 6:02 AM About parliament, cabinet ministers, hamid karzai, western, afghan president karzai: KABUL — Afghan P.. 6827289641 zweitansage 12/19/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6827164687 kabasimsek 12/19/2009 5:51 AM @birolguven hangisi kabul eder ki yaşının o aralıkta olduğunu? yanlış strateji. 6826895364 fitness_shoe 12/19/2009 5:32 AM Karzai presents new Afghan Cabinet list: KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai's nominees for a new Cabin.. 6826798350 rtsradio 12/19/2009 5:25 AM Karzai presents new Afghan Cabinet list - KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai's nominees for a new Cabi... 6826790530 memurolmak 12/19/2009 5:24 AM İyi bir aşure nasıl yapılır?: Hicri takvimin ilk ayı olan ve Müslümanlar için kutsal kabul edilen Muharrem ayı .. 6826754123 vagabot 12/19/2009 5:21 AM #AnuradhaL Afghanistan is in South Asia and the capital is Kabul. You can find more information about it on meta-g... 6826632174 Israel_News 12/19/2009 5:13 AM aawsat ME: Karzai presents new Afghan Cabinet list: KABUL (AP) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai's nominees for a new... 6826579603 sitivmakkuin 12/19/2009 5:09 AM kızlarına "peyker" ve "bihter" ismi koyan bir annenin ruh sağlığının yerinde olduğunu kim söyleyebilir günümü bunu kabul eden kocası? 6826455916 mtadude 12/19/2009 5:00 AM Bomb attack kills US soldier in Afghanistan?NATO|KABUL?A bomb attack has killed another US soldier in southern .. 6826446969 zweitansage 12/19/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6826402215 ganimarepublic 12/19/2009 4:56 AM @hulyavsar, Güzel olduğun için entelektüel kabul edilmediğini söylemişşin. Belki de sadece cahilsindir hanım, bi kendine baksana önce!!! 6826323230 michikoloebis 12/19/2009 4:50 AM Jangan bikin gosip kamu yah.. :/ RT @pancek: @michikoloebis biasa mw ijab kabul mkanya dag dig dug..sihii kk ciko mw nikaaah..hahaha 6826194289 perfect9world 12/19/2009 4:40 AM @adietajah kemana dit?sayang dit ternyata sudah ada yang punya In a Relationship withIvan Kabul 6826181565 News711 12/19/2009 4:39 AM Karzai tries to please all backers with new Afghan cabinet: KABUL: Afghan President Hamid Karzai unveiled his c.. 6826177496 yesilgundem 12/19/2009 4:39 AM İK: Talebimiz Demokratik Anayasa.Alevi inancı iktidarlaşmayı reddeder. Milliyetçi, militarist yapıyı kabul etmez. 6826111151 business_matt 12/19/2009 4:34 AM Karzai announces new Afghan cabinet: CNN International Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Afghan President Hamid Karza.. 6826104352 ensiz_news 12/19/2009 4:33 AM Presentan lista de candidatos a nuevo gabinete en Afganistán: Kabul.- El gobierno del presidente afgano Hamid Karz... 6826073801 yesilgundem 12/19/2009 4:31 AM Ska Keller : Avrupa'da aşırı sağ ve islamofobi ile mücadele etmeliyiz. İnsanlar bunu normal kabul etmemeli 6825925755 publiusalter 12/19/2009 4:20 AM [Blog] Afghanistan unveils new cabinet, technocrats stay: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai plans to ... 6825828749 RuletaOnline 12/19/2009 4:13 AM Líder de Afganistán devela nuevo gabinete, tecnócratas siguen: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - El presidente de Afga... 6825744884 1fncnkhvcn1pnny 12/19/2009 4:06 AM facebookta sonunda buda geldi başıma...babam beni facebook tan eklemiş :S kabul etmezsem kızar mı acaba bana? 6825691409 topstoriestweet 12/19/2009 4:02 AM Old names reappear in new Afghan cabinet - MSNBC: KABUL - Afghan President Hamid Karzai plans to keep most of his t... 6825674213 pancek 12/19/2009 4:01 AM @michikoloebis biasa mw ijab kabul mkanya dag dig dug..sihii kk ciko mw nikaaah..hahaha 6825648672 zweitansage 12/19/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6825620260 pinargokcin 12/19/2009 3:57 AM @alperkul face'e ekledim seni bu arada kabul eder msn? 6825613438 alperkul 12/19/2009 3:57 AM @tokyophone Sevgili tokyophone aksam oyunum var o yuzden film teklifinizi kabul edemeyeceğim 6825574768 IremZeytinci 12/19/2009 3:54 AM @AycanArik ama güzel laf kabul et bak Ayşeciğin ne yazmış = ) 6825537388 WANews0verviews 12/19/2009 3:51 AM SayWA! Karzai tries to please all backers with new Afghan cabinet: KABUL: Afghan President Hamid Karzai unveiled hi... 6825520336 gundelizer 12/19/2009 3:50 AM Karzai tries to please all backers with new Afghan cabinet: KABUL: Afghan President Hamid Karzai unveile... #CNewsAsia 6825303994 ct1drb 12/19/2009 3:34 AM @PA0R Hi Rein, I am quite fine near Kabul...since 21 October I am active and did almost 4000 qso's, 100 % on CW :) 6825289521 derickhowe44 12/19/2009 3:33 AM Afghanistan unveils new cabinet, technocrats stay - KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Harzai plans to keep m... 6825289278 leonardoburris2 12/19/2009 3:33 AM Afghanistan unveils new cabinet, technocrats stay - KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Harzai plans to keep m... 6825288980 johniegallegos1 12/19/2009 3:33 AM Afghanistan unveils new cabinet, technocrats stay - KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Harzai plans to keep m... 6825289135 clemons_jeffere 12/19/2009 3:33 AM Afghanistan unveils new cabinet, technocrats stay - KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Harzai plans to keep m... 6825288719 madelinerobbin 12/19/2009 3:33 AM Afghanistan unveils new cabinet, technocrats stay - KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Harzai plans to keep m... 6825288805 sheldonmcclain4 12/19/2009 3:33 AM Afghanistan unveils new cabinet, technocrats stay - KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Harzai plans to keep m... 6825288882 percyholland596 12/19/2009 3:33 AM Afghanistan unveils new cabinet, technocrats stay - KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Harzai plans to keep m... 6825288618 cougar_jamie 12/19/2009 3:33 AM Afghanistan unveils new cabinet, technocrats stay - KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Harzai plans to keep m... 6825240680 rtsradio 12/19/2009 3:29 AM Karzai presents new Afghan Cabinet list - KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai's government on Saturday ... 6825199784 vaidynath 12/19/2009 3:26 AM Gold trade woes reflect mood in Kabul I There is a headline spin 6825110694 al_qaeda_news 12/19/2009 3:20 AM Osama speaks from his cave: Air ambulances fly to aid of road; highway No.16 from Islamabad to so called capital Kabul... 6825086496 postapaylas 12/19/2009 3:18 AM Aşure geleneği yaşatılıyor: Hicri takvimin ilk ayı olan ve Müslümanlar için kutsal kabul edilen Muharrem ayı ba.. 6825056367 addamiattualita 12/19/2009 3:16 AM Afghanistan: presentata in parlamento lista ministri nuovo governo: Kabul, 19 dic. – (Adnkronos) – A un m... 6825010969 furkanfk 12/19/2009 3:12 AM Varlığı resmi olarak kabul edilmeyen JİTEM’in Kasım 2003’te Ankara’da öldürülen Cem Ersever’den sonraki komutanı... 6824969330 draenews 12/19/2009 3:09 AM Megite Afghanistan unveils new cabinet, technocrats stay: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Harzai plans t... 6824957285 adhieiyant 12/19/2009 3:08 AM @revolver93 jab kabul...bul...bul...bul...kul....hahahahah 6824926959 GeoNewsTweets 12/19/2009 3:06 AM World Bomb attack kills US soldier in Afghanistan: NATO: KABUL: A bomb attack has killed another US soldier in sout... 6824829445 zweitansage 12/19/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6824615012 aapatawaran 12/19/2009 2:44 AM Nobody wants Big Brother US in his house, lest this #climate verification no-deal turns places like Beijing into Kabul or Baghdad! 6824612811 notiziemondo 12/19/2009 2:44 AM Afghanistan: presentata in parlamento lista ministri nuovo governo: Kabul, 19 dic. – (Adnkronos) – .. 6824546896 in_asia 12/19/2009 2:39 AM KABUL (AFP) – The names of Afghan President Hamid Karzai 's nominees for cabinet posts were presented to parlia.. 6824432836 TheWorldNews 12/19/2009 2:31 AM Afghanistan unveils new cabinet, technocrats stay: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Harzai plans to kee.. 6824338600 Amorous_VI 12/19/2009 2:25 AM Afghanistan unveils new cabinet, technocrats stay: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Harzai plans to kee.. 6824320304 lunaandsea 12/19/2009 2:24 AM Karzai presents new Afghan Cabinet list: KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid… AP reported 6824286187 ultimenotizie 12/19/2009 2:21 AM Afghanistan: presentata in parlamento lista ministri nuovo governo: Kabul, 19 dic. – (Adnkronos) – A un mese es... 6824005779 USAbreaking 12/19/2009 2:03 AM global: Afghan leader keeps top ministers in new cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan .. [Reuters] #worldnews 6823947723 zweitansage 12/19/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6823931324 deccanchronical 12/19/2009 1:58 AM Afghan leader keeps top ministers in new cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai plans to keep.. 6823758792 fingertipnews2 12/19/2009 1:47 AM Reuters Intl: Afghan leader keeps top ministers in new cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President.. 6823702630 Barkyy 12/19/2009 1:43 AM Yeni msn botum BarkyBot kullanıma açılmıştır. 24 saat onlinedır. İsteyen ekleyebilir. Otomatik kabul 6823697777 tinggQ 12/19/2009 1:43 AM Haha . B0le" .. RT @ppoeh: Tak bntu doa aj. RT @tinggQ: Klo iz t'kabul , tak ladeni ..RT @ppoeh: Puasa 40ari. 6823673706 TwitSpotlight 12/19/2009 1:42 AM KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai plans to keep most of his top ministers, mainly technocrats fav.. 6823653679 ppoeh 12/19/2009 1:40 AM Tak bntu doa aj. RT @tinggQ: Klo iz t'kabul , tak ladeni ..RT @ppoeh: Puasa 40ari. RT @tinggQ: 0h gtuh . Ay0o ndang d0aa . Syafaad 6823626048 tinggQ 12/19/2009 1:38 AM Klo iz t'kabul , tak ladeni ..RT @ppoeh: Puasa 40ari. RT @tinggQ: 0h gtuh . Ay0o ndang d0aa . Syafaad klo per 6823540007 Don_Scott 12/19/2009 1:33 AM #topstories Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet (source: Reuters): KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan Presiden... 6823489519 GlobalTechNews 12/19/2009 1:30 AM Afghan leader keeps top ministers in new cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai plans to keep mos... 6823472668 labstest 12/19/2009 1:29 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely t.. 6823119414 reuterskl 12/19/2009 1:08 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely to ke... 6823103841 DanRomero81 12/19/2009 1:07 AM Jack says Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid.. 6823090278 Traders_Online 12/19/2009 1:06 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely t.. 6822923572 rtsradio 12/19/2009 12:56 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely t.. 6822902485 AllNewsSources 12/19/2009 12:55 AM REUTERS: Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely 6822859716 stevenson33 12/19/2009 12:53 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely t.. 6822857597 kelly_marx 12/19/2009 12:52 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely t.. 6822856799 scullypickles 12/19/2009 12:52 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely t.. 6822856179 danielleloved 12/19/2009 12:52 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely t.. 6822855600 haven_cole57 12/19/2009 12:52 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely t.. 6822828490 zaqzaqat 12/19/2009 12:51 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely t.. 6822820755 lunaandsea 12/19/2009 12:50 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan… Reuters reported 6822765914 timothythompson 12/19/2009 12:47 AM @kursed @venkatananth India might send the Paras in for combat experience, the NSG into Kabul for urban warfare exposure + guard embassy. 6822746279 MobileKUB 12/19/2009 12:46 AM World News>> Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (.. Best Regards AYKubik 6822744120 AYKubik 12/19/2009 12:46 AM World News>> Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (.. Best Regards AYKubik 6822649946 dave13100 12/19/2009 12:41 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely to ke... 6822649229 GlobalTechNews 12/19/2009 12:41 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely to ke... 6822649243 tweettools4U 12/19/2009 12:41 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid K... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 6822649255 SalBarguil 12/19/2009 12:41 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely to ke... 6822649271 newzdevil 12/19/2009 12:41 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely to ke... 6822649285 SmittysWeb 12/19/2009 12:41 AM KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely to keep his top technocrat ministers when his new cabinet... 6822649337 gundelizer 12/19/2009 12:41 AM #Reuters Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karz... #Topnews 6822649342 HeadlinesNewz 12/19/2009 12:41 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely to ke... 6822649352 webtipsfree 12/19/2009 12:41 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely to ke... 6822649357 MobileAuto 12/19/2009 12:41 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely to ke... 6822649374 newsfeeding 12/19/2009 12:41 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely to ke... 6822649388 NewsMashup 12/19/2009 12:41 AM Reuters: Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is lik... 6822649226 BssNews 12/19/2009 12:41 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely to ke... 6822635640 HeadlinesNewz 12/19/2009 12:40 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likely to ke... 6822635662 KimBomin 12/19/2009 12:40 AM Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is likel... #Korea 6822617350 buybooksonline1 12/19/2009 12:39 AM [REUTERS]: Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is l... 6822617374 wcompanyportal 12/19/2009 12:39 AM [REUTERS]: Afghan leader seen naming technocrat-heavy cabinet: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai is l... 6822075367 in_asia 12/19/2009 12:10 AM KABUL, Afghanistan — President Hamid Karzai is expected to send Parliament a list of cabinet nominees on Saturd.. 6822047135 aciel 12/19/2009 12:09 AM Deg degan ... (Again) padahal gue lagi bukan mau ijab kabul ... :( 6821757783 allinderhaug 12/18/2009 11:55 PM Sad Delineate Of Affairs [Snap Judgment]: [Kabul, September 17. Reproduction via Getty] Afghan sex arrive to eye their r mg7FV ! 6821231967 finantiastH 12/18/2009 11:30 PM @chairss iyakan tinggal tunggu rame2innya kan. ijab kabul udah kan kemaren ada roti buayanya juga. sabar aja ini lg nyari wangsit 6821156875 lizva 12/18/2009 11:26 PM Helping the Afghan economy: A view from Kabul: (@PDTglobal) 6821155882 HTGazete 12/18/2009 11:26 PM Uygurları geri gönderiyor: Kamboçya, kaçarak ülkeye gelen Uygurları kabul etmedi. 6820487769 inesaprillita 12/18/2009 10:57 PM @widiilunatic udah.. tranding topic tuh foto mreka pas udh ijab kabul.! Sabaaarrrrr @widiilunatic 6820018117 sglatestnews 12/18/2009 10:37 PM #world #singapore Afghan president faces first test with cabinet choices: KABUL : Afghan.. #news 6820017039 freedom4USA 12/18/2009 10:37 PM Breaking #news #tcot Afghan president faces first test with cabinet choices: KABUL : Afghan.. 6819973561 FTAsiaNews 12/18/2009 10:35 PM And here is the Financial Times slideshow for the Goldsmiths of Kabul story 6819938205 FTAsiaNews 12/18/2009 10:33 PM Read about the goldsmiths of Kabul 6819924601 pakbot 12/18/2009 10:33 PM Taliban sweep off RAW HQ in Kabul - Pakistan Defence Forum Taliban sweep off RAW HQ... #PakPoint 6819824647 GfeLondon 12/18/2009 10:29 PM Taliban sweep off RAW HQ in Kabul - Pakistan Defence Forum 6819612097 davidbmetcalfe 12/18/2009 10:20 PM RT @mocost: A. J. Wilhelm's photographs of the heroin smokers of Kabul (Flash-based site; click on "Afghanistan") 6819272925 CenterdinSEA 12/18/2009 10:06 PM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $2 with promo code: SANTA #seattle 6818937908 1CASThealth 12/18/2009 9:53 PM Deadly suicide blast in Kabul #1CAST # 6818616955 titisjuman 12/18/2009 9:40 PM Alhamdulillah..our best friend Donny Soendjoyo udh ngucapin ijab kabul nya. Aku terharuuu huhu..welcome to the clun Don! So happy 4u n Rahma 6818549639 diaryoftimhong 12/18/2009 9:38 PM Afghan president faces first test with cabinet choices: KABUL : Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai will face .. 6818489540 AfghanNews24 12/18/2009 9:35 PM Mullen: Afghanistan ready for results (UPI) - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 18 (UPI) -- The time for talk is over in Afg... 6818454286 Jatho3 12/18/2009 9:34 PM semangat aja,,,bukanya UAN mo di hapus.??RT @dianpuspitaswrw: Ini aja masi smesteran nilai uda acak kabul ga bentuk, gimana besok UAN? 6818290544 USNewz 12/18/2009 9:28 PM Gates: US to be Afghan partner for long time KABUL — Defense Secretary Robert Gates has told a group... #us #news 6818185660 kartikafebi 12/18/2009 9:23 PM RT @dianpuspitaswrw: Ini aja masi smesteran nilai uda acak kabul ga bentuk, gimana besok UAN? 6818092470 dianpuspitaswrw 12/18/2009 9:20 PM Ini aja masi smesteran nilai uda acak kabul ga bentuk, gimana besok UAN? 6817454621 laqbobby 12/18/2009 8:55 PM Expedia just doesn't offer many flights to Kabul 6816768694 glfceo 12/18/2009 8:29 PM Kebab time is coming up soon! Kabul it is! 6816750994 ShortTermRental 12/18/2009 8:28 PM Gold trade woes reflect struggle in Kabul's daily life 6816750316 ShortTermRental 12/18/2009 8:28 PM Woes of gold trade reflect mood in Kabul 6816682971 Vint10rit 12/18/2009 8:26 PM Gold trade woes reflect struggle in Kabul's daily life - Financial Times 6816274978 valeskasyifa 12/18/2009 8:10 PM Ntr gue bawa pudong ;D RT @mchairuna: @meiszke @valeskasyifa @monicgultom kalian bawa kuki, pudong, & kabul tidaaak? Aku bawa Appon lhooo :p 6815986006 carnsbvtz 12/18/2009 7:59 PM Crippled kite flying competition supremacy Kabul - 2Iv1Dk 6815436765 SupplyChainMgt 12/18/2009 7:38 PM Helping the Afghan economy: A view from Kabul 6815262332 samelsonrbvs 12/18/2009 7:31 PM Visible Affairs Officer in Kabul, Afghanistan 6815031384 hellsand 12/18/2009 7:22 PM RT @marthadiasleite: bora pro Kabul comemorar o nover da Mel EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 6814727952 in_asia 12/18/2009 7:11 PM KABUL, Afghanistan — President Hamid Karzai is expected to send Parliament a list of cabinet nominees on Saturd.. 6814701609 DedeAllemand 12/18/2009 7:10 PM Kabul eins sendet ja nachts um die Uhrzeit tatsächlich noch Titten-Filmchen. Vor 20 Jahren wäre das ja noch spannend gewesen, aber heute? 6814030277 dilaraf 12/18/2009 6:44 PM tamam,kabul ediyorum "bundan sonra paket almayacagım" fikri tam bir fiyaskoydu 6813957239 mldncel 12/18/2009 6:41 PM ida'ya tırmanıp zeus'a bağırmak istiyorum: "tanrı misafiri kabul ediyo musun zeus?" 6813252318 bisusbea 12/18/2009 6:14 PM bi kelimeyi yanlış telafuz etmek, sonra şivemden ötürü veya ben ona öle diyorum demek. yanlış bildiini kabul etmemek. 6813169184 UkEuropeTravel 12/18/2009 6:11 PM Barcelona Spain, travel to Barcelona, Spain tourism, hotel deals ...: Popular Tags: kabul kabol afghanistan country... 6813117914 mchairuna 12/18/2009 6:09 PM @meiszke @valeskasyifa @monicgultom kalian bawa kuki, pudong, & kabul tidaaak? Aku bawa Appon lhooo :p 6812940917 imagesofone 12/18/2009 6:02 PM UPI NewsTrack TopNews: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 18 (UPI) -- The time for talk is over in Afghanistan and now's th... 6812831246 bokmok 12/18/2009 5:58 PM @caeromil Ama Eric Clapton yine bi derece kabul edilesi, şimdi itiraf ediyorum. Hose kendisi kaybetti ama. Gittik mi? Gitmedik. 6812767112 aygndmrz 12/18/2009 5:56 PM arthur'un öptüğü gwen o olmamalıymış yau. hatalı cast seçimi. algılarım kabul edemez öyle bir çifti. 6812710921 oykuyazicioglu 12/18/2009 5:53 PM @ayseozyilmazel tamam kabul 2010'u bekliorum azzz kaldı :) 6812145092 mesudcelik 12/18/2009 5:32 PM Hangi hatayı yaptın ki , Mevla seni huzuruna kabul etmiyor ? 6811923255 Gormworm 12/18/2009 5:23 PM Gratulerer Chand, og go jul, fra Hammerfest til Kabul. 6811707444 borasanal 12/18/2009 5:15 PM söz verdiğim üzere kafam kıyak geldim buraya. mesuliyet kabul etmediğim zamanları özlüyorum aklıma gelmişken. 6811312355 zweitansage 12/18/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6811221240 AZNLoverdotcom 12/18/2009 4:56 PM Gold trade woes reflect mood in Kabul: Gold sellers are a barometer of the city's mood. Gold's surge to records of more 6811033789 shadd2000 12/18/2009 4:49 PM Coalition forces launched a major offensive east of Kabul. Officials say some Americans were wounded and some Taliban were killed today. 6811026530 EricSutphin 12/18/2009 4:48 PM So good to be home for the holidays but wondering what is (really) happening in #Kabul and #Afghanistan. Just the news doesn't cut it... 6810797286 angelexile 12/18/2009 4:39 PM Tanrı'dan bana özel kabul etmek istediğim güzel bir hediye....Kar -kAr -kaR^^ mutlu...mutlu...muTLu:)))) 6810756001 canerol 12/18/2009 4:38 PM @zezgideniz Asla kabul etmiyorum bu son yorumunu :) 6810550083 therealalp 12/18/2009 4:30 PM hayal dünyasında yaşayan taraftar gerçeği ayırt edemiyor. ali'ye küfretmeyi hak sayıyor hayaline ulaşamayacağını anlıyor ama kabul edemiyor. 6810451224 JimPivonka 12/18/2009 4:26 PM Ismail Khan ran a viable state in Herat. He had to be corralled in Kabul to guarantee the chaos justifying Rummy & Dick's perpetual war. 6810084718 ozaxx 12/18/2009 4:12 PM @mdemirkol neden kabul etmemekte bu kadar diretiyorsunuz anlamıyorum.komuik olmaya başladınız 6809978724 ademdemirdag 12/18/2009 4:08 PM @ersinduzen hata yapan her oyuncuya iyi degil dersek dunyada iyi oyuncu olarak kimseyi kabul etmememiz gerekir. 6809921763 einerstiftbitte 12/18/2009 4:05 PM @davutcanyilmaz hahahah kabul et haklıyım eleştirmekte ama?:P 6809807447 POTUFSS 12/18/2009 4:01 PM Mullen: Afghanistan ready for results|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 18 (UPI) -- The time for talk is over in .. 6809762560 igolii 12/18/2009 4:00 PM @gelegelmish yok kabul edemem senın yerın bnm yerım yok =)))ya bnm yerım ya bnm yerımmm şiş & kebap alerjım var =))) 6809761969 zweitansage 12/18/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6809418934 fingertipnews2 12/18/2009 3:46 PM UPI-Top News: Mullen: Afghanistan ready for results: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 18 (UPI) -- The time.. 6809166192 deniselopes 12/18/2009 3:36 PM virado à paulista, segunda as 22h no Kabul ;) 6809121410 deniselopes 12/18/2009 3:35 PM vou tomar um mojito antes d trabalhar. e não será feito por mim! beijos e até! não esqueçam que segunda é dia de virado à paulista no kabul! 6809072258 bendenadamolurm 12/18/2009 3:33 PM @mdemirkol zapo'yu ismail takasında kabul etmeyen antep'e de helal olsun.. 6808791251 kaedotcom 12/18/2009 3:22 PM Call-in with US ambassador to Kabul, and other RFE/RL items. 6808443102 meteargin 12/18/2009 3:09 PM kabul gormek icin maymunluk yapanlar bizim tarafimizdan hicbir zaman kabul gormedi 6808195537 zweitansage 12/18/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6807784628 ecesusertesen 12/18/2009 2:44 PM @AhuSenturk Bahar Feyzan'dı ve gayet neşelenmişti bu haber üzerine :))) ruh hali işte :)))) paçalıdon kabul edilebilir bir durum 6807686695 karo555 12/18/2009 2:40 PM hakkı devrim,sen de hulusi kentmen sevimliliği yok,bunu kabul et:)) 6807421157 TheGoldInsider 12/18/2009 2:30 PM Gold trade woes reflect mood in Kabul (Financial Times) ( #finance #gold 6807403078 pelkur 12/18/2009 2:29 PM Evet kabul ediorum, etoburum. 6807315504 izzetdiyebiri 12/18/2009 2:26 PM "fakirliğim övüncümdür" den bahsedip, saati 1 dolara çalısmayı açlıktan ölme bicimi olarak kabul etmek: 'okuduğumuzu anlamadık!' demektir 6807299285 pmoallemian 12/18/2009 2:25 PM #FF - For a behind the scene look at CNN's Kabul Bureau and otherwise 'normal' life of a journalist in a war ravaged country: @AtiaAbawi 6807196737 USRealityCheck 12/18/2009 2:21 PM Afghan civilian death claims to be probed: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 18 (UPI) -- NATO officials said Friday .. utn 6806627506 zweitansage 12/18/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6806442125 fpleitgenCNN 12/18/2009 1:52 PM Just got to Abu Dhabi from Kabul. Was so great in Afghanistan! Thanks for everyone's input and to @atiaabawi for being her wonderful self. 6806407791 rsamuels 12/18/2009 1:51 PM Hey, ETHS guys charged w/beating up NTHS kids: were you planning on submitting college applications for next year? Kabul State, perhaps? 6806252859 damladejafova 12/18/2009 1:45 PM @ozansavasci Bu arpa at mevzusunu bana uyarlamanı iltifat olarak kabul ediyorum :d 6806140206 jsnsndr 12/18/2009 1:41 PM Great shots. Met this guy at @evanwilder 's once. RT @mocost: @ajwilhelm 's photographs of heroin smokers of Kabul 6806089439 ucanpastirma 12/18/2009 1:39 PM hiç bir erkek horlamaz arkadaşım. kabul edin artık bunu. 6805619327 Discover_Police 12/18/2009 1:21 PM Hiring! Senior Intelligence Policy Mentor - Protect & Serve America - Kabul, Afghanistan #police #jobs 6805618241 Discover_Police 12/18/2009 1:21 PM Hiring! Afghan Uniform Police Mentor - Protect & Serve America - Kabul, Afghanistan #police #jobs 6805610845 aykutkaralioglu 12/18/2009 1:21 PM RT @aylinco: Kalabalıkta efendilik edenin tenhada özrü kabul olmaz. 6805503606 aylinco 12/18/2009 1:17 PM Kalabalıkta efendilik edenin tenhada özrü kabul olmaz. 6805432385 GBPIntl 12/18/2009 1:14 PM FT Asia News: Gold trade woes reflect mood in Kabul (via 6805332994 grandpa_time 12/18/2009 1:10 PM Gold trade woes reflect mood in Kabul 6805044218 zweitansage 12/18/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6804925450 gajo 12/18/2009 12:55 PM RT @perrycp: Correspondents: Kabul Golf Club: The entrance gate is off its hinges. The old clubhouse was shelled by the Mu.. http://bi ... 6804913440 ahmedabadindia 12/18/2009 12:55 PM At Least Four Civilians Killed In Kabul Suicide Blast: KABUL -- At least four civilians were killed today by a .. 6804525038 neilk29 12/18/2009 12:40 PM Gold trade woes reflect mood in Kabul: Gold sellers are a barometer of the city's mood. Gold's surge to records of ... 6804243946 karo555 12/18/2009 12:29 PM benm esprileri not alın ilerde, atasözü olacaktır..muhtemelen hiç kimse ataları olduğumu kabul etmeyecektir:)) 6804189737 ftasiapacific 12/18/2009 12:27 PM Gold trade woes reflect mood in Kabul 6804117827 haberler 12/18/2009 12:24 PM Hürriyet Dünya: Cumhurbaşkanı Gül, Peres'in İsrail'e davetini kabul etti 6804018798 sacidu 12/18/2009 12:20 PM @nsebz yazdıktan sonra okuyup böyle anlaşılabileceğini farkettim ama bana devrik gelmedi, kabul etmiyorum :) nasıldı sınav? 6803952401 StreamServeri 12/18/2009 12:17 PM Von Kabul an die Spitze der Armee ( 6803951053 esbijeans 12/18/2009 12:17 PM Von Kabul an die Spitze der Armee: 6803933258 pinardogann 12/18/2009 12:17 PM @batugoymak allah kabul etsin helvaya çağır gelirim 6803914552 BabyBlueLaces 12/18/2009 12:16 PM The unsafest place today on our planet for the unborn child is not in Baghdad or Kabul. It is in its mothers womb. ~ RightTL New Zealand 6803759113 bolbol_dunya 12/18/2009 12:10 PM Cumhurbaşkanı Gül, Peres'in İsrail'e davetini kabul etti 6803514664 perrycp 12/18/2009 12:01 PM Correspondents: Kabul Golf Club: The entrance gate is off its hinges. The old clubhouse was shelled by the Mu.. 6803462760 zweitansage 12/18/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6803274515 BreakingNewsDeu 12/18/2009 11:53 AM More than 1100 troops, including 800 French legionnaires, US and Afghan commandos, launched operation Thursday east of Kabul AFP 6803103162 MattDabrowski 12/18/2009 11:47 AM I have some new photos from Kabul on my Flickr: 6802924411 HLindseyReport 12/18/2009 11:40 AM Taking The Fight To The Taliban: Coalition forces launched a major offensive east of Kabul, in Afghanistan's Uzbin ... 6802233350 gulnur 12/18/2009 11:16 AM Şeb-i Arus'da bile laf dalaşına giren siyasetçileri 'Yaradılanı severim yaradandan ötürü'. diyip kabul mu etmek lazım nedir? 6802138117 opean 12/18/2009 11:13 AM Correspondents: Kabul Golf Club: The entrance gate is off its hinges. The old clubhouse was shelled by the Mujahidi... 6801926687 RuletaOnline 12/18/2009 11:06 AM Karzai mantiene ministros clave en nuevo Gobierno: funcionarios: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - El presidente afgano, ... 6801745903 zweitansage 12/18/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6801107119 djkobbie 12/18/2009 10:37 AM 30 years ago , #Soviet airborne troops parachuted into Kabul & began a fateful occupation .. 6800864561 stme11 12/18/2009 10:29 AM Von Kabul an die Spitze der Armee - Bundesverteidigungsminister zu Guttenberg hat Heeres-General Wieker zum neuen G... 6800688663 dw_tv 12/18/2009 10:23 AM Von Kabul an die Spitze der Armee 6800540351 dw_german 12/18/2009 10:18 AM Von Kabul an die Spitze der Armee 6800479254 MoveOneInc 12/18/2009 10:16 AM Suicide #CarBomb in #Kabul #Afghanistan #SouthAsia #ISAF #US 6800462579 MonicaTweeter 12/18/2009 10:16 AM gorgeous fotos, not just heroin users RT @mocost A. J. Wilhelm's photographs of heroin smokers of Kabul 6800361418 Consupo 12/18/2009 10:12 AM RT @CenterdinSEA: Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $10 #seattle 6800248523 dw_politik 12/18/2009 10:08 AM Von Kabul an die Spitze der Armee 6800226100 18mustikaaaa 12/18/2009 10:08 AM @fannesaadisty haha iya nih aku jg dari dulu tp blm prnh ke kabul haha. iya niih. kamu juga? 6800217705 mocost 12/18/2009 10:07 AM A. J. Wilhelm's photographs of the heroin smokers of Kabul (Flash-based site; click on "Afghanistan") 6799985699 zweitansage 12/18/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6799722535 Europa_Press 12/18/2009 9:51 AM Internacional: Karzai mantendrá en su puesto a los principales ministros de Pakistán: KABUL, 18 Dic. (Reuters/EP) ... 6799279523 duyguokutan 12/18/2009 9:36 AM yılbaşı hediyesi olarak kabul edilir. idefix'te fuar da var. 6798781360 kutluk 12/18/2009 9:19 AM tweetdeck kurdum tüm cevapları son iletime göre algıladım. @nejatozalp ve @gizemaslan özürlerimi kabul etsinler. biraz ilgi bilgi! 6798235202 zweitansage 12/18/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6798176480 UK_Patterson 12/18/2009 8:57 AM Haaretz on US, China, Iran, etc 6798130467 gokhansabir 12/18/2009 8:56 AM Xing fikri haklar grubu başvurum kabul edilmiş 6798115602 UK_Patterson 12/18/2009 8:55 AM Indian Embassy bombing in Kabul 6797865915 SAL9000TR 12/18/2009 8:46 AM Ff'ye twitter üstünden kaydolduğum için ve ne kadar denesemde ulaşamıyorum, eposta ve şifre de kabul etmiyo 6797458477 cenksidar 12/18/2009 8:31 AM Bunu yaparken Ocalana atifta bulunup, onu kilavuz olarak kabul etmek iltihaplarin kasinmasina yol acar, buyuk zarar verir... 6797397617 iNewsStand 12/18/2009 8:29 AM iMarquee Ent News: Photo from AP Photo - A man flies a kite Friday, Dec. 18, 2009, in Kabul, Afghanistan. 6797219383 elifkey 12/18/2009 8:22 AM @esinovet mevlana'da da eller havaya var da, tabii stil farklı, allah kabul etsin benim canım 6797176687 sabri_yilmaz 12/18/2009 8:21 AM Yenildim, kabul ettim, tanrım ismimle müsemma yarattığın en acı ağacın meyvesini tatmaya gidiyorum 6797082960 zsgz 12/18/2009 8:17 AM yazın öğlen sonu kabul edilen vakitte kışın havanın kararmış olması beni her kış şaşırtır. istisnasız. 6796955125 rymana46 12/18/2009 8:12 AM Seasons Greetings from Budapest - from Move One Relocations …: Suicide car bomb exploded earlier today in Kabul.. 6796742314 Haber3com 12/18/2009 8:04 AM Beckham'ın duası kabul oldu!: Milan-Manchester United eşleşmesiyle yıldız futbolcu David Beckham'ın dileği yeri.. 6796641007 saadetpartisi 12/18/2009 8:00 AM Genel Başkanımız Prof. Dr. Numan Kurtulmuş, Gazze’ye giden “Özgürlük konvoyu” temsilcilerini kabul etti: Yolunuz... 6796635841 zweitansage 12/18/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6796367137 BirSoruSor 12/18/2009 7:48 AM O derece yoğunuz ki soruların varlığını bile kabul edemiyoruz. danke shön 6795932809 MoveOneInc 12/18/2009 7:30 AM Suicide #CarBomb in #Kabul #Afghanistan #SouthAsia #ISAF #US 6795876660 CenterdinSEA 12/18/2009 7:28 AM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $10 #seattle 6795225915 zweitansage 12/18/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6795216105 bulutcagdas 12/18/2009 6:59 AM Avrupa 3ncüsü sayılan Türkiye'nin takımı iki tane vasat kabul edilebilecek durumdaki takımdan çekinmesin artık ya..! 6795111030 iklanpercuma 12/18/2009 6:54 AM NIKAH SIAM NIKAH THAILAND KAHWIN SIAM KAHWIN THAILAND AKAD IJAB KABUL THAI (Taiping): Assalamualaikum,Disin.. 6794840942 ozgeozi 12/18/2009 6:41 AM @gizemco iş başvurusunda bulunduğum 3 hastaneden de kabul almam alternatifler canım..1 hafta içinde karar vermem lazım birine.henüz dönmedim 6794803723 LahoreGuy 12/18/2009 6:40 AM #Lahore Taliban sweep off RAW HQ in Kabul - Pakistan Defence Forum 6794598353 defencepk 12/18/2009 6:30 AM Taliban sweep off RAW HQ in Kabul 6794576924 iklanportal 12/18/2009 6:29 AM New blog posting, NIKAH SIAM NIKAH THAILAND KAHWIN SIAM KAHWIN THAILAND AKAD IJAB KABUL THAI - 6794408501 nikenny 12/18/2009 6:20 AM @tannloco mereka mau ijab kabul ya? kok buru-buru amat 6794228803 AYSE_ARMAN 12/18/2009 6:11 AM Çek Kanunu Tasarısı, TBMM Genel Kurulunda kabul edilerek yasalaştı. yazısına sk tarafından yapılan yorumlar ... 6794228816 cek_yasasi 12/18/2009 6:11 AM Çek Kanunu Tasarısı, TBMM Genel Kurulunda kabul edilerek yasalaştı. yazısına sk tarafından yapılan yorumlar ... 6794024742 djmaurice1 12/18/2009 6:00 AM kan iemand die Piere Kartner ff neerknallen!! Vertel hem maar dat t songfestival in Kabul is dit jaar, hy lijkt toch op Osama 6794004200 zweitansage 12/18/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6793965975 ozgurd 12/18/2009 5:57 AM Çek Kanunu Tasarısı, TBMM Genel Kurulunda kabul edilerek yasalaştı. yazısına duygu tarafından yapılan yoruml... 6793965977 cek_yasasi 12/18/2009 5:57 AM Çek Kanunu Tasarısı, TBMM Genel Kurulunda kabul edilerek yasalaştı. yazısına duygu tarafından yapılan yoruml... 6793965844 ozgurd 12/18/2009 5:57 AM Çek Kanunu Tasarısı, TBMM Genel Kurulunda kabul edilerek yasalaştı. yazısına eylem tarafından yapılan yoruml... 6793781894 AYSE_ARMAN 12/18/2009 5:47 AM Çek Kanunu Tasarısı, TBMM Genel Kurulunda kabul edilerek yasalaştı. yazısına sözer tarafından yapılan yorum... 6793781899 cek_yasasi 12/18/2009 5:47 AM Çek Kanunu Tasarısı, TBMM Genel Kurulunda kabul edilerek yasalaştı. yazısına sözer tarafından yapılan yorum... 6793781939 ozgurd 12/18/2009 5:47 AM Çek Kanunu Tasarısı, TBMM Genel Kurulunda kabul edilerek yasalaştı. yazısına sözer tarafından yapılan yorum... 6793781644 AYSE_ARMAN 12/18/2009 5:47 AM Çek Kanunu Tasarısı, TBMM Genel Kurulunda kabul edilerek yasalaştı. yazısına duygu tarafından yapılan yoruml... 6793727544 Israel_News 12/18/2009 5:45 AM aawsat ME: Afghan officials: Karzai to keep half his Cabinet: KABUL (AP) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai wants to r... 6793724172 kivancz 12/18/2009 5:44 AM artık girmediim sınavlarda bile başarılı kabul ediliorum! :) 6793704960 canimdinsen 12/18/2009 5:43 AM RT @real__eceerk: @turuncutime buarada adam yapın demiyor,ben buyum diyor,nedersinki hem şahsa,hem kabul eden kadınlara... 6793661278 MeningsAviser 12/18/2009 5:41 AM NyTid: Afghanere kritiserer Kai Eide: Eksperter i Kabul er sterkt kritisk til Kai Eides FN-innsats i Afghanistan. E... 6793502445 billmcneely 12/18/2009 5:32 AM Begin my journey back to the US tommorrow. Kunduz to Kabul for a 2 day layover. 6793403382 wse_org_uk 12/18/2009 5:26 AM Consultancy for - Human resource and capacity building assessmentAfghanistan (Kabul) 6793307655 emreunayli 12/18/2009 5:20 AM @etugcekaya siddetle israrla kbye bekleniyorsunuz mazeret kabul edilmez herkes gelioo :)) 6793119778 ditaadisti 12/18/2009 5:09 AM @janjinjun drummer alexa yg lo demen itu bru saja mengucap ijab kabul, kok mukanya brubh jd ky rano karno yak?! 6793062848 elifdaphne 12/18/2009 5:05 AM @gossipgoz kabul etmiyo ki hazretleri bi sinav yapcakti unuttn mu:P senn finaller solda sifir kalir:) 6793059832 bademmcom 12/18/2009 5:05 AM KENDİNİ SEVMEK: Kabul etmek, ileriye gü 6793045367 DagHerbjornsrud 12/18/2009 5:04 AM Siste fra Afghanistan: Kabul-professor og afghanere går ut mot Kai Eide: #nyheter #nytid #afghanistan #fn 6792994005 Detainee063 12/18/2009 5:01 AM 0600. Detainee was asked if he was ever in Kabul. Detainee related that he had never been there and... 6792816931 akhirsyab 12/18/2009 4:50 AM @dsediyono Whats that?RT @dsediyono: Antonio loves the desert, antonio prays for rain. Ini antonio apa si kabul sih yg dinyanyiin? 6792727601 dsediyono 12/18/2009 4:44 AM Antonio loves the desert, antonio prays for rain. Ini antonio apa si kabul sih yg dinyanyiin? 6792669298 in_asia 12/18/2009 4:40 AM (AP) KABUL (AP) - Two officials in the Afghan government say President Hamid Karzai will keep half of his curre.. 6792623060 tahiranggia 12/18/2009 4:37 AM MaaauuuuuRT @nissarahmawati: cihuy bangun tidur permintaan duren gw di kabul kan, yu kita makan duren sampe kobam.. 6792545646 Mutezil 12/18/2009 4:32 AM Renklerle kafasını bozmuş millet, Trafik ışıklarını nasıl kabul etti bu zihniyet ? 6792489418 burcusahiner 12/18/2009 4:29 AM @caglatuncel bu konforlu bişey, bünye kabul etmez..bit kadar bi yere tutunup, ayakta giderken kitap okuma özgürlüğümden asla vazgeçmem.. 6792424867 everythinguae 12/18/2009 4:24 AM #classifieds Our Client is seeking candidates for the following position for the ongoing projects in Afghanistan / Kabul 6792424572 everythingglobe 12/18/2009 4:24 AM #classifieds Our Client is seeking candidates for the following position for the ongoing projects in Afghanistan / Kabul 6792365331 everythingglobe 12/18/2009 4:21 AM Our Client is seeking candidates for the following position for the ongoing projects in Afghanistan / Kabul. Pl.. 6792249317 yandar0ck 12/18/2009 4:13 AM mau anjinnnggggg RT @nissarahmawati cihuy bangun tidur permintaan duren gw di kabul kan, yu kita makan duren sampe kobam.. 6792109050 nissarahmawati 12/18/2009 4:04 AM cihuy bangun tidur permintaan duren gw di kabul kan, yu kita makan duren sampe kobam.. 6792100936 khairifahoye 12/18/2009 4:03 AM #question apakah semua pria tidak serius dalam menjalin hubungan sebelum ijab kabul? 6792074979 siirimsi 12/18/2009 4:01 AM ve cuma vakti; dualarınız kabul, hayatınız salih olsun 6792006760 TolgahanK 12/18/2009 3:57 AM @tasatmanlar Allah kabul etsın ozaman ;) 6791828303 RFI_Espanol 12/18/2009 3:45 AM Afganistán: - militares franceses y US en operación conjunta al este de Kabul 6791769712 gizemcik 12/18/2009 3:41 AM @kedimnickimi7 allah her ikisini de kabul etsin. :) 6791703908 insan_yondi 12/18/2009 3:37 AM @icameirisa ko ga ada yg dateng kw ijab kabul nya fajar...??? dateng pesta nya aja ya mba? 6791373136 AtiaAbawi 12/18/2009 3:16 AM Worried then laughed. RT @fpleitgenCNN accidently tore down a wood stove at the Kabul bureau, caused a fire alarm&every1 is laughing at me. 6791363863 safinajyhn 12/18/2009 3:15 AM Menedengar ijab kabul dilantangkan haha 6791333139 defenceredbox 12/18/2009 3:13 AM : Afghanistan: Russia expresses desire to raise its profile in Kabul 6791239526 irasare 12/18/2009 3:07 AM @MesSude sen cola da içsen kabul maralım :D 6791239021 fpleitgenCNN 12/18/2009 3:07 AM Just accidently tore down a wood stove at the Kabul bureau, caused a fire alarm and everyone is laughing at me. 6791155412 sequenceinc 12/18/2009 3:01 AM Afghan officials: Half of Karzai's Cabinet to stay: The Associated Press KABUL — Two officials in th.. #fraud 6791121902 zweitansage 12/18/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6790950843 RIA_Novosti 12/18/2009 2:48 AM #news : Afghanistan: Russia expresses desire to raise its profile in Kabul 6790950609 RussiaNow 12/18/2009 2:48 AM Afghanistan: Russia expresses desire to raise its profile in Kabul: The Russian government has expressed a desire t... 6790590120 EurActivTR 12/18/2009 2:26 AM Avrupa Birliği 2010 bütçesi kabul edildi: Finansal HizmetlerAvrupa Parlamentosu dün birliğin 2010 bütçesini ... 6790565841 peacereporter 12/18/2009 2:25 AM Afghanistan, offensiva della Legione Straniera francese a est di Kabul: Ottocento legionari, affiancati da forze Us... 6790428621 irenereneren 12/18/2009 2:17 AM makan bakso mas kabul :d 6790375904 AtiaAbawi 12/18/2009 2:14 AM Back in Kabul; getting entertaining updates from @fpleitgencnn, Claudia and Woj. Thx 2 everyone at Khan Neshin, Bastion, KAF & KIA. 6790316635 selimciprut 12/18/2009 2:10 AM @flzbkr Onu olduğu gibi kabul et :)) 6790236534 RifiutaEResisti 12/18/2009 2:06 AM #peacereporter Afghanistan, offensiva della Legione Straniera francese a est di Kabul: Ottocento .. 6790195004 YASER38 12/18/2009 2:03 AM bence ederler bunu meclisde kabul edilmesi gerekli diye biliyorum tek mhp kabul eder onuda tahminen metehan abiii ne dersin 6790183559 AFGMatters 12/18/2009 2:03 AM RT @SunnySuper: Karl Eikenberry Assures Afghans That U.S. Will Stay Beyond 2011: KABUL, Afghanistan 6790165702 SunnySuper 12/18/2009 2:02 AM Karl Eikenberry Assures Afghans That U.S. Will Stay Beyond 2011: KABUL, Afghanistan -- U.S. Ambassador to Afgha.. 6790137583 melisakutlug 12/18/2009 2:00 AM saat on yeni kalkmkak varken ben 3.dersteym okulda yazdgım butun tweetler aybnı temalı kabul edıyorum.. Bitsede gitsek.. 6790115411 zweitansage 12/18/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6790101880 seemayer 12/18/2009 1:59 AM New blog post: French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military ... 6789948587 marine87devil 12/18/2009 1:50 AM is now in Kabul, Afghanistan. Thanks for the gifts and support EVERYONE. Richard Brown 7th Mar HQ Co. PMT Unit 41505 FPO, AP 96427- 1505 6789796390 InfoAero 12/18/2009 1:41 AM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military 6789681364 uchilal 12/18/2009 1:34 AM Hayırlı Cumalar Arkadaşlar ...ALLAH (c.c) Dua'larınızı Ve İbadetinizi Kabul Eder İnşallah (AMİN].... 6789197795 Kugumut 12/18/2009 1:07 AM Liked ""Yubba!" projesine katılmayı kabul edenler artıyor! Şu anki liste şöyle: Extramücadele, Bengi Gençer,..." [pic] 6788924810 haberler 12/17/2009 11:52 PM İnternethaber: Tartışmalı kürtaj yasasına kabul 6788908655 fpleitgenCNN 12/17/2009 11:51 PM New offensive by the French Foreign Legion in the Uzbeen Valley near Kabul. 6788647152 Haber24 12/17/2009 11:39 PM Tartışmalı kürtaj yasasına kabul 6788646992 Haber24 12/17/2009 11:39 PM Tartışmalı kürtaj yasasına kabul: Tartışmalı kürtaj yasasına kabul İspanya'da son... 6787552314 YASER38 12/17/2009 10:53 PM fatih abi akşam baktım kanal d de hepsi çook pişmanlar ii olmuş eczacılara ettiklerini buluyorlar ne olacakdı sanki kabul etselerdi 6787257847 BelTel_World 12/17/2009 10:41 PM UN diplomat 'planned to oust Karzai': A diplomat fired from the UN mission in Kabul hit out yesterday at claims by... 6787031436 ataxpayerliv 12/17/2009 10:32 PM Swine Flu Panic Grips Afghanistan - TRCB: via @addthisFunny I did not see many green masks yesterday in Kabul 6786278423 RyanHiller 12/17/2009 10:05 PM It's about time for my phone to stop being gay. FYI It's 8:35 AM in Kabul, Afghanistan. 6786080780 feybrinaericka 12/17/2009 9:58 PM Oia yaya..biar gak stress ya sblm ijab kabul..he2.@aanngguun: Butuh bermain dong hahaha@feybrinaericka @seviiiputriii 6785686126 WorldNews4u 12/17/2009 9:44 PM • US aide to UN in Kabul wanted Karzai replaced 6785532942 Freedomman11 12/17/2009 9:39 PM Karl Eikenberry Assures Afghans That U.S. Will Stay Beyond 2011: KABUL, Afghanistan -- U.S. Ambassador to Af.. 6785491032 MikPik 12/17/2009 9:37 PM @tikuyuz smpt"an neng, ijab kabul twiter-an.. 6785481887 nitheen 12/17/2009 9:37 PM Karl Eikenberry Assures Afghans That U.S. Will Stay Beyond 2011: KABUL, Afghanistan -- U.S. Ambassador to Af.. 6785289924 ilGiornaleNET 12/17/2009 9:31 PM Karl Eikenberry Assures Afghans That U.S. Will Stay Beyond 2011: KABUL, Afghanistan -- U.S. Ambassador to Afghanist... 6784564733 dpa_newsticker 12/17/2009 9:07 PM Kabul - Fremdenlegion und US-Soldaten starten Offensive 6783924991 okyyudha 12/17/2009 8:46 PM @LuNeLiCiouS ardy bentar lg ijab kabul nih. 6783849809 n_bramantyo 12/17/2009 8:44 PM Lo kawin tik? Ko ga kabari? RT @tikuyuz: Ijab Kabul dimulai. Tears are coming down everywhere 6783738564 tikuyuz 12/17/2009 8:40 PM Ijab Kabul dimulai. Tears are coming down everywhere 6783711011 mdiega 12/17/2009 8:40 PM Ijab kabul nya kakak nila mpoknya se ai ndut bozRT @billawa_billy: @mdiega dmn ni boz 6783201510 okyyudha 12/17/2009 8:23 PM gw diluar tar gw usahain deh..RT @LuNeLiCiouS: Udah mulai ya? Pasti gemeteran pas ijab kabul! Hahaha 6782804044 upilavastu 12/17/2009 8:11 PM RT @arkanlasida #tweet10tahunlagi Baru aja ijab kabul @ Mesjid Raya Pondok Indah. Love her. See u guys @ Pacific Plc Ballroom tonite!... 6782342149 mitasukaketawa 12/17/2009 7:56 PM La opo hubngane? RT @@rardhi: Musim dngin mith RT: @mitasukaketawa Sah..sah.. (Terdengar ijab kabul dr mesjid) 6782081809 kabartvOne 12/17/2009 7:47 PM Seribu Tentara Lebih Lancarkan Operasi Besar di Timur Kabul: Lebih dari 1.100 tentara, termasuk 800 anggota legiun ... 6781998237 castawaywilson 12/17/2009 7:45 PM I'm at Kabul Afghan Cuisine - Burlingame (1101 Burlingame Ave, California Ave, Burlingame). 6781827480 republikaonline 12/17/2009 7:39 PM BREAKING NEWS Operasi Besar-besaran Digelar di Kabul Timur 6781536315 tvonenews 12/17/2009 7:29 PM Seribu Tentara Lebih Lancarkan Operasi Besar di Timur Kabul 6781513366 mitasukaketawa 12/17/2009 7:28 PM Sah..sah.. (Terdengar ijab kabul dr mesjid) 6781313270 sex_porn_pills 12/17/2009 7:22 PM Health.Dating-Viagra Coalition Troops Launch Major Offensive East of Kabul 6781302797 terriferic 12/17/2009 7:21 PM Afghanistan: First country worldwide to use bivalent oral polio vaccine: KABUL, Afghanistan, 17 December ... #children 6780454652 eegazete 12/17/2009 6:53 PM AB, browser seçimi konusunda Microsoft'un önerisini kabul etti 6780023722 tiwidor 12/17/2009 6:37 PM horeee ternyata malem ini dr jakarta langsung ke bandung .. yesyes ke kabul sumpah do'a gw.. 6779913636 mrtuncer 12/17/2009 6:33 PM @aefaikoglu Bu oyuna katılabilmen için bileti yollaman gerek fakat şu ana kadar birçok teklife rağmen,uzaktan sponsor kabul etmedik;) 6779853005 kalpakli1923 12/17/2009 6:31 PM @hasanalparslan Düşünün PKK itirafçısının her dediği doğru kabul ediliyor. Okkan'ın yakın arkadaşları konuşturulmuyor bile 6779802603 Librarian74 12/17/2009 6:29 PM 1 of 5 stars to Kabul Beauty School by Deborah Rodriguez - 6779770365 yildizzerrtan 12/17/2009 6:28 PM Kabul ediyorum, arabayı lunaparkta kiraya veriyorum... 6779394743 bolbol_gundem 12/17/2009 6:14 PM JİTEM'in varlığını kabul etti: Onlar, ordunun subayı 6779305947 clickfraud 12/17/2009 6:11 PM News from Bing; Ex-U.N. Afghan deputy denies conspiracy - Herald-Bulletin: KABUL — The former deputy U.N. chief i... 6779040609 susiemanning 12/17/2009 6:02 PM RT @ReinfriedMarass: Afghanistan’s Addicts: © AJ WilhelmThis series of photographs documents young men in Kabul who are living as ho... ... 6778958150 cas1rga 12/17/2009 5:59 PM @gizem_ozdilli Türkiye'deki Mason Localarının da kabul ettiği İskoç Ritüeline göre masonluk 33 derece üzerine düzenlenmiş bulunmaktadır. . 6778762576 retronius 12/17/2009 5:52 PM April in Kabul #jazzsubstandards 6778700923 ayseozyilmazel 12/17/2009 5:49 PM uzun günün özeti: sabah 11'de Asmalı'da çekim, dualar kabul oldu ve damla yağmur yağmadı, çekim bitti yağmur başladı... 6778573721 poli_scandals 12/17/2009 5:45 PM Allied Troops Launch Major Offensive East of Kabul 6778391432 tuttscorp 12/17/2009 5:38 PM RT @Neil_Hamburger: Michael Jackson's death deprives our troops of a "This Is It" performance in Kabul or Bagdad. Shame on you, Jackson! 6778390437 ArrackiFalcon 12/17/2009 5:38 PM If Tartars r a threat 2 reconstruction efforts, then y will Kabul & Kandahar not let them go? 6778353716 ArrackiFalcon 12/17/2009 5:37 PM There is no hope 4 Tartars, Kabul & Kandahar has a wall around them, they want even let them leave 2 resettle elsewhere. 6778324253 VOA_News 12/17/2009 5:36 PM Allied Troops Launch Major Offensive East of Kabul: The large operation was launched in the Uzbin Valley, a Tal.. 6778264579 ArrackiFalcon 12/17/2009 5:33 PM It doesn't matter what a Tartar legally envokes, Kandahar, Hazaras, Kabul hates them. Tartars just have 2 hang on til change comes. 6777793243 rtsradio 12/17/2009 5:16 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP): AFP - More than 1,100 soldiers, including 8.. 6777667913 GBPIntl 12/17/2009 5:11 PM Asia News: French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (via Yahoo! News) 6777627040 TweepStarDotCom 12/17/2009 5:10 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP): AFP - More than 1,100 soldiers, includin.. 6777467855 Tweet_Sozluk 12/17/2009 5:04 PM @fatihersem soru şu: dilek ağacının yanındasın ve 1 dilek hakkın var .. kesin kabul ediliyor.. dile :))) 6777386255 mgylmz 12/17/2009 5:01 PM @habercimurat ahah ben hemen ek dileklerimi sıralayayım belli mi olur kabul olur belki onlarda :)) 6777379745 snpoet16 12/17/2009 5:00 PM "I carry an AK--and that's just to shoot myself if I have to!" trucking co. exec in Kabul 6777377755 izzyjsmom 12/17/2009 5:00 PM RT @Former_USMC: French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP): AFP - More than 1,100 soldiers, incl... http:/ ... 6777358143 zweitansage 12/17/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6777255832 LeJeudi 12/17/2009 4:55 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP): AFP - More than 1,100 soldiers, including ... 6777255500 TweetCashflow 12/17/2009 4:55 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP): AFP - More than 1,100 soldiers, including ... 6777255505 SATZen 12/17/2009 4:55 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP) 6777255528 LeadNow7 12/17/2009 4:55 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP): AFP - More than 1,100 soldiers, including ... 6777255594 futurehopping 12/17/2009 4:55 PM Interesting: French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP) @powerpro 6777255759 ChariceStarDiva 12/17/2009 4:55 PM TopStories French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP): AFP - More than 1,100 soldiers,... 6777254815 news_feed24 12/17/2009 4:55 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP) 6777254844 infobeira 12/17/2009 4:55 PM News French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP) 6777254270 poluakerford 12/17/2009 4:55 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP) 6777254318 khon 12/17/2009 4:55 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP): AFP - More than 1,100 soldiers, including ... 6777254390 soloparty 12/17/2009 4:55 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP) 6777253953 odanielpavon 12/17/2009 4:55 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP): AFP - More than 1,100 soldiers, including 800 French legionnair... 6777254264 ronsimon 12/17/2009 4:55 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP): AFP - More than 1,100 soldiers, including ... 6777253562 JPB77FLY 12/17/2009 4:55 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP): AFP - More than 1,100 soldiers, including ... 6777253590 topstoriestweet 12/17/2009 4:55 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP): AFP - More than 1,100 soldiers, including ... 6777253600 Tweet_News_Now 12/17/2009 4:55 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP): AFP - More than 1,100 soldiers, including ... 6777253647 MyGeneralTalk 12/17/2009 4:55 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP): AFP - More than 1,100 soldiers, including ... 6777236299 stoltenberg 12/17/2009 4:54 PM man liest dort wiederholt von der „schönsten stadt der welt“. und was ist mit kabul?! 6777214895 duyguemir 12/17/2009 4:53 PM CUMANIZ MÜBAREK DUALARINIZ KABUL OLSUN 6777187640 bluefreebies 12/17/2009 4:52 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP) 6777117094 nitesh57 12/17/2009 4:49 PM Obama's exit strategy- 30,000 additional US troops for Kabul: 6777104902 cliqzusnews 12/17/2009 4:49 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP) 6776635205 TantaoNews 12/17/2009 4:30 PM Afghan Tribal Elder Attends Anti-Corruption Conference in Kabul: KABUL, Dec. 17, 2009 (Xinhua) — An Afgha.. 6776541684 ilgi 12/17/2009 4:26 PM @gelegelmish tmmm bole sevıoruz senı =))herkesı oldugu gıbı kabul etmeyı ogrenıcek kadar buyudukk =) 6776537453 dagens_nyheter 12/17/2009 4:26 PM NK: Stor operation öster om Kabul: 6776346823 cas1rga 12/17/2009 4:19 PM @saha_elif allah kabul etsin o zaman :)) 6776263980 PhilCane 12/17/2009 4:16 PM US Forces & French Foreign Legion involved in major operation outside of Kabul 6776048403 HumanityNews 12/17/2009 4:08 PM NonProfit News: U.S. Envoy To Kabul Vows 'Long-Term Partnership' 6776047435 ChangeThruInfo 12/17/2009 4:08 PM U.S. Envoy To Kabul Vows 'Long-Term Partnership' 6775912332 ChangeThruInfo 12/17/2009 4:03 PM U.S. Envoy To Kabul Vows 'Long-Term Partnership' 6775824933 zweitansage 12/17/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6775708965 alexi_remus 12/17/2009 3:55 PM ~Hicri Yılbaşiniz Nasil Geçti Arkdaşlar ? Oruç Tutanlar Varsa Şimdiden ALLAH (C.c) Kabul Etsin . Saat 24'e... 6775657086 TantaoNews 12/17/2009 3:53 PM Afghan Tribal Elder Attends Anti-Corruption Conference in Kabul: KABUL, Dec. 17, 2009 (Xinhua) — An Afgha.. 6775477465 cinayetsebebi 12/17/2009 3:47 PM @borasanal psikiyatristlerin belli bir kısmı tarafından hala hastalık olarak kabul edilmektedir,apa nın kararı kanun diil yani. 6775250248 mediamentor 12/17/2009 3:38 PM JOB #Youth #Media Project Manager #Internews Network, #Kabul #Afghanistan #radio 6774922810 mobbyduck 12/17/2009 3:25 PM genç cazcılar klübüne kabul edildim..hahaha :)))) mutluyum... 6774856550 _hakuna_matata_ 12/17/2009 3:23 PM pegasus havayollarından gelen kişil envanterini çözdü demek oluyo bu kabul edildim mi:) 6774777484 Scobbii_Do 12/17/2009 3:20 PM Watching tha taliban;taliban jihad come to kabul on HISTORY channel ..,..well I am 6774676176 Dreamsopenambit 12/17/2009 3:16 PM US Envoy To Kabul Vows 'Long-Term Partnership' 6774529004 newsoverviews 12/17/2009 3:11 PM New Overview French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP): AFP - More than 1,100 soldier... 6774477332 kemoww 12/17/2009 3:09 PM @bediaguzelce ''cristmas'' hediyesi olarak kol dugmelerini kabul edebilirim... 6774264842 mijadedios 12/17/2009 3:01 PM RT @debkafile: - US and French forces launch their first joint operation in Afghanistan east of Kabul 6774228225 zweitansage 12/17/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6773957894 politicshomeuk 12/17/2009 2:50 PM US and French troops in major military operation east of Kabul 6773519491 GarCasey 12/17/2009 2:33 PM RT @debkafile: - US and French forces launch their first joint operation in Afghanistan east of Kabul 6773422945 SATZen 12/17/2009 2:30 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP) 6773413219 kredipazari 12/17/2009 2:29 PM Rusların Ataköy sahili için verdiği teklif kabul ediliyor. Erdoğan Bayraktar, “Türk Rus ayrımı yapmam”. 6773290464 TOTEUcom 12/17/2009 2:25 PM French, US troops in major operation east of Kabul: military (AFP) 6773271219 pakistanwire 12/17/2009 2:24 PM US Envoy To Kabul Vows 'Long-Term Partnership' - RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty: Envoy To Kabul Vows... 6772905442 YaraMartinez 12/17/2009 2:10 PM Hj Tem Os @MALKOVICH_ no Kabul!!!!! 6772748612 Stephers74 12/17/2009 2:04 PM Lily Allen - Kabul Shit SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6772641245 zweitansage 12/17/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6772527432 CarryOnMurt 12/17/2009 1:55 PM Celtic fight back to get a 3-3 draw, the team has more holes in it than Kabul Main Street. 6772511896 Haber24 12/17/2009 1:54 PM Tartışmalı kürtaj yasasına kabul 6772511054 Haber24 12/17/2009 1:54 PM Tartışmalı kürtaj yasasına kabul: Tartışmalı kürtaj yasasına kabul İspanya'da so... 6772475219 haberler 12/17/2009 1:53 PM İnternethaber: Tartışmalı kürtaj yasasına kabul 6772291423 PilotHelicopter 12/17/2009 1:45 PM Helicopter Pilot Job Pilot - TACTICAL ROTORWING: IPA (International Preparedness Associates) Kabul Airport in Afg... 6772246572 Glossology 12/17/2009 1:44 PM Iranian officials are playing both sides of the Afghan conflict to ensure that the Western-backed Kabul government stays weak #iranelection 6772054214 JustinB_xx3 12/17/2009 1:36 PM @TolgaLenk yaptım ama tek x'le kabuL etmedi =) böyle oldu =) 6772034872 dav1son 12/17/2009 1:35 PM US Envoy To Kabul Vows 'Long-Term Partnership' - RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty 6771906692 FigenBalci 12/17/2009 1:30 PM @selimciprut biraz paylasimci ve dısa dönük kabul ama bak yazmasa kirmizi masa örtüsü aradigini nerden bilecektik mesela :) 6771780676 Beatweeds 12/17/2009 1:25 PM Annem twittercıların fotolarını da çekecek..Söyledim kabul etti..İlk kobayımız @aylinco olacak :) 6771680530 RFE_RLNEWS 12/17/2009 1:20 PM U.S. Envoy To Kabul Vows 'Long-Term Partnership' 6771601618 allahcc 12/17/2009 1:17 PM @asi_karamelek yaratıp mesuliyet kabul etmemek gibi bir şey. 6771546152 Haber24 12/17/2009 1:15 PM Tartışmalı kürtaj yasasına kabul: İspanya'da son dönemlerde yoğun olarak tartışılan yeni kürtaj yasası... 6771520168 amorphous4u 12/17/2009 1:14 PM Six militant killed in Pak..r they really millitant? after watching Kabul Express I doubt that. 6771178802 zweitansage 12/17/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6771147393 sinandurdu 12/17/2009 12:58 PM 100. Follower olmanız nedeniyle bir fotoğraf hediye etmek istiyorum. Kabul ederseniz sevinirim @FatosUS 6771111993 sinandurdu 12/17/2009 12:57 PM 100. Follower olmanız nedeniyle portfolyomdan bir fotoğraf hediye etmek istiyorum. Kabul ederseniz sevinirim @ 6771085840 bolbol_dunya 12/17/2009 12:55 PM Tartışmalı kürtaj yasasına kabul 6770995490 tunaadam 12/17/2009 12:51 PM senelerce hindistanda kaldım, ankaraya gitsem milli mistikbaharat teşkilatına kabul edilirim herhal, sonradan gurme kabul ediyorlarsa tabi. 6770952247 AllMilitaryNews 12/17/2009 12:49 PM (CJTF-82) ANA catches suicide bombers before they can act:  KABUL, Afghanistan – Soldiers from.. 6770844526 post_lead 12/17/2009 12:45 PM Clemson Turregano at CCL on teaching #leadership in Kabul 6770795822 irem_ 12/17/2009 12:43 PM @esru "tabi" de diom kabul etmion daha tatlı hem tabi tabii tabişko fln :P GD, TAP hyung dioar galba tabi buyuk ondan 87li mi? 6770782558 tomafg 12/17/2009 12:42 PM It's a dry national holiday in Dubai. With some very cranky Kabul friends nursing cokes. Could be a long night. 6770674058 jeremyscahill 12/17/2009 12:37 PM @vincevitrano is that near Kabul? 6770528678 zbruew 12/17/2009 12:31 PM KABUL, Afghanistan - capital city: New commercial buildings Wedding halls:house in Sherpur neighborhood mbc.. 6770514739 tugce_gefc 12/17/2009 12:30 PM @EsraAtmacaGEFC kabul görürsen ben varım :P 6770194388 nurulhana 12/17/2009 12:16 PM @nublii hahahaha,maumi di apa de',sudah di aturmi sama yang di ataass..mungkin kabul juga do'akuu :p 6769808379 zweitansage 12/17/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6769655632 schellinghyvn 12/17/2009 11:53 AM Public Affairs Bellwether mastery Kabul, Afghanistan 6769286710 tiksinch 12/17/2009 11:36 AM @emrebuyukozkan allah kabul etsin 6769020584 suleymanarioglu 12/17/2009 11:24 AM Tekel işçisine reva görülen rezalet kabul edilemez. İşte "garip gureba fakir fukara" sever AKP'nin gerçek yüzü!!! 6768770775 gracielavaldez1 12/17/2009 11:13 AM ©AJ Wilhelm-This series of photographs documents young men in Kabul... > 6690336423 mayankchandak 12/15/2009 2:09 AM Suicide bomb hits Afghan capital: At least five people die in a suicide bombing in Kabul, as President Hamid Karzai opens an anti-corrup... 6690336174 rssofcwz 12/15/2009 2:09 AM BBC Suicide bomb hits Afghan capital: At least five people die in a suicide bombing in Kabul, as President Hamid Ka... 6690335522 BBC_News_World 12/15/2009 2:09 AM BBC News: Suicide bomb hits Afghan capital: At least five people die in a suicide bombing in Kabul, as Pr... Christmas 6690326469 nighthawk435 12/15/2009 2:09 AM Suicide Bomb Blast Near Hotel in Kabul: A suicide bomb explosion Tuesday in Afghanistan’s capital damage.. 6690325603 ADOnline 12/15/2009 2:08 AM Doden door autobomaanslag Kabul bij hotel: KABUL - Zeker acht mensen in de Afghaanse hoofdstad Kabul zijn omgekomen... 6690319045 rteheads 12/15/2009 2:08 AM Kabul suicide attack kills eight 6690313472 GeoNewsTweets 12/15/2009 2:08 AM World Four civilians killed in Kabul blast: KABUL: Four civilians were killed in a blast that shook the centre of t... 6690313098 GeoNewsTweets 12/15/2009 2:08 AM World Kabul suicide attack kills eight, wounds 40: KABUL: A suicide attack near a foreign guesthouse in the Afghan ... 6690313127 alihassaan 12/15/2009 2:08 AM Kabul suicide attack kills eight, wounds 40: KABUL: A suicide attack near a foreign guesthouse in the Afghan capita... 6690310159 inquirerdotnet 12/15/2009 2:07 AM Kabul suicide attack kills eight, wounds 40 – officials 6690285002 metro 12/15/2009 2:06 AM Doden door autobomaanslag Kabul bij hotel 6690283382 Sulekha_News 12/15/2009 2:06 AM Five killed in Kabul bombing: Kabul, Dec 15 (DPA) Afghan President Hamid Karzai said five people, includi.. 6690282390 Remotepart 12/15/2009 2:06 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least eight people - BBC News 6690279098 new_headline 12/15/2009 2:05 AM The Norway Post: Norway's Kabul embassy damaged in blast. 6690275715 China_Daily 12/15/2009 2:05 AM 1 killed in suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul 6690266925 BreakingNewsDeu 12/15/2009 2:05 AM KABUL suicide blast death toll rise to 8 dead, 40 wounded 6690265776 newstrade 12/15/2009 2:05 AM Eight dead, 40 wounded in Kabul suicide blast (AFP) - 6690247974 tittoantony 12/15/2009 2:03 AM @tomafg thanks for the info but where was the kabul blast.. dont tell me it was in serena again? 6690244389 peterpaulNLT 12/15/2009 2:03 AM AP increases #Kabul death toll to eight [four men and four women], "dozens more" wounded, citing Afghan Interior Ministry. 6690243683 edward_dawson 12/15/2009 2:03 AM 8 killed in suicide attack in Kabul: A suicide attack near a foreign guest house in the Afghan capital Kabul on.. 6690240353 AftenpostenTV 12/15/2009 2:03 AM Her eksploderte bilbomben: Flere sivile drept av en bilbombe i Kabul, noen hundre meter fra den norske ambassaden. 6690233685 tittoantony 12/15/2009 2:03 AM RT @venkatananth @tomafg @tittoantony Really big blast on 4-profit developnt company compound in Gardez,sme time as Kabul blast. Est.5 dead. 6690227800 brk_news_now 12/15/2009 2:02 AM Google: Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people - BBC News 6690227855 HeadlinesNewz 12/15/2009 2:02 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people - BBC News: Times OnlineKabul suicide bomber kills at least five pe... 6690227859 poluakerford 12/15/2009 2:02 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people - BBC News 6690227913 sex_porn_pills 12/15/2009 2:02 AM Health.Dating-Viagra Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people - BBC News 6690215551 theforeignerNo 12/15/2009 2:02 AM Kabul bomb attack hits Norwegian embassy- Number of casualties uncertain.... 6690210789 Prabu_OnNet 12/15/2009 2:01 AM 8 killed in suicide attack in Kabul: A suicide attack near a foreign guest house in the Afghan capital Kabul on.. 6690209869 233news 12/15/2009 2:01 AM Al menos cuatro muertos en un atentado en el centro de Kabul: Al menos cuatro civiles han muerto hoy en la fuer.. 6690204455 tomafg 12/15/2009 2:01 AM @tittoantony Really big blast on for-profit development company compound in Gardez, same time as Kabul blast. Est. 5 dead. 6690197579 Freie_Sicht 12/15/2009 2:00 AM Afghanistan:"Wir bewaffnen und finanzieren die Schurken der Nordallianz,die Fundamentalismus in Kabul eingeführt haben." 6690192307 helgespresso 12/15/2009 2:00 AM Det skulle tatt seg godt ut hvis Jens satt på danskeferga hvis nordmenn hadde blitt drept i Kabul. Men VG mener det er feil at statsmin flyr 6690184326 BongNews 12/15/2009 2:00 AM RT @googlenews: Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people - BBC News 6690183215 DiePresse_Pol 12/15/2009 2:00 AM Anschlag in Diplomatenviertel von Kabul 6690183342 PeterDraxler 12/15/2009 2:00 AM Anschlag in Diplomatenviertel von Kabul: Der Attentäter zündete eine Autobombe vor einem Hotel der afghanischen H... 6690182076 MoreUdonThani 12/15/2009 2:00 AM Blast rocks diplomatic enclave in Afghan capital|Kabul - A massive explosion rocked the diplomatic enclave of the .. 6690181119 zweitansage 12/15/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6690174836 faadk_all 12/15/2009 1:59 AM Bombe skader norsk ambassade i Kabul: Norges ambassade i Afghanistans hovedstad, Kabul, fik store skader ved et bombeang 6690174368 timothythompson 12/15/2009 1:59 AM RT @W7VOA: AFP says WAK district suicide blast in #Kabul has left 8 dead, 40 wounded. 4 of the dead are women. #Afghanistan 6690168823 rijnmond 12/15/2009 1:59 AM Doden door autobomaanslag Kabul bij hotel: KABUL - Zeker acht mensen in de Afghaanse hoofdstad Kabul zijn omgekomen... 6690165745 fingertipnews2 12/15/2009 1:59 AM UPI-Top News: Attacks at 2 checkpoints kill 15 policemen: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 14 (UPI) -- Mil.. 6690163062 massagedocMI 12/15/2009 1:58 AM RT @FXStefan: Blast kills 5 in Afghanistan: One person was killed and 16 others were injured after an explosion in central Kabul ... htt ... 6690160735 MetroHolland 12/15/2009 1:58 AM Doden door autobomaanslag Kabul bij hotel 6690160900 fingertipnews2 12/15/2009 1:58 AM Reuters Intl: Blast in Kabul diplomatic district, four killed: KABUL (Reuters) - At least four civ.. 6690157526 fingertipnews2 12/15/2009 1:58 AM BBC: Suicide bomb hits Afghan capital: At least five people die in a suicide bombing in Kabul, as President.. 6690156926 W7VOA 12/15/2009 1:58 AM AFP says WAK district suicide blast in #Kabul has left 8 dead, 40 wounded. 4 of the dead are women. #Afghanistan 6690152696 notimeoff 12/15/2009 1:58 AM Five killed in Kabul suicide bomb blast: A massive suicide car bomb ripped through the Afghan capital thi.. #tlot 6690146291 karenmorris 12/15/2009 1:57 AM RT @debsm: A suicide bomber has killed up to eight people and wounded 20 others in Afghanistan's Kabul 6690125655 yukilogue 12/15/2009 1:56 AM RT @guardiannews: Five killed in Kabul hotel suicide bombing 6690124806 swatcrisis 12/15/2009 1:56 AM #swat Article published on-line on your-website”Has US realized that road to Kabul ... - Australia.TO 6690124208 sextaNoticias 12/15/2009 1:56 AM Muerte en Kabul: Al menos cuatro civiles murieron este martes a causa de la explosión de un coc.. #fb 6690117924 Dnewsde 12/15/2009 1:56 AM [8:50] Tödlicher Anschlag im Diplomaten-Viertel von Kabul: 6690115605 brk_news_now 12/15/2009 1:55 AM GoogleNews: Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people - BBC News 6690115633 DaveStreck 12/15/2009 1:55 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people - BBC News 6690115645 how2quitsmoking 12/15/2009 1:55 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people - BBC News: CBS NewsKabul suicide bomber kills at least five people... 6690113508 guardiannews 12/15/2009 1:55 AM Five killed in Kabul hotel suicide bombing 6690102389 TT_101 12/15/2009 1:55 AM Doden bij aanslag voor hotel Kabul. 6690100082 suniljmistry 12/15/2009 1:54 AM #News Explosion rocks diplomatic enclave in Kabul: Kabul, Dec 15 (DPA) A massive explosion rocked the dipl.. 6690095162 kickinghorse892 12/15/2009 1:54 AM Suicide blast rocks Afghan capital: Attack in Kabul comes as Afghan president prepares to hold anti-corr... @AJEnglish 6690094576 carslatestnews 12/15/2009 1:54 AM Kabul suicide bombing kills 1: At least one person was killed and more than a dozen others wounded when a suici.. 6690093823 CarolL99 12/15/2009 1:54 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people - BBC News: CBS NewsKabul suicide bomber kills at least five pe.. 6690093825 philbealeuk 12/15/2009 1:54 AM Five killed in Kabul suicide bomb blast: A massive suicide car bomb ripped through the Afghan capital this morn.. 6690087499 futbolendirecto 12/15/2009 1:54 AM Al menos cuatro muertos en un atentado en el centro de Kabul: Al menos cuatro civiles han muerto hoy en la fuer.. 6690083899 233news 12/15/2009 1:53 AM Al menos cuatro muertos en un atentado en el centro de Kabul: Al menos cuatro civiles han muerto hoy en la fuer.. 6690082478 presstv2010 12/15/2009 1:53 AM Heavy blast in Kabul kills 8, injures 40: At least eight civilians have been killed and more than 40 others wou.. 6690082228 zeolshah 12/15/2009 1:53 AM New blog post: Five killed in Kabul bombing (Second Lead) 6690075338 De_Pers 12/15/2009 1:53 AM Bomaanslag diplomatenwijk Kabul: Zeker acht mensen in de Afghaanse hoofdstad Kabul zijn omgekomen door een autoboma... 6690073024 massagedocMI 12/15/2009 1:53 AM RT @CBSNews: At least 5 people killed, 31 wounded in suicide bomb attack near Kabul hotel popular with foreigners: 6690070562 BuzzNessOnline 12/15/2009 1:52 AM Buzz News: --> Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people - BBC News 6690070032 stevenh123 12/15/2009 1:52 AM Google News: Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people - BBC News: CBS NewsKabul suicide bomb.. 6690064096 VMMoncrieff 12/15/2009 1:52 AM Death toll rises to 8 in Kabul blast 6690063704 itamena 12/15/2009 1:52 AM Kabul: bomb blast in Wazir Akbar Khan...on the other side of town for us. We're OK here...keep everyone else in your thoughts. 6690055543 vattaltimes 12/15/2009 1:52 AM Five killed in Kabul bombing : 6690047188 SR_utrikes 12/15/2009 1:51 AM SR Utrikes: Attentat mot diplomatkvarter i Kabul 6690043570 infodomi 12/15/2009 1:51 AM Nuevo post: Explosión en hotel de Kabul deja 4 muertos ( 6690034753 Marut147 12/15/2009 1:50 AM Blast in Kabul diplomatic district, four killed (Reuters) 6690032291 autoinsuranceus 12/15/2009 1:50 AM Blast in Kabul diplomatic district, four killed - Reuters 6690031306 CNNTwits 12/15/2009 1:50 AM Blast kills 5 in Afghanistan: One person was killed and 16 others were injured after an explosion in central Kabul ... 6690031329 newsfeeding 12/15/2009 1:50 AM Blast kills 5 in Afghanistan: One person was killed and 16 others were injured after an explosion in central Kabul ... 6690031340 MANADO_NEWS 12/15/2009 1:50 AM Blast kills 5 in Afghanistan: One person was killed and 16 others were injured after an explosion in central Kabul ... 6690031343 Pascal_Zubi 12/15/2009 1:50 AM Blast kills 5 in Afghanistan: One person was killed and 16 others were injured after an explosion in central Kabul ... 6690031347 jasonmigg 12/15/2009 1:50 AM Blast kills 5 in Afghanistan: One person was killed and 16 others were injured after an explosion in central Kabul ... 6690031360 Johnfdale 12/15/2009 1:50 AM Blast kills 5 in Afghanistan: One person was killed and 16 others were injured after an explosion in central Kabul ... 6690031380 318touring 12/15/2009 1:50 AM Blast kills 5 in Afghanistan: One person was killed and 16 others were injured after an explosion in central Kabul ... 6690031400 iLukianox 12/15/2009 1:50 AM Blast kills 5 in Afghanistan: One person was killed and 16 others were injured after an explosion in central Kabul ... 6690026385 beautyfnoole 12/15/2009 1:50 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least one person - BBC News 6690023962 politicshomeuk 12/15/2009 1:50 AM Suicide bomber kills four in explosion in Kabul 6690020602 NoticiasDirecto 12/15/2009 1:49 AM #LaVanguardia: Al menos cinco muertos y 37 heridos en un atentado en Kabul #noticias 6690019897 DownloadPages 12/15/2009 1:49 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least one person - BBC News 6690012050 friendwithme 12/15/2009 1:49 AM Blast kills 5 in Afghanistan: One person was killed and 16 others were injured after an explosion in central Kabul Tuesd 6690011859 followmefriends 12/15/2009 1:49 AM Blast kills 5 in Afghanistan: One person was killed and 16 others were injured after an explosion in central Kabul Tuesd 6690011544 GiantVision 12/15/2009 1:49 AM Blast kills 5 in Afghanistan: One person was killed and 16 others were injured after an explosion in central Kabul Tuesd 6690011547 hugefollower 12/15/2009 1:49 AM Blast kills 5 in Afghanistan: One person was killed and 16 others were injured after an explosion in central Kabul Tuesd 6690011114 FollowedBack 12/15/2009 1:49 AM Blast kills 5 in Afghanistan: One person was killed and 16 others were injured after an explosion in central Kabul Tuesd 6690007578 hostingcoupons_ 12/15/2009 1:48 AM Blast in Kabul diplomatic district, four killed (Reuters): Reuters - At least four civil.. Source : Yahoo News 6690007027 CookingPages 12/15/2009 1:48 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least one person - BBC News 6690006498 SJSfinest 12/15/2009 1:48 AM RT @CBSNews: At least 5 people killed, 31 wounded in suicide bomb attack near Kabul hotel popular with foreigners: 6690004937 wort_lu 12/15/2009 1:48 AM Autobombe: Mindestens fünf Tote bei Anschlag in Kabul 6690004383 tittoantony 12/15/2009 1:48 AM @Transitionland what happened in Gardez? I heard some hotel is attacked in Kabul 6690001052 talkncafe 12/15/2009 1:48 AM Four killed, several injured in Kabul blast 6689998221 Janiwilli 12/15/2009 1:48 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people - BBC News Times OnlineKabul suicide bomber kills at least five peo.. 6689996079 muslar 12/15/2009 1:48 AM RT @BreakingNewsDeu: At least 5 dead, about 30 injured in Kabul suicide blast outside Heetal Hotel, official's say 6689994679 vambannews 12/15/2009 1:48 AM Five killed in Kabul bombing: 6689991911 IndiaNews247 12/15/2009 1:48 AM Blast in Kabul's diplomatic district: Five people were killed and 31 injured in a suicide car bomb blast in Kab.. 6689988498 televideorai 12/15/2009 1:47 AM [dal mondo] KABUL, ATTENTATO: 5 MORTI E 20 FERITI view.jsp?id=664890&p=150 6689986353 FairPricedShip 12/15/2009 1:47 AM Blast in Kabul diplomatic district, four killed (Reuters): Reuters - At least four civilians were killed on .. 6689983697 EmailSpammers 12/15/2009 1:47 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least one person - BBC News 6689979204 TimesWorldNews 12/15/2009 1:47 AM Five killed in Kabul suicide bomb blast 6689976293 TOIWorldNews 12/15/2009 1:47 AM 8 killed in suicide attack in Kabul: A suicide attack near a foreign guest house in the Afghan capital Kabul on... 6689975829 safe_waters 12/15/2009 1:47 AM #reutersIN Blast in Kabul diplomatic district, four killed: KABUL (Reuters) - At least four civilians were killed on Tue 6689972054 sfnewsnow 12/15/2009 1:46 AM Afghan Public Health Ministry says 5 killed, 31 wounded in suicide bombing in Kabul 6689965503 willllllllllllJ 12/15/2009 1:46 AM BREAKING NEWS: At least 4 civilians have been killed by a suicide car bomber outside a hotel used by foreigners in the Afghan capital Kabul 6689964653 DailyNewsTicker 12/15/2009 1:46 AM Five killed in Kabul suicide bomb blast: A massive suicide car bomb ripped through the Afghan capital this morn.. 6689962220 BreakingNewsDeu 12/15/2009 1:46 AM At least 5 dead, about 30 injured in Kabul suicide blast outside Heetal Hotel, official's say 6689960374 sukitink 12/15/2009 1:46 AM RT @CBSNews: At least 5 people killed, 31 wounded in suicide bomb attack near Kabul hotel popular with foreigners: 6689958617 christianstavik 12/15/2009 1:45 AM p1-nyhetene: bombe gått av ved den norske ambassaden i Kabul og statsministeren tar privatfly til klimakonferansen. Leses dette før sending? 6689943772 faadk_all 12/15/2009 1:45 AM Norges ambassade i Kabul ramt af bombe: Noges ambassade i Afghanistans hovedstad, Kabul, fik store skader ved et bombean 6689935508 telegraphnews 12/15/2009 1:44 AM Afghanistan: suicide car bomb kills four outside Kabul hotel popular with Westerners 6689935224 Camilo78 12/15/2009 1:44 AM Suicide bomb hits Afghan capital: At least five people die in a suicide bombing in Kabul, as President Hamid Ka.. 6689935334 TelegraphMG 12/15/2009 1:44 AM Afghanistan: suicide car bomb kills four outside Kabul hotel popular with Westerners: A suicide car comb outside a ... 6689929829 newstrade 12/15/2009 1:44 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people – BBC News - 6689921931 NaheedMustafa 12/15/2009 1:43 AM RT @Hairan: Officials confirm 4 dead and nearly 40 wounded in Kabul's suicide attack;T. takes responsibility and says the target was Rab ... 6689920289 arjicle 12/15/2009 1:43 AM Al menos cuatro muertos en un atentado en el centro de Kabul: Al menos cuatro civiles han muerto hoy en la fuer.. 6689914421 TweetNewsInfo 12/15/2009 1:43 AM 5 Killed in Homicide Attack Near Hotel in Kabul- The Afghan Public Health Ministry says five people were killed and... 6689911639 linksiden 12/15/2009 1:43 AM nrkP3nyheter: Dører og vinduer blåst ut av den norske ambassaden i Kabul. Ingen ansatte ramma av angrepet: http.. 6689910786 linksiden 12/15/2009 1:42 AM nrkP3nyheter: Store skader på den norske ambassaden i Kabul i et bombeangrep i dag tidlig, melder Ingen .. 6689910796 Borsenalle 12/15/2009 1:42 AM Norges ambassade i Kabul er ramt af bombe: Noges ambassade i Afghanistans hovedstad, Kabul, fik store skader ved de... 6689909918 linksiden 12/15/2009 1:42 AM tv2nyhetene: Den norske ambassaden i Kabul fikk store skader i et bombeangrep tirsdag morgen.: tv2nyhetene: Den.. 6689907780 dutchguy22 12/15/2009 1:42 AM RT @CBSNews: At least 5 people killed, 31 wounded in suicide bomb attack near Kabul hotel popular with foreigners: 6689898965 thabet1979 12/15/2009 1:42 AM Explosion in Kabul as Afghan president prepares to hold anti-corruption conference #Afghanistan 6689898927 contactolatino 12/15/2009 1:42 AM Al menos cuatro civiles muertos por una fuerte explosión en Kabul - La Vanguardia - GN España 6689892162 GjertStensrud 12/15/2009 1:41 AM Norges ambassade i Kabul fikk store skader i et bombeangrep tirsdag morgen. Ingen ansatte skal ha blitt skadet 6689891395 OKEZ0NE 12/15/2009 1:41 AM Bom Mobil Tewaskan Lima Orang: Sebuah bom yang berasal dari mobil meledak di Ibukota Afghanistan, Kabul, hari i.. 6689878760 RantsbyRemnant 12/15/2009 1:40 AM RT @debkafile: - A suicide car explosion outside a hotel in Kabul early Tuesday kills eight people, injures forty 6689876344 prayoonko 12/15/2009 1:40 AM RT @TwitBreakinNews: At least five people die in a suicide bombing in Kabul, as President Karzai opens an anti-corruption meeting there. 6689870817 Upfront_News 12/15/2009 1:40 AM Afghan Public Health Ministry says 5 killed, 31 wounded in Kabul suicide car bombings. 6689865894 literago 12/15/2009 1:40 AM Autobombenanschlag erschüttert Kabul: 6689855244 globalnews4u 12/15/2009 1:39 AM Suicide Bomb Blast Near Hotel in Kabul 6689850605 NoticiasDirecto 12/15/2009 1:39 AM #LaVanguardia: Al menos cinco muertos y 37 heridos por una explosión en Kabul #noticias 6689848914 promisucher 12/15/2009 1:39 AM RT @eurasier1: Freenet bringt:Autobombenanschlag erschüttert Kabul 6689845730 indonews 12/15/2009 1:38 AM Bom Mobil Tewaskan Lima Orang: Sebuah bom yang berasal dari mobil meledak di Ibukota Afghanistan, Kabul, hari ini. ... 6689845767 oke_zone 12/15/2009 1:38 AM Bom Mobil Tewaskan Lima Orang: Sebuah bom yang berasal dari mobil meledak di Ibukota Afghanistan, Kabul, hari ini. ... 6689845774 beritaindonesia 12/15/2009 1:38 AM Bom Mobil Tewaskan Lima Orang: Sebuah bom yang berasal dari mobil meledak di Ibukota Afghanistan, Kabul, ... @oke_zone 6689844410 RightWingTalk 12/15/2009 1:38 AM 2ND LD: Explosion rocks Kabul, 5 dead, more than a dozen wounded+: (Kyodo) _ (EDS: UPDATING TOLL) A huge explos.. 6689842506 Stephy_V 12/15/2009 1:38 AM Five killed in Kabul suicide bomb blast 6689840592 ARYNews 12/15/2009 1:38 AM One killed in Kabul suicide bomb blast 6689830048 IndiaNews247 12/15/2009 1:37 AM 1 Killed in Suicide Bomb Blast Near Hotel in Kabul: A suicide car bomber today struck near a hotel favoured by Westerners in a heavily gu.. 6689829309 findcoupons_ 12/15/2009 1:37 AM Suicide Car Bomber Hits Kabul Hotel: Casualties Reported after Vehicle Blows Up Outside Hotel Popular with Fore.. 6689829493 e24business 12/15/2009 1:37 AM Business News - Blast in Kabul's diplomatic district: Five people were killed and 31 injured in .. 6689825318 tok_world 12/15/2009 1:37 AM Suicide Bomb Blast Near Hotel in Kabul 6689824264 mixxbreaking 12/15/2009 1:37 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least one person: A suicide bomber strikes in the Afghan capital, killing at least on... 6689815763 SWPde 12/15/2009 1:37 AM Autobombenanschlag erschüttert Kabul 6689814396 RZTicker 12/15/2009 1:36 AM Kabul: Mindestens fünf Tote bei Anschlag in Kabul 6689813971 peterpaulNLT 12/15/2009 1:36 AM Massoud survived the attack in which he was apparently targeted. #Kabul 6689806470 newsplate 12/15/2009 1:36 AM Eight dead, 40 wounded in Kabul suicide blast (AFP): 6689798237 peterpaulNLT 12/15/2009 1:35 AM Two bodyguards outside the home of Ahmad Zia Massoud were killed during #Kabul suicide bombing, President Hamid Karzai told reporters. 6689797586 newsfeeding 12/15/2009 1:35 AM Suicide bomb hits Afghan capital: At least five people die in a suicide bombing in Kabul, as President Karzai opens... 6689795209 javalukas 12/15/2009 1:35 AM Eight dead, 40 wounded in Kabul suicide blast #news 6689791151 OKEZ0NE 12/15/2009 1:35 AM Bom Mobil Tewaskan Lima Orang- Sebuah bom yang berasal dari mobil meledak di Ibukota Afghanistan, Kabul, hari ini. ... 6689790849 MadMaxde 12/15/2009 1:35 AM RT @eurasier1: Freenet bringt:Autobombenanschlag erschüttert Kabul 6689788256 Sulekha_News 12/15/2009 1:35 AM Explosion rocks diplomatic enclave in Kabul: Kabul, Dec 15 (DPA) A massive explosion rocked the diplomati.. 6689787485 NewsOnline24x7 12/15/2009 1:35 AM Explosion rocks diplomatic enclave in Kabul: Kabul, Dec 15 (DPA) A massive explosion rocked the diplomatic encl.. 6689774493 tok_top 12/15/2009 1:34 AM Suicide Car Bomber Hits Kabul Hotel 6689771914 NoticiasDirecto 12/15/2009 1:34 AM #ElMundo: 4 muertos en una fuerte explosión en Kabul #noticias 6689771916 elmundo_feed 12/15/2009 1:34 AM 4 muertos en una fuerte explosión en Kabul 6689771926 fuentenoticias 12/15/2009 1:34 AM EM: 4 muertos en una fuerte explosión en Kabul 6689769141 zeolshah 12/15/2009 1:34 AM New blog post: Explosion rocks diplomatic enclave in Kabul (Lead) 6689768417 tok_world 12/15/2009 1:34 AM Suicide Car Bomber Hits Kabul Hotel 6689768424 MANADO_NEWS 12/15/2009 1:34 AM Blast kills 5 in Afghanistan: One person was killed and 16 others were injured after an explosion in central Kabul ... 6689757581 hotels17 12/15/2009 1:33 AM Afghanistan: suicide car bomb kills four outside Kabul hotel popular with ... - CBS NewsAfghan.. 6689750908 eurasier1 12/15/2009 1:33 AM Freenet bringt:Autobombenanschlag erschüttert Kabul 6689749186 globalnewsprjct 12/15/2009 1:33 AM Eight dead, 40 wounded in Kabul suicide blast (AFP) ( 6689742016 VMMoncrieff 12/15/2009 1:32 AM Bomb in inner city #Kabul kills 5 6689737499 aroonkumar123 12/15/2009 1:32 AM Explosion rocks diplomatic enclave in Kabul - Kabul, Dec 15 (DPA) A massive explosion rocked the diplomatic enc 6689737380 IndiaNewsPost 12/15/2009 1:32 AM Explosion rocks diplomatic enclave in Kabul - Kabul, Dec 15 (DPA) A massive explosion rocked the diplomatic enc 6689718293 dweleling 12/15/2009 1:31 AM RT @W7VOA: Pres. Karzai confirms 2 Massoud guards killed in the WAK blast. Appears target was Ahmed Zia Massoud home, not Heetal? #Kabul ... 6689715607 Sannri 12/15/2009 1:30 AM Corruption delays Kabul construction project - 15 Dec 09 > #Afghanistan 6689714057 KJBar 12/15/2009 1:30 AM The Kabul bombing, a suicide attack near a foreign guest house, has now killed eight people and wounded another 40.. 6689711317 Verzaehler 12/15/2009 1:30 AM Kabul wird jetzt umbenannt: in Kabumm. 6689710098 notimeoff 12/15/2009 1:30 AM Suicide bomb hits Afghan capital: At least five people die in a suicide bombing in Kabul, as Presid.. (BBC) #tlot 6689696228 Hairan 12/15/2009 1:29 AM Officials confirm 4 dead and nearly 40 wounded in Kabul's suicide attack;T. takes responsibility and says the target was Rabbani'sGuestHouse 6689694853 AfghanNews24 12/15/2009 1:29 AM Suicide bombers strike hotel in Kabul Afghanistan - Belfast Telegraph 6689694857 jhoncarrillo 12/15/2009 1:29 AM RT @googlenews: Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people - BBC News 6689691994 CarySkelton 12/15/2009 1:29 AM @richardengelnbc Just hearing of the blast at a Kabul hotel popular among foreigners. Awful news. I hope you and those you know are okay. 6689688984 rodneystack 12/15/2009 1:29 AM RT @nytimesworld: Suicide Bomb Blast Near Hotel in Kabul 6689686638 cliqzausnews 12/15/2009 1:29 AM Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast (Reuters) 6689682252 freie_meinung 12/15/2009 1:29 AM Offenbar mehrere Opfer - Bombenanschlag erschüttert Kabul: Bei einem Bombenanschlag in der afgha... #n24 #news #fmjh 6689681961 N24Breaking 12/15/2009 1:29 AM #Nachrichten Offenbar mehrere Opfer - Bombenanschlag erschüttert Kabul: Bei einem Bombenansch... 6689681203 ellisnancy22 12/15/2009 1:29 AM 1 killed in suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul (AP) 6689680813 nancyreiner00 12/15/2009 1:28 AM 1 killed in suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul (AP) 6689680926 heilhenry 12/15/2009 1:28 AM 1 killed in suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul (AP) 6689680991 mariahelen10 12/15/2009 1:28 AM 1 killed in suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul (AP) 6689681097 susanlali 12/15/2009 1:28 AM 1 killed in suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul (AP) 6689680543 jessicascheer00 12/15/2009 1:28 AM 1 killed in suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul (AP) 6689680631 sarahkruse 12/15/2009 1:28 AM 1 killed in suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul (AP) 6689680719 bettyklein02 12/15/2009 1:28 AM 1 killed in suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul (AP) 6689680291 bonitareiner 12/15/2009 1:28 AM 1 killed in suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul (AP) 6689680377 melissakrupp07 12/15/2009 1:28 AM 1 killed in suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul (AP) 6689680447 angelalewis45 12/15/2009 1:28 AM 1 killed in suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul (AP) 6689677618 SAfricaNews 12/15/2009 1:28 AM Loud blast rocks Kabul - A loud explosion rocked the Afghan capital on Tuesday, spewing out a huge cloud of black s... 6689677874 news89 12/15/2009 1:28 AM Offenbar mehrere Opfer - Bombenanschlag erschüttert Kabul: Bei einem Bombenanschlag in der afghanischen Hauptstad... 6689673939 rodneystack 12/15/2009 1:28 AM RT @ynetnews: #israel Four civilians killed in Kabul blast: 6689671357 milforum 12/15/2009 1:28 AM RT @tv2nyhetene: Den norske ambassaden i Kabul fikk store skader i et bombeangrep tirsdag morgen. 6689665182 rbmoreno 12/15/2009 1:28 AM RT @iDeskCNN: Heetal Hotel in Kabul tells CNN that the huge blast was down the road from the Hotel and caused only minor damage to the H ... 6689659703 rbmoreno 12/15/2009 1:27 AM RT @nytimesworld: Suicide Bomb Blast Near Hotel in Kabul 6689652557 YoNews 12/15/2009 1:27 AM Heavy explosion rocks Kabul 6689649741 afghanistanwire 12/15/2009 1:27 AM Afghanistan: suicide car bomb kills four outside Kabul hotel popular with ... - Afghanistan: suici... 6689648041 W7VOA 12/15/2009 1:26 AM Pres. Karzai confirms 2 Massoud guards killed in the WAK blast. Appears target was Ahmed Zia Massoud home, not Heetal? #Kabul #Afghanistan 6689632620 syndicatr 12/15/2009 1:26 AM Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast 6689629789 rockhate 12/15/2009 1:25 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people 6689619674 Rob_Madden 12/15/2009 1:25 AM Suicide Car Bomber Hits Kabul Hotel #News #CBS 6689614010 steventsujisaka 12/15/2009 1:24 AM ABC7NewsBayArea Suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul - A suicide bomb explosion rocks Afghanistan's capital and d... 6689612508 carslatestnews 12/15/2009 1:24 AM Kabul Blast - News Orleans: A suicide car bomber Tuesday struck near a hotel favored by Westerners in a heavily.. 6689607025 fastfeednews 12/15/2009 1:24 AM Autobombenanschlag erschüttert Kabul: Kabul (dpa) - Ein schwerer Autobombenanschlag hat am Dienstagmorgen das .. 6689605425 IndiaNews247 12/15/2009 1:24 AM Blast in Kabul's diplomatic district: Five people were killed and 31 injured in a suicide car bomb blast in Kabul o... 6689600501 TheLastNews 12/15/2009 1:24 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least one person - BBC News - DAWN.comKabul suicide bomber kills at least one personB... 6689598297 trapsreport 12/15/2009 1:24 AM Suicide bomber strikes upmarket district of Kabul UPDATE 6689596546 fastfeednews 12/15/2009 1:23 AM Autobombenanschlag erschüttert Kabul: Ein schwerer Autobombenanschlag hat am Dienstagmorgen das Diplomatenv.. 6689595933 BetteDam 12/15/2009 1:23 AM Everything seems to be back to normal in kabul. people are staying inside. Info on what happened here and who is behind it, is needed. 6689595052 fastfeednews 12/15/2009 1:23 AM Autobombenanschlag erschüttert Kabul: Ein schwerer Autobombenanschlag hat am Morgen das Diplomatenviertel d.. 6689591434 fingertipnews 12/15/2009 1:23 AM AP Intl: 1 killed in suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul 6689591047 eefmeijerink 12/15/2009 1:23 AM Volgtip: Voor verslag bomaanslag Kabul is "correspondent" @thijsberman ter plekke 6689589108 fastfeednews 12/15/2009 1:23 AM Afghanistan: Autobombenanschlag erschüttert Kabul: Im Diplomatenviertel Kabuls ist ein schwerer Anschlag verübt.. 6689585907 iNewsStand 12/15/2009 1:23 AM Photo from AP Photo - A car bomb burns by the Heetal Hotel, left, in Kabul, Afganistan, Tuesday... 6689585702 iNewsStand 12/15/2009 1:23 AM Photo from Reuters Pictures - A victim of a blast is carried away from the site in Kabul Decemb... 6689577138 Sulekha_News 12/15/2009 1:22 AM Suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul: Suicide bomb explosion near hotel in Kabul 6689576125 Sulekha_News 12/15/2009 1:22 AM Large explosion heard in center of Kabul: Large explosion heard in center of Kabul 6689562611 melissamoon3 12/15/2009 1:21 AM At least 5 people killed, 31 wounded in suicide bomb attack near Kabul hotel popular with foreigners: (via @CBSNews) 6689562688 Bryant732000 12/15/2009 1:21 AM Norges ambassade i Kabul rammet av bombeangrep 6689561313 google_news_uk 12/15/2009 1:21 AM News: Four killed in Kabul suicide bomb blast - Times Online: BBC NewsFour killed in Kabul s.. #news #google 6689554020 dermatologist_ 12/15/2009 1:21 AM Kabul blast kills four - ABC Online: DAWN.comKabul blast kills fourABC OnlineAt least four civilians were killed by ... 6689553593 HeadlinesNewz 12/15/2009 1:21 AM Kabul blast kills four - ABC Online: DAWN.comKabul blast kills fourABC OnlineAt least four civilians were killed by... 6689553462 backgammon_gal 12/15/2009 1:21 AM Kabul blast kills four - ABC Online 6689553465 brk_news_now 12/15/2009 1:21 AM Google: Kabul blast kills four - ABC Online 6689553468 poker_gal 12/15/2009 1:21 AM Kabul blast kills four - ABC Online 6689553495 robertfeed 12/15/2009 1:21 AM Kabul blast kills four - ABC Online: DAWN.comKabul blast kills fourABC OnlineAt least four civilians were killed by... 6689553496 poluakerford 12/15/2009 1:21 AM Kabul blast kills four - ABC Online 6689553537 sex_porn_pills 12/15/2009 1:21 AM Health.Dating-Viagra Kabul blast kills four - ABC Online 6689553539 ectestuser 12/15/2009 1:21 AM Kabul blast kills four - ABC Online: DAWN.comKabul blast kills fourABC OnlineAt least four civilians were killed by... 6689553568 earthquakesfeed 12/15/2009 1:21 AM Top Stories: Kabul blast kills four - ABC Online: DAWN.comKabul blast kills fourABC OnlineAt least four civilians w... 6689548261 hotcities 12/15/2009 1:21 AM Suicide bomb explosion near hotel in Kabul | San Francisco Examiner: A suicide bomb explosion Tuesday in Afghan.. 6689548357 globalnn 12/15/2009 1:21 AM RT @googlenews: Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people - BBC News 6689547667 reuters_italia 12/15/2009 1:21 AM Afghanistan, autobomba a Kabul: morti almeno quattro civili 6689544937 Twtimes 12/15/2009 1:20 AM Suicide Bomb Blast Near Hotel in Kabul: A suicide bomb explosion Tuesday in Afghanistan’s capital damage.. 6689543864 RishiKala 12/15/2009 1:20 AM RT @CBSNews: At least 5 people killed, 31 wounded in suicide bomb attack near Kabul hotel popular with foreigners: 6689533280 ndtvfeed 12/15/2009 1:20 AM Blast in Kabul's diplomatic district 6689530566 shilamae 12/15/2009 1:20 AM RT @CBSNews: At least 5 people killed, 31 wounded in suicide bomb attack near Kabul hotel popular with foreigners: 6689530236 blodicus 12/15/2009 1:20 AM Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast 6689527642 MBDlife786 12/15/2009 1:19 AM AL Jazeera - At least five people have been killed and 31 injured in a suicide bomb attack in Kabul, the Afghan... 6689519042 firearmslawyer 12/15/2009 1:19 AM RT @RightWingTalk: AP NewsAlert: Afghan Public Health Ministry says 5 killed, 31 wounded in Kabul suicide bombing. 6689516196 shatheesmjs 12/15/2009 1:19 AM RT: @googlenews: Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people - BBC News 6689512429 notiziere 12/15/2009 1:18 AM Attacco nel centro di Kabul, almeno 4 morti e 20 feriti 6689503501 rockyouben 12/15/2009 1:18 AM RT @CBSNews: At least 5 people killed, 31 wounded in suicide bomb attack near Kabul hotel popular with foreigners: 6689498862 hudsonand 12/15/2009 1:18 AM Suicide Bomb Blast Near Hotel in Kabul 6689498384 drsarkozy 12/15/2009 1:18 AM Erneut schwerer Anschlag in Kabul. Und kein Ende in Sicht ... 6689497704 Lanette783 12/15/2009 1:18 AM Suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul: KABUL — A suicide bomb explosion Tuesday in Afghanistan's capital d.. 6689495851 RtrsIN_SthAsia 12/15/2009 1:18 AM Blast in Kabul diplomatic district, four killed 6689495413 vattaltimes 12/15/2009 1:18 AM Explosion rocks diplomatic enclave in Kabul : 6689494902 obamamau 12/15/2009 1:17 AM 1 killed in suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul 6689493434 obamamau 12/15/2009 1:17 AM LEAD: Explosion rocks Kabul+ 6689491544 Sue_Murdock 12/15/2009 1:17 AM RT @debsm A suicide bomber has killed up to eight people and wounded 20 others in Afghanistan's Kabul 6689486371 hannedee 12/15/2009 1:17 AM Afghanistan: Autobombenanschlag erschüttert Kabul - FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: oe24.atAfghanistan: Auto... 6689484353 Claudia_Vallejo 12/15/2009 1:17 AM Suicide Bomb Blast Near Hotel in Kabul: A suicide bomb explosion Tuesday in Afghanistan’s .. #hacerfortuna 6689482943 1ecgoinguy 12/15/2009 1:17 AM RT @CBSNews: At least 5 people killed, 31 wounded in suicide bomb attack near Kabul hotel popular with foreigners: 6689481892 basidzenga 12/15/2009 1:17 AM RT @CBSNews: At least 5 people killed, 31 wounded in suicide bomb attack near Kabul hotel popular with foreigners: 6689480806 sajvachhani 12/15/2009 1:17 AM NATO: Top US defense official visits Afghanistan: KABUL — The Pentagon's top military officer visited Afghanistan... 6689479619 ReddingNews 12/15/2009 1:17 AM Redding News Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people - BBC News: CBS NewsKabul suicide bomb.. 6689479444 raissamuel 12/15/2009 1:17 AM Tyap malem udh bdoa smpe keg apaan, ga di kabul"in juga. 6689478479 SBSnews 12/15/2009 1:17 AM A suicide bomber has killed up to eight people and wounded 20 others in Afghanistan's Kabul 6689478547 FreeStuffPages 12/15/2009 1:17 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least one person - BBC News 6689476454 vujatovic 12/15/2009 1:16 AM Afghanistan: Autobombenanschlag erschüttert Kabul: Im Diplomatenviertel Kabuls ist ein schwerer Anschlag verübt w... 6689472565 CosmeticsInfo 12/15/2009 1:16 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least one person - BBC News 6689472232 liliana1280 12/15/2009 1:16 AM Al menos cuatro muertos en un atentado en el centro de Kabul: Al menos cuatro civiles han muerto hoy en la fuerte e... 6689469402 newsfeeding 12/15/2009 1:16 AM Suicide Bomb Blast Near Hotel in Kabul: A suicide bomb explosion Tuesday in Afghanistan’s capital damaged a hotel... 6689464522 vambannews 12/15/2009 1:16 AM Explosion rocks diplomatic enclave in Kabul: 6689458248 CBSnews 12/15/2009 1:15 AM At least 5 people killed, 31 wounded in suicide bomb attack near Kabul hotel popular with foreigners: 6689455826 nrkP3nyheter 12/15/2009 1:15 AM Dører og vinduer blåst ut av den norske ambassaden i Kabul. Ingen ansatte ramma av angrepet: 6689454962 infownr1 12/15/2009 1:15 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least one person - BBC News: CBS NewsKabul suicide bomber kills at least one pers.. 6689455124 Mercypolitics 12/15/2009 1:15 AM Large explosion rocks central Kabul's diplomatic district : 6689454595 schirello 12/15/2009 1:15 AM Suicide Car Bomber Hits Kabul Hotel: Casualties Reported after Vehicle Blows Up Outside Hotel Popular with Fore.. 6689454248 P3Linz 12/15/2009 1:15 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least five people (WARNING some disturbing images) 6689451280 GAMesothelioma 12/15/2009 1:15 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least one person - BBC News 6689447252 mbosnak 12/15/2009 1:15 AM @krasivalekar fetullah gülen nickli sanırım dalga amaçlı ya da şakirtlerden biri hizmet için aldı. ben kabul ettim matrak olsun diye. 6689432148 onyxbook 12/15/2009 1:14 AM OnyxBook writes: 1 killed in suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul (AP) 6689426419 muhdabbas 12/15/2009 1:14 AM Four civilians killed in Kabul blast 6689419013 FuningNews 12/15/2009 1:13 AM KABUL -- Four civilians were killed in a blast that shook the center of the Afghan capital today, a National Security Directorate officer 6689415803 PressTVNews 12/15/2009 1:13 AM Heavy blast in Kabul kills 4, injures 20 6689383443 flackr 12/15/2009 1:11 AM Blast kills 4 in Kabul (via @CBCWorldNews; 9 msgs) 6689376578 kurier_at 12/15/2009 1:11 AM Anschlag in Diplomatenviertel von Kabul- Vor einem Hotel in der afghanischen Hauptstadt ging die Bombe hoch. Ein Se... 6689360377 1stNewsHeds 12/15/2009 1:10 AM CBS News: Suicide Car Bomber Hits Kabul Hotel 6689358567 thijsberman 12/15/2009 1:10 AM Onduidelijke berichten over slachtoffers autobom Kabul. BBC zegt: voorbijgangers. Ondertussen opent Karzai conferentie tegen corruptie... 6689357936 cronaca24 12/15/2009 1:10 AM Afghanistan attentato a Kabul, un morto e 20 feriti 6689357123 Amorous_VI 12/15/2009 1:10 AM Blast in Kabul diplomatic district, four killed: KABUL (Reuters) - At least four civilians were killed on Tuesd.. 6689356217 cronaca24 12/15/2009 1:10 AM Afghanistan Esplosione nel centro di Kabul un morto e 20 feriti 6689348087 soulspirit86 12/15/2009 1:09 AM Kabul - Selbstmordattentat in Regierungsviertel: Anschlag im afghanischen Diplomatenviertel tötet mindestens vi.. 6689342710 flensburgonline 12/15/2009 1:09 AM Selbstmordanschlag in Kabul vor Hotel: 4 Tote: Kabul (dts) – In der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul sind bei einem ... 6689339641 davidmacdougall 12/15/2009 1:09 AM RT @PeterPaulNLT: AP increases #Kabul suicide bombing toll to at least five dead, 31 others wounded, citing the Afghan Public Health Min ... 6689333142 HotNewsNet 12/15/2009 1:08 AM BreakingNews: Update: At least 4 civilians killed in suicide car bombing in Kabul, Afghan security official say.. 6689331081 HotNewsNet 12/15/2009 1:08 AM BreakingNews: Update: Explosion near Kabul's Heetal Hotel shatters windows, but no immediate word on cause or c.. 6689329624 HotNewsNet 12/15/2009 1:08 AM BreakingNews: Large explosion heard in central Kabul, witnesses say - Reuters 6689324970 politicalfun 12/15/2009 1:08 AM Suicide Bomb Blast Near Hotel in Kabul: A suicide bomb explosion Tuesday in Afghanistan’s capital damage.. 6689322263 mommadona 12/15/2009 1:08 AM RT @W7VOA: At least 5 dead, about 30 injured per latest official tally from today's #Kabul blast outside Heetal Hotel. #Afghanistan 6689313073 cool_nature09 12/15/2009 1:07 AM Kabul Blast - News Orleans - 6689309950 livmaritd 12/15/2009 1:07 AM Flere mennesker er drept i Kabul etter selvmordsangrep, men VGs hovedoppslag er at det er skader på den norske ambassebygningen.l 6689298785 sonofmuff 12/15/2009 1:06 AM RT @BreakingNews: Update: At least 4 civilians killed in suicide car bombing in Kabul, Afghan security official says - Reuters 6689297338 NoticiasDirecto 12/15/2009 1:06 AM #LaVanguardia: Al menos cuatro civiles muertos por una fuerte explosión en Kabul #noticias 6689294011 Mytopstory 12/15/2009 1:06 AM ALERT: KABUL UPDATE - 5 killed and 31 wonded after the Heetal Hotel car bombing according to the AP. 6689289590 monikamanchanda 12/15/2009 1:06 AM RT @trailblazr RT @ndtv: Reports: 4 killed in suicide car bomb blast outside a hotel in Kabul 6689285848 peterpaulNLT 12/15/2009 1:05 AM AP increases #Kabul suicide bombing toll to at least five dead, 31 others wounded, citing the Afghan Public Health Ministry. 6689285600 topstoryTF 12/15/2009 1:05 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least one person - BBC News 6689277616 olouvRss 12/15/2009 1:05 AM #news Kabul suicide bomber kills at least one person - BBC News: DAWN.comKabul suicide bomber kills at least one personB 6689271739 globalnn 12/15/2009 1:05 AM RT @BreakingNews: Update: Explosion near Kabul's Heetal Hotel shatters windows, but no immediate word on cause or casualties - AP 6689262731 KURIERat 12/15/2009 1:04 AM Anschlag in Diplomatenviertel von Kabul: Vor einem Hotel in der afghanischen Hauptstadt ging die Bombe hoch. Ei.. 6689262575 DN_mundo 12/15/2009 1:04 AM Diez heridos tras una fuerte explosion en el centro de Kabul... 6689262576 drg_nachrichten 12/15/2009 1:04 AM Schwere Explosion erschüttert Kabul 6689261342 RightWingTalk 12/15/2009 1:04 AM AP NewsAlert: Afghan Public Health Ministry says 5 killed, 31 wounded in Kabul suicide bombing. 6689260536 RightWingTalk 12/15/2009 1:04 AM 1 killed in suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul: Associated Press Writers KABUL A suicide car bomber Tuesday.. 6689259641 TwaddictsRUs 12/15/2009 1:04 AM KABUL (AP) Afghan Public Health Ministry says 5 killed, 31 wounded in Kabul suicide bombing 6689259116 RightWingTalk 12/15/2009 1:04 AM LEAD: Explosion rocks Kabul+: (Kyodo) _ (EDS: UPDATING) A huge explosion rocked a diplomatic district in the Af.. 6689257458 ReddingNews 12/15/2009 1:04 AM Redding News Kabul suicide bomber kills at least one person - BBC News: BBC NewsKabul suicide bombe.. 6689257053 andrecolling 12/15/2009 1:04 AM Another day off, but following KAbul and Baghdad incidents with interest. Sunni extremism seems far from waning. 6689256777 dweleling 12/15/2009 1:04 AM RT @W7VOA: At least 5 dead, about 30 injured per latest official tally from today's #Kabul blast outside Heetal Hotel. #Afghanistan 6689242835 news89 12/15/2009 1:03 AM Afghanistan: Autobombenanschlag erschüttert Kabul: Im Diplomatenviertel Kabuls ist ein schwerer Anschlag verübt w... 6689240890 mzohaib 12/15/2009 1:03 AM Suicide bomb hits Afghan capital: A loud explosion rocks the Afghan capital, Kabul, reports say. 6689240822 sohaibkhan 12/15/2009 1:03 AM Suicide bomb hits Afghan capital: A loud explosion rocks the Afghan capital, Kabul, reports say. 6689225006 spafm 12/15/2009 1:02 AM ^^Kurier Anschlag in Diplomatenviertel von Kabul: Vor einem Hotel in der afghanischen Hauptsta.. ^^Kurier 6689223876 shatheesmjs 12/15/2009 1:02 AM RT: @ndtv: Reports: 4 killed in suicide car bomb blast outside a hotel in Kabul 6689219107 neffs_de 12/15/2009 1:02 AM Kabul: Vier Menschen sterben bei Selbstmordanschlag 6689215919 wehrmeijer 12/15/2009 1:02 AM Autobom in kabul.. Ik verstond atoombom op t journaal 6689214797 nyhetr 12/15/2009 1:02 AM Norsk ambassade i Kabul rammet av bombeangrep. 6689209159 roadtotom 12/15/2009 1:01 AM Brekend: Zware explosie op 1 km, tijdens vergadering met EU-diplomaten, Kabul is grimming. (via @thijsberman) 6689208217 value4biz 12/15/2009 1:01 AM FAZ Afghanistan: Autobombenanschlag erschüttert Kabul: Im Diplomatenviertel Kabuls ist ein schwerer Anschlag.. 6689207446 TV2Fredrik 12/15/2009 1:01 AM Bombe rett ved den norske ambassaden i Kabul. Flere ruter blåst inn i ambassadebygningen. 6689201550 3 12/15/2009 1:01 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least one person - BBC News 6689200187 meylis89 12/15/2009 1:01 AM RT @AJEnglish: Large blast rocks Afghan capital: Explosion in Kabul comes as Afghan president prepares to hold anti-corruption.. http:// ... 6689189716 ArildKaiErland 12/15/2009 1:00 AM Det er store ødeleggelser på den norske ambassaden i Kabul. TV 2 Nyhetskanalen holder deg oppdatert! 6689180168 ovanrijswijk 12/15/2009 1:00 AM Breaking: RT @thijsberman Zware explosie op 1 km, tijdens vergadering met EU-diplomaten, Kabul is grimming. 6689177724 BongNews 12/15/2009 1:00 AM RT @abcnews: Kabul blast kills four. 6689172481 kickinghorse892 12/15/2009 12:59 AM Suicide blast rocks Afghan capital: Attack in Kabul comes as Afghan president prepares to hold anti-corr... @AJEnglish 6689172157 rationalreview 12/15/2009 12:59 AM Afghanistan: Four civilians killed in Kabul blast 6689169912 tittoantony 12/15/2009 12:59 AM Holy shit dont tell me it is Hotel serena again @ndtv Reports: 4 killed in suicide car bomb blast outside a hotel in Kabul 6689166588 W7VOA 12/15/2009 12:59 AM At least 5 dead, about 30 injured per latest official tally from today's #Kabul blast outside Heetal Hotel. #Afghanistan 6689162895 Mrinal_01 12/15/2009 12:59 AM RT @ndtv: Reports: 4 killed in suicide car bomb blast outside a hotel in Kabul 6689157832 inewsroom 12/15/2009 12:59 AM Afghan Public Health Ministry says 5 killed, 31 wounded in Kabul suicide bombing. [AP #news] 6689149142 USAbreaking 12/15/2009 12:58 AM global: Blast in Kabul diplomatic district, four killed: KABUL (Reuters) - At least.. [Reuters] #worldnews 6689134750 Donna4843 12/15/2009 12:57 AM RT @W7VOA So far Lynne O'Donnell of AFP has best scene description of WAK district suicide bombing in #Kabul. #Afghanistan 6689133040 ndtv 12/15/2009 12:57 AM Reports: 4 killed in suicide car bomb blast outside a hotel in Kabul 6689131455 NeueMitte 12/15/2009 12:57 AM Tote im Diplomatenviertel: Schwerer Anschlag in Kabul 6689122429 karolineProctor 12/15/2009 12:57 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least one person - BBC News: DAWN.comKabul suicide bomber kills at least one pers.. 6689118117 mommadona 12/15/2009 12:56 AM RT @W7VOA: So far Lynne O'Donnell of AFP has best scene description of WAK district suicide bombing in #Kabul. #Afghanistan 6689104109 rva_sa 12/15/2009 12:56 AM @mlq3 Good to know it's a freak accident. Creepy how pics echo car bombs of Baghdad and Kabul 6689102044 fbbenhurr 12/15/2009 12:55 AM CBS: Suicide Car Bomber Hits Kabul Hotel: Casualties Reported after Vehicle Blows Up Outside Hotel Popular with For... 6689100461 Dotix 12/15/2009 12:55 AM Doa lo ngga bakal kabul RT @idholicious:RT ya allah hujankek.ayoohujan turunn.yg deras.piss.!Cuci mobil,,smoga ngga hujan hr ini! 6689098600 peterpaulNLT 12/15/2009 12:55 AM UPDATE -- At least three dead, 14 wounded following #Baghdad blasts. In #Kabul, at least four people were killed after suicide bombing. 6689094412 nrkP3nyheter 12/15/2009 12:55 AM Store skader på den norske ambassaden i Kabul i et bombeangrep i dag tidlig, melder Ingen personer blei skada. 6689092707 fastfeednews 12/15/2009 12:55 AM Schwere Explosion im Diplomatenviertel von Kabul: Eine schwere Explosion hat am Morgen das Diplomatenvierte.. 6689091942 Volnhar 12/15/2009 12:55 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least one person - BBC News 6689082767 postyournews 12/15/2009 12:54 AM Kabul suicide bomber kills at least one person - BBC News: DAWN.comKabul suicide bomber kills at least one pers.. 6689075821 brechtje 12/15/2009 12:54 AM RT @thijsberman: Overal politie, maar straten Kabul nog even vol mensen, marktstalletjes. 6689071109 tv2nyhetene 12/15/2009 12:54 AM Den norske ambassaden i Kabul fikk store skader i et bombeangrep tirsdag morgen. 6689064139 YoNews 12/15/2009 12:53 AM Suicide Car Bomber Hits Kabul Hotel - CBS News 6689057105 tok_top 12/15/2009 12:53 AM Large Explosion Hits Near Hotel in Kabul 6689055036 plee12 12/15/2009 12:53 AM Suicide Bomb Blast Near Hotel in Kabul #Hyuge #news 6689050812 thijsberman 12/15/2009 12:53 AM Overal politie, maar straten Kabul nog even vol mensen, marktstalletjes. 6689044992 W7VOA 12/15/2009 12:52 AM So far Lynne O'Donnell of AFP has best scene description of WAK district suicide bombing in #Kabul. #Afghanistan 6689043134 thijsberman 12/15/2009 12:52 AM Eerste vergadering met EU ambassadeurs in Kabul onderbroken door zware autobom op 1 km; medewerker Massoud dood. Witte rook boven stad. 6689038621 MidEastNews 12/15/2009 12:52 AM [Middle East News] Four civilians killed in Kabul blast 6689038645 ynetnewscom 12/15/2009 12:52 AM Four civilians killed in Kabul blast: 6689038647 ynetnews 12/15/2009 12:52 AM #israel Four civilians killed in Kabul blast: 6689034831 televideorai 12/15/2009 12:52 AM [dal mondo] KABUL, ATTENTATO: 4 MORTI E 20 FERITI view.jsp?id=664883&p=150 6689034292 Europa_Press 12/15/2009 12:52 AM Internacional: Al menos cuatro civiles mueren tras la explosión de un coche bomba junto a un hotel de Kabul: KABUL,... 6689033450 inewsroom 12/15/2009 12:52 AM Large explosion heard in center of Kabul. [AP #news] 6689026933 szahab23 12/15/2009 12:51 AM RT @nytimesworld: Suicide Bomb Blast Near Hotel in Kabul 6689024596 Mrityunjoykjha 12/15/2009 12:51 AM Blast in Kabul diplomatic district, four killed 6689023878 biobio 12/15/2009 12:51 AM AMPLIAMOS: Un muerto y 20 heridos deja atentado cerca de hotel en Kabul 6689023238 GibertPascal 12/15/2009 12:51 AM #Noticias: Al menos cuatro muertos en un atentado en el centro de Kabul: @el_pais 6689016187 abcnews 12/15/2009 12:51 AM Kabul blast kills four. 6689015270 RZTicker 12/15/2009 12:51 AM Kabul : Autobombenanschlag erschüttert Kabul 6689013841 SAMAA_TV 12/15/2009 12:50 AM Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast. Read details on SAMAA's website. 6689002755 USAbreaking 12/15/2009 12:50 AM global: AFGHANISTAN: Large explosion rocks central Kabul's diplomatic district: A l.. [France24]#worldnews 6688999007 urbannewsafrica 12/15/2009 12:50 AM Suicide Bomb Blast Near Hotel in Kabul: A suicide bomb explosion Tuesday in Afghanistan’s capital damage.. 6688998466 tok_world 12/15/2009 12:50 AM Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast 6688980850 ChangeThruInfo 12/15/2009 12:49 AM At Least Four Civilians Killed In Kabul Suicide Blast 6688971535 KJBar 12/15/2009 12:48 AM The large blast in Kabul's main diplomatic area has killed at least four civilians.. 6688956607 Tbtall 12/15/2009 12:47 AM Suicide bomber in Kabul Afganistan disappointed when 70 virgins didn't show up after the bang. #tcot 6688953920 bobertbot 12/15/2009 12:47 AM #news Large Explosion Hits Near Hotel in Kabul - A large explosion hit in the vicinity of a hotel in Kabul that is ... 6688940882 flowfromtheknow 12/15/2009 12:46 AM Large Explosion Hits Near Hotel in Kabul - A large explosion hit in the vicinity of a hotel in Kabul that is freque... 6688937395 LCdoes 12/15/2009 12:46 AM Im confused. How is it 11:14am in Kabul but 1244 am here? Shouldnt it be 1144am there?! I thought time diffs were only in increments of hrs? 6688929937 fjnoticias 12/15/2009 12:46 AM Violenta explosión se deja sentir en el centro de Kabul: Una violenta explosión sacudió el martes en la mañana el centro 6688928696 doctorruiz 12/15/2009 12:46 AM Al menos cuatro muertos en un atentado en el centro de Kabul: Al menos cuatro civiles han muerto hoy en la fuer.. 6688907187 doruman_ 12/15/2009 12:45 AM BBC #news Loud explosion in Afghan capital - A loud explosion rocks the Afghan capital, Kabul, reports say. 6688905314 Peogle 12/15/2009 12:44 AM - Loud explosion in Afghan capital - A loud explosion is heard in the Afghan capital, Kabul, re... 6688897383 ihanlu 12/15/2009 12:44 AM ABC: Suicide Bomb Blast Near Hotel in Kabul: Suicide bomb explosion near hotel in Kabul Kabul - 6688896910 trapsreport 12/15/2009 12:44 AM Suicide bomber strikes upmarket district of Kabul 6688897073 IndyaNews 12/15/2009 12:44 AM Explosion rocks a hotel near Kabul #News 6688880430 generalnew 12/15/2009 12:43 AM Suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul 6688869458 ellisnancy22 12/15/2009 12:43 AM Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast (Reuters) - Reuters - A large explosion rocked Kabul's main diplomatic ... 6688869077 heilhenry 12/15/2009 12:43 AM Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast (Reuters) - Reuters - A large explosion rocked Kabul's main diplomatic ... 6688869256 mariahelen10 12/15/2009 12:43 AM Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast (Reuters) - Reuters - A large explosion rocked Kabul's main diplomatic ... 6688869359 susanlali 12/15/2009 12:43 AM Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast (Reuters) - Reuters - A large explosion rocked Kabul's main diplomatic ... 6688868974 nancyreiner00 12/15/2009 12:42 AM Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast (Reuters) - Reuters - A large explosion rocked Kabul's main diplomatic ... 6688868569 jessicascheer00 12/15/2009 12:42 AM Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast (Reuters) - Reuters - A large explosion rocked Kabul's main diplomatic ... 6688868667 sarahkruse 12/15/2009 12:42 AM Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast (Reuters) - Reuters - A large explosion rocked Kabul's main diplomatic ... 6688868758 bettyklein02 12/15/2009 12:42 AM Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast (Reuters) - Reuters - A large explosion rocked Kabul's main diplomatic ... 6688868287 bonitareiner 12/15/2009 12:42 AM Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast (Reuters) - Reuters - A large explosion rocked Kabul's main diplomatic ... 6688868386 melissakrupp07 12/15/2009 12:42 AM Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast (Reuters) - Reuters - A large explosion rocked Kabul's main diplomatic ... 6688868469 angelalewis45 12/15/2009 12:42 AM Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast (Reuters) - Reuters - A large explosion rocked Kabul's main diplomatic ... 6688851578 OR_Ausland 12/15/2009 12:42 AM Kabul: Vier Tote nach Selbstmordanschlag - #Nachrichten #Ausland 6688851113 reuters_de 12/15/2009 12:42 AM Vier Tote bei Anschlag in Diplomatenviertel von Kabul 6688848243 _Internacional 12/15/2009 12:41 AM #Internacional 4 muertos en una fuerte explosión en Kabul 6688844681 rtsradio 12/15/2009 12:41 AM Top US officer: Taliban harder to defeat - KABUL (AP) -- The top U.S. military officer said the Taliban-led ins... 6688844478 rtsradio 12/15/2009 12:41 AM Large Explosion Hits Near Hotel in Kabul - A large explosion hit in the vicinity of a hotel in Kabul that is freque... 6688837821 jakpost 12/15/2009 12:41 AM Latest: Suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul | 6688833921 JoJoTravel 12/15/2009 12:41 AM Loud explosion in Afghan capital - A loud explosion is heard in the Afghan capital, Kabul, repor... 6688814121 al_qaeda_news 12/15/2009 12:40 AM From the donkey's mouth: A loud explosion rocks land of God Afghan capital, bah!, so called capital Kabul, bah!, repo... 6688805256 nytimesworld 12/15/2009 12:39 AM Suicide Bomb Blast Near Hotel in Kabul 6688801312 hostgatorcodes 12/15/2009 12:39 AM Four Civilians Killed In Kabul Blast - 6688795964 france24_en 12/15/2009 12:39 AM AFGHANISTAN: Large explosion rocks central Kabul's diplomatic district 6688788512 salivates 12/15/2009 12:38 AM Blast rocks diplomatic enclave in Afghan capital: KABUL - A massive explosion rocked the diplomatic enclave of .. 6688786608 Mytopstory 12/15/2009 12:38 AM ALERT: 4 dead after car bomb in kabul.. 4 dead after 3 car bombs explode in Baghdad's green zone.. At least 4 bodies found dead in CA. Home. 6688781905 felixkuehn 12/15/2009 12:38 AM RT @W7VOA: Kabul authorities confirm 4 dead, thrs injured in suicide car bombing outside Heetal Hotel in upscale WAK district. #Afghanistan 6688770712 el_pais 12/15/2009 12:37 AM Al menos cuatro muertos en un atentado en el centro de Kabul: Al menos cuatro civiles han muerto hoy en la fuer.. 6688769697 asianotes 12/15/2009 12:37 AM #asia #news Loud explosion in Afghan capital - A loud explosion is heard in the Afghan capital, Kabul, reports say... 6688760454 sjsturkie 12/15/2009 12:37 AM @foxnews: Large Explosion Hits Near Hotel in Kabul - A large explosion hit in the vicinity of a hotel in Kabul that... 6688758649 januox 12/15/2009 12:37 AM [Latest Headlines]: Loud explosion in Afghan capital - A loud explosion is heard in the Afghan capital, Kabul, rep... 6688752453 20min_ch 12/15/2009 12:36 AM Afghanistan: Selbstmordanschlag auf Hotel in Kabul: Ein Selbstmordattentäter hat bei einem Angriff auf ein von Aus... 6688739832 reuters_de 12/15/2009 12:36 AM Vier Tote bei Anschlag in Diplomatenviertel von Kabul 6688738778 knr_tek 12/15/2009 12:36 AM BBC News Update Loud explosion in Afghan capital - A loud explosion rocks the Afghan capital, Kabul, reports say. 6688732065 IndiaNews247 12/15/2009 12:35 AM Large blast rocks Afghan capital: Explosion in Kabul comes as Afghan president prepares to hold anti-corruption.. 6688720736 20minNews 12/15/2009 12:35 AM News: Afghanistan: Selbstmordanschlag auf Hotel in Kabul Fetched at: 2009-12-15 07:33:01 6688717204 Indonesiasource 12/15/2009 12:34 AM Suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul: A suicide bomb explosion Tuesday in Afghanistan's capital damaged a hot.. 6688709860 literago 12/15/2009 12:34 AM Schwere Explosion im Diplomatenviertel von Kabul: 6688707691 newsmandu 12/15/2009 12:34 AM TheHimalayanTimes - Suicide bomb blast in Kabul 6688704923 gaurrav 12/15/2009 12:34 AM Blast in Kabul. 6688688365 cronaca24 12/15/2009 12:33 AM Afghanistan Avvertita violenta esplosione nel centro di Kabul 6688667457 Mercypolitics 12/15/2009 12:32 AM RT @Fingertipnews: BBC: Loud explosion in Afghan capital - A loud explosion is heard in the Afghan capital, Kabul, reports say. http:// ... 6688659953 Mercypolitics 12/15/2009 12:31 AM RT @Fingertipnews: Reuters Intl: Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast 6688649260 IndiaNews247 12/15/2009 12:31 AM Loud explosion in Afghan capital: A loud explosion rocks the Afghan capital, Kabul, reports say. 6688644893 fingertipnews 12/15/2009 12:31 AM BBC: Loud explosion in Afghan capital - A loud explosion is heard in the Afghan capital, Kabul, reports say. 6688645045 fingertipnews 12/15/2009 12:31 AM Reuters Intl: Kabul diplomatic district hit by blast 6688643647 vtn_breakingnew 12/15/2009 12:30 AM News Videos - Mullen in Kabul 6688641129 NaheedMustafa 12/15/2009 12:30 AM RT @W7VOA: Kabul authorities confirm 4 dead, others injured in suicide car bombing outside Heetal Hotel in upscale WAK district. #Afghan ... 6688636444 courtneymalloy1 12/15/2009 12:30 AM Large explosion near hotel in Kabul: KABUL — A large explosion hit in the vicinity of a hotel in Kabul that is .. 6688628062 hot_world_news 12/15/2009 12:30 AM Large Explosion Hits Near Hotel in Kabul 6688625963 The_Hot_News 12/15/2009 12:30 AM Large Explosion Hits Near Hotel in Kabul 6688599067 jeanvalejean 12/15/2009 12:28 AM #news Loud explosion in Afghan capital - A loud explosion is heard in the Afghan capital, Kabul, reports say. 6688598835 ROAD2SUCCESS 12/15/2009 12:28 AM #news Loud explosion in Afghan capital - A loud explosion is heard in the Afghan capital, Kabul, reports say. 6688594440 WaseemMansour 12/15/2009 12:28 AM Large blast rocks Afghan capital: Explosion in Kabul comes as Afghan president prepares to hold anti-corruption.. 6688581303 couriermail 12/15/2009 12:27 AM Loud blast rocks Kabul 6688570484 inayet 12/15/2009 12:27 AM RT @ahmadshuja: #Taliban accept responsibility for #Kabul blast, clarifying that target was Burhanuddin Rabbani, not Zia Massoud. 6688567289 globalnewsprjct 12/15/2009 12:27 AM Suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul (AP) ( 6688566764 Lanette783 12/15/2009 12:27 AM Large explosion near hotel in Kabul: KABUL — A large explosion hit in the vicinity of a hotel in Kabul that is .. 6688546677 thinkpeacemedia 12/15/2009 12:26 AM news Update Loud explosion in Afghan capital - A loud explosion rocks the Afghan capital, Kabul, reports say. 6688536115 davidmacdougall 12/15/2009 12:25 AM @PeterPaulNLT Last time i stayed there it felt as safe as anywhere in Kabul, that is to say, not particularly a reassuring place to stay!! 6688534208 bbc24 12/15/2009 12:25 AM A loud explosion rocks the Afghan capital, Kabul, reports say. 6688533406 EdwardRSmith 12/15/2009 12:25 AM Suicide bomber attacks hotel in Kabul. #tcot #oef 6688532346 RightWingTalk 12/15/2009 12:25 AM Explosion rocks Kabul+: (Kyodo) _ A huge explosion rocked a diplomatic district in the Afghan capital Kabul dur.. 6688530663 ganeshpuri89 12/15/2009 12:25 AM RT @ahmadshuja: #Taliban accept responsibility for #Kabul blast, clarifying that target was Burhanuddin Rabbani, not Zia Massoud. 6688529640 newsherd 12/15/2009 12:25 AM Large Explosion Hits Near Hotel in Kabul 6688529513 BlatchsJacket 12/15/2009 12:25 AM Large Explosion Hits Near Hotel in Kabul 6688527170 Talkoholic 12/15/2009 12:25 AM RT @iDeskCNN: Hearing multiple local Afghan Media reports that the target of the blast in Kabul today near the Heetal was Ahmad Zia Mass ... 6688501404 kytotz 12/15/2009 12:23 AM bagdad, kabul when will this insanity end?? 6688499058 NoticiasDirecto 12/15/2009 12:23 AM #LaVanguardia: Al menos cuatro muertos por una fuerte explosión en Kabul #noticias 6688482174 reuterskl 12/15/2009 12:22 AM Four civilians killed in Kabul blast: KABUL (Reuters) - Four civilians were killed in a blast that shook the centre... 6688479487 Newsxchng 12/15/2009 12:22 AM Loud explosion in Afghan capital - A loud explosion rocks the Afghan capital, Kabul, reports say. 6688477452 entrepreneur156 12/15/2009 12:22 AM RT @BreakingNews: Update: At least 4 civilians killed in suicide car bombing in Kabul, Afghan security official says - Reuters 6688476261 AmyJones76 12/15/2009 12:22 AM bbcworld: A loud explosion is heard in the Afghan capital, Kabul, reports say. 6688474103 FreeBEEz 12/15/2009 12:22 AM Explosion in Kabul comes as Afghan president prepares to hold anti-corruption.. RT @AJEnglish 6688472919 obamascare 12/15/2009 12:22 AM Suicide bomb explosion near hotel in Kabul #tcot #military 6688451027 reuters_de 12/15/2009 12:21 AM Schwere Explosion in Regierungsviertel von Kabul 6688449867 reuters_de 12/15/2009 12:21 AM Schwere Explosion in Regierungsviertel von Kabul 6688449311 changetimes 12/15/2009 12:21 AM RT @AJEnglish: Large blast rocks Afghan capital: Explosion in Kabul comes as Afghan president prepares to hold anti-corruption.. http:// ... 6688426807 peterpaulNLT 12/15/2009 12:19 AM Afghan bombing occurred near Heetal Hotel in #Kabul. 6688425219 I_Arnaud 12/15/2009 12:19 AM RT @BreakingNews: Large explosion heard in central Kabul, witnesses say - Reuters 6688421769 SATZen 12/15/2009 12:19 AM Suicide bomb blast near hotel in Kabul (AP) 6688421119 SATZen 12/15/2009 12:19 AM Blast at hotel in Kabul diplomatic district (Reuters) 6688421135 LeJeudi 12/15/2009 12:19 AM Blast at hotel in Kabul diplomatic district (Reuters): Reuters - At least four civilians were killed on Tuesda... 6649507098 EconPop 12/13/2009 9:03 PM Banks kept afloat by drug money: The mayor of Kabul was back at his desk the day after was sentenced to four years... 6649254497 jennyumboh 12/13/2009 8:54 PM wkwkwk RT @thancc: #twit10tahunlagi alhamdulilah baca ijap kabul nya lancar wakakak 6648729604 drbillasu 12/13/2009 8:36 PM RT @brianstelter: Was auer's trip to Kabul designed to upstage Sawyer's last week on morning TV? Actually, no. NYT: 6648616039 brianstelter 12/13/2009 8:32 PM Was Matt Lauer's trip to Kabul designed to upstage Diane Sawyer's last week on morning TV? Actually, no. NYT: 6647934052 arrahmah 12/13/2009 8:09 PM AS Memiliterisasi Bantuan Internasional Untuk Afghanistan - Berita: KABUL ( - Sejumlah LSM internasion... 6647934065 divakaram 12/13/2009 8:09 PM Kabul mayor steps down after graft conviction 6647437268 NaheedMustafa 12/13/2009 7:52 PM I met Miles in Kabul just before his brother deployed to Helmand. He's written about his brother's massive injuries. Here's a follow up. 6647379834 truebusiness 12/13/2009 7:50 PM A Surprise ?Today? Show Trip to Kabul, With Curious Timing #business 6647207345 steveshoots 12/13/2009 7:44 PM Short trip to NYC this week. Test and pack equipment to ship to Kabul. NY bureau will be home for a few days. Columbus Circle address. 6646787946 TantaoNews 12/13/2009 7:29 PM Former Afghan Army Officers Demonstrate for Perks: KABUL, Dec. 13, 2009 (Xinhua) — Afghan former army off.. 6646633881 MaddieDiMuccio 12/13/2009 7:24 PM On 9/11:illegal for this girl to have her photo taken. Life in Kabul after Taliban. Support war effort. #roft 6646631743 economyinfo 12/13/2009 7:24 PM A Surprise ?Today? Show Trip to Kabul, With Curious Timing #economy 6646423251 publiccomm 12/13/2009 7:17 PM A Surprise ‘Today’ Show Trip to Kabul, With Curious Timing: The trip may have seemed like a stunt to blunt rati.. 6646323899 saana_allie 12/13/2009 7:13 PM RT @AfPakChannel: Deputy mayor of Kabul arrested, just like his boss 6645773019 Claudia_Vallejo 12/13/2009 6:53 PM A Surprise ‘Today’ Show Trip to Kabul, With Curious Timing: The trip may have seeme.. #hacerfortuna 6645695732 Claudia_Vallejo 12/13/2009 6:50 PM A Surprise ‘Today’ Show Trip to Kabul, With Curious Timing: The trip may have seeme.. #hacerfortuna 6645567740 pr_ny_times 12/13/2009 6:46 PM Op-Ed Columnist: Going Naked in Kabul #postrank #ny_times 6645418527 myleadjungle 12/13/2009 6:40 PM A Surprise ‘Today’ Show Trip to Kabul, With Curious Timing The trip may have seemed like a stunt to blunt ratings.. 6645391673 newsfeeding 12/13/2009 6:39 PM A Surprise ‘Today’ Show Trip to Kabul, With Curious Timing: The trip may have seemed like a stunt to blunt rati... 6645375688 AfPakChannel 12/13/2009 6:39 PM RT @nytimesworld: A Surprise ‘Today’ Show Trip to Kabul, With Curious Timing 6645371513 fingertipnews 12/13/2009 6:38 PM NYTimesworld: A Surprise ‘Today’ Show Trip to Kabul, With Curious Timing 6645368500 ComicBookdotcom 12/13/2009 6:38 PM French comic book artist Nicolas Wild visits Kabul and discovers a different ...: In February 2005, Nicolas Wild, 3... 6645306779 nytimesworld 12/13/2009 6:36 PM A Surprise ‘Today’ Show Trip to Kabul, With Curious Timing 6645137517 AfPakChannel 12/13/2009 6:30 PM Deputy mayor of Kabul arrested, just like his boss 6644962373 myleadjungle 12/13/2009 6:23 PM A Surprise ‘Today’ Show Trip to Kabul, With Curious Timing: The trip may have seemed like a stunt 6644888440 NYTimesAd 12/13/2009 6:20 PM A Surprise ‘Today’ Show Trip to Kabul, With Curious Timing 6644826533 YuceK 12/13/2009 6:18 PM Itin duası kabul olsa gokten kemik yağardı 6644684974 nytimesbusiness 12/13/2009 6:13 PM A Surprise ‘Today’ Show Trip to Kabul, With Curious Timing 6644680166 CorporateHQ 12/13/2009 6:13 PM A Surprise ‘Today’ Show Trip to Kabul, With Curious Timing #CorporateHQ 6644565128 teletekst 12/13/2009 6:09 PM Burgemeester Kabul negeert vonnis 6644538344 teletekst 12/13/2009 6:08 PM Burgemeester Kabul negeert vonnis 6644512135 teletekst 12/13/2009 6:07 PM Burgemeester Kabul negeert vonnis 6644484898 teletekst 12/13/2009 6:06 PM Burgemeester Kabul negeert vonnis 6644457391 teletekst 12/13/2009 6:05 PM Burgemeester Kabul negeert vonnis 6644431870 teletekst 12/13/2009 6:04 PM Burgemeester Kabul negeert vonnis 6644313926 rovybranon 12/13/2009 5:59 PM Chilly walk down State St. to Kabul for dinner with Curt Bonk and Michael Thomas. 6644272310 craighooper 12/13/2009 5:58 PM Here are the 3 cities, that I've never been to, that I'd least like to live in (in order): Whistler BC, Kabul, Houston TX. TV taught me. 6643872244 RightWingTalk 12/13/2009 5:43 PM Karzai: We Need 15-20 More Years: At a joint press conference Tuesday at the presidential palace in Kabul, Hami.. 6643820493 chirimirim 12/13/2009 5:41 PM @AKistanbul salkım soyadını yapıştırmadan kabul et hahah 6643462355 shannynmoore 12/13/2009 5:27 PM RT @Shoq: Kabul Got Run Over By The Rangers #BushCheneyXmasCarols #p2 6643417841 Shoq 12/13/2009 5:26 PM Kabul Got Run Over By The Rangers #BushCheneyXmasCarols #p2 6643356966 Umyrina 12/13/2009 5:23 PM Gordon Brown : Beberapa Bulan Ke Depan Adalah Saat-saat Kritis: KABUL ( - Gordon Brown, Perdana Me.. 6643303858 EmreAydnlk 12/13/2009 5:21 PM hadi la kabul et laa :D 6642753355 durden38 12/13/2009 5:01 PM Türk Edebiyatı'nın klasikleri denen bazı eserlerin "boktan" olduğunu ne zaman kabul edeceğiz merak etmekteyim. 6642721502 zweitansage 12/13/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6642707829 idilonen_ 12/13/2009 4:59 PM @cannalbantoglu kabul edildii! 6642222556 Aby_Ummy 12/13/2009 4:41 PM Gordon Brown : Beberapa Bulan Ke Depan Adalah Saat-saat Kritis - Berita: KABUL ( - Gordon Brown, P.. 6642193319 fashionbysiu 12/13/2009 4:40 PM @RenginTekin Yeşilköy cnm ama köpek kabul edecek :) 6642005760 mnostg 12/13/2009 4:33 PM Und nächstes jahr neu im TV. "Lustiges Organe raten" Live aus Kabul! (Das Blut wird natürlich digital Grün gefärbt) 6641904024 CenterdinSEA 12/13/2009 4:29 PM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $2 with promo code: SHARE #seattle 6641315131 adamadamson 12/13/2009 4:07 PM @gizem_ozdilli Bence kabul etmelisin, ne de olsa o sahneler sanat icin :))) 6641126052 zweitansage 12/13/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6640646353 loonelyman 12/13/2009 3:41 PM melik ark isteğini kabul edermisin?? 6640604736 mim_aleko 12/13/2009 3:40 PM @gizem_ozdilli bence kabul et. Podyumlarda senı goremıyoruz artık endamını unuttuk.Hatırlatırsın 6640549290 armygirlnay 12/13/2009 3:38 PM RT @publicrelations: ♥♥♥ ♥ #militarymon in kabul.... 6640512545 publicrelations 12/13/2009 3:36 PM ♥♥♥ ♥ #militarymon in kabul.... 6640201232 nursenbayar 12/13/2009 3:25 PM sütlü çorba ocağa kondu, tam bi tencere olcak o, mükemmel çorbamı içmek isteyen misafirleri kabul ediorum bulaşıkları yıkaması karşılıında:) 6639941285 gizemkaymakoglu 12/13/2009 3:16 PM Yalnız twitterda hikaye yazma olayı hakkaten olmamış onu kabul ediyorum :)) re: 6639926701 gizemkaymakoglu 12/13/2009 3:16 PM @dinc Filmin ilk yarısı biraz sıkıcıydı kabul ama lütfen yapmalık da değildi ya :) 6639926768 thevinca 12/13/2009 3:16 PM deri alti dovme haramdir, ama abdest kabul edilir, tovbe edin kabul olur dedi hoca.. Eee dovme mesru gibi bisi oldu, 1bardak raki icmek gibi 6639444881 zweitansage 12/13/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6639363141 ebrutastan 12/13/2009 2:57 PM @berrinizer bu haftaki konuğumuz sensin berrinnnn:)))) tabi kabul edersen??? 6639067234 burak_sahin 12/13/2009 2:46 PM @ybsucsuz şampiyona da gönüllü olarak çalışmaya kabul edildim .) 6638974428 nursenbayar 12/13/2009 2:43 PM yeni fotomu kabul etmii tivitır:) "bu ne lan böle çok büyük bu, git ufalt öle gel" tepkisini verdi hatta, üzdü beni tabi:) 6638927588 comicbookfile 12/13/2009 2:41 PM French comic book artist Nicolas Wild visits Kabul and discovers a different ... 6638917377 PialiRoy 12/13/2009 2:41 PM RT @W7VOA: RT @RFE_RLNEWS: Kabul Mayor Resigns #Afghanistan 6638728470 EnginKorkmaz 12/13/2009 2:34 PM @renewatio Allah kabul etsin :) 6638519728 glsnkkaya 12/13/2009 2:27 PM @ecevahapoglu belki sizi kabul eder, dünya medyasında ün kazanırsınız, körün istediği bir göz ;)) 6637763538 zweitansage 12/13/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6637677399 TOIWorldNews 12/13/2009 1:56 PM Taliban turn Afghans against ruling class: Taliban insurgents who have infiltrated Kabul are nailing "night... 6636778246 kat021zen 12/13/2009 1:22 PM Yes, Sen. Warner, they still eat French fries in Kabul, because the French are helping to rebuild Afghanistan. June 17, 2003 6636550753 nursenbayar 12/13/2009 1:13 PM @ayidanbozma ben zaten ilk sınava girmedim raporu kabul etmemiş hoca sanırım 0 görünüo ilk notum:) zaten mke-up.larda zor oluo. 6636367870 noticia24 12/13/2009 1:06 PM Detenido por corrupción un adjunto del alcalde de Kabul 6636287597 siirimsi 12/13/2009 1:03 PM ama cevap güzeldi.. kabul etmek lazım 6635651123 yurtsan 12/13/2009 12:38 PM @balemdar Dilin şeklini bozmaya kalkışabilmeniz için önce dildeki yetkinliğinizi ispat etmeniz ve önemli bir kitleye kabul ettirmeniz gerek 6635539372 tg_buitenland 12/13/2009 12:34 PM Corruptie nekt burgemeester Kabul 6635344731 yuksekokceden 12/13/2009 12:26 PM @ceyhunasik Alman Hastanesi yapıyorum dedi. Bizimkisi [Acıbadem] acilden 24 saat hasta kabul edip, kültür alıyormuş.. 6635157650 ezzggi 12/13/2009 12:19 PM @sirokko haahhaa...bu arada annem heyecanla telefonun yapıldı mı sorusunu sorup duruo,aradığında konuşabileceğini kabul etmek istemio:) 6635049613 telegraaf_buite 12/13/2009 12:15 PM Telegraaf [18:39] Corruptie nekt burgemeester Kabul 6634702528 yusufucuz 12/13/2009 12:01 PM ece vahapoğlunun rezil oluşundan sonraki açıklamaları ne kadar da basit. rezil oldun işte kabul et. 5 dil biliyorum demek kolay ... 6634663556 zweitansage 12/13/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6634326846 karo555 12/13/2009 11:46 AM @yasarisgorenler kabul edemem.maalesef.:)) 6634309927 yasarisgorenler 12/13/2009 11:45 AM @karo555 samsun a da geldim,o meshur çiftliğinizde de gezdim.ama yok izmir gibisi yok.izmirli gibisi de yok kabul etmek lazım.. 6634265901 imagesofone 12/13/2009 11:43 AM UPI newstrack topnews: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 13 (UPI) -- Prime Minister Gordon Brown paid a surprise overnight... 6634161760 dailybedlam 12/13/2009 11:39 AM So you want me to #pickone for my next holiday between Baghdad and Kabul? Can I ask my dysfunctional Uncle at the Pentagon before I decide? 6634055210 tolgalenk 12/13/2009 11:35 AM @JT__81 Hayır, kabul etmedi, sadece yanağından öptüğü için Rihanna'ya tşk ettim (: 6634028963 JT__81 12/13/2009 11:34 AM @TolgaLenk kabul mu etti yoksa rihanna 6633922007 volkanyildirimm 12/13/2009 11:29 AM @onur_akkoyun kanka kabul et sende beni...hoş geldim saldırayım :))) 6633418501 AtiaAbawi 12/13/2009 11:08 AM @fpleitgenCNN only u would be able to find a real xmas tree in Kabul. Now I hope u r working on the real presents to place under ;) hehe 6633370404 kahramani 12/13/2009 11:06 AM "intikam soğuk yenen bir yemektir" kabul ediyorum cool bir cümle fakat sırrına vakıf olamadım bir türlü.. neden soğuk durduk yere.. 6633338872 mikelayestaran 12/13/2009 11:05 AM I uploaded a YouTube video -- El tesoro de Kabul 6633284675 nbsimsek 12/13/2009 11:03 AM sevgili kurul; raporumu kabul etmeyip hukuk fakültesi hayallerimi şimdiden mahvettiğin için teşekkür ederim!!! 6633206847 zweitansage 12/13/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6633195871 BetteDam 12/13/2009 10:59 AM RT @W7VOA: RT @RFE_RLNEWS: Kabul Mayor Resigns #Afghanistan 6633024518 borabalci 12/13/2009 10:52 AM @duyguycl ahh hmn kabul edemycm hayatmm cunku 29 n da inicm los angeles a 30 n da yola cıkıorm yılbası icn vegas a gdiorm )))) 6632889263 erolrim 12/13/2009 10:46 AM @asi_karamelek bir kere adı saçma birileri çıktı kürt açılımı dedi kimse kabul etmez bunu demokrasi açılı bilemem ne açılımı deselerdi 6632837526 asi_karamelek 12/13/2009 10:44 AM kürtler de kürt açılımından rahatsızmış.. bu açılım bildiğin üvey evlat, kimse kabul etmiyor :) 6632783938 ckaloglu 12/13/2009 10:42 AM Onlar aynı günü milat kabul eden iki çift... Aynı günü özel sayan iki çift... [pic] 6632718082 muratemre 12/13/2009 10:39 AM @ostoros ya benim bu umut'tan çok umudum vardı aslında ama ben de balta olduğunu kabul etmek üzereyim. 6632685093 rdamar 12/13/2009 10:37 AM #twit10thnlagi alhamdulillah ijab kabul saya tadi lancar... LOL XD 6632603554 findmeabout 12/13/2009 10:34 AM About british prime minister, afghanistan, troops, gordon brown, visit: Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) — Br.. 6632285293 andriooo 12/13/2009 10:20 AM *twitt10tahunlagi masih bisa di temenin bokap nyokap buat lamaran dan ijab kabul 6632154085 de_volkskrant 12/13/2009 10:15 AM [12:15] 'Kerstbezoek' Brown aan militairen Afghanistan: KABUL - De Britse premier Gordon Brown heeft zondag e... 6632139397 PotomacWill 12/13/2009 10:14 AM RT @AJEnglish: Kabul's deputy-mayor arrested: second official taken into custody amid corruption crackdown 6632074230 death_murder 12/13/2009 10:11 AM 3 Militants Killed in Premature Mine Blast in S. Afghanistan: KABUL -- A local official reported on Saturday that t... 6632013147 _Internacional 12/13/2009 10:08 AM #Internacional Dimite el alcalde de Kabul tras ser condenado por delito de corrupción 6632008622 haberveriyorum 12/13/2009 10:08 AM İran Komünist-İşçi Partisi’nin 7. Kongresi’nde oybirliğiyle kabul edilen Manifestosu: 6631914125 eksiduyuru 12/13/2009 10:04 AM Mecidiyeköy civarında PS oynayacak canı sıkılan kimse var mı?: biraz ilginç bir soru kabul ediyorum ama hava soğuk ve evde çok ... 6631895990 Esmayakut 12/13/2009 10:03 AM DT Genel Mudurlugu 60.yilda 60yerli oyun sunacagiz diye onlerine sunulan her oyunu hic goz gezdirmeden kabul etmis sanirim.. 6631855461 POTUFSS 12/13/2009 10:02 AM Brown makes surprise visit to Afghanistan|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 13 (UPI) -- Prime Minister Gordon Brown paid a .. 6631810869 ricelaker 12/13/2009 10:00 AM Kabul, Afghanistan - Photo of the Day - World Hum: via @addthis 6631804962 zweitansage 12/13/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6631804136 Obamashitlist 12/13/2009 10:00 AM Brown makes surprise visit to Afghanistan|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 13 (UPI) -- Prime Minister Gordon Brown paid a .. 6631746673 habercimurat 12/13/2009 9:57 AM @nariahazel valla doğru, hiç burda örneğini görmediğimiz bişey yapıyorum ve kesinlikle haklı olduğunu kabul ediyorum 6631622171 TT_101 12/13/2009 9:52 AM Burgemeester Kabul toch opgestapt.. 6631481555 W7VOA 12/13/2009 9:45 AM RT @RFE_RLNEWS: Kabul Mayor Resigns #Afghanistan 6631460177 wildamandasari 12/13/2009 9:44 AM Amin, tp gw duluan ya 4thn lg hihi RT @AghniaIlman: #tweet10tahunlagi denger @alfiankhussari baca ijab kabul :-) 6631454446 alfiankhussari 12/13/2009 9:44 AM HahahahahahahaRT @atengrichie: Sm cewe lain tapi haha RT @AghniaIlman: #tweet10tahunlagi denger @alfiankhussari baca ijab kabul :-) 6631434169 JulietONeill 12/13/2009 9:43 AM Al Jazeera English: Kabul's deputy-mayor arrested on corruption charges. 6631432173 atengrichie 12/13/2009 9:43 AM Sm cewe lain tapi haha RT @AghniaIlman: #tweet10tahunlagi denger @alfiankhussari baca ijab kabul :-) 6631429278 RFE_RLNEWS 12/13/2009 9:43 AM Kabul Mayor Resigns 6631420659 fingertipnews2 12/13/2009 9:43 AM UPI-Top News: Brown makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 13 (UPI) -- Prim.. 6631419191 JulietONeill 12/13/2009 9:42 AM Al Jazeera English Kabul mayor ignores corruption conviction. Won't step down. 6631410397 UticaDailyNews 12/13/2009 9:42 AM Al-Qaida releases condolence message: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 12 (UPI) -- Al-Qaida has released an English-languag... 6631405254 elculle 12/13/2009 9:42 AM Udh kawin ama chad kali RT @fesa_hy: Asu! Hahaha 10 taun lg hayley jd tante2 RT @ftrhnfl: #twit10tahunlagi "deg2an nih mau ijab kabul,hayley 6631266360 tirrrss 12/13/2009 9:36 AM RT @nayanitaaa: RT @silvirindiana #twit11tahunlagi eh off ya, udah mau ijab kabul 6631243225 sifnaaudia 12/13/2009 9:35 AM RT @shabssi: RT @okydooky: RT @Namirra: RT @firmanmgc: RT @tenacarolina: #twitt10tahunlagi duh degdegan nich mau ijab kabul hihihihihi 6631158075 ftrhnfl 12/13/2009 9:31 AM #twit10tahunlagi "deg2an nih mau ijab kabul,hayley deg2an kyk aku juga gk ya?" 6631128911 Fahnizardandy 12/13/2009 9:30 AM #twitt10thnlagi ijab kabul man! 6631085090 ARYNews 12/13/2009 9:28 AM Kabul mayor steps down after graft conviction 6631061807 mwcnews 12/13/2009 9:27 AM Kabul's deputy-mayor arrested : The deputy mayor of Kabul has been arrested for allegedly misusing his authority. 6631019295 iNewsStand 12/13/2009 9:25 AM Photo from AP Photo - People cross a bridge over Kabul river in downtown Kabul, Afghanistan, Su... 6631018789 iNewsStand 12/13/2009 9:25 AM Photo from AP Photo - An Afghan woman shops at a market in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Dec. 13,... 6631018655 iMarquee 12/13/2009 9:25 AM Photo from AP Photo - People cross a bridge over Kabul river in downtown Kabul, Afghanistan, Su... 6630976434 deeevina 12/13/2009 9:23 AM RT @BiaAninditya: RT @silvirindiana: #twit11tahunlagi eh off ya, udah mau ijab kabul 6630927427 biaaninditya 12/13/2009 9:21 AM RT @silvirindiana: #twit11tahunlagi eh off ya, udah mau ijab kabul 6630915596 cuddhi 12/13/2009 9:20 AM Hahaha, sempet"nya ol doeloe~ RT @silvirindiana: #twit11tahunlagi eh off ya, udah mau ijab kabul 6630908566 putriabduljalil 12/13/2009 9:20 AM Hahaha kocak RT @silvirindiana: #twit11tahunlagi eh off ya, udah mau ijab kabul 6630889744 gelegelmish 12/13/2009 9:19 AM @SimelAvci yaratıcı olduğumu ve dengesiz bir pislik olduğumu kabul ediyorum dostum :))) hohoho ohh! 6630787300 mim_aleko 12/13/2009 9:14 AM aylin hanım başbaşa romantik bir yemeği kazandı .Umarım teklifimizi kabul eder 6630737660 nidariandita 12/13/2009 9:12 AM #twit11tahunlagi alhamdullilah acara ijab kabul berjalan dengan lancar (hahahaha) 6630620447 shabssi 12/13/2009 9:06 AM RT @okydooky: RT @Namirra: RT @firmanmgc: RT @tenacarolina: #twitt10tahunlagi duh degdegan nich mau ijab kabul hihihihihi 6630553436 ilayh 12/13/2009 9:03 AM @SAL9000TR tamam kabul ediyorum. önce ben yazılılarımı falan yapim ama sonra sevmediğimiz insanlara tükürüp kaçalım;)) nasıl oldu 6630547968 remziduzagac 12/13/2009 9:03 AM benimde interneti kullanma yöntemleri hakkında çalışmalarım var. bunu referans kabul etsem olmaz mı? #inettr 6630476906 zweitansage 12/13/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6630426330 hineem 12/13/2009 8:57 AM Farklı olanı asla kabul etmemek,gerekirse yok saymak/etmek'in bir tezahürü gibi geldi bana. 6630425308 bookishgirl 12/13/2009 8:57 AM @phonemanA Thinking Afghan roads are like our roads? NOT! There is no infrastructure--just goat/donkey/one track paths outside of Kabul. 6630418528 spesifikdallama 12/13/2009 8:57 AM Bazen BÜYÜK HARFLERLE yazınca kendi isteklerimi kabul ettirecekmişim gibi bi hava seziyorum içten içe. 6630274682 nihatates 12/13/2009 8:50 AM İran Komünist-İşçi Partisi’nin 7. Kongresi’nde oybirliğiyle kabul edilen Manifestosu via @AddToAny 6630271539 Vickeadk 12/13/2009 8:49 AM @rettyatyuul jiaahhh....y dOain aja yaakkkk...ntar kk jdiin pnitia married kk apa?!btw,,,gmn ni td acra ijab kabuL'nya?!Lancar?! 6630232039 herlinaaa 12/13/2009 8:47 AM #twit10thnlagi degdegan bntr lagi ijab kabul......loh?!wkwkwkwkw 6630039740 okydooky 12/13/2009 8:38 AM RT @Namirra: RT @firmanmgc: RT @tenacarolina: #twitt10tahunlagi duh degdegan nich mau ijab kabul hihihihihi 6629940431 Namirra 12/13/2009 8:33 AM RT @firmanmgc: RT @tenacarolina: #twitt10tahunlagi duh degdegan nich mau ijab kabul hihihihihi 6629932184 SAL9000TR 12/13/2009 8:33 AM @ilayh Bence birini seviyorsan tam tersi aynı kalmalısın, çünkü seni olduğun gibi kabul etmeli, hem niye değişiyoz ki o değişsin 6629923984 alicanozer 12/13/2009 8:32 AM Ertuğrul Özkök son yaşanan olayları hiç yaşanmamış gibimi kabul ediyor? 6629901928 richardtrois 12/13/2009 8:31 AM Les marionnettes ne sont plus ce qu'elles étaient... en direct de Kabul via NYTimes 6629702353 firmanmgc 12/13/2009 8:21 AM RT @tenacarolina: #twitt10tahunlagi duh degdegan nich mau ijab kabul hihihihihi 6629587436 zweitansage 12/13/2009 8:15 AM Berlin: 15:15 | Brasília: 10:15 | Canberra: 23:15 | Kabul: 18:15 | Tokyo: 21:15 | Washington D.C.: 09:15 #world #time 6629364490 de_volkskrant 12/13/2009 8:04 AM [09:25] Locoburgemeester Kabul vast wegens corruptie: KABUL - De locoburgemeester van de Afghaanse hoofdstad ... 6629299275 ronvanswol 12/13/2009 8:00 AM Buitenland Burgemeester van Kabul treedt toch af: Kabul, 13 dec. De burgemeester van de Afghaanse h.. 6629281718 zweitansage 12/13/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6629212087 preacherskidd 12/13/2009 7:56 AM RT @Journalisti: RT @bencnn @fpleitgenCNN Bank run by kids [in Kabul]? I hope they weren't trained by Americans. How do U say "derivative" 6629101450 hot_world_news 12/13/2009 7:50 AM Official: Kabul deputy mayor arrested as part of corruption crackdown 6629085451 Journalisti 12/13/2009 7:49 AM RT @bencnn @fpleitgenCNN Bank run by kids [in Kabul]? I hope they weren't trained by Americans. How do U say "derivative" in Pashtun & Dari? 6629083043 cliqzusnews 12/13/2009 7:49 AM Official: Kabul deputy mayor arrested in crackdown 6629068973 Journalisti 12/13/2009 7:48 AM RT @arwadamonCNN: RT @fpleitgenCNN: - Bank run by kids in Kabul 6628988463 hasanpehlivan 12/13/2009 7:43 AM annanem eve hacı olarak geri döndü allah kabul etsin... not: zemzem suyu bulunur :P 6628957777 tenacarolina 12/13/2009 7:42 AM #twitt10tahunlagi duh degdegan nich mau ijab kabul hihihihihi 6628826835 idiyosenkrazi 12/13/2009 7:34 AM Son dedikodularım: Eski sevgilim bana yazdığı şiirlerden kitap yayınlatmış. Kendisine defalarca intihar etmesini önerdim, kabul etmedi... 6628636473 semihgumus 12/13/2009 7:23 AM @bilgehanmaras Böyle bir platformda bunlar olur. Onlarla birlikte kabul edebilirsek ve onların içinden çıkan cevherin anlamına varabilirsek. 6628569144 felixkuehn 12/13/2009 7:19 AM back in Kabul where its cold and not so nice 6628367541 owllah 12/13/2009 7:07 AM Afghanistan - kabul 6628289540 ozgeningunlugu 12/13/2009 7:03 AM ah arcgıs yedin ömrümü. çizemiyorum sayende,bi layerimi kabul etsen bitirdiydim ödevimi... 6628280957 bellazers 12/13/2009 7:02 AM @muthiamaulizar hehehe iya kak kl makin byk yg doain makin di kabul hehehe amiiiin 6628233676 zweitansage 12/13/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6628034822 muladhara 12/13/2009 6:47 AM How McChrystal+Mullen-Petru worked info vineyard in DC+Kabul n kept juicy grapes away fm Eikenberry+the StateDept Babus 6627810918 arwadamonCNN 12/13/2009 6:33 AM RT @fpleitgenCNN: - Bank run by kids in Kabul 6627568247 RtrsIN_SthAsia 12/13/2009 6:18 AM Kabul mayor steps down after graft conviction 6627440044 lovesickass 12/13/2009 6:09 AM YES \o/ For some reason the timezone on my computer was set to Kabul >_> 6627369930 business_matt 12/13/2009 6:04 AM British PM bunks with troops in Afghanistan: CNN International Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- British Prime Minist.. 6627317691 Askdoktoru 12/13/2009 6:01 AM bir evlilik programından gelen teklifi kabul etmediğime şimdi daha çok seviniyorum. iyi bir karar vermişim. 6627294665 zweitansage 12/13/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6627286019 Nw3s 12/13/2009 5:59 AM Auch Kabuls Vize-Bürgermeister festgenommen Wegen Korruptionsvorwürfen ist nach dem Bürgermeister von Kabul au 6627286135 Djmuck32 12/13/2009 5:59 AM Auch Kabuls Vize-Bürgermeister festgenommen Wegen Korruptionsvorwürfen ist nach dem Bürgermeister von Kabul auc 6627275642 bitutam 12/13/2009 5:58 AM @bettypufpuf @raninimanini 55ten önce müracaat kabul ediyorlarsa, ben de geliiim seninle :) 6627207301 YKoutsomitis 12/13/2009 5:53 AM An war widow & mother of five begs on a street in Kabul. There are up to 1 million war widows in #Afghanistan. 6627001478 Twit_krant 12/13/2009 5:39 AM [12:15] Britse premier Brown bezoekt Afghanistan: KABUL - De Britse premier Gordon Brown heeft zondag ee.. 6626818748 Chokyudean 12/13/2009 5:25 AM Klo skalian bs nyipok+ijab kabul knp gak... XD RT @lollyblue: oh, ternyata 100 dollar SG yg buat fanmeet ma handshake. 6626812470 dmygoldz 12/13/2009 5:25 AM says today acts : jammed with mr.kabul,took a shower and brunch,nap and now i've just got up and still sleepy ... 6626790353 RNWIndonesia 12/13/2009 5:23 AM Korupsi di Afghanistan: Wakil walikota ibukota Kabul, Wahabuddin Sadaat ditahan pihak yang berwajib atas tuduha.. 6626751118 yellreport 12/13/2009 5:20 AM Insurgent infiltrators terrorise Kabul's ruling class: TALIBAN insurgents who have infiltrated Kabul are nailin.. 6626749398 BetteDam 12/13/2009 5:20 AM busy on the streets here. due to the winter people seek shelter in the capital. and Karzai left kabul when I arrived, so roads were blocked 6626687550 adnanaybaba 12/13/2009 5:16 AM @banuka banu hanım ntvspor'da çalışmak nasıl. sezon başında bana da teklif geldi ama çok rahat bir ortam olmadığı için kabul etmedim. 6626650901 lizva 12/13/2009 5:13 AM first full day back in kabul; already attended a women's handicraft expo, been invited to a wedding, and seen 3 guys in red velvet suits. 6626629046 gizem_ozdilli 12/13/2009 5:11 AM resim gönderme becerim yok..kabul elektro-kro yummmmm! 6626588716 2012ali 12/13/2009 5:08 AM 4. Zekat bir yük gibi kabul edilecek . ( Zekat verilmeyecek ya da müstehakkına verilmeyecek ) 6626532587 banuka 12/13/2009 5:04 AM @ebruka999 cuppa'da kabul gunune gidecegine 'galgkh' gel, gel yegenini sev!.. 6626464218 zweitansage 12/13/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6626383082 frodyll 12/13/2009 4:53 AM Evet, kabul! Çoktandır yazamıyorum. Ama napıyım sınav, sınav ve sınav. Her gün sınavlarım var. Sonra rahatım! Son döneme az kaldı! 6626231289 News711 12/13/2009 4:41 AM New Afghan city official detained over graft: KABUL: Afghan authorities detained another high-ranking official .. 6626229406 ericfeed 12/13/2009 4:41 AM New Afghan city official detained over graft: KABUL: Afghan authorities detained another high-ranking official .. 6626142439 BetteDam 12/13/2009 4:34 AM yes, back in kabul.. was lovely in the south. 6626139579 ebruka999 12/13/2009 4:34 AM Cuppa'da kabul günü var. İnsanlar bu soğukta nassı kalkıp geliolar annamıyom. Eskiden ben de gelirdim ama. Galiba yaşlandım :S 6626116691 yazmanian_devil 12/13/2009 4:32 AM RT @fpleitgenCNN: - Bank run by kids in Kabul 6626086132 thetime 12/13/2009 4:30 AM in Kabul, Asia is 3:00pm 6626033238 tittoantony 12/13/2009 4:26 AM RT @fpleitgenCNN - Bank run by kids in Kabul 6626009267 giizeemmm 12/13/2009 4:24 AM bekleyiş sona erdi... hayatımın en üzgün anlarını yaşıyorum...ait olduğunu düşündüğün yere kabul edilmediğin gerçeği...kalp sıkışması... 6626008939 alpimamoglu 12/13/2009 4:24 AM @insomnia_heed yok lan bana hic oyle gotun kalkik gelmemistin.... Ama biraz ciddi gelmistin kabul ederim:) bana ilk izlenimler nedir?? :) 6625986594 newsparadies 12/13/2009 4:22 AM Gordon Brown in Kabul to meet Hamid Karzai,29753.0.html 6625837263 AliceLagnado 12/13/2009 4:10 AM RT @claudi: RT @fpleitgenCNN: - Bank run by kids in Kabul 6625826366 videocrux 12/13/2009 4:10 AM #Videocrux - Darkest day for UN as Taliban kill 9 at Kabul hostel 6625756029 Rogerovalles 12/13/2009 4:04 AM RT @YahooNoticias: OTAN y soldados afganos matan a 5 insurgentes en Afganistán: AP - KABUL (AP) - Soldados afganos y de las fuerzas i... ... 6625697949 zweitansage 12/13/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6625659354 claudi 12/13/2009 3:56 AM RT @fpleitgenCNN: - Bank run by kids in Kabul 6625585740 SiMempesona 12/13/2009 3:50 AM Infotainment tuh ya hiperbola bgt dehhh... Namanya jg org ijab kabul, deg2an wajar kali, nangis jg wajar kali. Gt aja dibuat mcm2. Wakwaww! 6625560730 philbealeuk 12/13/2009 3:49 AM Gordon Brown in Kabul to meet Hamid Karzai: Gordon Brown arrived in Kabul on an unannounced visit this morning .. 6625522554 fpleitgenCNN 12/13/2009 3:46 AM - Bank run by kids in Kabul 6625421084 DailyNewsTicker 12/13/2009 3:38 AM Gordon Brown in Kabul to meet Hamid Karzai: Gordon Brown arrived in Kabul on an unannounced visit this morning .. 6625406226 vnrozier 12/13/2009 3:37 AM Have just updated blog http://www.worldinfoalert.comNEWS: Insurgent infiltrators terrorise Kabul's ruling class 6625306402 videocrux 12/13/2009 3:29 AM #Videocrux - Kabul attack will not deter us: UN mission chief 6625295022 videocrux 12/13/2009 3:29 AM #Videocrux - Two rockets fired on Kabul's luxury Serena Hotel 6625206551 sto69 12/13/2009 3:22 AM Gordon Brown in Kabul to meet Hamid Karzai #timesonline 6625185620 hampshire_hippy 12/13/2009 3:20 AM TIMES- Gordon Brown in Kabul to meet Hamid Karzai: Gordon Brown arrived in Kabul on an unannounced visit .. 6624900431 BlitzQuotidiano 12/13/2009 3:00 AM Afghanistan, arrestato vice sindaco Kabul per corruzione: Il sindaco di Kabul è accusato di appropriazione inde.. 6624896391 zweitansage 12/13/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6624631192 viswajithv 12/13/2009 2:41 AM Musically yours, Kabul Dreams unplugged: Bhaskar Pant New Delhi, Dec 13 (PTI) Three young men who met by chance.. 6624585166 suniljmistry 12/13/2009 2:38 AM #Entertainment Musically yours, Kabul Dreams unplugged: Bhaskar Pant New Delhi, Dec 13 (PTI) Thre.. 6624553923 Twit_krant 12/13/2009 2:35 AM Locoburgemeester Kabul opgepakt om corruptie: KABUL - De locoburgemeester van de Afghaanse hoofdstad Kabul is o.. 6624541261 Corvusraaf 12/13/2009 2:35 AM Locoburgemeester Kabul opgepakt om corruptie: KABUL - De locoburgemeester van de Afghaanse hoofdstad Kabul is o.. 6624501854 dinotello 12/13/2009 2:32 AM kendisi sevilmeyen bir küratör abidir bazi cevrelerde, ben de ona bu yüzden cicekleri eve kabul edecegimi buradan duyuracagimi belirttim. 6624351756 sivnandaYoga 12/13/2009 2:22 AM Locoburgemeester Kabul opgepakt om corruptie: KABUL - De locoburgemeester van de Afghaanse hoofdstad Kabul is o.. 6624323908 nedernews 12/13/2009 2:20 AM Locoburgemeester Kabul opgepakt om corruptie 6624313105 NUnl 12/13/2009 2:20 AM [9:16] Locoburgemeester Kabul opgepakt om corruptie: 6624313208 laatstenieuws 12/13/2009 2:20 AM 09:16 | Locoburgemeester Kabul opgepakt om corruptie (Algemeen nieuws) - 6624185407 santikajazzy 12/13/2009 2:11 AM Sekarang terharu liat dhini aminarti ijab kabul.. T__T 6624081121 berkanozden 12/13/2009 2:04 AM Henüz yazmadığı "Bir Utanmaktır İnsan Olmak" isimli kitabı için Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü aldı. Kutlamaları kabul ediyor. 6624005362 zweitansage 12/13/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6623736091 fayzarra 12/13/2009 1:42 AM Amiinnn....RT @yantilatona: Dottie lg ijab kabul 2:18:23 PM . Semoga dirahmati Allah SWT. Aamiiin 6623632973 indraracing 12/13/2009 1:35 AM Amin omah.. Omah ke Dottie-kah? @yantilatona: Dottie lg ijab kabul 2:18:23 PM . Semoga dirahmati Allah SWT. Aamiiin 6623272809 afghanmagazine 12/13/2009 1:14 AM RT @AJEnglish: Kabul's deputy-mayor arrested: Afghanistan police take second official into custody amid crackdown on corruption. http:// ... 6623240326 Jembcotech 12/13/2009 1:12 AM Kabul mayor snubs conviction : The mayor of Kabul, the Afghan capital, has refused to step down despite being s.. 6623232453 madeinafrika 12/13/2009 1:11 AM Kabul mayor snubs conviction : The mayor of Kabul, the Afghan capital, has refused to step down despite being s.. 6623085209 IndiaNews247 12/13/2009 1:02 AM Kabul's deputy-mayor arrested: Afghanistan police take second official into custody amid crackdown on corruption. 6623027532 hanayuu 12/13/2009 12:59 AM Reading: YouTube - Kabul's convict mayor left to run city - 12 Dec 09 6623016670 k091 12/13/2009 12:59 AM Keinginan gw t'kabul patung2 seni skrg byk di malioboro, unik2 bgt bwtan ank ISI institut seni indonesia yogya 6622959027 WaseemMansour 12/13/2009 12:55 AM Kabul's deputy-mayor arrested: Afghanistan police take second official into custody amid crackdown on corruption. 6622881217 rayk58 12/13/2009 12:51 AM RT @AJEnglish: Kabul's deputy-mayor arrested: Afghanistan police take second official into custody amid crackdown on corruption. http:// ... 6622867401 hanayuu 12/13/2009 12:50 AM RT @AJEnglish: Kabul's deputy-mayor arrested: Afghanistan police take second official into custody amid crackdow 6622860254 absurd 12/13/2009 12:50 AM Insurgent infiltrators terrorise Kabul's ruling class 6622833310 llewminati 12/13/2009 12:48 AM ANC acts on crime 15 years late, but welcome. Except now Jhb looks like martial law's been declared. Let's holiday in Kabul, darling. 6622795488 AJEnglish 12/13/2009 12:46 AM Kabul's deputy-mayor arrested: Afghanistan police take second official into custody amid crackdown on corruption. 6622590970 YahooNoticias 12/13/2009 12:35 AM OTAN y soldados afganos matan a 5 insurgentes en Afganistán: AP - KABUL (AP) - Soldados afganos y de las fuerzas i... 6622590982 BarraDeHerram 12/13/2009 12:35 AM OTAN y soldados afganos matan a 5 insurgentes en Afganistán: AP - KABUL (AP) - Soldados afganos y de las fuerzas i... 6622582858 ensiz_news 12/13/2009 12:34 AM Matan soldados afganos y de OTAN a 5 insurgentes en Afganistán: Kabul.- Soldados afganos y de las fuerzas internac... 6622538831 8s 12/13/2009 12:32 AM RT @Vigilo Going Naked in Kabul 6622488775 cooperrepublic 12/13/2009 12:29 AM Taliban in Kabul R nailing letters 2 doors of policemen, soldiers & gov. workers, warning them 2 leave their jobs or face punishment 6622271564 siizzy 12/13/2009 12:18 AM Haha,ijab kabul..,pengen nikah ya?hahaha RT @vhinney: @siizzy seperangkat alat solat dibayar ngutang 6621765249 Anna_B1986 12/12/2009 11:53 PM Book of the week: Kabul Disco Nicolas Wild Harpercollins Rs 295 | pp 159 6621570925 hilalplaza 12/12/2009 11:44 PM Afghanistan’s largest museum, the Kabul National Museum, is prominent for its collection of ancient Buddhist objects. 6621462644 naddasalma 12/12/2009 11:39 PM Iya kebelet banget,hehe RT @aldhanprasatya: Wah ada yg dah kebelet ni :p RT @naddasalma: Selalu terharu liat org ijab kabul dan sungkem 6621327114 Vickeadk 12/12/2009 11:33 PM @rettyatyuul nnggu ijab kabuL pakdhe?!pakdhe'mu nkah gtu?!waaaaa.....bnyk mkanan tu.he..2x.bOsen y cr k'sbukan LOw!emng udh tuwir2 y?! 6621087472 davidclinchCNN 12/12/2009 11:22 PM Thanks to Twitter I now know the weather in Kabul - @fpleitgencnn Abu Dhabi - @cnnabudhabi + australia - @cabreracnn 6620805449 rettyatyuul 12/12/2009 11:09 PM @Vickeadk ehehehehe iniii nungguin ijal kabul nya pakde ku seleseee kak hehehe bosennn nih kak aku :( 6620678111 jboday 12/12/2009 11:03 PM Letter From Kabul | Foreign Affairs: via @addthis 6620652946 aldhanprasatya 12/12/2009 11:02 PM Wah ada yg dah kebelet ni :p RT @naddasalma: Selalu terharu liat org ijab kabul dan sungkem, I have lots of questions about it..hmm :') 6620586279 bramantyo10 12/12/2009 11:00 PM Berarti udah ijab kabul.. RT @nidie: @bramantyo10 Gatau. 2 hari lalu udah siraman sama dipingit. 6620497637 naddasalma 12/12/2009 10:56 PM Selalu terharu liat org ijab kabul dan sungkem, I have lots of questions about it..hmm :') 6619980441 fpleitgenCNN 12/12/2009 10:33 PM Weather in Kabul as been really nice. After about a week of only fog and rain. 6619875756 CenterdinSEA 12/12/2009 10:29 PM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $2 with promo code: SHARE #seattle 6619193332 Croisan 12/12/2009 10:00 PM +1 RT @nilanjanaroy: Samrat on Kabul Disco, a new graphic novel on Afghanistan. Interesting, but definitely not Sacco. 6619006997 kformyname 12/12/2009 9:53 PM Sabar... Yenny bakal dapat giliran jg kok :D RT @Jenny_Soe ijab kabul... terharu biru.... 6619001580 nilanjanaroy 12/12/2009 9:52 PM Samrat on Kabul Disco, a new graphic novel on Afghanistan. Interesting, but definitely not Sacco. 6618949372 khirzan 12/12/2009 9:50 PM Makanya gw nyebut terus sp tau d kabul Allah chiw, jd pas ultah punya onyx hahaha.. Onyx onyx onyx, kl ga netbook jg gpp Aminnnn..@Achi_She 6618907908 poppyanggia 12/12/2009 9:49 PM buset dah ini lagi musim nikahan banget masa tadi di pinggir pantai ada yg nikahan lagi ijab kabul -_- 6618602593 feybrinaericka 12/12/2009 9:36 PM @elizzaulfah cha...aku doain lancar yaa smuanya,amieen☺.anyway abs ijab kabul acc pin aku yaa..♥chacha..bismillah yaa cha.. 6618542118 ChintyaaBolly 12/12/2009 9:33 PM Ah ijab kabul lama, gua laper anjing!!!! 6618308285 fingertipnews 12/12/2009 9:24 PM UPI-Top News: Al-Qaida releases condolence message - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 12 (UPI) -- Al-Qaida has released an... 6618248421 FTRNews 12/12/2009 9:21 PM FTR NEWS: Insurgent infiltrators terrorise Kabul's ruling class 6617467517 EduardoCantoral 12/12/2009 8:50 PM Going Naked in Kabul: 6617420551 eleonorocks 12/12/2009 8:48 PM Terharu sih yg bener hehe gw kan cengeng :p RT @tuanmudachacha: Ijab kabul kok sedih?? RT @eleonorocks: Detik2 menjelang ijab kabul!! Sediih 6617393079 Chorie 12/12/2009 8:47 PM Ijab kabul pernikahan Eko dan Ayu di Rancaekek. 6616944687 eleonorocks 12/12/2009 8:29 PM THIS IS IT! Ijab kabul! 6616772339 eleonorocks 12/12/2009 8:22 PM Detik2 menjelang ijab kabul!!! Sediiiiiih 6616441219 oykusenlen 12/12/2009 8:09 PM adamlar dağa çıkıyor olmuyor, meclise geliyor olmuyor... Ne yapsalar kabul edersiniz? 6616220819 timespeople 12/12/2009 8:01 PM Most Recommended: Going Naked in Kabul 6616099495 eleonorocks 12/12/2009 7:56 PM Siap tissue! Ampun deeeeh pasti nangis nih liat bang kiki ijab kabul :s 6615939303 topix_election 12/12/2009 7:50 PM Official: Kabul deputy mayor arrested in crackdown: The deputy mayor of Kabul was arrested Saturday for alleged mis... 6615534527 rimalicious 12/12/2009 7:33 PM RT makanya nikah doong neng hha @larasasti: ngeliat sodara ijab kabul, merindiiiing ;) 6615284142 polianachavez 12/12/2009 7:23 PM Kabul Shit - @lilyroseallen ♪ 6615271244 mipurapura 12/12/2009 7:23 PM tetangga sblh lg ijab kabul,, heheai mita sibuk online.. 6615041060 eksiduyuru 12/12/2009 7:13 PM istanbul anadolu yakasından ev arkadaşı arayan var mı?: pendik-kartal-tuzla şahane, diğer semtler kabulöğrenci değil, sabit g... 6614334621 eksiolu 12/12/2009 6:44 PM Mahallede aşağılanıp, horlanan çelimsiz çocuklar gibiyim. Oyunlara ancak adam eksik olduğunda kabul edilen beceriksiz çocuklar gibi.. 6613951275 worldfreelance 12/12/2009 6:28 PM Khyber cafe: Dec. 12--Kabul Disco #cell phone 6613770397 novemberrain123 12/12/2009 6:20 PM @ahmethc İyi etmişsiniz gitmemekle(kendiniz için). Ama baştan kabul etmemeliydiniz.Sonradan caymak iyi olmamış. 6613127918 salihsirmacekic 12/12/2009 5:53 PM acaba mimar sinan bu sene beni kabul edicek mi? çook çalışmak lazım. yardım eden de yok ki.......... 6613063654 cuneytyilmaz 12/12/2009 5:50 PM @kucukmubasir pek tabii. ben de izleme ve okuma işini kardeşime bıraktım. ergenler bu işi bizden iyi yapıyorlar kabul edelim. 6613012366 emelyalcin 12/12/2009 5:48 PM @bernamujde kabul etmiyo kilo aldığını vücut yaptım diyo ama bunu napıcaz:) peki o saçlar ahh ahh nerde o eski tepeler :P 6612872198 bolbol_siyaset 12/12/2009 5:42 PM Demirel: Mahkeme kararı kabul edilmeli 6612866623 RealStarFehmiye 12/12/2009 5:41 PM Kötü kalpli biri olduğumu kabul ediyorum ve yatmaya çekiliyorum. Kib bye XoXo. 6612858736 karo555 12/12/2009 5:41 PM @krasivalekar macarlar,bulgarlar kabul etmezler turk olduklarını....neyse:)))sezin hanım nerede yahu??sınıfımın ona selamı var. 6612844514 CFC8Scott 12/12/2009 5:40 PM Hahaha Kabul is a plonker! :P #MotD 6612841155 aslininguncesi 12/12/2009 5:40 PM @beriliosis benim durumum daha fena... ben Aslı Çoban ve kabul ediyorum ki ben bir internetkoliğim =)) 6612825888 TwistedGambino 12/12/2009 5:40 PM #MOTD younis kabul has got a propper pair of front teeth on him (Rock choppers) 6612825187 theindiedave 12/12/2009 5:40 PM I'd be pretty pissed if I had Kabul in my fantasy team haha. 6612816217 MattB88 12/12/2009 5:39 PM kabul what a prick 6612749380 ARYNews 12/12/2009 5:36 PM Kabul deputy mayor arrested in crackdown 6612653020 patnaik632 12/12/2009 5:32 PM NYTimes: Going Naked in Kabul 6612555896 ogrenci 12/12/2009 5:28 PM @sosyologx =) ama renkli bir kişilik yarattım.kabul et. 6612378332 capto 12/12/2009 5:20 PM CaptoVeritas News: Insurgent infiltrators terrorise Kabul's ruling class 6612314908 cananozgeer 12/12/2009 5:18 PM @iremgurel beğenilesi olduğunu kabul ediyorum lakin konsepte pek bi aykırı idi kabul edelim... telafi ederiz, ederiz... 6612173023 a99kitten 12/12/2009 5:11 PM At Kabul in Burlingame for late lunch/early dinner/haven't eaten yet today. And I JUST yelped about it! 6612110380 yonasmichael 12/12/2009 5:09 PM Finishing touches on "Kabul Sh!t" remix ... tee hee 6612107136 beriliosis 12/12/2009 5:09 PM bünyeni bağımlılığından temizleme önce kabul etmekle başlıyor ise;- ben beril kayacan, ben bir twitterkoliğim...buyrun burdan yakınız 6612026097 siirimsi 12/12/2009 5:05 PM her ekleyeni..kabul etmeli mi?ne dersiniz 6611891845 zweitansage 12/12/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6611747152 pasamburhan 12/12/2009 4:53 PM toprak kimleri kabul etmedi ki !kv pusu.. gaza geliyorum lan =) 6611138340 Lioness7 12/12/2009 4:26 PM Grateful to Gail Collins NY Times Column re "Xe services", "Armor Group"-(Naked in Kabul), "government contracting. 6611112396 issizadam2009 12/12/2009 4:25 PM @Notredamedesion detepe terör örgütününün terör örgütü olduğunu hiç kabul ett mi? hayır. batasuna da etmemişti. bu benzerlik kapatmaya esas 6611089918 kamusagligi 12/12/2009 4:24 PM Babalara Nasihat : Çocukların hatalarını kabul edebilmek 6610998907 Notredamedesion 12/12/2009 4:20 PM @glsnkkaya Teklif geldi kabul ettim Farkli bir dinleyici kitlesi 6610956668 plee12 12/12/2009 4:18 PM Gail Collins: Going Naked in Kabul #Hyuge #news 6610948668 selimciprut 12/12/2009 4:18 PM @sinemis Hahahaha...Kesin kabul edersin sen bu rolü,uçup gidersin Sinemis :)) 6610937493 issizadam2009 12/12/2009 4:18 PM @Notredamedesion terör örgütünün terör örgütü olduğunun detepe tarafından kabul edilmemesi batasuna davasına benziyor 6610895140 a99kitten 12/12/2009 4:16 PM Kabul Afghan Cuisine on #Yelp: Had lunch here to celebrate a friend's birthday. We had a pretty large group but I wi... 6610832668 francism1975 12/12/2009 4:13 PM Kabul mayor snubs conviction: Aljazeera.netThe former mayor of Kabul, the Afghan capital, has refused to step down... 6610637812 smgrgrn 12/12/2009 4:04 PM kabul et lan benı@KucukFurkan 6610523584 zweitansage 12/12/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6610475345 kolr10ksfxnews 12/12/2009 3:57 PM KOLR10/KSFX News Pakistani Officials Searching For Mastermind Which Attracted Northern Virginian Men: (Kabul) -- In... 6610398075 geceleriesen 12/12/2009 3:54 PM tek amacı reddedildiği için, kendini kabul ettirmek olan fakir ama egosu şişkin kadın karakter, ama kötü olan suzan avcı. yeşilçam öldü mü? 6610287216 tolgalenk 12/12/2009 3:49 PM @zacmaxell OĞLUM, BEN KABUL EDİYORUM, İNGİLİZCEM İYİ DEĞİL, BEN BUNUNLA İYİ DİYE GEÇİNMİYORUM. 6610242681 tolgalenk 12/12/2009 3:47 PM @gizem93 Doğru, ama düşünceleri benim hakkımdaysa... Ben kabul ediyorum, ingilizcem kötü diye, ama uzatan sizsiniz! 6610199389 tok_world 12/12/2009 3:45 PM Insurgent infiltrators terrorise Kabul's ruling class 6610070840 translator_girl 12/12/2009 3:39 PM @Mke1982 bak bir de, ananemin gözlüğünü kırmıştım, 8 yaşındaydım ananemin dua kitabında 10 bin İhlas okuyanın her dileği kabul olur yazıyodu 6610007623 PelinKesebir 12/12/2009 3:37 PM @SamedKaragoz Merhabalar. Cogu zaman kabul edilemeyecek derecede insaniyetsiz, ustelik de pis sartlarda yetisiyor o hayvanlar maalesef. 6609794606 mericcolak 12/12/2009 3:27 PM @bianka_x kabul ette muradına ersin:D:D:D ama ondan önce benle ilişkide yap durumunu dumur olsun:W:W 6609518070 defencepk 12/12/2009 3:16 PM Kabul Taliban Commander Seif-Allah Galali speaks 6609473911 TimesWorldNews 12/12/2009 3:14 PM Insurgent infiltrators terrorise Kabul's ruling class 6609314361 uppaljs 12/12/2009 3:07 PM grrr #karachi to #islamabad to #kabul :( again!!! 6609164303 Asyut1 12/12/2009 3:01 PM Top U.N. envoy in Kabul to step down: UNITED NATIONS -- The United Nations' top envoy in Afghanistan, Kai Eide,.. 6609132751 zweitansage 12/12/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6609094287 SenatorMcCarter 12/12/2009 2:58 PM Just thanked IL Army National Guard 634th Brigade Support Battalion for protecting our freedom by serving in Kabul Afghanistan. 6608762970 LibelleHD 12/12/2009 2:43 PM @Niltakipte ve bu yanilgida baskalarinin da iyi olabileceginin varligini kabul etmek istemiyorlar... 6608754242 karo555 12/12/2009 2:43 PM @SheilaGrayf simyacı öyle....esinlenmek diyorlar ama bn esinlenmek eylemini kabul etmiyorum... 6608675139 lastrose123 12/12/2009 2:40 PM Tevhid de esas olan Allah’ın birliğidir. Tevhidi kabul edip muvahhid ismini alanlar Allah’tan başkasını ilah kabul... 6608329671 Tymlee 12/12/2009 2:26 PM RT @robertfreedland: Going Naked in Kabul - Why the "Public Option" in defense makes sense. Privatization blues. 6608276517 nrc 12/12/2009 2:24 PM Burgemeester Kabul weigert op te stappen 6608229153 ftgnews 12/12/2009 2:22 PM PAN:Mayor stays in office; deputy held: Kabul's deputy mayor was handed over to the attorney-general's office f.. 6608011351 RNW 12/12/2009 2:13 PM Mayor of Kabul refuses to resign 6607988536 clickfraud 12/12/2009 2:12 PM News from Bing; Official: Kabul deputy mayor arrested as part of corruption crackdown - San Francisco Examiner: KAB... 6607809877 globalnn 12/12/2009 2:04 PM RT @foxnews: WORLD: Official: Kabul Deputy Mayor Arrested in Crackdown 6607761702 innabox 12/12/2009 2:02 PM (Falhamos pra expressar quão #FODA foi - FATO.) #facts RT @innabox Foda demais. RT @affonso_neto rolê ontem no #kabul foi épico [...] 6607705931 zweitansage 12/12/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6607645597 innabox 12/12/2009 1:57 PM Foda demais. RT @affonso_neto rolê ontem no #kabul foi épico, música cubada + cerveja boa + companhia agradabilíssima 6607586643 RNWIndonesia 12/12/2009 1:54 PM Walikota Korup Ogah Mundur: Di Afghanistan, walikota Kabul, Mir Abdul Ahad Sahebi, yang baru saja mendapat voni.. 6607413374 safeworld4women 12/12/2009 1:46 PM RT @WomenNews: For Afghan Women, Rights Again at Risk - Human Rights Watch: (Kabul) - When the United States and its allies wen.. http:/ ... 6606747676 atmosphere9 12/12/2009 1:17 PM Egenin incisi EgeBam beni kabul etti,sağolsunlar var olsunlar 6606391269 POTUFSS 12/12/2009 1:02 PM Pakistani officials zero in on mastermind of plot to send men to Afghanistan|KABUL -- Pakistani authorities on .. 6606340288 zweitansage 12/12/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6606338773 Obamashitlist 12/12/2009 1:00 PM Pakistani officials zero in on mastermind of plot to send men to Afghanistan|KABUL -- Pakistani authorities on .. 6606329792 Raekeish 12/12/2009 12:59 PM Thank u for the love Kabul and Egypt!! 6606277896 evaottesmith 12/12/2009 12:57 PM The immoral, costly Lord of contractors....NYTimes: Going Naked in Kabul 6606138126 my_jobs_online 12/12/2009 12:51 PM Official: Kabul Deputy Mayor Arrested in Crackdown 6606127344 tok_world 12/12/2009 12:50 PM Official: Kabul Deputy Mayor Arrested in Crackdown 6605976860 armysupporter 12/12/2009 12:44 PM Afghan army starts own surge in south Afghanistan | Reuters: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan is sending 8000 to... 6605900800 EnglishNowTV 12/12/2009 12:41 PM Going Naked in Kabul - New York Times 6605846241 amulyajoseph 12/12/2009 12:39 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big govt shakeup 6605707272 ROGUE_SOLDIER 12/12/2009 12:33 PM this is what keeps USA safe in Kabul 6605540511 Rob_Madden 12/12/2009 12:26 PM Official: Kabul Deputy Mayor Arrested in Crackdown #News #FoxNews 6605403781 e_rengeyigi 12/12/2009 12:21 PM isin parlamentoda cozulmesi icin 20. olmayi teklif eden ufuk uras,olay cozulurken ulkede cikacak kargasalarda sorumluluk kabul edecek mi? 6605299245 cinayetsebebi 12/12/2009 12:16 PM biz gitsek arkamızdan iki satır yazmazsın...şu saatten sonra roman yazsan kabul etmiyorum. 6605151835 aslihankrhn 12/12/2009 12:10 PM @serdargokalp içli köfte için 2 saat lazım bana ama kabul mü? 6605140352 MiniterMin 12/12/2009 12:09 PM Official: Kabul Deputy Mayor Arrested in Crackdown: -- The deputy mayor of Kabul was arrested Saturday for alle.. 6604913120 scottycnews 12/12/2009 12:00 PM RT @foxnews: WORLD: Official: Kabul Deputy Mayor Arrested in Crackdown 6604903579 BongNews 12/12/2009 12:00 PM RT @foxnews: WORLD: Official: Kabul Deputy Mayor Arrested in Crackdown 6604899679 zweitansage 12/12/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6604773780 athanaelucev 12/12/2009 11:54 AM RT @frasere: rt @foxnews WORLD: Official: Kabul Deputy Mayor Arrested in Crackdown 6604753208 frasere 12/12/2009 11:53 AM rt @foxnews WORLD: Official: Kabul Deputy Mayor Arrested in Crackdown 6604673942 twnstar2 12/12/2009 11:50 AM RT @foxnews: WORLD: Official: Kabul Deputy Mayor Arrested in Crackdown 6604668665 AmericanLantern 12/12/2009 11:50 AM WORLD: Official: Kabul Deputy Mayor Arrested in Crackdown (via @foxnews) 6604633614 ExIsALiar 12/12/2009 11:48 AM RT: @foxnews WORLD: Official: #Kabul Deputy Mayor Arrested in Crackdown 6604622449 edward_dawson 12/12/2009 11:48 AM Official: Kabul Deputy Mayor Arrested in Crackdown 6604600832 foxnews 12/12/2009 11:47 AM WORLD: Official: Kabul Deputy Mayor Arrested in Crackdown 6604581119 gokceuzun 12/12/2009 11:46 AM @pinartuzun mesuliyet kabul etmem de 280 falan yeter bence:) 6604500208 pakistanpolicy 12/12/2009 11:42 AM Will the "mayor of Kabul" move against the mayor of Kabul? 6604467125 roboshit 12/12/2009 11:41 AM @tyradesalvo tamam kabul, sen daha kotusun :P 6604122404 innermostinn 12/12/2009 11:27 AM Going Naked in Kabul - 6604105145 chaosfilms 12/12/2009 11:26 AM Gail Collins - Going Naked in Kabul - 6603454061 zweitansage 12/12/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6599451276 zweitansage 12/12/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6591380679 AYATorimon 12/11/2009 11:15 PM RT @inilahindonesia: SHOWBIZ : Baca Ijab Kabul, Dimas Seto Merinding 6591367145 inilahindonesia 12/11/2009 11:15 PM SHOWBIZ : Baca Ijab Kabul, Dimas Seto Merinding 6591177690 SpankingFetish 12/11/2009 11:06 PM Going Naked in Kabul: By GAIL COLLINS Do you remember the scandal about the US Embassy guards in Kabul, Afghanistan... 6591175316 UNcareers 12/11/2009 11:06 PM Top UN envoy in Kabul to step down: By Colum Lynch UNITED NATIONS — The United Nations' top envoy in .. 6591140122 NYTimesCollins 12/11/2009 11:04 PM Going Naked in Kabul 6590891305 bataviared 12/11/2009 10:53 PM SAH!!!!!RT @elsara: saatnya ijab kabul 6590575416 uplo 12/11/2009 10:39 PM RT @nadiasw: Alhamdulillah lancar..fiyuuuuhhhhh// abis ijab kabul yak? 6590369439 hard_nipples 12/11/2009 10:30 PM — right down the street from his palace. Despite a corruption conviction, the mayor of Kabul remains in charge of the Afghan capital. 6590312333 nytimes_wire 12/11/2009 10:28 PM Going Naked in Kabul: When did we decide that letting private contractors stand in for our military in sensitive an... 6590294597 LibertarianChi 12/11/2009 10:27 PM Road to Kabul lies through Islamabad 6590247636 spacingatlantic 12/11/2009 10:25 PM Amazing before-after photos of cities like New York Dresden Hiroshima Kabul Wouldn't be too hard to do one of halifax.. 6590233811 GeraldHo 12/11/2009 10:25 PM Gail Collins: Going Naked in Kabul NYT 6589775600 bahcesel 12/11/2009 10:05 PM ABD sera gazı tehdidini kabul etti - Haber 27: Haber 27ABD sera gazı tehdidini kabul ettiHaber 27Çevre Koruma Da... 6589398609 jonmower 12/11/2009 9:50 PM Faces of displaced Afghans: KABUL, Afghanistan, (UNHCR) - The UN refugee agency on Tuesday began distribut.. #fb 6589346883 lizva 12/11/2009 9:48 PM Kabul. 6589207370 jonmower 12/11/2009 9:42 PM sharing: Faces of displaced Afghans: KABUL, Afghanistan, (UNHCR) - The UN refugee agency on Tuesday began distribu... 6589155699 UpSetPress 12/11/2009 9:40 PM Honeymoon in Kabul playing Saturday at 7:30 @zerofilmfest Brooklyn 6588737636 gustavofprado 12/11/2009 9:24 PM Hoje o plantão ia fazer o Osama ter saudades de casa. Kabul ia parecer o Parque da Mônica perto disso.O pior é que eu até não acho ruim. 6588534528 veraapril 12/11/2009 9:16 PM Tadi nangis waktu mereka sedang ijab kabul...sungguh terharuuuu 6588476490 sivira 12/11/2009 9:13 PM Hush!! HahhahahaRT @delisariva: Kawinan arifin di mahakam...ijab kabul ceremony...lamaaaaa beneeeer...hahahaha 6588229520 GndCB 12/11/2009 9:04 PM Afghan Authorities Slam Convicted Kabul Mayor's Return To Work - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2009 6588170765 abazombalak 12/11/2009 9:01 PM dünyanın içinde olduğu bu ümitsiz duruma daha fazla katlanamadım ve dünya liderlerinin yapmış olduğu daveti kabul ettim! 6587979221 poppygunariadi 12/11/2009 8:54 PM Marriage is bout giving :-) RT @mochrifki: Siap2 buat ijab kabul ya? Slamat ya mpin RT @si_fina: dag dig dug duer! 6587622286 hkshco 12/11/2009 8:40 PM #HSC U.N. Chief to Leave Kabul Post 6587556673 AfghanNews24 12/11/2009 8:37 PM Top UN envoy in Kabul to step down - Washington Post - UN envoy in Kabul to step downWashington ... 6587326948 delisariva 12/11/2009 8:29 PM Kawinan arifin di mahakam...ijab kabul ceremony...lamaaaaa beneeeer...hahahaha 6587264129 safirannisa 12/11/2009 8:26 PM @hernelly belom makan aku ka haha ini baru ijab kabul :D 6587251313 anindita_sptdn 12/11/2009 8:26 PM @ilmadina's ijab kabul. 6587170206 srilankanews 12/11/2009 8:23 PM Obama treads Soviet Road out of Kabul - Mainstream 6587159678 Publicintel 12/11/2009 8:22 PM ISAF Local Operatig Procedures Kabul Afghansitan International Airport 6587033226 veraapril 12/11/2009 8:17 PM Pengantennya uda ijab kabul...alhamdulillah 6586924109 afghanistanwire 12/11/2009 8:13 PM Top UN envoy in Kabul to step down - Washington Post: UN envoy in Kabul to step downWashington P... 6586316742 remtobreathe 12/11/2009 7:50 PM Reviewed Kabul 24: #books 6585532046 gscimbomcom 12/11/2009 7:21 PM Bünyedeki lanetin, üç silahşör'ün golleriyle bittiği bir maç(!): Tamam/kabul pek iyi oynamadık, hatta hala... 6585385499 sedirik 12/11/2009 7:16 PM ile olaylara bakmak istedigi bir yerde,bazi haklar kabul etmek lazim lukstur. dtp nin kapatilisi gec kalmis bir karadir. acilimda hicbir... 6585344258 elifkir 12/11/2009 7:14 PM aralarından seçip seçip kafana göre dularımı kabul etmesen yarabbim... 6585272481 getoutandvote 12/11/2009 7:11 PM ussr red army tanks graveyard east: USSR red army tanks graveyard— few km east of Kabul, Afghanistan When Russia l... 6585051572 OshyRostika 12/11/2009 7:03 PM Di rukiyah dlu br bs terkabul.hihi RT: @dhanti Di doa in sama mama sambil usap2 kepala gw! Huhu.. Terharu.. Mudah2an doa nya di kabul 6584589104 tcot_steve 12/11/2009 6:47 PM Face Of The Day - A fighting dog bleeds after the weekly dog fights on December 11, 2009 in Kabul, Afghanistan. Dog... 6584562266 claredred 12/11/2009 6:46 PM kabul etmem gerekir bugün şanslıydım..dünkü çemkiriğimi geri alıyorum.. 6584484376 nirvana_Handan 12/11/2009 6:43 PM @ceyhunyilmazz geçmiş olsun tekrar... biz arkadaşlarla sana şifa enerjisi gönderiyoruz kabul buyur lütfen. 6584253360 Adityabcde 12/11/2009 6:34 PM kakak ijab kabul dan saya cukup ijab kabur.habis ijab lgsg kabur 6584007389 alper_kaya 12/11/2009 6:25 PM Vakt-i zamanında klasspor diye bir siteye başvurdum, kabul ettiler yazımı istediler bi' daha dönmediler yazı da yayınlanmadı. 6583778723 deadpoetpoetan 12/11/2009 6:16 PM " the streets of Kabul." - Sultan Munadi 6583386551 homegrownstuff 12/11/2009 6:02 PM ?Loving hands? reach out to Afghanistan children|Children confined to Kabul, Afghanistan children?s hospital are .. 6583347865 tamersahin 12/11/2009 6:00 PM Gökhan Özen hayranı ergenle Scarface'deki Al Pacino'yu idol kabul eden yağız delikanlı arasında nitelik olarak bir fark yoktur. 6583342067 nurimaulida 12/11/2009 6:00 PM Sahabatku...setelah ijab kabul ko kabur ke semarang??? Sombongnya engkauuRT @desyagsya: Nganttuknya mata mau merem..makasih saya @angga_arch 6583258799 _eksisozluk_ 12/11/2009 5:57 PM nihat odabaşıyla yazıştık ve gördük ki çok üzmüşüz seni ağabeyyyyyyyy ;) AMA kabul et biz EKŞİYİZ ve eleştirmekte bizim görevimiz... ok? 6583233986 CRAcorruption 12/11/2009 5:56 PM Vital Concerns for the World: Skyreporter: Kabul Airport is a ...: By Arthur Kent, 6582881228 muratedd 12/11/2009 5:42 PM @SevimGozay senle konuşmayı veya buluşmayı çok isterim tabi kabul edersen 6582868294 Liliael 12/11/2009 5:42 PM Varım Uyku'nun güzel teklifini bir kez daha kabul ediyor...iyi geceler 6582777380 Beyhandemirci 12/11/2009 5:38 PM Vay anasını, kafadan bacaklının sevgilisi de kabul etti.. Neden içimde "boşa yaşamışık" gibi bi his var? 6582420574 umutaltinok 12/11/2009 5:25 PM @ussal kanunların değişmesi bir yere kadar , terörün kanunlar içinde savunulması kabul edilemez 6582388097 bigpandanews 12/11/2009 5:24 PM Kabul 9472 6582053675 blatherings 12/11/2009 5:11 PM afghani women protest, say ‘no corruption’: protesting a corrupt government in the streets of kabul... #tcot, #sgp 6581815173 Leynete 12/11/2009 5:03 PM RT @Arch4HumanityND Photos, video of Skateistan in Kabul on @openarchnetwork Quietly stunning. 6581779376 POTUFSS 12/11/2009 5:01 PM Top UN official says civilian work in Afghanistan is fragmented, needs better co-ordination|KABUL, Afghanistan - .. 6581757009 nedirbu 12/11/2009 5:01 PM @fulyadenizyigit hayır MİLLİ olmalı.ama kabul edicek eminim XD önmli olan 1 inde sabahın 6 sında kim toplıcak bizi. 6581726529 zweitansage 12/11/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6581718070 Obamashitlist 12/11/2009 4:59 PM Top UN official says civilian work in Afghanistan is fragmented, needs better co-ordination|KABUL, Afghanistan - .. 6581686707 glmaranto 12/11/2009 4:58 PM RT @Arch4HumanityND: Photos, video of Skateistan in Kabul on @openarchnetwork Quietly stunning. 6581675824 bitutam 12/11/2009 4:58 PM @raninimanini @bettypufpuf valla hoplaya ziplaya kabul ettim $imdiden, unutmam da, artik kafanizi $i$iririm yerine getirene kadar :)))))) 6581470129 GetGlobalEdge 12/11/2009 4:50 PM DouglasCastle_APNews Top UN official: Civil effort needs restructuring: KABUL (AP) -- The .. 6581469574 Braintenance 12/11/2009 4:50 PM DouglasCastle_APNews Top UN official: Civil effort needs restructuring: KABUL (AP) -- The .. 6581469131 TNNW_BUZZWORKS 12/11/2009 4:50 PM DouglasCastle_APNews Top UN official: Civil effort needs restructuring: KABUL (AP) -- The .. 6581468292 douglascastle 12/11/2009 4:50 PM DouglasCastle_APNews Top UN official: Civil effort needs restructuring: KABUL (AP) -- The .. 6581468610 IEP_VOICE 12/11/2009 4:50 PM DouglasCastle_APNews Top UN official: Civil effort needs restructuring: KABUL (AP) -- The .. 6581467809 SrMeetUp 12/11/2009 4:50 PM DouglasCastle_APNews Top UN official: Civil effort needs restructuring: KABUL (AP) -- The .. 6581311094 casinclair 12/11/2009 4:44 PM I didn't see all these new images of the Skateistan Skate Park in Kabul. So cool. 6581294102 OnurT 12/11/2009 4:43 PM RT @oky: flickr'da +18 photostream'e girmeyi kabul edince yukarda 'fikrinizi değiştirirseniz yavru kediler galerisine kaçabilirsiniz' ib ... 6581238732 Arch4HumanityND 12/11/2009 4:41 PM Photos, video of Skateistan in Kabul on @openarchnetwork Quietly stunning. 6581112821 Ferhad_Fidan 12/11/2009 4:36 PM @elifsoyseven Birşey olmaz, yeterince kurudu ise tabi. Enfazla bilgisayar kitlenir resetlersin düzelir. :) Sorumluluk kabul etmiyorum. :) 6581035162 oky 12/11/2009 4:33 PM flickr'da +18 photostream'e girmeyi kabul edince yukarda 'fikrinizi değiştirirseniz yavru kediler galerisine kaçabilirsiniz' ibaresi çıkıyor 6580994864 jeffantebi 12/11/2009 4:32 PM View from bombed out fortress. Kabul. 2009. 6580993510 UNjobs_Climate 12/11/2009 4:32 PM Vulnerability, water and human security in Afghanistan, Kabul +Provinces, Afghanistan, SPD @UNjobs #jobs 6580745237 kurtdietrich 12/11/2009 4:22 PM @nytimesphoto I wonder why the Times is revisiting something that Tyler Hicks already covered beautifully [re: Lens "A dogfight in Kabul"] ? 6580693842 paola44y 12/11/2009 4:20 PM [] Kabul Taliban Commander Seif-Allah Galali speaks.: December 11, 2009 - ...Everyone heard about wha... 6580496299 merhabafalan 12/11/2009 4:13 PM her yapılan "hadi bizde içelim" önerisi yüzsüzce kabul edilmeli. beklenilmedik efsane muhabbetlere neden olabilir. 6580442012 berkbalcik 12/11/2009 4:11 PM Sabancı Üniversitesi erken başvuruları kabul ediyor: 6580385600 mparent77772 12/11/2009 4:09 PM Kabul Taliban Commander Seif-Allah Galali speaks 6580138927 zweitansage 12/11/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6580129844 dcjill 12/11/2009 3:59 PM RT @nytimesphoto: Pictures of the Day: A dogfight in Kabul, protests in Rome & lightning in Johannesburg //love! 6580081938 Zener39 12/11/2009 3:57 PM RT @nytimesphoto Pictures of the Day: A dogfight in Kabul, protests in Rome & lightning in Johannesburg 6580038574 ryanstruck 12/11/2009 3:56 PM RT @nytimesphoto: Pictures of the Day: A dogfight in Kabul, protests in Rome & lightning in Johannesburg 6579991931 nytimesphoto 12/11/2009 3:54 PM Pictures of the Day: A dogfight in Kabul, protests in Rome & lightning in Johannesburg 6579710633 makdilek 12/11/2009 3:43 PM Pkk yi dunya teror orgutu olarak kabul etmis biz hala sozcusu dtp niye kapatildi diye tartisiyoruz. 6579276958 kalpgah 12/11/2009 3:27 PM dtp'nin siyaseti çok açıktı. ya pkk'yı meşru kabul edin. ya da her türlü pisliğimizle mücadele edin. 6578840763 Rock_0la 12/11/2009 3:10 PM RT @kattebel: Belgium sends more troops to AFG: an additional 30 men (yes, we're generous like that) will be sent to Kabul in 2010. 6578589309 RFE_RLNEWS 12/11/2009 3:00 PM Afghan Authorities Slam Convicted Kabul Mayor's Return To Work 6578572692 zweitansage 12/11/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6578451750 RealStarFehmiye 12/11/2009 2:55 PM Yeşim Salkım, Yedi Kocalı Hürmüz benzetmesini hakaret kabul etmiş. Halbuki etmemesi lazım. Çünkü o 4 kocalı Hürmüz... 6578431818 dswan113 12/11/2009 2:54 PM "Letter From Kabul - What the United States Must Overcome in Afghanistan" by Kim Barker in Foreign Affairs (30 Nov) 6578407873 videocrux 12/11/2009 2:53 PM #Videocrux - UN withdraws half its foreign staff from Kabul 6578280358 Aticonn 12/11/2009 2:48 PM Dünya dışı yaşamı tabi kabul edemez daha insanlık! daha birbirimizin insan olduğunu idrak edemedikten sonra! 6578270312 Aticonn 12/11/2009 2:48 PM Dünya dışını tabi kabul edemez daha insanlık! daha birbirimizin insan olduğunu idrak edemedikten sonra! 6578176508 kattebel 12/11/2009 2:44 PM Belgium sends more troops to AFG: an additional 30 men (yes, we're generous like that) will be sent to Kabul in 2010. 6578003658 innabox 12/11/2009 2:37 PM Comemoração de fim de TGI logo menos no #Kabul! #Mack #fikdik #vaifilhão! 6577951510 innabox 12/11/2009 2:35 PM Comemoração de fim de TGI logo menos no #Kabul (! #Mack #fikdik #vaifilhão! 6577867494 suatkavukluoglu 12/11/2009 2:32 PM akar yolunu bulur, ödül de ceza da kabul, doğum gibi ölüm gibi ol de olur..sezen diyor yasak elma da... 6577713057 Topsatwarchild 12/11/2009 2:26 PM Narcotecture in Kabul, #Afghanistan. Look at what smack can buy: 6577686194 Article19vblog 12/11/2009 2:25 PM RT @uruknet: Kabul Taliban Commander Seif-Allah Galali speaks. 6577634867 oyilmaz 12/11/2009 2:23 PM Nişantaşı'nda onlarca inşaat devam ediyor. Kaçı tasarımı temel sorun kabul eden mimarlarca tasarlanıyor, kaçı neoklasik dersiniz? 6591177690 SpankingFetish 12/11/2009 11:06 PM Going Naked in Kabul: By GAIL COLLINS Do you remember the scandal about the US Embassy guards in Kabul, Afghanistan... 6591175316 UNcareers 12/11/2009 11:06 PM Top UN envoy in Kabul to step down: By Colum Lynch UNITED NATIONS — The United Nations' top envoy in .. 6591140122 NYTimesCollins 12/11/2009 11:04 PM Going Naked in Kabul 6590891305 bataviared 12/11/2009 10:53 PM SAH!!!!!RT @elsara: saatnya ijab kabul 6590575416 uplo 12/11/2009 10:39 PM RT @nadiasw: Alhamdulillah lancar..fiyuuuuhhhhh// abis ijab kabul yak? 6590369439 hard_nipples 12/11/2009 10:30 PM — right down the street from his palace. Despite a corruption conviction, the mayor of Kabul remains in charge of the Afghan capital. 6590312333 nytimes_wire 12/11/2009 10:28 PM Going Naked in Kabul: When did we decide that letting private contractors stand in for our military in sensitive an... 6590294597 LibertarianChi 12/11/2009 10:27 PM Road to Kabul lies through Islamabad 6590247636 spacingatlantic 12/11/2009 10:25 PM Amazing before-after photos of cities like New York Dresden Hiroshima Kabul Wouldn't be too hard to do one of halifax.. 6590233811 GeraldHo 12/11/2009 10:25 PM Gail Collins: Going Naked in Kabul NYT 6589775600 bahcesel 12/11/2009 10:05 PM ABD sera gazı tehdidini kabul etti - Haber 27: Haber 27ABD sera gazı tehdidini kabul ettiHaber 27Çevre Koruma Da... 6589398609 jonmower 12/11/2009 9:50 PM Faces of displaced Afghans: KABUL, Afghanistan, (UNHCR) - The UN refugee agency on Tuesday began distribut.. #fb 6589346883 lizva 12/11/2009 9:48 PM Kabul. 6589207370 jonmower 12/11/2009 9:42 PM sharing: Faces of displaced Afghans: KABUL, Afghanistan, (UNHCR) - The UN refugee agency on Tuesday began distribu... 6589155699 UpSetPress 12/11/2009 9:40 PM Honeymoon in Kabul playing Saturday at 7:30 @zerofilmfest Brooklyn 6588737636 gustavofprado 12/11/2009 9:24 PM Hoje o plantão ia fazer o Osama ter saudades de casa. Kabul ia parecer o Parque da Mônica perto disso.O pior é que eu até não acho ruim. 6588534528 veraapril 12/11/2009 9:16 PM Tadi nangis waktu mereka sedang ijab kabul...sungguh terharuuuu 6588476490 sivira 12/11/2009 9:13 PM Hush!! HahhahahaRT @delisariva: Kawinan arifin di mahakam...ijab kabul ceremony...lamaaaaa beneeeer...hahahaha 6588229520 GndCB 12/11/2009 9:04 PM Afghan Authorities Slam Convicted Kabul Mayor's Return To Work - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2009 6588170765 abazombalak 12/11/2009 9:01 PM dünyanın içinde olduğu bu ümitsiz duruma daha fazla katlanamadım ve dünya liderlerinin yapmış olduğu daveti kabul ettim! 6587979221 poppygunariadi 12/11/2009 8:54 PM Marriage is bout giving :-) RT @mochrifki: Siap2 buat ijab kabul ya? Slamat ya mpin RT @si_fina: dag dig dug duer! 6587622286 hkshco 12/11/2009 8:40 PM #HSC U.N. Chief to Leave Kabul Post 6587556673 AfghanNews24 12/11/2009 8:37 PM Top UN envoy in Kabul to step down - Washington Post - UN envoy in Kabul to step downWashington ... 6587326948 delisariva 12/11/2009 8:29 PM Kawinan arifin di mahakam...ijab kabul ceremony...lamaaaaa beneeeer...hahahaha 6587264129 safirannisa 12/11/2009 8:26 PM @hernelly belom makan aku ka haha ini baru ijab kabul :D 6587251313 anindita_sptdn 12/11/2009 8:26 PM @ilmadina's ijab kabul. 6587170206 srilankanews 12/11/2009 8:23 PM Obama treads Soviet Road out of Kabul - Mainstream 6587159678 Publicintel 12/11/2009 8:22 PM ISAF Local Operatig Procedures Kabul Afghansitan International Airport 6587033226 veraapril 12/11/2009 8:17 PM Pengantennya uda ijab kabul...alhamdulillah 6586924109 afghanistanwire 12/11/2009 8:13 PM Top UN envoy in Kabul to step down - Washington Post: UN envoy in Kabul to step downWashington P... 6586316742 remtobreathe 12/11/2009 7:50 PM Reviewed Kabul 24: #books 6585532046 gscimbomcom 12/11/2009 7:21 PM Bünyedeki lanetin, üç silahşör'ün golleriyle bittiği bir maç(!): Tamam/kabul pek iyi oynamadık, hatta hala... 6585385499 sedirik 12/11/2009 7:16 PM ile olaylara bakmak istedigi bir yerde,bazi haklar kabul etmek lazim lukstur. dtp nin kapatilisi gec kalmis bir karadir. acilimda hicbir... 6585344258 elifkir 12/11/2009 7:14 PM aralarından seçip seçip kafana göre dularımı kabul etmesen yarabbim... 6585272481 getoutandvote 12/11/2009 7:11 PM ussr red army tanks graveyard east: USSR red army tanks graveyard— few km east of Kabul, Afghanistan When Russia l... 6585051572 OshyRostika 12/11/2009 7:03 PM Di rukiyah dlu br bs terkabul.hihi RT: @dhanti Di doa in sama mama sambil usap2 kepala gw! Huhu.. Terharu.. Mudah2an doa nya di kabul 6584589104 tcot_steve 12/11/2009 6:47 PM Face Of The Day - A fighting dog bleeds after the weekly dog fights on December 11, 2009 in Kabul, Afghanistan. Dog... 6584562266 claredred 12/11/2009 6:46 PM kabul etmem gerekir bugün şanslıydım..dünkü çemkiriğimi geri alıyorum.. 6584484376 nirvana_Handan 12/11/2009 6:43 PM @ceyhunyilmazz geçmiş olsun tekrar... biz arkadaşlarla sana şifa enerjisi gönderiyoruz kabul buyur lütfen. 6584253360 Adityabcde 12/11/2009 6:34 PM kakak ijab kabul dan saya cukup ijab kabur.habis ijab lgsg kabur 6584007389 alper_kaya 12/11/2009 6:25 PM Vakt-i zamanında klasspor diye bir siteye başvurdum, kabul ettiler yazımı istediler bi' daha dönmediler yazı da yayınlanmadı. 6583778723 deadpoetpoetan 12/11/2009 6:16 PM " the streets of Kabul." - Sultan Munadi 6583386551 homegrownstuff 12/11/2009 6:02 PM ?Loving hands? reach out to Afghanistan children|Children confined to Kabul, Afghanistan children?s hospital are .. 6583347865 tamersahin 12/11/2009 6:00 PM Gökhan Özen hayranı ergenle Scarface'deki Al Pacino'yu idol kabul eden yağız delikanlı arasında nitelik olarak bir fark yoktur. 6583342067 nurimaulida 12/11/2009 6:00 PM Sahabatku...setelah ijab kabul ko kabur ke semarang??? Sombongnya engkauuRT @desyagsya: Nganttuknya mata mau merem..makasih saya @angga_arch 6583258799 _eksisozluk_ 12/11/2009 5:57 PM nihat odabaşıyla yazıştık ve gördük ki çok üzmüşüz seni ağabeyyyyyyyy ;) AMA kabul et biz EKŞİYİZ ve eleştirmekte bizim görevimiz... ok? 6583233986 CRAcorruption 12/11/2009 5:56 PM Vital Concerns for the World: Skyreporter: Kabul Airport is a ...: By Arthur Kent, 6582881228 muratedd 12/11/2009 5:42 PM @SevimGozay senle konuşmayı veya buluşmayı çok isterim tabi kabul edersen 6582868294 Liliael 12/11/2009 5:42 PM Varım Uyku'nun güzel teklifini bir kez daha kabul ediyor...iyi geceler 6582777380 Beyhandemirci 12/11/2009 5:38 PM Vay anasını, kafadan bacaklının sevgilisi de kabul etti.. Neden içimde "boşa yaşamışık" gibi bi his var? 6582420574 umutaltinok 12/11/2009 5:25 PM @ussal kanunların değişmesi bir yere kadar , terörün kanunlar içinde savunulması kabul edilemez 6582388097 bigpandanews 12/11/2009 5:24 PM Kabul 9472 6582053675 blatherings 12/11/2009 5:11 PM afghani women protest, say ‘no corruption’: protesting a corrupt government in the streets of kabul... #tcot, #sgp 6581815173 Leynete 12/11/2009 5:03 PM RT @Arch4HumanityND Photos, video of Skateistan in Kabul on @openarchnetwork Quietly stunning. 6581779376 POTUFSS 12/11/2009 5:01 PM Top UN official says civilian work in Afghanistan is fragmented, needs better co-ordination|KABUL, Afghanistan - .. 6581757009 nedirbu 12/11/2009 5:01 PM @fulyadenizyigit hayır MİLLİ olmalı.ama kabul edicek eminim XD önmli olan 1 inde sabahın 6 sında kim toplıcak bizi. 6581726529 zweitansage 12/11/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6581718070 Obamashitlist 12/11/2009 4:59 PM Top UN official says civilian work in Afghanistan is fragmented, needs better co-ordination|KABUL, Afghanistan - .. 6581686707 glmaranto 12/11/2009 4:58 PM RT @Arch4HumanityND: Photos, video of Skateistan in Kabul on @openarchnetwork Quietly stunning. 6581675824 bitutam 12/11/2009 4:58 PM @raninimanini @bettypufpuf valla hoplaya ziplaya kabul ettim $imdiden, unutmam da, artik kafanizi $i$iririm yerine getirene kadar :)))))) 6581470129 GetGlobalEdge 12/11/2009 4:50 PM DouglasCastle_APNews Top UN official: Civil effort needs restructuring: KABUL (AP) -- The .. 6581469574 Braintenance 12/11/2009 4:50 PM DouglasCastle_APNews Top UN official: Civil effort needs restructuring: KABUL (AP) -- The .. 6581469131 TNNW_BUZZWORKS 12/11/2009 4:50 PM DouglasCastle_APNews Top UN official: Civil effort needs restructuring: KABUL (AP) -- The .. 6581468292 douglascastle 12/11/2009 4:50 PM DouglasCastle_APNews Top UN official: Civil effort needs restructuring: KABUL (AP) -- The .. 6581468610 IEP_VOICE 12/11/2009 4:50 PM DouglasCastle_APNews Top UN official: Civil effort needs restructuring: KABUL (AP) -- The .. 6581467809 SrMeetUp 12/11/2009 4:50 PM DouglasCastle_APNews Top UN official: Civil effort needs restructuring: KABUL (AP) -- The .. 6581311094 casinclair 12/11/2009 4:44 PM I didn't see all these new images of the Skateistan Skate Park in Kabul. So cool. 6581294102 OnurT 12/11/2009 4:43 PM RT @oky: flickr'da +18 photostream'e girmeyi kabul edince yukarda 'fikrinizi değiştirirseniz yavru kediler galerisine kaçabilirsiniz' ib ... 6581238732 Arch4HumanityND 12/11/2009 4:41 PM Photos, video of Skateistan in Kabul on @openarchnetwork Quietly stunning. 6581112821 Ferhad_Fidan 12/11/2009 4:36 PM @elifsoyseven Birşey olmaz, yeterince kurudu ise tabi. Enfazla bilgisayar kitlenir resetlersin düzelir. :) Sorumluluk kabul etmiyorum. :) 6581035162 oky 12/11/2009 4:33 PM flickr'da +18 photostream'e girmeyi kabul edince yukarda 'fikrinizi değiştirirseniz yavru kediler galerisine kaçabilirsiniz' ibaresi çıkıyor 6580994864 jeffantebi 12/11/2009 4:32 PM View from bombed out fortress. Kabul. 2009. 6580993510 UNjobs_Climate 12/11/2009 4:32 PM Vulnerability, water and human security in Afghanistan, Kabul +Provinces, Afghanistan, SPD @UNjobs #jobs 6580745237 kurtdietrich 12/11/2009 4:22 PM @nytimesphoto I wonder why the Times is revisiting something that Tyler Hicks already covered beautifully [re: Lens "A dogfight in Kabul"] ? 6580693842 paola44y 12/11/2009 4:20 PM [] Kabul Taliban Commander Seif-Allah Galali speaks.: December 11, 2009 - ...Everyone heard about wha... 6580496299 merhabafalan 12/11/2009 4:13 PM her yapılan "hadi bizde içelim" önerisi yüzsüzce kabul edilmeli. beklenilmedik efsane muhabbetlere neden olabilir. 6580442012 berkbalcik 12/11/2009 4:11 PM Sabancı Üniversitesi erken başvuruları kabul ediyor: 6580385600 mparent77772 12/11/2009 4:09 PM Kabul Taliban Commander Seif-Allah Galali speaks 6580138927 zweitansage 12/11/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6580129844 dcjill 12/11/2009 3:59 PM RT @nytimesphoto: Pictures of the Day: A dogfight in Kabul, protests in Rome & lightning in Johannesburg //love! 6580081938 Zener39 12/11/2009 3:57 PM RT @nytimesphoto Pictures of the Day: A dogfight in Kabul, protests in Rome & lightning in Johannesburg 6580038574 ryanstruck 12/11/2009 3:56 PM RT @nytimesphoto: Pictures of the Day: A dogfight in Kabul, protests in Rome & lightning in Johannesburg 6579991931 nytimesphoto 12/11/2009 3:54 PM Pictures of the Day: A dogfight in Kabul, protests in Rome & lightning in Johannesburg 6579710633 makdilek 12/11/2009 3:43 PM Pkk yi dunya teror orgutu olarak kabul etmis biz hala sozcusu dtp niye kapatildi diye tartisiyoruz. 6579276958 kalpgah 12/11/2009 3:27 PM dtp'nin siyaseti çok açıktı. ya pkk'yı meşru kabul edin. ya da her türlü pisliğimizle mücadele edin. 6578840763 Rock_0la 12/11/2009 3:10 PM RT @kattebel: Belgium sends more troops to AFG: an additional 30 men (yes, we're generous like that) will be sent to Kabul in 2010. 6578589309 RFE_RLNEWS 12/11/2009 3:00 PM Afghan Authorities Slam Convicted Kabul Mayor's Return To Work 6578572692 zweitansage 12/11/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6578451750 RealStarFehmiye 12/11/2009 2:55 PM Yeşim Salkım, Yedi Kocalı Hürmüz benzetmesini hakaret kabul etmiş. Halbuki etmemesi lazım. Çünkü o 4 kocalı Hürmüz... 6578431818 dswan113 12/11/2009 2:54 PM "Letter From Kabul - What the United States Must Overcome in Afghanistan" by Kim Barker in Foreign Affairs (30 Nov) 6578407873 videocrux 12/11/2009 2:53 PM #Videocrux - UN withdraws half its foreign staff from Kabul 6578280358 Aticonn 12/11/2009 2:48 PM Dünya dışı yaşamı tabi kabul edemez daha insanlık! daha birbirimizin insan olduğunu idrak edemedikten sonra! 6578270312 Aticonn 12/11/2009 2:48 PM Dünya dışını tabi kabul edemez daha insanlık! daha birbirimizin insan olduğunu idrak edemedikten sonra! 6578176508 kattebel 12/11/2009 2:44 PM Belgium sends more troops to AFG: an additional 30 men (yes, we're generous like that) will be sent to Kabul in 2010. 6578003658 innabox 12/11/2009 2:37 PM Comemoração de fim de TGI logo menos no #Kabul! #Mack #fikdik #vaifilhão! 6577951510 innabox 12/11/2009 2:35 PM Comemoração de fim de TGI logo menos no #Kabul (! #Mack #fikdik #vaifilhão! 6577867494 suatkavukluoglu 12/11/2009 2:32 PM akar yolunu bulur, ödül de ceza da kabul, doğum gibi ölüm gibi ol de olur..sezen diyor yasak elma da... 6577713057 Topsatwarchild 12/11/2009 2:26 PM Narcotecture in Kabul, #Afghanistan. Look at what smack can buy: 6577686194 Article19vblog 12/11/2009 2:25 PM RT @uruknet: Kabul Taliban Commander Seif-Allah Galali speaks. 6577634867 oyilmaz 12/11/2009 2:23 PM Nişantaşı'nda onlarca inşaat devam ediyor. Kaçı tasarımı temel sorun kabul eden mimarlarca tasarlanıyor, kaçı neoklasik dersiniz? 6577196619 Sercinho 12/11/2009 2:06 PM @chirimirim misafir kabul ediyor musun? çay dedinde aklıma çay geldi. 6577026240 zweitansage 12/11/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6576426194 ajit8uk 12/11/2009 1:36 PM RT @uruknet Kabul Taliban Commander Seif-Allah Galali speaks. #afghanistan 6576410631 angelexile 12/11/2009 1:35 PM kimi ikisini de yitirir ve kabul görür. " 6576335555 uruknet 12/11/2009 1:33 PM Kabul Taliban Commander Seif-Allah Galali speaks. 6576195476 Mezuncom 12/11/2009 1:27 PM 3.Adım: Kabul Sonrası - 6576185187 videocrux 12/11/2009 1:27 PM #Videocrux - UN deaths in Kabul attack rise to five 6576184654 Mezuncom 12/11/2009 1:27 PM 2.Adım: Başvuru ve Kabul - 6576106421 StreamServeri 12/11/2009 1:24 PM UN-Chef in Kabul nimmt den Hut ( 6576102009 esbijeans 12/11/2009 1:24 PM UN-Chef in Kabul nimmt den Hut: 6575859876 dusseldorf_jobs 12/11/2009 1:15 PM Bundeswehr vergibt Millionenaufträge ohne Ausschreibung: In Kabul unterhält die Düsseldorfer Firma eine Dependan... 6575514695 POTUFSS 12/11/2009 1:02 PM U.N.?s top official in Afghanistan says he won?t be back after March|KABUL (AP) ? The top U.N. official in .. 6575447713 zweitansage 12/11/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6575250038 carstenalbrecht 12/11/2009 12:52 PM RT @dw_german: UN-Chef in Kabul nimmt den Hut 6575156080 majsaleh 12/11/2009 12:49 PM Adam Curtis' Blog. Kabul: City Number One part 6 - The War on Pop 6575129029 tariktoros 12/11/2009 12:48 PM @ahmethc o zaman şunu kabul ediyorsunuz. iki kapatma da aynı.. yani siyasi.. devran sürüyor.. ne ala..! 6575108785 dw_german 12/11/2009 12:47 PM UN-Chef in Kabul nimmt den Hut 6575055124 inayet 12/11/2009 12:45 PM RT @Hairan: Prisoners again go on hunger strike in Pul-e-Charkhi prison of Kabul 6574960939 dw_politik 12/11/2009 12:41 PM UN-Chef in Kabul nimmt den Hut 6574894641 stme11 12/11/2009 12:39 PM UN-Chef in Kabul nimmt den Hut - Nach dem Streit über Wahlfälschungen bei der Präsidentenwahl in Afghanistan gibt d... 6574722107 antonionesbey 12/11/2009 12:33 PM ofsayt kuralinin kaldirilmasi teklifi kabul edildi de biz mi duymadik yahu 6574603639 dw_tv 12/11/2009 12:28 PM UN-Chef in Kabul nimmt den Hut 6574388631 Hairan 12/11/2009 12:20 PM Prisoners again go on hunger strike in Pul-e-Charkhi prison of Kabul 6574233912 DGKNCGLYN 12/11/2009 12:15 PM @cemyilmaz_ zafer algöz sizi aradığında martta gelmeyi kabul ettiniz peki gelecekmisiniz? (doğu akdeniz üni) 6573866952 newscomAFPpix 12/11/2009 12:02 PM newscom's AFP pix: -: Afghan horsemen compete for the goat carcass during a game of Buzkashi in Kabul on Decembe... 6573800649 zweitansage 12/11/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6573742668 imagesofone 12/11/2009 11:57 AM UPI NewsTrack TopNews: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 11 (UPI) -- The top UN official in Afghanistan is stepping down a... 6573642263 cistirifis 12/11/2009 11:54 AM dualar kabul edildi. bülent ortaçgil konserine gidiliyor. bazı mutluluklar, güzellikler. 6573261923 nbaranm 12/11/2009 11:40 AM beni ben olduğum için kabul edenleri seviyorum... beni benlikten çıkartan hiçbir şeyi de kabul etmiyorum! o yüzden... 6573052651 TybrinJobs 12/11/2009 11:33 AM New Position! ACC System Support Representative #job in Kabul, Afghanistan. Apply at: 6572969373 renato_damiao 12/11/2009 11:30 AM o rio show continua a divulgar a peça Kabul, mas está fora de cartaz. Como descobri? Fui lá hoje e dei com a cara na porta. #raiva 6572871547 dreamworkers 12/11/2009 11:27 AM South asia bands festival rocks delhi once again! 1st day with raghu dixit, strings, kabul dreams, james & co, soulmate(?). 6572659591 meminoglu 12/11/2009 11:19 AM hukuk gerçekten üstünse, üstünlüğü kabül edilmeli. aksi iman etmeye girer ki iman edilecek daha mantıklı şeyler var dünyada. 6572393315 flyryan 12/11/2009 11:10 AM @DertCheep I'm at Kabul airport. Should be flying to Kyrgyzstan tomorrow! I'll be in Vegas on the 16th. 6572176847 safe_waters 12/11/2009 11:02 AM #reutersIN U.N. Afghan envoy to step down on schedule in March: KABUL/OSLO (Reuters) - The top U.N. official in Afghanis 6572088443 zweitansage 12/11/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6571994442 yunusht 12/11/2009 10:56 AM #oley u ufaktan bir denemeye başlayabilirsiniz. Beta kabul ediniz. 6571852348 yunusht 12/11/2009 10:51 AM u ufaktan bir denemeye başlayabilirsiniz. Beta kabul ediniz. 6571312665 albertsson 12/11/2009 10:33 AM @lizva holidays in Kabul ouch. 6571068625 TwaddictsRUs 12/11/2009 10:24 AM KABUL (AP) Afghan police say 2 officers, 3 civilians killed by suicide bomber on a motorcycle >> *heavy sad sigh.. :*( << 6570920668 mindproduction 12/11/2009 10:19 AM @glgrl ikizdere tamam gruptaki arkadaşlar kabul ederse aydere yakınsa oraya gitmedim.. 6570769645 mamagerka 12/11/2009 10:14 AM RT @AfghanNews24: Top U.N. official in Afghanistan to leave (UPI) - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 11 (UPI) -- The top U.N. official in Afg... ... 6570496739 newrum 12/11/2009 10:05 AM @saltunc Aşkolsun, nooolacah ya :) Sizin kuşağı böyle kabul ettik biz, sorun değil. 6570378650 AfghanNews24 12/11/2009 10:01 AM Top U.N. official in Afghanistan to leave (UPI) - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 11 (UPI) -- The top U.N. official in Afg... 6570347176 zweitansage 12/11/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6570107640 zebellah 12/11/2009 9:51 AM @wllmtll "ben kabul etmediğim sürece her şey yanlıştır" zihniyeti 1492'de de vardı 2009'da da olacaktır, doğaldır. 6570042571 ScenarioFutures 12/11/2009 9:49 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say > 6569511503 serhatkaraman 12/11/2009 9:31 AM deli gerçeği kabul etmeyendir.. göl maya tutar mı? diyenlere elbet tutmaz. ama ya bir tutarsa? diyebilendir.. 6569502478 Hungry4Politics 12/11/2009 9:30 AM (RWN) U.N. Afghan envoy to step down on schedule in March: KABUL/OSLO (Reuters) - The top U.N. official in.. 6569501358 rachelejlee 12/11/2009 9:30 AM A Leg Up [Snap Judgment]: [Kabul, December 10. Image via Getty] KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - DECEMBER 10: An Afghan woman h... 6568681288 POTUFSS 12/11/2009 9:02 AM Top U.N. official in Afghanistan to leave|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 11 (UPI) -- The top U.N. official in .. 6568619931 zweitansage 12/11/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6568613909 Obamashitlist 12/11/2009 8:59 AM Top U.N. official in Afghanistan to leave|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 11 (UPI) -- The top U.N. official in .. 6568543328 Borghorst 12/11/2009 8:57 AM Gute Nachrichten aus Kabul: Burgsteinfurt/Kabul - Meistens, wenn man von Kabul hört oder liest, erwartet man sc.. 6568423210 AJnotebook 12/11/2009 8:52 AM The Narcotecture of Kabul: \’Here in Kabul, the poor live in unimaginably squalid conditions and the rich.. 6568345054 LionelBarrymore 12/11/2009 8:50 AM Obama's Road to Re-Election Runs Through Kabul? 6568113597 geceleriesen 12/11/2009 8:41 AM @Ahseni_s din korkunun inkarıdır zaten. kabul edilen korkular dinin düşmanıdır, ölünce yok olmak gibi. 6567855604 fingertipnews 12/11/2009 8:31 AM UPI-Top News: Top U.N. official in Afghanistan to leave - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 11 (UPI) -- The top U.N. offici... 6567848137 mineciner 12/11/2009 8:31 AM Organizasyon yapıldı; kabul eden yok:( Event's created; nobody accepted yet:( 6567794259 mineciner 12/11/2009 8:29 AM Organizasyon yapıldı da kabul eden yok:( Event's created; nobody accepted yet:( 6567712428 sophiasgalaxy 12/11/2009 8:26 AM Does Obama's Road to Re-Election Run Through Kabul? | | AlterNet 6567678640 bollockisnobita 12/11/2009 8:25 AM Haha. .sip. Sugan di kabul.RT @@karrinacarlton 6567675485 toplesswomen 12/11/2009 8:24 AM Company embroiled in a scandal involving the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, where guards were accused of drunken conduct and sexual hazing. 6567630403 USRealityCheck 12/11/2009 8:23 AM Top U.N. official in Afghanistan to leave: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 11 (UPI) -- The top U.N. official in Af.. utn 6567558435 alialkan 12/11/2009 8:20 AM facebook üzerinden dua kabul edenler varmış 6567408491 foot__fetish 12/11/2009 8:14 AM Company embroiled in a scandal involving the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, where guards were accused of drunken conduct and sexual hazing. 6567355259 fingertipnews 12/11/2009 8:12 AM AP_Mobile: KABUL (AP) _ #Afghan police say 2 officers, 3 civilians killed by suicide bomber on a motorcycle. Updates at 6567335322 Tweet_News_Now 12/11/2009 8:11 AM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal (Reuters): Reuters - The State Department will not renew the ... 6567334723 Orgetorix 12/11/2009 8:11 AM KABUL : «U.N. Afghan Mission Chief to Resign» 6567230685 Sedou 12/11/2009 8:07 AM @SnowPower hhahahahahah :) rüzgar mı çarptı acaba? :) güzel şarkı ama kabul et david :) 6567222749 fundaunal 12/11/2009 8:07 AM @GeErgen özrüm kabul edildi mi :( 6567031398 zweitansage 12/11/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6567010819 aliguvenn 12/11/2009 7:59 AM @neslihanyargici biz ne kadar kabul etmesekte kendimizi avrupaya ait hissetsekte,onlar için biz arap ülkesiyiz malesefff 6566892117 aerzet 12/11/2009 7:54 AM @dhanyarch gatau yg pasti dia diatas gue dibawah sama kabul tresno eh dia ngeludah tp ga kena 6566891262 ilmenites 12/11/2009 7:54 AM @mehmet15846 hem seni çok seviyoruz gitme:)) alıngan olma, insanları olduğu gibi kabul et:)) bırak O da mualif olsun ne zararı var:) 6566862967 cgrofficial 12/11/2009 7:53 AM Bu mesaji x kisiye gonderince kabul olacak duam varsa,zaten kabul olmasin. 6566640175 fingertipnews2 12/11/2009 7:43 AM Reuters Intl: U.N. Afghan envoy to step down on schedule in March: KABUL (Reuters) - The top U.N. .. 6566460298 medyasozluk 12/11/2009 7:36 AM lozan baris anlasmasini degistirmeyi kabul ettiniz mi 6566414592 USTalib 12/11/2009 7:34 AM Video: Kabul Taliban Commander Seif-Allah Galali speaks. With all the bruhaha of Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize,... .. 6566277428 Article19vblog 12/11/2009 7:28 AM Video: Kabul Taliban Commander Seif-Allah Galali speaks. With all the bruhaha of Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize,... 6566170603 Amorous_VI 12/11/2009 7:23 AM U.N. Afghan envoy to step down on schedule in March: KABUL (Reuters) - The top U.N. official in Afghanistan pla.. 6566112872 kahramani 12/11/2009 7:21 AM kendime bu konuda güvenirim.. bazı erkeklerin hepinizden daha iyi ilişki hafızası olduğunu kabul etmelisiniz.. 6566038726 news_ch 12/11/2009 7:18 AM UNO-Sonderbeauftragter für Afghanistan tritt zurück: Oslo/Kabul - Der UNO-Sonderbeauftragte für Afghanistan, Ka.. 6565927015 laestus 12/11/2009 7:13 AM @ufunett kabul etmek tanımak onları meşrulaştırmak elbette değildir. ama muhatap görmek karşındakine tarihsel sewrüveni ve varoluşuna değer 6565889009 laestus 12/11/2009 7:11 AM @ufunett ontolojik olarak şia diye bir mefhum var mı var? 1000 yıldır bu adamlar varsa önce bunları muhatap kabul etmek lazım. 6565866482 mariamaqdalena 12/11/2009 7:10 AM @Sycorox @altugkoc ben hergün faceye girdiğim için hemen gizledim;bazı arkdaşlar beni kabul etmemişti ekleyince..ben de çaldım resimleri :D 6565822022 laestus 12/11/2009 7:08 AM @bilgekralaliya abi elbette tartışıcaz ama önce muhatap kabul etmemiz lazım. cemaatler kendini nasıl görüyorsa o şekilde tanımak lazım. 6565749075 b2zen 12/11/2009 7:05 AM @ShashiTharoor Its ranjit singh the greatest ever ruler of India whose empire starts from Kabul spreads upto Lassa 6565734895 USAbreaking 12/11/2009 7:04 AM global: U.N. Afghan envoy to step down on schedule in March: KABUL (Reuters) - The .. [Reuters] #worldnews 6565628943 zweitansage 12/11/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6565618335 TevhidGuLu 12/11/2009 6:59 AM HAYDİ SEVDAMIZA KOŞALIM..ALLAH-U TEÂLA DUAALRIMIZI KABUL ETSİN.. 6565596540 KarlKeule 12/11/2009 6:58 AM RT @hubertsrevier: @KarlKeule Ja. Wir machen Kabul – a- rasa! Make Tweets not war! 6565577721 hubertsrevier 12/11/2009 6:57 AM @KarlKeule Ja. Wir machen Kabul – a- rasa! Make Tweets not war! 6565551603 clickfraud 12/11/2009 6:56 AM News from Bing; Top UN official in Afghanistan wants to leave - The Ledger: KABUL - The top U.N. official in Afghan... 6565550992 clickfraud 12/11/2009 6:56 AM News from Bing; Top UN official in Afghanistan wants to leave when 2-year contract ... - Washington Examiner: KABUL... 6565482191 vuzn 12/11/2009 6:53 AM Dün geceki partide 2.5 saatte içtiğim 11 bira çoktu kabul ediyorum. 6565370625 vaidynath 12/11/2009 6:47 AM Does Obama's Road to Re-Election Run Through Kabul? That's assuming he can go past the damage of Ben & TIm 6565339021 Aadill 12/11/2009 6:46 AM @ayeshaesque her poetry's got references like 'qehwa' 'qissakhwani bazaar' 'torkham' 'indus blue eyes' 'kabul' and lots of others .. 6565307152 cemsanci 12/11/2009 6:44 AM Bari haksız olabileceğiniz durumların varlığını kabul etseydiniz. Hep haklı olmanız daima adil olduğunuz anlamına gelmior bu durumda. 6565264563 ajit8uk 12/11/2009 6:42 AM RT @Article19vblog: MUST: Kabul Taliban Commander Seif-Allah Galali speaks. #Afghanistan #Obama #Follow Friday #Nobe ... 6565259356 yippie2 12/11/2009 6:42 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6565239498 refugeebot 12/11/2009 6:41 AM RT @merriemarie KABUL, Afghanistan- The UN refugee agency on Tuesday began distributing blankets, sweaters, jerry cans, and charcoal http.. 6565215656 yesimsalkim 12/11/2009 6:40 AM @EnginEryilmaz İşte bakın doğruyu bulmuşsunuz zaten aynı olmadığımızı kabul ederseniz sorun çıkmaz bize kadın gibi davranın. 6565215703 Freedomman11 12/11/2009 6:40 AM Kai Eide: Top UN Official In Afghanistan Has Had Enough: KABUL — The top U.N. official in Afghanistan .. 6565197266 MofPuppets 12/11/2009 6:39 AM ekşi sözlük hesabımı doktora tanrılarına kurban verdim, ve dileğim kabul oldu. şimdilik. 6565195528 simpleid 12/11/2009 6:39 AM RT @ABC: Embassy Guards Gone Wild Get Fired: "Sex Party" contractor in Afghanistan loses Kabul contract. 6565189695 DanRomero81 12/11/2009 6:39 AM Jack says Kai Eide: Top UN Official In Afghanistan Has Had Enough: KABUL — The top U.N. offic.. 6565185061 Article19vblog 12/11/2009 6:39 AM MUST: Kabul Taliban Commander Seif-Allah Galali speaks. #Afghanistan #Obama #Follow Friday #Nobel #NATO 6565169080 sharilynj 12/11/2009 6:38 AM @rachelsklar But remember it's pronounced "Kabul". 6565155448 videocrux 12/11/2009 6:37 AM #Videocrux - Tight security in Kabul after vote 6565068264 huffingtonpostz 12/11/2009 6:33 AM Kai Eide: Top UN Official In Afghanistan Has Had Enough: KABUL — The top U.N. official in Afghanistan .. 6565065202 wealthhealthhap 12/11/2009 6:33 AM Kai Eide: Top UN Official In Afghanistan Has Had Enough: KABUL — The top U.N. official in Afghanistan .. 6565048364 DailyLog2 12/11/2009 6:32 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6564981153 KimBomin 12/11/2009 6:29 AM U.N. Afghan envoy to step down on schedule in March: KABUL (Reuters) - The top U.N. official in Afghanistan ... #Korea 6564974729 videocrux 12/11/2009 6:28 AM #Videocrux - Two militants gets killed in Kabul 6564924071 videocrux 12/11/2009 6:26 AM #Videocrux - Tight security in Kabul on polling day 6564920377 mustafaat 12/11/2009 6:26 AM "hoşgörü penceresinden bakabilmek" neden hoş görelim ki? Hoş göreceksek bunun normal / kabul edilebilir /... re: 6564848521 GoodDay999 12/11/2009 6:22 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6564667958 MarineMuseum 12/11/2009 6:12 AM On December 11, 2001, elements of the 26th MEU(SOC) secure the long abandoned U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. 6564657189 HiThere8 12/11/2009 6:12 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6564654049 Gozde_Dogan 12/11/2009 6:12 AM @irasare ama insanlar bile bile yapar kabul eder geri döner velasıl tarih tekerrür eder di mi? 6564636157 friedasmailbox 12/11/2009 6:11 AM Blast kills child, wounds 12 at Afghan wedding: KABUL — Afghan police say a blast has killed a child and wounde.. 6564571299 kickinghorse892 12/11/2009 6:07 AM Kai Eide: Top UN Official In Afghanistan Has Had Enough: KABUL — The top U.N. official in Afghani... @huffingtonpost 6564545882 ilGiornaleNET 12/11/2009 6:06 AM Kai Eide: Top UN Official In Afghanistan Has Had Enough: KABUL — The top U.N. official in Afghanistan said Friday... 6564529639 shesthequestion 12/11/2009 6:05 AM @aylinco "İzmir'den sıkıldım" demek, Ankara'da yaşayıp da İzmir hayalleri kuranların kabul edemeyeceği bir durumdur :) Küçük oluversin. 6564501492 sezin15 12/11/2009 6:04 AM @pinar_unal sissss gizemlisin kabul et bulamazlaar seni =O) 6564470053 eBayItems 12/11/2009 6:02 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6564421867 zweitansage 12/11/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6564369188 mabutuner 12/11/2009 5:57 AM @muzikkutusu Bu ne arkadaş, intihar mı edelim yani!.. İşte @muzikkutusu'nun önerdiği müzik. Sorumluluk kabul etmem. 6564284100 LoggedInUs 12/11/2009 5:52 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6564258226 Mom_Kids_Mom 12/11/2009 5:50 AM Blast kills child, wounds 12 at Afghan wedding: KABUL — Afghan police say a blast has killed a child and wounde.. 6564210367 bernadem 12/11/2009 5:48 AM ulkede olup bitenleri tvde seyredip sinirden kufreden babamin kildigi namazlar sizce kabul oluyor mudur sn. @ahmethc 6564172761 turkcespor 12/11/2009 5:46 AM Tabata'ya talip var!: Eskişehir'in hocası Rıza Çalımbay, 'Müthiş bir futbolcu. Eğer Beşiktaş da kabul ederse, l.. 6564154209 ligiabdiogo 12/11/2009 5:45 AM e ai kabul hj? :) 6564143192 chansui_e 12/11/2009 5:44 AM aksam hangi filme gitsem diye dusunuyorum . twilight disinda oneri kabul edlir! 6564106494 HeyThere81 12/11/2009 5:42 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6563976010 psychedelicus 12/11/2009 5:34 AM RT @cemsanci: Edebiyat eleştirisini genel kabul görmüş yargıları gözeterek yapan beyinsizler için yeni denemeler her zaman kötüdür. Eski ... 6563959970 marriagetips4u 12/11/2009 5:33 AM Blast kills child, wounds 12 at Afghan wedding: KABUL — Afghan police say a blast has killed a child and wounded ... 6563937815 yippie2 12/11/2009 5:32 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6563820363 cemsanci 12/11/2009 5:25 AM Edebiyat eleştirisini genel kabul görmüş yargıları gözeterek yapan beyinsizler için yeni denemeler her zaman kötüdür. Eski ise güzeldir. 6563766790 HeadsUp22 12/11/2009 5:22 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6563765014 Haber24 12/11/2009 5:22 AM Uganda'da kadın sünneti yasaklandı: Uganda Meclisi, kadın sünnetini yasaklayan bir yasayı kabul etti. 6563716297 nilerturk 12/11/2009 5:19 AM @ermansire hayır ekleyenler neden kabul etmiyorsun diye soruyorlar onun için. Bunun eğlenilecek bir tarafı yok :) 6563695718 merriemarie 12/11/2009 5:17 AM KABUL, Afghanistan- The UN refugee agency on Tuesday began distributing blankets, sweaters, jerry cans, and charcoal 6563614436 sevtapsevtap 12/11/2009 5:12 AM cuma günleri kabul günlerimiz :))) eksik olmasınlar seviliyoruz yaa dimi nilaayy:)) 6563613523 Volki_tolki 12/11/2009 5:12 AM voklan yazmak bir yazım hatasıdır, kabul edilebilir. wolkan yazmak kişilik hatasıdır, kavga sebebidir, kabul edilemez. 6563603039 WhatsHappenin2 12/11/2009 5:12 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6563439632 HiThere8 12/11/2009 5:02 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6563413206 ermansire 12/11/2009 5:00 AM @nilerturk hahah bu son yazdığında insanlar facebooka eklesinler ben de kabul etmeyim eğlence çıksın havası seziyorum :) 6563402334 zweitansage 12/11/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6563296989 bournovalia 12/11/2009 4:53 AM Kabul edersiniz, ya da etmezsiniz.. Ama bugün Türkiye’de bir Yılmaz Vural gerçeği var.. 6563281198 eBayItems 12/11/2009 4:52 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6563269364 ahmethamdi1133 12/11/2009 4:51 AM @ceyhunyilmazz şimdi dahil oldum yayını dinlemeye.Allah kabul etsin namazımızı.. 6563238682 ensiz_news 12/11/2009 4:49 AM Dimite enviado especial de la ONU para Afganistán, Kai Eide: Oslo/Kabul.- El enviado especial de la ONU para Afgan... 6563198156 dpa_newsticker 12/11/2009 4:46 AM Kabul - UN-Afghanistanbeauftragter Eide tritt zurück 6563131296 feed_USNews 12/11/2009 4:42 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6563072460 haberhukuk 12/11/2009 4:38 AM Haber Güncellendi: Çek Kanunu Tasarısı'nın 2 maddesi kabul edildi ( 6562979982 ThisIsIt04 12/11/2009 4:31 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6562970346 RZTicker 12/11/2009 4:31 AM Kabul: UN-Afghanistanbeauftragter Eide tritt zurück 6562937653 diamonddjs 12/11/2009 4:29 AM Blast kills child, wounds 12 at Afghan wedding: KABUL — Afghan police say a blast has killed a child and wounded ... 6562901962 mariamaqdalena 12/11/2009 4:26 AM Kabul et ki dünya adil değil,dünya acımasız,dünya çok garip;ya da insanlar garip olan..ama kabul et ki tek gerçek sensin ruhun tek gerçek 6562829485 Zowie34 12/11/2009 4:21 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6562727241 Hislicocuk 12/11/2009 4:15 AM @knipeos peki abi kabul, ben 40'ı görürüm. :P 6562712489 AndersTvegard 12/11/2009 4:13 AM Kai Eide vil ikke ta en ny periode i Afghanistan når perioden utløper i mars. Kanskje Staffan de Mistura flytter fra Bagdad til Kabul? 6562684133 yippie2 12/11/2009 4:11 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6562589292 duyguozer 12/11/2009 4:05 AM @_DoC_DoC_ yıldızını parlatıcaksak santral istanbuldan davet var biliosun ki :) cvp vermemiz lazım bak halka da arz ettm artık kabul et 6562536065 DailyLog2 12/11/2009 4:01 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6562528927 Sarbaz01 12/11/2009 4:01 AM #IranElection Video Dec 7- "Death to Taliban, no matter in Kabul or in Tehran !" 6562503899 zweitansage 12/11/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6562385417 WhatsHappenin2 12/11/2009 3:51 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6562365605 MesSude 12/11/2009 3:50 AM alanyada gamzemin bürosundayım ;) gelen çiçek ve ağaçları kabul ediyoruz :p 6562273872 qarizmaqenclik 12/11/2009 3:44 AM çıkMa tekLifiMi bir Tek Bizim biNanıN asaNsörü kabuL edio :)) 6562240880 GoodDay999 12/11/2009 3:41 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) 6562236111 globalnewsprjct 12/11/2009 3:41 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say (Bloomberg) ( 6562225484 kadir07 12/11/2009 3:40 AM HAYIRLI OLAN HER DUANIN KABUL OLMASI DİLEĞİYLE......hayırlı cumalar 6562145789 haberpanorama 12/11/2009 3:35 AM Nabucco TBMM’de Kabul Edildi: Türkiye, Avusturya, Bulgaristan, Macaristan ve Romanya arasında imzalanan Nabucco.. 6562057405 Besiktas_JK 12/11/2009 3:29 AM Tabata'ya talip var!: Eskişehir'in hocası Rıza Çalımbay, “Müthiş bir futbolcu. Eğer Beşiktaş da kabul e... 6562012268 silavera 12/11/2009 3:26 AM @boraerdin abartmayalım boracım yüzde 70'leri de gördük :) en fazla 10 dakka beklettim şekerim, o yeşil elbise için değerdi ama kabul et :)) 6561930536 leeb85 12/11/2009 3:20 AM Kabul castles ... 6561813656 Ferhat_HRoark 12/11/2009 3:13 AM ne carlos,ne daum,ne guiza,ne alex,ne hugu broos.bir tanesi de aciklamalarini kabul etmiyor.hep yanlış tercüme(!).ne öküz(!) çevirmenler var 6561733146 adindradiandra 12/11/2009 3:07 AM depan rumah gue lagi ijab kabul hahahahahahaha 6561615909 zweitansage 12/11/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6561554616 mehterr 12/11/2009 2:55 AM sevgili @MustafaNuri hayatı olumluyor, olduğu gibi kabul ediyor, herşeye sevgiyle yaklaşıyorum. oğmmmm... hadi burnunu titreterek... oğmmmmm 6561501646 gnctzn 12/11/2009 2:52 AM evet kabul ediyorum, evet deliyim.. evet bu saydığımda posteki.. alla alla 6561498936 moomoobrowncow 12/11/2009 2:52 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say: The local empowerment push under President Barack O... 6561150105 addamiattualita 12/11/2009 2:29 AM Afghanistan: attentato suicida in provincia paktika, 3 morti: Kabul, 11 dic. – (Adnkronos/Xin) – Un atten... 6560962968 FACECODES 12/11/2009 2:17 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say 6560937675 haberhukuk 12/11/2009 2:15 AM Yeni Haber: Çek Kanunu Tasarısı'nın 2 maddesi kabul edildi ( #çek_kanunu 6560907468 DarthNader 12/11/2009 2:13 AM @JoeMattes Yes, they point out exactly what they are thinking. Karzai is a US puppet. His funny nickname is "Mayor of Kabul". 6560825999 bolbol_dunya 12/11/2009 2:08 AM Kuzey Kore uluslararası görüşmeleri kabul etti 6560776900 JenMcKlean 12/11/2009 2:05 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say: The local empowerment push under President Barack O... 6560775942 manderson_jobs 12/11/2009 2:05 AM Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say 6560687308 zweitansage 12/11/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6560483038 ultimenotizie 12/11/2009 1:46 AM Afghanistan: attentato suicida in provincia paktika, 3 morti: Kabul, 11 dic. – (Adnkronos/Xin) – Un attentatore... 6560348721 kjstinson 12/11/2009 1:38 AM In Kabul waiting for a flight back to Mazar-e-Sharif. Using the time to plan my approach to editing photos I've taken over the past months. 6560215811 fingertipnews2 12/11/2009 1:29 AM UPI-Top News: Coordinated Afghan assistance urged: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 11 (UPI) -- Coalition .. 6560119238 fingertipnews 12/11/2009 1:23 AM UPI-Top News: Coordinated Afghan assistance urged - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 11 (UPI) -- Coalition partners in Afg... 6560101310 twittjvg 12/11/2009 1:22 AM Faded Glory Patriot Journal: Hazing Rituals and Kabul US Embassy 6560006163 flyryan 12/11/2009 1:17 AM At Kabul airport. There is a euro dance video channel on. So cheesy but I love it. 6559526296 liliksatrio 12/11/2009 12:49 AM Tessy Kabul, ada duanya gak ya?RT @lunmay: Kira2 siapa bintang tamu the promotor yg pengen diliat?? :) 6559281939 Haber24 12/11/2009 12:35 AM K. Kore nükleeri görüşmeyi kabul etti: Kuzey Kore, nükleer programı konusunda ara verilen uluslararası görÃ.. 6559232258 davidmacdougall 12/11/2009 12:33 AM @fpleitgenCNN Am I missing you in Kabul? Won't be there till Jan. Stuck next door in Pakistan for xmas & new year. How long is your trip? 6559216820 bolbol_dunya 12/11/2009 12:32 AM K. Kore nükleeri görüşmeyi kabul etti 6559214744 elfxs 12/11/2009 12:32 AM @krasivalekar ayy napalım ne derseniz kabul ediciiz çaresiz:))ne de olsa snob dr umuzsunuz:))) 6559180118 fpleitgenCNN 12/11/2009 12:30 AM Weather getting nicer in Kabul. Terrible last week. 6558959620 runres 12/11/2009 12:18 AM İsrail hükümetinin yerleşimleri durdurma kararının ardında,Erdoğanın ABD'de gördüğü hüsnü kabul olabilir mi?@ahuozyurt 6558275747 MattDabrowski 12/10/2009 11:44 PM First lake effect of the year in my adopted hometown of Buffalo. Yet it refuses to snow in Kabul. The disappointments of overseas work. 6558101675 johnwofrancijam 12/10/2009 11:36 PM Government Articles >>> Obama Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Officials Say Key Government Offici 6558003888 berkedj330 12/10/2009 11:31 PM beni kabul etme 6557797664 retnanidt 12/10/2009 11:22 PM @kopiholico wahhh designer yah?? boleh jg tuch bsk2 design'in kebaya bwt ijab kabul yach... 6557391779 newsblogsnepal 12/10/2009 11:04 PM BBCSouthAsia- Kabul mayor rejects graft charge: The mayor of the Afghan capital, Kabul, Abdul Ahad Sahebi, sa... 6555805518 eksiduyuru 12/10/2009 10:02 PM Selam rahat battı: İşsizlikten bunaldım. ALES puanı da iyi gelmiş. 2.dönem yüksek lisansa kabul eden üniversiteler var mı?bÃ.. 6555481640 GoofySophie66 12/10/2009 9:50 PM Valiantly fighting off food coma after fantastic Afghani lunch at Kabul restaurant in Mountain View. Slowly losing the battle. #naptime ;-p 6555377460 JulietONeill 12/10/2009 9:46 PM Interesting comments on @atiabawi CNN Kabul twitpic #Afghan women in 1940s. 6555284798 defencepk 12/10/2009 9:43 PM India interfering thru Kabul: Gilani 6555040053 holysauce 12/10/2009 9:35 PM KABUL, Afghanistan — President Hamid Karzai said Tuesday that Afghanistan would not be able to pay for its own security until at least 2024, 6554831786 evangloria 12/10/2009 9:28 PM Jual rumah, lg serah terima. Ini baca surat rumah buat pindah tangan atau ijab kabul wooooyyyy?!!!!!! 6554404317 markelderallen 12/10/2009 9:14 PM @keithlaw re #placestheyshouldneverholdthewintermeetings I'd say Kabul, Pyongyang or the Gaza Strip. In US - avoid Buffalo and Gary, IN 6553724235 JormaJyrkkanen 12/10/2009 8:52 PM In short NATO and its supported government in Kabul are all breaking international laws on torture by being a party to the act thereof. 6553606986 ojosverde 12/10/2009 8:48 PM RT @ultrabrown: John Mayer interrupted Kumail Nanjiani's set, called him 'Kabul' and called him a brown gu... 6553590368 n_samodra 12/10/2009 8:47 PM Mo pindah nabi med? Wakak RT @mediinaa: Huaaaaaa ijab kabul... Kok gw yg deg2an ya #rezabia 6553140045 Mediinaa 12/10/2009 8:33 PM Huaaaaaa ijab kabul... Kok gw yg deg2an ya #rezabia 6552949156 aschwins 12/10/2009 8:27 PM @obedjagsta kurang nikmat Bed, msh jobless..hehe. Masih lulungu nih gua, dimesjid ada pengajian, yg ijab kabul kali yah? 6552807357 ssphinx 12/10/2009 8:22 PM Teach Academic English in Kabul!: Are you an Academic English teacher eager and willing to manage English Language ... 6552040688 AFIeditor 12/10/2009 7:58 PM RT @Shanegorry: Australian documentary Honeymoon in Kabul wins US film award 6551200617 videocrux 12/10/2009 7:30 PM #Videocrux - 'Kite Runner' back in Kabul 6550614677 Stereotypeball 12/10/2009 7:11 PM @elburrito Hasan, yarından tezi yok bloğunda Halkın takımı Beşiktaş temalı şiirlerimle katkıda bulunmak istiyorum. Kabul? 6550211384 videocrux 12/10/2009 6:58 PM #Videocrux - Kabul tense as fraud allegations gain momentum 6550150963 elburrito 12/10/2009 6:56 PM FriendFeed'de takip edenim daha çok, Twitter'da ise takip ettiklerim daha fazla. Gereksiz bir bilgiydi, kabul. 6550081243 videocrux 12/10/2009 6:54 PM #Videocrux - Eyewitness accounts of attack on Kabul airbase 6550024561 zezekan 12/10/2009 6:52 PM @meryemce_ deşmeli, bigun gelicek Aşk'in erkekten basladigini; Leylanin Mecnunsuz Kezbandan bi farki olmadigini tum kadinlar kabul edicek :) 6549873942 videocrux 12/10/2009 6:47 PM #Videocrux - Car bomb attack outside Kabul airport kills at least 2 6549740127 viswajithv 12/10/2009 6:42 PM Face the Music: From Kabul Dreams to India's Pentagram—the third South Asian Bands Festival has an interest.. 6549374417 ozlemozum 12/10/2009 6:30 PM @CengizhanYeldan ceket giymeye başlayınca bence kış geldi. hele gök gürültüsü grip vs. soğuk bira da yok artık. kıştayız sende kabul et. 6549346660 AfghanNews24 12/10/2009 6:29 PM Eide urges united front for Afghanistan (UPI) - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 10 (UPI) -- The global community has no ch... 6549077438 TMCMemberFeed 12/10/2009 6:19 PM Alternet: Does Obama's Road to Re-Election Run Through Kabul?: The real purpose of sending 30,000 soldiers to Afgha... 6548908245 selmasemiz 12/10/2009 6:14 PM @safakongan kabul, egleneliiimmm 6548770010 info_feeder 12/10/2009 6:09 PM Does Obama's Road to Re-Election Run Through Kabul? [alternet]: The real purpose.. 6548630188 alperhaber 12/10/2009 6:04 PM @wiseoldturk kabul gorurse ne mutlu hocam.Türk televizyonculuguna ufak da olsa bir katkimiz olur.VTR ile baslayip devamini da getirebilsek.. 6547721064 Iranpr 12/10/2009 5:33 PM Within a 2,000-kilometre radius of Dubai lie Kabul, Islamabad, Baghdad and the Gaza Strip – all cities of despair 6547479281 _akpro 12/10/2009 5:25 PM Marines in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Thursday told about a dozen of Afghanis.. 6547444189 iklanportal 12/10/2009 5:24 PM New blog posting, NIKAH DI THAILAND KAHWIN DI THAI AKAD NIKAH IJAB KABUL DI YALA SIAM - 6547200967 terriferic 12/10/2009 5:15 PM European Commission, European Union and UNICEF reaffirming Afghan child rights: KABUL, Afghanistan, 8 Dec... #children 6546971376 timsculthorpe 12/10/2009 5:08 PM @noelinho He's the best foreign policy brain this country has and he shouldn't even be working here. Better for all if he's in Kabul #bbcqt 6546919061 marciomtc 12/10/2009 5:06 PM Obama War Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Aides Say - Bloomberg: Dec. 10 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. is help... 6546879063 twenty4media 12/10/2009 5:04 PM The mayor of Kabul continues to run Afghanistan's capital despite being sentenced to four years' jail on corruption charges. 6546734952 zweitansage 12/10/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6546697860 mtadude 12/10/2009 4:58 PM Obama War Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Aides Say|Dec. 10 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. is helping local .. 6546441756 flahr 12/10/2009 4:49 PM Unfortunately, in a day of "I flew out to Kabul 30 times last year", "I come from Birmingham" just ain't gonna cut it. #bbcqt 6546384877 Fodla 12/10/2009 4:47 PM @rosterixx peki naniğini kabul ediyorum :))))) 6546292821 marciomtc 12/10/2009 4:44 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai 6545884623 USTalib 12/10/2009 4:30 PM Obama War Plan Aims to Empower Afghans Beyond Kabul, Aides Say - Bloomberg 6545873613 videocrux 12/10/2009 4:29 PM #Videocrux - High security in Kabul ahead of election day 6545864798 denizozdag 12/10/2009 4:29 PM @akinomeroglu işte bu süper fikir benim gibi yeme çılgını bir insan o sınava girmemek için diyet bile yapmayı kabul edebilir evet 6545855484 denizozdag 12/10/2009 4:29 PM @akinomeroglu işte bu süper fikir benim gibi yeme çılgını bir insana o sınava girmemek için diyet bile yapmayı kabul edebilir evet 6509598037 Demetce 12/9/2009 3:43 PM @Liliael ne kabul ne de reddediyorum aslında. 6509466054 Foolocracy 12/9/2009 3:39 PM New blog post: Kabul's Mayor Ignores Corruption Conviction And Returns To Work 6509393868 gokselcogalan 12/9/2009 3:36 PM Dualar kabul oldu İnter bir üst turda 6509257073 cronaca24 12/9/2009 3:31 PM Afghanistan Condannato a 4 anni sindaco Kabul resta al suo posto 6509034099 dotproduction 12/9/2009 3:23 PM hayat sinamasını durdurması hükümet kanal d ye ceza indirimi teklif etse kabul deseler ve yayından kalksa ne güzel 6508837401 Don_Scott 12/9/2009 3:16 PM #topstories Gates says Afghan mission to get what it needs (source: Reuters): KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defe... 6508617791 CelottoCellini 12/9/2009 3:08 PM RT @dipnote: #BriefingNotes: U.S. Embassy in Kabul hosted day-long agricultural coordination conference to roll out new coordinated agr ... 6508584177 EricSutphin 12/9/2009 3:06 PM @AtiaAbawi If you want to see fascinating film of Kabul in 60s and 70s, go to Afghan Films. They have some incredible footage. 6508484771 lgcrandall 12/9/2009 3:03 PM RT @WWUAlumni: Jere Hawn, in Kabul, Afghanistan, holds WWU sign on "Today Show" 6508461646 BaturayCaliskan 12/9/2009 3:02 PM @whezlee Opps. .D evet Lanetliyim, ok ama sadece Bulaşık Makinasının bozukluğunda sorumluluk kabul ederim .P diğerlerinde enerjim belki.. 6508408277 draenews 12/9/2009 3:00 PM Megite Gates says Afghan mission to get what it needs: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visite... 6508387902 zweitansage 12/9/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6508292475 proze 12/9/2009 2:56 PM Bir arkadaşımı tam 1 sene önce Facebook'a eklemiştim. Kendisinin beni daha yeni kabul ettiğini mail aracılığı ile öğrendim.. :/ 6508110815 MuratAykul 12/9/2009 2:49 PM @sayimcinar Başka kim olabilir ki zaten, sen istedikten / kabul ettikten sonra. :) 6507905006 videocrux 12/9/2009 2:42 PM #Videocrux - French aid worker kidnapped in Kabul 6507842871 writer_dad 12/9/2009 2:40 PM RT @AtiaAbawi: - Kabul in 1969, my dad on the far left. Hard to believe how much has changed in this city since. 6507694853 dipnote 12/9/2009 2:34 PM #BriefingNotes: U.S. Embassy in Kabul hosted day-long agricultural coordination conference to roll out new coordinated agriculture strategy 6507605815 armysupporter 12/9/2009 2:31 PM Pay hike fosters uptick in Afghan army recruits: KABUL — US commanders in Afghanistan are reporting a sudde... 6507519069 AllMilitaryNews 12/9/2009 2:27 PM (Marine Corp Times) Pay hike fosters uptick in Afghan army recruits: KABUL —.. #Military 6507505449 AllMilitaryNews 12/9/2009 2:27 PM (Air Force Times) Pay hike fosters uptick in Afghan army recruits: KABUL — U.S.. #Military 6507496251 AllMilitaryNews 12/9/2009 2:26 PM (Army Times) Pay hike fosters uptick in Afghan army recruits: KABUL — U.S. commande.. #Military 6507422014 3newsbreaking 12/9/2009 2:24 PM Kabul mayor still in office despite conviction: President Hamid Karzai's promise to fight the rampant graft and bri... 6507160077 AtiaAbawi 12/9/2009 2:14 PM - Kabul in 1969, my dad on the far left. Hard to believe how much has changed in this city since. 6507061592 sohodoo 12/9/2009 2:10 PM evet kabul edemesem de içten içe biliyorum benim de mal arkadaşlarım var. 6506968791 serkmutlu 12/9/2009 2:07 PM Augmented Reality: Herkesin çok güzel bir teknoloji olduğunu kabul ettiği, ancak kimsenin ne yapacağını bilmediği, çok güzel bir teknoloji. 6506941608 ethisphere 12/9/2009 2:06 PM (Reuters) U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6506915435 tanjue 12/9/2009 2:05 PM @kisacafd Abi Pogre iyidir ya:) Marica kazıktır kabul ama Pogre iyi topcudur. Fakat yanlış transfer bence, uymaz Stutgarta. Demba Ba'yla 6506768625 zweitansage 12/9/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6506607688 AtiaAbawi 12/9/2009 1:54 PM @MountainLizard slower than in Kabul? Miss you, make it home safely. 6506491262 TantaoNews 12/9/2009 1:49 PM Breaking News: UN Envoy Renews Call To End Corruption: KABUL — The top UN envoy to Afghanistan on Wednesday ren.. 6506395842 siwers 12/9/2009 1:46 PM Retry: Log files often make me think about the story behind. Someone in Kabul just read my post about turning 13. Strange 6506346526 AtiaAbawi 12/9/2009 1:44 PM @arwadamonCNN stop by Kabul. Tim & @fpleitgencnn are going 2 find a pine tree in Kabul and get it for the bureau. We also get polluted snow. 6506148216 IbnSiqilli 12/9/2009 1:37 PM #Afghanistan & #Pakistan jihadi nasheeds & video montages, 3 Examples ( #Taliban #Karzai #Pashtun #Kabul #jihad 6505844474 TantaoNews 12/9/2009 1:26 PM Breaking News: UN Envoy Renews Call To End Corruption: KABUL — The top UN envoy to Afghanistan on Wednesday ren.. 6505366257 cebrailas 12/9/2009 1:08 PM sistemimizdeki yoğunluktan dolayı, bir süreliğine duaları uygulamaya koyacak olan benim. içten dualar kabul olacaktır. 6505196071 tok_world 12/9/2009 1:02 PM Kabul Mayor Still Running City Despite Prison Sentence 6505133769 zweitansage 12/9/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6505026039 TantaoNews 12/9/2009 12:56 PM Taliban warns ROK against sending troops to Afghanistan: KABUL, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) -- The Afghan Taliban said here.. 6504918837 aysenekizoglu 12/9/2009 12:52 PM Vazgeçtikten sonra kabul olan dilekler kulubüne hoşgeldiniz.. 6504890811 gpspakistan 12/9/2009 12:51 PM US troops not to go into Pakistan, supportive Kabul to help Islamabad's future ... - Associated Press of Pakist.. 6504789672 videocrux 12/9/2009 12:47 PM #Videocrux - Govt. trying to import electricity to Kabul 6504768754 saana_allie 12/9/2009 12:46 PM Kabul mayor still in office post-conviction! ugh, how does this begin to change? 6504757849 fingertipnews 12/9/2009 12:46 PM AP Intl: Pay hike fosters uptick in Afghan army recruits - KABUL (AP) -- U.S. commanders in Afghanistan are rep... 6504714049 videocrux 12/9/2009 12:44 PM #Videocrux - Majority without electricity in Kabul 6504522151 YahooNoticias 12/9/2009 12:37 PM Alcalde de Kabul, condenado por corrupto, sigue en el cargo: KABUL (AP) - A pesar de haber sido sentenciado a una p... 6504521983 BarraDeHerram 12/9/2009 12:37 PM Alcalde de Kabul, condenado por corrupto, sigue en el cargo: KABUL (AP) - A pesar de haber sido sentenciado a una p... 6504474259 ESTinAFG 12/9/2009 12:35 PM Survived a three-month long battle with Kabul customs. No casualities on my side :) 6504472822 PoliticalJones 12/9/2009 12:35 PM RT @todayshow: Matt talks to locals in Kabul about their thoughts on U.S. military presence: 6504382031 SATZen 12/9/2009 12:32 PM Kabul mayor still in office despite conviction (AP) 6504381291 LeJeudi 12/9/2009 12:32 PM Kabul mayor still in office despite conviction (AP): AP - President Hamid Karzai's promise to fight the rampan... 6504140829 sam_gaines 12/9/2009 12:23 PM Yep, Karzai's cracking down! | Kabul mayor still running city despite corruption conviction | Washington Examiner 6504117427 MUStrehle 12/9/2009 12:23 PM powers been flickerin on and off so much i feel like im in kabul. blackout shower here i come. 6504039868 Steve_McKay 12/9/2009 12:20 PM From Kabul, with rock music 6503953644 ecesushi 12/9/2009 12:17 PM italyanları çok severim ama makalelerini okurken ana avrat afedersiniz yani.. kim kabul eder bunları hiç bilmem.. 6503937656 todayshow 12/9/2009 12:16 PM Matt talks to locals in Kabul about their thoughts on U.S. military presence: 6503773815 ferhatt 12/9/2009 12:10 PM "yemekteyiz’e kaşarlı tost ve ayran menüsü ile katılacağım. sadece son gün yarışmamı kabul etsinler,..." 6503470228 zweitansage 12/9/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6503312120 fingertipnews2 12/9/2009 11:54 AM AP Intl: Pay hike fosters uptick in Afghan army recruits: KABUL (AP) -- U.S. commanders in Afghanistan .. 6503306250 CRAcorruption 12/9/2009 11:54 AM Kabul's mayor still in power after jail sentence: CBC.caCorruption is a concern for countries like... 6502968291 Hungry4Politics 12/9/2009 11:41 AM (RWN) Gates says Afghan mission to get what it needs: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates .. 6502767936 deepthimurali 12/9/2009 11:34 AM TODAY has it's anchors in Kabul with the US army. the soldiers wished their families for the holidays. Silly, but I hav a lump in my throat. 6502758341 saadetpartisi 12/9/2009 11:34 AM Genel Başkanımız Prof. Dr. Numan Kurtulmuş, Filistin Ankara Büyükelçisi Nebil Maruf’u parti genel merkezinde kabul... 6502366431 vcgriffin 12/9/2009 11:20 AM @fragmad I would sencerly love to but I'm living on kabul time just now (gmt +4:30) 6502151124 koolgiy 12/9/2009 11:12 AM RT:@KateatLFPress:Library garden [not] surrounded by fence, Janette Macdonald says "It no longer looks like Kabul, it looks like London." 6502083210 KateatLFPress 12/9/2009 11:10 AM Library reading garden no longer surrounded by fence, Janette Macdonald says. "It no longer looks like Kabul, it looks like London." #LDNboc 6502075730 jennhclark 12/9/2009 11:09 AM @AnnCurry the Kabul coverage of soldiers is heartbreaking, especially at the holidays. 6501975947 itu_sozluk 12/9/2009 11:06 AM sevgilinin bunla görüşmeyeceksin dediği kişi: ılla ki görüşülecek kisidir. bir kere kabul edersen özgür... 6501970053 shawndearn 12/9/2009 11:06 AM Kabul's mayor still in power after 4yr jail sentence: Ahh, another example of things going right in Afghanistan. Sigh. 6501942745 KleinerWalter 12/9/2009 11:05 AM RT @BreakingNews: Kabul mayor still runs Afghan capital, despite conviction and sentence of 4 years in jail on corruption charges http: ... 6501838573 publiusalter 12/9/2009 11:01 AM [Blog] Gates says Afghan mission to get what it needs: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited ... 6501826398 BongNews 12/9/2009 11:00 AM RT @foxnews: WORLD: Kabul Mayor Still Running City Despite Prison Sentence 6501812090 zweitansage 12/9/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6501746335 MILNEWSca 12/9/2009 10:57 AM Afghan human rights team probes suicide (jumped out jail window) of suspect in UN Kabul guest house attack ( 6501665963 BuketKokturk 12/9/2009 10:54 AM @Tolgalenk ilköğretimde disiplin yok bişey olmaz. Mühürler sahte :D Savunma yazdırırlar, uğraşma. Kabul et evet böyle oldu de geç. 6501664518 edward_dawson 12/9/2009 10:54 AM Kabul Mayor Still Running City Despite Prison Sentence 6501527941 sevalyangoz 12/9/2009 10:49 AM vay be eve 1830 da geldim .bunye kabul edemiyor.haberleri filan izliyorum:)hey gidi normal yasam 6501520703 lizarddawg 12/9/2009 10:49 AM Kabul Mayor Still Running City Despite Prison Sentence: The mayor of Kabul continued to run Afghanistan's capital W... 6501519133 foxnews_world 12/9/2009 10:49 AM FOX NEWS WORLD: Kabul Mayor Still Running City Despite Prison Sentence: The mayor of Kabul continued to run Afghani... 6501518691 globalnews4u 12/9/2009 10:49 AM Kabul Mayor Still Running City Despite Prison Sentence 6501518767 TrumpCardWins 12/9/2009 10:49 AM Marketing Kabul Mayor Still Running City Despite Prison Sentence: The mayor of Kabul continued to run Afghanistan's... 6501508064 poliquest 12/9/2009 10:49 AM RT @foxnews: WORLD: Kabul Mayor Still Running City Despite Prison Sentence 6501350426 cogicJuanita 12/9/2009 10:43 AM May God bless you Camp Eggers/Kabul, Afghanistan-from a USAF VietnamEra Vet, Memphis & thank you very much for your service. 6501309195 foxnews 12/9/2009 10:42 AM WORLD: Kabul Mayor Still Running City Despite Prison Sentence 6501164440 fingertipnews 12/9/2009 10:37 AM AP Intl: General: Attack may have killed Afghan civilians - KABUL (AP) -- The No. 2 commanding general in Afgha... 6501016534 wadecrptrng 12/9/2009 10:32 AM RT @BreakingNews: Kabul mayor still runs Afghan capital, despite sentence of 4 years in jail on corruption charges 6500952936 USTalib 12/9/2009 10:30 AM RT @richardengelnbc yes.. kabul is a different world for women.. life in the villages is still similar to under.. 6500877159 inthebasement 12/9/2009 10:27 AM RT @richardengelnbc yes.. kabul is a different world for women.. life in the villages is still similar to under the taliban.. #Maddow 6500839186 anshumandaga 12/9/2009 10:26 AM Quite an odd story. Kabul mayor sentenced to a 4-year prison term but... 6500816652 tnewsindia 12/9/2009 10:25 AM #india #news Kabul mayor still running city despite conviction 6500773525 turkishsoccer 12/9/2009 10:23 AM @okay_karacan Ridvan hocanin iyi futbol bilgisi olan kisi olarak kabul ediyorum, ama canli yayinda yorumculugunun zayif oldugunu dusunuyorum 6500739246 ma3hd 12/9/2009 10:22 AM Abdul Ahad Sahebi, Kabul Mayor, Still Running City Despite Being Sentenced To Jail: Abdul Ahad Sahebi, Kabul Mayor, Stil 6500705030 SingaporeClub 12/9/2009 10:21 AM ChannelNewsAsia - Gates tells NATO troops Afghan success within reach: KABUL: US Defence Secretary Robert Gates on ... 6500592793 Ashrieny 12/9/2009 10:17 AM LOL. /Kabul mayor still runs Afghan capital, despite conviction and sentence of 4 years in jail on corruption charges 6500572351 ilovemytroops 12/9/2009 10:17 AM RT @BreakingNews: Kabul mayor still runs Afghan capital, despite conviction and sentence of 4 years in jail on corruption charges http: ... 6500419607 GBPIntl 12/9/2009 10:11 AM Asia News: Kabul mayor still running city despite conviction (via Yahoo! News) 6500325392 AtiaAbawi 12/9/2009 10:08 AM Trying to watch, Kabul internet is not great. RT @AfPakChannel Petraeus, Eikenberry, and Lew on CSPAN now 6500320275 sassycurmudgeon 12/9/2009 10:08 AM The hood is what gets me. Why bother covering your head? Are you in Kabul? 6500315512 hrhsar 12/9/2009 10:08 AM RT @BreakingNews: Kabul mayor still runs Afghan despite conviction and sentencof 4 years in jail on corruption charges 6499930118 RootsResilience 12/9/2009 9:54 AM RT @archiebland: amazing foreign news fact of the day: refugee influx (partly) means kabul is now seven times size it was in 2001 6499922102 MySA 12/9/2009 9:54 AM RT @jamiestockwell: RT @SAEN_Photo: Ed Ornelas has updated his blog w/ really nice pictures from #Kabul #Afghanistan 6499850913 tmj_engjobs 12/9/2009 9:51 AM Emerging Markets Group is Hiring: Engineering, Quality Assurance and Lo... (Kabul, NA) #Jobs #TweetMyJOBS 6499718973 mmondo 12/9/2009 9:47 AM RT SAEN_Photo Ed Ornelas has updated the "Mi Foto" blog with some really nice pictures from #Kabul #Afghanistan #mysa 6499708706 jamiestockwell 12/9/2009 9:46 AM beautiful images. RT @SAEN_Photo: Ed Ornelas has updated his blog w/ some really nice pictures from #Kabul #Afghanistan 6499682666 hurriyetplanet 12/9/2009 9:45 AM İsveç'in önerisi gerçekte ne anlama geliyor: İsrail İsveç’in Doğu Kudüs başkent olarak kabul edip Filistin’in d.. 6499623605 fingertipnews2 12/9/2009 9:43 AM UPI-Top News: Airstrikes target Taliban supply routes: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 9 (UPI) -- A U.S. .. 6499619546 ma3hd 12/9/2009 9:43 AM Abdul Ahad Sahebi, Kabul Mayor, Still Running City Despite Being Sentenced To Jail: Abdul Ahad Sahebi, Kabul Mayor, Stil 6499617199 fingertipnews2 12/9/2009 9:43 AM AP Intl: General: Attack may have killed Afghan civilians: KABUL (AP) -- The No. 2 commanding general i.. 6499557895 G_Moose 12/9/2009 9:41 AM @BreakingNews Kabul mayor still runs Afghan capital, despite conviction and sentence of 4 years in jail on corruption charges // Shocker. 6499554187 SAEN_Photo 12/9/2009 9:41 AM Ed Ornelas has updated the "Mi Foto" blog with some really nice pictures from #Kabul #Afghanistan #mysa 6499550413 radiclchristian 12/9/2009 9:41 AM !Afghanistan: !Kabul's mayor still in power after jail sentence #corruption 6499545803 nuhgonultas 12/9/2009 9:41 AM @ecevahapoglu Ece hanım, kabul et, o gün senin için talihsiz bir gündü. Ama bir de kime güvenip güvenemeyeceğini iyi hesap etmelisin. 6499502454 walshnyc 12/9/2009 9:39 AM RT @BreakingNews: Kabul mayor still runs Afghan capital, despite conviction and sentence of 4 years in jail on corruption charges http: ... 6499477487 ventura_h 12/9/2009 9:38 AM RT @BreakingNews: Kabul mayor still runs Afghan capital, despite conviction and sentence of 4 years in jail on corruption charges http: ... 6499458942 elizweiland 12/9/2009 9:38 AM @zsazsa All great books. I loved the bookseller of Kabul - so unexpected. Well, enjoyed all three. Thanks for sharing! 6499457982 Lacreid 12/9/2009 9:38 AM Kabul mayor still runs Afghan capital, despite corruption 4 yr sentence conviction /via @BreakingNews 6499451084 Afghanculture 12/9/2009 9:37 AM Reading about this: Kabul Afghanistan, Kabul city the Capital of Afghanistan, - 6499441743 elizweiland 12/9/2009 9:37 AM RT @zsazsa: 3 books to understand daily life in Afghanistan and Pakistan: Three Cups of Tea, The Bookseller of Kabul, The Kite Runner. 6499433047 schmeis 12/9/2009 9:37 AM @owldaughter Just typical @CBCNews thinking Toronto news is National news. Their twitter feed: NATO, Iran, GTA is getting snow!, Kabul... 6499417724 josiah 12/9/2009 9:36 AM Democracy IS working! "Kabul mayor still runs Afghan capital, despite conviction and sentence of 4 years in jail on corruption charges." 6499413372 CitizensKnow 12/9/2009 9:36 AM RT @BreakingNews: Kabul mayor still runs Afghan capital, despite conviction and sentence of 4 years in jail on corruption charges http: ... 6499376888 zsazsa 12/9/2009 9:35 AM 3 books to understand daily life in Afghanistan and Pakistan: Three Cups of Tea, The Bookseller of Kabul, The Kite Runner. 6499366013 Derndingle 12/9/2009 9:34 AM Kabul sounds like Illinois RT @BreakingNews: Kabul mayor still runs Afghan capital, despite...4 years in jail on corruption charges 6499333687 firas_p 12/9/2009 9:33 AM Ijab kabul jaman sekarang sepertinya berbunyi "tunai apa kartu?". 6499313339 samwithans 12/9/2009 9:32 AM @LemursManLemurs Truth! RT @Blago I just ousted Abdul Ahad Sahebi as the mayor of Kabul on @foursquare! 6499282055 fingertipnews 12/9/2009 9:31 AM AP Intl: General: Attack may have killed Afghan civilians - KABUL (AP) -- The No. 2 commanding general in Afgha... 6499242669 HoneyGrove 12/9/2009 9:30 AM And you would think this only happens in America! RT @BreakingNews: Kabul mayor still running city despite conviction 6499224793 tweetinginla 12/9/2009 9:29 AM Does anyone else have a hard time taking Matt Lauer seriously when he's reporting from Kabul... ? 6499158976 okbreakingnews 12/9/2009 9:27 AM General: Attack may have killed Afghan civilians: kabul ap the no. 2 commanding general in afghanistan acknowl... 6499151204 PoliticalJones 12/9/2009 9:27 AM RT @BreakingNews: Kabul mayor still runs Afghan capital, despite conviction and sentence of 4 years in jail on corruption charges http: ... 6499141000 Big_Itch 12/9/2009 9:27 AM Kabul mayor still runs Afghan capital, despite conviction and sentence of 4 years in jail on corruption charges 6499107684 RodrigoBNO 12/9/2009 9:25 AM RT @BreakingNews: Kabul mayor still runs Afghan capital, despite conviction and sentence of 4 years in jail on corruption charges 6499086667 absurd 12/9/2009 9:25 AM RT @BreakingNews: Kabul mayor still runs Afghan capital, despite conviction and sentence of 4 years in jail on corruption charges http: ... 6499081063 flecktarn 12/9/2009 9:24 AM RT: @conflictvoice: Link: Snow, fuel and food in the mix - KABUL, 91209- An increase in fuel prices and... 6499053233 BreakingNews 12/9/2009 9:23 AM Kabul mayor still runs Afghan capital, despite conviction and sentence of 4 years in jail on corruption charges 6498974070 HeyErnie 12/9/2009 9:21 AM General: Afghan raid possibly killed civilians: KABUL — The No. 2 commanding general in Afghanistan said Wednesda... 6498974080 MDThermo 12/9/2009 9:21 AM MDThermo General: Afghan raid possibly killed civilians: KABUL — The No. 2 commanding general in Afghanistan said... 6498887355 GabrielPeri 12/9/2009 9:17 AM @elfxs :-))) burgazlılara yalvarıyorum buluşmak için.. ama kabul etmiyorlar.. zorluyorum. .bakalım.. @terasbanuk @suzmeasure @venuskiss 6498858936 iHuffingtonpost 12/9/2009 9:16 AM Abdul Ahad Sahebi, Kabul Mayor, Still Running City Despite Being Sentenced To Jail: KABUL — T... 6498858833 kickinghorse892 12/9/2009 9:16 AM Abdul Ahad Sahebi, Kabul Mayor, Still Running City Despite Being Sentenced To Jail: KABUL — The m... @huffingtonpost 6498857045 UnicTunis 12/9/2009 9:16 AM RT @UNjobs Youth Media Project Manager - Afghanistan, Kabul #jobs 6498844506 kutaycb 12/9/2009 9:16 AM bu twitterı bünye kabul etmiyor. anlaşıldı. tamam 6498776622 Freedomman11 12/9/2009 9:14 AM Abdul Ahad Sahebi, Kabul Mayor, Still Running City Despite Being Sentenced To Jail: KABUL — The mayor .. 6498769388 massive_tits 12/9/2009 9:13 AM Conveys "a sense of urgency" to Kabul that American forces would not stay indefinitely, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Sunday. 6498535959 robalin 12/9/2009 9:05 AM RT @conflictvoice Link: Snow, fuel and food in the mix - KABUL, 9 December 2009 (IRIN) - An increase in fuel prices and winter-related... 6498417190 usinpac 12/9/2009 9:01 AM America's top diplomat in Kabul tells US lawmakers that security relationship between India & Pakistan has consequences in Afghanistan 6498383325 zweitansage 12/9/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6498374342 Borsenalle 12/9/2009 8:59 AM Kabul er smuglercentral i milliardklassen: Forbrydere og terrorister har let spil i Afghanistan. Det skønnes nemli... 6498372171 feraljundi 12/9/2009 8:59 AM Feral Jundi Industry Talk: U.S. Seeks New Guards in Kabul:    Finally.  Now lets hope that they will square this... 6498299440 UNjobs 12/9/2009 8:56 AM Youth Media Project Manager - Afghanistan, Kabul #jobs 6498254892 DenizUstundag 12/9/2009 8:55 AM @Tollga hani bir kampanyayı kabul ettin sana en az 12 ay taahhadut muhabbeti vardir ya o muhabbet 6498130243 ObamaPics 12/9/2009 8:50 AM Defense Secretary Gates Travels To Afghanistan: Uploaded on Dec 9 2009 KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - DECEMBER 09: U.S. S... 6498129875 ObamaPics 12/9/2009 8:50 AM Defense Secretary Gates Travels To Afghanistan: Uploaded on Dec 9 2009 KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - DECEMBER 09: U.S. S... 6498068460 xginnyx 12/9/2009 8:48 AM SO hope Kabul Dreams get the go-ahead to perform at the university campus =D 6498058366 nushare 12/9/2009 8:47 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S. ... 6498044638 EdPomfret 12/9/2009 8:47 AM RT @conflictvoice: Snow, fuel and food in the mix - KABUL 6498019760 el_nikolo 12/9/2009 8:46 AM #Phoenix Diskussion mit Ex-Militärs zur #USA Strategie f #Afghanistan : "Jetzt stehen Glaspaläste in Kabul" #Politik 6497987064 duygu50 12/9/2009 8:45 AM Sunuculardan kaynaklanan teknik problemden dolayı kısa süre hizmet veremiyoruz Geçici problem için özür dileriz kim yazdıysa kabul degil aç 6497969407 HeyErnie 12/9/2009 8:44 AM General: Afghan raid possibly killed civilians: KABUL — The No. 2 commanding general in Afghanistan said Wednesda... 6497933068 VenusKiss 12/9/2009 8:43 AM @borasanal o değil de, verilen cevapların tartışmasız doğru kabul edilip kan alınması daha ilginç :)) öyle dediysen teste gerek yok :)) 6497906775 barralicious 12/9/2009 8:42 AM General: Attack may have killed Afghan civilians: KABUL (AP) -- The No. 2 commanding general in Afghanistan ack... 6497874690 yaseminsefik 12/9/2009 8:41 AM @isragulumser hahahahahaah kötülük yapmadımm kabul ettttt...bengü duy sesimi ahhaahaha arar birazdan aradaki kötüler haber verir... 6497865514 milymiya 12/9/2009 8:40 AM dear mr kabul budiyono. . why your task is difficult to understand. .my brain need some rest..i'm not astroboy..mestre 6497816433 conflictvoice 12/9/2009 8:38 AM Link: Snow, fuel and food in the mix - KABUL, 9 December 2009 (IRIN) - An increase in fuel prices and... 6497808859 marybethhunt 12/9/2009 8:38 AM Watching the beautiful soldiers in Kabul on the @todayshow. Chokes me up when they say hello to those back home. 6497775103 bisorusor 12/9/2009 8:37 AM Soru: Astrolojiyi bir bilim dalı olarak kabul ediyor musunuz? 6497774252 bisorusor 12/9/2009 8:37 AM Soru: Astrolojiyi bir bilim dalı olarak kabul ediyor musunuz? 6497669211 AllMilitaryNews 12/9/2009 8:33 AM (Marine Corp Times) General: Afghan raid possibly killed civilians: KABUL — .. #Military 6497660648 AllMilitaryNews 12/9/2009 8:32 AM (Navy Times) General: Afghan raid possibly killed civilians: KABUL — The No. 2 comm.. #Military 6497652871 AllMilitaryNews 12/9/2009 8:32 AM (Air Force Times) General: Afghan raid possibly killed civilians: KABUL — The .. #Military 6497646123 AllMilitaryNews 12/9/2009 8:32 AM (Army Times) General: Afghan raid possibly killed civilians: KABUL — The No. 2 comm.. #Military 6497632070 USTalib 12/9/2009 8:31 AM UPI-Top News: Airstrikes target Taliban supply routes - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 9 (UPI) -- A U.S. airstrike ta.. 6497618762 hurriyetavrupa 12/9/2009 8:31 AM son dakika - Karadağ'dan AB'ye çağrı: Bizi kabul edin: Karadağ Başbakanı Milo Cukanoviç, bütün batı Balk... 6497601602 xginnyx 12/9/2009 8:30 AM Kabul Dreams [Afghanistan's first rock band] They're awesome ^_^ 6497591936 fingertipnews 12/9/2009 8:30 AM UPI-Top News: Airstrikes target Taliban supply routes - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 9 (UPI) -- A U.S. airstrike targe... 6497578394 How2GetRich 12/9/2009 8:29 AM #NewsVine ArmorGroup Loses Kabul Embassy Contract #How2GetRich 6497503074 fajarsatria 12/9/2009 8:26 AM A dream for kabul, tomorrow 6497378934 MDThermo 12/9/2009 8:22 AM General: Afghan raid possibly killed civilians: KABUL — The No. 2 commanding general in Afghanistan said Wednesda... 6497355705 JHSmedmissions 12/9/2009 8:21 AM This inspiring Connecticut Nurse is spending two years working in Kabul. 6497315600 eurasier1 12/9/2009 8:19 AM Bild tickert:Selbstmord nach Anschlag in Kabul 6497276383 Djmuck32 12/9/2009 8:18 AM Selbstmord nach Anschlag in Kabul Sechs Wochen nach dem Anschlag auf ein Gästehaus der Vereinten Nationen in Ka 6497246313 monkeyrotica 12/9/2009 8:16 AM Latest victim of the economic downturn: buttmunch contractors perverts in Kabul. 6497210796 MarineCorps 12/9/2009 8:15 AM General: Afghan raid possibly killed civilians: KABUL — The No. 2 commanding general in Afghanistan said .. 6497206587 EricSutphin 12/9/2009 8:15 AM Kabul Mayor, convicted of corruption few days ago, is back in his office. His appeal is pending but back in his office after conviction?!?! 6497192311 VanshikaSahni 12/9/2009 8:14 AM According to CIA, Osama bin Laden periodically sneaks into Afghanistan. Well, a guy’s gotta have fun. What happens in Kabul, stays in Kabul. 6497145786 txmomx6 12/9/2009 8:12 AM Just learned there's a Camp Eggers in Kabul (thank you Today Show). Can I send my boys for free???!!! 6497078141 UNjobs_HIVAIDS 12/9/2009 8:10 AM Security Guard, Kabul, OXFAM GB @UNjobs #jobs 6497044021 militaryupdates 12/9/2009 8:08 AM #Military_Times : General: Afghan raid possibly killed civilians: KABUL — The No. 2 commanding general in Afghani... 6496896413 bahcesel 12/9/2009 8:02 AM Beypiliç: Bu Cezayı Kabul Edemeyiz: Beypiliç Genel Müdürü Sait Koca, Rekabet Kurulu'nun Beyaz Et Sektöründ... 6496894387 msguccigreen 12/9/2009 8:02 AM #shoutout to ALL the soliders over in Kabul, Afghanistan 6496872701 ialex3 12/9/2009 8:01 AM Kabul's mayor still in power after jail sentence /via @CBCNews LOL 6496855506 isacoach7 12/9/2009 8:01 AM RT @CBCNews: Kabul's mayor still in power after jail sentence 6496841585 ialex3 12/9/2009 8:00 AM RT @CBCNews: Kabul's mayor still in power after jail sentence 6496838222 GabrielPeri 12/9/2009 8:00 AM @jasonflemyng :-)) Bu kişisel düşünce olarak kabul edilebilri birşey. Ama devlet olaylara uzun süreli bakıyor.. ve gerektiğinde düşmanla da 6496820290 zweitansage 12/9/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6496793774 nagzan 12/9/2009 7:58 AM 10 gun boyunca kendiisini merak ettiğim görmek istediğim Benjamin Bok'a friend request gönderdm bakalım kabul edicek mi?:):) 6496791433 msnnoticias 12/9/2009 7:58 AM Gates dice que el incremento de soldados en Afganistán contribuirá a derrotar a los talibán: KABUL, 9 (Reuters/E... 6496708895 fingertipnews 12/9/2009 7:55 AM CBCNews: Kabul's mayor still in power after jail sentence 6496689676 moukthikad 12/9/2009 7:54 AM Kabul's mayor still in power after jail sentence: Afghanistan's resolve in fighting corruption is being tested in t... 6496681647 cbcnews 12/9/2009 7:54 AM Kabul's mayor still in power after jail sentence 6496660503 badjerry 12/9/2009 7:53 AM RT @richardengelnbc: #afghanistan.. yes.. kabul is a different world for women.. life in the villages is still similar to under the taliban. 6496651052 tiestito 12/9/2009 7:52 AM @mockcaterpillar gerçeğin başkasına göre kısmının da olduğunu kabul etmeye başlarsan tartışmaz konuşuru. ama kabul yok galiba o konuda. 6496594682 GabrielPeri 12/9/2009 7:50 AM @jasonflemyng devlet SINN FEIN'i muhatap kabul etti.. sana birşeyler çağrıştırıyor mu bu? ;-) IRa içinde bir grup reddetti bunu.. ama büyük 6496536452 hard_nipples 12/9/2009 7:48 AM Could take over responsibility for its security by July 2011, while U.S. leaders said the date was not a "drop-dead" deadline for Kabul. 6496516223 merayse 12/9/2009 7:47 AM Batıl inançlarım var kabul ediyorum =) 6496449307 cbcworldnews 12/9/2009 7:44 AM Kabul's mayor still in power after jail sentence 6496333387 AzellusGames 12/9/2009 7:39 AM From #Paruni! Problem with kabul just got published: (by Fackadoro^ xD [LukeALB]) 6496313314 richardengelnbc 12/9/2009 7:38 AM #afghanistan.. yes.. kabul is a different world for women.. life in the villages is still similar to under the taliban.. 6496282672 strickvl 12/9/2009 7:37 AM @theobeers thank you for speaking my mind on the inadequacies of Kabul 6496184598 putiandam 12/9/2009 7:33 AM @Yastie hehe tita itu panggilan tantenya pradit.adenya mertua gw.dulu ngerias gw jg:)nmnya ibu nita kabul.pokonya pasti okeh deh hasilnya:) 6496043840 GabrielPeri 12/9/2009 7:27 AM @jasonflemyng boyunca böyle olagelmiştir.paket kürtlerin silaha yönelmesinin önünü kesecek ve onların birtakım taleplerini kabul ediyor 6495879651 blijfbij 12/9/2009 7:19 AM Seksschandaal nekt beveiligers VS ambassade: KABUL - De Amerikaanse overheid ontbindt het contract met ArmorGroup North 6495854956 sdrphotography 12/9/2009 7:18 AM Al Roker at the gym in Kabul "I understand that the Marines & Army value this (using the gym) more than the AF and Navy!" Ooooooch! 6495762780 theopolitico 12/9/2009 7:14 AM Afghan Says Army Will Need Help Until 2024: KABUL, Afghanistan — President Hamid Karzai said Tuesday that Afghani... 6495666183 1stNewsHeds 12/9/2009 7:10 AM ABC News: Kabul Mayor in Charge Despite Conviction 6495656680 gokhanarik 12/9/2009 7:09 AM @GeErgen @Notredamedesion Ya neden leke olsun dogru olsa bile ne var?Devletin kabul ettigi bir insani siz kabul etmissiniz kotu mu. 6495604832 robinmsantos 12/9/2009 7:07 AM Loves the #TODAY show's week in Kabul... 6495569980 vikingc21 12/9/2009 7:05 AM Today Show in Kabul. Love hearing the soldiers send greetings to their loved ones. I'd love in even more if they were home. 6495498519 mattiasmiksche 12/9/2009 7:02 AM got email about job opening at Swedish Embassy in KABUL: "Major requirements on applicant's mental strength since conditions are difficult" 6495479517 FishbowlDC 12/9/2009 7:01 AM Matt and Al Roker in Kabul for Today Show- and they have a plaza-like crowd out there too! 6495478745 HurriyetEkonomi 12/9/2009 7:01 AM Beypiliç: Bu cezayı kabul edemeyiz: Beypiliç Genel Müdürü Sait Koca, Rekabet Kurulu'nun beyaz et sektöründe faa.. 6495473816 gabriellejohnsn 12/9/2009 7:01 AM Can't say I'm crazy about Matt Lauer being in KABUL. 6495440884 zweitansage 12/9/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6495308909 lnp_38 12/9/2009 6:53 AM @richardengelnbc Kabul than in the rest of the country. Women are second-class... 6495304519 hurriyetavrupa 12/9/2009 6:53 AM son dakika - Beypiliç: Bu cezayı kabul edemeyiz: Beypiliç Genel Müdürü Sait Koca, Rekabet Kurulu'nun beyaz e... 6495302091 LMPEACE 12/9/2009 6:53 AM @richardengelnbc Excellent Reporting from Kabul! I hope the women's roles continue on a positive path. Stay Extra,Extra Safe Always! :) 6495256240 erdemcapar 12/9/2009 6:51 AM aslolan müziktir, kabul, buna bir şey demiyorum da, albüm kapakları da çok önemli ve özeldir ya. profesyonelliğin bir parçasıdır. 6495098191 omayraa 12/9/2009 6:43 AM Gerçekliği kabul edip etmemek esasen herkesin kendi vicdan sorunudur.. 6495060758 InMyStride 12/9/2009 6:41 AM Kabul mayor still running city despite conviction 6495056709 bolbol_ekonomi 12/9/2009 6:41 AM Beypiliç: Bu cezayı kabul edemeyiz 6495041582 francism1975 12/9/2009 6:40 AM Kabul mayor still running city despite conviction: KABUL — The mayor of Kabul continued to run Afghanistan's capi... 6495017915 Vibizdaily 12/9/2009 6:39 AM Walikota Kabul Divonis Empat Tahun Penjara Karena Korupsi 6494978963 Twit_krant 12/9/2009 6:37 AM Beveiligers ambassade VS ontslagen na seksfoto's: KABUL - De Amerikaanse overheid ontbindt het contract met Arm.. 6494929718 montgomerymom 12/9/2009 6:35 AM @alroker K.B's cousins husband is in Kabul working for a DynCorp Int'l been there for 2 yrs, good guy 2 chat w 01193797889193 6494880887 draenews 12/9/2009 6:32 AM Megite Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visi... 6494814562 reistweets 12/9/2009 6:29 AM Beveiligers ambassade VS ontslagen na seksfoto's: KABUL - De Amerikaanse overheid ontbindt het contract met ArmorGr... 6494735125 ADOnline 12/9/2009 6:25 AM Beveiligers ambassade VS ontslagen na seksfoto's: KABUL - De Amerikaanse overheid ontbindt het contract met ArmorGr... 6494706324 yunusemrece 12/9/2009 6:23 AM üyeliğimi kabul etti...yaşasın olumm..süper olcakk yaa 6494683834 clean2green 12/9/2009 6:22 AM Kabul mayor back at work after graft conviction: AFPThe whole thing was and is a conspiracy against me," Sahebi to... 6494599917 emosweet 12/9/2009 6:17 AM I vote for leaving Al Roker in Kabul indefinitely, bring Matt back thou. 6494588473 toplesswomen 12/9/2009 6:17 AM Could take over responsibility for its security by July 2011, while U.S. leaders said the date was not a "drop-dead" deadline for Kabul. 6494529713 massive_tits 12/9/2009 6:14 AM Could take over responsibility for its security by July 2011, while U.S. leaders said the date was not a "drop-dead" deadline for Kabul. 6494478686 Lawyer_KOREA 12/9/2009 6:11 AM WOW! in Kabul? RT @AtiaAbawi: @lizva A Korean restaurant in Shar-e-now? Must check this out! 6494456661 Europa_Press 12/9/2009 6:10 AM Internacional: Gates dice que el incremento de soldados en Afganistán contribuirá a derrotar a los talibán: KABUL... 6494417022 onion_soup 12/9/2009 6:08 AM oobject » kabul before and after 6494393703 videocrux 12/9/2009 6:06 AM #Videocrux - Bomb blast near US embassy in Kabul kills four 6494346591 imagine04 12/9/2009 6:04 AM A group of teachers working with students in Kabul. Motivating 6494263494 zweitansage 12/9/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6494044474 IndiaNewsPost 12/9/2009 5:47 AM Taliban warns Seoul against sending more troops - Kabul, Dec 9 (DPA) The Taliban Wednesday warned the South Kor 6494044667 aroonkumar123 12/9/2009 5:47 AM Taliban warns Seoul against sending more troops - Kabul, Dec 9 (DPA) The Taliban Wednesday warned the South Kor 6493991083 bdi_cc 12/9/2009 5:44 AM Sometimes I think that it's more peaceful in Kabul than in London. There the threats are well defined. Here it's all artificial 6493961361 Blurup 12/9/2009 5:42 AM #Jacob a şarkı yapmışlar.. "he is nothing but a dog" diye.bunu bir hakaret olarak kabul ederim.sinirlendim.. 6493838236 Israel_News 12/9/2009 5:35 AM aawsat ME: Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL, (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates v... 6493736500 kedimelis 12/9/2009 5:29 AM horluyosun diyolar, kabul etmiyorum 6493727981 itu_sozluk 12/9/2009 5:28 AM cüney tarkın: halkın iradesini kendi iradesiymiş gibi göstermeye çalışan ve bunu kabul etmeyenlere kendince... 6493583241 UticaDailyNews 12/9/2009 5:19 AM Britain loses 100th soldier: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Britain has lost its 100th soldier in the Afghan w... 6493543900 YahooNoticias 12/9/2009 5:17 AM Gates dice a tropas de la OTAN en Afganistán que el éxito está al alcance: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - El secretario es... 6493543910 BarraDeHerram 12/9/2009 5:17 AM Gates dice a tropas de la OTAN en Afganistán que el éxito está al alcance: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - El secretario es... 6493492162 rtsradio 12/9/2009 5:14 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.. 6493431167 AACSA 12/9/2009 5:10 AM Honeymoon in kabul - On the ABC on the 10/12/09 at 9:30 PM 6493262776 zweitansage 12/9/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6493216306 handediler 12/9/2009 4:56 AM Allah kabul etsin 6493206011 Code_Scripts 12/9/2009 4:56 AM #scripts Farmville Türkiye - Toplu İstek Kabul Etme v2 by KaLpSiz: Farmville Türkiye - Toplu İstek Kabul Etme v2 6492999835 trf1net 12/9/2009 4:42 AM Lopez, Renault İle İlgilendiğini Kabul Etti: Gerard Lopez, Renault F1 takımının satışı ile ilgilendiğini ... 6492964129 in_asia 12/9/2009 4:40 AM (AP) KABUL (AP) - The mayor of Kabul continued to run Afghanistan's capital city Wednesday despite being senten.. 6492948421 MountainLizard 12/9/2009 4:39 AM Snow in Kyrgzystan & slow internet, so no idea what's happening in Kabul or at home -- but reports of snow in both places, too. Ah winter :) 6492903454 draenews 12/9/2009 4:36 AM Megite Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visi... 6492879934 soulltravel 12/9/2009 4:34 AM kabul edemediğin şeyler aslında benim yaşadığım şeyler, gurur duymuyorum, acımıyorumda kendime.. 6492842446 tmj_construjobs 12/9/2009 4:32 AM Black & Veatch is Hiring: Utility Statistician (Kabul) #Jobs #TweetMyJOBS 6492821270 igakhenrawk 12/9/2009 4:30 AM @audytheo gue surveynya ntr aja pas udh nikah hahaha sebelum ijab kabul di cek dulu , barangnya ok punya apa bekas hahaha 6492751549 HumanityNews 12/9/2009 4:26 AM NonProfit news: U.S. To Drop Contractor In Kabul Embassy Scandal 6492746110 GabrielPeri 12/9/2009 4:25 AM @theMasquerading :-))) ona hediye et demiştim :-))) hediyemi isterim.. ben anlamam.. yenisini de kabul etmem.. o olcak :-)) 6492674409 sitenizorg 12/9/2009 4:20 AM Rijkaard: 'Oyunu Geride Kabul Edebilecek Takım Değiliz': Galatasaray Teknik Direktörü Frank Rijkaard, Galatasar... 6492656186 globalnewsprjct 12/9/2009 4:19 AM Kabul mayor still running city despite conviction (AP) ( 6492629205 GeoNewsTweets 12/9/2009 4:17 AM World Hezb-e-Islami claims killing of 8 coalition troops: KABUL: Hezb-e-Islami has claimed killing of eight coaliti... 6492528469 reuterskl 12/9/2009 4:10 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S. ... 6492498114 s_sellen 12/9/2009 4:08 AM gızem hnm we digerlerı pekı ekleme taleplerını kabul etmemek neyınızı tatmın edıyor?burda yapılmak ıstenen muhabbetten baska ne kı? 6492491686 energyindia37 12/9/2009 4:07 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S. ... 6492451439 TheWorldNews 12/9/2009 4:05 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.. 6492431182 nishahsin 12/9/2009 4:03 AM çay servisi yapan kız bile bir haftadır benden şık giyiniyor. sinyal: sağlam bir kış salımı tespit edildi, inkar kabul edilmiyor. stop. 6492388784 Home_Biz_INOV8R 12/9/2009 4:00 AM Gates tells troops in Afghanistan success in reach: AFPKABUL — US Defence Secretary Robert Gates on Wednesday to... 6492375936 zweitansage 12/9/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6492309623 HeadlinesNewz 12/9/2009 3:55 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S. ... 6492309461 MobileAuto 12/9/2009 3:55 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S. ... 6492309465 BssNews 12/9/2009 3:55 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S. ... 6492309469 newsfeeding 12/9/2009 3:55 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S. ... 6492309487 reuterstop 12/9/2009 3:55 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S. ... 6492309493 dave13100 12/9/2009 3:55 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S. ... 6492309499 tweettools4U 12/9/2009 3:55 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Rober... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 6492309579 webtipsfree 12/9/2009 3:55 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S. ... 6492289908 gsmurat 12/9/2009 3:53 AM Rijkaard: 'Oyunu Geride Kabul Edebilecek Takım Değiliz' 6492269575 190319m9 12/9/2009 3:52 AM Kabul Dreams, first Afghan rock band, performs at Old fort this Friday. Shall we go? :$ 6492223077 Galatasaray_org 12/9/2009 3:49 AM Rijkaard: 'Oyunu Geride Kabul Edebilecek Takım Değiliz' 6492004270 derickhowe44 12/9/2009 3:34 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success - KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S.... 6492004028 clemons_jeffere 12/9/2009 3:34 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success - KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S.... 6492004089 leonardoburris2 12/9/2009 3:34 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success - KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S.... 6492003721 madelinerobbin 12/9/2009 3:33 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success - KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S.... 6492003777 sheldonmcclain4 12/9/2009 3:33 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success - KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S.... 6492003833 percyholland596 12/9/2009 3:33 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success - KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S.... 6492003904 johniegallegos1 12/9/2009 3:33 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success - KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S.... 6492003637 cougar_jamie 12/9/2009 3:33 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success - KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S.... 6491972316 kodokracun 12/9/2009 3:31 AM Awas kencing di toga kak :P RT @tanianastasya: Sumpah deg2an dipanggil nama ke podium serasa mau ijab kabul. Muahahaha. 6491865393 haberingundemi 12/9/2009 3:24 AM Ahlaksız teklifi kabul ederim! 6491854766 allobama 12/9/2009 3:23 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited US co... 6491801037 CB3T 12/9/2009 3:19 AM Too much booze in Kabul RT @Reuters: U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6491724668 brrohama 12/9/2009 3:14 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited US co... 6491707365 RuletaOnline 12/9/2009 3:13 AM Las piezas se están uniendo para éxito en Afganistán: Gates: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - El secretario de Defens... 6491689459 Obama4ChangeNow 12/9/2009 3:11 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.. 6491688275 tanianastasya 12/9/2009 3:11 AM Sumpah deg2an dipanggil nama ke podium serasa mau ijab kabul. Muahahaha. Tp namaku masih jauh. Tidur dulu ah. 6491685918 RFE_RLNEWS 12/9/2009 3:11 AM U.S. To Drop Contractor In Kabul Embassy Scandal 6491636536 44Michael 12/9/2009 3:08 AM "Kabul mayor back at work after corruption trial" 6491636029 draenews 12/9/2009 3:08 AM Megite Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visi... 6491596091 ensiz_news 12/9/2009 3:05 AM Amenazan Talibanes a Corea del Sur ante posible vuelta a Afganistán: Kabul.- Los extremistas talibán amenazaron h... 6491587146 noonanjo 12/9/2009 3:04 AM They Deploy By The Horde: The long awaited (?) deployment of Mongolians to Kabul has occurred. For several weeks we... 6491523263 zweitansage 12/9/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6491520752 ikayuhuuuu 12/9/2009 2:59 AM Bukan CaBul pan.. Tapi KaBul.. Kalo cabul ya lo... Hahahaha.. RT @taufancaesar: @ikayuhuuuu @rizkyrfn : kalo disingkat jd CABUL hehe.... 6491517281 largebreasts 12/9/2009 2:59 AM Conveys "a sense of urgency" to Kabul that American forces would not stay indefinitely, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Sunday. 6491407507 nujoblistings 12/9/2009 2:50 AM New Job: Electrical engineer-KABUL, Afghanistan-$63,650OTE- 6491352220 ikayuhuuuu 12/9/2009 2:45 AM KaBul (Kancut Buluk) RT @BuncitoZ: = KaBul (Kancut Bule) RT @rizkyrfn: Kaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. RT @ikayuhuuuu: @rizkyrfn buuuuuuuuuuuuull 6491223919 hokandurmus 12/9/2009 2:34 AM KEY ödemeleri olarak bilinen Konut Edindirme Yardımı Sahiplerine Ödeme Yapılmasına İlişkin Kanun Tasarısı TBMM Genel Kurulunda kabul edilmiş 6491174965 RootsRadio 12/9/2009 2:30 AM From Kabul, with rock music - Times of India 6491164409 music008 12/9/2009 2:29 AM From Kabul, with rock music - Times of India 6491104879 jeffburkhill 12/9/2009 2:24 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited US commanders in Afghanista.. 6491033711 rizkyrfn 12/9/2009 2:18 AM Tesi KaBul (Telor isi Kancut Bule) RT @BuncitoZ: = KaBul (Kancut Bule) RT @rizkyrfn: Kaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. RT @ikayuhuuuu: @rizkyrfn buuuuuuuuull 6490990664 johnraav 12/9/2009 2:14 AM yes Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited.. 6490934277 BuncitoZ 12/9/2009 2:09 AM = KaBul (Kancut Bule) RT @rizkyrfn: Kaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. RT @ikayuhuuuu: @rizkyrfn buuuuuuuuuuuuull 6490917907 ricardonanan 12/9/2009 2:08 AM Reuters World News Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL.. 6490850238 indevjobs 12/9/2009 2:02 AM Regional Project Manager in International Relief & Development, Kabul,Afghanistan: 6490812366 zweitansage 12/9/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6490775492 RAFwebfeed 12/9/2009 1:57 AM Gates says pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defence Robert Gates visit.. 6490761981 freedom4USA 12/9/2009 1:56 AM Liked "U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal" 6490712755 vikram251086 12/9/2009 1:53 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.. 6490699593 Traders_Online 12/9/2009 1:52 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.. 6490698732 angela251086 12/9/2009 1:52 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.. 6490652014 TwitSpotlight 12/9/2009 1:48 AM KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S. commanders in Afghanistan on Wednesday, promis.. 6490605496 watsonkailyn 12/9/2009 1:45 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.. 6490550593 stewartupton 12/9/2009 1:40 AM SecDef with LTG Rodriguez (right) receiving an embedded partnership brief here at the ISAF Joint Command; Kabul 6490536946 stewartupton 12/9/2009 1:39 AM SecDef visits the Combined Joint Operations Center this morning at the ISAF Joint Command; Kabul, Afghanistan 6490516031 fingertipnews2 12/9/2009 1:37 AM Reuters Intl: Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Def.. 6490475941 videocrux 12/9/2009 1:26 AM #Videocrux - Bomb blast near US embassy in Kabul kills four 6490381599 safe_waters 12/9/2009 1:03 AM #reutersIN Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited 6490336396 ensonhaber 12/9/2009 1:01 AM KEY tasarısı onaylandı: TBMM, 1 ay süre verilmesine ilişkin Kanun Tasarısı’nı kabul etti.Kaynak 6490328651 kuzushisan 12/9/2009 1:00 AM Mmmm... I wonder if the lads in Kabul are seeing this... 6490308757 deccanchronical 12/9/2009 12:59 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.. 6490268377 AllNewsSources 12/9/2009 12:57 AM REUTERS: Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited 6490180370 UNjobs_HIVAIDS 12/9/2009 12:51 AM Program Coordinator, Kabul + Travel, Afghanistan, Concern @UNjobs #jobs 6490085870 buybooksonline1 12/9/2009 12:46 AM [REUTERS]: Gates says pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defence Robert Gate... 6490081454 wcompanyportal 12/9/2009 12:46 AM [REUTERS]: Gates says pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defence Robert Gate... 6490058734 spaceflight 12/9/2009 12:44 AM RT @headlinenews: Reuters: Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visi... ... 6490050538 KimBomin 12/9/2009 12:44 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visite... #Korea 6490050553 HeadlinesNewz 12/9/2009 12:44 AM Gates: pieces coming together for Afghan success: KABUL (Reuters) - Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited U.S. ... 6489978698 Ahmet16 12/9/2009 12:40 AM @nzlozturk fenerın kocanız oldugunu kabul edıosun yanı buda bıseydır ama sızden anca rugby takımı olur servet gokhan ahahha 6489859060 fingertipnews 12/9/2009 12:33 AM UPI-Top News: Karzai Cabinet announcement delayed - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Afghan President Hamid Kar... 6489761929 HTGazete 12/9/2009 12:28 AM KEY tasarısı onaylandı: TBMM, 1 ay süre verilmesine ilişkin Kanun Tasarısı'nı kabul etti. 6489574859 Bethannlaceyher 12/9/2009 12:18 AM From Kabul, with rock music 6489401729 Casanovy_V 12/9/2009 12:10 AM Embassy Guards Gone Wild Get Fired: "Sex Party" contractor in Afghanistan loses Kabul contract. 6489150938 Indianapplepie 12/8/2009 11:57 PM Gunna walk in the snow tomorrow in slippers 'cause my Uggs are on good feet in Kabul at the moment & haven't purchased a new set yet. 6489063184 tok_us 12/8/2009 11:52 PM No room for false moves in Pakistan | Simon Tisdall in Kabul 6489056931 fingertipnews2 12/8/2009 11:52 PM UPI-Top News: Karzai Cabinet announcement delayed: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Afghan Pres.. 6489052912 Passionatematch 12/8/2009 11:52 PM 'Indo-Pak security relationship has consequences in Afghan': PTI America's top diplomat in Kabul has told US lawmak... 6489008056 Mohsenfarahi 12/8/2009 11:50 PM Kabul is nothing for me! I want my Herat back. Unfortunately I have to be trained by Main office training center. 10 Days MORE, hummmmmmmm 6488895347 EddieWemple 12/8/2009 11:44 PM From Kabul, with rock music: The band's vocalist, Sulaymon, bears a distinct resemblance to Pete Doherty from The L... 6488889396 K_Hawke 12/8/2009 11:44 PM From Kabul, with rock music: The band's vocalist, Sulaymon, bears a distinct resemblance to Pete Doherty from The L... 6488811342 Umyrina 12/8/2009 11:40 PM Diam-Diam Gates Kunjungi Afghanistan: KABUL ( - Menteri Pertahanan AS, Robert Gates, melakukan kun.. 6488799340 berlin_jobs 12/8/2009 11:39 PM Guttenberg: Kein Geld an die Taliban: Berlin/Kabul (RP) Verteidigungsminister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg will bei d... 6488798901 berlin_jobs 12/8/2009 11:39 PM Kundus - Bundeswehr will landestypisch entschädigen: Berlin/Kabul. Die Angehörigen der zivilen Opfer des von der ... 6488771550 jobsinhiphop 12/8/2009 11:38 PM From Kabul, with rock music: They have day jobs for that. Sulaymon is a producer in a news channel, Mujtaba, who's ... 6488611288 basakuzlu 12/8/2009 11:30 PM cokmu sakinim kati suretle kabul etmem rüyalar aleminde alem yapsak.......!!! 6488553856 Ahyhabiby 12/8/2009 11:28 PM KABUL ( - Menteri Pertahanan AS, Robert Gates, melakukan kunjungan tiba-tiba ke Afghanistan. Dia b.. 6488544456 rchen 12/8/2009 11:27 PM Kabul before and after (via @nathanstoll) 6488528143 saintpaul007 12/8/2009 11:27 PM STATE DEPARTMENT TO DROP ARMORGROUP’S KABUL CONTRACT #Afghanistan 6488444007 CCCFinancing 12/8/2009 11:23 PM U.S. Seeks New Guards in Kabul: By AUGUST COLE The State Department plans to seek new bids to protect the US Embass... 6488254001 mountainrunner 12/8/2009 11:14 PM Kabul mayor sentenced to 4 yrs for fraud back to work next day - 6488140513 tmsorenson 12/8/2009 11:09 PM RT @ABC: Embassy Guards Gone Wild Get Fired: "Sex Party" contractor in Afghanistan loses Kabul contract. 6488029077 123stoRelate 12/8/2009 11:04 PM 'Indo-Pak security relationship has consequences in Afghan': PTI America's top diplomat in Kabul ha.. 6488019661 PHNews0verviews 12/8/2009 11:03 PM Post: "U.S. To Drop Contractor in Kabul Embassy Scandal" 6487891960 arrahmah 12/8/2009 10:58 PM Diam-Diam Gates Kunjungi Afghanistan - Berita: KABUL ( - Menteri Pertahanan AS, Robert Gates, melakuka... 6487819761 twittsoumya 12/8/2009 10:54 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. ‘In This Thing to Win’: Defense secretary says he will tell Afghan Presid.. 6487794361 twoper2 12/8/2009 10:53 PM 'Indo-Pak security relationship has consequences in Afghan': PTI America's top diplomat in Kabul ha.. 6487785233 freestrike2000 12/8/2009 10:53 PM 'Indo-Pak security relationship has consequences in Afghan': PTI America's top diplomat in Kabul has told US lawmak... 6487726566 Aby_Ummy 12/8/2009 10:50 PM Diam-Diam Gates Kunjungi Afghanistan - Berita: KABUL ( - Menteri Pertahanan AS, Robert Gates, mela.. 6487670040 InIndia 12/8/2009 10:48 PM 'Indo-Pak security relationship has consequences in Afghan'Hindustan TimesPTI America's top diplomat in Kabul h.. 6487455162 Newsxchng 12/8/2009 10:39 PM Embassy Guards Gone Wild Get Fired - Sex Party contractor in Afghanistan loses Kabul contract. 6486690013 moonbird 12/8/2009 10:09 PM @arratik Kabul 6486587473 Lschnellinger 12/8/2009 10:05 PM Breakfast in Kabul guesthouse: Men in turbans sit down, "where R U from?" "Kandahar. We are like #Taliban, but not really." Ah, #Afghanistan 6486587481 j_trainer 12/8/2009 10:05 PM Breakfast in Kabul guesthouse: Men in turbans sit down, "where R U from?" "Kandahar. We are like #Taliban, but not really." Ah, #Afghanistan 6486453684 mbosnak 12/8/2009 10:00 PM @cceyhan aforizmaların çogunda zihnin birinci katmanındaki hazır kabul tabakası harekete geçer. sonrakiler de ise o aforizmanın karşıtı olur 6486401491 ass_fuck 12/8/2009 9:58 PM Deadline" but a message to Kabul about the urgency of fielding an army to defend the country, senior U.S. officials said on Sunday. 6486333121 SimplyPolitical 12/8/2009 9:55 PM RT @ABC: Embassy Guards Gone Wild Get Fired: "Sex Party" contractor in Afghanistan loses Kabul contract. 6486193161 airconsolidator 12/8/2009 9:50 PM Travel news Company loses security contract for Kabul embassy: The State Department is cutting... International travel 6486178796 toplessbeach 12/8/2009 9:50 PM Deadline" but a message to Kabul about the urgency of fielding an army to defend the country, senior U.S. officials said on Sunday. 6486137976 wife_swap 12/8/2009 9:48 PM Deadline" but a message to Kabul about the urgency of fielding an army to defend the country, senior U.S. officials said on Sunday. 6485699891 cjcherry 12/8/2009 9:33 PM RT @ABC: Embassy Guards Gone Wild Get Fired: "Sex Party" contractor in Afghanistan loses Kabul contract. 6485677500 tehranweekly 12/8/2009 9:32 PM RT @ABC: Embassy Guards Gone Wild Get Fired: "Sex Party" contractor in #Afghanistan loses Kabul contract. 6485659844 wsjworldnews 12/8/2009 9:31 PM U.S. Seeks New Guards in Kabul 6485595911 abc 12/8/2009 9:29 PM Embassy Guards Gone Wild Get Fired: "Sex Party" contractor in Afghanistan loses Kabul contract. 6485497791 FTRNews 12/8/2009 9:26 PM FTR NEWS: Kabul mayor convicted of corruption 6485406961 Rob_Madden 12/8/2009 9:23 PM U.S. Seeks New Guards in Kabul #News #WSJ 6485013310 trinimaican 12/8/2009 9:09 PM RT @UNICEF: Teshome Mandefro Egrete, 1952-2009: UNICEF mourns as funeral is held for Ethiopian engineer killed in Kabul attack http://bi ... 6484806659 UKProgressive 12/8/2009 9:02 PM (Surprise!) SecDef Gates visited Afghanistan flying into Kabul for talks with Afghan President Hamid Karzai #p2 #tcot 6484802583 liraluis 12/8/2009 9:02 PM NArchitecture = Architecture built by narcotics $$$ in Kabul, Afghanistan (fr Matt Lauer NBC Today) 6484641971 FaezaMoghul 12/8/2009 8:57 PM Helen Saberi's Uzbek Qabuli Pulao in the oven . . . Countdown to yummy lamby goodness #halaleats #lamb #Kabul 6484309069 lavika 12/8/2009 8:46 PM RT @AyaMai: RT @Uncucumbered A group of brave women from Kabul protest the law that says husbands can legally rape their wives. http://t ... 6483700649 colinjnagy 12/8/2009 8:26 PM We declared war on Japan 58 years ago today. Here's to hoping Baghdad and Kabul are regular stops on the itinerary in a shorter timeframe. 6483460678 nugiigun 12/8/2009 8:18 PM Jadi pengen nangis..RT @tatachi: "kl nnti bpk pisah sm ibu, suatu saat bpk pasti bkl ketemu sm aas di akad nikah bpk ijab kabul sm suami km 6483364957 tatachi 12/8/2009 8:15 PM "kl nnti bpk pisah sm ibu, suatu saat bpk pasti bkl ketemu sm aas di akad nikah bpk ijab kabul sm suami km, stlh itu bpk bs mati dgn tenang" 6483359893 smeex 12/8/2009 8:15 PM From Kabul, with rock music 6482871973 KevinMcCort 12/8/2009 7:59 PM Spent the afternoon with Scott Braunschweig, CRS rep in Kabul. He was in Ottawa to talk about Afghanistan at CCIC. He's been in Afg +5yrs 6482438458 Nebuch 12/8/2009 7:44 PM @aygndmrz teorine kobay olmayı kabul ediyorum. resmen biraz önce saat 12'ydi. 6482122497 jswo 12/8/2009 7:34 PM Tonight's Blockbuster selections: Public Enemies and The Beauty Academy of Kabul. Also, Dots candy. 6481951166 tmj_construjobs 12/8/2009 7:29 PM Day & Zimmermann is Hiring: Knowledge Manager--Intelligence (Kabul) #Jobs #TweetMyJOBS 6481719764 OpinionatedGift 12/8/2009 7:21 PM RT @Uncucumbered: A group of brave women from Kabul protest the law that says husbands can legally rape their wives. ... 6481699090 TendaiJoe 12/8/2009 7:20 PM European Commission, European Union and UNICEF reaffirming Afghan child rights: UNICEF (press release)KABUL, A.. 6481570803 LawrenceMills 12/8/2009 7:16 PM RT @Uncucumbered A group of brave women from Kabul protest law that says husbands can legally rape wives 6481537216 memachel 12/8/2009 7:15 PM RT @Uncucumbered Women in Kabul begging in the center of traffic...... #p2 6481502234 MariaBarrett 12/8/2009 7:14 PM Wow RT @Uncucumbered A group of brave women from Kabul protest law that says husbands can legally rape wives 6481477111 Uncucumbered 12/8/2009 7:13 PM Women in Kabul begging in the center of traffic...... #p2 6481453595 Geniusbastard 12/8/2009 7:12 PM RT @Uncucumbered A group of brave women in Kabul protest law that says husbands can legally rape their wives. 6481452798 PDXsays 12/8/2009 7:12 PM RT @Uncucumbered: A group of brave women from Kabul protest the law that says husbands can legally rape their wives. ... 6481438874 mcdehoyos 12/8/2009 7:12 PM RT @Uncucumbered: A group of brave women from Kabul protest the law that says husbands can legally rape their wives. ... 6481416606 Jummylad 12/8/2009 7:11 PM From Kabul, with rock music 6481407689 Uncucumbered 12/8/2009 7:10 PM A group of brave women from Kabul protest the law that says husbands can legally rape their wives. 6481287688 DonaldPretari 12/8/2009 7:06 PM RT @RtrsIN_SthAsia U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6481239142 beatrixpg 12/8/2009 7:05 PM RT @Reuters: U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6481172945 RtrsIN_SthAsia 12/8/2009 7:03 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6481006633 JasonJanicki 12/8/2009 6:57 PM Looks like kabul and i are missing great weather in chicago 6480921871 muladhara 12/8/2009 6:54 PM Kamran Shafi of Dawn is in Kabul attendg a trialogue btwn AfPak+India for findg cmn grounds for peace undr the aegis of the Delhi Policy Grp 6480884363 annisa_dz 12/8/2009 6:53 PM RT @TheHolyAlQuran: And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) and Noor (Light) and Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say and w ... 6480883358 aat88 12/8/2009 6:53 PM dan skrg gw udah dngerin pak kabul cerita. RT @DionSatria: So sleepy n tired, karaoke dgn shabat2 gila sprti @dewiidaulay, @laras_rasep, 6480811408 arltdla 12/8/2009 6:50 PM Kabul mayor back at work after corruption trial: Anti-corruption campaigners say senior Afghan officials have long ... 6480592216 sariverrat 12/8/2009 6:43 PM Company Loses Security Contract for Kabul Embassy 6480240446 BrucePatrick23 12/8/2009 6:30 PM Joint Press Conference with Secretary Gates and President Karzai from Kabul, Afghanistan: ... 6479775093 filterednews 12/8/2009 6:14 PM "No room for false moves in Pakistan | Simon Tisdall in Kabul | Comment is free |" ( ) 6479743598 filterednews 12/8/2009 6:13 PM Afghanistan: BBC - Kabul mayor rejects corruption conviction: he will appeal against a four-year prison sentence ( ) 6479701632 inrockmusic 12/8/2009 6:11 PM From Kabul, with rock musicTimes of IndiaSiddique Ahmad, Mujtaba Habibi and Sulaymon Qardash three young Afghan.. 6479589933 Taesan69 12/8/2009 6:07 PM loves Doa'qqo t'kabul...yuank ngwz bu nengah...hho 6479559652 TOIDelhiNews 12/8/2009 6:06 PM From Kabul, with rock music: Siddique Ahmad, Mujtaba Habibi and Sulaymon Qardash three young Afghans claim to... 6479437457 LaurieInQueens 12/8/2009 6:02 PM Bye, butt-vodka dudes! RT @MotherJones ArmorGroup loses Kabul embassy contract, following hazing/butt shot scandal: 6479406419 AlaskanPoison 12/8/2009 6:01 PM Company loses security contract for Kabul embassy #WarNews (via @BeachHeadHerald) 6479353851 indiefshionnews 12/8/2009 5:59 PM From Kabul, with rock music 6479343891 delhi24X7 12/8/2009 5:59 PM delhi24X7 From Kabul, with rock music: Siddique Ahmad, Mujtaba Habibi and Sulaymon Qardash three young Af... delhi24X7 6479329081 govloop 12/8/2009 5:58 PM On GovLoop: Federal Eye: Controversial security firm loses Kabul contract 6479312327 sweetyhearty 12/8/2009 5:57 PM MurphyNo2 eger isyerinde egitim ve konferansa kabul edilmis makale varsa egitim makale sunumuyla ayni gundur 6479212420 newsoverviews 12/8/2009 5:54 PM New Overview U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal (Reuters): Reuters - The State Department will n... 6479200457 kaptopril 12/8/2009 5:53 PM kings of convenience ın son albumünü dah yeni dinliyorum.Allah kabul etsin. 6479178114 nursenbayar 12/8/2009 5:52 PM @okckilinc katıldım kabul et uleynnnn :P 6478941198 USTalib 12/8/2009 5:44 PM From Kabul, with rock music - Times of India 6478745904 MyDressIsAskew 12/8/2009 5:37 PM US to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: Reuters WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department will not re.. 6478709751 greychampion 12/8/2009 5:35 PM newStream ©: Controversial security firm loses Kabul contract 6478551073 fingertipnews 12/8/2009 5:29 PM Reuters-U.S.: U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6478541617 amedbaba 12/8/2009 5:29 PM @Eminearslaner Her türlü ikram itina ile kabul olunur 6478498467 sariverrat 12/8/2009 5:28 PM Company loses security contract for Kabul embassy 6478400000 gulizcelik 12/8/2009 5:24 PM @aysenury sizde yaptınız aynı şeyleri eminim şimdi teklif gelse yeniden kabul edersiniz.... 6478278682 raycool1 12/8/2009 5:19 PM European Commission, European Union and UNICEF reaffirming Afghan child rights|Source: UNICEF KABUL, Afghanistan, .. 6478087756 PM_Herald 12/8/2009 5:12 PM New blog post: U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6478084000 geolarson2 12/8/2009 5:12 PM RT @Reuters_US: U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6478075596 airhoune 12/8/2009 5:12 PM @SamiDundar bu gece izledik büyük keyifle 7 kocalı'yı. kalkıp göbek atasım geldi izlerken. bilmem övgü mü kabul edersin yergi mi :) 6478072987 mcyorukoglu 12/8/2009 5:12 PM @YamanAkinci Özrünüz kabul edilir gibi değil. Sizin kadar eyyamcı birini görmedim demek çok ağır bir ithamdır. İnsan önce iyi geceler der!.. 6478069306 TMCMemberFeed 12/8/2009 5:12 PM Truthdig: State Department To Drop ArmorGroup’s Kabul Contract: Tough break, ArmorGroup North America. The U.... 6478036277 de_volkskrant 12/8/2009 5:10 PM [23:42] Twee doden bij protest in Afghanistan tegen NAVO: KABUL - Afghaanse militairen hebben dinsdag in Oost... 6478024275 reductoadabsurd 12/8/2009 5:10 PM tamam... kabul ediyorum... şu ankinden daha "looser" olabilmem mümkün değil... 6478018110 AllNewsSources 12/8/2009 5:10 PM REUTERS: U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department will not renew t 6478014516 mushstache 12/8/2009 5:10 PM Leaked email says ArmorGroup out as Kabul Embassy security contractor: via @addthis 6477985606 thelastJ 12/8/2009 5:08 PM the fukk is this nikkas Flex's problem bombin the fukk outta everything sh!t soundin like freestyle session on some street corner in Kabul 6477853131 stonegold546 12/8/2009 5:03 PM RT @Reuters: U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477820267 BookmarkingNet 12/8/2009 5:02 PM News: U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477797667 BongNews 12/8/2009 5:01 PM RT @Reuters: U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477771493 zweitansage 12/8/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6477770445 nownews 12/8/2009 5:00 PM [World News Update] Company losing security contract for Kabul embassy (AP): AP - The State .. 6477750685 generalnew 12/8/2009 4:59 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477738094 ChariceStarDiva 12/8/2009 4:58 PM TopStories U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal (Reuters): Reuters - The State Department will not... 6477724915 alice215 12/8/2009 4:58 PM RT @Reuters: U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477719712 infobeira 12/8/2009 4:57 PM News U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal (Reuters) 6477693148 matttbastard 12/8/2009 4:56 PM RT @Reuters U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal #p2 #AfPak 6477687719 TweetCashflow 12/8/2009 4:56 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal (Reuters): Reuters - The State Department will not renew the ... 6477682601 newsplate 12/8/2009 4:56 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal (Reuters): 6477673885 brookgarden 12/8/2009 4:55 PM RT @Reuters: U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477651472 edwardrinda 12/8/2009 4:54 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department will not renew th.. 6477624197 alexanderfog 12/8/2009 4:53 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal @alexanderfog 6477620876 PoliticalViews 12/8/2009 4:53 PM Company losing security contract for Kabul embassy 6477610433 AllNewsSources 12/8/2009 4:53 PM AlertNet: U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477602222 liveadsense 12/8/2009 4:52 PM 20 U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: WASHINGTON - The State Department will not renew the contract... 6477591964 TheDailyDis 12/8/2009 4:52 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal #Afghanistan #NEWS via @Reuters 6477567616 newzdevil 12/8/2009 4:51 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department will not renew the co... 6477561226 RtrsIN_Formula1 12/8/2009 4:51 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477560938 reuters 12/8/2009 4:51 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477554766 globalnewsprjct 12/8/2009 4:50 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal (Reuters) ( 6477551953 newstrade 12/8/2009 4:50 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal (Reuters) - 6477550391 BssNews 12/8/2009 4:50 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department will not renew the co... 6477546282 GlobalTechNews 12/8/2009 4:50 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department will not renew the co... 6477538148 reuterstop 12/8/2009 4:50 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department will not renew the co... 6477537174 iwatchobama 12/8/2009 4:50 PM Company losing security contract for Kabul embassy 6477536805 HeadlinesNewz 12/8/2009 4:50 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department will not renew the co... 6477532922 SalBarguil 12/8/2009 4:49 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department will not renew the co... 6477528263 webtipsfree 12/8/2009 4:49 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department will not renew the co... 6477521433 marketplace_web 12/8/2009 4:49 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477520355 reutersfeed 12/8/2009 4:49 PM top #news U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal #reuters 6477517069 ngngfrancisbf 12/8/2009 4:49 PM 20 Company losing security contract for Kabul embassy (AP): AP - The State Department is cutting ties with the... 6477511981 dave13100 12/8/2009 4:49 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department will not renew the co... 6477508666 tweettools4U 12/8/2009 4:48 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department ... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 6477506974 MobileAuto 12/8/2009 4:48 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department will not renew the co... 6477490462 Reuters_US 12/8/2009 4:48 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477480074 rtsradio 12/8/2009 4:47 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal (Reuters): Reuters - The State Department will not renew the c.. 6477478020 rtsradio 12/8/2009 4:47 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department will not renew th.. 6477470024 profit4you 12/8/2009 4:47 PM Look At this! U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477448274 newsfeeding 12/8/2009 4:46 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department will not renew the co... 6477446076 gundelizer 12/8/2009 4:46 PM #Reuters U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The State Department wil... #Topnews 6477444817 news_feed24 12/8/2009 4:46 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477444330 brk_news_now 12/8/2009 4:46 PM Reuters Top News U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477441089 edatpost 12/8/2009 4:45 PM Controversial security firm loses Kabul contract: The State Department will not renew the contract of the private s... 6477433814 sex_porn_pills 12/8/2009 4:45 PM Health.Dating-Viagra U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477425991 Spangaloid 12/8/2009 4:45 PM (Reuters) U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477409820 BreakingNewsDeu 12/8/2009 4:44 PM The State Department will not renew the contract of a security company embroiled in a scandal involving the U.S. Embassy in Kabul 6477386123 ricardonanan 12/8/2009 4:43 PM Reuters World News U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal: WASHI.. 6477336791 brkngnws 12/8/2009 4:41 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477323230 TweepStarDotCom 12/8/2009 4:40 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal (Reuters): Reuters - The State Department will not renew th.. 6477301222 globalnewsprjct 12/8/2009 4:39 PM Company losing security contract for Kabul embassy (AP) ( 6477289621 jaggedpage 12/8/2009 4:39 PM Jagged News: U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal ( 6477288981 lrozen 12/8/2009 4:39 PM POGO: ArmorGroup loses Kabul embassy contract: A government watchdog group says it has obtained an email indica.. 6477257043 fingertipnews 12/8/2009 4:37 PM Reuters_TopNews: U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477233357 RayLevesque 12/8/2009 4:36 PM @2rationality Washington, or Kabul if things dry up.... 6477214659 Reuters_TopNews 12/8/2009 4:36 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477189682 HotNewsNet 12/8/2009 4:34 PM U.S. to drop contractor in Kabul embassy scandal 6477141844 ekinguvencoglu 12/8/2009 4:32 PM futbol bu değil ! iki patetes kafanın ağzından çıkacak sözlere kalmış bir yaşam tarzını kabul eden milyonlar hala kör, sağır ve dilsiz. 6477101216 yuksekokceden 12/8/2009 4:31 PM @Notredamedesion, Nazlı Hanım, üzgünüm, herkes CNN TÜRK'te Sertab'a focuslandı:) Bundan sonra bu kadar geç programları kabul etmeyin bence.. 6477074359 kamusagligi 12/8/2009 4:29 PM Babalara Nasihat : Çocukların hatalarını kabul edebilmek 6477071126 TheCable_FP 12/8/2009 4:29 PM State Department drops contractor involved in Embassy Kabul scandal 6476890968 iclalaydin 12/8/2009 4:21 PM @onurtoraman ben siir yazmiyorum ki... Onlari kabul ettiyseniz en azindan simdi-artik yazmiyorum-yazamiyorum:) 6476881547 last_word 12/8/2009 4:21 PM A year ago there were 67 civilians operating outside of Kabul... 6476831010 callmebre 12/8/2009 4:18 PM Helllllllllls yeah! RT @candACEsquire: No shit I just got an email asking if I can be trusted to accept $900,000 from Kabul. WTH?! 6476733617 joygreenmcgann 12/8/2009 4:14 PM 'Corrupt' Mayor of Kabul sentenced 6476598977 NaheedMustafa 12/8/2009 4:09 PM RT @mosharrafzaidi: RT @SteveHynd: ArmorGroup loses security contract for US embassy in Kabul 6476594862 dkwdba 12/8/2009 4:09 PM Gates tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet (source: Reuters) : KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Ga.. 6476437180 Snglcareerguy 12/8/2009 4:03 PM -- ArmorGroup Loses Kabul Embassy Contract #fb 6476424279 KimBomin 12/8/2009 4:02 PM Afghan women among worst off in world-rights group: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan women are among the worst off i... #Korea 6476368094 greychampion 12/8/2009 4:00 PM newStream ©: POGO: ArmorGroup loses Kabul embassy contract 6476342887 zweitansage 12/8/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6476330946 socratic 12/8/2009 3:59 PM @droogie6655321 Old Kentucky Shark Kabul Special (Aged in Fine Asscracks for 25 Years) 6476326638 mosharrafzaidi 12/8/2009 3:59 PM RT @SteveHynd: ArmorGroup loses security contract for US embassy in Kabul 6476244157 tjmaster 12/8/2009 3:55 PM RT @UNICEF: Teshome Mandefro Egrete, 1952-2009: UNICEF mourns as funeral is held for Ethiopian engineer killed in Kabul attack http://bi ... 6476166730 AFPS_Articles 12/8/2009 3:52 PM The surge in Afghanistan shows U.S. commitment to Afghans, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said in Kabul: 6476074620 newsplate 12/8/2009 3:49 PM Company loses security contract for Kabul embassy (AP): 6476072568 RayLevesque 12/8/2009 3:49 PM @DanFugate Thanks Dan! That consulting job in kabul is sounding better all the time... 6476071362 AFPS_Articles 12/8/2009 3:48 PM Secretary Gates arrived in Kabul to meet with Afghan President Hamid Karzai and other leaders: 6476000014 UNICEFnews 12/8/2009 3:46 PM Teshome Mandefro Egrete, 1952-2009: UNICEF mourns as funeral is held for Ethiopian engineer killed in Kabul attack 6476000361 UNICEF 12/8/2009 3:46 PM Teshome Mandefro Egrete, 1952-2009: UNICEF mourns as funeral is held for Ethiopian engineer killed in Kabul attack 6475926056 droogie6655321 12/8/2009 3:43 PM @shortstack81 Well, in Kabul, it's kinda hard to find crack sweat. This vodka should be made in Rio. 6475891045 AppleFanGirlDe 12/8/2009 3:42 PM App: Kabul (Travelto) von Molinker Inc. | #iPhone App #Reisen 6475879639 shortstack81 12/8/2009 3:41 PM @droogie6655321 lol. No it started with a comment about the embassy scandal in kabul a bit ago. 6475828814 daghanirak 12/8/2009 3:40 PM @vanadu prensip olarak ben de hiç sevmem bayern'i ama kabul edelim ki düzgün ve sempatik bir kadro kurdular (klose hariç, o hâlâ odun) 6475647184 equilib 12/8/2009 3:33 PM Mullah Mohammad Omar Rejects Peace Talks: KABUL - A statement attributed to Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar i 6475632280 frank1569 12/8/2009 3:32 PM An average 4 bedroom house in Kabul, Afghanistan costs $500,000. Average earnings in Afghanistan: $350/yr. I smell new subprime loan market. 6475566408 wminaa 12/8/2009 3:30 PM 2134565432. tane farmville ve happy aquarium isteklerimi kabul edicek birisine 3 günlük harçlığımı verebilirim :)... 6475494157 FrNick 12/8/2009 3:27 PM From Joint Operations Team, to the Bishop of the Macedonian Diaspora & the Macedonian Ambassador, to supper with a friend headed for Kabul. 6475489288 mommadona 12/8/2009 3:27 PM RT @argylestyle: ArmorGroup Loses Kabul Embassy Contract 6475484308 aysunozafacan 12/8/2009 3:27 PM @GeErgen seni çok seviyorum ablacım. beni kabul edersen sevinirim 6475476274 argylestyle 12/8/2009 3:27 PM ArmorGroup Loses Kabul Embassy Contract 6475401629 motunhc 12/8/2009 3:24 PM @wiseoldturk Hocam nacizane kabul buyurursanız, vtr nin yerine izlence kelimesi sanki Türkçe'ye daha uygun gibi. 6475390241 anglicanrosary 12/8/2009 3:23 PM RT @alroker: Spent all day at Camp Eggers here in Kabul. It is humbling to be with these men and women putting their lives on the line. ... 6475112695 carlabond 12/8/2009 3:13 PM RT @AfPakChannel: RT @FP_Magazine: RT @joshrogin State Department drops contractor involved in Embassy Kabul scandal 6474924935 AZNLoverdotcom 12/8/2009 3:06 PM Kabul mayor back at work after corruption trial: Afghanistan's ability to handle high-profile corruption cases was 6474889875 USAbreaking 12/8/2009 3:05 PM global: Gates tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Se.. [Reuters] #worldnews 6474827976 ArmyInfantryMom 12/8/2009 3:02 PM RT@WarKidsRelief So far 26 seriously ill Afghan IDP children treated at Kabul hospitals thx 2 gifts 2 WKR medical fund 6474811968 mindproduction 12/8/2009 3:02 PM RT @Ayazma_06: @mindproduction cevap 1: sosyalleşmek daha kolay, kolay üye olunuyor, kabul almadan birini izleyebiliyor ve iletişim kura ... 6474752500 zweitansage 12/8/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6474537438 cezasahasi 12/8/2009 2:51 PM @tanjue bi ben kabul etmiyorum sanırım bu adamın top class olduğunu. Etmeyeceğim de... Top Class olamaz, Eco Class'a itiraz etmem :) 6474519760 KristiIA 12/8/2009 2:50 PM RT @AfPakChannel: RT @FP_Magazine: RT @joshrogin State Department drops contractor involved in Embassy Kabul scandal 6474419975 Mke1982 12/8/2009 2:46 PM @haritaci70 @onderfurkan hangi sarkidan bahsettigini bilmiyorum tabii ki su an.. resim cok da ic acici degil, kabul et artik.. 6474370782 sharilynj 12/8/2009 2:44 PM RT @xflansx: Most people in Afghanistan only get basic kabul 6474363867 Ozgesahin 12/8/2009 2:43 PM Meryem Ana “Lekesiz” doğumla dünyaya gelmiş tek “masum kadın” olarak kabul edilms. Katolik aleminde olaya “İmmaculate Conception” diolarms 6474351766 paulmcleary 12/8/2009 2:43 PM RT @DanielSchulman State confirms it's axing ArmorGroup from Kabul embassy contract, following hazing/butt shot scandal: 6474293847 saana_allie 12/8/2009 2:40 PM State Department drops contractor involved in Embassy Kabul scandal 6474191475 dangerroom 12/8/2009 2:36 PM RT @DanielSchulman State confirms to me it's axing ArmorGroup from Kabul contract, following hazing/butt shot scandal: 6474158722 motherjones 12/8/2009 2:35 PM State confirms to @DanielSchulman it's axing ArmorGroup frm Kabul embassy contract, following hazing/butt shot scandal: 6474102648 blogsguatemala 12/8/2009 2:33 PM Karzai pide ayuda a EEUU para financiar su ejército durante 15 a 20 años: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - El presidente Hami... 6474093984 AfPakChannel 12/8/2009 2:33 PM RT @FP_Magazine: RT @joshrogin State Department drops contractor involved in Embassy Kabul scandal 6474090326 AnnieLowrey 12/8/2009 2:33 PM RT @joshrogin State Department drops contractor involved in Embassy Kabul scandal 6474086778 daniellebrian 12/8/2009 2:32 PM RT @DanielSchulman State confirms to me it's axing ArmorGroup from Kabul contract, following hazing/butt shot scandal: 6474077388 FP_Magazine 12/8/2009 2:32 PM RT @joshrogin State Department drops contractor involved in Embassy Kabul scandal 6474074851 RayLevesque 12/8/2009 2:32 PM In my job search I've been asked to supply my resume for a job in change management, uhh, in Kabul. hmmm 6474074443 daniellebrian 12/8/2009 2:32 PM RT @joshrogin State Department drops contractor involved in Embassy Kabul scandal #ChippedArmor 6474032957 paigemcdaniel 12/8/2009 2:30 PM RT @alroker: Spent day at Camp Eggers in Kabul. Humbling to be w/men and women putting their lives on the line. God bless them. RT @UNjobs: Hydropower Engineer, Afghanistan, Kabul #jobs 6472444807 fridaworld 12/8/2009 1:28 PM @Transitionland Also, you seem more mature than most 25 yr olds I met in Kabul. V. frustrating & unfair when a rule of thumb becomes a rule. 6472439183 redblogroll 12/8/2009 1:28 PM Gates In Kabul: “We’re In This Thing To Win….Really” 6472439282 patdollard 12/8/2009 1:28 PM Gates In Kabul: “We’re In This Thing To Win….Really” #accdf #tcot 6472413025 JanStu 12/8/2009 1:27 PM RT @mparent77772: Kabul mayor sentenced for corruption //get outta here :O really? :)) 6472333589 SourcePolitics 12/8/2009 1:24 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' #TCOT 6472295364 fourchickens 12/8/2009 1:22 PM Was just telling @kairuy that Kabul does eggplant w/a yummy yogurt-tomato sauce. @MarcSeattle: @voraciousgirl 6472286850 snackfeedbuzz 12/8/2009 1:22 PM checkout U.S.'s Gates reassures Afghanistan-Gates held a news conference in Kabul with the country's recently re-elec... 6472286909 snackfeedbuzz 12/8/2009 1:22 PM new video U.S.'s Gates reassures Afghanistan-Gates held a news conference in Kabul with the country's recently re-ele... 6472286910 snackfeedbuzz 12/8/2009 1:22 PM watch U.S.'s Gates reassures Afghanistan-Gates held a news conference in Kabul with the country's recently re-elected... 6472286914 snackfeedbuzz 12/8/2009 1:22 PM another one U.S.'s Gates reassures Afghanistan-Gates held a news conference in Kabul with the country's recently re-... 6472286918 snackfeedbuzz 12/8/2009 1:22 PM new video U.S.'s Gates reassures Afghanistan-Gates held a news conference in Kabul with the country's recently re-ele... 6472286933 snackfeedbuzz 12/8/2009 1:22 PM snackfeed found U.S.'s Gates reassures Afghanistan-Gates held a news conference in Kabul with the country's recently ... 6472257380 NedDagbl 12/8/2009 1:21 PM Nieuws: Karzai kan leger en politie niet betalen: KABUL - Afghanistan heeft voor de komende vijftien tot twintig ja... 6472252270 mparent77772 12/8/2009 1:21 PM Kabul mayor sentenced for corruption 6472209025 jcwindsor59 12/8/2009 1:19 PM RT @alroker: Kabul is a mix of the old and trying to be new. Ten years ago, 300,000 people lived here. There are now FIVE MILLION with n ... 6472175301 misterp67 12/8/2009 1:18 PM Everyone should read @alroker last few tweets re: Kabul. Imagine living in a place of 5 million with NO infrastructure. 6472171220 Media55 12/8/2009 1:17 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win': Defense secretary says he will tell Afghan Pr.. Trent Partridge 6472128984 kalsoom82 12/8/2009 1:16 PM @Mirza9 @Transitionland @Nadir_Hassan my dad had a dream the Taliban had kidnapped me. The next day work told me was going to Kabul. No joke 6472129017 DavidMZapata 12/8/2009 1:16 PM RT @alroker: Spent all day at Camp Eggers here in Kabul. It is humbling to be with these men and women putting their lives on the line. ... 6472081751 EntityAZ 12/8/2009 1:14 PM Gates In Kabul: “We’re In This Thing To Win….Really” #accdf #tcot 6472077230 alroker 12/8/2009 1:14 PM Kabul is a mix of the old and trying to be new. Ten years ago, 300,000 people lived here. There are now FIVE MILLION with no infrastructure 6472076126 usafpressdesk 12/8/2009 1:14 PM RT @alroker: Spent all day at Camp Eggers here in Kabul. It is humbling to be with these men and women putting their lives on the line. ... 6472063983 starzship 12/8/2009 1:13 PM RT @alroker: Spent all day at Camp Eggers here in Kabul. It is humbling to be with these men and women putting their lives on the line. ... 6472053666 alroker 12/8/2009 1:13 PM Spent all day at Camp Eggers here in Kabul. It is humbling to be with these men and women putting their lives on the line. God bless them 6472039262 foxnews 12/8/2009 1:12 PM POLITICS: In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' 6471992488 UNjobs_Health 12/8/2009 1:10 PM Technical Officer, Kabul, (P-4) WHO @UNjobs #jobs 6471987263 foxnews_pol 12/8/2009 1:10 PM FOX NEWS POLITICS: In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win': KABUL -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrive... 6471913307 gopnews 12/8/2009 1:07 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' 6471910277 yrtv 12/8/2009 1:07 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win': KABUL -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived late Monday in Af... 6471883530 UNjobs 12/8/2009 1:06 PM Quality Assurance Engineer, Energy, Afghanistan, Kabul #jobs 6471867278 kalsoom82 12/8/2009 1:06 PM @Nadir_Hassan @Transitionland I was 25 when I went to Kabul and I was scared out of my mind. But I think if I lived there Id be used to it. 6471827930 foxnewspolitics 12/8/2009 1:04 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' 6471747967 buybooksonline1 12/8/2009 1:01 PM [REUTERS]: Gates tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates told Afg... 6471746513 militaryupdates 12/8/2009 1:01 PM #Military_Times : Gates visits Afghanistan, reassures Karzai: KABUL — Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Tuesday ... 6471732847 wcompanyportal 12/8/2009 1:01 PM [REUTERS]: Gates tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates told Afg... 6471719049 hidalgo71 12/8/2009 1:00 PM :(( amerikadaki amcam face de kabul etmemiş beni hala 6471703788 zweitansage 12/8/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6471592541 politicalfever 12/8/2009 12:55 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' 6471592568 politicalfever 12/8/2009 12:55 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' 6471592453 AdamKuhr 12/8/2009 12:55 PM @todayshow @alroker Did Matt Lauer this morning really say "The population of Kabul is exploding"?? 6471561754 dailybedlam 12/8/2009 12:54 PM #Nowplaying at a war near you,explosions in Bagdad,chaos in Kabul,Blizzards in Colorado,Mayhem on Main street - domestic hell in Tigers home 6471491478 amedbaba 12/8/2009 12:51 PM "Bir insan bunun utanciyla ölürse belki o zaman ayıplanmaz" Ölümlerden beslenenler nasil lider kabul edilebilir? 6471403956 wiseoldturk 12/8/2009 12:48 PM Kabul edilebilir bir şey bulursak TV 8'de söylemeye başlayabiliriz. Bu dil hepimizin! 6471308240 Embedded_Guy 12/8/2009 12:44 PM Not been yet, but heard Kabul in Wallingford is good. RT @fourchickens: Afghani is delicious! 6471281641 securitylaw 12/8/2009 12:43 PM Kabul mayor back at work after corruption trial 6471267869 bitterbiscuit 12/8/2009 12:43 PM @fourchickens Kabul is great choice for GF, yes? Don;t seem to have the rice dishes my Afghani friends would make for me. 6471222289 sohaibkhan 12/8/2009 12:41 PM Kabul mayor rejects graft charge: The mayor of the Afghan capital, Kabul, Abdul Ahad Sahebi, says he will appeal against a four-year pri... 6471197471 MegMcCloskey 12/8/2009 12:40 PM Gates who? Al Roker and Matt Lauer were the big attraction in Kabul this morning. 6471194961 jessamyntuttle 12/8/2009 12:40 PM @fourchickens Love Kabul - we always get the kabob dinner for two, it's fabulous. 6471163770 bbcsa 12/8/2009 12:39 PM Kabul mayor rejects graft charge: The mayor of the Afghan capital, Kabul, Abdul Ahad Sahebi, says he will appeal ag... 6471141426 BbcSouthasia 12/8/2009 12:38 PM The mayor of the Afghan capital, Kabul, Abdul Ahad Sahebi, says he will appeal against a four-year prison sentence ... 6471134368 mzohaib 12/8/2009 12:37 PM NEWS: Kabul mayor rejects graft charge: The mayor of the Afghan capital, Kabul, Abdul Ahad Sahebi, says he will app... 6471046557 fourchickens 12/8/2009 12:33 PM @bitterbiscuit Since it's at the end of our street, we go to Kabul all the time. Owners are from Kabul. We should check out Issa. one too. 6471016401 CMYSUCCESS 12/8/2009 12:32 PM Kabul mayor back at work after corruption trial: “Everything was going okay until I pushed the people who have go... 6470936965 leoshane 12/8/2009 12:29 PM The Today show, from Kabul! And our own @StripesBaron was there: No word whether he's replacing Al Roker in 2010. 6470881915 TantaoNews 12/8/2009 12:27 PM Asia-Pacific news summary at 1600 GMT, Dec. 8: KABUL -- U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on Tuesday linke.. 6470857454 FZreligion 12/8/2009 12:26 PM Feedzilla Gates in Kabul Plays Down Need for Big Shakeup (source: 6470814246 downwithtyranny 12/8/2009 12:24 PM I spent a lot of time in Afghanistan & never met anyone outside Kabul who wasn't zonked. We're gonna train them? 6470720808 TantaoNews 12/8/2009 12:20 PM Asia-Pacific news summary at 1600 GMT, Dec. 8: KABUL -- U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on Tuesday linke.. 6470595348 lnp_38 12/8/2009 12:16 PM @richardengelnbc see Jim Maceda back in Kabul. He's awesome! 6470587450 Jujuku 12/8/2009 12:15 PM kabul amacım oyun felan izlemek değildi belki tam olarak ama aynı gece 2 kişi tarafından ekilmekte komediydi 6470587690 Jean_montmartre 12/8/2009 12:15 PM @krasivalekar @terasbanuk @mindproduction Geminin bir parca kerestesi olmadiktan sonra nereye kacacak,hicbir gemide kazazede fare kabul etmz 6470557083 3 12/8/2009 12:14 PM Kabul mayor rejects graft charge: The mayor of the Afghan capital, Kabul, Abdul Ahad Sahebi, says he will appeal against a four-year pri... 6470537250 WSJEurope 12/8/2009 12:14 PM Gates Meets Karzai in Afghanistan: Gates met with Karzai in Kabul and said that the Afghan security force needs to ... 6470452301 bolbol_dunya 12/8/2009 12:11 PM Rum sözcü Stefanu: Hakemlik ve sınırlama kabul edilemez 6470397293 WesternToday 12/8/2009 12:09 PM Multimedia blog: Soldier in Kabul, Afghanistan, holds WWU sign on "Today Show" 6470365319 addamiattualita 12/8/2009 12:07 PM Afghanistan: karzai, risorse per forze sicurezza per altri 15-20 anni: Kabul, 8 dic. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – “P... 6470330079 HeyErnie 12/8/2009 12:06 PM Gates visits Afghanistan, reassures Karzai: KABUL — Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Tuesday it will be at leas... 6470198596 IbnSiqilli 12/8/2009 12:01 PM #Afghanistan & #Pakistan jihadi nasheeds & video montages, 3 Examples ( #Taliban #Karzai #Pashtun #Kabul #jihad 6470151936 zweitansage 12/8/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6470136330 ozgeyalcin 12/8/2009 11:59 AM beklemeye dayanamayan ben, kafa dağıtıcı olivia, zorsun hayat bunu bazenn kabul et, bazen ama , yinede keretasın 6469989602 ahchrissawyer 12/8/2009 11:53 AM couldn't log on cos my work account was trying for two hours to connect to the Kabul bureaux's printer. True 6469942493 fingertipnews2 12/8/2009 11:52 AM UPI-Top News: Gates stresses Pakistani role in war: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 8 (UPI) -- Pakistan i.. 6469705759 malumafatrus 12/8/2009 11:42 AM kaç yaşındaki adam gay olduğunu itiraf etse ne olur Allah aşkına? Kaldı ki O.Eğin satır altında bunu kabul etse de bugüne kadar ben gay'im 6469703131 MinnPostRSS 12/8/2009 11:42 AM Kabul mayor, convicted for corruption, denies it's a problem: KHAN NESHIN AND KABUL, AFGHANISTAN — What corruptio... 6469689150 Greaterkashmir 12/8/2009 11:42 AM Kabul mayor rejects graft charge: The mayor of the Afghan capital, Kabul, Abdul Ahad Sahebi, says.. #kashmir #bbc 6469664679 mzemek 12/8/2009 11:41 AM RT @SteveHynd: Kabul mayor back at work day after 4 yr sentence for graft ... 6469649507 barboonia35 12/8/2009 11:40 AM @nefiss mesela bende internet bağımlılığı var kabul ediyorum ama seviyorum da :S 6469597198 UNjobs_Forest 12/8/2009 11:38 AM Poverty and Water in Afghanistan, Kabul, SPD @UNjobs #jobs 6469575357 ftasiapacific 12/8/2009 11:37 AM Kabul mayor back at work after corruption trial 6469550290 HeyErnie 12/8/2009 11:36 AM Gates visits Afghanistan, reassures Karzai: KABUL — Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Tuesday it will be at leas... 6469544904 topix_world 12/8/2009 11:36 AM Eikenberry says he supports Afghan strategy: Despite previous misgivings, the U.S. ambassador to Kabul assured Cong... 6469537038 suniljmistry 12/8/2009 11:36 AM #South #Asia #News Kabul mayor rejects graft charge: The mayor of the Afghan capital, Kabul, .. 6469484374 MDThermo 12/8/2009 11:34 AM MDThermo Gates visits Afghanistan, reassures Karzai: KABUL — Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Tuesday it will b... 6469426295 safe_waters 12/8/2009 11:32 AM #reutersIN Gates tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates told Afghans 6469424450 jimpool 12/8/2009 11:32 AM RT @sanjodali: Gates tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates told Afghans on Tue... ht ... 6469347585 KimBomin 12/8/2009 11:29 AM Gates tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates told Afghans... #Korea 6469346281 NewserUS 12/8/2009 11:29 AM Gates, in Kabul, Contradicts Karzai's Timetable 6469344534 HeadlinesNewz 12/8/2009 11:29 AM Gates tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates told Afghans on Tue... 6469326395 mizahisham 12/8/2009 11:28 AM Humanity seems to arrive apropos of nothing. Books made me feel but reality scares oneself. Can't imagine myself as one of the kids in Kabul 6469305021 ObamaPics 12/8/2009 11:27 AM U.S. Sec. of State Gates meets Afghan President Karzai in Kabul: Uploaded on Dec 8 2009 U.S. Secretary of Defens... 6469304399 ObamaPics 12/8/2009 11:27 AM U.S. Sec. of State Gates meets Afghan President Karzai in Kabul: Uploaded on Dec 8 2009 U.S. Secretary of Defens... 6469283510 kellyritlop 12/8/2009 11:26 AM U.S.'s Gates reassures Afghanistan: Dec 8 - U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, on a visit to Kabul, reassu... 6469267898 searchgalnow 12/8/2009 11:26 AM U.S.'s Gates reassures Afghanistan: Dec 8 - U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, on a visit to Kabul, reassu... 6469242629 k8traveldeals 12/8/2009 11:25 AM Business class to Kabul? Welcome to my morning. #canitbedone? 6469019856 bbcindia 12/8/2009 11:17 AM Kabul mayor rejects graft charge: The mayor of the Afghan capital, Kabul, Abdul Ahad Sahebi, says he will appea.. 6468987796 twiwow 12/8/2009 11:16 AM U.S.'s Gates reassures Afghanistan: Dec 8 - U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, on a visit to Kabul, reassures Af... 6468969362 Hungry4Politics 12/8/2009 11:15 AM (RUSNV) U.S.'s Gates reassures Afghanistan: Dec 8 - U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, on a visit to Kabul, reas... 6468958991 BagusTV 12/8/2009 11:15 AM Gates: Pakistan may get more help against al-Qaida: By ANNE FLAHERTY The Associated Press KABUL - Defense Secretary... 6468900776 hsdemir 12/8/2009 11:12 AM @aysepbcyrm Son yıllarda insanlar bi şey için yapılan ilk yorum neyse onu bi "doğru" kabul edip, kendi yorumlarını yapmaya gerek duymuyorlar 6468711073 cas1rga 12/8/2009 11:05 AM "Türk, esirlik kabul etmeyen bir millettir. Türk milleti esir olmamıştır. 6468696389 RuletaOnline 12/8/2009 11:05 AM Gates tranquiliza a afganos y dice soldados EEUU aún no se irán: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - El secretario de Def... 6468674819 redhatty 12/8/2009 11:04 AM Kabul mayor back at work after corruption trial 6468661873 flowfromtheknow 12/8/2009 11:04 AM Eikenberry on Board With Afghan Plan - Despite previous misgivings, U.S. ambassador to Kabul supports Afghan strate... 6468559375 POTUFSS 12/8/2009 11:00 AM Strategy impacting Afghanistan, Pakistan|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 8 (UPI) -- The Afghan strategy announced by .. 6468545140 zweitansage 12/8/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6468455480 nicoledunn 12/8/2009 10:56 AM @alroker be safe in Kabul! We need u and Matt back for my favorite show - the Today show! 6468432807 rtsradio 12/8/2009 10:55 AM Eikenberry on Board With Afghan Plan - Despite previous misgivings, U.S. ambassador to Kabul supports Afghan strate... 6468370864 NuzulNuway 12/8/2009 10:53 AM SAH ! RT @ViaRamadhani mau doong nikah! RT @happynessaa: Rukun Nikah: 1.Calon mempelai laki2 dan perempuan 2.wali 3. Saksi 4. Ijab dan Kabul 6468352900 csmlibrary 12/8/2009 10:52 AM Kabul mayor, convicted for corruption, denies it's a problem: Christian Science Monitor #Afghanistan 6468314790 lmazanec 12/8/2009 10:51 AM Made it to Dubai. Now short rest and off to Kabul 6468305052 sjsturkie 12/8/2009 10:50 AM @foxnews: Eikenberry on Board With Afghan Plan - Despite previous misgivings, U.S. ambassador to Kabul supports Afg... 6468273219 silentbutsmart 12/8/2009 10:49 AM Not sure abt this war in Kabul - that place is just corrupt as hell! If Kabul doesnt have access to nuclear weapon (fck it) but that just me 6468191846 armandoaanache 12/8/2009 10:46 AM RT @Poynter: NBC sends Matt Lauer and Al Roker to Afghanistan. "Today" show to originate from Kabul: /@mediaspy 6468177179 StickeeNotes 12/8/2009 10:45 AM RT @JasonMunich: Dear Afghan Mujahadeen: Matt Lauer, AKA the Great Satan is in Kabul. He has the 12th Imam prisoner in his basement. htt ... 6468167404 GeorgetownDG 12/8/2009 10:45 AM Kabul mayor sentenced for graft...ignored by US newspapers...UK Financial Times reported (via @mountainrunner) 6468160720 JasonMunich 12/8/2009 10:45 AM Dear Afghan Mujahadeen: Matt Lauer, AKA the Great Satan is in Kabul. He has the 12th Imam prisoner in his basement. 6468157833 happynessaa 12/8/2009 10:45 AM Rukun Nikah: 1.Calon mempelai laki2 dan perempuan 2.wali 3. Saksi 4. Ijab dan Kabul 6468028226 fingertipnews 12/8/2009 10:40 AM UPI-Top News: Strategy impacting Afghanistan, Pakistan - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 8 (UPI) -- The Afghan strategy a... 6467978419 ronpai 12/8/2009 10:38 AM There was a sodier holding up a WWU sign in Kabul on the Today Show this morning. that was cool. 6467650228 tomviehe 12/8/2009 10:26 AM RT @KWRutter: RT @daniellebrian Armor Group just lost the Kabul Embassy contract. Will be out by next year. #ChippedArmor 6467527217 TugceB 12/8/2009 10:21 AM Ya bu fransizlar cok yoruo beni!yazacagim bir CV,allahim cm cm farketse kabul etmezmis hanimefendi!e ver o zaman olculeri! 6467410685 LifeasInterns 12/8/2009 10:16 AM Heard an interesting term on the news this morning about druglords in Kabul building upscale housing. They're calling it #Narchitecture. 6467387033 notizienews 12/8/2009 10:15 AM Afghanistan: karzai, risorse per forze sicurezza per altri 15-20 anni: Kabul, 8 dic. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – &#.. 6467330851 olguncakabey 12/8/2009 10:12 AM @reijutsu bunu bilinçli yapılmış kötü espri olarak kabul ediyorum. 6467293034 JUSTIN_RAMIREZ 12/8/2009 10:11 AM Why are matt lauer and al roker in kabul?? 6467171877 mountainrunner 12/8/2009 10:06 AM Kabul mayor sentenced for graft...ignored by US newspapers...UK Financial Times reported 6467131326 NYCJanet 12/8/2009 10:05 AM NBC's"TODAY SHOW" a joke! Hard-hitting journos (?) Matt Lauer and Al Roker report live from Kabul?!like sending Laurel & Hardy to VietNam 6467057840 toddriley 12/8/2009 10:02 AM Today Show - At least Kabul got 20 seconds of billing pre "tiger time" At what point does our global hollywood status jump the shark? 6467054898 dannidi 12/8/2009 10:02 AM RT @KWRutter: RT @daniellebrian Armor Group just lost the Kabul Embassy contract. Will be out by next year. #ChippedArmor 6466995253 zweitansage 12/8/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6466932741 POGOBlog 12/8/2009 9:57 AM RT @KWRutter: RT @daniellebrian Armor Group just lost the Kabul Embassy contract. Will be out by next year. #ChippedArmor 6466883178 NWRepublican 12/8/2009 9:55 AM Guess what? I was right about Afghanistan: KABUL – Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Tuesday it will be at lea.. 6466845395 KWRutter 12/8/2009 9:54 AM RT @daniellebrian Armor Group just lost the Kabul Embassy contract. Will be out by next year. #ChippedArmor 6466783823 daniellebrian 12/8/2009 9:51 AM Armor Group just lost the Kabul Embassy contract. Will be out by next year. 6466728584 aberean 12/8/2009 9:49 AM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. ‘In This Thing to Win’ – Fox 6466707513 muladhara 12/8/2009 9:48 AM Acdg 2 Afgh DepAG EnayatKamal: Kabul's mayor Mir Abdul Ahad Sahebi sentenced to 4yrs in prison 4 diversion of pub funds. 6466643743 ogahouse 12/8/2009 9:46 AM 入院中、向かいのベッドにいたおじさんのお婿さんがJICAで来春アフガニスタンに行くという。仕事はたくさんあるとおもうけど、危険としかイメージできない場所だから覚悟していかないと行かれない。。。 Kabul Video : 6466610076 TweetNewsInfo 12/8/2009 9:44 AM Eikenberry on Board With Afghan Plan- Despite previous misgivings, U.S. ambassador to Kabul supports Afghan strateg... 6466513920 BssNews 12/8/2009 9:41 AM Karzai Estimates 20 Years Before Afghan Security Is Independent: During a news conference in Kabul with U.S. Se.. 6466399505 fingertipnews2 12/8/2009 9:36 AM Reuters Intl: Gates tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary R.. 6466389989 VOA_News 12/8/2009 9:36 AM Karzai Estimates 20 Years Before Afghan Security Is Independent: During a news conference in Kabul with U.S. Se.. 6466381142 News4uk 12/8/2009 9:35 AM Ainsworth sees progress in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth arrive.. #news #reuters 6466369199 muladhara 12/8/2009 9:35 AM HKarzai(HK) put off making Cabinet decision as he is bng squeezd fm two sides(othr side bng Afghan warlords who stuffd boxes).Gates In Kabul 6466226493 oelsarahoel 12/8/2009 9:30 AM pake ijab kabul ya? hahaha RT @fanfanfani: @oelsarahoel ayuuuu ! abs ga ada yg sms kita sih jd bgni dah bhaha 6466152107 sinandemir 12/8/2009 9:27 AM @yaseminsefik bende cinsel tahribat yaratır bu rol.. sanırım kabul edemiyciiiimmmm 6465954052 RBLKentCounty 12/8/2009 9:19 AM RT @HMForces: RT @bbcnickrobinson: Kabul, Afghanistan 6465953944 GOPBriefingRoom 12/8/2009 9:19 AM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' 6465891547 ashwinkgopal 12/8/2009 9:17 AM RT @democratically: From Kabul to Kashmir [Newsweek13Nov2009] Worth Archiving 6465879248 preppypoppy 12/8/2009 9:16 AM RT @KappaPrep: Today Show live from Kabul with our AMAZING troops! Thank you to all that serve! 6465869272 TweetNewsInfo 12/8/2009 9:16 AM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win'- Karzai: 15 Years Before We Can Afford Security- Mullen Stresses U... 6465821374 usmcwife8999 12/8/2009 9:14 AM RT @starsandstripes: Lauer, Roker and Gates bring the crowd to life in Kabul 6465795215 starsandstripes 12/8/2009 9:13 AM Lauer, Roker and Gates bring the crowd to life in Kabul 6465774461 democratically 12/8/2009 9:12 AM From Kabul to Kashmir [Newsweek13Nov2009] Worth Archiving 6465756411 Yolagiden 12/8/2009 9:12 AM Sizin semtinizde olaylar olmuyor diye dua eden vicdanınız, polise, askere fırlatılan havaifişekleri nasıl kabul ediyor? 6465728450 Roza_Shenall 12/8/2009 9:11 AM @alpercoskuncay @EECCEE @selcukserin tamam herkes hem fikir olduuna göre oybirliğiyle kabul edildi! alper fulle depoyu koçum:) 6465721829 yesimsalkim 12/8/2009 9:10 AM @GabrielPeri Hiçbir din can almayı kabul etmez vatanını korumak için hariç. 6465633754 tom_mauriello 12/8/2009 9:07 AM Pictures of Kabul Afghanistan taken 40 years apart. The ravages of war and conflict, we forget what was. 6465610941 erayalakese 12/8/2009 9:06 AM Heeey, blogum Bloxoo'ya kabul edildi :) 6465508084 OlgaKlimkin 12/8/2009 9:02 AM UN chief in Kabul as pressure mounts over run-off vote - Reuters Washington PostUN chief in Kabul as pressure mounts over run-off voteReuter 6465508126 POTUFSS 12/8/2009 9:02 AM Gates in Afghanistan|By United Press International KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. Defense Secretary .. 6465433812 zweitansage 12/8/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6465405621 Raekeish 12/8/2009 8:58 AM Thank u Kabul too!! 6465358183 WESTKHAN 12/8/2009 8:57 AM google wave davetiyesi itina ile kabul edilir 6465292367 eurasier1 12/8/2009 8:54 AM RT @GAWaldenmeier : Karsai: Kabul braucht noch 20 Jahre Finanzhilfe für Armee Diesmal Aufbau ARAB 6465284675 nengshesa 12/8/2009 8:54 AM @tanianastasya klo bsk ijab kabul mah ga bs tidur kali yaaaa!! Trus mikir "is he the right one?" Hehehe.. 6465260022 GAWaldenmeier 12/8/2009 8:53 AM Karsai: Kabul braucht noch 20 Jahre Finanzhilfe für Armee Diesmal Aufbau ARAB was Merkel ;) 6465226791 1907genclik 12/8/2009 8:51 AM tokat altay biletleri 22 tlye indi. Yönetim küfür etti, geri aldı, ne kadar kabul olduysa artık. 6465204333 BeOurGuestMike 12/8/2009 8:50 AM Thank you HEROES!RT @kidanikatie: Watching the Today show broadcasting from Kabul with the troops. Thanks to our men and women over there!!! 6465170875 StripesBaron 12/8/2009 8:49 AM Hello from Kabul, #Afghanistan! I'm traveling with Matt, Sec. Gates on a swing through the country. 6465064118 tanianastasya 12/8/2009 8:45 AM Ritey! Brasa bsk mau ijab kabul X) RT @nengshesa: mau wisuda aja deg2an minta ampuuun! Apa lg mau kawiiiin! Asliii.. 6465049430 eMater 12/8/2009 8:44 AM @ipeksipahii umarim ucu de zengin yapar... bagislar kabul edilir ;p 6464913029 BrittAdamsPR 12/8/2009 8:39 AM Watching the @TodayShow broadcast from Kabul this morning made me cry! 6464897633 KappaPrep 12/8/2009 8:38 AM Today Show live from Kabul with our AMAZING troops! Thank you to all that serve! 6464824895 psfrc 12/8/2009 8:35 AM Kabul mayor sentenced for graft...if all you do is harp on corruption why isn't this story getting more play? 6464804804 WayneLevinson 12/8/2009 8:34 AM RT @joannyates: @todayshow-Matt and Al in Kabul. #Narcitecture-buildings funded by narcotic $$. Kabul caught in a time warp. Tragic 6464795995 cpindc 12/8/2009 8:34 AM RT @IKIDYOUNOT: Dear Mujahadeen in Afghanistan: Matt Lauer is in Kabul. He really hates Allah, & he thinks Islam is bullshit. That is all. 6464781697 Reace84 12/8/2009 8:33 AM lol.. non-black guy "hook a brother up" Al Roker"As soon as I find one" - Kabul, Afghanistan 6464758714 randomprofiles 12/8/2009 8:33 AM U.S. Defense Secretary Gates, on a visit to Kabul, reassures Afghans that Washington won't abandon 6464742959 AllMilitaryNews 12/8/2009 8:32 AM (Marine Corp Times) Gates visits Afghanistan, reassures Karzai: KABUL — Afgh.. #Military 6464732946 safe_waters 12/8/2009 8:32 AM #reutersIN Gates reassures Afghans U.S. troops not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates re 6464694882 yBCresearch 12/8/2009 8:30 AM RT @BreakingNews: U.S. Defense Sec. Robert Gates arrives in Kabul to press Afghan President Hamid Karzai on gov't corruption - Reuters 6464676624 FoxReportHD 12/8/2009 8:29 AM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' 6464466462 jasonflemyng 12/8/2009 8:21 AM bu ihale canlı yayınları ne acayip herif 540 milyon USD'ı sanki nikah memuru kabul ediyor musunuz diye sormuşda bu da sevgiyle evet diyor 6464436402 uguronur 12/8/2009 8:20 AM @birolguven Yaşlandın Birol'un kabul et artık.. ben bu kodlarla yıllardır uğraşıyorum. Artık gözlüklüyüm. Karizmatik oldum. 6464428835 Hyper_Midget 12/8/2009 8:19 AM Q. What should Kabul get for its air defense system?A. A refund. 6464378124 josephrcerami 12/8/2009 8:17 AM RT @nytimes: Also watching: Afghanistan. Def. Sec. Gates arrives in Kabul. Will tell troops: "We’re in this thing to win.” http://bit.l ... 6464314734 GibraltarMastif 12/8/2009 8:14 AM Really? His boss hasn't said this yet: 6464279606 jbartels 12/8/2009 8:13 AM Watching Today Show. They are in Kabul, Afgan there is a sign that says I am in Kabul, Afgan but my heart is in San Antonio, TX. 6464264511 YankeBell 12/8/2009 8:12 AM Matt & AL go to Kabul now?. Things that make you go hmmm.... 6464187309 IKIDYOUNOT 12/8/2009 8:09 AM RT @JasonMunich: Dear Mujahadeen in Afghanistan: Matt Lauer is in Kabul. He really hates Allah, & he thinks Islam is bullshit. That is all. 6464164022 therealberkie 12/8/2009 8:08 AM Proof I'm a chick: The Today Show is in Kabul and letting soldiers say hi to families. It's making me cry. 6464002843 lagrastar 12/8/2009 8:01 AM RT @AnUnlikelySaint: RT @JasonMunich Dear Mujahadeen in Afghanistan: Matt Lauer is in Kabul. He really hates Allah & he thinks Islam is ... 6463955975 zweitansage 12/8/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6463855179 AndreaNBC13HD 12/8/2009 7:55 AM On NBC Today Show, Matt & Al in Kabul @ Camp Eggers - saw soldiers holding Crimson Tide sweatshirts up! Wonder what unit they are with? 6463710340 StickeeNotes 12/8/2009 7:49 AM RT @JasonMunich: Dear Afghan Majahdeen: Matt Lauer says you are all a bunch of fat lazy bitches. He's waiting for you in Kabul. http://t ... 6463701386 shakc 12/8/2009 7:48 AM The Today show was live in Kabul today... KABUL. Soooo whatever you think you're going through... Get over/above it! 6463694870 JasonMunich 12/8/2009 7:48 AM Dear Afghan Majahdeen: Matt Lauer says you are all a bunch of fat lazy bitches. He's waiting for you in Kabul. 6463634066 mark_tork 12/8/2009 7:45 AM RT @JasonMunich: - Dear Afghan Majahdeen: Matt Lauer said Allah wrs granny panties. He is in Kabul now./Haw!Stop it 6463633394 bonzochimp 12/8/2009 7:45 AM RT @JasonMunich Dear Mujahadeen in Afghanistan: Matt Lauer is in Kabul. He really hates Allah & he thinks Islam is bullshit. That is all 6463624254 JREDING01 12/8/2009 7:45 AM RT @DesireePaquette: RT @JasonMunich Dear Mujahadeen in Afghanistan: Matt Lauer is in Kabul. He really hates Allah & he thinks Islam is ... 6463612274 DesireePaquette 12/8/2009 7:44 AM RT @AnUnlikelySaint: RT @JasonMunich Dear Mujahadeen in Afghanistan: Matt Lauer is in Kabul. He really hates Allah & he thinks Islam is ... 6463606303 APatrickHall 12/8/2009 7:44 AM NBC's Lauer and Roker to Afghanistan so Today show can air from Kabul. Big Whoop... 6463582776 LittleEm 12/8/2009 7:43 AM Sec. Gates explaining what my dad's doing in Kabul - finding alternative jobs for the Taliban. So proud! 6463554909 squirrely_nut 12/8/2009 7:42 AM RT @AnUnlikelySaint: RT @JasonMunich Dear Mujahadeen in Afghanistan: Matt Lauer is in Kabul. He really hates Allah & he thinks Islam is ... 6463527087 AnUnlikelySaint 12/8/2009 7:41 AM RT @JasonMunich Dear Mujahadeen in Afghanistan: Matt Lauer is in Kabul. He really hates Allah & he thinks Islam is bullshit. That is all 6463515160 mpeers 12/8/2009 7:40 AM RT @UNjobs: Gender Coordinator, Kabul #jobs #goodluck 6463508602 JasonMunich 12/8/2009 7:40 AM - Dear Afghan Majahdeen: Matt Lauer said Allah wears granny panties. He is in Kabul now. 6463501443 kidanikatie 12/8/2009 7:39 AM Watching the Today show broadcasting from Kabul with the troops. Thanks to our men and women over there!!! 6463492516 kelkelly 12/8/2009 7:39 AM today show in kabul. honestly, there are not enough hours in the day to thank the troops over there for what they do day in and day out. 6463489954 StickeeNotes 12/8/2009 7:39 AM Ha! RT @JasonMunich Dear Mujahadeen in Afghanistan: Matt Lauer is in Kabul. He really hates Allah & he thinks Islam is bullshit. That is all 6463478620 RickSheridan 12/8/2009 7:38 AM RT @JasonMunich: Dear Mujahadeen in Afghanistan: Matt Lauer is in Kabul. He really...really hates Allah, and he thinks Islam is bullshit ... 6463447162 Captain_Marlow 12/8/2009 7:37 AM Gates, in Kabul, Contradicts Karzai's Timetable. NOT: he's only trying to cover his boss wriggling statements. 6463401954 Morningsidemom 12/8/2009 7:35 AM Loving the @todayshow coverage in Kabul. Afghnstn is a fascinating country that we need to hear more about. Thanks to all the troops there! 6463398820 JasonMunich 12/8/2009 7:35 AM Dear Mujahadeen in Afghanistan: Matt Lauer is in Kabul. He really...really hates Allah, and he thinks Islam is bullshit. That is all. 6463357714 katielll 12/8/2009 7:33 AM Al Roker grilling chicken with the troops in Kabul warms my heart. I love Al. 6463342758 RyanLockwood 12/8/2009 7:32 AM Bad idea jeans? RT @Poynter NBC sends Matt Lauer & Al Roker to Afghanistan. "Today" show from Kabul: /@mediaspy 6463327264 ozdalt 12/8/2009 7:32 AM 'Bu milletin bir parçası olmayı kabul etmeyip, ırk temelinde ayrışmayı savunuyorlar,' Deniz Baykal CHP Grup Konuşması'nda... 6463327335 silentbutsmart 12/8/2009 7:32 AM Watching todays show - matt n al are at camp eggers in kabul - u can tell some of these soilders are homesick... Sad! 6463308643 rtsradio 12/8/2009 7:31 AM Afghan leader: Help needed to pay for larger army - KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Tuesday it... 6463184529 UNjobs 12/8/2009 7:25 AM Gender Coordinator, Kabul #jobs 6463172278 mutluska 12/8/2009 7:24 AM arkadaşım şurdaki yogaya yazılalım dedi. ben de yogartık dedim. telefonu suratıma kapattı. evet kötü bir espri, kabul kabul :p 6463148998 TantaoNews 12/8/2009 7:23 AM Gates links U.S. troop’s withdrawal to situation in Afghanistan: KABUL, Dec. 8 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Secretary.. 6463127814 ilostanotherme 12/8/2009 7:22 AM RT @Golden_Lady: So the news says: Tiger Woods' private life > 30,000 troops being deployed to KABUL!!! #themediasucks || Preach it, woman. 6463063529 AdamKuhr 12/8/2009 7:19 AM Did Matt Lauer really just say "The population of Kabul is exploding"?? 6463041261 olmayadevlet 12/8/2009 7:18 AM @dylanbozzy caveman'i biliyorum, fena şeyler duymadım ama oyundan ziyade tek kişilik güldürü olarak kabul etmek gerek. 6462926754 OCatherineABQ 12/8/2009 7:13 AM RT @Poynter: NBC sends Matt Lauer and Al Roker to Afghanistan. "Today" show to originate from Kabul: /@mediaspy 6462912562 chipmaxwell 12/8/2009 7:12 AM The population of Kabul has gone from 300k to 5M since 2003. Incredible. (via @todayshow) #Afghanistan 6462903186 kellyrosado 12/8/2009 7:12 AM Matt from the today show is in Kabul, Afghanistan. the people living there are beautiful people. my prayers r there today. 6462885421 Texbard 12/8/2009 7:11 AM RT @BreakingNews: Learning Taliban are better paid than Afghan security forces an 'eye opener,' Gates tells reporters on flight to Kabul 6462878447 Poynter 12/8/2009 7:10 AM NBC sends Matt Lauer and Al Roker to Afghanistan. "Today" show to originate from Kabul: /@mediaspy 6462877586 Golden_Lady 12/8/2009 7:10 AM So the news says: Tiger Woods' private life > 30,000 troops being deployed to KABUL!!! #themediasucks 6462875424 LiLRhody 12/8/2009 7:10 AM Narcitecture ... a new term in Kabul, architecture built with $$ from narcotics. 6462823527 morito_suzuki 12/8/2009 7:08 AM Yeah! I'm watching Al Roker in Kabul. Wake up Joe Michael! Jumanji Joe Michael! Live from Afghanistan. 6462798280 navyexperience 12/8/2009 7:06 AM Gates visits Afghanistan, reassures Karzai: KABUL — Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Tuesday it will be at le.. 6462738570 annascott31 12/8/2009 7:04 AM @iclalaydin iclal hanımcım kabul etmişler cümlemizi.hayırlı uğurlu olsun:)sevgiler. 6462727211 newmediajim 12/8/2009 7:03 AM @todayshow @alroker and Matt flew over to Kabul on the "doomsday plane"?? cool!! i've flown around the world a couple of times on that. 6462655424 zweitansage 12/8/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6462520780 dzflip 12/8/2009 6:53 AM U.S. is 'in this thing to win,' Gates says of Afghan war: KABUL -- Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates arrived in.. 6462488273 canereler 12/8/2009 6:51 AM @mustafataha 2004'deki olay Olimpiyat sırasında olduğu için, Olimpiyat ruhuna aykırılık olarak kabul ediyorlar..Eğer Dünya Şampiyonası olsay 6462429584 googlenotizie 12/8/2009 6:48 AM Afghanistan: gates, ritiro truppe usa durera’ diversi anni: Kabul, 8 dic. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – In visita a s.. 6462415621 notizieultime 12/8/2009 6:47 AM Afghanistan: gates, ritiro truppe usa durera’ diversi anni: Kabul, 8 dic. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – In visita a s.. 6462352985 CCREFN 12/8/2009 6:44 AM Gates makes surprise visit to Afghanistan - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flies into Kabul for talks with the A... 6462340478 MarineCorps 12/8/2009 6:43 AM Gates visits Afghanistan, reassures Karzai: KABUL — Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Tuesday it will be.. 6462331346 KCinWPB 12/8/2009 6:43 AM In the news: Karzai: Help needed to pay for larger army - KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai ... 6462331210 MouseDude 12/8/2009 6:43 AM In the news: Karzai: Help needed to pay for larger army - KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai ... 6462246451 notiziegiornale 12/8/2009 6:38 AM Afghanistan: gates, ritiro truppe usa durera’ diversi anni: Kabul, 8 dic. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – In visita a s.. 6462235292 edadmr 12/8/2009 6:38 AM @timblnt sudafed falan bişeyler demişler ama. içeriğindeki madde 2010da giriormş yasaklı ilaçlara. umarım şimdiden doping kabul ederler. 6462232684 Christy_420 12/8/2009 6:37 AM @alroker how's Kabul Al ??? 6462229397 notiziestampa 12/8/2009 6:37 AM Afghanistan: gates, ritiro truppe usa durera’ diversi anni: Kabul, 8 dic. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – In visita a s.. 6462200271 edisgorgulu 12/8/2009 6:36 AM Lille 3 beni kabul etmezsen yakarim cirani 6462154678 portalfo 12/8/2009 6:33 AM Borgarstjóri í geglið: Ein dómstólur í Afghanistan hevur dømt Ahad Sahebi, borgarstjóra í høvuðsstaðnum Kabul, fýra ára 6462154089 Skwiffel 12/8/2009 6:33 AM SVDD: 'Langer door casino kwalijke België minister geschorst pas veruit binnenkort, kilo Ab taak Kabul Brown haal voetbalwedstrijd Deense.' 6462150175 blognotizie 12/8/2009 6:33 AM Afghanistan: gates, ritiro truppe usa durera’ diversi anni: Kabul, 8 dic. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – In visita a s.. 6462142470 ogginotizie 12/8/2009 6:33 AM Afghanistan: gates, ritiro truppe usa durera’ diversi anni: Kabul, 8 dic. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – In visita a s.. 6462108512 TheMIndependent 12/8/2009 6:31 AM RT @nytimes: Also watching: Afghanistan. Def. Sec. Gates arrives in Kabul. Will tell troops: "We’re in this thing to win.” http://bit.l ... 6462087890 AllMilitaryNews 12/8/2009 6:30 AM (Navy Times) Gates visits Afghanistan, reassures Karzai: KABUL, Afghanistan — Afgha.. #Military 6462080432 AllMilitaryNews 12/8/2009 6:29 AM (Air Force Times) Gates visits Afghanistan, reassures Karzai: KABUL, Afghanistan .. #Military 6462075903 AllMilitaryNews 12/8/2009 6:29 AM (Army Times) Gates visits Afghanistan, reassures Karzai: KABUL, Afghanistan — Afgha.. #Military 6462043667 DigitalDiva107 12/8/2009 6:27 AM NYTimes: Afghanistan. Def. Sec. Gates arrives in Kabul. Will tell troops: "We’re in this thing to win.” /jr 6461953381 HookerNun 12/8/2009 6:22 AM Karzai: Help needed to pay for larger army - KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Tuesday ... 6461953474 Cybervangelist 12/8/2009 6:22 AM Karzai: Help needed to pay for larger army - KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Tuesday ... 6461878686 rawarrior 12/8/2009 6:18 AM RT @BeachHeadHerald: Gates visits Afghanistan, reassures Karzai: KABUL, Afghanistan — Afghan President Hamid Karzai .. http://bit. ... 6461852735 jimlokay 12/8/2009 6:17 AM @GoBobbo Well, he did go to SUNY Oswego for meteorology (a great school for it)....but I don't care if it snows in Kabul. 6461554509 BongNews 12/8/2009 6:00 AM RT @nytimes: Also watching: Afghanistan. Def. Sec. Gates arrives in Kabul. Will tell troops: "We’re in this thing to win.” http://bit.l ... 6461553869 chrissny 12/8/2009 6:00 AM RT @TV2Tobba: John Lennons dødsdag; Hvis i live; Happy Christmas (War Is Over) med afghanske barn LIVE fra Kabul torsdag fredspristid? h ... 6461548884 zweitansage 12/8/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6461506013 mmtmn 12/8/2009 5:57 AM @ayseozyilmazel kendin için 'milat' kabul ettiğin bir tarih/olay var mı? varsa ne? 6461453781 TV2Tobba 12/8/2009 5:54 AM John Lennons dødsdag; Hvis i live; Happy Christmas (War Is Over) med afghanske barn LIVE fra Kabul torsdag fredspristid? 6461406721 theragingqueen 12/8/2009 5:51 AM RTV @nytimes: Also watching: Afghanistan. Def. Sec. Gates arrives in Kabul. Will tell troops: "We’re in this th.. 6461404640 mipesom 12/8/2009 5:51 AM RT @klustout: WorldReport 8pHKT: Baghdad blasts kill 112; Gates in Kabul; Pakistan attack kills 12; Chicago man charged w/involvement in... 6461347154 drjjoyner 12/8/2009 5:47 AM RT @nytimesworld: Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai 6461347156 AtlanticCouncil 12/8/2009 5:47 AM RT @nytimesworld: Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai 6461336787 klustout 12/8/2009 5:46 AM WorldReport 8pHKT: Baghdad blasts kill 112; Gates in Kabul; Pakistan attack kills 12; Chicago man charged w/involvement in Mumbai attacks 6461335002 over45ers 12/8/2009 5:46 AM Pakistan Politics: Letter From Kabul 6461235283 bizbuzzzz 12/8/2009 5:40 AM Gates pays surprise visit to Kabul: Gates pays surprise visit.. 6461228458 OrKy77 12/8/2009 5:40 AM @AyhanGurel olsun ama ev erkegi olmaz, kabul etmiyorum bana ne ben dusundum once onu:))) 6461227841 nytimes 12/8/2009 5:40 AM Also watching: Afghanistan. Def. Sec. Gates arrives in Kabul. Will tell troops: "We’re in this thing to win.” /jr 6461227345 bahadirarslan 12/8/2009 5:40 AM Neil Patrick Harris ile David Anders'i birbirine benzeten (kabul ediyorum aynı kişi olduğunu sanan) bir tek... [pic] 6461215939 gokhanarik 12/8/2009 5:39 AM @GaniMujde Kotuydu kabul et.. 6461178960 LB4406 12/8/2009 5:36 AM President Hamid Karzai said it will be at least 15 years before Kabul can afford to fund its army. 6461164853 Karsiliksiz_cek 12/8/2009 5:36 AM DOĞRULTUSUNDA YENİ ÇEK KANUNU ADALET KOMİSYONUNDA KABUL EDİLMİŞTİR. 6461133661 stylusdotnet 12/8/2009 5:34 AM koca hayatta kum tanesi gibimiyiz yok kabul etmiyorum. 6461065079 paulh026 12/8/2009 5:29 AM US new strategy's success hinges on Afghan forces' ability: By Abdul Haleem KABUL, Dec. 8 (Xinhua) -- President Barack Obama in a.. 6461010057 Tcherina 12/8/2009 5:26 AM @ecevahapoglu Herkes akıllı bir tek sen salaksın canım. Kabul et 5 dilin beşini de bilmiyorsun işte. 6461005155 RAFwebfeed 12/8/2009 5:25 AM Ainsworth visits south Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth arrived in southern Afgha.. 6460997068 satelliweb 12/8/2009 5:25 AM Feed sur Eutelsat W1 à 10.0°E: Fréquence : 11097 V 6510 3/4Format : MPEG-2 4:2:0 (PAL)Infos : Kabul reports for US TV from Camp Eggers 2 .. 6460996854 satelliweb 12/8/2009 5:25 AM Feed sur Eutelsat W1 à 10.0°E: Fréquence : 12734 V 4167 5/6Format : MPEG-2 4:2:2Infos : kabul Enc 1 6460966056 tanyarizake 12/8/2009 5:23 AM US new strategy's success hinges on Afghan forces' ability: By Abdul Haleem KABUL, Dec. 8 (Xinhua) -- President Barack Obama in a.. 6460783349 Dizzedcom 12/8/2009 5:10 AM Afghan lawmakers: Karzai to name Cabinet Saturday: KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai will submit a fu.. 6460700406 VOA_News 12/8/2009 5:05 AM Gates to US Troops: 'We're in . . . to Win' in Afghanistan: U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul.. 6460652590 Vino_Ndut 12/8/2009 5:02 AM Bondan love Kabul.Hahahaha 6460619498 zweitansage 12/8/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6460543785 DawnGGiu 12/8/2009 4:54 AM - In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' - 6460509213 mikoalbani 12/8/2009 4:52 AM Yaa Allah aku bharap bs balik lg ma dia....tolong kabul kan yaa Allah... 6460474572 notimeoff 12/8/2009 4:49 AM Afghan leader: Help needed to pay for larger army: KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Afghan President Hami.. (AP) #tlot 6460444347 UNjobs 12/8/2009 4:47 AM Gender Coordinator, Kabul #jobs 6460417021 bengyy 12/8/2009 4:45 AM kısmi kabul redden iidir:) züğürt tesellisi 6460338814 in_asia 12/8/2009 4:39 AM (AP) KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Tuesday it will be at least 15 years before h.. 6460323478 Nash_Jay 12/8/2009 4:38 AM - In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' - 6460270836 mcdrwe 12/8/2009 4:34 AM @ninabelinda siapa yg ngibul?? Kabul?? 6460243373 nona_lebay 12/8/2009 4:32 AM RT @alicesofieNORIN: same difference RT @dj_noxx: kabul DOA?Hadeeuuuh...DOA terkabul kalee... DOA :p kaki bule @dj_noxx: @ninabelinda @ ... 6460182578 mcdrwe 12/8/2009 4:28 AM Doa kibul...doa para penipu..RT @ninabelinda: @alicesofieNORIN DOA kabul 'kaki Bulu' @dj_noxx u like it huh???kabul-kabul-kabul... 6460122456 rita_news 12/8/2009 4:24 AM Sikhs strive for recognition in new Afghanistan 6460107062 badjerry 12/8/2009 4:23 AM RT @iDeskCNN: 100+ killed in Baghdad. At Least 12 killed in Multan, Pakistan. Gates-Karzai Presser in Kabul. Climate #cop15 continues. 6460101280 zekicansamli 12/8/2009 4:22 AM @hatunburcu İltifat olarak kabul saçlar uymuyor galiba...yoksa tarz filan...aynı ben. 6460009716 klustout 12/8/2009 4:15 AM Af-Pak-Iraq. We're on it. RT @iDeskCNN: 100+ killed in Baghdad. At Least 12 killed in Multan, Pakistan. Gates-Karzai Presser in Kabul. 6460003137 dj_noxx 12/8/2009 4:15 AM YES...i like RT @ninabelinda: @alicesofieNORIN DOA kabul 'kaki Bulu' @dj_noxx u like it huh???kabul-kabul-kabul... 6460000604 itamena 12/8/2009 4:15 AM ..really wish it started snowing already...the mountaintops looks so beautiful. C'mon, kabul!!! 6459998635 ALICESOFIE 12/8/2009 4:14 AM same difference RT @dj_noxx: kabul DOA?Hadeeuuuh...DOA terkabul kalee... DOA :p kaki bule @dj_noxx: @ninabelinda @mcdrwe 6459998388 ALICESOFIE 12/8/2009 4:14 AM kabul DOA :p kaki bule RT @dj_noxx: hahah..actually its beg beg beg....not begebegebeg....susah deh ..dasar bule RT @ninabelinda @mcdrwe 6459919501 cariensiss 12/8/2009 4:08 AM 38-Bir ay önce yaptığı evlilik teklifini bile kabul etmiştim.Yalnızlığın zevklerinden mahrum kalmayı göze alarak... 6459899693 nstonline 12/8/2009 4:07 AM Breaking Now! Karzai urges aid to fund Afghan security for 15-20 years: KABUL: President Hamid Kar.. 6459797208 zweitansage 12/8/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6459772093 alicesofieNORIN 12/8/2009 3:58 AM same difference RT @dj_noxx: kabul DOA?Hadeeuuuh...DOA terkabul kalee... DOA :p kaki bule @dj_noxx: @ninabelinda @mcdrwe 6459736063 alicesofieNORIN 12/8/2009 3:55 AM angel kurang kerjaan niy ga ada yg megang siiy RT @ninabelinda: @alicesofieNORIN DOA kabul 'kaki Bulu' @dj_noxx u like it huh? 6459713115 dj_noxx 12/8/2009 3:53 AM kabul DOA?Hadeeuuuh...DOA terkabul kalee...RT @alicesofieNORIN: kabul DOA :p kaki bule @dj_noxx: @ninabelinda @mcdrwe 6459685520 Casanovy_II 12/8/2009 3:51 AM Gates reaffirms US commitment to Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates sa.. 6459660988 PHNews0verviews 12/8/2009 3:49 AM Post: "Gates in Kabul Plays Down Need for Big Shakeup" 6459645477 alicesofieNORIN 12/8/2009 3:48 AM kabul DOA :p kaki bule RT @dj_noxx: hahah..actually its beg beg beg....not begebegebeg....susah deh ..dasar bule RT @ninabelinda @mcdrwe 6459490407 fingertipnews2 12/8/2009 3:36 AM AP Intl: Gates reaffirms US commitment to Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- U.S. Defense Secretar.. 6459449349 cengizsemercio 12/8/2009 3:33 AM @Demetce Faik twitter'da da varmış ama kimseyi kabul etmiyormuş, kimseyi de takip etmiyormuş... 6459436297 edwardrinda 12/8/2009 3:32 AM Gates reaffirms US commitment to Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates sa.. 6459403597 rtsradio 12/8/2009 3:30 AM Gates to Afghans: US `in this thing to win' - KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived... 6459395622 cosmoweb 12/8/2009 3:29 AM Gates reaffirms US commitment to Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates sa.. 6459226325 tok_politic 12/8/2009 3:16 AM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' 6459202064 news_ch 12/8/2009 3:14 AM US-Verteidigungsminister Gates in Afghanistan: Kabul - Nur wenige Tage nach dem Beschluss von US-Präsident Bara.. 6459087196 maruharish 12/8/2009 3:06 AM @cnnbrk President Obama has put monkey on his and Clinton's shoulders.Gates may have to shift his office to Kabul for next 18 months. 6459044003 RTEnews 12/8/2009 3:02 AM Gates discusses US strategy with Karzai: US Defence Secretary Robert Gates has arrived in Kabul for talks with .. 6459034899 MarioKristiono 12/8/2009 3:02 AM @siipebb hari kamis itu bisa nntn balibo, a dream for kabul, keramat, 6459014367 cronaca24 12/8/2009 3:00 AM Afghanistan Capo Del Pentagono Arrivato a Kabul 6459014515 awolasmal 12/8/2009 3:00 AM Kabul Mayor - in the afternoon: Sentenced to 4 years in jail.. In the evening: Drove back home in his governmental vehicle. What a shock!! 6458999295 zweitansage 12/8/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6458955051 nishnt 12/8/2009 2:56 AM We are in this to win - Robert Gates(US Defense Secy) in Kabul...How much destruction of a country/populace would constitute a "victory"? 6458953952 AZNLoverdotcom 12/8/2009 2:56 AM Kabul mayor convicted of corruption: Karzai supporters likely to point to the conviction as evidence he is serious 6458953348 AZNLoverdotcom 12/8/2009 2:56 AM Gates in Kabul urges Karzai to appoint reformers: Robert Gates, the US defence secretary, urged Hamid Karzai, 6458780341 vagabot 12/8/2009 2:43 AM #AnuradhaL Afghanistan is in South Asia and the capital is Kabul. You can find more information about it on meta-g... 6458773173 Sect0verviews 12/8/2009 2:42 AM Story: "Gates in Kabul Plays Down Need for Big Shakeup" 6458589345 rtsradio 12/8/2009 2:29 AM Gates to Afghans: US `in this thing to win' - KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived... 6458587398 thabet1979 12/8/2009 2:29 AM RT @BreakingNews Learning Taliban are better paid than Afghan security forces an 'eye opener,' Gates tells reporters on flight to Kabul 6458569851 nirecruit 12/8/2009 2:27 AM Gates discusses US strategy with Karzai: US Defence Secretary Robert Gates has arrived in Kabul for talks with .. 6458565835 sdoering 12/8/2009 2:27 AM NEWS UPDATE: US-Verteidigungsminister Gates in Afghanistan - Washington/Kabul (dpa) - Nur wenige Tage nach dem Besc... 6458543448 RAFwebfeed 12/8/2009 2:25 AM Gates plays down need for big Afghan government shake-up: KABUL (Reuters)- U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates .. 6458522324 fingertipnews 12/8/2009 2:24 AM AP-U.S.: Gates to Afghans: US `in this thing to win' - KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gate... 6458522414 fingertipnews 12/8/2009 2:24 AM AP Intl: Afghan lawmakers: Karzai to name Cabinet Saturday - KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai will s... 6458497090 tv2all 12/8/2009 2:22 AM U.S. defense secretary arrives in AfghanistanKabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghanistan... 6458359986 GBPIntl 12/8/2009 2:12 AM FT Asia News: Gates in Kabul urges Karzai to appoint reformers (via 6458259655 Twit_krant 12/8/2009 2:05 AM [08:30] Karzai stelt bekendmaking regering uit: KABUL - De Afghaanse president Hamid Karzai heeft de bek.. 6458242053 spor3com 12/8/2009 2:04 AM ''Teklifleri reddettim'': Guus Hiddink, kendisine birçok teklif yapıldığını ve hiçbirini kabul etmediğini söyledi. 6458224311 financeheadline 12/8/2009 2:03 AM Gates in Kabul urges Karzai to appoint reformers - 6458176843 zweitansage 12/8/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6458120428 stephenodonnell 12/8/2009 1:56 AM RT @BreakingNews: Learning Taliban are better paid than Afghan security forces an 'eye opener,' Gates tells reporters on flight to Kabul 6458036476 fpleitgenCNN 12/8/2009 1:50 AM U.S. Sec. Def. Gates in Kabul to meet Pres. Karzai and American troops. Will talk about U.S. commitments and Afghan forces. 6458025675 zesege 12/8/2009 1:49 AM Göz ucunuza bile değen dengesizlikten sorumlusunuz. İçinizde o hali dengeleyin (kabul edip onurlandırın) ve OL'ANı seyredin :) 6457965616 zesege 12/8/2009 1:45 AM Kabul cennet yaratır :) 6457936369 badjerry 12/8/2009 1:43 AM RT @W7VOA: British Defense Sect'y arrives in Helmand. US Defense Sect'y is in Kabul. #Afghanistan 6457863503 fingertipnews2 12/8/2009 1:38 AM UPI-Top News: Gates visits Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. Defense Secretary.. 6457862903 friedasmailbox 12/8/2009 1:38 AM Australian documentary wins US film award: Honeymoon in Kabul beat a host of films from six continents to take .. 6457811142 business_matt 12/8/2009 1:34 AM US defense secretary arrives in Afghanistan: CNN International KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- US Defense Secretary.. 6457809425 W7VOA 12/8/2009 1:34 AM British Defense Sect'y arrives in Helmand. US Defense Sect'y is in Kabul. #Afghanistan 6457800399 chats6998 12/8/2009 1:33 AM Gates in Kabul urges Karzai to appoint reformers: Robert Gates, the US defence secretary, urged Hamid Karzai, A.. 6457796638 golf00 12/8/2009 1:33 AM US defense secretary arrives in Afghanistan: CNN International KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- US Defense Secretary.. 6457774213 intopic 12/8/2009 1:32 AM 07:09 - KARZAI RINVIA PRESENTAZIONE GOVERNO: 08.12.2009 - Kabul, dopo la rielezione a presidente Canali: Hamid .. 6457729783 rtsradio 12/8/2009 1:29 AM Gates to Afghans: US `in this thing to win' - KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived... 6457723842 cosmoweb 12/8/2009 1:29 AM Gates to Afghans: US `in this thing to win': KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived .. 6457718390 lucy_nicholson 12/8/2009 1:28 AM Kabul photo blog by Ed Ornelas of the San Antonio Express News 6457715125 CEO4481 12/8/2009 1:28 AM Gates Surprise Trip To Afghanistan: US `In This Thing To Win': KABUL, Afghanistan — Defense Secretary .. 6457656797 fingertipnews 12/8/2009 1:24 AM UPI-Top News: Gates visits Afghanistan - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates a... 6457656576 fingertipnews 12/8/2009 1:24 AM AP-U.S.: Gates to Afghans: US `in this thing to win' - KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gate... 6457656650 fingertipnews 12/8/2009 1:24 AM AP Intl: Gates to Afghans: US `in this thing to win' - KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gate... 6457653786 zengwen_com 12/8/2009 1:24 AM Gates to Afghans: US 'in This Thing to Win': By AP KABUL (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived late Mo.. 6457652418 zw_world 12/8/2009 1:24 AM Gates to Afghans: US 'in This Thing to Win': By AP KABUL (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived late Mo.. 6457623690 TheWorldNews 12/8/2009 1:22 AM Gates in Afghanistan for Karzai, military talks (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul .. 6457369811 RtrsIN_SthAsia 12/8/2009 1:06 AM Kabul mayor sentenced to 4 years prison for graft 6457370021 RtrsIN_SthAsia 12/8/2009 1:06 AM FACTBOX - Five facts about U.S. envoy to Kabul, Karl Eikenberry 6457350715 HotNewsNet 12/8/2009 1:04 AM BreakingNews: Update: Learning Taliban are better paid than Afghan security forces an 'eye opener,' Gates tells reporters on flight to Kabul 6457350309 HotNewsNet 12/8/2009 1:04 AM BreakingNews: U.S. Defense Sec. Robert Gates arrives in Kabul to press Afghan President Hamid Karzai on gov't corruption - Reuters 6457305389 NewshoundNews 12/8/2009 1:02 AM KABUL: U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is in Kabul to press Afghanistan's president Hamid Karzai for a more transparent government 6457280841 crypticvalentin 12/8/2009 1:00 AM Obama treads Soviet road out of Kabul..#afghanistan.. 6457267105 Zone_militaire 12/8/2009 1:00 AM NYT/Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai 6457199875 notimeoff 12/8/2009 12:55 AM Gates to Afghans: US `in this thing to win': KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Ga.. (AP) #tlot 6457136825 USAbreaking 12/8/2009 12:51 AM global: AFGHANISTAN: US Defence Secretary Robert Gates in Kabul to meet with Karzai.. [France24]#worldnews 6457064412 Lisa1LinenLady 12/8/2009 12:47 AM RT @newyorktimes4u: [NYT]: Gates in Kabul to Meet With Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit to discuss h. ... 6457053256 newyorktimes4u 12/8/2009 12:46 AM [NYT]: Gates in Kabul to Meet With Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit to discuss h... 6457015928 Balanor 12/8/2009 12:44 AM @alroker Bad New Yorker! Actually, Kabul is 14.5 hours behind NYC! 6457012191 libertyreign 12/8/2009 12:44 AM RT @BreakingNews Taliban are better paid than Afghan security forces an 'eye opener,' Gates tells reporters on flight to Kabul #tcot 6456994832 RamyYaacoub 12/8/2009 12:43 AM Robert Gates, in Kabul, Afghanistan: Taliban fighters are better paid that Afghan security forces 6456993720 televideorai 12/8/2009 12:43 AM [dal mondo] CAPO PENTAGONO A KABUL SI PARLA DEI RINFORZI view.jsp?id=663350&p=150 6456986141 Claudia_Vallejo 12/8/2009 12:43 AM Gates in Kabul to Meet With Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit t.. #hacerfortuna 6456969417 reutersuk_world 12/8/2009 12:42 AM Kabul mayor sentenced to 4 years prison for graft 6456962857 BetteDam 12/8/2009 12:41 AM RT @W7VOA: RT @RtrsIN_SthAsia: Gates in Kabul plays down need for big govt shakeup #Afghanistan 6456925568 01_carol 12/8/2009 12:39 AM @alroker its so cool that youre tweeting all the way from Kabul! 6456924441 sagga10 12/8/2009 12:39 AM 'US In This Thing To Win' Gates Tells Kabul - The US defence secretary has arrived in Afghanistan with plans to ass... 6456885056 plee12 12/8/2009 12:37 AM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai -- 2UBy Hyuge 6456877572 alroker 12/8/2009 12:36 AM Kabul is 9 1/2 hours ahead of NYC. What's with the extra :30? Strange. Big snowstorm in the Central US Today and here in Kabul tomorrow 6456866830 magnificentnews 12/8/2009 12:36 AM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big govt shakeup. 6456860546 VCNnews 12/8/2009 12:35 AM Gates to Afghans: US `in this thing to win': KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates arr... #news 6456854409 alroker 12/8/2009 12:35 AM Team Today is in Kabul. It is a teeming city. Fastest growing city in the world. 10 yrs ago 300,000. Now 5 million. Doing WUWA on the Wx Ch 6456846257 buffetfx 12/8/2009 12:35 AM In Kabul, Gates Vows US 'In This Thing to Win' 6456837688 alexanderfog 12/8/2009 12:34 AM FACTBOX: Five facts about U.S. envoy to Kabul, Karl Eikenberry @alexanderfog 6456818505 AllNewsSources 12/8/2009 12:33 AM AlertNet: FACTBOX-Five facts about U.S. envoy to Kabul, Karl Eikenberry 6456815678 mideastmedia 12/8/2009 12:33 AM Journalist muses on 5 years reporting from Jerusalem as he prepares for a transfer to Kabul: 6456812565 globalnn 12/8/2009 12:33 AM CBS World: Gates to Afghans: U.S. Is Committed - Defense Secretary Travels to Kabul to Assure Officials and Troops ... 6456803152 edwardrinda 12/8/2009 12:32 AM Gates to Afghans: US `in this thing to win': KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived .. 6456801800 Jbeard411 12/8/2009 12:32 AM In Kabul, Gates Vows US 'In This Thing to Win' 6456790692 lexscriptaesq 12/8/2009 12:32 AM Gates Surprise Trip To Afghanistan: US `In This Thing To Win': KABUL — Defense Secretary Robert Gates .. 6456753144 TheLastNews 12/8/2009 12:30 AM In Kabul, Gates Vows US 'In This Thing to Win' - FOXNews - ABC NewsIn Kabul, Gates Vows US 'In This Thing to Wi... 6456730667 UsHeycom 12/8/2009 12:28 AM News:: In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' 6456685370 Diamond_TTN 12/8/2009 12:26 AM Gates to Afghans: U.S. Is Committed (source: CBS News) : Defense Secretary Travels to Kabul to Assure Officials.. 6456683125 Diamond_TTN 12/8/2009 12:26 AM Gates to Afghans: U.S. Is Committed (source: CBS News) : Defense Secretary Travels to Kabul to Assure Officials.. 6456613659 derickhowe44 12/8/2009 12:22 AM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup - KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghan... 6456613170 johniegallegos1 12/8/2009 12:22 AM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup - KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghan... 6456613324 clemons_jeffere 12/8/2009 12:22 AM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup - KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghan... 6456613436 leonardoburris2 12/8/2009 12:22 AM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup - KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghan... 6456612812 madelinerobbin 12/8/2009 12:22 AM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup - KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghan... 6456612934 sheldonmcclain4 12/8/2009 12:22 AM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup - KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghan... 6456613076 percyholland596 12/8/2009 12:22 AM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup - KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghan... 6456612690 cougar_jamie 12/8/2009 12:22 AM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup - KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghan... 6456607599 odanielpavon 12/8/2009 12:22 AM Gates visits Afghanistan for Karzai, military talks (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesday for t... 6456534780 Casanovy_II 12/8/2009 12:18 AM Gates to Afghans: US `in this thing to win': KABUL (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived Tuesday in Af.. 6456527213 freedom4USA 12/8/2009 12:18 AM US:#tcot #news US `in this thing to win': KABUL -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived late Monday in Afghani... 6456526977 freedom4USA 12/8/2009 12:17 AM US:#tcot #news Pakistan may get more help against al-Qaida: KABUL -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates says the Uni... 6456518068 laatansyaa 12/8/2009 12:17 AM Gates in Kabul to watch Karzai's appointments: United States Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghanis.. 6456503996 france24_en 12/8/2009 12:16 AM AFGHANISTAN: US Defence Secretary Robert Gates in Kabul to meet with Karzai 6456494570 SLNewsFlash 12/8/2009 12:16 AM Gates in Kabul to Meet With Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit to discuss how U.S.... 6456463479 clashradio 12/8/2009 12:14 AM [NYTIMES] Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit...... 6456446822 articles4news 12/8/2009 12:13 AM Articles For News ‘US In This Thing To Win’ Gates Tells Kabul: The US defence secr.. 6456446015 articles4news 12/8/2009 12:13 AM Articles For News ‘US In This Thing To Win’ Gates Tells Kabul: The US defence secr.. 6456436086 honeymwach 12/8/2009 12:13 AM RT @nytimes: Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai 6456384508 frasere 12/8/2009 12:10 AM A big #Afghan day with Gates in Kabul & Gen McChrystal appearing in public in the US for the first time since the surge announcement. 6456364904 nytimesnational 12/8/2009 12:09 AM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai 6456347983 nitheen 12/8/2009 12:08 AM Gates Surprise Trip To Afghanistan: US `In This Thing To Win': KABUL — Defense Secretary Robert Gates .. 6456339843 Freedomman11 12/8/2009 12:08 AM Gates Surprise Trip To Afghanistan: US `In This Thing To Win': KABUL — Defense Secretary Robert Gates .. 6456339243 agungkerenz 12/8/2009 12:08 AM Asik,lulus ga mba nilam?? RT @nilammeyti: Ya Allah, keluar kompre tuh berasa kayak abis ijab kabul sama calon suami, LEGAAAA!! Hahaha 6456298531 trapsreport 12/8/2009 12:06 AM Gates in Kabul to outline strategy to Karzai, commanders 6456288633 DanRomero81 12/8/2009 12:05 AM Jack says Gates Surprise Trip To Afghanistan: US `In This Thing To Win': KABUL — Defense Secr.. 6456228148 wealthhealthhap 12/8/2009 12:02 AM Gates Surprise Trip To Afghanistan: US `In This Thing To Win': KABUL — Defense Secretary Robert Gates .. 6456223952 huffingtonpostz 12/8/2009 12:02 AM Gates Surprise Trip To Afghanistan: US `In This Thing To Win': KABUL — Defense Secretary Robert Gates .. 6456201417 billmcmicheals 12/8/2009 12:01 AM RT @BreakingNews Update: Learning Taliban are better paid than Afghan security forces "eye opener,' Gates tells reporters on flight to Kabul 6456175252 BongNews 12/8/2009 12:00 AM RT @nytimes: Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai 6456161599 Volnhar 12/7/2009 11:59 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai - New York Times 6456155162 guapunyasuka 12/7/2009 11:59 PM RT @BreakingNews: Learning Taliban are better paid than Afghan security forces an 'eye opener,' Gates tells reporters on flight to Kabul 6456153457 peacefrog1997 12/7/2009 11:59 PM RT @BreakingNews: Update:Learning Taliban R better paid than Afghan security forces an 'eye opener,' Gates tells reporters on flight 2 Kabul 6456150607 kjimeno 12/7/2009 11:59 PM Gates Surprise Trip To Afghanistan: US `In This Thing To Win': KABUL — Defense Secretary Robert Gates a.. 6456150478 speedhot 12/7/2009 11:59 PM Gates Surprise Trip To Afghanistan: US `In This Thing To Win': KABUL — Defense Secretary Robert Gates .. 6456141091 BreakingNews 12/7/2009 11:58 PM Update: Learning Taliban are better paid than Afghan security forces an 'eye opener,' Gates tells reporters on flight to Kabul 6456107394 indahaii 12/7/2009 11:56 PM HahahahahahhaRT @AjieWijaya: abis mandi aja seger, gimana abis ijab kabul?! adeem beneeeerrr hahahahaha 6456053704 jaggedpage 12/7/2009 11:54 PM Jagged News: Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup ( 6456053128 jaggedpage 12/7/2009 11:54 PM Jagged News: Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup ( 6456044948 TwitSpotlight 12/7/2009 11:53 PM KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghanistan on Tuesday, saying he would press Presi.. 6456025234 Khi 12/7/2009 11:52 PM Pakistan may get more help against al-Qaida: KABUL -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates says the United States is pre... 6456017954 newsoverviews 12/7/2009 11:52 PM New Overview Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters): Reuters - Defense Secretary Robert Gate... 6455952596 ArtsInfinite 12/7/2009 11:49 PM Gates in Kabul for talks: The American Defence Secretary, Robert Gates, has arrived in Afghanistan for an unannounc... 6455952417 wkenneth 12/7/2009 11:49 PM Gates in Kabul for talks: The American Defence Secretary, Robert Gates, has arrived in Afghanistan for an unannounc... 6455941897 timjblair 12/7/2009 11:48 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' 6455930293 fingertipnews2 12/7/2009 11:47 PM AP Intl: Gates to Afghans: US `in this thing to win': KABUL (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates arri.. 6455928348 fingertipnews2 12/7/2009 11:47 PM AP-U.S.: Gates to Afghans: US `in this thing to win': KABUL (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates arri.. 6455926373 Don_Scott 12/7/2009 11:47 PM #topstories Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (source: Reuters): KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary... 6455917876 timjblair 12/7/2009 11:47 PM - In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' - 6455898150 130_ 12/7/2009 11:46 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows US 'In This Thing to Win': The secretary's trip to Afghanistan is the first by.. 6455879128 145_Web_Leaders 12/7/2009 11:45 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows US 'In This Thing to Win' 6455876483 144_Site_Leader 12/7/2009 11:45 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows US 'In This Thing to Win' 6455874553 kickinghorse892 12/7/2009 11:45 PM Gates Surprise Trip To Afghanistan: US `In This Thing To Win': KABUL — Defense Secretary Robert G... @huffingtonpost 6455872931 143_siteLeader 12/7/2009 11:45 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows US 'In This Thing to Win' 6455860166 138_ 12/7/2009 11:44 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows US 'In This Thing to Win' 6455858587 182_Domains 12/7/2009 11:44 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows US 'In This Thing to Win' 6455824281 HeadlinesNewz 12/7/2009 11:42 PM Gates to Afghans: U.S. Is Committed: Defense Secretary Travels to Kabul to Assure Officials and Troops Administrati... 6455824315 fbbenhurr 12/7/2009 11:42 PM CBS: Gates to Afghans: U.S. Is Committed: Defense Secretary Travels to Kabul to Assure Officials and Troops Adminis... 6455815706 DioneSants 12/7/2009 11:42 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit to discuss how U.S.... 6455815709 newsfeeding 12/7/2009 11:42 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit to discuss how U.S.... 6455815715 luizlemgruber 12/7/2009 11:42 PM NYTimes: Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit to discuss... 6455815726 cnen 12/7/2009 11:42 PM [CNEN] Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit to discuss h... 6455815737 sex_porn_pills 12/7/2009 11:42 PM Health.Dating-Viagra Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai 6455789585 financeheadline 12/7/2009 11:40 PM Kabul mayor convicted of corruption - 6455774176 159_Domains 12/7/2009 11:40 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows US 'In This Thing to Win' 6455760392 GeoNewsTweets 12/7/2009 11:39 PM World Gates arrives in Afghanistan: KABUL: US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesday for talks w... 6455733242 msredsonya 12/7/2009 11:38 PM RT @BreakingNews: U.S. Defense Sec. Robert Gates arrives in Kabul to press Afghan President Hamid Karzai on gov't corruption - Reuters 6455693034 samsoodinem 12/7/2009 11:36 PM Top Stories In Kabul, Gates Vows US 'In This Thing to Win' - FOXNews 6455683839 RobVerwoerd 12/7/2009 11:35 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup via @YoTwits #news 6455682488 RTsweets 12/7/2009 11:35 PM BreakingNews: U.S. Defense Sec. Robert Gates arrives in Kabul to press Afghan President Hamid Karz.. via @YoTwits 6455682314 RTsweets 12/7/2009 11:35 PM nytimes: Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai via @YoTwits #nytimes 6455680808 dpa_newsticker 12/7/2009 11:35 PM Kabul - US-Verteidigungsminister Gates in Afghanistan 6455677513 Sunanf 12/7/2009 11:35 PM Gates in Kabul to watch Karzai's appointments: United States Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghanis.. 6455676814 vandykuk 12/7/2009 11:35 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup via @YoTwits #news 6455675337 kkrassygal 12/7/2009 11:35 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup via @YoTwits #news 6455674646 min2323 12/7/2009 11:35 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup via @YoTwits #news 6455671333 nickschifrin 12/7/2009 11:35 PM Secretary of Defense Robert Gates lands in Kabul #Afghanistan, but Karzai says he will delay expected cabinet announcement until Saturday 6455659962 the_912_project 12/7/2009 11:34 PM FOX News RSS: In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' 6455660000 robertxharris 12/7/2009 11:34 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup via @YoTwits #news 6455633007 swimfischer 12/7/2009 11:33 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup via @YoTwits #news 6455626903 allforyou4 12/7/2009 11:33 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit to discuss how U.S... 6455622856 United_TShirts 12/7/2009 11:32 PM RSS FOX Politics: In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' 6455603171 NYTimesOnline 12/7/2009 11:32 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit to discuss how U.S... 6455599070 alexanderfog 12/7/2009 11:31 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup @alexanderfog 6455593701 SourcePolitics 12/7/2009 11:31 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' #TCOT 6455575569 mommadona 12/7/2009 11:30 PM RT @W7VOA: RT @RtrsIN_SthAsia: Gates in Kabul plays down need for big govt shakeup #Afghanistan 6455567234 draenews 12/7/2009 11:30 PM Megite Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup: KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived i... 6455565063 tweetnius 12/7/2009 11:30 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup 6455564882 patelankur 12/7/2009 11:30 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows US 'In This Thing to Win' - FOXNews: ReutersIn Kabul, Gates Vows US 'In This Thing to .. 6455564047 Daassan 12/7/2009 11:30 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows US 'In This Thing to Win' - FOXNews: ReutersIn Kabul, Gates Vows US 'In This Thing to .. 6455563478 1stNewsHeds 12/7/2009 11:30 PM New York (NY) Times: Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai 6455562673 Daassan 12/7/2009 11:30 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai - New York Times 6455561993 W7VOA 12/7/2009 11:30 PM RT @RtrsIN_SthAsia: Gates in Kabul plays down need for big govt shakeup #Afghanistan 6455501613 paris_lawyer 12/7/2009 11:27 PM HMW France24 Update: Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on ... 6455495430 RtrsIN_SthAsia 12/7/2009 11:27 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big govt shakeup 6455494779 TheLastNews 12/7/2009 11:27 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup - Reuters - Washington PostGates in Kabul plays down need for big sh... 6455493357 BOANOW 12/7/2009 11:26 PM New post on BOA: In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' - 6455475788 fingertipnews 12/7/2009 11:26 PM AP-U.S.: Gates to Afghans: US `in this thing to win' - KABUL (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived lat... 6455465676 flavianoflavian 12/7/2009 11:25 PM NY Times: Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit to discus... 6455437619 Rob_Madden 12/7/2009 11:24 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters) #News #YahooNews 6455409632 basidzenga 12/7/2009 11:23 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (via Reuters) #news 6455406269 reuterskl 12/7/2009 11:22 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big govt shakeup: KABUL (Reuters)- U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived i... 6455378858 theragingqueen 12/7/2009 11:21 PM RTV @nytimes: Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai 6455361832 yckong 12/7/2009 11:20 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit to discuss how U.S.... 6455356953 barralicious 12/7/2009 11:20 PM Gates to Afghans: US `in this thing to win': KABUL (AP) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived Tuesday in Af... 6455323396 rtsradio 12/7/2009 11:19 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesda.. 6455322208 rtsradio 12/7/2009 11:19 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup: KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afg.. 6455321684 rtsradio 12/7/2009 11:18 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters): Reuters - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in A.. 6455306547 Media55 12/7/2009 11:18 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win': Defense secretary says he will tell Afghan Pr.. Trent Partridge 6455304946 jolanta13 12/7/2009 11:18 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tue.. 6455276968 TeamObama 12/7/2009 11:16 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows US 'In This Thing to Win' - FOXNews 6455263573 peterpaulNLT 12/7/2009 11:16 PM BULLETIN -- U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates has arrived in Kabul on an unannounced visit, U.S. media report. 6455263680 odanielpavon 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters): Reuters - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghanistan on Tuesda... 6455262980 Rallyimp05 12/7/2009 11:16 PM @tonyhawk hey tony you should check out the skateistan progam. Teaches kids in kabul to skate. 6455262987 Tweet_News_Now 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455263076 the_dark_side 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455263116 HeadlinesNewz 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455263118 LeJeudi 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455263137 iamrockstarbabe 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262540 iamrockstarbabe 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262549 LeJeudi 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262572 JPB77FLY 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262583 twitchatting 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262588 TweetCashflow 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262593 khon 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262598 HeadlinesNewz 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262609 LeadNow7 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262622 Tweet_News_Now 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262636 the_dark_side 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262647 odanielpavon 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesday for talks with Afg... 6455262710 LeJeudi 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262726 Kstanton21 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262728 Jhimpker21 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262772 topstoriestweet 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262836 iamrockstarbabe 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262867 MyGeneralTalk 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262911 twitchatting 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455262961 HeadlinesNewz 12/7/2009 11:16 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tuesd... 6455245029 milijulidotcom 12/7/2009 11:15 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit to discuss how .. 6455228684 m_insider 12/7/2009 11:14 PM US plays down big Kabul government shakeup: KABUL, Dec 8 — US Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghanist... 6455182971 VRWCTexan 12/7/2009 11:12 PM RT @AtiaAbawi: US def sec Robert Gates in Kabul. 6455164503 coltables 12/7/2009 11:11 PM From @foxnewspolitics: In Kabul, Gates Vows 'We're in This Thing to Win' #KAS #tcot 6455150503 newsjunkie12 12/7/2009 11:11 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai #nyt 6455140742 lizzappi 12/7/2009 11:10 PM RT @AtiaAbawi: US def sec Robert Gates in Kabul. 6455127335 TweepStarDotCom 12/7/2009 11:10 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tue.. 6455119365 salivates 12/7/2009 11:09 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit to discuss how .. 6455119480 NewsTitan 12/7/2009 11:09 PM [NYTIMES] Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit... [NYTIMES] 6455119493 DioneSants 12/7/2009 11:09 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit to discuss how U.S.... 6455119503 AJHajir 12/7/2009 11:09 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit to discuss how U.S.... 6455119515 NewsMashup 12/7/2009 11:09 PM NYT: Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit to discuss how... 6455119607 doris_jones 12/7/2009 11:09 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates made an unannounced visit to discuss how U.S.... 6455110845 scottycnews 12/7/2009 11:09 PM RT @foxnews: POLITICS: In Kabul, Gates Vows 'We're in This Thing to Win' 6455107180 AtiaAbawi 12/7/2009 11:09 PM US def sec Robert Gates in Kabul. 6455102337 RZTicker 12/7/2009 11:09 PM Kabul: US-Verteidigungsminister Gates in Afghanistan 6455100293 AllNewsSources 12/7/2009 11:09 PM AlertNet: Gates in Kabul plays down need for big govt shakeup 6455095317 deccanchronical 12/7/2009 11:08 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup: KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afg.. 6455085770 carimp3_uni_cc 12/7/2009 11:08 PM Gates on surprise visit to Afghanistan (AFP): AFP - US Defence Secretary Robert Gates flew into Kabul on Tue.. 6455049076 nytimesglobal 12/7/2009 11:06 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai 6454983059 nytimes 12/7/2009 11:03 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai 6454890411 BongNews 12/7/2009 11:00 PM RT @SkyNews: 'US In This Thing To Win' Gates Tells Kabul 6454885973 ilovemygunz 12/7/2009 10:59 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win'|Defense secretary says he will tell Afghan President Karzai that .. 6454885541 HotNewsNet 12/7/2009 10:59 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup 6454879127 POTUFSS 12/7/2009 10:59 PM Gates: US willing to give Pakistan more help fighting terrorists|KABUL - Defense Secretary Robert Gates says the .. 6454866478 globalnews4u 12/7/2009 10:59 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai 6454848560 mtadude 12/7/2009 10:58 PM Gates message in Afghanistan: US is 'in this thing to win'|KABUL - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived late .. 6454832411 mickrover 12/7/2009 10:57 PM Afghanistan/ Gates a Kabul per discutere di rinforzi con Karzai: Kabul, 8 dic. (Apcom) - Il segretario statun.. 6454829695 Political 12/7/2009 10:57 PM Gates on KABUL, We're in it to win it! 6454825720 ByronBrown12 12/7/2009 10:57 PM RT @WJTV: KABUL (AP) - Defense Secretary Gates lands in Afghanistan and vows that U.S. is "in this thing to win." 6454823360 devinlussier 12/7/2009 10:57 PM RT @TheFix: SecDef Gates in Kabul on surprise visit: 6454815995 stewartupton 12/7/2009 10:56 PM SecDef has landed in Kabul 6454814644 Grass_Cutting 12/7/2009 10:56 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: The defense secretary made an unannounced visit to discuss how the U.S. plans t... 6454814705 winning_team 12/7/2009 10:56 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: The defense secretary made an unannounced visit to discuss how the U.S. plans t... 6454814743 newsfeeding 12/7/2009 10:56 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: The defense secretary made an unannounced visit to discuss how the U.S. plans t... 6454813049 TheFix 12/7/2009 10:56 PM SecDef Gates in Kabul on surprise visit: 6454780953 nytimesworld 12/7/2009 10:55 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai 6454773798 spaceflight 12/7/2009 10:55 PM RT @SkyNews: 'US In This Thing To Win' Gates Tells Kabul 6454758622 gopnews 12/7/2009 10:54 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win' 6454758625 yrtv 12/7/2009 10:54 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win': Defense secretary says he will tell Afghan President Karzai that ... 6454758629 Erudite_Enigma 12/7/2009 10:54 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win': Defense secretary says he will tell Afghan President Karzai that ... 6454758684 foxnews_pol 12/7/2009 10:54 PM FOX NEWS POLITICS: In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win': Defense secretary says he will tell Afghan Pre... 6454753967 Shieldofabraham 12/7/2009 10:54 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win': Defense secretary says he will tell Afghan President Karzai that ... 6454753980 retirethatjob 12/7/2009 10:54 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win': Defense secretary says he will tell Afghan President Karzai that ... 6454752745 VOL360 12/7/2009 10:54 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows U.S. 'In This Thing to Win': Defense secretary says he will tell Afghan President... 6454749496 skynews 12/7/2009 10:54 PM 'US In This Thing To Win' Gates Tells Kabul 6454749303 dav1son 12/7/2009 10:54 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup - Reuters 6454738169 Claudia_Vallejo 12/7/2009 10:53 PM Gates in Kabul to Meet with Karzai: The defense secretary made an unannounced visit to discuss ho.. #hacerfortuna 6454716960 badgerjill 12/7/2009 10:52 PM RT @iDeskCNN Confirmation from Pool: Secretary Robert Gates has landed in Kabul, #Afghanistan 6454715921 world_news1 12/7/2009 10:52 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup 6454709048 radiodewey 12/7/2009 10:52 PM RT @foxnews: POLITICS: In Kabul, Gates Vows 'We're in This Thing to Win' 6454683553 skynewsbreak 12/7/2009 10:51 PM Robert Gates in Kabul to tell Afghans and American troops the US 'in this thing to win' 6454679499 MOTT7 12/7/2009 10:51 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows 'We're in This Thing to Win' (via @foxnewspolitics) 6454667334 wexik 12/7/2009 10:50 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters): Reuters - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived i.. 6454663602 maggiedo 12/7/2009 10:50 PM What I'm reading: The Swallows of Kabul.: better than I expected. 6454651698 YahooNews 12/7/2009 10:49 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters) 6454640845 ricardonanan 12/7/2009 10:49 PM Reuters World News Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup: KABUL (.. 6454631852 brkngnws 12/7/2009 10:49 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup 6454614763 newstrade 12/7/2009 10:48 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters) - 6454611279 TweepStarDotCom 12/7/2009 10:48 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters): Reuters - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived i.. 6454605668 RtrsIN_Formula1 12/7/2009 10:48 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup 6454567413 mamalooby 12/7/2009 10:46 PM RT @foxnews: POLITICS: In Kabul, Gates Vows 'We're in This Thing to Win' 6454566154 billmcmicheals 12/7/2009 10:46 PM RT @SkyNewsBreak US defence secretary arrives in Kabul for talks with President Karzai about new US strategy to send extra troops 6454561143 W7VOA 12/7/2009 10:46 PM RT @iDeskCNN: Awaiting confirmation from Pool & CNN Kabul on wire reports that Sect'y of Defense Gates arrived in Afghanistan this morning. 6454560900 spaceflight 12/7/2009 10:46 PM RT @foxnews: POLITICS: In Kabul, Gates Vows 'We're in This Thing to Win' 6454555936 spaceflight 12/7/2009 10:45 PM RT @Reuters_TopNews: Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup 6454554546 floridagirlindc 12/7/2009 10:45 PM RT @iDeskCNN: Confirmation from Pool: Secretary Gates has landed in Kabul, Afghanistan 6454550790 billmcmicheals 12/7/2009 10:45 PM RT @foxnews POLITICS: In Kabul, Gates Vows 'We're in This Thing to Win' 6454538115 tehranweekly 12/7/2009 10:45 PM RT @iDeskCNN: Confirmation from Pool: Secretary Gates has landed in Kabul, Afghanistan 6454536712 MexCAN 12/7/2009 10:45 PM RT @iDeskCNN: Confirmation from Pool: Secretary Gates has landed in Kabul, Afghanistan 6454536750 MEXCAN22 12/7/2009 10:45 PM RT @iDeskCNN: Confirmation from Pool: Secretary Gates has landed in Kabul, Afghanistan 6454536016 Reuters_TopNews 12/7/2009 10:45 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup 6454520637 RodrigoBNO 12/7/2009 10:44 PM Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrives in Kabul to tell U.S. troops, "We are in this thing to win." 6454509054 emokidsloveme 12/7/2009 10:43 PM RT @iDeskCNN: Awaiting confirmation from Pool and CNN Kabul on wire reports that Sec. of Def.Gates arrived in Afghanistan this morning 6454469524 foxnews 12/7/2009 10:42 PM POLITICS: In Kabul, Gates Vows 'We're in This Thing to Win' 6454450052 WJTV 12/7/2009 10:41 PM KABUL (AP) - Defense Secretary Gates lands in Afghanistan and vows that U.S. is "in this thing to win." 6454448420 news_by_robots 12/7/2009 10:41 PM Defense Secretary Gates Arrives in Kabul, to Press Karzai to Appoint 'Honest' Ministers 6454445654 tehranweekly 12/7/2009 10:41 PM RT @iDeskCNN: We are awaiting confirmation from Pool and CNN Kabul on wire reports that Secretary of Defense Gates arrived in Afghanistan 6454423149 foxnewspolitics 12/7/2009 10:40 PM In Kabul, Gates Vows 'We're in This Thing to Win' 6454414261 Newstwytter 12/7/2009 10:39 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup #news #Reuters #hyuge 6454399070 HomaPourasgari 12/7/2009 10:39 PM RT @MexCAN @BreakingNews #US: Robert Gates arrives in Kabul 2 press Afghan's Karzai on gov't corruption - Reuters 6454354503 crossgov 12/7/2009 10:37 PM U.S. Defense Sec. Robert Gates arrives in Kabul to press Afghan President Hamid Karzai on gov't corruption - Reuters (via @BreakingNews) 6454352278 ronsimon 12/7/2009 10:37 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters): Reuters - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in ... 6454352286 TweetCashflow 12/7/2009 10:37 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters): Reuters - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in ... 6454352287 MyGeneralTalk 12/7/2009 10:37 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters): Reuters - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in ... 6454352301 khon 12/7/2009 10:37 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters): Reuters - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in ... 6454352323 futurehopping 12/7/2009 10:37 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters) 6454352396 news_feed24 12/7/2009 10:37 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters) 6454352398 SATZen 12/7/2009 10:37 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters) 6454352413 the_dark_side 12/7/2009 10:37 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters): Reuters - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in ... 6454352427 ChariceStarDiva 12/7/2009 10:37 PM TopStories Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters): Reuters - Defense Secretary Robert Gates ... 6454352457 infobeira 12/7/2009 10:37 PM News Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters) 6454352460 poluakerford 12/7/2009 10:37 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters) 6454352463 Tweet_News_Now 12/7/2009 10:37 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters): Reuters - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in ... 6454352540 LeJeudi 12/7/2009 10:37 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters): Reuters - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in ... 6454344412 mozartme 12/7/2009 10:37 PM RT @MexCAN: RT @BreakingNews: U.S. Defense Sec. Robert Gates arrives in Kabul to press Afghan President Hamid Karzai on gov't corruption ... 6454338733 globalnewsprjct 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup (Reuters) ( 6454333761 brk_news_now 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Reuters Top News Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup 6454333762 reutersfeed 12/7/2009 10:36 PM top #news Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup #reuters 6454333849 newsfeeding 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup: KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghani... 6454333865 SmittysWeb 12/7/2009 10:36 PM KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghanistan on Tuesday, saying he would press President... 6454333940 jyotjournal 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup 6454333954 BssNews 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup: KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghani... 6454333960 MobileAuto 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup: KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghani... 6454333981 NewsMashup 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Reuters: Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup: KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived i... 6454333993 HeadlinesNewz 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup: KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghani... 6454334030 dave13100 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup: KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghani... 6454334091 reuterstop 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup: KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghani... 6454333482 SalBarguil 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup: KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghani... 6454333483 marketplace_web 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup 6454333487 sex_porn_pills 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Health.Dating-Viagra Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup 6454333488 gundelizer 12/7/2009 10:36 PM #Reuters Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup: KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates ... #Topnews 6454333496 newzdevil 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup: KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghani... 6454333509 news_feed24 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup 6454333518 tweettools4U 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup: KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gat... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 6454333594 webtipsfree 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup: KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghani... 6454333702 profit4you 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Look At this! Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup 6454333708 GlobalTechNews 12/7/2009 10:36 PM Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup: KABUL (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates arrived in Afghani... 6454333713 Spangaloid 12/7/2009 10:36 PM (Reuters) Gates in Kabul plays down need for big shakeup 6454316657 MexCAN 12/7/2009 10:35 PM RT @BreakingNews: U.S. Defense Sec. Robert Gates arrives in Kabul to press Afghan President Hamid Karzai on gov't corruption - Reuters 6454313105 tehranweekly 12/7/2009 10:35 PM U.S. Defense Sec. Robert Gates arrives in Kabul to press Afghan President Hamid Karzai on gov't corruption - Reuters 6454229147 rjkeil38 12/7/2009 10:32 PM (Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle) RT @breakingnews Defense Sec. Robert Gates arrives in Kabul to press Hamid Karzai on govt corruption 6454208958 GregNazvanov 12/7/2009 10:31 PM ...U.S. Defense Sec. Robert Gates arrives in Kabul to press Afghan President Hamid Karzai on gov't corruption 6454202062 lbctanon13 12/7/2009 10:31 PM RT @BreakingNews U.S. Defense Sec. Robert Gates arrives in Kabul to press Afghan President Hamid Karzai on gov't corruption - Reuters 6454137728 BreakingNews 12/7/2009 10:28 PM U.S. Defense Sec. Robert Gates arrives in Kabul to press Afghan President Hamid Karzai on gov't corruption - Reuters 6454084263 NewshoundNews 12/7/2009 10:26 PM KABUL: American soldiers deployed in Afghanistan have mixed feelings about Obama's plan to send more troops 6453683770 peacebug_maihan 12/7/2009 10:10 PM @smiley20KR lol this is the kabul today. it looks nice and all, but that's just one city. 6453637743 magneda2 12/7/2009 10:08 PM GV Sentral Asia: Ukraine, Afghanistan: Mayors and Corruption: Petro's Jotter praises Kabul residents for having the... 6453583157 aulbry 12/7/2009 10:06 PM caaaaan't write this paper anymore :( ahh kabul beauty school 6453512757 JosephASchmo 12/7/2009 10:03 PM @Taylor_Negron awesome. how does it go with the "Chicken Kabul"? 6452950507 in_asia 12/7/2009 9:42 PM WASHINGTON — On a seven-hour trip from Kabul to a NATO meeting in Brussels last week , the two men in Kabul mos.. 6452122415 in_asia 12/7/2009 9:12 PM WASHINGTON — On a seven-hour trip from Kabul to a NATO meeting in Brussels last week , the two men in Kabul mos.. 6452083488 MONewsOverviews 12/7/2009 9:11 PM MO News Officials to Close Ranks on Afghan Plan – New York Times: WASHINGTON — On a seven-hour trip from Kabul ... 6451296061 SarahTulley 12/7/2009 8:43 PM He was arrested the mayor of Kabul - 6450056868 Oodgy 12/7/2009 8:00 PM wonder if I can get a street view of my hotel in Kabul - maybe not... 6449374401 johnalbright 12/7/2009 7:36 PM Wow! RT @SAEN_Photo: Blog entry and nice collection of pictures from SAEN's Ed Ornelas from #Kabul #Afghanistan. #MySA 6449374067 TexasCane 12/7/2009 7:36 PM Wow! RT @SAEN_Photo: Blog entry and nice collection of pictures from SAEN's Ed Ornelas from #Kabul #Afghanistan. #MySA 6449311734 DonaldPretari 12/7/2009 7:34 PM RT @The Independent indyworld 'Corrupt' Mayor of Kabul sentenced 6449146336 tamersahin 12/7/2009 7:28 PM Birini bulup "Bu adamı hemen yakalamayın, işin patronlarını yakalayalım" fikrini kabul ettiremedim. Adamı yakaladılar ve bir kaç aya çıktı. 6448164346 aliahadju 12/7/2009 6:54 PM Amiin RT @deasoelistyo: #in2010 May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing), Noor (Light) & Kabul (Acceptance) in e'thing we say & we do. 6447687471 indyworld 12/7/2009 6:37 PM 'Corrupt' Mayor of Kabul sentenced 6447609652 globalnews4u 12/7/2009 6:34 PM #globalnews4u 'Corrupt' Mayor of Kabul sentenced 6446002257 UAENews 12/7/2009 5:40 PM Destination Dubai: Millions of dollars in cash is being smuggled from Kabul to Dubai every day in briefcases, bags ... 6445918226 ErayDinc 12/7/2009 5:37 PM @emreertrk Niye PS 4 çıksın ki ? Yoksa Sony, PS3'ün tam bir hayal kırıklığı olduğunu kabul etti mi yoksa hala savunuyor mu ? 6445241841 zolqarnain 12/7/2009 5:13 PM RT @Nedaagain: video: (students shouted: death to taliban, either in kabul, or tehran) #16azar #news @nytimes @latime ... 6445082888 John_Tedesco 12/7/2009 5:07 PM RT @SAEN_Photo: Blog entry and nice collection of pictures from SAEN's Ed Ornelas from #Kabul #Afghanistan. #MySA 6445078890 John_Tedesco 12/7/2009 5:07 PM RT @SAEN_Photo: Ed's blog entry from #Kabul #Afghanistan is also on the SAEN's photo blog, Mi Foto. #mysa #MiFoto 6445010602 knipeos 12/7/2009 5:05 PM @kabasimsek peki sence tribal'in, evin duvarlari icin istedigi rengin kabul edilme sansi yuzde kac? ya da boyle bi sans var mi? aughuahgd 6444862818 kristitedesco 12/7/2009 5:00 PM NBC's "Today" show... broadcasting from Afghanistan... this Tuesday andWednesday. Matt Lauer and Al Roker, in Kabul. 6444854921 zweitansage 12/7/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6444799650 SAEN_Photo 12/7/2009 4:58 PM Ed's blog entry from #Kabul #Afghanistan is also on the SAEN's photo blog, Mi Foto. #mysa #MiFoto 6444669800 SAEN_Photo 12/7/2009 4:53 PM Blog entry and nice collection of pictures from SAEN's Ed Ornelas from #Kabul #Afghanistan. #MySA 6444396240 hakkisuha 12/7/2009 4:43 PM @hulyavsar allah kabul etsin efenim :) 6444237071 lewisandclark 12/7/2009 4:37 PM From his office in Kabul, education prof Zaher Wahab advocates for more teachers, not soldiers in Afghanistan . 6444152139 naranjasly 12/7/2009 4:34 PM bugün MUHHHTEŞEM bi gündü. çook çok güzel. . . M. Serdar Kuzuoğlu & Yüce Zerey'e, beni derse kabul ederek... [pic] 6443980094 republikaonline 12/7/2009 4:28 PM BREAKING NEWS Walikota Kabul Terbukti Korupsi 6443752731 runres 12/7/2009 4:20 PM @denizzeyrek Netanyahu'da Sarkozy arabulucu olsun demişti ama Esad kabul etmemişti...İsrail hükümetleri de bizim 90'lardakine benziyor 6443640161 TheAfroNews 12/7/2009 4:16 PM An Afghan court has sentenced the mayor of the capital, Kabul, to four years in prison on corruption charges. 6443640286 naranjasly 12/7/2009 4:16 PM bugün MUHHHTEŞEM bi gündü. çook çok güzel. . . M. Serdar Kuzuoğlu & Yüce Zerey'e, beni derse kabul ederek ufkumu... 6443462910 flacabaca 12/7/2009 4:09 PM Edward's dream has come true. Read first dispatch from Kabul 6443340984 awolkunazz318 12/7/2009 4:05 PM TODAY: Matt and Al will be live from Kabul, Afghanistan on Tuesday 12/8 and Wednesday 12/9.*Reply MENU for NBC News alert options. 6443326764 videocrux 12/7/2009 4:04 PM #Videocrux - Kabul residents worrying for their safety 6443282185 oli4b 12/7/2009 4:03 PM @dim had je trouwens al gelezen dat @nawid veilig is geland met zijn vliegende tapijt? Nieuwste gadget uit Kabul. 6443277477 ram21093 12/7/2009 4:02 PM Matt and Al will be live from Kabul, Afghanistan on Tuesday 12/8 and Wednesday 12/9 on the @todayshow on @nbc. 6443251572 kubradogan 12/7/2009 4:01 PM @dmbldr hoşbuldim genel olârak =) kilîseye mum diktim ayrica; kabûl olmayacak mi sençe dîleyim? 6443197497 zweitansage 12/7/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6443130050 _Weava 12/7/2009 3:57 PM RT @Nedaagain video (students shout: death 2 taliban,either in kabul or tehran) #16azar #news #iranelection 6443092783 korkie 12/7/2009 3:56 PM RT @Nedaagain: video: (students shouted: death to taliban, either in kabul, or tehran) #16azar #news @nytimes @latime ... 6443078776 Nedaagain 12/7/2009 3:55 PM video: (students shouted: death to taliban, either in kabul, or tehran) #16azar #news @nytimes @latimes #iranelection 6443012805 Dogukan3 12/7/2009 3:53 PM @hareyy evet erkeklere göre bi nebze daha sadıklar bunu kabul ediyorum. ama sevdiklerinde.kızların sadakatini bozan erkeklerin şerefsizliği 6442993773 cmtekin 12/7/2009 3:52 PM İlk sunuş kağıda bakmadan 34 dk. Ben bunların yarısını unuturum 20 dk'da biter.. Kabul edilebilir bir süre sanırım :D 6442922655 geceleriesen 12/7/2009 3:49 PM @meminoglu hahaha ezel sadece dayı için, lost herkes için izleniyor kıyas kabul etmez 6442634644 juanchoCCSVE 12/7/2009 3:39 PM RT @tehranweekly: #iranelection #16Azar #Iran Video - Whether in Tehran or Kabul, Death to Taliban 6442492505 yaseminayoglu 12/7/2009 3:33 PM bir zamanlar travian vardı hayatımda.sonra vazgeçemediğim facebook quizleri.artık kabul ediyorum ama annemin karnından twitter ile doğdum 6442397922 FELDart 12/7/2009 3:30 PM RT @tehranweekly: #iranelection #16Azar #Iran Video - Whether in Tehran or Kabul, Death to Taliban 6442122819 danceofcookies 12/7/2009 3:18 PM tamam kabul burnum tıkansın ama peki ya geçici işitme kaybı ? sanki 3 metre dibe dalıp abime kum atmak için dalmış gibi kulaklarım .ez 6442103642 gugafernandes 12/7/2009 3:18 PM Sáb 12 vai rolar Festa "Favela Chique" no Cais do Oriente com os DJ's Sany Pitbull, Jason Salles(Sp), Guga F, kitty Kat e Marko Kabul! Vamos 6442016847 ArmyInfantryMom 12/7/2009 3:14 PM RT@WarKidsRelief So far 26 seriously ill Afghan IDP children treated @ Kabul hospitals thx to gifts to WKR medical fund 6441991835 FELDart 12/7/2009 3:13 PM RT @tehranweekly: #iranelection #16Azar #Iran Video - Whether in Tehran or Kabul, Death to Taliban 6441957279 tehranweekly 12/7/2009 3:12 PM #iranelection #16Azar #Iran Video - Whether in Tehran or Kabul, Death to Taliban 6441923264 ITS_LLC 12/7/2009 3:11 PM Afghanistan court sentences Kabul mayor for corruption - 6441907220 tehranweekly 12/7/2009 3:10 PM RT @Persian2English: #iranelection #16Azar #Iran Video - Whether in Tehran or Kabul, Death to Taleban 6441893794 irancitizennews 12/7/2009 3:10 PM #iranelection #16Azar #Iran Video - Whether in Tehran or Kabul, Death to Taleban 6441882181 Persian2English 12/7/2009 3:09 PM #iranelection #16Azar #Iran Video - Whether in Tehran or Kabul, Death to Taleban 6441858163 farinata 12/7/2009 3:08 PM @abbysimons "light your fire" from shaw's st joan? (so against type!) or something from the 1st act of kushner's homebody/kabul? 6441801727 thedailybrief 12/7/2009 3:06 PM RT @bbcworld: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corruption charges 6441773464 ufukergin 12/7/2009 3:05 PM tüm twitter ahalisi ezel izlio ama hiçbiri kabul etmio, üstelik bide küçümsüyoooo amaaa komik duruma düşüooooo :) 6441732963 EnginKorkmaz 12/7/2009 3:03 PM @caglaryerlikaya haklı kabul edemez di mi? :) 6441703942 Daniezar 12/7/2009 3:02 PM Kabul shit ;) 6441699882 IEN88 12/7/2009 3:02 PM #iran #iranelection #16Azar Video shot earlier today in Tehran showing protesters chanting "Whether in Kabul or... 6441628193 zweitansage 12/7/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6441454722 snpoet16 12/7/2009 2:53 PM RT @thenation Re-election Runs Through Kabul: The REAL purpose of Afghanistan troop surge? totally absurd! 6441386694 KtotheFtotheE 12/7/2009 2:50 PM spam just read 'kabul mayor guilty of corruption' - in other news, the sky is blue and water is wet. 6441228867 odonnellm 12/7/2009 2:44 PM Who says there's no #Afghanistan progress? #Kabul mayor convicted (After court session w/lawyer!) of corruption 6440950858 Manukau_Libs 12/7/2009 2:33 PM A beautician on a humanitarian mission is the focus of Titiksha's book review for 'Kabul beauty school': 6440899811 GreedyTLawyer 12/7/2009 2:31 PM RT @todayshow: Matt & Al are traveling 2 Afghan today. They will report live from Kabul on Tues & Wed ►I can't wait 6440683454 AmiRojkes 12/7/2009 2:23 PM #best_news Kabul mayor sentenced to four years in prison: An Afghan court has sentenced th.. #amirojkes 6440652248 HailGalvatron 12/7/2009 2:21 PM Kabul airport awash in illicit cash #p2 #Afghanistan #peace 6440585338 thenation 12/7/2009 2:19 PM Re-election Runs Through Kabul: The REAL purpose of Afghanistan troop surge? To make Obama look tough for 2012 6440454316 martybeckerman 12/7/2009 2:14 PM When you have foreign correspondent friends... // Me : "Dude, you want to go to a Chrismukkah party?" Him: "Sorry, still in Kabul." 6440403989 Press_TV 12/7/2009 2:12 PM PressTV - Kabul mayor sentenced to four years in prison 6440113883 zweitansage 12/7/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6440064558 PressTVNews 12/7/2009 1:57 PM Kabul mayor sentenced to four years in prison 6440051979 peixesloucos 12/7/2009 1:56 PM @serdargut anlamadigim icin takip etmiyorum artik sizi! yalan, intihal, kibir kabul edilemez. durustluk, tevazu gibi degerleri unutmayalim. 6439923003 serkanturgut 12/7/2009 1:45 PM HTC'nin 2010 kreasyonu sızdı: HTC resmen kabul etmese de, üreticinin 2010 yılında piyasaya salacağı söylenen An.. 6439917954 Temass 12/7/2009 1:44 PM Bu hain saldırının Amerikadaki görüşme gününe denk getirilip verilmeye çalışılan mesajı kabul etmiyorum. 6439663985 greychampion 12/7/2009 1:34 PM newStream ©: Kabul mayor sentenced to four years in prison 6439588745 Kim_Barker 12/7/2009 1:31 PM kabul mayor sentenced. wonder who he pissed off. Now, they just need to find him. 6439587454 UKProgressive 12/7/2009 1:31 PM (Ouch!) $10 mill smuggled out of Afghanistan every day, “through Kabul Intl Arpt” to fund Taliban insurgency 6439009430 MADNews101 12/7/2009 1:09 PM The Nation: The Road to Re-Election Runs Through Kabul? 6438886760 Packard_Sonic 12/7/2009 1:04 PM RT @BreakingNews: Afghan court sentences Kabul mayor to 4 years in prison on corruption charges - BBC #VoteMcNealy 6438778369 zweitansage 12/7/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6438632556 missj007 12/7/2009 12:54 PM RT @alroker: Hey Twitterians. I am laying over in Dubai, awaiting my trip to Kabul. Thanks for all the good wishes. Send 'em to our troo ... 6438537273 fikretelgun 12/7/2009 12:50 PM @yumrukaya =)) saol kardesm. hepimizin ki kabul olsun =) 6438527770 agus_msk 12/7/2009 12:49 PM aguante la metro que ahora pasa phoenix, kabul #lvl? 6438514293 flensburgonline 12/7/2009 12:49 PM Korruption in Afghanistan: Festnahme von Bürgermeister in Hauptstadt Kabul: Kabul (dts) – Abdul Ahad Sahebi, Bü... 6438442003 yumrukaya 12/7/2009 12:45 PM @fikretelgun Allah kabul etsin kardesim :) 6438335798 ARTatJONMOSS 12/7/2009 12:41 PM @eddieizzard Delayed in Kabul. Missing show. Seats U53/54 in Block A3 are empty if anyone wants move into them, they're pretty good seats! 6438255421 pbiegaj 12/7/2009 12:38 PM a bit late on this update but my EXCELLENT oral surgeon was born in Kabul, seems Afghanistan is full of surprises on many fronts 6438241433 cek_yasasi 12/7/2009 12:37 PM RT @AYSE_ARMAN: adalet komisyonunun kabul ettiği çek kanunu tasarısını blogda yayınladık. araştırmacıyız :) 6438189930 AYSE_ARMAN 12/7/2009 12:35 PM adalet komisyonunun kabul ettiği çek kanunu tasarısını blogda yayınladık. araştırmacıyız :) 6438128687 ALBee115 12/7/2009 12:32 PM RT @alroker: Hey Twitterians. I am laying over in Dubai, awaiting my trip to Kabul. Thanks for all the good wishes. Send 'em to our troo ... 6437818112 ezgikazakk 12/7/2009 12:20 PM kabul etmeliyim artık boykot yalan oldu bende çarkın bi parçasıyım fdsfsd 6437767507 nrothstein 12/7/2009 12:18 PM Gen. McChrystal returns to Kabul w same war strategy he gave the @WhiteHouse just three months ago (via @votolatino) 6437710416 DropDeadDollu 12/7/2009 12:16 PM @kriztiin sibul! :D Kabul. 6437535487 ZoledronikAsit 12/7/2009 12:09 PM @Dogukan3 bunu bir savaş başlangıcı olarak kabul ediyorum :O 6437431138 votolatino 12/7/2009 12:05 PM Gen. McChrystal returns to Kabul w virtually same war strategy he presented the @WhiteHouse just three months ago 6437387540 SherifHashem 12/7/2009 12:03 PM Baby Kabul! 6437283925 zweitansage 12/7/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6437166237 fingertipnews2 12/7/2009 11:55 AM AP Intl: Afghan lawmakers demand full Cabinet list: KABUL (AP) -- Refusing to be a rubber stamp, Afghan.. 6437134441 ilayh 12/7/2009 11:54 AM @SAL9000TR tamm ya iyiydi kabul ediyorum mutlu oldun mu??? bu arada aslında ben eve kapanmak istyrm ama şartlar el vermiyo yoksa 6437116652 gsimerson 12/7/2009 11:53 AM RT @bbcworld: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corruption charges and issues a warran.. http://bi ... 6436908496 AlanMGross 12/7/2009 11:45 AM @kenrbnsn I was contacted for a utility statistician position, short term -- 6 months in Kabul. Base + 70% bonus still below my salary reqs 6436889606 Kutalp 12/7/2009 11:44 AM Kocaman demagojiye başladı... 1 lira düşünmedim, 10 saniyede teklifi kabul ettim.. 6436881745 financial24 12/7/2009 11:44 AM El alcalde de Kabul condenado por corrupción 6436877370 eblackbiz 12/7/2009 11:44 AM @alroker If you're in the airport there is a full service day spa! RT:Hey Twitterians. I am laying over in Dubai, awaiting my trip to Kabul. 6436733812 memachel 12/7/2009 11:38 AM Afghan court sentences mayor of Kabul to 4 years in prison on corruption charges & issues warrant via BBC 6436684929 WarKidsRelief 12/7/2009 11:36 AM So far 26 seriously ill Afghan IDP children treated at Kabul hospitals thx to gifts to WKR medical fund 6436668279 I_Am_Score 12/7/2009 11:35 AM @alroker How about a weather condition update from Dubai & Kabul? 6436642809 BeholdARedHorse 12/7/2009 11:34 AM RT @bbcworld: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corruption charges and issues a warran.. http://bi ... 6436642353 srubenfeld 12/7/2009 11:34 AM RT @djcompliance: Kabul Mayor convicted of corruption via @bbcnews and h/t @anticorruption 6436634206 plashmar 12/7/2009 11:34 AM BBC News - Afghanistan court sentences Kabul mayor for corruption 6436623696 derinmm 12/7/2009 11:34 AM @ecevahapoglu kendini ifade edemeyen bir bayandı kabul ediyorum ama sizde ona iyi misiniz diye gayet basit bir uslupla cevap verdiniz 6436503561 ponet 12/7/2009 11:29 AM RT @alroker: Hey Twitterians. I am laying over in Dubai, awaiting my trip to Kabul. Thanks for all the good wishes. Send 'em to our troo ... 6436500470 djcompliance 12/7/2009 11:29 AM Kabul Mayor convicted of corruption via @anticorruption See DJ research into high-risk job roles: 6436491672 alroker 12/7/2009 11:28 AM Hey Twitterians. I am laying over in Dubai, awaiting my trip to Kabul. Thanks for all the good wishes. Send 'em to our troops as well. 6436358004 DAS_JOURNAL 12/7/2009 11:23 AM Kabul: Bürgermeister wegen Bestechlichkeit festgenommen 6436192583 Scrutograph 12/7/2009 11:17 AM RT @bbcworld: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corruption charges and issues a warran.. http://bi ... 6436169951 mark9sdf 12/7/2009 11:16 AM Afghan Lawmakers Demand Full Cabinet List: By AP KABUL (AP) -- Refusing to be a rubber stamp, Afghan lawmakers .. 6436159674 addamiattualita 12/7/2009 11:16 AM Afghanistan: sindaco di kabul condannato a 4 anni per corruzione: Kabul, 7 dic. – (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Il si... 6435976313 bbcindonesia 12/7/2009 11:08 AM Walikota Kabul terbukti korupsi: Pengadilan Afghanistan menghukum walikota Kabul empat tahun penjara dalam kasus ko... 6435932921 phfwales 12/7/2009 11:07 AM Afghan court has sentenced the mayor of the capital, Kabul, to four years in prison on corruption charges. 6435903480 mas54 12/7/2009 11:06 AM Donne, la battaglia persa di Kabul 6435873240 wcompanyportal 12/7/2009 11:05 AM [BBC]: Kabul mayor guilty of corruption: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on co... 6435872628 buybooksonline1 12/7/2009 11:05 AM [BBC]: Kabul mayor guilty of corruption: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on co... 6435872711 sex_porn_pills 12/7/2009 11:05 AM Kabul mayor guilty of corruption 6435766532 lkrwhite 12/7/2009 11:00 AM Kabul mayor guilty of corruption: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corru.. 6435738562 zweitansage 12/7/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6435692304 mary13L 12/7/2009 10:58 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: - The endless cemetary on a hill overlooking Kabul, a sign of how long this cty has been at war 6435666353 ahoward89 12/7/2009 10:57 AM BBC- afghan court sentences kabul mayor to 4 yrs prison on corruption charges- 6435646927 RussiaNow 12/7/2009 10:56 AM Afghan police arrest Kabul mayor: Afghan police arrested on Monday Kabul's mayor, Abdul Ahad Sahebi, following a co... 6435644736 ianmurray 12/7/2009 10:56 AM Kabul mayor guilty of corruption: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on cor... 6435637471 dinduunn 12/7/2009 10:56 AM AmiiinRT @ikaikarinayu: #in2010 May Allah the Almighty put Barakah(Blessing), Noor(Light) &Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say&do. Amin 6435628705 nudsikan 12/7/2009 10:55 AM RT @bbcworld An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corruption charges and issues 6435625164 latimesworld 12/7/2009 10:55 AM RT @bbcworld: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corruption charges and issues a warran.. http://bi ... 6435580233 twitipsmv 12/7/2009 10:53 AM Kabul mayor guilty of corruption: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corru.. 6435559545 yummycooking 12/7/2009 10:53 AM Marines find arms caches in Taliban region: Reporting from Kabul — U.S. Marines and Afghan security force.. 6435529756 ThirdWayTweet 12/7/2009 10:51 AM RT @bbcworld: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corruption charges and issues a warran.. http://bi ... 6435508112 bbcworld 12/7/2009 10:51 AM An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corruption charges and issues a warran.. 6435491900 dinilkannur 12/7/2009 10:50 AM Kabul mayor guilty of corruption: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on.. @dilu 6435446176 batugoymak 12/7/2009 10:48 AM ha bu arada patatesin öz kütlesi bezelyenin öz kütlesinden fazlaymış. rus salatası yaparken öğrendim.. (kabul ediyorum niteliksiz bilgi) 6435443682 ilovemytroops 12/7/2009 10:48 AM The mayor?? RT @BreakingNews: Afghan court sentences Kabul mayor to 4 years in prison on corruption charges - BBC 6435435014 danpatterson 12/7/2009 10:48 AM RT @jackrice: From Kabul To Kandahar (PHOTO) 6435431810 danpatterson 12/7/2009 10:48 AM RT @jackrice: It is very cold. Snowed as I jumped on a C-130 from Kabul down here to Kandahar. This is the nicest place weatherwise - ... 6435398975 sinemizm 12/7/2009 10:46 AM bazen sen 22 yıl yaşasanda hayat sana 30 yılın ağırlığını yükleyebilir,kabul etmek tek seçenektir,being survivor :S 6435285076 NewsTitan 12/7/2009 10:42 AM [LATIMES] Marines find arms caches in Taliban region: Reporting from Kabul — U.S. Marines and Afghan se... [LATIMES] 6435282845 longtinhealth 12/7/2009 10:42 AM Marines find arms caches in Taliban region: Reporting from Kabul — U.S. Marines and Afghan security forces assaul... 6435283252 yummycooking 12/7/2009 10:42 AM Marines find arms caches in Taliban region: Reporting from Kabul — U.S. Marines and Afghan security forces assaul... 6435102913 generalnew 12/7/2009 10:34 AM Kabul mayor guilty of corruption 6434923778 dominionpundit 12/7/2009 10:27 AM @Arnab_Toronto happy 2 pay 4 enviros 2 be flown 2 Kabul/Fallujah so they can teach locals how 2 reduce their carbon footprints 6434853056 scugnizzi 12/7/2009 10:25 AM @onurakmeric ama adam öyle olduğunu kabul ediyor ki, gurur da duyuyordur bunla. :) 6434836893 robbiebruno 12/7/2009 10:24 AM Amiin RT @deasoelistyo: #in2010 May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing), Noor (Light) & Kabul (Acceptance) in e'thing we say & we do. 6434783401 twnstar2 12/7/2009 10:22 AM RT @Fingertipnews: bbcsa: Kabul mayor guilty of corruption: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to ... 6434775219 claudialengkey 12/7/2009 10:22 AM Amin :) RT @deasoelistyo: #in2010 May Allah the Almighty put Barakah(Blessing),Noor(Light)&Kabul(Acceptance) in everything we say&do. Amin.. 6434710931 abscbnnewsbrk 12/7/2009 10:19 AM Karzai to unveil Afghan cabinet on Tuesday: KABUL - Afghan President Hamid Karzai, facing massive Western pressure ... 6434652170 ATCOS 12/7/2009 10:17 AM RT @ssg37: Bu kadar cok "niyet okuyucusu"nun oldugu bir ulkede sunu belirteyim ki; herhangi bir sekilde acilima kabul yada red'dim yoktur.. 6434435114 Ehiztari 12/7/2009 10:09 AM Afghan court sentences Kabul mayor to 4 years in prison on corruption charges - BBC 6434430946 G_Moose 12/7/2009 10:09 AM Kabul's mayor snagged for corruption? Maybe Afghanistan is actually cracking down. #idoubtit 6434399304 jasoncyrus 12/7/2009 10:08 AM @BreakingNews Afghan court sentences Kabul mayor to 4 years in prison on corruption charges Good start 6434361999 ultimenotizie 12/7/2009 10:06 AM Afghanistan: sindaco di kabul condannato a 4 anni per corruzione: Kabul, 7 dic. – (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Il sindaco ... 6434332248 TheDailyDis 12/7/2009 10:05 AM Afghan court sentences Kabul mayor to 4 years in prison on corruption charges - BBC via @BreakingNews 6434321040 billmcmicheals 12/7/2009 10:05 AM RT @BreakingNews Afghan court sentences Kabul mayor to 4 years in prison on corruption charges - BBC 6434261955 BreakingNews 12/7/2009 10:02 AM Afghan court sentences Kabul mayor to 4 years in prison on corruption charges - BBC 6434236808 bbcnewsbot 12/7/2009 10:01 AM Kabul mayor guilty of corruption- An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corruptio... 6434235731 USTalib 12/7/2009 10:01 AM Taliban sympathiser to an American official in Kabul: "You might have all the watches, but we have all the time.. 6434187893 alexandermoore 12/7/2009 10:00 AM Taliban sympathiser to an American official in Kabul: "You might have all the watches, but we have all the time" #QOTD 6434182510 zweitansage 12/7/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6434011329 awhey 12/7/2009 9:53 AM jiahh,baru jg ijab-kabul kmren.masa uda isi ja? paten amatt.haha RT @Yhenny86: Koq tiba2 perut gw mual yaa. 6433748494 fannysv 12/7/2009 9:43 AM @nakrudmassijaya rukun ijarah: ada orangnya, ada barang/pekerjaan, ada manfaat/upah, sigat/ijab kabul, ada sewa ada imbalan 6433641528 nouwij 12/7/2009 9:39 AM Burgemeester Kabul veroordeeld voor corruptie: KABUL - De burgemeester van de Afghaanse hoofdstad Kabul is maandag ... 6433641682 noujij 12/7/2009 9:39 AM Burgemeester Kabul veroordeeld voor corruptie: KABUL - De burgemeester van de Afghaanse hoofdstad Kabul is maandag ... 6433589333 vermistverloren 12/7/2009 9:37 AM Burgemeester Kabul veroordeeld voor corruptie: KABUL - De burgemeester van de Afghaanse hoofdstad Kabul is ma... 6433559156 AllNewsSources 12/7/2009 9:36 AM DPA: Kabul mayor sentenced to four years for corruption 6433526474 bbcnewsworld 12/7/2009 9:35 AM Kabul mayor guilty of corruption: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corruptio... 6433466050 geceleriesen 12/7/2009 9:33 AM @gizem_ozdilli bir tartışmayı körüklemenin yolu, bir tarafa adım attırıp, diğer tarafa kabul ettirmemektir. eski stratejiler, basit oyunlar 6433434092 andinzein 12/7/2009 9:31 AM film bioskop ka? udah keluar belom? RT @Elbarack: Film 'A Dream For Kabul' menggugah kita untuk dapat menolong sesama tanpa membedakan 6433382853 skSuper 12/7/2009 9:30 AM RT @bbcsa: Kabul mayor guilty of corruption: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corruptio... http:/ ... 6433347680 Elbarack 12/7/2009 9:28 AM Film 'A Dream For Kabul' menggugah kita untuk dapat menolong sesama tanpa membedakan suku, bangsa, dan agama. 6433337173 paganstory 12/7/2009 9:28 AM @burcinyy beni şu sıralar herkes ama herkes gömebilir zaten,öyle bitkinim.bu arada allah kabul etsin, ben o niyetimi hayata geçiremiyorum 6433257544 rurigendhis 12/7/2009 9:25 AM RT @TheHolyAlQuran: And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) and Noor (Light) and Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say and w ... 6433235553 fingertipnews 12/7/2009 9:24 AM bbcsa: Kabul mayor guilty of corruption: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison... 6433211349 sohaibkhan 12/7/2009 9:23 AM Kabul mayor guilty of corruption: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corruption charges and issues ... 6433210809 bbcsa 12/7/2009 9:23 AM Kabul mayor guilty of corruption: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corruptio... 6433210875 mzohaib 12/7/2009 9:23 AM NEWS: Kabul mayor guilty of corruption: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on cor... 6433211178 newsblogsnepal 12/7/2009 9:23 AM BBCSouthAsia- Kabul mayor guilty of corruption: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in... 6433210590 BbcSouthasia 12/7/2009 9:23 AM An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corruption charges and issues a warrant for... 6433198552 newsontheglobe 12/7/2009 9:22 AM BBC News: Kabul mayor guilty of corruption 6433175637 neurodrive1 12/7/2009 9:22 AM Kabul mayor guilty of corruption: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corru.. 6433160010 bbcindia 12/7/2009 9:21 AM Kabul mayor guilty of corruption: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in prison on corru.. 6433132430 bigzeroo 12/7/2009 9:20 AM Der Bürgermeister von Kabul, ist wegen des Verdachts der Bestechlichkeit festgenommen worden | | #Afgahnistan 6433101251 invab 12/7/2009 9:19 AM McChrystal receives Afghan guard of honor in Kabul #General Stanley #Afghan #Kabul #US #policy 6433014376 ayosholat 12/7/2009 9:16 AM via @JokoLangit | tuhan please jangan buat aku ningalin sholat lg mskipu kau tdk kabul kan doa2 aku brusaha tulus mnymbhmu. krn kwajib.. 6432920856 RFE_RLNEWS 12/7/2009 9:12 AM Kabul Mayor Sentenced For Corruption 6432888750 ssg37 12/7/2009 9:11 AM Bu kadar cok "niyet okuyucusu"nun oldugu bir ulkede sunu belirteyim ki; herhangi bir sekilde acilima kabul yada red'dim yoktur.. 6432878274 siyabend 12/7/2009 9:10 AM @erdemcapar Abi oyle bişeyi kabul etse ertesi gün Türkiye'den kavimler göçü başlardı Cameron Diaz nerede yaşıyorsa! 6432836872 Greaterkashmir 12/7/2009 9:09 AM Kabul mayor guilty of corruption: An Afghan court sentences the mayor of Kabul to four years in p.. #kashmir #bbc 6432785411 hubertsrevier 12/7/2009 9:07 AM Wann wird denn in Afghanistan mal so richtig Kabul-a- rasa gemacht? 6432685102 SpitsNWS 12/7/2009 9:03 AM Burgemeester Kabul veroordeeld voor corruptie 6432586820 zweitansage 12/7/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6432560221 inayet 12/7/2009 8:58 AM Haji Muhammad Din is corrupt RT @saadmohseni: Kabul City Mayor found guilty of corruption. He was arrested only a couple of hours ago. 6432533936 Elbarack 12/7/2009 8:57 AM @asnanmagribi @robbycaesar guys, what's your opinion about 'a dream for Kabul' the movie? Nice movie is it? Hehe :p 6432497353 SAL9000TR 12/7/2009 8:56 AM @ilayh ama iyidi be, kabul et!Hem eve döndün diye manastıra kapatmadın ya kendini, elbet değişir birşeyler, çok karamsarsın ya ohoooo :) 6432352666 Poodeww 12/7/2009 8:50 AM @chrsss haha sblom ijab kabul diucapkan gpp kali ditikung..lagian they're just friends kok ;p 6432342256 JokoLangit 12/7/2009 8:50 AM tuhan please jangan buat aku ningalin sholat lg mskipu kau tdk kabul kan doa2 aku brusaha tulus mnymbhmu. krn kwajib.. 6432290221 derjanosch 12/7/2009 8:48 AM RT @AfPakChannel: RT @saadmohseni: Kabul City Mayor found guilty of corruption. He was arrested only a couple of hours ago. 6432251066 mohyiyi 12/7/2009 8:46 AM spakat! apalin! @A_Priandono: @luqman888: apalin ijab kabul! Jgn sampe salah ucap nama! re: prewedding sindrom 6432244113 metro 12/7/2009 8:46 AM Burgemeester Kabul veroordeeld voor corruptie 6432154286 HannaCNN 12/7/2009 8:43 AM @ 10:15 our reporter in Kabul shows us how McChrystal's Afghanistan strategy is being applied and how it's recieved by villagers. 6432146263 INCNIEUWS 12/7/2009 8:42 AM Burgemeester Kabul veroordeeld voor corruptie 6432122903 firdzaradiany 12/7/2009 8:41 AM @mendota kabul 6432077657 OR_Ausland 12/7/2009 8:40 AM Buergermeister von Kabul wegen Verdachts der Bestechlichkeit festgenommen - #Nachrichten #Ausland 6432073679 Twit_krant 12/7/2009 8:39 AM Burgemeester Kabul veroordeeld voor corruptie 6432010516 RSScockpit 12/7/2009 8:37 AM Burgemeester Kabul veroordeeld voor corruptie (Metro, 07-12-09 15:29) 6431866259 cronaca24 12/7/2009 8:31 AM Afghanistan Corruzione 4 anni carcere inflitti a sindaco Kabul 6431633958 Sifter 12/7/2009 8:22 AM swinging dentists, insulted wives and the first Afghan rock band: Adam Curtis's incredible blog on Kabul, post WW2: 6431593389 fallenfaust 12/7/2009 8:20 AM DERSIMI UNUTMAK SUCTUR!...MITINGE KATIL,DESTEKLE...TARIHTE BAKIYE KABUL ETMEYENLERDEN OL!!!ISYAN OZGURLESTIRIR!... 6431575310 UNjobs_HIVAIDS 12/7/2009 8:19 AM Coordinator - Internal Auditor, Kabul, Actionaid Afghanistan @UNjobs #jobs 6431532450 hard_nipples 12/7/2009 8:18 AM Karzai - Excerpts of Afghan President Hamid Karzai's interview with The Associated Press on Thursday at the presidential palace in Kabul: 6431435734 andiranotu 12/7/2009 8:14 AM konuşma esnasındaki kişinin senin doğrularını kabul etmesi ne can sıkıcı birşey;tamam.haklısın.doğru söylüyorsun. 6431400138 emrahzengin 12/7/2009 8:12 AM 10 000 follower i olan birisi niye twittlerini koruma altina alir? Zaten yol gecen hani gibi herkesi kabul etmişsin.. daha ne? 6431287754 EricSutphin 12/7/2009 8:07 AM #Kabul mayor gets 4 years for corruption. Some ministers may be next. Hope this is real will and not political theater. 6431151150 USTalib 12/7/2009 8:01 AM Barack Obama treads Soviet road out of Kabul - MorungExpress 6431093361 srilankanews 12/7/2009 7:59 AM Barack Obama treads Soviet road out of Kabul - MorungExpress 6431074555 limolou 12/7/2009 7:58 AM Policía mata a un líder del Talibán en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Un líder ... 6431055506 NYSDDining 12/7/2009 7:57 AM RT: @todayshow Matt and Al are traveling to Afghanistan today. They will report live from Kabul on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. 6431017274 saadmohseni 12/7/2009 7:56 AM Kabul Mayor set to face more charges in the weeks ahead. TOLO's Guftoman did a big piece on corruption within the Mayor's Office last week 6431000420 Twuth 12/7/2009 7:55 AM RT @saadmohseni: Kabul City Mayor found guilty of corruption. He was arrested only a couple of hours ago. 6430913063 ismailsancak 12/7/2009 7:51 AM @GemzuliLoresima ama o kadar yaşlanmadığımızı da kabul ediyorum. keyifli zamanlara daha çok şey sığacak, enerjide eksilen bişey yok aslında. 6430825513 wereldomroep 12/7/2009 7:47 AM Sahar Jahish reist met enge en poëtische chauffeurs door Kabul 6430795811 Zener39 12/7/2009 7:46 AM RT @AfPakChannel RT @saadmohseni: Kabul City Mayor found guilty of corruption. He was arrested only a couple of hours ago. 6430784564 ManeyandRiley 12/7/2009 7:46 AM RT @todayshow: Matt and Al are traveling to Afghanistan today. They will report live from Kabul on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. 6430769282 blairmiller 12/7/2009 7:45 AM RT @saadmohseni: Kabul City Mayor found guilty of corruption. He was arrested only a couple of hours ago. 6430765595 marie__ryan 12/7/2009 7:45 AM RT @saadmohseni: Kabul City Mayor found guilty of corruption. He was arrested only a couple of hours ago. 6430753690 AfPakChannel 12/7/2009 7:44 AM RT @saadmohseni: Kabul City Mayor found guilty of corruption. He was arrested only a couple of hours ago. 6430742243 saadmohseni 12/7/2009 7:44 AM Kabul City Mayor found guilty of corruption. He was arrested only a couple of hours ago. 6430572898 cecigualberto 12/7/2009 7:36 AM KABUL foi óótimo ontem!Emenda no ESTADÃO dps...comida deliciosa...ahhh podia ser tdo fds né?xD (casa da Mi) 6430535298 Wais85 12/7/2009 7:34 AM RT @demotix Kabul military training compound | 6430466644 purplerebel 12/7/2009 7:31 AM Dreams For Kabul is a boring movie. It's dragging too long. The idea was good, but the execution was really poor. 6430308072 TantaoNews 12/7/2009 7:24 AM Taliban key commander killed in NW. Afghanistan: KABUL, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) -- Police eliminated Taliban key comman.. 6430306081 Tantao_Breaking 12/7/2009 7:24 AM Taliban key commander killed in NW. Afghanistan: KABUL, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) -- Police eliminated Taliban key comman.. 6430221988 GenuineAccess 12/7/2009 7:20 AM RT @MickiMaynard: RT @todayshow: Matt and Al are traveling to Afghanistan today. They report live from Kabul on Tuesday & Wednesday morning. 6430188249 TantaoNews 12/7/2009 7:18 AM Taliban key commander killed in NW. Afghanistan: KABUL, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) -- Police eliminated Taliban key comman.. 6430186862 News711 12/7/2009 7:18 AM Karzai to unveil Afghan cabinet on Tuesday: KABUL : Afghan President Hamid Karzai, facing massive Western press.. 6430184167 gundelizer 12/7/2009 7:18 AM Karzai to unveil Afghan cabinet on Tuesday: KABUL : Afghan President Hamid Karzai, facing massive Wester... #CNewsAsia 6430059320 habercimurat 12/7/2009 7:12 AM yoldaşlar bir karar aldım, followers sayım 500'ü bulduktan sonra yeni üye kabul etmeyeceğim, nedenini sormayın tamamen duygusal 6429838617 abc_global 12/7/2009 7:02 AM ABC: El alcalde de Kabul, condenado a cuatro años de cárcel por corrupción 6429838745 Agency86 12/7/2009 7:02 AM El alcalde de Kabul, condenado a cuatro años de cárcel por corrupción: El alcalde de Kabul ha sido condenado hoy... 6429790875 zweitansage 12/7/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6429706291 BetteDam 12/7/2009 6:55 AM @Hairan welcome back. i am still in the south. see you in kabul 6429674876 oguzprog 12/7/2009 6:54 AM @nefiss Eğer bir gün bir yerde size rastlasam ve tanışmak istesem, tanışmayı kabul eder misiniz? 6429654151 oguzprog 12/7/2009 6:53 AM @nefiss listenize kabul ettiğinize çok sevindim nefise hanım. umarım sizinle tanıştığım günleri de görürüm. 6429567887 selimciprut 12/7/2009 6:48 AM 35)Ahmet sokakta koşmaya başlar.Daha jetskinin taksidinin bitmesine 8 ay vardır.Bunu kabul edemez,koşarken ağlamaktadır.Ağlarken koşmaz. 6429468011 ericfeed 12/7/2009 6:43 AM Karzai to unveil Afghan cabinet on Tuesday: KABUL : Afghan President Hamid Karzai, facing massive Western press.. 6429459743 MBC1965 12/7/2009 6:43 AM RT @todayshow: Matt and Al are traveling to Afghanistan today. They will report live from Kabul on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. 6429428887 W7VOA 12/7/2009 6:41 AM RT @todayshow: Matt and Al are traveling to Afghanistan today. They will report live from Kabul on Tuesday & Wednesday morning. #NBC 6429292901 michaelsarko 12/7/2009 6:34 AM New post: The Treasure of Kabul 6429280707 wfmjtoday 12/7/2009 6:34 AM RT @todayshow: Matt and Al are traveling to Afghanistan today. They will report live from Kabul on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. #fb 6429272686 Sabz2009 12/7/2009 6:33 AM RT @SetarehSabety: مرگ بر طالبان چه كابل چه تهرانone of my favorite chant: death to taliban in Kabul or Tehran! #iranelection 6429191758 SetarehSabety 12/7/2009 6:29 AM مرگ بر طالبان چه كابل چه تهرانone of my favorite chant: death to taliban in Kabul or Tehran! #iranelection 6429172134 MickiMaynard 12/7/2009 6:28 AM RT @todayshow: Matt and Al are traveling to Afghanistan today. They will report live from Kabul on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. 6429117169 videocrux 12/7/2009 6:25 AM #Videocrux - Kabul residents losing trusts in troops ability 6429109814 EZF_TalkShows 12/7/2009 6:25 AM RT @todayshow: Matt and Al are traveling to Afghanistan today. They will report live from Kabul on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. 6429091564 CarySkelton 12/7/2009 6:24 AM RT @todayshow: Matt and Al are traveling to Afghanistan today. They will report live from Kabul on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. 6429085219 WESH2Sunrise 12/7/2009 6:23 AM RT @todayshow: Matt and Al are traveling to Afghanistan today. They will report live from Kabul on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. 6429043883 lyshacute 12/7/2009 6:21 AM RT @todayshow: Matt and Al are traveling to Afghanistan today. They will report live from Kabul on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. 6429042252 mrdavidtaylor 12/7/2009 6:21 AM Matt and Al are traveling to Afghanistan today. They will report live from Kabul (via @todayshow)AlDoing the weather?? 6429026654 LMPEACE 12/7/2009 6:20 AM @richardengelnbc Looking forward to more reports with Matt and Al coming to Kabul! Always excellent! :) 6429001682 lnp_38 12/7/2009 6:19 AM @richardengelnbc Al Roker in Kabul?! Have fun with Matt & Al these next couple days. :-) 6428996721 yagbebi 12/7/2009 6:19 AM RT @oli2be: Slogans "Death to Taliban - In Kabul & in Tehran" (via @chashmsabz @Iran_Translator) #IranElection /via @parvati_roma 6428984090 todayshow 12/7/2009 6:18 AM Matt and Al are traveling to Afghanistan today. They will report live from Kabul on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. 6428945507 aldyboy 12/7/2009 6:16 AM @cely_boNceL kabul tuh siapa?? kalo cabul mah tau.. hahaha.. 6428931955 parvati_roma 12/7/2009 6:15 AM RT @oli2be: Slogans "Death to Taliban - In Kabul & in Tehran" (via @chashmsabz @Iran_Translator) #IranElection 6428910670 masih09 12/7/2009 6:14 AM RT @Iran_Translator: Tehran35: Slogans "Death to Taliban - In Kabul And in Tehran" (via @chashmsabz) 6428900154 oli2be 12/7/2009 6:13 AM Slogans "Death to Taliban - In Kabul & in Tehran" (via @chashmsabz @Iran_Translator) #IranElection 6428885008 luckypara 12/7/2009 6:12 AM RT @cosmoweb: RT @ysbee: これまでなかった新スローガン登場「カブールとテヘランのタリバンに死を」腐敗政権を意味か @Iran_Translator: Slogans "Death to Taliban In Kabul & Tehran" 6428873715 Whizzbizz 12/7/2009 6:12 AM RT @Iran_Translator: Tehran35: Slogans "Death to Taliban - In Kabul And in Tehran" (via @chashmsabz) #iranelection #iran #16Azar 6428833090 monique2824 12/7/2009 6:10 AM RT @Sonja_Jo RT @Iran_Translator: Tehran35: Slogans "Death to Taliban - In Kabul And in Tehran" (via @chashmsabz) 6428825662 cosmoweb 12/7/2009 6:09 AM RT @ysbee: これまでなかった新スローガン登場「カブールとテヘランのタリバンに死を」腐敗政権を意味か @Iran_Translator: Slogans "Death to Taliban In Kabul & Tehran" #iranelection 6428809868 misstella_w 12/7/2009 6:08 AM RT @Sonja_Jo @Iran_Translator: Tehran35: Slogans "Death to Taliban - In Kabul And in Tehran" (via @chashmsabz) 6428800016 rocketroater 12/7/2009 6:08 AM RT @Iran_Translator: Tehran35: Slogans "Death to Taliban - In Kabul And in Tehran" (via @chashmsabz) #iranelection #iran #16Azar 6428797817 ysbee 12/7/2009 6:08 AM これまでなかった新スローガン登場「カブールとテヘランのタリバンに死を」腐敗政権を意味か @Iran_Translator: Slogans "Death to Taliban In Kabul & Tehran" @chashmsabz #iranelection #16Azar 6428792198 Sonja_Jo 12/7/2009 6:07 AM RT @Iran_Translator: Tehran35: Slogans "Death to Taliban - In Kabul And in Tehran" (via @chashmsabz) 6428783742 cely_boNceL 12/7/2009 6:07 AM @aldyboy Huww..g asig lo ahh..Yg kek cabul d??Eh,kabul mksudna..:p 6428679731 aariaeegirl 12/7/2009 6:01 AM RT @Anahita999: RT @iran_translator Tehran35: Slogans "Death to Taliban - In Kabul And in Tehran" (via @chashmsabz) #iranelection #iran 6428671274 Anahita999 12/7/2009 6:01 AM RT @iran_translator Tehran35: Slogans "Death to Taliban - In Kabul And in Tehran" (via @chashmsabz) #iranelection #iran #16Azar 6428655357 Iran_Translator 12/7/2009 6:00 AM Tehran35: Slogans "Death to Taliban - In Kabul And in Tehran" (via @chashmsabz) #iranelection #iran #16Azar 6428650691 zweitansage 12/7/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6428648842 Iran_Translator 12/7/2009 5:59 AM Tehran35: Slogans "Death to Taliban - In Kabul And in Tehran" (via @chashmsabz) 6428559846 archiebland 12/7/2009 5:54 AM amazing foreign news fact of the day: refugee influx (partly) means kabul is now seven times size it was in 2001 6428535607 jasonflemyng 12/7/2009 5:53 AM bugun kabul günüm sanırım 6428229959 USTalib 12/7/2009 5:34 AM Taliban's Commander of Kabul Province Seifullah Jalali: No Dialogue with the US 6428143636 MEMRIReports 12/7/2009 5:29 AM Taliban's Commander of Kabul Province Seifullah Jalali: No Dialogue with the US 6428112559 purplerebel 12/7/2009 5:27 AM Jiffest: Dreams for Kabul 6428049796 oh_yess 12/7/2009 5:23 AM Serius lo ga ada nama lo?? RT @ludfi_khan: T'kabul doa gw..... Amiieen. Pengumuman g ada namanya. Skr dialih ke SEKNEG. Horrreeee. 6428048499 AlvinSalim 12/7/2009 5:23 AM watching dream for kabul @jiffest.. 6427947661 MickeyPic 12/7/2009 5:16 AM An Afghan child begs on the streets of Kabul. A human rights ...: (AFP/File) - An Afghan child begs on the streets ... 6427911619 lyndons 12/7/2009 5:14 AM Even since Glasnost, we're not seeing serious lessons learned by Soviet leaders who spent the 1980s propping up a client regime in Kabul. 6427811296 HanzeleHill 12/7/2009 5:07 AM @ahsen_ Sakaryasporu seviyorsan yarı adalısın :) yoksa kabul etmem :P 6427788722 sekslopedi 12/7/2009 5:06 AM Kız öğrencilerin seks partisi cinayeti...: Oda arkadaşını seks partisine zorlayıp, kabul etmeyince de öldüren A.. 6427740401 raincitykid 12/7/2009 5:02 AM @kakaar dr pada bengong mending ijab kabul (re:mesjid raya) 6427719078 ProfdelaPaz 12/7/2009 5:01 AM A very interesting piece at Asia Times: #Obama treads Soviet road out of Kabul #AfPak 6427696379 zweitansage 12/7/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6427623822 missscs 12/7/2009 4:55 AM @selimciprut ben daha kabul etmedim işi:P 6427601736 selimciprut 12/7/2009 4:53 AM @missscs Mantıklı gibi.... geldi :)) Kabul edelim bari :)) işe alındın.. 6427442695 cemilebostanci 12/7/2009 4:42 AM Haftanın ilk günü tatilin bittiğini kabul edememe hali 6427355626 Newordss 12/7/2009 4:36 AM Afghan President To Submit Cabinet To Parliament Tuesday - Spokesman: KABUL (AFP)--Afghan President Hamid Kar... 6427166125 cemilebostanci 12/7/2009 4:22 AM Haftanın ilk günü tatilin bittiğini kabul edememe hali 6427150749 zeynepsarac 12/7/2009 4:21 AM yağmurlu bir istanbul....artık kışın geldiğini kabul etsem iyi olcak 6427121656 jedalus 12/7/2009 4:19 AM AsiaTimes Obama treads Soviet road out of Kabul: As world capitals react to United States President Barack Obama's ... 6426859519 zweitansage 12/7/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6426578251 bolbol_dunya 12/7/2009 3:39 AM Irak'ta yeni seçim yasası kabul edildi 6426379931 stefanomaullu 12/7/2009 3:24 AM Visita a Pro Bambini Kabul, centro per bimbi disabili creato nel 2002 su invito di Papa Giovanni Paolo II e gestito da Suor Michela Dainese 6426259518 blijfbij 12/7/2009 3:15 AM Karzai maakt dinsdag regering bekend: KABUL - De Afghaanse president Hamid Karzai maakt dinsdag de namen bekend van een 6426056698 rizgari_news 12/7/2009 3:01 AM Yeni seçim yasası kabul edildi 6426039565 zweitansage 12/7/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6425756615 jezabellarosso 12/7/2009 2:40 AM tamam; yalnızca aptallar 8 saat uyur kabul ama, daha aptal olanlar 2 ayını uykusuz geçirir herhalde... 6425728921 rumoverijse 12/7/2009 2:38 AM Traditions in Afghanistan - Afghan horsemen compete during a game of buzkashi in Kabul. 6425683135 hokandurmus 12/7/2009 2:34 AM Söylediklerini Kabul Etmeyebilirim; Ama Söyleme Hakkını Ölünceye Kadar Desteklerim. VOLTAİRE 6425513645 ozgesizolmaz 12/7/2009 2:22 AM Ahmet Hakan niye televizyon izlediğini kabul etmiyo hep tv nin önünden geçerken diye anlatıyor ,adam oturmuyor evinde hep yürüyüş halinde 6425488534 birlaaa 12/7/2009 2:21 AM My Kabul ( 6425386905 fogbank 12/7/2009 2:14 AM @vincenzoruocco Lo prendo come un complimento. Sarebbe peggio se ti facessi venire in mente Kabul, tipo. 6425175835 zweitansage 12/7/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6425140197 noujij 12/7/2009 1:57 AM 'Toestand Afghaanse vrouwen ronduit ellendig': KABUL - Vrouwen in Afghanistan behoren tot degenen die er het ellend... 6425140303 nouwij 12/7/2009 1:57 AM 'Toestand Afghaanse vrouwen ronduit ellendig': KABUL - Vrouwen in Afghanistan behoren tot degenen die er het ellend... 6425137211 vermistverloren 12/7/2009 1:57 AM 'Toestand Afghaanse vrouwen ronduit ellendig': KABUL - Vrouwen in Afghanistan behoren tot degenen die er het ... 6425058549 suddenexposure 12/7/2009 1:52 AM afghanistan in free fall : moises saman, nytimes, on assignment: KABUL — I was one of the hundreds of young... 6425055325 purplerebel 12/7/2009 1:51 AM @ijoli ato nonton bareng gw? dokumenter madani, A Dream For Kabul. pelem yg bikin depresi kalo kata @lincelince hihihi 6424962245 UNjobs_HIVAIDS 12/7/2009 1:45 AM Project Manager, Kabul, SAF @UNjobs #jobs 6424857585 fingertipnews2 12/7/2009 1:39 AM UPI-Top News: Karzai calls for 'patience' from U.S.: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 6 (UPI) -- Afghan Pr.. 6424802410 hercee 12/7/2009 1:35 AM Harus lebih khusyu nih b'doa nya,,aku ingin doa2 ku t'kabul .. Amin ya ALLAH 6424567536 dsnybest 12/7/2009 1:20 AM Police quell protest on anniversary of killing: KABUL -- An estimated $10 million a day is smuggled out of Afghanis... 6424567537 litopchoice1 12/7/2009 1:20 AM Police quell protest on anniversary of killing: KABUL -- An estimated $10 million a day is smuggled out of Afghanis... 6424441056 PhoenixScanner 12/7/2009 1:12 AM KABUL, Afghanistan An international security force conducted an air strike today and destroyed a known Taliban stronghold bunkers 6424270108 vera_kaori 12/7/2009 1:02 AM Saia doakan semoga doa anda t'kabul,..amiiiinnn..RT @abangarfan: Mudah2an dapet onderdil vespa dgn harga murah,hehe 6424052501 legal_lawyer 12/7/2009 12:49 AM Kabul's no frozen-in-time war zone 6423755261 USTalib 12/7/2009 12:31 AM Kabul airport major hub for smugglers - Concord Monitor 6423748714 onderfurkan 12/7/2009 12:31 AM @Mke1982 biz Ece ve oray i bile olduğu gibi kabul etmisken @haritaci70 nin somurtmus olduguna takilmiyalim sevgili twitdas 6423525143 blijfbij 12/7/2009 12:19 AM Toestand vrouwen in Afghanistan ellendig: KABUL - Vrouwen in Afghanistan behoren tot degenen die er het ellendigst aan t 6423354516 nieuwsguru 12/7/2009 12:09 AM Toestand vrouwen in Afghanistan ellendig: KABUL (ANP) - Vrouwen in Afghanistan behoren tot degenen die er het e.. 6423152613 BNR_Nieuwsradio 12/6/2009 11:59 PM Toestand vrouwen in Afghanistan ellendig: KABUL (ANP) - Vrouwen in Afghanistan behoren tot degenen die er het ellen... 6423143656 reistweets 12/6/2009 11:58 PM Toestand vrouwen in Afghanistan ellendig: KABUL - Vrouwen in Afghanistan behoren tot degenen die er het ellendigst ... 6422753145 goal1Zero 12/6/2009 11:38 PM Karsai: Verbündete müssen Geduld mit Kabul haben 6421777430 fastfeednews 12/6/2009 10:51 PM Karsai: Verbündete müssen Geduld mit Kabul haben: Der afghanische Präsident Hamid Karsai hat die USA u.. 6421698688 martinjhoward 12/6/2009 10:47 PM “Operation Enduring Freedom”. Paghman Gardens, Kabul... 6421581643 BurtHenry 12/6/2009 10:42 PM Producer in Kabul talking w/diplomats, gender experts & Afghan women - they fear 2011 exit date sends clear signal to Taliban to wait it out 6421531354 twiggyoh 12/6/2009 10:40 PM RT @kissmygumbo: Good morning in Kabul. It is 7:42 AM now and the high will be 51 degrees. 30 degrees now - dress warm & be safe! #milit ... 6421272717 youthvoices 12/6/2009 10:28 PM The book I am reading is "West of Kabul, East of New York" written by Tamim Ansari.The last chapter I read, He wa... 6421140897 dpa_newsticker 12/6/2009 10:22 PM Washington - Karsai: Verbündete müssen Geduld mit Kabul haben 6421035564 ilbeysengul 12/6/2009 10:18 PM ekliyorsun kabul etmiyorum ertesi gün niye tekrar ekliyorsun ki? 6420931860 NewsSearching 12/6/2009 10:14 PM Karsai: Verbündete müssen Geduld mit Kabul haben 6420927130 cagzad 12/6/2009 10:13 PM @anilyazici şu an her türlü yenilebilir maddeleri kabul edebilirim, lütfen bunu yarın konuşalım 6420819271 ronbridges 12/6/2009 10:09 PM @TexasRV And we can put a countdown clock in Kabul so the Taliban would know exactly what date we will leave. 6420416571 RZTicker 12/6/2009 9:53 PM Washington: Karsai: Verbündete müssen Geduld mit Kabul haben 6419682166 Paceset9999 12/6/2009 9:23 PM R @kissmygumbo Good morning in Kabul. It is 7:42 AM now and the high will be 51 degrees. 30 degrees now - dress warm & be safe!#militarymon 6419511532 Forbesindia 12/6/2009 9:16 PM My Kabul 6419467600 Beanies4Baghdad 12/6/2009 9:15 PM R @kissmygumbo Good morning in Kabul. It is 7:42 AM now and the high will be 51 degrees. 30 degrees now - dress warm & be safe! #militarymon 6419413082 kissmygumbo 12/6/2009 9:13 PM Good morning in Kabul. It is 7:42 AM now and the high will be 51 degrees. 30 degrees now - dress warm & be safe! #militarymon 6418329109 glcarlstrom 12/6/2009 8:31 PM @AfPakChannel After 3 days of congressional hearings, McChrystal and Eikenberry will probably be thrilled to get back to Kabul 6417992872 safe_waters 12/6/2009 8:18 PM #reutersIN Afghan women among worst off in world-rights group: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan women are among the worst off in 6417483128 hotstuff4women 12/6/2009 7:59 PM Afghan women among worst off in world|KABUL, Dec 7 ? Afghan women are among the worst off in the world, violence .. 6417348657 REDDITSPAMMOR 12/6/2009 7:54 PM #reddit KABUL--The Taliban said in a statement Saturday it would provide a "legal guarantee" that they would... #rulez 6417331349 m_insider 12/6/2009 7:53 PM Afghan women among worst off in world: KABUL, Dec 7 — Afghan women are among the worst off in the world, violence... 6417166526 fingertipnews2 12/6/2009 7:47 PM UPI-Top News: Group slams treatment of Afghan women: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 6 (UPI) -- Afghanist.. 6417161847 fingertipnews2 12/6/2009 7:46 PM Reuters Intl: Afghan women among worst off in world-rights group: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan women a.. 6416672596 freedom4USA 12/6/2009 7:28 PM Intl News:#tcot #sgp Afghan women 'worst off in the world': KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan women are among the worst of... 6416463554 leadigloo 12/6/2009 7:20 PM Kabul: City number one - Part 6, The war on pop: Pop music's role in Afghanistan's history 6416360336 KBAndersen 12/6/2009 7:16 PM #whentwitterwasdown, I mashed up TTopics: after Christmas/#Xmas, #in2010, & Modern Warfare 2 begins,in Kabul are we Cowboys? Saints? Giants? 6416174395 ncerenargon 12/6/2009 7:09 PM 1 famville gift isteğini kabul etmedim,fertilized your crops mu etsem acaba?:) 6415978935 Renidarla 12/6/2009 7:01 PM Pasangan di amerika melakukan ijab kabul lewat twitter dan di saksikan oleh pendeta. Pertanyaannya: pendetanya punya twitter ga?? :D 6415908767 hotstuff4women 12/6/2009 6:59 PM Group slams treatment of Afghan women|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 6 (UPI) -- Afghanistan is failing to protect its .. 6415587010 liveadsense 12/6/2009 6:46 PM 20 Afghan women among worst off in world-rights group: KABUL - Afghan women are among the worst off in the world, ... 6415561960 Strightshooter2 12/6/2009 6:45 PM RT @AfghanistanDocu: Graham Fuller former CIA station chief in Kabul says "Obama Kicks the Can Down the Road" 6415344602 USTalib 12/6/2009 6:37 PM KABUL--The Taliban said in a statement Saturday it would provide a "legal guarantee" that they would not interv.. 6415276865 KimBomin 12/6/2009 6:34 PM Afghan women among worst off in world-rights group: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan women are among the worst off i... #Korea 6415276540 HeadlinesNewz 12/6/2009 6:34 PM Afghan women among worst off in world-rights group: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan women are among the worst off in the w... 6415276624 thadrodrigues 12/6/2009 6:34 PM Reuters World News Afghan women among worst off in world-rights group: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan women are among the... 6415171533 NedaThomas 12/6/2009 6:30 PM KABUL--The Taliban said in a statement Saturday it would provide a "legal guarantee" that they would not intervene ... 6414483243 fingertipnews 12/6/2009 6:04 PM RT @jamiedupree: Obama to meet Monday PM with Afghan war commander and US Ambassador to Kabul 6414445818 jamiedupree 12/6/2009 6:03 PM Obama to meet Monday PM with Afghan war commander and US Ambassador to Kabul 6414238905 fingertipnews2 12/6/2009 5:55 PM Reuters Intl: Afghan women among worst off in world-rights group: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan women a.. 6414132774 pynarozel 12/6/2009 5:51 PM @casnici bence bir konuş yetkili biriyle ve tavrını koy ortaya açık açık... kokpiti kabul etmezlerse de otobüsle git- gel bundan sonra!!! 6413968030 liveadsense 12/6/2009 5:45 PM 20 Afghan women among worst off in world-rights group: KABUL - Afghan women are among the worst off in the world, ... 6413967518 NagiMurat 12/6/2009 5:45 PM @cuneytozdemir sayın özdemir fazla yüklendiniz ama kabul edin şiir cukk oturdu o başkaa 6413911386 mawhlz 12/6/2009 5:42 PM lily allen - kabul shit 6413655823 wcompanyportal 12/6/2009 5:32 PM [REUTERS]: Afghan women among worst off in world-rights group: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan women are among the worst o... 6413655824 buybooksonline1 12/6/2009 5:32 PM [REUTERS]: Afghan women among worst off in world-rights group: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan women are among the worst o... 6413508103 zweitansage 12/6/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6413376012 siyehkar 12/6/2009 4:55 PM @mguzelsoy sipas dikim.Yok artık ne kitabı.Ben bir acemi derviş ,önümde pişmem için uzun bir zaman var.Dergâhınıza kabul eylerseniz beni, 6413354633 biox 12/6/2009 4:54 PM @Notredamedesion Öyle kabul edelim : ) 6412977407 Sycorox 12/6/2009 4:39 PM tamam kabul ediyorum tam anlamıylan kova kadınıyem:) 6412900574 mhvs 12/6/2009 4:36 PM evet akademik makale yazarını beğendim, bi de üstüne rules!! dedim, suçumu kabul ediyorum 6412881178 goal1Zero 12/6/2009 4:36 PM Karsai: Verbündete müssen Geduld mit Kabul haben 6412614664 norwegian007 12/6/2009 4:26 PM Sounds like a lot of Kabul to the GOP - The Richmark Sentinel 6411911337 zweitansage 12/6/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6411892427 videocrux 12/6/2009 3:59 PM #Videocrux - Kabul residents not at all hopeful of the new operation 6411844050 videocrux 12/6/2009 3:57 PM #Videocrux - Lieutenant General McChrystal, new US commander in Kabul 6411364225 bubbinark 12/6/2009 3:40 PM @IpekYaprak bu tivitini yazılmamış kabul ediyorum! 6410790128 vagabot 12/6/2009 3:21 PM #HubdubWorldNews Afghanistan is in South Asia and the capital is Kabul. You can find more information about it on ... 6410587153 ashvanee 12/6/2009 3:15 PM @21ouz hmm trabzona gellincee..kesinlikle ankarayla karşılaştırmayı kabul edemem ama kendi çapında idare ediyor =Dama çok sıkıcı,ahh bomboş! 6410512060 noktalivirgul 12/6/2009 3:12 PM @mockcaterpillar peki sordun mu @EmreOztunc un şehri bizi kabul edecek mi? sen elmayı seviyorsun diye elma da seni sevecek mi? 6410073141 zweitansage 12/6/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6410007889 hilmihacaloglu 12/6/2009 2:58 PM sakın miss pizza'ya gitmeyin. bir kere o tat nöronlarca beyne taşındıktan sonra bünye başka pizza kabul etmiyor. benden söylemesi, tehlikeli 6409777946 Shoq 12/6/2009 2:50 PM Start a new crack processing plant in Kabul? RT @CinbadLI: @LouYoungNY Hamid Karzai ...will help HIM do what he needs to do. 6409619014 globezoom_info 12/6/2009 2:44 PM Panzer weltweit, Übersicht im 1. Beitrag: In Kabul bin ich gleich über zwei Panzerfriedhö.. at 6409116908 Groucho68 12/6/2009 2:27 PM Il Sole 24 ORE - Il bluff di Obama sul ritiro da Kabul temo sia tutto piuttosto fedele alla verità 6408690807 bundeswehr_jobs 12/6/2009 2:12 PM Nach Bundeswehr-Luftschlag: Angehörige wollen vor Internationalen Gerichtshof ...: Kabul/Den Haag/Berlin (Deaf New... 6408538701 ICUMarketing 12/6/2009 2:06 PM America's sudoku warsSimon Tisdall|Adolph Dubs , America's former ambassador to Kabul, who was kidnapped by .. 6408468040 sadancoskun 12/6/2009 2:04 PM @ahmethakanozgur hakemler hata yapiyor ama iyi takimlar maci son 10 dakika kendi kalelerinde kabul etmemeli. 6408355723 zweitansage 12/6/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6407112573 margorez 12/6/2009 1:13 PM @tarawirianjani HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHA.. sungguh apes ala tessy kabul! 6406765209 zweitansage 12/6/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6406632848 oldman_crank 12/6/2009 12:54 PM KABUL, AFGHANISTAN — Assault Breacher Vehicle goes to work in Afghaniscam. That's militaryese for "blew up another one?" 6406403553 Sercinho 12/6/2009 12:45 PM dtp'yi tüm kürtlerin temsilcisi olarak kabul etmek başlı başına bir hataydı. şimdi açtırdılar kutuyu giren çıkan bu kaosun müsebbiblerine. 6405796517 featured_health 12/6/2009 12:20 PM Nursing Homes Mgmt Kabul Nursing Home - Cabool, MO - nursing & convalescent h.. #nursing #homes 6405775971 featured_health 12/6/2009 12:19 PM Nursing Homes Mgmt Kabul Nursing Home - Cabool, MO - nursing & convalescent h.. #nursing #homes 6405675873 mmercedesi 12/6/2009 12:15 PM Che, hay un lindo especial de Bowie en el reproductor de la página de Kabul. 6405341811 POTUFSS 12/6/2009 12:02 PM U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 6 (UPI) -- A landmine killed a U.S. soldier and a .. 6405292852 angelchristie77 12/6/2009 12:00 PM U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 6 (UPI) -- A landmine killed a U.S. soldier and a .. 6405287048 Obamashitlist 12/6/2009 12:00 PM U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 6 (UPI) -- A landmine killed a U.S. soldier and a .. 6405284510 zweitansage 12/6/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6405213627 fpleitgenCNN 12/6/2009 11:57 AM Just went for a boxing workout at CNN Kabul Gym. Boxing is great war zone fitness because you can do it in small rooms with almost no gear 6405209174 capknozan44 12/6/2009 11:56 AM arkadaş olarak ekledim seni kabul et 6405163486 gokciii 12/6/2009 11:54 AM @ultranil07 : yazmış kadar olmak yazmak değildir ama değil mi :):) tamam kabul yazdım ama en azından biraz süsledim, daha az yavan oldu :) 6405065478 google_earth_de 12/6/2009 11:50 AM google_earth_forum (missbrauchter?) Fußballplatz in Kabul: as Camp Warehous.. by 6404994100 serdarakinan 12/6/2009 11:47 AM @cuneytozdemir nihayet kabul ettin yani...Battilar...:) 6404949623 gmzkrt 12/6/2009 11:45 AM Başbakanla yüzyüze görüşmek istiyorum, ve artık bu ülkeyi yönetemediklerini kabul etmeleri konusunda ikna etmek istiyorum. 6404911217 ertancvs 12/6/2009 11:44 AM Barcelona, THY'nin sponsorluk teklifini kabul etmiş... Hayırlı uğurlu olsun... [pic] 6404906498 globezoom_info 12/6/2009 11:43 AM (missbrauchter?) Fußballplatz in Kabul: as Camp Warehouse ist eine Militärbasis, die sich.. at 6404852278 memati_zb 12/6/2009 11:41 AM @ceyhunyilmazz selam ceyhun abi senin ağızından bir haber duyurmak istiyorum yarın tabi kabul edersen abi 6404764448 matheken 12/6/2009 11:37 AM Indians- Pakistanis and Afghans are talking in Kabul. No fire works, most of the experts r out of tch with relty 6404657135 sitivmakkuin 12/6/2009 11:32 AM "göt sikmek" sık kullanılan bir aşağılama yöntemi bu ülkede ona kabul de, o götü sikmekle mükellef insan da fena bir pozisyonda sonuçta. 6404547218 philipauer 12/6/2009 11:28 AM @akmalwardak to kabul tonight to take care of some "Business" 6404401666 terasbanuk 12/6/2009 11:21 AM @suzmeasure 7 aylık hamile kadını sancısıyla kabul etmeyen 7 ayrı hastane!..bu 7 rakamıyla ilgili bi terslik mi baştan mı koktuk.. 6404393462 sleepuh 12/6/2009 11:21 AM NO SEX bfore ijab kabul....! 6404350269 veronicalves 12/6/2009 11:19 AM Miou o Kabul de novo (: eitabeleza, belo final de semana. Me resta acompanhar o final do campeonato mesmo, e me estressar (: 6404329123 BobOpyd 12/6/2009 11:18 AM I got a COLD damnit! Work for months in the 13th century, i.e., Kabul and nothing, come home to US and BAM! Go figure! 6404030196 Jeannebr 12/6/2009 11:05 AM RT @BernieKram The Capeman of Kabul needs to fix his s**t rather than asking us to have patience. 6403995130 BernieKram 12/6/2009 11:04 AM The Capeman of Kabul needs to fix his s**t rather than asking us to have patience. 6403924701 OrKy77 12/6/2009 11:01 AM @AyhanGurel ben sabirsizim canim kabul ediyorum ama sendeki icraatlar col yavas:)) 6403896750 zweitansage 12/6/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6403724797 isil_ay 12/6/2009 10:52 AM takıntılı taktak...şizofren manyak =)) özetle been!!!artık kabul ediorum 6403676083 JoDeNicholas 12/6/2009 10:50 AM @bitslaw Thank you for noticing ;-) My son deploys on Jan 4 - will be East as much as affordable b4 then. Don't think Skype works in Kabul 6403116612 fingertipnews 12/6/2009 10:25 AM UPI-Top News: U.S. solider killed in Afghanistan - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 6 (UPI) -- A landmine killed a U.S. so... 6403094139 bigron06 12/6/2009 10:24 AM türk hava yolları, fc barcelona'nın sponsorluk teklifini kabul etmiş, sponsorluk teklifinin barcelona'dan gelmesi de ayrı bir hoşluk. 6403016432 UticaDailyNews 12/6/2009 10:21 AM U.S. solider killed in Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 6 (UPI) -- A landmine killed a U.S. soldier while a NA... 6402928203 chrisfahey 12/6/2009 10:17 AM This article refers to a "cable" memo from Kabul to Washington. WTF is a "cable"? I mean, is this 1909 or something?: 6402919583 DilaOzsoy 12/6/2009 10:16 AM @mehmetcikikci zaten henuz kabul bile edilmedik :( sana havaianas alalim biz onla roportaja gideriz cok havali olur :D 6402914689 Lukeskitchen 12/6/2009 10:16 AM Just got back from the Presidential Palace, Pres Karzai had an intv with @AmanpourCNN. Watch at 2pEST/1130p Kabul time. (via @AtiaAbawi) 6402806880 fredericknchgo 12/6/2009 10:11 AM RT @AtiaAbawi: Just got back from the Presidential Palace, Pres Karzai had an intv with @AmanpourCNN. Watch at 2pEST/1130p Kabul time. 6402793600 mas54 12/6/2009 10:11 AM Il fantasma di Kabul 6402741766 elifile 12/6/2009 10:08 AM tamam canım bende eskişehirsporluyum ama fazla abarttığımızı kabul edelim, alt tarafı bi fenerbahçe yani... 6402540541 zweitansage 12/6/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6402164620 dehliiiz 12/6/2009 9:42 AM bende marslı olmak istiorum...Bir hap atsam karnım doysa..Kimseyle tartışmadan fkirlerimin hepsi kabul olsa..Çocuk yapsam sesi çıkmasa... 6402005804 efedoruk 12/6/2009 9:35 AM @dYgYn bunu bir fikir olarak da kabul edebilirsin, afiyetler olsun simdiden :) 6401979645 fingertipnews2 12/6/2009 9:33 AM UPI-Top News: U.S. solider killed in Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 6 (UPI) -- A landmine k.. 6401822229 listindiario 12/6/2009 9:26 AM Soldados estadounidenses muertos este año en Afganistán son ya más de 300: KABUL.- La explosión de una bomba co... 6401651865 xertstay 12/6/2009 9:18 AM @suzmeasure Vallahi bilmiyorum bişey gönderirlerse kabul etme hatta sil...:)) 6401535991 nedaehaq 12/6/2009 9:13 AM Beside small number in the Kabul regime and pro Americans around, most ordinary grass roots people of Afghanistan don't want foreign troop. 6401456809 nedaehaq 12/6/2009 9:09 AM More troops to Afghanistan to secure stooge Kabul regime from the Afghanistan people who resist occupation is not 21-century democracy. 6401350498 85Broads 12/6/2009 9:04 AM RT @AtiaAbawi: Just got back from the Presidential Palace, Pres Karzai had an intv with @AmanpourCNN. Watch at 2pEST/1130p Kabul time. 6401309807 tandmark 12/6/2009 9:02 AM Former CIA station chief in Kabul calls Obama's war surge 'futile': 6401250223 zweitansage 12/6/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6401189093 Seanotd 12/6/2009 8:57 AM RT @AllMilitaryNews: (Army Times) Service member killed in eastern Afghanistan: KABUL — A U.S. service m.. #Military 6401092108 AtiaAbawi 12/6/2009 8:52 AM Just got back from the Presidential Palace, Pres Karzai had an intv with @AmanpourCNN. Watch at 2pEST/1130p Kabul time. 6400850271 bashakilhan 12/6/2009 8:40 AM Kabul et! [pic] 6400834471 revyolina 12/6/2009 8:40 AM @ichachied @icarch @melanimarissa serius dengerin ijab kabul nya Tezsa..SAH!! 6400642475 AllMilitaryNews 12/6/2009 8:30 AM (Army Times) Service member killed in eastern Afghanistan: KABUL — A U.S. service m.. #Military 6400630319 CevatAlkan 12/6/2009 8:30 AM @basakbirlik Kabul etmeliyiim kabul etmeliyiim ufacıkk bi ümit bilee yoook :)))) 6400628190 sinandurdu 12/6/2009 8:30 AM @Sahire ilk fotoğraf olarak Osmangazi, Bursa'yı kabul edin. Bir önceki fotoğrafta teknik sorun oldu ve sildim. 6400570394 marsh__mallow 12/6/2009 8:27 AM Festa no Kabul hoje, pra comemorar fim das aulas *-* 6400511842 Jan_Slagter 12/6/2009 8:24 AM @BouncingBet Konden ook eten in de alg. Kantine maar daar stond een rij van Kabul tot aan Kandahar #missiemax 6400502877 pempeklenjer 12/6/2009 8:23 AM bilang untuk kedua kalinya menyaksikan ijab kabul 6400476616 ProjectDharma 12/6/2009 8:22 AM US & India have an ideological commitment & strategic interest in keeping the Taliban out of Kabul - M J Akbar 6400431055 SavannahRunning 12/6/2009 8:20 AM Soldiers in Kabul laced up running shoes 6400411389 SavannahRunning 12/6/2009 8:19 AM Soldiers in Kabul laced up their running shoes Saturday as well 6400268500 kuruli 12/6/2009 8:11 AM @zibidibadabum Çocuk dolmuş getirin bardakları. Götünle içme insan gibi tadında iç İslamiyeti kabul et cuma namazına git gunahlarından arın. 6400208679 rosemaryCNN 12/6/2009 8:08 AM In the 10am: leading w/ climate summit/emails; live shot w/ Fred Pleitgen in Kabul; Karzai intv; Philippines; Russia fire & more #cnn 6400032247 zweitansage 12/6/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6399934615 Zakolu 12/6/2009 7:54 AM Kadınların kirpik kıvırma makinesini bir tür silah zannettiğim için geçen akşam karımın benden istediği her şeyi korkumdan kabul ettim:) 6399932647 OrcunDalarslan 12/6/2009 7:54 AM @orayegin sonra da sucumu kabul ediyorum diye turkce kagit imzalatmislardi. :)) hay allahim! 6399923943 aysenmede 12/6/2009 7:54 AM yahu bide kabul etmiyosun trip atıyolar ne meraklılar millete bişiler göstermeye anlamıyorum. 6399786275 TOIWorldNews 12/6/2009 7:46 AM No additional troops for Kabul: Turkey: Turkey's prime minister has ruled out sending additional troops to... 6399735250 notiziemondo 12/6/2009 7:43 AM Afghanistan: soldato usa ucciso in esplosione ordigno: Kabul, 6 dic. – (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Un soldato.. 6399665540 edward_dawson 12/6/2009 7:39 AM No additional troops for Kabul: Turkey: Turkey's prime minister has ruled out sending additional troops to Afgh.. 6399591018 40one 12/6/2009 7:35 AM @AtiaAbawi Hey Atia good morning I am not sure what time it is in Kabul but i know that must be an experience out there are you from afgan? 6399459339 DotDotDotDash 12/6/2009 7:28 AM Highway 1, Kabul-to-Kandahar road Afghanistan, brawl in back of bus about troop surge. 6399442091 bellies_bi 12/6/2009 7:27 AM Siiip!! Tapi aku punya cappuccino =D RT @rosaOsha: Doa anda t'kabul nona! haha skrg qt snasib RT @bellies_bi: Moga2 aj ga lewat biar senasib 6399436396 addamiattualita 12/6/2009 7:26 AM Afghanistan: soldato usa ucciso in esplosione ordigno: Kabul, 6 dic. – (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Un soldato ameri... 6399420155 Prabu_OnNet 12/6/2009 7:25 AM No additional troops for Kabul: Turkey: Turkey's prime minister has ruled out sending additional troops to Afgh.. 6399352431 USNewz 12/6/2009 7:22 AM 2 US service members killed in Afghan explosion KABUL -- NATO says two U.S. service members have been... #us #news 6399265738 toihead 12/6/2009 7:16 AM No additional troops for Kabul: Turkey 6399228019 rosaOsha 12/6/2009 7:14 AM Doa anda t'kabul nona! haha skrg qt snasib RT @bellies_bi: Moga2 aj ga lewat biar senasib.hehe RT @rosaOsha: Nungguin tkg mie ayam ... 6399152990 veronicalves 12/6/2009 7:10 AM Hoje tem Kabul pra mudar a vibe da tensão de ontem. Só espero entrar, perder o RG é realmente uma bosta. 6399072710 spor3com 12/6/2009 7:05 AM "Ben de insanım": Cristiano Ronaldo, Almeria maçında hatalar yaptığını kabul etti. 6399060573 viaggisu 12/6/2009 7:04 AM quattro mesi all’inferno, kabul,herat: quattro mesi all'infernokabul,heratAFGHANISTAN, AsiaData inizio vi.. 6398997149 banuka 12/6/2009 7:00 AM Bu sezon su ana kadar butun derbilerde evsahibi 3 gol atti.. Bu skorla biterse mac, al sana derbi kabul edilmesi icin bir sebep daha! ;) 6398978126 zweitansage 12/6/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6398792273 googlenotizie 12/6/2009 6:48 AM Afghanistan: soldato usa ucciso in esplosione ordigno: Kabul, 6 dic. – (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Un soldato.. 6398778199 notizieultime 12/6/2009 6:47 AM Afghanistan: soldato usa ucciso in esplosione ordigno: Kabul, 6 dic. – (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Un soldato.. 6398776117 fikriii 12/6/2009 6:47 AM #nowplaying Lily Allen - Kabul Shit 6398729138 AtiaAbawi 12/6/2009 6:44 AM Traffic in Kabul is abnormally jammed. Making a lot of people angry...including me. 6398561455 floridagirlindc 12/6/2009 6:33 AM Follow @fpleitgencnn from Kabul covering the 3-4 Marines as they push new offensive in Helmand province in Afghanistan. (Via @calperrycnn) 6398505226 mehmetonder34 12/6/2009 6:29 AM kabul et usta!.istanbul benim memleket ... 6398381220 apriel_princess 12/6/2009 6:21 AM RT @rynrd: re-tweet yg sebelom ini! c'mon! >> y ampun ka', ksian amat sih Lu,, :-l , mg d'ultah bsk, k'inginan kk t'kabul dech,, 6398357238 majbc1 12/6/2009 6:19 AM @MotoUSMC @publicrelations Good Morning! Good to meet you Jeremy! Head to Kabul very soon. Hope your both having a great morning! 6398343688 ZelihaSunal 12/6/2009 6:18 AM ama sanatin is sayilmadigi bir donemdeyiz ne yazik.destek olun yasa tasarimiz kabul gorsun.cunku meslek burliklerimiz destekliyo 6398138669 rantifirlika 12/6/2009 6:04 AM Mak ran ngucap itu agama loh,kok malah hell? heeRT @rhanychair: Nikah, akad, ijab kabul, talak, rujuk, wali, saksi, mahar, idah. Hell yeah. 6398106045 ILNews0verviews 12/6/2009 6:02 AM Article Little resistance on day 2 of US-Afghan offense: KABUL - U.S. Marines and Afghan troops have killed at leas... 6398099718 avionicsmasters 12/6/2009 6:02 AM Christmas over Kabul for Alaska soldiers: "We basically just spoiled her," said Alison, a staff sergeant and avioni... 6398099731 flingyourway 12/6/2009 6:02 AM Christmas over Kabul for Alaska soldiers: "We basically just spoiled her," said Alison, a staff sergeant and avioni... 6398068034 zweitansage 12/6/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6398042903 rhanychair 12/6/2009 5:58 AM Nikah, akad, ijab kabul, talak, rujuk, wali, saksi, mahar, idah. Hell yeah. 6397975998 pabloabitbol 12/6/2009 5:53 AM Letter From Kabul, by Michael Shank (The Nation) → 6397960481 dervisbarbaros 12/6/2009 5:52 AM @nazareriskin çok haklısın tatlım...önce kendini kabul edeceksin ve ben buyum demekten çekinmiyeceksin 6397950528 habercimurat 12/6/2009 5:51 AM Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ gibi ünlü isimleri takip ediyor, şansları varsa vekarşı taraf kabul ederse, o ünlülerle internet ortamında sohbet edebiliyor 6397886315 fingertipnews2 12/6/2009 5:46 AM Reuters Intl: Karzai to unveil Afghan cabinet in days: official: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan Presiden.. 6397826389 notiziemondo 12/6/2009 5:42 AM Afghanistan: karzai convochera’ loya jirga con talebani: Kabul, 6 dic. (Adnkronos) – Il Presidente .. 6397779730 Hungry4Politics 12/6/2009 5:39 AM (RWN) Karzai to unveil Afghan cabinet in days: official: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai w.. 6397768352 irasare 12/6/2009 5:38 AM Cennete girmenin bedelini dünyada peşin ödemezsek, cehenneme kabul ediliyoruz. öyleyse tanrı cennetin işletmecisi, cehennemdeyse ev sahibi. 6397656150 OzgeInci 12/6/2009 5:30 AM ne kötü bir havaya kalktık bu sabah yahu!!dün ne kadar güzel bir hava vardı.tamam kabul aralık ayına göre aşırı sıcaktı ama güzeldiiiiii... 6397590793 Amorous_VI 12/6/2009 5:25 AM Karzai to unveil Afghan cabinet in days: official: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai will unveil .. 6397418285 De__Profundis 12/6/2009 5:12 AM ’Naziler 6 milyon Yahudi’yi öldürdü ve bu dünyanın en büyük davası kabul ediliyor. Halbuki Amerika 50 milyon Siyahiyi öldürdü. 6397374300 evrena 12/6/2009 5:09 AM Dua Kabul Oldu mu? [pic] 6397271213 USAbreaking 12/6/2009 5:01 AM global: Karzai to unveil Afghan cabinet in days: official: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan.. [Reuters] #worldnews 6397249492 zweitansage 12/6/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6397120804 safe_waters 12/6/2009 4:50 AM #reutersIN Karzai to unveil Afghan cabinet in days: official: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai will unvei 6397019018 asspress 12/6/2009 4:42 AM US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key: US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key: KABUL (AP) — Pres... 6396989179 haberbiz 12/6/2009 4:40 AM Yeni haber, "Baykal bile kabul ettiyse" - 6396918552 Reneetje67 12/6/2009 4:34 AM Na al het rijmgeweld mij nu volledig stortend op de schrijfopdracht 'Groeten uit Kabul'. Don't disturb an artist @ work 6396913816 videocrux 12/6/2009 4:34 AM #Videocrux - People enjoying Nawuz fair in Kabul 6396902749 videocrux 12/6/2009 4:33 AM #Videocrux - People celebrating Nawruz in Kabul 6396805106 thevixy 12/6/2009 4:25 AM Strange, u ever hear a word and you like I knew what that meant? Mallah = teacher. it must have been when I read 'the bookseller of Kabul' 6396795612 reuterskl 12/6/2009 4:24 AM Karzai to unveil Afghan cabinet in days - official: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai will unveil his... 6396759360 liveadsense 12/6/2009 4:22 AM 20 Karzai to unveil Afghan cabinet in days: official: KABUL - Afghan President Hamid Karzai will unveil his new ca... 6396759544 liveadsense 12/6/2009 4:22 AM 20 Karzai to unveil Afghan cabinet in days: official: KABUL - Afghan President Hamid Karzai will unveil his new ca... 6396742225 yellreport 12/6/2009 4:20 AM ANALYSIS - NATO surge for Afghanistan less than meets the eye: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama's .. 6396723094 rainx07 12/6/2009 4:19 AM @CerenSaltoglu ceroooşum yaa gel takımın berbat olduğunu kabul edelimm.sana destek vermek isterdim ama cidden fener içler acısı :( 6396620787 2central_pdent 12/6/2009 4:11 AM Afghan President Hamid Karzai in Kabul August 20, 2009. Hamid Karzai will unveil his new #president #2central 6396528850 TheWorldNews 12/6/2009 4:04 AM Karzai to unveil Afghan cabinet in days: official: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai will unveil .. 6396497779 mynetgundem 12/6/2009 4:01 AM Arınç: Baykal bile kabul etti: Arınç, eski kuvvet komutanlarının ''Ergenekon'' soruşturması kapsamında ifade ve.. 6396472078 zweitansage 12/6/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6396452139 KimBomin 12/6/2009 3:58 AM Karzai to unveil Afghan cabinet in days: official: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai will unve... #Korea 6396452184 HeadlinesNewz 12/6/2009 3:58 AM Karzai to unveil Afghan cabinet in days: official: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai will unveil his ... 6396399442 ciscaaa 12/6/2009 3:54 AM RT @bulbulans: semoga mimpi semalem dan semua yang gua harepin selama ini ke kabul yaa amin 6396391495 bulbulans 12/6/2009 3:53 AM semoga mimpi semalem dan semua yang gua harepin selama ini ke kabul yaa amin 6396284074 Tayfunlara 12/6/2009 3:45 AM heeyyy twit.. bugun benım ıstedıklermı ver olurmu ıkımızde yenıyız ama olsun..yeniler yenilikleri sever eskıler bunu kabul etmez.. 6396213597 ibbal 12/6/2009 3:39 AM Bedelli askerlik istemek, devletin bize askerlik yaptırma hakkını kabul etmek değil mi? Borcu kabul edelim, nakit olarak ödeyelim. Bravo!!! 6396061761 moomoobrowncow 12/6/2009 3:28 AM ANALYSIS - NATO surge for Afghanistan less than meets the eye: By Peter Graff KABUL (Reuters) - US President Barack... 6396056088 rtsradio 12/6/2009 3:27 AM US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key - KABUL (AP) -- President Barack Obama has his troop surge. Afgh... 6395924363 MableviumPaDe 12/6/2009 3:17 AM Soldiers in Kabul laced up their running shoes Saturday as well: More than 4000 runners take their mark and go at t... 6395924367 hamako27 12/6/2009 3:17 AM Soldiers in Kabul laced up their running shoes Saturday as well: More than 4000 runners take their mark and go at t... 6395924369 earlloyal 12/6/2009 3:17 AM Soldiers in Kabul laced up their running shoes Saturday as well: More than 4000 runners take their mark and go at t... 6395924370 kacy_dyami 12/6/2009 3:17 AM Soldiers in Kabul laced up their running shoes Saturday as well: More than 4000 runners take their mark and go at t... 6395924375 idalia_potter 12/6/2009 3:17 AM Soldiers in Kabul laced up their running shoes Saturday as well: More than 4000 runners take their mark and go at t... 6395924390 bondborisy 12/6/2009 3:17 AM Soldiers in Kabul laced up their running shoes Saturday as well: More than 4000 runners take their mark and go at t... 6395923734 aaronherry1 12/6/2009 3:17 AM Soldiers in Kabul laced up their running shoes Saturday as well: More than 4000 runners take their mark and go at t... 6395923735 oakeneagle 12/6/2009 3:17 AM Soldiers in Kabul laced up their running shoes Saturday as well: More than 4000 runners take their mark and go at t... 6395923804 fabianfabian136 12/6/2009 3:17 AM Soldiers in Kabul laced up their running shoes Saturday as well: More than 4000 runners take their mark and go at t... 6395923601 InMyStride 12/6/2009 3:17 AM Soldiers in Kabul laced up their running shoes Saturday as well 6395678999 zweitansage 12/6/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6395516636 NewsGeorgia 12/6/2009 2:47 AM GA News Soldiers in Kabul laced up their running shoes Saturday as well – Savannah Morning News: Since I couldn't... 6395516646 NewsGeorgia 12/6/2009 2:47 AM Article Soldiers in Kabul laced up their running shoes Saturday as well – Savannah Morning News: Since I couldn't... 6395419002 nicknich3 12/6/2009 2:40 AM Ah jeeze. The faces. You don't even have to leave Kabul to get to the refugees. Winter approaching and scared... 6395389856 zombiegirrrrl 12/6/2009 2:38 AM Soldiers in Kabul laced up their running shoes Saturday as well - Savannah Morning News 6395288686 NewsAlaska 12/6/2009 2:31 AM Flash: "Christmas over Kabul for Alaska soldiers" 6395034691 earlvalleysr 12/6/2009 2:14 AM Christmas over Kabul for Alaska soldiers: This year Steven and Alison Cherry gave their 3-year-old daughter, C.. 6394812677 zweitansage 12/6/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6394790175 eakaeaka 12/6/2009 1:58 AM kabul etmeliler..özledim çünkü..ama artık uyuma vakti.. 6394665033 Orzala 12/6/2009 1:50 AM A big demo at cent. Of kabul, all rds are almost blocked at cent kbl... 6394649649 sudhanshupandey 12/6/2009 1:49 AM Back in Kabul after a very pleasnt visit to India 6394609648 alaskanewsnow 12/6/2009 1:46 AM Christmas over Kabul for Alaska soldiers: Cora Cherry, 3, took her Christmas presents, a kitchen play-set, book.. 6394225878 gunderstone 12/6/2009 1:22 AM NH Register - News Troops kill 7 insurgents in wake of new war plan: Associated Press KABUL — U.S. Marines and Af... 6394183712 fadliardhi 12/6/2009 1:19 AM setelah ijab kabul djadiin lirik ,,ntar ad trobosan ap lg y??anag muda jaman sekarang kreatiif ny gag ktulungan..ckckck.. 6394015045 itu_sozluk 12/6/2009 1:09 AM alevi: kimi mensupları tarafından bir din olarak kabul edilerek islamiyetten çok ayrı ve hatta islamiyet düşm... 6393918126 myofoz 12/6/2009 1:03 AM @ChasLicc gt artcle.Visited Dubai after Kabul and was stuck by the sheer ignorance of the place. A toy city with no soul. Kabul has a soul 6393787709 asspress 12/6/2009 12:56 AM US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key: US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key: KABUL (AP) — Pres... 6393515317 Detainee063 12/6/2009 12:40 AM 0140. Detainee confronted with evidence of another detainee identifying him at a safehouse in Kabul... 6393489108 allencnn 12/6/2009 12:39 AM Ivan #cabreracnn has the scoop on the southern U.S. going white. We're LIVE in Kabul on the evolving #Afghan war top o' the hour. 6393391679 rtsradio 12/6/2009 12:33 AM US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key - KABUL (AP) -- President Barack Obama has his troop surge. Afgh... 6393122274 magaratt 12/6/2009 12:19 AM The Pageman in Kabul: Join the Koday $110 Visa Gift Card Giveaway: Join the Koday $110 Visa Gift Card Giveaway. 6393013232 dazzlingteeta 12/6/2009 12:13 AM @sugarhigh haha iya sih, tapi dia update status satu jam sebelum ijab kabul..haha 6392989195 reuterskl 12/6/2009 12:12 AM ANALYSIS - NATO surge for Afghanistan less than meets the eye: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama's NATO... 6392973669 sugarhigh 12/6/2009 12:11 AM @dazzlingteeta ah, tapi kan abi ga 'pause' pas ijab kabul.. :P 6392967288 GeoNewsTweets 12/6/2009 12:11 AM World Taliban says won''t meddle in West if troops withdrawn: KABUL: The Taliban said in a statement Saturday it wo... 6392526382 fingertipnews2 12/5/2009 11:49 PM AP Intl: US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key: KABUL (AP) -- President Barack Obama has his t.. 6392097618 CCCFinancing 12/5/2009 11:28 PM Little resistance on day 2 of US-Afghan offensive (source: Seattle ...: KABUL -- US Marines and Afghan troops have ... 6392063597 rtsradio 12/5/2009 11:27 PM US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key - KABUL (AP) -- President Barack Obama has his troop surge. Afgh... 6391534246 asspress 12/5/2009 11:03 PM US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key: US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key: KABUL (AP) — Pres... 6391025601 magaratt 12/5/2009 10:41 PM Gift Card: The Pageman in Kabul: Join the Koday $110 Visa Gift Card Giveaway 6390801157 kgoradio 12/5/2009 10:32 PM US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key: KABUL (AP) - President Barack Obama has his troop surge. Afghanistan... 6390533768 VCNnews 12/5/2009 10:21 PM US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key: KABUL (AP) -- President Barack Obama has his troop surge.... #news 6390420239 saintpaul007 12/5/2009 10:17 PM Letter From Kabul #p2 6390357730 karlinase 12/5/2009 10:14 PM bego amat masa ijab kabul ditwitter sm facebook -,- 6390075896 edwardrinda 12/5/2009 10:02 PM US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key: KABUL (AP) -- President Barack Obama has his troop surge. Afgha.. 6389923712 Mary_Phillips 12/5/2009 9:56 PM Jst informd that n kabul all meetngs r scheduled late aftrnoon to avoid disrption by suicide bombers. They hit early AM so to mk the news. 6389657096 aditya30k 12/5/2009 9:45 PM wah 3 kali RT @nisaanesta nisaanesta Akhirnya sah juga :D.. di pengucapan ijab kabul yg ke 3... Hehhehe grogi berat kayanya.. 6389626785 NEWS25 12/5/2009 9:44 PM Afghanistan to Deploy Several Thousand Troops to Aid US: KABUL - Afghanistan's defense minister says his forces are... 6389587661 microskirts 12/5/2009 9:42 PM In two Afghan cities, US and Afghan officials said Wednesday, in Washington's first diplomatic missions outside the capital Kabul. 6389486288 amaliahmuchlis 12/5/2009 9:38 PM nii dg.imang lg ijab kabul pi terima talipong !! 6389202651 Farindiya 12/5/2009 9:27 PM mimpi ijab-kabul sma sama @chimooott (mav ya fa, bukan w yg minta.. lagian cm dimimpi ko.. wkwkwk..) 6389042505 ariesSW 12/5/2009 9:20 PM hahaha kocak dh liat orang ijab kabul 6388851080 itu_sozluk 12/5/2009 9:13 PM evrim teorisi: "yaw bunu bugün dünya kabul etmiş sen ne diyosun" seviyesinden ötede tartışılmalıdır. 6388757627 nadiagladista 12/5/2009 9:09 PM Moga lancar ijab kabul putra isman-pya @ wisma kosgoro... 6388717940 raniran4tweeps 12/5/2009 9:07 PM tadi lagi ijab kabul gw mlah tidur , gmn entar gw kawin - - 6388526698 the_army_pao 12/5/2009 9:00 PM Here are some pictures from my Kabul trip 6388508093 the_army_pao 12/5/2009 8:59 PM just completed a 3-day trip to Kabul. Visited the Afghan Government Media Information Center and CSTC-A. Good visit, brought back memories. 6388373076 beritaindonesia 12/5/2009 8:53 PM [SUNGGUH2 TERJADI] Mengucapkan Ijab Kabul Lewat Tweeter dan Facebook [VIDEO]: Hahaha.... Tweeter .. @lintasberita 6388314367 bernardbatubara 12/5/2009 8:51 PM RT @lintasberita: [SUNGGUH2 TERJADI] Mengucapkan Ijab Kabul Lewat Tweeter dan Facebook [VIDEO]: Hahaha.... Tweeter d... 6388183563 justfariz 12/5/2009 8:46 PM ada ada aja agan ini RT @lintasberita: [SUNGGUH2 TERJADI] Mengucapkan Ijab Kabul Lewat Tweeter dan Facebook [VIDEO]: 6388163061 amiamoii 12/5/2009 8:45 PM Loh kok gw deg2an, yang mau ijab kabul kan bukan gw, ckckck. 6388074306 fendywenn 12/5/2009 8:41 PM [SUNGGUH2 TERJADI] Mengucapkan Ijab Kabul Lewat Tweeter dan Facebook [VIDEO]: Hahaha.... Tweeter dan Facebook benar... 6388074536 icsun 12/5/2009 8:41 PM [SUNGGUH2 TERJADI] Mengucapkan Ijab Kabul Lewat Tweeter dan Facebook [VIDEO] 6388074094 little_sumo 12/5/2009 8:41 PM [SUNGGUH2 TERJADI] Mengucapkan Ijab Kabul Lewat Tweeter dan Facebook [VIDEO]: Hahaha.... Tweet... 6388035673 osayb 12/5/2009 8:40 PM I'm at Kabul Afghan Cuisine (833 W. El CamIno Real, Sunnyvale ). 6387890607 ahmadshuja 12/5/2009 8:34 PM More than 70% of #Kabul municipality budget has gone unused this fiscal year. --ArmanFM #Afghanistan 6387605894 deafachrudin 12/5/2009 8:23 PM Iwan mau nikahan ??omaigat cepaaatnya RT @ahmadiwan: otw ke IMMIM..maw ijap kabul.. 6387589560 deafachrudin 12/5/2009 8:22 PM Iwan mau nikahan ??omaigat cepaaatnya RT @ahmadiwan: otw ke IMMIM..maw ijap kabul.. 6387527393 ANNESWISH 12/5/2009 8:20 PM RT @beardeview:The 30,000 US troops deployed to Afghanistan w/stay@ Kabul Hilton as guests of Paris Hilton who'll provide 24 service 6387328924 ochaisaprincess 12/5/2009 8:12 PM Sapa yg nikah??iyah knp ya tiap liat org ijab kabul Qta yg deg2an,wkwk...@mutialuphjapan 6387311224 dyanhamzah 12/5/2009 8:11 PM @ahmadiwan kau ijab kabul iwan??? wahhh SELAMAT MENEMPUH HIDUP BARUU 6387227627 modernanarchy 12/5/2009 8:08 PM @Calmpositionist My parents are penny pinchers by choice rather than need & don't run the heater that much. "It feels like Kabul in winter." 6387145466 ramyac 12/5/2009 8:05 PM just finished 'Kabul Beauty School' by Deborah Rodriguez and am fascinated. A truly remarkable tale. Must read. 6386952845 brrohama 12/5/2009 7:57 PM AP Top News at 8:42 pm EST: The Associated PressKABUL — US Marines and Afghan troops have killed at least seven ... 6386920268 moodywidd 12/5/2009 7:56 PM bersiap siap jd saksi ijab kabul,hyahahah 6386822933 Angganotonegoro 12/5/2009 7:52 PM Alhamdulillah Ijab-Kabul akad nikah @adhityoso dan @ayundap berjalan sangat lancar... 6386688049 lindri 12/5/2009 7:47 PM mas otonk alias ms arif ga bisa berkutik di ijab kabul HHAHAHAHAHAHA!! =)) 6386654027 moomoobrowncow 12/5/2009 7:45 PM AP Top News at 8:14 pm EST: The Associated PressKABUL — US Marines and Afghan troops have killed at least seven ... 6386637984 130_ 12/5/2009 7:45 PM AP Top News at 8:14 pm EST: The Associated Press KABUL — US Marines and Afghan troops have killed at least seve.. 6386370339 AACSA 12/5/2009 7:34 PM Honeymoon in Kabul now showing in the United States. Please go and Support this documentary 6386093894 fammefatale 12/5/2009 7:23 PM olabilecek tüm aksilikler olur... Bu gerçeği kabul edince olanlara daha az siniriniz bozuluyor!!! 6386065839 YuanitaWira 12/5/2009 7:22 PM Gue slalu terharu sama akad nikah, ijab kabul adalah prosesi yang selalu ngebuat gue jadi pengen nangis, 6386014314 agrivina 12/5/2009 7:20 PM @Magisteria gue bilang cari cowok beb.hahaha tapi jangan yg lagi baca ijab kabul yg lo lirik cinta terlarang itu namanya 6385491746 kisacafd 12/5/2009 6:59 PM ...aziz yildirim karsisinda bu kadar ezik durmak, gereken sorulari soramamak nedir? tamam güclü adam kabul ediyorum ama bu kadar korku olmaz 6385455970 Ardi_Pite 12/5/2009 6:58 PM Tungguin gw jng ijab kabul dl sebelum gw dtg..RT @adhityoso: Dengan Menyebut Nama ALLAH SWT, semoga semua berjalan lancar dan di ridoi, 6385381220 muladhara 12/5/2009 6:55 PM ShujaNawaz thinks leaving Haqqani+Hekmatyar alone= Pak leverage to hv govt in Kabul that is neutral (whn the US leaves Afgh). 6385367605 fpleitgenCNN 12/5/2009 6:54 PM Obscure. I was going into U.S. base in Kabul and soldiers were screening Afghans suddenly out of nowhere Dan Rather showed up and wanted in. 6385345861 rtsradio 12/5/2009 6:53 PM The Unrealistic Realist -- By: Mark Steyn - If you happen to live in Kabul or Jalalabad, Ghurian or Kandahar, then ... 6385186152 Ferhad_Fidan 12/5/2009 6:47 PM Twitter API'ye abandım sanırım, hiçbirşey kabul etmiyor ve vermiyor şu an bana. :) 6385004190 beardeview 12/5/2009 6:40 PM The 30,000 US troops deployed to Afghanistan will stay at the Kabul Hilton as guests of Paris Hilton who'll provide 24 hr. room service 6384996616 fingertipnews 12/5/2009 6:40 PM AP Intl: Little resistance on day 2 of US-Afghan offensive - KABUL (AP) -- U.S. Marines and Afghan troops have ... 6384888568 MountainairMuse 12/5/2009 6:36 PM - Recent Location of 100% Free Downloads of Songs That Really Happened. Not too far from Kabul--hope some good vibe 6384644639 karinbralove8 12/5/2009 6:26 PM Adek gue br bngn muka ny msh acak kabul hahahaha 6384506704 ayangrashelda 12/5/2009 6:21 PM di masjid belakang rumah ada yang lagi ijab kabul hahahaha\ 6384470647 Notredamedesion 12/5/2009 6:19 PM @Markuda bilgi vereyim Dönme, gerçekte dinini değiştirmeyip de Müslümanlığı kabul etmiş gibi yapanlara denir Sabatay Levi takipçileridir 6384441389 Ferhad_Fidan 12/5/2009 6:18 PM Facebook'ta sürü zekası olayına katılıyorum, kim ne grup davetiyesi gönderirse kabul ediyorum, hiç sallamıyorum orayı. :) 6384338512 gizemyuksel 12/5/2009 6:14 PM @emr_e ben rüşvet falan vermedim Angaralı rüşvet kabul eder mi he ?? 6384195890 eminedeniz 12/5/2009 6:08 PM @SibelOktay valla cok sağol sibelo ya! eğer beni bir PhD programına kabul ederler de ben amerikanya kıtasına gelirsem, sana teşekkür etmek.. 6384009711 ddarkogerry 12/5/2009 6:01 PM @herbkubilenadam yazdığını yönetenlere kolay kolay bir şey diyemem, ama kötü senaryoyu kabul edenler harbiden para için yapıyorlar bu işi. 6383977158 pvanvuren 12/5/2009 6:00 PM Little resistance in new U.S.-Afghan offensive: KABUL • U.S. Marines and Afghan troops, conducting the first o.. 6383947918 selinbereket 12/5/2009 5:59 PM @zeynepmuslu ayıptır sölemesi new moon u da seyrettim:) evlenme teklif etti kabul ettim :) balayına transilvanyaya gitmeye karar verdik :) 6383931565 SpankingFetish 12/5/2009 5:58 PM AP Top News at 6:49 pm EST: The Associated PressKABUL — US Marines and Afghan troops have killed at least seven ... 6383878761 simlayilmaz 12/5/2009 5:56 PM @berraque o kadar ekledim seni bi kabul et. 6383837135 eblemis 12/5/2009 5:55 PM MediaMarkt "güya" en düşük fiyat garantisi hadisesini uygulamak için ürünün üreticisinin yetkili bayisinin fiyatını kabul etmiyormuş. Bravo. 6383757791 sinsinar 12/5/2009 5:51 PM @MelikeAcar direnme, direnme kabul et. 1 haftalık nasıl ya nasıl bu kadar basit olabilir saçma bu dedikten sonra çoook keyifli oluyor 6383654003 Carluch 12/5/2009 5:47 PM so far from Kabul... Matt: yeah I got here, What a shithole! -hoping for my illustrative details soon 6383310523 Cokmadiyim 12/5/2009 5:33 PM RT @RealStarFehmiye: Bir keresinde ekmek parası isteyen dilenciye ekmek vermeyi teklif etmiştim... kabul etmemişti. Balık tutmayı öğretm ... 6382972385 diegofock 12/5/2009 5:19 PM Torino, Nassau, Tehran, Odeceixe, Kinshasa, Palermo, Tourrettes sur loup, Skyros, Ponza, Allmannshausen, Roma, Kabul. 6382727419 utkukuscu 12/5/2009 5:09 PM Takimda yenilgiyi kabul eden ilk oyuncunun takimin kaptaninin olmasi, gercekten cok ironik.. 6382530450 Sercinho 12/5/2009 5:01 PM sevdiğim kızların hiçbirisi beni kabul etmediği için solcu oldum. şekli mi de koyarım. 6382487649 zweitansage 12/5/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6382454915 egemenlimon 12/5/2009 4:58 PM az önce myspace'de bir distortion pedalından gelen arkadaslık teklifini kabul ettim! 6382367385 emretatar 12/5/2009 4:55 PM ve size bugün okuduğum kitapdan bir kıstas veriyorum "Türkler Müslümanlığı kılıç zoruyla kabul etmişlerdir" 6382325586 valcoj 12/5/2009 4:53 PM AP Top News at 4:22 pm EST: The Associated PressKABUL — US Marines and Afghan troops have killed at least seven ... 6382322931 unidy 12/5/2009 4:53 PM AP Top News at 4:22 pm EST: The Associated PressKABUL — US Marines and Afghan troops have killed at least seven ... 6382320726 riosgoldencut 12/5/2009 4:53 PM AP Top News at 4:22 pm EST: The Associated PressKABUL — US Marines and Afghan troops have killed at least seven ... 6382214943 ThisIsMaVie 12/5/2009 4:48 PM RT @RealStarFehmiye: Bir keresinde ekmek parası isteyen dilenciye ekmek vermeyi teklif etmiştim... kabul etmemişti. Balık tutmayı öğretm ... 6381794132 rtsradio 12/5/2009 4:31 PM Little resistance on day 2 of US-Afghan offensive - KABUL (AP) -- U.S. Marines and Afghan troops have killed at... 6381679538 saurk123 12/5/2009 4:27 PM AP Top News at 5:00 pm EST: The Associated Press KABUL — US Marines and Afghan troops have killed at least seve.. 6381380517 SezinSivri 12/5/2009 4:15 PM @karo555 @amedbaba Bu akşamlık DM kabul etmiyoruz... 6381271737 in_asia 12/5/2009 4:10 PM KABUL - President Barack Obama has his troop surge. Afghanistan's beleaguered security forces have theirs. Whil.. 6381265577 Luthfiyahghina 12/5/2009 4:10 PM Ya Allah masa iya gue mimpi nikah? -_- ijab kabul gt lagi jelas bgt lage -_- bukan sama tata tp :( 6381019619 fikretkarabulut 12/5/2009 4:00 PM @fatihmelek biraz mallık var kabul et :D 6381006070 zweitansage 12/5/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6380836168 Orgetorix 12/5/2009 3:52 PM WASHINGTON-KABUL : «Obama's push for 'surge' shaped Afghan strategy» 6380343401 PanditMilind 12/5/2009 3:32 PM This time India needs diplomatic presence in Kabul and beyond irrespective of who takes over from Karzai. 6380116772 sarahatmayo 12/5/2009 3:23 PM @theobeers been wondering about how life in Kabul I have a better picture after reading your tweets xxxooo 6379973260 recru1t 12/5/2009 3:18 PM egosu çok güçlü adamın, hatalarını kabul edemiyor. 6379902933 RealStarFehmiye 12/5/2009 3:15 PM Bir keresinde ekmek parası isteyen dilenciye ekmek vermeyi teklif etmiştim... kabul etmemişti. Balık tutmayı öğretmek istesem ne olurdu? 6379851666 byKilic 12/5/2009 3:13 PM @etelkazado tr.dekileri kabul etmiyolar demekki.. önce AB almalı belkide :) 6379655539 adnan_oktar 12/5/2009 3:05 PM MUSEVİLER MÜSLÜMANLARI MÜMİN KABUL EDER, İMAN KARDEŞİ OLARAK G... - 6379653900 CelebrityNut 12/5/2009 3:05 PM US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key: The Associated PressKABUL — President Barack Obama has his troop... 6379559867 leebryant 12/5/2009 3:01 PM tea with fascinating friends discussing the rise of Zia in Pak. & 1970's Kabul. They were around for both. Turned them on to Adam Curtis. 6379517861 zweitansage 12/5/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6379416429 _soLitude 12/5/2009 2:55 PM @Dignified_ ay ben sana kıyamaaam .ptaaam taam kabul ediyorum çok sürükleyici :D 6379404082 M_abelle 12/5/2009 2:55 PM tamam kabul! öküz bir insanım! 6379208471 geowyns 12/5/2009 2:47 PM o değil de gsbonus'a başvurduydum ben. hani nerde. yoksa kabul etmediler mi lan?! 6379033144 ngngfrancisbf 12/5/2009 2:40 PM 20 Monster mine-clearing tank goes to work in Afghanistan (McClatchy Newspapers): McClatchy Newspapers - KABUL... 6379033163 PoliticsWire 12/5/2009 2:40 PM Monster mine-clearing tank goes to work in Afghanistan (McClatchy Newspapers): McClatchy Newspapers - KABUL, A... 6378941041 evaschram 12/5/2009 2:36 PM @NvdZ: wist je dat niet? en kabul ligt in pakistan! 6378632580 emxxxr 12/5/2009 2:24 PM @canaltuglu aa niye be ben hülya avşar acayip severim acunuda severm :D kabul ederler ederler hadi gidelm 6378617254 jeffburkhill 12/5/2009 2:24 PM US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key: The Associated Press KABUL — President Barack Obama has his troop surge. Afghanistan'.. 6378411256 a_selim_tuncer 12/5/2009 2:15 PM O dönemlerde fotoğraf, nispeten yeni bir teknoloji olmasının dışında sanat olma hüviyetini kabul ettirmiş miydi?... re: 6378387368 watsonkailyn 12/5/2009 2:14 PM US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key: The Associated Press KABUL — President Barack Obama has his tro.. 6378287075 sanjeevn 12/5/2009 2:10 PM Theater looks nice but something melancholic about this picture of a lonely man in a Kabul theater waiting.. #SEAsia 6378273230 in_asia 12/5/2009 2:10 PM KABUL - U.S. Marines and Afghan troops have killed at least seven Taliban fighters during the first U.S.-led of.. 6378197207 santinista 12/5/2009 2:07 PM @minebal senin soyadın benimkini döver, kabul ediyorum :)) 6378100184 ren_junzi 12/5/2009 2:03 PM facebook da ilkokul öğretmenim bana arkadaşlık isteği yollamış. Sınıfımız üzerinde uyguladığı şiddet dolu günlerin hatrına kabul ettim 6378014242 zweitansage 12/5/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6377913270 7daysnews 12/5/2009 1:55 PM US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key: The Associated PressKABUL — President Barack Obama has his troop... 6377913276 platinumbiz 12/5/2009 1:55 PM US troop buildup is big; Afghan buildup is key: The Associated PressKABUL — President Barack Obama has his troop... 6377757020 kimkibu 12/5/2009 1:49 PM @EnesTasdelen #kimkibu ilk önceleri davetiye ile üye kabul ediyordu. 4 Aralık'tan beri üyeliği herkese açtık :) 6377645501 snyx 12/5/2009 1:44 PM muhakeme yeteneginin farkinda olmadan 2-3 sey ogrenip boyundan buyuk teorileri genel kabul gorur gibi ortaya atanlar beni deli ediyor! 6377613171 bernamujde 12/5/2009 1:43 PM yelda sirf calissa kabul 1de cali$tiriyo;)))!!!hahhaaha 6377519437 itu_sozluk 12/5/2009 1:39 PM hayatında hiç ugg giymemiş kız: beni hayatına dahil edebilirmi acaba o kız, teklif etsem kabul edermi ki? 6377400871 serhanozden 12/5/2009 1:34 PM şunu artık kabul edelim: türkçede "solak" kelimesinin zıt anlamlısı yok. solak olmak var, solak olmamak var. 6377379747 topstoriestweet 12/5/2009 1:33 PM Little resistance in new Afghan offensive - MSNBC: KABUL - U.S. Marines and Afghan troops have killed at least seve... 6377345165 navnav09 12/5/2009 1:31 PM Cepiii ... Cepiiii ... Toyibul Kabul ... Wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk ... Mumpung orangnya gak ada hahahahaha ..... 6377327102 invab 12/5/2009 1:31 PM McChrystal receives Afghan guard of honor in Kabul #General Stanley #Afghan #Kabul #US #policy 6377307842 navnav09 12/5/2009 1:30 PM Cepiiii ... CepiiiI ... Thoyibul Kabul .. Wkwkwkwkwkwkwk ... 6377180083 infobotz 12/5/2009 1:25 PM #news = KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban stronghold on Saturday with their fi... @infobotz 6377180225 rohit_yadav 12/5/2009 1:25 PM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a re... 6377118681 eli_reusch 12/5/2009 1:22 PM Afghan "surge" is called "Operation Cobra's Anger"? Really? Is Destro hiding out in Kabul? Is Cobra Commander in the hills of Tora Bora? 6376576040 zweitansage 12/5/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6376554693 akagaby 12/5/2009 12:59 PM RT @jimsciuttoABC: Back to London from Kabul, and Brits are already gloating at 'cakewalk' opening vs US at World Cup. I'm not so sure. ... 6376512986 eknor 12/5/2009 12:57 PM @kuruli en iisi diil gerçekten kabul ediorummm 6376403706 BenShaw 12/5/2009 12:52 PM BBC - Nick Robinson's Newslog: Kabul, Afghanistan 6376304304 MarufMerru 12/5/2009 12:48 PM Bir gün uyanacağım, çıplaklık artık ayıp kabul edilmeyecek. Bu sefer de üstümde kabanlarla dolaşacağım. Utana sıkıla. 6375587074 siberay 12/5/2009 12:18 PM @byKilic aldım kabul ettim mesajı izliyorum.şüpheli michael douglas olunca sonunu tahmin zor.imralıda odam olsa senaryoyu yazmıştım.. 6375423796 judgementday010 12/5/2009 12:12 PM No sudden Afghanistan exit under Conservatives, says Cameron|David Cameron tours the Kabul training ground in .. 6375417202 dramirez2 12/5/2009 12:11 PM No sudden Afghanistan exit under Conservatives, says Cameron|David Cameron tours the Kabul training ground in .. 6375150330 nadalex 12/5/2009 12:00 PM new profile pic: british retreat from kabul. 6375124580 zweitansage 12/5/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6375123876 uppaljs 12/5/2009 12:00 PM @ayaz_khan what if i pay the guy and he helps me do it online or on phone in #kabul? 6369335679 loveandgarbage 12/5/2009 7:43 AM @mippy I'd love an Adam Curtis sequel to Naked full of archive video footage from Kabul/London & Dubai. 6369281024 icdfreelance 12/5/2009 7:40 AM US forces launch fresh operation: By ALFRED DE MONTESQUIOU, AP KABUL -- Marines swooped down behind Taliban lines i... 6369239648 azerhasret 12/5/2009 7:37 AM Yalquzaq-dan yeni xəbər: TBMM Başkanı Şahin KDTP Milletvekili Müferra Şinik'i kabul etti 6369107074 koseyazisi 12/5/2009 7:30 AM Melih Aşık,Nobel Barış Ödüllü Obama'nın Afganistan'a muharip asker isteğini reddeden Hükümet 7.12.09da kabul eder diyor. 6369073942 ppvatansever 12/5/2009 7:28 AM coğrafya çalışayım dedim ama kapasitem çökmüş durumda.vücut ders çalışmayı kabul etmiyor kardeşim pınar napsın? :D 6369012293 salocalnews 12/5/2009 7:25 AM Bustling Kabul doesn't seem like a combat zone - 6368965230 fingertipnews 12/5/2009 7:22 AM AP Intl: Little resistance in new US-Afghan offensive - KABUL (AP) -- U.S. Marines and Afghan troops, conductin... 6368869941 erbo24 12/5/2009 7:17 AM @chaogrey Yok cnm; Gerçekleri kabul etmek için kanıda ihtiyaç yok - deyip - kurtlar vadisi tadında bir deyim icat ettim resmen :) 6368716144 sedaand 12/5/2009 7:08 AM Bir şeyi bildiğin zaman, onu bildiğini göstermeye çalış. Bir şeyi bilmiyorsan, onu bilmediğini kabul et. İşte bu bilgidir. 6368626965 saidepaksuu 12/5/2009 7:03 AM Nurgül Yeşilçay tam bir Hürmüz Kadın!Bu durumu kabul etmeli bir çok hatun. Film boyunca bunları real yaşamda da yapar bu kadın dedim. 6368567746 zweitansage 12/5/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6368395891 anaggh 12/5/2009 6:49 AM Compliments From Kabul - Same SCAM diff place 6368352700 sheaholliman 12/5/2009 6:46 AM @worldhistory KY but right now Kabul 6368280469 obi_semangat 12/5/2009 6:42 AM @auliamuqarabbin,siap2 lo. .Mau ijaB kaBUL.Dah disiapin tUH di dpn k0stan.Haha 6368280589 zeynepbzkrt 12/5/2009 6:42 AM @mbosnak bağnaz olmak; burada anadoluda kabul edemediğim şey bu sadece 6368260252 ozanonen 12/5/2009 6:41 AM Taraf Gazetesi'nden "üzerinde Ergenekon yazan koyun haberi" bekliyorum ama "Orduevi'nin Bugünkü Yemek Listesi" konulu bir habere de kabul... 6367964402 derickhowe44 12/5/2009 6:22 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan - KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongh... 6367964205 leonardoburris2 12/5/2009 6:22 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan - KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongh... 6367963934 johniegallegos1 12/5/2009 6:22 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan - KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongh... 6367964113 clemons_jeffere 12/5/2009 6:22 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan - KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongh... 6367963689 sheldonmcclain4 12/5/2009 6:22 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan - KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongh... 6367963839 percyholland596 12/5/2009 6:22 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan - KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongh... 6367963526 cougar_jamie 12/5/2009 6:22 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan - KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongh... 6367963609 madelinerobbin 12/5/2009 6:22 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan - KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongh... 6367917218 dindeeey 12/5/2009 6:19 AM Aaaaa gue tadi masa pengen nangis pas ms mpep ijab kabul! Mas mpep mirip Andre sih -____- 6367859926 Manukdg 12/5/2009 6:15 AM Kabul günü bu olsa gerek, bırakın olm evime gidicem ben. 6367628617 zweitansage 12/5/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6367618737 btx91 12/5/2009 5:59 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: Back to London from Kabul, and Brits are already gloating at 'cakewalk' opening vs US at World Cup. I'm not so sure. ... 6367533580 noTiananmen 12/5/2009 5:53 AM OH NO! You: Back to London from Kabul, and Brits are already gloating at 'cakewalk' opening vs US at ... it's happened 6367521802 RuletaOnline 12/5/2009 5:52 AM Marines de EEUU avanzan en el sur de Afganistán: KABUL (Reuters) - Marines estadounidenses avanzaban el sábado ha... 6367446716 sayimcinar 12/5/2009 5:46 AM @orayegin o adam beni facebookta arkadaşlığa kabul etti.. 6367433713 Traders_Online 12/5/2009 5:46 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban stro.. 6367430075 bolbol_dunya 12/5/2009 5:45 AM Seks partisini kabul etmeyince... 6367389507 USTalib 12/5/2009 5:42 AM KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban stronghold on Saturday with their first major assa.. 6367372529 TwitSpotlight 12/5/2009 5:41 AM KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban stronghold on Saturday with their first major assa.. 6367277022 1SupremeGoddess 12/5/2009 5:34 AM RT @Fingertipnews: AP Intl: Little resistance in new US-Afghan offensive - KABUL U.S. Marines and Afghan troops, 6367269522 dinamikler 12/5/2009 5:34 AM Dinamikler 2010 Makale Teslim Tarihleri Uzatıldı - Bu yıl Dinamikler 2010 da makale de kabul ediliyor. Proje... 6367238058 fitness_shoe 12/5/2009 5:32 AM Little resistance in new US-Afghan offensive: KABUL (AP) -- U.S. Marines and Afghan troops, conducting the firs.. 6367236668 leventkus 12/5/2009 5:31 AM RT @hembrant: @leventkus Allah kabul etsin:) hoşgeldin.valla bende nasıl olduğunu bilemiyorum dostum.girdik bi alamete bakalım. 6367176182 hembrant 12/5/2009 5:27 AM @leventkus Allah kabul etsin:) hoşgeldin.valla bende nasıl olduğunu bilemiyorum dostum.girdik bi alamete bakalım. 6367150084 brownpublishing 12/5/2009 5:25 AM U.S. Marines launch offensive in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) - U.S. Marines swooped down behind Taliban lines in helico... 6367130046 jimsciuttoABC 12/5/2009 5:24 AM Back to London from Kabul, and Brits are already gloating at 'cakewalk' opening vs US at World Cup. I'm not so sure. You guys? 6367038704 fasssha 12/5/2009 5:17 AM RT @arumm: RT @tiaralzrd: #iwish papa memberi ku uang yg banyak dan membebaskan ku seharian tanpa tlfn atau nyuruh pulang ,kabul kan yaAllah 6367008505 POTUFSS 12/5/2009 5:15 AM Militants killed, detained in new Afghan-US military operation|Kabul ? Four Taliban militants were killed and two .. 6366950073 YahooNoticias 12/5/2009 5:10 AM Poca resistencia en gran ofensiva de EEUU en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Los soldados estadounidenses y afganos que i... 6366836521 mutia_pelayati 12/5/2009 5:02 AM There's a hole in our logic There's a hole in the sky And one day just like magic We're all going to die. Kabul Shit-Lily Allen 6366818137 rizgari_news 12/5/2009 5:01 AM Barzani: Kürd halkına haksızlık yapıldı. Bunu kabul etmeyeceğiz! 6366810777 POTUFSS 12/5/2009 5:00 AM US Marines advance in southern Afghanistan|KABUL, Nov 5 ? US Marines pressed into a remote Taliban stronghold .. 6366802871 canuludag 12/5/2009 5:00 AM C# ve Expression Blend öğrenmeye karar verdim. DreamSpark beni bi kabul etse başlıcam. Ama anlaşamadık bi türlü :( 6366800737 zweitansage 12/5/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6366794802 eladenizz 12/5/2009 4:59 AM @yektakopan bu arada aleni buradan yazıyorum lakin msj zımbırtım size karşı pek sevecen değil ve kabul etmiyor, kusura bakmayınız efemm 6366782249 Obamashitlist 12/5/2009 4:58 AM US Marines advance in southern Afghanistan|KABUL, Nov 5 ? US Marines pressed into a remote Taliban stronghold .. 6366779015 edy_lim 12/5/2009 4:58 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban stro.. 6366774723 deccanchronical 12/5/2009 4:58 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban stro.. 6366674938 melisgonenc 12/5/2009 4:50 AM ‘Öteki’ni istiyoruz ama kafeinsiz olarak, hoşgörü kisvesi altında hoşgörüsüsüz. Asıl zor olan ‘öteki’ni ‘gerçek öteki’ olarak kabul etmek.. 6366644488 filmdirectorone 12/5/2009 4:47 AM 'ÖTEKİ' TÜRKİYENİN PULİTZER,NOBEL VE OSCAR ÖDÜLLERİNE DENK ÖDÜLÜ OLARAK KABUL EDİLEN SEDAT SİMAVİ ÖDÜLLERİ TELEVİZYON BÜYÜK ÖDÜLÜNÜ ALDI!!! 6366505057 EmreSevinc 12/5/2009 4:36 AM proje fikrimiz birinci aşama için kabul edildi, çalışmaya başlıyoruz... 6366449844 AlaskanPoison 12/5/2009 4:32 AM RT @BeachHeadHerald: U.S. Marines launch large offensive in Afghanistan (source: Big News Network): KABUL, Afghanistan -- .. http://bit. ... 6366385848 USTalib 12/5/2009 4:27 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban stro.. 6366379064 rtsradio 12/5/2009 4:27 AM Little resistance in new US-Afghan offensive - KABUL (AP) -- U.S. Marines and Afghan troops, conducting the fir... 6366362953 habercimurat 12/5/2009 4:25 AM elif şafak, ayıptır söylemesi sadece benim röp talebimi kabul etti, birazdan oraya gideğim 6366355793 reuterskl 12/5/2009 4:25 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongho... 6366341696 Notredamedesion 12/5/2009 4:24 AM @amedbaba Samanyolu daha sonrası için dedi kabul edemedim Ama Habertürk ile Sky'a konuştumArayıp hemen bağlandılar. 6366328432 fingertipnews 12/5/2009 4:23 AM AP Intl: Little resistance in new US-Afghan offensive - KABUL (AP) -- U.S. Marines and Afghan troops, conductin... 6366322110 hanni_bias 12/5/2009 4:22 AM Ikutaaaan.. Nanti malam merapat donk.. Ke 7 sins.. Yuk? RT @AyangKD: Listening Ibing's and friend feat cepot dengan ijab kabul xixixixixixi 6366309960 flysglm 12/5/2009 4:21 AM ismail yk nın ramazan davulu olmak isteyenler? istemeyenler? isteyenler? kabul edilmiştir. 6366285296 AyangKD 12/5/2009 4:19 AM Listening Ibing's and friend feat cepot dengan ijab kabul xixixixixixi *tertawa guling2 dilantai* 6366284105 ekorrhjulet 12/5/2009 4:19 AM Coola före- och efter-bilder (Kabul och Las Vegas bäst, de kunde vält bä 6366257992 liveadsense 12/5/2009 4:17 AM 20 U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban stronghold on ... 6366141414 ricardonanan 12/5/2009 4:08 AM Reuters World News U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Re.. 6366125999 eksiduyuru 12/5/2009 4:06 AM macbook dvd player: you can not change region code for your drive diyor cd yi kabul etmiyordaha önce region sorunu ile karşılaştı... 6366092223 m_insider 12/5/2009 4:04 AM US Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL, Nov 5 — US Marines pressed into a remote Taliban stronghold to... 6366032844 zweitansage 12/5/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6366026041 BssNews 12/5/2009 3:59 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongho... 6366026068 SalBarguil 12/5/2009 3:59 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongho... 6366026070 newsfeeding 12/5/2009 3:59 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongho... 6366025988 MobileAuto 12/5/2009 3:59 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongho... 6366025998 newzdevil 12/5/2009 3:59 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongho... 6366026001 NewsMashup 12/5/2009 3:59 AM Reuters: U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban... 6366026003 gundelizer 12/5/2009 3:59 AM #Reuters U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remot... #Topnews 6366026010 SmittysWeb 12/5/2009 3:59 AM KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban stronghold on Saturday with their first major assault ... 6366026014 HeadlinesNewz 12/5/2009 3:59 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongho... 6366026021 reuterstop 12/5/2009 3:59 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongho... 6366026022 dave13100 12/5/2009 3:59 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongho... 6366026024 GlobalTechNews 12/5/2009 3:59 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongho... 6366026027 webtipsfree 12/5/2009 3:59 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban strongho... 6366026035 tweettools4U 12/5/2009 3:59 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a re... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 6365998306 mtadude 12/5/2009 3:57 AM U.S. Marines advance in southern Afghanistan|KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Marines pressed into a remote Taliban .. 6365985392 wickedtought 12/5/2009 3:56 AM @emretatar gördüm kabul ettim bende seni =)) 6365940537 CMtraffichub 12/5/2009 3:52 AM Letter From Kabul What are the problems additional U.S. forces will face? 6365940544 jamesh155 12/5/2009 3:52 AM Letter From Kabul What are the problems additional U.S. forces will face? 6365800003 discoverer_44 12/5/2009 3:41 AM Reading: "FarmVille'de Hediyeler Nasıl Kabul Edilir - Forumdas.Net" ( ) 6365776966 10urrr 12/5/2009 3:39 AM Avrupadan gelen soğuk hava dalgası, ülkemizi etkisi altına aldı.. Yok abi, Avrupa bizi sevmiyor işte, kabul edelim... 6365773743 Hermaniak 12/5/2009 3:39 AM @matthijswolff Ik heb er nog twee liggen van de bazaar in Kabul! Hebbe? #panerai 6365767896 ocomert 12/5/2009 3:38 AM Tarihte bugun (05.12.1934) - Kadınlara milletvekili seçme ve seçilme hakkı tanıyan kanun kabul edildi. 6365756074 dYgYn 12/5/2009 3:37 AM @tanyolt biz kötü mü dedik :)) ama dün akşam kötü bir Hok's gecesiydi hele pizza facia kabul et :)))) 6365754388 wahabbashir 12/5/2009 3:37 AM Property market thriving in kabul ... Fortunately the land does not go up in fumes with a blast 6365739903 selimciprut 12/5/2009 3:36 AM Hamdi Bey'in teklifi:Asmalımescid de drink ardından mum ışığında yemek...kabul etmedim,üstüne ağzını burnunu dağıttım.... 6365705006 Sect0verviews 12/5/2009 3:33 AM Story: "Bustling Kabul doesn't seem like a combat zone" 6365694310 BruneiNews 12/5/2009 3:32 AM US Marine, Afghan offensive ongoing in Helmand: KABUL – U.S. Marines and Afghan troops, conducting the fi.. 6365682348 stargundem 12/5/2009 3:32 AM Polat'ın Selamı İşe Yaramadı - Polat abimin selamı var diyerek bankaya gitti, kabul edilmeyince Cevat' 6365310795 itu_sozluk 12/5/2009 3:03 AM ibrahim tatlıses: sesini geçtim. harbiden ses var adamda, tartılşılmaz. aldık, kabul ettik.ibrahim tatlıses... 6365258529 zweitansage 12/5/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6365081514 ARTatJONMOSS 12/5/2009 2:46 AM Snowing in Kabul. Winter is officially here and I thought I was gonna make it out before the White stuff made it in! 6365060751 MattDabrowski 12/5/2009 2:44 AM First snow in Kabul just started about ten minutes ago! A light dusting. The weatherman says it's not enough to collect. 6365017920 abbieautoboosh 12/5/2009 2:41 AM The price of a used cat in Kabul - number 250. 6364823956 rtsradio 12/5/2009 2:27 AM US Marine, Afghan offensive ongoing in Helmand - KABUL (AP) -- U.S. Marines and Afghan troops, conducting the f... 6364767426 neslihanacu 12/5/2009 2:23 AM @iclalaydin günaydın:) bu erken(!) cevap için kusura bakma:) dün gece biraz uyuyayım dedim:) seyretmedim. teklifini kabul ettim:) 6364763148 fingertipnews 12/5/2009 2:23 AM AP Intl: US Marine, Afghan offensive ongoing in Helmand - KABUL (AP) -- U.S. Marines and Afghan troops, conduct... 6364537579 Zgurrr 12/5/2009 2:07 AM @hakan_emre Simdi benim burdan her soyledigimi herkes duyarmi.Arkadaslik kabul etme yokmu?Atiyorum Zeki Muren de iletilerimi okuyabilir mi? 6364504673 carlosm60010 12/5/2009 2:05 AM ¿Jaen o Kabul? 6364423234 zweitansage 12/5/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6364351640 bizimkocaeli 12/5/2009 1:54 AM Çek mağdurlarına müjde: Çek Yasa Tasarısı, TBMM Adalet Komisyonu’nda kabul edildi. Tasarı bu şekilde yas... 6364122392 Ven_NnHeRe 12/5/2009 1:39 AM @terryputeri : tante td pst sukses donk ijab kabul-ny.....?hehehe 6364065398 AlaskanPoison 12/5/2009 1:35 AM US Marines launch offensive in Afghanistan (source: Big News Network): KABUL (AP) #Military (via @BeachHeadHerald) 6363951388 yonasmichael 12/5/2009 1:28 AM Workin on my "Kabul Shit" remix ... kinda wanna be Paul Oakenfold now ha 6363932647 tweetsa 12/5/2009 1:27 AM Bustling Kabul doesn't seem like a combat zone 6363907810 rtsradio 12/5/2009 1:25 AM US Marines launch offensive in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- U.S. Marines swooped down behind Taliban lines in he... 6363883845 vikram251086 12/5/2009 1:23 AM Marines Lead Offensive to Secure Southern Afghan Town: By RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr. KABUL, Afghanistan — In the firs.. 6363871311 angela251086 12/5/2009 1:23 AM Marines Lead Offensive to Secure Southern Afghan Town: By RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr. KABUL, Afghanistan — In the firs.. 6363860397 fingertipnews 12/5/2009 1:22 AM AP Intl: US Marines launch offensive in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- U.S. Marines swooped down behind Taliban li... 6363765905 moodywidd 12/5/2009 1:16 AM nonton org ijab kabul jd pengen jd cpw-ny...HAHAHAHA 6363491408 sitivmakkuin 12/5/2009 12:59 AM -sabahın sekizinde ne kabul töreni amcık? - hüzünbaz olmaya çalışmıştım ühühühü -hadi kahvaltı et sen, öksürüyorsun -öksürük hüzündür ühühüh 6363468373 sitivmakkuin 12/5/2009 12:58 AM dışlanmış adamın derdi vardır, bırakın o yazsın. deliren o'dur, dışlayan ve tüketecek olan sizsiniz. yazı, topluma bir kabul törenidir. 6363345071 selmasemiz 12/5/2009 12:51 AM @enginbas cnn int ve bbc kabul ediyoruz:))) 6362151393 marlenewilkinsn 12/4/2009 11:48 PM Administration hopes firm date 4 troop drawdowns will pressure Kabul 2 reform its notoriously corrupt government. Wall Street Journal 6362064786 Hexham67 12/4/2009 11:44 PM RT @whisper1111: i'm guessing the opening of Sea World Kabul will be pushed back now... damn // now what do I do with this orca? 6361992953 dYgYn 12/4/2009 11:40 PM @gokhanarik bu soruyu güzel bir iltifat olarak kabul ediyorum ama sanırım o yaşı biraz geçtim :)) iyi sabahlar, ben biraz uyumaya çalışıcam! 6361767484 CalcuttaExpress 12/4/2009 11:29 PM CalcuttaExpress is actually short for From Calcutta to Kabul Express... since I am half 1/2 Afghan 1/2 desi.. obviously the shorter is nicer 6361630475 gokhanarik 12/4/2009 11:23 PM @dYgYn Peki kabul..Ogrenci misin? 6361219184 gokhanarik 12/4/2009 11:04 PM @dYgYn Sucu 140 karaktere atma kabul et sen yanlis yazdin :) 6361088534 itu_sozluk 12/4/2009 10:58 PM altın oran: 1.618 olarak kabul edilir. yunan alfabesinin 21. harfi ile ifade edilir. dünya üzerinde bir çok far... 6361088302 itu_sozluk 12/4/2009 10:58 PM metafizik: böyle gelmiş böyle gider felsefesidir. değişimi kabul etmez. 6361087820 itu_sozluk 12/4/2009 10:58 PM pi sayısı: pi sayısı 3,1416 olarak kabul edilir. bir dairenin çapı pi sayısı ile çarpıldığı zaman dai... 6361047743 hestywijayanti 12/4/2009 10:56 PM Detik2 ijab kabul.. Huaaa deg2an.. 6361037369 CrazeeRick 12/4/2009 10:55 PM @endrunlv India knows when we leave, Taliban will retake Kabul. Checkmate, game over. 6360083988 kathyalamanda 12/4/2009 10:13 PM Liat @terryputeri abs ijab kabul jd ikut seneng!! Jadiiiiii..... 6359934173 prasannavishy 12/4/2009 10:07 PM @b50 Spare us from this morning levity.what abt Manmohan version of subcontinental culinaryism-Breakfast@Dilli,Lunch at lahore&dinner@kabul 6359755415 HQ_sets 12/4/2009 10:00 PM BBC Blog Network England get luck of the draw Kabul, Afghanistan Brasil finalmente em um grupo da morte! What's.. 6359755866 exokewl 12/4/2009 10:00 PM Alamat lama bgt kayanya.. Jomblo 4 life :D lol RT @giegieharyadi: Ijab kabul selesai, sepupu gw resmi jadi suami istri, dan gw resmi akan 6359392177 giegieharyadi 12/4/2009 9:44 PM Ijab kabul selesai, sepupu gw resmi jadi suami istri, dan gw resmi akan menerima pertanyaan"kapan,merit"..karena gw satu"nya yg blum merit 6359305679 dhsandler 12/4/2009 9:41 PM Two amazing pictures: Las Vegas then and now And Kabul then and now 6359196922 wirdalubis 12/4/2009 9:36 PM Liat sepupu ijab kabul..✓✓ 6358876447 johanapurba 12/4/2009 9:24 PM Going to Ijab Kabul one of my dearest friend, Rosaria Tyas Larasati.. ;-D 6357998426 moonwire 12/4/2009 8:48 PM Found a really good bookstore last night. Picked up Heart of Darkness and The Bookseller of Kabul. 6357510443 carlalopezpe 12/4/2009 8:29 PM Foreign Affairs: Letter From #Kabul | #Corruption, the #Warlords and the #Taliban ( #Afghanistan #war #NATO #Karzai 6357478825 penaribali 12/4/2009 8:28 PM My fav part of a wedding, ijab kabul, witness by angels.. All the best to the bride & groom 6357423263 bartlicious 12/4/2009 8:25 PM yg ijab kabul lama bgt sih, dah laper neh! 6357268720 dyanka 12/4/2009 8:19 PM Akhirnya ijab kabul jugaaa...selamat ya teh meta dan a'hendra....!!!! 6357248059 PoliticsHoncho 12/4/2009 8:18 PM BBC - Nick Robinson's Newslog: Kabul, Afghanistan 6357093847 adeprakasa 12/4/2009 8:12 PM @ijab kabul, Aji & Imas sudah resmi suami-istri, jadi terharu hihihihiih 6357004057 Proudlib 12/4/2009 8:09 PM RT @whisper1111: i'm guessing the opening of Sea World Kabul will be pushed back now... damn 6356975109 whisper1111 12/4/2009 8:07 PM i'm guessing the opening of Sea World Kabul will be pushed back now... damn 6356954420 abcdewi 12/4/2009 8:07 PM Asik :"> RT @vidamegistra: Ka vonty kyanya merhatiin bgt td pas ijab kabul. Mau belajar sepertinya hahaha 6356929850 CJTF82 12/4/2009 8:06 PM PMT 8 troops delivered much needed medical supplies & tents to a clinic & girls' school in Kabul province. 6356839478 vidamegistra 12/4/2009 8:02 PM Ka vonty kyanya merhatiin bgt td pas ijab kabul. Mau belajar sepertinya hahaha 6356696992 film2012 12/4/2009 7:57 PM RT @film2012 For Obama the Road to Reelection Runs Through Kabul - Or So He Thinks - Huffington Post (blog) 6356483923 aztarinadya 12/4/2009 7:48 PM yang mau ijab kabul kan sepupu gue, kok malah gue yang mules deg degan tiada tara. aduh mampus 6356474598 ankahukuk 12/4/2009 7:48 PM Adalet Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanan Yeni Çek Yasası Tasarısı, Meclis Adalet Komisyonu'nda kabul edildi. Tasarıya... 6356474740 nenxasoy 12/4/2009 7:48 PM Aduh,,,malez banget kmrn kedufan,,, gw ga' bisa bersama dya,,,,tp ada seneng2 jg seh,,,,pas pulang,,, tp kenapa dya malah sms ke kabul ya,,, 6356466334 gocuk 12/4/2009 7:48 PM @jdlus Kabul etmek gerek =) 6356455977 ankahukuk 12/4/2009 7:47 PM Adalet Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanan Yeni Çek Yasası Tasarısı, Meclis Adalet Komisyonu'nda kabul edildi. Tasarıya... 6356413163 UNjobs_HIVAIDS 12/4/2009 7:45 PM Medical Doctor / Psychiatrist, Kabul / Paktia, Afghanistan @UNjobs #jobs 6356237639 jazzmane 12/4/2009 7:39 PM RT @AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul: ... 6356144321 IvaReLaLto 12/4/2009 7:35 PM Akad akad, ijab kabul dulu..hhi.. 6355525248 3xthreat 12/4/2009 7:11 PM RT @BraveNewFound: Graham Fuller former CIA station chief in Kabul says "Obama Kicks the Can Down the Road" 6355099929 MediaReform 12/4/2009 6:54 PM RT @bravenewfilms Graham Fuller former CIA station chief in Kabul says "Obama Kicks the Can Down the Road" #Obama #war 6354993165 gokhanarik 12/4/2009 6:50 PM @yaseminograli adami dinsel hayat kabul etmedi cnsl hyat kbul edermi.. 6354885292 Hobermikersmith 12/4/2009 6:46 PM RT @AfghanistanDocu: Graham Fuller former CIA station chief in Kabul says "Obama Kicks the Can Down the Road" 6354769938 Fochik 12/4/2009 6:42 PM RT @AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul: ... 6354610356 emincanyilmaz 12/4/2009 6:35 PM Çek hapsine erteleme komisyondan geçti: Çek Yasa Tasarısı, TBMM Adalet Komisyonu’nda kabul edildi. 6354593645 ichahahalo 12/4/2009 6:35 PM wadezig . ijab kabul calon pnganten di halaman rumah gue cobaa . ahelah gue masih style tidur gni , ngumpet dmana yak? 6354514217 HurriyetEkonomi 12/4/2009 6:32 PM Çek hapsine erteleme komisyondan geçti: Çek Yasa Tasarısı, TBMM Adalet Komisyonu’nda kabul edildi. 6354003973 mikedarner 12/4/2009 6:12 PM RT @KatrinaNation Communications Director for Congressman Honda files smart Dispatch from Kabul 6353997211 CitizenWhy 12/4/2009 6:12 PM If that naughty Karzei behaves, the ever gracious Queen will make a state visit to Kabul (provided the toilets work, and are of gold)." 6353939498 barbarosoksuz 12/4/2009 6:09 PM @GeErgen Meraktan soruyorum özrüm kabul ola, amaç sadece zaman geçirmek mi yahut merak gidermek mi? 6353889337 bediacguzelce 12/4/2009 6:07 PM @ulasgursat ulaş bizim yazı sisteminde bir sorun mu var şifremi kabul etmiyor 6353798937 jpmourao 12/4/2009 6:04 PM JA JA COMPAY TUMBAO (Musica Cubana Tradicional) no Kabul Bar!!! Apareçam!!!!! 6353609938 vecihesozeri 12/4/2009 5:57 PM Saci basi kiyafeti bi o kadar fiyasko kabul ama vallahi ses ortuyo hepsini 6353578653 kivalendactivts 12/4/2009 5:55 PM Jacob, Raglan, NZ has given loan amount of 1075 to Abdul Basher Abdul Muhlak, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Towards expanding his business. 6353492233 gruginskie 12/4/2009 5:52 PM Os graves problemas da corrupção no Afeganistão. 6353467708 lftcoast 12/4/2009 5:51 PM RT @AfghanistanDocu: Graham Fuller former CIA station chief in Kabul says "Obama Kicks the Can Down the Road" 6353456034 jimbowski 12/4/2009 5:51 PM RT @AfghanistanDocu: Graham Fuller former CIA station chief in Kabul says "Obama Kicks the Can Down the Road" 6353419937 bettyboop1920 12/4/2009 5:49 PM Honeymoon in Kabul Moves Zero Film Fest: Documentary about a couple making a difference in Afghanistan is one of 11... 6353419600 socalrocks 12/4/2009 5:49 PM Honeymoon in Kabul Moves Zero Film Fest 6353393799 Fochik 12/4/2009 5:48 PM RT @AfghanistanDocu: Graham Fuller former CIA station chief in Kabul says "Obama Kicks the Can Down the Road" 6353331596 handayaniretno 12/4/2009 5:46 PM selamet ya lin semoga bahagia gue terharu nih RT @aryanilinda: nunggu ijab kabul 6353296443 kivalendactivts 12/4/2009 5:44 PM Pedro, Miami FL, US has given loan amount of 1075 to Abdul Basher Abdul Muhlak, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Towards expanding his business. 6353148198 AfghanistanDocu 12/4/2009 5:39 PM Graham Fuller former CIA station chief in Kabul says "Obama Kicks the Can Down the Road" 6353139871 BraveNewFound 12/4/2009 5:38 PM Graham Fuller former CIA station chief in Kabul says "Obama Kicks the Can Down the Road" 6353124460 bravenewfilms 12/4/2009 5:38 PM Graham Fuller former CIA station chief in Kabul says "Obama Kicks the Can Down the Road" 6353109363 smulets 12/4/2009 5:37 PM @kayre @thidam işte beni olduğum gibi kabul eden dostlar. sputnik forever! 6352317507 gulizarslan 12/4/2009 5:06 PM @ahmethc lakin kabul etmeli; pek "tarz", "cool", "havalı" değiller... 6352291661 kivalendactivts 12/4/2009 5:05 PM Hoyt, Apex NC, US has given loan amount of 1075 to Abdul Basher Abdul Muhlak, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Towards expanding his business. 6352291643 kivalendactivts 12/4/2009 5:05 PM Hoyt, Apex NC, US has given loan amount of 1075 to Abdul Basher Abdul Muhlak, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Towards expanding his business. 6352273742 w_led 12/4/2009 5:04 PM Adam Curtis: Kabul part 6 6352201738 Wodashin 12/4/2009 5:02 PM @sunipeyk Facebook'ta sunipeyk beni arkadaş olarak kabul etmediği halde, yani arkadaş listeme girmediği halde,... [pic] 6352032420 alibomaye 12/4/2009 4:55 PM I wonder if I can call Zaytinya and say the Prince of Kabul is coming with the latest Bollywood sensation tonight to get a table? 6352019618 moomoobrowncow 12/4/2009 4:55 PM US Marines launch offensive in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) — US Marines swooped down behind Taliban lines in helicopt... 6351540021 Katulis 12/4/2009 4:36 PM Graham Fuller former CIA station chief in Kabul I've met several times before offers this Afpak wisdom 6351518188 ceneke 12/4/2009 4:35 PM 3 friend request ten 2 sini kabul etmek! aman tanrım değişiorummm :P 6351459578 SezinSivri 12/4/2009 4:32 PM Adli makamlar Farmville bosanma gerekcesi olarak kabul ediliyormus yakinda twitteri da kabul edeceklerdir. 6351201637 emr_kaya 12/4/2009 4:22 PM facede hiçbirşeyi ne kabul ne iptal edebiliyorum :S twitter var o zaman :D 6351167029 mfirataydin 12/4/2009 4:21 PM @BasakSayan kadınlardan imam olamayacağına göre kız çocuklarını imam hatip liselerine kabul etmek de yanlışlıkların devamı. 6351015580 crypticvalentin 12/4/2009 4:15 PM For Obama the Road to Reelection Runs Through Kabul - Or So He Thinks..#obama.. 6350915830 BintNusayba 12/4/2009 4:11 PM Yuck mark II! Cameron looking smug on news touring 'sanitised' Kabul. No NATO bombed villages there 6350819524 gizem_ozdilli 12/4/2009 4:07 PM @rahsangulsan olmazzzz kabul etmiyorumm....yazıkkk....:))) 6350813592 nedimsaban 12/4/2009 4:07 PM amerika aidsden nasıl uzak durdu ama aidsi kabul ettikten sonra obamanın başkanlığına kadar giden süreç. pazar günü birgündeki yazımda 6350781638 CrazeeRick 12/4/2009 4:06 PM Bad link.RT @RealClearWorld: What I Saw in Kabul 6350605363 zweitansage 12/4/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6350530864 KatrinaNation 12/4/2009 3:57 PM Communications Director for Congressman Honda files smart Dispatch from Kabul: 6350476950 TheOaklandPress 12/4/2009 3:55 PM US Marines launch offensive in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) — U.S. Marines swooped down behind Taliban lines in helico... 6350213110 politicalfever 12/4/2009 3:45 PM Christian Parenti: For Obama the Road to Reelection Runs Through Kabul - Or So He Thinks 6350196691 pessimistanbul 12/4/2009 3:44 PM önyargıları yıkmak gerçekten zor. "ali hayto" arkadaşlık isteği göndermiş gel de kabul et. 6350155840 arthurduarte 12/4/2009 3:42 PM @pkao Essa do Kabul eh verdade! 6350057389 jeremiahlunzaga 12/4/2009 3:38 PM KABUL (AP): US Marines launch large offensive in Afghanistan 6350046623 alexi_remus 12/4/2009 3:38 PM Okul İçinde Efelenin Okul Çikişi Özürü Kabul Olmaz ;) 6349942778 Sercinho 12/4/2009 3:33 PM tesav siyaset okulu'na başvurdum. büyük ihtimalle kabul edileceğim. gidelim görelim. 6349940376 USTalib 12/4/2009 3:33 PM US Marines launch offensive in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) — US Marines swooped down behind Taliban lines in helico.. 6349892626 JenMcKlean 12/4/2009 3:31 PM US Marines launch offensive in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) — US Marines swooped down behind Taliban lines in helicopt... 6349558256 ikizali 12/4/2009 3:19 PM Conference paper'i kabul ettirdim. Simdi paper'i yazmak gibi ufak bir problem kaldi. Su isleri bir de dogru sirada yapabilsem, super olacak. 6349350154 Pucemargine 12/4/2009 3:11 PM @fpleitgenCNN Can´t imagine that when foreign forces start to withdraw, the Afg forces will stay loyal to Kabul/government 6349215612 ObamaHighlights 12/4/2009 3:05 PM 'For Obama the Road to Reelection Runs Through Kabul - Or So He Thinks - Huffington Post (blog).. #obama' 6349056665 zweitansage 12/4/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6348909622 pkao 12/4/2009 2:54 PM Site do Hostel Kabul, em Barcelona: "if you only want to sleep, go somewhere else". 6348544263 ObamaWire 12/4/2009 2:40 PM #obama Christian Parenti: For Obama the Road to Reelection Runs Through Kabul - Or So He Thinks 6348511070 ricelaker 12/4/2009 2:38 PM Christian Parenti: For Obama the Road to Reelection Runs Through Kabul - Or So He Thinks: via @addthis 6348435775 axismedia 12/4/2009 2:35 PM KABUL (AP) US Marines launch first major Afghan operation since US troop surge announced. 6348409261 PhilCane 12/4/2009 2:34 PM RT @bbcnickrobinson: Kabul, Afghanistan 6348351439 jke 12/4/2009 2:32 PM RT @DavidWTN: In a city of 3 million there are 35 public toilets. That's modern day Kabul. 6348016145 brom3k 12/4/2009 2:20 PM A szkoda, bo to współrzędne cmentarzyska sowieckich czołgów na Północy #Kabul.u 6347811645 bbcnickrobinson 12/4/2009 2:12 PM Kabul, Afghanistan 6347802408 diclekocabas 12/4/2009 2:11 PM Herkesi oldugu gbi kabul etmek ne kdr da zor. 6347743541 markhor 12/4/2009 2:09 PM MIndblowing before and after shots of cities transformed by war or economics. Check out Kabul. (via @freakonomics) 6347495424 zweitansage 12/4/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6347420878 ageerss 12/4/2009 1:57 PM Dream For Obama the Road to Reelection Runs Through Kabul - Or So He Thinks from RSS 6347250504 akdenizsozluk 12/4/2009 1:50 PM (bkz: rüşvet kabul eden moderatörler) 6347207827 yurtsan 12/4/2009 1:48 PM @onuralmislar Derdim GDO değil,üzerimize kene gibi yapışan ezbere kabul edip,yobazca bir inanç şeklinde topluma tavır empoze etme alışkanlğı 6347046430 davidworth 12/4/2009 1:42 PM Higher education set to soar in Afghanistan - plan to double number of university places launched in Kabul #higher_ed 6347043787 RealClearWorld 12/4/2009 1:42 PM What I Saw in Kabul 6346896775 rtsradio 12/4/2009 1:36 PM US Marines launch big offensive in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- U.S. Marines swooped down behind Taliban lines i... 6346814673 ObamaPalooza 12/4/2009 1:33 PM Obama News: Christian Parenti: For Obama the Road to Reelection Runs Through Kabul - Or So He Thinks.. 6346804631 marcusexam 12/4/2009 1:33 PM Marines launch big offensive in Afghanistan: Kabul -- U.S. Marines swooped down behind Taliban lines in helicop.. 6346781566 ilGiornaleNET 12/4/2009 1:32 PM Christian Parenti: For Obama the Road to Reelection Runs Through Kabul - Or So He Thinks: The real goals of the Afg... 6346773498 separation_bc 12/4/2009 1:32 PM @_oguzhan üniverstede kas çalışıp böyle dans eden bi adam olucaksan kabul yoksa görünme gözüme 6346688054 DNCDUDES 12/4/2009 1:28 PM POMP! For Obama the Road to Reelection Runs Through Kabul - Or So He Thinks - Huffington Post (.. #tcot @cnn 6346676760 fingertipnews 12/4/2009 1:28 PM AP Intl: US Marines launch big offensive in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- U.S. Marines swooped down behind Taliba... 6346647463 world_news_blog 12/4/2009 1:27 PM #news: Christian Parenti: For Obama the Road to Reelection Runs Through Kabul - Or So He Thinks 6346382778 detroitnewsnow 12/4/2009 1:17 PM Marines launch big offensive in Afghanistan: Kabul -- U.S. Marines swooped down behind Taliban lines in helicop.. 6346265245 MADNews101 12/4/2009 1:12 PM Christian Parenti: For Obama the Road to Reelection Runs Through Kabul - Or So He Thinks 6346250122 in_asia 12/4/2009 1:12 PM (AP) KABUL (AP) - U.S. Marines and Afghan troops on Friday launched the first offensive since President Barack .. 6346148297 ussal 12/4/2009 1:08 PM @esencaglar yok artik hakaret Kabul ederim. C olarak 20ydi dun, simdi de15 ama bugun son gibi.. 6346143063 AlexieLabelle 12/4/2009 1:08 PM @ChantalGuy Les cerfs-volants de Kabul, La part de l'autre, Life of Pi... 6346135694 theexaggerator 12/4/2009 1:07 PM RT @tweetmeme t r u t h o u t | Preventing War, from Caracas to Kabul RT @buzzflash RT @peoplefor 6345996419 Texas49BluRibbn 12/4/2009 1:02 PM RT @LATimestot: Conan: BO's Afghan speech gives NBC huge ratings. So next Spring Law&Order: Kabul, Afghanistan's -> 6345915260 zweitansage 12/4/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6345566558 Lucy0Morgan 12/4/2009 12:47 PM avec sophie crave, listening to kabul shit. 6345468975 danqers 12/4/2009 12:43 PM DOLAR GÖZÜM AĞLARIM KABUL OLMAZ DUALARIM SENSİZLİGE ALIŞMAKNTAN YOK BAŞKA ÇARE KADER DEĞİL BİZE KIYAN SEN KIYDIN... 6345406526 freedom4USA 12/4/2009 12:40 PM Breaking #news #tcot Deadline a positive step, says Karzai: KABUL - President Hamid Karzai .. 6345232856 afsc_org 12/4/2009 12:34 PM RT @thenation: Letter from Kabul: A trip to Afghanistan reveals the extent of Washington's disconnect from the reality on the ground htt ... 6345087168 thenation 12/4/2009 12:29 PM Letter from Kabul: A trip to Afghanistan reveals the extent of Washington's disconnect from the reality on the ground 6344722221 indodiabetes 12/4/2009 12:18 PM Mengucapkan Ijab Kabul Lewat Tweeter dan Facebook: via @addthis 6344661134 BarraDeHerram 12/4/2009 12:16 PM Marines de EEUU lanzan gran ofensiva en Afganistán: AP - KABUL (AP) - Infantes de marina estadounidenses y fuerzas... 6344139733 zweitansage 12/4/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6344093918 fuzzy_person 12/4/2009 11:58 AM Charlize bunun yarısı kadar güzel olsaydı bile bu sempatiklik seviyesiyle kendisini seve seve kabul ederdim, evet 6343906802 ChicagoILrss 12/4/2009 11:52 AM SunNews| US Marines launch large Afghan offensive: KABUL -- U.S. Marines and Afghan troops Friday launched the firs... 6343589961 coltringus 12/4/2009 11:41 AM @Bengtassen Aha! Og så kom idéen: La oss skape stabilitet v/ å bygge opp korrupt aristokrat som vil bli skutt 10 mil fra Kabul. Glitrende :) 6343562807 rtsradio 12/4/2009 11:40 AM US Marines launch large offensive in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- U.S. Marines and Afghan troops on Friday launc... 6343531887 asspress 12/4/2009 11:39 AM US Marines launch large offensive in Afghanistan: US Marines launch large offensive in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) — ... 6343523195 stonemonkey45 12/4/2009 11:38 AM RT @AdamCurtisBlog: Kabul: City Number One - Part 6: PART SIX - THE WAR ON POP In November 1975 the first rock festival was he.. ht ... 6343418543 infofirenze 12/4/2009 11:35 AM Oggi in Palazzo Vecchio la presentazione del libro "Mille giorni a Kabul" di Nicola Misasi: L'intervento di Valdo Spini 6342608713 rtsradio 12/4/2009 11:07 AM US Marines launch large offensive - KABUL (AP) -- U.S. Marines and Afghan troops Friday launched the first offe... 6342529228 ranzeb45 12/4/2009 11:04 AM RT @ForeignAffairs_: Letter From Kabul: What the United States Must Overcome in Afghanistan: 6342510329 invab 12/4/2009 11:03 AM McChrystal receives Afghan guard of honor in Kabul #General Stanley #Afghan #Kabul #US #policy 6342444114 Jobs_Delhi 12/4/2009 11:01 AM BIOMEDICAL EQUIP TECH - (KABUL AFGHANISTAN) healthcare improve your feed    6342394650 zweitansage 12/4/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6342174188 Librarian74 12/4/2009 10:51 AM I'm #reading Kabul Beauty School by Deborah Rodriguez - 6341968983 NedDagbl 12/4/2009 10:44 AM Nieuws: NAVO in de aanval in Zuid-Afghanistan: KABUL - Meer dan duizend militairen uit NAVO-landen, voornamelijk de... 6341933827 nselegzi 12/4/2009 10:43 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: - The endless cemetary on a hill overlooking Kabul, a sign of how long this cty has been at war 6341818882 Terencesambo 12/4/2009 10:38 AM Not only China has a gr8 wall, Kabul (Afghanistan) has got its own, wit gr8 history too ☺ 6341753924 fingertipnews 12/4/2009 10:36 AM AP Intl: US Marines launch large offensive - KABUL (AP) -- U.S. Marines and Afghan troops Friday launched the f... 6341687666 laurathoms 12/4/2009 10:34 AM Rereading a favorite: Living on the Devil's Doorstep (McClung) about their adventure following God from US to India to Kabul to Amsterdam. 6341666362 iremous 12/4/2009 10:33 AM @cagancaglar bu bunye kabul etmiyor,isyankarim :) 6341641566 comonews 12/4/2009 10:32 AM U.S. Marines launch first offensive since Obama's address- KABUL — U.S. Marines and Afghan troops Friday launch... 6341620194 cansucum 12/4/2009 10:32 AM @mehmetACAR hahah aci gercekler valla,oyuzden soyledigin seye katildim.ama herkesin cirkefe baglamasi normal,bazi seyleri kabul etmek zordur 6341437312 oceanshaman 12/4/2009 10:25 AM RT @LATimestot: Conan: BOs Afghan speech gives NBC huge ratings. So next spring Law&Order: Kabul, Afghanistans Got Talent & Tonight Show ... 6341263912 ScribePR 12/4/2009 10:19 AM Local Rotarian Fary Moini now on her 12th trip to Afghanistan to visit Rotary Jalalabad School, push bridge construction over Kabul River. 6341171800 KindllMktg 12/4/2009 10:16 AM RT @LATimestot: Conan: BOs Afghan speech gives NBC huge ratings. So next spring Law&Order: Kabul, Afghanistans Got Talent & Tonight Show ... 6341171867 mommyknows 12/4/2009 10:16 AM RT @LATimestot: Conan: BOs Afghan speech -->NBC big ratings. Next spring Law&Order: Kabul, Afghans Got Talent & Tonight Show w/Hamid Karzai 6341108847 dakeek 12/4/2009 10:14 AM wadoh ga tau deh. Blm pernah sih. Elo kok tau2an sih? RT @lickz: @dakeek apaan deh kayak abis ijab kabul aja pake tsah tsah. :p 6341100647 YahooNoticias 12/4/2009 10:14 AM Marines de EEUU lanzan gran ofensiva en Afganistán: AP - KABUL (AP) - Infantes de marina estadounidenses y fuerzas... 6341077695 cjriddick 12/4/2009 10:13 AM RT @LATimestot: Conan: BOs Afghan speech gives NBC huge ratings. So next spring Law&Order: Kabul, Afghanistans Got Talent & Tonight Show ... 6341068951 Danesaregreat 12/4/2009 10:12 AM RT @militaryupdates: #Military_Times : Marines launch large Afghan offensive: KABUL, Afghanistan — U.S. Marines and Afghan troops have.. ... 6341056138 latimestot 12/4/2009 10:12 AM Conan: BOs Afghan speech gives NBC huge ratings. So next spring Law&Order: Kabul, Afghanistans Got Talent & Tonight Show w/Hamid Karzai 6340963294 sajvachhani 12/4/2009 10:09 AM AP Top News at 8:58 am EST: KABUL, Afghanistan — US Marines and Afghan troops have launched the first offensive s... 6340781162 habercimurat 12/4/2009 10:03 AM valla flaş-Tarafların anlaşması halinde karşılıksız çek suçunun cezasını erteleyen ve durduran Çek Yasa Tasarısı, Komisyonunda kabul edildi. 6340715163 bolbol_ekonomi 12/4/2009 10:00 AM Çek Yasa Tasarısı kabul edildi 6340692368 zweitansage 12/4/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6340369601 calperrycnn 12/4/2009 9:48 AM @fpleitgencnn is in Kabul, covering the 3-4 Marines as they push on new offensive in Helmand province in Afghanistan. Follow for updates ... 6339907388 timtom 12/4/2009 9:32 AM KABUL (AP) US Marines launch first major Afghan operation since US troop surge announced. 6339823842 Mayhill 12/4/2009 9:30 AM Weinbaum says Kabul-Kandahar road not only too dangerous to use but in disrepair #kcfp 6339757180 ilGiornaleNET 12/4/2009 9:27 AM US Marines Launch Large Offensive In Afghanistan: KABUL — U.S. Marines and Afghan troops Friday launched the firs... 6339441320 mcallentimes 12/4/2009 9:16 AM US Marines launch large offensive in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- U.S. Marines and Afghan troops Fr... (Via The Monitor) 6339238835 nitheen 12/4/2009 9:09 AM US Marines Launch Large Offensive In Afghanistan: KABUL — U.S. Marines and Afghan troops Friday launch.. 6339214083 Seanotd 12/4/2009 9:08 AM RT @AllMilitaryNews: (Marine Corp Times) Marines launch large Afghan offensive: KABUL, Afghanistan R.. #Military 6339190016 HeyErnie 12/4/2009 9:07 AM Marines launch large Afghan offensive: KABUL, Afghanistan — U.S. Marines and Afghan troops have launched the firs... 6339186311 kickinghorse892 12/4/2009 9:07 AM US Marines Launch Large Offensive In Afghanistan: KABUL — U.S. Marines and Afghan troops Friday l... @huffingtonpost 6339186375 itsjustenough 12/4/2009 9:07 AM US Marines Launch Large Offensive In Afghanistan: KABUL — U.S. Marines and Afghan troops Friday launched the firs... 6339129132 militaryupdates 12/4/2009 9:05 AM #Military_Times : Marines launch large Afghan offensive: KABUL, Afghanistan — U.S. Marines and Afghan troops have... 6339116020 sinandurdu 12/4/2009 9:05 AM 26. çıkarmakzorunda kalmak Ara Güler'in çok ağırına gitmişti. Hele mezarının Fransa'da olması kabul edilecek bir durum değildi. 6339082901 limolou 12/4/2009 9:03 AM Marines de EEUU lanzan gran ofensiva en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Infantés de... 6338968563 zweitansage 12/4/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6338955540 POTUFSS 12/4/2009 8:59 AM Marines launch major Afghanistan offensive|KABUL, Afghanistan ? U.S. Marines and Afghan troops have launched the .. 6338714849 MySA 12/4/2009 8:50 AM Sig Christenson's first dispatch from Kabul in the E-N Military City blog Tales of shades of car exhaust - who knew? 6338620209 Sycorox 12/4/2009 8:47 AM Yeni Post;Etekten Bozma Tünik! çok maharetli bir küçük Derya Baykalım kabul:P 6338572723 MarineCorps 12/4/2009 8:45 AM Marines launch large Afghan offensive: KABUL, Afghanistan — U.S. Marines and Afghan troops have launched .. 6338572222 AllMilitaryNews 12/4/2009 8:45 AM (Marine Corp Times) Marines launch large Afghan offensive: KABUL, Afghanistan R.. #Military 6338567546 AllMilitaryNews 12/4/2009 8:45 AM (Navy Times) Marines launch large Afghan offensive: KABUL, Afghanistan — U.S. Marin.. #Military 6338558385 AllMilitaryNews 12/4/2009 8:45 AM (Army Times) Marines launch large Afghan offensive: KABUL, Afghanistan — U.S. Marin.. #Military 6338446251 BostonMArss 12/4/2009 8:40 AM Herald| US Marines launch large offensive: KABUL - U.S. Marines and Afghan troops Friday launched the first offensi... 6338446005 Small_Biz_Coach 12/4/2009 8:40 AM US Marines launch large offensive: KABUL - U.S. Marines and Afghan troops Friday launched the first offensive since... 6338364379 DavidWTN 12/4/2009 8:37 AM In a city of 3 million there are 35 public toilets. That's modern day Kabul. 6338319459 thesese 12/4/2009 8:36 AM @nazguven rob pattinson ın beni kabul etmesine ne diosn ...@RP130586 6338168047 adisgh 12/4/2009 8:30 AM @vanyaedria haha iya benerrr. Tinggal tambah ijab kabul sm mas kawin, menikahlah mereka di indosiar haha 6338135568 trueskinbeauty 12/4/2009 8:29 AM Reason Morning Links: From Dallas to Kabul 6338104419 MarkidGuru 12/4/2009 8:28 AM Reason Morning Links: From Dallas to Kabul 6338088309 sonatbahar 12/4/2009 8:27 AM VJ Oben'e sahip çıkasım yok nedense... Şekilciyim kabul ediyorum... 6338075738 dreamreaper 12/4/2009 8:27 AM Reason Morning Links: From Dallas to Kabul 6338051753 fatihguner 12/4/2009 8:26 AM @dylanbozzy türk erkeği diyecektir de, hatun kabul etmesin aman. 6337974718 ercazip 12/4/2009 8:23 AM Rıdvan Hoca demiş ki, Daum ve yönetime “Türkiye’de 5. olacaksın, ama Avrupa’da final oynayacaksınız deseler kabul etmeyen bir kişi çıkmaz. 6337912248 ayberkyilmaz 12/4/2009 8:20 AM @RealStarFehmiye hehe. unfollow edip 100. olmaya kassam da kabul olur mu? 6337820859 mytngenes 12/4/2009 8:17 AM RT @2BlueStarMom: RT @DeserveLiberty: RT @slkbrooke: What they're saying about Obama's speech in Kabul #tcot 6337756532 televideorai 12/4/2009 8:14 AM [dal mondo] FRATTINI: A KABUL 4MILA SOLDATI ITALIANI view.jsp?id=662751&p=150 6337752180 Ashrieny 12/4/2009 8:14 AM Kabul, Afghanistan: U.S. Marines launch first major Afghan operation since troop surge announced - AP 6337728137 littleelfs 12/4/2009 8:13 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: - The endless cemetary on a hill overlooking Kabul, a sign of how long this cty has been at war 6337587827 zibidibadabum 12/4/2009 8:08 AM bu yazıyı 10 kişiye gönderirsen dileklerin kabul olur. buna da ancak kadir inanır. 6337511270 ercanerco 12/4/2009 8:05 AM facebook tan ısrarla talep gönderen sarışını sonunda kabul ettim ve ilk mesajı" naber murat,ne işle meşgulsün?" hönk!!!!!.. 6337510375 ditawasis 12/4/2009 8:04 AM @mistymaitimoe @kudanmarco Nunggu giliran ijab kabul d kua, keluarga gak ada yang dtg, blm makan? 6337425336 wabashunion 12/4/2009 8:01 AM Wabash College and Kabul University - #tlot #tcot #wabash 6337384572 zweitansage 12/4/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6337302780 cosmoweb 12/4/2009 7:56 AM US Marines launch large Afghan offensive: KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- U.S. Marines and Afghan troops have launch.. 6337234926 NJRep 12/4/2009 7:53 AM Two Jews Walk into a War is a funny and poignant play set in a dilapidated old synagogue in Kabul 6337224452 nickschifrin 12/4/2009 7:53 AM @naveenaqvi Yes I live there, though at the moment i happen to be in Kabul... 6336942711 Eraybs 12/4/2009 7:41 AM @ahmethc Allah kabul etsin. 6336893275 frasere 12/4/2009 7:39 AM HUA.. RT @AP_Mobile: KABUL (AP) _ US Marines launch first major #Afghan operation since US troop surge announced. Updates at 6336828501 afcmsjoeb 12/4/2009 7:36 AM Russian ambassador in Kabul says US applying same tactics as Soviets in the 1980s.-Al Jazeera 6336771926 ATP_Messtechnik 12/4/2009 7:34 AM RT @Apocalyptica: RT @BreakingNewsDeu: BREAKING - AFGHANISTAN - KABUL - US Marines launch first major Afghan Operation since US Troop su ... 6336756759 GarCasey 12/4/2009 7:33 AM RT @AP_Mobile: KABUL (AP) _ US Marines launch first major #Afghan operation since US troop surge announced. 6336723751 fingertipnews 12/4/2009 7:32 AM AP_Mobile: KABUL (AP) _ US Marines launch first major #Afghan operation since US troop surge announced. 6336694451 BreakingNewsDeu 12/4/2009 7:31 AM BREAKING - AFGHANISTAN - KABUL - US Marines launch first major Afghan Operation since US Troop surge announced AP 6336114109 kivalendactivts 12/4/2009 7:05 AM Helle, gentofte, DK has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6336114115 kivalendactivts 12/4/2009 7:05 AM Helle, gentofte, DK has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6336001540 zweitansage 12/4/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6336000915 bokmok 12/4/2009 7:00 AM O iki noktayı tek kabul edin ve beni yormayın. Postu da silmek istemiyorum. Ben iki noktalardan nefret ederim. 6335936689 kivalendactivts 12/4/2009 6:56 AM Tia, Toronto Ontario, CA has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6335936692 kivalendactivts 12/4/2009 6:56 AM Tia, Toronto Ontario, CA has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6335935221 kivalendactivts 12/4/2009 6:56 AM Fernando, Queijas Queijas, has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6335724380 sarablask 12/4/2009 6:46 AM The endless cemetary on a hill overlooking Kabul, a sign of how long this city has been at war (via @jimsciuttoABC) 6335722344 morbant 12/4/2009 6:46 AM morbant, şu an yalnızca odtü, boğaziçi üniversitesi, itü ve bilkent üniversitesi öğrencilerini uzantılı adresleriyle kabul ediyor... 6335678499 oykusenlen 12/4/2009 6:44 AM RT @mehmettez: Keane sevmek cheesy bir şey ise evet cheesy olduğumu kabul ediyorum. 6335584768 mehmettez 12/4/2009 6:39 AM Keane sevmek cheesy bir şey ise evet cheesy olduğumu kabul ediyorum. 6335472637 oParasiteSingle 12/4/2009 6:34 AM Appears after chasing out the UN workers and allies, bin Laden moved back to Kabul region to get piece of all foreign aid flooding capitol. 6335423089 gokhanarik 12/4/2009 6:31 AM @dennis_dennis Tamam kabul :) 6335302029 emolazyboy 12/4/2009 6:25 AM @sariminz dalam rangka opo? ijab kabul? 6335265479 TantaoNews 12/4/2009 6:23 AM Can Afghan forces assume security responsibility as Obama expects?: KABUL, Dec. 4 (Xinhua) -- In a speech deliv.. 6335141568 kirstimelville 12/4/2009 6:17 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: - The endless cemetary on a hill overlooking Kabul, a sign of how long this cty has been at war 6335042918 s3anryan 12/4/2009 6:12 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC - The endless cemetary on a hill overlooking Kabul, a sign of how long this cty has been at war 6334810626 zweitansage 12/4/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6334801681 TopNewsCasts 12/4/2009 5:59 AM Residents of Kabul criticize US military surge - afp #1CAST 6334739264 moomoobrowncow 12/4/2009 5:56 AM AP Interview: Karzai praises Obama's deadline: The Associated PressKABUL — President Hamid Karzai put a brave fa... 6334736779 JenMcKlean 12/4/2009 5:55 AM AP Interview: Karzai praises Obama's deadline: The Associated PressKABUL — President Hamid Karzai put a brave fa... 6334709907 haritaci70 12/4/2009 5:54 AM @ilmenites hacım o kardeşimize de rica gönderdim kabul etmesi için:):) 6334627088 DeserveLiberty 12/4/2009 5:49 AM RT @slkbrooke: What they're saying about Obama's speech in Kabul #tcot 6334547970 banboz 12/4/2009 5:45 AM Rihanna saçı bir tek Rihanna'ya yakışıyor. Bunu kabul etmek lazım. 6334539633 medikotekniko 12/4/2009 5:44 AM my ass is freezin' here in kabul, afghanistan. 6334482734 jake1822 12/4/2009 5:41 AM RT @slkbrooke: What they're saying about Obama's speech in Kabul #tcot 6334399573 grammy620 12/4/2009 5:36 AM RT @slkbrooke: What they're saying about Obama's speech in Kabul #tcot 6334383372 slkbrooke 12/4/2009 5:35 AM What they're saying about Obama's speech in Kabul #tcot 6334214871 mehmetACAR 12/4/2009 5:25 AM @cansucum oha bunu kabul eden ilk türk kadını sensin, senin önünde saygıyla eğiliyorum:)sabiha gökçen'den daha önemli bi insansın gözümde :) 6334202879 kivalendactivts 12/4/2009 5:24 AM Laurent D, Brussels, BE has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6334182645 militarstore 12/4/2009 5:23 AM I just published Letter From Kabul What the United States Overcome in Afghanistan to Scribd 6334181813 shirley8153 12/4/2009 5:23 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: - The endless cemetary on a hill overlooking Kabul, a sign of how long this cty has been at war 6334145148 spor3com 12/4/2009 5:21 AM ''Teklif gelirse kabul ederim'': Eskişehirspor'un hocası Çalımbay, milli takımda görev alabileceğini söyledi. 6334133432 burchuck 12/4/2009 5:20 AM "Yasami oldugu gibi kabul etmelisiniz, fakat kabul edebileceginiz gibi olmasi için de çaba göstermelisiniz." 6334110512 Haber3com 12/4/2009 5:19 AM ''Teklif gelirse kabul ederim'': Eskişehirspor'un hocası Çalımbay, milli takımda görev alabileceğini söyledi. 6334102182 kivalendactivts 12/4/2009 5:18 AM Svein, Stabekk Akershus, NO has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6333897466 kivalendactivts 12/4/2009 5:05 AM Thomas, Fort Mill SC, US has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6333897471 kivalendactivts 12/4/2009 5:05 AM Thomas, Fort Mill SC, US has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6333897475 kivalendactivts 12/4/2009 5:05 AM Thomas, Fort Mill SC, US has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6333896712 kivalendactivts 12/4/2009 5:05 AM 7Nature Usagi, , JP has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6333896713 kivalendactivts 12/4/2009 5:05 AM 7Nature Usagi, , JP has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6333890111 yuksekokceden 12/4/2009 5:05 AM @zeynepsevde mesela, çarşaftan başkasını tesettür kabul etmeyenler de var..Kadının, bol giymek zorunda olduğunu söyleyenler de.. 6333799726 zweitansage 12/4/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6333734341 runres 12/4/2009 4:55 AM @mdskripto DTP'yi bir siyasal parti olarak kabul etmek bu saatten sonra kabul etmek mümkün mü; sanmıyorum... 6333620954 AtiaAbawi 12/4/2009 4:48 AM ...His sister was killed another lost an arm. Family fled to Kabul. His dad lost one child by foreign troops and other saved by Americans. 6333446056 marcusholmes 12/4/2009 4:36 AM No problem, Karzai says of us exit date: By Kathy Gannon AP KABUL, Afghanistan - President Hamid Karzai put a brave... 6333441190 linkedin_jobs 12/4/2009 4:36 AM Quality Assurance Engineer, Afghanistan at International Relief and Development (IRD) - Kabul #in #jobs 6333345992 Yowyow5566 12/4/2009 4:30 AM tes..tes..tessy kabul 6333338305 Yowyow5566 12/4/2009 4:29 AM tes...tes...tessy kabul 6333305508 brrohama 12/4/2009 4:27 AM AP Interview: Karzai praises Obama's deadline: The Associated PressKABUL — President Hamid Karzai put a brave fa... 6333268719 kivalendactivts 12/4/2009 4:24 AM Nader, , has given loan amount of 1225 to Badam Ghorband Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses and buying materials 6333246161 IraqInquiryblog 12/4/2009 4:23 AM Gilbert focuses questioning on April 02. But Piggott's focus then was more about Kabul - this came up in his discussions with US, not #Iraq 6333190324 Agnieszkat 12/4/2009 4:19 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: - The endless cemetary on a hill overlooking Kabul, a sign of how long this cty has been at war 6333114256 KartUna 12/4/2009 4:14 AM bilang Rukun Nikah : *SiTi WalSi JaBul* Suami, Istri, Wali Saksi, Ijab Kabul (rock) 6333107472 erinidle 12/4/2009 4:14 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: - The endless cemetary on a hill overlooking Kabul, a sign of how long this cty has been at war 6333087888 ensonhaber 12/4/2009 4:12 AM HAÇ’a yasak geliyor: İspanya,AİHM kararını parlamentoda kabul etti.Kaynak 6332927536 linkedin_jobs 12/4/2009 4:01 AM Renewable Energy Engineer at International Relief and Development (IRD) - Kabul #in #jobs 6332900083 zweitansage 12/4/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6332519891 catherine_mayer 12/4/2009 3:33 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: - The endless cemetary on a hill overlooking Kabul, a sign of how long this cty has been at war 6332486586 kimmyh 12/4/2009 3:31 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: - The endless cemetary on a hill overlooking Kabul, a sign of how long this cty has been at war 6332480282 SiAnNaMaurieta 12/4/2009 3:30 AM Congratzzz ya jeung dah ijab kabul ye? RT @ajengpu: Alhamdulillah selesai dengan penuh haru. Sedikit lagi. Semoga lancar semua. Amien ☺ 6332472024 RodrigoBNO 12/4/2009 3:30 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: - The endless cemetary on a hill overlooking Kabul, a sign of how long this cty has been at war 6332471490 Xenagos 12/4/2009 3:30 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC The endless cemetary on a hill overlooking Kabul, a sign of how long this cty has been at war #fb 6332466643 yonasmichael 12/4/2009 3:29 AM Kabul shit remixxx 6332448500 mrsliving 12/4/2009 3:28 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: - The endless cemetary on a hill overlooking Kabul, a sign of how long this cty has been at war 6332432812 jimsciuttoABC 12/4/2009 3:27 AM - The endless cemetary on a hill overlooking Kabul, a sign of how long this cty has been at war 6332325902 sarisey 12/4/2009 3:20 AM düzen beni kabul etmiyo katiyen.. kusuyo beni, tükürüyo her seferinde.. böle üstüm başım mide asidi olmuş çürürken buluyorum kendimi hep.. 6332039658 zweitansage 12/4/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6331889928 felsefi 12/4/2009 2:49 AM @minebal sade kahve üç kaşık, kaynar su üç ölçek, kola bir ölçek, kalp çarpıntısı paha biçilemez (: (sorumluluk mu hayır kabul etmiyorum) 6331765688 MofPuppets 12/4/2009 2:40 AM bir şeye karar vermenin iyi olarak kabul edilmesi uygulama sonuçlarının da iyi olacağı anlamına gelir mi? 6331409118 linkedin_jobs 12/4/2009 2:16 AM Energy Team Lead, Afghanistan at International Relief and Development (IRD) - Kabul #in #jobs 6331357082 Global_Zen 12/4/2009 2:12 AM - Kids Freezing To Death In Kabul. A US Christian President Ignores Them? 6331296355 jandevrim 12/4/2009 2:08 AM @birolguven eczacı eyleminde stok güvencesi verildiğini e.o baskanı kabul etti. Bakanlar kurulu kararı istiyorlar. 6331289303 GAWaldenmeier 12/4/2009 2:07 AM Schaut euch 'Kabul, ich komme wieder' von Boris Barschow (Taschenbuch... mal an! 6331289383 DurangoHerald 12/4/2009 2:07 AM Most e-mailed: Taliban says Afghan surge will mean more U.S. deaths: KABUL, Afghanistan - The Taliban rebuffed Pres... 6331209805 onderfurkan 12/4/2009 2:02 AM @ahseni_s :( ikinci kez özürlerimi kabul edinizi efendim 6331167589 zweitansage 12/4/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6331077732 MutantHuman 12/4/2009 1:53 AM @discomaulvi Allah aap kay hajj ko kabul farmay aur aap ko duniya aakhrat ke kamyabiyan ataa karey. Ameen! 6330615966 geceleriesen 12/4/2009 1:23 AM @cemsanci afganistana asker göndermeyi kabul etmezse, kürt açılımı olaylara gebe, inceden başladı zaten isyanlar, imralı falan diye 6330556677 nwodaily 12/4/2009 1:20 AM NwoDaily Update:: What they're saying about Obama's speech in Kabul 6330531125 GAWaldenmeier 12/4/2009 1:18 AM Schaut euch 'Endstation Kabul: Als deutscher Soldat in Afghanistan - ein...' von Achim Wohlgethan, Dirk Schu... mal an! 6330419749 asspress 12/4/2009 1:11 AM AP Interview: Karzai praises Obama's deadline: AP Interview: Karzai praises Obama's deadline: KABUL (AP) — Presid... 6330413672 cemsanci 12/4/2009 1:11 AM AKP bu sefer kapanır. Ahmet Kaya'ya çatal atanlar cumhuriyeti, laiklikliği, özgürlüğü feda edilebilirdi ama Kürt açılımını kabul edemez. 6330246158 marciomtc 12/4/2009 1:01 AM Karzai praises Obama's deadline - KABUL, Afghanistan - President Hamid Karzai put a brave face Thurs... 6330203155 soearchitecture 12/4/2009 12:58 AM Projelerini güzelyüzle kabul ettirebiliyor olması ayrıca çok güzeldi..:))Bazı projelerinin Türkiye de uygulanabilirliği tabiki zor.. 6330183472 arnpeace 12/4/2009 12:57 AM Part Two: Ann Jones, Author of "Kabul in Winter", Talks with OpEdNews, on first hand experience in Afghan.: 6330114678 holycownews 12/4/2009 12:53 AM Kabul 6003 6330076815 fpleitgenCNN 12/4/2009 12:50 AM Back in Kabul after hitchhiking a flight from Kandahar on a British C130. Feeling tired... 6329913349 Umyrina 12/4/2009 12:41 AM Mulai Kewalahan, Beberapa Anggota NATO Bersedia Tambah Pasukan: KABUL ( - Lebih dari 20 negara yan.. 6329699416 Khi 12/4/2009 12:29 AM Afghan Taliban deny having bases in Pakistan: Kabul, Dec 4 : The Afghan Taliban have denied having bases in Pakista... 6329342297 CTPage 12/4/2009 12:10 AM Letter From Kabul 6329270442 videocrux 12/4/2009 12:06 AM #Videocrux - Vice President elect Joe biden arrives in Kabul. 6329254696 sajvachhani 12/4/2009 12:05 AM US military commander sells strategy to Afghans: The Associated PressKABUL — The top US commander in Afghanistan... 6328877744 edgarvillatoro 12/3/2009 11:46 PM 3rd night in a row hitting that Afghan kush. Kabul, here I come. 6328771951 sofyanfauzy 12/3/2009 11:41 PM Apasih L?RT @adityatazar: Diem lo sya..hahahaRT @sofyanfauzy: RT @sofyanfauzy: Legoh,bundo kanduang,nasgordang simpang,kabul. Bels mnu 6328680153 adityatazar 12/3/2009 11:36 PM Diem lo sya..hahahaRT @sofyanfauzy: RT @sofyanfauzy: Legoh,bundo kanduang,nasgordang simpang,kabul. Bels mnu everyday,hhaRT 6328668464 luthfasaida 12/3/2009 11:36 PM RT @eleonorocks: Ijab Kabul berhenti sesaat demi meng-update... 6328512987 eleonorocks 12/3/2009 11:28 PM RT @UciAprilla: Ijab Kabul berhenti sesaat demi meng-update... 6328425477 fingertipnews 12/3/2009 11:24 PM AP Intl: AP Interview: Karzai praises Obama's deadline - KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai put a brave face ... 6328417921 sofyanfauzy 12/3/2009 11:24 PM RT @sofyanfauzy: Legoh,bundo kanduang,nasgordang simpang,kabul. Bels mnu everyday,hhaRT @adityatazar: Nasi ayam goreng rica 6328233253 thesleepingmex 12/3/2009 11:15 PM Kabul Taliban commander : French Offered Us Money Not To Attack Them 6328070661 uciaprilla 12/3/2009 11:08 PM Ijab Kabul berhenti sesaat demi meng-update status FaceBook!!,20091204-211819,id.html 6328015368 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 11:05 PM Johnny Detroit, MI, US has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6327833171 Orzala 12/3/2009 10:57 PM Its a pleasant day today in kabul... 6327594477 wurldchange 12/3/2009 10:47 PM RT @NedBreslin: Further Afghan challenges - nowhere to wash hands and few #toilets in Kabul. Not the top challenge but it matters. http ... 6327390422 JaneHolloway 12/3/2009 10:38 PM My first day off in 3 weeks...oh yeah! gonna go check out flower street cafe for lunch, Kabul Afghanistan. 6327011714 limolou 12/3/2009 10:22 PM Entrevista AP: Karzai está dispuesto a negociar con el Talibán: AP - KABUL (... 6326934837 YahooNoticias 12/3/2009 10:19 PM Entrevista AP: Karzai está dispuesto a negociar con el Talibán: AP - KABUL (AP) - El presidente afgano Hamid Karz... 6326581284 waterforpeople 12/3/2009 10:05 PM RT @NedBreslin: Further Afghan challenges - nowhere to wash hands and few #toilets in Kabul. Not the top challenge but it matters. http ... 6326495820 NedBreslin 12/3/2009 10:02 PM Further Afghan challenges - nowhere to wash hands and few #toilets in Kabul. Not the top challenge but it matters. 6326071826 ricelaker 12/3/2009 9:45 PM OpEdNews - Article: Kids Freezing To Death In Kabul. A U.S. Christian President Ignores Them?: via @addthis 6325783296 fingertipnews2 12/3/2009 9:34 PM Reuters Intl: McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U... 6325738002 LEXXXRUGER 12/3/2009 9:33 PM Damn, thats far away. Is the mpc over there bruh? RT @TNewsome Tweeting from Oslo! Heading to Kabul... 6325736203 marciomtc 12/3/2009 9:32 PM AP Interview: Karzai praises Obama's deadline - Forbes: KABUL -- President Hamid Karzai put a brave face Thursday o... 6325454183 tnewsome 12/3/2009 9:22 PM Tweeting from Oslo! Heading to Kabul... 6325379046 WeThePeople5 12/3/2009 9:19 PM RT @CLHunting1: RT @slkbrooke: What they're saying about Obama's speech in Kabul 6325372188 Bellanieve 12/3/2009 9:19 PM RT @NaumLavnevich RT @slkbrooke: What they're saying about Obama's speech in Kabul #tcot 6325343455 naumlavnevich 12/3/2009 9:18 PM RT @slkbrooke: What they're saying about Obama's speech in Kabul #tcot 6325266781 slkbrooke 12/3/2009 9:15 PM What they're saying about Obama's speech in Kabul 6324785787 suniljmistry 12/3/2009 8:56 PM #News Afghan Taliban deny having bases in Pakistan: Kabul, Dec 4 (Prensa Latina) The Afghan Taliban have d.. 6324672037 Buy_Porn_Movies 12/3/2009 8:52 PM AP Interview: Karzai praises Obama's deadline: The Associated PressKABUL — President Hamid Karzai put a brave fa... 6324665708 CelebrityNut 12/3/2009 8:52 PM AP Interview: Karzai praises Obama's deadline: The Associated PressKABUL — President Hamid Karzai put a brave fa... 6324611092 upcomingnews 12/3/2009 8:50 PM Afghan president Hamid Karzai praises Obama's deadline - KABUL - President Hamid Karzai put a brave face Thursday on... 6324605399 Sulekha_News 12/3/2009 8:49 PM Afghan Taliban deny having bases in Pakistan: Kabul, Dec 4 (Prensa Latina) The Afghan Taliban have denied.. 6324587729 montessoristuff 12/3/2009 8:49 PM Kids Freezing To Death In Kabul. A U.S. Christian President #kids 6324160864 vikram251086 12/3/2009 8:33 PM AP Interview: Karzai praises Obama's deadline: The Associated Press KABUL — President Hamid Karzai put a br.. 6324141582 angela251086 12/3/2009 8:33 PM AP Interview: Karzai praises Obama's deadline: The Associated Press KABUL — President Hamid Karzai put a br.. 6324050679 africankids 12/3/2009 8:30 PM Afghan Taliban deny having bases in Pakistan: Kabul, Dec 4 (Prensa Latina) The Afghan Taliban have denied havin.. 6323964626 fingertipnews 12/3/2009 8:27 PM AP Intl: AP Interview: Karzai praises Obama's deadline - KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai put a brave face ... 6323963518 Hungry4Politics 12/3/2009 8:27 PM (RWN) McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afg.. 6323922073 watsonkailyn 12/3/2009 8:25 PM AP Interview: Karzai praises Obama's deadline: The Associated Press KABUL — President Hamid Karzai put a br.. 6323896264 jeffburkhill 12/3/2009 8:24 PM AP Interview: Karzai praises Obama's deadline: The Associated Press KABUL — President Hamid Karzai put a brave face Thursday on Presi.. 6323836868 allobama 12/3/2009 8:22 PM AP Interview: Karzai praises Obama's deadline: The Associated PressKABUL — President Hamid Karzai put a brave fa... 6323618938 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 8:14 PM Ronald, Macungie PA, US has given loan amount of 975 to Muhammad Usaeen Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 6323459296 pinkfleur1 12/3/2009 8:09 PM Cure's hospital in Kabul helps women & babies with nowhere else to turn for care. Please donate today. 6323436581 KimBomin 12/3/2009 8:08 PM McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan... #Korea 6323436696 HeadlinesNewz 12/3/2009 8:08 PM McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan reassu... 6323427196 SeagirlX 12/3/2009 8:08 PM RT @jackrice: I'm here at airport leaving for Kabul. Kissed my wife goodbye. Very hard. 6323369414 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 8:06 PM Nancy, Cedar Rapids Iowa, US has given loan amount of 975 to Muhammad Usaeen Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 6323357965 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 8:05 PM Scott, San Francisco CA, US has given loan amount of 975 to Muhammad Usaeen Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 6323344192 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 8:05 PM Laura, Chicago IL, US has given loan amount of 975 to Muhammad Usaeen Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 6323337336 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 8:04 PM Ed & Karin, Zionsville IN, US has given loan amount of 975 to Muhammad Usaeen Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 6322831946 RuthCass 12/3/2009 7:47 PM RT @bostonherald: Afghan president Hamid Karzai praises Obama's deadline: KABUL - President Hamid Karzai put a brave face Thursday on... ... 6322388447 Megwell 12/3/2009 7:31 PM Kids Freezing To Death In Kabul. A US Christian President Ignores Them?: People wearing thin clothing and some with... 6321685639 dina_april 12/3/2009 7:07 PM Kirain doa gw t'kabul,gak tauny ad kelas toh *______* 6321475152 fingertipnews 12/3/2009 6:59 PM AP Intl: AP Interview: Karzai praises Obama's deadline - KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai put a brave face ... 6320959639 opednews 12/3/2009 6:41 PM Kids Freezing To Death In Kabul. A U.S. Christian President Ignores Them? 6320647300 egita_aw 12/3/2009 6:30 PM Telat 10 menit kuliah jam 7, alhamdulillah boleh masuk ma Mr. Kabul ;) 6320372411 chriscardinal 12/3/2009 6:20 PM Is anyone *really* selecting Afghanistan as their country when signing up for a web service? Armed forces maybe? How's net in Kabul? 6320103796 chicagotribune 12/3/2009 6:10 PM AP Interview: Karzai puts brave face on 2011 deadline for beginning of US troop withdrawal: KABUL (AP) — Presiden... 6320103875 ChiTribWorld 12/3/2009 6:10 PM AP Interview: Karzai puts brave face on 2011 deadline for beginning of US troop withdrawal: KABUL (AP) — Presiden... 6319924815 ebuzer 12/3/2009 6:03 PM @berensever 3H'nni sıçrama tahtası. acayip bir ilgi var, herkesi kabul etmeyeceğiz zaten. bu bitsin bir süre ara verecem 3h'ye... :)) 6319600424 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 5:51 PM Elaine, Anchorage AK, US has given loan amount of 975 to Muhammad Usaeen Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 6319527093 ebuzer 12/3/2009 5:49 PM @berensever yoksa onu da yazma. zaten formalr ben de, geleceksen ben seni kabul ederim 6319297803 CrazeeRick 12/3/2009 5:40 PM Capitalism! RT @USTalib: Mr. Obama Goes to Kabul - Motley Fool 6319024303 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 5:30 PM Jeff, Los Angeles CA, US has given loan amount of 975 to Muhammad Usaeen Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 6319024312 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 5:30 PM Jeff, Los Angeles CA, US has given loan amount of 975 to Muhammad Usaeen Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 6318897944 fingertipnews 12/3/2009 5:26 PM AP Intl: AP Interview: Karzai willing to talk to Taliban - KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Thu... 6318869622 SkuterP 12/3/2009 5:25 PM Exit Date Sparks Concern in Kabul: via @addthis 6318768501 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 5:21 PM Shane, New York NY, US has given loan amount of 975 to Muhammad Usaeen Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 6318724761 VenusKiss 12/3/2009 5:20 PM @suzmeasure @sezinsivri manyaklığı da kabul ederim öyleyse.. işkembe pişiren bir yere dahi giremem o kokusu beni öldürür, öeeh ya!.. 6318597443 pinargurcu 12/3/2009 5:15 PM su hayatta karsimiza cikan her insanin hayatimiza dair bir misyonu vardir.misyonunu tamamlamis olani gör,anla,kabul et ve birak gitsin.. 6318586911 semamuslu 12/3/2009 5:15 PM @duyguatasoy hiç bir requestımın kabul edılmesıne bu kadar sewınemezdım cookiem:) 6318585770 opednews 12/3/2009 5:15 PM Part Two: Ann Jones, Author of "Kabul in Winter," Talks with OpEdNews 6318556629 JosaYoung 12/3/2009 5:14 PM I always think about the troops being slaughtered during the retreat from Kabul, with one surgeon surviving. 6318416089 tammistennett 12/3/2009 5:09 PM RT @carlmaxim: Kirstie is out of her depth on this one - unless she knows of 4 bedroom townhouse for sale in Kabul #bbcqt so so true.. Lol! 6318385416 WeCoWi 12/3/2009 5:08 PM Changed: Kabul Bank 6318371911 carlmaxim 12/3/2009 5:07 PM Kirstie is out of her depth on this one - unless she knows of 4 bedroom townhouse for sale in Kabul #bbcqt 6318298842 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 5:05 PM Barry, Huntsville AL, US has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6318298917 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 5:05 PM Barry, Huntsville AL, US has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6318293912 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 5:05 PM Frances, Arlington TX, US has given loan amount of 975 to Muhammad Usaeen Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 6318143397 zweitansage 12/3/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6317774443 cecigualberto 12/3/2009 4:47 PM @rafavetorazzi metrô consolação resolve sua vida xD 6317663143 Umyrina 12/3/2009 4:43 PM Komandan Inggris : Keamanan Afghanistan Jauh Lebih Baik di Bawah Taliban: KABUL ( - Salah seorang .. 6317396994 cecigualberto 12/3/2009 4:33 PM @rafavetorazzi é tipo uma baladaa hauahauahaua simbora! 6317395265 FSM_47 12/3/2009 4:33 PM @MediaOps Italy 'to send 1,000 extra troops' to Afghanistan --NOW THE KABUL ISAF BASE WILL REALLY BE CROWDED :) 6317360733 mehmet_ozkara 12/3/2009 4:32 PM Kabul ettim kanka, tam anlamadım ama keşfedeceğim. :) @egemenozkan 6317326210 sunilgarg 12/3/2009 4:31 PM What 40 years of destruction looks like: (Paghman Gardens, Kabul) 6317249984 peccep 12/3/2009 4:28 PM @kiidra 'acaba' evresinin devrelerinde sıkılınmadığı sürece kabul edilebilinir. bi notificationla kabul ederdim ben şimdi ya. 6317213048 rafavetorazzi 12/3/2009 4:27 PM @cecigualberto oq é Kabul?? AUIHAUIHUAIHUA 6317052675 kamusagligi 12/3/2009 4:21 PM Babalara Nasihat : Çocukların hatalarını kabul edebilmek 6316957354 Soldatenglueck 12/3/2009 4:18 PM Commander ISAF, US-Generalleutnant Stanley McChrystal, erläutert in Kabul und Kandahar die neue Afghanistan-Strate... 6316927381 kiidra 12/3/2009 4:17 PM hadi siz de kabul edin, ilişkiye başlamadan önceki sancılı 'acaba' evresi ve doğal sarhoşluk; ilişkiden daha keyifli. hadi hadi. 6316867146 ImpuniTweet 12/3/2009 4:15 PM More Mistreatment Allegations at Bagram: By Alok Bhatt Impunity Watch Reporter, Asia KABUL, Afghanistan - Although ... 6316766375 invab 12/3/2009 4:11 PM McChrystal receives Afghan guard of honour in Kabul #US #General Stanley #Afghan #Kabul 6316432074 zweitansage 12/3/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6315782425 theMasquerading 12/3/2009 3:35 PM @GabrielPeri :)))))))))))) evet kabul, ben killi her insana gicigim, biyikli kadina da. bi de bacaklari kivircik killi olanlari var. iyyyk 6315774394 fingertipnews 12/3/2009 3:35 PM AP Intl: AP Interview: Karzai willing to talk to Taliban - KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Thu... 6315747565 alienInfix 12/3/2009 3:34 PM RT @jimsciuttoABC - View of the mtns between Jalalabad & Kabul by helo 6315470128 televideorai 12/3/2009 3:23 PM [dal mondo] KABUL, USA E NATO:BENE ITALIA PER SUPPORTO view.jsp?id=662620&p=150 6315318333 aleviforumuz 12/3/2009 3:17 PM Bu gece ceme katılan ve katılamayıpta gönlü orada olan canların da ALLAH cem ibadetlerini ve niyazlarını kabul... 6315289134 ChrisKubica 12/3/2009 3:16 PM @BookSwim @KatMeyer It could be a more exciting reality show if it was The Kabul Public Librarians or something. 6315153169 ilovemytroops2 12/3/2009 3:10 PM RT @DVIDSHub: Video-Gen McCrystal Commander of ISAF troops in Af'stan briefing Afghan Govt Ministers in Kabul 6315033451 dltq 12/3/2009 3:06 PM This picture from Kabul makes me very sad: (before/after) 6315024173 PaulPatterson 12/3/2009 3:05 PM Spoof email tally update - 3 - another for a Scotiabank reset and a request for help withdrawing 1.5 Mil from Kabul (how creative ?!?) 6314866448 zweitansage 12/3/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6314790460 DVIDSHub 12/3/2009 2:57 PM Video of Gen Stanley McCrystal Commander of ISAF troops in Afghanistan briefing Afghan Govt Ministers in Kabul: 6314625176 gozali 12/3/2009 2:50 PM @subagja biar ketularan ya bang? hehehe... re: diwajibkan liat ijab kabul 6314619931 DVIDSHub 12/3/2009 2:50 PM NATO Video of Afghan and NATO engineers beginning to build 1st renewable energy test site in Kabul: 6314593582 subagja 12/3/2009 2:49 PM Wake up in the morning..diwajinkan nyokap liat ijab kabul sepupu..baru boleh brangkat gawe hiks 6314494869 CricketBooks 12/3/2009 2:45 PM Indian HC in Kabul turned into RAW headquarters: Gabol - 6314438088 chilekperisiaze 12/3/2009 2:43 PM @habercimurat lütfen herkes bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirsin, direncini yüksek tutsun. Aşı bir önlem kabul aman ihmal etmeyin ateşinizi... 6314315671 SezgiSunar 12/3/2009 2:38 PM Mardiiiin,Mardiiiiin,Mardiiiin,Mardiiiiin,Mardiiiin....Sana gelmek istiyorum:)))Benim gibi bir çatlağı kabul eder misin?:)))) 6314302646 PialiRoy 12/3/2009 2:37 PM In a time of hope and despair, two lovers will learn that their story will have a deeper significance if set in Kabul rather than Toronto 6314275477 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 2:36 PM Christina, S, DK has given loan amount of 900 to Hamad Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To organize his burger and fruit selling business. 6314079467 USTalib 12/3/2009 2:29 PM Mr. Obama Goes to Kabul - Motley Fool 6314052339 jabbasey 12/3/2009 2:28 PM @AfPakChannel One of my American employees travelled frm Kabul-Bagram-Kabul alone on a daily basis. Exceptions are helmnd, sharana, tarinkot 6313998696 jabbasey 12/3/2009 2:26 PM @AfPakChannel Two week bk I ws on rd Quetta - Kandahar-herat-kandahar-Tarinkot-kandahar-Kabul-Kandahar-Chamman-Quetta. PSD only@tarinkot 6313652389 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 2:12 PM Maria, Amsterdam, NL has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6313631014 hardrockcaferj 12/3/2009 2:11 PM Sábado começa o ARENA COUNTRY RIO, do mesmo produtor da QUINTANEJA agora todos os SÁBADOS no HARD ROCK. 5.12: Rick e Ricardo + DJ KABUL 6313611143 asspress 12/3/2009 2:11 PM AP Interview: Karzai willing to talk to Taliban: AP Interview: Karzai willing to talk to Taliban: KABUL (AP) — Af... 6313437662 gamzetopuz 12/3/2009 2:04 PM @gozdeturkyilmaz salata makarna cıkar hergun dedım...kabul etmedi napıcazz ben buarada fena aska dustum...ahh daısyy ahh hahahahhahah 6313321542 zweitansage 12/3/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6313033595 jawbones 12/3/2009 1:48 PM AmaZing! Thanks! RT @jimsciuttoABC: - View of the mtns between Jalalabad & Kabul by helo 6312957638 GDgeek 12/3/2009 1:45 PM Just got email asking to help get $15m US out of Kabul. Could this be... SPAM? Nah. LOL 6312841496 sherod 12/3/2009 1:40 PM @michaelneale @daveoflynn how Atlassian reaches revenue targets is now clearer. And why they have offices in nimbin, kabul and bogata. 6312711173 rtsradio 12/3/2009 1:35 PM AP Interview: Karzai willing to talk to Taliban - KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Thursday he'... 6312689736 Cocoroso 12/3/2009 1:35 PM Encuentra el error #Capitald: AFGANISTAN - KABUL / BERMUDAS - HAMILTON / COLOMBIA - BOGOTA / MONTANA - HANNAH / CHINA - PEKIN / FIJI - BAJE 6312616317 ucandepik 12/3/2009 1:32 PM Kabul etsem artık. Seviyorum falan. 6312591977 Cocoroso 12/3/2009 1:31 PM Encuentra el error #Capitald: AFGANISTAN - KABUL / BERMUDAS - HAMILTON / COLOMBIA - BOGOTA / MONTANA - HANNAH / CHINA _ PEKIN / FIJI - BAJE/ 6312519598 simdikizaman 12/3/2009 1:28 PM harika bir tweet vardı aslında ama bunu sen kabul etmedin twitter, hayır demeyi bilmekle ilgiliydi sen de hayır demeyi bildin ama.! 6312494095 fingertipnews 12/3/2009 1:27 PM AP Intl: AP Interview: Karzai willing to talk to Taliban - KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Thu... 6312473209 Cocoroso 12/3/2009 1:26 PM Encuentra el error #Capitald: AFGANISTAN - KABUL / BERMUDAS - HAMILTON / COLOMBIA - BOGOTA / MONTANA - HANNAH / CHINA _ PEKIN / FIJI - BAJE 6312418091 agirlnamedmike 12/3/2009 1:24 PM Kabul shit 6312366792 cagdasural 12/3/2009 1:22 PM Bir yamyam komşusuna leğen içinde insan eti götürse,diğer yamyamda "Tanrılar kabul etsin dese" nasıl olur?Bilmem nasıl olur! 6311993577 pelluz 12/3/2009 1:07 PM He soñado que el premio Nobel de la paz se sentaba una tarde con un joven de Kabul y le preguntaba su opinión sobre la guerra. 6311859518 buketarca 12/3/2009 1:02 PM metrodaki gişeleri kaldıran zihniyet! jetonmatikler kağıt para kabul etmiyor, sayenizde akbil makinelerindeki kuyruklar ikiye katlandı!! 6311791908 zweitansage 12/3/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6311626637 televideorai 12/3/2009 12:53 PM [dal mondo] KABUL, DA CDM INVIO 1000 UOMINI IN PIU' view.jsp?id=662594&p=150 6311622656 PaginaNuova 12/3/2009 12:53 PM LA STAMPA - Altri mille soldati italiani a Kabul Il governo: "Rientro entro il 2013": Via libera d.. 6311597971 guidelfrate 12/3/2009 12:52 PM @jucaldas, acho q São Pedro tá fazendo um marketing espontâneo p/ os @MALKOVICH_ em SP... não paro de ouvir "KABUL", "KABUL"! #piadaEscrota 6311372301 shirazam 12/3/2009 12:43 PM @davidmacdougall delicious bakery items there along with nice food in the Kabul restaurant 6310926285 Home_Biz_INOV8R 12/3/2009 12:26 PM US commander eyes success in Afghan surge: AFPKABUL — The US commander in Afghanistan said Thursday a troop surg... 6310831632 chriscoppola 12/3/2009 12:22 PM RT @WarKidsRelief: 3 Kabul hospitals hv agreed to help sickest IDP kids @ grtly reduced fees in Dec. - support, save lives: http://bit.l ... 6310759348 theartofweb 12/3/2009 12:19 PM View of the mountains between Jalalabad and Kabul by helicopter: (via @jimsciuttoABC) #afghanistan 6310752018 PulseAgentOnDut 12/3/2009 12:19 PM Kabul 8418 6310714334 clarlune 12/3/2009 12:18 PM RT @Unclo: - View of the mtns between Jalalabad & Kabul by helo /via @jimsciuttoABC / Wow, great pic << THIS 6310552130 qarizmaqenclik 12/3/2009 12:11 PM evladım Olsan Sevmem, Toprağa Gömsem Toprak kabul etmez, Komşular geLse Kilere Saklarım Seni Tipsiz :) 6310492581 Tumerkan 12/3/2009 12:09 PM Karşılıklı kabul edilebilir çözüm bulunması konusunda uzlaşmak ne demek? 6310489144 SaadGh 12/3/2009 12:09 PM @davidmacdougall Lol is that the bakery near the Kabul restaurant in F7? 6310330266 lucy_nicholson 12/3/2009 12:03 PM RT @Cropperboyce: From Kabul to Berlin Afghanistan photographer Masood experiences demos Germany style - what a culture shock! http://bi ... 6305592876 rtsradio 12/3/2009 9:10 AM McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan re.. 6305349765 fdelrincon 12/3/2009 9:01 AM Entrevista Exclusiva con Rob desde Kabul en Afganistan. 6305311006 cupofjava1961 12/3/2009 9:00 AM RT @ApocalypticaBREAKING -AP NewsAlert: KABUL-Afghan President Karzai tells AP he's willing to talk with Taliban Chief in bid for Peace 6305307655 zweitansage 12/3/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6305077698 davidarnow 12/3/2009 8:50 AM Oh, Mama, can this really be the end? To be stuck inside of Kabul with the Saigon blues again. 6305000298 idowoofboadrum 12/3/2009 8:47 AM itu cowo. kembali menghantui ~_~ atut kabul aaaah 6304995454 KristiIA 12/3/2009 8:47 AM RT @AP_Mobile: KABUL (AP) _ #Afghan President Karzai tells AP he's willing to talk with Taliban chief in bid for peace. 6304947207 BreakingNewsDeu 12/3/2009 8:45 AM BREAKING - AP NewsAlert: KABUL - Afghan President Karzai tells AP he's willing to talk with Taliban Chief in bid for Peace 6304945795 in_asia 12/3/2009 8:45 AM KABUL, Afghanistan — For Afghans, the change in tone was unmistakable. Unlike Bush-era speeches pledging unendi.. 6304944026 unclematt 12/3/2009 8:45 AM RT @AP_Mobile: KABUL (AP) _ #Afghan President Karzai tells AP he's willing to talk with Taliban chief in bid for peace. Updates at www.a ... 6304888709 GarCasey 12/3/2009 8:43 AM RT @AP_Mobile: KABUL (AP) _ #Afghan President Karzai tells AP he's willing to talk with Taliban chief in bid for peace. 6304874877 fingertipnews 12/3/2009 8:42 AM AP_Mobile: KABUL (AP) _ #Afghan President Karzai tells AP he's willing to talk with Taliban chief in bid for peace. 6304869096 cecigualberto 12/3/2009 8:42 AM @rafavetorazzi ahhh eu to com saudade do curso,meeeu! :( Rafa,vamos tbm no Kabul domingo? 6304854140 cecigualberto 12/3/2009 8:41 AM @vinischultz heeey vini!Vai ter um evento bem legal la no kabul domingo..vamos combinar com o pessoal la da agência de irem tbm?? 6304793324 cecigualberto 12/3/2009 8:39 AM Domingo vai ser no Kabul! 6304598946 hindichannels 12/3/2009 8:31 AM Indian HC in Kabul turned into RAW headquarters: Gabol: ISLAMABAD: Minister of State for Shipping Nabeel Gabol said... 6304597862 Adnkronos 12/3/2009 8:31 AM Pdl, il Cavaliere rompe il silenzio: ''Fini? Non sono in competizione''. Stasera si decide sui parà a Kabul 6304531354 hindichannels 12/3/2009 8:29 AM Published a new blog post: Indian HC in Kabul turned into RAW headquarters: Gabol 6304530730 hindichannels 12/3/2009 8:29 AM Indian HC in Kabul turned into RAW headquarters: Gabol 6304353426 draenews 12/3/2009 8:22 AM Megite McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan... 6304319652 OMEREFE 12/3/2009 8:21 AM ankara'ya istifamı veriyorum ama kabul etmio bitürlü,darladımmmm gene:( 6304158868 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 8:14 AM Jeffrey, , AF has given loan amount of 1075 to Abdul Basher Abdul Muhlak, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Towards expanding his business. 6304158874 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 8:14 AM Jeffrey, , AF has given loan amount of 1075 to Abdul Basher Abdul Muhlak, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Towards expanding his business. 6304158452 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 8:14 AM Jeffrey, , AF has given loan amount of 900 to Ahmad Sha Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase necessary materials for his laundry 6304039184 PilotHelicopter 12/3/2009 8:10 AM Helicopter Pilot Job Pilot, Rotary Wing S-61: DynCorp Kabul, Afghanistan, International:Principle Responsibilitie... 6304001174 HanzeleHill 12/3/2009 8:08 AM @allahcc kulum tövbe bende kabul edeyim diyor insanlar yaşlanınca ederim önce para para diyorlar 6303964057 ashifman 12/3/2009 8:06 AM RT @reuterspictures: RT @Cropperboyce: From Kabul to Berlin Afghan photographer Masood experiences protest in Germany, what a culture sh ... 6303929639 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 8:05 AM Nullplus, , DE has given loan amount of 900 to Ahmad Sha Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase necessary materials for his laundry 6303922430 juttarund 12/3/2009 8:05 AM RT @reuterspictures: RT @Cropperboyce: From Kabul to Berlin Afghan photographer Masood experiences protest in Germany, what a culture sh ... 6303915104 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 8:04 AM John, Springfield MO, US has given loan amount of 975 to Muhammad Usaeen Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 6303819626 CustomModels 12/3/2009 8:01 AM Crazy Chinook landing outside Kabul [VID] #chinook 6303792198 zweitansage 12/3/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6303761946 reuterspictures 12/3/2009 7:58 AM RT @Cropperboyce: From Kabul to Berlin Afghan photographer Masood experiences protest in Germany, what a culture shock! 6303755400 farhadkaramally 12/3/2009 7:58 AM @kabul restaurant... Meat meat meat :) followed by kawa kawa & kawa!!! 6303653029 dygbng 12/3/2009 7:54 AM @ipekdmrc oldugu gibi kabul edelim fazla kurcalamayalım bence..sınavın oldu mu olduysa nasıldı olmadıysa henüz başarılar 6303643668 Pilotjob 12/3/2009 7:53 AM JSfirm Pilot Jobs Pilot, Fixed Wing B-1900D: DynCorp Kabul, Afghanistan, International:Principle Responsibilities... 6303581613 ValdaiClub 12/3/2009 7:51 AM When #Obama plunges deeper into chaos - let's remember the British retreat from #Kabul and its destruction in 1842. 6303540451 dave13100 12/3/2009 7:49 AM McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan reassu... 6303540472 webtipsfree 12/3/2009 7:49 AM McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan reassu... 6303540478 MobileAuto 12/3/2009 7:49 AM McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan reassu... 6303540481 tweettools4U 12/3/2009 7:49 AM McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces ... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 6303540525 newsfeeding 12/3/2009 7:49 AM McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan reassu... 6303540529 HeadlinesNewz 12/3/2009 7:49 AM McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan reassu... 6303540179 BssNews 12/3/2009 7:49 AM McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan reassu... 6303540182 reuterstop 12/3/2009 7:49 AM McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan reassu... 6303512295 haber 12/3/2009 7:48 AM Erdoğan, Fischer'i kabul etti 6303484218 Themariposa 12/3/2009 7:46 AM Sana çok öfkeliyim. Çünkü hala ''ben'' olduğunu kabul etmiyorsun ve beni 2 ye bölüp 0'la çarpıyorsun... 6303232785 fingertipnews2 12/3/2009 7:35 AM Reuters Intl: McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U... 6302986929 ricardonanan 12/3/2009 7:25 AM Reuters World News McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (R.. 6302986932 fingertipnews 12/3/2009 7:25 AM Reuters Intl: McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet - KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afg... 6302950313 DwaiDutDutDut 12/3/2009 7:23 AM Yang gua mana? RT @BantaKenji: Akhirnya ps3 smack down vs raw dibeli juga 2 kst sama assassins creed 2 #decemberwish ke kabul ;)) 6302867441 KimBomin 12/3/2009 7:19 AM McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan... #Korea 6302867469 HeadlinesNewz 12/3/2009 7:19 AM McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan reassu... 6302720232 nedeniyok 12/3/2009 7:12 AM Görece kabul etmeyecek derecedeki çirkin kızların gözlerinin içine bakın.Onları mutlu edin.Sonra güzel bir kız bakar ve mutlu olursun.Fakat? 6302688425 randomesk 12/3/2009 7:11 AM yesyeni bi şarkı. ayrıca hain twitter fotolarımı kabul etmiyor kaç gündür. neyse.. 6302634982 FLASH_NEWS 12/3/2009 7:08 AM McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan r 6302604129 militaryworld 12/3/2009 7:07 AM Militants Detained in Wardak, Khwost: KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan-international security force detained several ... 6302590639 AllNewsSources 12/3/2009 7:06 AM REUTERS: McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan r 6302575168 oykumb 12/3/2009 7:05 AM evet, kabuL ediyorum . bende biraz budistLik war..tamamen ondandır bu öküze tapma sevdam.. 6302563211 DILNIDHI 12/3/2009 7:05 AM Now on wards flights landing in Kabul will have american soldiers only: 6302444177 zweitansage 12/3/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6302437462 tasyasye 12/3/2009 6:59 AM Sial lu lay ngomongnya kaya ada anjing galak RT @andanalee: Kabul ngamuk ! Awas galak !RT @tasyasye: Sabar juga ada batasnya cuy 6302412994 bitutam 12/3/2009 6:58 AM @ahmethc tmm da brecht"a diyen b demek zorunda degil,a'nin yanli$ oldugunu da kabul edebilir"demi$..bizimkiler30sene sonra anliyorsa napalim 6302379977 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 6:56 AM Milenko, Brookline MA, US has given loan amount of 975 to Muhammad Usaeen Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 6302367028 safe_waters 12/3/2009 6:56 AM #reutersIN McChrystal tells Afghans U.S. not leaving yet: KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan 6302365836 andanalee 12/3/2009 6:56 AM Kabul ngamuk ! Awas galak !RT @tasyasye: Sabar juga ada batasnya cuy 6302297784 onderfurkan 12/3/2009 6:52 AM Yasasın tüm twitter yoldasligi (bide @ahmethc bir ses verip yoldasligimi kabul ettigini gösterse...) 6302140972 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 6:44 AM Mirvais, alexandria VA, US has given loan amount of 975 to Muhammad Usaeen Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 6302140976 kivalendactivts 12/3/2009 6:44 AM Mirvais, alexandria VA, US has given loan amount of 975 to Muhammad Usaeen Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To improve their businesses 6302126127 fatihguner 12/3/2009 6:44 AM @seranuno teklifi kabul ediyorum. yarın öğlen birlikte nordsee'yiz efendim. ancak yemekler benden (: 6302087883 durden38 12/3/2009 6:42 AM Madem tehdit edebilecek kadar korkuyorsunuz, o zaman neden ilaç indirimiyle girilecek zararı karşılamayı kabul ediyorsunuz. Ah, ah.... 6301975669 LinaMa389 12/3/2009 6:36 AM @imeechan kalo ndak salah tahun 2005 kabul sempat merasakan merdeka kan sist ya? 6301975259 pirasaci 12/3/2009 6:36 AM Google'a wave hesabı için istek yollamıştım kabul etmişler. 2 tane hesabım oldu. Ne işe yarayacaksa... Zaten pek anlamadım ne olduğunu daha. 6301856091 armyAfghanistan 12/3/2009 6:30 AM Militants Detained in Wardak, Khwost: KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan-international security force detained several ... 6301752333 RBLKentCounty 12/3/2009 6:25 AM RT @Fingertipnews2: UPI-Top News: Afghans cynical about U.S. troop surge: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 3 (UPI) -- Afghans .. ... 6301614550 albertsson 12/3/2009 6:18 AM @broghster: it's the fine Kabul air. 6301583189 stargundem 12/3/2009 6:16 AM Erdoğan, Başbuğ'u kabul etti - Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral İlker Başbu 6301507700 LinaMa389 12/3/2009 6:12 AM @imeechan : ktnya sih sekarang kabul tambah danger aja... 6301488179 LinaMa389 12/3/2009 6:11 AM @imeechan : sebenarnya di org uzbek, tp pdh ke kabul krn dapat kerja disana say 6301463837 LinaMa389 12/3/2009 6:09 AM @imeechan : and dah lama di kabul n ngerti bgt bahasa org sana, dia kerja di Roshan GSM kabul 6301450891 imeechan 12/3/2009 6:09 AM @LinaMa389 Oya? Kerja dimana dia di Kabul?... 6301429748 LinaMa389 12/3/2009 6:08 AM @imeechan : wah lumayan lama ya sist, sayang kita baru kenal taun in, coba dr duluan aq bisa contact in temen baik ku, dia kerja di kabul 6301399560 LinaMa389 12/3/2009 6:06 AM @LinaMa389 maksudnya setahun ya mee tinggal di kabul? 6301372356 ColeToon 12/3/2009 6:04 AM THUR 'TOON: Forget Kabul; send troops to where corruption and cronyism are REALLY a problem: Harrisburg. 6301365371 gulkanik 12/3/2009 6:04 AM bilyelerimi kafalarına atacağım insanları yavaş yavaş belirliyorum. çoğu burada değil. ama sonuçlar için hiçbir sorumluluk kabul etmiyorum. 6301356688 imeechan 12/3/2009 6:04 AM @LinaMa389 Aku tugas di Kabul taon 2003-2004, setaon disana! 6301277095 zweitansage 12/3/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6301067127 CP_Film_TV 12/3/2009 5:48 AM Murat ÖLMEZ: TURKTICARET.Net: Net · Google - Creative Director. ► Kasım (22). google wave isteğimi kabul etti davetiyeyi 6301010865 Peettv 12/3/2009 5:44 AM Good news: 450 of my book 'Kabul & Kamp Holland' were ordered yesterday by military department in NL. It's a good day! 6300894197 GeoTv 12/3/2009 5:38 AM Indian HC in Kabul turned into RAW headquarters: Gabol: ISLAMABAD: Minister of State for Shipping Nabeel Gabol said... 6300888279 mecihan 12/3/2009 5:37 AM o kadar istiyoruz ki AB'ye girmeyi; "çevre" başlığının açılması için kendi sularımızın yönetimini elimizden alın diyoruz bunu kabul ederek. 6300843259 mecihan 12/3/2009 5:34 AM konusunu kapanış kriteri olarak kabul etti." biz hayvan değiliz dimi. yani düşünebiliyoruz. büyük bi nimet bu. şimdi biraz düşünelim 6300785204 nicolah84 12/3/2009 5:31 AM If anybody has a private jet they can lend me please will you go and pick rossy up from kabul for me? Otherwise he cant come home anymore :( 6300767843 makyajcantam 12/3/2009 5:30 AM @Alev_Ucar kabul ediyorum öyle ama birikim yapmamızı engelliyor. tehlikeli bir yerde ;) 6300697152 keyx12 12/3/2009 5:26 AM problemin kabul edilebilir bir çözümünü bulmasıyla başlamıştı. Isıtılan bir madde parçası kızdıkça ışıldamaya başlar. 6300691775 FatihTekeli 12/3/2009 5:26 AM @zeynepsagdas cem sanci o kadarda kötü değildir ama tamam bende kabul ediyorum kendini tekrar ediyo çok fazla :) 6300657662 Alev_Ucar 12/3/2009 5:24 AM @makyajcantam en güzel hastalık ama :D kabul et :p 6300491733 newsfrommoncton 12/3/2009 5:13 AM from times&transcrip Allies to send over 5,000 troops to Kabul: European and other U.S. allies will contribute more... 6300266699 zweitansage 12/3/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6300053456 Akasyaa 12/3/2009 4:45 AM @baharkyl Kabul etmiyorum! Kalktim ben! Parasetamol ve vitamin+beta glucan cozer durumu!;) 6300038013 in_asia 12/3/2009 4:44 AM (AP) KABUL (AP) - President Barack Obama's plan to send 30,000 new U.S. troops to Afghanistan will only lead to.. 6300019635 TopNewsCasts 12/3/2009 4:43 AM Clinton in Kabul for inauguration - reuters 6299865653 GeoNewsTweets 12/3/2009 4:33 AM Pakistan Indian HC in Kabul turned into RAW headquarters: Gabol: ISLAMABAD: Minister of State for Shipping Nabeel G... 6299856161 berkcan1985 12/3/2009 4:32 AM bütün kızlarda bir betlik bir şımarıklık niye var? hiç birisi beyaz atlı prensini bulamadığı için mi? bunu kabul edin beyaz atlı prens yok 6299741297 Bikhoy 12/3/2009 4:25 AM @mrskutcher wanted: keep my hubby safe in Kabul... 6299726402 ninzou 12/3/2009 4:24 AM Sepertinya sih ton. Jangan2 pas ijab kabul jg ya..RT @anton_had: @ninzou dulu nembaknya nyuntik morphin dulu juga ya? 6299671805 anineki 12/3/2009 4:20 AM @BeritRekve I høy grad! :-) Fra dommen om lovvalgsspm i Bokhandleren i Kabul-saken 6299597007 odeiobrasilia 12/3/2009 4:15 AM @santomiguel Eu mandaria eles pra Kabul. pelo menos o clima é parecido. 6299372450 zweitansage 12/3/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6299335573 kubratekneci 12/3/2009 3:57 AM gidicem dedimmmmmmm bananeeeeeee ! çocuk gibi.. sen beni kandırıosun dedim.. tarkan'a daha götürmdin dediğimde istemeden de olsa kabul etti. 6299274654 TampaWebNet 12/3/2009 3:53 AM Afghans, Pakistanis voice doubts about U.S. strategy (McClatchy Newspapers): McClatchy Newspapers - KABUL, Af.. 6299228954 BuketKokturk 12/3/2009 3:49 AM @robraysten tamam yavrum :D Açınca ekle ben kabul ederim. Ben Kris Stew diye açtım mesela Rob için Rob T. Pattz tarzı bişi yaparsın ;) 6299207042 bunyihujan 12/3/2009 3:48 AM @senimanjepret bul...bul...kabul kobis 6299155660 SrJamesBond 12/3/2009 3:44 AM \\ Pacotes de fim de ano para Bagdah, Kabul e Kashmir devem estar com preços promocionais na CVC. 6299109118 lejoueurseleve 12/3/2009 3:41 AM EA se joint à Obama et envoie des troupes en Afghanistan. (#medalofhonor : Hell's Angels in Kabul ?) - 6299025123 fingertipnews2 12/3/2009 3:35 AM UPI-Top News: Afghans cynical about U.S. troop surge: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 3 (UPI) -- Afghans .. 6299011609 agabschiebehaft 12/3/2009 3:34 AM #unfl Afghanistan: Winterhilfe in Kabul verteilt: Das Flüchtlingshilfswerk (UNHCR) hat in .. #menschenrechte 6299006609 norbertsauer 12/3/2009 3:33 AM #unfl Afghanistan: Winterhilfe in Kabul verteilt: Das Flüchtlingshilfswerk (UNHCR) hat in .. #menschenrechte 6298815929 spor3com 12/3/2009 3:20 AM ''Türkiye'ye geliyorum'': Alkmaarlı oyuncu Ari, Türkiye'den gelen teklifi kabul ettiğini açıkladı. 6298790346 Haber3com 12/3/2009 3:18 AM ''Türkiye'ye geliyorum'': Alkmaarlı oyuncu Ari, Türkiye'den gelen teklifi kabul ettiğini açıkladı. 6298773499 mynetgundem 12/3/2009 3:17 AM 'Seyit Rıza'nın mezarı bulunsun' talimatı: Başbakan Erdoğan önceki gün kabul ettiği Tunceli heyetinin dile geti.. 6298523893 zweitansage 12/3/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6298425023 fionadilla 12/3/2009 2:52 AM Stlh ijab kabul di, RT @erdidier: Itu bacaan ijab kabul ya dil? RT @fionadilla: "Saya sebagai suami bersedia mempergauli istri saya blabla" 6298137433 freelancing_job 12/3/2009 2:32 AM Ann Jones, Author of "Kabul in Winter," Talks with opednews: OpEdNews By Joan Brunwasser (about the author) Page 1 of 2 page(s).. 6298128949 freedom4USA 12/3/2009 2:32 AM US:#tcot #news Most US troops will be sent to Taliban stronghold in southern Afghanistan: Kabul, Dec.3 : Of the ... 6298016701 fingertipnews 12/3/2009 2:24 AM UPI-Top News: Afghans cynical about U.S. troop surge - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 3 (UPI) -- Afghans expressed doubt... 6297868646 anamus_c 12/3/2009 2:14 AM Reading an article on drug addiction that says thr r over 2 million drug users in Afghanistan, including at least 50,000 addicts in Kabul 6297859781 SahnazCakiralp 12/3/2009 2:13 AM @GabrielPeri İltifatlari severek kabul ediyorum..:) 6297760706 UNjobs_HIVAIDS 12/3/2009 2:07 AM IT Assistant, Kabul, OXFAM GB @UNjobs #jobs 6297649976 zweitansage 12/3/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6297492379 erdidier 12/3/2009 1:49 AM Itu bacaan ijab kabul ya dil? RT @fionadilla: "Saya sebagai suami bersedia mempergauli istri saya blablabla..... " It sounds funny to me. 6297427968 thetime 12/3/2009 1:45 AM in Kabul, Asia is 0:15pm 6297415525 daghanirak 12/3/2009 1:44 AM @SenerYelkenci @mustafataha liverpool'u live, arsenal'i arse diye kısaltmak kabul edilebiliyorsa pana-gala da edilsin. 6297405656 IbnSiqilli 12/3/2009 1:43 AM #Taliban's Response to #Obama's #Afghanistan Surge (post w/ #jihad AFPAK art): ( #Pakistan #qaeda #qaida #Kabul 6297243988 FeiLingShi 12/3/2009 1:32 AM @sallybaskoro aku lg stress sal,mkne wish ku smkn akeh ae..thx to our "lovely" IBM, hahahaa.. Lgan l t'kabul kbh jg gpp kok,lbh bahagia,ha5. 6296991457 jobsse_cy 12/3/2009 1:17 AM Mentor to Operations NCO (CTAG-P) Job in Kabul #jobs #job #hiring 6296963516 jobsse_az 12/3/2009 1:15 AM Mentor to Command Sergeant Major (CTAG-P) Job in Kabul #jobs #job #hiring 6296868549 andthisjustin 12/3/2009 1:09 AM Ok, you're not allowed to give ur opinion about the war until you stop pronouncing Kabul, Cable. War's not about premium channels, or is it? 6296834137 jobsse_cy 12/3/2009 1:07 AM Police Intel Staff Mentor Job in Kabul #jobs #job #hiring 6296804393 andthisjustin 12/3/2009 1:05 AM Ok, you're not allowed to give your opinion about the war until you stop pronouncing Kabul, Cable. 6296538280 holy12 12/3/2009 12:50 AM Thanks for follow Ann Jones, Author of "Winter in Kabul," Talks with opednews: OpEdN.. 6296521121 marciomtc 12/3/2009 12:49 AM Obama’s Afghan plan represents big gamble - MSNBC: KABUL - President Barack Obama is holding an uncertain hand in... 6296336005 jobsse_cy 12/3/2009 12:38 AM Senior Intelligence Mentor Job in Kabul #jobs #job #hiring 6296292891 jobsse_yb 12/3/2009 12:36 AM Force Integration Mentor Job in Kabul #jobs #job #hiring 6296276813 jobsse_cy 12/3/2009 12:35 AM Mentor to CSM Afghan Border Patrol Job in Kabul #jobs #job #hiring 6296272382 dreamwithHim 12/3/2009 12:34 AM Waiting for our plane to Kabul. Been blessed by some great Indian friends in Dubai! 6296121879 chapasasa 12/3/2009 12:26 AM Afghans welcome Obama strategy: KABUL, Dec 2 - The Afghan government on Wednesday welcomed US President Barack .. 6296029522 utomopanji 12/3/2009 12:21 AM Lo lg nikah fik?? RT @taufiknobo: twittering at the altar, direstuin nggak ya twitteran pas ijab kabul ? @uchiealius news 6295968857 ricelaker 12/3/2009 12:18 AM OpEdNews - Article: Ann Jones, Author of "Kabul in Winter," Talks with OpEdNews: via @addthis 6295966242 Mimoii_Chan 12/3/2009 12:18 AM RT @TheHolyAlQuran: n May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) n Noor (Light) n Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say n we do, Ameen. 6295745584 taufiknobo 12/3/2009 12:06 AM twittering at the altar, direstuin nggak ya twitteran pas ijab kabul ? @uchiealius news video 6295638556 itsmeAMI 12/3/2009 12:01 AM kenapa bang bi dtg paz gw uts.!? gmn gw mao ngenalin dy k ortu gw.!? abng~ jemput gw d kampus jam4~! ayo qt ijab kabul~! XD 6295346032 marciomtc 12/2/2009 11:46 PM Obama’s Afghan plan represents big gamble - MSNBC: KABUL - President Barack Obama is holding an uncertain hand in... 6295137697 rupatweet 12/2/2009 11:36 PM It's been a social day with excellent food: lunch at El Gaucho with Eric and Tom followed by dinner at Kabul with hubby. Happy and full! 6295085803 pdenlinger 12/2/2009 11:33 PM @kaiserkuo Taliban has also changed from 2001. Fundamentally different. Controls countryside, while US, Karzai only controls Kabul. 6295057336 TheBuGz 12/2/2009 11:32 PM Afghans, Pakistanis voice doubts about U.S. strategy: KABUL -- Afghans and Pakistanis on Wednesday greeted Preside... 6294892476 Anna_Rich 12/2/2009 11:24 PM Ann Jones, Author of "Winter in Kabul," Talks with opednews 6294803263 MySA 12/2/2009 11:20 PM RT @SAEN_Photo: Got e-mail from EN's Ed Ornelas in #afghanistan. He and reporter working slice-of-life stories in Kabul before embedding. 6294719757 economycrazy 12/2/2009 11:17 PM Exit Date Sparks Concern in Kabul: Afghan officials expressed concern over Obama's aim to begin removing troops by ... 6294657797 alykhansatchu 12/2/2009 11:14 PM this historic day – when Obama plunges ever deeper into chaos – let us remember the British retreat from Kabul destruction in 1842 FISK 6294623221 flyryan 12/2/2009 11:12 PM In Kabul! 5th try's a charm. The helo crew was awesome. They flew through the weather. Got shaky for a bit, but I'm here! 6294606383 LAPressnews 12/2/2009 11:12 PM Exit Date Sparks Concern in Kabul: Afghan officials expressed concern over Obama's aim to begin removing troops by ... 6294500367 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 11:07 PM Julian, Taipei, TW has given loan amount of 1150 to Zabi Ahmadi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: completing their business requirements 6294489237 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 11:06 PM Vishnu, , has given loan amount of 1150 to Zabi Ahmadi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: completing their business requirements 6294476761 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 11:06 PM Julian, Taipei, TW has given loan amount of 1150 to Zabi Ahmadi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: completing their business requirements 6294463963 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 11:05 PM Vishnu, , has given loan amount of 1150 to Zabi Ahmadi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: completing their business requirements 6294453085 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 11:05 PM Julian, Taipei, TW has given loan amount of 1150 to Zabi Ahmadi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: completing their business requirements 6294354828 SAEN_Photo 12/2/2009 11:01 PM Got e-mail from SAEN's Ed Ornelas in #afghanistan. He and reporter are working slice-of-life stories in Kabul before embedding w/troops. 6294308233 videocrux 12/2/2009 10:59 PM #Videocrux - Shiites self-flagellate with chains and razor blades in Kabul. 6294282701 videocrux 12/2/2009 10:58 PM #Videocrux - Shiites' Ashura ceremonies marked in Kabul. 6293903635 thistell 12/2/2009 10:41 PM "Gözleri ok kaşlari keman seni sayikliyor her zaman kabul et onun teklifini pişman olmak istemiyorsan." @A_Sevik 6293731649 WANews0verviews 12/2/2009 10:34 PM SayWA! US to open consulates for the first time in Afghan cities: KABUL: The United States will open consulates in ... 6293608411 Khi 12/2/2009 10:29 PM Afghans, Pakistanis voice doubts about U.S. strategy: KABUL -- Afghans and Pakistanis on Wednesday greeted Preside... 6293577093 UNjobs_HIVAIDS 12/2/2009 10:28 PM Operation Manager, Kabul, JHU/IIIHMR Country Office @UNjobs #jobs 6293531707 jobssearchc 12/2/2009 10:26 PM Mentor to Operations NCO (CTAG-P) Job in Kabul #jobs #job #hiring 6293524657 jobssearcha 12/2/2009 10:26 PM Mentor to Instructor Development Department (CTAG-P) Job in Kabul #jobs #job #hiring 6293390313 jobssearchd 12/2/2009 10:21 PM Mentor to Command Sergeant Major (CTAG-P) Job in Kabul #jobs #job #hiring 6293172523 jobssearchb 12/2/2009 10:12 PM Police Intel Staff Mentor Job in Kabul #jobs #job #hiring 6293166102 jobssearchx 12/2/2009 10:12 PM CRIMINT Mentor Job in Kabul #jobs #job #hiring 6293127316 sittingnut 12/2/2009 10:10 PM RT @tantricNinja on which Kabul street corner will Karzai be hung,by Taliban,18 months from now, when Obama pulls the plug? |good question 6293002447 jobssearcha 12/2/2009 10:05 PM Intelligence Targeting Mentor Job in Kabul #jobs #job #hiring 6292807479 jobssearchb 12/2/2009 9:58 PM Senior Intelligence Policy Mentor Job in Kabul #jobs #job #hiring 6292742520 jobssearcha 12/2/2009 9:55 PM Mentor to CSM Afghan Border Patrol Job in Kabul #jobs #job #hiring 6292646778 BARNABAS_INSPIR 12/2/2009 9:52 PM Hump Day Headlines - December 2, 2009 | TwistedSifter: However the BBC's Ian Pannell in Kabul says there is.. 6292429739 samv 12/2/2009 9:44 PM Obama ought to read #Fisk; "surge" on Afghanistan declared on the anniversary of Brit retreat from Kabul in 1842 6291414930 tmj_engjobs 12/2/2009 9:07 PM Emerging Markets Group is Hiring: Engineering, Quality Assurance and Lo... (Kabul, NA) #Jobs #TweetMyJOBS 6291174333 Aby_Ummy 12/2/2009 8:59 PM Pernyataan Imarah Islam Afghanistan Mengenai Strategi Baru Obama - Berita: KABUL ( - Obama pada ak.. 6291046807 ILikeBoots 12/2/2009 8:54 PM PHOTO: As 30000 More Heroes Shine Their Boots For The Streets of Kabul ... 6291027953 arrahmah 12/2/2009 8:53 PM Pernyataan Imarah Islam Afghanistan Mengenai Strategi Baru Obama - Berita: KABUL ( - Obama pada akhirn... 6290758560 buzzflash 12/2/2009 8:43 PM Karzai is President of Kabul, by the way. The rest of Afghanistan is Run by Tribal War Lords. Karzai does cut a nice figure though. 6290753735 Umyrina 12/2/2009 8:43 PM Pernyataan Imarah Islam Afghanistan Mengenai Strategi Baru Obama: KABUL ( - Obama pada akhirnya me.. 6290732493 ultrabrown 12/2/2009 8:42 PM New post: One more ride on the Kabul Express. 6290614239 SkyNewsTopStory 12/2/2009 8:39 PM US to open consulates in Kabul: The United States will open consulates in two Afghan cities, US and Afghan official... 6290215153 biamansano 12/2/2009 8:25 PM hoje é dia nacional do samba e eu to aqui morrendo de vontade de ir pro kabul comemorar :/ 6289713215 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:09 PM Daniela, Toronto Ontario, CA has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6289710428 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:09 PM Rick, Kings Beach CA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6289704776 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:08 PM Richard , charlotte VT, US has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6289696761 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:08 PM Rebecca, lexington MA, US has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6289696266 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:08 PM Rebecca, lexington MA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6289695767 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:08 PM Rebecca, lexington MA, US has given loan amount of 625 to Abrahim Khil Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase more products to sell 6289685967 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:08 PM Rick, Kings Beach CA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6289680212 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:08 PM Richard , charlotte VT, US has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6289679883 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:08 PM Daniela, Toronto Ontario, CA has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6289663408 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:07 PM Rebecca, lexington MA, US has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6289662834 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:07 PM Rebecca, lexington MA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6289662269 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:07 PM Rebecca, lexington MA, US has given loan amount of 625 to Abrahim Khil Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase more products to sell 6289651808 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:07 PM Rick, Kings Beach CA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6289650439 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:07 PM Daniela, Toronto Ontario, CA has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6289645652 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:06 PM Richard , charlotte VT, US has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6289633380 opednews 12/2/2009 8:06 PM Ann Jones, Author of "Winter in Kabul," Talks with OpEdNews 6289631916 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:06 PM Rebecca, lexington MA, US has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6289630690 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:06 PM Rebecca, lexington MA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6289629993 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:06 PM Rebecca, lexington MA, US has given loan amount of 625 to Abrahim Khil Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase more products to sell 6289615680 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:05 PM Daniela, Toronto Ontario, CA has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6289613816 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:05 PM Rick, Kings Beach CA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6289606660 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:05 PM Richard , charlotte VT, US has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6289589644 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:05 PM AkaWesley, Toronto Ontario, CA has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6289582973 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:04 PM Rebecca, lexington MA, US has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6289582354 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:04 PM Rebecca, lexington MA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6289361553 USTalib 12/2/2009 7:57 PM Ann Jones, Author of "Winter in Kabul," Talks with OpEdNews - OpEdNews 6288512385 turgon_ 12/2/2009 7:28 PM Son hafta... Kabul edilmeyecek gibi bir his var içimde... 6288503156 fingertipnews 12/2/2009 7:28 PM UPI-Top News: Afghan alarm at president's speech - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 2 (UPI) -- U.S. President Obama's spee... 6288123230 seekatrun 12/2/2009 7:15 PM RT @lizva: sweet mother of god, steven seagal is a cop & has a reality tv show? big perk of kabul = no crappy reality tv. 6288068495 yjinternational 12/2/2009 7:13 PM Kids in Kabul selling potato chips in the park in the middle of winter. Just another great story by YJI's Edrees... 6287760754 itu_sozluk 12/2/2009 7:03 PM birini olduğu gibi kabul etmek: kabullenene kadar insanın canını yakan durumdur. 6287434430 refugeebot 12/2/2009 6:51 PM RT @_akpro Faces of displaced Afghans: KABUL, Afghanistan, (UNHCR) - The UN refugee agency on Tuesday began distributing b.. http://tinyu.. 6287288772 in_asia 12/2/2009 6:46 PM KABUL, Afghanistan — For Afghans, the change in tone was unmistakable. Unlike Bush-era speeches pledging unendi.. 6286724066 _akpro 12/2/2009 6:27 PM Faces of displaced Afghans: KABUL, Afghanistan, (UNHCR) - The UN refugee agency on Tuesday began distributing b.. 6286699520 lizva 12/2/2009 6:26 PM sweet mother of god, steven seagal is a cop & has a reality tv show? big perk of kabul = no crappy reality tv. 6286488077 reporterer 12/2/2009 6:19 PM Mediabistro | Our Blog Network: 12.02.09: FishbowlDC: From Kabul to the Fishbowl: CNN's Atia Abawi On Afghanistan... 6286007204 m_insider 12/2/2009 6:02 PM Timetable for US drawdown sets off Afghan alarm: KABUL, Dec 3 — For Afghans, the change in tone was unmistakable.... 6285318302 health_issues 12/2/2009 5:38 PM It Takes A Village [Snap Judgment]: [Kabul, December 1. Image via Getty] An Afghan displaced girl waits with her mo... 6285317958 healthissuesnow 12/2/2009 5:38 PM It Takes A Village [Snap Judgment]: [Kabul, December 1. Image via Getty] An Afghan displaced girl waits with her mo... 6285069838 missmaria22 12/2/2009 5:30 PM RT @pazpaz So I guess we're eventually pulling out of Afghanistan. We never do that early enough. Kabul's getting pregnant for sure. 6285027271 fingertipnews 12/2/2009 5:28 PM AP Intl: Obama's Afghan plan represents high-stakes gamble - KABUL (AP) -- President Barack Obama is holding an... 6284964769 marciomtc 12/2/2009 5:26 PM Obama's Afghan plan represents high-stakes gamble - Ledger-Enquirer: KABUL -- President Barack Obama is holding an ... 6284905040 sumimasen1 12/2/2009 5:24 PM Link: Çek Mağdurları - eza Hukuku’nda artık kasten sorumluluk ilkesi kabul edilmemektedir. Ceza yaptırımı... 6284800307 rachelejlee 12/2/2009 5:20 PM It Takes A Village [Snap Judgment]: [Kabul, December 1. Image via Getty] An Afghan displaced girl waits with her mo... 6284437698 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 5:07 PM Krista & Sean, Shoreline WA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6284402721 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 5:06 PM Krista & Sean, Shoreline WA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6284402702 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 5:06 PM Krista & Sean, Shoreline WA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6284374743 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 5:05 PM Krista & Sean, Shoreline WA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Clinic Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand his vegetable business 6284364901 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 5:05 PM Nan, Petaluma CA, US has given loan amount of 825 to Bibi Bekam Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy materials for a tailoring business 6284303913 dunablue 12/2/2009 5:03 PM Deception and cruelty spread like a swarm of locusts from Jerusalem to Kabul and our leaders tell us the sun is shining, the sky is blue. 6284259820 melektunc 12/2/2009 5:01 PM uzun bir ara vermişim tweetlemeye :D bugün aldığım elbiseyi yarın değiştirmeye gidiyorum. etiketsiz kabul nasıl olur acaba:D 6284215302 zweitansage 12/2/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6283841387 surinderJsingh 12/2/2009 4:46 PM “I saved a man’s life in Kabul.Was it his destiny or was it a random happening?”– quote from my book:The Power of Raw Thought(Xlibris Books) 6283758472 Abihanaf 12/2/2009 4:44 PM Taliban akan Hadapi AS Lebih Keras: KABUL--Taliban mengatakan mereka akan meningkatkan perjuangan mereka di Afganis... 6283628664 YahooNoticias 12/2/2009 4:39 PM Obama y OTAN anuncian refuerzos, talibanes prometen devolverlos en ataúdes: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - El gobierno afgan... 6283515979 DanRatherReport 12/2/2009 4:35 PM Producer in Kabul talking w/diplomats, gender experts & Afghan women - they fear 2011 exit date sends clear signal to Taliban to wait it out 6283497944 raycool1 12/2/2009 4:34 PM Taliban: Troop build-up strategy will fail|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 2 (UPI) -- U.S. President Barack Obama's move .. 6283444478 mcanduzgun 12/2/2009 4:33 PM toplantı süper geçti, tüm istekler kabul ve dikkati çekilecek arkadaş gerekli mesajı aldı.. 6283144496 AsliKanay 12/2/2009 4:22 PM Bu yılbaşı kitap hediyelerinizi kabul ediyorum. Şimdiden teşekkürler... (: [pic] 6283022395 haber 12/2/2009 4:18 PM Gaziosmanpaşa Yabancı Kabul ve Barındırma Merkezi'nde kavga çıktı 6282933713 lnp_38 12/2/2009 4:15 PM RT @FishbowlDC From Kabul to the Fishbowl: CNN's Atia Abawi On Afghanistan - FishbowlDC 6282805734 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 4:10 PM Jim , , has given loan amount of 1425 to Danya-e- Nor Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: progressing and expanding their businesses 6282795610 Spoyrazz 12/2/2009 4:10 PM @SedaSirma Ben kabul ediyorum,çünkü bunu bende çok istiyorum ama durumum olursa cnm; bakabilirsem ;) 6282770138 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 4:09 PM Jim , , has given loan amount of 1425 to Danya-e- Nor Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: progressing and expanding their businesses 6282714285 serhansayar 12/2/2009 4:07 PM @kaygiless internetten gelen teklifleri zor değerlendiriyorum ama baktım sempatik, böyle sırıtan bir yüz(*) görünce kabul ettim teklifi dedi 6282511593 zweitansage 12/2/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6282412439 CastratingBitch 12/2/2009 3:56 PM Annem boyunun kısaldığını kabul edemediğinden olacak ki benim boyumu yüksek ölçmüş saol anne ya 172 yiz iyi mi hatun 5 cm fazla ölçmüş piii! 6282382217 beercrafting 12/2/2009 3:55 PM US troops hopeful Obama plan will wind down war - YAHOO!: The troops at this base in Wardak province, west of Kabul... 6282377471 indybikehiker 12/2/2009 3:55 PM Imagining a "force" of 500k-1mil self-funded international civilians converging in Kabul to nonviolently confront all combatants. 6282367818 peter451 12/2/2009 3:54 PM Karzai Vows To Crack Down On Self (source: The onion): KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—In his first major policy speec.. 6282339082 dmataconis 12/2/2009 3:53 PM @J_Kane And I would prefer to see him focus on al Qaeda and forget about nation building in Kabul 6282174741 neslihanacu 12/2/2009 3:47 PM @ressso ama eleştirilecek çok şey var. kabul etmiyor musunuz'u nasıl eleştiriyorsak izmir'i neden yazmayalım? 6281894284 noise_police 12/2/2009 3:37 PM #theonion Karzai Vows To Crack Down On Self - KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—In his first major policy speech since being... 6281883465 derjanosch 12/2/2009 3:37 PM "There is no rift in the American embassy in Kabul". 6281817983 muladhara 12/2/2009 3:34 PM US Amb in Kabul pens agrt w/ Afgh FM Spanta to open US Cons in Mazar e Sharif w/ another planned 4 Herat. 6281714623 RonterBurg 12/2/2009 3:31 PM via @sacbee_theframe Faces of displaced Afghans - KABUL, Afghanistan, (UNHCR) - The UN refugee agency on Tuesday be... 6281598980 flintstonecomic 12/2/2009 3:26 PM Karzai Vows To Crack Down On Self (source: The onion): KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—In his first major policy speec.. 6281331815 in_asia 12/2/2009 3:17 PM KABUL, Afghanistan — For Afghans, the change in tone was unmistakable. Unlike Bush-era speeches pledging unendi.. 6281248729 msnnoticias 12/2/2009 3:13 PM Los 30.000 soldados adicionales de EEUU comenzarán a llegar a Afganistán este mes: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters/EP) ... 6280989114 bestdigartvids 12/2/2009 3:04 PM Faces of displaced Afghans: KABUL, Afghanistan, (UNHCR) - The UN refugee agency on Tuesday began distributing .. 6280986082 bestphotovids 12/2/2009 3:04 PM Faces of displaced Afghans: KABUL, Afghanistan, (UNHCR) - The UN refugee agency on Tuesday began distributing .. 6280984015 bestphotography 12/2/2009 3:04 PM Faces of displaced Afghans: KABUL, Afghanistan, (UNHCR) - The UN refugee agency on Tuesday began distributing .. 6280902395 chicagojohnk 12/2/2009 3:01 PM Karzai Vows To Crack Down On Self: KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—In his first major policy speech since being sworn .. 6280888190 photographyhelp 12/2/2009 3:00 PM Faces of displaced Afghans: KABUL, Afghanistan, (UNHCR) - The UN refugee agency on Tuesday began distributing .. 6280866435 zweitansage 12/2/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6280795014 rosewing 12/2/2009 2:57 PM Karzai Vows To Crack Down On Self (source: The onion): KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—In his first major policy speec.. 6280758055 kiwiria 12/2/2009 2:55 PM 3 of 5 stars to Drager over Kabul by Morten Hesseldahl - 6280657553 AsliKanay 12/2/2009 2:52 PM Bu yılbaşı kitap hediyelerinizi kabul ediyorum. Şimdiden teşekkürler... (: [pic] 6280627303 k8black 12/2/2009 2:50 PM RT @pazpaz: So I guess we're eventually pulling out of Afghanistan. We never do that early enough. Kabul's getting pregnant for sure. 6280522215 in_asia 12/2/2009 2:47 PM KABUL (AFP) – President Hamid Karzai on Wednesday welcomed a US decision to send 30,000 extra troops to Afghani.. 6280496582 AsliKanay 12/2/2009 2:46 PM Bu yılbaşı kitap hediyelerinizi kabul ediyorum. Şimdiden teşekkürler! :) 6280448598 xQ_Qx 12/2/2009 2:44 PM Karzai Vows To Crack Down On Self: KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—In his first major policy speech since being sworn .. 6280376796 jobssearchb 12/2/2009 2:41 PM Collection Management Mentor Job in Kabul #jobs #job #hiring 6280324660 Jerabek1 12/2/2009 2:39 PM Karzai Vows To Crack Down On Self (source: The onion): KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—In his first major policy speec.. 6280227228 chaslondon 12/2/2009 2:36 PM RT @WarKidsRelief: 3 Kabul hospitals hv agreed to help sickest IDP kids @ grtly reduced fees in Dec. - support, save lives: http://bit.l ... 6280144397 DanRatherReport 12/2/2009 2:33 PM Producer in Kabul. We're covering war from soldiers' perspective, but also going deeper into Afghan society to take stock of women's lives. 6279926790 RenginTekin 12/2/2009 2:24 PM 2 kedimizi beni ve Asliyi evine kabul eden arkadasimiz Nalana tesekkur ederim :) 6279878783 tn_worldnews 12/2/2009 2:23 PM TheNational World: Concern extra troops will inflame conflict: Residents in Kabul are concerned that US president B... 6279751642 KarenKinnaman 12/2/2009 2:18 PM RT @TheOnion Karzai Vows To Crack Down On Self: KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—In his fir.. #internet #news 6279728544 Neilthemanwhore 12/2/2009 2:17 PM Karzai Vows To Crack Down On Self: KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—In his first major policy speech since being sworn in for a... 6279728565 JAWsome1 12/2/2009 2:17 PM News. KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—In his first major policy speech since being sworn in for a second term, Afghan pre... .... 6279728272 curtstweets 12/2/2009 2:17 PM Karzai Vows To Crack Down On Self: KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—In his first major policy speech since being sworn in for a... 6279727715 the_Onion 12/2/2009 2:17 PM Karzai Vows To Crack Down On Self: KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—In his first major policy speech since being sworn in for a... 6279727728 ShitShat 12/2/2009 2:17 PM Karzai Vows To Crack Down On Self: KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—In his first major policy speech since being sworn in for a... 6279727906 DoWhatchaLike 12/2/2009 2:17 PM Karzai Vows To Crack Down On Self: KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—In his first major policy speech since being sworn in for a... 6279727916 Turboface 12/2/2009 2:17 PM The Onion: Karzai Vows To Crack Down On Self: KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—In his first major policy speech since being swo... 6279727950 JonnyWills 12/2/2009 2:17 PM Fresh Onion: Karzai Vows To Crack Down On Self: KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—In his first major policy speech since being s... 6279562425 misternaxal 12/2/2009 2:11 PM @jberthume I hope there's an unspoken walk-back from Karzai in this plan. We ought to work with local headmen, not the Mayor of Kabul. 6279452057 sayinahmet 12/2/2009 2:06 PM bugun cevremdeki herkez bır bırıne biseyler teklif etti ama kimse kabul etmedi bu teklifleri... 6279428552 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 2:05 PM Anne, Freiburg, DE has given loan amount of 1075 to Mohammad Hamed Abdul Aziz, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: buying seeds and essential things 6279403976 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 2:04 PM Fraser, Edinburgh Midlothian, GB has given loan amount of 850 to Hameda Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: For business progress. 6279401885 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 2:04 PM Anne, Freiburg, DE has given loan amount of 1075 to Mohammad Hamed Abdul Aziz, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: buying seeds and essential things 6279273012 zweitansage 12/2/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6279210132 Krochmal 12/2/2009 1:57 PM "Even as we speak, the helicopter landing pad on the roof of the U.S. embassy in Kabul is being painted." 6279111269 greatbiglizard 12/2/2009 1:53 PM @DaintyBallerina *respectfully* a career in armed conflict resolutions awaits you. ever been to kabul? 6279001003 IbnSiqilli 12/2/2009 1:49 PM #Taliban's Response to #Obama's #Afghanistan Surge (post w/ #jihad AFPAK art): ( #Pakistan #qaeda #qaida #Kabul 6278934277 ibotam 12/2/2009 1:46 PM kabul edilmiş. 6278911953 vijaysappani 12/2/2009 1:46 PM Good read on #afghan RT @AfPakChannel The view from Kabul on the Afghanistan speech, by an actual Afghan analyst 6278861959 sezin_y 12/2/2009 1:44 PM kabul ediyorum uykucuyum uykuya aşığım! 6278657418 esehri 12/2/2009 1:36 PM 7.sanat kabul edilen sinema ise tum bu sanatlari icinde barindirir 6278543815 fingertipnews 12/2/2009 1:32 PM UPI-Top News: Russia: Pros, cons in U.S. Afghan strategy - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 2 (UPI) -- Russia's ambassador... 6278451359 johnraav 12/2/2009 1:28 PM yes Afghanistan Welcomes New Obama Strategy - Spokesman: KABUL (AFP)--The Afghan government on Wednesday welcomed.. 6278345837 jeffburkhill 12/2/2009 1:24 PM Afghanistan Welcomes New Obama Strategy - Spokesman: KABUL (AFP)--The Afghan government on Wednesday welcomed US President Barack Obama&#.. 6278186966 addamiattualita 12/2/2009 1:18 PM Afghanistan: karzai, invio rinforzi contributo a pace e sicurezza: Kabul, 2 dic. – (Adnkronos/aki) – “L... 6277983177 rumburgler 12/2/2009 1:10 PM RT @mikebarish: Proof I'm not adopted. Me: Do they have cable in Afghanistan? Dad: No, but they have Kabul. 6277888314 vikram251086 12/2/2009 1:07 PM Afghanistan Welcomes New Obama Strategy - Spokesman: KABUL (AFP)--The Afghan government on Wednesday welcomed U.. 6277697582 zweitansage 12/2/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6277645570 Igrenc_Adam 12/2/2009 12:58 PM Avrupadan gelen soğuk hava dalgası, ülkemizi etkisi altına aldı.. Yok abi, Avrupa bizi sevmiyor işte, kabul edelim :)) 6277634971 RightWingArtist 12/2/2009 12:57 PM Usama bin Laden address Afgan People in Breaking war strategy. Eat well, Make Babies, Harvest your poppy return to Kabul for 2011 victory 6277627968 watsonkailyn 12/2/2009 12:57 PM Afghanistan Welcomes New Obama Strategy - Spokesman: KABUL (AFP)--The Afghan government on Wednesday welcomed U.. 6277525590 nikkijo1 12/2/2009 12:53 PM RT @ForeignAffairs_: Letter From Kabul: Part II: The Warlords: 6277421425 _alive2dive 12/2/2009 12:49 PM @mikebarish No cable, but they have Kabul!! HAHAA! Mike, that's rich. Dads rock. 6277374048 mikebarish 12/2/2009 12:47 PM Proof I'm not adopted. Me: Do they have cable in Afghanistan? Dad: No, but they have Kabul. 6277373393 jobssearchc 12/2/2009 12:47 PM Intelligence System Mentor Job in Kabul #jobs #job #hiring 6277344974 allobama 12/2/2009 12:46 PM Afghanistan Welcomes New Obama Strategy - Spokesman: KABUL (AFP)--The Afghan government on Wednesday welcomed US Pr... 6277269910 kedipu 12/2/2009 12:43 PM yatağımın içinde örümcek buldum.gel birlikte yatalım dedim kabul etmedi! 6277267290 axismedia 12/2/2009 12:43 PM KABUL (AP) Taliban says President Obama's plan "no solution" to Afghanistan's problems. 6277173256 dj_noxx 12/2/2009 12:39 PM kabul dong..kaki bule RT @ninabelinda: @alicesofieNORIN Hahahah...kaki siapa dulu neh??kaki meja?kaki manequin ato kaki apa?? 6277105812 ToddHills 12/2/2009 12:37 PM RT @pazpaz So I guess we're eventually pulling out of Afghanistan. We never do that early enough. Kabul's getting pregnant for sure. 6277002844 tonegu 12/2/2009 12:33 PM RT @thomastangen: Bokhandleren i Kabul burde heller saksøke advokat Danielsen. Makan til tullejus mannen holder på med. 6276925559 Dignified_ 12/2/2009 12:30 PM @_soLitude korunmak lazım ama mazallah kaza maza olur .p anladın sen onu :D tmm iğrencim kabul ediyorum :D şaka amka iki haftdır görüşemiyoz 6276865970 Small_Biz_Coach 12/2/2009 12:27 PM Taliban: Afghan surge will mean more US fatalities: KABUL - The Taliban rebuffed President Barack Obama's new war p... 6276866088 BostonMArss 12/2/2009 12:27 PM Herald| Taliban: Afghan surge will mean more US fatalities: KABUL - The Taliban rebuffed President Barack Obama's n... 6276852997 LizzyCaplan 12/2/2009 12:27 PM RT @pazpaz So I guess we're eventually pulling out of Afghanistan. We never do that early enough. Kabul's getting pregnant for sure. 6276823941 tantricNinja 12/2/2009 12:26 PM on which Kabul street corner will Karzai be hung, by Taliban, 18 months from now, when Obama pulls the plug? 6276560430 ChristoNestco 12/2/2009 12:16 PM RT @pazpaz: So I guess we're eventually pulling out of Afghanistan. We never do that early enough. Kabul's getting pregnant for sure. 6276542275 LA_STAMPA 12/2/2009 12:15 PM Kabul approva il piano americanoI talebani minacciano nuovi attacchi: ROMAUno scontato ottimismo governativo, l'im... 6276541193 BBC_WHYS 12/2/2009 12:15 PM Asma on the phone from Kabul says 18months is not enough but she is feeling optimistic about more troops being sent 6276485801 thomastangen 12/2/2009 12:13 PM Bokhandleren i Kabul burde heller saksøke advokat Danielsen. Makan til tullejus mannen holder på med. 6276435607 FlushandWipe 12/2/2009 12:11 PM KABUL (AP) Taliban says President Obama's plan "no solution" to Afghanistan's problems. "Especially since obama gave away our plans" 'Flush' 6276407252 tittoantony 12/2/2009 12:10 PM @thecomicproject Yes I guess and HERAT-KANDAHAR-KABUL highway has a good contribution of Indian company called BSC **forget complete name** 6276355190 mediafound 12/2/2009 12:08 PM From Kabul to the Fishbowl: CNN's Atia Abawi On Afghanistan 6276318660 MattDabrowski 12/2/2009 12:06 PM Radio Azadi, VOA affiliate in Kabul, has been all over the Obama speech for 48hr. Radio Arman, the top private station, not so much. 6276138243 zweitansage 12/2/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6276079361 rolimota 12/2/2009 11:57 AM @MMFlint @BarackObama All we need now is another deja vù of President Obama saying there are WMD in Kabul... very à la Bush 6276062497 itu_sozluk 12/2/2009 11:57 AM deist: sorgulayan her insanın mantığını kabul etmesi olağan olan dini akım.gelin sorgulayalım: 1. karıla... 6275974882 nictate 12/2/2009 11:53 AM @ballywick Thanks for the mini-review of film and book. This blurb of yours should be on the DVD cover: "It's not Kabul and Health Care..." 6275888687 videocrux 12/2/2009 11:50 AM #Videocrux - Dog fight, a sport enjoyed by people in Kabul. 6275676640 FrantzCator 12/2/2009 11:42 AM From Kabul to the Fishbowl: CNN's Atia Abawi On Afghanistan 6275634650 zoltangera 12/2/2009 11:40 AM hogwarts'a kabul edilip hufflepuff'a düşmek. 6275538266 wjhamilton29464 12/2/2009 11:37 AM Spartanburg to Kabul Afghanistan Things Happen when they have to #sc #us #obama #ofa 6275482009 raycool1 12/2/2009 11:34 AM U.S commander urges giving Taliban chance to end fight|KABUL (AP) ? The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said .. 6275411531 Wulfrunah 12/2/2009 11:32 AM @mawbooks Interesting read...have read Princess and Road to Kabul..meaningful comments.... 6275291418 terasbanuk 12/2/2009 11:27 AM @samivetosun özlemle hasretle bekliyoruz,allah kabul etsin :)))) 6275247931 clancycnn 12/2/2009 11:25 AM @realestate680 so is THRIVING! Poppy Palaces in Kabul, a 2-years' supply of opium and KBR (Halliburton) is doing just fine, thanks 6275192195 brcandre 12/2/2009 11:23 AM @JuBueno1 Pode ser q não. Abandonar o Afeganistão pro fraquíssimo gov de Kabul pode arriscar levar o país pro buraco negro de vez... 6275111274 tittoantony 12/2/2009 11:20 AM @venkatananth this helps major gateway through herat-kandahar till kabul makes the pakistan business with AF in to doldrums @thecomicproject 6274990958 firstpr 12/2/2009 11:16 AM instead of pontificating about the war in Afghanistan why not eat in Kabul in Seattle. 6274978861 ThinkOutLoudOPB 12/2/2009 11:15 AM Hearing from an Oregonian in Kabul right now about reaction to Obama plan in Afghanistan. 6274864149 theatral 12/2/2009 11:11 AM Şimdi her insan bencil kabul, sokakta herkes bıdı bıdı bıdı konuşup duruyor ya hani kulak misafiri oluyoruz, vay... 6274796801 taktikz 12/2/2009 11:08 AM Now I Have The Troops I Need: McChrystal: Speaking from his headquarters in Kabul after President Obama's addre.. 6274757556 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 11:07 AM Jane, Renton WA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Hameda Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: For business progress. 6274752959 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 11:07 AM Karen, Alexandria VA, US has given loan amount of 900 to Nadera Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Towards expanding their businesses. 6274752489 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 11:07 AM Karen, Alexandria VA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Hameda Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: For business progress. 6274730782 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 11:06 AM Jane, Renton WA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Hameda Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: For business progress. 6274725763 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 11:06 AM Karen, Alexandria VA, US has given loan amount of 900 to Nadera Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Towards expanding their businesses. 6274725239 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 11:06 AM Karen, Alexandria VA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Hameda Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: For business progress. 6274724745 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 11:06 AM Jane, Renton WA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Hameda Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: For business progress. 6274721260 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 11:06 AM Karen, Alexandria VA, US has given loan amount of 900 to Nadera Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Towards expanding their businesses. 6274720776 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 11:06 AM Karen, Alexandria VA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Hameda Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: For business progress. 6274691411 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 11:04 AM Karen, Alexandria VA, US has given loan amount of 900 to Nadera Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Towards expanding their businesses. 6274690756 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 11:04 AM Karen, Alexandria VA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Hameda Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: For business progress. 6274688318 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 11:04 AM Jane, Renton WA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Hameda Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: For business progress. 6274660466 tittoantony 12/2/2009 11:03 AM @thecomicproject and I dunno if the electricity project from uzbek to Kabul is finished @venkatananth @acorn 6274595985 CustomModels 12/2/2009 11:01 AM Crazy Chinook landing outside Kabul [VID] wow! 6274554050 zweitansage 12/2/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6274518237 Chaati 12/2/2009 10:58 AM insan neden kendini olduğu gbi kabul etmez bi tiki olma bi başkası olma çabaları fln.buyum abi ben diecek insanoğlu bi elin parmakları kadar 6274199776 ozlemduman 12/2/2009 10:46 AM @alpayalpayalpay o zaman bu açıklamanı bira tklifimizi kabul ettin olarak algılıyorum:) doğru mudur? bak gazi kadınlar sokağı..süperdir;) 6274088272 hchuaeoan 12/2/2009 10:42 AM TIME's Aryn Baker in Kabul writes about Afghan skepticism about Obama's plan. 6273997411 iNewsStand 12/2/2009 10:39 AM Entertainment Images Photo from AP Photo - Taxi drivers rest on the street at the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan, ... 6273913108 colincookman 12/2/2009 10:36 AM @Transitionland Working around Kabul+CDI militias+huge focus on ANSF = I'm really afraid we're basically going for the warlord route here. 6273756977 zeytinagaci 12/2/2009 10:30 AM Türküye'nin Uluslararası Zeytin ve Zeytinyağı Konseyine yeniden üyeliği TBMM'nin dünkü genel kurulunda kabul edildi. 6273598415 alastairh 12/2/2009 10:24 AM @fraserspeirs Maybe it was Kabul Vice rather than Tea with the Taliban. (Either way, let’s not forget, beard-shaving = vice…) 6273585865 WizInfo 12/2/2009 10:24 AM Senior Intelligence Policy Mentor: Kabul, The Contractor shall work directly with Senior Afg.. #wizInfo #LACaJobs 6273584246 WizInfo 12/2/2009 10:23 AM Mentor to Director Afghan Border Patrol: Kabul, The Contractor shall work directly with the .. #wizInfo #LACaJobs 6273546501 pamplinero 12/2/2009 10:22 AM ♫ #burka,¡sí! Ella quiere su #burka, ¿¡cómo!? #burka,¡sí! Ella quiere su #burka, ¿¡cómo!?♫ (El Pitbull afgano arrasa en las pistas de Kabul) 6273457247 vizionevents 12/2/2009 10:19 AM Residents of Kabul criticize US military surge 6273327600 AAMRadioTV 12/2/2009 10:14 AM Hear our show re:AfPak at RT @ForeignAffairs_: Letter From Kabul: Part II: The Warlords: 6273325531 djcompliance 12/2/2009 10:14 AM Do higher salaries reduce corruption? WSJ: Kabul Raises Pay to Bolster Police - 6273281087 didugur 12/2/2009 10:12 AM @ezzggi ezgii sabah konuştuklarımızın çoğu doğruymuş ama sadece işletmesi içinmiş...tabii kabul edilmemiş (%99).diğer konu ise 10 gün varmış 6273275707 moeberg 12/2/2009 10:12 AM I totally can't wait to book my 2012 vacation in Kabul. 6273124437 MerveGirginzzzz 12/2/2009 10:06 AM anne jedi olucam dedim. Yoda ol sen toplumda daha çabuk kabul görürsün dedi. 6272931250 zweitansage 12/2/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6272922117 venkatananth 12/2/2009 9:59 AM RT @ForeignAffairs_: Letter From Kabul: Part II: The Warlords: 6272890232 ForeignAffairs_ 12/2/2009 9:58 AM Letter From Kabul: Part II: The Warlords: 6272733786 muladhara 12/2/2009 9:52 AM Robert Kaplan thinks that US cn funnel money drcy 2 local govt in Afgh+totally bypass all the corrupt elements in Kabul.No Miracle 18 Mths 6272638897 nursahcaglar 12/2/2009 9:49 AM benim bi arkadaşım var, tartışırken kabul et diyceği yere yanlışlıkla iddaa et diyerek tartışmanın sürmesini sağlıyor. 6272610822 habercimurat 12/2/2009 9:48 AM @NurcanGuzel nurcancım senin kolaylıkla anlayabildiğin teknolojik şeyleri biz anlayamıyoruz artık bunu kabul et:)))) 6272575830 FishbowlDC 12/2/2009 9:46 AM Thanks to @AtiaAbawi for the call from Kabul. Most definitely the longest long-distance call I've received. Interview on FBDC now. 6272500807 DonaldPretari 12/2/2009 9:44 AM RT @AfPakChannel: The view from Kabul on the Afghanistan speech, by an actual Afghan analyst 6272460504 mattihe 12/2/2009 9:42 AM Viktig seier for ytringsfriheten RT @olavtorvund Åsje Seierstad vant foreløpig siste runde mot bokhandleren fra Kabul : 6272436684 SNBeltwayGossip 12/2/2009 9:41 AM From Kabul to the Fishbowl: CNN's Atia Abawi On Afghanistan 6272426509 AfPakChannel 12/2/2009 9:41 AM The view from Kabul on the Afghanistan speech, by an actual Afghan analyst 6272402989 Sycorox 12/2/2009 9:40 AM @onryldz hah kabul edin şöyle çocukluklarınızı:) 6272374537 delie31 12/2/2009 9:39 AM From Kabul to the Fishbowl: CNN's Atia Abawi On Afghanistan: 6272317080 NYNewsOverview 12/2/2009 9:37 AM New York Taliban says ready to face new US troops in Afghanistan – Summary – Earthtimes: Kabul - Taliban milita... 6272301304 RuletaOnline 12/2/2009 9:36 AM Comandante EEUU, satisfecho con estrategia Afganistán: Reuters - WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - El principal comanda... 6272241734 UNjobs 12/2/2009 9:34 AM Information Management Support Officer UNOCHA, Afghanistan (Number of Vacant Position 2), Kabul #jobs 6272226857 meltemsavci 12/2/2009 9:34 AM Daha fazla uzatmadan ben de "complete failure" gerçeğini kabul edip çekileyim artık. 6272170036 olavtorvund 12/2/2009 9:32 AM Åsje Seierstad vant foreløpig siste runde mot bokhandleren fra Kabul : via @addthis 6272163502 mattyglesias 12/2/2009 9:31 AM @colincookman @attackerman Not really any large cities in the south & east except Kabul & kandahar 6272139917 ipekdinc 12/2/2009 9:31 AM @burcues Gercekten guzel haber. Yazik, lanetli top, artik kimse kabul etmezmis :) 6272128482 vecer 12/2/2009 9:30 AM Kabul pozdravlja odločitev Obame 6272126425 NRKno 12/2/2009 9:30 AM Full siger for Seierstad: Vann over bokhandlaren i Kabul i Høgsterett. 6272119502 socialmedia618 12/2/2009 9:30 AM From Kabul to the Fishbowl: CNN's Atia Abawi On Afghanistan - I noticed that you referenced Tw.. 6272065862 listindiario 12/2/2009 9:28 AM Talibanes creen que anuncio de Obama es una "trampa" para calmar a población: Kabul.- El movimiento talibán afga... 6271971380 washdcnews 12/2/2009 9:24 AM From Kabul to the Fishbowl: CNN's Atia Abawi On Afghanistan: Yesterday, CNN announced the launch of "Afghanistan... 6271970958 BethLudwick 12/2/2009 9:24 AM #marketing From Kabul to the Fishbowl: CNN's Atia Abawi On Afghanistan: Yesterday, CNN anno... #mediabistro #dc #pr 6271970993 FishbowlDC 12/2/2009 9:24 AM From Kabul to the Fishbowl: CNN's Atia Abawi On Afghanistan: Yesterday, CNN announced the launch of "Afghanistan... 6271971008 FishbowlDC 12/2/2009 9:24 AM From Kabul to the Fishbowl: CNN's Atia Abawi On Afghanistan: Yesterday, CNN announced the launch of "Afghanistan... 6271971095 PoolReport 12/2/2009 9:24 AM From Kabul to the Fishbowl: CNN's Atia Abawi On Afghanistan: Yesterday, CNN announced the launch of "Afghanistan... 6271889515 FishbowlDC 12/2/2009 9:21 AM From Kabul to the Fishbowl: CNN's Atia Abawi On Afghanistan : Yesterday, CNN announced the launch of "Afghanist.. 6271888355 abc_global 12/2/2009 9:21 AM ABC: La OTAN pide 5.000 soldados más; Kabul confía en EE.UU. para reforzar su ejército 6271686482 Mrnavas7 12/2/2009 9:14 AM French troops bribing Taliban w/ weapons & $$$: The leader of the Taliban in Kabul has told Al Jazeera ... PLS RT 6271628418 habercimurat 12/2/2009 9:12 AM @eksiolu @KauBeLA kesinlikle abartılmıyor ayrıca aşının yan etkileri, bulaşınca hiç bir hastanenin seni kabul etmemesini düşünürsen 6271543654 cabulitoo 12/2/2009 9:09 AM is listenin to Lily Allen 'Kabul Shit' wow!liriknya bagus :)) 6271540028 CustomModels 12/2/2009 9:09 AM Crazy Chinook landing outside Kabul [VID] wow & look at the smile at the end 6271491830 penguinponders 12/2/2009 9:07 AM About 10:30 EST, Gen McChrystal makes statement live from Kabul. 6271482634 silentbutsmart 12/2/2009 9:06 AM @insanityreport hmmm that the only evil abt the internet age lol. kabul be reporting the usa are coming the usa are coming live via TWITTER 6271411338 penguinponders 12/2/2009 9:04 AM McCain tells Sec Clinton he wants more specifics from her about State Dept personnel in Kabul, submit plan on how to build there. 6271298657 zweitansage 12/2/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6271028521 rtsradio 12/2/2009 8:50 AM US commander: Offer Taliban chance to end fight - KABUL (AP) -- The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said Wedn... 6271006337 abc_global 12/2/2009 8:49 AM ABC: La OTAN pide 5.000 soldados más; Kabul confía en EE.UU. para reforzar su ejército 6270863699 wineturk 12/2/2009 8:43 AM @hulkicevizoglu Bazen alay etmekte yaşamın önemli bir parçası olabilir.İnançlara saygı ise inanç özgürlüğünü kabul etmekle başlar. 6270811993 Matergravy 12/2/2009 8:41 AM Kabul welcomes US surge, NATO says more to follow (AFP) 6270743293 blsnbelles 12/2/2009 8:39 AM Us Commander: Offer Taliban Chance To End Fight: KABUL (AP) The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said Wednesda.. 6270738741 realitybitesbck 12/2/2009 8:39 AM Us Commander: Offer Taliban Chance To End Fight: KABUL (AP) The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said Wednesda.. 6270725680 bombiksmori 12/2/2009 8:38 AM elhamdulillah... çok güzel bir görüşme oldu ve kabul aldım... Milano ya gidiyorum yakında :) 6270697274 mcyorukoglu 12/2/2009 8:37 AM @hulkicevizoglu Bizleri düşünüp suç duyurusunda bulunmanız çok güzel.Yakında onlar bizler için suç duyurusunda bulkunacaklar ve kabul edilck 6270671552 ilGiornaleNET 12/2/2009 8:36 AM McChrystal: Offer Taliban Chance To Quit The Fight "With Dignity": KABUL — The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan ... 6270609494 jenniferhuber 12/2/2009 8:34 AM All this Afghanistan talk inspired me to put this slide show together from March 2006 Kabul trip 6270600025 infoxresist 12/2/2009 8:33 AM Il buco nero di Kabul 6270577135 LaronZampf 12/2/2009 8:33 AM Richard Engel from NBC News LIVE from Kabul right now on NBC Bay Area News! 6270534171 hmtkrb 12/2/2009 8:31 AM @warwickwarwick_ Kabul edersin ki mide-çorba benzetmesi hoş kaçmadı. Çorbadan soğudum bir anda ! 6270479999 kickinghorse892 12/2/2009 8:29 AM McChrystal: Offer Taliban Chance To Quit The Fight "With Dignity": KABUL — The top U.S. commander... @huffingtonpost 6270479921 itsjustenough 12/2/2009 8:29 AM McChrystal: Offer Taliban Chance To Quit The Fight "With Dignity": KABUL — The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan ... 6270424447 130_ 12/2/2009 8:27 AM US-POLITICS Summary: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The top US battlefield commander said on Wednesday that Presi.. 6270376464 TheNewsNetwork 12/2/2009 8:25 AM Obama’s commander says now has tools for Afghan war: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The top U.S. battlefield commander said on Wednesday... 6270353472 ClydePRM2 12/2/2009 8:24 AM Afghan govt not happy with withdrawal timeframe: The last paragraph: In Kabul, Afghan officials criticized th... #tcot 6270353488 Bill_Dupray 12/2/2009 8:24 AM Afghan govt not happy with withdrawal timeframe: The last paragraph: In Kabul, Afghan officials criticized th... #tcot 6270282492 WizInfo 12/2/2009 8:21 AM Intelligence Targeting Mentor: Kabul, The Contractor shall work directly with Senior Afghan .. #wizInfo #LACaJobs 6270247821 turkishsoccer 12/2/2009 8:20 AM 'in haberine Ermenistan Basbakani Sarkisyanm, "Turkiye sozde soykirimi kabul edecek" demis.... 6270177782 elburrito 12/2/2009 8:17 AM İsviçre de kendine müslüman çıktı. (kötü espriydi, kabul) 6270136547 badjerry 12/2/2009 8:15 AM RT @paulinkabul: Back in Kabul, all quiet at the moment, winter arriving so hopefully things will be quieter for a month or two. 6270011056 bbc6 12/2/2009 8:10 AM @yunusgunce biz şimdilik çıksak daha sonra girsek kabul olur mu ?? 6269979121 ceydaca 12/2/2009 8:09 AM olsun azınlık da olsa iyi ve normaller varsa el uzatma mesafesinde yine de kabul yaaa... 6269927726 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:07 AM Laurent D, Brussels, BE has given loan amount of 1150 to Qal-e-barqi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6269921884 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:07 AM Elizabeth, Graham NC, US has given loan amount of 1025 to Mohammad Jamil Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6269919884 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:07 AM Sarah, toronto Ontario, CA has given loan amount of 1025 to Mohammad Jamil Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6269918388 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:07 AM Laurent D, Brussels, BE has given loan amount of 1025 to Mohammad Jamil Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6269915700 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:07 AM Breianne, Long Beach CA, US has given loan amount of 1150 to Qal-e-barqi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6269906914 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:06 AM Joanne, Seven Hills OH, US has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6269904597 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:06 AM Ruth, , has given loan amount of 1425 to Danya-e- Nor Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: progressing and expanding their businesses 6269900455 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:06 AM Laurent D, Brussels, BE has given loan amount of 1150 to Qal-e-barqi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6269891707 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:06 AM Sarah, toronto Ontario, CA has given loan amount of 1025 to Mohammad Jamil Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6269889027 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:05 AM Elizabeth, Graham NC, US has given loan amount of 1025 to Mohammad Jamil Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6269888332 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:05 AM Breianne, Long Beach CA, US has given loan amount of 1150 to Qal-e-barqi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6269884574 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:05 AM Laurent D, Brussels, BE has given loan amount of 1025 to Mohammad Jamil Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6269874898 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:05 AM Joanne, Seven Hills OH, US has given loan amount of 825 to Qala-e-ahamd Khan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6269872483 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:05 AM Ruth, , has given loan amount of 1425 to Danya-e- Nor Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: progressing and expanding their businesses 6269867811 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 8:05 AM Laurent D, Brussels, BE has given loan amount of 1150 to Qal-e-barqi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6269763593 mokanews 12/2/2009 8:01 AM Obama y OTAN anuncian refuerzos, talibanes prometen devolverlos en ...: Fuente: AFP KABUL — El gobierno afgano s... 6269733937 zweitansage 12/2/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6269670409 POTUFSS 12/2/2009 7:57 AM Expert talks of Pakistan role in new strategy|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 2 (UPI) -- Pakistan's role under the new .. 6269606261 paulinkabul 12/2/2009 7:54 AM Back in Kabul, all quiet at the moment, winter arriving so hopefully things will be quieter for a month or two. 6269450914 Don_Scott 12/2/2009 7:48 AM #topstories Obama's commander says now has tools for Afghan war (source: Reuters): WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - T... 6269367473 Agency86 12/2/2009 7:44 AM La OTAN pide 5.000 soldados más; Kabul confía en EE.UU. para reforzar su ejército: El secretario general de la O... 6269367599 abc_global 12/2/2009 7:44 AM ABC: La OTAN pide 5.000 soldados más; Kabul confía en EE.UU. para reforzar su ejército 6269255375 infobotz 12/2/2009 7:39 AM #news = WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The top U.S. battlefield commander said on Wednesday that President ... @infobotz 6269255450 rohit_yadav 12/2/2009 7:39 AM Obama's commander says now has tools for Afghan war: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The top U.S.... 6269194318 Hesionka 12/2/2009 7:37 AM @noraashira hmm, hadi ben uzaylı travestiyim kabul ediyorum, sana nolii? 6269164382 silentbutsmart 12/2/2009 7:36 AM @rodimusprime he was against iraq but was in agreement abt handling the situation in kabul 6269147810 fingertipnews2 12/2/2009 7:35 AM UPI-Top News: Expert talks of Pakistan role in new strategy: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 2 (UPI) -- P.. 6269144469 sarkuteri 12/2/2009 7:35 AM Azrail seni arkadaş olarak ekledi. Kabul et / Yoksay / Abdest al ! 6269136348 dpa_newsticker 12/2/2009 7:34 AM Kabul - McChrystal begrüßt Obamas Afghanistan-Strategie 6269129067 JohnTedstrom 12/2/2009 7:34 AM New "coordinator" for Kabul a v bad idea. No one with enough gravitas to influence events will be trusted and will be made scapegoat. 6269090738 marcusexam 12/2/2009 7:32 AM U.S. commander supports Afghan surge timeline: Kabul -- The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said Wednesday he.. 6269044662 lynettexv4f 12/2/2009 7:30 AM Kabul Rubble,Lahore Trouble--A story told in many tongues - Instablogs 6269019750 Floridavoters 12/2/2009 7:29 AM Obama answers troop question, but prompts others: KABUL -- The much-anticipated new U.S. war strategy finally in hand, Afghans ... #Florida 6268986883 sutlac2005 12/2/2009 7:28 AM rol'ü cümle aleme kabul ettirmek. işte benim meselem 6268931140 atilael1 12/2/2009 7:25 AM Como sería Radiohead si hubiesen nacido en Kabul y fueran minas: (Via @Aleiu) 6268927831 RuletaOnline 12/2/2009 7:25 AM McChrystal está optimista por estrategia EEUU en Afganistán: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - La promesa de Barack Oba... 6268828084 soglosen 12/2/2009 7:21 AM UNICEF announces name of staffer killed in Kabul guest house attack 6268818749 brrohama 12/2/2009 7:20 AM US-POLITICS Summary: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The top US battlefield commander said on Wednesday that President... 6268806134 getbreakingnews 12/2/2009 7:20 AM New blog post: Kabul welcomes US surge, NATO says more to follow (AFP) - 2592th Top News Item 6268802981 turgutyeter 12/2/2009 7:20 AM @Notredamedesion e başvurdu ve kabul edildi. Komşu alrı zaten commonwelth in içinde. Yemen, israil ve filistinin sırada olduğu söyleniyor 6268796164 silentbutsmart 12/2/2009 7:19 AM @insanityreport @rodimusprime nah his campagin promise was in regards to iraq - not handling the situation in kabul wld be a threat to us 6268767292 WeatherARC 12/2/2009 7:18 AM Cloudy and high around 50 degrees for Kabul, Afghanistan. Stateside it looks like severe weather in N. Florida and snow in N. Michigan. 6268737920 reistweets 12/2/2009 7:17 AM Al 300 Amerikanen gedood in Afghanistan: KABUL - In Afghanistan is een Amerikaanse militair gedood bij een aanslag.... 6268612631 RZTicker 12/2/2009 7:11 AM Kabul: McChrystal begrüßt Obamas Afghanistan-Strategie 6268470714 djgreetings 12/2/2009 7:04 AM Residents of Kabul on Wednesday gave mixed reactions to US President Barack Obama's new strategy ordering an extra ... 6268442267 JohnTedstrom 12/2/2009 7:03 AM New "coordinator" for Kabul a v bad idea. No one with enough gravitas to influence events will not be trusted and will be made scapegoat. 6268382682 publiusalter 12/2/2009 7:00 AM [Blog] Obama's commander says now has tools for Afghan war: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The top U.S. battlefield c... 6268365330 zweitansage 12/2/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6268263693 articles4news 12/2/2009 6:55 AM Articles For News Kabul welcomes US surge, NATO says more to follow (AFP): AFP - Afghanistan.. 6268224667 TopNewsCasts 12/2/2009 6:53 AM Residents of Kabul criticize US military surge 6268224687 RuletaOnline 12/2/2009 6:53 AM Los afganos no se muestran impresionados por el anuncio de Obama: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - ¿Treinta mil soldado... 6268214828 draenews 12/2/2009 6:52 AM Megite Obama's commander says now has tools for Afghan war: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The top U.S. battlefield c... 6268122610 parallelozero 12/2/2009 6:48 AM Drug addicts in Kabul by Parallelozero #photography #photojournalism 6268075397 sajvachhani 12/2/2009 6:45 AM US-POLITICS Summary: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - The top US battlefield commander said on Wednesday that President... 6268073565 randomprofiles 12/2/2009 6:45 AM Residents of Kabul gave mixed reactions to US President Obama's new strategy ordering an extra 30,000 6268054593 rtsradio 12/2/2009 6:44 AM US commander supports Afghan surge timeline - KABUL (AP) -- The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said Wednesda... 6268032146 itu_sozluk 12/2/2009 6:43 AM birini olduğu gibi kabul etmek: birinin sizi olduğu gibi kabul etmesinden geçer. 6268026739 hollandsehoogte 12/2/2009 6:43 AM Drug addicts in Kabul by Lynsey Addario + Antonio & Melanie at home + eating fried tarantula's + starz & bustieres in 6268021911 Don_Scott 12/2/2009 6:43 AM #topstories Obama's commander says now has tools for Afghan war (source: Reuters): WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - T... 6267966471 gnostinews 12/2/2009 6:40 AM Send gramps over to Kabul without a platoon of guards and see when he wants to come home.. 6267815871 glrockey 12/2/2009 6:33 AM KABUL-Reuters contd: "Only Afghans understand our traditions, geography and way of life." 6267805262 glrockey 12/2/2009 6:32 AM KABUL- Reuters contd: "Even if they bring the whole of America, they won't be able to stabilize Afghanistan," said construction worker. 6267791190 AhmedArpat 12/2/2009 6:31 AM @Notredamedesion Nazlı hanım,başbakanın açıklaması konusunda röp.kabul etmediniz ama twitter konusunda haftaya randevu isterim.Teşekkürler 6267786164 YahooNoticias 12/2/2009 6:31 AM Comandante de EEUU respalda programación de despliegue de soldados: KABUL (AP) - El comandante de más alto rango ... 6267786183 BarraDeHerram 12/2/2009 6:31 AM Comandante de EEUU respalda programación de despliegue de soldados: KABUL (AP) - El comandante de más alto rango ... 6267783035 glrockey 12/2/2009 6:31 AM KABUL-Reuters - Thirty thousand more U.S. troops for Afghanistan? Esmatullah only shrugged. 6267739587 baharkyl 12/2/2009 6:29 AM Hastalik icin rapor kabul etmeyen bir okulum var!! Sacmalik.. Yarin domuz gribiyim diye okula gidicem, onlemini al, maskeni tak itü!!! 6267683434 topstoriestweet 12/2/2009 6:26 AM Afghan war commander lauds troop build-up - MSNBC: WASHINGTON/KABUL - The top U.S. battlefield commander said on We... 6267680270 pialal 12/2/2009 6:26 AM depresyonunu kabul edip ondan kaçmaya devam... 6267646369 derickhowe44 12/2/2009 6:24 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban - KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday tha... 6267645929 clemons_jeffere 12/2/2009 6:24 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban - KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday tha... 6267646090 leonardoburris2 12/2/2009 6:24 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban - KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday tha... 6267645748 johniegallegos1 12/2/2009 6:24 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban - KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday tha... 6267645360 madelinerobbin 12/2/2009 6:24 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban - KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday tha... 6267645463 sheldonmcclain4 12/2/2009 6:24 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban - KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday tha... 6267645573 percyholland596 12/2/2009 6:24 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban - KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday tha... 6267645253 cougar_jamie 12/2/2009 6:24 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban - KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday tha... 6267631521 msnnoticias 12/2/2009 6:23 AM Los talibán: "El envío de más tropas de EEUU sólo contribuirá a reforzar la resistencia": KABUL/ISLAMABAD, 2 (... 6267573905 Jembcotech 12/2/2009 6:20 AM US commander supports surge timeline: KABUL – The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan says he"s "absolutely.. 6267566631 douglasmurphy 12/2/2009 6:20 AM is happy his cousin got his release-from-theater signoff yesterday and begins his retrograde home from Kabul on Saturday. 6267566319 madeinafrika 12/2/2009 6:20 AM US commander supports surge timeline: KABUL – The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan says he"s "absolutely.. 6267528532 bonbul 12/2/2009 6:18 AM @EkaBule06 KaBUL,dKI LOLOz ga?Haha 6267435883 turkcespor 12/2/2009 6:13 AM Cimbomlular'ı sevindirecek haber!: Yıllık 1 milyon 750 bin euro'yu kabul ettiği öğrenilen yıldız oyuncu, İngilt.. 6267421619 wineturk 12/2/2009 6:13 AM Liboşların Tüm fikirlerini,Metafizik unsurlarına dayandırmasına karşı,Materyalizm deki Diyalektik teorisinide kabul ettikleri gün Bayramdır 6267412735 trcbpaknews 12/2/2009 6:12 AM Obama decides to send 30,000 more troops to Kabul 6267370502 FLASH_NEWS 12/2/2009 6:10 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday 6267340202 Twuth 12/2/2009 6:08 AM RT @saadmohseni: 6267337929 rtsradio 12/2/2009 6:08 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday .. 6267308602 abc_global 12/2/2009 6:06 AM ABC: La OTAN pide 5.000 soldados más; Kabul confía en EE.UU. para reforzar su ejército 6267303465 m_insider 12/2/2009 6:06 AM More US troops will strengthen resolve, says Taliban: KABUL, Dec 2 — The Afghan Taliban said today that President... 6267253909 Dituzoeberch 12/2/2009 6:04 AM @bernadethaaa yuk ntar ijab kabul di pp yah hihi 6267233296 UNjobs_HIVAIDS 12/2/2009 6:02 AM Medical Director, Kabul, IMC @UNjobs #jobs 6267204639 Africabiz 12/2/2009 6:01 AM US commander supports surge timeline: KABUL – The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan says he"s "absolutely support... 6267175304 zweitansage 12/2/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6267150447 AllNewsSources 12/2/2009 5:58 AM REUTERS: More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday 6267140793 SalBarguil 12/2/2009 5:58 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday that... 6267140831 MobileAuto 12/2/2009 5:58 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday that... 6267140990 newzdevil 12/2/2009 5:58 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday that... 6267141000 GlobalTechNews 12/2/2009 5:58 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday that... 6267140550 gundelizer 12/2/2009 5:58 AM #Reuters More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said... #Topnews 6267140557 tweettools4U 12/2/2009 5:58 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban s... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 6267140668 newsfeeding 12/2/2009 5:58 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday that... 6267140680 BssNews 12/2/2009 5:58 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday that... 6267140250 reuterstop 12/2/2009 5:58 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday that... 6267140259 dave13100 12/2/2009 5:58 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday that... 6267140281 SmittysWeb 12/2/2009 5:58 AM KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday that President Barack Obama's plan to send tens of thousands... 6267140287 webtipsfree 12/2/2009 5:58 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday that... 6267140360 HeadlinesNewz 12/2/2009 5:58 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday that... 6267134441 vancouverview 12/2/2009 5:57 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday that... 6267134451 twittfeed 12/2/2009 5:57 AM Reuters Top News More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said ... 6267134455 BCBreakingNews 12/2/2009 5:57 AM More U.S. troops will only strengthen resolve: Taliban: KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Taliban said on Wednesday that... 6267086510 speranzarose 12/2/2009 5:55 AM bugün face pek ilgilenmiyor kişilerle. Hiç bir işlem kabul görmüyor. Etkisiz eleman muammelesi yapıyor bana. Anlam veremedim. 6267043099 RodrigoBNO 12/2/2009 5:52 AM is cold in Kabul, looks like 6266998326 bilsindotcom 12/2/2009 5:50 AM Biz sistem harika deyip kelimize cila sürmeyiz, bir hata oldu mu kabul eder mümkün olduğunca çabuk halletmeye çalışırız.. 6266975591 Korrarna 12/2/2009 5:48 AM DELHI: Home from Kabul. Met my favorite analyst over dinner yesterday; Martine van Bijlert, Afghanistan Analysts Network. /Hanna Sistek 6266972550 chirimirim 12/2/2009 5:48 AM acaba zaman diye bir şey yok da, sürekli biz değiştiğimiz için kendi değişimimizi kabul etmek yerine zamanı mı suçluyoruz. 6266929457 Seanotd 12/2/2009 5:46 AM RT @rtsradio: US commander supports surge timeline - KABUL (AP) top U.S. cdr in Afghanistan says he's "absolutel... 6266913022 Elbarack 12/2/2009 5:45 AM @robbycaesar @asnanmagribi Ada film yg bagus di Jiffest : Letters to President (iran), A Road To Mecca (austria), A Dream for Kabul (kanada) 6266882855 marciomtc 12/2/2009 5:43 AM Obama answers troop question, but prompts others - Biloxi Sun Herald: KABUL -- The much-anticipated new U.S. war st... 6266865339 blijfbij 12/2/2009 5:42 AM Taliban voeren verzet op: KABUL - De extremistische Taliban hebben woensdag aangekondigd hun verzet op te voeren. Een wo 6266857516 reistweets 12/2/2009 5:42 AM Taliban voeren verzet op: KABUL - De extremistische Taliban hebben woensdag aangekondigd hun verzet op te voeren. E... 6266777994 wlu21021 12/2/2009 5:37 AM #wheresgeorge -- Just got a hit in Kabul,13 6266741801 dogann 12/2/2009 5:35 AM Kabul edelim aşk asildir. Sefillik onu taşıyamanlardadır... 6266739838 Israel_News 12/2/2009 5:35 AM aawsat ME: Obama faces tough sell with Afghan troop plan: WASHINGTON/KABUL, (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's na... 6266639474 rtsradio 12/2/2009 5:29 AM US commander supports surge timeline - KABUL (AP) -- The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan says he's "absolutel... 6266592932 raycool1 12/2/2009 5:26 AM UNICEF announces name of staffer killed in Kabul guest house attack|The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) .. 6266555420 fingertipnews 12/2/2009 5:24 AM AP Intl: US commander supports surge timeline - KABUL (AP) -- The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan says he's "... 6266525884 Dididyah 12/2/2009 5:22 AM @seruvita GO GO GO KABUL 6266483509 KrisKetz 12/2/2009 5:19 AM KABUL (AP) - Taliban says President Obama's plan "no solution"to Afghanistan's problems. 6266472573 Somnambulistt 12/2/2009 5:19 AM "Materyal dunyada özgür olamadığımız için ve hatta bunu artık kabul ettiğimiz için kendimizi sanal dünyada özgürleştirmeye çalışıyoruz."dedi 6266436472 maYaPuspa 12/2/2009 5:16 AM @vasthu: ijab kabul dioyak mentok, siap tookk!!! Hahahaha... Lha piye, bntang tamu ne malah aku.. 6266428888 UticaDailyNews 12/2/2009 5:16 AM Questions remain about Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 2 (UPI) -- The new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan will r... 6266391848 meteeraydin 12/2/2009 5:14 AM Fcbk arkadaş listesine 4000 den fazla kişiyi kabul edenler var aranızda. Bu Marlyn Manson'ın alt kaburga kemiklerini aldırmasıyla aynı şey. 6266309056 TheNewsNetwork 12/2/2009 5:08 AM Obama faces tough sell with Afghan troop plan: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's national security team heads to Con... 6266259216 new_york_real 12/2/2009 5:05 AM #RealEstate #NYC Afghans unimpressed by Obama’s troops surge: KABUL .. New York Real Estate 6266191495 VCNnews 12/2/2009 5:01 AM US commander supports surge timeline: KABUL (AP) -- The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan says he's "absol... #news 6266185952 Teknolojik 12/2/2009 5:01 AM Psystar teslim oldu: Apple, korsan Mac üreten ezeli düşmanı Psystar'ın teslim olma isteğini kabul etti. 6266169504 kgoradio 12/2/2009 5:00 AM US commander supports surge timeline: KABUL (AP) - The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan says he's "absolutely suppo... 6266165998 zweitansage 12/2/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6266106351 webtipsfree 12/2/2009 4:56 AM McChrystal upbeat on revamped Afghan strategy: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama's pledge of 30,000 tro... 6266106355 SmittysWeb 12/2/2009 4:56 AM KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama's pledge of 30,000 troops for Afghanistan provides the manpower for a... 6266106360 MobileAuto 12/2/2009 4:56 AM McChrystal upbeat on revamped Afghan strategy: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama's pledge of 30,000 tro... 6266106370 newsfeeding 12/2/2009 4:56 AM McChrystal upbeat on revamped Afghan strategy: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama's pledge of 30,000 tro... 6266106380 NewsMashup 12/2/2009 4:56 AM Reuters: McChrystal upbeat on revamped Afghan strategy: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama's pledge of 3... 6266106385 reuterstop 12/2/2009 4:56 AM McChrystal upbeat on revamped Afghan strategy: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama's pledge of 30,000 tro... 6266106429 tweettools4U 12/2/2009 4:56 AM McChrystal upbeat on revamped Afghan strategy: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama's... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 6266106548 HeadlinesNewz 12/2/2009 4:56 AM McChrystal upbeat on revamped Afghan strategy: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama's pledge of 30,000 tro... 6266097167 twittfeed 12/2/2009 4:55 AM Reuters Top News McChrystal upbeat on revamped Afghan strategy: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama's ple... 6266081557 draenews 12/2/2009 4:54 AM Megite Obama faces tough sell with Afghan troop plan: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's nationa... 6266069725 fredontv 12/2/2009 4:53 AM KABUL (AP) - Top US commander in Afghanistan "absolutely supportive" of 18-month timeline for US surge 6266013204 tearsasmith 12/2/2009 4:50 AM APNewsAlert KABUL (AP) - Top US commander in Afghanistan "absolutely supportive" of 18-month timeline for US surge. 6265970219 mynetgundem 12/2/2009 4:47 AM İHT'den "minare yasağı" yorumu: İsviçre'deki "minare yasağı"nın kabul edilmesinin yankıları sürüyor. New York T.. 6265929498 pu_235 12/2/2009 4:44 AM Ngopy-paste peer math kabul wibowo haha.. 6265807521 CouponSpy 12/2/2009 4:36 AM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $3 with promo code: THANKS #seattle 6265738895 nyc_manhattan 12/2/2009 4:31 AM #RealEstate #nyc Afghans unimpressed by Obama’s troops surge: KABUL .. #real_estate newyork 6265728331 riviste 12/2/2009 4:31 AM Rivista: Afghanistan, l’ora di George Walker Obama - 30 mila nuovi soldati a Kabul e una strategia che non fa scont... 6265713474 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 4:30 AM Gaspard, Bruxelles, BE has given loan amount of 850 to Rogull Zaya Jan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new embroidery machine 6265697335 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 4:29 AM Gaspard, Bruxelles, BE has given loan amount of 850 to Rogull Zaya Jan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new embroidery machine 6265683143 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 4:28 AM Gaspard, Bruxelles, BE has given loan amount of 850 to Rogull Zaya Jan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new embroidery machine 6265638123 fingertipnews 12/2/2009 4:25 AM AP Intl: Obama answers troop question, but prompts others - KABUL (AP) -- The much-anticipated new U.S. war str... 6265635340 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 4:25 AM Gaspard, Bruxelles, BE has given loan amount of 850 to Rogull Zaya Jan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new embroidery machine 6265626221 4204180 12/2/2009 4:24 AM derste öğretmenin yAnında efelik yapanın tenefüste özrü kabul olmaz..! xD 6265573859 GeoNewsTweets 12/2/2009 4:20 AM World US general McChrystal hails new Afghan policy: KABUL: The extra 30,000 troops that U.S. President Barack Obam... 6265567525 WillardWade 12/2/2009 4:20 AM eBay: Pastunistan Afghanistan Kabul PENDANT Tribal 813p9 $17.6 6265546991 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 4:18 AM Per M, Drammen, NO has given loan amount of 900 to Nadera Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Towards expanding their businesses. 6265545945 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 4:18 AM Miriam, Gr, SE has given loan amount of 850 to Rogull Zaya Jan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new embroidery machine 6265545666 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 4:18 AM Antje, Bonn, DE has given loan amount of 850 to Rogull Zaya Jan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new embroidery machine 6265544968 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 4:18 AM Howard, Vence, FR has given loan amount of 850 to Rogull Zaya Jan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new embroidery machine 6265544025 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 4:18 AM Rachel, west hollywood CA, US has given loan amount of 900 to Nadera Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Towards expanding their businesses. 6265544027 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 4:18 AM Rachel, west hollywood CA, US has given loan amount of 900 to Nadera Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Towards expanding their businesses. 6265532355 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 4:17 AM Per M, Drammen, NO has given loan amount of 850 to Rogull Zaya Jan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new embroidery machine 6265471788 marcusholmes 12/2/2009 4:13 AM Karzai appeared happy after Obama videoconference: USA TodayKABUL — In a lengthy videoconference call Tuesday, P... 6265440802 vavavania 12/2/2009 4:11 AM #decemberwish cita cita gua ke kabul (ada yang tau apa cita cita gua??) 6265370543 googlenotizie 12/2/2009 4:06 AM Afghanistan: soddisfazione da kabul per strategia obama: Kabul, 2 dic. – (Adnkronos/Aki) – Il minis.. 6265361132 notizieultime 12/2/2009 4:05 AM Afghanistan: soddisfazione da kabul per strategia obama: Kabul, 2 dic. – (Adnkronos/Aki) – Il minis.. 6265357631 burcutink 12/2/2009 4:05 AM ders ders ders. okul daha bitmemis sonunda anladım kabul ettim ve kendime geliyorum. 6265357262 satelliweb 12/2/2009 4:05 AM Feed sur Eutelsat W1 à 10.0°E: Fréquence : 11055 V 6250 -Format : MPEG-2 4:2:0 (PAL)Infos : woman in Kabul ID IHA Kabul service 6265324625 emokidsloveme 12/2/2009 4:03 AM Hot Location --> RT @UNjobs: International Water Rights Advisor, Kabul #jobs 6265288994 assortedvideos 12/2/2009 4:00 AM The UN refugee agency UNHCR begins winter aid distribution for those living in poverty in the Afghan capital, Kabul 6265286492 theMasquerading 12/2/2009 4:00 AM @peoplescanner :) bunu iltifat kabul ediyorum ;) 6265277052 zweitansage 12/2/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6265259628 notiziegiornale 12/2/2009 3:58 AM Afghanistan: soddisfazione da kabul per strategia obama: Kabul, 2 dic. – (Adnkronos/Aki) – Il minis.. 6265250791 notiziestampa 12/2/2009 3:58 AM Afghanistan: soddisfazione da kabul per strategia obama: Kabul, 2 dic. – (Adnkronos/Aki) – Il minis.. 6265245598 UNjobs 12/2/2009 3:57 AM International Water Rights Advisor, Kabul #jobs 6265231760 spafm 12/2/2009 3:56 AM Reaktionen - MCCain: "So gewinnt man keinen Krieg": Kabul erfreut, Brown fordert Unterstützung 6265226579 NuallanPOLiTik 12/2/2009 3:56 AM PolitiK: US-POLITICS Summary: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's national securi.. 6265220199 USTalib 12/2/2009 3:55 AM Kabul hails US troop surge in Afghanistan - PRESS TV 6265214981 TWT_POLITICAL 12/2/2009 3:55 AM US-POLITICS Summary: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's national security team heads to .. 6265209831 TWEET_POLITICS 12/2/2009 3:55 AM US-POLITICS Summary: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's national security team heads to .. 6265145011 PressTVNews 12/2/2009 3:50 AM Kabul hails US troop surge in Afghanistan 6265131954 newsmandu 12/2/2009 3:49 AM TheHimalayanTimes - Kabul welcomes US surge 6265112272 selamisahin 12/2/2009 3:47 AM @Tunc_Erdogan evet yaa ben de onu düşünüyorum. ne kabul ettim, ne de ignore ettim; bekletmeye aldım :) 6265111217 CHENGKIK2NDCLAN 12/2/2009 3:47 AM Kabul km dimana..? Tak samperin dirumah kata nyokap mu kestudia..ak samperin kestudio km ga da.. 6265098769 riotta 12/2/2009 3:46 AM obama resta a kabul fino al 2011 ma ci resterà anche più a lungo 6265071944 soulspirit86 12/2/2009 3:44 AM Reaktionen - MCCain: "So gewinnt man keinen Krieg": Kabul erfreut, Brown fordert Unterstützung 6265057760 spacevger 12/2/2009 3:43 AM RT @msn_italia Afghanistan:Obama,Kabul soddisfatta: Appoggio di Francia e Australia 6265056906 gursez 12/2/2009 3:43 AM @melorinaks @mockcaterpillar outlook özgürlüktür. biraz tırt göründüğünü kabul ediyorum ama. 6265047815 msn_italia 12/2/2009 3:43 AM Afghanistan:Obama,Kabul soddisfatta: Appoggio di Francia e Australia 6265039392 uchie_baadilla 12/2/2009 3:42 AM RT @TheHolyAlQuran: And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) and Noor (Light) and Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say and w ... 6264982183 sglatestnews 12/2/2009 3:38 AM #news #sports Obama faces tough sell with Afghan troop plan: WASHINGTON/KABUL (.. #lifestyle #health 6264971018 Press_TV 12/2/2009 3:37 AM PressTV - Kabul hails US troop surge in Afghanistan 6264953041 derstandart_at 12/2/2009 3:35 AM Reaktionen - MCCain: "So gewinnt man keinen Krieg": Kabul erfreut, Brown fordert Unterstützung 6264926132 hkshco 12/2/2009 3:33 AM #HSC U.S. Plan Draws Concern in Kabul, Pakistan 6264907216 _noitescariocas 12/2/2009 3:32 AM Pré Reveillon NamasteUm sensacional Pré Reveillon com Lulinha, Marko Kabul e muito mais. Dia 5 de dezembro na Namaste. 6264883287 Soldatenglueck 12/2/2009 3:30 AM Bild des Tages – Commander ISAF McChrystal brieft in Kabul im HQ den ISAF Stab über die neue Strategie: Gen. McC... 6264880607 Don_Scott 12/2/2009 3:30 AM #topstories Obama faces tough sell with Afghan troop plan (source: Reuters): WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - Preside... 6264862031 HTGazete 12/2/2009 3:29 AM Şişmanı sevimli buluyor obezi hasta sayıyoruz: Obezlerin büyük bölümü obez olduklarını kabul etmiyor. 6264677445 fajarism 12/2/2009 3:16 AM @fajarism @moyo_modjo @oNLy_M yg bener donk kalo doain..biasanya kan doa dr orang yg tua d kabul kan...hehehhe 6264528420 edonugroho 12/2/2009 3:05 AM Enak saja.... ud ijab kabul, gk blh dicerai.... RT @dydanz: sini mekbuknya, nawar: 4jt deh.. RT @edonugroho: Bleeding Financialllllll..... 6264452146 zweitansage 12/2/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6264440881 zelldicht 12/2/2009 2:59 AM isteklerimiz buradan kabul görüyor mu..? 6264373086 PaginaNuova 12/2/2009 2:54 AM LA STAMPA - Kabul,la svolta di Obama: Forte richiesta agli alleati Natodi mandare rinforzi, moniti.. 6264301766 VMMoncrieff 12/2/2009 2:48 AM @LEIGHSALES My landlord in Kabul was the absolute dead spitting image of .... Ralph Fiennes (landlord was Tajik and wore salwar ...) 6264301193 GAWaldenmeier 12/2/2009 2:48 AM "Even if they bring the whole of America, they won't be able to stabilise Afghanistan," said the young construction worker out on a Kabul 6264296394 ansa_news 12/2/2009 2:48 AM Afghanistan:Obama,Kabul soddisfatta: Appoggio di Francia e Australia 6264296426 ilGiornaleNET 12/2/2009 2:48 AM Afghanistan:Obama,Kabul soddisfatta: Appoggio di Francia e Australia 6264260540 TopNewsCasts 12/2/2009 2:45 AM Clinton in Kabul for inauguration 6264201318 ansa_it 12/2/2009 2:41 AM Afghanistan:Obama,Kabul soddisfatta 6264193671 RFI_Espanol 12/2/2009 2:41 AM Kabul: - Gobierno aplaude nueva estrategia de Obama en Afganistán 6264144540 TendaiJoe 12/2/2009 2:37 AM UNICEF announces name of staffer killed in Kabul guest house attack: 1 December 2009 – The United Nations Child.. 6264134821 WSJAsiaBiz 12/2/2009 2:36 AM U.S. Plan Draws Concern in Kabul, Pakistan 6263974607 fingertipnews 12/2/2009 2:25 AM Reuters Intl: Afghans unimpressed by Obama's troops surge - KABUL (Reuters) - Thirty thousand more U.S. troops for ... 6263974146 fingertipnews 12/2/2009 2:25 AM AP Intl: Obama answers troop question, but prompts others - KABUL (AP) -- The much-anticipated new U.S. war str... 6263941840 footbaLLove 12/2/2009 2:22 AM İrlanda’nın 33. takım olma isteği: Tabii ki kabul olmadı… Studs-up. 6263921214 VishnuNDTV 12/2/2009 2:21 AM @rakstweet Yup saw it. Also spent a month and a half covering the fall of the Taliban during the war just 20 kms north of Kabul ! 6263787674 itu_sozluk 12/2/2009 2:12 AM facebooktaki kızlar çok değişmiş çok: facebook'ta daha önceleri arkadaşlık isteğini çekinmeden kabul ede... 6263606998 zweitansage 12/2/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6263552709 dhyaaa 12/2/2009 1:56 AM @auliaalif "dia ijab kabul, si aushaf juga" kesannya bukan sama lo li hahaha, biarkan mereka sehidup semati fufufu uweeek 6263488484 auliaalif 12/2/2009 1:51 AM @dhyaaa enak aja. Gue ikutan kebom dong? Ogah ah, mending dia ijab kabul, si aushaf juga haha 6263469516 infobeira 12/2/2009 1:50 AM News Kabul welcomes US surge, NATO says more to follow (AFP) 6263469586 Tweet_News_Now 12/2/2009 1:50 AM Kabul welcomes US surge, NATO says more to follow (AFP): AFP - Afghanistan Wednesday welcomed President Barack... 6263455759 reuterskl 12/2/2009 1:49 AM Afghans unimpressed by Obama's troops surge: KABUL (Reuters) - Thirty thousand more U.S. troops for Afghanistan? Es... 6263434890 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:48 AM Vijay, Palo Alto CA, US has given loan amount of 1150 to Sha Nawaz Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6263434897 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:48 AM Vijay, Palo Alto CA, US has given loan amount of 1150 to Sha Nawaz Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6263417742 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:46 AM Anna , K, DK has given loan amount of 1150 to Sha Nawaz Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6263415233 dhyaaa 12/2/2009 1:46 AM @auliaalif sono gih ntar pas ijab kabul gue bom gedungnya hahah 6263384795 in_asia 12/2/2009 1:44 AM (AP) KABUL (AP) - The much-anticipated new U.S. war strategy finally in hand, Afghans and U.S. troops on the gr.. 6263354938 febbyfelma 12/2/2009 1:42 AM Naaah Loo, deg2an ga?? Apalin buat ijab kabul terus ya? :p RT @k0d0kb1r03: three more days... 6263346102 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:41 AM Hemi, Okemos MI, US has given loan amount of 850 to Shahzi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6263346104 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:41 AM Hemi, Okemos MI, US has given loan amount of 850 to Shahzi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6263338816 mfarnsworth 12/2/2009 1:41 AM Back from my coffee with The Ambassador - - it'll be a cold new year in Kabul. 6263315236 Peter5044 12/2/2009 1:39 AM RT @VMMoncrieff: Interested in what Afghan's think? My old gang @pajhwok in Kabul are finding out 6263287089 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:37 AM Marianne, 0755 Oslo Norge, NO has given loan amount of 1150 to Sha Nawaz Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6263272222 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:36 AM Samantha, Baltimore MD, US has given loan amount of 900 to Nadera Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Towards expanding their businesses. 6263267382 paulscott56 12/2/2009 1:36 AM @RubyGold Just driving around in Kabul, you see it all over. SO much history, and almost all of it conflict 6263253765 fingertipnews2 12/2/2009 1:35 AM UPI-Top News: Questions remain about Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 2 (UPI) -- The new U.S... 6263246852 fingertipnews2 12/2/2009 1:35 AM Reuters Intl: Afghans unimpressed by Obama's troops surge: KABUL (Reuters) - Thirty thousand more .. 6263243530 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:34 AM Laurence, Antibes, FR has given loan amount of 900 to Nadera Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Towards expanding their businesses. 6263243274 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:34 AM Laurence, Antibes, FR has given loan amount of 850 to Rogull Zaya Jan Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new embroidery machine 6263134893 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:27 AM MnO, Stockholm, SE has given loan amount of 850 to Shahzi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6263124756 Ahyhabiby 12/2/2009 1:27 AM WASHINGTON ( - Dua remaja Afghanistan yang ditahan di penjara militer AS di utara Kabul tahun ini .. 6263115953 KimBomin 12/2/2009 1:26 AM Afghans unimpressed by Obama's troops surge: KABUL (Reuters) - Thirty thousand more U.S. troops for Afghanis... #Korea 6263112519 reuterswire 12/2/2009 1:26 AM Afghans unimpressed by Obama's troops surge: KABUL (Reuters) - Thirty thousand more U.S. troops for Afghanistan? Es... 6263090614 mehmetayitki 12/2/2009 1:25 AM Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, MİT Müsteşarı Emre Taner'i kabul etti. Başbakanlık Resmi Konut'taki haftalık olağan... 6263086625 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:24 AM Kyle, Chandler AZ, US has given loan amount of 850 to Shahzi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6263055140 TitanLineAudio 12/2/2009 1:22 AM Delayed Gratification: "Rooftops of Kabul" a re-post of a new sonic experiment from the red padded cell 6263054922 Diplopundit 12/2/2009 1:22 AM Posted: There are families at US Embassy Kabul? 6263040377 visionmp 12/2/2009 1:21 AM Latest News, Obama’s New Af-Pak Policy Has No Blank Cheque for Kabul - 6263006867 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:19 AM Daryl, Houston TX, US has given loan amount of 850 to Shahzi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6262997054 ballywick 12/2/2009 1:19 AM @nictate It's not Kabul and Health Care, but there's a lot of politics in it. And it is an anthem, the book is. 6262995240 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:19 AM Teresa, Las Vegas NV, US has given loan amount of 1150 to Sha Nawaz Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6262993493 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:19 AM Rachel, Quezon City, PH has given loan amount of 850 to Shahzi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6262993494 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:19 AM Rachel, Quezon City, PH has given loan amount of 850 to Shahzi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6262992308 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:18 AM Levantine, Pullman WA, US has given loan amount of 1025 to Mohammad Jamil Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6262992315 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:18 AM Levantine, Pullman WA, US has given loan amount of 1025 to Mohammad Jamil Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6262990859 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:18 AM Sigrun, Broendby, DK has given loan amount of 1150 to Sha Nawaz Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6262990317 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:18 AM Sabrina, franklin lakes NJ, US has given loan amount of 850 to Shahzi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6262988438 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:18 AM James, merced CA, US has given loan amount of 1150 to Sha Nawaz Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6262982281 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:18 AM Sarah, New York NY, US has given loan amount of 850 to Shahzi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6262979317 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:18 AM Roberto, San Francisco CA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Shahzi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6262977929 kivalendactivts 12/2/2009 1:18 AM Uttam, Edmonton Alberta, CA has given loan amount of 850 to Shahzi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6262870237 tiospears 12/2/2009 1:11 AM sebelum ijab kabul selesai diucapkan, jangan khawatir, kmu masih bisa merebutnya!! 6262821349 MullaNasruddin 12/2/2009 1:07 AM Kabul has never ruled Afghanistan by Carlo Ungaro: 6262816589 VMMoncrieff 12/2/2009 1:07 AM Interested in what Afghan's think? My old gang @pajhwok in Kabul are finding out 6262762249 moomoobrowncow 12/2/2009 1:04 AM Obama plan provides necessary Afghan resources-commander: KABUL, Dec 2 (Reuters) - US President Barack Obama's plan... 6262761574 brrohama 12/2/2009 1:04 AM New Afghan mission...GM vacancy...Australia cap-and-trade: KABUL (AP) — America's ambassador to Afghanistan says ... 6262760275 saadmohseni 12/2/2009 1:04 AM 6262758304 JenMcKlean 12/2/2009 1:04 AM New Afghan mission...GM vacancy...Australia cap-and-trade: KABUL (AP) — America's ambassador to Afghanistan says ... 6262718009 NW75012 12/2/2009 1:01 AM @mrsterapatrick NO !!! if they come home ... the french army need to go in Kabul ... it's an american war ... not our !!! 6262701299 POTUFSS 12/2/2009 1:00 AM Questions remain about Afghanistan|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 2 (UPI) -- The new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan will .. 6262643749 Netcreative_it 12/2/2009 12:57 AM IL GIORNALE - Kabul, Obama: "Altri 30mila soldati ma via dal luglio 2011": Il presidente annuncia .. 6262597682 news_ch 12/2/2009 12:54 AM Obamas neue Afghanistan-Strategie mit positivem Echo: Kabul/Paris - Die neue Afghanistan-Strategie von US-Präsi.. 6262590413 PaginaNuova 12/2/2009 12:53 AM IL GIORNALE - Kabul, Obama: "Altri 30mila soldati ma via dal luglio 2011": Il presidente annuncia .. 6262399623 esrefatak 12/2/2009 12:42 AM IETT zarar etmeyi nasıl becerebiliyor? Kredi kartı kabul etmezler her gün nakit para akışı. Otobüslere ve duraklara... 6262366158 CynthiaMueller 12/2/2009 12:40 AM eBay: AFGHANISTAN, KABUL, NOMADIC TRIBE, ETHNIC COSTUME, RPPC $9.99 6262147027 sajvachhani 12/2/2009 12:27 AM Top US commander: build Afghan forces: KABUL — The top US commander in Afghanistan said Wednesday that NATO and U... 6262068832 televideorai 12/2/2009 12:23 AM [dal mondo] KABUL,ISAF:LAVOREREMO PER PIU' SICUREZZA view.jsp?id=662217&p=150 6262037411 GemmaArterton 12/2/2009 12:21 AM RT @pazpaz So I guess we're eventually pulling out of Afghanistan. We never do that early enough. Kabul's getting pregnant for sure. 6261928376 ToddHills 12/2/2009 12:16 AM RT @pazpaz So I guess we're eventually pulling out of Afghanistan. We never do that early enough. Kabul's getting pregnant for sure. 6261907526 LJSearles 12/2/2009 12:14 AM RT @AlanGrayson:The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul: 6261409689 zulfikarhl 12/1/2009 11:49 PM HahahahaRT @GraciaAdelyta: Hahahaha iya ya RT @zulfikarhl: #pengakuan wali kelas gue mirip tessy kabul 6261232484 vindapinda 12/1/2009 11:39 PM Lox ad gw smua jd mudah haha RT @apriel_princess: alhamdulillah,, harapan kita t'kabul @vindapinda,, free,, tp tugas'ny kuq susah bgt yaw, 6260954575 socialmedia618 12/1/2009 11:26 PM The View From Kabul - Daily Beast: For more of The Daily Beast, become a fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitt.. 6260925634 moomoobrowncow 12/1/2009 11:24 PM New Afghan mission...GM vacancy...Australia cap-and-trade: KABUL (AP) — America's ambassador to Afghanistan says ... 6260922799 raycool1 12/1/2009 11:24 PM British military welcomes U.S. troop surge|KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 1 (UPI) -- U.S. President Barack Obama's .. 6260897911 fingertipnews 12/1/2009 11:23 PM UPI-Top News: British military welcomes U.S. troop surge - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 1 (UPI) -- U.S. President Bara... 6260857123 tcot_steve 12/1/2009 11:21 PM The View From Kabul - The goals are good, says Afghan media mogul Saad Mohseni, but by putting a time limit on Amer... 6260645566 stultaviro 12/1/2009 11:11 PM RT @Gerente: Kabul, kandahar, Mashar-ë-Sharif, Jalalabad, me hablan de alfombras voladoras, Alí Babá y noches con princesas, no de guerra :( 6260628166 kevinpadams 12/1/2009 11:11 PM Bravo should just produce "Real Jihadists Of Kabul" since these shows tend to draw out all the attention seekers. 6260561634 apriel_princess 12/1/2009 11:08 PM alhamdulillah,, harapan kita t'kabul @vindapinda,, free,, tp tugas'ny kuq susah bgt yaw,, *kata samping gw, gw sndri l0m liat* 6260331146 Laradio 12/1/2009 10:58 PM We spreken onze correspondenten in Kabul en Washington. Te gast 2de kamerleden van het CDA en PvdA en defensiedeskundige Ko Colijn. #R1J 6260070633 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:46 PM Anonymous, Berkeley CA, US has given loan amount of 1150 to Sha Nawaz Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6259938010 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:40 PM Geoff, , CX has given loan amount of 600 to Zahera Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6259937090 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:40 PM Geoff, , CX has given loan amount of 650 to Mehraban Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new sewing machine 6259868168 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:37 PM Courtney, Los Angeles CA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Shahzi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6259771898 imsewsure 12/1/2009 10:33 PM Cuz camels got the water 2 keep 'em moist RT @BuffaloGraffiti @pthomas3434 Looking for love in Kabul & Kandahar. I'd walk a mile 4 a camel. 6259739778 mosaner 12/1/2009 10:32 PM Tá rolando uma exposição minha sobre SP no Kabul até (pelo menos) o dia 14 de dez. Vale a visita! E o lugar é ótimo pra tomar uma breja! 6259732374 BuffaloGraffiti 12/1/2009 10:32 PM @pthomas3434 Looking for love in Kabul and Kandahar. I'd walk a mile for a camel. 6259630370 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:27 PM Julie, Pleasanton CA, US has given loan amount of 650 to Mehraban Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new sewing machine 6259630376 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:27 PM Julie, Pleasanton CA, US has given loan amount of 650 to Mehraban Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new sewing machine 6259629906 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:27 PM Julie, Pleasanton CA, US has given loan amount of 1150 to Sha Nawaz Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6259565774 Dktr_Sus 12/1/2009 10:25 PM RT @iRevolt: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul [via @AlanGrayson] #Afghanistan 6259487579 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:21 PM Nikki, Winnipeg Manitoba, CA has given loan amount of 650 to Mehraban Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new sewing machine 6259457772 1D4TW 12/1/2009 10:20 PM RT @avivao: RT .@AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul. 6259412931 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:18 PM Heather, New York NY, US has given loan amount of 650 to Mehraban Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new sewing machine 6259412932 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:18 PM Heather, New York NY, US has given loan amount of 650 to Mehraban Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new sewing machine 6259411667 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:18 PM Wendy, Lawton OK, US has given loan amount of 850 to Razya Shabebe Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy materials for their businesses 6259411685 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:18 PM Wendy, Lawton OK, US has given loan amount of 850 to Razya Shabebe Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy materials for their businesses 6259408139 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:18 PM Karla, Henderson NV, US has given loan amount of 1200 to Rozia Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Expanding their businesses 6259401711 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:18 PM Lori, Fruitland Park FL, US has given loan amount of 850 to Hameda Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: For business progress. 6259401716 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:18 PM Lori, Fruitland Park FL, US has given loan amount of 850 to Hameda Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: For business progress. 6259401309 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:18 PM Lori, Fruitland Park FL, US has given loan amount of 900 to Nadera Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Towards expanding their businesses. 6259349538 nickolaoun 12/1/2009 10:16 PM RT @AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul: ... 6259225741 MattDabrowski 12/1/2009 10:11 PM Nonetheless, we know corruption petty & large offends Afghans more and more. Not sure what the solution is for the Kabul govt. #afg 6259218119 SerkanCelikoz 12/1/2009 10:11 PM kendimi biraz ciddiyete davet ediyorum. ve bunu seve seve kabul ediyorum =/ 6259093840 lwdgrfx 12/1/2009 10:06 PM RT @avivao: RT .@AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul. 6259047685 twilight2000 12/1/2009 10:04 PM #keith Big emphasis is working with province & district level governors - working around Kabul - hoping not to get Karzhai too bent. 6259038181 avivao 12/1/2009 10:04 PM RT .@AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul. 6258975065 unaiowa 12/1/2009 10:01 PM UN refugee agency began distributing relief items in Kabul as part of a nationwide programe 2help 200K vulnerable Afghans survive the winter 6258719918 RuletaOnline 12/1/2009 9:52 PM Plan Obama da recursos necesarios para Afganistán: comandante: KABUL (Reuters) - El plan del presidente de Estados... 6258454919 AllMilitaryNews 12/1/2009 9:42 PM (Marine Corp Times) McChrystal: Building Afghan forces is priority: KABUL — .. #Military 6258449982 AllMilitaryNews 12/1/2009 9:42 PM (Navy Times) McChrystal: Building Afghan forces is priority: KABUL — The top U.S. c.. #Military 6258445825 AllMilitaryNews 12/1/2009 9:42 PM (Air Force Times) McChrystal: Building Afghan forces is priority: KABUL — The .. #Military 6258438696 AllMilitaryNews 12/1/2009 9:41 PM (Army Times) McChrystal: Building Afghan forces is priority: KABUL — The top U.S. c.. #Military 6258301743 myrnaslist 12/1/2009 9:36 PM RT @chrislhayes: just on a panel w/former mujahadeen (in Kabul) opposed 2 escalation & Afghan women's rights activist who favors it-Only AJE 6258246829 manderson_jobs 12/1/2009 9:34 PM Obama warns Kabul that support is not unconditional (Extra) 6258246074 moomoobrowncow 12/1/2009 9:34 PM Obama warns Kabul that support is not unconditional (Extra): Washington - US President Barack Obama warned the Afgh... 6258161505 PoliticsHoncho 12/1/2009 9:31 PM Obama warns Kabul that support is not unconditional (Extra) 6258112595 USCGAuxVin 12/1/2009 9:30 PM RT @Fingertipnews: AP Intl: Top US commander: build Afghan forces - KABUL 6258067464 hanje 12/1/2009 9:28 PM Amen! RT @AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul 6258006294 fingertipnews 12/1/2009 9:26 PM AP Intl: Top US commander: build Afghan forces - KABUL (AP) -- The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said early... 6257855166 axismedia 12/1/2009 9:20 PM KABUL (AP) Top US commander: NATO to transfer security duty to Afghans as fast "as conditions allow." 6257823108 axismedia 12/1/2009 9:19 PM KABUL (AP) Top US commander in Afghanistan says main focus will be to develop capacity of Afghan forces. 6257802849 FourFeetOfAnger 12/1/2009 9:18 PM Kabul Fight: President Obama's troop surge into Afghanistan is late but welcome. As Iraq has shown, in order to get... 6257695701 Danstlmo 12/1/2009 9:15 PM Just getting word that if you want Hotel Reserv in Kabul for the end of 2011 best hurry. Taliban is reserving large blocks of rooms #tcot 6257664637 Mohner5 12/1/2009 9:14 PM @setv No, Karzai does not control the country, he controls Kabul, the capital. The Taliban & taliban-friendly groups control the rest. 6257566707 hlane 12/1/2009 9:10 PM Wish we heard. RT @chrislhayes On panel w former mujahadeen (in Kabul) opposed 2 escalation & Afghan women's rights activist who favors it. 6257443247 pazpaz 12/1/2009 9:06 PM So I guess we're eventually pulling out of Afghanistan. We never do that early enough. Kabul's getting pregnant for sure. 6257401426 chrislhayes 12/1/2009 9:04 PM Was just on a panel w/ a former mujahadeen (in Kabul) opposed to escalation and Afghan women's rights activist who favors it. Only on AJE! 6257233910 EFSlattery 12/1/2009 8:59 PM Reminds me I still haven't read Three Cups of Tea... RT @channelvbooks Re Afghan. news, we suggest reading "The Bookseller of Kabul" ... 6257111149 amandachita 12/1/2009 8:54 PM Sama kek aq klo dtg acara gt esp. Ijab kabul sk trharuuu...RT @devioftasari: Petuah2 wedding yg baguuss. Aku smpe nangiiisss.... :(( 6257100825 gretelgoing 12/1/2009 8:54 PM Great book. RT @channelvbooks In light of Afghanistan news, we suggest reading "The Bookseller of Kabul" for a candid, native perspective. 6257039087 ChannelVBooks 12/1/2009 8:52 PM In light of the news that more troops are off to Afghanistan, we suggest reading "The Bookseller of Kabul" for a candid, native perspective. 6256949238 ttommyunger 12/1/2009 8:49 PM RT @AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul: ... 6256914411 Earnest_mama 12/1/2009 8:47 PM Dr. Nafisa Abdulla, woman doctor trained in Kabul, been traveling to Afghanistan since the "American invasion, war is a terrible disease." 6256744856 mikecomplains 12/1/2009 8:41 PM RT @AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul: ... 6256591978 conorreidy 12/1/2009 8:36 PM @redpaddy69 So could you draw parallels with today, control of Kabul and Afghan parliament but sketchy in outer provinces. 6256403116 jstrevino 12/1/2009 8:30 PM I'd settled for bin Laden dead or alive, plus a Kabul government generally able to maintain itself: RT @pandagon: Define "win." 6256355853 fingertipnews 12/1/2009 8:28 PM AP Intl: Top US commander: build Afghan forces - KABUL (AP) -- The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said early... 6256269173 djohnson66 12/1/2009 8:25 PM RT @skipinc: US Air Force News: McChrystal: Building Afghan forces is priority: KABUL — The top U.S.... #usaf #military 6256232791 UgglyBetty 12/1/2009 8:24 PM US Air Force News: McChrystal: Building Afghan forces is priority: KABUL — The top U.S. commander... 6256169374 asadrasheed 12/1/2009 8:22 PM 1st time I agree w/Fareed Z, tht we should stop obsessing with corruption & start engaging wider pashtun leaders & not just handpicked Kabul 6256036785 jetts424 12/1/2009 8:17 PM Can't clean up Detroit, but Kabul's no problem, 2 years tops! 6255990866 HeyErnie 12/1/2009 8:16 PM McChrystal: Building Afghan forces is priority: KABUL — The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said early Wednesda... 6255990943 MDThermo 12/1/2009 8:16 PM McChrystal: Building Afghan forces is priority: KABUL — The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said early Wednesda... 6255958780 racaudell 12/1/2009 8:15 PM Just got up on my last day in Kabul and hopefully Afcrapistan! Starting the trek home FINALLY! Should be in Kuwait tonight!!!! 6255931978 glcarlstrom 12/1/2009 8:14 PM RT @kalsoom82: Zakaria: "Karzai must win the Pashtuns back." Ware: "No Afghan waiting on squeaky clean govt. Trust 4 Kabul not going to ... 6255890785 kalsoom82 12/1/2009 8:12 PM Zakaria: "Karzai must win the Pashtuns back." Ware: "No Afghan waiting on squeaky clean govt. Trust 4 Kabul not going to keep screwing them" 6255820775 Journalisti 12/1/2009 8:10 PM CNN Hong Kong (CNNi) continues with correspondents live in Kabul, Islamabad. Not the same as the Correspondent Posse on CNN US. 6255705247 ceressa 12/1/2009 8:06 PM yirmi yasindayken yirmi yasinda olmak: yirmi yaşın bir sınır olarak genel geçer bir kabul olduğunun kanıtıdır. .. 6255669775 marciomtc 12/1/2009 8:05 PM Top US commander: build Afghan forces - WTOP: KABUL (AP) - The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said early Wednesd... 6255562550 Kent_ 12/1/2009 8:01 PM @billmaher "Yes We can change them"Afghanistan begins around 330 BC Pre-Islamic time,Indo-Scythians Empire,Kabul Shahi&Timurid & dynasties.. 6255561188 macgivens77 12/1/2009 8:01 PM RT @AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul: ... 6255505185 mampdx 12/1/2009 8:00 PM RT @AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul: ... 6255502402 tominwindsor 12/1/2009 8:00 PM @AlanGrayson I expect it to end with American helicopters evacuating Kabul AND Islamabad. This is a grim business, Alan. 6255415742 thejoshuablog 12/1/2009 7:57 PM RT @AlanGrayson The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul: 6255257315 msbellows 12/1/2009 7:51 PM .@LizMair I'm with you on that, Liz. We could hold Kabul and sponsor development projects w very few troops, + take out bases as they pop up 6255228293 ted_slaughter 12/1/2009 7:50 PM RT @AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul: ... 6254958449 awolkunazz318 12/1/2009 7:41 PM Rt @AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul: ... 6254903586 suisse66 12/1/2009 7:40 PM RT @AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul: ... 6254899515 qualityhilljoy 12/1/2009 7:40 PM RT @AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul: ... 6254890740 kellabeck 12/1/2009 7:39 PM So we're supporting this corrupt govt. in Kabul in order to prevent the Taliban from allowing Al Qaida to create a base to attack us??? 6254886377 FLASH_NEWS 12/1/2009 7:39 PM EXTRA: Obama warns Kabul that support is not unconditional 6254871765 BostonBoomer 12/1/2009 7:39 PM RT @AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul: ... 6254871804 adamarp 12/1/2009 7:39 PM RT @AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul: ... 6254850418 theactualtodd 12/1/2009 7:38 PM RT @AlanGrayson: The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul: ... 6254817779 RickAfterDark 12/1/2009 7:37 PM (Yes, I actually looked up the distance from New Orleans to Kabul. It's 7,789 miles, to be precise.) 6254802799 AllNewsSources 12/1/2009 7:36 PM DPA: EXTRA: Obama warns Kabul that support is not unconditional 6254779095 AlanGrayson 12/1/2009 7:36 PM The Constitution didn't contemplate a standing army, much less an army standing in Kabul: 6254493156 arya_mazteur 12/1/2009 7:27 PM Live report is over..Mr kabul finish his class 6254473843 FrazzledHaloz 12/1/2009 7:26 PM RT @CooperRepublic: Hamid Karzai's house attacked in Kabul #tcot 6254398458 thisismash 12/1/2009 7:23 PM Flashback to Soviet withdrawal: Afghan prime minister and defence minister shell each other over skies in Kabul. I see a repeat whn US out. 6254395610 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 7:23 PM Gabriel, Toronto Ontario, CA has given loan amount of 1200 to Rozia Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Expanding their businesses 6254386291 dceiver 12/1/2009 7:23 PM RT @attackerman: a civilian surge? 900 civilians will be in Afgh, mostly outside Kabul, by January #afgspeech 6254364685 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 7:22 PM Dale, los angeles CA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Shahzi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6254364684 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 7:22 PM Dale, los angeles CA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Shahzi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6254356828 attackerman 12/1/2009 7:22 PM a civilian surge? 900 civilians will be in Afgh, mostly outside Kabul, by January #afgspeech 6254316703 wrench60 12/1/2009 7:21 PM RT @CooperRepublic: Hamid Karzai's house attacked in Kabul #tcot 6254304758 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 7:20 PM Carter, , has given loan amount of 850 to Razya Shabebe Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy materials for their businesses 6254304787 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 7:20 PM Carter, , has given loan amount of 850 to Razya Shabebe Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy materials for their businesses 6254302934 cooperrepublic 12/1/2009 7:20 PM Hamid Karzai's house attacked in Kabul #tcot 6254297631 delta44 12/1/2009 7:20 PM President appealing to the Afghan people! Like anyone in Kabul cared! 6254232845 sam_gaines 12/1/2009 7:18 PM RT @GeraldCelente: French troops bribing Taliban with weapons and money - The leader of the Taliban in Kabul has told Al Jazeera that .. ... 6254230514 faravena 12/1/2009 7:18 PM Karzai es el pdte de Afganistán, pero le dicen "el alcalde de Kabul". Para que cachemos no más. 6254216270 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 7:18 PM HAL, , has given loan amount of 850 to Razya Shabebe Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy materials for their businesses 6254214454 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 7:18 PM Vera, Brooklyn NY, US has given loan amount of 1200 to Rozia Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Expanding their businesses 6254214482 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 7:18 PM Vera, Brooklyn NY, US has given loan amount of 1200 to Rozia Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Expanding their businesses 6254126965 bbillybilltweet 12/1/2009 7:15 PM Mr Obama is off to West Point to deliver his Afghan strategy speech. Is this the West Point just off Main St, Kabul? If not, why not? 6254119872 pudi_blegedets 12/1/2009 7:15 PM @pmanrebellion permintaan anda di kabul kan...bang pmen saya ijin latian yah karna ada kepentingan yg tdk bs saya tinggalkan...trm ksh 6254118957 ahmadiyyatimes 12/1/2009 7:14 PM O' land of Kabul! You're witness to a heinous crime committed on your soil. O' miserable land! you've been condemned in the sight of God - 6254054276 Mrnavas7 12/1/2009 7:12 PM Pls RT French troops bribing Taliban w/ weapons & $$$: The leader of the Taliban in Kabul has told Al Jazeera ... 6254024169 BillBradley3 12/1/2009 7:11 PM MSNBC cuts to shot of brass watching speech in Kabul. #Obamastan #afgspeech 6254020067 thsteam 12/1/2009 7:11 PM The troops are watching this speech right now in Kabul. #tcot #p2 6253964201 megancarpentier 12/1/2009 7:09 PM Methinks Obama doth protest too much about the legitimacy of the Mayor of Kabul. 6253959433 MichaelSavage1 12/1/2009 7:09 PM French troops bribing Taliban with weapons and money - The leader of the Taliban in Kabul has told Al Jazeera that ... 6253958760 LouDobbsChannel 12/1/2009 7:09 PM French troops bribing Taliban with weapons and money - The leader of the Taliban in Kabul has told Al Jazeera that ... 6253958997 warrenbuffet1 12/1/2009 7:09 PM French troops bribing Taliban with weapons and money - The leader of the Taliban in Kabul has told Al Jazeera that ... 6253959208 MaxKeiserFan 12/1/2009 7:09 PM French troops bribing Taliban with weapons and money - The leader of the Taliban in Kabul has told Al Jazeera that ... 6253958530 MarcFaber 12/1/2009 7:09 PM French troops bribing Taliban with weapons and money - The leader of the Taliban in Kabul has told Al Jazeera that ... 6253958033 NourielRoubini 12/1/2009 7:09 PM French troops bribing Taliban with weapons and money - The leader of the Taliban in Kabul has told Al Jazeera that ... 6253958240 GeraldCelente 12/1/2009 7:09 PM French troops bribing Taliban with weapons and money - The leader of the Taliban in Kabul has told Al Jazeera that ... 6253957574 TexeMarrs 12/1/2009 7:09 PM French troops bribing Taliban with weapons and money - The leader of the Taliban in Kabul has told Al Jazeera that ... 6253956699 IckeFan 12/1/2009 7:09 PM French troops bribing Taliban with weapons and money - The leader of the Taliban in Kabul has told Al Jazeera that ... 6253957196 KoussKoussKlan 12/1/2009 7:09 PM French troops bribing Taliban with weapons and money - The leader of the Taliban in Kabul has told Al Jazeera that ... 6253956225 Leo_Laporte 12/1/2009 7:09 PM French troops bribing Taliban with weapons and money - The leader of the Taliban in Kabul has told Al Jazeera that ... 6253956010 AlexJonesWar 12/1/2009 7:09 PM French troops bribing Taliban with weapons and money - The leader of the Taliban in Kabul has told Al Jazeera that ... 6253705263 arya_mazteur 12/1/2009 7:01 PM Haha =D haha :D kali aja bisa jadi jurnal..RT @egita_aw: @arya_mazteur report from Mr. Kabul Class ;p 6253666995 BreakingNewsDeu 12/1/2009 7:00 PM NEWS - USA - KABUL - Top US commander in Afghanistan says main focus will be to develop capacity of Afghan forces ap 6253664201 check_mBloging 12/1/2009 7:00 PM RT @AfghanECC: Afghan Music Video in 3 Languages (Kabul to Bamyan): 6253597487 check_mBloging 12/1/2009 6:58 PM RT @AfghanECC: New photo report from a girls and boys school in Kabul: 6253572195 WAOW 12/1/2009 6:57 PM KABUL (AP) -- Top US commander in Afghanistan says main focus will be to develop capacity of Afghan forces. 6253544281 WJTV 12/1/2009 6:56 PM KABUL (AP) - Top US commander in Afghanistan says main focus will be to develop capacity of Afghan forces. 6253513139 egita_aw 12/1/2009 6:55 PM @arya_mazteur report from Mr. Kabul Class ;p 6253478064 arya_mazteur 12/1/2009 6:54 PM Ternyata. Pak kabul itu pandai sekali yah.. 6253452561 Pitbull1970 12/1/2009 6:53 PM @mrnavas7 French troops bribing Taliban w/ weapons & $$$: The leader of the Taliban in Kabul has told Al Jazeera ... 6253237474 arya_mazteur 12/1/2009 6:46 PM Pak kabul bilang pasti diantara kalian bahkan kalian semua akan jadi pemimpin perusahaan atau depar temen..amien...amien pak.. 6253184945 arya_mazteur 12/1/2009 6:44 PM Pak kabul marah" choy... 6253043702 linksnews 12/1/2009 6:39 PM Neuer US-Coup: Vizekönig für Kabul - junge Welt. Die linke Tageszeitung. Gegründet 1947 . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6252988908 TendaiJoe 12/1/2009 6:38 PM UNICEF announces name of staffer killed in Kabul guest house attack: 1 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations Children&.. 6252514728 Jeremiah33_3 12/1/2009 6:22 PM I am reading Kabul 24 & then reviewing it for Thomas Nelson Book Review Blogger. It is fascinating, I can't put it down. #fb 6252123232 lagardera 12/1/2009 6:08 PM RT @ermphd: @NYT_JenPreston The issue is not the troops or strategy. The issue is a corrupt govt in Kabul. Bring them home! 6251623492 ermphd 12/1/2009 5:51 PM @NYT_JenPreston The issue is not the troops or strategy. The issue is a corrupt govt in Kabul. Bring them home! 6251175311 BrucePatrick23 12/1/2009 5:36 PM Letter From Kabul: What the United States Must Overcome in Afghanistan ... 6251139713 sittakarina 12/1/2009 5:35 PM Bismillah ya dek! smg ijab kabul Fajri mantab kyk @TriasR! Ure still my LITTLE sis! RT@AnggieSK: ......Dag..dig..dug...dag...dig...dug... 6250868806 fingertipnews 12/1/2009 5:26 PM UPI-Top News: Is Kai Eide planning to leave Kabul? - KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 1 (UPI) -- Kai Eide, the U.N. specia... 6250801100 tersimpistir 12/1/2009 5:24 PM kabullenmeyi o kadar kabul etmişiz ki... 6250745845 Lafcurve 12/1/2009 5:22 PM What matters most tonight in POTUS decisions: that warriors like my cous in Kabul get tools to do job and get home safely to their families. 6250642848 fashionfrau 12/1/2009 5:18 PM RT @DiabaQuatro: Sabe quando vc é um pivete e fica sonhando em um dia encontrar a sua garotinha ruiva? Pois é. E a minha é kabul. 6250560511 flavius52 12/1/2009 5:15 PM You know, we took Kabul in less time than Mr Hyde Park took to make decision about sending in more troops. Even McNamara wasn't that stupid. 6250508039 DiabaQuatro 12/1/2009 5:13 PM Sabe quando vc é um pivete e fica sonhando em um dia encontrar a sua garotinha ruiva? Pois é. E a minha é kabul. 6250182644 francism1975 12/1/2009 5:02 PM Will Russia's Afghan Fate Be America's?: ... government in Kabul as an important new foothold in the Cold War, and ... 6250179870 tekpapucyan 12/1/2009 5:02 PM Lütfeniniz dikkat! sadece 09:00- 17:00 arası ölümleri kabul edebiliyoruz. Mesai saatleri dışında lütfen kendinizi öldürmeyiniz 6250106402 zweitansage 12/1/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6250030836 kazimahmood 12/1/2009 4:57 PM - In afghan war, those in Kabul believe more troops will mean more American deaths... 6249737422 videocrux 12/1/2009 4:47 PM #Videocrux - Taliban attack killed many civilians in Kabul. 6249686672 videocrux 12/1/2009 4:45 PM #Videocrux - Kabul, the centre of international attention. 6249661236 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 4:44 PM Farhad, La Canada CA, US has given loan amount of 1425 to Bahar Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy materials for a carpentry business 6249590945 travelideas_de 12/1/2009 4:42 PM RT @billigerreisen- Günstige Flüge nach Kabul bei #reisen #angebot #urlaub #billig 6249575227 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 4:41 PM Karen, Rumford RI, US has given loan amount of 650 to Shogofa Halema Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase their needed materials 6249498246 togliatti1871 12/1/2009 4:39 PM "Güneş doğudan doğar, batıdan da batar kardeşim. Bu gerçeği kabul etmek gerek" Bela Tarr is the one: 6249401613 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 4:35 PM Marti, Lafayette LA, US has given loan amount of 600 to Zahera Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6249313789 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 4:32 PM Megan, San Luis Obispo California, US has given loan amount of 1200 to Rozia Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Expanding their businesses 6249286528 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 4:31 PM Nick, CA, US has given loan amount of 1150 to Marina Masjedy Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: purchasing their required business materials 6249285316 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 4:31 PM Nick, CA, US has given loan amount of 1025 to Mohammad Jamil Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6249284735 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 4:31 PM Nick, CA, US has given loan amount of 825 to Bibi Bekam Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy materials for a tailoring business 6249228948 thetime 12/1/2009 4:30 PM in Kabul, Asia is 3:00am 6249105752 laurabrownart 12/1/2009 4:25 PM RT @needmagazine: New NEED blog "Educational Filming Turns into Medical Mission for two Minnesotans" NEED's founder in Kabul, Afghanista ... 6249100172 Helplessness 12/1/2009 4:25 PM Ben Nikon olsam hiç kabul etmem. "Canon'dan yüz bulamayıp Nikon'a gitti" dedirttirir miyim? re: 6249020075 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 4:22 PM Dries, , has given loan amount of 1425 to Bahar Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy materials for a carpentry business 6248994068 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 4:21 PM Lorene, Covington LA, US has given loan amount of 1200 to Rozia Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Expanding their businesses 6248888203 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 4:18 PM Ridwan, London OH, US has given loan amount of 850 to Razya Shabebe Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy materials for their businesses 6248879341 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 4:18 PM Lisa, , US has given loan amount of 850 to Shahzi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6248670688 cari_says 12/1/2009 4:10 PM What to do with USAID? Lessons from Kabul: DON'T confuse military strategy with health policy! 6248559471 OrhanUluca 12/1/2009 4:06 PM Kimseyi suclamadan "yorum özürlülügümü" kabul ediyorum, nasil gelistigi önemsiz sonuc hep ayni arkadas.. 6248368066 zweitansage 12/1/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6247949635 billigerreisen 12/1/2009 3:45 PM Günstige Flüge nach Kabul bei #reisen #angebot #urlaub #billig 6247899074 fallenfaust 12/1/2009 3:43 PM tarih bakiye kabul etmez;herdaim hesabini kapatir... 6247840080 HemorhoidShaman 12/1/2009 3:41 PM Kabul Fashion, an Andean Shaman, and Biking on the World's Most ... 6247707670 bizikimiz 12/1/2009 3:36 PM kabul edilmedik mi yol arkadaşım :D bana sorsaydın bi gelir msn sen ona dye :)) 6247598718 Tagliacci 12/1/2009 3:32 PM Bombarderos a carta Kabul. 6247415283 neetitandon 12/1/2009 3:25 PM RT @ForeignAffairs_: Letter From Kabul: What the United States Must Overcome in Afghanistan: 6247101781 penelopedia 12/1/2009 3:14 PM RT @WarKidsRelief: 3 Kabul hospitals to help the most critical IDP kids @ grtly reduced fees - U can help 6247098868 SezinSivri 12/1/2009 3:14 PM Evet hem kabul hemde itiraf ediyorum #İzmir 'in en sakarı benim @GabrielPeri @SelinSerter @baharella 6246927643 needmagazine 12/1/2009 3:07 PM New NEED blog "Educational Filming Turns into Medical Mission for two Minnesotans" NEED's founder in Kabul, Afghanistan 6246893344 tn_worldnews 12/1/2009 3:06 PM TheNational World: Afghanistan's capital taxed by corruption: From stallholders to government members, Kabul is ste... 6246851315 21AndreaPirlo21 12/1/2009 3:05 PM Varım Uyku'nun yaptığı güzel teklifi kabul ediyor...Herkese iyi geceler... 6246727201 Sinemag 12/1/2009 3:00 PM The Wolfman-Kurt Adam 19 Şubat 2010'da Vizyonda: Universal Pictures’ın, korku filmlerinin başyapıtı kabul.. 6246710832 zweitansage 12/1/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6246130054 kolatonur 12/1/2009 2:38 PM dualar kabul olacak hissediyorum 6245981921 Joseph_Palmer 12/1/2009 2:32 PM More training? It's been 8 years, we could have build a West Point in Kabul, and trained up an entire officer corps from raw recruits by now 6245933331 GabrielPeri 12/1/2009 2:30 PM @ilmenites :-)) öyle ama sayın hocam.. kabul edin.. siz birinci gruba giriyorsunuz :-))) 6245721607 davidcorndc 12/1/2009 2:22 PM SAO2 repeats 7/11 will represent beginning of a process. So now incentive for Tali to wait US out, places pressure on Kabul #Afghanistan 6245705871 WestWingReport 12/1/2009 2:22 PM WSJ asks about July 2011 timeframe. Won't Taliban just lay low 'til then? A: Withdrawal is "condition based" - but puts pressure on Kabul 6245570850 glcarlstrom 12/1/2009 2:16 PM WH: ISAF "experimenting with a number of models for how we can link the traditional security structures of Afghan culture" into Kabul. 6245515321 landedim 12/1/2009 2:14 PM burgerda elemanın teki kolayı döktü "tamam tamam ben döktüm" diye kabul etti. e sen döktün zaten gördük yani dirsegi gömdün orda 6245465828 a99kitten 12/1/2009 2:12 PM At Kabul, an Afghanistan restaurant for office bday lunch. For army ranger who just returned from tour of duty-not enough desert for ya?? :) 6245322279 Nalanilknur 12/1/2009 2:07 PM @erdilyasaroglu evt bnu da bi spam olark kabul edblirsin, eer bu iletiyi 10 sn. icinde 10 kisiye gondermezsen spamlar seni gotursun :)P 6245200146 yasemintoprak 12/1/2009 2:02 PM hamster ya da ben bi tercihte bulunmalısın @aidatimer ikimizi aynı anda idare etmen kabul edilebilir birsey değil:) 6245195134 Safelight 12/1/2009 2:02 PM SL Hard: A displaced Afghan queues to receive relief aid from the UNHCR in Kabul, Afghanistan. 6245161971 fotoroniCoM 12/1/2009 2:01 PM 'Kürt halkı bu tecridi kabul etmeyecektir' 6245127027 zweitansage 12/1/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6245039566 ecebasaran 12/1/2009 1:56 PM @iremmeri yine de modernite için uygun olur sanırım ,doğudaki töre cinayetlerini düşünebiliyomusun kadın tekrar evlenmeyi kabul etmezse :) 6245038918 baharella 12/1/2009 1:56 PM @yengul komik ve neseli kabul edebilirim kendimi o zaman şu durumda... 6244993956 WarKidsRelief 12/1/2009 1:54 PM 3 Kabul hospitals will help the most critical IDP kids @ grtly reduced fees in Dec. - 2 ways to support, save lives: 6244977219 SpringArtsSpree 12/1/2009 1:54 PM Kabul Scholar to Address “What Hope for Afghanistan” 12/8 @ 7pm - 6244756652 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 1:45 PM Elizabeth, Arlington VA, US has given loan amount of 1200 to Rozia Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Expanding their businesses 6244751029 eknor 12/1/2009 1:45 PM çok acaip yaratıklarız biz kabul ediyorum tamam. 6244673488 hurremnesva 12/1/2009 1:42 PM dun gece o kadar dua ettim sabah sis olsunda istanbula biraz gec geliyim diye babam sabah 5'te basima dikilince kabul olmadigini anladim! 6244429211 Jerry6565 12/1/2009 1:33 PM #listeningto "Lily Allen, Kabul Shit" ... ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫ 6244420973 andrjo2 12/1/2009 1:33 PM Brands in Context - Jan Chipchase - Future Perfect: Afghanistan » Kabul 6244272539 LINDAinNC 12/1/2009 1:27 PM RT @MajoratWH: Admin will also boost civilian force on development & reconstruction 2 1K. Was 320 in Jan. 60% of ths increase outside Kabul. 6244176499 pinarkt 12/1/2009 1:23 PM @Damilla eheheh bi kabul etsinlerde görüşürüz falla 6244140449 lunink 12/1/2009 1:22 PM RT @Refugees: AFGHANISTAN: In Kabul 60 families lived in abandoned kindergarten, without water/electricity, in tiny rooms with curtains ... 6244123079 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 1:21 PM Dave, San Diego CA, US has given loan amount of 1200 to Rozia Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Expanding their businesses 6244091768 baklavaborek 12/1/2009 1:20 PM geniş aile nin insanlar tarafından izlenen bi dizi olduğunu kabul etmem çok uzun sürdü. 6244070948 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 1:19 PM Ibrahim, Manchester New Hampshire, US has given loan amount of 1200 to Rozia Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Expanding their businesses 6244048452 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 1:19 PM Oliver, Beverly Hills CA, US has given loan amount of 600 to Zahera Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6244048456 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 1:19 PM Oliver, Beverly Hills CA, US has given loan amount of 600 to Zahera Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6244037338 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 1:18 PM Stephanie, Stamford CT, US has given loan amount of 1200 to Rozia Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Expanding their businesses 6244029402 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 1:18 PM Oliver, Beverly Hills CA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Shahzi Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6244020200 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 1:17 PM Oliver, Beverly Hills CA, US has given loan amount of 1025 to Mohammad Jamil Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6243982910 rachelejlee 12/1/2009 1:16 PM Eyes Wide Open [Snap Judgment]: [Kabul, December 1. Image via Getty] KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - DECEMBER 1: A young girl ... 6243741846 MajoratWH 12/1/2009 1:07 PM Admin will also boost civilian force on development and reconstruction to 1K. Was 320 in Jan. 60% of this increase outside of Kabul. 6243726828 HTGazete 12/1/2009 1:06 PM "Minare üzerinden tahammülsüzlük": Diyanet, İsviçre'deki referandum için "Kabul edilemez" dedi 6243623162 BeritaHarian 12/1/2009 1:02 PM Hari Ini Nikah Esok Bersalin: Tidak sampai 24 jam selepas diijab kabul dan bergelar isteri, seorang wanita yang.. 6243547003 zweitansage 12/1/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6243474576 BBC_WHYS 12/1/2009 12:57 PM From Nigeria to New York to London to Kabul to Paris - to you? Tweet us now on the show. 6243431757 calcuttatube 12/1/2009 12:55 PM RT @calcuttatube Suicide bombing hits military base in Kabul | CalcuttaTube News Service 6243319613 satilikaraba 12/1/2009 12:51 PM Sahibinden Satilik Araba: MERCEDES : araç bakımlı ve temizdir.Sorun çıkması halinde iade kabul edilir. Mo.. araç 6243229981 BBC_WHYS 12/1/2009 12:47 PM Voices from Kabul, London, Washington, Paris, NY and many other cities on the show. You too can join us from where you are. Tweet us now 6243217316 BBC_WHYS 12/1/2009 12:47 PM Voices from Kabul, London, Washington, Paris, NY and many others cities on the show. You too can join us from where you are. Tweet us now 6242923767 DCgal62 12/1/2009 12:36 PM Under secretary visits Army leaders in Kabul 6242889430 foknieuws 12/1/2009 12:34 PM Nog geen extra Duitsers en Fransen naar Kabul 6241614210 cartesiancogito 12/1/2009 11:46 AM Photo: Kabul, Afghanistan: A man smokes opium on the outskirts of the city 6241458547 WillardWade 12/1/2009 11:40 AM eBay: KABUL AIR BASE AFGHANISTAN CRASH FIRE RESCUE PATCH $4.5 6241396945 draenews 12/1/2009 11:37 AM Megite Obama to speed up troop deployment to Afghanistan: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - President Barack Obama plans... 6241366284 NedDagbl 12/1/2009 11:36 AM Nieuws: Nog geen extra Duitsers en Fransen naar Kabul: PARIJS/BERLIJN - Frankrijk stuurt geen extra militairen naar... 6241270494 Sommerwind 12/1/2009 11:33 AM RT @ForeignAffairs_: Letter From Kabul: What the United States Must Overcome in Afghanistan: 6241235002 vermistverloren 12/1/2009 11:31 AM Nog geen extra Duitsers en Fransen naar Kabul: PARIJS - Frankrijk stuurt geen extra militairen naar Afghanist... 6241069671 denizimin 12/1/2009 11:25 AM ONLARIN IÇI HIÇBIR ZAMAN ATATURKU KABUL ETMEZ EDEMEZ ÇUNKU O ŞEKILDE EGITILIYORLAR..DEGIŞIM ONLARDA SADECE KILIF LIMONCUUM.. 6241055107 USNewz 12/1/2009 11:25 AM 2 US service members killed in Afghan explosion KABUL -- NATO says two U.S. service members have been... #us #news 6241040226 televideorai 12/1/2009 11:24 AM [dal mondo] LA RUSSA: VIA DA KABUL ANCHE PRIMA DI 5 ANNI view.jsp?id=662115&p=150 6241015542 thomas_a_duda 12/1/2009 11:23 AM I'm going to listen to Lily Allen's Kabul Sh** tonight. 6240988937 PialiRoy 12/1/2009 11:22 AM @NaheedMustafa BREAKING NEWS: Obama is sending the ex-presidents to Kabul; will force detainees to listen to their speeches 6240922338 bhcjournal 12/1/2009 11:20 AM Addiction main channel of AIDS transmission in Afghanistan: Health Minister: KABUL, Dec 01, 2009 (Xinhua via COMT... 6240891328 reistweets 12/1/2009 11:18 AM Nog geen extra Duitsers en Fransen naar Kabul: PARIJS - Frankrijk stuurt geen extra militairen naar Afghanistan. Da... 6240871725 De_Pers 12/1/2009 11:18 AM Geen extra Fransen en Duitsers naar Kabul: Frankrijk stuurt geen extra militairen naar Afghanistan. Dat heeft de Fr... 6240754171 ilgiornale 12/1/2009 11:13 AM Kabul, Obama: "Altri 30mila soldati in 6 mesi" #news #esteri 6240733152 cenxanane 12/1/2009 11:13 AM PES2010'da multiplayer oncesinden cok kotu.. avustralya ve turkiye'den 2 oyuncunun eslesme mantigi nasil dogru kabul edilebilir ki.. 6240700234 bhcjournal 12/1/2009 11:11 AM Addiction main channel of AIDS transmission in Afghanistan: Health Minister: KABUL, Dec 01, 2009 (Xinhua via COMT... 6240627661 blijfbij 12/1/2009 11:09 AM Nog geen extra Duitsers en Fransen naar Kabul: PARIJS - Frankrijk stuurt geen extra militairen naar Afghanistan. Dat hee 6240625507 INCNIEUWS 12/1/2009 11:09 AM Nog geen extra Duitsers en Fransen naar Kabul 6240616036 MetroHolland 12/1/2009 11:08 AM Nog geen extra Duitsers en Fransen naar Kabul 6240544660 metro 12/1/2009 11:06 AM Nog geen extra Duitsers en Fransen naar Kabul 6240518812 sillygloop 12/1/2009 11:05 AM RT @Refugees: In Kabul 60 families lived in abandoned kindergarten without water/electricity in tiny rooms with curtains covering big holes 6240378856 zweitansage 12/1/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6240297846 RSScockpit 12/1/2009 10:57 AM Nog geen extra Duitsers en Fransen naar Kabul (Metro, 01-12-09 17:38) 6240292576 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:56 AM William, Rio Vista CA, US has given loan amount of 825 to Rowna Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6240265621 RBLKentCounty 12/1/2009 10:55 AM RT @HMForces US Paratrooper's Body Found: KABUL - NATO says the body of a second U.S. paratrooper missing after be... 6240247163 ADOnline 12/1/2009 10:55 AM Nog geen extra Duitsers en Fransen naar Kabul: PARIJS - Frankrijk stuurt geen extra militairen naar Afghanistan. Da... 6240193066 Twit_krant 12/1/2009 10:53 AM Nog geen extra Duitsers en Fransen naar Kabul: PARIJS - Frankrijk stuurt geen extra militairen naar Afghanistan.. 6240184757 Twit_krant 12/1/2009 10:52 AM Nog geen extra Duitsers en Fransen naar Kabul 6240182199 SpitsNWS 12/1/2009 10:52 AM Nog geen extra Duitsers en Fransen naar Kabul 6240180045 Twit_krant 12/1/2009 10:52 AM Nog geen extra Duitsers en Fransen naar Kabul: PARIJS - Frankrijk stuurt geen extra militairen naar Afghanistan.. 6240079658 BBC_WHYS 12/1/2009 10:49 AM I've invited three guests to join us on the programme. Voices from Afghans living in Paris and Kabul. 6240022145 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:46 AM Mars, Orléans, FR has given loan amount of 650 to Shogofa Halema Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To purchase their needed materials 6239969487 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:44 AM Victoria , , has given loan amount of 1200 to Rozia Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Expanding their businesses 6239957244 europanu 12/1/2009 10:44 AM Nog geen extra Duitsers en Fransen naar Kabul 6239919304 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:43 AM Ruthanne, Des Moines IA, US has given loan amount of 825 to Rowna Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6239919325 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:43 AM Ruthanne, Des Moines IA, US has given loan amount of 825 to Rowna Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6239832783 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:39 AM Tamara, Brooklyn NY, US has given loan amount of 825 to Rowna Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6239805017 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:38 AM Mauro, Gazzada Schianno Varese, has given loan amount of 825 to Rowna Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6239803940 casuist 12/1/2009 10:38 AM US bid to bypass Karzai's Afghan government Appointment of 'high representative' in Kabul--hey, what could go wrong? 6239786208 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:38 AM Kay, Columbia MD, US has given loan amount of 850 to Hameda Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: For business progress. 6239785633 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:38 AM Kay, Columbia MD, US has given loan amount of 1200 to Rozia Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Expanding their businesses 6239785595 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:38 AM Kay, Columbia MD, US has given loan amount of 1200 to Rozia Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: Expanding their businesses 6239725136 DavidStephenson 12/1/2009 10:35 AM If son puts life on line every day,gotta compromise on ethics: sending Rocky Patel Vintage 1992's 4 birthday. Smokes 'em in Kabul w/ Marines 6239668114 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:33 AM Sarah and Mark, Williamsburg MA, US has given loan amount of 825 to Rowna Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6239560638 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:30 AM Peter, Washington DC, US has given loan amount of 825 to Rowna Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6239552430 Freedomman11 12/1/2009 10:29 AM Obama, Karzai Discuss U.S. Strategy Over Videoconference: KABUL — Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Pr.. 6239502747 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:27 AM Lois, Etobicoke Ontario, CA has given loan amount of 825 to Rowna Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6239456286 DNCDUDES 12/1/2009 10:26 AM Anti-Mensan: Obama, Karzai Discuss U.S. Strategy Over Videoconference: KABUL &.. @glennbeck #tcot 6239448440 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:25 AM Jessie, Barrie Ontario, CA has given loan amount of 825 to Rowna Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6239427369 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:25 AM James, Washington DC, US has given loan amount of 825 to Rowna Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6239420401 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:24 AM Murali, San Diego CA, US has given loan amount of 825 to Rowna Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6239417949 Don_Scott 12/1/2009 10:24 AM #topstories Obama to speed up troop deployment to Afghanistan (source: Reuters): WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - Pre... 6239348415 moomoobrowncow 12/1/2009 10:22 AM Obama to lay out long-awaited Afghan plan: ReutersBy Steve Holland and Yara Bayoumy WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - P... 6239249426 wishdasher 12/1/2009 10:18 AM Both the U.S.A and Britain should learn the lessons of history regarding #Afghanistan - we're facing into another Retreat from Kabul. 6239245407 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:18 AM Imaad Fadoo, Singapore Singapore, SG has given loan amount of 825 to Rowna Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6239240961 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:18 AM Steorling, Haslett MI, US has given loan amount of 825 to Rowna Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6239233100 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:18 AM Liis, Toronto Ontario, CA has given loan amount of 825 to Rowna Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6239230887 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 10:17 AM Kathleen & Scott, Middleton WI, US has given loan amount of 825 to Rowna Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand their businesses 6239214853 deccanchronical 12/1/2009 10:17 AM Obama to speed up troop deployment to Afghanistan: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - President Barack Obama plans to.. 6239207546 edy_lim 12/1/2009 10:17 AM Obama to speed up troop deployment to Afghanistan: WASHINGTON/KABUL (Reuters) - President Barack Obama plans to.. 6239200635 trinimaican 12/1/2009 10:16 AM RT @Refugees: AFGHANISTAN: In Kabul 60 families lived in abandoned kindergarten, without water/electricity, in tiny rooms with curtains ... 6239063943 Ellwangen 12/1/2009 10:11 AM Liesegangs "Kabul Mails": Feldpost vom PC: Sie sind Geschichten und im Prinzip schon Geschichte, die "Ka... #ellwangen 6238916668 videocrux 12/1/2009 10:06 AM #Videocrux - Kabul celebrates the Shiite Muslim festival of Ashura. 6238767935 almeyda64 12/1/2009 10:01 AM RT @Refugees: AFGHANISTAN: In Kabul 60 families lived in abandoned kindergarten, without water/electricity, in tiny rooms with curtains ... 6238734334 zweitansage 12/1/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6238726607 rofecalderon 12/1/2009 9:59 AM RT AFGHANISTAN In Kabul 60 families lived in abandoned kindergarten without waterelectricity in tiny rooms with curtains covering big holes 6238712017 NonProfitBlogs 12/1/2009 9:59 AM What to do with USAID? Lessons from Kabul #nonprofit 6238674996 markfoshager 12/1/2009 9:57 AM RT @Refugees: AFGHANISTAN: In Kabul 60 families lived in abandoned kindergarten, without water/electricity, in tiny rooms with curtains ... 6238588659 EuropaSurvey 12/1/2009 9:54 AM RT @Refugees: AFGHANISTAN: In Kabul 60 families lived in abandoned kindergarten, without water/electricity, in tiny rooms with curtains ... 6238474582 afinarv 12/1/2009 9:50 AM RT @Refugees: AFGHANISTAN: In Kabul 60 families lived in abandoned kindergarten, without water/electricity, in tiny rooms with curtains ... 6238442113 gkmngrgn 12/1/2009 9:49 AM [tr] facebook & friendfeed'den gelen davetiyeleri kabul etmeyin arkadaşlar, sistemi kurcukluyordum sadece =) zaten ff hesabım var: gkmngrgn 6238427112 brettsanner 12/1/2009 9:48 AM RT @Refugees: AFGHANISTAN: In Kabul 60 families lived in abandoned kindergarten, without water/electricity, in tiny rooms with curtains ... 6238425220 afsc_org 12/1/2009 9:48 AM RT @Refugees: AFGHANISTAN: In Kabul 60 families lived in abandoned kindergarten, without water/electricity, in tiny rooms with curtains ... 6238424137 Mlyzbeth 12/1/2009 9:48 AM RT @Refugees: AFGHANISTAN: In Kabul 60 families lived in abandoned kindergarten, without water/electricity, in tiny rooms with curtains ... 6238398373 lizzappi 12/1/2009 9:47 AM AFGHANISTAN: In Kabul 60 families lived in abandoned kindergarten, without water/electricity, in tiny rooms with curtains covering big holes 6238390619 LavaShell 12/1/2009 9:47 AM Masaj Dünyasında bütün terapistler tarafından kabul edilen devrim niteliğindeki ''Volkanik İstiridye Masajı ''masaj... 6238363399 AlessiaBattle 12/1/2009 9:46 AM RT @Refugees: AFGHANISTAN: In Kabul 60 families lived in abandoned kindergarten, without water/electricity, in tiny rooms with curtains ... 6238348681 dottelott 12/1/2009 9:45 AM RT @Refugees: in Kabul 60 families lived in abandoned kindergarten,without water/electricity, in tiny rooms with curtains covering big holes 6238323578 Refugees 12/1/2009 9:45 AM AFGHANISTAN: In Kabul 60 families lived in abandoned kindergarten, without water/electricity, in tiny rooms with curtains covering big holes 6238271598 belenangueira 12/1/2009 9:43 AM Letter From Kabul | Foreign Affairs: 6238247419 girlfriend_pics 12/1/2009 9:42 AM Witnesses (AFP) - AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to witnesses, but the immediate cause was not known. 6238157210 faz27 12/1/2009 9:38 AM RT @gusade: NO OLVIDAR ESTOS NOMBRES : Rafael Ramírez, Diego Salazar, Baldó Sansó, George Kabul, Omar Faría Luce y Ricardo Fernández 6238157365 ForeignAffairs_ 12/1/2009 9:38 AM Letter From Kabul: What the United States Must Overcome in Afghanistan: 6238074885 swati_b 12/1/2009 9:36 AM RT @Refugees AFGHANISTAN Today, we began distributing blankets, warm clothes, charcoal and other winter supplies to 1,500 returnees in Kabul 6238017516 blm849 12/1/2009 9:34 AM @cbellantoni yeah, but the region of Af. one is in makes all the difference in the world. Better to be in Kabul than Kandahar. 6237937556 videocrux 12/1/2009 9:31 AM #Videocrux - Taliban's effect on Kabul. 6237899339 fingertipnews 12/1/2009 9:29 AM AP Intl: Obama, Karzai hold videoconference, talk strategy - KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Pr... 6237693791 rofecalderon 12/1/2009 9:22 AM RT: AFGHANISTAN: Today, we began distributing blankets, warm clothes, charcoal and other winter supplies to 1,500 returnees (IDPs) in Kabul. 6237686223 bettypufpuf 12/1/2009 9:22 AM RT @facardinho: insanları olduğu gibi kabul etmek işime gelmiyor. çünkü bazıları olmamış. (töbe yarebbim) 6237666479 haristiadipraja 12/1/2009 9:21 AM Boleh,,buat ijab kabul gw nanti..aminnnnnnnnnRT @aulmuhamad: @haristiadipraja ad niiy sprangkat alat solat mauu.. Biar tmbh rajin solat ny 6237637998 facardinho 12/1/2009 9:20 AM insanları olduğu gibi kabul etmek işime gelmiyor. çünkü bazıları olmamış. (töbe yarebbim) 6237305801 GraciaAdelyta 12/1/2009 9:08 AM Hahahaha iya ya RT @zulfikarhl: #pengakuan wali kelas gue mirip tessy kabul 6237169366 RuletaOnline 12/1/2009 9:03 AM Para que aumento tropas funcione, EEUU necesita Karzai: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - El presidente de Estados Unidos... 6237063072 zweitansage 12/1/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6237047617 birtanem 12/1/2009 8:59 AM CNNT: Yüzyılın deneyi: Enerji aşama aşama artırılacak: Yüzyılın en büyük deneyi olarak kabul edilen ve ... 6237029335 dimitaranguelov 12/1/2009 8:58 AM RT @Refugees: AFGHANISTAN: Today we began distributing blankets, warm clothes, charcoal & other winter supplies to 1500 returnees in Kabul 6236984592 BillHemmer 12/1/2009 8:57 AM Listen for how new Afghan strategy involves Pakistan during tonight's nat'l address. No peace in Kabul w/o cooperation from Islamabad, 6236968344 Korrarna 12/1/2009 8:56 AM KABUL: back from hiking in Bamyan, staying with local afghans in the villages and talking about their situation. /Hanna Sistek 6236536564 wiminswatch 12/1/2009 8:40 AM New post: By Yara Bayoumy Yara Bayoumy Mon Nov 30, 7:13 am ET KABUL (Reuters) – Rape in Afg... ( 6236508254 zulfikarhl 12/1/2009 8:39 AM #pengakuan wali kelas gue mirip tessy kabul 6236492246 Refugees 12/1/2009 8:38 AM AFGHANISTAN: Today, we began distributing blankets, warm clothes, charcoal and other winter supplies to 1,500 returnees (IDPs) in Kabul. 6236288937 pelopidas 12/1/2009 8:31 AM The Charlie Brown conflict with Kabul tonight 6236273124 zulfikarhl 12/1/2009 8:30 AM pantes gak bisa tidur. Lupa sholat isya gara2 ngerjain tugas dari ibu sri kabul wakakaka 6236216752 mariamaqdalena 12/1/2009 8:28 AM @eKuzu erkekler tüm ilişkileri taklit edebilirler ama kadın bunu yemez yemiş gibi yapar...kabul etmek istemez...kadın taklit yaparsa +++ 6236128771 mariamaqdalena 12/1/2009 8:24 AM @Selenagir :) ben izmirli kızları seviyorum ya;gayet iyi anlaşıyor ve eğleniyoruz :) kabul etmeyen kıskançtır :D 6235892140 Seanotd 12/1/2009 8:15 AM RT @AfghanECC: New photo report from a girls and boys school in Kabul: 6235866824 tittoantony 12/1/2009 8:14 AM @venkatananth Not only helmant, any east and south province from Wardak onwards, which says half an hour journey from kabul 6235669599 keremozgenel 12/1/2009 8:06 AM hediye de kabul edelirim 6235668138 crossdressersex 12/1/2009 8:06 AM A copper mine south of Kabul thinking about the son he lost a week earlier to a land mine blast. That day, Khan too stepped on a land mine. 6235528099 MesSude 12/1/2009 8:01 AM Hukukçu, haksız olduğu tartışmalarda, haksızlığını kabul etmeden, üstün dil kullanma yeteneği ile 6235493993 zweitansage 12/1/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6235296187 foot__fetish 12/1/2009 7:51 AM A copper mine south of Kabul thinking about the son he lost a week earlier to a land mine blast. That day, Khan too stepped on a land mine. 6235201236 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 7:48 AM Judy, Irvine CA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Habeba Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand her business 6235201247 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 7:48 AM Judy, Irvine CA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Habeba Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand her business 6235026051 ozanbalibey 12/1/2009 7:40 AM @bayulgenokan Okan abi kıbrıs yakın doğu üniversitesi olarak disko kralına katılmak istesek bizi kabul edermisiniz? 6234980375 oldman_crank 12/1/2009 7:38 AM Why? Nation building? The opium? The heroin? For Hamid Karzai to sit in Kabul and play 'king for a decade'? The corrupt King of Kabul! 6234920991 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 7:36 AM Ben & Beth, Bowling Green KY, US has given loan amount of 850 to Habeba Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand her business 6234921006 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 7:36 AM Ben & Beth, Bowling Green KY, US has given loan amount of 850 to Habeba Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand her business 6234827402 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 7:31 AM Robert, Alexandria VA, US has given loan amount of 850 to Habeba Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand her business 6234786287 blodicus 12/1/2009 7:30 AM Warm Body/Kabul [Snap Judgment] 6234734615 ESRACASA 12/1/2009 7:27 AM RT @Kaliteli_Hayat: Cesaret kendi hatalari ile yuzlesebilmek, kabul edebilmek ve duzeltmek icin samimi gayret sarfedebilmektir... 6234646126 cantanis 12/1/2009 7:24 AM @hulyavsar hulya hanım o kadar güzel film seneryolarını kabul etmediniz ki.en son mustafa altıokların filmindeki zübeyde hanım rolünü 6234532693 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 7:18 AM Mmich, Toulouse, FR has given loan amount of 850 to Habeba Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand her business 6234524804 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 7:18 AM Cayce, Imperial MO, US has given loan amount of 850 to Habeba Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To expand her business 6234460225 Roza_Shenall 12/1/2009 7:15 AM @EECCEE ooo maç çimo olsa kabul mu:) 6234036117 deanofatlanta 12/1/2009 6:56 AM Karzai, Obama talk strategy...Washington manhunt widens...Atlanta vote: KABUL (AP) — Afghan President Hamid Karza... 6233978970 Goldenturk 12/1/2009 6:53 AM Geçmeyecek dert yok, yeter ki mevla istesin, kabul olmaz denecek hayır dua yok, yeterki sabır yetsin, mevla istesin... 6233915982 raisharey 12/1/2009 6:50 AM haha.dsr pasangan anehRT @NgayomiRino: udah berisik km, belum tau jantannya aku aja berisik, kl udah tau juga diem! ijab kabul dulu tapinya 6233900772 AnnyssaEchut 12/1/2009 6:49 AM PASTINYA!haha sarap!RT @NgayomiRino: udah berisik km, belum tau jantannya aku aja berisik, kl udah tau juga diem! ijab kabul dulu tapinya 6233869436 elifaydogdu 12/1/2009 6:47 AM Kabul mektubuma 1 Aralık 2009 14.39 itibariyle sahibim! Güle gülee!! 6233867414 NgayomiRino 12/1/2009 6:47 AM udah berisik km, belum tau jantannya aku aja berisik, kl udah tau juga diem! ijab kabul dulu tapinya RT @Annyssaechut: oh jd ada 3 laki2nya? 6233679922 TantaoNews 12/1/2009 6:38 AM Asia-Pacific news summary at 1000 GMT, Dec. 1: KABUL -- Ahead of announcing his much-awaited strategy, the U.S... 6233600383 fingertipnews 12/1/2009 6:34 AM AP Intl: Obama, Karzai hold videoconference, talk strategy - KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Pr... 6233587312 kuslokumu 12/1/2009 6:33 AM @deertherapist kabul ettiysen git herkesi kucakla şimdi.. 6233521477 fpleitgenCNN 12/1/2009 6:30 AM Sucky trip. Kabul - Kandahar in 18 hours on military planes. 6233468244 phizmail 12/1/2009 6:27 AM RT: @AndreBlaze: RT @phizmail: «Ur in a Taliban camp in Kabul, Im SURE Im misunderstood» lol 6233457225 HetGesprekTV 12/1/2009 6:27 AM @CompleetvdW uitzending online! Wat vertellen de correspondenten uit Kabul, Las Vegas en Den Haag over Afghanistan? 6233409884 AndreBlaze 12/1/2009 6:24 AM RT @phizmail: RT: AndreBlaze: GTB really needs 2 launch new branches or shut down. «Ur in a Taliban camp in Kabul, Im SURE Im misunderstood» 6233346264 luxembourg1991 12/1/2009 6:21 AM @fpleitgenCNN Are you at Kabul Airport?So you'll probably see a luxembourgish soldier? they're in the Belgian Camp-and they are at the gates 6233341103 erdiguleryuz 12/1/2009 6:21 AM @irmakunal size bir şarkı armagan ediyorum umarım kabul edersiniz=)"missy higgins-the river" 6233256293 SayfieTV 12/1/2009 6:16 AM Grayson: "The Constitution Didn't Contemplate a Standing Army, Much Less an Army Standing in Kabul": Th... 6233241817 ayeyeh 12/1/2009 6:16 AM @vidialdiano cuma kawin gantung gapake ijab kabul kok hahaha tradisi orang karo biar anak nya ga sakit sakitan doang 6233148453 stargundem 12/1/2009 6:11 AM CERN'de çarpışma enerjisi artacak - Yüzyılın en büyük deneyi olarak kabul edilen ve Büyük Patlama orta 6232939788 zweitansage 12/1/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6232896780 deertherapist 12/1/2009 5:57 AM @kuslokumu tamam kabul:) 6232858220 GabrielPeri 12/1/2009 5:55 AM @mindproduction iş işten geçti.. kabul etmiyorum katılma teklifini :-) 6232456689 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 5:32 AM Judith, St. Peter MN, US has given loan amount of 1025 to Mohammad Jamil Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: expanding their businesses 6232452349 burcininanozel 12/1/2009 5:31 AM avi kabul etmiyo sanırım mpeg yapmayı deniyorum 6232434378 kivalendactivts 12/1/2009 5:30 AM Yusuke, kyoto kyoto, JP has given loan amount of 650 to Mehraban Group, Kabul, Afghanistan.Reason: To buy a new sewing machine 6232400223 WestphalianPost 12/1/2009 5:28 AM Obama on Kabul by Nikolas K. Gvosdev 6232388946 penguven 12/1/2009 5:28 AM Pawel'le yaptığımız proje kabul edilmiş..güzel bi kahve hakedilmiştir :) 6232360044 CulinaryChef 12/1/2009 5:26 AM In Kabul, U.N. workers cope by cooking ~ #Cooking 6232335590 remittancegirl 12/1/2009 5:24 AM #warfilms The Kabul Guy 6232198892 eurastransition 12/1/2009 5:16 AM Educating Afghans not an OSCE pipe dream: Fresh from Kabul, Kazakhstan’s Foreign Minister Kanat Saudabayev vowed ... 6232198663 MikeBN 12/1/2009 5:16 AM Educating Afghans not an OSCE pipe dream: Fresh from Kabul, Kazakhstan’s Foreign Minister Kanat Saudabayev vowed ... 6232118563 laughtwittear 12/1/2009 5:11 AM kabul et; bu da sıkıcı bir gün. sıkıcılıktan kurtulmak için bir şeyler yapabileceksen bile yalnız sen eğleneceksin. yaşa bununla: SI-KI-CI! 6232046469 AHcoskun 12/1/2009 5:07 AM Bir fular bulup resim çektirene kadar beni böle kabul edin. Hınçal'ın fularından alacam. 6232018639 conceg865 12/1/2009 5:05 AM Kabul to give diplomats an 'ordinary life' in Baghdad-style green... 6231996208 serhanozden 12/1/2009 5:03 AM 2010 yılının gelecek olarak kabul edildiği filmler izlerdik. 6231929872 zweitansage 12/1/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6231895071 moR_kelebek 12/1/2009 4:57 AM @bahtsiz_bedevi hahhah sen ne anlarsın olm. sıcak yatağından canı istediğinde çıkma lüksü olanların tebriklerini kabul etmiyorum =) 6231846555 zzzzsara 12/1/2009 4:54 AM @jody_prabowo gilee bgt yah! buset. tapi tanpa ijab kabul dan tar gedenya jg dia ga perlu beneran nikah sama si balita itu kok. tp ttp aje.. 6231841940 nabukko 12/1/2009 4:54 AM @OzanOnen bu rte hiç kimseden ses çıkmasını istemiyor bu adam hiç bir eleştiriyi kabul edemiyor 6231605470 Matergravy 12/1/2009 4:38 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) 6231588857 NRKUtenriks 12/1/2009 4:37 AM 30.000 tropper til Afghanistan: Hun venter på hjelp slik at hun kan klare seg gjennom vinteren i Kabul. Senere i d... 6231552538 habercimurat 12/1/2009 4:35 AM @ayseozyilmazel ayşe yoldaşım bence kabul et, şu yeni çıkacak ablümle ilgili falan twit camiasına bişyeler söylersin, zaten yazılı olduğu 6231421897 ultimenotizie 12/1/2009 4:26 AM Afghanistan: obama presenta nuova strategia a karzai: Kabul, 1 dic. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Barack Obama ha spiegato, i... 6231347905 brrohama 12/1/2009 4:21 AM Obama, Karzai hold videoconference: KABUL — Afghan President Hamid Karzai and President Barack Obama discussed th... 6231346225 JenMcKlean 12/1/2009 4:21 AM Obama, Karzai hold videoconference: KABUL — Afghan President Hamid Karzai and President Barack Obama discussed th... 6231129139 Benan7 12/1/2009 4:06 AM @vanadu ne oldu domuz gribi miymisin ? O halde bile kabul ederim ben seni :P 6231095817 Abihanaf 12/1/2009 4:04 AM Obama Video Conference dengan Karzai: KABUL--Presiden AS, Barack Obama, dan Presiden Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, mel... 6231091853 emokidsloveme 12/1/2009 4:04 AM Hot Job--> RT @UNjobs: Technical Advisor and Coordinator - Children, Nutrition and Food Security, Kabul #jobs 6231067152 pinarchen 12/1/2009 4:02 AM Ne yazık ki kabul etmedi. Şansınıza küsün. Çok güzel olmuştu halbuki. :P 6231043542 UNjobs 12/1/2009 4:00 AM Technical Advisor and Coordinator - Joint Programme Children, Nutrition and Food Security, Kabul #jobs 6231027794 zweitansage 12/1/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6230971276 pinarchen 12/1/2009 3:55 AM 45'ten sonra yaşam diye bir sunu hazırladım ödev olaraktan. Çok nostaljik bir şey oldu. Google Documents kabul ederse, size de göstereceğim. 6230854914 esteks3410 12/1/2009 3:47 AM RT @eccezione88: eski defterleri açıp kndimi üzmenin ne anlamı var hiç işte saçmalık bi kabul edebilsem şunu iyice nerdeeeeeee... 6230742329 minebal 12/1/2009 3:39 AM veda, etmekten korktuğun kadar kötü değil, bunu kabul etme zamanı. geriye doğru yürürken aslında hiç doğmamış olduğundan şüphe etme zamani 6230663938 mindproduction 12/1/2009 3:34 AM @SahnazCakiralp bir gercek olarak kabul edebilirsin..:)) 6230655702 SahnazCakiralp 12/1/2009 3:34 AM @mindproduction bunu bir iltifat olarak kabul edebilir miyim? 6230586062 ashmitasurat 12/1/2009 3:29 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) - AFP - US President Barack Obama and Afghan leader Hamid K... 6230585715 susanlali 12/1/2009 3:29 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) - AFP - US President Barack Obama and Afghan leader Hamid K... 6230585808 ellisnancy22 12/1/2009 3:29 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) - AFP - US President Barack Obama and Afghan leader Hamid K... 6230585457 nancyreiner00 12/1/2009 3:29 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) - AFP - US President Barack Obama and Afghan leader Hamid K... 6230585527 heilhenry 12/1/2009 3:29 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) - AFP - US President Barack Obama and Afghan leader Hamid K... 6230585652 mariahelen10 12/1/2009 3:29 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) - AFP - US President Barack Obama and Afghan leader Hamid K... 6230585254 jessicascheer00 12/1/2009 3:29 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) - AFP - US President Barack Obama and Afghan leader Hamid K... 6230585319 sarahkruse 12/1/2009 3:29 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) - AFP - US President Barack Obama and Afghan leader Hamid K... 6230585390 bettyklein02 12/1/2009 3:29 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) - AFP - US President Barack Obama and Afghan leader Hamid K... 6230585071 bonitareiner 12/1/2009 3:29 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) - AFP - US President Barack Obama and Afghan leader Hamid K... 6230585130 melissakrupp07 12/1/2009 3:29 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) - AFP - US President Barack Obama and Afghan leader Hamid K... 6230585189 angelalewis45 12/1/2009 3:29 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) - AFP - US President Barack Obama and Afghan leader Hamid K... 6230540743 newseditorial 12/1/2009 3:26 AM News Update Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) 6230516677 fingertipnews 12/1/2009 3:24 AM AP Intl: Obama, Karzai hold videoconference - KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai and President Barack ... 6230418390 bokfacemagazine 12/1/2009 3:18 AM "BÖğürtlen Atölyesi"ne katılmak isteyen arkadaşlar çalışma örneği göndermedikçe üyelikleri kabul edilmeyecektir. Bu... 6230403161 NYCListings 12/1/2009 3:17 AM Download a Free Met Podcast Today: Afghanistan: Hidden Treasures from the National Museum, Kabul - 6230387080 FLASH_NEWS 12/1/2009 3:15 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) 6230378802 thankyah 12/1/2009 3:15 AM RT @YahooNews: Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) 6230362768 ftanat 12/1/2009 3:14 AM @ipetaltinay kabul etmedi daha önce alınmış ad gibi birşey yazdı 6230331484 V4NE554 12/1/2009 3:12 AM the capital of Afghanistan is Kabul @bbynatz 6230308610 YahooNews 12/1/2009 3:10 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) 6230282668 rtsradio 12/1/2009 3:08 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP): AFP - US President Barack Obama and Afghan leader Hamid Kar.. 6230274724 moomoobrowncow 12/1/2009 3:08 AM Obama, Karzai hold videoconference: KABUL — Afghan President Hamid Karzai and President Barack Obama discussed th... 6230234559 sedaoc 12/1/2009 3:05 AM eee ben günün Salı olduğunu nasıl kabul edicem !!Hep Pazartesi esiyor kafamda.... 6230219003 globalnewsprjct 12/1/2009 3:04 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP) ( 6230178167 by_cambaz 12/1/2009 3:01 AM Meksikalı dealer Alto, siparişlerinizi anında kabul edip, titizlikle yolluyor. 6230174952 marciomtc 12/1/2009 3:01 AM Obama, Karzai hold videoconference - KABUL (AP) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai and President Barack Obama... 6230156827 nancytrejos 12/1/2009 3:00 AM RT big day 2day. Worth watching @richardengelnbc: #afghanistan.. have been out of touch.. but back.. it will be a long day here in kabul 6230151013 zweitansage 12/1/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6230102415 averyyyyyyy 12/1/2009 2:56 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP): AFP - US President Barack Obama and Afghan leader Hamid .. 6230078824 Joao_Cosme 12/1/2009 2:54 AM Karzai, Obama discuss new US strategy: Kabul (AFP): AFP - US President Barack Obama and Afghan leader.. #Obama 6230015392 sansursuz 12/1/2009 2:50 AM RT @Kaliteli_Hayat: Cesaret kendi hatalari ile yuzlesebilmek, kabul edebilmek ve duzeltmek icin samimi gayret sarfedebilmektir... 6230011500 MindUrMomma 12/1/2009 2:50 AM Cookin' News In Kabul, U.N. workers cope by cooking | McClatchy 6229959012 bloodyputri 12/1/2009 2:46 AM hah ?apanya may ?RT @mayarasyidi @bloodyputri ada ijab kabul nya ga put ? Hihihii :p 6229955068 egedesonsoz 12/1/2009 2:46 AM YÖK, EÜ'deki hatasını kabul etti: YÖK Başkanı Özcan, Ege Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dekanlık seçiml.. 6229772186 Kaliteli_Hayat 12/1/2009 2:34 AM Cesaret kendi hatalari ile yuzlesebilmek, kabul edebilmek ve duzeltmek icin samimi gayret sarfedebilmektir... 6229684810 mayarasyidi 12/1/2009 2:28 AM @bloodyputri ada ijab kabul nya ga put ? Hihihii :p 6229578027 copy_free 12/1/2009 2:21 AM French kabul blog » What we see purports to be a …: Cut Copy free full mp3 download. Explore large collection of free mu 6229512086 CarySkelton 12/1/2009 2:17 AM @richardengelnbc From us all, stay safe over there back in Kabul! Looking forward to joining you soon on this very important day. 6229242637 zweitansage 12/1/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6229192660 ezzggi 12/1/2009 1:56 AM @kaancelik rican kabul olursa haberim olsun:) 6229183813 richardengelnbc 12/1/2009 1:56 AM #afghanistan.. have been out of touch.. but back.. it will be a long day here in kabul 6229053988 sinemaslan 12/1/2009 1:47 AM avignonlu kadınlar, kubizm in baslangıcı kabul edilen picasso tablosu 6229026413 chatalulanjani 12/1/2009 1:45 AM Sebuah tempat penginapan di Kabul, Afghanistan, diserang kelompok Taliban, 6 staf PBB tewas 6228989571 umutelmas 12/1/2009 1:43 AM @bicaksirti izmir güzeldir,medeniyettir,cumhuriyetin en şanslı kentidir... izmir homojenlerin son kozmopolitidir ama kabul etmek istemezler 6228804440 pakbot 12/1/2009 1:31 AM Afghan #Taliban #Photography Magazine,November Issue: ( #Pashtun #Kabul #Pakis... #PakPoint 6228789931 pakstruck 12/1/2009 1:30 AM Afghan #Taliban #Photography Magazine,November Issue: ( #Pashtun #Kabul #Pakistan #U.. 6228709335 ezazcnb 12/1/2009 1:25 AM RE: @fishbowldc Just saw you on Rachel M., you made more sense than I have heard in a while. Kabul is NOT Afghanistan.… 6228676689 WELT_Politik 12/1/2009 1:23 AM Zeitungsbericht: Obama will 34.000 Soldaten nach Kabul schicken 6228554018 BMOnline_pol 12/1/2009 1:15 AM Zeitungsbericht: Obama will 34.000 Soldaten nach Kabul schicken 6228475491 IbnSiqilli 12/1/2009 1:10 AM Afghan #Taliban #Photography Magazine,November Issue: ( #Pashtun #Kabul #Pakistan #USA #America #art #Afghanistan 6227979414 Fstopmike 12/1/2009 12:40 AM Off we go to Kabul. Are liberals ready to jump off the Obama bandwagon? The man will abandon his base to be liked by everyone. 6227717261 TitanLineAudio 12/1/2009 12:26 AM TLA Blog: : Delayed Gratification: Rooftops of Kabul 6227519011 ekinfatma 12/1/2009 12:15 AM Bugün kabul günümmüş gibi bi izlenim mi verdim? Ah bu yabancılar yok muuuu, çakallaaaaaar :) 6222787803 hashphotography 11/30/2009 9:00 PM Afghan #Taliban #Photography Magazine,November Issue: ( #Pashtun #Kabul #Pakistan #U.. - .. 6222771195 pakstruck 11/30/2009 9:00 PM Afghan #Taliban #Photography Magazine,November Issue: ( #Pashtun #Kabul #Pakistan #U.. 6222727608 Aby_Ummy 11/30/2009 8:58 PM Kementrian Dalam Negeri Afghanistan Klaim 26 Mujahid Tewas Di Perbatasan - Berita: KABUL ( - Para .. 6222592828 arrahmah 11/30/2009 8:54 PM Kementrian Dalam Negeri Afghanistan Klaim 26 Mujahid Tewas Di Perbatasan - Berita: KABUL ( - Para peja... 6221986531 activistgirl 11/30/2009 8:33 PM #UN Rape in #Afghanistan is under-reported, concealed & a human rights problem of "profound proportions" #Kabul 6221820835 mikeupchurch1 11/30/2009 8:27 PM turning colder and rain in kabul. need 2 good weeks of weather to get my foundations in so i can b off for christmas. 6221373992 jdlara 11/30/2009 8:12 PM Cacería absurda de terroristas en Kabul con @alf10087 6221326298 CarySkelton 11/30/2009 8:11 PM @lnp_38 I saw him in Kabul of course. Thanks for the info! As we say, "the human TV Guide!" 6221287152 khabul 11/30/2009 8:09 PM apasih lo tita? hahaha madooolll RT @ditastefani @khabul hahha jadi inget di kelas biasanya ngatai2in hahaha kabul si sporty hahaha 6221254537 lnp_38 11/30/2009 8:08 PM @CarySkelton I was watching MSNBC today when he filed a report. He was in Kabul last wk. 6221174848 magoghm 11/30/2009 8:05 PM Grayson: "The Constitution Didn't Contemplate a Standing Army, Much Less an Army Standing in Kabul" (video) 6221070872 pweet 11/30/2009 8:02 PM Twitter Afghan policy: Send Tiger's wife to Kabul with a 9 iron and the Salahis to Pakistan to find bin Laden. 6221028896 hashphotography 11/30/2009 8:01 PM Afghan #Taliban #Photography Magazine,November Issue: ( #Pashtun #Kabul #Pakistan #U.. - .. 6221011681 pakstruck 11/30/2009 8:00 PM Afghan #Taliban #Photography Magazine,November Issue: ( #Pashtun #Kabul #Pakistan #U.. 6220128528 msstylistik 11/30/2009 7:30 PM I need to move this money out to a safer place. Can I trust you to receive it on mybehalf upon its evacuation from Kabul? ((I SAID..YES!!)) 6220069545 quix 11/30/2009 7:28 PM @morologous Not even close and thats the high side. And this is in Kabul. 6219899279 elfxs 11/30/2009 7:22 PM @kalpakli1923 "taste of cherry"de adam 3. kişye 200bin teklf ediyr kendisini diri diri gömsünler diye kabul etmiyorlar:)) 6219870219 VeruskaPadron 11/30/2009 7:21 PM RT @VVperiodistas: Boliburguesía del Siglo XXI: Rafael Ramírez, Diego Salazar, Baldo Sansó, George Kabul, Omar Faría Luce, José Zambrano 6219800354 tay11090 11/30/2009 7:19 PM #mm Kabul Shit- Lily Allen 6219752983 ceyhunasik 11/30/2009 7:17 PM @kalpakli1923 kendi kendinize olusturudugunuz vehimleri gercek kabul etme hastaligindan artik vazgecmemiz gerekiyor. 6210034385 sebnemdc 11/30/2009 1:08 PM Nazlı Ilıcak denen kadın tv'de "dinleme yok" diyor. Hükümet bile kabul etti yasal olmayan dinlemeleri.Kraldan çok kralcılar mide bulandırıyo 6209953019 dotproduction 11/30/2009 1:04 PM @SezinSivri ben karşılıksız hayranlık duyuyorum tek taraflı kabul buyur help mi :) 6209892679 roybragg 11/30/2009 1:02 PM @mySA @EvaRuth @SAEN_Photo I pity Kabul - Mr T. 6209832110 John_Tedesco 11/30/2009 1:00 PM RT @SAEN_Photo: Got word today that SAEN Photographer Ed Ornelas made it to #kabul. He'll be reporting for a couple of months from #Afgh ... 6209822299 zweitansage 11/30/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6209796720 serrafine 11/30/2009 12:59 PM @muratguzelgun o söylediğim mikroswkopik harf+rakkamları da kabul etmedi... 6209773581 VirtualLetz 11/30/2009 12:58 PM RT @propertyvine: Kabul sees property prices rise up to 75% in a year 6209538373 IbnSiqilli 11/30/2009 12:49 PM Afghan #Taliban #Photography Magazine,November Issue: ( #Pashtun #Kabul #Pakistan #USA #America #art #Afghanistan 6209522633 SayAahhh 11/30/2009 12:48 PM Express-News military reporter Sig Christenson and photographer Ed Ornelas are in Kabul. Watch for stories and photos from Afghanistan soon. 6209521793 ranchwoman 11/30/2009 12:48 PM Express-News military reporter Sig Christenson and photographer Ed Ornelas are in Kabul. Watch for stories and photos from Afghanistan soon. 6209521797 mySA_Military 11/30/2009 12:48 PM Express-News military reporter Sig Christenson and photographer Ed Ornelas are in Kabul. Watch for stories and photos from Afghanistan soon. 6209446202 MySA 11/30/2009 12:45 PM RT @EvaRuth: RT @SAEN_Photo SAEN Photog Ed Ornelas made it to #kabul. He'll be reporting for a couple of months from Afghanistan & Pakistan 6209425596 kguckian 11/30/2009 12:45 PM RT @SAEN_Photo: Got word today that SAEN Photographer Ed Ornelas made it to #kabul. He'll be reporting for a couple of months from #Afgh ... 6209421577 viannadavila 11/30/2009 12:45 PM RT @EvaRuth: RT @SAEN_Photo Got word that SAEN Photog Ed Ornelas made it to #kabul. He'll be reporting for a couple of months from Afgha ... 6209393924 CACTraining 11/30/2009 12:43 PM Congratulations to Lt Gen Caldwell on his new assignment in Kabul ( 6209375250 EvaRuth 11/30/2009 12:43 PM RT @SAEN_Photo Got word that SAEN Photog Ed Ornelas made it to #kabul. He'll be reporting for a couple of months from Afghanistan & Pakistan 6209375417 davidcorndc 11/30/2009 12:43 PM Gibbs again says US must have credible partner in Kabul. But what if it doesn't? WH can't address that. #whbrief #Afghanistan 6209251525 SAEN_Photo 11/30/2009 12:38 PM Got word today that SAEN Photographer Ed Ornelas made it to #kabul. He'll be reporting for a couple of months from #Afghanistn & #Pakistan. 6209208566 addamiattualita 11/30/2009 12:36 PM Afghanistan: obama anticipa a leader gb, francia e russia nuova strategia: Kabul, 30 nov. (Adnkronos) – Il ... 6208976713 bmqmen 11/30/2009 12:27 PM NATO: Body of second US paratrooper found: The Associated PressKABUL — NATO says the body of a second US paratro... 6208956275 energyindia37 11/30/2009 12:27 PM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped from U.... 6208887803 reuterskl 11/30/2009 12:24 PM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped from U.... 6208726513 draenews 11/30/2009 12:18 PM Megite Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped ... 6208521341 whatsamatta_u 11/30/2009 12:10 PM RT @alyankovic: | Welcome to Kabul, Sir, your limousine is waiting 6208511737 HARRISFAULKNER 11/30/2009 12:10 PM POTUS chat w/ int'l ldrs Sarcozy, Medvedev, G. Brown & top U-S military & civilian advisers in DC and Kabul about Afghan Strategy to come. 6208428875 _feedtest1 11/30/2009 12:06 PM US bid to bypass Karzai's Afghan government upsets allies: Appointment of 'high representative' in Kabul forms .. 6208427010 draenews 11/30/2009 12:06 PM Megite Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped ... 6208244220 zweitansage 11/30/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6208065577 propertyvine 11/30/2009 11:53 AM Kabul sees property prices rise up to 75% in a year 6207859807 wpbest1 11/30/2009 11:45 AM thats interesting>>>>RT @propgoluxury: Kabul sees property prices rise up to 75% in a year 6207666265 HULAgate 11/30/2009 11:37 AM @diggrbiii Obama hopes to change kicking the can down the Kabul airport road to Jeb Bush in 2012. I think he can do it. CARTER ACCOMPLISHED. 6207619251 PropGOLuxury 11/30/2009 11:36 AM Kabul sees property prices rise up to 75% in a year 6207488426 Jonzorz 11/30/2009 11:31 AM #musicmonday Kabul Shit - Lily Allen & Telephone - Lady GaGa feat Beyonce (: 6207350641 PretzelFan 11/30/2009 11:26 AM When did the tipping point occur that turned Chicago into the American equivalent of Kabul or Baghdad? 6207127757 gundelizer 11/30/2009 11:17 AM #Reuters Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Lad... #Topnews 6207127836 GlobalTechNews 11/30/2009 11:17 AM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped from U.... 6207127937 BssNews 11/30/2009 11:17 AM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped from U.... 6207128008 dave13100 11/30/2009 11:17 AM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped from U.... 6207127396 HeadlinesNewz 11/30/2009 11:17 AM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped from U.... 6207127424 newsfeeding 11/30/2009 11:17 AM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped from U.... 6207127560 tweettools4U 11/30/2009 11:17 AM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin ... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 6207127663 newzdevil 11/30/2009 11:17 AM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped from U.... 6207127096 webtipsfree 11/30/2009 11:17 AM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped from U.... 6207126456 SmittysWeb 11/30/2009 11:17 AM KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped from U.S. forces in Afghanistan, he remains on the run ... 6207126592 MobileAuto 11/30/2009 11:17 AM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped from U.... 6207126323 reuterstop 11/30/2009 11:17 AM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped from U.... 6207126371 SalBarguil 11/30/2009 11:17 AM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped from U.... 6207107657 ergenecosar 11/30/2009 11:17 AM Bugün fazlaca asabiydim kabul ediyorum. 6207096669 vancouverview 11/30/2009 11:16 AM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped from U.... 6207096715 twittfeed 11/30/2009 11:16 AM Reuters Top News Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Lade... 6207096719 BCBreakingNews 11/30/2009 11:16 AM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped from U.... 6206762486 thomaswmucha 11/30/2009 11:04 AM Obama's big speech: The view from Kabul. The latest from the great Jean MacKenzie. 6206677170 Traders_Online 11/30/2009 11:00 AM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped fro.. 6206667920 Mtn2Mtn 11/30/2009 11:00 AM December 19th, Bismarck, ND - Dreams of Kabul holiday party/fundraiser. Come one come all! FB invite: 6206648028 zweitansage 11/30/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6206432917 UNjobs 11/30/2009 10:52 AM Behavior Change Communication Materials and Media Development Specialist, Kabul #jobs 6206174486 rtsradio 11/30/2009 10:42 AM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped fro.. 6206088505 smitaprakash 11/30/2009 10:39 AM Get a strategy for heavensake or get starbucks to kabul. Just do something?! 6206081204 FLASH_NEWS 11/30/2009 10:38 AM Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped fr 6206045145 AllNewsSources 11/30/2009 10:37 AM REUTERS: Lack of coordination leaves bin Laden at large: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight years after Osama bin Laden escaped fr 6205858622 fingertipnews 11/30/2009 10:30 AM UPI-Top News: Colleague kills six Afghan police officers - KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 30 (UPI) -- An Afghan police o... 6205763660 YahooNoticias 11/30/2009 10:27 AM Seis policías afganos muertos a disparos por uno de sus colegas: KABUL (AP) - Un policía afgano disparó contra u... 6205720473 roksitasci 11/30/2009 10:25 AM @gercekgundem eyvahlar olsun, oysa ben evrensel olarak kabul gorecek bir kiz saniyordum kendimi, kesin evde kaldim:)) 6205672262 vboykis 11/30/2009 10:23 AM Mojitos in Kabul: Wondering how accurate this is for expats. 6205385199 richtpau 11/30/2009 10:13 AM Obama administration: It's morning in Kabul. 6205020055 zweitansage 11/30/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6204839425 aysekus 11/30/2009 9:53 AM facebook beni kabul etmek icin stuffed hayvanımın ismini soruyor. I never had one cevabını kabul etmiyor??? 6204768883 Haber3com 11/30/2009 9:50 AM ''Metrobüse zam tepkileri haklı'': Metrobüse gelen inanılmaz zammın yanlışlığını Kadir Topbaş da kabul etti, ama.. 6204731994 sletrem 11/30/2009 9:49 AM @earlgarden vuduca tespih mi çekiyorsun Sister? Allah Kabul etsin 6203953145 HULAgate 11/30/2009 9:21 AM #musicmonday My Kind Of Kabul, Chicago Is 6203754629 SKYguidaTV 11/30/2009 9:13 AM Alle 21 in prima visione su Cult "Afghan Star - Pop Idol a Kabul" 6203652540 calcuttatube 11/30/2009 9:09 AM RT @calcuttatube Blast hits Kabul | CalcuttaTube News Service 6203385268 zweitansage 11/30/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6203321743 harsyadika 11/30/2009 8:57 AM @dvlbrd kalo yg ini? Tesi kabul hanriski? Hahaha canda mir 6203298527 SezinSivri 11/30/2009 8:56 AM @NaimeOzcurumez kabul etmiyorum bunu.. :) yataklara dusmedim alacatida sarap iciyorum:)) Vedalari sevmiyorum diye degistirelim 6203139477 CourtneyCohen 11/30/2009 8:50 AM These Afghan drug lords don't know good property value. I doubt there's a big re-sale market for mcmansions in Kabul... 6203137788 gmdu 11/30/2009 8:50 AM Kabul Light 6202945660 jabbasey 11/30/2009 8:43 AM @marvi_memon Baramdagh Bugti is in Kabul, why can't we justify a surgical strike in AF when we have drones hellfiring on our soil? :( 6202508589 LHEGAL 11/30/2009 8:26 AM Sábado tem festa no Kabul... 6202337495 gtitravel 11/30/2009 8:19 AM In Kabul, U.N. workers cope by cooking - Miami Herald #travel 6202254459 qintara 11/30/2009 8:16 AM @astaryayi hahhaha aminin jga deh biar ke kabul,cari 38 org lagi yayi.biar terkabul,ktanya klo lebih dr 40 bsa terkabul 6202138226 hyperata 11/30/2009 8:11 AM @hipsistahop Haha bana da öyle gelmiştir hep. Hatta kabul ettiğin araçlar bile vasat. O yüzden hiç kutlamıycam doğum gününü... 6202095490 hipsistahop 11/30/2009 8:09 AM facebook kutlamalarını kabul etmiyorum mail olur, sms olur hatta tweet bile olur ama facebook olmaz! 6201853059 zweitansage 11/30/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6201808157 robenfarzad 11/30/2009 7:58 AM Flying Delta domestic thru JFK is about as well-informed as seeking a ham on rye in Kabul 6201780677 TangledNoodle 11/30/2009 7:57 AM Cooking in Kabul < terus...sakses gak ijab kabul nya ;p 6167155532 YahooNoticias 11/29/2009 4:40 AM 26 insurgentes mueren en frontera afgana, según gobierno: AP - KABUL (AP) - Veintiséis insurgentes murieron duran... 6167155581 BarraDeHerram 11/29/2009 4:40 AM 26 insurgentes mueren en frontera afgana, según gobierno: AP - KABUL (AP) - Veintiséis insurgentes murieron duran... 6167063674 haritaci70 11/29/2009 4:33 AM ilk hacc kafilesi yurda dönmüş. allah kabul etsin. 6166976957 USTalib 11/29/2009 4:26 AM Newly deployed Marines to target Taliban area - MSNBC: KABUL, Afghanistan - Days after President Obama outlines.. 6166963553 topstoriestweet 11/29/2009 4:25 AM Newly deployed Marines to target Taliban area - MSNBC: KABUL, Afghanistan - Days after President Obama outlines his... 6166932910 fingertipnews 11/29/2009 4:23 AM AP Intl: Afghan gov't: 26 militants killed along border - KABUL (AP) -- Officials say 26 militants were killed ... 6166820260 mkamil99 11/29/2009 4:14 AM Genelde Batı’da kabul gören dört ana erdem vardı: adalet, cesaret, ihtiyatlı ya da tedbirli olma ve mülayim olmak. 6166634211 zweitansage 11/29/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6166511280 bonnymuffin 11/29/2009 3:50 AM @tunchito Yo hayır seninki kabul görmez. İlk alkış benden şak şak şak (: 6166397244 celalkilic 11/29/2009 3:41 AM @amedbaba "Gözyaşı erkek adamın ziynetidir. Sükûtu kadar, hatta sükûtuyla dahi kıyas kabul etmez bahâda mücevherdir erkek adamın gözyaşı." 6166369002 mvalentya 11/29/2009 3:39 AM @soniamargareth gue mah pake nasi kabul *itu nasi kebuli* tapi enak kan bisa jalan! ketemu yg caem-caem ga disana? HAHA 6166083185 GeoNewsTweets 11/29/2009 3:17 AM World Afghan police say 27 Taliban killed in clash: KABUL: Afghan border police said Sunday they had killed 27 Tali... 6166063053 cha_deliana 11/29/2009 3:15 AM RT @TheHolyAlQuran: May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing), Noor (Light) & Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say & we do, Ameen .. 6166017654 reaadnan 11/29/2009 3:12 AM @putiisaurus Dsana ujan ga de? Mw tlp tp takut lg hening dnger iyong ijab kabul :-P 6165955331 MVBennett 11/29/2009 3:07 AM drop Slanted and Enchanted out of airplanes over kabul and also in rural areas w/ the heaviest fighting. bam. #paxpavementis 6165923612 obenBudak 11/29/2009 3:05 AM haberturkte @muratbardakci yazmış; audrey hepburn izmirlimiş. izmirli güzelliğini şimdi kabul ettim 6165902452 DCNewsFeed 11/29/2009 3:03 AM Todays Top News... Up to 9,000 Marines set to start deployment to Afghanistan: KABUL -- Days after President Obama... 6165846615 zweitansage 11/29/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6165735813 DCNewsFeed 11/29/2009 2:51 AM Today's Front Page.. Up to 9,000 Marines set to start deployment to Afghanistan: KABUL -- Days after President Oba... 6165698838 arieare 11/29/2009 2:48 AM @budinisa haghag karena aku liat langsung! pertama kalinya liat prosesi nikahan dari awal sampe akhir! pas ijab kabul nya ituloh~ yohohoho~ 6165589228 yasam_kocu 11/29/2009 2:40 AM @Notredamedesion fakat geniş kitlelere pek erisememis kisiler için bir fırsat veriyor burası. Onemsenmeyi yasıyorlar. Kabul edilmeyi tadıyor 6165424758 nuribakir 11/29/2009 2:28 AM @berfumevzubahis Bu bayram LÖSEV ama, piyasada kurban 550-600 iken 280'e bu iş oluyor mu, Allah kabul etsin valla... 6165418583 brk_news_now 11/29/2009 2:28 AM WashPost: Up to 9,000 Marines set to start deployment to Afghanistan: KABUL -- Days after President Obama outlines... 6165242631 washingtonpostn 11/29/2009 2:16 AM [WASHINGTON POST]: Up to 9,000 Marines set to start deployment to Afghanistan : KABUL -- Day.. 6165236016 rafidazahra 11/29/2009 2:15 AM @ajengprmt bahahaha bagus amat di perahu getek aje mantepan berdiri nyebur deh stress nih ngajak baca ijab kabul ama embe 6165126194 Lieketranindy 11/29/2009 2:08 AM @bernadsatriani jiaaaaah gk lucu kali kalo di ijab kabul mas kawin dibayar ngutang, ogah deh.hha.. 6165034027 rezasetiawan 11/29/2009 2:01 AM @mrsanam: @aditindra @dinisetiawan aduh kasihan,tegang bgt.pasti ngapalin ijab kabul semalaman he he ---» ak jg ikutan ngafalin... Hehehe 6165013801 ergenekonTC 11/29/2009 2:00 AM Bir kismi kabul etti, digerleri reddetti. Fakat PKK savasinin aksine Islam gruplari ile olan savasta siddet iceren metodlar kullanilmadi. 6165002342 zweitansage 11/29/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6164893930 muratkulunk 11/29/2009 1:52 AM ali eren facebook ta teklifimi kabul etmiş..kısfmet tabi bu işler:) 6164779314 in_asia 11/29/2009 1:44 AM KABUL (AFP) – Afghanistan 's tiny business community is hardly brimming with optimism as the government struggl.. 6164371257 frankhorrigans 11/29/2009 1:18 AM aykırıların klasik söylemi ''hayvan kesen bir dini kabul etmiyorum'' .. iyi de kavurma yemeyi biliyorsunuz ama. 6164061491 anifusili 11/29/2009 12:59 AM Kabul Beauty School 6163121991 ameelcs 11/29/2009 12:06 AM semua doa doa yg tadi gue ucapin ke kabul semua yaaalah 6162302096 Frisylia 11/28/2009 11:24 PM hihi thank you ka luls for info-nya :) RT @LullieCarole: @Frisylia jari manis tangan kiri sayang. kalo nikah pas ijab kabul tinggal dipindah 6162288702 lulliecarole 11/28/2009 11:24 PM @Frisylia jari manis tangan kiri sayang. kalo nikah pas ijab kabul tinggal dipindah ke jari manis tangan kanan/cincin baru :) 6162249300 ivyhey 11/28/2009 11:22 PM Tanteku yang satu ini baik bgt dah.hha apa yg ku inginkan pasti d kabul kan.. Yeeeey maakasih ♥ aunti 6162082185 in_asia 11/28/2009 11:14 PM KABUL, Afghanistan — An American military detention camp in Afghanistan is still holding inmates, sometimes for.. 6162040615 AllyOpal 11/28/2009 11:12 PM is enjoying the Kabul sun. Windows (especially 857685768946 of them) are a nice invention! 6161782110 tammyyzkh 11/28/2009 11:00 PM Hope and despair live side by side in Kabul - pressofAtlanticCity... 6161330495 NewshoundNews 11/28/2009 10:39 PM KABUL: NGOs in Kabul continue to hire the militias of drug dealers and warlords and pay them to allow their vehicles to move freely. 6161154340 aprihatna 11/28/2009 10:31 PM Nya puguhan teh..atudah kumaha? RT @isty: Laah pegimane sih keduluan ponakan? Hahaha RT @aprihatna: Ponakan kuw...ijab kabul muwakil wali 6160902945 isty 11/28/2009 10:20 PM Laah pegimane sih keduluan ponakan? Hahaha RT @aprihatna: Ponakan kuw...ijab kabul muwakil wali 6160869090 aprihatna 11/28/2009 10:18 PM Ponakan kuw...ijab kabul muwakil wali RT @isty: @aprihatna Saha nu ijab via tlp a? 6160767373 families_health 11/28/2009 10:14 PM Kabul, Kandahar & Tirana Temperature and Climate Info 6160742905 mtlb 11/28/2009 10:13 PM RT @bmorrissey: State dept friend: 'there's a kfc in Afghanistan but it's Kabul fried chicken. Don't eat there.' 6160673685 bmorrissey 11/28/2009 10:10 PM State dept friend: 'there's a kfc in Afghanistan but it's Kabul fried chicken. Don't eat there.' 6160667180 film__festivals 11/28/2009 10:09 PM ~The insights of crappy Jasmine gal~: AFFF 2009: Celebrated Jury ...: His first feature film, Kabul Express premiered in 6160527088 Harryjoni 11/28/2009 10:03 PM Ngeliat lg ijab kabul..jd pingin^^ 6160346526 aprihatna 11/28/2009 9:55 PM Ijab kabul Wali by phone..hahhahaha bisa yah? Br tau gw.. 6160194131 AllyOpal 11/28/2009 9:49 PM thinks Kabul is nicer when there's nobody on the streets. Only takes 12 minutes to the office 6160125701 islamwest 11/28/2009 9:46 PM #Video: Children of Afghan Refugees Are Dying From the Cold As Kabul Ignores Their Plight 6159638120 camilanurazima 11/28/2009 9:25 PM si @FadiMirza ? berharap suatu saat m km mkg @aliffiamadestie He's on a "Ijab Kabul" ceremony. Hmm will he think about something...? XD 6159597645 aliffiamadestie 11/28/2009 9:23 PM He's on a "Ijab Kabul" ceremony. Hmm will he think about something...? XD 6159572044 mrsanam 11/28/2009 9:22 PM @rezasetiawan @aditindra @dinisetiawan aduh kasihan,tegang bgt.pasti ngapalin ijab kabul semalaman he he 6159490593 ontheDEFENSE 11/28/2009 9:19 PM BIDDING WAR: US, NATO give 45% pay hike to Kabul police in hopes of generating loyalty: 6159396037 ydavina 11/28/2009 9:15 PM Ijab kabul moment always wipes my eyes out! it's d time when the bound is made, n when God gives His blessing to d couple. 6158892143 FreeMediaNews 11/28/2009 8:53 PM 11.29.2009 - Bomb targets foreign embassies in Kabul - 6158808102 upcomingnews 11/28/2009 8:50 PM Afghanistan summit to plan for withdrawal - Gordon Brown sets out benchmarks for Kabul government to take control of... 6158693681 kusridewidhanny 11/28/2009 8:45 PM Penghulunya klamaan basa basi niihh..lgs ijab kabul aje udeh pak.. 6158385702 kurtismarsh 11/28/2009 8:31 PM RT @roofer_on_fire: Saskatoon's sister cities are Kabul and Baghdad . #canadianaWTF 6158380977 albertsson 11/28/2009 8:31 PM Is a bad haircut a requirement to be a woman working in Kabul? Based on the what I am seeing at Kabul international, must be. 6158272096 roofer_on_fire 11/28/2009 8:27 PM Saskatoon's sister cities are Kabul and Baghdad . #canadianaWTF 6158177392 eunicehox53fz 11/28/2009 8:23 PM War of Words Escalates between Kabul and Islamabad 6158093007 gonnaaa 11/28/2009 8:19 PM abis dengerin ijab kabul .. 6158031758 findmeabout 11/28/2009 8:17 PM About afghanistan, afghan teenagers, detention, abuse, prison: KABUL, Afghanistan — An American military de.. 6157820313 WhatsCurrentaff 11/28/2009 8:08 PM Two Afghan teenagers held in US prison north of Kabul were beaten by American guards, photographed naked, deprived ... 6157778596 aquirma 11/28/2009 8:06 PM And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) and Noor (Light) and Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say and we do 6157765723 sallagitsin 11/28/2009 8:05 PM güzel bi geceden sonra eve dönüş :D Allahım duam kabul oldu bu gece ;) 6157721747 ttmcconnell 11/28/2009 8:03 PM Today, I found out that one of my Christmas presents came from Kabul, Afghanistan. I am intrigued and excited. 6157467105 laughtwittear 11/28/2009 7:53 PM ben aslında kaçıyordum, ama nereye kaçacaksın pirepipetlerin kabul edilmediği bir yer var mı dünyada? şükür yine de, kabeyi hissetmektense.. 6157364899 rihan2012 11/28/2009 7:48 PM @shahidkapoor Tum khuda toh nahi ho? Arey dua maangepe t oh khuda bhi aapne baande ki dua ko Kabul karta hai. 6157323600 pramesticara 11/28/2009 7:47 PM @tyasnastiti yep.. Ini ijab kabul nya.. 6157297331 Aldi18 11/28/2009 7:45 PM Baca ijab kabul yudha didampingi Prof Fasich dan Prof Nuh. 6157220543 runningleikno 11/28/2009 7:42 PM News: U.S. Still Running Secret Prison In Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan -- An American military detentio.. 6157070197 allobama 11/28/2009 7:36 PM Troop deployment to begin shortly after Obama's war strategy speech: By Greg Jaffe KABUL -- Days after President Ob... 6157069546 Buy_Porn_Movies 11/28/2009 7:36 PM Troop deployment to begin shortly after Obama's war strategy speech: By Greg Jaffe KABUL -- Days after President Ob... 6157063193 CelebrityNut 11/28/2009 7:35 PM Troop deployment to begin shortly after Obama's war strategy speech: By Greg Jaffe KABUL -- Days after President Ob... 6156898967 BagusTV 11/28/2009 7:28 PM Washington Post: 9,000 Troops Will Deploy To Afghanistan Soon After Obama's Speech: KABUL -- Days after President O... 6156887410 johnraav 11/28/2009 7:28 PM yes Troop deployment to begin shortly after Obama's war strategy speech: By Greg Jaffe KABUL -- Days after Pr.. 6156844301 kalpakli1923 11/28/2009 7:26 PM Biatçılığın ana özelliği nedir? Eleştirel akılcılığın olmaması, kendine söylenen her sözü peşinen kabul etmektir. 6156780670 Freedomman11 11/28/2009 7:23 PM Washington Post: 9,000 Troops Will Deploy To Afghanistan Soon After Obama's Speech: KABUL -- Days after Presi.. 6156691458 upcomingnews 11/28/2009 7:20 PM Washington Post: 9,000 Troops Will Deploy To Afghanistan Soon After Obama's Speech - KABUL -- Days after President... 6156647595 andibachtiar 11/28/2009 7:18 PM Kebayang kalo bacaan ijab kabul sepanjang khotbah nikah ini.....duh! Bisa moncos si @cemonkfais 6156632157 huffingtonpostz 11/28/2009 7:17 PM Washington Post: 9,000 Troops Will Deploy To Afghanistan Soon After Obama's Speech: KABUL -- Days after Pres.. 6156597858 itsjustenough 11/28/2009 7:15 PM Washington Post: 9,000 Troops Will Deploy To Afghanistan Soon After Obama's Speech: KABUL -- Days after President O... 6156597949 kickinghorse892 11/28/2009 7:15 PM Washington Post: 9,000 Troops Will Deploy To Afghanistan Soon After Obama's Speech: KABUL -- Days a... @huffingtonpost 6156597805 iHuffingtonpost 11/28/2009 7:15 PM Washington Post: 9,000 Troops Will Deploy To Afghanistan Soon After Obama's Speech: KABUL -- Da... 6156443415 Martarini 11/28/2009 7:09 PM Namanya Bagas,tp laki gw manggilnya Cabul,tp kl gw bacanya Kabul,biar sopanan dikit :p RT @bettykece: Kabul alias tesii?? Hahaha 6156357745 bettykece 11/28/2009 7:05 PM Kabul alias tesii?? HahahaRT @Martarini: Nunggu Kabul anter mobil, siap2 ke sinshe...ada yg mo ikut? 6156268677 musaoguz 11/28/2009 7:01 PM BAYRAMLAR BEREKETTIR, UMUTTUR, OZLEMDIR. YARINLAR NIYETTIR. KESTIGINIZ KURBAN VE DUALARINIZ KABUL OLSUN,... 6156234356 Martarini 11/28/2009 7:00 PM Nunggu Kabul anter mobil, siap2 ke sinshe...ada yg mo ikut? 6156227893 denizimin 11/28/2009 7:00 PM Allahım, Bana değiştirebileceğim şeyleri değiştirmek için CESARET, Değiştiremeyeceğim şeyleri kabul etmek için SABIR ver.. 6156206203 jklupfel 11/28/2009 6:59 PM skateistan to live and skate in kabul 6156156898 Flaviaeck 11/28/2009 6:57 PM Inspirada ouvindo ♫ Lily Allen ♪ Kabul shit =DDDDD 6156152626 BagusTV 11/28/2009 6:57 PM U.S. Still Running Secret Prison In Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan -- An American military detention camp in Afgha... 6156014689 galihadhityo 11/28/2009 6:51 PM boy, ada rumus motret org kawin gapake ngembeng gaksih? tangan gua shake aj gt dgr ijab kabul. anjisthss.. 6155842164 salmanj10 11/28/2009 6:43 PM uk politics Afghanistan summit to plan withdrawal: Gordon Brown sets out benchmarks for Kabul government to take control 6155777334 sleepyheaaad 11/28/2009 6:40 PM off to masjid agung, ijab kabul starts at 8 6155745720 titapenalar 11/28/2009 6:39 PM This day, a year ago, at Masjid Al Akbar Surabaya, @rianadhi and Dad did Ijab Kabul. And we officially became husband and wife. 6155660850 mustafairgit 11/28/2009 6:35 PM @beercholic la gencolarda butun mac yazılarını sen yazıyorsun diye biliyorum ondan hic mac kacırmadın zannediyordum 3 mac kacırman kabul :) 6155614945 danthi12 11/28/2009 6:34 PM RT najong ga ngundang2@tatabahasa: Anjg, sdih jug kaka gw ijab kabul.. 6155421930 watsonkailyn 11/28/2009 6:25 PM Troop deployment to begin shortly after Obama's war strategy speech: By Greg Jaffe KABUL -- Days after Pres.. 6155383373 jeffburkhill 11/28/2009 6:24 PM Troop deployment to begin shortly after Obama's war strategy speech: By Greg Jaffe KABUL -- Days after President Obama outlines his n.. 6155239686 tarieluch 11/28/2009 6:18 PM @ahmethc bora'yı bi derece kabul edebilirim ama ece'yi halka bırakıyorum =) 6155155550 MerveErabay 11/28/2009 6:14 PM Kendi öz kuzenim bugün ben yanındayken beni kendi Facebook'undan sildi.Şimdi ekliyorum ve kabul etmiyor.Sırf profil fotoğrafım yüzünden... 6154965298 7daysnews 11/28/2009 6:06 PM Troop deployment to begin shortly after Obama's war strategy speech: By Greg Jaffe KABUL -- Days after President Ob... 6154965398 platinumbiz 11/28/2009 6:06 PM Troop deployment to begin shortly after Obama's war strategy speech: By Greg Jaffe KABUL -- Days after President Ob... 6154905628 vikram251086 11/28/2009 6:04 PM Troop deployment to begin shortly after Obama's war strategy speech: By Greg Jaffe KABUL -- Days after Pres.. 6154871127 angela251086 11/28/2009 6:02 PM Troop deployment to begin shortly after Obama's war strategy speech: By Greg Jaffe KABUL -- Days after Pres.. 6154767422 KHAZIELL 11/28/2009 5:58 PM RT @RaCuevas: @KHAZIELL @JLCova JL viste que el @ratcumin ahora quiere involucrar a la emabajadora de Kabul como asunto de estado el hec ... 6154721340 wwwextensor 11/28/2009 5:56 PM bana en güzel geçirme cümlesi ve eleştirisi 'rüzgarın oğlu' hızımı alınca durmadığımı söyleyen çok oldu tamam kabul ediyorum. 6154677700 RaCuevas 11/28/2009 5:54 PM @KHAZIELL @JLCova JL viste que el @ratcumin ahora quiere involucrar a la emabajadora de Kabul como asunto de estado el hecho de su raticidad 6154618383 mushroombrain 11/28/2009 5:52 PM @allahcc benim bi duam olucaktı haftasonları kabul ediliyosa eğer zeki enes akkan'ın disko kralında daha çok görülmesini istiyorum. amin. 6154441647 doktornaftalin 11/28/2009 5:44 PM Dualarınız kabul olmasın, bayramınız mübarek olmasın, yediginiz her lokma zarar ziyan olsun, haram zıkkım olsun! 6154387982 bahcesel 11/28/2009 5:42 PM Spor Yazarlarına Akıl Hastanesine Ziyaretçi Gitse ...: Bu Röportajı Niye Kabul Ettim, Hangi Akla Hizmetten Yapı.. 6154242485 CevatAlkan 11/28/2009 5:35 PM @SezgiSunar Ablaaa dediiim yaa beni ekliyolar kabul ediyorum,following 50 ise 51 oluyo,yani ben eklemiş oluyorum anlamadıım gittii :)))))))) 6153881528 ElliotRonen 11/28/2009 5:20 PM @tonybgoode I was in your neck of the woods last night, did dinner at Kabul with some friends. Best Afghani food ever. 6153715960 CevatAlkan 11/28/2009 5:12 PM @SezgiSunar Beni ekliyenleriii kabul ediyorum,following sayıım yükseliyooo :))) 6153638748 IremDayioglu 11/28/2009 5:09 PM vaaryaa heyecan bastı yine!! bide ilk kabul mesajını görünce @EmelSerengil'e yollladım True friend ;) diger iremde kıskanclıktan catlasın :) 6153599044 IremDayioglu 11/28/2009 5:07 PM YETENEK SIZSINIZ TURKIYEYE KABUL EDILDIMMM!!!!!! SARKI SOLEMEYI DUSUNUYORUM.. 6153514314 hakanutku 11/28/2009 5:04 PM Baykal'ın kredi kartı uzattığı simitçi " Deniz bey kredi kartı kabul etsem simit sarayım olurdu" diyememiş mi? 6153418491 zweitansage 11/28/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6153355733 21AndreaPirlo21 11/28/2009 4:57 PM Varım Uyku'nun yaptığı güzel teklifi kabul ediyor...iyi geceler... 6153268146 IbnSiqilli 11/28/2009 4:53 PM Afghan Taliban may wait out Washington's "endgame": ( #Afghanistan #Pakistan #Taliban #Obama #USA #America #Kabul 6153209883 edaogut 11/28/2009 4:50 PM bu insanlar çıldırmış olmalı!başka bi mazaret kabul etmiyorum artık!! 6153108838 RaymondFrenken 11/28/2009 4:46 PM @Peettv super. houden zo. was zelf in kabul in juli, Afghanen zelf tegen ISAF. be safe! 6153018431 Orgetorix 11/28/2009 4:41 PM KABUL : «Troop deployment to begin shortly after Obama's war strategy speech» 6152946399 hazretijesus 11/28/2009 4:38 PM @cebrailas ayrıca the truth is out there cevabı da kabul görmez. düşünmez misiniz? 6152917776 summerm 11/28/2009 4:37 PM Sharing: Children of Afghan Refugees Are Dying From the Cold As Kabul Ignores Their Plight 6152900263 pseudoDed 11/28/2009 4:36 PM öyleyse editli 100.tweet hatrına:insan dediğin sadece kendini kabul ettirmekten,bunun için sınırsız çabadan ve 'pembe' yalanlardan ibaret... 6152871921 gununbay 11/28/2009 4:35 PM bıtırme projesı ıcın ılk jurı haftaya. bnm elımde kabul edılmemıs bir proje var. sıçmak. 6152790650 merayse 11/28/2009 4:31 PM evet ondan bana hayır yok kabul ediyorum 6152556885 kamusagligi 11/28/2009 4:21 PM Babalara Nasihat : Çocukların hatalarını kabul edebilmek 6152491261 mkamil99 11/28/2009 4:18 PM @yildirimyasemin bireysel akla yatan değilde herkesçe kabul edilmiş olması yeter sanırım... 6152470834 findmeabout 11/28/2009 4:17 PM About afghanistan, abuse, afghan teenagers, prison: Two Afghan teenagers held in a prison in northern Kabul.. 6152303344 yasam_kocu 11/28/2009 4:09 PM başkalarının bizi takip etmesi, önemsemesi. Kısaca kabul edilme mutluluğu... Sonuçta olumlu duygular yaşatıyor insana. :)) 6152133370 Toppenrankan 11/28/2009 4:02 PM Nu skypar vi med Kabul. 6152094436 jon10s 11/28/2009 4:00 PM No puppet state gov in Kabul will ever be able to rule the warlord provinces of Afghanistan. #p2 #tlot #tcot 6152081618 zweitansage 11/28/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6151947712 kolpazar 11/28/2009 3:53 PM "reklam arasında bilmemne çay demlenir" diye reklam seyrettim. reklam arasında reklam izlenilmeyeceğini baştan kabul eden bi reklam olur mu? 6151874541 onurcengiz 11/28/2009 3:50 PM @elifile naked man gibi bir şey bu, 3'te 2 başarı garantili. Meydan okumanı görüyor ve kabul ediyorum :) 6151777482 in_asia 11/28/2009 3:46 PM KABUL, Afghanistan — An American military detention camp in Afghanistan is still holding inmates for sometimes .. 6151733019 catterflym 11/28/2009 3:44 PM onun bu ayrılıgı kabul etmesi bile benim canımı acıtıyor.. 6151456544 FaikKaralar 11/28/2009 3:32 PM Bir kere daha ayrıca, 4 gün üst üste kahvaltı hariç diğer öğünlerde fast food yersen en sonunda miden ev yemeklerini kabul etmez. 6151347393 POTUFSS 11/28/2009 3:27 PM Troop deployment to begin shortly after Obama's war strategy speech|KABUL -- Days after President Obama outlines .. 6151320462 ilGiornaleNET 11/28/2009 3:26 PM U.S. Still Running Secret Prison In Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan -- An American military detention camp in Afgha... 6151264373 Afghanculture 11/28/2009 3:24 PM Kabul Afghanistan, Kabul city the Capital of Afghanistan,: Kabul Afghanistan! Kabul is the capital of Aghanistan wi... 6151214468 burakyelman 11/28/2009 3:21 PM @tansuozgul at sivilcesi.kimi inanışlarda kutsal kabul edilir.patlatmak refaha kavuşuştur.rüyada görmek tez ayrılık getirir.bay 6151131297 kahramani 11/28/2009 3:18 PM "arkadaşlık isteği"ni kabul edip profile baktıktan sonra silmek nasıl bir fantezi (fantazi de olabilir) ya..pardon yanılmışım canım 6150935004 odonnellm 11/28/2009 3:09 PM #Kabul orthopedic center offers hope to hundreds of #Afghanistan’s mine victims 6150704098 zweitansage 11/28/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6150703641 lnp_38 11/28/2009 3:00 PM @LMPEACE I'm guessing he'll still be Stateside giving analysis, instead of back in Kabul, but who knows? I plan on watching NBC and BriWi! 6150674850 Alptungun 11/28/2009 2:58 PM @a_chnyldz senden başka cihan yıldızı kabul edemem 6150627464 socialmedia618 11/28/2009 2:56 PM Share this on Twitter - NYT/WashPost: Torture in Obama's Bagram Prison - DAILY KOS: KABUL -- Two Afghan teenage.. 6150540500 GdsPlanet2 11/28/2009 2:52 PM Afghans Detail a Secret Prison Still Operating on a US Base: By ALISSA J. RUBIN KABUL, Afghanistan — An American ... 6150417564 Sycorox 11/28/2009 2:47 PM @egemenlimon ful sezon ama 4,83 GBmış:/ bide kötü karma var tabiii:) hiç öğrenemeyeceğim download işini kabul:) bide günaydın;) 6150378222 in_asia 11/28/2009 2:45 PM KABUL, Afghanistan — An American military detention camp in Afghanistan is still holding inmates for sometimes .. 6150208614 Babeh_ 11/28/2009 2:38 PM Para saksi di ibukota Afghanistan, Kabul, mengatakan sebuah ledakan besar mengguncang pusat kota itu. Tidak ada.. 6149734634 sunizem 11/28/2009 2:17 PM @hulyavsar rüyasında sizin dogum yaptgınızı ama kendı evınızde degilmişssiniz ziyaretcileri kabul etmek ıcın baska bır ev tutmusnz ev bosmus 6149265530 metebilgin 11/28/2009 1:56 PM @seruhatto gönderdim ben kabul edersen ;) 6149020199 in_asia 11/28/2009 1:45 PM KABUL, Afghanistan — An American military detention camp in Afghanistan is still holding inmates for sometimes .. 6148962449 Lactic_Acid 11/28/2009 1:42 PM Bu ay Fener'in kabul günü.Gelene ,gidene olur diyorlar 6148949378 emellemjoe 11/28/2009 1:42 PM Hot Blog Posts: U.S. Still Running Secret Prison In Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan -- An Americ.. 6148745623 benvenutip 11/28/2009 1:32 PM TREVIGNANO: 16° Presepe subacqueo del lago di Bracciano, deposta nelle acque del lago, una corona in memoria dei Parà caduti a Kabul 6148616075 srht 11/28/2009 1:27 PM parka düşen ilk domainimırsever bir iş adamı bana alıp verebilir.Sponsor kabul edebilirim:) 6148458714 upcomingnews 11/28/2009 1:20 PM U.S. Still Running Secret Prison In Afghanistan - KABUL, Afghanistan -- An American military detention camp in... 6148403636 huffingtonpostz 11/28/2009 1:17 PM U.S. Still Running Secret Prison In Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan -- An American military detention camp i.. 6148369103 in_asia 11/28/2009 1:15 PM KABUL, Afghanistan — An American military detention camp in Afghanistan is still holding inmates for sometimes .. 6148301638 annagueye 11/28/2009 1:13 PM RT @strickvl: (Ex?) Governor of Kandahar Weesa is in Kabul. Reportedly not coming back. Weesa will be appointed minister of agriculture ... 6148203976 ass_fuck 11/28/2009 1:08 PM Dancing in Kabul - Dim lights, dancing and Michael Jackson tunes in Kabul. 6148178134 CuTtheCraB 11/28/2009 1:07 PM @Notredamedesion her ne kadar kabul etmese de @ahmethc 'un buradaki tavri bile tipik aslan tavri 6148083318 shivamvij 11/28/2009 1:03 PM @amanmalik_2009 Kabul is run by America. India is run by Ambani, Mittal, Tata & cabal 6148007112 zweitansage 11/28/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6147879467 Freedomman11 11/28/2009 12:54 PM U.S. Still Running Secret Prison In Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan -- An American military detention camp i.. 6147687247 hellinavsar 11/28/2009 12:45 PM @murataksoy kendisine yazarsanız kabul edebilir.. 6147614902 amanmalik_2009 11/28/2009 12:42 PM Kabul had WiMax in 2007! 6147362111 truthout 11/28/2009 12:30 PM US Still Running Secret Prison in Afghanistan: Kabul, Afghanistan - An American military detention camp in Afgh.. 6147215897 zekkoc 11/28/2009 12:24 PM sadece türümün devamlılığını sağlamak için dünya nüfusundan payıma düşen 3 asyalı bayanı kabul ediyorum .. 6147076530 adorablj 11/28/2009 12:18 PM US Still Running Secret Prison in Afghanistan: Kabul, Afghanistan -.. #p2 #du1 #njp #pgn 6147023940 in_asia 11/28/2009 12:16 PM KABUL, Afghanistan — An American military detention camp in Afghanistan is still holding inmates for sometimes .. 6146922917 HouseofNina 11/28/2009 12:11 PM RT @ProgressiveNT: RT @truthout US Still Running Secret Prison in Afghanistan: Kabul, Afghanistan -.. #p2 #du1 #nj ... 6146855169 RikReporter 11/28/2009 12:08 PM wordt net gebeld door onze man in Kabul: het geplande interview is gelukt. Nu nog zorgen dat t in NL komt. We hebben tot maandag. 6146791461 blogsguatemala 11/28/2009 12:05 PM 13 prisioneros, varios de ellos talibanes, escapan de una prisión de Afganistán: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - Un total de... 6146659363 zweitansage 11/28/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6146581044 allencnn 11/28/2009 11:56 AM #CNNI 2pmEST #Tiger Woods car crash- #terrorism on Russia's rails? More than 100 injured; and LIVE in Kabul on decision wk on Afghan troops. 6146380703 huelo 11/28/2009 11:47 AM ganz nach dem motto mabul in kabul. 6146366068 fpleitgenCNN 11/28/2009 11:46 AM @luxembourg1991 We are normally in Kabul, but was just in Kandahar and now at camp Wolverine in Zabul near Qalat. 6146319993 campbelliah 11/28/2009 11:44 AM Kabul for lunch! Huzzah! 6145752427 luxembourg1991 11/28/2009 11:19 AM @fpleitgenCNN where are you based ? at a US camp? Luxembourg has some soldiers at Kabul Aiport¨. 6145654489 in_asia 11/28/2009 11:15 AM KABUL, Afghanistan — An American military detention camp in Afghanistan is still holding inmates for sometimes .. 6145469643 aliikayaa 11/28/2009 11:07 AM @zalambodont valla ben de var ama sebebi açlık :) kabul mü? 6145435272 DavidStephenson 11/28/2009 11:05 AM Happy dad! Just talked 2 son in Kabul. His teaching job @ Military Intell. College now in bag 4 next yr! They'd landed a prize. 6145315178 Rufiwagshistail 11/28/2009 11:00 AM just watched a very 80s segueway of Russian soldiers driving tanks into Kabul with Modern Talking, Who Will Save The World on ghettoblaster 6145291443 zweitansage 11/28/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6145069586 Theodore_May 11/28/2009 10:50 AM I really want Mexican food. How is it that the best Mxcn food Ive had in the last 6 months was in Afghanistan?! (La Cantina in Kabul rocks). 6145019667 vemelia1 11/28/2009 10:48 AM RT @BreakingNews: Explosion heard in central Kabul, witnesses say, immediate cause was not known. 6144990998 akabinde 11/28/2009 10:46 AM Bülent Arınç'ı akpliler arasında en doğru ve anlamlı mesajlar veren siyasi olarak kabul ediyorum. 6144799515 benkendallEDP 11/28/2009 10:38 AM Meanwhile, I've have spent the day with Ghurkas, Kabul City Police and street urchins while constantly worrying about bombs. 6144786491 benkendallEDP 11/28/2009 10:37 AM Had breakfast next to Marco Pierre White in Kabul this morning. He ate lots of black pudding. 6144224009 riniroe 11/28/2009 10:13 AM mulai membaca The Kabul Beauty School, smoga bagus. 6144194000 YahooNoticias 11/28/2009 10:12 AM Doce presos escapan de una prisión en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Una docena de prisioneros escaparon de una cárcel... 6144164905 bookgroupies 11/28/2009 10:10 AM Overlander goes down #Kabul Gorge #Afghanistan and needs liver salts! 6143917891 zweitansage 11/28/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6143815716 memachel 11/28/2009 9:55 AM RT @BeachHeadHerald Afghan teens allege abuse at US ‘black’ site (source: Big News Network): KABUL #Military 6143658901 BeachHeadHerald 11/28/2009 9:47 AM Afghan teens allege abuse at U.S. ‘black’ site (source: Big News Network): KABUL, Afghani.. #Military 6143573660 SlatonBakery 11/28/2009 9:44 AM What's new in Kabul? Slaton Bakery cookies... 6143498536 limolou 11/28/2009 9:40 AM Doce presos escapan de una prisión en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Una docena de... 6143429077 gokhanvots 11/28/2009 9:37 AM @FaRHoTs Tamam be tamam, karizmasın kabul :)) 6143234432 WryDave 11/28/2009 9:28 AM You know, "location-based" marketing in internet ads is really stupid. I do NOT want to meet singles in Kabul, Afghanistan. 6142934712 A_Sevik 11/28/2009 9:13 AM So. Ich habe jetzt Gebäck, und Hachfleisch von dem Opfer an Nachbarn und Freunde verteilt. Allah kabul etsin. 6142739621 ekinfatma 11/28/2009 9:04 AM Evet kabul ediyorum kendimi kimseyi sevmediğim kadar çok seviyorum. Ve gidiyorum. 6142643738 zweitansage 11/28/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6142443314 nalagafiar 11/28/2009 8:49 AM Belom ijab kabul RT @tatyarachman: istrinya nala kan acit RT @nalagafiar: Yaaa itu, lo gak tau? RT @kartikafitriani: ga nabrak ga belajar. 6142226597 attack_machine 11/28/2009 8:38 AM Hand grenade attack detected: "2008 Indian embassy bombing in Kabul" - 6142206123 Amorous_VI 11/28/2009 8:37 AM West aims to build Afghan forces with pay hike: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan announced a pay rise of nearly 40.. 6141804687 dHEytAaldiaNo 11/28/2009 8:16 AM ya allah, q ingin bertanya? kapan sigh k' vidi k lampung? , itu harapan q yang paling pertama, ya allah kabul kan do'a ku, amiend. vidies 6141494986 zweitansage 11/28/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6141423516 strickvl 11/28/2009 7:55 AM (Ex?) Governor of Kandahar Weesa is in Kabul. Reportedly not coming back. Weesa will be appointed minister of agriculture apparently... 6141362408 kabulii 11/28/2009 7:52 AM @bbc_topgear I want to see TopGear Afghan Special so u can do what ever u like in Camp bastian or in Kabul & no elf& safty.Darag Race agains 6141360543 reuterskl 11/28/2009 7:52 AM West aims to build Afghan forces with pay hike: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan announced a pay rise of nearly 40 per... 6141188490 brcandre 11/28/2009 7:42 AM Protestoo!!! Parece até que as eleições pro DCE-USP foram feitas em Kabul! Exijo a presença de um enviado da ONU! 6141080043 fingertipnews2 11/28/2009 7:35 AM UPI-Top News: Ex-Bagram detainees allege abuse: KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 28 (UPI) -- Abuse of pris.. 6141074212 fingertipnews2 11/28/2009 7:35 AM Reuters Intl: West aims to build Afghan forces with pay hike: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan announ.. 6140989093 busrabilgili 11/28/2009 7:30 AM KANARYAYI AVLADIK,,ŞEYTANI TAŞLADIK ALLAH kabul etsin..hepimizin bayramı mübarek olsun :):) 6140974521 safe_waters 11/28/2009 7:29 AM #reutersIN West aims to build Afghan forces with pay hike: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan announced a pay rise of nearly 6140968082 KimBomin 11/28/2009 7:28 AM West aims to build Afghan forces with pay hike: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan announced a pay rise of nearly... #Korea 6140965736 reuterswire 11/28/2009 7:28 AM West aims to build Afghan forces with pay hike: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan announced a pay rise of nearly 40 per... 6140877170 gurayb 11/28/2009 7:23 AM ayrıca twilight denilen garabetin bir "saga" olarak anılmasını kabul edemiyorum. bir vampir, bir liseliye kaydı diye saga mı olur? 6140869161 fingertipnews 11/28/2009 7:22 AM UPI-Top News: Ex-Bagram detainees allege abuse - KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 28 (UPI) -- Abuse of prisoners held by t... 6140868609 fingertipnews 11/28/2009 7:22 AM AP Intl: 12 inmates escape prison in western Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- A dozen prisoners escaped jail through... 6140831906 liampelot 11/28/2009 7:20 AM A United Nations official in Kabul "More troops are not the answer,You will not make more babies by having many guys screw the same woman." 6140603652 BarraDeHerram 11/28/2009 7:05 AM 13 prisioneros, varios de ellos talibanes, escapan de una prisión de Afganistán: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - Un total de... 6140533192 _Berlin_ 11/28/2009 7:01 AM RT @zweitansage Berlin: 14:00 | Brasía: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 # 6140508772 zweitansage 11/28/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6140421561 luisemarta 11/28/2009 6:54 AM has read Bokhandleren I Kabul Et Familiedrama by Asne Seierstad - 6140417878 Shanatan 11/28/2009 6:53 AM @Ningushi Onlar canon mu değil mi tartışılıyor büyük ihtimalle. Kabul etmeyen de var gerçi. Ne olacağını göreceğiz. 6140369078 petite1ze 11/28/2009 6:50 AM @samivetosun Hadi amca deli o yasta onu kabul Eden ne? 6140346611 jenafern 11/28/2009 6:49 AM RT @AlBoeNEWS HAPPENING NOW -- @Upfront_News following 2breaking stories. 6.2 Earthquake has hit Indonesia, & an explosion has rocked Kabul 6140134633 YahooNoticias 11/28/2009 6:34 AM 13 prisioneros, varios de ellos talibanes, escapan de una prisión de Afganistán: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - Un total de... 6140022743 bandhan 11/28/2009 6:27 AM Parsi, Groom. 25 yrs, Bachelors - Engineering/ Computers, Others, kabul, afghanistan, Afghanistan 6139735023 Bright99 11/28/2009 6:06 AM woken up by phonecall from Kabul. Correspondent Conny Mus has landed safely, after big delay, without suitcase (probably in Taleban hands) 6139647186 zweitansage 11/28/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6139580760 therealalp 11/28/2009 5:54 AM klişeymiş. en azından çok sevdiğinizi iddia ettiğiniz kulübün iğrenç geçmişini ve faşist mirasını kabul edin, onurlu olun be. 6139511104 ergenekonTC 11/28/2009 5:49 AM Resmi olarak ilk Italya'da kabul edilen NATO'nun bu kuvvetlerine genelde GLADIO ismi veriliyor. Cogu 1950 yillarinda kuruldu. 6139308462 Oneindia 11/28/2009 5:33 AM Taliban militants escape from Kabul jail 6139302633 bokurtu 11/28/2009 5:33 AM Ablam Çin'den konuşuyor: Akşam Armin van Buuren'e gidiyorum. Ben: Allah kabul etsin ne diyim. 6139273047 IndyaNews 11/28/2009 5:30 AM Taliban militants escape from Kabul jail #News 6139201457 ChennaiOnline 11/28/2009 5:25 AM Kabul : Mughlai Feast in Chennai: A restaurant that has been around for years, situated right next to the ice-cream... 6139189679 jonasbrotherstr 11/28/2009 5:24 AM @TolgaLenk Sağol :) Girince kabul ederim eklediysen ;) 6139174313 elimemumdiksin 11/28/2009 5:23 AM adem baba bi elmaya değmezmiş, kabul et. 6139158747 Stephers74 11/28/2009 5:21 AM Spotify: Lily Allen – Kabul Shit 6139071814 PANews0verviews 11/28/2009 5:15 AM Article Afghan governor escapes assassination try in key battleground: KABUL -- The governor of a violen.. 6139055309 warraichh 11/28/2009 5:13 AM SALANG KABUL TO MAZAR-SHARIF (AFGANASTAN) - 6139026116 Israel_News 11/28/2009 5:11 AM aawsat ME: Bomb explodes in Afghan capital, no injuries: KABUL, (Reuters) - A bomb exploded in a tras.. 6138972914 verlisia 11/28/2009 5:06 AM Kabul on #Yelp: My favorite dishes from this restaurant: 1) Kadu (Side Dish/Appetizer) - Sweet pumpkin with yogurt... 6138964819 tiryakinl 11/28/2009 5:06 AM Bugün verilen fidyeleri, yarın Mina'da verebilme(nize) nasip olması umuduyla Allah kabul etsin, bayramınız mübarek olsun. 6138919887 aynebilim 11/28/2009 5:02 AM twitter'ın bana önerdiği insanları kabul etmeyince tekrar öneriyor.bundan kurtulmak için follow ediyorum ama hepsi ünlü..ünlü avcısı değilim 6138888920 Zone_militaire 11/28/2009 5:00 AM AFP/#AFfghanistan: a huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to witnesses, but the immediate cause was not known 6138880635 zweitansage 11/28/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6138772673 pilooriginal 11/28/2009 4:51 AM RT @BreakingNews: Explosion heard in central Kabul, witnesses say, immediate cause was not known. 6138739729 odatvcom 11/28/2009 4:48 AM FEHMİ KORU KOLONYA KOKULU OLDUĞUNU KABUL ETTİ: “Kokucu Muzaffer’in oğluyum” 6138703850 misabahar 11/28/2009 4:45 AM Buralardan acilen gitmem lazım. Bir kaç kişiye evlenme teklif edip kabul eden olursa faaliyete geçmeyi planlıyorum. 6138626576 DameZey 11/28/2009 4:38 AM mesela bir dua ediyorum yaklaşık 5-6 ay sonra kabul oluyor hayırlıysa o da, acaba beddua edince ne kadar zaman sonra tutar tam olarak? 6138624168 edward_dawson 11/28/2009 4:38 AM Bomb explodes in Kabul, no injuries: A bomb exploded in a trash can in the centre of the Afghan capital on Satu.. 6138610086 jaimiesortino 11/28/2009 4:37 AM <3 kabul Shit 6138602542 gokcebkr 11/28/2009 4:36 AM @bostancioglum bıkma benden beni boyle kabul et ..... :) 6138566371 Matergravy 11/28/2009 4:33 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) 6138410482 QQimansari 11/28/2009 4:21 AM Alhamdulillah, ijab kabul berjalan lancar... ☺ 6138354528 sasi7 11/28/2009 4:16 AM Tüm İslam Aleminin Kurban Bayramı Mübarek Olsun.Allah ibadetlerinizi kabul eylesin.Kurban Allaha yaklaşmaktır... 6138276084 googlenotizie 11/28/2009 4:09 AM Afghanistan: due ragazzi accusano militari usa di abusi e violenze: Kabul, 28 nov. – (Adnkronos) – .. 6138266327 reuters_italia 11/28/2009 4:09 AM Afghanistan, esplode bomba a Kabul: nessun ferito 6138255378 notizieultime 11/28/2009 4:08 AM Afghanistan: due ragazzi accusano militari usa di abusi e violenze: Kabul, 28 nov. – (Adnkronos) – .. 6138216701 Prabu_OnNet 11/28/2009 4:04 AM Bomb explodes in Kabul, no injuries: A bomb exploded in a trash can in the centre of the Afghan capital on Satu.. 6138155753 hnautiyal 11/28/2009 4:00 AM "What's your game?" "What's your poison?" "Cake from Khan mkt only" "nothing but iPhone" From Kabul Exp: "Pepsi ya coke ek hi to baat hai." 6138154150 zweitansage 11/28/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6138129671 notiziegiornale 11/28/2009 3:57 AM Afghanistan: due ragazzi accusano militari usa di abusi e violenze: Kabul, 28 nov. – (Adnkronos) – .. 6138121708 notiziestampa 11/28/2009 3:57 AM Afghanistan: due ragazzi accusano militari usa di abusi e violenze: Kabul, 28 nov. – (Adnkronos) – .. 6138112957 TOIWorldNews 11/28/2009 3:56 AM Bomb explodes in Kabul, no injuries: A bomb exploded in a trash can in the centre of the Afghan capital on... 6138108233 alihassaan 11/28/2009 3:56 AM Big Afghan blast rocks foreign embassies: KABUL: A big bomb blast in Afghanistan''s capital of Kabul has hit a dist... 6137989052 cronaca24 11/28/2009 3:46 AM Afghanistan esplosione a Kabul 6137962045 pakbot 11/28/2009 3:43 AM RT @naveenks: kya shot mara! RT: @acorn: @mosharrafzaidi what's 'organic influence' in Kabul anyway? .. #PakPoint 6137961816 pakbot 11/28/2009 3:43 AM kya shot mara! RT: @acorn: @mosharrafzaidi what's 'organic influence' in Kabul anyway? Pakistan itsel.. #PakPoint 6137959173 niceboy9 11/28/2009 3:43 AM RT @hindustan_times: Bomb explodes in Kabul, no injuries 6137937185 centerofright 11/28/2009 3:41 AM RT @naveenks: kya shot mara! RT: @acorn: @mosharrafzaidi what's 'organic influence' in Kabul anyway? Pakistan itself is inorganic! 6137928019 naveenks 11/28/2009 3:41 AM kya shot mara! RT: @acorn: @mosharrafzaidi what's 'organic influence' in Kabul anyway? Pakistan itself is inorganic! 6137908803 sertust 11/28/2009 3:39 AM bayramın verdiği bi iyi niyetlilikle mi bilinmez facebooka girip arkadaşlık isteklerini kabul ettim.. 6 isteğe... [pic] 6137871500 cobatra 11/28/2009 3:36 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday w.. 6137863945 ademalida 11/28/2009 3:35 AM @dewihardiantip sm siapa kek yg ada ditanggerang..haha RT ijab kabul sama siape?? RT @ademalida: @dewihardiantip ngapain?ijab kabul ya? 6137817464 hindustan_times 11/28/2009 3:32 AM Bomb explodes in Kabul, no injuries 6137751400 unreconcilable 11/28/2009 3:26 AM @laestus birisi senin canini yakti diye, onu ne yaparsa yapsin "hakli" kabul etmek... hicbir zaman aci cektiren unutulmaz ama onu yuceltmek? 6137721526 GeoNewsTweets 11/28/2009 3:24 AM World Big Afghan blast rocks foreign embassies: KABUL: A big bomb blast in Afghanistan''s capital of Kabul has hit ... 6137687976 medyaonline 11/28/2009 3:21 AM Doğan 5 yıl vade istemiş! Maliye'ye ''Borcu 500 milyon liraya çekin, bu rakamı 5 yılda ödeyelim'' teklifi kabul görmedi 6137413815 zweitansage 11/28/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6137326986 navisah 11/28/2009 2:53 AM RT @BreakingNews: Explosion heard in central Kabul, witnesses say, immediate cause was not known. 6137326142 msn_italia 11/28/2009 2:52 AM Afghanistan: esplosione a Kabul: Scoppio avvertito in centro, non avrebbe provocato vittime 6137175700 RuletaOnline 11/28/2009 2:41 AM Bomba remece capital afgana, no deja heridos: KABUL (Reuters) - Una bomba estalló el sábado en un basurero en e.. 6137107047 Acorn 11/28/2009 2:35 AM @mosharrafzaidi what's 'organic influence' in Kabul anyway? Pakistan itself is inorganic! 6137009141 vamsi4u 11/28/2009 2:28 AM Blast hits Kabul ( 6137000005 News_Daily 11/28/2009 2:27 AM Blast hits Kabul - An explosion hit the diplomatic area of the Afghan capital Saturday morning but there were no ca... 6136998728 aadityalove 11/28/2009 2:27 AM Bomb explodes in Kabul, no injuries- #aadityalove 6136995596 ozguraksuna 11/28/2009 2:27 AM Robbie Williams, radyo programında kız arkadaşına evlenme teklif etti kızda kabul etti. Böyle bir niyetiniz varsa arayın beni 419 9999 MaxFm 6136982346 susanlali 11/28/2009 2:25 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) - AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday wa... 6136982384 ellisnancy22 11/28/2009 2:25 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) - AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday wa... 6136982171 nancyreiner00 11/28/2009 2:25 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) - AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday wa... 6136982221 heilhenry 11/28/2009 2:25 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) - AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday wa... 6136982278 mariahelen10 11/28/2009 2:25 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) - AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday wa... 6136981930 angelalewis45 11/28/2009 2:25 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) - AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday wa... 6136981997 jessicascheer00 11/28/2009 2:25 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) - AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday wa... 6136982058 sarahkruse 11/28/2009 2:25 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) - AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday wa... 6136982114 bettyklein02 11/28/2009 2:25 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) - AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday wa... 6136981783 bonitareiner 11/28/2009 2:25 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) - AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday wa... 6136981866 melissakrupp07 11/28/2009 2:25 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) - AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday wa... 6136960260 newseditorial 11/28/2009 2:24 AM News Update Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) - AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on... 6136923774 MimiPlastique 11/28/2009 2:21 AM have sweet dreams and get good rest i know i am ... bob i love you call me when your in kabul ! 6136889045 mymonews 11/28/2009 2:18 AM [news] Esteri - Afghanistan: esplosione a Kabul: Scoppio avvertito in centro, non avrebbe provocato vittime 6136855604 Alwyn 11/28/2009 2:16 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) : AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday w..... 6136812685 Khi 11/28/2009 2:13 AM Pak blames India of hampering its 'war on terror': Kabul, Nov.28 : Pakistan has once again blamed India of harbouri... 6136740331 Alwyn 11/28/2009 2:07 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday w.. 6136735889 LeJeudi 11/28/2009 2:07 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday w.. 6136735451 LeJeudi 11/28/2009 2:07 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday w.. 6136691064 MonavieGel 11/28/2009 2:03 AM Monavie Gel Bomb Detonates In Afghan Capital, No Injuries: Bomb Explodes In Central Kabul, Police Say No Injuries O... 6136691068 BuyMonavieGel 11/28/2009 2:03 AM Buy Monavie Gel Bomb Detonates In Afghan Capital, No Injuries: Bomb Explodes In Central Kabul, Police Say No Injuri... 6136691176 VemmaDistributo 11/28/2009 2:03 AM Vemma Distributors Bomb Detonates In Afghan Capital, No Injuries: Bomb Explodes In Central Kabul, Police Say No Inj... 6136681368 carimp3_uni_cc 11/28/2009 2:03 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday w.. 6136648469 FLASH_NEWS 11/28/2009 2:00 AM Explosion heard in central Kabul, witnesses say, immediate cause was not known. 6136632291 zweitansage 11/28/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6136624737 nownews 11/28/2009 1:59 AM [World News Update] Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - An explosion in a centr.. 6136608938 iamrockstarbabe 11/28/2009 1:58 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday w.. 6136561080 scatachi2 11/28/2009 1:54 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday w.. 6136553264 News4Paris 11/28/2009 1:54 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses ( #Paris #France 6136552141 ilGiornaleNET 11/28/2009 1:54 AM Afghanistan: esplosione a Kabul: Scoppio avvertito in centro, non avrebbe provocato vittime 6136551367 fitznight 11/28/2009 1:53 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday w.. 6136546453 odanielpavon 11/28/2009 1:53 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday was caused by a "sound b... 6136546476 KHawkins72 11/28/2009 1:53 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday was... 6136546481 Jhimpker21 11/28/2009 1:53 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday was... 6136546487 LeadNow7 11/28/2009 1:53 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday was... 6136546494 Kstanton21 11/28/2009 1:53 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday was... 6136546505 JPB77FLY 11/28/2009 1:53 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday was... 6136546561 topstoriestweet 11/28/2009 1:53 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neighbourhood on Saturday was... 6136543971 ansa_news 11/28/2009 1:53 AM Afghanistan: esplosione a Kabul: Scoppio avvertito in centro, non avrebbe provocato vittime 6136527507 ansa_it 11/28/2009 1:52 AM Afghanistan: esplosione a Kabul 6136504498 NewsBlogged 11/28/2009 1:50 AM World News: Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - An explosion in a central Kabul neig.. 6136497374 vattaltimes 11/28/2009 1:50 AM Blast hits Kabul : 6136484976 HotNewsNet 11/28/2009 1:49 AM BreakingNews: Explosion heard in central Kabul, witnesses say, immediate cause was not known.: BreakingNews: Explosion heard in central K.. 6136459753 FLASH_NEWS 11/28/2009 1:47 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) 6136447224 AnnyssaEchut 11/28/2009 1:46 AM Mama : cha kamu kalo pake kebaya putih bagus deh..mama beliin ya? Gue : apa deh?kaya mau ijab kabul..zzz 6136434739 pol1ce 11/28/2009 1:45 AM RT @2central_police: Afghan police officers stand guard near the site of a small explosion in Kabul, Afghanistan%2… 6136429615 BlitzQuotidiano 11/28/2009 1:45 AM (AGI) AFGHANISTAN: POTENTE ESPLOSIONE A KABUL: Una potente esplosione è avvenuta a Kabul. Testimoni hanno rifer.. 6136413191 2central_police 11/28/2009 1:44 AM Afghan police officers stand guard near the site of a small explosion in Kabul, Afghanistan%2 #police #2central 6136400314 vambannews 11/28/2009 1:43 AM Blast hits Kabul: 6136368475 zeolshah 11/28/2009 1:40 AM New blog post: Blast hits Kabul 6136347134 sajal 11/28/2009 1:39 AM Blast in Kabul? 6136254164 HeadlinesNewz 11/28/2009 1:32 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to .. 6136191417 twitchatting 11/28/2009 1:28 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to .. 6136183716 cairo_123 11/28/2009 1:27 AM @mms_news Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Satu.. 6136175971 thenewsblog 11/28/2009 1:27 AM Newsflash: Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) ( 6136166064 AppleLeopard 11/28/2009 1:26 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to .. 6136100317 futurehopping 11/28/2009 1:22 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) 6136095009 NewsBlogged 11/28/2009 1:21 AM AlertNet: Loud explosion heard in Afghan capital-witnesses - Source: Reuters KABUL, Nov 28 (Reuters) - A loud explo... 6136066448 TweetCashflow 11/28/2009 1:19 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to wi... 6136066449 TweetCashflow 11/28/2009 1:19 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to wi... 6136066451 SATZen 11/28/2009 1:19 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) 6135957452 pol1ce 11/28/2009 1:12 AM RT @2central_police: Afghan police stand guard at a site of a blast in the center of Kabul, on November 28. An exp… 6135936162 2central_police 11/28/2009 1:11 AM Afghan police stand guard at a site of a blast in the center of Kabul, on November 28. An exp #police #2central 6135908014 2yadav 11/28/2009 1:09 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Sa.. 6135856113 subhashmisra 11/28/2009 1:05 AM last thanksgiving in baghdad, this year in kabul 6135781739 W7VOA 11/28/2009 1:00 AM RT @AtiaAbawi: Explosion in Kabul a little bit ago, not big. Explosive in trash bin in a residential area. No casualties reported. 6135733781 erielprifian 11/28/2009 12:57 AM Ak jek mbek kabul ki nyok hahaha RT @tinyok: apakabar kaoskaki hitam :( 6135689875 angenette5 11/28/2009 12:55 AM RT @BreakingNews: Explosion heard in central Kabul, witnesses say, immediate cause was not known. 6135652035 wexik 11/28/2009 12:52 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to .. 6135649308 MyGeneralTalk 11/28/2009 12:52 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to .. 6135619733 ChariceStarDiva 11/28/2009 12:50 AM TopStories Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Sa.. 6135612322 TweepStarDotCom 11/28/2009 12:50 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to .. 6135580385 norwestbusiness 11/28/2009 12:48 AM #NorwestBusiness Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses: A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to wi... 6135572701 multifoiled 11/28/2009 12:47 AM Area man leaves scene screaming 'It was me!' Unrelated. RT @BreakingNews: Explosion heard in central Kabul, immediate cause was not known. 6135533646 PhoenixScanner 11/28/2009 12:45 AM RT @smh_news: World: Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses: A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday 6135528362 infobeira 11/28/2009 12:45 AM News Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) 6135503286 taminiyy 11/28/2009 12:43 AM @dimas_rocks @jakarta512 Hemat ala gw: pasang tenda di rmh, ijab kabul, trus mkn2. Undang sodara n tmn2 deket only. Yg ptg udah sah :) 6135493166 Tweet_News_Now 11/28/2009 12:42 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to .. 6135475867 mC_EmaNueL 11/28/2009 12:41 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to .. 6135467260 odanielpavon 11/28/2009 12:41 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to witnesses, but the imme... 6135466997 khon 11/28/2009 12:41 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to wi... 6135466998 TweetCashflow 11/28/2009 12:41 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to wi... 6135467010 ronsimon 11/28/2009 12:41 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to wi... 6135467011 poluakerford 11/28/2009 12:41 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) 6135467024 SATZen 11/28/2009 12:41 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) 6135461521 mC_EmaNueL 11/28/2009 12:40 AM @emanuelrizon Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Ka.. 6135436848 YahooNews 11/28/2009 12:39 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) 6135404738 darebat 11/28/2009 12:37 AM Explosion heard in central Kabul, witnesses say, immediate cause was not known. 6135404236 rtsradio 11/28/2009 12:37 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to wit.. 6135396825 in_usa 11/28/2009 12:37 AM AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to witnesses, but the immediate cause was not known. 6135393771 Monzegirl 11/28/2009 12:36 AM explosion in Kabul, train crash in Russia, earthquake in Indonesia, ferry capsize off Bangladesh, cargo plane crash in Shanghai. Stay safe. 6135376118 sydney_news2 11/28/2009 12:35 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses: A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to... 6135376048 smh_news 11/28/2009 12:35 AM World: Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses: A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to witnesses, b... 6135325938 mysharetrading 11/28/2009 12:32 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses 6135308741 newzwire 11/28/2009 12:31 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) 6135308533 tashab0026 11/28/2009 12:31 AM #tashie Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to 6135305034 Alonis 11/28/2009 12:31 AM RT @Upfront_News: No injuries reported after explosion in Afghan Capitol, Kabul, Chinese State Media reports. 6135303935 Rob_Madden 11/28/2009 12:31 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) #News #YahooNews 6135291613 Jbroks86 11/28/2009 12:30 AM RT @BreakingNews: Explosion heard in central Kabul, witnesses say, immediate cause was not known. via @MexCAN 6135283077 Upfront_News 11/28/2009 12:30 AM No injuries reported after explosion in Afghan Capitol, Kabul, Chinese State Media reports. 6135272544 Pareja7 11/28/2009 12:29 AM RT @BreakingNews Explosion heard in central Kabul, witnesses say, immediate cause was not known. 6135270126 jolanta13 11/28/2009 12:29 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to .. 6135262578 AtiaAbawi 11/28/2009 12:29 AM Explosion in Kabul a little bit ago, not big. Explosive in trash bin in a residential area. No casualties reported. 6135259707 jberrywilliams 11/28/2009 12:29 AM @devinlussier I can't use UberTwitter in Dubai! My BlackBerry doesnt work here :( It will work in Islamabad, Delhi, Kabul, etc but not Dubai 6135255358 kidboston 11/28/2009 12:28 AM RT @BreakingNews: Explosion heard in central Kabul, witnesses say, immediate cause was not known. 6135243804 patel_vijay_om 11/28/2009 12:28 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to witness 6135241967 biscouna 11/28/2009 12:27 AM Explosion heard in central Kabul, witnesses say, immediate cause was not ...: Remarque importante à nos lecteurs :... 6135227471 LifeIsRisky 11/28/2009 12:27 AM RT @BreakingNews: Explosion heard in central Kabul, witnesses say, immediate cause was not known. 6135222538 AppleLeopard 11/28/2009 12:26 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP): AFP - A huge explosion was heard in Kabul Saturday, according to .. 6135222068 SATZen 11/28/2009 12:26 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) 6135210853 news_feed24 11/28/2009 12:26 AM Explosion heard in Kabul: witnesses (AFP) 6135205430 Thedailyzack 11/28/2009 12:25 AM RT @BreakingNews Explosion heard in central Kabul, witnesses say, immediate cause was not known. Gee I don't know... terrorism perhaps! 6135191914 W7VOA 11/28/2009 12:25 AM RT @RtrsIN_SthAsia: Loud explosion heard in Afghan capital - witnesses #Kabul 6135182967 XiongShui 11/28/2009 12:24 AM Explosion im Zentrum von Kabul... mehr später 6135168752 MexCAN 11/28/2009 12:23 AM RT @BreakingNews: Explosion heard in central Kabul, witnesses say, immediate cause was not known. 6135131683 BreakingNews 11/28/2009 12:21 AM Explosion heard in central Kabul, witnesses say, immediate cause was not known. 6135114675 AlBoeNEWS 11/28/2009 12:20 AM HAPPENING NOW -- @Upfront_News following 2 breaking stories. 6.2 Earthquake has hit Indonesia, and an explosion has rocked Kabul 6134980346 WorldBiz 11/28/2009 12:13 AM Large Explosion Heard In Kabul, Afghanistan #business #media #television #news #markets #media 6134952554 Upfront_News 11/28/2009 12:11 AM JUST IN -- Explosion hits Afghan Capitol Kabul, Chinese State Media reports. Details to follow. 6134943117 kursed 11/28/2009 12:10 AM Huge explosion being reported in #Kabul, #Afghanistan. 6134852973 AROORK 11/28/2009 12:05 AM RT @RodrigoBNO: Witnesses say explosion heard in Kabul. More soon. 6134799903 ademalida 11/28/2009 12:02 AM @dewihardiantip ngapain?ijab kabul ya? R ak lg di tanggerang. nti pas plg nmany apa? T @ademalida: @iymel 6134800149 RodrigoBNO 11/28/2009 12:02 AM Witnesses say explosion heard in Kabul. More soon. 6134473054 washingtonpostn 11/27/2009 11:44 PM [WASHINGTON POST]: 2 Afghans allege abuse at U.S. site : KABUL -- Two Afghan teenagers held .. 6134469157 brk_news_now 11/27/2009 11:44 PM WashPost: 2 Afghans allege abuse at U.S. site: KABUL -- Two Afghan teenagers held in U.S. detention north of Kabul ... 6134395412 DCNewsFeed 11/27/2009 11:40 PM Today's Front Page.. 2 Afghans allege abuse at U.S. site: KABUL -- Two Afghan teenagers held in U.S. detention nort... 6134228495 USRealityCheck 11/27/2009 11:31 PM 2 Afghans allege abuse at U.S. site : KABUL -- Two Afghan teenagers held in U.S. detention north of Kabul t.. wp 6134208055 Antiwarcom 11/27/2009 11:30 PM US Military Unveils New Prison in Afghanistan: KABUL — The U.S. military has announced the opening of... 6134162790 DCNewsFeed 11/27/2009 11:28 PM Todays Top News... 2 Afghans allege abuse at U.S. site: KABUL -- Two Afghan teenagers held in U.S. detention north ... 6133863306 kdfbcn 11/27/2009 11:13 PM @ocktaria cih! Laga lo latian. Ijab kabul mah dr taun ke taun kgk brubah. 6133533262 its_jacko 11/27/2009 10:57 PM @annisadjafar waduuhhhh serem amat boo klo gamau nikah tp dah tinggal ijab kabul.. (Re:mempelai wanita trus) 6133517188 ravaladi 11/27/2009 10:56 PM Just back from Kabul where I was studying at the United States Counterinsurgency Training Academy. Amazing experience. 6133356739 kenjisetiabudhi 11/27/2009 10:48 PM RT @sandrotian: Me : I mean it, ya 4JJI kasihanilah hambamu ini...4JJI:sholat lima waktu mengaji n puasa no no alcohol,permintaan mu d kabul 6132961072 PialiRoy 11/27/2009 10:29 PM RT @alexlobov: The vengeful fire of an AK47 in the distance. The citizens of Kabul too sometimes feel like lambs to slaughter @naheedmus ... 6132918058 alexlobov 11/27/2009 10:27 PM The vengeful fire of an AK47 in the distance. The citizens of Kabul too sometimes feel like lambs to slaughter @naheedmustafa @pialiroy 6132533828 PialiRoy 11/27/2009 10:10 PM RT @NaheedMustafa: @PialiRoy The hustle and bustle of Kabul had my head pivoting like one of thos bobblehead dashboard figures. I felt l ... 6132469310 NaheedMustafa 11/27/2009 10:07 PM @PialiRoy The hustle and bustle of Kabul had my head pivoting like one of thos bobblehead dashboard figures. I felt like I was in a timewarp 6131835026 norinasemen 11/27/2009 9:40 PM Perut gw mulai keroncongan nie cynth...:(RT @spunkycynth: Watching ijab kabul being said, kebaya is a torture, hi heels are killers. 6131796439 BetteDam 11/27/2009 9:38 PM @ajboekestijn spannend! weet hoe het voelt :) groetjes uit kabul 6131668676 estinurjadin 11/27/2009 9:32 PM So happy for Arina. Big hugs for her ya RT @spunkycynth: Watching ijab kabul being said, kebaya is a torture, hi heels are killers. 6131592473 small_breasts 11/27/2009 9:29 PM Set crackles with breaking news: Terrorists have smuggled a nuclear bomb into Kabul and are preparing to take out the Afghan capital. 6131354138 abrahamhyatt 11/27/2009 9:19 PM Piero Marsili Libelli: The Fear, Kabul, Afghanistan 6131185115 RealEstateNewz 11/27/2009 9:12 PM War torn Kabul sees property prices soar 75% in the last 12 months- 6131129876 Aan_kusumandaru 11/27/2009 9:09 PM @ninandut lg ad swdra k yg ijab kabul ninaa..skrg ke mampang buat kgedung resepsi.. 6131118707 spunkycynth 11/27/2009 9:09 PM Watching ijab kabul being said, kebaya is a torture, hi heels are killers. 6130692687 Aan_kusumandaru 11/27/2009 8:51 PM Ijab kabul slese..saatnya ke mamapang buat resepsi.. 6130375648 shayenda 11/27/2009 8:37 PM tergantung amal ibadah wkwk @lintangseruni: Bnr ya?klo gw tulis ga kabul lo gw jitakRT @shayenda 6130368666 m3Lchan 11/27/2009 8:37 PM Huaaa.. Bnr2 nangis ngliat kambing gw d ptng+gw mlewatkn ijab kabul'a. Maaf y,kambing. Smg km ga marah. Yg ikhlas y.. 6130260886 lintangseruni 11/27/2009 8:32 PM Bnr ya?klo gw tulis ga kabul lo gw jitakRT @shayenda: gw nulis dibuku bbrp keinginan gw,gw simpen tanpa gw buka2 1thnan n alhmdlh terlaksana 6130006823 fahirayuliandri 11/27/2009 8:21 PM @bintaangg ada sapi cowo yang sebelum dipotong, dia ijab kabul dulu sama sapi jantan disebrang jalan. sapi homo itu dipisahkan oleh maut. 6129392763 itsyasmine 11/27/2009 7:56 PM seandainya abis ijab kabul langsung makannn 6128950788 GuamGuy 11/27/2009 7:37 PM RT @Underdad: Children of Afghan Refugees Dying From the Cold As Kabul Ignores Their Plight Win Hearts & Minds? 6128916763 mrsliving 11/27/2009 7:36 PM RT @Underdad: Children of Afghan Refugees Dying From the Cold As Kabul Ignores Their Plight Win Hearts & Minds? 6128880847 fingertipnews2 11/27/2009 7:34 PM Reuters Intl: Afghan mine victims face hard, but hopeful life: KABUL (Reuters) - Moussa Khan had j.. 6128873997 Underdad 11/27/2009 7:34 PM Children of Afghan Refugees Dying From the Cold As Kabul Ignores Their Plight Win Hearts & Minds? 6128844756 NewshoundNews 11/27/2009 7:33 PM KABUL: German-produced arms meant for NATO/ISAF troops in Afghanistan are landing up in the hands of the Taliban.... 6128610278 runmezig 11/27/2009 7:23 PM Türkiye'nin güllük gülistanlık olmadığını kabul ediyorum ama soru şu: Özgür olmadığının farkında olmak mı, kendini özgür sanmak mı? 6128016909 safe_waters 11/27/2009 6:58 PM #reutersIN Afghan mine victims face hard, but hopeful life: KABUL (Reuters) - Moussa Khan had just been making his way b 6128015585 fitri_beqi 11/27/2009 6:58 PM RT @TheHolyAlQuran: And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) and Noor (Light) and Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say and w ... 6128006097 HeadlinesNewz 11/27/2009 6:58 PM Afghan mine victims face hard, but hopeful life: KABUL (Reuters) - Moussa Khan had just been making his way back fr... 6128006140 KimBomin 11/27/2009 6:58 PM Afghan mine victims face hard, but hopeful life: KABUL (Reuters) - Moussa Khan had just been making his way ... #Korea 6127998463 reuterswire 11/27/2009 6:57 PM Afghan mine victims face hard, but hopeful life: KABUL (Reuters) - Moussa Khan had just been making his way back fr... 6127874382 julianafdasilva 11/27/2009 6:52 PM #LilyAllen - Kabul shit 6127777029 Teamspeed 11/27/2009 6:48 PM Kabul Air Traffic Controller: Forum: AviationPosted By: GobblesPost Time: 11-27-2009 at 08:10 PM 6127551971 kusumabdi 11/27/2009 6:39 PM kamu mau nikah? RT @aryaksatria: Dipaksa bangun buat persiapan ijab kabul.. *duh, berasa kayak gw yg mo nikah deh!! Ngantuuuk! 6127280585 isodera 11/27/2009 6:27 PM RT @AfghanECC: New photo report from a girls and boys school in Kabul: 6127268238 Dog_Recipes 11/27/2009 6:27 PM Afghan mine victims face hard, but hopeful life ( KABUL (Reuters) - Moussa Khan had just been m.. 6127215343 simayvardar 11/27/2009 6:24 PM yok yok ben poker oynayamıyormuşum daha kaybetmeden kabul edeyim de kabiliyetsizliğimi, bj ' e döneyim paşa paşa.. 6126984995 ChinaManufBlog 11/27/2009 6:15 PM FEATURE-Afghan mine victims face hard, but hopeful life|Source: Reuters By Yara Bayoumy KABUL, Nov 28 (Reuters) - .. 6126762550 cerkesli 11/27/2009 6:05 PM Tüm Hemşerilerimizin ve Bütün Müslüman Aleminin Kurban Bayramını Kutlar.Dilek ve Dualarının Kabul Olmasını Yüce... 6126751729 AsliKE 11/27/2009 6:05 PM @tamersahin hahaha evet ama onlarda egitim görgü birsey degistirmiyor,hemen hepsi herdaim frapan.ama cok da güzeller kabul etmek lazim..;-) 6126099292 karo555 11/27/2009 5:37 PM @ipekdinc halktan insanları kabul etmio musunuz mekana:)caz zevki ve kültürü nün kmde olduğu belli olmassss:) 6126082751 Lucy0Morgan 11/27/2009 5:36 PM best Lily Allen playlist - 1. Everyones at it. 2. Kabul shit. 3. Take what you take. 4. Back to the start. 5. Absolutely nothing. 6. Smile. 6126033090 AfghanECC 11/27/2009 5:34 PM New photo report from a girls and boys school in Kabul: 6125825967 Lucy0Morgan 11/27/2009 5:25 PM Lily Allen - Kabul shit.. is probably one of my favourite ever songs 6125816149 eksiduyuru 11/27/2009 5:25 PM ozgecmise eksi sozluk'u yazmak: ozgecmisinde eksi sozluk'e yer vereniniz var mi? "bi arkadas" da kabul.bu benim yapmak istedigim ya da ... 6125779392 kimworld 11/27/2009 5:23 PM RT @momfluential: Reading the blog of my cousin's dh. He's working in Kabul currently as an air traffic controller! http://www.atcsdave. ... 6125699038 kaanozbeyoglu 11/27/2009 5:20 PM gençler o bu degil de, simdi en kral deri ceket benimki degil mi bi kabul edin bunu. 6125576108 vamsi4u 11/27/2009 5:15 PM Pak envoy to Kabul says India creating problems in anti-terror war ( 6125576187 vamsi4u 11/27/2009 5:15 PM Pak envoy to Kabul says India creating problems in anti-terror war ( 6125501639 ahmetcanbazoglu 11/27/2009 5:12 PM Türkiye Finans "Kredi Destek Programı" Kapsamında Başvuruları Kabul Etmeye BaşladıTürkiye’nin en büyük KOBİ... 6125495283 incefikir 11/27/2009 5:11 PM metropolitik, thereg 'ın sorduğu "dünü yarın olarak kabul edersek bugün perşembeyse bu sözü söyleyen kişi ne za.. 6125433175 RBOBlog 11/27/2009 5:09 PM RT @jbatchelorshow: Schedules Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 November. incl. Ann Marlowe, at Kabul, in Afghanistan. #jbshow 6125426662 momfluential 11/27/2009 5:08 PM Reading the blog of my cousin's dh. He's working in Kabul currently as an air traffic controller! 6125318488 timothythompson 11/27/2009 5:04 PM @amancool5 I wrote sucked in advisedly - TB blow up the entire Indian Embassy in Kabul or slaughter a contingent of Indian aid workers. 6125262872 afashionfan 11/27/2009 5:02 PM RT @jbatchelorshow: Schedules Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 November. incl. Ann Marlowe, at Kabul, in Afghanistan. #jbshow 6125204507 zweitansage 11/27/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6125189847 jbatchelorshow 11/27/2009 4:59 PM Schedules Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 November. incl. Ann Marlowe, at Kabul, in Afghanistan. #jbshow 6125181710 AppleBlackfire 11/27/2009 4:59 PM türk hava kurumu değilim belki ama yine de bağışlarınızı kabul ediyorum. 6124991725 bolbol_siyaset 11/27/2009 4:51 PM ‘Her iddia doğru kabul ediliyor’ 6124954780 EdaGemici 11/27/2009 4:49 PM Her şey ilk olarak dışarıda başlar ve içeride biter. Bunun çoğunlukla böyle olmasına karşın kimse bunu kabul etmez, ne de komiktir. 6124880628 aguclu 11/27/2009 4:46 PM Erdoğan : Danıştayın Kararı Kabul Edilemez > 6124577811 allahcc 11/27/2009 4:33 PM RENAMAZ' dan sonra REDUA çıkardık. biri dua edince REDUA yazıp arkadaşınızın ismini yazıyorsunuz biz de duayı kabul ediyoruz. nasıl? 6124531781 HobokenMartha 11/27/2009 4:31 PM Dog is love everywhere: especially Kabul: Gotta Have Faith - Kabul - Jezebel 6124411333 katyaninyazi 11/27/2009 4:26 PM sarhoş atlar zamanı, en güzel film ismi olmayı geçen gün kabul etti. 6124344522 karolinacastro 11/27/2009 4:23 PM Coisas diferentes que a gente vê por aí: Kabul Dreams, uma banda indie afegã Achei bem legal :) 6124256901 Ozan_Kara 11/27/2009 4:19 PM @ecemonia Şu anda yeni verileri kabul etmiyor hafıza...Yüklemeye çalıştığın zaman ''error'' vermekte sistem... Boşuna yer kaybı... 6124139404 crooksandliars 11/27/2009 4:14 PM New at C&L: Children of Afghan Refugees Are Dying From the Cold As Kabul Ignores Their Plight 6123796939 zweitansage 11/27/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6123765048 rachelejlee 11/27/2009 3:58 PM Gotta Have Faith [Snap Judgment]: [Kabul, November 26. Image via Getty] A child plays with her pet dog, near an enc... 6123564289 mustafaerturk 11/27/2009 3:50 PM #GeErgen sizin koyu bir hayranınız. (Bende) Birde okadar temiz kalplidirki gerçekten çok istediği duaları kabul olur. 6123539830 mustafaerturk 11/27/2009 3:48 PM #GeErgen için okadar çok dua etti ki bence duaları kabul oldu sizin üç bebeğiniz oldu 6123426420 Svettlin 11/27/2009 3:44 PM @onerbinbas allah kabul etsin öner ağabey :) 6123285941 hindichannels 11/27/2009 3:37 PM India creating problems in anti-terror war: Sadiq: KABUL: Pakistan?s ambassador in Afghanistan Muhammed Sadiq F.. 6123208228 RobRichards 11/27/2009 3:34 PM If your Twitter location still says 'Tehran' then you clearly aren't paying attention. The cool kids are Kabul now. Duh. 6123178946 OlcayUnalSert 11/27/2009 3:33 PM BAYRAMINIZ KUTLU, DUALARINIZ KABUL OLSUN 6122720854 elburrito 11/27/2009 3:12 PM Adnan Polat'ın Sivasspor-Beşiktaş maçı hakkındaki beyanı: "Gönlüm hala Beşiktaş'tan yana!".. eheh tamam o kadar da iyi değildi, kabul. 6122686609 drescherlibrary 11/27/2009 3:10 PM A skate park in Kabul. Can a true democracy be far behind?: 6122457772 DidemOzgen 11/27/2009 3:00 PM ya kabul et, yeteneksizsin turkiyeeee!!!! 6122443269 zweitansage 11/27/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6122199734 zaferakbas 11/27/2009 2:48 PM galatasaray berbat oynuyor kabul, yenilyor eziliyor ama kopamıyorum seviyorum galatasaray'ı. 6122071414 mrkamoji 11/27/2009 2:43 PM Kabul Grocery will get you everytime; did I tell you there is a Kabul Farmland, I was gonna check it out today, I learned my lesson... 6121927063 paelling 11/27/2009 2:36 PM Kai Eide did the right thing in Kabul. 6121694743 akselz 11/27/2009 2:27 PM bursasporlular arayıp durmayın tamam aslanı kurban ettiniz,allah kabul etsin! 6121489332 elguaje 11/27/2009 2:18 PM Elano nun uyumsuzu bile lazim bu takima. Sabri nin uyumlusu bile kabul edilemez. Kader de hakliydi tripte. 6121469639 miharbi56 11/27/2009 2:17 PM Bayramlar berekettir, umuttur, özlemdir. Yarınlar niyettir. Kestiğiniz kurban ve dualarınız kabul olsun,... 6121464856 chooseyourdrug 11/27/2009 2:17 PM Eğer dualar kabul olsaydı Okan Bayülgen ile evlenmiştim şuan. 6121438798 _asian_girls 11/27/2009 2:16 PM To Afghanistan in days, concluding a 3-month review punctuated by differences in his administration and concerns about corruption in Kabul. 6121416739 ozzy_88 11/27/2009 2:15 PM fm 2010 da gs yi gayet iyi yönetiyorum bana antrenörlük teklif etseler seve seve kabul ederim 6121355512 MesSude 11/27/2009 2:12 PM Bursa kurbanını kesti!! Allah kabul etsin.. :) 6121256133 lingerie_models 11/27/2009 2:08 PM To Afghanistan in days, concluding a 3-month review punctuated by differences in his administration and concerns about corruption in Kabul. 6121251168 akbaral 11/27/2009 2:08 PM @stnurinayah coba hbgi fahmi.. Sy dengar i2 dy mau nikah(ijab-kabul'y ji dl) besok.. 6121053604 zweitansage 11/27/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6120153298 tnewsindia 11/27/2009 1:21 PM #india #news Pak envoy to Kabul says India creating problems in anti-terror war 6120074968 dunablue 11/27/2009 1:18 PM KABUL AND THE REST OF THE COUNTRY - Open Democracy 6120021315 Khi 11/27/2009 1:15 PM Pak envoy to Kabul says India creating problems in anti-terror war: Kabul, Nov.27 : Pakistan's Ambassador to... 6119991535 pakbot 11/27/2009 1:14 PM Pak envoy to Kabul says India creating problems in anti-terror war: Kabul, Nov.27 : Pakistan's Ambass.. #PakPoint 6119939225 TheBuGz 11/27/2009 1:12 PM Pak envoy to Kabul says India creating problems in anti-terror war: Kabul, Nov.27 : Pakistan's Ambassador to... 6119645295 zweitansage 11/27/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6119590228 USTalib 11/27/2009 12:57 PM Pak envoy to Kabul says India creating problems in anti-terror war - Gaea Times 6119581324 TheGoddessJr 11/27/2009 12:57 PM -Her dedigimi kabul etme be adam. Bir kere de hayir de. -Tamam, deniycem. -Offff!! 6119338692 TheInfoSage 11/27/2009 12:46 PM News Updates: Pak envoy to Kabul says India creating problems in anti-terror war: Kabul, Nov.27 (A.. 6118926139 USTalib 11/27/2009 12:29 PM Pak envoy to Kabul says India creating problems in anti-terror war - 6118456353 Fliktwit 11/27/2009 12:10 PM Afghanistan disappears from Planet Apple. From the big apple to kabul... it's a small step... 6118448435 ya_salaam 11/27/2009 12:10 PM Salat Id di Afghanistan Dijaga Ketat: 27/11/2009 23:43 (Afghanistan) Pelaksanaan salat Iduladha di Kabul, Afgh.. 6118382583 ozanonen 11/27/2009 12:07 PM Tam yemeğe çıkacakken kapının çalması ve yandaki sevimli teyzenin "oğlum bunu kabul edin" diyerek kilolarca et getirmesi... İmana geliyorum. 6118195310 zweitansage 11/27/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6117654101 AnneDanmark 11/27/2009 11:37 AM RT @FartashPhoto Karzai reaches out to Afghan Taliban on holiday . from Reuters ~ #Karzai #Afghanistan #Kabul 6117600165 fererodrigues 11/27/2009 11:35 AM @mahillston @eduardofarkuh @stemhill @laramontibeller @thalesbet estão todos convidados pra uma baladiha cubana hoje. Kabul!!! Vamo ae?? 6117531833 lip6 11/27/2009 11:32 AM Salat Id di Afghanistan Dijaga Ketat: 27/11/2009 23:43 (Afghanistan) Pelaksanaan salat Iduladha di Kabul, Afgh.. 6117525399 ahseni_s 11/27/2009 11:32 AM @MuratAykul :)))) evet küs kalmamaya mecburuz. nede olsa bayram, yoksa hayatta kabul etmezdim :)) 6117422473 PicApp 11/27/2009 11:28 AM New images - Afghan President Karzai speaks with the meida in Kabul 6117419590 berkaygenc 11/27/2009 11:28 AM Bayramınız Kut'lu Olsun... Allah Dualarınızı Kabul Etsin ve İnandıklarınızdan Ayırmasın... 6117281772 RobertHartzell 11/27/2009 11:22 AM Convert to Christianity Given Asylum in UK: The former Kabul hotel worker had arrived in the UK as a Muslim, bu.. 6117079834 ibrahimturan 11/27/2009 11:14 AM SİZİN VE TÜM SEVDİKLERİNİZİN KURBAN BAYRAMI MUBAREK OLSUN.ALLAH TÜM KESİLEN KURBANLARI KABUL ETSİN... 6116833287 camibraga 11/27/2009 11:04 AM @Alex_hostels un baccio desde Brasil!! e de Kabul! 6116767328 iamxed 11/27/2009 11:01 AM @eresra heheh al kuma yaa.. feda olsun sana =) bilmesem de olur diyerekten sırıtarak kabul ettim ben onu :D 6116732165 suhasinih 11/27/2009 11:00 AM These multilatrl summits survive to allow India-Pak to meet:SAARC-Colombo,NAM-Sharm,G-8L'Aguilla,UN-NY,BRIC-Ykatrnbrg,Karzai inaug-Kabul etc 6116714420 zweitansage 11/27/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6116500085 j_trainer 11/27/2009 10:51 AM In Istanbul en route to a break in Dubai. Then on to Kabul! Will be glad to switch from workshops to "real" work in Pajhwok newsroom. 6116500154 Lschnellinger 11/27/2009 10:51 AM In Istanbul en route to a break in Dubai. Then on to Kabul! Will be glad to switch from workshops to "real" work in Pajhwok newsroom. 6116319215 CompleetvdW 11/27/2009 10:44 AM Net CvdW opgenomen. Mooie uitzending over Afghanistan met live Kabul (Bette Dam), Las Vegas (Michiel Vos) en Den Haag (Rob de Wijk). 6115925907 Vikram_Sood 11/27/2009 10:28 AM @KeepMahakPosted @smitaprakash Breakfast in Dilli, lunch in lahore and dinner in kabul 6115190338 zweitansage 11/27/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6115188364 MelisaKesmez 11/27/2009 9:59 AM kimsenin bayramını kutlamıyorum. kimse de benimkini kutlamasın rica ederim. reddediyorum bu bayramı, bildiğin kabul etmiyorum. 6115104734 davutcanyilmaz 11/27/2009 9:56 AM RT @48kutay: her gün saçmalayan meriç tunca'ya sürekli cevap verilmeli, yoksa dedikleri kabul edilir. mantık bu.. 6115003791 hasan_almustafa 11/27/2009 9:52 AM - Children enjoy a ride on a merry-go-round at a fair organized on Eid al-Adha in Kabul. 6114979613 rogozin 11/27/2009 9:51 AM "Not excluding the possibility" seems like giving the runaround. Are we going to Kabul after all? 6114529174 andrewsadono 11/27/2009 9:33 AM UAN=KaBul Shit. Don't you think? 6114173719 habercimurat 11/27/2009 9:18 AM @serdargut devam etsin diye mi? Gerçekten bu röpu kabul etmeniz ağrıma gitti. Bu konuya tartışabilirim. 6114049510 fabmass 11/27/2009 9:13 AM Photo: Kabul: City Number One - Part 5 (via BBC - Adam Curtis Blog) 6113715374 zweitansage 11/27/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6113710049 fOTOGLIF 11/27/2009 8:59 AM New on Fotoglif - Eid-al-Adha preprations: Nov. 26, 2009 - KABUL, AFG - epa01946154 A burqa clad Afghan w... #Fotoglif 6113680400 gsolaker 11/27/2009 8:58 AM Kurban bayramı diye bir şeyi kabul etmiyorumm....bu katliamın neresi bayram.... :( 6113363763 achasya 11/27/2009 8:44 AM And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) and Noor (Light) and Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say and we do, Ameen. :) 6112746301 Ron_Woodward 11/27/2009 8:17 AM Afghan Children Die of Neglect 7 Miles from Kabul: 6112714802 PialiRoy 11/27/2009 8:16 AM RT @ahmadshuja: The 70s is largely a melancholic mirage. Only women in some pockets of Kabul enjoyed "freedom." @PialiRoy 6112603943 inaaicecream 11/27/2009 8:11 AM ya Allah kabul kan doa ku 6112553342 cherryrena 11/27/2009 8:08 AM RT @TheHolyAlQuran: And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) and Noor (Light) and Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say and we do 6112479352 fererodrigues 11/27/2009 8:05 AM @mahillston fui ontem, com mamis e papis. Mas sugiro outra coisa pra hoje: Kabul, barzinho na consolação com música cubana. vamos? 6112351484 zweitansage 11/27/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6112179241 islamipaylasim 11/27/2009 7:51 AM KURBAN BAYRAMINIZ MUBAREK OLSUN. RABBİM KURBANLARINIZ DERGAHI İZZETİNDE KABUL VE MAKBUL EYLESİN İNŞAALLAH. 6112126189 fatihkadirakin 11/27/2009 7:49 AM Staj muafiyetim kabul edilmiş. Oh be! Staj yapmadan okulu bitiriyorum :) 6111583951 HeyErnie 11/27/2009 7:22 AM Contractor helo disappears in Afghanistan: KABUL — A helicopter chartered by an international military contractor... 6111487605 eozgure 11/27/2009 7:17 AM kimseyi aramadı bayram kutlamadı normal de yapar ama bu sene istemedi snaırım artık bu bayramı kabul etmiyor ve etmek istemiyor... 6111310948 nonadisco 11/27/2009 7:08 AM RT @TheHolyAlQuran: And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) and Noor (Light) and Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say and w ... 6111303802 nemiry 11/27/2009 7:08 AM RT @esatd: 7 Kocalı Hürmüz'ü izledim. Filmin bir masal/roman uyarlaması olduğunu kabul edin gidin ve çılgınlar gibi eğlenin, harika perf ... 6111229506 48kutay 11/27/2009 7:04 AM her gün saçmalayan meriç tunca'ya sürekli cevap verilmeli, yoksa dedikleri kabul edilir. mantık bu.. 6111145380 sandefjordbib 11/27/2009 7:00 AM Nytt i Sandefjord bibliotek: Morten Hesseldahl, Drager over Kabul, 6111143674 zweitansage 11/27/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6110838224 TiagoDF 11/27/2009 6:43 AM How power corrupts in Kabul | Alex de Waal 6110690991 bookgroupies 11/27/2009 6:35 AM #chess and Deep Purple in #Kabul #Afghanistan! 6110482040 haberbiz 11/27/2009 6:24 AM Yeni haber, Almanya'nın sunduğu tasarı kabul edildi - 6110468817 indraagusrahman 11/27/2009 6:23 AM RT @zeanettee: Bentar lagi ijab kabul...««mo merit nii... 6110452032 HookerNun 11/27/2009 6:22 AM Kandahar gov. survives assassination attempt - KABUL (AP) -- The governor of the volatile southern Afghan province ... 6110452105 Cybervangelist 11/27/2009 6:22 AM Kandahar gov. survives assassination attempt - KABUL (AP) -- The governor of the volatile southern Afghan province ... 6110433754 AllenStairs 11/27/2009 6:21 AM RT @catherine_mayer: My colleague's wonderful elegaic piece on her last Thanksgiving in Kabul: 6110361015 findmeabout 11/27/2009 6:17 AM About assassination attempt, kandahar governor: November, 27, 2009 – 05:57 am AP KABUL, Afghanistan &.. 6110335129 Israel_News 11/27/2009 6:15 AM aawsat ME: Karzai renews call for Taliban to lay down weapons: KABUL (AP) - Afghan President Hamid Ka.. 6110331071 istiklalakarsu 11/27/2009 6:15 AM Bi komşumuz kasap poşetinde et getirdi, yüzüne vurmadık, allah kabul etsin teyzecim dedik. 6110089233 catherine_mayer 11/27/2009 6:01 AM My colleague's wonderful elegaic piece on her last Thanksgiving in Kabul: 6110060405 zweitansage 11/27/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6109968255 herald_tribune 11/27/2009 5:54 AM Kandahar Governor Survives Assassination Attempt: KABUL (AP) -- The governor of the volatile southern Afghan provin... 6109967459 BetteDam 11/27/2009 5:54 AM We just watched the doc The Fog of War... (on vietnam) interesting to see it from Kabul.. 6109826368 BetteDam 11/27/2009 5:45 AM @VVOJ Ow, maar ik ben heel trots dat ik journalist ben. Jammer dat ik er niet bij kan zijn: in Kabul. Succes (en denk aan de freelancers:) 6109742035 BetteDam 11/27/2009 5:40 AM Wow, the roads of Kabul are empty... how is that possible? Eid, ladies and gentleman, Eid... 6109718180 IbnSiqilli 11/27/2009 5:39 AM Mullah Muhammad Omar's New 'Eid al-Adha Message, 2009: ( #Taliban #Afghanistan #Pakistan #Pashtun #jihad #Kabul 6109531823 rtsradio 11/27/2009 5:27 AM Kandahar governor survives assassination attempt - KABUL (AP) -- The governor of the volatile southern Afghan p... 6109491821 PaginaNuova 11/27/2009 5:24 AM NEW YORK TIMES - Kandahar Governor Survives Assassination Attempt: KABUL (AP) -- The governor o.. 6109490129 milijulidotcom 11/27/2009 5:24 AM Kandahar Governor Survives Assassination Attempt: KABUL (AP) -- The governor of the volatile southern Afghan pr.. 6109482346 fingertipnews 11/27/2009 5:24 AM AP Intl: Kandahar governor survives assassination attempt - KABUL (AP) -- The governor of the volatile southern... 6109469551 Claudia_Vallejo 11/27/2009 5:23 AM Kandahar Governor Survives Assassination Attempt: KABUL (AP) -- The governor of the volatile sout.. #hacerfortuna 6109461634 yckong 11/27/2009 5:23 AM Kandahar Governor Survives Assassination Attempt: KABUL (AP) -- The governor of the volatile southern Afghan provin... 6109450763 cnen 11/27/2009 5:22 AM [CNEN] Kandahar Governor Survives Assassination Attempt: KABUL (AP) -- The governor of the volatile south.. 6109389134 ridvanseker 11/27/2009 5:18 AM BAYRAMLAR BEREKETTIR, UMUTTUR, OZLEMDIR. YARINLAR NIYETTIR. KESTIGINIZ KURBAN VE DUALARINIZ KABUL OLSUN,... 6109388712 NicoleeyColeeey 11/27/2009 5:18 AM Kabul Shit is actually the best Lily Allen song <3 6109388481 dave13100 11/27/2009 5:18 AM Kandahar Governor Survives Assassination Attempt: KABUL (AP) -- The governor of the volatile southern Afghan provin... 6109343216 safazengin 11/27/2009 5:15 AM Bayramda kapıları gezen çocuklar şeker kabul etmiyor: para ya da para eden birşeyler istiyorlar. Soyguncu doldu memleket yahu... 6109314223 fachrul_ad 11/27/2009 5:13 AM @empangardian adu masak yo yang menang berhak ijab kabul sama dia HAHAHA 6109309180 DioneSants 11/27/2009 5:13 AM Kandahar Governor Survives Assassination Attempt: KABUL (AP) -- The governor of the volatile southern Afghan pr.. 6109284774 Israel_News 11/27/2009 5:11 AM aawsat ME: Kandahar governor survives assassination attempt: KABUL (AP) - The governor of the volatil.. 6109276110 fpbowen 11/27/2009 5:10 AM WFP Afghan-Canadian governor of Kandahar survives assassination attempt: KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan-Canadian ac... 6109207910 Casanovy_II 11/27/2009 5:06 AM Kandahar governor survives assassination attempt: KABUL (AP) -- The governor of the volatile southern Afghan pr.. 6109174096 luizlemgruber 11/27/2009 5:04 AM NYTimes: Kandahar Governor Survives Assassination Attempt: KABUL (AP) -- The governor of the volatile s.. 6109147332 GabrielPeri 11/27/2009 5:02 AM Taaa onbinlerce yıldan beri vardır kurban geleneği.. Ne diyelim.. biz kurban olmadıkça, kabul olsun :-) 6109106975 newsfeeding 11/27/2009 5:00 AM Kandahar Governor Survives Assassination Attempt: KABUL (AP) -- The governor of the volatile southern Afghan pr.. 6109102969 zweitansage 11/27/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6109042427 unreconcilable 11/27/2009 4:55 AM icin kabul etsin. Rab, samimiyetimizi kabul etsin .. 6108995919 unreconcilable 11/27/2009 4:52 AM Ibrahim yalvardi Allah'a. bir cocuk istedi. karsiliginda "en sevdigim seyi" ugrunda kurban edecegim dedi. duasi kabul olundu. ona bir oglan 6108927262 edwardrinda 11/27/2009 4:48 AM Kandahar governor survives assassination attempt: KABUL (AP) -- The governor of the volatile southern Afghan pr.. 6108886664 bookgroupies 11/27/2009 4:45 AM #Bamiyan Buddhas, cake and #CatStevens in #Kabul #Afghanistan 6108868398 VCNnews 11/27/2009 4:44 AM Kandahar governor survives assassination attempt: KABUL (AP) -- The governor of the volatile southern Afg.. #news 6108834932 cosmoweb 11/27/2009 4:42 AM Kandahar governor survives assassination attempt: KABUL (AP) -- The governor of the volatile southern Afghan pr.. 6108782090 animedraw 11/27/2009 4:38 AM northfacejackets: by offerdunks (Posted 27 Nov 2009 10:16)KABUL (Reuters) ?C Afghan forces should be ready to take ... 6108648516 stewartupton 11/27/2009 4:29 AM Commandant of the Marine Corps arrives in Kabul 6108598201 captimes 11/27/2009 4:26 AM Gerard Russell: U.S. must ‘fail’ for Afghanistan to succeed - KABUL — Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s inauguration ... 6108573271 Zone_militaire 11/27/2009 4:24 AM AFP/Kabul: The governor of Kandahar' province narrowly escaped assassination Friday when a bomb exploded near his car 6108463290 Duartefmartins 11/27/2009 4:17 AM Buenos dias Kabul! 6108444877 truthinhistory 11/27/2009 4:16 AM AP NewsAlert: Kabul: Kandahar GGovernor survives assassination attemp in Southern Afghanistan. (Peaceful muslim's?) 6108394401 BreakingNewsDeu 11/27/2009 4:12 AM BREAKING - KABUL - Local official says Kandahar governor survives assassination attempt in southern Afghanistan ap 6108210898 zweitansage 11/27/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6108127301 itu_sozluk 11/27/2009 3:54 AM metal dinleyen insan ile metalci arasındaki fark: kurban kesen ile kurban eti yeyip allah kabul etsin diyen insan ... 6108028156 BeachHeadHerald 11/27/2009 3:47 AM U.S. Military Unveils New Prison in Afghanistan (source: Big News Network): KABUL, Nov 27 (IPS) - The.. #Military 6107903494 Europa_Press 11/27/2009 3:38 AM Internacional: Karzai pide a los "hermanos talibán" que ayuden a "volver a la paz y la prosperidad": KABUL, 27 Nov.... 6107860467 fingertipnews2 11/27/2009 3:35 AM Reuters Intl: Karzai reaches out to Afghan Taliban on holiday: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President .. 6107711645 fingertipnews 11/27/2009 3:25 AM AP Intl: Karzai renews call on Taliban to lay down weapons - KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai called... 6107571632 girlofgordon 11/27/2009 3:15 AM Five days off to sit and do nothing around Kabul is just unfair. But it does mean I'll get through by book collection! 6107511614 EzkaLog 11/27/2009 3:11 AM Bilumum büyük ve küçük baş hayvanlara sözde soykırım iddiaları şiddetle kabul edildi. 6107459188 muzhunter 11/27/2009 3:07 AM How power corrupts in Kabul: in Afganistan, Nato is the most corrupt ruler of all 6107384117 discothing 11/27/2009 3:02 AM @tyradesalvo o yeahhh kabul ediorum :D iyi bayramlar diorum gayet ezikce bu yaratıcılıgınız karsında :D 6107352385 zweitansage 11/27/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6107286903 YahooNoticias 11/27/2009 2:55 AM Karzai llama a rebeldes afganos del Talibán a deponer armas: KABUL (AP) - El presidente de Afganistán Hamid Karza... 6107264835 Killaaylos 11/27/2009 2:53 AM Bin damla serilsin yüreğine, bin mutluluk dolsun gönlüne, bütün hayallerin gerçek olsun, duaların kabul olsun bu bayramda... Kurban Bayramın 6107166035 FLASH_NEWS 11/27/2009 2:46 AM REUTERS: Karzai reaches out to Afghan Taliban on holiday: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai reached out t 6107099347 AlanGeorgeBrook 11/27/2009 2:42 AM RT @InfidelsParadis: Obama burned in effigy in Kabul in protest 6107039034 jodilarsrg0nd 11/27/2009 2:38 AM Print Story: Hope and despair live side by side in Kabul - Yahoo! News 6107032822 KimBomin 11/27/2009 2:37 AM Karzai reaches out to Afghan Taliban on holiday: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai reached out... #Korea 6107030354 reuterswire 11/27/2009 2:37 AM Karzai reaches out to Afghan Taliban on holiday: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai reached out to the... 6107027285 Amorous_VI 11/27/2009 2:37 AM Karzai reaches out to Afghan Taliban on holiday: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai reached out to.. 6107017101 HeadlinesNewz 11/27/2009 2:36 AM Karzai reaches out to Afghan Taliban on holiday: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai reached out to the... 6107017104 webtipsfree 11/27/2009 2:36 AM Karzai reaches out to Afghan Taliban on holiday: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai reached out to the... 6107017111 reuterstop 11/27/2009 2:36 AM Karzai reaches out to Afghan Taliban on holiday: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai reached out to the... 6107017241 tweettools4U 11/27/2009 2:36 AM Karzai reaches out to Afghan Taliban on holiday: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karz... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 6107017069 SmittysWeb 11/27/2009 2:36 AM KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai reached out to the Taliban on Friday, part of a call for reconcilia... 6107017079 MobileAuto 11/27/2009 2:36 AM Karzai reaches out to Afghan Taliban on holiday: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai reached out to the... 6107017087 newsfeeding 11/27/2009 2:36 AM Karzai reaches out to Afghan Taliban on holiday: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai reached out to t... 6107006406 twittfeed 11/27/2009 2:35 AM Reuters Top News Karzai reaches out to Afghan Taliban on holiday: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai r... 6106936144 safe_waters 11/27/2009 2:31 AM #reutersIN Karzai reaches out to Afghan Taliban on holiday: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai reached out 6106931829 ajenglazuardini 11/27/2009 2:30 AM RT @TheHolyAlQuran: And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) and Noor (Light) and Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say and we do 6106892345 AllNewsSources 11/27/2009 2:28 AM REUTERS: Karzai reaches out to Afghan Taliban on holiday: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai reached out t 6106853898 yudigit 11/27/2009 2:25 AM RT @indraq: RT @TheHolyAlQuran: And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) & Noor (Light) & Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we s ... 6106817204 rapid_news 11/27/2009 2:22 AM Bittersweet Thanksgiving for troops: Nov. 26 - U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan’s capital Kabul enjoy a taste.. 6106588837 gercektrakyam 11/27/2009 2:06 AM BAYRAMLAR BEREKETTİR,,UMUTTUR,,ÖZLEMDİR..YARINLAR NİYETTİR.KESTİĞİNİZ KURBAN VE DUALARINIZ KABUL... 6106572139 Dawn_News 11/27/2009 2:05 AM KABUL: AFGHAN PRESIDENT KARZAI REACHES OUT TO TALIBAN ON HOLIDAY 6106532574 indraq 11/27/2009 2:03 AM RT @TheHolyAlQuran: And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) & Noor (Light) & Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say & we do Ameen 6106500965 Bi_Chie 11/27/2009 2:01 AM And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) and Noor (Light) and Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say and we do, Ameen 6106483525 zweitansage 11/27/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6106365999 cindyadam 11/27/2009 1:51 AM RT @TheHolyAlQuran: And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah(Blessing)&Noor(Light),Kabul(Acceptance) in everything we say&we do, Ameen. :) 6106335211 KemsaSos 11/27/2009 1:49 AM @ediesed ben de senin kaçan otobüse yetişmek için taksi tutmanı kabul etmiyorum şansım 6106321864 rerenyarere 11/27/2009 1:48 AM @TheHolyAlQuran: May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) & Noor (Light) & Kabul (Acceptance) in everythin we say & we do, Ameen. :) 6106168491 evasumiyarni 11/27/2009 1:38 AM RT @TheHolyAlQuran: And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) and Noor (Light) and Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say and we do 6106109172 Niniyn 11/27/2009 1:34 AM RT @TheHolyAlQuran:And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah(Blessing), Noor(Light) and Kabul(Acceptance) in everything we say and we do, Ameen 6106065979 tajakusumah 11/27/2009 1:31 AM RT @TheHolyAlQuran: And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) and Noor (Light) and Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say and we do 6106056313 operatr 11/27/2009 1:30 AM Kurban Bayramı: Last post by metude:Originally posted by ont:Allah'a şükür ki, domuz dinimizce haram kabul e.. 6106053634 EdieSed 11/27/2009 1:30 AM @KemsaSos hayir ya bunu kabul etmiyorum sacini 3 e vurdurmus olamazsin =D 6106048747 herwinrizaldi 11/27/2009 1:30 AM RT @TheHolyAlQuran: And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) and Noor (Light) and Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say and do 6106038916 adzanu 11/27/2009 1:29 AM RT @TheHolyAlQuran: May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) & Noor (Light) & Kabul (Acceptance) in everythin we say & we do, Ameen. :) 6105999486 LintzLove 11/27/2009 1:27 AM May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) and Noor (Light) and Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say and we do, Amin. (: 6105976252 TheHolyAlQuran 11/27/2009 1:25 AM And May Allah the Almighty put Barakah (Blessing) and Noor (Light) and Kabul (Acceptance) in everything we say and we do, Ameen. :) 6105609903 anaarkhan 11/27/2009 1:01 AM @BDUTT BTW the reason why I relate to all this is becoz I have been living and working as a proud Indian in Kabul for the past 7 yr 6105599303 anaarkhan 11/27/2009 1:01 AM @ShashiTharoor BTW the reason why I relate to all this is becoz I have been living and working as a proud Indian in Kabul for the past 7 yr 6104913598 webisweb 11/27/2009 12:19 AM Allah kabul etsin.. . #iyibayramlar re: 6104743534 NewshoundNews 11/27/2009 12:09 AM KABUL: Most of the city is shut down as its the first day of the Muslim festival of Eid. 6104733858 NewshoundNews 11/27/2009 12:08 AM KABUL: Most of the city is quiet as it's the first day of the Muslim festival of Eid. We're off shopping (again)... 6104576984 tikkyboy34 11/26/2009 11:59 PM Bayramlar berekettir, umuttur, özlemdir. Yarınlar niyettir. Kestiğiniz kurban ve dualarınız kabul olsun,... 6104144807 fingertipnews2 11/26/2009 11:35 PM UPI-Top News: Taliban resurgence seen: KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 26 (UPI) -- The Taliban have resur.. 6103990091 ahmadshuja 11/26/2009 11:27 PM The 70s is largely a melancholic mirage. Only women in some pockets of Kabul enjoyed "freedom." @PialiRoy 6103910824 fingertipnews 11/26/2009 11:22 PM UPI-Top News: Taliban resurgence seen - KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 26 (UPI) -- The Taliban have resurfaced in the on... 6103767929 mikeupchurch1 11/26/2009 11:15 PM had thanksgiving turkey in Kabul with a few amreican patriots serving the troops that are serving us. god bless america. 6103278202 tampachick 11/26/2009 10:50 PM Had a calm thanksgiving. 8 days til gil leaves kabul! 6102587311 in_asia 11/26/2009 10:16 PM KABUL — The commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, U.S. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, is to meet with senior gover.. 6102549189 ricelaker 11/26/2009 10:14 PM How power corrupts in Kabul | Alex de Waal | Comment is free | via @addthis 6101298260 _tugbaergun_ 11/26/2009 9:18 PM Allah rızası için kurban ibadetlerini yerine getirenlerin, hac ibadetlerini yerine getirenlerin, vede yapılan tüm hayır ve yardımların kabul 6100369836 iirriirr 11/26/2009 8:38 PM Ijab kabul pas lebaran !! Congrats om ,,, 6100324886 fay_clae34o 11/26/2009 8:36 PM News Headlines - Hope and despair live side by side in Kabul... 6099973029 eliottosta 11/26/2009 8:21 PM indo pro Kabul aqui perto... ver a exposiçao de fotos da amiga Ariela Plaza. Beijoteligoquandopuder. 6099839330 aslimuu 11/26/2009 8:16 PM myspace, cok cabalıyosun ama kabul et artık senin zamanın geçti. twitterdan facebooktan ozellikler koyman falan da seni kurtarmaya yetmicek. 6099822392 LMPEACE 11/26/2009 8:15 PM @caryskelton Wanted to let you know Mr.Maceda has a piece on NN from Kabul about how the US Troops are celebrating Thanksgiving Good Piece. 6099503489 karinaisbaloon 11/26/2009 8:02 PM koplok, take pict dong. haha. ijab kabul dulu ga?RT @sartikatco: baru skr liat domba kawin. zz. lol 6099441982 randomprofiles 11/26/2009 8:00 PM U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan's capital Kabul enjoy a taste of home with a Thanksgiving Day feast 6098712743 chaebasori 11/26/2009 7:29 PM abis ijab kabul buat sapiiiiii ku ahahhahaha 6097609536 omerfarukbesli 11/26/2009 6:42 PM @ElifD1 bence okuma, ne teklıf edıyosa dırek kabul et :) @leventkazak adı yeter 6097447105 thenewsblog 11/26/2009 6:36 PM Newsflash: Video: Thanksgiving for hungry soldiers in Kabul ( 6097377152 BarrieAinsworth 11/26/2009 6:33 PM German General Quits Over Airstrike - Gen. Wolfgang Schneiderhan of Germany in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Nov. 12. 6097348818 spaceflight 11/26/2009 6:31 PM RT @nbcnightlynews: Video: Thanksgiving for hungry soldiers in Kabul 6097310377 randibawell 11/26/2009 6:30 PM Potong kurban nya jadi besok jadi besok ijab kabul kurbannya dong ah ! 6097281433 nbcnightlynews 11/26/2009 6:29 PM Video: Thanksgiving for hungry soldiers in Kabul 6097271645 32bpwr3 11/26/2009 6:28 PM When Thanksgiving Comes to Afghanistan - TIME's Kabul correspondent talks about a tradition that is coming to an en... 6097248067 armywifenmomof2 11/26/2009 6:27 PM Happy Thanksgiving to my husband and sons Major Fred Matusewic in Kabul, Afghanistan SSgt David Sisco in Baghdad Sgt Jason Sisco in Tirkrit 6097197007 Cybervangelist 11/26/2009 6:25 PM German General Quits Over Airstrike - Gen. Wolfgang Schneiderhan of Germany in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Nov. 12. 6097196839 HookerNun 11/26/2009 6:25 PM German General Quits Over Airstrike - Gen. Wolfgang Schneiderhan of Germany in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Nov. 12. 6097007423 mstfulutas 11/26/2009 6:17 PM salatalığın meyve olduğunu kabul ettirmek için yıllardır verdiği kararlı mücadele takdir edilmeli. 6096883774 bolbol_gundem 11/26/2009 6:12 PM Demokrasiye müdahale, hakkımıza tecavüzdür; bunu kabul edemeyiz 6096862929 sosyoblog 11/26/2009 6:11 PM 3 Kapı 1 Araba: Tamam kabul ediyorum, ilgi çeksin diye böyle bir başlık koydum. Bahsedeceğim şeyse Monty Hal... 6096597377 asi_karamelek 11/26/2009 6:00 PM @aslihanalkan sorgulamadan kabul etmek koyunlara mahsus bebeim :D 6096529672 kkullu 11/26/2009 5:57 PM @kisspedroforme ben de kabul ediyorum: sosyal faşistim :) 6096490038 Schwanzerberg 11/26/2009 5:55 PM @MelikeAcar Ve arka plandaki Joker... Bayıldım ona da. Sonraki skeç karakterin Joker olsa? İstek kabul eder misin, bilmiyorum :) 6096346197 karo555 11/26/2009 5:49 PM @Notredamedesion siz kuzu mu kesiosunuz:)allah kabul etsin:) 6096248087 BiaDuarte01 11/26/2009 5:45 PM Economics test tomorrow, I have not had time to study, I am full of auxiliary memory, is more beautiful than say kabul (: 6095972757 kmkayrak 11/26/2009 5:33 PM @bturkkaya kıçımı devirip uyudum kabul ediyorum xD hoş yarında bunu her bulduğum köşede uygularım. maç izleme hevesm var çünkü şu gece 6095532124 karo555 11/26/2009 5:15 PM @cuneytsen simdiden allah kabul etsin....sen de 1 gidion kaç saat yoksun cuneyt abi:) 6095528089 webisweb 11/26/2009 5:15 PM Liked "Bağışlar kurban vazifesini karşılamaz, unutmamak lazım! Kesenlerinkini Allah kabul etsin. Herkese hayırlı..." 6095352876 ahseni_s 11/26/2009 5:07 PM @omerfarukbesli :)allah kabul etsin inşallah.o zaman kutlayayım ben.aileniz ve sevdiklerinizle nice güzel bayramlara, bayram gibi hayata inş 6095159086 zweitansage 11/26/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6095008127 chirimirim 11/26/2009 4:53 PM @slmtrz sana da :) Allah kabul etsin. Bayramın mübarek olsun yoldaş :) 6094928549 n2es 11/26/2009 4:50 PM Thanksgiving'e başlatmayın arkadaşım. Kurban bayramınız kutlu olsun! Hindi kabul olmaz, olacaksa koyun olsun! 6094924481 saryemin 11/26/2009 4:50 PM rıdvan hoca milli takımdan teklif gelse kabul edermi lütfen bu soruyu sorar mısınız??? 6094593020 semihtekeli 11/26/2009 4:36 PM Kurbanlarınız kabul, gönülleriniz ferah, çocuklarınız mutlu, Beşiktaşımız şampiyon, Bayramınız kutlu olsun.. 6094577539 randomprofiles 11/26/2009 4:35 PM U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan's capital Kabul enjoy a taste of home with a Thanksgiving Day feast. 6094568872 Buminhan 11/26/2009 4:35 PM @cengizsemercio Ridvan Hoca milli takimdan teklif gelse kabul eder mi? sorar misiniz? 6094499737 allforyou4 11/26/2009 4:32 PM German General Quits Over Airstrike - Gen. Wolfgang Schneiderhan of Germany in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Nov. 12. 6094468461 NYTimesOnline 11/26/2009 4:31 PM German General Quits Over Airstrike - Gen. Wolfgang Schneiderhan of Germany in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Nov. 12. 6094346229 CenterdinSEA 11/26/2009 4:26 PM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $3 with promo code: THANKS #seattle 6094215699 koraykc 11/26/2009 4:20 PM Kurban derisi bağışlarıniz kabul edilir. 6094128647 expatPT 11/26/2009 4:16 PM How power corrupts in Kabul: They have offshore bank accounts and bargain by satellite phone. The price of loya.. 6094051493 patriciarech 11/26/2009 4:13 PM Festinha chegandoooo!!! Amanhã no Kabul!!! 6093899286 mustafaalcan 11/26/2009 4:07 PM Böyle giderse cep mesajlarını telefonuma belli bi tarifeyle kabul ediciim.Öyle "aldım başımı geldim" olmaz. Herşey karşılıklı. Harfi 1 dolar 6093829807 doneste 11/26/2009 4:04 PM is reading The Bookseller Of Kabul by Asne Seierstad, Ingrid Christ... - 6093727518 zweitansage 11/26/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6093567979 digitaldunyam 11/26/2009 3:53 PM Bayramlar berekettir, umuttur, özlemdir. Yarınlar niyettir. Kestiğiniz kurban ve dualarınız kabul olsun,... 6093499922 melistalay 11/26/2009 3:50 PM @sedashn hee kendin kabul ediyosun yani?* 6093467098 elfxs 11/26/2009 3:48 PM bayram kahvaltısını kaçırmamalı erken yatalım erken kalkalım bu gece tüm dualar kabul unutmayın:)) 6093173080 cemrezekiroglu 11/26/2009 3:35 PM Gençler para biriktiriyorum her türlü bağışlarınız kabul edilir. 6092933764 urqh 11/26/2009 3:25 PM @StephenGrey Good web site and good heads up on BBC Kabul blogs. Thanks. 6092562672 IbnSiqilli 11/26/2009 3:09 PM Mullah Muhammad Omar's New 'Eid al-Adha Message, 2009: ( #Taliban #Afghanistan #Pakistan #Pashtun #jihad #Kabul 6092541258 paulgslatter 11/26/2009 3:08 PM How power corrupts in Kabul - bleak analysis of NATO failure by Alex de Waal in The Guardian #afghanistan 6092501048 beru_asi 11/26/2009 3:06 PM @Akasyaa kabul için teşekkürler 6092344429 meliserenoglu 11/26/2009 3:00 PM @susieCohen kabul ediorm supyanciyim, bunu dicek hale geldim, ah taylor ahps. ve 2 kere izledim filmi, gerci nedeni jacob diildi:D 6092342777 zweitansage 11/26/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6092145973 ZARKO_Newz 11/26/2009 2:51 PM French Politics: Copenhagen--and Kabul: This sets up the possibility of a clash between Sarkozy and Ob.. #Nicolaz 6092120868 21AndreaPirlo21 11/26/2009 2:50 PM Tüm sevdiğim insanlar,arkadaşlarım,dostlarım sizleri çok seviyorum herşey gönlünüzce olsun bu gece edilen bütün dualar kabul olsun... 6091479519 NewshoundNews 11/26/2009 2:22 PM KABUL: Moscow says it's ready to provide maintenance for Soviet and Russian military equipment used by NATO forces in Afghanistan. 6091304479 in_asia 11/26/2009 2:15 PM French soldiers returning to an outpost after a recent operation east of Kabul. France is standing firm on its .. 6091090802 mustafataha 11/26/2009 2:06 PM salon sporlarinda en saglam taraftar partizan'in kabul etmek lazim. insanin mactan cok partizan taraftarini seyredesi geliyor... 6090958606 a_selim_tuncer 11/26/2009 2:00 PM Liked "Seth Godin hatasını kabul etmiş.(Müşterilerini yalancı olarak adlandırma) Kitabının hem ismini hem kapağını..." 6090942011 zweitansage 11/26/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6090780010 TugbaOzalp 11/26/2009 1:53 PM Iyi Bayramlar... bir zamanlar Balonlarim vardi diye sarki soyleyen tombul Ibo geldi aklima.... kabul edorum yaslandim ben. 6090756173 MDThermo 11/26/2009 1:52 PM Contractor helo disappears in Afghanistan: KABUL — A helicopter chartered by an international military contractor... 6090616444 pelinerg 11/26/2009 1:45 PM @Akasyaa arkadaş olarak kabul ettiğiniz için çoook teşekkür ederim 6090610581 madameethemad 11/26/2009 1:45 PM Şarkıyı ben buldum sonunda.. ama kabul edicek mi 4 erkek bilmem. 6090604456 VOATR 11/26/2009 1:45 PM VOA TR Haberler: AP Genişleme Raporunu Kabul Etti: İtalyan parlamenter Gabriele Albertini tarafından hazırlanan... 6090198583 DavidDREL 11/26/2009 1:28 PM Happy Thanksgiving - Eid Mubarak - AFGHANISTAN, Kabul - 6089978856 Zener39 11/26/2009 1:19 PM RT @skipinc US Army News: Contractor helo disappears in Afghanistan: KABUL — A helicopter ... #usa #military 6089498133 zweitansage 11/26/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6089425295 bashakilhan 11/26/2009 12:57 PM Kesinlikle katiliorum. Kabul edis, sukredis, huzur 30yasin ardinda sakliymis meger... re: 6089350188 elifyalcin 11/26/2009 12:54 PM @gulsugelgun off wannabesin kabul et :P 6089172814 TrendingCasts 11/26/2009 12:46 PM Bittersweet Thanksgiving for troops: U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan's capital Kabul enjoy a taste of home with a .. 6089022511 econoclastic 11/26/2009 12:41 PM From #Kabul on #Thanksgiving 6088647447 hercaideniz 11/26/2009 12:26 PM Düştükçe uçurum sancıdıkça aşk…Ve aşklaştıkça kalp daha çok parçalanıyor hayat yaklaştıkça daha bir özlüyorum. Kabul ediyorum galibimsin!. 6088427255 derjanosch 11/26/2009 12:17 PM "International Afghanistan Conference held in Kabul soon": Afghan FM Spanta // What about London? 6088407575 in_asia 11/26/2009 12:16 PM French soldiers returning to an outpost after a recent operation east of Kabul. France is standing firm on its .. 6088247191 esatd 11/26/2009 12:10 PM 7 Kocalı Hürmüz'ü izledim. Filmin bir masal/roman uyarlaması olduğunu kabul edin gidin ve çılgınlar gibi eğlenin, harika performanslar!.. 6088232300 Bunalimm 11/26/2009 12:09 PM Bir damla ümit serpilsin yüreğinize, bir damla mutluluk dolsun günlerinize , binbir duanız kabül ve Bayramınız... 6088130298 esehri 11/26/2009 12:05 PM 15 trilyon çıksa da kabul etmem:) 6087987633 zweitansage 11/26/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6087955964 talipmutafoglu 11/26/2009 11:58 AM ya alla karetsın seni twitter..hiç bi resmimi kabul etmiosun..cok mu kıskanıosun anlamıorumm!! merakma ısıne tas koymaaammm... 6087761027 VeroRebelLion 11/26/2009 11:51 AM Fucking Staten Norge..byebye sucker!! Stikker snart til Kabul!! Og jeg blir borte LEEENGEE!!! Yoohoo! 6087755312 Okieprof 11/26/2009 11:50 AM Thanksgiving, in Baghdad, Kabul, and home... 6087650273 MikeCapp 11/26/2009 11:46 AM I have missed Thanksgivings having been deployed from Kabul, Afghanistan to Okinawa, Japan to Guam. Today I am th ... 6087646183 MikeCapp 11/26/2009 11:46 AM I have missed Thanksgivings having been deployed from Kabul, Afghanistan to Okinawa, Japan to Guam. Today I am th ... 6087561235 AllMilitaryNews 11/26/2009 11:43 AM (Marine Corp Times) Contractor helo disappears in Afghanistan: KABUL — A hel.. #Military 6087551618 AllMilitaryNews 11/26/2009 11:43 AM (Army Times) Contractor helo disappears in Afghanistan: KABUL — A helicopter charte.. #Military 6087294915 edabi 11/26/2009 11:33 AM Şu an facebookta yeldemden gelen bi ilişki teklifi var. Kabul de edemiyorum. Çaresizim. Duruyo öyle. Yanlış anlarlar ama Yeldem............ 6087054250 iNewsStand 11/26/2009 11:24 AM Entertainment Images Photo from Getty Images - KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - NOVEMBER 26: Afghan men look for business at t... 6086397203 zweitansage 11/26/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6086314341 lifelessness 11/26/2009 10:56 AM bir baba da görmedim tv karşısında uyuduğunu kabul etsin. -- baba uyuyor musun? ++ yok yok, izliyorum ben. kapatma. 6086205145 memoruiz7 11/26/2009 10:53 AM I am thankful for @meganlmack, if it wasn't for her, I would be disarming bombs in Kabul. 6086181993 M394_83 11/26/2009 10:52 AM smoga t'kabul... 6085910943 rahmahumayya 11/26/2009 10:42 AM @sosronegoro alhamdulilaaah.. Iya lah tentuna.. Target tahun depan insya allah ijab kabul yats.. Kemarin2 ijab kabur!!! Huahahhaha!! 6085838524 pirpirnaz 11/26/2009 10:39 AM @thecotanak konsere maskeli seyirci kabul ediyor musunuz? 6085645450 lynettexv4f 11/26/2009 10:32 AM KC Contractor Fights Off Kabul Attack - Kansas City News Story... 6085634791 militaryupdates 11/26/2009 10:31 AM #Military_Times : Contractor helo disappears in Afghanistan: KABUL — A helicopter chartered by an international m... 6085486576 AllMilitaryNews 11/26/2009 10:26 AM RT @MarineCorps: Contractor helo disappears in Afghanistan: KABUL — A helicopter chartered by an international... 6085430950 MarineCorps 11/26/2009 10:24 AM Contractor helo disappears in Afghanistan: KABUL — A helicopter chartered by an international military co.. 6085382661 discothing 11/26/2009 10:22 AM hihi @nina bana kustu. bende barışması için mızırdandım oda kabul etti. şimdeeeee hem oley bagbında hemde cep... 6084771498 zweitansage 11/26/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6084625251 omaha_ 11/26/2009 9:54 AM Kabul Journal - A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan - via @addthis 6084488930 Haber3com 11/26/2009 9:49 AM Sivas deliye döndü!: Sivasspor genel menajeri Turgun, şike iddialarını kabul etmediklerini söyledi. 6084147272 aleviforumuz 11/26/2009 9:36 AM BU GECE CEME KATILACAK OLAN CANLARIN ALLAH CEM İBADETLERİNİ KABUL MAKBUL EYLESİN AŞK-I NİYAZLARIMLA SELAMLARIM... 6084119027 TantaoNews 11/26/2009 9:35 AM Taliban chief lashes at peace talks, calls on fighters to speed up war: KABUL, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) -- Taliban elus.. 6083909789 aidnews 11/26/2009 9:27 AM ICRC physical rehabilitation centre in Kabul: learning to walk again 6083631793 baharnama 11/26/2009 9:16 AM La sapienza tarafından kabul edilmiş bulunmakatayım :D Hazırlıklar başlasın..! :D 6083471466 cokzl 11/26/2009 9:10 AM Duştayken susadım gayet. Allahım bu sıcacık banyoda n'apçam ben diye öldüm öldüm dirildim. Hala su içmedim, kola içtim. Çok zekiceydi kabul. 6083272262 aaate 11/26/2009 9:02 AM bu bayram harçlıklarını euro bazında kabul etmeyi planlıyor =)) 6083253437 tugrult 11/26/2009 9:01 AM Manchester galibiyetinden sonra tebrikleri kabul ediyorum. 6083201950 zweitansage 11/26/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6083052965 fadjar_ 11/26/2009 8:53 AM Mas Tessy a.k.a Mbak Kabul #indonesiabanget #srimulatbanget 6082911717 emregurcan 11/26/2009 8:48 AM @nedimsaban ne kadar eş dost projesi varsa en salak en gereksiz şeyleri kabul ediyorlar şu an ve inanın 300 miyon USD çöpe gidecek 6082882139 in_asia 11/26/2009 8:46 AM French soldiers returning to an outpost after a recent operation east of Kabul. France is standing firm on its .. 6082881626 in_asia 11/26/2009 8:46 AM (AP) KABUL (AP) - A helicopter chartered by an international military contractor has disappeared in Afghanistan.. 6082800942 kiidra 11/26/2009 8:43 AM gel sen de kabul et. you are a tragedy starting to happen. 6082633129 kwaenchanha 11/26/2009 8:36 AM ahaha annem sonunda masaüstümdeki bir koreliyi damadı olarak kabul etti olee tutmayın beni evleniyorum uleyn:) 6082422790 Zenzadjuned 11/26/2009 8:27 AM gak biasa aja hahaha eh itu kocak deh foto yang lagi baca yasinan wkwk RT @lumbanradja kabul is muka cabul hahahaha kaget pasti? 6082288530 lumbanradja 11/26/2009 8:21 AM gpp deh za menjadi anak yg baik dia hahaha eh kabul lo tahu kn singkatan apa? RT @Zenzadjuned: wkwkw anak bunda ye kabul RT @lumbanradja 6082281381 miraczeynep 11/26/2009 8:21 AM @ceydaca @ahmethc'nin hicivlerine alışsın, ahmet de ceyda'nın ince derili olduğunu kabul etsin. bayramda küslük olmaz 6082256507 Zenzadjuned 11/26/2009 8:20 AM wkwkw anak bunda ye kabul RT @lumbanradja gak tahu katanya di suruh bundanya jidatnya gak nahan za wkwkwk 6082179797 axanc 11/26/2009 8:17 AM @vdgrl Yemek talibi kabul ediyor musunuz? 6082118182 lumbanradja 11/26/2009 8:14 AM lo sudah melihat za? haha emg kocak banget RT @Zenzadjuned: oke goodluck ya dew :) hahaha kayak jin tomang dodol si kabul RT @lumbanradja 6082117004 omerfarukbesli 11/26/2009 8:14 AM @ahmethc @ceydaca abi diyorum kızıyosun.sen adrenalin,kavga ve mücadele ile beslene bi adamsın.kabul etartık :):) 6082075684 Zenzadjuned 11/26/2009 8:12 AM oke goodluck ya dew :) hahaha kayak jin tomang dodol si kabul RT @lumbanradja gue senin za ckck iya banget culun deh hahaha 6081961541 katiemw 11/26/2009 8:07 AM How can you tell if a turkey is from Afghanistan? ... it goes Kabul, Kabul. (RT @schaffner) 6081935320 tmhack 11/26/2009 8:06 AM Gurban bayramyngyz gutly mubarek bolsun! Allajan beren gurbanlaryngyzy eden doga dilegleringizi kabul etsin. 6081908333 lumbanradja 11/26/2009 8:04 AM gue senin za ckck iya banget culun deh hahaha RT @Zenzadjuned: @lumbanradja minggu depan nih huhu lo kapan dew? si kabul jad botak gitu wkwk 6081876794 habercimurat 11/26/2009 8:03 AM @yasarisgorenler kompleksi de var. naparsın onu tatmin etmeye çalışıyoruz. bizi de böyle kabul edecen yoldaşım:))))))))))))))) 6081870803 warnersproperty 11/26/2009 8:03 AM Would you live in the world's newest property hotspot....Kabul? Try a home in Edinburgh instead 6081796482 zweitansage 11/26/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6081713605 NewsHoncho 11/26/2009 7:56 AM Afghanistan's James Bond: suave killer who drives a Toyota Camry: By DION NISSENBAUM KABUL -- The televisio.. 6081554549 esinovet 11/26/2009 7:48 AM peki benim anlamadığım neden insan yaşadığı bir şeyi inkar eder de sonra kabul eder. Neden? 6081327721 CubanMule 11/26/2009 7:37 AM its damn scary where i am in b'ham - would rather be in kabul 6081296719 diviiyelovers 11/26/2009 7:36 AM @petruskabul haloo bang kabul :) 6081281429 photographybot 11/26/2009 7:35 AM RT @Blipfoto Frigid morning in Kabul via 6081242184 peejaygeorge 11/26/2009 7:33 AM In Kabul, Turkey a la Istalif: Turkey encased in clay and roasted over coals for several hours. 6081040522 NewsBlogged 11/26/2009 7:23 AM AlertNet: Foreign helicopter missing in east Afghanistan - Source: Reuters KABUL, Nov 26 (Reuters) - A helicopter b... 6080751480 irinnews 11/26/2009 7:09 AM Podcast: Is a Kabul Green Zone a good idea? And IFRC boss Bekele describes new structure for Africa ops: 6080640022 mutluska 11/26/2009 7:03 AM askerden kaçmayı da anlamıyorum. ya git yap, ya da adam gibi vicdanı ret yap. kabul edilmezse davanı aç hakkını ara. ama nerdeee 6080596091 burcu_xx 11/26/2009 7:01 AM tamam kabul ediyorum bayram güzeldir ama temizliği yorucudur... 6080570599 zweitansage 11/26/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6080290552 TIMEMostPopular 11/26/2009 6:44 AM When Thanksgiving Comes to Afghanistan: TIME's Kabul correspondent talks about a tradition that is coming to an end... 6080227239 Timwellspent 11/26/2009 6:41 AM a few hours ahead of my first Thanksgiving it's heartening to see it is happening in Kabul too 6080222188 Blipfoto 11/26/2009 6:41 AM Frigid morning in Kabul 6080053165 indiareporter 11/26/2009 6:31 AM A U.S. soldier carries his Thanksgiving meal at the Bagram airbase, north of Kabul 6080022485 fingertipnews 11/26/2009 6:30 AM UPI-Top News: Helicopter missing in Afghanistan - KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 26 (UPI) -- A helicopter belonging to a... 6079896018 televideorai 11/26/2009 6:23 AM [dal mondo] FRATTINI: RINFORZI A KABUL?PRESTO PER CIFRE view.jsp?id=660947&p=150 6079891526 TrummyBum 11/26/2009 6:22 AM Soldier behind me can't distinguish between Kabul and Kandahar. There's a big difference, it's like confusing New York and New Orleans. 6079834802 tomfeyer 11/26/2009 6:19 AM . . . and a #NYT letter from #Afghanistan: In Kabul, European Police See Progress 6079819452 peralTbardea 11/26/2009 6:18 AM Ah, escucho al reverendo hijo de Puta del Chiche Gelblung, porque estos MONTONEROS No me limpian el espectro de la FM y no engancho KABUL 6079767020 StephenGrey 11/26/2009 6:15 AM Email ex Kabul - points out NYT confuses militias with static home guards - 'there are far too many militias' already in #Afghanistan 6079765985 iiaaa 11/26/2009 6:15 AM sm syp lau?Smbg aje ga ngajak2 gw sm @bjays RT @adityatazar: Nih lg mkn d'cost.mau??heRT @iiaaa: Kabul? RT @adityatazar: Lama laperr gilaa!! 6079734888 cvrepublic 11/26/2009 6:13 AM Copenhagen--and Kabul (French Politics) 6079716803 HumanityNews 11/26/2009 6:12 AM News: ICRC physical rehabilitation centre in Kabul: Learning to walk again 6079555255 adityatazar 11/26/2009 6:03 AM Nih lg mkn d'cost.maumau??eheheRT @iiaaa: Kabul ler? RT @adityatazar: Lama laperrr gilaaaa!!!! http: 6079550064 oyvindholen 11/26/2009 6:02 AM @DagHerbjornsrud Juleplata til Odd & Sissel? Engleboka til Märtha? Røkelaks? Opium? Bokhandleren i Kabul? 6079499259 zweitansage 11/26/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6079477974 acelyaakpinar 11/26/2009 5:58 AM Liked "İkinci patentim de kabul aldı, kendileri "A Personal TV Content Recommendation Engine" olup, kişilerin..." [pic] 6079442388 iiaaa 11/26/2009 5:56 AM Kabul ler? RT @adityatazar: Lama laperrr gilaaaa!!!! 6079433611 bdestek 11/26/2009 5:55 AM @cemyilmaz_mi Bu filmi Müslüman bir kişinin inançları ve kabul ettiği değerler ile izlerseniz saçma geliyor. Bunun dışında efektler iyi. 6079265887 in_asia 11/26/2009 5:45 AM French soldiers returning to an outpost after a recent operation east of Kabul. France is standing firm on its .. 6079252690 muratonuryilmaz 11/26/2009 5:44 AM postu serince müridlerimden ve yardım edip el verdiklerimden kesinlikle para kabul etmiyorum.bağış topluyoruz biz.para yok.bankaya bağış var 6079195641 Boopho 11/26/2009 5:41 AM RT @kumikoh: berlusconi a obama:prometto più truppe in cambio inviateci più figa da kabul. 6079187281 kumikoh 11/26/2009 5:40 AM berlusconi a obama:prometto più truppe in cambio inviateci più figa da kabul. 6079106664 surfingspider 11/26/2009 5:35 AM happy eid/hajj for tomorrow. afghan friend called. kabul to khyber pass road is ok. 6079044806 Mehmetokan87 11/26/2009 5:31 AM @onurozisik bu kadar çabuk kabul edilmez..... onu anlamadım :S? 6078849324 parkcaka 11/26/2009 5:19 AM bu bayram nasipse allah kabul ederse koala kesicem. sevabi cok koalanin. 6078830169 dilekaltinyuva 11/26/2009 5:17 AM @onurkurnaz acıklı bir hayatım olduğunu kabul edebilirim, evet =) 6078753773 TIMETopStories 11/26/2009 5:12 AM When Thanksgiving Comes to Afghanistan: TIME's Kabul correspondent talks about a tradition that is coming to an end... 6078753783 TimeUpdates 11/26/2009 5:12 AM When Thanksgiving Comes to Afghanistan: TIME's Kabul correspondent talks about a tradition that is coming to an end... 6078752007 itsjustenough 11/26/2009 5:12 AM When Thanksgiving Comes to Afghanistan: TIME's Kabul correspondent talks about a tradition that is coming to an end... 6078700135 ChinaManufBlog 11/26/2009 5:09 AM More troops won?t help, say Taliban|KABUL -- Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Omar said on Wednesday any new war .. 6078644543 onurozisik 11/26/2009 5:05 AM @Mehmetokan87 bu kdr cabuk kabul edilmez ama insan burda bi iğneler amaç bu 6078635555 TreatmentCtrs 11/26/2009 5:04 AM Kabul troops get huge pay rise: Their ranks and those of the army are also troubled by high levels of drug addictio... 6078561756 zweitansage 11/26/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6078468386 Zenzadjuned 11/26/2009 4:53 AM @lumbanradja minggu depan nih huhu lo kapan dew? si kabul jad botak gitu wkwk 6078333081 fishline 11/26/2009 4:44 AM Happy Thanksgiving from Kabul! We had a wonderful USA Turkey dinner on the NATO compound courtesy of Uncle Sam and u taxpayers. Thanks! 6078331787 lars_akerhaug 11/26/2009 4:44 AM I think it's funny that UNAMA has the adress "peace avenue, Kabul". 6078115957 ebuzer 11/26/2009 4:29 AM @22ally89 ben de kabul etmek istemedim ama öyle. dünyadan bihaber olduğumu anladım facebook yokken. hayat ordadevam ediyorsa direnmek boş... 6078113594 achyserulling 11/26/2009 4:29 AM omaswati RT @memedtsaurus: tessi kabul RT @sylvialalala: ryan reynolds RT @achyserulling: robert pattison RT @sylvialalala: taylor lautner 6077913100 cahitbinici 11/26/2009 4:15 AM Liked "gunun sorusu: kimler freelance 10 numara html yapiyor? + su aralar musait ve is kabul ediyor. kontak:..." 6077863866 bunyam 11/26/2009 4:12 AM ama beyler şunuda kabul edelimki man.unt.kesinkle ne gerçek kadrosunu nede gerçek futbolunu oynadı zaten grantilemişlerdi 6077760772 amira_badri 11/26/2009 4:04 AM wish gw gak terkabul-kabul pengen berat badan naik4 kg aja-__-bagii lemak dongg 6077690491 zweitansage 11/26/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6077435773 tunat 11/26/2009 3:41 AM Liked "gunun sorusu: kimler freelance 10 numara html yapiyor? + su aralar musait ve is kabul ediyor. kontak:..." 6077370650 satelliweb 11/26/2009 3:36 AM Feed sur Eutelsat W1 à 10.0°E: Fréquence : 12730 V 4167 3/4Format : MPEG-2 4:2:0 (PAL)Infos : Kabul enc1 6077362514 Korrarna 11/26/2009 3:36 AM Sunshine and peace in Kabul. Arafat today, people are out shopping for Eid. The international community is feasting on turkey tonight /Hanna 6077249256 onarimci 11/26/2009 3:28 AM Arkadaşlar, davetimi kabul edip dropboxa üye olunca 250 MB ekstra paylaşım alanı kazanacaksınız, tabi ben de. :-) Bir inceleyin derim. ;-) 6077212698 Chaati 11/26/2009 3:26 AM şeytan diyorki diğer çağataydan ekle ağzı açık kalsın... normal facete 7 tane ortak arkadaş dierinde hiç yok duble kabul etmez demi o zaman 6077161041 yeltepehulya 11/26/2009 3:22 AM Kurban Bayramınız kutlu, dualarınız kabul olsun. Herkese hayırlı bayramlar dilerim. 6077088894 Isernino 11/26/2009 3:17 AM New blog post: L'Aquila non è Kabul 6076835177 zweitansage 11/26/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6076784886 Bjsmith6905 11/26/2009 2:56 AM In Kabul, U.N. workers cope by cooking | McClatchy 6076784579 MindUrMomma 11/26/2009 2:56 AM Cookin' News In Kabul, U.N. workers cope by cooking | McClatchy 6076623168 in_asia 11/26/2009 2:45 AM French soldiers returning to an outpost after a recent operation east of Kabul. France is standing firm on its .. 6076584782 nytimesopinion 11/26/2009 2:42 AM Letter: In Kabul, European Police See Progress 6076422546 0ib 11/26/2009 2:31 AM In Kabul, European Police See Progress 6076413371 paslisam 11/26/2009 2:30 AM kılıseden cıkan kadına allah kabul etsın teyze demek:D 6076343853 chooze2move 11/26/2009 2:26 AM War torn Kabul sees property prices soar 75% in 2009 6076241036 TIMEWorld 11/26/2009 2:19 AM When Thanksgiving Comes to Afghanistan: TIME's Kabul correspondent talks about a tradition that is coming to an end... 6076223284 SahnazCakiralp 11/26/2009 2:18 AM @erhantigli hepimizin duaları kabul olsun hayırlısıyla 6076148395 maryscookbook 11/26/2009 2:13 AM In Kabul, U.N. workers cope by cooking | McClatchy: When Susan Marx was awoken before dawn last month with word tha... 6076100731 tmj_engjobs 11/26/2009 2:09 AM Hiring: Engineering, Quality Assurance and Lo... (Kabul, NA) #Jobs #TweetMyJOBS 6076087452 wort_lu 11/26/2009 2:08 AM Afghanistan: 30 000 zusätzliche US-Soldaten nach Kabul 6075984024 mehmetakduman 11/26/2009 2:02 AM merak ediyor acaba italya niye ingilizce bile konuşamayan göçmenleri kabul ederken biz öğrencilere eziyet çektiriyor? 6075948343 VMMoncrieff 11/26/2009 2:00 AM The "corruption roundup" begins in Kabul. Expect it to last until ...... oh, maybe 1st December. 6075946390 zweitansage 11/26/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6075868403 OrganicLoudoun 11/26/2009 1:54 AM Contractor helicopter missing in Afghanistan: By Jennifer Z. Deaton, CNN Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- A search w.. 6075853541 McJewski 11/26/2009 1:53 AM @Travisvsb. Your in Kabul?? Isn't that where last known Omar transmission was narrowed down to? 6075713147 MakeSuccess 11/26/2009 1:44 AM In Kabul, European Police See Progress: 18) reflects the difficulties the European Union Police, or Eupol, in A.. 6075685480 RealClearWorld 11/26/2009 1:42 AM Kabul's Bristling Bureaucracy 6075678985 RealEstateNewz 11/26/2009 1:42 AM War torn Kabul sees property prices soar 75% in the last 12 months- 6075607142 JenMcKlean 11/26/2009 1:37 AM Obama to outline Afghan strategy Tuesday: By Laura King and Peter Nicholas, Los Angeles Times KABUL -- As President... 6075605907 brrohama 11/26/2009 1:37 AM Obama to outline Afghan strategy Tuesday: By Laura King and Peter Nicholas, Los Angeles Times KABUL -- As President... 6075227360 burhankocak 11/26/2009 1:13 AM Bayramlar berekettir, umuttur, özlemdir. Yarınlar niyettir. Kestiğiniz kurban ve dualarınız kabul olsun,... 6074908960 moomoobrowncow 11/26/2009 12:53 AM Obama to outline Afghan strategy Tuesday: By Laura King and Peter Nicholas, Los Angeles Times KABUL -- As Presi.. 6074762391 vermistverloren 11/26/2009 12:44 AM Talibanleider sluit dialoog met Kabul uit: (Novum/AP) - Talibanleider Mullah Omar heeft woensdag ieder gesprek .. 6074760947 nouwij 11/26/2009 12:44 AM Talibanleider sluit dialoog met Kabul uit: (Novum/AP) - Talibanleider Mullah Omar heeft woensdag ieder gesprek met ... 6074760984 noujij 11/26/2009 12:44 AM Talibanleider sluit dialoog met Kabul uit: (Novum/AP) - Talibanleider Mullah Omar heeft woensdag ieder gesprek met ... 6074742093 bodorjuli 11/26/2009 12:43 AM Obama to outline Afghan strategy Tuesday: By Laura King and Peter Nicholas, Los Angeles Times KABUL -- As Presi.. 6074625577 cupimacup 11/26/2009 12:36 AM S O P I G A ▶ mantaaaaaaaaaappp :)) mas kabul isthebest ! hehe 6074498333 auliaw 11/26/2009 12:29 AM RT @tiaramadhani: YA ALLAH KABUL KAN LAH DOA KAMI, TIADAKAN UJIAN NASIONAL ! Amin 6074386393 nianiheyy 11/26/2009 12:23 AM RT @tiaramadhani: YA ALLAH KABUL KAN LAH DOA KAMI, TIADAKAN UJIAN NASIONAL ! Amin 6074367860 tiaramadhani 11/26/2009 12:22 AM YA ALLAH KABUL KAN LAH DOA KAMI, TIADAKAN UJIAN NASIONAL ! Amin 6074034382 NewshoundNews 11/26/2009 12:04 AM KABUL: There are 1500 registered NGO's in Afghanistan - questions are being asked who they benefit? Afghanistan or international community? 6073842346 pertevniyal 11/25/2009 11:53 PM Zekânınyeteneğe göre tek bir üstün yanı var. O da kimilerince hata paylarıolduğu kabul edilse bile yine de... 6073679693 in_asia 11/25/2009 11:45 PM French soldiers returning to an outpost after a recent operation east of Kabul. France is standing firm on its .. 6073499522 lilia_cjw6j2 11/25/2009 11:35 PM Hope and despair live side by side in Kabul - World AP... 6073485877 nessarezky 11/25/2009 11:35 PM RT @sylvia_rachma: Bismillah..mudah2an lancaar.. :) lo mau kedosen uda kyk mau ijab kabul apa gt,bismillah" ehehe 6073408587 greenREACH 11/25/2009 11:31 PM In Kabul, European Police See Progress: Let me quote: “The council stressed the distinctive role.. #greentraining 6073247227 thundersboy2003 11/25/2009 11:23 PM Iya bos.. RT @andre_prast: andi kabul siregar ya??turut berduka cita ya... 6073019829 Vets4Afstan 11/25/2009 11:12 PM @CarySkelton Bureau chief in Kabul contacted us. Follow @afghankids to learn more & help AFCECO by connecting with other supporters. 6072990777 justjen012 11/25/2009 11:11 PM RT @Vets4Afstan: How #Veterans for #Afghanistan connected NBC Nightly News with AFCECO's orphanages in Kabul: 6072668574 andre_prast 11/25/2009 10:56 PM @thundersboy2003 andi kabul siregar ya??turut berduka cita ya... 6072571475 mrkamoji 11/25/2009 10:51 PM I most definatelty just came out of Kabul Grocery right now... 6072513706 mrmohdtweet 11/25/2009 10:48 PM Helikopter kontraktor di Afghanistan hilang: KABUL: Sebuah helikopter milik askar kontraktor antarabangsa dila.. 6072380743 felicilm9m 11/25/2009 10:42 PM Hope and despair live side by side in Kabul - The Advocate 6072247606 bharianmy 11/25/2009 10:36 PM Helikopter kontraktor di Afghanistan hilang: KABUL: Sebuah helikopter milik askar kontraktor antarabangsa dila.. 6072137388 AprianTedy 11/25/2009 10:30 PM Turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya Andi Kabul Siregar (KPP Pratama Bangkinang)... 6071903192 afghanistan_ 11/25/2009 10:20 PM AFGHANISTAN: Mehr Soldaten nach Kabul - Südwest Presse #afghanistan #bw 6071806722 in_asia 11/25/2009 10:15 PM French soldiers returning to an outpost after a recent operation east of Kabul. France is standing firm on its .. 6071773250 thundersboy2003 11/25/2009 10:14 PM Astaghfirullah...innalillah...tmn kita Kabul meninggal dunia frends.. :'( 6071546175 John_Bailey 11/25/2009 10:03 PM Same to you Sergio! RT @SergioRJr: Already the 26th here in Kabul, AFG....Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! 6071268660 srudat 11/25/2009 9:51 PM Thank you for your service, friend! RT @SergioRJr: Already the 26th here in Kabul, AFG....Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! 6071207219 jeffantebi 11/25/2009 9:48 PM Police helmets. Kabul. 2009. 6071204750 Ship999 11/25/2009 9:48 PM 32 degrees in Kabul, rain forcasted for the next 4 days. MI-8 might get flight tested today. 6070884784 CarySkelton 11/25/2009 9:34 PM RT @Vets4Afstan How #Veterans for #Afghanistan connected @NBCNightlyNews with AFCECO's orphanages in Kabul: 6070771879 Vets4Afstan 11/25/2009 9:30 PM How #Veterans for #Afghanistan connected NBC Nightly News with AFCECO's orphanages in Kabul: 6070745181 izmirnamaz 11/25/2009 9:29 PM 5:29 - İzmir için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6070721347 balikesirnamaz 11/25/2009 9:28 PM 5:28 - Balıkesir için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6070649339 istanbulnamaz 11/25/2009 9:25 PM 5:25 - İstanbul için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6070507561 sakaryanamaz 11/25/2009 9:19 PM 5:19 - Sakarya için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6070483637 eskisehirnamaz 11/25/2009 9:18 PM 5:18 - Eskişehir için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6070428517 in_asia 11/25/2009 9:15 PM French soldiers returning to an outpost after a recent operation east of Kabul. France is standing firm on its .. 6070366943 antalyanamaz 11/25/2009 9:13 PM 5:13 - Antalya için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6070318149 marirds 11/25/2009 9:10 PM @marianaantunes Posso opinar? Nem está tão bom assim... procura no sesc: Kabul. Isso sim vale mais a pena... 6070249944 ankaranamaz 11/25/2009 9:08 PM 5:08 - Ankara için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6070226523 konyanamaz 11/25/2009 9:07 PM 5:07 - Konya için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6070016170 vb8l 11/25/2009 8:58 PM An Afghan girl crosses a cemetery on the outskirts of Kabul, Wednesday, Nov. 25,… 6070007020 mersinnamaz 11/25/2009 8:58 PM 4:58 - Mersin için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6069936943 adananamaz 11/25/2009 8:55 PM 4:55 - Adana için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6069779705 alinefari 11/25/2009 8:48 PM Kabul 6069747140 gaziantepnamaz 11/25/2009 8:47 PM 4:47 - Gaziantep için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6069699856 malatyanamaz 11/25/2009 8:45 PM 4:45 - Malatya için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6069507044 diyarbakirnamaz 11/25/2009 8:37 PM 4:37 - Diyarbakır için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6068623666 slenez 11/25/2009 8:01 PM Gobble, Gobble from Kabul. Enjoy your friends, family, football and freedom. Have a great holiday! 6068451037 elfxs 11/25/2009 7:54 PM Dualarmzı sessiz ve derinden iletelm o gunahsiz kullarıyla Alllah bizm dualarmzi da kabul etsn hacları makbul dualarmz kabul olsun Amin... 6068179991 tolgatez 11/25/2009 7:43 PM @chirimirim tamam:) ıcınde ne var bıle demeden kabul edıyorum, sormak luks olur cunku:) 6067963712 hyperata 11/25/2009 7:35 PM @omercey Bir dur oğlum. Kayboldum bilinçaltının derinliklerinde... Sanırım bu daveti hiç kabul etmemeliydim... 6067797798 RGNKR 11/25/2009 7:28 PM İzliyorum Tupac Resurrection. Hala en iyi kabul edilen efsane 2Pac'ın belgeseli. 6067264212 marioradio 11/25/2009 7:07 PM Last hour of the show! On the Line now is Army Colonel Wayne Shanks LIVE from Kabul Afghanistan. Listen in at 6066957663 basakhuner 11/25/2009 6:55 PM @LimonluYorum işe yarıcaksa kabul :) 6066787306 businessbeawis 11/25/2009 6:48 PM Beauty Salon: Everywoman – Latvian Dads and Kabul Beauty Salon | Welcome to …: Dads in Latvi.. 6066438155 S10suz 11/25/2009 6:34 PM Affeyle ! Kabul eyle !ilahi ente maksudi,Ve rızake Matlubi.. 6066413023 stevenleedawson 11/25/2009 6:33 PM omg she opened with 'Everyone's At It', sang 'Knock Em Out' and 'Kabul Shit', looked at me during 'Littlest Things', and was SO EFFING HOT! 6065995967 HurriyetSpor 11/25/2009 6:17 PM H.İbrahim ve Zlatko: “Bana 50 milyon teklif edildi, kabul etmedim. Ancak daha sonra futbolcularımız Halil İbrah.. 6065867766 abdulsahil 11/25/2009 6:12 PM Suicide attack kills at least 12 in Kabul 6065692300 kaplanseren 11/25/2009 6:05 PM Yöneticilere not: Çalışanlarınızdan biri aşık olduğunda, onu hastalanmış kabul edin, ona göre davranın, hatta... 6065574197 CookingPages 11/25/2009 6:01 PM In Kabul, U.N. workers cope by cooking | McClatchy 6065378824 marcusholmes 11/25/2009 5:53 PM Taliban leader says US faces defeat in Afghanistan: By Laura King and Peter Nicholas Reporting from Kabul, Afghanis... 6064759010 cemilco 11/25/2009 5:29 PM @Notredamedesion 61 anayasası günümüzde bile geçerliliğini koruyacak ve halkın çoğunluğu tarafından bugün de kabul gören bir nitelikteydi. 6064629651 schaffner 11/25/2009 5:24 PM How can you tell if a turkey is from Afghanistan? ... it goes Kabul, Kabul. 6064623818 fingertipnews 11/25/2009 5:24 PM UPI-Top News: Taliban leader issues anti-U.S. message - KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 25 (UPI) -- Taliban leader Mullah... 6064622464 ersin3424 11/25/2009 5:24 PM @emelmuftuoglu bennnn kabul edermisiniz :) 6064575465 makine 11/25/2009 5:22 PM @aladagemre sevindim makalenin kabul olmasına ;) beni de götürsene :) 6064502129 afghanistan_ 11/25/2009 5:20 PM Weitere 30 000 US-Soldaten nach Kabul - Badische Zeitung #afghanistan #bw 6064448999 timshoots 11/25/2009 5:18 PM RT @Cropperboyce: From Kabul to Berlin Afghanistan photographer Masood experiences demos Germany style - what a culture shock! http://bi ... 6064350045 biaaulia 11/25/2009 5:14 PM @ school with @Rizprill, karnia and kabul. menikmati atmosfer hujan sambil bikin draft adrianna 6064345624 MakeSuccess 11/25/2009 5:14 PM Taliban leader says US faces defeat in Afghanistan: By Laura King and Peter Nicholas Reporting from Kabul, Afgh.. 6063977886 zweitansage 11/25/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6063861975 dbostancioglu 11/25/2009 4:55 PM tamam kabul ediyorum, bazen saçmalıyorum. 6063779445 organic_beauty_ 11/25/2009 4:52 PM Warm Body/Kabul - Afghanistan - Jezebel 6063462287 Cropperboyce 11/25/2009 4:40 PM From Kabul to Berlin Afghanistan photographer Masood experiences demos Germany style - what a culture shock! 6063443702 eBayItems 11/25/2009 4:39 PM In Kabul, U.N. workers cope by cooking (McClatchy Newspapers) 6063372664 sukrubezen 11/25/2009 4:36 PM @YaziDukkani eleştirini kabul ediyor ve teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum ;) 6063193340 BahaiPCD 11/25/2009 4:30 PM UNjobs: Media Advisor, Kabul #jobs 6063147470 YaziDukkani 11/25/2009 4:28 PM @sukrubezen yo okumam için bi link yolladın, bu durumda eleştirimi baştan kabul etmiş olmuyor musun:) 6063127508 ayberkyilmaz 11/25/2009 4:27 PM @RealStarFehmiye seninle aynı havayı solumak için ne olsa yaparım :D kabul. ama kanepe dağıtırken yanağımdan bi makas alırsın di mi :D 6063001512 dabeard 11/25/2009 4:22 PM New report: Top UN official in Kabul, up to here in fraud allegations, must go. via@fstockman 6062951842 NewsBlogged 11/25/2009 4:20 PM World News: In Kabul, U.N. workers cope by cooking (McClatchy Newspapers): McClatchy Newspapers -.. 6062908053 McClatchyDC 11/25/2009 4:19 PM In Kabul, U.N. workers cope by cooking 6062895184 MalarkyNews 11/25/2009 4:18 PM In Kabul, U.N. workers cope by cooking 6062827302 indianfeelings 11/25/2009 4:15 PM Kabul Express: Kabul Express is a Bollywood movie to be released on October 20, 2006. Two Indians, one Pakistan.. 6062746536 mC_EmaNueL 11/25/2009 4:12 PM @emanuelrizon In Kabul, U.N. workers cope by cooking (McClatchy Newspapers): McClatchy Newspape.. 6062662817 fasitdaire 11/25/2009 4:09 PM dil bireydeki konuşma yetisinin kullanılabilmesi için, toplumsal yapı aracılığıyla kabul edilmesi gereken anlaşma ve uyuşmalar bütünüdür. 6062421509 zweitansage 11/25/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6062235330 radiomantodd 11/25/2009 3:52 PM First Time to Kabul? #wtfisaftkpen 6062153384 AllMilitaryNews 11/25/2009 3:49 PM (CJTF-82) 201st Corps hosts 2nd Annual Sergeant Major Symposium: KABUL, Afghanistan – The role o.. 6061988649 elifkey 11/25/2009 3:42 PM çok röportaj yapmak istediğim birisi teklifimi kabul etse, sevinçten "sizi her yerinizden öpüyorum" desem! dıt dıt dıt dıııt..alo?alo? 6061851648 fstockman 11/25/2009 3:37 PM ICG says top UN official in Kabul must go 6061716888 Schwester348 11/25/2009 3:32 PM gerçi babamın donörü olmak olursa olsun yanımda olsaydı keşke.öyle bir şans verselerdi bana.kabul ederdim. 6061630682 karenmulder 11/25/2009 3:28 PM On page 200 of 320 of The Bookseller of Kabul. Informative and somewhat interesting, but a little too dry. I think ... 6061358909 kucukbirkadin 11/25/2009 3:18 PM @Sycorox teşekkürü bir ödeme şekli olarak kabul edersen sevinirim fakat ben bunu dinleyemiyorum acep ne ki bu 6061259386 vinhamis 11/25/2009 3:14 PM 1:44 AM AFT in Kabul / 12:14 AM AST. Its Thurs in middle east. HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2 our TROOPS! God bless & Be safe. Thanks 2 all worldwide. 6061026911 BHO_007 11/25/2009 3:04 PM Taliban leader says US faces defeat in Afghanistan: By Laura King Kabul, Afghanistan - As President Obama prepa.. 6060923153 7daysnews 11/25/2009 3:00 PM Taliban leader says US faces defeat in Afghanistan: By Laura King Kabul, Afghanistan - As President Obama prepa.. 6060915144 a_selim_tuncer 11/25/2009 3:00 PM Evet, Leibniz bisküvinin çok methini duyuyoruz Alamancı arkadaşlardan... Onu bu 'feed' kabul edelim. :) re: 6060906953 zweitansage 11/25/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6060731327 gokceispituran 11/25/2009 2:52 PM GS bonusa ben aşık Emre Aşık ve %70 kakao yüzde bir gülümseme gibi muhteşem sloganları kim buluyor, hadi buldu kime kabul ettiriyor.. pes! 6060606885 yonasmichael 11/25/2009 2:47 PM Using my long-lost lyrics to "American Apathy" to remix Lily Allen's "Kabul Shit" ... I've missed mixing music 6060539786 IbnSiqilli 11/25/2009 2:45 PM Mullah Muhammad Omar's New 'Eid al-Adha Message, 2009: ( #Taliban #Afghanistan #Pakistan #Pashtun #jihad #Kabul 6060321877 mustafataha 11/25/2009 2:36 PM @gokselcogalan kabul etmek lazim ilker yasin'den 1000 kat daha cekilir ertem sener... 6060282056 sdoering 11/25/2009 2:34 PM NEWS UPDATE: 30 000 zusätzliche US-Soldaten nach Kabul - Brüssel/Washington (dpa) - Die USA wollen rund 30 000 zusä... 6060231056 platinumbiz 11/25/2009 2:32 PM Taliban leader says US faces defeat in Afghanistan: By Laura King Kabul, Afghanistan - As President Obama prepa.. 6060092853 nakedbeach 11/25/2009 2:27 PM Barefoot children clamber up a suburban hillside in Kabul, past green flags that flap over the graves of Afghans killed in suicide attacks. 6060088770 ekrempehlivanca 11/25/2009 2:27 PM Bu iyi işte; Avrupa Birliği Genel Sekreterliği AB Uzmanı kadrosuna ilk kez Ermeni kökenli bir Türk vatandaşını kabul etme aşamasına geldi. 6059769643 chirimirim 11/25/2009 2:14 PM @painkiller_seko yazmaya başla :) iade kabul edilmez yanlız :) 6059411788 zweitansage 11/25/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6059308608 Rhea_Afghan 11/25/2009 1:55 PM Please take a look at this web site to see if you can help bring some of my friends home from 6059297079 helgemartin 11/25/2009 1:55 PM Den Norske Ambasaden i Kabul har vert med å finansiere TV2 programmet "Med Bjarte på rette staden".... Akkurat 6059153068 JaapStalenburg 11/25/2009 1:49 PM @AnnetteTeeuwen In een strafgevangenis in Bagdad of Kabul. 6059058764 nana_kawai 11/25/2009 1:45 PM Selamet y san,doamu kabul d. G kdnginan dtemanggung.rTwT: @weirna Hore..!!!Dpt tmpt KKN di Jepara. 6058793109 vikram251086 11/25/2009 1:35 PM Taliban leader says US faces defeat in Afghanistan: By Laura King Kabul, Afghanistan - As President Obama prepa.. 6058769796 CelebrityNut 11/25/2009 1:34 PM Taliban leader says US faces defeat in Afghanistan: By Laura King Kabul, Afghanistan - As President Obama prepa.. 6058768067 angela251086 11/25/2009 1:34 PM Taliban leader says US faces defeat in Afghanistan: By Laura King Kabul, Afghanistan - As President Obama prepa.. 6058699095 onurkorkmaz 11/25/2009 1:31 PM RT: @wholusee @onurkorkmaz bb pin ??ekledim seni kabul et 6058667894 pr_ny_times 11/25/2009 1:30 PM Dancing in Kabul #postrank #ny_times 6058625275 Buy_Porn_Movies 11/25/2009 1:28 PM Taliban leader says US faces defeat in Afghanistan: By Laura King Kabul, Afghanistan - As President Obama prepa.. 6058623757 johnraav 11/25/2009 1:28 PM yes Taliban leader says US faces defeat in Afghanistan: By Laura King Kabul, Afghanistan - As President Obama pre.. 6058547735 watsonkailyn 11/25/2009 1:25 PM Taliban leader says US faces defeat in Afghanistan: By Laura King Kabul, Afghanistan - As President Obama prepa.. 6058528322 jeffburkhill 11/25/2009 1:24 PM Taliban leader says US faces defeat in Afghanistan: By Laura King Kabul, Afghanistan - As President Obama prepares to unveil his long-del.. 6058474760 dutchnewsfeed 11/25/2009 1:22 PM Talibanleider sluit dialoog met Kabul uit: (Novum/AP) - Talibanleider Mullah Omar heeft woensdag ieder gesprek met ... 6058152347 allobama 11/25/2009 1:09 PM Taliban leader says US faces defeat in Afghanistan: By Laura King Kabul, Afghanistan - As President Obama prepa.. 6058083135 jendickson 11/25/2009 1:07 PM RT @dipnote: New Blog Post: In Kabul, Afghan and U.S. Officials Mark Efforts To Eradicate Polio 6058078320 RSScockpit 11/25/2009 1:06 PM Talibanleider sluit dialoog met Kabul uit (, 25-11-09 19:50) 6057978822 bolbol_dunya 11/25/2009 1:02 PM Almanya Dışişleri Bakanı: Nükleer silahlı bir İran kabul edilemez, sabrımızın da bir sınırı var 6057943103 Nieuwsmeldingen 11/25/2009 1:01 PM Talibanleider sluit dialoog met Kabul uit: (Novum/AP) - Talibanleider Mullah Omar heeft woensdag ieder gesprek .. 6057909010 scubiduprods 11/25/2009 1:00 PM Ricardo Tete: Playing a show in Sao Paulo, SP at 10:00 PM today at KABUL 6057907686 ricardotete 11/25/2009 1:00 PM Playing a show in Sao Paulo, SP at 10:00 PM today at KABUL 6057901045 zweitansage 11/25/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6057767792 cihansalim 11/25/2009 12:54 PM gece AdnanMenderes'te aylardır ilk kez TT WiFi'ye bağlanmaya çalıştım,2ayrı DSL kullanıcı&şifremi de kabul etmedi.hani TTde kalmanın anlamı? 6057757592 scugnizzi 11/25/2009 12:54 PM kabul etmemiz gerekir cska beşiktaş'tan bayağı bayağı iyi bir futbol oynuyor... 3.'lük hakları. 6057448368 kirkbir 11/25/2009 12:42 PM sozlukçüler de artık himym'nin ne kadar boktanlaştığnı kabul edyor. sıra şimdi tüm türkiye'de ve inatla wait for it esprisi yapan ergenlerde 6056812161 findmeabout 11/25/2009 12:17 PM About karzai ministers, taliban leader, president, afghan corruption: KABUL — Fifteen current and former Af.. 6056757786 chaogrey 11/25/2009 12:15 PM Glengarry Glen Ross incelemesi yazabilen birisinin karşısında eğilirim ve sinema bilgisini referans kabul ederim hayatım boyunca. 6056745722 DCDivaAbeer 11/25/2009 12:15 PM RT @dipnote: New Blog Post: In Kabul, Afghan and U.S. Officials Mark Efforts To Eradicate Polio 6056695404 HULAgate 11/25/2009 12:13 PM @KatrinaNation Relative security comes first, Katnip - in Kabul, or NOLA, or Compton, or Philly (or should we just chuck it there too?). 6056682953 RuletaOnline 11/25/2009 12:12 PM Líder talibán afgano dice envío de más soldados EEUU fracasará: KABUL (Reuters) - El líder talibán afgano Mulla.. 6056589717 halimebuseaydin 11/25/2009 12:09 PM Bitti, bu defa bittiCanım kalbimsin sen bu şarkım senindirTabi kabul edersen ve bana 6056566140 DaveMcElwaine 11/25/2009 12:08 PM The "Put a defensive ring around Kabul" has been tried before. Ask the mighty Russian army how that worked out. Bring home our troops. 6056371942 operatr 11/25/2009 12:00 PM Kurban Bayramı: Last post by ont:Allah'a şükür ki, domuz dinimizce haram kabul edilmiş. Ama haram bir varlığ.. 6056350771 zweitansage 11/25/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6056123794 salmansid 11/25/2009 11:51 AM while some #US soldiers find the time to dance in #Kabul, other's arnt tht lucky: 6056018536 a_selim_tuncer 11/25/2009 11:47 AM Eyvah! Hoca'nın arkasından konuşuyordum, yakalandık! :))) Neyse ki kendisi "eski adam" olduğunu kabul etmiş.... re: 6055951079 rdrmn 11/25/2009 11:44 AM istanbul trafiginde eve donebilmeniz icin kendinizi sinirleri aldirilmis bir koyun olarak kabul etmeniz lazim 6055873444 RPMComunicacao 11/25/2009 11:41 AM O espetáculo "Kabul" reestréia, desta vez, na Casa Amok, em Botafogo: 6055869939 irfan_waheed 11/25/2009 11:41 AM News - Afghanistan's Expensive Udhiyah - KABUL – Two days before `Eid Al-Adha, fewer Afghans can afford to observe ... 6055794508 WisdomMentor 11/25/2009 11:38 AM Connecting Mumbai and Kabul 6055770364 jonijoneg5nc 11/25/2009 11:37 AM DAWN.COM | World | Suicide blast kills 17, injures 63 in Kabul 6055591986 USTalib 11/25/2009 11:30 AM AP Intl: Taliban leader rules out talks with Karzai - KABUL (AP) -- The Taliban's reclusive leader has ruled ou.. 6055583796 EZF_TopPolitics 11/25/2009 11:30 AM RT @ClintonNews: In Kabul, Afghan and U.S. Officials Mark Efforts To Eradicate Polio 6055516745 fingertipnews 11/25/2009 11:27 AM AP Intl: Taliban leader rules out talks with Karzai - KABUL (AP) -- The Taliban's reclusive leader has ruled ou... 6055497301 msnnoticias 11/25/2009 11:26 AM El mulá Omar afirma que cualquier nueva estrategia de Washington fracasará: KABUL, 25 (Reuters/EP) El líder de l... 6055484224 Padbrit 11/25/2009 11:26 AM Seems back in 1841 British Troops were underfunded in Afghanistan as well.Also William Macnaghton found hanging in Kabul sans head and limbs 6055430244 dipnote 11/25/2009 11:24 AM New Blog Post: In Kabul, Afghan and U.S. Officials Mark Efforts To Eradicate Polio 6055416977 mrtozk 11/25/2009 11:23 AM yeni dünya yönetim konsepti.birşeyi kabul ettiremiyorsan de facto yap.nasılsa kabul ediliyor. 6055408379 khannanx 11/25/2009 11:23 AM RT @dipnote: New Blog Post: In Kabul, Afghan and U.S. Officials Mark Efforts To Eradicate Polio 6055297636 MHRCZDN 11/25/2009 11:19 AM imam eylemde, cemaat namazda, allah kabul etsin! (show haber) 6055274577 MuratAykul 11/25/2009 11:18 AM Kadın, bir ressam arkadaşının çizdiği eskizi kabul ettirmeye çalışıyor; adam, büstünü veriyor vesikalık fotoğraf yerine. 6055210214 ozozg 11/25/2009 11:15 AM @ozgzd cimrisin cimrisin kabul et bunuuuu 6055118082 dipnote 11/25/2009 11:12 AM New Blog Post: In Kabul, Afghan and U.S. Officials Mark Efforts To Eradicate Polio 6055059034 heistness 11/25/2009 11:10 AM New Heist Rant: Talibán exhorta a romper vínculos con Kabul 6055047443 unreconcilable 11/25/2009 11:09 AM @SezinSivri o mailler varlar. sonucta dunyanin baska bir ucunda birisi, bi sekilde, 5 dakikasini da olsa benim icin ayiriyor. davetimi kabul 6054992294 TEAkolik 11/25/2009 11:07 AM Yahu tabi eylem yapında isteklerine baktım abartmışlar bunu kabul etmezki yetkililer ne olacak şimdi ? Birde her... 6054856902 MuratAykul 11/25/2009 11:02 AM Din bilgisi olmadığı için işlediği günahlar kitaba uymuyor. Cehenneme kabul edilmek için üç gün bürokratik işlemlerin bitmesini bekledi. 6054794163 zweitansage 11/25/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6054736913 Small_Biz_Coach 11/25/2009 10:57 AM Taliban leader rules out talks with Karzai: KABUL - The Taliban's reclusive leader has ruled out talks with Preside... 6054736926 BostonMArss 11/25/2009 10:57 AM Herald| Taliban leader rules out talks with Karzai: KABUL - The Taliban's reclusive leader has ruled out talks with... 6054727326 ceyhunasik 11/25/2009 10:57 AM @suzmeasure bu halk grev hakki fln dinlemiyor.evet kabul etmesi zor 6054645608 Brooke_Mahoney 11/25/2009 10:54 AM Found on Fedscoop: In Kabul, Afghan and U.S. Officials Mark Efforts To Eradicate Polio: Afgha.. 6054436769 max1mos111 11/25/2009 10:46 AM @nickschifrin The Kabul embassies should put out a @OSAC warden alert @USEmbassyLondon 6054169877 aletorto 11/25/2009 10:36 AM Corpwatch: Black & Veatch's Tarakhil Power Plant: White Elephant in Kabul 6053959832 gscimbomcom 11/25/2009 10:28 AM Güneş resmen Trabzonspor'da: **Şenol Güneş, Trabzonspor teknik direktörlüğü görevini resmen kabul etti. *... 6053908696 bookgroupies 11/25/2009 10:27 AM The kindness of strangers in #Kabul #Afghanistan overland to #India 6053489297 sezerarslan 11/25/2009 10:11 AM Bugün Hizmet Üretmiyor, Taleplerimizi Kabul Etmesi İçin Hükümeti Uyarıyoruz! 6053213992 NedDagbl 11/25/2009 10:01 AM Nieuws: Taliban wijzen vredesvoorstel Karzai af: KABUL - Mullah Omar, de leider van de taliban in Afghanistan, heef... 6053184179 zeykur_valekov 11/25/2009 10:00 AM @tribalenfexion sözlükte, di$e dokunur bir $eyler yazmadigini kabul etmen büyüklük olmu$ abi akldjkljdsa 6053174926 zweitansage 11/25/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6053140944 alchemyglobal 11/25/2009 9:58 AM recruiting for a Sales Executive (logistics) in Kabul - Salary negotiable - Quote ref: AR8142 6053120167 alchemyglobal 11/25/2009 9:57 AM recruting for a Sales Manager (logistics) in Kabul - Salary negotiable - Quote ref: AR8141 6053100454 alchemyglobal 11/25/2009 9:57 AM recruiting for a Station Manager in Kabul - Salary negotiable - Quote ref: AR8140 6053074977 alchemyglobal 11/25/2009 9:56 AM recruiting for an Logistic Operations Executive in Kabul - Salary negotiable - Quote ref: AR8138 6052911351 The_Hot_News 11/25/2009 9:50 AM Taliban leader urges Afghans to break off relations with "stooge" Kabul government.... 6052851619 vermistverloren 11/25/2009 9:47 AM Taliban wijzen vredesvoorstel Karzai af: KABUL - Mullah Omar, de leider van de Taliban in Afghanistan, heeft ee.. 6052808122 max1mos111 11/25/2009 9:46 AM @UN @UNIC We are covering the stolen airport Un vehicle from Kabul. Any details of tags or pic of stolen jeep? 6052732344 2r8kaypxub 11/25/2009 9:43 AM Daily Kos: God Help My Little Buddy From Kabul Car Bomb Blast Today 6052720443 max1mos111 11/25/2009 9:42 AM @ISAFmedia @usfora Rouge UN Vehicle at large stolen from Kabul airport 6052548452 nouwij 11/25/2009 9:36 AM Taliban wijzen vredesvoorstel Karzai af: KABUL - Mullah Omar, de leider van de Taliban in Afghanistan, heeft een op... 6052548686 noujij 11/25/2009 9:36 AM Taliban wijzen vredesvoorstel Karzai af: KABUL - Mullah Omar, de leider van de Taliban in Afghanistan, heeft een op... 6052473227 Rama_Komti 11/25/2009 9:33 AM @tiearatears :WHHHAAAATTTTT??jd pendamping lo???tapi lucu juga,,edward baca ijab kabul.."saya terima nikahnya tiara bla2 binti tan.. 6052285604 DanRatherReport 11/25/2009 9:27 AM Dan: Final round of contact work w/Kabul sources. Fight madhouse traffic jams to airport. Barely make plane. Dubai, then on home-God willing 6052154839 GraceSchmitz 11/25/2009 9:22 AM Kabul Kabob sounds sort of amazing right now.... 6052102791 max1mos111 11/25/2009 9:20 AM @pbaxter @nickschifrin Gandalf tracking UN vehicle in Kabul? You decide... 6052019237 max1mos111 11/25/2009 9:17 AM @nickschifrin A stray UN vehicle is loose in Kabul area. Stolen from airport security in Kabul. 6051900902 rstystam 11/25/2009 9:12 AM @adiratna lg nungguin aries kabul dateng, pada mau nginep rumah gueee 6051804495 fyreflye 11/25/2009 9:09 AM RT @BBCNewsnight: 'I hope the pilot remembers where all the mountains are' - Mark Urban touches down in Kabul: 6051772974 lindsaypage 11/25/2009 9:07 AM Billie Jean dance party in Kabul: 6051751876 Dnewsde 11/25/2009 9:07 AM [16:00] 30.000 zusätzliche US-Soldaten nach Kabul: 6051699694 twittsoumya 11/25/2009 9:05 AM In Search of a Good Writer: KABUL - As our plane wheeled over this mountain city, twilight was falling. The Afg.. 6051639590 BBCNEWSNIGHT 11/25/2009 9:02 AM 'I hope the pilot remembers where all the mountains are' - Mark Urban touches down in Kabul: 6051561853 zweitansage 11/25/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6051359159 antalyanamaz 11/25/2009 8:52 AM 16:52 - Antalya için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6051320889 cronaca24 11/25/2009 8:50 AM Kabul Nato attesa decisione Usa 6051242763 max1mos111 11/25/2009 8:47 AM @pbaxter @USArmy @NTARC It was stolen from the Kabul airport 6051224783 max1mos111 11/25/2009 8:46 AM RT @pbaxter: suspicious vehicle in Kabul w UN markings - driving around and avoiding checkpoints 6051216894 cronaca24 11/25/2009 8:46 AM Kabul Nato attesa decisione Usa 6051181575 kocaelinamaz 11/25/2009 8:45 AM 16:45 - Kocaeli için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6051022083 okbreakingnews 11/25/2009 8:38 AM WorldNews Taliban leader issues Muslim holiday message: kabul ap the talibans reclusive leader issued a musl... 6051002418 pbaxter 11/25/2009 8:37 AM suspicious vehicle in Kabul w UN markings - driving around and avoiding checkpoints 6050969505 nudecycling 11/25/2009 8:36 AM Rocket Targets Kabul Hotel - A rocket hit outside the luxury Serena Hotel in Afghanistan's capital late Saturday, wounding at least two. 6050955827 mersinnamaz 11/25/2009 8:36 AM 16:36 - Mersin için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6050931082 ankaranamaz 11/25/2009 8:35 AM 16:35 - Ankara için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6050917720 reistweets 11/25/2009 8:34 AM Taliban wijzen vredesvoorstel Karzai af: KABUL - Mullah Omar, de leider van de Taliban in Afghanistan, heeft een op... 6050881743 adananamaz 11/25/2009 8:33 AM 16:33 - Adana için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6050844776 fraudoll 11/25/2009 8:31 AM avatarında fotoğraf çekerken, motosikletin yanında dururken veya hayali gitar çalarken poz veren adamları kabul etmiyorum seçici birisiyim. 6050774268 BNR_Nieuwsradio 11/25/2009 8:28 AM Taliban wijzen vredesvoorstel Karzai af: KABUL (ANP) - Mullah Omar, de leider van de Taliban in Afghanistan, heeft ... 6050760596 neslihandumanli 11/25/2009 8:28 AM kurallarımız ya hep ya hiç yasasına göre çalışıyor.katsayı farkı ya kaldırılacak ya eskisi gibi devam edecek.ıslahat reform kabul edilemez. 6050754092 fingertipnews 11/25/2009 8:27 AM AP Intl: Taliban leader issues Muslim holiday message - KABUL (AP) -- The Taliban's reclusive leader issued a M... 6050727803 tonyginamontana 11/25/2009 8:26 AM @komedyen pizzalar sizemiydi?eğer öyleyse kabul etmeyin 30 dk. dolmuştur muhtemelen 6050557534 birolguven 11/25/2009 8:19 AM Bence bugünün insan zekası İstanbul'un trafik sorununu çözemez. Gelecek nesiller belki. Bunu kabul edersek hayatı kolaylaştırabiliriz. 6050533713 Doallas 11/25/2009 8:18 AM RT @nytimes: Dancing in Kabul 6050533642 senadiclegunay 11/25/2009 8:18 AM offff çirkinlikten ölen bi arkadaşımın erberkajansa kabul edildiğini gördüm, ama ben ankarada olduğum için başvuramıyorum bile. 6050512536 samsunnamaz 11/25/2009 8:18 AM 16:18 - Samsun için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6050512650 malatyanamaz 11/25/2009 8:18 AM 16:18 - Malatya için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6050453332 Velbrueck 11/25/2009 8:15 AM Yasmina Khadra, Die Schwalben von Kabul 6050344518 diyarbakirnamaz 11/25/2009 8:11 AM 16:11 - Diyarbakır için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6050276301 secretbea 11/25/2009 8:08 AM @maggie_gyll just talking about your performance in Homebody/Kabul. love! 6050226732 dedenisaa8 11/25/2009 8:05 AM @raishayolanda ah sumpah , mana mau dya sma lu , udh tau kan udh ijab kabul sma gue nya HAHAHA 6050205431 trabzonnamaz 11/25/2009 8:05 AM 16:05 - Trabzon için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6050082154 zweitansage 11/25/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6049958582 GerardoUCV 11/25/2009 7:54 AM Para los que quieran trabajo INTERESANTE y LLENO de Aventuras RT @GlobalLib RT: @UNjobs: Media Advisor, Kabul #jobs 6049916461 GlobalLib 11/25/2009 7:52 AM RT: @UNjobs: Media Advisor, Kabul #jobs 6049815607 Fatih_LT 11/25/2009 7:48 AM @emregurcan faizini hesaplayıp üzerine koy kabul et derim baska şansın yok gibi duruyor,bu devirde .. 6049774661 msn_italia 11/25/2009 7:46 AM Kabul: Nato, attesa decisione Usa: Risposta Alleati sia commisurata ad impegno di Stati Uniti 6049738589 cikolatalikedi 11/25/2009 7:44 AM @aynaimarzi Ne dersem diyeyim,bu sefer bir ayağım Norveç'te diye kabul etmiyorlar :/ 6049667390 VishnuNDTV 11/25/2009 7:41 AM Hi Abhijeet ... no I did not meet Massoud. I covered the Afghan war after his deat and reached 20 km north of Kabul before the Taliban fell 6049648100 mrvdmrtrk 11/25/2009 7:40 AM haha çok naziksiniz @OnnurB bende zeytin dalınızı haklı gururla kabul ediyorum v görusmek dileğiyle dyorum 6049609954 findcoupons_ 11/25/2009 7:38 AM Taliban Leader Urges Afghans To Break Off Relations With 'stooge' Kabul Government: Taliban Leader Urges Afghan.. 6049580303 OnnurB 11/25/2009 7:37 AM @brckrdg @mrvdmrtrk bi toplantıya gittik neler olmuş buralarda böleee.. öpüşüp barıştınız diye kabul ediyorum :)) 6049488487 YahooNoticias 11/25/2009 7:33 AM Talibán afgano exhorta a romper relaciones con gobierno "pelele": KABUL (AP) - El líder del Talibán exhortó el ... 6049392267 yalinonline 11/25/2009 7:28 AM tamamen tesaduf eseri denk geldigim ve dun gece gidecegim yere para kabul etmeden ulastiran Kibrisli Turk sofor arkadasa burdan bir tesekkur 6049374950 mustafaat 11/25/2009 7:27 AM Liked "kabul etmediğim bir durum vardı; alevi-sünni ayrımı. bu yıl abimle köylere ilaç götürürken bir alevi köyünün..." 6049355618 ansa_it 11/25/2009 7:27 AM Kabul: Nato, attesa decisione Usa 6049345616 californianewz 11/25/2009 7:26 AM Taliban leader issues Muslim holiday message: KABUL (AP) - The Taliban's reclusive leader has issued a Muslim .. 6049317901 ansa_news 11/25/2009 7:25 AM Kabul: Nato, attesa decisione Usa: Risposta Alleati sia commisurata ad impegno di Stati Uniti 6049305477 mymonews 11/25/2009 7:24 AM [news] Esteri - Kabul: Nato, attesa decisione Usa: Risposta Alleati sia commisurata ad impegno di Stati Uniti 6049223610 rosenoid 11/25/2009 7:20 AM kabul edin Lady Gaga'nın daha kötü kostümlerin de görmüştük. 6049177273 fpleitgenCNN 11/25/2009 7:18 AM The flight out here was a nightmare. rain and fog around the mountains in Kabul. Several flights cancelled. 6049111490 freedom4USA 11/25/2009 7:15 AM US:#tcot #news Afghanistan Hikes Police Salaries: Filed at 5:44 a.m. ET KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan is hiking police sal... 6049002381 wolky05 11/25/2009 7:10 AM @inciozkn acil durumlar dışında haber kabul etmiyosun yani :))) 6048967062 allobama 11/25/2009 7:08 AM Q+A-Obama ponders extra troops for Afghanistan: By Peter Graff KABUL, Nov 25 (Reuters) - US President Barack Ob.. 6048900255 vikram251086 11/25/2009 7:04 AM Q+A-Obama ponders extra troops for Afghanistan: By Peter Graff KABUL, Nov 25 (Reuters) - US President Barack Ob.. 6048859735 angela251086 11/25/2009 7:02 AM Q+A-Obama ponders extra troops for Afghanistan: By Peter Graff KABUL, Nov 25 (Reuters) - US President Barack Ob.. 6048821048 ilGiornaleNET 11/25/2009 7:00 AM Kabul: Nato, attesa decisione Usa: Risposta Alleati sia commisurata ad impegno di Stati Uniti 6048814645 andrewkeggie 11/25/2009 7:00 AM Just published my first blogger book review of Kabul 24 for Thomas Nelson Publishers - enjoy: 6048810005 TrabzonHaber 11/25/2009 7:00 AM Güneş kabul etti (!): Trabzonspor'da 3. Şenol Güneş döneminin başlıyor(!). Hugo Broos'un ardından takımın başın.. 6048799770 zweitansage 11/25/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6048798337 news_by_robots 11/25/2009 6:59 AM Taliban leader urges Afghans to break off relations with "stooge" Kabul government. 6048782543 sdharwadker 11/25/2009 6:59 AM Dancing in Kabul (via @nytimes) 6048741692 moomoobrowncow 11/25/2009 6:57 AM Q+A-Obama ponders extra troops for Afghanistan: By Peter Graff KABUL, Nov 25 (Reuters) - US President Barack Ob.. 6048708033 USTalib 11/25/2009 6:55 AM KABUL (AP) -- Taliban leader urges Afghans to break off relations with "stooge ... - Hays Daily News 6048530366 Zeit_RSS 11/25/2009 6:46 AM Fight like a Girl: Oder: die Kunst, eine Faust zu ballen. Über Mädchen, die in Kabul boxen lernen 6048524635 osmang 11/25/2009 6:45 AM iPhone'daki World Series of Poker oyununda resmimin olmasını istedigimden yetkililere mail attım, kabul ettiler sanırsam :) 6048458905 CrazeeRick 11/25/2009 6:42 AM New excuse! RT @jeromestarkey: 40 tons of cannabis was "winter fuel" says corrupt police Colonel on trial in Kabul 6048406838 brrohama 11/25/2009 6:39 AM Q+A-Obama ponders extra troops for Afghanistan: By Peter Graff KABUL, Nov 25 (Reuters) - US President Barack Obama ... 6048383204 roksitasci 11/25/2009 6:38 AM @sinemseref bebegim son 2 cumleni anladigimi sanmiyorum zaten ben vecihi ve mega makbuleyi hala sevisken tahta kurulari kabul ediyorum :) 6048377942 izmirnamaz 11/25/2009 6:38 AM 14:38 - İzmir için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6048341335 muglanamaz 11/25/2009 6:36 AM 14:36 - Muğla için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6048294672 OlyNational 11/25/2009 6:33 AM AP NewsAlert: Taliban leader urges Afghans to break off relations with "stooge" Kabul government. 6048238416 BreakingNewsDeu 11/25/2009 6:30 AM BREAKING - KABUL - Taliban leader urges Afghans to break off relations with "stooge" Kabul government ap 6048230012 ilfoglio_it 11/25/2009 6:30 AM Obama sta per fare a Kabul ciò che Bush ha fatto in Iraq [La giornata] 6048193793 inewsroom 11/25/2009 6:28 AM Taliban leader urges Afghans to break off relations with ``stooge'' Kabul government. [AP #news] 6048175714 zeitonline_all 11/25/2009 6:27 AM Fight like a Girl: Oder: die Kunst, eine Faust zu ballen. Über Mädchen, die in Kabul boxen lernen 6048157015 bursanamaz 11/25/2009 6:26 AM 14:26 - Bursa için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6048138879 volkan_akay 11/25/2009 6:25 AM @iclalaydin efendim herkese hakettiğini verme üstadı sayarım kendimi... Acizane kabul buyurun rica ederim... 6048120692 istanbulnamaz 11/25/2009 6:24 AM 14:24 - İstanbul için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6048068389 marcusod 11/25/2009 6:21 AM Image conversations: Photographing democracy: between Times Square and Kabul. 6048066809 kocaelinamaz 11/25/2009 6:21 AM 14:21 - Kocaeli için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6048066866 eskisehirnamaz 11/25/2009 6:21 AM 14:21 - Eskişehir için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6048051559 Code_Scripts 11/25/2009 6:20 AM #scripts Farmville Türkiye - Toplu İstek Kabul Etme by KaLpSiz: Farmville Türkiye - Toplu İstek Kabul Etme 6048030567 TheBuGz 11/25/2009 6:19 AM Violence against Afghan, Pakistani women escalates in 2009: KABUL, November 25 (RIA Novosti) - Human rights activis... 6048030230 sakaryanamaz 11/25/2009 6:19 AM 14:19 - Sakarya için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6048012133 konyanamaz 11/25/2009 6:18 AM 14:18 - Konya için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6047890798 ankaranamaz 11/25/2009 6:11 AM 14:11 - Ankara için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6047856476 adananamaz 11/25/2009 6:09 AM 14:09 - Adana için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6047769117 kayserinamaz 11/25/2009 6:04 AM 14:04 - Kayseri için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6047718443 gaziantepnamaz 11/25/2009 6:01 AM 14:01 - Gaziantep için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6047697992 zweitansage 11/25/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6047602991 samsunnamaz 11/25/2009 5:54 AM 13:54 - Samsun için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6047598835 televideorai 11/25/2009 5:53 AM [dal mondo] FRATTINI: "VALUTEREMO RICHIESTE PER KABUL" view.jsp?id=660753&p=150 6047563269 maragitado 11/25/2009 5:51 AM Dancing in Kabul - 6047555594 Jembcotech 11/25/2009 5:51 AM Afghanistan hikes police salaries: KABUL – Afghanistan is hiking police salaries by between 33 and 67 per.. 6047549225 madeinafrika 11/25/2009 5:50 AM Afghanistan hikes police salaries: KABUL – Afghanistan is hiking police salaries by between 33 and 67 per.. 6047510576 light_beam 11/25/2009 5:48 AM @sakarteke ehah benim yok mesela google wave ama en güzel davetiyeyi kim gönderirse onunkini kabul edeceğim askjsdask 6047487475 diyarbakirnamaz 11/25/2009 5:47 AM 13:47 - Diyarbakır için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6047452744 martijnkleppe 11/25/2009 5:44 AM Afghaanse fotograaf Ahmad Masood beschrijft bij Reuters de verschillen tussen demonstraties in Kabul & Berlijn 6047438100 Africabiz 11/25/2009 5:44 AM Afghanistan hikes police salaries: KABUL – Afghanistan is hiking police salaries by between 33 and 67 per.. 6047391291 trabzonnamaz 11/25/2009 5:41 AM 13:41 - Trabzon için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6047367285 luh66 11/25/2009 5:39 AM RT @nytimes: Dancing in Kabul 6047344366 erzurumnamaz 11/25/2009 5:38 AM 13:38 - Erzurum için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6047312913 newscomAFPpix 11/25/2009 5:36 AM newscom's AFP pix: Del339767.jpg: An Afghan man buys sheep at the animal market in Kabul on November 25 2009 ahe... 6047178099 AfghanNews24 11/25/2009 5:27 AM Afghanistan hikes police salaries - Washington Post - Afghanistan hikes police salariesWashington PostAP KABUL -- A... 6047166095 californianewz 11/25/2009 5:26 AM Afghanistan hikes police salaries: KABUL (AP) - Afghanistan is hiking police salaries by between 33 and 67 per.. 6047127095 Korrarna 11/25/2009 5:24 AM KABUL: Met two former warlords from rivaling fractions, who are now MP:s. Both want to bring Talibs to the govt in order to get peace /Hanna 6047100176 Korrarna 11/25/2009 5:22 AM KABUL: interviewing Afghan women parliamentarians about the non-passing of a new law on violence against women. /Hanna Sistek 6047071160 SezinSivri 11/25/2009 5:20 AM @amedbaba evlilik tehlifi almış olabilir ama kabul etmez ki hemen:)) benle viyanaya gidecek sonra evlensin zaten:)) 6047035339 amedbaba 11/25/2009 5:17 AM @SezinSivri Evlilik teklifi alıp da kabul mü etti aceba? :)) 6046985353 norwind 11/25/2009 5:14 AM RT @socialmediamind: AFGHANISTAN: More Civilian Deaths Unless U.S.-NATO Peace Keep - Inter Press Service: KABUL, S (cont) 6046977310 48kutay 11/25/2009 5:14 AM @bakmehmet lıncoln/hagi kıyası kabul edilir de elano nıye hagi ile kıyaslanır ki? tugayla falan kıyaslamak lazım aslında.elano 10 değil=) 6046949991 ECostaofficial 11/25/2009 5:12 AM I posted 42 photos on Facebook in the album "Kabul" 6046935189 davidmacdougall 11/25/2009 5:11 AM @tomafg You must DM me the details of the "burger bar" for my next trip to Kabul :-) 6046866935 JohnSimpson01 11/25/2009 5:06 AM @elifonay ayse arman, gulse birsel oabilir... tabi kabul ederlerse 6046833339 Durkiceto 11/25/2009 5:04 AM Pattern Recognition zor bir ders, kabul edelim. 6046786860 TheIHN 11/25/2009 5:01 AM Property prices in the Afghanistan capital Kabul have risen by 75%, due in part to wealthy Afghans taking their money out of the Gulf. 6046776447 theobeers 11/25/2009 5:00 AM kabul traffic is just too ridiculous (and i say that having lived in cairo). i'm not going downtown during the day anymore! 6046768496 zweitansage 11/25/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6046730918 reja007 11/25/2009 4:57 AM @iradestiara @winnyandinny jah kenapa malah pake ijab kabul dahh haha ngaco lo raa ^^ 6046709362 socialmediamind 11/25/2009 4:55 AM AFGHANISTAN: More Civilian Deaths Unless U.S.-NATO Peace Keep - Inter Press Service: KABUL, Sep 11 (IPS) - Each mon... 6046699913 sonjacr7o8w 11/25/2009 4:55 AM Hope and despair live side by side in Kabul - 6046609720 notiziemondo 11/25/2009 4:48 AM Afghanistan: minibus in burrone, 11 civili morti vicino kabul: Kabul, 25 nov. (Adnkronos/Xin) – Undici pe.. 6046571211 adiisutrisno 11/25/2009 4:46 AM @DionSatria kul perkuatan tanah pon, dtng tlat trus dismprot ma pak kabul . . . 6046520882 adiisutrisno 11/25/2009 4:42 AM @DewiidauLay: dtng tlat trus dimarah2 dlu, ga da kata maaf ktnya :d... eh fuck u wi, km yg ngatain buku pak kabul sampah:p ... 6046497895 jodipop 11/25/2009 4:40 AM KABUL SHIT! That alone made my year. The fact that she sang the first verse looking at me made my life. But then she was a bitch and left- 6046478775 RaviCNN 11/25/2009 4:39 AM Nice mix of lives on 8p HKT World Report. Isha Sesay at the Hajj, @AtiaAbawi in Kabul and @CNNathomas on, yes, Liverpool. 6046438741 zamandardevko 11/25/2009 4:36 AM Bir şeyi bildiğin zaman, onu bildiğini göstermeye çalış. Bir şeyi bilmiyorsan, onu bilmediğini kabul et. İşte bu bilgidir. 6046309177 adiisutrisno 11/25/2009 4:27 AM RT @DewiidauLay: Hah knp?? Bukanny km suka ngatain pak kabul? HahahaRT @adiisutrisno: Dpt ceramah pak kabul basah plng jln macet gra2 mu ... 6046092666 KKulkowski 11/25/2009 4:11 AM Dancing in Kabul 6046070300 addamiattualita 11/25/2009 4:10 AM Afghanistan: minibus in burrone, 11 civili morti vicino kabul: Kabul, 25 nov. (Adnkronos/Xin) – Undici pe.. 6046040748 incefikir 11/25/2009 4:08 AM thereg sordu. dünü yarın olarak kabul edersek bugün perşembe ise bu sözü söyleyen kişi ne zaman söylemiştir? 6046023917 volkan_akay 11/25/2009 4:06 AM @hulyavsar Kabul buyurursanız formatınıza dair bir şeyler söylemek isterim... 6045998915 izmirnamaz 11/25/2009 4:05 AM 12:05 - İzmir için öğle vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6045956554 AANafgh 11/25/2009 4:01 AM AAN blog: Kabul Diary (2): A Ring of Steel Sheets - Rain, mud and traffic jams #Afghanistan 6045928159 muglanamaz 11/25/2009 4:00 AM 12:00 - Muğla için öğle vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6045927530 zweitansage 11/25/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6045676418 ultimenotizie 11/25/2009 3:40 AM Afghanistan: minibus in burrone, 11 civili morti vicino kabul: Kabul, 25 nov. (Adnkronos/Xin) – Undici persone, t... 6045651080 gztc 11/25/2009 3:39 AM STAD PROJESİNE TARTIŞMALI ‘EVET’ BTSO’dan stadyum projesine aktarılması kabul edilen 1 milyon euro, sanayiciler... 6045590505 alpayzeybek 11/25/2009 3:34 AM @sertackeles Sertac kabul et artik,sen de bir toryum zenginisin! 6045572652 fiona1918 11/25/2009 3:33 AM RT @jeromestarkey: 40 tons of cannabis was "winter fuel" says corrupt police Colonel on trial in Kabul 6045555782 kayserinamaz 11/25/2009 3:32 AM 11:32 - Kayseri için öğle vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6045549748 emokidsloveme 11/25/2009 3:31 AM Hot Jobs--> RT @UNjobs: Media Advisor, Kabul #jobs 6045516739 UNjobs 11/25/2009 3:29 AM Media Advisor, Kabul #jobs 6045484999 irasare 11/25/2009 3:26 AM Msn adresime bir istek geldi kabul ettiml bir bayan, kimsiniz dedim. "250" kontor gönderirsen kamera açarım dedi peki dedim. 6045463201 koejaidjo 11/25/2009 3:25 AM @parlinhutapea sopo yg Kabul bray? 6045444361 gaziantepnamaz 11/25/2009 3:24 AM 11:24 - Gaziantep için öğle vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6045429793 Abdulmutlib12 11/25/2009 3:22 AM Dancing in Kabul 6045423133 baronezz 11/25/2009 3:22 AM bakso seno :D RT @irmaalazmi diluar bunyi tok tok bakso kabul 6045392309 afghanistan_ 11/25/2009 3:20 AM Niebels Signal an Kabul - Tagesspiegel #afghanistan #bw 6045381394 irmaalazmi 11/25/2009 3:19 AM diluar bunyi tok tok bakso kabul, hrumny jg mpe kamar. sabar irma, TAHANNN !! 6045321127 trabzonnamaz 11/25/2009 3:15 AM 11:15 - Trabzon için öğle vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6045286649 ahseni_s 11/25/2009 3:12 AM @ahmethc peki çizme ile roman farklı mıydı?! (hayır roman çizmeyi aşıyor dediğiniz kabul ettim gitti) 6045275552 artist4fame 11/25/2009 3:11 AM French soldiers dance to Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean” on the military side of the Kabul airport. 6045274929 hcrtrpkrmn 11/25/2009 3:11 AM @Kvanctat dizi süper gidiyor tebrik ederim gerçi bizim tebrikler kabul olurmu bilinmez amaa :P 6045216354 bookgroupies 11/25/2009 3:07 AM #Haggling in #Kabul #Afghanistan for leather socks! 6045213814 zaneze 11/25/2009 3:06 AM Dancing in Kabul? No,my stomack hurts. @kikidream can't wait you back from Egypt 6045121701 zweitansage 11/25/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6044863621 wonderturquette 11/25/2009 2:40 AM Ama borçlu 1 TL bile ödemiyor ... Icra takibi yapıp ödeme emri gönderiyorsun, itiraz etmiyor bile, borcu kabul ediyor ... 6044856271 Justinfloyd 11/25/2009 2:39 AM RT @nytimes Dancing in Kabul 6044844331 HeyKitty 11/25/2009 2:38 AM RT @40 tons of cannabis was "winter fuel" says corrupt police Colonel on trial in Kabul 6044738491 AtiaAbawi 11/25/2009 2:31 AM RT @jeromestarkey: 40 tons of cannabis was "winter fuel" says corrupt police Colonel on trial in Kabul 6044729241 Jam_Marinho 11/25/2009 2:30 AM RT @nytimes: Dancing in Kabul 6044722501 allforyou4 11/25/2009 2:30 AM Dancing in Kabul - Dim lights, dancing and Michael Jackson tunes in Kabul. 6044709022 jameswith 11/25/2009 2:29 AM RT @nytimes: Dancing in Kabul 6044706311 NYTimesOnline 11/25/2009 2:28 AM Dancing in Kabul - Dim lights, dancing and Michael Jackson tunes in Kabul. 6044509290 e_yazar 11/25/2009 2:14 AM @iclalaydin Bunu halktan ve sıradan birinin görüşü diye kabul edin lütfen:Ünlülerin yaşamları, yedikleri, içtikleri, mekanları, görüşleri 6044505576 jeromestarkey 11/25/2009 2:14 AM 40 tons of cannabis was "winter fuel" says corrupt police Colonel on trial in Kabul 6044430058 hanskottke 11/25/2009 2:08 AM RT @CONTRACOMA: Dancing in Kabul: Dim lights, dancing and Michael Jackson tunes in Kabul. 6044419587 vishaljhamnani 11/25/2009 2:07 AM Urgent req = EMC Support Enginner @ Kabul - Afganistan - One of the reputed IT Dubai based company. For more details ping me on 9324233959. 6044376814 vishaljhamnani 11/25/2009 2:04 AM Urgent req - EMC Support Engineer - One of the reputed IT company - Kabul - Afganistan.(For more details mail me on 6044365238 mamiist 11/25/2009 2:03 AM Bu Küçük Dünyanıza Benide Kabul Edermisiniz.....:)))) 6044306319 zweitansage 11/25/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6044177369 madcanus 11/25/2009 1:50 AM @qqnmadit Ooo hayırlı olsun... Duaların kabul olmuş sonunda :D 6044143116 extractionista 11/25/2009 1:48 AM Dancing in Kabul RT @nytimes 6044129784 strickvl 11/25/2009 1:47 AM @AtiaAbawi Yes Pamir is going downhill very took me 15 hours for me to get from Kabul to Kandahar with Pamir (delays etc) 6044103739 itu_sozluk 11/25/2009 1:45 AM gavat: türk ceza kanunu kapsamında hakaret olarak kabul ediliyor." onmousedown="re... 6044099283 CONTRACOMA 11/25/2009 1:45 AM Dancing in Kabul: Dim lights, dancing and Michael Jackson tunes in Kabul. 6044073382 DioneSants 11/25/2009 1:43 AM Dancing in Kabul: Dim lights, dancing and Michael Jackson tunes in Kabul. 6044026221 ScrambleThis 11/25/2009 1:40 AM RT @nytimes: Dancing in Kabul 6044020820 Dave_Ensign 11/25/2009 1:39 AM Dancing in Kabul: Dim lights, dancing and Michael Jackson tunes in Kabul. 6044003717 TheTrueSchool 11/25/2009 1:38 AM Check this video out -- Kabul Dog Fighting - Afghanistan 6043994705 thynews 11/25/2009 1:37 AM Dancing in Kabul : Dim lights, dancing and Michael Jackson tunes in Kabul. - 6043966866 AJHajir 11/25/2009 1:35 AM Dancing in Kabul: Dim lights, dancing and Michael Jackson tunes in Kabul. 6043948378 eduardoglz 11/25/2009 1:34 AM Dancing in Kabul 6043905627 theragingqueen 11/25/2009 1:31 AM RTV @nytimes: Dancing in Kabul 6043904443 NewsTitan 11/25/2009 1:31 AM [NYTIMES] Dancing in Kabul: Dim lights, dancing and Michael Jackson tunes in Kabul. [NYTIMES] 6043838110 newsjunkie12 11/25/2009 1:27 AM Dancing in Kabul #nyt 6043747802 Darecuan 11/25/2009 1:21 AM RT @nytimes: Dancing in Kabul 6043729849 NYTimesDroid 11/25/2009 1:20 AM #NYT Dancing in Kabul 6043719048 AnnieGong 11/25/2009 1:19 AM RT @nytimes: Dancing in Kabul 6043708815 SmartHome24 11/25/2009 1:18 AM Dancing in Kabul: Dim lights, dancing and Michael Jackson tunes in Kabul. #nytimes 6043704932 tweetermagic 11/25/2009 1:18 AM Dancing in Kabul: Dim lights, dancing and Michael Jackson tunes in Kabul. 6043698171 azmee_blar 11/25/2009 1:18 AM RT @nytimes: Dancing in Kabul 6043685192 nytimes 11/25/2009 1:17 AM Dancing in Kabul 6043578547 nytimes_wire 11/25/2009 1:10 AM Dancing in Kabul: Dim lights, dancing and Michael Jackson tunes in Kabul. 6043544615 goldmeg 11/25/2009 1:08 AM RT @tomafg: The ISAF surveillance blimp in Kabul is quite sinister looking. Some Kabulis think there are American soldiers living in it. 6043482749 alex_garrison 11/25/2009 1:04 AM RT @nytimesatwar: Dancing in Kabul 6043469102 nytimesatwar 11/25/2009 1:03 AM Dancing in Kabul 6042995718 lucaviscardi 11/25/2009 12:34 AM è in treno verso milano. Deve essere lo stesso che più tardi usano per le tradotte militari a kabul... 6042921245 dweleling 11/25/2009 12:29 AM stuck in Kabul airport waiting to go to delhi 6042741993 mbosnak 11/25/2009 12:19 AM bunlar o yaftayı kabul ve hak ediyorlar 6042630439 NaheedMustafa 11/25/2009 12:13 AM @alibomaye Depends entirely on where you live. 6042554957 alibomaye 11/25/2009 12:08 AM @NaheedMustafa Do you know who runs it? I'd be down to Intern. How expensive can it be to live in Kabul for a semester? 6042481097 alibomaye 11/25/2009 12:04 AM @NaheedMustafa When I was 3. hah. I want to go to Kabul film fest really bad. I wonder if they would hire me? I used to work for an SF 1. 6042157290 NaheedMustafa 11/24/2009 11:47 PM @alibomaye *ahem* I meant Afghan boys *in Kabul* :) 6042030012 Ladyrumrunner 11/24/2009 11:40 PM RT @Michael_Yon: Danger in Kabul: Suspicious Land Cruiser with blue UN markings and plate number UN 828 seen in Shar - i - naw area. 6041730535 BostonMaggie 11/24/2009 11:24 PM RT @Michael_Yon: Danger in Kabul: Suspicious Land Cruiser with blue UN markings and plate number UN 828 seen in Shar - i - naw area. 6040916021 NewshoundNews 11/24/2009 10:44 PM KABUL: Many rural Afghan women have a huge drug problem - they use them to calm down and to quieten their children while they're working 6040699351 DionSatria 11/24/2009 10:33 PM RT @adiisutrisno: Dpt ceramah pak kabul basah plng jln macet gra2 muhamadiyah kul apa gol ?? 6040343055 apriliaputri 11/24/2009 10:17 PM ntr qm gtu jg paling ;) RT @shalaladumdum barusan dari kawinan. buset dah mau ijab kabul masih juga sibuk online henvon. 6040321752 milapradipta 11/24/2009 10:16 PM Km mw ijab kabul???? RT @shalaladumdum: barusan dari kawinan. buset dah mau ijab kabul masih juga sibuk online henvon. 6040148335 monicanastasia 11/24/2009 10:09 PM @sepatumerah bhs apa tan? yg ind terjemahannya jelek sekali. re: Kabul Beauty School 6039194221 izmirnamaz 11/24/2009 9:29 PM 5:29 - İzmir için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6039145079 balikesirnamaz 11/24/2009 9:27 PM 5:27 - Balıkesir için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6039046991 bursanamaz 11/24/2009 9:23 PM 5:23 - Bursa için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6039022123 muglanamaz 11/24/2009 9:22 PM 5:22 - Muğla için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6038973082 kocaelinamaz 11/24/2009 9:20 PM 5:20 - Kocaeli için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6038923971 sakaryanamaz 11/24/2009 9:18 PM 5:18 - Sakarya için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6038900186 eskisehirnamaz 11/24/2009 9:17 PM 5:17 - Eskişehir için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6038844926 DewiidauLay 11/24/2009 9:14 PM Ak pikir cm ak org plg telat sdunia.hhaRT @ejjasatria: Ah gr2 km telat sii mbah.brntakan absenku!!Argh RT @adiisutrisno:Dpt cramah pak kabul 6038734517 ejjasatria 11/24/2009 9:10 PM Ahh gr2 km telatt sii mbahh.berantakan absenkuu!! Arghh RT @adiisutrisno: Dpt ceramah pak kabul basah plng jln macet gra2 muhamadiyah 6038682462 ankaranamaz 11/24/2009 9:08 PM 5:08 - Ankara için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6038415421 DewiidauLay 11/24/2009 8:57 PM Hah knp?? Bukanny km suka ngatain pak kabul? HahahaRT @adiisutrisno: Dpt ceramah pak kabul basah plng jln macet gra2 muhamadiyah 6038387823 kayserinamaz 11/24/2009 8:56 PM 4:56 - Kayseri için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6038355080 adiisutrisno 11/24/2009 8:54 PM Dpt ceramah pak kabul basah plng jln macet gra2 muhamadiyah 6038145953 gaziantepnamaz 11/24/2009 8:46 PM 4:46 - Gaziantep için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6038097329 malatyanamaz 11/24/2009 8:44 PM 4:44 - Malatya için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6038026183 trabzonnamaz 11/24/2009 8:41 PM 4:41 - Trabzon için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6037902130 diyarbakirnamaz 11/24/2009 8:36 PM 4:36 - Diyarbakır için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6037535754 muratedd 11/24/2009 8:21 PM @SevimGozay reddedersin tabi suşi desem kabul ederdin dimi .))) 6037351950 bonds3934 11/24/2009 8:14 PM @AtiaAbawi What is a Kabul mouse? 6037317567 AtiaAbawi 11/24/2009 8:12 PM Noises in my AC unit started again this morning as the birds outside chirp. It's gotta be a Kabul mouse. This is gross. I just want sleep. 6036813335 lynnmenase 11/24/2009 7:53 PM @Sedayazici cok salagim kabul ediyorum : ) artik hergün burayı da kontrol edicem demek ki !! 6036347959 sheilazhao 11/24/2009 7:35 PM Living in a Kabul warehouse - a good NYT slide show by photog Moises Saman: 6036055879 CarySkelton 11/24/2009 7:23 PM @DoniKlein Yeah, exactly how I feel right now. I hope he's safer in Kabul! 6024150708 BigMamaNews 11/24/2009 6:11 PM Kabul 8442 6023893820 IbnSiqilli 11/24/2009 6:01 PM #Afghanistan James Bond: ( #Pashtun #Kabul #Dari #Pakistan #movies #Britain 6023090630 Walther_PKK 11/24/2009 5:32 PM Hollywood may have plans to set part of the next James Bond film in Afghanistan, but Kabul already has its own 007. 6022729279 zipirinsan 11/24/2009 5:19 PM @Hislicocuk @knipeos ıslak hamburger hepsini döğer!!! steakhouse u dövemez kabul:/ ama normal hamburgeri döver 6022686206 sinandurdu 11/24/2009 5:17 PM Tarikat dergahlarında zikir yapan, yayına çıkmadan önce bir şişe şarap içen Ece Vahapoğlu suç sizin mi, yoksa sizi kabul edenlerin mi? 6022656828 rachelejlee 11/24/2009 5:16 PM Warm Body/Kabul [Snap Judgment]: [Kabul, November 23. Image via Getty] KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - NOVEMBER 23: An Afghan ... 6022265225 hashphotography 11/24/2009 5:01 PM Interview & #photography by Kabul-based photog Ahmad Masood (Reuters) - RT @extrajection 6022212823 zweitansage 11/24/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 6022184703 raferx 11/24/2009 4:59 PM Hidden Kabul, photos by Moises Saman 6022075207 extrajection 11/24/2009 4:55 PM Interview & #photography by Kabul-based photog Ahmad Masood (Reuters) 6021689178 lola_loso 11/24/2009 4:40 PM @wavyinton >> kabul, afghanistan 6021574541 sez_genie 11/24/2009 4:36 PM THY Barcelona FC nin 6. sponsoru olmak için teklif vermiş.. Ciddi olarak kabul etme ihtimali vamış Barça'nın... 6021384862 habernet 11/24/2009 4:29 PM 10 Bin öğretmen ataması kabul edildi ... 6021295040 newsherd 11/24/2009 4:25 PM Mark Sedwill, Kabul's British Ambassador, agrees more troops are needed - Times Online 6021294781 BlatchsJacket 11/24/2009 4:25 PM Mark Sedwill, Kabul's British Ambassador, agrees more troops are needed - Times Online 6021219501 Marnus3 11/24/2009 4:23 PM Has Matthews lost his mind? Now he is playing a clip from Dr. Strangelove that sounds like it was made in a cave in Kabul. #p2 #hcr 6021210834 OnurT 11/24/2009 4:22 PM @AYLINASLIM da @alkislarla yaşıyor ve yaşatıyor, o güzel.(Bu yüzden Aylin'in ilk klibi'ni eklemem kabul edilmemiş olsa gerek.) 6021033128 nazoooo 11/24/2009 4:16 PM @ygtc @baristabak ee bu ödev istemeyi kabul edilebilir mi kılıo:D 6020887502 louis_abelman 11/24/2009 4:10 PM Motherwell Journal w/ my piece "Kabul Diary" at Ooga Booga reading room, Swiss Institute in Soho, starting Sunday 6020842841 kellcolman 11/24/2009 4:08 PM Mark Sedwill, Kabul's British Ambassador, agrees more troops are needed - Times Online Globe and MailMark Sedwill, .. 6020842027 Kellelloway 11/24/2009 4:08 PM Mark Sedwill, Kabul's British Ambassador, agrees more troops are needed - Times Online Globe and MailMark Sedwill, .. 6020783561 TheLastNews 11/24/2009 4:06 PM Mark Sedwill, Kabul's British Ambassador, agrees more troops are needed - Times Online 6020605242 zweitansage 11/24/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 6020416711 sez_genie 11/24/2009 3:52 PM THY Barcelona FC nin 6. sponsoru olmak için teklif vermiş.. Ciddi olarak kabul etme ihtimali vamış Barça'nın... 6020264028 ErtugrulDanaci 11/24/2009 3:47 PM @chirimirim o guzel cumlene karsilik bunu kabul edermisin=)) 6020038251 hsdemir 11/24/2009 3:38 PM @tugbaozer Yaptığını doğru kabul et ve öyle devam et hayata... Nasıl olsa kimse doğru olmadığını ispatlayamayacak... 6019667524 BIG_boy_JIM 11/24/2009 3:24 PM 3rd pic Osama Bin Laden blood thirsty killer, we have to make our stand @ Kabul. 6019587829 bilgecinar 11/24/2009 3:21 PM Cidden güzel fikir! Tabii, Türk müşterilere poster-like site fikrini kabul ettirmek epey zor. 6019500320 mustafaduran 11/24/2009 3:17 PM Liked "Seth Godin hatasını kabul etmiş. Kitabının hem ismini hem kapağını değiştirmiş." 6019459450 hasanbasusta 11/24/2009 3:16 PM Seth Godin hatasını kabul etmiş. Kitabının hem ismini hem kapağını değiştirmiş. 6019437205 ozgeningunlugu 11/24/2009 3:15 PM jehan beni esir aldı,daldım sözcüklerinin içine çıkamıyorum...bir de arkadaşlık isteğimi kabul etmiş, ne tatlı kadın ya=) 6019254406 cadl 11/24/2009 3:08 PM Sarah Suggests: If you liked Three Cups of Tea by Mortenson, try Kabul Beauty School by Rodriguez 6019144250 j__tull 11/24/2009 3:03 PM @ersin3424 kabul aynı fikirdeyim ama beni de ayrı bir yana al zaten bugün kırıp duruyorsun beni.. 6019038185 zweitansage 11/24/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 6018838243 GHCANADA 11/24/2009 2:52 PM Temporada do espetáculo 'Kabul' é prorrogada - O Globo Online: 6018763792 sesseda 11/24/2009 2:49 PM @Piyes09 kendini ifade güçlüğü yaşayan çocuk bağırır ve dikkat çekmeye, kabul görmeye çalışır. 'elin çocuğu' daha bilinçli yetiştiriliyor.. 6018464966 aguclu 11/24/2009 2:37 PM 10 Bin Öğretmen Yasası Oy Birliği İle Kabul Edildi > 6018166409 ihlassondakika 11/24/2009 2:26 PM 2010 Yili butcesi kabul edildi - TBMM Plan ve Butce Komisyonunda, 2010 Yili Merkezi Yonetim Butce Kanunu Tasarisi 6017848122 atractiu 11/24/2009 2:13 PM Yok abi yok, kabul edin, Ibra yok, Messi yok dakka 25 ama gol 2. HAHAHA. 6017758537 bcollinsmn 11/24/2009 2:10 PM Wish I could find a picture my F-18 pilot/nephew took over Kabul. One look and folks would understand why that's not a winnable war. 6017740547 MyWireArtNews 11/24/2009 2:09 PM Afghanistan: Illiterate, insecure but lots of TV: KABUL (AFP) — Afghanistan's people may lack security, literacy ... 6017568284 byKilic 11/24/2009 2:02 PM @yesayten bencede.. gerçi ben biraz pot kırar gibi oldum. nazlı bahar hanım böyle bişeyi bilmemesi kabul edilemez filan dedim :)) 6017512738 deeceedas 11/24/2009 2:00 PM @AtiaAbawi what's weather like in Kabul ? Too cold?? 6017495190 zweitansage 11/24/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 6017346962 frontispice 11/24/2009 1:54 PM Kabul edin, hepiniz Ruşen Amcanın Oğlu Sedat gibi bir şey istediniz yıllardır. 6017258088 afghanistan_ 11/24/2009 1:50 PM Niebels Signal an Kabul - Tagesspiegel #afghanistan #bw 6017150747 sporxcom 11/24/2009 1:46 PM Del Potro terler içinde kalsa da...: Londra'da düzenlenen ve teniste sezonun final turnuvası olarak kabul .. 6016935713 allnitewatchman 11/24/2009 1:37 PM Hey, if you want to go fight radical Islamic fundamentalists, then go fight them yourself. Get on board Afghan Air and fly direct to Kabul. 6016921354 ettagirl 11/24/2009 1:36 PM Makeshift Home for Many | eking out a day-to-day survival in Kabul, photographed by Moises Saman 6016700898 NewshoundNews 11/24/2009 1:28 PM KABUL: As the 30th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan approaches, many Afghans say they're no better off with Nato troops 6016586973 BetteDam 11/24/2009 1:23 PM @JackdeVries boek Expeditie Uruzgan? Zou leuk zijn. Groetjes uit Kabul 6016561173 hknair77 11/24/2009 1:22 PM RT @nilanjanaroy: Unsettling: Oliver Englehart on a prosthetic-limb factory in Kabul: 6016542284 delirdim 11/24/2009 1:21 PM Uyumadan önce delirdim galiba falan demiştim. Deli olan delirdiğini kabul etmez evet ama delirttiler beni artık. 6016541040 UNjobs 11/24/2009 1:21 PM Provincial Coordinator, Gender Equality Project, Kabul #jobs 6016409580 nesln 11/24/2009 1:16 PM ateşim var sabahtan beri, metrobüs kullanan bi insanım ve bunu kabul etmek istemezdim ama; grip olmuş olabilir miyim? :/ 6016223743 Pardonmeboy 11/24/2009 1:08 PM @priyankachopra eithr u r sleepng or shootng-ek bat to hai,aap Bollywood ki Rani ho-Ciao!Italian fan ka Salaam kabul ki jeehe!!buona notte!! 6016206816 byKilic 11/24/2009 1:08 PM @Notredamedesion aynen. ancak Nazlı hn. B.Feyzan'ın bu konuyu bilmeden söylemesi kabul edilemez, herkes biliyor. Bilse F.Koru için söylemez 6016143273 icnwalkuptomoon 11/24/2009 1:05 PM @dianasevil değişen bi şey yok tabi ama mutlu olabilmenn için senin değişmen lazım. sen bunu kabul etmiosun. 6016000537 zweitansage 11/24/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 6015939417 Tcherina 11/24/2009 12:57 PM Şurada insanlar birbirini olduğu gibi kabul etse,kimse kimseye kızmayacak, blocklamayacak. 6015814469 fridaworld 11/24/2009 12:52 PM @alanna_shaikh AREU in Kabul - are you in touch with them? They have the best library in Afghanistan with a good history section. 6015735370 eshovelz 11/24/2009 12:49 PM Q+A #Obama faces political peril with #Afghan policy #Afghanistan #security #DoD #corruption #security #Kabul 6015633388 PlanetVox 11/24/2009 12:45 PM Festa de Aniversário do Kiko... Vai ser no dia 29/11 no Kabul... Entradas a R$ 10,00. Som de qualidade, exposição de fotos e Open Hair Cut.. 6015434808 manunsharma 11/24/2009 12:36 PM @prasannavishy he was smoking the finest "Kabul" available, seriously speaking political correctness is an epidemic nowadays 6014518350 zweitansage 11/24/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 6014153794 EserGiray 11/24/2009 11:45 AM Farklılıkları biz yıllardır kabul ediyoruz,yıllardır Kürt,Türk,Ermeni,Rum herkes gayet iyi yaşıyorduk. Siz dinci... 6013899322 MoveOneInc 11/24/2009 11:34 AM Afghanistan's real estate market on the rise #relocation #investment #realestate #centralasia #kabul 6013838155 rain1907fb 11/24/2009 11:32 AM Non-24-hour sleep-wake syndrome:Vücudunuz günün 24 saat olduğunu reddedip 26-28 saat kabul ediyor: (via @cemsanci) 6013305397 beachwordsmith 11/24/2009 11:11 AM RT @MartinShovel: RT @bengoldacre: Adam Curtis and his gigantic genius brain: modernity in Kabul 6013215356 cemsanci 11/24/2009 11:08 AM Non-24-hour sleep-wake syndrome: Vücudunuz günün 24 saat olduğunu reddedip 26-28 saat kabul ediyor: 6013027294 cdprograms 11/24/2009 11:00 AM CDP welcomes our new program,Two Sparrows Project, helping Kabul's child street beggars, orphans, etc. get vocational training & education. 6013005440 zweitansage 11/24/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 6012967285 TWT_POLITICIAN 11/24/2009 10:58 AM Fifteen Afghan politicians under investigation over alleged corruption: AP in Kabul Hamid Karzai.. 6012590318 daveweeden 11/24/2009 10:44 AM RT @bengoldacre Adam Curtis and his gigantic genius brane: modernity in Kabul (Absolutely fascinating - DW) 6011620147 eskisehirnamaz 11/24/2009 10:07 AM 18:08 - Eskişehir için yatsı vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6011568296 freedom4USA 11/24/2009 10:05 AM US:#tcot #news Afghan AG's Office Says 15 Ministers Being Probed: Filed at 8:41 a.m. ET KABUL (AP) -- The Afghan attor... 6011414361 zweitansage 11/24/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 6011245581 RanvirDeb 11/24/2009 9:53 AM Kabul, Poem by Saib-e-Tabrizi --> 6011161831 Safelight 11/24/2009 9:50 AM SL Waiting: A woman stands in line at a food distribution center for widows in Kabul, Afghanistan. 6010938505 sumeyyesahin 11/24/2009 9:42 AM @dunyabizim Allah kabul etsin... 6010588966 sumeyyesahin 11/24/2009 9:29 AM @iced_guardian haklısınız. fakat aşka yenik düştüğümüzü kabullenmek olmamalıdır. onu benliğimizin bir parçası olarak kabul etmek gerekir. 6010383950 pinarilik 11/24/2009 9:21 AM @cuneytozdemir maalesef gerçek foto.nalga'nın böyle bir şeyi kabul etmesi tahkime gitmeden önce müthiş bir saflık örneği... 6010363315 coletestates 11/24/2009 9:20 AM War torn Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, is experiencing a mini property boom with prices up 75% in last year 6010024318 bookgroupies 11/24/2009 9:07 AM First impressions of Kabul 33 years ago 6009825223 zweitansage 11/24/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 6009812998 muglanamaz 11/24/2009 8:59 AM 17:00 - Muğla için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6009789962 mymiaomiao 11/24/2009 8:58 AM War torn Kabul sees property prices soar 75% in the last 12 months ... 6009737061 balikesirnamaz 11/24/2009 8:56 AM 16:57 - Balıkesir için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6009700032 2central_music 11/24/2009 8:55 AM Members of the Afghan army music corps line up for a rehearsal at their barracks in Kabul, Afg #music #2central 6009612172 antalyanamaz 11/24/2009 8:51 AM 16:52 - Antalya için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6009595073 settar 11/24/2009 8:50 AM @banboz Asıl Twitter'da sürekli kelime espirisi yapan reklam yazarlarına çatacaktım ama sonra bazılarına güldüğümü kabul edip vazgeçtim. 6009562046 bursanamaz 11/24/2009 8:49 AM 16:50 - Bursa için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6009536604 istanbulnamaz 11/24/2009 8:48 AM 16:49 - İstanbul için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6009536225 BeachHeadHerald 11/24/2009 8:48 AM 4 US troops die in Afghan attacks (source: Big News Network): KABUL (AP): Bomb attacks and a firefigh.. #Military 6009436427 kocaelinamaz 11/24/2009 8:44 AM 16:45 - Kocaeli için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6009335934 hidalgo71 11/24/2009 8:40 AM serena williams facebookta kabul etti beni 6009215906 ankaranamaz 11/24/2009 8:35 AM 16:36 - Ankara için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6009167125 fingertipnews2 11/24/2009 8:33 AM AP Intl: Afghan AG's office says 15 ministers being probed: KABUL (AP) -- Fifteen current and former Af.. 6009142267 adananamaz 11/24/2009 8:32 AM 16:33 - Adana için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6009085935 hanihaheho 11/24/2009 8:30 AM aminnnn, skrng juga masuh ch ? RT @chachahahaha: @hanihaheho Amiiiiiin ya Allah kabul kan permohonan ini 6009020504 kayserinamaz 11/24/2009 8:27 AM 16:28 - Kayseri için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6008962233 suniljmistry 11/24/2009 8:25 AM #News Afghan president to form new cabinet in 'near future': Kabul, Nov 24 (DPA) The new cabinet for Presi.. 6008948460 gaziantepnamaz 11/24/2009 8:24 AM 16:25 - Gaziantep için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6008780743 samsunnamaz 11/24/2009 8:17 AM 16:18 - Samsun için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6008780865 malatyanamaz 11/24/2009 8:17 AM 16:18 - Malatya için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6008746869 YINGANDI 11/24/2009 8:16 AM Kabul bombings kill 12 more innocent people, Gr8 job Karzi! Way 2 go Religion of Peace! 6008617727 diyarbakirnamaz 11/24/2009 8:10 AM 16:11 - Diyarbakır için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6008502299 trabzonnamaz 11/24/2009 8:05 AM 16:06 - Trabzon için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6008458120 eksiduyuru 11/24/2009 8:03 AM erasmus: erasmus programı için kabul edildim ama nereye gideceğime karar veremiyorum gideceğim ünilerle ilgili araştırma yapim di... 6008408167 erzurumnamaz 11/24/2009 8:01 AM 16:02 - Erzurum için akşam vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6008375148 scubiduprods 11/24/2009 8:00 AM Ricardo Tete: New show announced in Sao Paulo, SP at KABUL on November 25, 2009 6008374228 ricardotete 11/24/2009 8:00 AM New show announced in Sao Paulo, SP at KABUL on November 25, 2009 6008368349 zweitansage 11/24/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 6008227401 eylemcagri 11/24/2009 7:53 AM @fundakaya film U2 ile mi ilgiliydi ? ooooof..ooof...berbattı... kabul...please ignore me 6008212726 wsfa12news 11/24/2009 7:53 AM American killed; Bomb in water truck kills 3 in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) - NATO says a U.S. service member has been ... 6008140794 P45K 11/24/2009 7:49 AM how fucking condescending and racist was that news report about the arabic LA actor going to kabul? "...he just has that terrorist look..." 6008039765 nipple_slips 11/24/2009 7:45 AM Police say Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, a parliamentarian and powerful former warlord, has narrowly escaped an assassination attempt near Kabul. 6007956097 SteveSchippert 11/24/2009 7:41 AM Kabul Embassy spokeswoman denied Eikenberry in secret talks w/Taliban. Unable to publish at present, but you should know. 6007944485 FeyzaYavuz 11/24/2009 7:40 AM @basakbirlik aaa başaakk suss kızz nati o hayırr olamaz kabul etmem durmam yoksa burdaa :D sebep arıyyoz kızımm burda kalmak için :)) 6007787470 wackywakky 11/24/2009 7:33 AM Dhaka, Bangladesh/Beijing/Tokyo/Puerto Limon, Costa Rica/Kabul BBC News - Day in Pictures(今日の世界)一枚目、バッファローの目に映るのは何?‥‥‥ 6007734840 fromwithinproj 11/24/2009 7:31 AM Kabul University's website is no longer online. The last time checked, the website featured texts from 2003. 6007693621 MariaJessica 11/24/2009 7:29 AM Read The Kite Runner. Deeply affected by the story, and this link appeared in my Gmail. Nov23 Kabul, Afghanistan: 6007397531 girlofgordon 11/24/2009 7:15 AM @OfficialVernonK Its raining in Kabul 6007322766 manzana79 11/24/2009 7:11 AM Okulu bitirince hayırlısıyla overqualified olmuşum, bu sebeple işlere kabul edilmez olmuşum. 6007208094 halkinukalasesi 11/24/2009 7:05 AM RT @Askdoktoru: Gazeteci: Uyuşturucuyu ne kadar süre kullandınızDeniz Seki: Bu soruyu sorulmamış kabul ediyorum 6007130684 sunnygraham 11/24/2009 7:02 AM Bomb kills 6 family members in eastern Afghanistan: The Associated Press KABUL — A remote-controlled bomb explo.. 6007086764 EZF_TopPolitics 11/24/2009 7:00 AM RT @barbaran61: rt @newyorker RT @tnyCloseRead: Speaking Softly in Kabul: 6007080247 zweitansage 11/24/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 6006764522 samarkeolog 11/24/2009 6:43 AM RT @bengoldacre Adam Curtis and his gigantic genius brane: modernity in Kabul 6006759391 lesstravelled 11/24/2009 6:43 AM Inconveniently situated: Kabul's Serena Hotel proudly describes itself in its own publicity literature as &.. 6006728799 SOLDELBAJIO 11/24/2009 6:42 AM Mueren cuatro soldados estadounidenses en Kabul. 6006642270 izmirnamaz 11/24/2009 6:37 AM 14:38 - İzmir için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6006633201 tvsexdeath 11/24/2009 6:37 AM i remember walking in front of my house after i heard bombs started to fall on kabul and i was like "crap this is not gonna end well at all" 6006623580 muglanamaz 11/24/2009 6:36 AM 14:37 - Muğla için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6006616961 BarraDeHerram 11/24/2009 6:36 AM Bomba mata a 6 integrantes de una familia en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Un explosivo detonado a control remoto en.. 6006547863 balikesirnamaz 11/24/2009 6:32 AM 14:33 - Balıkesir için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6006453417 Askdoktoru 11/24/2009 6:27 AM Gazeteci: Uyuşturucuyu ne kadar süre kullandınızDeniz Seki: Bu soruyu sorulmamış kabul ediyorum 6006444437 californianewz 11/24/2009 6:27 AM Bomb kills 6 family members in eastern Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) - A remote-controlled bomb exploded in eastern .. 6006416648 bursanamaz 11/24/2009 6:25 AM 14:26 - Bursa için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6006343706 eskisehirnamaz 11/24/2009 6:21 AM 14:22 - Eskişehir için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6006331405 Lauratheexpat 11/24/2009 6:20 AM @AtiaAbawi Hi Atia! Do you try to celebrate it in Kabul? Can you get any of the traditional foods? I always get homesick on Thanksgiving... 6006326947 YahooNoticias 11/24/2009 6:20 AM Bomba mata a 6 integrantes de una familia en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Un explosivo detonado a control remoto en el... 6006289987 sakaryanamaz 11/24/2009 6:18 AM 14:19 - Sakarya için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6006271889 konyanamaz 11/24/2009 6:17 AM 14:18 - Konya için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6006182466 mersinnamaz 11/24/2009 6:12 AM 14:13 - Mersin için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6006172946 SHUTTLECOCK74 11/24/2009 6:12 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families' New Memories in Afghanistan 6006110340 adananamaz 11/24/2009 6:08 AM 14:09 - Adana için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6006024582 kayserinamaz 11/24/2009 6:03 AM 14:04 - Kayseri için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6006017897 onurao 11/24/2009 6:03 AM @SelinSuri sanki ben kabul ettim ya görevi! :) 6005976996 yellreport 11/24/2009 6:00 AM Gunfire and Bombs Kill 4 G.I.’s in 24 Hours: KABUL, Afghanistan — Four United States soldiers died fighti.. 6005971536 gaziantepnamaz 11/24/2009 6:00 AM 14:01 - Gaziantep için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6005960028 zweitansage 11/24/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 6005957844 onlyrainmaker 11/24/2009 5:59 AM az önce gördüm... pamukoğlu iktidar olursa bedelliler askere alınacakmış... parayı geri alacak mıyız yoksa partiye bağış mı kabul edecek? 6005849332 samsunnamaz 11/24/2009 5:53 AM 13:54 - Samsun için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6005842075 allforyou4 11/24/2009 5:53 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 6005731271 diyarbakirnamaz 11/24/2009 5:46 AM 13:47 - Diyarbakır için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6005632299 trabzonnamaz 11/24/2009 5:40 AM 13:41 - Trabzon için ikindi vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6005461226 freelancing_job 11/24/2009 5:30 AM Breadwinners In Burqas: Female Entrepreneurs In Afghanistan: I first came to Kabul in the winter of 2005 to write about a topic considere.. 6005459301 i_like_tea 11/24/2009 5:29 AM Acum citesc "Anticarul din Kabul" #recomandocarte 6005429922 taberna_de_moe 11/24/2009 5:28 AM La respuesta era: Kabul - visita para instrucciones 6005182408 kthegroove 11/24/2009 5:11 AM bitki çayı ve limon+greyfurt suyu bir de c vitamini bişeyin kalmaz : ) diyene sevgiler çaysız limon+greyfurt kabul 6005170765 garywidom 11/24/2009 5:11 AM Today's show... News, Weather, Traffic we talk to Marco Rubio, Col. Wayne Shanks in Kabul, new Mayor Ken Keechl on the new commissioner. 6005090479 eranederland 11/24/2009 5:05 AM Kabul: de huur v. 'n huis met 4 slpkamers bedraagt $10.000 per mnd. De koopprijs is zo’n $500.000. Iemand interesse? 6005055576 WAVY_News 11/24/2009 5:03 AM KABUL (AP) -- NATO says a U.S. service member has been killed in an insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan. It... 6005012164 DUINews 11/24/2009 5:00 AM dui : (4791097) Housing prices, bombs go through the roof in Kabul... - - via 6005005000 zweitansage 11/24/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 6005004100 mbosnak 11/24/2009 5:00 AM @amedbaba aynen kabul. tearuf tasannu esnafında mebzul miktarda var. 6004962998 priskakimyuna 11/24/2009 4:57 AM @renanism buaha kan gue ikutin om kabul. hoho 6004913129 ozgurmumcu 11/24/2009 4:53 AM @Barbarellaaaa brand destroying de eğlenceli ama, kabul edelim. 6004903001 NewsAttic 11/24/2009 4:52 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The struggle of six families pro.. 6004896183 WebAlerts 11/24/2009 4:52 AM [The New York Times] Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afgh.. 6004873039 AaronActully 11/24/2009 4:50 AM (NYT) Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 6004851869 7Steps2Wealth 11/24/2009 4:49 AM War torn Kabul sees property prices soar 75% in the last 12 months ...: The property market has few controls an.. 6004848084 7Steps2Wealth 11/24/2009 4:49 AM War torn Kabul sees property prices soar 75% in the last 12 months ... 6004833232 lipsh 11/24/2009 4:48 AM Canadian Rep for CARE in Kabul, Afghanistan, Jennifer Rowll says attacks on schools chaotic; but within districts, attacks are predictable. 6004796232 marciomtc 11/24/2009 4:45 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 6004790888 CONTRACOMA 11/24/2009 4:45 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The struggle of six families pro.. 6004773367 DioneSants 11/24/2009 4:43 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The struggle of six families pro.. 6004760070 mindproduction 11/24/2009 4:42 AM @ceyhuncamli 'insan'ı düşünen kim dostum? 'insan' sadece bir materyal olmaya dogru gitmeyi kabul etti bile... 6004733288 lilyan 11/24/2009 4:40 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 6004732221 NewsMashup 11/24/2009 4:40 AM NYT: Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The struggle of six families provide... 6004732243 NewYorkLocks 11/24/2009 4:40 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The struggle of six families provides an ... 6004732247 NYUS_news 11/24/2009 4:40 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The struggle of six f... 6004727194 PinarTriology 11/24/2009 4:40 AM @Bukumcu Allah kabul etsin :D 6004700341 euanpreston 11/24/2009 4:38 AM RT @Side_Show_Rob: RT @bengoldacre: Adam Curtis and his gigantic genius brane: modernity in Kabul 6004639542 doris_jones 11/24/2009 4:34 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The struggle of six families pro.. 6004610976 kundi9 11/24/2009 4:32 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The struggle of six families pro.. 6004599165 USRealityCheck 11/24/2009 4:31 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The struggle of six families.. NYT 6004592850 nytimesnewsfeed 11/24/2009 4:30 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The struggle of six families pro.. 6004540737 M1MiddleEast 11/24/2009 4:27 AM Afghanistan's real estate market on the rise #relocation #investment #realestate #centralasia #kabul 6004537714 gopalrajguru 11/24/2009 4:27 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The struggle of six families pro.. 6004501032 FTRNews 11/24/2009 4:24 AM FTR NEWS: Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 6004408915 samdbarratt 11/24/2009 4:17 AM Jesus its cold in Kabul, Mancunian rain, carcasses everywhere for Eid, massive military presence & high security everywhere, a city at war. 6004375443 samdbarratt 11/24/2009 4:15 AM Posters going up in Kabul office about why you shouldn't beat up your wife, 2,500 have signed up to challenge the culture, impressed. 6004274396 dwfromthepeg 11/24/2009 4:07 AM Heartbreaking: RT @nytimes: Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 6004218858 ChinaManufBlog 11/24/2009 4:03 AM Officials say 10 Afghan civilians killed in separate attacks|Kabul - Six civilians including four children were .. 6004172948 zweitansage 11/24/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 6004124611 Xpatulator 11/24/2009 3:56 AM Kabul Afghanistan cost of living average but clothing, comms & household cheap. 6003987852 boa_muenchen 11/24/2009 3:45 AM Westliche Geheimdienste: #Karsai's Vorschlag für Kabul als Ort für #Afghanistan-Konferenz ist 'Ablenkungsmanöver' 6003931725 alamandaardisia 11/24/2009 3:41 AM @atydastrid ijab kabul terima kurban via tlf sambil nyetir sblh gw, ncang ncing ya ijab skrg? 6003902594 msnancygraham 11/24/2009 3:39 AM RT @bengoldacre: Adam Curtis and his gigantic genius brane: modernity in Kabul 6003901725 Dave_Ensign 11/24/2009 3:39 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The struggle of six families pro.. 6003750437 samsunnamaz 11/24/2009 3:28 AM 11:28 - Samsun için öğle vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 6003749938 samsunnamaz 11/24/2009 3:27 AM 11:28 - Samsun için öğle vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 6003703663 24hourz 11/24/2009 3:24 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan #24hourz 6003543113 CarySkelton 11/24/2009 3:12 AM RT @NYTimes Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 6003540163 mikologique 11/24/2009 3:12 AM Bagdad och Kabul världens värstingstäder: Bagdad och Kabul är världens hemskaste ställen att bo på - för svenska diploma 6003535215 kedti 11/24/2009 3:11 AM RT @nytimes: Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 6003520683 babele_dunnit 11/24/2009 3:10 AM "Guardavo Kabul dall'alto. Non c'e' neanche un PASTARITO." (G."SixPack"Miraglia) 6003498630 bolbol_ekonomi 11/24/2009 3:08 AM 2010 bütçesi komisyonda kabul edildi 6003488068 iziariyel 11/24/2009 3:08 AM @fuldencsgl davetimi kabul ederseniz sayın kurabiyem.. 6003432849 eduardoglz 11/24/2009 3:04 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 6003397209 theragingqueen 11/24/2009 3:01 AM RTV @nytimes: Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 6003396242 NewsTitan 11/24/2009 3:01 AM [NYTIMES] Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The.. [NYTIMES] 6003372943 zweitansage 11/24/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 6003366912 salivates 11/24/2009 2:59 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The struggle of six families pro.. 6003361463 gunderstone 11/24/2009 2:59 AM NH Register Opinions Afghans awaiting sign of American support: THE residents of Kabul, Afg.. 6003352122 Jam_Marinho 11/24/2009 2:58 AM RT @nytimes: Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 6003344488 turanberker 11/24/2009 2:57 AM İlk öğretmenler günü ve tebrikleri kabul heyecanı... Güzel bir şey :) 6003340492 newsjunkie12 11/24/2009 2:57 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families 19 New Memories in Afghanistan #nyt 6003327276 Xpatulator 11/24/2009 2:56 AM Kabul Afghanistan cost of living average but education & groceries expensive. 6003298934 Antonio_Matias 11/24/2009 2:54 AM RT @nytimes: Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 6003279795 therealJLM 11/24/2009 2:52 AM RT @nytimes: Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 6003244913 NYTimesDroid 11/24/2009 2:50 AM #NYT Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 6003241580 AJHajir 11/24/2009 2:49 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The struggle of six families provides an ... 6003241592 nytimes 11/24/2009 2:49 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 6003240164 tweetermagic 11/24/2009 2:49 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The struggle of six families pro.. 6003188720 in_asia 11/24/2009 2:45 AM (AP) KABUL (AP) - The Interior Ministry says a remote-controlled bomb hidden in a water truck has exploded in t.. 6003077724 dynamicHD_User 11/24/2009 2:37 AM A viewer in KABUL,AFGHANISTAN is watching Unsere Erde now! - Nov 24 2009 09:37 AM 6003011111 bookgroupies 11/24/2009 2:32 AM Homesick in #Kabul #Afghanistan, Nov 76 6002890626 akanksha_aesa 11/24/2009 2:23 AM Unsettling & heartbreaking- The Ravages of war RT@nilanjanaroy Oliver Englehart on a prosthetic-limb factory in Kabul 6002800616 MartinShovel 11/24/2009 2:16 AM RT @bengoldacre: Adam Curtis and his gigantic genius brain: modernity in Kabul 6002779309 myworldnews 11/24/2009 2:15 AM [NYT] Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The struggle of six families prov.. 6002615437 metametafor 11/24/2009 2:03 AM rahatsız biri olmak kabul edilebilir. kontrol altında tutabilen rahatsızları tercih ederim. en iyi olduğu şey rahatsız olmak olanları fak. 6002595522 datbiz 11/24/2009 2:01 AM yeni fikirlere açığım sadece eleştiri kabul etmiorum. 6002566668 zweitansage 11/24/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 6002523550 agi_yanti 11/24/2009 1:56 AM Doa'a t'kabul din,nee skarang dah ujan haha RT @dinanila: ujan dong ujan dong ujan dong 6002404389 Samiulla85 11/24/2009 1:47 AM Just bought a closet in the middle of Kabul! What a crazy day! 6002396193 Domicus 11/24/2009 1:47 AM Adam Curtis and his gigantic genius brane: modernity in Kabul (via @bengoldacre) 6002162806 haysdubai 11/24/2009 1:30 AM New job available: Accountant - Kabul, Afghanistan: Location: Kabul, Afghanistan Salary: Attractiv... 6002143982 Erudite_Enigma 11/24/2009 1:29 AM 1 TV's employees work in Kabul: 1 TV's employees work in Kabul on November 7. Afghanistan's people may lack sec.. 6002082167 iffets79 11/24/2009 1:24 AM back from kabul!!!!! 6002050521 televideorai 11/24/2009 1:22 AM [dal mondo] KABUL, OBAMA CONVOCA CONSIGLIO DI GUERRA view.jsp?id=660498&p=150 6002015948 robinhouston 11/24/2009 1:20 AM RT @bengoldacre: Adam Curtis and his gigantic genius brane: modernity in Kabul 6001957980 GrrlGotGame 11/24/2009 1:16 AM #LieToMe and #24: two great tastes that do NOT go great together. No more Cal goes to Kabul storylines, please. Okthanxbi. 6001812150 Catuvolcus 11/24/2009 1:06 AM KABUL : «Afghanistan investigating 5 current and former cabinet members» 6001618222 bathtab 11/24/2009 12:53 AM Kabul - property hotspot: According to local estate agents, prices in so.. 6001495421 cilliandoc 11/24/2009 12:45 AM RT @bengoldacre: Adam Curtis and his gigantic genius brane: modernity in Kabul 6001491519 Catuvolcus 11/24/2009 12:45 AM KABUL : «A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan» 6001476314 yonasmichael 11/24/2009 12:44 AM Aah I love hearing "Kabul Shit" live: I swear, Salem's meowing along.. 6001469157 haberbiz 11/24/2009 12:43 AM Yeni haber, 2010 bütçesi komisyonda kabul edildi - 6001369449 theratandmouse 11/24/2009 12:37 AM RatandMouse latest: Kabul - property hotspot 6001133238 suniljmistry 11/24/2009 12:23 AM #News Afghan apples headed for Indian markets: Kabul/New Delhi, Nov.24 (ANI): The first shipment of Afghan.. 6001052821 ApacheClips 11/24/2009 12:18 AM New NATO Command in Kabul Focuses on Afghan Training #military #army 6001052278 freedom4USA 11/24/2009 12:18 AM US:#tcot #news Attacks Kill 12 Around Afghanistan: KABUL | Bombings and shootings killed 12 people across Afghanistan,... 6000990145 francism1975 11/24/2009 12:14 AM Afghan attorneys eager to probe top leaders in corruption cases: By DION NISSENBAUM AND HASHIM SHUKOOR KABUL, Afgha... 6000931595 DriverPost 11/24/2009 12:10 AM RT @myfoxnation: Obama Golfs While Afghanistan Burns: KABUL — Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. tr... 6000820729 nytimesglobal 11/24/2009 12:04 AM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 6000427019 suketutalekar 11/23/2009 11:42 PM RT @godoolally: 'Kabul Special' cider anyone!? :) RT @netindian: 1st shipment of Afghan apples arrive for sale in India 6000240120 NewshoundNews 11/23/2009 11:32 PM KABUL: Afghan police are plagued with charges of corruption, inefficiency, illiteracy and basic lack of infrastructure. 6000129051 CMGrant07 11/23/2009 11:26 PM Kabul, Afghanistan #badvacationidea 5999966398 Behrouz_Hariri 11/23/2009 11:18 PM @colleendiamond from @targetvacations Safi hotel is conveniently located at the centre of down town Kabul, easy access to UN and Embassies. 5999943274 catsgotbiz 11/23/2009 11:17 PM Afghanistan: Illiterate, insecure but lots of TV|KABUL - Afghanistan's people may lack security, literacy and a .. 5999879277 NYTimesVisual 11/23/2009 11:13 PM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 5999656623 angelchristie77 11/23/2009 11:02 PM myfoxnation: Obama Golfs While Afghanistan Burns: KABUL — Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. troops... 5999096652 solos42 11/23/2009 10:36 PM RT @myfoxnation: Obama Golfs While Afghanistan Burns: KABUL — Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. troops... http://bit.l ... 5999033899 mikeupchurch1 11/23/2009 10:34 PM weather turning for the worse in Kabul. Cold and raining the last 2 days. 5999016047 Jbroks86 11/23/2009 10:33 PM RT @myfoxnation: Obama Golfs While Afghanistan Burns: KABUL — Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. troops... http://bit.l ... 5998979843 kiddienoerdjito 11/23/2009 10:31 PM itu uang entertainment apa ijab kabul? hoho :p RT @siwelih: Seperangkat perhiasan dibayar tunai ^^ RT @cynthiatenggara: uang entartainmentny 5998953987 Tigerstooth 11/23/2009 10:30 PM RT @myfoxnation Obama Golfs While Afghanistan Burns: KABUL — Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. troops 5998772518 RealWriter24 11/23/2009 10:22 PM myfoxnation Obama Golfs While Afghanistan Burns: KABUL — Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. troops... 5998765207 brandonlk 11/23/2009 10:22 PM RT @myfoxnation: Obama Golfs While Afghanistan Burns: KABUL — Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. troops... http://bit.l ... 5998758419 davidmacdougall 11/23/2009 10:21 PM @AtiaAbawi If you need us to send emergency clothes packages over the border, it's fairly reliable to courier stuff from Islamabad to Kabul! 5998723536 KevinAlcena 11/23/2009 10:20 PM RT @myfoxnation: Obama Golfs While Afghanistan Burns: KABUL — Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. troops... 5998711388 AlaskanRick 11/23/2009 10:19 PM RT @myfoxnation: Obama Golfs While Afghanistan Burns: KABUL — Bomb attacks & a firefight killed 4 U.S. troops... 5998678154 myfoxnation 11/23/2009 10:18 PM Obama Golfs While Afghanistan Burns: KABUL — Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. troops... 5997915475 bengoldacre 11/23/2009 9:45 PM Adam Curtis and his gigantic genius brane: modernity in Kabul 5997797992 nilanjanaroy 11/23/2009 9:40 PM Unsettling: Oliver Englehart on a prosthetic-limb factory in Kabul: 5997598211 sonmanset 11/23/2009 9:31 PM Devlet 32 Bin Yeni Memur Alacak: 2010 yılı bütçesi kabul edildi. Bu kapsamda ilk müjde memur bekleyen adaylara geldi. 5997448535 tolgatez 11/23/2009 9:25 PM @tbylmz cıks.. daha kabul etmeyecek.. zamanı var.. :) 5997448180 balikesirnamaz 11/23/2009 9:25 PM 5:26 - Balıkesir için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5997375184 istanbulnamaz 11/23/2009 9:22 PM 5:23 - İstanbul için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5997350405 bursanamaz 11/23/2009 9:21 PM 5:22 - Bursa için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5997277727 kocaelinamaz 11/23/2009 9:18 PM 5:19 - Kocaeli için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 5997204358 eskisehirnamaz 11/23/2009 9:15 PM 5:16 - Eskişehir için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 5996726008 muratonuryilmaz 11/23/2009 8:56 PM kendim yazmış gibi armağan olsun öğretmenlerime.kabul buyrun öğretmenim 5996177033 diyarbakirnamaz 11/23/2009 8:34 PM 4:35 - Diyarbakır için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 5996125473 erzurumnamaz 11/23/2009 8:32 PM 4:33 - Erzurum için imsak vakti girmiştir. Allah kabul etsin. 5996123254 Knottienature 11/23/2009 8:32 PM @FLINT89 kabul setting 5995965355 Grass_Cutting 11/23/2009 8:26 PM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The day-to-day struggle of six A.. 5995955696 winning_team 11/23/2009 8:26 PM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The day-to-day struggle of six A.. 5995920859 Claudia_Vallejo 11/23/2009 8:24 PM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan: The day-to-day str.. #hacerfortuna 5995798428 BrucePatrick23 11/23/2009 8:19 PM New NATO Command in Kabul Focuses on Afghan Training : New NATO Command in Kabul Focuses on Afgh.. 5995710735 FLASH_NEWS 11/23/2009 8:16 PM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 5995688154 in_asia 11/23/2009 8:15 PM KABUL, Afghanistan — Four United States soldiers died fighting in Afghanistan during a 24-hour period, NATO sai.. 5995679531 nytimesworld 11/23/2009 8:15 PM Kabul Journal: A Warehouse Holds Families’ New Memories in Afghanistan 5995624635 MDThermo 11/23/2009 8:13 PM Not everyone sold on combat policing training: Grunts everywhere, prepare to face the Crips of Kabul.The same techn... 5995561842 kaplumbaganine 11/23/2009 8:10 PM bazı şarkılar o kadar gerçek ki takıldığını kabul edemiyorum. "çok gaza geldi adam bak bir kaç kere söyleme ihtiyacı duydu" filan oluyorum. 5995367380 democratically 11/23/2009 8:03 PM RT @SteveHynd: Kabul house prices rise 75% in one year driven by narcosphere, internatio ... 5995310814 Global_Security 11/23/2009 8:01 PM New NATO Command in Kabul Focuses on Afghan Training 5995190016 MoreUdonThani 11/23/2009 7:56 PM Afghan attorneys eager to probe top leaders in corruption cases|KABUL, Afghanistan -- Afghan President Hamid .. 5995089354 pancreator 11/23/2009 7:52 PM @ersinduzen Ben hatamı kabul ettim zamanında. Kanunla olmaz bu iş.Ülkede onu sağlayacak atmosfer yok. Hiç olmadı ve sanırım olmayacak. 5994953606 michaelmht 11/23/2009 7:47 PM just ate at Kabul restaurant and now time for musical theatre presentation by MTI testing my knowledge 5994702990 jd_atkinson 11/23/2009 7:37 PM Remember and pray for the families of the 4 US soldiers who were K I A today in kabul 5994382943 policeofficer 11/23/2009 7:25 PM New NATO Command in Kabul Focuses on Afghan Training: American Forces Press ServiceNov. 23, 2009 - A newly esta.. 5994360554 Lucy0Morgan 11/23/2009 7:24 PM Kabul shit. 5993661705 Infidel007 11/23/2009 6:58 PM RT @MarineCorps: Not everyone sold on combat policing training: Grunts everywhere, prepare to face the Crips of Kabul.The same t.. http: ... 5993562176 MarineCorps 11/23/2009 6:54 PM Not everyone sold on combat policing training: Grunts everywhere, prepare to face the Crips of Kabul.The same t.. 5993281587 AllMilitaryNews 11/23/2009 6:43 PM (Military Avenue) New NATO Command in Kabul Focuses on Afghan Training : New NATO Co.. #Military 5993211028 AllMilitaryNews 11/23/2009 6:41 PM (Marine Corp Times) Afghan provinces get millions to reduce poppies: KABUL —.. #Military 5993156911 ntvmsnbc 11/23/2009 6:38 PM 2010 bütçesi komisyonda kabul edildi: 2010 yılı bütçesi, Meclis Plan ve Bütçe Komisyonu’nda kabul edildi. Yeni .. 5993019329 greenREACH 11/23/2009 6:33 PM NATO's new training mission for Afghanistan is activated in Kabul ...: William B. Caldwell, .. #greentraining 5992920879 upcomingnews 11/23/2009 6:30 PM Breadwinners In Burqas: Female Entrepreneurs In Afghanistan - I first came to Kabul in the winter of 2005 to write... 5992610820 afghanvoice 11/23/2009 6:18 PM Black & Veatch's Tarakhil Power Plant: White Elephant in Kabul 5992463033 mowatenmasr 11/23/2009 6:12 PM Check this video out -- Kabul Express - Trailer 5992035526 MoreUdonThani 11/23/2009 5:56 PM Will Karzai allow Afghan prosecutors to charge ministers?|KABUL, Afghanistan ? President Hamid Karzai's pledge to .. 5991908677 Saffers65 11/23/2009 5:51 PM Just finished The Swallows of Kabul by Yasmina Khadra. Quite depressing really & a reminder to us all why the Taliban must be defeated. 5991905866 hurriyetavrupa 11/23/2009 5:51 PM son dakika - 2010 yılı bütçesi kabul edildi: TBMM Plan ve Bütçe Komisyonunda, 2010 Yılı Merkezi Yön.. 5991904229 hurriyetavrupa 11/23/2009 5:51 PM 2010 yılı bütçesi kabul edildi: TBMM Plan ve Bütçe Komisyonunda, 2010 Yılı Merkezi Yönetim Bütçe Kanunu Tasarıs.. 5991270718 SirCash3ENT 11/23/2009 5:27 PM kaylisa's kite keeps kinfolk kickin da klouds kangaroos kickin kevin kindly kendra kickin kenneth kold as kabul koldest kountry lmaoooo 5991227143 BeachHeadHerald 11/23/2009 5:25 PM New NATO command activated in Kabul; continues Afghan training: A newly established NATO comman.. #Military #Army 5991222625 MilAve_Col_K 11/23/2009 5:25 PM RT @MilitaryAvenue MilitaryAvenue: New NATO Command in Kabul Focuses on Afghan Training #MilitaryMon #SOT 5991221475 HTGazete 11/23/2009 5:25 PM 2010 bütçesi kabul edildi: TBMM Plan ve Bütçe Komisyonunda, 2010 Yılı Merkezi Yönetim Bütçe Kanunu Tasarısı kab.. 5991177037 akifozkaya 11/23/2009 5:23 PM 2010 bütçesi kabul edildi: TBMM Plan ve Bütçe Komisyonunda, 2010 Yılı Merkezi Yönetim Bütçe Kanunu Tasarısı kab.. 5991048738 BeachHeadHerald 11/23/2009 5:18 PM New NATO Command in Kabul Focuses on Afghan Training : New NATO Command in Kabul Focuses on Afghan Tr.. #Military 5990896024 MilitaryAvenue 11/23/2009 5:12 PM MilitaryAvenue: New NATO Command in Kabul Focuses on Afghan Training #MilitaryMon #fb 5990795633 cafertanriverdi 11/23/2009 5:08 PM New NATO Command in Kabul Focuses on Afghan Training via @addthis 5990757202 bolbol_gundem 11/23/2009 5:07 PM 2010 yılı bütçesi kabul edildi 5990552435 zweitansage 11/23/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 5990389458 tkdgirlbb 11/23/2009 4:53 PM Close Read: Speaking Softly in Kabul: via @addthis 5989963186 TPainesDaughter 11/23/2009 4:38 PM Video: Afghan Exit Strategy: Winning With Jobs Not Guns (filmed in Kabul) - 5989489712 gigaloff 11/23/2009 4:20 PM @bharfot Alle er nerder, men alle nerder er heller ikke like, det er som kvinnene i Kabul. Det er bare innpakningen som ligner. 5989456283 murat_aras 11/23/2009 4:19 PM @Minetugay fragmandan bir şey anlamadım ama zaten fragmanın birşy anlatmayanı makbul kabul edilir.tabi film birşey anlatıyorsa.hayırlı olsun 5989448626 ch2mhillcareers 11/23/2009 4:19 PM Estimator - Afghanistan - AF-AFG:Kabul, Afghanistan: CH2M HILL Estimator Jobs - Afghanistan The challenge? Prov.. 5988935966 zweitansage 11/23/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 5988674718 anladim 11/23/2009 3:50 PM insan evcilleştirilmeyi kabul etti mi, biraz göz yaşını da göze almalı... 5987957961 erpakademi 11/23/2009 3:23 PM 1.1. İş Etüdünün Tanımı Literatürde en fazla kabul edilen ve kullanılan iş etüdü tanımı, İngiliz ... 5987740610 Safelight 11/23/2009 3:14 PM SL Waiting: A woman stands in line at a food distribution center for widows in Kabul, Afghanistan. 5987727823 maskelibaloo 11/23/2009 3:14 PM "tipimin keş olması" böyle bir fiil yok kabul etmiyorum 5987698314 comonews 11/23/2009 3:12 PM Four U.S. troops die in Afghanistan- KABUL (AP) — Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. troops in 24... 5987664070 chirimirim 11/23/2009 3:11 PM RT @MuratAykul: "Kocamla dinsel inanç farklılıkları yüzünden ayrıldık. O kendisinin Tanrı olduğunu düşünüyordu, ben kabul etmiyordum." - ... 5987634811 MuratAykul 11/23/2009 3:10 PM "Kocamla dinsel inanç farklılıkları yüzünden ayrıldık. O kendisinin Tanrı olduğunu düşünüyordu, ben kabul etmiyordum." - Vera Foster 5987366616 zweitansage 11/23/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 5987358688 mythart 11/23/2009 2:59 PM yüzümün yarısının göründüğü bir fotoğraf ve fake isimle'a kabul edilmiş, 8 tane de davetiye hak..şaka lan davetiye yok.. 5987358218 coastalfreindly 11/23/2009 2:59 PM Bonanza inmobiliaria...¿en Kabul? - 5987273459 barralicious 11/23/2009 2:56 PM Bombings, shooting kill 12 around Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- Bombings and shootings killed 12 people across Afg... 5987237713 hkky 11/23/2009 2:54 PM Bulent Ersoy : sayin ercetingoz beni dost olarak kabul ediniz dedi, aklima star-trek ayrik parmak isareti geldi :) 5986844187 selvamani_js 11/23/2009 2:39 PM @khaledhosseini nice to know you are in kabul. I am an indian .. You made me like kabul 5986786577 mcrpn 11/23/2009 2:37 PM Bi sekilde donup yuzume bakmasini ve varligimi kabul etmesini diliyordum 5986557151 wminaa 11/23/2009 2:28 PM Okulda uluslar arası bir kısa film yarışması varmış. Hiçbir kamera hilesi, autofocus ve arka ışıklandımayı kabul... 5986450955 BackPainPages 11/23/2009 2:24 PM Militants in Kabul house battle Afghan forces - Reuters 5986294198 kakadir 11/23/2009 2:17 PM kahve bagimlisi oldum bu ara kabul ediyorum, okulda bile her iki tenefuste bir kahve iciyorum 5986153076 DonaldPretari 11/23/2009 2:12 PM RT @LATimesworld: Laura King reports from Kabul on a new measure proposed by the Afghan government to draw low-level Taliban fighters... ... 5985899235 latimesworld 11/23/2009 2:01 PM Laura King reports from Kabul on a new measure proposed by the Afghan government to draw low-level Taliban fighters... 5985849131 zweitansage 11/23/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 5985828807 NWRepublican 11/23/2009 1:59 PM 4 more soldiers die in Afghanistan; Obama dithers: 4 US service members die in Afghan attacks KABUL — Bomb atta.. 5985788388 metametafor 11/23/2009 1:57 PM @selamisahin öyle böyle beğenmedim. kabul ederlerse yahudi olacağım. biliyorum ekşisözlük gibiler ama yukarıda tanıdıklarım var. 5985748371 JobForEngineers 11/23/2009 1:55 PM Vertical Structure Team Leader (2009203), Kabul, Afghanistan: 5985701486 CerenSaltoglu 11/23/2009 1:54 PM @hellinavsar yaaaaaa :(((((((( ayrıcaaa sen beniiii kabul etseneeee şu followersa 5985656208 bercandesouza 11/23/2009 1:52 PM biliyodum ulan kabul edileceğimi o biodan sonra. 5985217559 calyps 11/23/2009 1:34 PM - Kabul restaurant London 5985135850 godoolally 11/23/2009 1:31 PM 'Kabul Special' cider anyone!? :-) RT @netindian: 1st shipment of Afghan apples arrive for sale in India 5985112728 baharnural 11/23/2009 1:30 PM doğru yordum ne varsa soldurdum doğru yaramaz bir çocuktum ben kabul seni yanlış sevdiğim hepsi hata bir kez daha zaten olamaz korkma.. 5984959931 CarySkelton 11/23/2009 1:23 PM @richardengelnbc I hope that Kabul is safer than Iraq was during that documentary. That was unbelievable. Thank you for being there for us.. 5984959283 rachelejlee 11/23/2009 1:23 PM Incredible, Edible Eggs [Snap Judgment]: [Kabul, November 22. Image via Getty] Afghan children chat as they sell eg... 5984959293 emusictalk1 11/23/2009 1:23 PM Incredible, Edible Eggs [Snap Judgment]: [Kabul, November 22. Image via Getty] Afghan children chat as they sell eg... 5984857699 islamwest 11/23/2009 1:19 PM Real estate prices go through the roof in #Kabul #Afghanistan 5984852133 SamuraiMaiDai 11/23/2009 1:19 PM yılların kısır döngüsünü binlerce insan tarafından kabul görmüş bir felsefeye konumlandırdım.çok mutluyum lan,yalnız değilmişim! 5984655366 asianbeauticom 11/23/2009 1:11 PM Kabul: House prices 5984362685 zweitansage 11/23/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 5983943662 emretatar 11/23/2009 12:43 PM Kendini farklı zanneden insanlar farklı olmadıklarını kabul etmediklerinde fark ortaya çıkıyor işte : ) 5983935587 AllMilitaryNews 11/23/2009 12:42 PM (Navy Times) Afghan provinces get millions to reduce poppies: KABUL — The U.S. on M.. #Military 5983925467 ismailsancak 11/23/2009 12:42 PM @Somnambulistt teliften canı yanan telifin değerini bilir. ayrıca kabul etmek lazım çok "şirin" bir buluş.. 5983720734 neonedemis 11/23/2009 12:34 PM @aysepbcyrm ne beee :D elbet bir gün kabul olacak :D umarım geç olmaz :D kilise bitti cami ztn bitmişti sinagog'a ne dersin :D 5983715846 noniq21 11/23/2009 12:33 PM Filipina killed in Kabul hailed as peace worker - 5983529054 paronidecastro 11/23/2009 12:26 PM RT @NewYorker: RT @tnyCloseRead: Speaking Softly in Kabul: 5983527846 annahard 11/23/2009 12:26 PM Läser folk o försvars perspektiv om kvinnor i kabul som kämpar mot missbruk och sv soldater i afghanistan 5983496103 travel_1 11/23/2009 12:25 PM Rocket Hits Near International Luxury Hotel in Kabul, Injuring 4 - Voice of America 5983262188 nichis 11/23/2009 12:15 PM new mac is being shipped. it takes them approximately 2.5 weeks to get it here. like whoa? I'm not living in kabul for crying out loud -.- 5982884205 zweitansage 11/23/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 5982883361 HOTELSmagazine 11/23/2009 12:00 PM Kabul Serena Hotel hit by rocket attack, yet again. 2 people hurt, fortunately none dead. 5982729195 AviationJobs 11/23/2009 11:53 AM Aviation Job: Finished Goods Warehouse Manager (Bakery): Location:Kabul, Saudi Arabia To ens.. 5982622720 BeachHeadHerald 11/23/2009 11:49 AM Afghan provinces get millions to reduce poppies: KABUL — The U.S. on Monday agreed to hand out .. #Military 5982618634 UnicTunis 11/23/2009 11:49 AM UNAMA: State of the World's Children Report Kabul launch 5982612971 BeachHeadHerald 11/23/2009 11:49 AM Afghan provinces get millions to reduce poppies (source: Big News Network): KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. on.. #Military 5982547648 noniq21 11/23/2009 11:46 AM The value of a pricier UC education; corruption in Kabul; CalPERS ethics - Los Angeles Times 5982460280 NewshoundNews 11/23/2009 11:43 AM KABUL: American Afghans have torn loyalties - they feel American tax payer money is being wasted in Afghanistan and Afghans are losing hope 5982270904 rtsradio 11/23/2009 11:35 AM 4 US service members die in Afghan attacks - KABUL (AP) -- Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. troops... 5982201883 agrssor_world 11/23/2009 11:32 AM New post: Gulf Daily News, World News.Boy, 13, forced to plant bomb dies KABUL: A 13-year-old Afg ( 5982047814 Zakary_X 11/23/2009 11:26 AM I favorited a YouTube video -- burka band - burka blue(filmed in kabul) + no burka!(filmed in europe) 5982012967 asspress 11/23/2009 11:25 AM 4 US service members die in Afghan attacks: 4 US service members die in Afghan attacks: KABUL (AP) — Bomb attac.. 5981880051 dslunceford 11/23/2009 11:20 AM RT @DavidStephenson: Happy Dad! Just talked 2 my son, who's safe in Kabul! That makes early Thanksgiving 4 me! 5981878004 parsob 11/23/2009 11:20 AM RT @JeffJedras EU rep in Kabul "totally flabbergasted" by attacks on cred Colvin: Port. of whistleblower #cdnpoli 5981816426 marlitah 11/23/2009 11:17 AM YouTube - Finding childhoods amidst chaos: CWS center helps Kabul's children find normalcy 5981804615 DavidStephenson 11/23/2009 11:17 AM Happy Dad! Just talked 2 my son, who's safe in Kabul! That makes early Thanksgiving 4 me! 5981800907 selin_diyor_ki 11/23/2009 11:16 AM kardeşimin ortaokul yıllığında bir isim: Aşırcan Çankaya. Anlamadım!? "Aşır derdik biz ona" dedi. Ebeveynleri alkışı haketti şimdi kabul et. 5981779677 TurnTo2news 11/23/2009 11:16 AM KABUL (AP) -- The US military says 4 of its service members were killed in the past 24 hours in Afghanistan. #twitternewschat 5981605925 andrewpothier 11/23/2009 11:09 AM EU rep in Kabul "totally flabbergasted" by attacks on cred RT @JeffJedras Colvin: Port. of whistleblower #cdnpoli #afgh 5981375629 MoveOneInc 11/23/2009 11:00 AM Afghanistan's real estate market on the rise #relocation #investment #realestate #centralasia #kabul 5981361432 zweitansage 11/23/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 5981183496 nisakz 11/23/2009 10:53 AM Don't know what is wrong with my DiGi line, I can't send sms to Kabul. Wonder why? 5981124729 Namrepus 11/23/2009 10:50 AM Nieuwsbrief van Z24; "Huizenmarkt Kabul is booming" Mmm.. dubbelzinnig zeg! 5981009460 afghanmagazine 11/23/2009 10:46 AM and by the way: its raining in kabul (what does that mean for the unpaved roads.. indeed.. chaos) (via @BetteDam) 5980942395 MattDabrowski 11/23/2009 10:43 AM Rained today in Kabul. Looking forward to tomorrow. The best views of the city come after the rain. 5980930646 BetteDam 11/23/2009 10:43 AM Blog: Covered breasts and sexy telephone calls in Kabul.. 5980892950 AllMilitaryNews 11/23/2009 10:41 AM (Army Times) Afghan provinces get millions to reduce poppies: KABUL — The U.S. on M.. #Military 5980723961 ahuguneyli 11/23/2009 10:35 AM @taylaner Türk Ceza Kanununda yapılan son değişiklikle "Aşk-ı Memnu"yu izletmemek suç kabul edildi, bilmiyo musun? :) Ağır cezalık hem de. 5980536067 jcuban 11/23/2009 10:28 AM RT @DanRatherReport: From Dan: Monday, Kabul. The Afghan winter descends, with it's rain, snow and new challenges in the war. One's http ... 5980464446 Selcukbektas 11/23/2009 10:25 AM Bugün kabul günüm oldu :) Samsung aradı cihazlar hazır dedi :) Fiyat teklifi sormadığınız dedim cüzzi fiyat olduğu... 5980391317 BetteDam 11/23/2009 10:22 AM and by the way: its raining in kabul (what does that mean for the unpaved roads.. indeed.. chaos) 5980308205 DanRatherReport 11/23/2009 10:19 AM From Dan: Monday, Kabul. The Afghan winter descends, with it's rain, snow and new challenges in the war. One's 5980254120 BetteDam 11/23/2009 10:17 AM columpje: 5980086959 NewsSummaries 11/23/2009 10:11 AM Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers are being invest.. 5979999580 eskisehirnamaz 11/23/2009 10:07 AM 18:08 - Eskişehir için yatsı vakti başlamıştır. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5979999410 sakaryanamaz 11/23/2009 10:07 AM 18:08 - Sakarya için yatsı vakti başlamıştır. Allah kabul etsin. 5979958002 HuckleberryFin_ 11/23/2009 10:06 AM Affetmek ve kabul etmek birbirine benzer. 5979793911 zweitansage 11/23/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 5979579564 themajlisblog 11/23/2009 9:51 AM Thanksgiving in the U.S., deadlock in the Middle East, no news out of Kabul, quiet in Lebanon. Gonna be a rough week for blogging. 5979526800 kayserinamaz 11/23/2009 9:49 AM 17:50 - Kayseri için yatsı vakti çıkmıştır. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5979507443 trinimaican 11/23/2009 9:48 AM RT @CWS_CROP: Did you know CWS does awesome work in Afghanistan through the Kabul Children's Center? - watch the video and learn... http ... 5979326432 calvinsaputro 11/23/2009 9:41 AM @nyadanya najis bgt kalo aku kawin sm rama, 2 hari stelah ijab kabul pasti cerai!! Hha maap 5979298529 CitizenBoquu 11/23/2009 9:40 AM RT @DemsAbroad: You think you got it bad? Here's an American who pulled off a traditional Thanksgiving dinner in Kabul! 5979064533 axismedia 11/23/2009 9:31 AM KABUL (AP) Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. troops in 24 hours in Afghanistan, the military said Monday. 5979049711 AtiaAbawi 11/23/2009 9:31 AM I'm back in Kabul, but my suitcases aren't...grr... 5978892806 MuratAykul 11/23/2009 9:24 AM İlk buluşmayı kaç sevişmeden sonra kabul edersem kolay bir erkek gibi görünmem? 5978873643 sweetyghost 11/23/2009 9:24 AM Bu kültür ve sanat köşesinde yazmayı kabul etmemin tek nedeni vardı.Kendi kakkımda değil,başka sanatçılar ve... 5978839406 boa_nachrichten 11/23/2009 9:22 AM Westliche Geheimdienste: Vorschlag für Kabul als Ort für Afghanistan-Konferenz als 'Ablenkungsmanöver' eingestuft 5978758178 benmeshurum 11/23/2009 9:19 AM Tüm vatandaşları yalancı olan bir memlekette referandum sonuçları doğru kabul edilebilir mi? 5978527835 cenkxix 11/23/2009 9:10 AM İnsanların %63'ü dualarının kesin kabul olduğunu düşünüyormuş. Hangi din, hangi tanrı, nasıl bir ilişki lan bu? Bizi de alın aranıza. 5978457794 sweetyghost 11/23/2009 9:07 AM Bu kültür sanat bölümünü yazmayı kabul etmemin sebebi kendimi değil,başka sanatçı dostlarımı yazmak..Bu dsa öyle... 5978399710 sweetyghost 11/23/2009 9:05 AM SANATLA YAKALANAN BİR VAROLUŞ HİKAYESİ..Bu köşede yazmayı kabul etmemin sebebi kendimi değil,başka sanatçı... 5978267385 zweitansage 11/23/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 5978255885 BeachHeadHerald 11/23/2009 8:59 AM New NATO command activated in Kabul; continues Afghan training: A newly established NATO comman.. #Military #Army 5978185047 balikesirnamaz 11/23/2009 8:56 AM 16:57 - Balıkesir için akşam vakti çıkmıştır. Allah kabul etsin. 5978105162 RuletaOnline 11/23/2009 8:53 AM Investigan a dos ministros afganos por supuesta malversación: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - Dos ministros del gab.. 5978097215 Alltop_Humor 11/23/2009 8:53 AM Housing prices, bombs go through the roof in Kabul [Interesting] 5978063101 antalyanamaz 11/23/2009 8:51 AM 16:52 - Antalya için akşam vakti çıkmıştır. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5978038878 bursanamaz 11/23/2009 8:50 AM 16:51 - Bursa için akşam vakti çıkmıştır. Allah kabul etsin. 5978030265 clivestor 11/23/2009 8:50 AM House prices have risen by 75% in the last year – in Kabul! 5977990206 istanbulnamaz 11/23/2009 8:48 AM 16:49 - İstanbul için akşam vakti çıkmıştır. Allah kabul etsin. 5977969164 griffinsfeather 11/23/2009 8:47 AM @VonurTanistlin "Oyun oynayan kitele daha seçkindir, daha seçicidir" yargısını da kabul etmiyorum, 5977915251 rukiyesarac 11/23/2009 8:45 AM Ezan okunuyor....haydi namaza Allah kabul etsin inşallah.. 5977899544 rukiyesarac 11/23/2009 8:44 AM RT @sakaryanamaz: 16:44 - Sakarya için akşam vakti çıkmıştır. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5977869350 sakaryanamaz 11/23/2009 8:43 AM 16:44 - Sakarya için akşam vakti çıkmıştır. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5977845070 konyanamaz 11/23/2009 8:42 AM 16:43 - Konya için akşam vakti çıkmıştır. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5977824808 aysegulhikaye 11/23/2009 8:41 AM evet evet söylediklerimi çooktan geri aldım, geyiğim evet kabul ediyorumm : )) 5977714729 Velbrueck 11/23/2009 8:37 AM Asne Seierstad, Der Buchhändler aus Kabul 5977704056 icelnamaz 11/23/2009 8:36 AM 16:37 - Mersin için akşam vakti çıkmıştır. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5977680287 ankaranamaz 11/23/2009 8:35 AM 16:36 - Ankara için akşam vakti çıkmıştır. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5977673124 reistweets 11/23/2009 8:35 AM Amerikaanse en Afghaanse militairen gedood: KABUL - Vier Amerikaanse en drie Afghaanse militairen zijn door aanslag... 5977633638 BostonMArss 11/23/2009 8:33 AM Herald| Afghan provinces get millions to reduce poppies: KABUL - The U.S. on Monday agreed to hand out millions of ... 5977633744 Small_Biz_Coach 11/23/2009 8:33 AM Afghan provinces get millions to reduce poppies: KABUL - The U.S. on Monday agreed to hand out millions of dollars ... 5977633191 adananamaz 11/23/2009 8:33 AM 16:34 - Adana için akşam vakti çıkmıştır. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5977594460 allahcc 11/23/2009 8:32 AM @dismenore biz de bekleme gibi bir şey yok. kabul edilmemiştir onlar. 5977584722 dilefgar 11/23/2009 8:31 AM @ahseni_s her türlü halinle kabul ettik seni, yazılarındaki hataları da gözmezden geliriz artık :) 5977513500 kayserinamaz 11/23/2009 8:28 AM 16:29 - Kayseri için akşam vakti çıkmıştır. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5977277985 malatyanamaz 11/23/2009 8:18 AM 16:19 - Malatya için akşam vakti çıkmıştır. Allah kabul etsin. 5977226617 mohac 11/23/2009 8:16 AM Meğer Tevez kendisine defalarca önerilen estetik ameliyatları kabul etmiyormuş. Ben buyum, geçmişimi... [pic] 5977117052 diyarbakirnamaz 11/23/2009 8:11 AM 16:12 - Diyarbakır için akşam vakti çıkmıştır. Allah kabul etsin. 5977022070 dianssrawr 11/23/2009 8:07 AM RT @sabilafida: Aku mau sakit,tolong kabul-in dong yaAllah. Aku ga pernah di rawat inap-_- 5977001383 cizgisiz 11/23/2009 8:06 AM alacakaranlık'a bayılanları anlamıorum.idare eder niteliklrde bi film tmm ama vasat betimlemelrle dolu bi kitap olduğu grçeği kabul edilmeli 5976982679 trabzonnamaz 11/23/2009 8:05 AM 16:06 - Trabzon için akşam vakti çıkmıştır. Allah kabul etsin. 5976979673 haber 11/23/2009 8:05 AM Gül, UNESCO Türkiye Milli Komisyonu Başkanı Aydınuraz kabul etti 5976903346 asli_erman 11/23/2009 8:02 AM @cuneytozdemir baslik süper ama kabul edin... 5976848505 zweitansage 11/23/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 5976838419 EdinburghErikka 11/23/2009 7:59 AM Sister in Kabul reports all is well despite hotel bomb on the weekend. Lifoe goes on in war zones 5976766176 zeynepsevde 11/23/2009 7:56 AM @onarimci şahsi fikrimi sorarsan kadının yapması gereken tek şey boşanma davası açmaktır, red veya kabul değil. 5976702485 CWS_CROP 11/23/2009 7:53 AM Did you know CWS does awesome work in Afghanistan through the Kabul Children's Center? - watch the video and learn... 5976687226 hoteleguide 11/23/2009 7:52 AM Serena Hotel in Kabul one of the better places to stay had a near miss rocket attack on Sunday 5976628404 enigecivobkin 11/23/2009 7:50 AM aslında çok uzun suredir mutsuz olduğunu kabul etmek niye bu kadar zormus? 5976599118 BeachHeadHerald 11/23/2009 7:48 AM Four US soldiers killed in Afghanistan (source: Big News Network): Kabul, Nov 23 (DPA) Four US and th.. #Military 5976592317 gokcegok 11/23/2009 7:48 AM insan evcilleştirilmeyi kabul etti mi, biraz gözyaşını da göze almalı. 5976562655 notiziemondo 11/23/2009 7:47 AM Afghanistan: al via programma per attrarre potenziali reclute talebani: Kabul, 23 nov. (Adnkronos) – Gove.. 5976487322 DemsAbroad 11/23/2009 7:43 AM You think you got it bad? Here's an American who pulled off a traditional Thanksgiving dinner in Kabul! 5976483564 chateau_de_papi 11/23/2009 7:43 AM RT @cosmoweb: 4 US service members die in Afghan attacks: KABUL (AP) -- Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. troops .. http://b ... 5976473822 cosmoweb 11/23/2009 7:43 AM 4 US service members die in Afghan attacks: KABUL (AP) -- Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. troops .. 5976422789 addamiattualita 11/23/2009 7:40 AM Afghanistan: al via programma per attrarre potenziali reclute talebani: Kabul, 23 nov. (Adnkronos) – Gove.. 5976281776 OR_Politik 11/23/2009 7:34 AM «Karsai will den Westen nur koedern» - Vorschlag fuer Kabul als Ort fuer.. #Nachrichten #Politik 5976268009 marcusexam 11/23/2009 7:33 AM 4 US service members die in Afghan attacks: Kabul -- Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. service memb.. 5976250000 ChrisTurrell 11/23/2009 7:32 AM Housing prices, bombs go through the roof in Kabul [Interesting]: [link] [1 comments] 5976158698 Freedomman11 11/23/2009 7:28 AM 4 US Soldiers Die In Afghan Attacks: KABUL — Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. service mem.. 5976138675 detroitnewsnow 11/23/2009 7:27 AM 4 US service members die in Afghan attacks: Kabul -- Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. service memb.. 5976119687 farkmain 11/23/2009 7:26 AM Housing prices, bombs go through the roof in Kabul [Interesting]: [link] [1 comments] 5976119709 llaporte 11/23/2009 7:26 AM Housing prices, bombs go through the roof in Kabul [Interesting]: [link] [1 comments] 5975992197 MoveOneInc 11/23/2009 7:20 AM Afghanistan's real estate market on the rise #relocation #investment #realestate #centralasia #kabul 5975967721 Zone_militaire 11/23/2009 7:19 AM AFP/Kabul: Afghan investigators are collecting evidence against at least two current cabinet ministers suspected of embezzlement and fraud 5975864075 strickvl 11/23/2009 7:14 AM Kabul = traffic, cold, expensive. Kandahar = warm, no traffic, cheap and pomegranates... why would anyone live in the capital? 5975851711 itsjustenough 11/23/2009 7:13 AM 4 US Soldiers Die In Afghan Attacks: KABUL — Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. service members in the... 5975851731 kickinghorse892 11/23/2009 7:13 AM 4 US Soldiers Die In Afghan Attacks: KABUL — Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. servic... @huffingtonpost 5975847968 ilGiornaleNET 11/23/2009 7:13 AM 4 US Soldiers Die In Afghan Attacks: KABUL — Bomb attacks and a firefight killed four U.S. service member.. 5975700502 kazakhstanlive 11/23/2009 7:06 AM Kazakhstan will spend 50 million dollars to educate 1,000 Afghans under an agreement between the two countries signed yesterday in Kabul 5975577240 zweitansage 11/23/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 5975355993 emilyjak 11/23/2009 6:48 AM 4 US Troops Die in Afghanistan: By ALISSA J. RUBIN KABUL, Afghanistan — Four United States troops have died fig.. 5975341260 ensiz_news 11/23/2009 6:47 AM Mueren en Afganistán cuatro soldados estadunidenses : Kabul.- Cuatro soldados estadunidenses y tres afganos mur.. 5975339339 BeachHeadHerald 11/23/2009 6:47 AM Four US soldiers, three Afghan army troops killed in attacks (source: Big News Network): Kabul - Four.. #Military 5975315054 blognotizie 11/23/2009 6:46 AM Afghanistan: al via programma per attrarre potenziali reclute talebani: Kabul, 23 nov. (Adnkronos) – Gove.. 5975309198 ogginotizie 11/23/2009 6:46 AM Afghanistan: al via programma per attrarre potenziali reclute talebani: Kabul, 23 nov. (Adnkronos) – Gove.. 5975293629 akmanemre 11/23/2009 6:45 AM @CDMRC Sizinle bir ay geçirmektense,15 ay uzun dönem askerlik hatta 15 sene uzman başçavuşluğu kabul ediyorum çok değerli sevgilim Ç.DEMİRCİ 5975170984 izmirnamaz 11/23/2009 6:38 AM 14:39 - İzmir için ikindi vakti çıkmıştır. Allah kabul etsin. 5975134945 muglanamaz 11/23/2009 6:36 AM 14:37 - Muğla için ikindi vakti çıkmıştır. Allah kabul etsin. 5975110075 fingertipnews2 11/23/2009 6:35 AM UPI-Top News: Four U.S. soldiers killed in Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 23 (UPI) -- Roads.. 5975101994 fingertipnews2 11/23/2009 6:34 AM Reuters Intl: Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet.. 5975072000 dheyanne 11/23/2009 6:33 AM wah rusuh! makin nafsu liar bangkosim dongRT @nacile: kalo ber3an ama penghulu juga lgs ijab kabul kok dhe baruan hahaha 5975059010 balikesirnamaz 11/23/2009 6:32 AM 14:33 - Balıkesir için ikindi vakti çıkmıştır. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5975035957 ElNoticioso 11/23/2009 6:31 AM Mueren 4 soldados de EEUU en diversos ataques en Afganistán: AP - KABUL (AP) - Cuatro soldados estadounidenses murieron 5975033445 notizienews 11/23/2009 6:31 AM Afghanistan: al via programma per attrarre potenziali reclute talebani: Kabul, 23 nov. (Adnkronos) – Gove.. 5974994280 murraygold 11/23/2009 6:29 AM It sounds like a joke but property prices are apparently *booming* in Kabul 5974976664 hawaiinewsnow 11/23/2009 6:28 AM 4 US service members die in Afghan attacks: KABUL (AP) — Four U.S. service members were killed in the pas.. 5974926683 zeynepsevde 11/23/2009 6:25 AM @onarimci ama genel kabul görmüş bir şeye destek çıkıyorsun. toplum erkeğin kadını ihtiyaç gibi birinci ikinci olarak tüketmesini onaylıyor. 5974910316 istanbulnamaz 11/23/2009 6:24 AM 14:25 - İstanbul için ikindi vakti çıkmıştır. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5974903894 onarimci 11/23/2009 6:24 AM @yuksekokceden Niye? Genel kabul görmüş herşeye karşı muhalefet damarım kabarır benim... 5974892092 rukiyesarac 11/23/2009 6:23 AM hadi namaza ... Allah kabul etsin.. 5974856754 kocaelinamaz 11/23/2009 6:21 AM 14:22 - Kocaeli için ikindi vakti çıkmıştır. Allah kabul etsin. 5974856823 eskisehirnamaz 11/23/2009 6:21 AM 14:22 - Eskişehir için ikindi vakti çıkmıştır. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5974849190 draenews 11/23/2009 6:21 AM Megite Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers a.. 5974816601 notinews 11/23/2009 6:19 AM Nueva noticia: Bonanza inmobiliaria...¿en Kabul? 5974806563 Shadowitaly 11/23/2009 6:18 AM NATO’s new training mission for Afghanistan is activated in Kabul 5974804470 konyanamaz 11/23/2009 6:18 AM 14:19 - Konya için ikindi vakti çıkmıştır. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5974799791 buybooksonline1 11/23/2009 6:18 AM [REUTERS]: Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet minis.. 5974796167 Haber3com 11/23/2009 6:18 AM Grup seks cinayetine müebbet: Grup seks teklifini kabul etmeyen ev arkadaşı öldürülmüştü. 5974769745 wcompanyportal 11/23/2009 6:16 AM [REUTERS]: Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet minis.. 5974654547 jenafern 11/23/2009 6:09 AM RT @WAVY_News KABUL (AP)-The military says 4 U.S. service members have been killed in the past 24 hours in Afghanistan 5974650688 adananamaz 11/23/2009 6:09 AM 14:10 - Adana için ikindi vakti çıkmıştır. Allah kabul etsin. 5974638246 FlameGoldenu 11/23/2009 6:08 AM Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers are being invest.. 5974617954 yuksekokceden 11/23/2009 6:07 AM @Lipsumation genelde kadın mağdur oluyor o durumda..Bir de ikinci eş olmayı kabul eden de ne yazık ki kadın![salaklar!] 5974566546 kayserinamaz 11/23/2009 6:04 AM 14:05 - Kayseri için ikindi vakti çıkmıştır. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5974482910 zweitansage 11/23/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 5974455221 Hairan 11/23/2009 5:58 AM 5 children of displaced families died of cold in Kabul 5974450567 info_feeder 11/23/2009 5:57 AM Karzai inaugurated amid state of siege in Kabul: Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai was inaugurated Thursday amid a st 5974428713 YahooNoticias 11/23/2009 5:56 AM Mueren 4 soldados de EEUU en diversos ataques en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Cuatro soldados estadounidenses murieron... 5974397585 malatyanamaz 11/23/2009 5:54 AM 13:55 - Malatya için ikindi vakti çıkmıştır. Allah kabul etsin. 5974388040 m_insider 11/23/2009 5:54 AM Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL, Nov 23 — Two Afghan cabinet ministers are being investig.. 5974343330 FLASH_NEWS 11/23/2009 5:51 AM REUTERS: Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers are being inves 5974307343 BreakingReport 11/23/2009 5:49 AM worldnews: Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two.. [Reuters World News] 5974294647 KimBomin 11/23/2009 5:48 AM Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers are being inv... #Korea 5974293398 safe_waters 11/23/2009 5:48 AM #reutersIN Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers are being inve 5974292940 reuterswire 11/23/2009 5:48 AM Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers are being investigat... 5974289312 AllNewsSources 11/23/2009 5:47 AM REUTERS: Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers are being inves 5974281764 SmittysWeb 11/23/2009 5:47 AM KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers are being investigated under suspicion of embezzlement, a deputy att... 5974281770 reuterstop 11/23/2009 5:47 AM Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers are being investigat... 5974281787 newsfeeding 11/23/2009 5:47 AM Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers are being investig... 5974281789 tweettools4U 11/23/2009 5:47 AM Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 5974281884 HeadlinesNewz 11/23/2009 5:47 AM Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers are being investigat... 5974281951 NewsMashup 11/23/2009 5:47 AM Reuters: Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers are being i... 5974281744 webtipsfree 11/23/2009 5:47 AM Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers are being investigat... 5974281751 MobileAuto 11/23/2009 5:47 AM Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers are being investigat... 5974280904 notiziemondo 11/23/2009 5:47 AM Afghanistan: morti 4 soldati usa e tre afghani: Kabul, 23 nov. (Adnkronos/Dpa)- Quattro soldati americani e tre.. 5974271374 twittfeed 11/23/2009 5:46 AM Reuters Top News Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers are... 5974191523 trabzonnamaz 11/23/2009 5:41 AM 13:42 - Trabzon için ikindi vakti çıkmıştır. Allah kabul etsin. 5974159339 ReutersNews 11/23/2009 5:39 AM Reuters: Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers are being i... 5974071868 girlofgordon 11/23/2009 5:34 AM You wouldn't think it possible to be bored at work in #Kabul. And yet, I am. Two more hours until home, cupasoup and a glass or two of vino 5973999093 Abihanaf 11/23/2009 5:29 AM 2 Menteri Afghanistan Dituduh Korupsi: KABUL--Dua menteri Afghanistan sedang diperiksa atas tuduhan melakukan k.. 5973907726 MR_Domingo 11/23/2009 5:23 AM ¿invertir en kabul? 5973862828 Dizzedcom 11/23/2009 5:20 AM 4 US service members die in Afghan attacks: KABUL (AP) -- Four U.S. service members were killed in the past 24 .. 5973832369 AverageVoter 11/23/2009 5:18 AM An Afghan source in Kabul reports that US Ambassador Karl Eikenberry is holding secret talks w/Taliban 2 halt missile attacks on U.S. bases. 5973749139 UticaDailyNews 11/23/2009 5:13 AM Arrest warrants for 2 Afghan ministers: KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 23 (UPI) -- Two ministers in the Cabinet of Afghan... 5973735967 ecoconcept 11/23/2009 5:12 AM Paying Off The Warlords - New America Media: KABUL - In a secluded valley a few miles from Kabul's internationa.. 5973726877 Kristi_Beckman 11/23/2009 5:11 AM #NATO’s new training mission for #Afghanistan is activated in #Kabul 5973691154 francism1975 11/23/2009 5:09 AM Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL, Nov 23 (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlem.. 5973656124 tandintan 11/23/2009 5:06 AM @fauziaputri hari ini cuma ijab kabul dan temu penganten..mungkin pas resepsinya @gadisdizchu sama @nademily dateng semua.. 5973636258 rtsradio 11/23/2009 5:05 AM Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet ministers are being invest.. 5973598148 nato_news 11/23/2009 5:02 AM NATO’s new training mission for Afghanistan is activated in Kabul 5973556250 zweitansage 11/23/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 5973513824 homegrownstuff 11/23/2009 4:56 AM Four US soldiers, three Afghan army troops killed in attacks|Kabul - Four US and three Afghan soldiers were .. 5973459940 Rat_Bastard 11/23/2009 4:53 AM RT @FarWriter @BTME Safi Airways, the Afghan airline, will now operate the Frankfurt-Kabul route with an Airbus 340-300 from early Dec. 5973386247 buybooksonline1 11/23/2009 4:47 AM [REUTERS]: Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet minis.. 5973364640 wcompanyportal 11/23/2009 4:46 AM [REUTERS]: Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan cabinet minis.. 5973356569 NeslihanB 11/23/2009 4:45 AM @nurselcalaporal Benim ağaçtan meyveleri topluyorlar, hala "kabul edilmeyi" beklemece :))) 5973340067 jahepburn 11/23/2009 4:44 AM Read the Bookseller of Kabul. Vital reading if you want to know more about Afghanistan. Wonderful book. 5973338894 OYAYILMAZ 11/23/2009 4:44 AM @elifsoyseven yollasın da bi bakalım, öyle hemen kabul etme:) 5973336632 Europa_Press 11/23/2009 4:43 AM Internacional: Ordenan investigar por malversación de fondos a dos ministros afganos: KABUL, 23 Nov. (Reuters/EP) -... 5973317160 RuletaOnline 11/23/2009 4:42 AM Investigan a dos ministros afganos por corrupción: KABUL (Reuters) - Dos ministros afganos fueron citados a dec.. 5973283551 FlameGoldenu 11/23/2009 4:39 AM Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement have.. 5973261396 mparent77772 11/23/2009 4:38 AM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5973217249 fingertipnews2 11/23/2009 4:34 AM Reuters Intl: Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers sus.. 5973199561 gmdu 11/23/2009 4:33 AM Kabul orient art Galerie 5973192872 raffale 11/23/2009 4:33 AM RT @AtiaAbawi: Flying back to Kabul, only a 3hr delay... You will b just fine! The airline will give u extra bag of peanuts !!!...:) 5973137761 safe_waters 11/23/2009 4:29 AM #reutersIN Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement ha 5973133275 AtiaAbawi 11/23/2009 4:28 AM Flying back to Kabul, only a 3hr delay... 5973082065 NewsBlogged 11/23/2009 4:24 AM AlertNet: Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe - Source: Reuters KABUL, Nov 23 (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers... 5973081074 Sems_i_tebriz 11/23/2009 4:24 AM Taraf'in manseti "Izmir'de Tas Devri".Demokrasiyi isinize geldiginde degil, her dakika savundugunuz anda taraf olmadiginizi kabul edecegim. 5973051567 Hungry4Politics 11/23/2009 4:22 AM (RWN) Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezz.. 5972998790 BreakingReport 11/23/2009 4:18 AM worldnews: Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afgha.. [Reuters World News] 5972976462 fauziaputri 11/23/2009 4:16 AM Sopo to sing nikah tund?? RT @tandintan: selesai acara ijab kabul dan temu penganten.. dsambung minggu depan.. *sigh . LEGA! 5972967669 WAVY_News 11/23/2009 4:16 AM KABUL (AP) -- The military says four U.S. service members have been killed in the past 24 hours in Afghanistan. ... 5972963374 ReutersNews 11/23/2009 4:15 AM Reuters: Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement... 5972932986 tandintan 11/23/2009 4:13 AM selesai acara ijab kabul dan temu penganten.. dsambung minggu depan.. *sigh . LEGA! 5972918942 KimBomin 11/23/2009 4:12 AM Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement h... #Korea 5972916734 reuterswire 11/23/2009 4:12 AM Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement have bee... 5972894298 webtipsfree 11/23/2009 4:10 AM Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement have bee... 5972894301 MobileAuto 11/23/2009 4:10 AM Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement have bee... 5972894303 HeadlinesNewz 11/23/2009 4:10 AM Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement have bee... 5972894304 tweettools4U 11/23/2009 4:10 AM Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of ... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 5972894313 reuterstop 11/23/2009 4:10 AM Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement have bee... 5972894320 newsfeeding 11/23/2009 4:10 AM Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement have b... 5972894324 BssNews 11/23/2009 4:10 AM Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement have bee... 5972894389 dave13100 11/23/2009 4:10 AM Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement have bee... 5972894023 AllNewsSources 11/23/2009 4:10 AM REUTERS: Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement hav 5972882244 twittfeed 11/23/2009 4:09 AM Reuters Top News Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of embe... 5972840678 LimonluYorum 11/23/2009 4:06 AM @e_yazar Allah kabul etsin, bizim icin de dua et... 5972822036 izmirnamaz 11/23/2009 4:04 AM 12:05 - İzmir için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5972801255 OlyNational 11/23/2009 4:03 AM Two Afghan ministers in corruption probe: KABUL (Reuters) - Two Afghan ministers suspected of embezzlement have.. 5972796513 farhan_saya 11/23/2009 4:02 AM @faisalqureshi I think the Prez is returning from his Kabul tour today. 5972756448 zweitansage 11/23/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 5972738007 haritaci70 11/23/2009 3:58 AM @laestus afgani kabul görmüştür, mevdudi biraz sevilmiyor evet ama seyyid kutub fasık değildir. aslına bakarsan kimse bilmez ve tanımaz. 5972728117 istanbulnamaz 11/23/2009 3:57 AM 11:58 - İstanbul için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5972715481 bursanamaz 11/23/2009 3:56 AM 11:57 - Bursa için öğle vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5972650381 haritaci70 11/23/2009 3:51 AM @laestus herkes tarafından kabul gören birileride olmalı. 5972539770 konyanamaz 11/23/2009 3:42 AM 11:43 - Konya için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5972527681 ankaranamaz 11/23/2009 3:41 AM 11:42 - Ankara için öğle vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5972457168 muratgurbuz 11/23/2009 3:36 AM @mdemirkol Aboneliğim olmadığı için tüm PL maçları gibi izleyemedim. Kurban da Digitürk aboneliği bağışı kabul edilir :) 5972386645 kayserinamaz 11/23/2009 3:30 AM 11:31 - Kayseri için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5972349766 ysbee 11/23/2009 3:27 AM BREAKING! AP/KABUL - The US military says 4 of its service members were killed in the past 24 hrs in Afghanistan. via @BreakingNewsDeu 5972294664 BreakingNewsDeu 11/23/2009 3:23 AM BREAKING - KABUL - The US military says 4 of its service members were killed in the past 24 hours in Afghanistan ap 5972209756 ensiz_news 11/23/2009 3:16 AM Mueren cuatro soldados estadunidenses en Afganistán : Kabul.- Cuatro soldados estadunidenses murieron entre el .. 5972094259 erzurumnamaz 11/23/2009 3:07 AM 11:08 - Erzurum için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5971992480 zweitansage 11/23/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 5971988847 girlofgordon 11/23/2009 2:59 AM I found a bottle of @Starbucks mocha Frappuchino and a can of @Starbucks Double Espresso with cream in #Kabul supermarket today. Yum. 5971977403 haritaci70 11/23/2009 2:58 AM Özgürlğe inanan bir dine inanıyorumHalkım içinmücadele etmeyi men edenbir dini kabul etmek zorunda olsaydımo dinin canı cehnneme derdim 5971962989 somaliapirates 11/23/2009 2:57 AM Afghanistan: Fighting a Legacy of Corruption: KABUL – When President Obama demanded this month that Afghan Presid... 5971954368 suburbman 11/23/2009 2:56 AM RT @tim_weber: Want to find a soaring property market? Try Kabul, Afghanistan 5971915820 tim_weber 11/23/2009 2:53 AM Want to find a soaring property market? Try Kabul, Afghanistan 5971780530 demirons 11/23/2009 2:43 AM Gladyatör gibi dövüştüler.. Alkışlarla indiler.. Sevilmedikleri için yenilmiş kabul edildiler.. 5971747963 armysupporter 11/23/2009 2:40 AM Afghan government says 3 Afghan soldiers killed: KABUL — Afghan officials say three Afghan National Army soldie.. 5971669512 fingertipnews2 11/23/2009 2:34 AM UPI-Top News: Arrest warrants for 2 Afghan ministers: KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 23 (UPI) -- Two min.. 5971560615 galesiz 11/23/2009 2:26 AM Rahmetli babamdan aldığım ders şudur ki: Oğlum "herkes iyi, ben yaman, herkes buğday, ben saman" de ve öylece kabul... 5971539797 zippiethezip 11/23/2009 2:25 AM Sigorta şirketlerini ararken hep strese giriyorum. Kabul ediyorum önyargılıyım. 5971455452 sevalunver 11/23/2009 2:19 AM @Ferhad_Fidan @alisko Dilek tuttunuz mu peki;? Retweet eden sadece sizlersiniz, teşekkür ederim:) Dileğiniz gerçekten kabul olsun inş. 5971413726 tawsann 11/23/2009 2:16 AM bi kız eski sevgilisine dönüyorsa ve erkek kabul ediyosa bu erkeğin zayıflığıdır! re: 5971407664 szberzte4 11/23/2009 2:15 AM Hope and despair live side by side in Kabul 5971327061 spiegel_seite2 11/23/2009 2:09 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten 5971285971 haritaci70 11/23/2009 2:06 AM @mrdocktor ahmet hakan sempatik esra elönü itici geliyor. ahmet hakan dönüşümünü tamamladı onu kabul ettik. esra dönülşüm sürecinde. 5971193512 zweitansage 11/23/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 5971044164 VMMoncrieff 11/23/2009 1:48 AM This is very promising - hope it happens #kabul, #afghanistan 5971013197 VMMoncrieff 11/23/2009 1:46 AM @LudovicSpeaks based in kabul, strangely. 5970792729 territh1w4 11/23/2009 1:30 AM BBC - Adam Curtis Blog: KABUL: CITY NUMBER ONE (continued) 5970732317 Babajeee 11/23/2009 1:26 AM @barbarindian TOI is mumbai based.So you have problems with them.Guess,the only like minded media is at Kabul.#Not delhi based media 5970680307 fingertipnews 11/23/2009 1:23 AM UPI-Top News: Arrest warrants for 2 Afghan ministers - KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 23 (UPI) -- Two ministers in the C... 5970625604 CRriley 11/23/2009 1:19 AM In 2002, there were 8,000 US troops in Afghanistan, and 4000 members of ISAF, who did not leave Kabul. 5970601861 finanza24 11/23/2009 1:17 AM Kabul capitale 5970569456 Transitionland 11/23/2009 1:15 AM I really need a Pashto-English translator, who can work at an office in Kabul. Good salary. Full-time contract. Please DM me. 5970488203 yuttikamila 11/23/2009 1:10 AM Eit...eit...pd ngomongin ijab kabul neeeh..RT @el_zulfikar: Iya nih,gmn atuh??jual aj gtu yah..lumayan nmbh2 buat modal ijab kabul he2 RT 5969939894 itu_sozluk 11/23/2009 12:35 AM anlaşarak ayrılmak: tek anlaştıkları noktanın, anlaşamadıkları olduğunu iki tarafında kabul etmesi sonucu gerçe.. 5969861556 spatelnet 11/23/2009 12:31 AM New Post: Kabul capital 5969516994 watrcoolr 11/23/2009 12:10 AM Kabul real estate bucks world trend ( 5969224617 amy_deyn 11/22/2009 11:54 PM Canggiihh niat bener ijab kabul di udaraa!!hahaa 5969200807 el_zulfikar 11/22/2009 11:52 PM Iya nih,gmn atuh??jual aj gtu yah..lumayan nmbh2 buat modal ijab kabul he2 RT @soraya_lintang: @el_zulfikar: uhh payah!gemini elu penipu ih! 5969197464 marissaneave 11/22/2009 11:52 PM @timothycomeau Kabul is gonna have a sickkkkk LRT system. 5969171211 beebeewon 11/22/2009 11:51 PM RT @Shazuanjaini: SUDAH LAGI TWEET PASAL KOREA ATU WAH! haha. Killj0y much! But yeah.. @beebeewon ko bukan korean. Ko kabul-brunei-mukah ... 5968856797 Shazuanjaini 11/22/2009 11:34 PM SUDAH LAGI TWEET PASAL KOREA ATU WAH! haha. Killj0y much! But yeah.. @beebeewon ko bukan korean. Ko kabul-brunei-mukah-kuching-cina sasat.. 5968690511 claudiamanera1 11/22/2009 11:25 PM Bonanza inmobiliaria...¿en Kabul?: Pese a la violencia que sacude a Afganistán, la propiedad raíz en su capital.. 5968521348 Hairan 11/22/2009 11:16 PM Back in Kabul; the weather is rainy here 5968481972 in_asia 11/22/2009 11:14 PM The rest could be deployed flexibly across the country, including to the NATO headquarters in Kabul, the capita.. 5968453228 awannabeangel 11/22/2009 11:13 PM RT @TormentedOne: R @dvynangel: God bless the whole military community. From hood to benning to mannheim to kabul to tikrit #sot #milita ... 5968450770 thejoepeach 11/22/2009 11:13 PM Twiteando:: Like someone at Kabul.... 5968379090 Carmib09 11/22/2009 11:09 PM RT @TormentedOne: R @dvynangel: God bless the whole military community. From hood to benning to mannheim to kabul to tikrit #sot #milita ... 5968371101 LoveAlwaysNear 11/22/2009 11:09 PM RT @TormentedOne: R @dvynangel: God bless the whole military community. From hood to benning to mannheim to kabul to tikrit #sot #milita ... 5968358148 TormentedOne 11/22/2009 11:08 PM R @dvynangel: God bless the whole military community. From hood to benning to mannheim to kabul to tikrit #sot #militarymonday n everyday. 5968357752 fpleitgenCNN 11/22/2009 11:08 PM Rain in Kabul. Hope it clears up during the day. 5968323802 dvynangel 11/22/2009 11:06 PM God bless the whole military community. From hood to benning to mannheim to kabul to tikrit #sot #militarymonday n everyday. 5968266833 NewshoundNews 11/22/2009 11:04 PM KABUL: One of the youngest prisoners from Guantanamo prison, Mohammed Jawwad, agrees to talk to us - but his uncle... 5968003418 in_asia 11/22/2009 10:51 PM The rest could be deployed flexibly across the country, including to the NATO headquarters in Kabul, the capita.. 5967724960 halfir 11/22/2009 10:38 PM Kabul's economy is UN driven.Real estate prices are rocketing and a corrupt government benefits from our taxes while our young soldiers die. 5967650384 mikewillam 11/22/2009 10:35 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5967650493 RealEstateSyn 11/22/2009 10:35 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5967650615 shuane_v 11/22/2009 10:35 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5967650028 carlos00murillo 11/22/2009 10:35 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5967650253 danielle_nguyen 11/22/2009 10:35 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5967649893 bwozny 11/22/2009 10:35 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5967649289 bradwozny 11/22/2009 10:35 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5967365551 twit_new 11/22/2009 10:22 PM 16 Tweets | BBC News - Kabul real estate bucks world trend: It is hard to imagine anyone wanting to live or invest ... 5967084427 farwriter 11/22/2009 10:10 PM Any takers? RT @BTME Safi Airways, the Afghan airline, will now operate the Frankfurt-Kabul route with an Airbus 340-300 from early Dec. 5967011993 freedom4USA 11/22/2009 10:08 PM US:#tcot #news In 3 Tacks for Afghan War, a Game of Trade-Offs: NATO headquarters in Kabul, the c.. 5966428147 cszrom 11/22/2009 9:49 PM A 4 bedroom house costs $500k in Kabul - do higher real estate prices show some increased confidence from elites? 5966230532 ChristineMAdolf 11/22/2009 9:42 PM Kabul Dreams This Night: 5966163439 javalukas 11/22/2009 9:39 PM Kabul capital #news 5965949848 Umyrina 11/22/2009 9:32 PM Loya Jirga, Ajang Karzai ‘Melunakkan’ Kelompok-Kelompok Islam: KABUL ( - Presiden Afga.. 5965858599 julianacapuleto 11/22/2009 9:30 PM Bonanza inmobiliaria...¿en Kabul?: Pese a la violencia que sacude a Afganistán, la propiedad raíz en su capital.. 5965671546 notifeed 11/22/2009 9:23 PM BBC: Bonanza inmobiliaria...¿en Kabul? 5965670910 bbc_mundo 11/22/2009 9:23 PM Bonanza inmobiliaria...¿en Kabul?: Pese a la violencia que sacude a Afganistán, la propiedad raíz en su capital ... 5965489940 bbcmundotest 11/22/2009 9:17 PM Bonanza inmobiliaria...¿en Kabul?: Pese a la violencia que sacude a Afganistán, la propiedad raíz en su capital.. 5965277053 bbcmundo 11/22/2009 9:11 PM Bonanza inmobiliaria...¿en Kabul?: Pese a la violencia que sacude a Afganistán, la propiedad raíz en su capital.. 5965273601 UsHeycom 11/22/2009 9:11 PM News:: Kabul capital 5965092036 slenez 11/22/2009 9:05 PM Cold and rainy day in Kabul. Expecting snow this week too :( Hate snow! Hope you all have a great Turkey Week. Eat some stuffing for me! 5965027284 arrahmah 11/22/2009 9:03 PM Loya Jirga, Ajang Karzai ‘Melunakkan’ Kelompok-Kelompok Islam - Berita: KABUL ( - Presiden Afganis.. 5964864329 ericcheah 11/22/2009 8:58 PM Afghan plans for security forces 'a tall order': KABUL: Afghan government's plans to massively boost army and p.. 5963801824 gundelizer 11/22/2009 8:25 PM Afghan plans for security forces 'a tall order': KABUL: Afghan government's plans to massively boost.. #CNewsAsia 5963702781 ittaleem 11/22/2009 8:22 PM Kabul capital 5963651095 william021 11/22/2009 8:20 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5963650547 mar87 11/22/2009 8:20 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5963650716 mikejohn7 11/22/2009 8:20 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5963650324 JG_realestate 11/22/2009 8:20 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5963649481 cor8888 11/22/2009 8:20 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5963649227 anuhasan17 11/22/2009 8:20 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5963428717 breakings 11/22/2009 8:13 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan Related posts:ING Returns to S.. via 5963311667 shinjiDev 11/22/2009 8:09 PM @taberna_de_moe kabul 5963235222 inquebrantable 11/22/2009 8:06 PM @taberna_de_moe Kabul 5963205810 taberna_de_moe 11/22/2009 8:06 PM > @dacoor acertó con: "Kabul" Nuevo Score: 500/1980/1980 Week/Mes/Total 5963157980 ayeshahalam 11/22/2009 8:04 PM Kabul capital 5963154933 dacoor 11/22/2009 8:04 PM @taberna_de_moe kabul 5962820349 compositedoors 11/22/2009 7:52 PM Topstory$: Kabul capital $End 5962783767 darianknight 11/22/2009 7:51 PM #news Kabul capital via BBC World News 5962249841 PPIReclaimsUK 11/22/2009 7:33 PM Kabul capital - Property prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5962089709 sex_porn_pills 11/22/2009 7:27 PM Kabul capital 5962089040 shocktherapy 11/22/2009 7:27 PM @iambadung @superseru padahal nanti juga dikasih selembaran kertas buat dibaca kok ... tenang aja Ijab Kabul doang mah santaiii ... 5962053937 articlereviewer 11/22/2009 7:26 PM Kabul capital 5962026344 neurodrive1 11/22/2009 7:25 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5962022727 Freedomman11 11/22/2009 7:25 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5962006985 mskaler 11/22/2009 7:24 PM Kabul capital: Property prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5962004157 fingertipnews 11/22/2009 7:24 PM BBC: Kabul capital - Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5961986289 UKDebtAssist 11/22/2009 7:23 PM Kabul capital - Property prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5961941863 FLASH_NEWS 11/22/2009 7:22 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5961930483 Greaterkashmir 11/22/2009 7:22 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan #kashmir #bbc 5961905218 bbcnewsworld 11/22/2009 7:21 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5961902782 news89 11/22/2009 7:21 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5961888887 poluakerford 11/22/2009 7:20 PM Kabul capital 5961852933 ikejhamb 11/22/2009 7:19 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5961799075 TheWorldNews 11/22/2009 7:17 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5961749140 IndiaNews247 11/22/2009 7:15 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5961734378 buybooksonline1 11/22/2009 7:14 PM [BBC]: Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5961690840 wcompanyportal 11/22/2009 7:13 PM [BBC]: Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5961689122 iraniandotcom 11/22/2009 7:12 PM BLOG: Kabul Diaries: lost in translation 5961614511 FLASH_NEWS 11/22/2009 7:10 PM BBC: Kabul capital 5961555149 jhondavid99 11/22/2009 7:08 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5961554263 jasonsluck40 11/22/2009 7:08 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5961554483 jasonsmith39 11/22/2009 7:08 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5961553297 danielle_nguyen 11/22/2009 7:08 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5961552690 bwozny 11/22/2009 7:08 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5961552933 carlos00murillo 11/22/2009 7:08 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5961552392 bradwozny 11/22/2009 7:07 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5961548695 lkrwhite 11/22/2009 7:07 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5961542585 twittfeed 11/22/2009 7:07 PM [BBC] Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5961542680 vvshah15 11/22/2009 7:07 PM BBCNEWS: Kabul capital 5961511263 iheadlines 11/22/2009 7:06 PM Kabul capital - 5961497124 busterhuster 11/22/2009 7:05 PM Finance News Kabul capital: Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5961454379 Jacob_Fox 11/22/2009 7:04 PM Kabul capital 5961443757 UKBreakingNews 11/22/2009 7:03 PM BIZ: Kabul capital: Property prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5961426348 bendermenger10 11/22/2009 7:03 PM Finance Business New Kabul capital: Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5961404171 HMPEstates 11/22/2009 7:02 PM RT @bbcnewsbot: Kabul capital- Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan #tallahassee 5961398581 newsontheglobe 11/22/2009 7:02 PM BBC News: Kabul capital 5961387732 AllNewsSources 11/22/2009 7:01 PM BBC: Kabul capital 5961382115 twitipsmv 11/22/2009 7:01 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5961374221 newsblogsnepal 11/22/2009 7:01 PM BBCSouthAsia- Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5961356488 bbcnewsbot 11/22/2009 7:00 PM Kabul capital- Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5961351458 newsfeeding 11/22/2009 7:00 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5961344617 dinilkannur 11/22/2009 7:00 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan @dilu 5961299019 brk_news_now 11/22/2009 6:58 PM BBC: Kabul capital 5961290886 amar357 11/22/2009 6:58 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5961251355 RichMatesDare 11/22/2009 6:56 PM Kabul capital: Property prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5961233659 smallbiz_uk 11/22/2009 6:55 PM Kabul capital: Property prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5961220888 bbcindia 11/22/2009 6:55 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices go through the roof in Afghanistan 5961178678 guadalncgr 11/22/2009 6:53 PM Azcentral - UN workers scramble over roofs during Kabul attack 5961111489 USTalib 11/22/2009 6:51 PM [WSJ] Taliban Attacks Kabul Hotel: Taliban-led insurgents marked the first days of Karzai's second term with a .. 5961002003 myworldnews 11/22/2009 6:46 PM [WSJ] Taliban Attacks Kabul Hotel: Taliban-led insurgents marked the first days of Karzai's second term with a .. 5960784055 househunterdir 11/22/2009 6:37 PM New Blog Post: Kabul real estate bucks world trend - BBC News 5960746955 simlayilmaz 11/22/2009 6:36 PM @Sercinho her türlü kabul 5960308404 doguozgun 11/22/2009 6:18 PM İnsanız hepimiz.Tamam, kabul ediyorum. 5960225004 ergun74 11/22/2009 6:15 PM @selmasemiz evet igrenç bir espriydi kabul.. 5960150835 Lucy0Morgan 11/22/2009 6:12 PM ahhhhh @Lilyroseallen was fucking amazing! came on with everyones at it.. knock 'em out was awesome.. kabul shit..fucing everything <3 5960015053 design_related 11/22/2009 6:06 PM Uğur GÖK: psd-tuts'a tutorial yazar ve kabul edilirse 150$ ödem.. 5959830953 ugurgokk 11/22/2009 5:59 PM psd-tuts'a tutorial yazar ve kabul edilirse 150$ ödeme yapıyorlar :... 5959568623 NewsCalifornia 11/22/2009 5:48 PM Cal News Afghan children work at a food market in Kabul – United Press International: Afghan chil.. 5959447245 purelyfashion 11/22/2009 5:43 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend - BBC News 5959445799 purelybusiness 11/22/2009 5:43 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend - BBC News 5959445230 pure_realestate 11/22/2009 5:43 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend - BBC News 5959372743 hindichannels 11/22/2009 5:40 PM Published a new blog post: New diplomat to be installed in Kabul 5959372014 hindichannels 11/22/2009 5:40 PM New diplomat to be installed in Kabul 5959246273 Agentopolis 11/22/2009 5:35 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend - BBC News #news #realtor... 5959209980 ElNoticioso 11/22/2009 5:33 PM 5 guardas fronterizos mueren en atentado en Afganistán: AP - KABUL (AP) - Cinco guardas de seguridad de la frontera afga 5959042759 realestatefeeds 11/22/2009 5:27 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend: BBC News... the capital of Afghanistan is experiencing a boom in real estate p... 5958891390 ollyjohn 11/22/2009 5:21 PM RT @Libby_Birt: Kabul capital 5958752307 Ivor_Kellock 11/22/2009 5:15 PM Kabul capital 5958752471 Ivor_Kellock 11/22/2009 5:15 PM Kabul capital 5958751321 Ivor_Kellock 11/22/2009 5:15 PM Kabul capital 5958742984 Ivor_Kellock 11/22/2009 5:14 PM Kabul capital 5958522653 samdbarratt 11/22/2009 5:05 PM On 3.30am flight from Dubai to Kabul - out of 50 passengers, only 3 are women. Odd. 5958433940 emxxxr 11/22/2009 5:01 PM tam bi aptalım.kabul ediyorum aptalın taa ilerisiyim.beni hakeden lütfen hayatıma girsin. 5958428027 geowyns 11/22/2009 5:01 PM sen olmasan kewell, ah bu çile çekilmez dicem ayıp olcak. ama bu akşamki maç için denebilir. genele yaymak terbiyesizlik olur, kabul. 5958390502 zweitansage 11/22/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 5958312969 Evicurean 11/22/2009 4:56 PM Kabul for dinner. Chicken and Lamb kebab 5958270906 Chaati 11/22/2009 4:55 PM yanlış dilekler yada kabul olmasa da olur diyebileceğimiz dilekler kabul oluyor ama kesin olsun dediklerimiz olmıyor niden acaba @allahcc 5958091655 nicolas_39 11/22/2009 4:47 PM RT @istanbulnamaz: 18:14 - İstanbul için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5958061499 2buyrealestate 11/22/2009 4:46 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5958060439 ryugainvestment 11/22/2009 4:46 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5957652002 2dollarnina 11/22/2009 4:29 PM KABUL SHIT 5957487052 benmeshurum 11/22/2009 4:22 PM Cüneyt Özdemir aradı, 5n1k'ya davet etti, kabul etmedim. 5957298957 Jabrankundi 11/22/2009 4:14 PM Kabul capital 5957244348 getrealty 11/22/2009 4:12 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend: BBC NewsBy James Melik It is hard to imagine anyone wanting to live or invest... 5957240935 eloisawalker 11/22/2009 4:12 PM Kabul capital 5957234560 RebelNet_NZ 11/22/2009 4:12 PM Kabul capital 5957228876 BSALAN 11/22/2009 4:12 PM Kabul capital 5957221476 highfish779 11/22/2009 4:11 PM Kabul capital 5957164404 Bobette_Bowles 11/22/2009 4:09 PM Kabul capital 5957097713 LeannaDexter 11/22/2009 4:06 PM Kabul capital 5957095815 info_feeder 11/22/2009 4:06 PM Latest Altern. News Karzai inaugurated amid state of siege in Kabul: Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai was inaugurate 5957023784 videolinkup 11/22/2009 4:03 PM RT @markreal: Real Estate News - Kabul real estate bucks world trend – BBC News: Real Estate Blog Georgeous Bucks County Home.. http://b ... 5957006017 markreal 11/22/2009 4:02 PM Real Estate News - Kabul real estate bucks world trend – BBC News: Real Estate Blog Georgeous Bucks County Home.. 5956938255 zweitansage 11/22/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 5956908409 iraibe 11/22/2009 3:58 PM Gw hrs Yakin dan YAKIN..dg ky gni,insyaallah doa akn t'kabul..amin y rabb.. 5956751209 lkohili 11/22/2009 3:52 PM Kabul capital 5956740868 Free_Ebook_Cash 11/22/2009 3:51 PM Kabul capital 5956726550 jasonvo_rick 11/22/2009 3:51 PM Kabul capital 5956718250 guitar_burch 11/22/2009 3:50 PM Kabul capital 5956712246 fitness_motion 11/22/2009 3:50 PM Kabul capital 5956708994 carrino_robi 11/22/2009 3:50 PM Kabul capital 5956619941 NigHomeBizLeads 11/22/2009 3:46 PM Kabul capital 5956496299 nareshramadurai 11/22/2009 3:41 PM Kabul capital 5956488194 shahabiskhan 11/22/2009 3:40 PM O' land of Kabul! You're witness to a heinous crime committed on your soil. O' miserable land! you've been condemned in the sight of God - 5956472698 BridgetteCastl 11/22/2009 3:40 PM Kabul capital 5956472306 CristaBinkley 11/22/2009 3:40 PM Kabul capital 5956394867 QRealEstate 11/22/2009 3:37 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend: BBC News... the capital of Afghanistan is experiencing a boom in real est.. 5956316006 markrolton 11/22/2009 3:33 PM Kabul capital | 5956261409 Ivor_Kellock 11/22/2009 3:31 PM Afghanistan: State of the World's Children Report Kabul launch â�� 22 November 2009 5956260993 Ivor_Kellock 11/22/2009 3:31 PM Afghanistan: State of the World's Children Report Kabul launch â�� 22 November 2009 5956261140 Ivor_Kellock 11/22/2009 3:31 PM Afghanistan: State of the World's Children Report Kabul launch â�� 22 November 2009 5956250468 Ivor_Kellock 11/22/2009 3:31 PM Afghanistan: State of the World's Children Report Kabul launch – 22 November 2009 5956004680 mkamil99 11/22/2009 3:21 PM @GabrielPeri aynı paydada buluşma olayı belki bakış açısına göre doğru olabilir ama genel kabul görmüş etiğe göre yanlış anlam içeriyor 5955962259 im_rich 11/22/2009 3:20 PM Kabul capital 5955959877 tfollowers 11/22/2009 3:20 PM Kabul capital 5955926382 Raymona_Zabel 11/22/2009 3:18 PM Kabul capital 5955920692 Doretta_Mathis 11/22/2009 3:18 PM Kabul capital 5955912484 Katharina_Rayf 11/22/2009 3:18 PM Kabul capital 5955909760 Regena_Reulet 11/22/2009 3:18 PM Kabul capital 5955901005 Emelia_Tetrault 11/22/2009 3:17 PM Kabul capital 5955887279 paid2twit 11/22/2009 3:17 PM Kabul capital 5955869973 Fedena_Ellwood 11/22/2009 3:16 PM Kabul capital 5955859804 debb51 11/22/2009 3:16 PM Kabul capital 5955817140 Buildatour 11/22/2009 3:14 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend. 5955748760 7Steps2Wealth 11/22/2009 3:12 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend: BBC News One person taking advantage of this growing market is Richard Sca.. 5955696812 ivone_Baranski 11/22/2009 3:10 PM Kabul capital 5955511331 knerid 11/22/2009 3:03 PM RT @neslea: Facebook ta öyle eski arkadaş ekleme meraklısı olmamak lazım.Zira kabul ettiğim bu insan benim lise... [pic] 5955444248 hashphotography 11/22/2009 3:01 PM A View of #Afghanistan: Great #Photography: ( #Pashtun #Kabul #Pakistan #muslims #Islam #art #Obama #USA #NATO.. 5955405052 zweitansage 11/22/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 5955253121 IbnSiqilli 11/22/2009 2:54 PM A View of #Afghanistan: Great #Photography: ( #Pashtun #Kabul #Pakistan #muslims #Islam #art #Obama #USA #NATO 5955170268 brueckswelt 11/22/2009 2:51 PM Wenn #Karsai die internationale #Afghanistan-Konferenz tatsächlich nach #Kabul holt, beginnen die #Taliban sofort mit ihren Vorbereitungen. 5955026542 kapri_Chaikovsk 11/22/2009 2:46 PM Kabul capital 5955020270 WNCjobs 11/22/2009 2:46 PM Kabul capital 5955000193 dreamgreat 11/22/2009 2:45 PM Kabul capital 5954977877 crisis_today 11/22/2009 2:44 PM Kabul capital 5954976294 lana_Desny 11/22/2009 2:44 PM Kabul capital 5954974452 christine_Anis 11/22/2009 2:44 PM Kabul capital 5954940153 nighomebizideas 11/22/2009 2:43 PM Kabul capital 5954874412 EPCapital 11/22/2009 2:40 PM Kabul capital 5954760174 selftimer 11/22/2009 2:36 PM Tutarlı gerekçelerine aldanıp kabul ettiğimiz saçmalıklar bizi fena benzetti.Hem de kendilerine benzetti. 5954724083 angelinacasual 11/22/2009 2:35 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend: BBC News... the capital of Afghanistan is experiencing a boom in real est.. 5954662032 neslea 11/22/2009 2:32 PM Facebook ta öyle eski arkadaş ekleme meraklısı olmamak lazım.Zira kabul ettiğim bu insan benim lise... [pic] 5954644239 truefinancedata 11/22/2009 2:32 PM Kabul capital : Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5954541116 YourHomeProgram 11/22/2009 2:28 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5954534688 mymiaomiao 11/22/2009 2:27 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5954465126 JoeYouLie 11/22/2009 2:25 PM Kabul capital 5954427533 A_Bilge 11/22/2009 2:23 PM @elifkey şunu rahatlıkla kabul ederim bir evrimci olarak. insan varoluşunun başından beri bir hunter & gatherer yani avcı ve toplayıcıdır 5954386027 Tosfm 11/22/2009 2:22 PM Afghan children music video, singing by girls circus artists in Kabul: 5954352241 parthi414 11/22/2009 2:20 PM News: Kabul real estate bucks world trend - BBC News 5954310349 christmasbogus 11/22/2009 2:18 PM Kabul capital 5954305741 iyiinsan 11/22/2009 2:18 PM Ben, 1; Barnes & Noble eBook Store, 0. Kolpa adresimi kabul etti, Chuck Palahniuk'tan Diary'yi indiriyorum. 5954284567 bmpunk23 11/22/2009 2:17 PM Kabul capital 5954277912 nowsee 11/22/2009 2:17 PM Going to see 'Kabul' tonight, play on Afganistan by my friends, the wonderful Amok Theatre Company 5954228056 ebilcookie 11/22/2009 2:15 PM From my dad in kabul. If you don't close the trunk and take away the cell phone it's not much of a kidnapping. 5954227232 financial24 11/22/2009 2:15 PM Kabul capital 5954225379 BBC_News_World 11/22/2009 2:15 PM BBC Business News: Kabul capital : Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5954140325 wealthifa 11/22/2009 2:11 PM Investments: Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5954102522 investorupdate 11/22/2009 2:10 PM Kabul capital 5954015391 SendOutToGive 11/22/2009 2:06 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend: BBC News One person taking advantage of this growing market is Richard Sca.. 5953909969 DeLoong 11/22/2009 2:02 PM Real Estate news | Kabul real estate bucks world trend: BBC News... the capit.. | Read More... 5953853685 zweitansage 11/22/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 5953792052 SuperRealEstate 11/22/2009 1:57 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend: BBC News... the capital of Afghanistan is experiencing a boom in real est.. 5953760603 MuzaffarBaas 11/22/2009 1:56 PM FM Qureshi says INDIAN "QABZA" in KABUL, Crazy, ill-logical and something above hs MIND! 5953750461 dreampowerrs 11/22/2009 1:55 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend: BBC News"Money just keeps coming in regardless of what is happening .. 5953748659 monyeveryday 11/22/2009 1:55 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend: BBC News"Money just keeps coming in regardless of what is happening .. 5953740208 AraTheRealtor 11/22/2009 1:55 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend: BBC News By James Melik It is hard to imagine anyone wanting to live or in.. 5953709150 financial24 11/22/2009 1:54 PM Kabul capital: It is hard to imagine anyone wanting to live or invest in a city wracked with violence, but the .. 5953607999 finance_yard 11/22/2009 1:49 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof Read the full story on BBC.. #finance #money 5953602085 financeandfun 11/22/2009 1:49 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend: BBC News"My Afghan partner Torialai Bahadery, who was never a proper.. 5953514696 p_w_o 11/22/2009 1:45 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5953475327 ahmadiyyatimes 11/22/2009 1:44 PM O' land of Kabul! You're witness to a heinous crime committed on your soil. O' miserable land! you've been condemned in the sight of God - 5953452331 mlmhitlist4u 11/22/2009 1:43 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend: BBC News"Money just keeps coming in regardless of what is happening .. 5953448581 successtogether 11/22/2009 1:43 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend: BBC News"Money just keeps coming in regardless of what is happening .. 5953415584 Rietumu_Banka 11/22/2009 1:41 PM @Rietumu_Banka : Kabul capital : Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5953405853 FELDart 11/22/2009 1:41 PM RT @Vigilo: Afghanistan: State of the World's Children Report Kabul launch – 22 November 2009 5953336648 nagulakonda 11/22/2009 1:38 PM BBC News: Kabul capital : Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5953309824 Houseologist 11/22/2009 1:37 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5953306088 Markebulltrader 11/22/2009 1:37 PM Kabul capital : Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5953288562 rtsfbay_news 11/22/2009 1:36 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend - BBC News: BBC NewsKabul real estate bucks world trendBBC News... the capi.. 5953250571 pinarslan 11/22/2009 1:34 PM @allahcc duaları kabul etmemek için de hep bi bahanen var. 5953202784 monyguru70 11/22/2009 1:32 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend: BBC News"Money just keeps coming in regardless of what is happening .. 5953151204 jwtheblueprint 11/22/2009 1:30 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5953131252 markglover 11/22/2009 1:29 PM Just saw the Waitrose Xmas advert. Are they opening in Kabul? 5953124440 succescoach 11/22/2009 1:29 PM Kabul capital - Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5953124307 4SuccessU 11/22/2009 1:29 PM Kabul capital - Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5953120114 Viruswatcher 11/22/2009 1:29 PM RT @Pandemia_Info: Afghan schools reopen after swine flu shut down: By Hamid Shalizi KABUL, Nov 22 (Reuters) - Afghan children ret.. htt ... 5953103741 Ridgemoor77 11/22/2009 1:28 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5953090082 batugoymak 11/22/2009 1:27 PM @deryadogann efendim yarınki davetinizi benden ötürü kabul edemeyeceğimizi bildirmek istiyorum salı günü çok önemli bir sınavım mevcutta..:( 5953031135 pickylady 11/22/2009 1:25 PM Have you read this Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5953009851 Staged4sale 11/22/2009 1:24 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5952952811 RepeatProperty 11/22/2009 1:22 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend - BBC News 5952865741 timesharenews 11/22/2009 1:18 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5952808725 QuickSaleHomes 11/22/2009 1:16 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5952789659 CMYSUCCESS 11/22/2009 1:15 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend: BBC News... the capital of Afghanistan is experiencing a boom in real est.. 5952784399 Ayemtweets 11/22/2009 1:15 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5952603970 jain_sweden 11/22/2009 1:07 PM Kabul capital 5952571740 njinvestor 11/22/2009 1:06 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5952425801 zweitansage 11/22/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 5952420632 stocknote 11/22/2009 12:59 PM BBC Business - Kabul capital 5952340368 lrsweety 11/22/2009 12:56 PM Real Estate Kabul real estate bucks world trend - BBC News: BBC NewsKabul real estate bucks world trendBBC News..... Real Estate 5952320973 jain_sweden 11/22/2009 12:55 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5952320634 jain_sweden 11/22/2009 12:55 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5952315740 kellyritlop 11/22/2009 12:55 PM Kabul capital : Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5952292411 RoadLemons 11/22/2009 12:54 PM RoadLemons Kabul capital RoadLemons 5952268738 Lokamoto 11/22/2009 12:53 PM Kabul capital : Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5952266464 impyer 11/22/2009 12:53 PM Kabul capital : Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5952248882 Eugeniav0oi 11/22/2009 12:52 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5952223168 Claudia_Vallejo 11/22/2009 12:51 PM Kabul capital : Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof #hacerfortuna 5952203465 bbcnewsbot 11/22/2009 12:50 PM Kabul capital - Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5952193379 twlive9 11/22/2009 12:49 PM Kabul capital #bbc_business 5952155816 Edna09kq 11/22/2009 12:48 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5952103963 tfinancenetwork 11/22/2009 12:46 PM Kabul capital : Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5952019794 AustinCashk 11/22/2009 12:42 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend 5951964842 ElectaR2010 11/22/2009 12:40 PM Free Republic.Com 80 Taliban join Afghan police: KABUL/HERAT: Eighty Taliban on Saturday laid .. 5951939909 Real_EstateTips 11/22/2009 12:38 PM Kabul real estate bucks world trend (BBC News) 5951931027 nactarum 11/22/2009 12:38 PM Facebook'taki davet edildigiiz Event'lerden kabul ettiklerimizi otomatik olarak cep telefonuna (Nokia E71 / Symbian... 5951789442 nevisupdates 11/22/2009 12:32 PM Kabul capital: Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5951734966 pdamerica 11/22/2009 12:30 PM [PDA BLOG] Video: Afghan Exit Strategy: Winning With Jobs Not Guns (filmed in Kabul) 5951734556 psikolojik_deli 11/22/2009 12:30 PM farmvili ve rolır kostır davetleri itinayla kabul edilir :) 5951714741 netlex 11/22/2009 12:29 PM Ottawa "scripted and fed" the precise wording NATO officials in Kabul used to repudiate allegations of abuse in 07 5951585546 batugoymak 11/22/2009 12:23 PM @gokhanyavuss aslında güzel olabilirdi.. neyse en azından ben araştırdım siz kabul etmediniz vicdanım rahat :D 5951506049 fleming77 11/22/2009 12:19 PM RT @TelegraphNews: China pumping millions into Afghanistan $800 million Aynak copper deposit 30 miles south of Kabul 5951470078 TdhInfoCenter 11/22/2009 12:18 PM RT@Vigilo Afghanistan: State of the World's Children Report Kabul launch – 22 November 2009 #childrights 5951446385 eileenguo 11/22/2009 12:17 PM It's official! Bought tickets to #Kabul, where I'll be a research assistant at #CTCA. Concentrating on finals just got that much harder... 5951053556 zweitansage 11/22/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 5950978211 canaltuglu 11/22/2009 11:56 AM @gulsugelgun @PamRiver @emxxr haklısınız çok kafa karıştırıcı şeyler, ama ben hergün evrene mesaj yolluyorum eminim bi gün kabul olacak 5950971910 cathy_2vqx72 11/22/2009 11:56 AM working my azz off in kabul Afghanistan.......R&R time coming soon... daughter is graduating and daddy cannot miss it..... 5950899803 jugoplastica 11/22/2009 11:52 AM twitter'da bi an nasa amblemi görünce başvurum kabul oldu astronot olduğumu sandım... meğerse denek olarak kullanılıyormuşum..bir nevi kobay 5950898987 knutcracker 11/22/2009 11:52 AM Kabul real estate bucks world trend: It is hard to imagine anyone wanting to live or invest in a city smitten w.. 5950868650 bonitamandagi 11/22/2009 11:51 AM @jordanrawky nanti kemakan omongon loh tiba tiba 10tahun kemudian jodoh kamu dia aja,ngakak gw pas lo lagi ijab kabul asyik dewh 5950860484 zaramason1 11/22/2009 11:51 AM Column: Covered breasts and sexy telephone calls in Kabul | Radio ...: Wearing a tight red dress, she runs towa.. 5950671694 ellisg1980 11/22/2009 11:42 AM Kabul capital: Real estate prices in Afghanistan go through the roof 5950052925 tercihsuzgeci 11/22/2009 11:14 AM 'Arkamdan Ateş Etti' - Malatya Haber: 'Arkamdan Ateş Etti'Malatya HaberÜ.D. ise, suçlamaları kabul etme.. 5950024438 BG17827 11/22/2009 11:13 AM A Co, 2-151, Kabul, Afghanistan, APO AE 09356 5949836103 chaogrey 11/22/2009 11:04 AM Ama 100 milyon istedikleri için kabul etmemişler. Yuh! 5949785684 aysensezer 11/22/2009 11:02 AM Kotuden de ote :) RT @NahitK @aysensezer pekin örde?i daha h?zl? olabilir trafikte araba altlar?ndan falan...tamam kabul çok kötü 5949779656 ShutThyTrap 11/22/2009 11:01 AM RT @Vigilo Afghanistan: State of the World's Children Report Kabul launch – 22 November 2009 #afghanistan #children 5949753352 thereisawayjose 11/22/2009 11:00 AM RT @Vigilo: Afghanistan: State of the World's Children Report Kabul launch – 22 November 2009 5949736560 zweitansage 11/22/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 5949619324 Haticeak 11/22/2009 10:54 AM son oruç borcumuda doldurdum, Allah kabul etsin insallah. 5949504090 Okudukca 11/22/2009 10:49 AM ''Tanrı'dan sonra her şeyimsin; kabul et beni sen de, izin ver sığınayım, o tertemiz sevgi dolu gönlüne.'' Shakespeare 5949090131 alimaltinli 11/22/2009 10:29 AM Okul arkadaşlarınla eğlenmişsindir umarım...keşke haberim olsaydı,elalemden bir selamımı kabul ederdin belki... 5949059697 NahitK 11/22/2009 10:28 AM @aysensezer pekin ördeği daha hızlı olabilir trafikte araba altlarından falan...tamam kabul çok kötü 5949045132 ErtugrulDanaci 11/22/2009 10:27 AM @yuksekokceden hahah=))yahuu hani bunlar sozde demokrat liberal insanlara saygili ve elestiri kabul edebilen varliklar idiler=))!?!?! 5948966153 aussendienst_ 11/22/2009 10:23 AM Karsai erwägt Einladung an Taliban zu Loya Jirga: Kabul (Reuters) - Der afghanische Präsident Hamid Karsai erwä.. 5948941498 RaviCNN 11/22/2009 10:22 AM Watch out Kabul: @fpleitgenCNN is in town. 5948839706 MartinaIlstad 11/22/2009 10:17 AM @fpleitgenCNNwhat are you doing in Kabul?Working there actully is not for fun?Gefährlich in a warzone. 5948822500 billmcneely 11/22/2009 10:16 AM "Working in Kabul is very edifying.I actually find it rejuvenating" says one businessman. He and I did not have the same experience I guess 5948758040 bursanamaz 11/22/2009 10:13 AM 18:14 - Bursa için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5948757785 istanbulnamaz 11/22/2009 10:13 AM 18:14 - İstanbul için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5948721192 rukiyesarac 11/22/2009 10:11 AM yatsı ezanı okunuyor...haydi namaza...Allah kabul etsin.. 5948529637 konyanamaz 11/22/2009 10:02 AM 18:03 - Konya için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5948468662 zweitansage 11/22/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 5948443309 ankaranamaz 11/22/2009 9:58 AM 17:59 - Ankara için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5948321875 adananamaz 11/22/2009 9:52 AM 17:53 - Adana için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5948284062 USTalib 11/22/2009 9:50 AM Kabul attack renews fears for foreigners - Minneapolis Star Tribune 5948259534 kayserinamaz 11/22/2009 9:49 AM 17:50 - Kayseri için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5948181525 SwineFluNews007 11/22/2009 9:45 AM Afghan Schools Reopen After Swine Flu Shutdown - Radio Free Europe: KABUL (Reuters) -- Afghan childre.. #swineflu 5948146224 andanalee 11/22/2009 9:44 AM Gile si kabul GR bener ya wkwk RT @tasyasye: Time to sleep, bye bye tweeple. Don't miss me. Please. :D:D 5948081155 bunyam 11/22/2009 9:41 AM islam dava adamı ve şairiydi n.f.k.k ..allahım onu cennetine kabul ettigine eminim 5947955123 memocortes 11/22/2009 9:34 AM Afganistán es el peor lugar del mundo para los niños : Kabul. - Ocho años después de la caída del régimen talib.. 5947769182 erzurumnamaz 11/22/2009 9:25 AM 17:26 - Erzurum için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5947735006 fingertipnews 11/22/2009 9:24 AM UPI-Top News: Key Afghan militants seized, killed - KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 22 (UPI) -- NATO forces in Afghanista... 5947701427 bchrtravel 11/22/2009 9:22 AM Hotels in Kabul Afghanistan Cheapest prices 5947688569 CenterdinSEA 11/22/2009 9:21 AM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $10 #seattle 5947537504 ErinCNN 11/22/2009 9:14 AM RT @fpleitgenCNN Just arrived in Kabul. Four weeks of fun. Flight in was actually very good. 5947437987 fpleitgenCNN 11/22/2009 9:09 AM Just arrived in Kabul. Four weeks of fun. Flight in was actually very good. 5947404761 dirskeh 11/22/2009 9:07 AM @sisilrilia Iya sbnrnya gw ud ijab kabul 3 bln yg lalu.....(apasih??) 5947358924 _Events_ 11/22/2009 9:05 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten 5947351715 domradio 11/22/2009 9:04 AM Karsai will Afghanistan-Konferenz in Kabul abhalten: Der afghanische Präsident Hamid Karsai will die für Januar... 5947331921 TIFF_NET 11/22/2009 9:03 AM @CAMERON_TIFF: Kabul junkies, MySpace murder and 21st century slaves: must be doc season in Amsterdam. Screening all day in former autops.. 5947321518 TendaiJoe 11/22/2009 9:03 AM Afghanistan: State of the World's Children Report Kabul launch – 22 November 2009: Are they used as child s.. 5947303184 NewshoundNews 11/22/2009 9:02 AM KABUL: Women drivers are taking to the streets of Kabul but activists say this doesn't necessarily mean the... 5947297989 OR_Politik 11/22/2009 9:02 AM Karsai will Afghanistan-Konferenz offenbar in Kabul abhalten - Westerwelle bei.. #Nachrichten #Politik 5947255886 abacho_de 11/22/2009 9:00 AM Karsai will Afghanistan-Konferenz offenbar in Kabul abhalten 5947253790 zweitansage 11/22/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 5947137818 goldyq27t 11/22/2009 8:53 AM Hope and despair live side by side in Kabul - 5947119901 LMPEACE 11/22/2009 8:53 AM @richardengelnbc I hope everything stays calm in Kabul. Hope you get some time off for the holidays! Stay Extra,Extra Safe Richard! 5947085701 paulchaston 11/22/2009 8:51 AM New blog post: Four injured' in rocket attack near Kabul hotel 5947077072 bursanamaz 11/22/2009 8:50 AM 16:51 - Bursa için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5947057759 istanbulnamaz 11/22/2009 8:49 AM 16:50 - İstanbul için akşam vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5947029359 magelly 11/22/2009 8:48 AM RT: @CAMERON_TIFF: Kabul junkies, MySpace murder and 21st century slaves: must be doc season in Amsterdam. Screened in former autopsy centre 5946982924 kocaelinamaz 11/22/2009 8:45 AM 16:46 - Kocaeli için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5946981545 babycbabyc 11/22/2009 8:45 AM almoçar e levar os quadros pro Kabul...comofas? 5946925494 konyanamaz 11/22/2009 8:42 AM 16:43 - Konya için akşam vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5946918388 todanoticia 11/22/2009 8:42 AM Nuevo ataque en el centro de Kabul deja al menos 2 heridos 5946907949 snymans 11/22/2009 8:41 AM från_google_alert Afghanistan: State of the World's Children Report Kabul launch – 22 Nov.. 5946856348 childrensplace 11/22/2009 8:39 AM Children's plight overlooked in Afghanistan: UN: KABUL - Eight years after the US-led overthrow of the Tali.. 5946856048 CAMERON_TIFF 11/22/2009 8:39 AM Kabul junkies, MySpace murder and 21st century slaves: must be doc season in Amsterdam. Screening all day in former autopsy centre. 5946811819 ankaranamaz 11/22/2009 8:36 AM 16:37 - Ankara için akşam vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5946792889 fingertipnews2 11/22/2009 8:35 AM UPI-Top News: Key Afghan militants seized, killed : KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 22 (UPI) -- NATO forc.. 5946783191 fingertipnews2 11/22/2009 8:35 AM Reuters Intl: Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Ham.. 5946765879 Jerry6565 11/22/2009 8:34 AM #listeningto "Lily Allen, Kabul Shit" ... ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫ 5946755849 adananamaz 11/22/2009 8:33 AM 16:34 - Adana için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5946727026 RBLKentCounty 11/22/2009 8:32 AM RT @Fingertipnews: AP Intl: Afghan official: 5 border security guards killed - KABUL (AP) -- Five Afghan border security guards ha.. ... 5946599238 SwineFluTicker 11/22/2009 8:25 AM Afghan schools reopen after swine flu shut down: By Hamid Shalizi KABUL, Nov 22 (Reuters) - Afghan children ret.. 5946578565 fingertipnews 11/22/2009 8:24 AM Reuters Intl: Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga" - KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai could ... 5946573742 NewsBlogged 11/22/2009 8:23 AM AlertNet: Afghan schools reopen after swine flu shut down - Source: Reuters By Hamid Shalizi KABUL, Nov 22 (Reute... 5946560344 daycareprograms 11/22/2009 8:23 AM Afghanistan: State of the World's Children Report Kabul launch – 22 November 2009 5946523232 draenews 11/22/2009 8:21 AM Megite Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai co.. 5946496947 samsunnamaz 11/22/2009 8:19 AM 16:20 - Samsun için akşam vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5946406490 geridonusum 11/22/2009 8:14 AM AKP sigarayı yasakladı, neden GDO'yu yasaklamadı, GDO zararsız mıdır, GDO yasası neden kabul edilmektedir, AKP ne yapmaktadır? Halk sağlığı! 5946397584 Melaniek0n 11/22/2009 8:14 AM News: Afghanistan: State of the World's Children Report Kabul launch – 22 November 2009 5946357558 mymonews 11/22/2009 8:11 AM [news] Esteri - A Kabul, C.Mbengue: Convenzione Diritti Bambino fa 20 anni: Ultim'ora 5946356139 SwineFluBeware 11/22/2009 8:11 AM Afghan schools reopen after swine flu shut down: By Hamid Shalizi KABUL, Nov 22 (Reuters) - Afghan children ret.. 5946313361 Fluheadlines 11/22/2009 8:09 AM Fluheadlines Afghan schools reopen after swine flu shut down: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan children returned to school ... 5946307928 aYu_deWi 11/22/2009 8:09 AM Huhuhu sumpah aku ikutan sediihh..RT @anggienak: Thinking off yg 'ijab kabul'-in my wedding nanti is not my dad :'( #iswearithurts 5946271151 msnnoticias 11/22/2009 8:07 AM Karzai podría invitar a los talibán a la 'Loya Jirga' o Gran Asamblea: KABUL, 22 (Reuters/EP) El presidente afgan... 5946253782 girlofgordon 11/22/2009 8:06 AM Getting cold in Kabul these days. Have discovered expired (11/08) hot chocolate powder. How harmful could old chocolate dust be, I wonder? 5946192849 erzurumnamaz 11/22/2009 8:02 AM 16:03 - Erzurum için akşam vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5946140659 zweitansage 11/22/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 5946062789 kisacafd 11/22/2009 7:55 AM @esatd, böyle bir teklif gelse, bayern'de bu saatten sonra büyük ihtimalle kabul eder :-) 5946013044 gelengelsin 11/22/2009 7:52 AM (keşke 1i: harika bi dünya kurmuşsunuz, allayp pulladığınz kabuğunuza ne güzel kapamışsnız kendinzi öyle. lütfen bu ödülü kabul edin dese.) 5945948911 BreakingReport 11/22/2009 7:48 AM #WORLDNEWS: Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga": KABUL (Reuters) - Afg.. [Reuters World News] 5945841871 USNewz 11/22/2009 7:42 AM 2 US service members killed in Afghan explosion KABUL -- NATO says two U.S. service members have been... #us #news 5945795661 FlameGoldenu 11/22/2009 7:39 AM Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai could invite mili.. 5945783059 Amorous_VI 11/22/2009 7:38 AM Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai could invite mili.. 5945750576 OnurT 11/22/2009 7:36 AM Lütfen bana siyasi grup daveti yollamayın, KABUL ETMİYIORUM! Özellikle @ekinoksah 5945726181 TantaoNews 11/22/2009 7:34 AM Pakistan says new U.S. Afghan policy should not disturb regional balance: KABUL, Nov. 22 (Xinhua) -- Pakistan h.. 5945675693 anteydote 11/22/2009 7:31 AM kalo doanya ngasih tau ke orang mah ngga ke kabul @nadsaf 5945591163 irfan_waheed 11/22/2009 7:26 AM News - Al-Qaeda Moving to Africa: Sources - ISLAMABAD/ KABUL – Amid ongoing back-door talks between the emboldened ... 5945572117 AfghanNews24 11/22/2009 7:25 AM Rocket Hits Near International Luxury Hotel in Kabul, Injuring 4 - Voice of America 5945543495 HeadlinesNewz 11/22/2009 7:23 AM Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai could invite militant... 5945543293 KimBomin 11/22/2009 7:23 AM Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai could invite m... #Korea 5945539968 reuterswire 11/22/2009 7:23 AM Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai could invite militant... 5945527525 webtipsfree 11/22/2009 7:22 AM Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai could invite militant... 5945527530 tweettools4U 11/22/2009 7:22 AM Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai ... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 5945527541 reuterstop 11/22/2009 7:22 AM Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai could invite militant... 5945527575 MobileAuto 11/22/2009 7:22 AM Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai could invite militant... 5945527625 newsfeeding 11/22/2009 7:22 AM Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai could invite milita... 5945527489 dave13100 11/22/2009 7:22 AM Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai could invite militant... 5945527500 BssNews 11/22/2009 7:22 AM Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai could invite militant... 5945527506 HeadlinesNewz 11/22/2009 7:22 AM Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai could invite militant... 5945522935 twittfeed 11/22/2009 7:22 AM Reuters Top News Militants could be invited to Afghan "Jirga": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai coul... 5945338643 TimNij 11/22/2009 7:10 AM Eens kijken wat een vliegticket (retour) AMS <-> Kabul kost... 5945299999 CouponSpy 11/22/2009 7:08 AM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $3 with promo code: GIVE #seattle 5945242829 Teak_door 11/22/2009 7:04 AM RT @BTME: Safi Airways, the Afghan airline, will now operate the Frankfurt-Kabul route with an Airbus 340-300 from early December onwards. 5945216189 RNWIndonesia 11/22/2009 7:02 AM Dada Tertutup dan Tilpon Seksi di Kabul: Dibalut rok merah ketat, perempuan itu berlari menghampiri seorang pem.. 5945194181 nadine1900 11/22/2009 7:01 AM Rocket Hits Near International Luxury Hotel in Kabul, Injuring 4 5945171915 zweitansage 11/22/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 5945046264 urbanluxury 11/22/2009 6:51 AM Rocket Hits Near International Luxury Hotel in Kabul, Injuring 4: Afghan officials say a rocket hit near a luxu.. 5944990809 courtneymalloy1 11/22/2009 6:47 AM Rocket Hits Near International Luxury Hotel in Kabul, Injuring 4: Afghan officials say a rocket hit near a luxu.. 5944926786 baraev 11/22/2009 6:42 AM Popular Male Photoshopped Portraiture, Kabul 5944881188 Lanette783 11/22/2009 6:39 AM Rocket Hits Near International Luxury Hotel in Kabul, Injuring 4: Afghan officials say a rocket hit near a luxu.. 5944821767 Deutschland_ 11/22/2009 6:35 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten: Hamid Karzais Amtseinführung ist entgegen der Befü.. 5944817191 cceecceee 11/22/2009 6:34 AM hadi bakalim uye kabul toreni 5944769497 lov3ny 11/22/2009 6:31 AM Rocket Hits Near International Luxury Hotel in Kabul, Injuring 4 - Voice of America 5944761980 fastfeednews 11/22/2009 6:31 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten: Hamid Karzais Amtseinführung ist entgegen der Befü.. 5944757812 QCells 11/22/2009 6:30 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten: Hamid Karzais Amtseinführung ist entgegen der Befü.. 5944754229 DeutschlandNews 11/22/2009 6:30 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten: Hamid Karzais Amtseinführung ist entgegen der Befü.. 5944751513 Scirroco 11/22/2009 6:30 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten: Hamid Karzais Amtseinführung ist en.. #VW #Scirroco 5944727223 tageschau 11/22/2009 6:28 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten 5944713840 cuneytsen 11/22/2009 6:27 AM @ecevahapoglu prgrami bir baba olarak bende izliyor(dum) ! Bu konular sizi bu kadar sıkıyorsa neden kabul ettiniz. Ayıp !!! 5944701237 24Stunden 11/22/2009 6:26 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten 5944690597 beuptodate 11/22/2009 6:26 AM | Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten 5944676560 NewsSearching 11/22/2009 6:25 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten 5944661051 bluemoonlinks 11/22/2009 6:23 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten: Hamid Karzais Amtseinführung ist entgegen der Befü.. 5944649332 LiveDeutschland 11/22/2009 6:23 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten: Hamid Karzais Amtseinführung ist entgegen der Befü.. 5944629289 cskurt 11/22/2009 6:21 AM Rocket Hits Near International Luxury Hotel in Kabul, Injuring 4 5944612212 USTalib 11/22/2009 6:20 AM Rocket Hits Near International Luxury Hotel in Kabul, Injuring 4 - Voice of America 5944580461 eurasier1 11/22/2009 6:18 AM RT @value4biz Spiegel Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten: Hamid Karzais Amtseinführung ist en. 5944580069 eurasier1 11/22/2009 6:18 AM RT @SPIEGEL_ONLINE: Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten- Hamid Karzais Amtseinführung ist entgeg 5944570736 iededevries 11/22/2009 6:17 AM RT @wereldomroep: Bedekte borsten en sexy telefoontjes in Kabul 5944562228 afghanistanwire 11/22/2009 6:16 AM Rocket Hits Near International Luxury Hotel in Kabul, Injuring 4 - Voice of America: Boston GlobeRocket Hits Near I... 5944553155 eurasier1 11/22/2009 6:16 AM RT @SPIEGEL_ONLINE: Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten- Hamid Karzais Amtseinführung ist entgeg 5944551747 value4biz 11/22/2009 6:16 AM Spiegel Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten: Hamid Karzais Amtseinführung ist en.. 5944551091 sheqerolli 11/22/2009 6:16 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten 5944511780 Mainboardernews 11/22/2009 6:13 AM SPIEGEL_Top: Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten 5944498574 AfghanNews24 11/22/2009 6:12 AM Rocket Hits Near International Luxury Hotel in Kabul, Injuring 4 - Voice of America 5944472543 SEVILGEZER 11/22/2009 6:10 AM . Aracı kurumların (tercüme büroları, aracı şahıs veya kurumlar v.b.) çeviri talepleri kabul edilmeyecektir. 5944471366 K_wonderland 11/22/2009 6:10 AM Kabul Shit 5944462673 adananamaz 11/22/2009 6:09 AM 14:10 - Adana için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5944407246 SPIEGEL_Top 11/22/2009 6:05 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten 5944407256 SPIEGELONLINE 11/22/2009 6:05 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten 5944407259 DerSPIEGEL 11/22/2009 6:05 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten 5944381581 TravellerW 11/22/2009 6:03 AM @Theodore_May Well we don't want you to miss Kabul too much. Welcome home! 5944354023 spiegel_politik 11/22/2009 6:01 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten... - 5944353802 SPIEGEL_alles 11/22/2009 6:01 AM Afghanistan-Konferenz: Karzai will Gipfel in Kabul abhalten... - 5944328708 zweitansage 11/22/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 5944138294 eenvandaag 11/22/2009 5:45 AM [weblog] Retourtje Kabul: 5944058763 erzurumnamaz 11/22/2009 5:38 AM 13:39 - Erzurum için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5944039317 newsdig_de 11/22/2009 5:37 AM Im Kampf gegen die Taliban setzen die Regierungen in Washington und Kabul nach US-Medienberichten verstärkt auf.. 5944037565 AllMilitaryNews 11/22/2009 5:37 AM RT @WOTN: New NATO Command Activated in Kabul; Continues Afghan Training: Combined Security Trans.. #SOT 5944032696 girlofgordon 11/22/2009 5:36 AM Sunday is a working day for us, so no hangovers :-| #Kabul RT @SamAtRedmag How are the hangovers ladies? 5943920118 TimorLorosae 11/22/2009 5:27 AM TimorLorosaeNação_ GOVT TO INSTALL NEW DIPLOMAT IN KABUL 5943855651 televideorai 11/22/2009 5:22 AM [dal mondo] NYT: AIUTI USA E KABUL A MILIZIE ANTITALEBANE view.jsp?id=660180&p=150 5943852835 fingertipnews 11/22/2009 5:22 AM AP Intl: 5 Afghan border security guards killed in south - KABUL (AP) -- A roadside bomb killed five Afghan bor... 5943833027 Dizzedcom 11/22/2009 5:21 AM 5 Afghan border security guards killed in south: KABUL (AP) -- A roadside bomb killed five Afghan border securi.. 5943805487 envr 11/22/2009 5:18 AM' ten 8$ lık bişi alıcam adamlar minumun ödemeyi 20$ kabul ediyorlar. bir daha nerede kullanacağım ben... 5943780185 AZERCERUSCA 11/22/2009 5:16 AM kurumların (tercüme büroları, aracı şahıs veya kurumlar v.b.) çeviri talepleri kabul edilmeyecektir. Sokak hayvanları ve barınaklara 5943760920 ICNewsWire 11/22/2009 5:15 AM Five bodyguards of Abdul Rab Rasoul Sayyaf in Kabul killed in attack. 5943753876 ICNewsWire 11/22/2009 5:14 AM Abdul Rab Rasoul Sayyaf (Afghan Member of Parliament) escaped assassination attack in Kabul. 5943591949 paulchaston 11/22/2009 5:01 AM New blog post: In Kabul's 'Obama Market,' U.S. military rations on sale 5943575371 WOTN 11/22/2009 5:00 AM New NATO Command Activated in Kabul; Continues Afghan Training 5943573239 zweitansage 11/22/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 5943538683 davidclinchCNN 11/22/2009 4:57 AM RT: @Theodore_May So I fly back from Kabul only to remember I live on the same street as the Algerian embassy in Cairo. The fun never stops. 5943512439 Theodore_May 11/22/2009 4:54 AM So I fly back from Kabul only to remember I live on the same street as the Algerian embassy in Cairo. The fun never stops. 5943399173 TMCMemberFeed 11/22/2009 4:45 AM In These Times: Snapshot: H1N1 in Afghanistan: KABUL, AFGHANISTAN--Young Afghans wear face masks.. 5943132371 fingertipnews 11/22/2009 4:23 AM AP Intl: 5 Afghan border security guards killed in south - KABUL (AP) -- A roadside bomb killed five Afghan bor... 5943095094 paulchaston 11/22/2009 4:20 AM New blog post: Kabul surprised by foes of Taliban 5943088502 luxurytravells 11/22/2009 4:19 AM Rocket hits luxury hotel in Kabul, 4 wounded - Reuters 5943024882 informarn 11/22/2009 4:14 AM Senos cubiertos y llamadas eróticas en Kabul: 5942849942 zweitansage 11/22/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 5942823192 ozanyalcinoz 11/22/2009 3:57 AM Oyun79'da yazarlığa kabul edildim. Çok mutluyum lan =) 5942812672 istanbulnamaz 11/22/2009 3:56 AM 11:57 - İstanbul için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5942812728 bursanamaz 11/22/2009 3:56 AM 11:57 - Bursa için öğle vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5942766281 kocaelinamaz 11/22/2009 3:52 AM 11:53 - Kocaeli için öğle vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5942647922 konyanamaz 11/22/2009 3:42 AM 11:43 - Konya için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5942635933 ankaranamaz 11/22/2009 3:41 AM 11:42 - Ankara için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5942514342 adananamaz 11/22/2009 3:31 AM 11:32 - Adana için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5942501836 kayserinamaz 11/22/2009 3:30 AM 11:31 - Kayseri için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5942465699 samsunnamaz 11/22/2009 3:27 AM 11:28 - Samsun için öğle vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5942421932 fingertipnews 11/22/2009 3:24 AM AP Intl: Afghan official: 5 border security guards killed - KABUL (AP) -- Five Afghan border security guards ha... 5942406536 PaginaNuova 11/22/2009 3:23 AM LA STAMPA - Abdullah: "Se voglio Kabul esplode": Lo sconfitto delle elezioni: �Non collaborer� con i.. 5942389833 rolfkobbe 11/22/2009 3:21 AM RT @SPIEGEL_alles: Anschlag in Kabul: Militante feuern Rakete auf Luxushotel ab... - 5942310766 YahooNoticias 11/22/2009 3:15 AM 5 guardas fronterizos mueren en atentado en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Cinco guardas de seguridad de la frontera afg... 5942265705 PressTVNews 11/22/2009 3:11 AM Hekmatyar claims responsibility for Kabul attack 5942261875 BarraDeHerram 11/22/2009 3:11 AM 5 guardas fronterizos mueren en atentado en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Cinco guardas de seguridad de la frontera .. 5942248346 ekmekayvasi 11/22/2009 3:10 AM oha lan spindoctors'un basçısınada arkadaşlık teklifi gönderdim 15 saniye sonra kabul etti... niga beni bekliyomuuş monütorun başında 5942187080 xylvr 11/22/2009 3:04 AM @AYLINASLIM - ve kabul etmek gerek bir daha malesef bu kalitede bir albümünüz ol(a)madı... 5942120777 zweitansage 11/22/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 5941881009 Press_TV 11/22/2009 2:40 AM PressTV - Hekmatyar claims responsibility for Kabul attack 5941632610 RtrsIN_SthAsia 11/22/2009 2:21 AM Rocket hits luxury hotel in Kabul, 4 wounded 5941615750 BTME 11/22/2009 2:19 AM Safi Airways, the Afghan airline, will now operate the Frankfurt-Kabul route with an Airbus 340-300 from early December onwards. 5941605424 iqbalnurs 11/22/2009 2:18 AM tweet gw udah 2000 !!!! harus ngadain tahlilan,akad nikah,yasiinan,kemantenan,kawinan,ijab kabul,syukuran,tumpengan,dan sholat bersama 5941352096 zweitansage 11/22/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 5941110854 LumberJocks 11/22/2009 1:41 AM [PROJECT] Reception Center for a Ministry Day Care: One of the Ministries here in Kabul was in need of a new recept... 5940832802 healthy_news 11/22/2009 1:22 AM Oz troops battling cocaine addiction in Afghanistan, Iraq: KABUL - Australian troops stationed in Afghanistan a.. 5940798639 ayaz_khan 11/22/2009 1:19 AM @uppaljs Have a safe trip from #kabul, bablu! See you soon! 5940790893 animedraw 11/22/2009 1:19 AM ppo dental: by offerdunks (Posted 22 Nov 2009 07:00)KABUL (Reuters) ?C Afghan forces should be ready to take over s... 5940541318 wereldomroep 11/22/2009 1:01 AM Bedekte borsten en sexy telefoontjes in Kabul 5940494417 bagoezu 11/22/2009 12:58 AM saat mengucap ijab kabul di depan penghulu #youknowyouinlove 5940410193 artcoreradio 11/22/2009 12:53 AM now playing 00468_sprengstoff8_09 LFO DEMON - one night in kabul.mp3 by 5940107423 fingertipnews2 11/22/2009 12:33 AM AP Intl: Afghan road builder's dream thwarted by violence: KABUL (AP) -- Khalid Khan stares through the.. 5940024817 fingertipnews 11/22/2009 12:29 AM AP Intl: Afghan road builder's dream thwarted by violence - KABUL (AP) -- Khalid Khan stares through the dusty ... 5939946554 suniljmistry 11/22/2009 12:24 AM #News Oz troops battling cocaine addiction in Afghanistan, Iraq: Kabul, Nov. 22 (ANI): Australian troops s.. 5939792548 semihgumus 11/22/2009 12:15 AM @elifkey @ezgibasaran Doğanın insanlarla hayvanlara eşit paylaştırıldığı kabul edilmeden olmaz. Bu dengeyi hayvanlar değil, insanlar bozdu. 5939781418 TheInfoSage 11/22/2009 12:14 AM News Updates: Oz troops battling cocaine addiction in Afghanistan, Iraq: Kabul, Nov. 22 (ANI): Aus.. 5939745713 freedom4USA 11/22/2009 12:12 AM Intl News:#tcot #sgp Oz troops battling cocaine addiction in Afghanistan, Iraq: Kabul, Nov... 5939711461 barralicious 11/22/2009 12:10 AM Afghan road builder's dream thwarted by violence: KABUL (AP) -- Khalid Khan stares through the dusty window pan.. 5939643643 semihgumus 11/22/2009 12:06 AM @ezgibasaran Karşısında duran koskocaman bir aslanı, ayıyı vurup öldüren insanın cinayet işlediği kabul edilmeden bu utanmazlık azalmaz. 5939552150 bbwitt 11/22/2009 12:00 AM What a fuckn joke-- Kabul announces Afghan troop increase - 21 Nov 09 5939538930 taly_g 11/22/2009 12:00 AM Came back from an excellent dinner at Kabul Afghan Cuisine in Sunnyvale - yum, yum, yum! 5939457797 taly_g 11/21/2009 11:55 PM Vegetarian platter at Kabul restaurant in Sunnyvale - YUM! 5939426795 hotelsreviewed 11/21/2009 11:53 PM Our man in Kabul - Washington Post 5939236983 MountainLizard 11/21/2009 11:43 PM Hazy, cloudy day in Kabul. Almost looks & feels like snow, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Did need the long-underwear today, though. 5938966795 Fanette__ 11/21/2009 11:28 PM Cuadernos de Kabul: el niño que vende zumos de fruta 5938895175 uppaljs 11/21/2009 11:24 PM finally getting out of #kabul for 3 weeks *YAAAAAAY!* 5938824370 Fluheadlines 11/21/2009 11:21 PM Fluheadlines Afghan schools reopen today after swine flu scare: KABUL: Afghan schools and most tertiary institution... 5938765550 idolvoooz 11/21/2009 11:18 PM @IdolMasti - World News Portal: 'Kabul, Islamabad should join hands against militants' – 5938163864 Elbarack 11/21/2009 10:48 PM KABUL atuh neng.. RT @lusioktaviani: @elbarack ehhh tapi ko gbisa yang level 1 . kan kabal . pas gue ituin gabisa masa 5938091554 _bikinis 11/21/2009 10:44 PM Karzai to start delivering on the eve of his inauguration Thursday for another five years in power with Kabul under security lockdown. 5937864144 TheBoyAtomic 11/21/2009 10:33 PM @runthatshit91 I Could Say for sure. I never get tired of it. Kabul Shit is great too & Who'd Have Known Acoustic. 5937766730 Transitionland 11/21/2009 10:28 PM @SteveHynd calls the entire Afghan government the "Kabul cartel." Fuck you, Steve. 5937530152 findmeabout 11/21/2009 10:17 PM About luxury serena hotel, rocket, kabul, afghan capital: By : dpa Kabul – A rocket hit t.. 5937349007 Flatlinerz 11/21/2009 10:08 PM @Gmontana1919 I would say hit up Kabul Kabab but I think their closed. 5937323222 deedylan 11/21/2009 10:07 PM Laporan langsung dari lokasi ijab kabul : tadi barusan ada yg nyanyi Dandanggula versi accapella. Hihihi 5937288291 BattleFever 11/21/2009 10:05 PM RT @ArmyNewsNow: New NATO command activated in Kabul; continues Afghan training 5937247459 RSSMicro 11/21/2009 10:03 PM Popular hotel in Kabul attacked by rocket fire #kabul #rocket 5937231685 MexCAN 11/21/2009 10:03 PM RT @Zener39: RT @ArmyNewsNow New NATO command activated in Kabul; continues Afghan training 5937194839 Zener39 11/21/2009 10:01 PM RT @ArmyNewsNow New NATO command activated in Kabul; continues Afghan training 5937167010 ArmyNewsNow 11/21/2009 10:00 PM New NATO command activated in Kabul; continues Afghan training 5936970384 wac6 11/21/2009 9:50 PM W/ MI6, L & J. Just had private tour of amazing home full of art. (@ Kabul Afghan Cuisine in Seattle) 5936893556 NewshoundNews 11/21/2009 9:47 PM KABUL : Newshound interviews Dr Sima Samar, head of the Afghan Human Rights Organisation - she has drawn attention... 5936826413 timrobinson10 11/21/2009 9:44 PM FACT: "The United States has never lost a war in which mules were used." <-- New Mule repatriation program announced for Kabul. 5936302969 bursanamaz 11/21/2009 9:19 PM 5:20 - Bursa için imsak vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5936239238 kocaelinamaz 11/21/2009 9:16 PM 5:17 - Kocaeli için imsak vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5936238246 trafficsystem 11/21/2009 9:16 PM Try Google Swirl! « The Pageman in Kabul 5936137274 vqde1jz 11/21/2009 9:12 PM Hope and despair live side by side in Kabul - World - 5935977139 ankaranamaz 11/21/2009 9:04 PM 5:05 - Ankara için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5935955253 konyanamaz 11/21/2009 9:03 PM 5:04 - Konya için imsak vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5935945343 pakstruck 11/21/2009 9:03 PM Heading back to Kabul from #Pakistan. Would love to hear people's thoughts on what most interesting #Afghanista.. 5935840355 albertsson 11/21/2009 8:58 PM Time for another busy day in Kabul. 5935811504 nickschifrin 11/21/2009 8:57 PM Heading back to Kabul from #Pakistan. Would love to hear people's thoughts on what most interesting #Afghanistan stories are right now... 5935708942 kayserinamaz 11/21/2009 8:52 PM 4:53 - Kayseri için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5935686625 adananamaz 11/21/2009 8:51 PM 4:52 - Adana için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5935218063 erzurumnamaz 11/21/2009 8:30 PM 4:31 - Erzurum için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5934913335 findmeabout 11/21/2009 8:17 PM About nuclear, president ahmadinejad, iranian: (Kabul, Afghanistan) — Secretary of State Hillary Clii.. 5934769522 Koseyazilari 11/21/2009 8:10 PM Hayrettin Karaman: Alevi meselesi: Mevcut iktidar, Kürt meselesi gibi Alevi meselesini de kabul ediyor, meselenin ve tal 5934339585 sinemseref 11/21/2009 7:51 PM @RoksiTasci en zirvede sensin kuzuucugummm ;) kabul :) 5934338840 medwards2009 11/21/2009 7:51 PM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL - NATO took command of the training of the Afghan arm.. 5934290739 muhdabbas 11/21/2009 7:49 PM Four hurt in Kabul rocket attack 5934259665 sinemseref 11/21/2009 7:47 PM @karo555 ama bunu da ben kabul edemem :) 5934228879 sinemseref 11/21/2009 7:46 PM @Turnalar boyle gıderse onu toprakta kabul etmeyecek :D 5934120718 kutupzencisi 11/21/2009 7:41 PM okan doğrularını başkalarına kabul ettirmeye çalışmaktan vazgeçsin artık... 5934075984 TheBoyAtomic 11/21/2009 7:39 PM @runthatshit91 And have you heard Kabul Shit and Fag Hag? You need too. 5933794197 tOnS_The_Man 11/21/2009 7:26 PM Biaya Pernikahan berapa ya? Yang standar ajah, mulai dari, bikin undangan, souvenir, ijab kabul, ngundang tamu 500 orang buat resepsi#nikah 5933425606 kareygarner 11/21/2009 7:10 PM I want to know the war conditions in kabul, afhganistan, my husband is going in jan. To do route clearance, u.s army 5933126378 MadEike 11/21/2009 6:57 PM Anschlag in KabulRakete trifft Luxushotel 5932977238 USTalib 11/21/2009 6:50 PM Popular hotel in Kabul damaged by rocket - Austin 5932971950 Kreativmee 11/21/2009 6:50 PM Yeşim Salkım'ın hakkaten mal olduğunu kabul etmeliyiz bence. Evet. 5932898904 zeynepcetin 11/21/2009 6:47 PM yesim salkim sus artik. serdar ortac'in boyle biri oldugunu kabul et. elalemin derdi seni mi gerdi ya. 5932530749 girlfriend_pics 11/21/2009 6:30 PM Arrives in Kabul on her first visit to Afghanistan as US secretary of state, ahead of President Hamid Karzai?s critical inauguration speech 5932307282 abscbnnewsbrk 11/21/2009 6:20 PM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL - NATO took command of the training of the Afghan arm.. 5932252912 kabutar 11/21/2009 6:18 PM What the hell, the Taliban bombed the Kabul Serena AGAIN?! 5932252063 eksiolu 11/21/2009 6:18 PM @ertugruldanaci tabiikide kabul ederim. 2. hangisiydi? unuttum :) başı neyle başlıyor :D 5932232392 ErtugrulDanaci 11/21/2009 6:17 PM @eksiolu 2.siir guzel fakat eger elestirimi kabul edersen uzerinde biraz daha calisilabilir=)) 5931779059 Global_Security 11/21/2009 5:56 PM Rocket Hits Near International Luxury Hotel in Kabul, Injuring 4 5931078165 slashnews 11/21/2009 5:24 PM Four injured in rocket attack in Afghan capital - A rocket attack near the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul has injured... 5930993603 Infobae_mundo 11/21/2009 5:20 PM Un misil impactó en un lujoso hotel de Kabul: Pegó en el muro exterior del hotel Serena, ubicado en la capital .. 5930970962 greenfields47 11/21/2009 5:19 PM 4 injured in rocket attack on Kabul hotell Wikinews: 5930881755 baser_a 11/21/2009 5:15 PM Allah'ıma bin şükür,dünyada yoktur eşim;bu alemde kralım,kabul edin be kardeşim!!! 5930551148 zweitansage 11/21/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 5930338828 mitdasein 11/21/2009 4:50 PM @androshd I first read that as "Kabul." 5930306852 mustingen 11/21/2009 4:48 PM @Nurky kabul ediyorum, teknoloji özürlüyüm :| 5930090293 gulbakisli 11/21/2009 4:38 PM Okadar cok canım sıkılıyo ki hatta patlıyorum hep slov gidicem kabul edenler begen e tıklasın ... (Jeliß10) 5930046110 rockhate 11/21/2009 4:36 PM Afghan MP escapes assassination attempt in Kabul 5929850447 tugcearslan 11/21/2009 4:27 PM midem hala sadece sıvı seyleri kabul ediyo :( 5929766725 kwk1live 11/21/2009 4:23 PM Rocket hits luxury hotel in Afghan capital 5929693948 philosophize 11/21/2009 4:20 PM Afghans have a name for the gaudy mansions that have sprung up in Kabul's ritzy Sher Pur neighborhood: "Poppy Palaces". Homes of our allies. 5929676501 eurasier1 11/21/2009 4:19 PM RT @RadioSeefunkRSF News: Afghanistan will 400 000 Sicherheitskräfte : Kabul - Die Regierung in Kabul will die afghanis 5929676503 eurasier1 11/21/2009 4:19 PM RT @RadioSeefunkRSF News: Afghanistan will 400 000 Sicherheitskräfte : Kabul - Die Regierung in Kabul will die afghanis 5929597012 RadioSeefunkRSF 11/21/2009 4:15 PM News: Afghanistan will 400 000 Sicherheitskräfte : Kabul - Die Regierung in Kabul will die afghanischen Po.. 5929584361 kamusagligi 11/21/2009 4:14 PM Babalara Nasihat : Çocukların hatalarını kabul edebilmek 5929429740 Eminearslaner 11/21/2009 4:07 PM @translator_girl Yok hayatim Dunyabizim'e baski yapacagiz. Rasim abi bizi seve seve kabul eder, etmeyenler de bize yer acmis olur. 5929301339 rizgari_news 11/21/2009 4:01 PM Barzani devletinin kabul edilmiş olması net bir durumdur 5929277062 zweitansage 11/21/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 5929222150 rukiyesarac 11/21/2009 3:57 PM @cemyilmaz_mi ozana brütüs demişsiniz.benim de bu isimle hitap ettiğim bir arkadaşım var da o bakımdan.kardeşmiyiz yoksa.(kötü espiri kabul) 5929191128 webdesignroma 11/21/2009 3:55 PM Web Daily News New Post: Due razzi su hotel a Kabul, 4 feriti 5928910524 ZigZag_id 11/21/2009 3:42 PM Seragan roket dekat hotel mewah Serena di Kabul telah melukai empat orang 5928897941 incefikir 11/21/2009 3:41 PM lost, sahil 'ın sorduğu "ödemeli aramaları kabul eder misiniz?" sorusunu cevapladı. 5928884954 irasare 11/21/2009 3:41 PM FB yenildi, Telefonuma afiyet olsun lu mesajlar ve aramalar geldi bende teşekkur ettim.. karnım çok doydu bugun çok yedim kabul. :) 5928867776 SeputarKita 11/21/2009 3:40 PM NEWS : Roket Terobos Hotel Mewah dan Cederai 4 Orang: Seragan roket dekat hotel mewah Serena di Kabul telah mel.. 5928845337 journeytosmile 11/21/2009 3:39 PM NATO Training Command Officially Activated in Kabul 5928580122 foot__fetish 11/21/2009 3:26 PM Hillary Clinton arrived in Kabul on Wednesday to attend the inauguration of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, a US embassy official told AFP. 5928569857 inilahindonesia 11/21/2009 3:26 PM Seragan roket dekat hotel mewah Serena di Kabul telah melukai empat orang 5928533000 OnurIzmir 11/21/2009 3:24 PM Farmwille'de ki tum koyunlarimi kurban bayraminda kesicem, kabul olur insallah... 5928513313 SHAPE_ACO_PAO 11/21/2009 3:23 PM A newly established NATO command was activated today at Camp Eggers in Kabul, Afghanistan. @stavridisj 5928323336 RadioSeefunkRSF 11/21/2009 3:14 PM News: Raketenangriff auf Luxushotel in Kabul : Kabul - Ein Luxushotel in der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul.. 5928082748 halliwellni 11/21/2009 3:03 PM New blog post: Kabul, Afghanistan – WiMax Internet | WiMax Mobile (ワイマックス ... 5928040008 eksiduyuru 11/21/2009 3:01 PM facebook sorusu (arkadaşlık talebim kabul edildi ama hala sayfa açılmıyor): arkadaşlık talebimin ilgili kişi tarafından kabul e... 5928000066 zweitansage 11/21/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 5927856165 small_breasts 11/21/2009 2:53 PM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise visit on the eve of the inauguration of President Hamid Karzai. 5927805448 lingerie_models 11/21/2009 2:51 PM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise visit on the eve of the inauguration of President Hamid Karzai. 5927700901 sheqerolli 11/21/2009 2:46 PM Afghanistan: Rakete trifft Luxushotel in Kabul 5927693123 in_asia 11/21/2009 2:45 PM (AP) KABUL (AP) - Khalid Khan stares through the dusty window pane, down across the rooftops of the capital, an.. 5927673053 manyko2 11/21/2009 2:44 PM Senr [Canadian] diplomat formerly stationed in Kabul says troops 'handed over for severe torture a lot of innocent ppl' 5927379902 fastfeednews 11/21/2009 2:31 PM Afghanistan will 400 000 Sicherheitskräfte: Die Regierung in Kabul will die afghanischen Polizei- und Milit.. 5927312428 Iamthe1Mack 11/21/2009 2:28 PM RT @BreakingNews: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel.<~ WTF. No damage to the hotel? 5927288441 BNR_Nieuwsradio 11/21/2009 2:27 PM NAVO traint leger en politie Afghanistan: KABUL (ANP) - De NAVO draagt vanaf zaterdag zorg voor de training van he... 5927216932 culturalelite 11/21/2009 2:24 PM So awesome, I always wondered what Photoshop Friday in Kabul would be like. Now I know. 5927197984 DustinCase 11/21/2009 2:23 PM #peace Ann Jones "Kabul in Winter: Life Without Peace in Afghanistan ... 5927197826 DefyantAlliance 11/21/2009 2:23 PM #peace Ann Jones "Kabul in Winter: Life Without Peace in Afghanistan ... 5927168851 dpa_newsticker 11/21/2009 2:21 PM Kabul - Afghanistan will 400 000 Sicherheitskräfte 5927150980 Twit_krant 11/21/2009 2:21 PM NAVO traint leger en politie Afghanistan: KABUL - De NAVO draagt vanaf zaterdag zorg voor de training van het l.. 5927143262 Twit_krant 11/21/2009 2:20 PM NAVO traint leger en politie Afghanistan: KABUL - De NAVO draagt vanaf zaterdag zorg voor de training van het l.. 5927109137 blijfbij 11/21/2009 2:19 PM NAVO traint leger en politie Afghanistan: KABUL - De NAVO draagt vanaf zaterdag zorg voor de training van het leger en 5927085708 hunkarbegendi 11/21/2009 2:18 PM tüm manyakların beni bulduğu artık dünyanında kabul ettiği bir gerçek oldu 5927021248 ADOnline 11/21/2009 2:15 PM NAVO traint leger en politie Afghanistan: KABUL - De NAVO draagt vanaf zaterdag zorg voor de training van het lege... 5927002651 RadioSeefunkRSF 11/21/2009 2:14 PM News: Verletzte nach Raketenangriff in Kabul : Kabul - Ein Luxushotel in der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul.. 5927000031 reistweets 11/21/2009 2:14 PM NAVO traint leger en politie Afghanistan: KABUL - De NAVO draagt vanaf zaterdag zorg voor de training van het lege... 5926930731 InMyStride 11/21/2009 2:11 PM Ann Jones "Kabul in Winter: Life Without Peace in Afghanistan ... 5926878214 XtyMiller 11/21/2009 2:08 PM RT @freedom4USA: Intl News:#tcot #sgp Rocket Hits Near International Luxury Hotel in Kabul, Injuring 4: Afgh.. 5926871842 freedom4USA 11/21/2009 2:08 PM Intl News:#tcot #sgp Rocket Hits Near International Luxury Hotel in Kabul, Injuring 4: Afgh.. 5926781878 bnr 11/21/2009 2:04 PM NAVO traint leger en politie Afghanistan: KABUL (ANP) - De NAVO draagt vanaf zaterdag zorg voor de training van.. 5926752305 RZTicker 11/21/2009 2:03 PM Kabul: Afghanistan will 400 000 Sicherheitskräfte 5926683089 zweitansage 11/21/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 5926626009 gokceispituran 11/21/2009 1:57 PM Şu ligde değişik bir şeyler olsun yahuuuuuuuuu :) Bi tebrik etmesini bilmiyorsunuz diyenlerden tebrikleri kabul ediyoruz :)) 5926575543 malumafatrus 11/21/2009 1:55 PM @ozanzaimoglu maymunla uzaktan yakından alakası olmasını kabul edemem:)) 5926430281 downatheel 11/21/2009 1:48 PM Re-reading a history of the great Moghul emperors. Would have been amazing to see Kabul in those times. 5926383800 sheqerolli 11/21/2009 1:46 PM Anschlag in Kabul: Militante feuern Rakete auf Luxushotel ab 5926332117 iprimenewcastle 11/21/2009 1:43 PM Four injured in rocket attack in Kabul: A rocket attack near the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul has wounded four .. 5926155841 pembipindu 11/21/2009 1:35 PM sürekli haklı olmamın nedeni de bu. haksızlığımı kabul etmiyor değilim, haklılığım kabul edilmiyor, açıklamama rağmen. 5925887444 Katelicte 11/21/2009 1:23 PM - at lunch with @schama at Kabul 5925792764 sewimsizbilgin 11/21/2009 1:18 PM ALPELLA NEDEN KABUL GÖRMÜYOR?: Alpella markalaşabilir mi?Türkiye de Alpella dan önce sektör içerisin de sağlam .. 5925737685 eurasier1 11/21/2009 1:16 PM RT @drg_Nachrichten: Afghanistan: Rakete trifft Luxushotel in Kabul 5925706777 Tribunito 11/21/2009 1:14 PM Cohete impacta en hotel en Kabul : - 5925674661 JHWD 11/21/2009 1:13 PM RT @sternde Afghanistan: Rakete trifft Luxushotel in Kabul: In der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul ist erneut ein Raketenangr.. 5925663257 alanna_shaikh 11/21/2009 1:12 PM Serena hotel in Kabul targeted in rocket attack (I disagree with this article's slant - don't think it's about luxury) 5925650769 eurasier1 11/21/2009 1:12 PM RT @drg_Nachrichten: Afghanistan: Rakete trifft Luxushotel in Kabul 5925581523 twnstar2 11/21/2009 1:09 PM RT @OneNewsAlerts: Rocket hits luxury hotel in Kabul, four wounded: A rocket hit the outside wall ... 5925570352 depphavok 11/21/2009 1:08 PM zeynep taşlıca sana tapıyorum şu an..lütfen kabul et following request'i... 5925556146 growbedarf 11/21/2009 1:07 PM New blog post: EU unterstützt Kabul im Kampf gegen Drogen 5925549837 blsnbelles 11/21/2009 1:07 PM Traditional 'headless Goat Polo' Planned For Karzai Inauguration: KABUL, November 14 (RIA Novosti) - A traditio.. 5925545905 realitybitesbck 11/21/2009 1:07 PM Traditional 'headless Goat Polo' Planned For Karzai Inauguration: KABUL, November 14 (RIA Novosti) - A traditio.. 5925518343 OneNewsAlerts 11/21/2009 1:06 PM Rocket hits luxury hotel in Kabul, four wounded: A rocket hit the outside wall of the luxury Serena hotel inKabul ... 5925498279 politikstube 11/21/2009 1:05 PM Asien/Australien Raketenangriff auf Luxushotel in Kabul 5925475611 EserGiray 11/21/2009 1:04 PM Kamera ordusuyla yardıma muhtaç insanlara yardım yapmak çok çiğ bir davranış. Ama pek kabul ve alkış görüyor malesef. 5925463049 drg_nachrichten 11/21/2009 1:03 PM Afghanistan: Rakete trifft Luxushotel in Kabul 5925461350 sternde 11/21/2009 1:03 PM Afghanistan: Rakete trifft Luxushotel in Kabul: In der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul ist erneut ein Raketenangr.. 5925426833 stern_de 11/21/2009 1:02 PM Afghanistan: Rakete trifft Luxushotel in Kabul: In der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul ist erneut ein Raketenangriff ... 5925426720 Stern_RSS 11/21/2009 1:02 PM Afghanistan: Rakete trifft Luxushotel in Kabul: In der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul ist erneut ein Raketenangriff ... 5925396201 lacronicabc 11/21/2009 1:00 PM Se impacta cohete en hotel en Kabul; hay dos heridos : Un cohete hizo impacto el sábado en un muro exterior del.. 5925378045 zweitansage 11/21/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 5925287683 mikezent 11/21/2009 12:55 PM RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5925265912 DownloadPages 11/21/2009 12:54 PM Our man in Kabul - Washington Post 5925225531 Sarsura80 11/21/2009 12:52 PM Afghanistan: Anschlag auf Luxushotel in Kabul ( #Afghanistan #Anschläge #Taliban 5925196583 rodolfob 11/21/2009 12:51 PM Rocket hits luxury hotel in Kabul, 4 wounded #Afghanistan 5925128039 freedom4USA 11/21/2009 12:48 PM freedom4USA: US:#tcot #news Rocket Hits Outside Luxury Hotel in Afghan Capital: Filed at 9:19 a.m. ET KABUL (A..... 5924975796 uppaljs 11/21/2009 12:41 PM 200 $ reward for anyone who can get me a ticket from KBL to ISB for tomorrow :-) #kabul 5924839647 lacronicacom 11/21/2009 12:35 PM Se impacta cohete en hotel en Kabul; hay dos heridos 5924839288 elimparcialcom 11/21/2009 12:35 PM Se impacta cohete en hotel en Kabul; hay dos heridos 5924800489 narvaja 11/21/2009 12:33 PM RT @Noticias_ln: Un cohete impacta en un lujoso hotel de Kabul (WTF?) 5924767678 oe24News_Welt 11/21/2009 12:31 PM Raketenangriff auf Luxushotel in Kabul 5924700609 beab_fresh 11/21/2009 12:28 PM @mujie_iboen aq doain spy MU mnang mlam ne..qlo doa aq t'kabul qe musti bwt se2orang snang yaaa... 5924686725 iNewsStand 11/21/2009 12:28 PM Entertainment Images Photo from Getty Images - KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - NOVEMBER 21: Afghan military and police stand ... 5924665752 reichardt0405 11/21/2009 12:27 PM Raketenangriff auf Luxushotel in Kabul ... 5924578353 rosemaryCNN 11/21/2009 12:23 PM Headlines nxt: #UK floods #Hajj swineflu #Kabul blast #spacewalk - going into studio now - standby! #cnn #news 5924564274 littlebytesnews 11/21/2009 12:22 PM freedom4USA: US:#tcot #news Rocket Hits Outside Luxury Hotel in Afghan Capital: Filed at 9:19 a.m. ET KABUL (A..... 5924564355 ianingersoll321 11/21/2009 12:22 PM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training - KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the training of the Afg... 5924563980 lennylancaster 11/21/2009 12:22 PM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training - KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the training of the Afg... 5924564083 kevinkalamanca 11/21/2009 12:22 PM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training - KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the training of the Afg... 5924564206 jeffersonjeffer 11/21/2009 12:22 PM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training - KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the training of the Afg... 5924449541 Noticias_ln 11/21/2009 12:17 PM Un cohete impacta en un lujoso hotel de Kabul 5924427601 TMCMemberFeed 11/21/2009 12:16 PM Truthdig: U.K. Warns Against Leaving Afghanistan: The British foreign secretary visited Kabul this wee.. 5924371742 RadioSeefunkRSF 11/21/2009 12:13 PM News: Rakete trifft Luxushotel in Kabul : Kabul - Ein Luxushotel in der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul ist .. 5924358868 bardosurfer 11/21/2009 12:13 PM U.K. Warns Against Leaving Afghanistan: The British foreign secretary visited Kabul this week and had a stark w... 5924354913 YINGANDI 11/21/2009 12:13 PM Hey, BARRY... Ya, YOU! Rockets hitting inside capitol Kabul Afghan... MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND! YOUR TURNING YOUR BACK ON 'OUR CHILDREN!' 5924314489 deutschnet 11/21/2009 12:11 PM bild-newsticker Rakete trifft Luxushotel in Kabul: Rakete trifft Luxushotel in Kabul Ein Luxusho.. 5924300655 noticiasdiarias 11/21/2009 12:10 PM La Nación: Un cohete impacta en un lujoso hotel de Kabul 5924280595 YINGANDI 11/21/2009 12:09 PM RT @freedom4USA: US:#tcot #news Rocket Hits Outside Luxury Hotel in Afghan Capital: Filed at 9:19 a.m. ET KABUL (A.. 5924235889 freedom4USA 11/21/2009 12:07 PM US:#tcot #news Rocket Hits Outside Luxury Hotel in Afghan Capital: Filed at 9:19 a.m. ET KABUL (A.. 5924221300 eurasier1 11/21/2009 12:07 PM RT @drg_Nachrichten: Anschlag in Kabul - Rakete trifft Luxushotel 5924181045 VNewsNoticias 11/21/2009 12:05 PM VNews: Dos heridos en un ataque con cohetes en Kabul 5924139756 drg_nachrichten 11/21/2009 12:03 PM Anschlag in Kabul - Rakete trifft Luxushotel 5924098984 oe24News_Geld 11/21/2009 12:01 PM Raketenangriff auf Luxushotel in Kabul 5924057609 zweitansage 11/21/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 5924006322 oe24News_Reise 11/21/2009 11:57 AM Raketenangriff auf Luxushotel in Kabul 5923954622 wwworldpressede 11/21/2009 11:55 AM RT @Dnewsde: [16:59] Vier Verletzte bei Raketenangriff auf Hotel in Kabul : 5923945166 wwworldpressede 11/21/2009 11:54 AM RT @nordwest: Raketenangriff auf Luxushotel in Kabul 5923941439 wwworldpressede 11/21/2009 11:54 AM RT @nordwest: Raketenangriff auf Luxushotel in Kabul 5923894817 freie_meinung 11/21/2009 11:52 AM Anschlag in Kabul - Rakete trifft Luxushotel: Das "Serena" ist das einzige 5-Sterne-Hotel Af.. #n24 #news #fmjh 5923874583 N24Breaking 11/21/2009 11:51 AM #Nachrichten Anschlag in Kabul - Rakete trifft Luxushotel: Das "Serena" ist d.. 5923871422 oe24News_Kultur 11/21/2009 11:51 AM Raketenangriff auf Luxushotel in Kabul 5923861859 chatnu 11/21/2009 11:51 AM Raketaanval op luxe hotel in Kabul 5923859065 semabilgin 11/21/2009 11:51 AM hay ben bu Lizbon'u kabul eden AB'ye! Bütün kurumların işleyişi değişti beeeee!!! 5923854674 news89 11/21/2009 11:50 AM Anschlag in Kabul - Rakete trifft Luxushotel: Das "Serena" ist das einzige 5-Sterne-Hotel Afghanistans – und .. 5923789638 lavozdeasturias 11/21/2009 11:47 AM Al menos dos heridos al explotar una bomba en un hotel en Kabul 5923748107 eurasier1 11/21/2009 11:45 AM RT @drg_Nachrichten: Anschlag in Kabul: Militante feuern Rakete auf Luxushotel ab 5923722736 afghanistanwire 11/21/2009 11:44 AM New NATO Command Activated in Kabul; Continues Afghan Training - Systems: stv.tvNew NATO Command Activated in Kabul... 5923721450 literago 11/21/2009 11:44 AM Rakete trifft Luxushotel in Kabul: 5923683166 AfghanNews24 11/21/2009 11:43 AM New NATO Command Activated in Kabul; Continues Afghan Training - Systems 5923593187 N24_News 11/21/2009 11:39 AM Anschlag in Kabul - Rakete trifft Luxushotel - 5923589240 j2k13 11/21/2009 11:38 AM Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. (via @BreakingNews) that's some wall 5923531185 DiePresse_Pol 11/21/2009 11:36 AM Kabul: Rakete schlägt in Luxushotel ein 5923468776 greenREACH 11/21/2009 11:33 AM New NATO Command Activated in Kabul; Continues Afghan Training: William B. Caldwell, IV, the new.. #greentraining 5923457872 PeterDraxler 11/21/2009 11:33 AM Kabul: Rakete schlägt in Luxushotel ein: Bei dem Anschlag stürzte eine Wand des Gebäudes ein. Es gab sieben Ver.. 5923423960 RFI_English 11/21/2009 11:31 AM Afghanistan - Rocket attack injures four people in Kabul 5923314293 tomruq 11/21/2009 11:26 AM ilk intiba:turkiyede asi olmayi kabul etmeyenler fazla oldugu icin türkiye de patlayacak diye zorlaDamgalanmamizi istiyorlar,domuz LanBunlar 5923311411 NewsSearching 11/21/2009 11:26 AM Rakete trifft Luxushotel in Kabul 5923283503 nieuwsguru 11/21/2009 11:25 AM Kabul wil verdubbeling veiligheidstroepen: KABUL (ANP) - De Afghaanse regering wil de sterkte van leger en poli.. 5923274416 fingertipnews 11/21/2009 11:25 AM AP Intl: Rocket hits outside luxury hotel in Afghan capital - KABUL (AP) -- A rocket hit outside the luxury Ser... 5923239956 Tripdiscover 11/21/2009 11:23 AM Update: Rocket hits luxury hotel in Kabul. http:... 5923237685 Onefinethread 11/21/2009 11:23 AM Check out beautiful Afghan coats all handmade in Kabul by talented craftspeople 5923206807 mohamedpauline 11/21/2009 11:22 AM I feel for the people of cumbria and the poor people in the hotel in kabul when the rocket hit what is happening with the world 5923206027 dpa_newsticker 11/21/2009 11:22 AM Kabul - Rakete trifft Luxushotel in Kabul 5923192410 drg_nachrichten 11/21/2009 11:21 AM Anschlag in Kabul: Militante feuern Rakete auf Luxushotel ab 5923187046 Dizzedcom 11/21/2009 11:21 AM Rocket hits outside luxury hotel in Afghan capital: KABUL (AP) -- A rocket hit outside the luxury Serena Hotel .. 5923158846 KSNews0verviews 11/21/2009 11:19 AM Flash: "Blast near Kabul's Se …" 5923139584 mOmiMiajaH 11/21/2009 11:19 AM met ultah y @rhyanosaurus sayang...moga smua citamu t'kabul,,amin *pdhl td dh dtlp 5923082150 oscarprieto 11/21/2009 11:16 AM Economista: Cohete se impacta en hotel de Kabul; hay cuatro heridos: Kabul.- Un cohete impactó el mu.. 5923061281 DrRevo 11/21/2009 11:15 AM RT @FartashPhoto: Rocket Strikes Near Luxury Hotel in Afghan Capital . from VOA News ~ #Iran #HumanRights #Kabul 5923050645 dinerspecials 11/21/2009 11:15 AM Kabul wil verdubbeling veiligheidstroepen: KABUL - De Afghaanse regering wil de sterkte van leger en politie ve.. 5923010427 soulspirit86 11/21/2009 11:13 AM Afghanistan - Raketenanschlag auf Luxushotel in Kabul: Mehrere Verletzte 5922940871 blijfbij 11/21/2009 11:10 AM Kabul wil verdubbeling veiligheidstroepen: KABUL - De Afghaanse regering wil de sterkte van leger en politie verdubbelen 5922912476 de_volkskrant 11/21/2009 11:09 AM [17:47] Kabul wil verdubbeling veiligheidstroepen: KABUL - De Afghaanse regering wil de sterkte van leger en ... 5922869749 reistweets 11/21/2009 11:07 AM Kabul wil verdubbeling veiligheidstroepen: KABUL - De Afghaanse regering wil de sterkte van leger en politie verdub... 5922846352 MetroHolland 11/21/2009 11:06 AM Kabul wil verdubbeling veiligheidstroepen 5922842026 jorrisvandoorn 11/21/2009 11:05 AM External: Kabul wil verdubbeling veiligheidstroepen: KABUL - De Afghaanse regering wil de sterkte van leger en po... 5922842035 nu_nieuws 11/21/2009 11:05 AM Kabul wil verdubbeling veiligheidstroepen: KABUL - De Afghaanse regering wil de sterkte van leger en politie verdub... 5922798670 rolfkobbe 11/21/2009 11:04 AM RT @nordwest: Raketenangriff auf Luxushotel in Kabul 5922787560 rolfkobbe 11/21/2009 11:03 AM RT @nordwest: Raketenangriff auf Luxushotel in Kabul 5922783754 wort_lu 11/21/2009 11:03 AM Terrorismus: Raketenangriff auf Luxushotel in Kabul 5922773265 RZTicker 11/21/2009 11:03 AM Kabul: Rakete trifft Luxushotel in Kabul 5922699085 zweitansage 11/21/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 5922639444 zolqarnain 11/21/2009 10:57 AM RT @RFE_RLNEWS: Rocket Hits Luxury Hotel In Kabul, Four Wounded 5922600679 SpitsNWS 11/21/2009 10:55 AM Kabul wil verdubbeling veiligheidstroepen 5922490130 sf_tv 11/21/2009 10:50 AM Raketenangriff auf afghanisches Hotel: Bei einem Raketenangriff auf ein Luxushotel in Afghanistans Hauptstadt Kabul... 5922481027 Twit_krant 11/21/2009 10:50 AM Kabul wil verdubbeling veiligheidstroepen 5922473204 AtiaAbawi 11/21/2009 10:50 AM @DanielleCNN had a great time last night! I hope you make it out to Kabul soon. I'll miss u girl, xox. 5922472091 ramkumaran 11/21/2009 10:50 AM @offstumped @Pragmatic_d anti establishments first aim is islamabad then kabul and srinagar and newdelhi in the long run 5922472245 NUnl 11/21/2009 10:50 AM [17:43] Kabul wil verdubbeling veiligheidstroepen: 5922460903 fritzennnn 11/21/2009 10:49 AM 6 - PAÍSAfeganistão - Na capital, Kabul, a quantidade de dióxido de nitrogênio no ar chega a 52 ppm 5922452864 Twit_krant 11/21/2009 10:49 AM Kabul wil verdubbeling veiligheidstroepen: KABUL - De Afghaanse regering wil de sterkte van leger en politie ve.. 5922445394 Djmuck32 11/21/2009 10:48 AM Rakete trifft Luxushotel in Kabul Ein Luxushotel in der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul ist am Samstag bei einem 5922445122 Nw3s 11/21/2009 10:48 AM Rakete trifft Luxushotel in Kabul Ein Luxushotel in der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul ist am Samstag bei einem 5922442452 Morticianhaley 11/21/2009 10:48 AM Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5922437422 Morticianhaley 11/21/2009 10:48 AM Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. OMG 5922427576 laatstenieuws 11/21/2009 10:48 AM 17:43 | Kabul wil verdubbeling veiligheidstroepen (Algemeen nieuws) - 5922392853 RSScockpit 11/21/2009 10:46 AM Kabul wil verdubbeling veiligheidstroepen (Metro, 21-11-09 17:37) 5922375537 metro 11/21/2009 10:45 AM Kabul wil verdubbeling veiligheidstroepen 5922364378 BlitzQuotidiano 11/21/2009 10:45 AM Kabul, razzi contro hotel di lusso: feriti: Sconosciuti hanno lanciato oggi due razzi che hanno colpito un muro.. 5922362855 noticias24 11/21/2009 10:45 AM Dos heridos dejó impacto de cohete hacia un hotel de Kabul 5922315695 RuletaOnline 11/21/2009 10:43 AM Cohete impacta lujoso hotel en capital afgana: KABUL (Reuters) - Un cohete impactó el sábado el muro exterior d.. 5922141639 davis3380 11/21/2009 10:35 AM @nytimes there r luxury hotels in Kabul?? 5922130121 fingertipnews2 11/21/2009 10:34 AM Reuters Intl: NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took comm.. 5922118501 eurasier1 11/21/2009 10:34 AM RT @SPIEGEL_ONLINE: Anschlag in Kabul: Militante feuern Rakete auf Luxushotel ab- Das einzige Fünf-Sterne-Hotel in Afgha 5922111017 eurasier1 11/21/2009 10:34 AM RT @SPIEGEL_ONLINE: Anschlag in Kabul: Militante feuern Rakete auf Luxushotel ab- Das einzige Fünf-Sterne-Hotel in Afgha 5922102547 RFE_RLNEWS 11/21/2009 10:33 AM Rocket Hits Luxury Hotel In Kabul, Four Wounded 5922067260 fastfeednews 11/21/2009 10:32 AM Raketenangriff auf Luxushotel in Kabul: Ein Luxushotel in der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul ist am Samstag .. 5922059772 sariverrat 11/21/2009 10:31 AM Security forces: Blast near Kabul's Serena Hotel 5922028458 eduardoglz 11/21/2009 10:30 AM Cohete se impacta en hotel de Kabul; hay cuatro heridos 5922004342 eurasier1 11/21/2009 10:29 AM RT @drg_Nachrichten: Vier Verletzte bei Raketenangriff auf Serena-Hotel in Kabul 5921955950 notifeed 11/21/2009 10:27 AM ElEconomista: Cohete se impacta en hotel de Kabul; hay cuatro heridos 5921956112 hitsolutions 11/21/2009 10:27 AM Anschlag in Kabul: Militante feuern Rakete auf Luxushotel ab: Das einzige Fünf-Sterne-Hotel in Afghanistan ist .. 5921937735 Europa_Press 11/21/2009 10:26 AM Internacional: La OTAN asume el control de la formación de militares y policías afganos: KABUL, 21 Nov. (Reuters/E... 5921917928 NewsSearching 11/21/2009 10:25 AM Anschlag in Kabul: Militante feuern Rakete auf Luxushotel ab 5921902735 classichits7sd 11/21/2009 10:24 AM #australia #news Four injured in Kabul rocket attack #classichits7sd 5921896921 FGBinParker 11/21/2009 10:24 AM RT @SPIEGEL_alles Anschlag in Kabul: Militante feuern Rakete auf Luxushotel ab... - Rocket attack on Kabul hotel 5921882319 bellaracing 11/21/2009 10:24 AM Mau ijab kabul.. Melok ta?! RT @martin816: Iya ta mba'? Ada acara apa?RT @bellaracing: @martin816 bsk brkt ke jkt yah tin.. ^^ 5921878978 izmirnamaz 11/21/2009 10:23 AM 18:24 - İzmir için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5921872578 maxwell_lucas 11/21/2009 10:23 AM Large explosion reported near Serena Hotel in central Kabul. 5921844629 e9725138rss 11/21/2009 10:22 AM Raketenanschlag auf Luxushotel in Kabul 5921832993 elperiodico_cat 11/21/2009 10:21 AM Com a mínim dos ferits a l'explotar una bomba en un hotel a Kabul 5921831432 elperiodico_cas 11/21/2009 10:21 AM Al menos dos heridos al explotar una bomba en un hotel en Kabul 5921803796 Geld_Finanzen_1 11/21/2009 10:20 AM Raketenangriff auf Luxushotel in Kabul 5921794246 classichits7ad 11/21/2009 10:20 AM #australia #news Four injured in Kabul rocket attack #classichits7ad 5921789427 impyer 11/21/2009 10:20 AM Raketenangriff auf Luxushotel in Kabul: Ein Luxushotel in der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul ist am Samstag bei .. 5921774433 muhdabbas 11/21/2009 10:19 AM Four hurt in Kabul rocket attack 5921771104 msnnoticias 11/21/2009 10:19 AM La OTAN asume el control de la formación de militares y policías afganos: KABUL, 21 (Reuters/EP) La Misión de Ad... 5921753804 spiegel_politik 11/21/2009 10:18 AM Anschlag in Kabul: Militante feuern Rakete auf Luxushotel ab... - 5921753430 SPIEGEL_alles 11/21/2009 10:18 AM Anschlag in Kabul: Militante feuern Rakete auf Luxushotel ab... - 5921746565 eurasier1 11/21/2009 10:18 AM RT @drg_Nachrichten: Vier Verletzte bei Raketenangriff auf Serena-Hotel in Kabul 5921723317 World_Policy 11/21/2009 10:17 AM Clueless in Kabul: We've noted the Obama administration's penchant for bullying America's allies and kowtowing to i... 5921703001 hotelsupermarke 11/21/2009 10:16 AM Security forces: Blast near Kabul's Serena Hotel 5921703079 cronaca24 11/21/2009 10:16 AM Afghanistan razzi su hotel a Kabul, 4 feriti 5921683973 tameripekgul 11/21/2009 10:15 AM İtin duası kabul olsa gökten kemik yağardı. Arda Turan gribi atlattı ve Antu'nun duası kabul edilmedi. Havlamaya devam edin.. 5921674947 bursanamaz 11/21/2009 10:14 AM 18:15 - Bursa için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5921667169 NoticiasDirecto 11/21/2009 10:14 AM #ElPeriodico: Al menos dos heridos al explotar una bomba en un hotel en Kabul #noticias 5921666704 Hotelkritik 11/21/2009 10:14 AM Vier Verletzte bei Raketenangriff auf Serena-Hotel in Kabul - AFP 5921663920 armyAfghanistan 11/21/2009 10:14 AM Separate clashes kill 23 Taliban in Afghanistan: KABUL — Afghan and foreign troops killed 23 Taliban mili.. 5921652717 istanbulnamaz 11/21/2009 10:13 AM 18:14 - İstanbul için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5921586339 kocaelinamaz 11/21/2009 10:10 AM 18:11 - Kocaeli için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5921538959 Retourkutsche 11/21/2009 10:08 AM Raketenangriff auf Luxushotel in Kabul 5921514574 frankkeeney 11/21/2009 10:07 AM Huh? No damage? But. RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5921509943 afghanistanwire 11/21/2009 10:07 AM Rocket hits luxury hotel in Kabul, 4 wounded - Reuters: Rocket hits luxury hotel in Kabul, 4 woundedReutersViolence... 5921457801 recoil1973 11/21/2009 10:05 AM RT @DesireePaquette: RT @Fingertipnews: BREAKING RT @nickschifrin: This is bad. An RPG just hit the main entrance of the #Kabul Serena ( ... 5921436005 purplloopyloops 11/21/2009 10:04 AM @myRomeoChariot @lovprincejun cieee.. Congratz yaa rik... Mudah"an ditembak beneran, langgeng sampe ijab kabul!! 5921431509 recoil1973 11/21/2009 10:03 AM RT @slkbrooke: RT @Fingertipnews BREAKING RT @nickschifrin: This is bad. An RPG just hit the main entrance of the #Kabul Serena (Hotel) ... 5921424049 EUInternacional 11/21/2009 10:03 AM Cohete impacta lujoso hotel en Kabul 5921410436 konyanamaz 11/21/2009 10:02 AM 18:03 - Konya için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5921408947 FlameGoldenu 11/21/2009 10:02 AM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the training of the .. 5921406108 Shaylady09 11/21/2009 10:02 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 5921401082 ReutersNews 11/21/2009 10:02 AM Reuters: NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the training of... 5921401124 ubalert 11/21/2009 10:02 AM Luxury Kabul Hotel Hit by Rocket, 4 Injured- 5921376735 primicias24 11/21/2009 10:01 AM P24: Cohete impacta lujoso hotel en Kabul 5921343006 Dnewsde 11/21/2009 10:00 AM [16:59] Vier Verletzte bei Raketenangriff auf Hotel in Kabul : 5921342523 zweitansage 11/21/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 5921306724 SkyNewsTopStory 11/21/2009 9:58 AM Four injured in Kabul rocket attack: A rocket attack near the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul has injured four people... 5921236701 drg_nachrichten 11/21/2009 9:55 AM Vier Verletzte bei Raketenangriff auf Serena-Hotel in Kabul 5921213093 usbrknews 11/21/2009 9:54 AM 'Four injured' after Rocket hits outside luxury hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan 5921213158 usnewsroom 11/21/2009 9:54 AM 'Four injured' after Rocket hits outside luxury hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan 5921212600 usnewsdesk 11/21/2009 9:54 AM 'Four injured' after Rocket hits outside luxury hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan 5921212695 ustimesnews 11/21/2009 9:54 AM 'Four injured' after Rocket hits outside luxury hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan 5921212812 newsofamerica 11/21/2009 9:54 AM 'Four injured' after Rocket hits outside luxury hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan 5921212904 usnationnews 11/21/2009 9:54 AM 'Four injured' after Rocket hits outside luxury hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan 5921197013 militaryworld 11/21/2009 9:53 AM Separate clashes kill 23 Taliban in Afghanistan: KABUL — Afghan and foreign troops killed 23 Taliban mili.. 5921197127 bid0 11/21/2009 9:53 AM RT @CrushTheCFR: @BreakingNews There's a "luxury" hotel in Kabul? You're kidding. (via @mpoppel) 5921192932 bid0 11/21/2009 9:53 AM Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. (via @BreakingNews) 5921073012 flackr 11/21/2009 9:47 AM Dashboard on Hotel, Kabul, Large (5 updates) - 5921032942 noticiasvenezue 11/21/2009 9:45 AM Al menos dos heridos en ataque con cohetes en Kabul: Al menos dos personas resultaron heridas en u.. #freemediave 5921024711 RBLKentCounty 11/21/2009 9:45 AM RT @Fingertipnews: RT @ajbreakingnews: Large explosion heard in Kabul. 5921019588 RemnantsRant 11/21/2009 9:45 AM RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5921019517 RantingRemnant 11/21/2009 9:45 AM RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5921015519 RemnantsRant 11/21/2009 9:44 AM RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5921015546 RantingRemnant 11/21/2009 9:44 AM RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5920998203 Hotelkritik 11/21/2009 9:44 AM Raketenangriff auf Luxushotel in Kabul - 5920992819 samsunnamaz 11/21/2009 9:43 AM 17:44 - Samsun için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5920966540 BigPondNews 11/21/2009 9:42 AM Kabul rocket attack injures four: A rocket attack near a luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul has injured four people inclu... 5920930368 armysupporter 11/21/2009 9:40 AM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: By Jonathon Burch KABUL, Nov 21 (Reuters) - NATO took comma.. 5920922279 RedturnArrow 11/21/2009 9:40 AM "Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel." That's a damn tough wall. 5920919409 addamiattualita 11/21/2009 9:40 AM Afghanistan: esplosione nel centro di kabul: Kabul, 21 nov. – (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Una forte esplosion.. 5920918999 RuletaOnline 11/21/2009 9:40 AM OTAN asume mando de entrenamiento de Ejército, policía afgana: KABUL (Reuters) - La OTAN asumió el sábado el ma.. 5920802037 EricSutphin 11/21/2009 9:34 AM Serena Hotel rocket attack in Kabul. Is quite the target for insurgent rockets. Is their aim getting better? 5920763889 reuters_italia 11/21/2009 9:33 AM Kabul, razzo contro hotel di lusso, feriti 5920748354 kaplan_ 11/21/2009 9:32 AM RT @YahooNoticias: Reportan explosión cerca de hotel en Kabul: KABUL (AP) - Una gran explosión se produjo el sábado... 5920734772 Nieuwsmeldingen 11/21/2009 9:31 AM Raketaanval op luxe hotel in Kabul: (Novum/AP) - Het luxueuze Hotel Serena in Kabul is zaterdag getroffen door .. 5920722524 RTsweets 11/21/2009 9:31 AM BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casual.. via @YoTwits 5920709348 twiterillo 11/21/2009 9:30 AM Cohete hiere a 4 personas cerca de un hotel de lujo en Kabul (via @biobio) 5920700343 biobio 11/21/2009 9:30 AM Cohete hiere a 4 personas cerca de un hotel de lujo en Kabul 5920657008 AppleLeopard 11/21/2009 9:28 AM 'Four injured' in rocket attack near Kabul hotel (AFP): AFP - A rocket attack near the luxury Serena Hotel i.. 5920653938 eggheader 11/21/2009 9:27 AM ON MY RADAR FROM Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hit the Luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. Nothing yet on casualties. 5920645584 iklanportal 11/21/2009 9:27 AM New blog posting, PERNIKAHAN PERKAHWINAN IJAB KABUL DI THAILAND NIKAH KAHWIN DI SIAM THAI - 5920637731 RelationHoncho 11/21/2009 9:27 AM Column: Covered breasts and sexy telephone calls in Kabul 5920622066 jolanta13 11/21/2009 9:26 AM 'Four injured' in rocket attack near Kabul hotel (AFP): AFP - A rocket attack near the luxury Serena Hotel i.. 5920610553 erzurumnamaz 11/21/2009 9:25 AM 17:26 - Erzurum için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5920609287 AGRSSOR 11/21/2009 9:25 AM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took co... ( 5920583963 fingertipnews 11/21/2009 9:24 AM AP Intl: Rocket hits outside luxury hotel in Afghan capital - KABUL (AP) -- A rocket hit outside the luxury Ser... 5920580611 pol1ce 11/21/2009 9:24 AM RT @2central_police: Armed Afghan police surrround the Serena Hotel in central Kabul on October 28 following a rocke… 5920573833 NewsBlogged 11/21/2009 9:24 AM AlertNet: Rocket hits luxury hotel in Afghan capital - Source: Reuters (Adds background) KABUL, Nov 21 (Reuters) ... 5920565433 televideorai 11/21/2009 9:23 AM [dal mondo] KABUL, RAZZI CONTRO HOTEL: 4 FERITI view.jsp?id=660049&p=150 5920529126 2central_police 11/21/2009 9:22 AM Armed Afghan police surrround the Serena Hotel in central Kabul on October 28 following a rocke #police #2central 5920467063 BreakingReport 11/21/2009 9:19 AM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of.. [Reuters World News] 5920419793 RSScockpit 11/21/2009 9:16 AM Raketaanval op luxe hotel in Kabul (, 21-11-09 15:59) 5920407175 robepcpartners 11/21/2009 9:16 AM @jaketapper I didn't watch @GMA, did the terrorists blow up that hotel in Kabul on my account. I know you were joking. Bad timing I guess. 5920356184 HeadlinesNewz 11/21/2009 9:13 AM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the training of the Afgh... 5920356206 safe_waters 11/21/2009 9:13 AM #reutersIN NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the training of th 5920356090 webtipsfree 11/21/2009 9:13 AM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the training of the Afgh... 5920356103 MobileAuto 11/21/2009 9:13 AM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the training of the Afgh... 5920356106 tweettools4U 11/21/2009 9:13 AM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 5920356110 reuterstop 11/21/2009 9:13 AM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the training of the Afgh... 5920356111 newsfeeding 11/21/2009 9:13 AM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the training of the Af... 5920353414 AllNewsSources 11/21/2009 9:13 AM REUTERS: NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the training of the 5920346070 twittfeed 11/21/2009 9:13 AM Reuters Top News NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the tra... 5920329403 AfghanNews24 11/21/2009 9:12 AM Security forces: Blast near Kabul's Serena Hotel - The Associated Press 5920295065 dutchnewsfeed 11/21/2009 9:10 AM Raketaanval op luxe hotel in Kabul: (Novum/AP) - Het luxueuze Hotel Serena in Kabul is zaterdag getroffen door .. 5920223411 mybollywood 11/21/2009 9:07 AM Column: Covered breasts and sexy telephone calls in Kabul - Radio Netherlands: Radio NetherlandsColumn: Covered.. 5920200186 iraqjustice 11/21/2009 9:06 AM RT @uruknet: Rt @W7VOA RT @ajbreakingnews: Large explosion heard in Kabul. #afghanistan 5920197905 eduardoglz 11/21/2009 9:06 AM Reportan explosión cerca de hotel en Kabul 5920181888 uruknet 11/21/2009 9:05 AM Rt @W7VOA RT @ajbreakingnews: Large explosion heard in Kabul. #afghanistan 5920172177 noticias24 11/21/2009 9:05 AM Ataque con cohetes en el centro de Kabul deja dos heridos 5920169492 ntv_de 11/21/2009 9:04 AM Sieben Verletzte in Kabul: Angriff auf Luxushotel: Ein Luxushotel in der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul wird bei ein... 5920150507 taynabreder 11/21/2009 9:03 AM RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5920148747 ARYNews 11/21/2009 9:03 AM Rocket hits outside luxury hotel in Kabul 5920148232 izmirnamaz 11/21/2009 9:03 AM 17:04 - İzmir için akşam vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5920147599 YahooNoticias 11/21/2009 9:03 AM Reportan explosión cerca de hotel en Kabul: KABUL (AP) - Una gran explosión se produjo el sábado cerca del lujos... 5920138045 tehranweekly 11/21/2009 9:03 AM @Shhh527 looks like rpg rocket hit 2 cars on the outside of hotel in kabul not damaging the hotel itself 5920130279 LetzteMeldung 11/21/2009 9:03 AM #Meldung Sieben Verletzte in Kabul: Angriff auf Luxushotel: Ein Luxushotel in der a.. 5920125955 PoliNewsInt 11/21/2009 9:02 AM Afghanistan: 2 RPGs slamm into wall of Serena Hotel in Kabul, gunfire reported too 5920063160 zweitansage 11/21/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 5920043467 KimBomin 11/21/2009 8:59 AM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the training of t... #Korea 5920041671 reuterswire 11/21/2009 8:58 AM NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the training of the Afgh... 5919970352 islamoyankee 11/21/2009 8:55 AM RT @rockistani: @nickschifrin: This is bad. An RPG just hit the main entrance of the #Kabul Serena (via @Mirza9) again??? 5919948421 FWCS_ITSupport 11/21/2009 8:54 AM FWCS IT Security Security forces: Blast near Kabul's Serena Hotel - The Associated Press: NECNS.. 5919935955 sglatestnews 11/21/2009 8:53 AM #world #singapore Separate clashes kill 23 Taliban in Afghanistan: KABUL : Afghan and fo.. #news 5919925925 lhotw 11/21/2009 8:53 AM 16, 2009 photo, Afghan policemen try to stop cars at a mobile checkpoint in Kabul, Afghanistan. 5919917584 wsjasia 11/21/2009 8:52 AM Rocket Targets Kabul Hotel 5919899265 bursanamaz 11/21/2009 8:51 AM 16:52 - Bursa için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5919889337 ISeeNews 11/21/2009 8:51 AM Kabul announces Afghan troop increase - 21 Nov 09 - AlJazeeraEnglish #news 5919872123 Infobae_mundo 11/21/2009 8:50 AM Cohete impactó contra lujoso hotel en Kabul: El misil pegó en el muro exterior del hotel Serena, ubicado en la .. 5919870122 urbanluxury 11/21/2009 8:50 AM Rocket hits outside luxury hotel in Afghan capital: The Associated Press KABUL — A rocket hit outside the luxur.. 5919852538 ReutersNews 11/21/2009 8:49 AM Reuters: NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of the training of... 5919850598 EdwinRosadi 11/21/2009 8:49 AM RT @nytimes: Also following.... reports of explosion outside a luxury hotel in Kabul. /jr 5919839638 buybooksonline1 11/21/2009 8:48 AM [REUTERS]: NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of.. 5919803980 wcompanyportal 11/21/2009 8:47 AM [REUTERS]: NATO takes command of Afghan army, police training: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO took command of.. 5919801897 iTinkR 11/21/2009 8:47 AM RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5919801908 redgehomes 11/21/2009 8:47 AM RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5919789406 NewsRush 11/21/2009 8:46 AM NewsRush: BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to t... 5919745840 mtemiztas 11/21/2009 8:44 AM TKP'li Öğrenciler'in geçtiğimiz çarşamba gününden itibaren başlattığı''Koyun değil halkız. Zamları kabul... 5919742024 swimmer012 11/21/2009 8:44 AM RT @nytimes: Also following.... reports of explosion outside a luxury hotel in Kabul. /jr 5919689317 literago 11/21/2009 8:41 AM Schwere Explosion in Kabul: 5919688655 TorontoOnly 11/21/2009 8:41 AM Rocket hits near luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul ( 5919665902 TysonAlJazeera 11/21/2009 8:40 AM Afghan defence minister played it very cool during the attack on the #kabul #serena. Insisted on finishing his meal before leaving the hotel 5919611388 ankaranamaz 11/21/2009 8:37 AM 16:38 - Ankara için akşam vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5919610126 focusonus 11/21/2009 8:37 AM RT @LonelyFreak BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casua... 5919604861 eldictamen 11/21/2009 8:37 AM Reportan explosión cerca de hotel en Kabul 5919597778 Donna4843 11/21/2009 8:37 AM RT @samy110 Afghan Interior Ministry has confirmed a large explosion in Kabul near the luxury Serena Hotel #iran 5919577330 loverlybree 11/21/2009 8:36 AM RT @dutch3sssin: RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5919576513 desimonster 11/21/2009 8:36 AM sexy! Column: Covered breasts and sexy telephone calls in Kabul - Radio Netherlands 5919575940 loverlybree 11/21/2009 8:36 AM RT @dutch3sssin: RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5919567541 bougeottetg 11/21/2009 8:35 AM RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties #NYUTT 5919555948 samy110 11/21/2009 8:35 AM Afghan Interior Ministry has confirmed a large explosion in Kabul near the luxury Serena Hotel #iran 5919551448 adananamaz 11/21/2009 8:34 AM 16:35 - Adana için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5919548342 tehranweekly 11/21/2009 8:34 AM Afghan Interior Ministry has confirmed a large explosion in Kabul near the luxury Serena Hotel - no immeidate reports of casualties #cnn 5919539766 Tantao_Breaking 11/21/2009 8:34 AM Explosion hits Afghan capital, 7 injured: KABUL, Nov. 21 (Xinhua) -- A rocket fired from western Kabul hit near.. 5919532676 gandulo 11/21/2009 8:33 AM RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5919521500 _BaRCoDe_ 11/21/2009 8:33 AM @Nikocan @mehterr @hkky alkonormal gecesi olcak bu gece bizi malikanesine kabul ederse :P 5919505230 ymdats 11/21/2009 8:32 AM どんだけ頑丈なホテルw さすがカブール。RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5919498030 theragingqueen 11/21/2009 8:32 AM RTV @nytimes: Also following.... reports of explosion outside a luxury hotel in Kabul. /jr 5919486409 rosemaryCNN 11/21/2009 8:31 AM Afghan Interior Ministry has confirmed a large explosion in Kabul near the luxury Serena Hotel - no immeidate reports of casualties #cnn 5919450464 kayserinamaz 11/21/2009 8:29 AM 16:30 - Kayseri için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5919420589 EuropaSurvey 11/21/2009 8:28 AM RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5919415540 Mediaevalman 11/21/2009 8:28 AM RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties.1)luxury…2)hotel…3)Kabul LOL! 5919405759 TantaoNews 11/21/2009 8:27 AM Explosion hits Afghan capital, 7 injured: KABUL, Nov. 21 (Xinhua) -- A rocket fired from western Kabul hit near.. 5919389983 BreakingNewsDeu 11/21/2009 8:26 AM NEWS - AFGHANISTAN - KABUL - Schwere Explosion in der Nähe des einzigen 5-Sterne-Hotels der Stadt. Die Polizei bestätigt 2 Verletzte 5919385618 NewsSearching 11/21/2009 8:26 AM Schwere Explosion in Kabul 5919378601 aolnoticias 11/21/2009 8:26 AM Reportan explosión cerca de hotel en Kabul #noticias 5919343078 m_insider 11/21/2009 8:24 AM Rocket hits luxury hotel in Afghan capital: KABUL, Nov 21 – A rocket hit the outside wall of the Serena luxury .. 5919315247 SeattleNewsHeds 11/21/2009 8:23 AM Seattle (WA) Times: Security forces: Blast near Kabul's Serena Hotel 5919313519 toptenart 11/21/2009 8:23 AM recon mission to learn more at kabul 5919309805 jacony 11/21/2009 8:22 AM メモ的RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5919297926 dpa_newsticker 11/21/2009 8:22 AM Kabul - Schwere Explosion in Kabul 5919287638 FLASH_NEWS 11/21/2009 8:21 AM Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5919261402 maxie2g0 11/21/2009 8:20 AM RT=>@BreakingNews Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties 5919258128 IndiaNews247 11/21/2009 8:20 AM Afghanistan: blast near Luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. 5919252747 samsunnamaz 11/21/2009 8:19 AM 16:20 - Samsun için akşam vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5919245372 fightforright 11/21/2009 8:19 AM @starnewslive (Afghanistan: blast near Luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul) when they recover from terror. God bless. 5919239135 Djmuck32 11/21/2009 8:19 AM Schwere Explosion in Kabul In der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul hat sich am Samstag erneut eine schwere Explosi 5919238874 Nw3s 11/21/2009 8:19 AM Schwere Explosion in Kabul In der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul hat sich am Samstag erneut eine schwere Explos 5919226969 CassandraTroy 11/21/2009 8:18 AM RT @CrushTheCFR: @BreakingNews There's a "luxury" hotel in Kabul? You're kidding. 5919207693 TysonAlJazeera 11/21/2009 8:17 AM #Afghan Defence Minister was in the #kabul #serena when it was attacked. He tells us rocket attacks 'don't bother him' 5919205119 starnewslive 11/21/2009 8:17 AM Afghanistan: blast near Luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. 5919198803 W7VOA 11/21/2009 8:16 AM RT @seanmaroney: Interior Min. Bashary tells VOA rocket hit road btwn hospital & Kabul's Serena Hotel, injuring 2 people. #Afghanistan 5919167456 amancool5 11/21/2009 8:15 AM RT @centerofright: blast in kabul :( RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on cas ... 5919165639 pitr 11/21/2009 8:15 AM RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5919163905 BroderickMoore 11/21/2009 8:15 AM That's a strong hotel RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5919155112 fingertipnews 11/21/2009 8:14 AM RT @seanmaroney: Afghan Interior Min Bashary tells VOA that a rocket hit the road between a hospital& the Serena Hotel injuring 2 ppl #Kabul 5919154542 bohoe 11/21/2009 8:14 AM Rocket salad then RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5919140086 SATZen 11/21/2009 8:13 AM Security forces: Blast near Kabul's Serena Hotel (AP) 5919133085 Canonjon 11/21/2009 8:13 AM How was there no damage? RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: 2 injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage2the hotel. 5919133088 worldlawnews 11/21/2009 8:13 AM RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5919122580 seanmaroney 11/21/2009 8:12 AM Afghan Interior Min Zamary Bashary tells VOA that a rocket hit the road between a hospital and the Serena Hotel, injuring two people. #Kabul 5919120558 tittoantony 11/21/2009 8:12 AM RT @centerofright: blast in kabul :( RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on cas ... 5919115668 W7VOA 11/21/2009 8:12 AM RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of Serena hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. #afghanistan 5919115713 bccohan 11/21/2009 8:12 AM RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5919113294 lrhicks 11/21/2009 8:12 AM RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5919112314 RajeevShankar 11/21/2009 8:12 AM RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5919109330 tehranweekly 11/21/2009 8:12 AM RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5919096786 flackr 11/21/2009 8:11 AM Dashboard on Hotel, Kabul, Large (4 updates) - 5919093958 mC_EmaNueL 11/21/2009 8:11 AM @emanuelrizon Security forces: Blast near Kabul's Serena Hotel (AP): AP - Afghan security force.. 5919093289 queijoazul 11/21/2009 8:11 AM RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel.//???? 5919090050 StephenieJoyce 11/21/2009 8:11 AM I wan't aware that there are luxary hotel's in Kabul 5919088846 HenryStradford 11/21/2009 8:11 AM RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5919082590 StephenieJoyce 11/21/2009 8:10 AM RT @BreakingNews Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5919082269 teirel 11/21/2009 8:10 AM Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties.(via @BreakingNews ) 5919078379 NewsGuyATL 11/21/2009 8:10 AM RT @BreakingNews: Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5919077290 morriswai 11/21/2009 8:10 AM Reports of an RPG hitting dt #Kabul at the Serena Hotel. Everyone here is fine. Just another Saturday afternoon in paradise. 5919067071 xero_designs 11/21/2009 8:09 AM Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. (via @BreakingNews) 5919059704 BreakingNews 11/21/2009 8:09 AM Reuters: Two people injured after rocket hits wall of luxury hotel in Kabul; no damage to the hotel. 5919055398 CrushTheCFR 11/21/2009 8:09 AM @BreakingNews There's a "luxury" hotel in Kabul? You're kidding. 5919051044 centerofright 11/21/2009 8:09 AM blast in kabul :( RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5919051083 ICNewsWire 11/21/2009 8:09 AM Explosion at Serena Hotel in Kabul reports Al-Jazeera. 5919044958 lrhicks 11/21/2009 8:08 AM RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5919018922 ScottGrovesNC 11/21/2009 8:07 AM RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5919018248 FLASH_NEWS 11/21/2009 8:07 AM Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5919017720 neerajbhushan 11/21/2009 8:07 AM Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. 5919014336 HenryStradford 11/21/2009 8:06 AM RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5919010600 mirageisland 11/21/2009 8:06 AM RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5919009900 bccohan 11/21/2009 8:06 AM RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5919001628 queijoazul 11/21/2009 8:06 AM RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5918997345 susanjspaulding 11/21/2009 8:06 AM RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5918990810 oxco 11/21/2009 8:05 AM RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5918985434 TysonAlJazeera 11/21/2009 8:05 AM Our reporter heard gunfire just before the explosion at #kabul #serena. 5918982971 imeechan 11/21/2009 8:05 AM OMG!!! Hope ppl are ok there!!! RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5918972730 djkobbie 11/21/2009 8:04 AM Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5918972309 arthidalgo 11/21/2009 8:04 AM RT @BreakingNews: Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5918965461 TysonAlJazeera 11/21/2009 8:04 AM Gunfire heard from our reporter just before the explosion at #kabul #serena. 5918962901 BreakingNews 11/21/2009 8:04 AM Al-Jazeera: Large explosion hits the luxury Serena Hotel in Kabul. No word on casualties. 5918957033 erzurumnamaz 11/21/2009 8:03 AM 16:04 - Erzurum için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5918951648 FLASH_NEWS 11/21/2009 8:03 AM Large explosion heard near hotel in the Afghan captial, Kabul. 5918931321 davidmacdougall 11/21/2009 8:02 AM RT @TysonAlJazeera: Keep watching AJE for more on attack on the #kabul #serena . Mobile phone video is uploading onto our ftp server now. 5918930412 BreakingNewsDeu 11/21/2009 8:02 AM BREAKING - AFGHANISTAN - KABUL - Police report an explosion near the luxury Serena Hotel in Afghanistan's capital ap 5918929557 fingertipnews 11/21/2009 8:02 AM @rosemaryCNN RT @nickschifrin This is bad. An RPG just hit the main entrance of the #Kabul Serena 5918922999 W7VOA 11/21/2009 8:02 AM RT @seanmaroney: good thing I decided against the #Kabul Serena 5918922203 ajbreakingnews 11/21/2009 8:02 AM Large explosion heard near hotel in the Afghan captial, Kabul. 5918917132 frasere 11/21/2009 8:01 AM rt @nytimes Also following.... reports of explosion outside a luxury hotel in Kabul. /jr 5918913618 fingertipnews 11/21/2009 8:01 AM @W7VOA RT @nickschifrin This is bad. An RPG just hit the main entrance of the #Kabul Serena 5918901827 TysonAlJazeera 11/21/2009 8:01 AM Keep watching AJE for more on attack on the #kabul #serena . Mobile phone video is uploading onto our ftp server now. 5918893396 rosemaryCNN 11/21/2009 8:00 AM Getting word from police in Kabul that there's been an explosion near the luxury Serena Hotel in Afghanistan's capital. #cnn 5918889900 barbiesnow 11/21/2009 8:00 AM RT @W7VOA: RT @ajbreakingnews: Large explosion heard in Kabul. #afghanistan 5918882213 rockistani 11/21/2009 8:00 AM RT @nickschifrin: This is bad. An RPG just hit the main entrance of the #Kabul Serena (via @Mirza9) again??? 5918880511 zweitansage 11/21/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 5918880936 nytimes 11/21/2009 8:00 AM Also following.... reports of explosion outside a luxury hotel in Kabul. /jr 5918876876 W7VOA 11/21/2009 7:59 AM RT @ajbreakingnews: Large explosion heard in Kabul. #afghanistan 5918866801 davidmacdougall 11/21/2009 7:59 AM RT @TysonAlJazeera: Security guards at #serena in #kabul very spooked. weapons out. not letting anyone leave the hotel. Fear of second e ... 5918864674 RZTicker 11/21/2009 7:59 AM Kabul: Schwere Explosion in Kabul 5918857486 TysonAlJazeera 11/21/2009 7:58 AM Security guards at #serena in #kabul very spooked. weapons out. not letting anyone leave the hotel. Fear of second explosion 5918855413 riy 11/21/2009 7:58 AM RT @ajbreakingnews: Large explosion heard in Kabul. 5918846063 misstella_w 11/21/2009 7:58 AM RT @TysonAlJazeera Confused situation in #kabul. Eye witness at #serena tell us that the hotel was attacked w/ RPG. 2injured.Not a car bomb. 5918828637 Seanotd 11/21/2009 7:57 AM RT @usfora: New NATO command activated in Kabul; continues Afghan training 5918824056 TantaoNews 11/21/2009 7:56 AM World news summary at 0830 GMT, Nov. 21: KABUL -- Afghan and the NATO-led troops have killed over a dozen Talib.. 5918810594 TysonAlJazeera 11/21/2009 7:55 AM Confused situation in #kabul. Eye witness at #serena now tell us that the hotel was attacked with RPG. Two injured. Not a car bomb. 5918806792 poliquest 11/21/2009 7:55 AM RT @Fingertipnews: RT @ajbreakingnews: Large explosion heard in Kabul. 5918777550 NazQatar 11/21/2009 7:54 AM RT @ajbreakingnews: Large explosion heard in Kabul. 5918770586 FLASH_NEWS 11/21/2009 7:53 AM Large explosion heard in Kabul. 5918763464 barbiesnow 11/21/2009 7:53 AM RT @AllMilitaryNews: RT @usfora: New NATO command activated in Kabul; continues Afghan training #SOT 5918749529 fingertipnews 11/21/2009 7:52 AM RT @ajbreakingnews: Large explosion heard in Kabul. 5918741330 ajbreakingnews 11/21/2009 7:52 AM Large explosion heard in Kabul. 5918680148 nabtweeter 11/21/2009 7:48 AM RT @mirza9: RT @nickschifrin: This is bad. An RPG just hit the main entrance of the #Kabul Serena 5918665529 davidmacdougall 11/21/2009 7:47 AM RT @TysonAlJazeera: Journalists staying at the Serena in #kabul are being prevented from leaving by #Afghan security 5918659851 slkbrooke 11/21/2009 7:47 AM RT @Fingertipnews BREAKING RT @nickschifrin: This is bad. An RPG just hit the main entrance of the #Kabul Serena (Hotel) #Afghanistan 5918657354 mirza9 11/21/2009 7:47 AM RT @nickschifrin: This is bad. An RPG just hit the main entrance of the #Kabul Serena 5918599742 TysonAlJazeera 11/21/2009 7:43 AM Journalists staying at the Serena in #kabul are being prevented from leaving by #Afghan security 5918594986 kalel_returns 11/21/2009 7:43 AM bugün, herhalde 100. kez bir hıristiyana haç kolyesi takmak diye bir şeyin allah'ın dininde olamayacağını anlatıp da kabul ettirdim. 5918594567 anissasantoso 11/21/2009 7:43 AM @ilmadina huhu maaf bgt bgt bgt ya syggg. Selasa jam brp? Insya Allah aku bisa! Makasih yaa you toooo sebentar lg kan ijab kabul. Hihi muah! 5918582796 allthingsct 11/21/2009 7:42 AM RT @TysonAlJazeera: Car bomb. Near the communications ministry in #Kabul 5918572768 TysonAlJazeera 11/21/2009 7:42 AM Car bomb. Near the communications ministry in #Kabul 5918553395 TysonAlJazeera 11/21/2009 7:41 AM Attack on the #Kabul Serena. Watch AJE now 5918504395 DesireePaquette 11/21/2009 7:38 AM RT @Fingertipnews: BREAKING RT @nickschifrin: This is bad. An RPG just hit the main entrance of the #Kabul Serena (Hotel) 5918475941 seanmaroney 11/21/2009 7:36 AM good thing I decided against the #Kabul Serena 5918460632 seanmaroney 11/21/2009 7:35 AM RT @nickschifrin: This is bad. An RPG just hit the main entrance of the #Kabul Serena 5918450016 diaryoftimhong 11/21/2009 7:34 AM Separate clashes kill 23 Taliban in Afghanistan: KABUL : Afghan and foreign troops killed 23 Taliban militants .. 5918424744 fingertipnews 11/21/2009 7:33 AM BREAKING RT @nickschifrin: This is bad. An RPG just hit the main entrance of the #Kabul Serena (Hotel) #Afghanistan 5918411614 allthingsct 11/21/2009 7:32 AM RT @nickschifrin: This is bad. An RPG just hit the main entrance of the #Kabul Serena 5918392032 nickschifrin 11/21/2009 7:31 AM This is bad. An RPG just hit the main entrance of the #Kabul Serena 5918248301 rukiyesarac 11/21/2009 7:22 AM RT @kocaelinamaz: 14:23 - Kocaeli için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5918231717 AllMilitaryNews 11/21/2009 7:21 AM RT @usfora: New NATO command activated in Kabul; continues Afghan training #SOT 5918228312 MiniterMin 11/21/2009 7:21 AM Clueless in Kabul 5918165578 ausin96 11/21/2009 7:17 AM Guy Smallman: "In Kabul heroin is cheaper than healthcare" #nujadm 5918145968 cronaca24 11/21/2009 7:16 AM Aghanistan Miliband senza Nato governo Kabul sarebbe rovesciato 5918116140 oyaconcon 11/21/2009 7:14 AM yavas yavas kabul edelim senin ilacin benim:D 5917886738 zweitansage 11/21/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 5917620910 massmediaus 11/21/2009 6:42 AM @massmediaus 'Kabul, Islamabad should join hands against militants' - 5917607908 8G23 11/21/2009 6:41 AM @heavenly_6 =D başını nerden biliyorsun :P o ara tuvalette kusmakla mesguldün :) şunu kabul et sonu kötüydü :) hayal kırıklığıydı :) 5917452603 YUKeeplistening 11/21/2009 6:30 AM Lies the Truth: Clueless in Kabul - We've noted the Obama administration's penchant for bullying America's allies a... 5917452716 W8theres2more 11/21/2009 6:30 AM Lies the Truth: Clueless in Kabul - We've noted the Obama administration's penchant for bullying America's allies a... 5917415260 bursanamaz 11/21/2009 6:27 AM 14:28 - Bursa için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5917387388 istanbulnamaz 11/21/2009 6:25 AM 14:26 - İstanbul için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5917344177 kocaelinamaz 11/21/2009 6:22 AM 14:23 - Kocaeli için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5917322809 StanZaske 11/21/2009 6:21 AM RT @usfora: New NATO command activated in Kabul; continues Afghan training 5917286894 konyanamaz 11/21/2009 6:18 AM 14:19 - Konya için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5917205159 ankaranamaz 11/21/2009 6:12 AM 14:13 - Ankara için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5917198592 Oh_Sinetron 11/21/2009 6:12 AM . Termehek mehek sinetron abis dah masa pas lagi ijab kabul tiba2 anaknya dateng 5917163364 adananamaz 11/21/2009 6:09 AM 14:10 - Adana için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5917149498 arieMM 11/21/2009 6:08 AM Termehek mehek sinetron abis dah masa pas lagi ijab kabul tiba2 anaknya dateng 5917141498 bellaracing 11/21/2009 6:08 AM Lhooo syapa yg nikah?? RT @martin816: Besok Pagi Ijab Kabul,,hadddduuuuuhh. Kpn IstirahatNyaaaaa ini. Supaya Ga Ribet,Mending Besok Pagi 5917111909 kayserinamaz 11/21/2009 6:05 AM 14:06 - Kayseri için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5917100537 stewartupton 11/21/2009 6:05 AM RT @AJEnglish: Kabul plans to boost troop levels: Announcement comes as UK minister says Afghan government would collapse if N.. http:// ... 5917098879 mustafaalkan 11/21/2009 6:04 AM (YGA) Young Guru Academy'nin bugün konferansı vardı, başvuruları inceleyip kabul ediyorlardı, vs. Ben, başvuru... [pic] 5917081863 AllMilitaryNews 11/21/2009 6:03 AM RT @WOTN: Afghan MP Escapes Assassination Attempt in Kabul: VOA Sean Maroney | Kabul 20 November .. #SOT 5917031340 zweitansage 11/21/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 5917026826 marqs_m 11/21/2009 5:59 AM RT @janchip: Popular male photoshopped portraits, Kabul: (friday pics) 5917004468 SIMONE4000 11/21/2009 5:58 AM RT @WOTN: Afghan MP Escapes Assassination Attempt in Kabul 5916977318 samsunnamaz 11/21/2009 5:55 AM 13:56 - Samsun için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5916925183 yunusgunce 11/21/2009 5:51 AM kabuk değil tabi o , 'kabul' olacaktı !!!! 5916923032 megasimarmata 11/21/2009 5:51 AM RT @ISAFmedia: New NATO command activated in Kabul; continues Afghan training 5916922959 KatakamiNews__ 11/21/2009 5:51 AM RT @ISAFmedia: New NATO command activated in Kabul; continues Afghan training 5916908430 greychampion 11/21/2009 5:50 AM newStream ©: Clueless In Kabul 5916869339 Hot_Chip 11/21/2009 5:47 AM (unfortunately Hugh's report just now on R4 was not so positive, outlining the "medieval" misery of Kabul and reigning illogic of the war.) 5916850930 usfora 11/21/2009 5:45 AM New NATO command activated in Kabul; continues Afghan training 5916839890 pasaq 11/21/2009 5:45 AM @laghtr saol canım ((: bu hafta dogum haftam oldugu için haftaboyunca kutlama ve pasta kabul ediyorum zaten sorun degil (: 5916812494 soulspirit86 11/21/2009 5:42 AM Afghanistan - Bub sollte Bombe deponieren und stirbt bei Explosion: Kabul prangert Kindermissbrauch durch Talib.. 5916761846 erzurumnamaz 11/21/2009 5:38 AM 13:39 - Erzurum için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5916750829 cliqzusnews 11/21/2009 5:37 AM Police say Afghan lawmaker survives assassination attempt near Kabul 5916675078 teacherspets 11/21/2009 5:31 AM Clueless in Kabul at Power Line 5916651323 WOTN 11/21/2009 5:30 AM Afghan MP Escapes Assassination Attempt in Kabul 5916636977 safakunal 11/21/2009 5:28 AM @elove4ever hahaha ama iyi soruydu kabul et=) gerçekten onu düşündüm bi an 5916549315 rhholmes 11/21/2009 5:21 AM RT @AJEnglish: Kabul plans to boost troop levels: Announcement comes as UK minister says Afghan government would collapse if N.. http:// ... 5916541210 the_912_project 11/21/2009 5:21 AM Breitbart Update: Clueless in Kabul 5916538413 Dizzedcom 11/21/2009 5:20 AM Afghan police are weak link in security force: KABUL (AP) -- Underpaid, under-equipped and under-trained, Afgha.. 5916371334 thynews 11/21/2009 5:06 AM Kabul plans to boost troop levels : Afghanistan's ministry of defence has announced plans .. - 5916283590 Belattar 11/21/2009 5:00 AM LOL RT @Theodore_May Left Kabul & it was in the 30s (fahrenheit).Got to Dubai & it's in the 80s.Cairo:70s with a chance of riots? Bad joke? 5916283678 zweitansage 11/21/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 5916227963 MOTopStories 11/21/2009 4:55 AM Latest news: Kabul plans to boost troop levels (Al Jazeera) 5916071823 _Internacional 11/21/2009 4:42 AM #Internacional Kabul planea doblar el aumento de tropas afganas 5916002652 Elinelino 11/21/2009 4:36 AM ijab kabul di balon udara ?wah ada ada aja ni bandar lampung . 5915660736 KimFoxWOSU 11/21/2009 4:06 AM RT @Theodore_May: Left Kabul and it was in the 30s (fahrenheit). Got to Dubai and it's in the 80s. Cairo: 70s with a chance of riots? Ba ... 5915637084 ekesken 11/21/2009 4:04 AM parkyeri insanlari olarak pazar (22.11.2009) saat 20:00 sularinda nevizadedeyiz allah kabul ederse, "duymadiydik cagrilmadiydik" anlamam! 5915634434 izmirnamaz 11/21/2009 4:03 AM 12:04 - İzmir için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5915585620 zweitansage 11/21/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 5915563280 MullaNasruddin 11/21/2009 3:57 AM Just had wonderful last lot of fresh Kebabs and hot nan in Rose Restuarant. A great way to leave Kabul. Now off to Dubai ....... 5915551898 istanbulnamaz 11/21/2009 3:56 AM 11:57 - İstanbul için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5915551945 bursanamaz 11/21/2009 3:56 AM 11:57 - Bursa için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5915527908 massmediaus 11/21/2009 3:54 AM @massmediaus Afghan MP Escapes Assassination Attempt in Kabul - Voice of America: 5915527718 massmediaus 11/21/2009 3:54 AM @massmediaus Afghan MP Escapes Assassination Attempt in Kabul - Voice of America: 5915506551 kocaelinamaz 11/21/2009 3:52 AM 11:53 - Kocaeli için öğle vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5915490478 Theodore_May 11/21/2009 3:51 AM Left Kabul and it was in the 30s (fahrenheit). Got to Dubai and it's in the 80s. Cairo: 70s with a chance of riots? Bad joke? 5915480321 numancebi 11/21/2009 3:50 AM Böyle bir günde öğle vakti uyandım. İnanılır gibi değil ve tabi kabul edilebilir... Kardeşimi boğup geliyorum, 1 sn. O'nun yüzünden! 5915392069 konyanamaz 11/21/2009 3:42 AM 11:43 - Konya için öğle vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5915262967 adananamaz 11/21/2009 3:31 AM 11:32 - Adana için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5915227515 fusersan 11/21/2009 3:29 AM ayağımın altında dolanan örümcek beni davet ediyor yaşam mücadelesine. kabul etmiyorum;ben onun kadar dayanamam. 5915214712 samsunnamaz 11/21/2009 3:27 AM 11:28 - Samsun için öğle vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5915189639 medyafaresi 11/21/2009 3:25 AM Çalışanının göğsüne dokunmak 2 bin TL!: Ankara`da, "Bana birliktelik teklif etti. Kabul etmezsemde işten çıkara.. 5915009180 airss 11/21/2009 3:10 AM '' Kabul plans to boost troop levels: Announcement comes as UK minister says Afghan government would colla.. '' 5914979168 erzurumnamaz 11/21/2009 3:07 AM 11:08 - Erzurum için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5914965202 Supleme 11/21/2009 3:06 AM Kabul plans to boost troop levels: Announcement comes as UK minister says Afghan government would collapse if N.. 5914895114 chazzadarling 11/21/2009 3:00 AM Reading the bookseller of kabul...fairly decent. Its nice to find out more about the way the afghan people live their lives... 5914882786 zweitansage 11/21/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 5914852948 AllanLlanos 11/21/2009 2:57 AM Kabul plans to boost troop levels: Announcement comes as UK minister says Afghan government would collapse if N.. 5914783144 hurriyetavrupa 11/21/2009 2:51 AM CERN'de tekrar düğmeye basıldı: Yüzyılın en büyük deneyi olarak kabul edilen, Büyük Patlama ortamının yaratılac.. 5914753960 eternalid 11/21/2009 2:48 AM Kabul plans to boost troop levels #afghanistan #nato #taliban 5914695381 FLASH_NEWS 11/21/2009 2:44 AM Kabul plans to boost troop levels: Announcement comes as UK minister says Afghan government would collapse if N.. 5914650819 ntvmsnbc 11/21/2009 2:40 AM Büyük Patlama için düğmeye basıldı: Yüzyılın en büyük deneyi olarak kabul edilen, Büyük Patlama ortamının yarat.. 5914637568 Martin_Neujahr 11/21/2009 2:39 AM Kabul plans to boost troop levels: Announcement comes as UK minister says Afghan government would collapse 5914624973 Notredamedesion 11/21/2009 2:38 AM @sansursuz Bakan açıkladı zaten sadece yasal dinleme delil kabul ediliyor Ya da başkalari dinlenirken tesadüfen takılanlar var 5914614495 satelliweb 11/21/2009 2:37 AM Feed sur Eutelsat W1 à 10.0°E: Fréquence : 12730 V 4167 5/6Format : MPEG-2 4:2:2Infos : ID Kabul Enc1 5914563974 MuslimUpdates 11/21/2009 2:33 AM Al Jazeera: Kabul plans to boost troop levels Full 5914523283 Batteriechef 11/21/2009 2:30 AM RT @AJEnglish: Kabul plans to boost troop levels: Announcement comes as... 5914463359 AJEnglish 11/21/2009 2:25 AM Kabul plans to boost troop levels: Announcement comes as UK minister says Afghan government would collapse if N.. 5914426637 tcot_steve 11/21/2009 2:22 AM Clueless in Kabul - We've noted the Obama administration's penchant for bullying America's allies and kowtowing to ... 5914280419 kickinghorse892 11/21/2009 2:10 AM Kabul plans to boost troop strength: Aannouncement comes as UK minister says Afghan government would.. @AJEnglish 5914242069 notleftwing 11/21/2009 2:07 AM {powerline} Clueless in Kabul 5914189643 altnews_ 11/21/2009 2:03 AM Kabul plans to boost troop strength: Aannouncement comes as UK minister says Afghan government would coll.. #news 5914171376 utkubay 11/21/2009 2:02 AM viskozitenin kahve falina etkisi, baslikli bitirme tezi yazsam, hidrolik anabilim dali kabul eder mi? 5914156203 rizgari_news 11/21/2009 2:01 AM Barzani devletinin kabul edilmiş olması net bir durumdur 5914139414 zweitansage 11/21/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 5914010513 greychampion 11/21/2009 1:49 AM newStream ©: Clueless in Kabul 5913938193 DanielleCNN 11/21/2009 1:44 AM - late night fun w/ @atiaabawi & @rajarazek! Atia heading back to Kabul, Raja is moving to Abu Dhabi tmrw! #bitters 5913868856 Atomic_Pig 11/21/2009 1:38 AM Suicide bomber on a motorcycle kills 16 in Afghanistan marketplace: By Laura King Reporting from Kabul, Afghani.. 5913782648 birtanem 11/21/2009 1:32 AM CNNT: CERN'de proton parçacıkları tüneli dolaştı: Yüzyılın en büyük deneyi olarak kabul edilen, Büyük ... 5913463513 APACYourShout 11/21/2009 1:08 AM Govt to install new diplomat in Kabul: The federal government is sending a new ambassador to Afghanistan to observe... 5913072410 BattleFever 11/21/2009 12:41 AM RT @usfora: Defpro: Four new Mi-17 helicopters delivered to the Afghan National Army Air Corps in Kabul ... 5912505012 Seanotd 11/21/2009 12:04 AM RT @usfora: Defpro:Four new Mi-17 helicopters delivered to Afghan National Army Air Corps in Kabul 5912455191 sciencestage 11/21/2009 12:01 AM Science News Banyan: From Saigon to Kabul 5912348012 agungrheza 11/20/2009 11:55 PM @cockaigneaddict A Dream For Kabul, Bilal, Coco Before Chanel, Everlasting Moments, Home, Mammoth, Max & Co., Muallaf, Terribly Happy +_+ 5912145846 iprimenewcastle 11/20/2009 11:43 PM Govt to install new diplomat in Kabul: The federal government is sending a new ambassador to Afghanistan to obs.. 5911992573 smhonline 11/20/2009 11:34 PM New diplomat to be installed in Kabul 5911964400 mysharetrading 11/20/2009 11:32 PM New diplomat to be installed in Kabul 5911926757 norwestbusiness 11/20/2009 11:30 PM #NorwestBusiness New diplomat to be installed in Kabul: Australia is sending a new ambassador t.. 5911806804 classichits7sd 11/20/2009 11:23 PM #australia #news New diplomat to be installed in Kabul #classichits7sd 5911805550 classichits7sd 11/20/2009 11:23 PM #australia #news Govt to install new diplomat in Kabul #classichits7sd 5911743729 classichits7ad 11/20/2009 11:20 PM #australia #news New diplomat to be installed in Kabul #classichits7ad 5911742552 classichits7ad 11/20/2009 11:20 PM #australia #news Govt to install new diplomat in Kabul #classichits7ad 5911506453 Ms_Marti 11/20/2009 11:07 PM R @usfora: Defpro: Four new Mi-17 helicopters delivered to Afghan National Army Air Corps in Kabul 5911398623 usfora 11/20/2009 11:01 PM Defpro: Four new Mi-17 helicopters delivered to the Afghan National Army Air Corps in Kabul 5911365002 attack_machine 11/20/2009 10:59 PM Kabul victimization detected: "Taliban turns screws on UN in Afghanistan" - 5911333971 uppaljs 11/20/2009 10:58 PM Stuck in #kabul for another day , #fail #hr 5911036546 rubby_athink 11/20/2009 10:42 PM @dania28 @rubby_athink ohh dikira ijab kabul lo lg..hihi 5910996771 sinirkupu 11/20/2009 10:40 PM Futbol konuşurken kim kendi fikrinin doğruluğunu kabul ettirmiş, kim takım değiştirmeye ikna olmuş! Hep aynı tantana, zerre ilerleme yok. 5910753577 BetteDam 11/20/2009 10:28 PM Rumour in Kabul: Did clinton shake hands with Dostum after the inau of karzai? .. After the the US Holbrooke found out who he was... 5910637292 friskodude 11/20/2009 10:22 PM @MissAdventuring My specialty is Asia, so all my picks are there. Goa, Kathmandu, Kabul, Kuta, Pai, Bangkok, Ko Phangan, Angeles, Hikkadua 5909723491 suchmann 11/20/2009 9:38 PM Photo: PHOTOSHOPPED PORTRAITURE FROM KABUL 5909413142 izmirnamaz 11/20/2009 9:24 PM 5:25 - İzmir için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5909301511 istanbulnamaz 11/20/2009 9:19 PM 5:20 - İstanbul için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5909279668 bursanamaz 11/20/2009 9:18 PM 5:19 - Bursa için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5909213351 kocaelinamaz 11/20/2009 9:15 PM 5:16 - Kocaeli için imsak vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5908920718 konyanamaz 11/20/2009 9:02 PM 5:03 - Konya için imsak vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5908874761 trisotblog 11/20/2009 9:00 PM Afghan MP Escapes Assassination Attempt in Kabul - Voice of America - 5908649000 adananamaz 11/20/2009 8:50 PM 4:51 - Adana için imsak vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5908649107 samsunnamaz 11/20/2009 8:50 PM 4:51 - Samsun için imsak vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5908343524 tvnewslies 11/20/2009 8:37 PM Afghan MP Escapes Assassination Attempt in Kabul 5908316455 canerzi 11/20/2009 8:36 PM Bill Simmons'ın bile kabul ettiği bir gerçek: taraftarı değilseniz, nba'in en antipatik takımı Boston Celtics. 5908296948 fingertipnews2 11/20/2009 8:35 PM UPI-Top News: Afghan MP survives convoy bombing: KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 20 (UPI) -- At least 25 .. 5908188369 kabulkathy 11/20/2009 8:30 PM The kool aid was flowing at the puppet show in Kabul yesterday . All that the rest of us heard was more of the same from Karzai 5908172260 erzurumnamaz 11/20/2009 8:29 PM 4:30 - Erzurum için imsak vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5907689199 knowmorestuff 11/20/2009 8:08 PM Afghan MP survives convoy bombing|KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 20 (UPI) -- At least 25 people were killed in four .. 5907070007 animedraw 11/20/2009 7:41 PM Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader, vows to fight graft: by offerdunks (Posted 21 Nov 2009 01:31)KABUL (Reuters) ?C A... 5907066607 sercann 11/20/2009 7:41 PM İstifası kabul edildi 5906619050 bolbol_gundem 11/20/2009 7:22 PM Cem Garipoğlu'na dair iddianame kabul edildi 5905998421 territh1w4 11/20/2009 6:56 PM Morning Must Reads -- The Creigh Deeds of Kabul | Washington Examiner 5905893798 DominiqueRdr 11/20/2009 6:51 PM RT @fahimn: Kabul asks Tehran for more investment - Payvand #iran #IranElection #Afghanistan 5905565230 kr01 11/20/2009 6:38 PM Afghan MP Escapes Assassination Attempt in Kabul 5905444066 GumbaBawlz 11/20/2009 6:33 PM I favorited a YouTube video -- Kabul Dog Fighting - Afghanistan 5905405322 AllMilitaryNews 11/20/2009 6:31 PM RT @WOTN: Is the WaPo's David Gerson Reading?: At 09:19 Kabul Time, On 11/14/2009, I wrote this: .. #SOT 5904905490 saintsandevils 11/20/2009 6:11 PM Kabul, paraíso del ?lPhotoshop (es de @alpoma) 5904644517 ekesken 11/20/2009 6:00 PM parkyeri insanlari olarak pazar (21.11.2009) saat 20:00 sularinda nevizadedeyiz allah kabul ederse, "duymadiydik cagrilmadiydik" anlamam! 5904549795 Still4Hill 11/20/2009 5:56 PM Hillary at the Embassy and Foreign Ministry in Kabul: 5904379385 annie_53br5811 11/20/2009 5:49 PM working my azz off in kabul Afghanistan.......R&R time coming soon... daughter is graduating and daddy cannot miss it..... 5904333320 Mickaras 11/20/2009 5:47 PM Westerwelle nacht in Kabul MIT karsai auf kumpel und kriecht den polen in den arsch ,vielleicht trifft ja einer Westis Hubschrauber ist ja n 5904330677 jpmourao 11/20/2009 5:47 PM Daqui a pouco COMPAY TUMBAO - musica cubana tradicional - no Kabul Bar!!!! Apareçam!!!!! 5904316335 suzmeasure 11/20/2009 5:46 PM @volkanpehlivan yani kabul mü edelim, mana mı bulmayalım napalım:) ben sizi düşünüyorum:) 5904064907 kr01 11/20/2009 5:36 PM Afghan MP Escapes Assassination Attempt in Kabul 5904061235 bh0927 11/20/2009 5:36 PM Afghan MP Escapes Assassination Attempt in Kabul 5904038896 PERSIA_MAX_NEWS 11/20/2009 5:35 PM Kabul asks Tehran for more investment - Payvand #iran #IranElection #Afghanistan (via @fahimn) 5904005258 fahimn 11/20/2009 5:34 PM Kabul asks Tehran for more investment - Payvand #iran #IranElection #Afghanistan 5903914217 englishchosun 11/20/2009 5:30 PM Afghan MP Escapes Assassination Attempt in Kabul 5903791885 iNewsStand 11/20/2009 5:25 PM Entertainment Images Photo from Getty Images - KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - NOVEMBER 20: Afghan actress Trena Amiri, 22, s... 5903559834 tnynewsdesk 11/20/2009 5:16 PM Close Read: Speaking Softly in Kabul: The Obama Administration has decided to speak very nicely to Hamid Karzai, t... 5903499637 space_doggy 11/20/2009 5:13 PM @space_doggy ve kabul edilmese de 'bana' 5903152632 zweitansage 11/20/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 5902834038 denizimin 11/20/2009 4:46 PM @mserdark Ben de ılk ızledığımde bı garıpsemıştım..bunyem kabul etmedı bı turlu yakıştıramadım abımıze:-) 5902752324 gscimbomcom 11/20/2009 4:43 PM Çinlilerin hayvanlara yaptığı bu zulüm kabul edilemez!: *Rezilliğe giden yol. ( 5902715403 cihan_sen 11/20/2009 4:41 PM "Adalet "gücü bağımsız olmayan bir milletin, devlet halinde varlığı kabul olunmaz. M.KEMAL ATATÜRK 5902602400 denizimin 11/20/2009 4:37 PM @cuneytozdemir Bence en ılgınç yerınden başlıyorsun ama kabul sorunu varmış oralarda.. 5902550457 rtsradio 11/20/2009 4:35 PM Afghan police are weak link in security force - KABUL (AP) -- Underpaid, under-equipped and under-trained, Afgh... 5902531885 tnyCloseRead 11/20/2009 4:34 PM Close Read: Speaking Softly in Kabul: The Obama Administration has decided to speak very nicely to Hamid Karzai.. 5902397745 rachelejlee 11/20/2009 4:29 PM Bat For Lashes [Snap Judgment]: [Kabul, November 20. Image via Getty] KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - NOVEMBER 20: Afghan actr... 5902382190 fingertipnews 11/20/2009 4:28 PM AP Intl: Afghan police are weak link in security force - KABUL (AP) -- Underpaid, under-equipped and under-trai... 5902222259 hurriyetavrupa 11/20/2009 4:21 PM son dakika - Yüzyılın deneyi: CENEVRE (A.A) - 20.11.2009 - Yüzyılın en büyük deneyi olarak kabul ed.. 5902220943 hurriyetavrupa 11/20/2009 4:21 PM Yüzyılın deneyi: CENEVRE (A.A) - 20.11.2009 - Yüzyılın en büyük deneyi olarak kabul edilen, Büyük Patlama ortam.. 5902179474 EANewsFeed 11/20/2009 4:20 PM #Afghanistan Video: Sec State Hillary #Clinton Speech in Kabul (19 November) #tcot #p2 #obama #politics 5902072568 yumylisa 11/20/2009 4:15 PM @mertoporaski sanırım kızları kabul etmemişler :)) bizden lider olamayacağını düşündülerse :)) 5902003401 barbaralanger 11/20/2009 4:13 PM Cuando vuelve Kabul FM al aire, quedo un agujero negro en la radio..y yo no tengo q escuchar mientras hago las pizzas!! buaa 5901966917 pestenkeranizev 11/20/2009 4:11 PM @mertoporaski vay! beni kabul etmediler:D ben olamıcam lider kahretsin! 5901855147 soni_the_ciki 11/20/2009 4:06 PM her bisey yazılır mı ki buraya .. nası bi sapıklık lan bu twit. kabul ediyorum sırf buraya yazdığım için bile psiko olabilirim .. 5901679294 zweitansage 11/20/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 5901474866 colincookman 11/20/2009 3:51 PM @SteveHynd @Transitionland Osmani has a staff of 50; Ahmadi told us used to take 51 signatures just to get a driver's license at Kabul DMV. 5901248132 MirrorMag 11/20/2009 3:41 PM Afghan police are weak link in security force: KABUL (AP) -- Underpaid, under-equipped and under-trained, Afgha.. 5901224745 foolandbeer 11/20/2009 3:40 PM bn sna çekirdek ayıklayayım sen de bana kıyama yeme,az ısrar edim kabul etme,sora ben hepsini atayım azıma hunharca. hunharca ne dmk bilmiom 5901192531 suleuk 11/20/2009 3:39 PM "Böcek olmayı kabul edenler, ayaklar altında kalıp ezilmekten yakınmamalıdır." ~Immanuel Kant 5901178605 birtanem 11/20/2009 3:38 PM CNNT: Yüzyılın deneyinde çarpıştırıcı çalıştırıldı: Yüzyılın en büyük deneyi olarak kabul edile... 5901165096 rtsradio 11/20/2009 3:38 PM Afghan police are weak link in security force - KABUL (AP) -- Underpaid, under-equipped and under-trained, Afgh... 5900992391 fingertipnews 11/20/2009 3:31 PM AP Intl: Afghan police are weak link in security force - KABUL (AP) -- Underpaid, under-equipped and under-trai... 5900968903 casiloo 11/20/2009 3:30 PM gerçi senin duan için de söylenebilir bu :) neyse ikinizinki de kabul olmazsa sorun kalmıyo zaten normale... re: 5900757594 casiloo 11/20/2009 3:21 PM köpeğin dusaı kabul olsaydı gökten kemik yağardı :))) re: 5900683306 Denisyoshio 11/20/2009 3:18 PM Kabul ontem e Cine/Fifities hoje FINISSSSSIMOS. to MORTO, vo dormir... dps eu volto Bjos 5900300494 eliselabottcnn 11/20/2009 3:02 PM CNN: Clinton hot on pomegranate juice from Kabul 5900236402 zweitansage 11/20/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 5900142010 newstarsoccer 11/20/2009 2:56 PM Tshica [16yo 26% Hekim Sanayi] Transferred to Hekim Sanayi Kabul. #fb 5900064847 GulcanKESTANE 11/20/2009 2:52 PM Hanımın Çiftliği'ndeki Güllü karakterini güya önce Gizem Soysaldı'ya teklif etmişler,kabul etmemiş!!!Hiç inandırıcı bulmadım. 5900019466 USTalib 11/20/2009 2:51 PM Afghan MP Escapes Assassination Attempt in Kabul - Voice of America 5899901763 DMiliband 11/20/2009 2:46 PM Landed dubai from kabul. Tale of two cities. 5899648972 sebnembasaran 11/20/2009 2:35 PM Check this video out -- Dima Bilan-The only one İnsansa ben hayvan olmayı kabul ediyorum =( 5899605601 jmhsieh 11/20/2009 2:33 PM I just became the mayor of Kabul Afghan Cuisine - Burlingame on @foursquare! 5899578016 ARTatJONMOSS 11/20/2009 2:32 PM Kabul city power has done for yet another external hard drive. Just bought my third in 3 months! grr! 5899529588 fingertipnews 11/20/2009 2:30 PM AP Intl: Afghan police are weak link in security force - KABUL (AP) -- Underpaid, under-equipped and under-trai... 5899498770 umitalan 11/20/2009 2:29 PM @suleymanarioglu Köşkte kabul, AKP'den milletvekili adaylığı falan çok çiğ hareketler, ama 1 mayıs'taki eylem şıktı, hakkını verdim. 5899484289 gardefjord 11/20/2009 2:28 PM I Kabul är man mycket nogrann med att photoshop sina militärer 5899476861 hussypussy 11/20/2009 2:28 PM rt @UliBeudgen RT @iran_news: Kabul asks Tehran for more investment #iran #iranElection ABSURDISTAN!! 5899398073 GroovyHouse 11/20/2009 2:25 PM ama kabul etmeliyim ki new moon harikaydı. 5899379234 merayse 11/20/2009 2:24 PM kabul ediyorum heyecanlıyım :) 5899176984 giannianchois 11/20/2009 2:16 PM Golf with an attitude - CNN report from Kabul Golf Club 5899169436 onurmertt 11/20/2009 2:15 PM yıgıt sardanın ıstıfası kabul edılmıs ..... alah sızı bıldıgı gıbı yapsın ali türsan, mert uyguç, okan çevik !!!!!!!!!!!! 5898785406 zweitansage 11/20/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 5898583621 swatcrisis 11/20/2009 1:51 PM #swat Hillary Clinton's cosy crackdown on Kabul corruption - 5898581985 CenterdinSEA 11/20/2009 1:51 PM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $3 with promo code: GIVE #seattle 5898331044 PERSIA_MAX_NEWS 11/20/2009 1:40 PM Mehr News - 'Tehran-Kabul friendship can be source of regional peace' #iranelection #iran (via @iran_letter) 5898330745 PERSIA_MAX_NEWS 11/20/2009 1:40 PM MehrNews - Kabul asks Tehran for more investment #iranelection #iran (via @iran_letter) 5898304672 laprensa 11/20/2009 1:39 PM Kamikaze mata a 16 en Afganistán: Por Kathy Gannon KABUL/AP Un atacante suicida a bordo de una motocicleta dejó h... 5898302634 iran_letter 11/20/2009 1:39 PM Mehr News - 'Tehran-Kabul friendship can be source of regional peace' #iranelection #iran 5898293484 _swimsuits_ 11/20/2009 1:39 PM General Paikan Zamaray told reporters after visiting some of the wounded at a medical facility in a NATO military base at Kabul airport. 5898288850 iran_letter 11/20/2009 1:39 PM MehrNews - Kabul asks Tehran for more investment #iranelection #iran 5898256257 CJTF82 11/20/2009 1:37 PM RT @ISAFmedia: Raw Video: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Speaking in Kabul 5898200778 fingertipnews2 11/20/2009 1:35 PM AP Intl: Afghan police are weak link in security force: KABUL (AP) -- Underpaid, under-equipped and und.. 5898113489 Theodore_May 11/20/2009 1:31 PM Taking off in the morning for Cairo, a city that is apparently more dangerous than Kabul these days. Thank you, Algeria. 5897958292 i_m_gursoy 11/20/2009 1:25 PM Tamam ya kabul.Evet ilgisizim,hastayım,halsizim.Trip atacak adam arıyorum :) olur öyle aramızda atışmalar twitter ;) :* odaya gel.. ;) 5897958375 _gay_boys_ 11/20/2009 1:25 PM General Paikan Zamaray told reporters after visiting some of the wounded at a medical facility in a NATO military base at Kabul airport. 5897810140 nkralev 11/20/2009 1:19 PM Live on C-SPAN from Kabul 5897604088 iran_news 11/20/2009 1:10 PM Kabul asks Tehran for more investment #iran #iranElection 5897397785 same_tme 11/20/2009 1:02 PM RT @SusanClizbe: Corps of Engineers helps get Kabul International Airport up and running #USACE #Afghanistan 5897336328 zweitansage 11/20/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 5897157659 madameethemad 11/20/2009 12:52 PM "marla" olmayı seçiyorum... evet. Roxanne ,Candy, Mathilda... bunlarda benim tyler durden'larım. evet. kabul ediyorum. ne olmuş yani? 5897117751 TelegraphWorld 11/20/2009 12:51 PM Blog: Hillary Clinton's cosy crackdown on Kabul corruption 5896955627 SusanClizbe 11/20/2009 12:44 PM Corps of Engineers helps get Kabul International Airport up and running #USACE #Afghanistan 5896907833 Tcherina 11/20/2009 12:42 PM Hep inkar ettim ama bugün alışveriş bağımlısı olduğumu kabul ettim. Sitenin marketinden birşey almaya giderken bile eteklerim zil çalıyor. 5896870977 Artofthurism 11/20/2009 12:40 PM @pria_itu_adikku ijab kabul aku sih udah bisa... bakat dari lahir... tapi masa gaun kita nanti kembar?? 5896812265 fingertipnews 11/20/2009 12:38 PM AP Intl: Afghan police are weak link in security force - KABUL (AP) -- Underpaid, under-equipped and under-trai... 5896783754 pria_itu_adikku 11/20/2009 12:37 PM gpp tur tenang nanti ek bimbing pas ijab kabul RT@Artofthurism 5896737451 nadine1900 11/20/2009 12:35 PM Afghanistan Video: Hillary Clinton in Kabul (19 November ... 5896662695 sitenizorg 11/20/2009 12:32 PM Yiğit Şardan'ın İstifası Kabul Edildi: Dün Yiğit Şardan Galatasaray Spor Klübü Başkan Yardımcılığı ve Yönetim K.. 5896627625 redesocialesweb 11/20/2009 12:30 PM #bitacoras Kabul, paraíso del `Photoshop´ 5896539465 elifibul 11/20/2009 12:27 PM telefon taziyesinden sikildim ama kabul beyan eden bendiM sucluyum hakim bey 5896176149 barralicious 11/20/2009 12:12 PM Afghan police are weak link in security force: KABUL (AP) -- Underpaid, under-equipped and under-trained, Afgha.. 5896134841 ivanlasso 11/20/2009 12:10 PM Kabul, paraíso del `Photoshop´: Hace poco más de un año TecOb se dejó caer por Kabul, virtualmente hablando por.. 5895862046 zweitansage 11/20/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 5895663056 pakbot 11/20/2009 11:52 AM Interesting discussion about Afghanistan and Pakistan last night. Jackie is off to Kabul tomorrow mor.. #PakPoint 5895576440 bcotier 11/20/2009 11:48 AM Interesting discussion about Afghanistan and Pakistan last night. Jackie is off to Kabul tomorrow morning Her pod casts 5895453605 joe_mcdonald 11/20/2009 11:43 AM Confusion in Kabul over the latest technology -- a traffic light! 5895152481 yoniPacheko 11/20/2009 11:31 AM RT @janchip: Popular male photoshopped portraits, Kabul: (friday pics) 5895146720 wwwsabahcomtr 11/20/2009 11:31 AM İstifayı üzülerek kabul ettik --> 5894955608 Mbale 11/20/2009 11:24 AM Will Clinton's gamble on Karzai pay off ? US ..Secretary used her visit to Kabul to appeal to Hamid Karzai to seize the opportunity . 5894923390 TelegraphBlogs 11/20/2009 11:22 AM Hillary Clinton’s cosy crackdown on Kabul corruption 5894753080 Iran1st 11/20/2009 11:16 AM RT @AtlSafa: RT @iran_news: Kabul asks Tehran for more investment #iran #iranElection 5894706623 AtlSafa 11/20/2009 11:14 AM RT @iran_news: Kabul asks Tehran for more investment #iran #iranElection 5894690972 derjanosch 11/20/2009 11:13 AM Nine year old shot in the middle of DC? 32 murders per 100'000 residents? Wish I was in safe Kabul right now... 5894674714 freedom4USA 11/20/2009 11:13 AM US:#tcot #news Police Say Afghan Lawmaker Survives Bombing: Filed at 7:44 a.m. ET KABUL (AP) -- A.. 5894658451 tehranweekly 11/20/2009 11:12 AM RT @iran_news: Kabul asks Tehran for more investment #iran #iranElection 5894612988 iran_news 11/20/2009 11:10 AM Kabul asks Tehran for more investment #iran #iranElection 5894583235 fuzzy_person 11/20/2009 11:09 AM Asus 2 ay kastırdıktan sonra durup dururken bozulan laptop ı üst modeliyle değiştirmeyi kabul etti en sonunda 5894580440 sundaridelune 11/20/2009 11:09 AM @ayutresnasih mencegah yang ga2 mah langsung aja ijab kabul, ahahaa . itu sangat berbahaya tau ga? enak aja maen dadakan, ga ngerti deh aku! 5894451818 TheCable_FP 11/20/2009 11:04 AM Briefing Skipper: Kabul, IAEA, Bosworth, Cuba, Honduras 5894390975 hibakusha 11/20/2009 11:02 AM Kabul, el paraíso del Photoshop: #WTF 5894357458 TantaoNews 11/20/2009 11:01 AM World news summary at 1530 GMT, Nov. 20: KABUL -- Afghan parliament member Abdul Rasoul Sayaf on Friday escaped.. 5894321710 zweitansage 11/20/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 5893967968 RT_me_music 11/20/2009 10:46 AM RT: The Latest Upload / 20 November 2009 / Hugh Sykes, a visitor to Kabul, t.. #music 5893946150 BBCFooC 11/20/2009 10:46 AM Hugh Sykes, a visitor to Kabul, takes to the streets of the Afghan capital. 5893876806 web_aslan 11/20/2009 10:43 AM İstifası kabul edildi: Galatasaray Kulübü, Cemal Nalga skandalının ardından istifa eden Yönetim Kurulu üyesi ve.. 5893850960 afivenson 11/20/2009 10:42 AM ForeignAffairs Mag: Mark Moyer says the only way to gain legitimacy for Karzai's gov't in Kabul is more US troops: 5893808625 NedSnyder 11/20/2009 10:40 AM Kabul Street Phone Charging Norms 5893706784 WHBCNEWS 11/20/2009 10:37 AM World News: 2 Bombs killed 20 people in Afghanistan today. In Farah City, a suicide bomber killed 17 and wounded 29. Near Kabul 5 more died 5893667474 AZCactus 11/20/2009 10:35 AM Stupid Campaign Slogans for 2012 - I wouldn't want to go over to Kabul. I'm perfectly happy with my DirectTV. 5893338618 cheapticketsde 11/20/2009 10:23 AM #Safi Airways hat ein neues Flugzeug übernommen und baut so die Sitzkapazität für den Nonstop-Flug #Frankfurt – #Kabul / #Afghanistan aus. 5893100602 AAMRadioTV 11/20/2009 10:14 AM "Can the United States provide what Kabul needs?" from @ForeignAffairs_ 5892951108 tinywindow 11/20/2009 10:09 AM @sombutnotal yes - they moved to Kabul for the might enjoy my mothers blog here: 5892703337 zweitansage 11/20/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 5892574913 alpoma 11/20/2009 9:55 AM [TecOb] Kabul, paraíso del `Photoshop´: 5892250289 fingertipnews2 11/20/2009 9:42 AM UPI-Top News: Minister: War against Taliban winnable: KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 20 (UPI) -- The war.. 5892244740 fingertipnews2 11/20/2009 9:42 AM UPI-Top News: Suicide bombing kills 13 in Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 20 (UPI) -- A suic.. 5892133327 albertsson 11/20/2009 9:38 AM @prpapi305 armored land cruiser Kabul style. 5891915141 de_volkskrant 11/20/2009 9:30 AM [15:47] Doden door aanslagen in Afghanistan: KABUL - Door verscheidene aanslagen in Afghanistan zijn vrijdag ... 5891853252 HTGazete 11/20/2009 9:28 AM Şardan'ın istifası kabul edildi!: Galatasaray Başkan Yardımıcı Yiğit Şardan'ın istifası kabul edildi. 5891791544 televideorai 11/20/2009 9:25 AM [dal mondo] ATTENTATI AFGHANISTAN STRAGI A FARAH E KABUL view.jsp?id=659871&p=150 5891786156 akifozkaya 11/20/2009 9:25 AM Şardan'ın istifası kabul edildi!: Galatasaray Başkan Yardımıcı Yiğit Şardan'ın istifası kabul edildi. 5891585099 ericcheah 11/20/2009 9:17 AM Five guards killed in attack on former Afghan warlord: KABUL: A controversial former Afghan warlord who is now .. 5891427146 BNR_Nieuwsradio 11/20/2009 9:11 AM Doden door aanslagen in Afghanistan: KABUL (ANP) - Door verscheidene aanslagen in Afghanistan zijn vrijdag in totaa... 5891362740 OnurT 11/20/2009 9:09 AM +Ek Haber: @sertaberener ben dahil (pek sıkı olmasa da) bir çok hayranı'nın teklifini aylar sonra nihayet kabul etti! 5891110998 zweitansage 11/20/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 5891110440 SingaporeClub 11/20/2009 9:00 AM ChannelNewsAsia - Five guards killed in attack on former Afghan warlord: KABUL: A controversia.. 5890948106 diaryoftimhong 11/20/2009 8:53 AM Five guards killed in attack on former Afghan warlord: KABUL: A controversial former Afghan warlord who is now .. 5890582849 muratvanli 11/20/2009 8:39 AM @fraudoll hahah. ben yemekte içmekte değilim efenm. zatalinizle bi gece geçirirsem kalbim dayanır mı ondan endişeliyim:) yoksa kabul valla:) 5890520062 ibotwit 11/20/2009 8:36 AM @can61 senin sayfanda görünen paylaşım following seni kabul eden followers de sana teklif edenler. 5890463091 donaldww 11/20/2009 8:34 AM RT @JuliaRosien: Having breakfast with the Ambassador of Afghanistan and learning about the living conditions in Kabul. We take so much ... 5890453621 JuliaRosien 11/20/2009 8:34 AM Having breakfast with the Ambassador of Afghanistan and learning about the living conditions in Kabul. We take so much granted in Canada! 5890303244 fingertipnews 11/20/2009 8:28 AM AP Intl: Suicide bomber kills 16 in western Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber killed 16 people and w... 5890301452 agenciaclipping 11/20/2009 8:28 AM Karzai juramentóen Kabul: 5890223511 serhatayan 11/20/2009 8:26 AM UNICEF 20 yıl önce kabul edilen Çocuk Hakları Sözleşmesi'ni onaylamayan iki ülkeden biri olan Somali'nin, bu küresel... 5890222793 sowtwits 11/20/2009 8:26 AM Hardship portrayed through brilliant images. Powerful! 5889832046 andrjo2 11/20/2009 8:12 AM Popular Male Photoshopped Portraiture, Kabul 5889707251 Xeus 11/20/2009 8:07 AM RT @janchip: Popular male photoshopped portraits, Kabul: (friday pics) 5889639631 janchip 11/20/2009 8:04 AM Popular male photoshopped portraits, Kabul: (friday pics) 5889626380 erzurumnamaz 11/20/2009 8:04 AM 16:04 - Erzurum için akşam vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5889584174 EANewsFeed 11/20/2009 8:02 AM #Afghanistan Video: Sec State Hillary #Clinton Speech in Kabul (19 November) #tcot #p2 #obama #politics 5889527485 zweitansage 11/20/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 5889322997 sebnemdc 11/20/2009 7:51 AM @damlagurel Anadolu Alevileri ise ayrı bir ırk olduklarını kabul etmezler.Öymen olayını bu tarafına kaydırmaya çalışanlar samimi değiller... 5889276678 tugrultulek 11/20/2009 7:49 AM @serkanaltunorak allah kabul etsin cnm...:)) 5888981442 rumoverijse 11/20/2009 7:36 AM Just returned from watching Kabul kids kite running nice to see smiling faces. 5888743329 fingertipnews 11/20/2009 7:25 AM UPI-Top News: Suicide bombing kills 13 in Afghanistan - KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 20 (UPI) -- A suicide bomber kill... 5888735828 newstarsoccer 11/20/2009 7:25 AM Robinho² [21yo 26% Hekim Sanayi] Transferred to Hekim Sanayi Kabul. #fb 5888279175 TVGidsNLupdate 11/20/2009 7:03 AM EénVandaag: Met Verhagen naar Kabul 5888244589 badjerry 11/20/2009 7:02 AM RT @W7VOA: Reports of assassination attempt on ex-warlord turned MP near Kabul. Police say 5 bodyguards dead. #Afghanistan 5888189450 zweitansage 11/20/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 5888164646 NEVER_LANDER 11/20/2009 6:58 AM @eligatu filmin adı super oldu. Oynuyorum. Kabul :) 5888137414 W7VOA 11/20/2009 6:57 AM Reports of assassination attempt on ex-warlord turned MP near Kabul. Police say 5 bodyguards dead. #Afghanistan 5888136666 habercimurat 11/20/2009 6:57 AM ne Türkçeyi ne deFarsça'yı adam gibi bildiklerini düşündüğümsakallı tercümanlar yanlış tercüme etmiştir, nejat bu öneriyi kabul etmemiştir:) 5888077909 suniljmistry 11/20/2009 6:54 AM #News 13 killed in Afghan suicide bomb attack: Kabul, Nov.20 (ANI): At least 13 people were killed in a su.. 5888062987 EricSutphin 11/20/2009 6:53 AM Great day off today in Kabul watching kite fighting and kite runners. Even got to fly a kite for a while. Good stuff. 5887913463 cronaca24 11/20/2009 6:46 AM Afghanistan Karzai riceve Miliband e Kouchner a Kabul 5887893784 tonyginamontana 11/20/2009 6:45 AM @ebru_abby yok tuttum kendimi.zaten bulutlarda vekaleti kabul etmedi 5887891892 TheInfoSage 11/20/2009 6:44 AM News Updates: 13 killed in Afghan suicide bomb attack: Kabul, Nov.20 (ANI): At least 13 people wer.. 5887798133 izmirnamaz 11/20/2009 6:40 AM 14:40 - İzmir için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5887770708 Upfront_News 11/20/2009 6:38 AM JUST IN - Afghan police say a parliamentarian has narrowly escaped an assassination attempt near Kabul. 5887764165 barandoluyurt 11/20/2009 6:38 AM Herkes kabul etsin Acun orjinal ve uretken bı adam değil sadece format satın alıp uyarliyo evlilik programları bile daha yaratıcı bence 5887722893 inewsroom 11/20/2009 6:36 AM Afghan police say a parliamentarian has narrowly escaped an assassination attempt near Kabul. [AP #news] 5887689711 aiseseima 11/20/2009 6:34 AM takezo kensei'yi bu güne kadar neil patrick harris zannediyordum. tamam kabul edıyorum. yüz hafızası bu kdr... [pic] 5887635704 preethaprasad 11/20/2009 6:31 AM Suicide bomber kills 16 in Afghanistan: KABUL – A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 16 people, includin.. 5887620774 canerapaydin 11/20/2009 6:30 AM @Gudik Aldım kabül ettim (: 5887607373 halojenmadde 11/20/2009 6:30 AM ve 15 yıllık koca hayatımda ilk defa 'allah kabul etsin' dedim. gerçekten çok heyecanlandım ve düzgün olarak söyliyemedim. 5887571295 bursanamaz 11/20/2009 6:28 AM 14:28 - Bursa için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5887534590 istanbulnamaz 11/20/2009 6:25 AM 14:26 - İstanbul için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5887527549 salivates 11/20/2009 6:25 AM Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 16 people, incl.. 5887478920 kocaelinamaz 11/20/2009 6:23 AM 14:23 - Kocaeli için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5887453547 AJHajir 11/20/2009 6:21 AM Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 16 people, includin... 5887407504 findmeabout 11/20/2009 6:19 AM About police, people, afghan suicide bomber kills, killed, afghanistan suicide: KABUL — NATO says two US se.. 5887323508 Mwolda 11/20/2009 6:14 AM RT @EANewsFeed: #Afghanistan Video: Sec State Hillary #Clinton Speech in Kabul (19 November) #tcot #p2 #obama #politics 5887315459 ankaranamaz 11/20/2009 6:14 AM 14:14 - Ankara için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5887173786 kayserinamaz 11/20/2009 6:06 AM 14:06 - Kayseri için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5887140374 sharadsingh07 11/20/2009 6:04 AM @madhumita yeah very exiting in Kabul all sands:P 5887105997 ntv 11/20/2009 6:02 AM Cem Garipoğlu iddianamesi kabul edildi 5887063850 zweitansage 11/20/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 5887035027 newsfeeding 11/20/2009 5:58 AM Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 16 people, incl.. 5887005575 gopalrajguru 11/20/2009 5:56 AM Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 16 people, incl.. 5886999481 samsunnamaz 11/20/2009 5:55 AM 13:56 - Samsun için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5886994319 Grass_Cutting 11/20/2009 5:55 AM Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 16 people, incl.. 5886990400 winning_team 11/20/2009 5:55 AM Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 16 people, incl.. 5886843714 UticaDailyNews 11/20/2009 5:46 AM Clinton, Karzai have good rapport: KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 20 (UPI) -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's r... 5886745481 erzurumnamaz 11/20/2009 5:40 AM 13:40 - Erzurum için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5886567604 allforyou4 11/20/2009 5:28 AM Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13 - KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 13 people, includi... 5886563551 hyperata 11/20/2009 5:28 AM Bunu kabul edip öyle yaşamaya karar verdi... 5886546867 JimboGunn 11/20/2009 5:26 AM @mcevoy It looks worse than bloody Kabul 5886544286 NYTimesOnline 11/20/2009 5:26 AM Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13 - KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 13 people, includi... 5886521733 iDoc_Feed 11/20/2009 5:25 AM Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13 - KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 13 people, includi... 5886501472 fingertipnews 11/20/2009 5:24 AM AP Intl: Suicide bomber kills 16 in western Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle ki... 5886478211 BarrieAinsworth 11/20/2009 5:22 AM Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13 - KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 13 people, includi... 5886320661 ensonhaber 11/20/2009 5:11 AM Cem hakkındaki iddianame kabul edildi: Cem G. hakkındaki iddianame kabul edildi…Kaynak 5886267683 thynews 11/20/2009 5:08 AM Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13 : KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle .. - 5886230169 RBLKentCounty 11/20/2009 5:05 AM RT @ISAFmedia: Raw Video: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Speaking in Kabul 5886200776 SafiyeGolbasi 11/20/2009 5:03 AM @lubeayar Gerçeklik hem altüst eder insanı hem tersyüz.Bir defa yüzleşmeyle de bitmez onun işi.Tekrar tekrar kabul etmeni bekler kendisini.. 5886149429 jessicaavena 11/20/2009 5:00 AM Karzai details goals for term: By Joshua Partlow KABUL, Afghanistan - President Hamid Karzai set two ambitious .. 5886144576 haberbiz 11/20/2009 5:00 AM Yeni haber, Mahmur'lulara kabul yeri!.. - 5886139639 zweitansage 11/20/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 5886122575 SLNewsFlash 11/20/2009 4:58 AM Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 13 people, incl.. 5886052039 Claudia_Vallejo 11/20/2009 4:54 AM Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 1.. #hacerfortuna 5886005283 androverdose 11/20/2009 4:50 AM "alo telefonun mms kabul ediyo mu? bi espri yapcam da, kabul etmiyosa yapmıyım boşuna" - @eliferen Hayatımda hiç böyle espri yapılmamıştım. 5885946063 ensiz_news 11/20/2009 4:46 AM Mueren 13 personas por atentado suicida en Afganistán : Kabul.- Diez civiles y tres policías murieron hoy en un.. 5885927349 UticaDailyNews 11/20/2009 4:45 AM Clinton, Karzai have good rapport: KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 20 (UPI) -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.. 5885826129 wwwsabahcomtr 11/20/2009 4:37 AM İddianame kabul edildi --> 5885752288 NewsTitan 11/20/2009 4:32 AM [NYTIMES] Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a moto.. [NYTIMES] 5885746712 _breasts_ 11/20/2009 4:31 AM The capital Kabul against Taliban attacks expected to coincide with the inauguration of President Hamid Karzai, scheduled for Thursday. 5885648074 NewsMashup 11/20/2009 4:24 AM NYT: Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 13 peo.. 5885639974 Fhonsekha 11/20/2009 4:23 AM World | Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a .. | Read More Here! 5885596101 Seanotd 11/20/2009 4:20 AM RT @usfora: Raw Video: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Speaking in Kabul 5885588127 ChhotuPI 11/20/2009 4:20 AM @madhumita do tell us all..when u take that decision abt Kabul Job..ur offered Salary has startled me..!! 5885581580 tweetermagic 11/20/2009 4:19 AM Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 13 people, incl.. 5885578856 StevieKirkwood 11/20/2009 4:19 AM Back in Kabul, what a bummer! 5885551594 vinodagarwal 11/20/2009 4:17 AM @madhumita Consider the kabul offer as SCAM, I also got that. 5885520627 CONTRACOMA 11/20/2009 4:15 AM Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 13 people, incl.. 5885517199 Jiaping 11/20/2009 4:14 AM Op EenVandaag: Met Verhagen naar Kabul 5885512780 AJHajir 11/20/2009 4:14 AM Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 13 people, incl.. 5885495167 DioneSants 11/20/2009 4:13 AM Afghan Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed 13 people, incl.. 5885465443 hackernewbie 11/20/2009 4:10 AM @madhumita Job Offer in Kabul??Interested?? Wt Profile?? 5885455224 ChhotuPI 11/20/2009 4:10 AM @madhumita hehe..what will u do..accepting in Kabul? 5885454231 reallybuffalo 11/20/2009 4:09 AM Rt @usembassylondon counter-terrorism press conference with secretary Clinton from Kabul #news #afpak #politics 5885453312 butterchick 11/20/2009 4:09 AM @madhumita Kabul? #awesome! 5885441772 ChhotuPI 11/20/2009 4:08 AM RT @madhumita: I got a job offer in Kabul! 5885433535 shawnlewis 11/20/2009 4:08 AM Can i join you? RT @madhumita: I got a job offer in Kabul! 5885426461 madhumita 11/20/2009 4:07 AM I got a job offer in Kabul! 5885378378 izmirnamaz 11/20/2009 4:04 AM 12:04 - İzmir için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5885337010 gpspakistan 11/20/2009 4:00 AM Zardari's visit to Kabul to strengthen Pak-Afghan relations: Ambassador - Associated Press of Pakistan: Globe a.. 5885322324 zweitansage 11/20/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 5885280503 BasakSayan 11/20/2009 3:56 AM @komedyen Valla söz , bu sefer telefonlarımı evde bırakıp gelicem : )) Kabul et ama eğlenceliydi aynı zamanda : ) 5885273402 bursanamaz 11/20/2009 3:56 AM 11:56 - Bursa için öğle vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5885166933 Ceynnep 11/20/2009 3:47 AM haftanın 5 günü yani iş günleri hafta sonu olsun, haftanın hafta sonları iş günü olsun diyorum..kabul edenler??????????? 5885165410 WANews0verviews 11/20/2009 3:47 AM SayWA! Karzai sworn in for second term – Fri, 20 Nov 2009 PST: KABUL - The United States is develop.. 5885148758 haber_aktuel 11/20/2009 3:46 AM Atalay, Tunceli'yi 'Dersim' kabul etmiyor 5885135254 pakbot 11/20/2009 3:45 AM Home News National Zardari's visit to Kabul to strengthen Pak-Afghan relations ... - Associated Press.. #PakPoint 5885134743 pakbot 11/20/2009 3:45 AM Zardari's visit to Kabul to strengthen Pak-Afghan relations: Ambassador - Associated Press of Pakista.. #PakPoint 5885122469 FELDart 11/20/2009 3:44 AM RT @EANewsFeed: Latest on EA: #Afghanistan Video: Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton in Kabul (19 November) 5885118832 dav1son 11/20/2009 3:43 AM Home News National Zardari's visit to Kabul to strengthen Pak-Afghan relations ... - Associated Press of Pakistan 5885118375 dav1son 11/20/2009 3:43 AM Zardari's visit to Kabul to strengthen Pak-Afghan relations: Ambassador - Associated Press of Pakistan 5885115924 RuletaOnline 11/20/2009 3:43 AM Trece muertos en un atentado suicida en Afganistán: KABUL (Reuters) - La cifra de muertos a causa del ataque de.. 5885114046 guftago 11/20/2009 3:43 AM Zardari's visit to Kabul to strengthen Pak-Afghan relations: Ambassador - Associated Press of Pakistan #Pakistan 5885109229 konyanamaz 11/20/2009 3:43 AM 11:43 - Konya için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5885083478 ankaranamaz 11/20/2009 3:41 AM 11:41 - Ankara için öğle vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5885057678 dave13100 11/20/2009 3:39 AM Suicide Bomber on Motorcycle Kills 13 in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed.. 5885050893 BlockJams 11/20/2009 3:38 AM RT @blocktopics: Clinton in Kabul for inauguration ... 5885047149 blocktopics 11/20/2009 3:38 AM Clinton in Kabul for inauguration 5885006442 LiamMooney 11/20/2009 3:35 AM If you don't already read Frank Rich's Sunday morning essay in the New York Times then start. From Killeen to Kabul - 5884952277 adananamaz 11/20/2009 3:31 AM 11:31 - Adana için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5884938088 eenvandaag 11/20/2009 3:30 AM Met Verhagen naar Kabul: 5884885266 gmta 11/20/2009 3:25 AM RT @MaximeVerhagen In 27 uur uit en thuis naar Kabul, morgenochtend weer ministerraad. < Respect! 5884840024 buzzingnews 11/20/2009 3:22 AM 13 killed in Afghan suicide bombing - Kabul, Nov 20 (IANS) Thirteen people were killed and 47 wounded Friday in a s... 5884748180 bombiksmori 11/20/2009 3:15 AM hem zilhicce ayının 3.günü, hem Zekeriyya a.s'ın duasının kabul edildiği gün, hem de cuma vakti. haydi duaya... hayırlı cumalar... 5884705826 unreconcilable 11/20/2009 3:12 AM sala okunuyor.. cumaniz mubarek olsun. dua edin ezana kadar, duaniz kabul olsun, bayraminiz mubarek olsun 5884690381 EANewsFeed 11/20/2009 3:11 AM #Afghanistan Video: Sec State Hillary #Clinton Speech in Kabul (19 November) #tcot #p2 #obama #politics 5884661093 EANewsFeed 11/20/2009 3:08 AM Latest on EA: Afghanistan Video: Hillary Clinton in Kabul (19 November) 5884539750 zweitansage 11/20/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 5884522321 GCMCOnline 11/20/2009 2:58 AM RT @usembassylondon Counterterrorism: Press Conference with Secretary #Clinton at U.S. Embassy Kabul 5884469909 You2Gov 11/20/2009 2:54 AM RT @usembassylondon: Counterterrorism: Press Conference with Secretary #Clinton at U.S. Embassy Kabul #fb #hillarytravel 5884444852 usembassylondon 11/20/2009 2:52 AM Counterterrorism: Press Conference with Secretary #Clinton at U.S. Embassy Kabul #fb #hillarytravel 5884339721 DMMtravel 11/20/2009 2:44 AM Safi Airways weitet Kapazität ab Frankfurt aus : Fünf Monate nach dem Erstflug von Frankfurt nach Kabul setzt S.. 5884287035 addamiattualita 11/20/2009 2:40 AM Afghanistan: kamikaze al mercato di farah, 13 morti: Kabul, 20 nov. (Adnkronos) – Un attentatore suicida .. 5884195195 elamuchlis 11/20/2009 2:33 AM Yoi Da... Sahabat gw ijab kabul... RT @HeldieManis: @elamuchlis :pulcep ya laaa 5884143369 yixuan_s 11/20/2009 2:29 AM Interest(CurNews): Afghanistan's Karzai under pressure to deliver on promises: KABUL: Afghan President Hamid Karzai... 5884069617 NewsBlogged 11/20/2009 2:24 AM AlertNet: Death toll from Afghan suicide blast rises to 13 - Source: Reuters KABUL, Nov 20 (Reuters) - The death to... 5884058045 consuelfke6 11/20/2009 2:23 AM More Than 1500 Stolen Afghan Artifacts Return to Kabul 5884053487 ForexHoncho 11/20/2009 2:23 AM Steven Edwards: Despite pledges, Kabul to side with Iran on rights ... 5883994227 breakings 11/20/2009 2:19 AM Suicide Bomber on Motorcycle Strikes Western Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding.. via 5883976818 POTUFSS 11/20/2009 2:17 AM Clinton Emerges as Key Link to Afghan Leader|KABUL, Afghanistan -- It is far from clear that President Obama can .. 5883852577 casey0utcw 11/20/2009 2:08 AM EurasiaNet Environment - Kabul's Water Crisis 5883852003 herald_tribune 11/20/2009 2:08 AM Suicide Bomber on Motorcycle Strikes Western Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a motorcycle killed... 5883844628 googlenotizie 11/20/2009 2:07 AM Afghanistan: kamikaze al mercato di farah, 13 morti: Kabul, 20 nov. (Adnkronos) – Un attentatore suicida .. 5883830614 pihrafoundation 11/20/2009 2:06 AM Karzai Sworn In for Second Term as President|KABUL, Afghanistan -- Tainted by a flawed election and allegations .. 5883827218 notizieultime 11/20/2009 2:06 AM Afghanistan: kamikaze al mercato di farah, 13 morti: Kabul, 20 nov. (Adnkronos) – Un attentatore suicida .. 5883807954 0doreejuwx 11/20/2009 2:05 AM Sens. play good cop, bad cop in Kabul - David Rogers - 5883730396 blijfbij 11/20/2009 2:00 AM Ruim tien doden bij aanslag in West-Afghanistan: Kabul, 20 nov. Bij een zelfmoordaanslag in de zuidwestelijke plaats Far 5883728770 zweitansage 11/20/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 5883694276 notiziegiornale 11/20/2009 1:57 AM Afghanistan: kamikaze al mercato di farah, 13 morti: Kabul, 20 nov. (Adnkronos) – Un attentatore suicida .. 5883687709 notiziestampa 11/20/2009 1:56 AM Afghanistan: kamikaze al mercato di farah, 13 morti: Kabul, 20 nov. (Adnkronos) – Un attentatore suicida .. 5883677813 blognotizie 11/20/2009 1:56 AM Afghanistan: kamikaze al mercato di farah, 13 morti: Kabul, 20 nov. (Adnkronos) – Un attentatore suicida .. 5883674224 ogginotizie 11/20/2009 1:55 AM Afghanistan: kamikaze al mercato di farah, 13 morti: Kabul, 20 nov. (Adnkronos) – Un attentatore suicida .. 5883667626 nrc_nieuws 11/20/2009 1:55 AM Ruim tien doden bij aanslag in West-Afghanistan: Kabul, 20 nov. Bij een zelfmoordaanslag in de zuidwestelijke.. 5883658597 oda_mae 11/20/2009 1:54 AM @mrvdmrtrk Yani twitter da kamp kurmak sadece bana ozel diyorsun,tamam kabul :) 5883644923 Claudia_Vallejo 11/20/2009 1:53 AM Suicide Bomber on Motorcycle Strikes Western Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- A suicide bomber riding a.. #hacerfortuna 5883603264 Jembcotech 11/20/2009 1:50 AM Clinton Emerges as Key Link to Afghan Leader : KABUL, Afghanistan — It is far from clear that President O.. 5883599927 madeinafrika 11/20/2009 1:50 AM Clinton Emerges as Key Link to Afghan Leader : KABUL, Afghanistan — It is far from clear that President O.. 5883589314 BreakingReport 11/20/2009 1:49 AM Death toll from Afghan suicide blast rises to 13: KABUL (Reuters) - The death toll from an.. [Reuters World News] 5883583576 BreakingReport 11/20/2009 1:49 AM Death toll from Afghan suicide blast rises to 13: KABUL (Reuters) - The death toll from an.. [Reuters World News] 5883581638 birolguven 11/20/2009 1:49 AM Zaten Kürt böreğinin içinde bir eksik olduğu kamuoyu tarafından da kabul edilmiş olacak ki üzerine şeker koymaya karar vermişler. 5883571101 gasdieselprices 11/20/2009 1:48 AM AFGHANISTAN: Black & Veatch's White Elephant in Kabul : Global ... 5883479954 fingertipnews2 11/20/2009 1:41 AM UPI-Top News: Afghans react to Karzai inauguration: KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 20 (UPI) -- There was.. 5883472526 fingertipnews2 11/20/2009 1:41 AM Reuters Intl: Death toll from Afghan suicide blast rises to 13: KABUL (Reuters) - The death toll f.. 5883471727 fingertipnews2 11/20/2009 1:41 AM Reuters Intl: Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afg.. 5883442259 Martin_Neujahr 11/20/2009 1:39 AM RT @ISAFmedia: Raw Video: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Speaking in Kabul 5883416358 mickrover 11/20/2009 1:37 AM Afghanistan/ Attentato kamikaze a Farah, almeno 13 morti: Kabul, 20 nov. (Ap) - E’ di almeno 13 morti i.. 5883356493 GCMCOnline 11/20/2009 1:32 AM RT @ISAFmedia: Raw Video: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Speaking in Kabul 5883330062 USNewz 11/20/2009 1:31 AM 2 US service members killed in Afghan explosion KABUL -- NATO says two U.S. service members have been... #us #news 5883328930 avmavm 11/20/2009 1:31 AM National Post - Steven Edwards: Despite pledges, Kabul to side with Iran on rights vote at UN #iranelection 5883326513 Africabiz 11/20/2009 1:30 AM Clinton Emerges as Key Link to Afghan Leader : KABUL, Afghanistan — It is far from clear that President O.. 5883325859 KimBomin 11/20/2009 1:30 AM Death toll from Afghan suicide blast rises to 13: KABUL (Reuters) - The death toll from an attack by a suici... #Korea 5883313127 safe_waters 11/20/2009 1:30 AM #reutersIN Death toll from Afghan suicide blast rises to 13: KABUL (Reuters) - The death toll from an attack by a suicid 5883309292 reuterswire 11/20/2009 1:29 AM Death toll from Afghan suicide blast rises to 13: KABUL (Reuters) - The death toll from an attack by a suicide bomb... 5883278499 AndyFava 11/20/2009 1:27 AM Training from Kabul!!! Top Secret 5883270004 voteglobal 11/20/2009 1:26 AM RT @usfora: Raw Video: #US Secretary of State Hillary #Clinton Speaking in Kabul #afghanistan 5883265687 californianewz 11/20/2009 1:26 AM Afghan police say death toll from suicide bombing in western Afghanistan increases to 13: KABUL (AP) - Afghan .. 5883248920 ernasidhi 11/20/2009 1:25 AM @tiessaaudia hahahaha emang 'tesi kabul'..mama kl ditawarin blg udah punya supplement suami dan gak mau jd kartu utama,si abangnya putus asa 5883239642 YahooNoticias 11/20/2009 1:24 AM Ataque suicida mata a seis en el oeste de Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Un atentado suicida con una motocicleta causó ... 5883217127 fingertipnews 11/20/2009 1:23 AM UPI-Top News: Afghans react to Karzai inauguration - KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 20 (UPI) -- There was little cheerin... 5883216953 HBRHomeBusiness 11/20/2009 1:23 AM Steven Edwards: Despite pledges, Kabul to side with Iran on rights ... 5883216628 fingertipnews 11/20/2009 1:23 AM AP Intl: Suicide bomber kills 13 in western Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- An Afghan police official says the deat... 5883202594 inayet 11/20/2009 1:22 AM RT @usfora: Raw Video: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Speaking in Kabul 5883162948 BreakingReport 11/20/2009 1:19 AM Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan le.. [Reuters World News] 5883157669 BreakingReport 11/20/2009 1:19 AM Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan le.. [Reuters World News] 5883149724 fenario 11/20/2009 1:18 AM RT @headlinenews: Reuters: Hamid Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - 5883131520 usfora 11/20/2009 1:17 AM Raw Video: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Speaking in Kabul 5883108276 BarraDeHerram 11/20/2009 1:15 AM Ataque suicida mata a seis en el oeste de Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Un atentado suicida con una motocicleta caus.. 5883084747 ermap 11/20/2009 1:14 AM @DJPegLeg We'd be up for some of those. Also, don't forget Sutra, Issian, Kabul. And what about Tangletown? Ever try Uva? 5883081054 DioneSants 11/20/2009 1:13 AM Suicide Bomber on Motorcycle Strikes Western Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- Afghan officials say a suicide bomber r.. 5883031480 iflyacy 11/20/2009 1:10 AM RT Ataque suicida mata a seis en el oeste de Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Un atentado suicida con.. 5882996615 FlameGoldenu 11/20/2009 1:07 AM Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader Hamid Karzai was.. 5882970063 yckong 11/20/2009 1:06 AM Suicide Bomber on Motorcycle Strikes Western Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- Afghan officials say a suicide bomber ridin... 5882939228 rtsradio 11/20/2009 1:04 AM Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader Hamid Karzai was.. 5882933634 luizlemgruber 11/20/2009 1:03 AM NYTimes: Suicide Bomber on Motorcycle Strikes Western Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- Afghan officials say a.. 5882877834 newsfeeding 11/20/2009 1:00 AM Suicide Bomber on Motorcycle Strikes Western Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- Afghan officials say a suicide bomber r.. 5882857956 safe_waters 11/20/2009 12:58 AM #reutersIN Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader Hamid Karzai w 5882850946 reuterswire 11/20/2009 12:58 AM Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader Hamid Karzai was swo... 5882845371 KimBomin 11/20/2009 12:57 AM Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader Hamid Karzai ... #Korea 5882807155 milijulidotcom 11/20/2009 12:55 AM Suicide Bomber on Motorcycle Strikes Western Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- Afghan officials say a suicide bomber r.. 5882793416 PaginaNuova 11/20/2009 12:54 AM NEW YORK TIMES - Suicide Bomber on Motorcycle Strikes Western Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- Afghan.. 5882761642 cnen 11/20/2009 12:52 AM [CNEN] Suicide Bomber on Motorcycle Strikes Western Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- Afghan officials say a sui.. 5882680553 Eminentjobcom 11/20/2009 12:46 AM search some candidate for networing (kabul Af) 5882679870 buybooksonline1 11/20/2009 12:46 AM [REUTERS]: Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan le.. 5882663178 wcompanyportal 11/20/2009 12:45 AM [REUTERS]: Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan le.. 5882623594 FLASH_NEWS 11/20/2009 12:42 AM REUTERS: Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader Hamid Karzai wa 5882613195 AllNewsSources 11/20/2009 12:42 AM REUTERS: Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader Hamid Karzai wa 5882603148 MobileAuto 11/20/2009 12:41 AM Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader Hamid Karzai was swor... 5882603180 SmittysWeb 11/20/2009 12:41 AM KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader Hamid Karzai was sworn in as president on Thursday, pledging to fight graft ... 5882603189 tweettools4U 11/20/2009 12:41 AM Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader ... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 5882603200 newsfeeding 11/20/2009 12:41 AM Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader Hamid Karzai was s... 5882603202 reuterstop 11/20/2009 12:41 AM Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader Hamid Karzai was swor... 5882603215 NewsMashup 11/20/2009 12:41 AM Reuters: Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader Hamid Karzai... 5882603242 HeadlinesNewz 11/20/2009 12:41 AM Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader Hamid Karzai was swor... 5882603368 webtipsfree 11/20/2009 12:41 AM Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader Hamid Karzai was swor... 5882594972 twittfeed 11/20/2009 12:40 AM Reuters Top News Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader Hami... 5882584045 BreakingNewsDeu 11/20/2009 12:40 AM BREAKING - KABUL -Afghan police say death toll from suicide bombing in western Afghanistan increases to 13 5882531465 DiploMentor 11/20/2009 12:36 AM Team of rivals at Kabul?Obama ama creare dialettica tra i suoi consiglieri. Foreign Policy su CIMIC in Afghanistan 5882527432 ReutersNews 11/20/2009 12:36 AM Reuters: Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader Hamid Karzai... 5882502612 BreakingNewsDeu 11/20/2009 12:34 AM NEWS - KABUL - Afghan officials say suicide bomber on motorcycle kills 6 people wounds 36 others 5882405136 fingertipnews 11/20/2009 12:28 AM UPI-Top News: Clinton, Karzai have good rapport - KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 20 (UPI) -- U.S. Secretary of State Hil... 5882159285 POTUFSS 11/20/2009 12:13 AM Clinton, Karzai have good rapport|KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 20 (UPI) -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's .. 5882148801 ragnaar 11/20/2009 12:12 AM live from kabul ... using #cisco technology ... 'managing via powerpoint ... 'realtime.... #clinton 5882139196 ecoconcept 11/20/2009 12:12 AM Paying Off the Warlords - ZNet: Kabul, Afghanistan -- Every morning, dozens of trucks laden with diesel from Tu.. 5882092379 DMiliband 11/20/2009 12:09 AM Cold and dry at camp souter in kabul. City waking up. 5882077576 sweetalitha 11/20/2009 12:08 AM @ShaChuleta oh.. iya2 kl di skolah ak PD hehe yaudah sya, kawin aja! mau?! hahaha *kalo sama david ak g bkal mikir lagi langsung ijab kabul* 5882034927 francism1975 11/20/2009 12:06 AM First challenge for Karzai is to approve corruption charges: By Julius Cavendish in Kabul Afghan President Hami.. 5881944013 dagens_nyheter 11/20/2009 12:00 AM NK: Sex döda i självmordsattack i Kabul 5881912831 247express 11/19/2009 11:59 PM JUST IN: Kabul: 6 killed, 36 injured in suicide blast in South West Afghanistan. To subscribe to headlines, for... 5881443888 Dawn_News 11/19/2009 11:32 PM KABUL: SIX KILLED, 36 INJURED IN A SUICIDE ATTACK IN AFGHANISTAN''S SOUTHWESTERN TOWN OF FARAH 5881376888 EricaT11 11/19/2009 11:28 PM Steven Edwards: Despite pledges, Kabul to side with Iran on rights ...: But business as usual at the United Nat.. 5880295855 zeolshah 11/19/2009 10:34 PM New blog post: Watch: Security tightened at Indian Embassy in Kabul 5879594463 topnachrichten 11/19/2009 10:03 PM Westerwelle: Blitzbesuch in Kabul - RP ONLINE 5879457085 canadianopinion 11/19/2009 9:57 PM Canadian OpEd: Steven Edwards: Despite pledges, Kabul to side with Iran on rights v.. #canada #news 5879311521 myworldnews 11/19/2009 9:51 PM [WP] Afghan President Hamid Karzai sworn in for second term: KABUL -- President Hamid Karzai set two ambitious .. 5879303080 jobs_in_bayern 11/19/2009 9:51 PM Bayern schickt Polizisten nach Kabul: München - Nach langem Zögern schickt nun auch der Freistaat Bayern eigene.. 5879254627 NewsInsider 11/19/2009 9:48 PM Pakistani and Indian FMs meet in Kabul: Mr Qureshi and S.M. Krishna had an informal discussion on prospects of.. 5878955097 elamuchlis 11/19/2009 9:36 PM Mengebut (bukan magabut..catet) kerjaan biar jam 3 bs cabut utk ke @intanindira ijab kabul... Amin... 5878662205 izmirnamaz 11/19/2009 9:24 PM 5:24 - İzmir için imsak vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5878444860 TweetYouTweetMe 11/19/2009 9:15 PM Karzai sworn in to second 5-year term - Army News, news from Iraq ...: KABUL — President Hamid Karzai was inaug.. 5878442215 kocaelinamaz 11/19/2009 9:15 PM 5:15 - Kocaeli için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5878249524 pryabiasa 11/19/2009 9:07 PM Hapalin buat ijab kabul ah @yenceu @citrasavitri @diansavitri @normanhasiholan "dwiretnoanggraenibintinursjidwonoprawiro" 5878141923 ankaranamaz 11/19/2009 9:03 PM 5:03 - Ankara için imsak vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5877832871 kayserinamaz 11/19/2009 8:51 PM 4:51 - Kayseri için imsak vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5877818986 TheBuGz 11/19/2009 8:50 PM US asked to take Pakistan into confidence on Afghan policy: Friday, November 20, 2009 KABUL: President Asif Ali.. 5877807676 adananamaz 11/19/2009 8:50 PM 4:50 - Adana için imsak vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5877807912 samsunnamaz 11/19/2009 8:50 PM 4:50 - Samsun için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5877739121 Brayshawhsp 11/19/2009 8:47 PM Steven Edwards: Despite pledges, Kabul to side with Iran on rights vote at UN 5877591969 karinain 11/19/2009 8:41 PM He2 buDita sama,aku jg suka sedih dgr ijabkabul:DRT @Lizaditama: At iyea's wedding,, huhuhu knp slalu sedih kl dgr ijab kabul nya 5877488358 fullcomment 11/19/2009 8:37 PM Steven Edwards: Despite pledges, Kabul to side with Iran on rights vote at UN: Just a day after Afghan Presiden.. 5877468877 nationalpost 11/19/2009 8:36 PM Steven Edwards: Despite pledges, Kabul to side with Iran on rights vote at UN 5877435009 addidnugroho 11/19/2009 8:35 PM Aku gawakke bukti (red. Poto) RT: @fortmunir: ijab kabul is done. Jadi saksinya gan =D 5877416961 Lizaditama 11/19/2009 8:34 PM At iyea's wedding,,, huhuhu,, knp slalu sedih kl dgr ijab kabul nya,, -_- 5877276084 erzurumnamaz 11/19/2009 8:29 PM 4:29 - Erzurum için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5877274147 fortmunir 11/19/2009 8:28 PM ijab kabul is done. Jadi saksinya gan =D 5877153772 RobBreakenridge 11/19/2009 8:24 PM The Karzai headache continues.. RT @NPpolitics Despite pledges, Kabul to side with Iran on rights vote at UN: 5877101126 Koseyazilari 11/19/2009 8:22 PM Fehmi Koru: Buna yürek mi dayanır: Ben de kabul ediyorum: Bu kadarı çok fazla... Olacak şey değil, bir hafta içerisinde 5876967656 NPpolitics 11/19/2009 8:17 PM Steven Edwards: Despite pledges, Kabul to side with Iran on rights vote at UN: Just a day after Afghan Presiden.. 5876693961 Still4Hill 11/19/2009 8:06 PM The Secretary's Busy Day in Kabul: #hillarytravel #hillaryclinton 5876638109 Still4Hill 11/19/2009 8:04 PM Video: Secretary Clinton's Press Conference at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul: #hillarytravel #hillaryclinton 5876492144 MuratLivaneli 11/19/2009 7:58 PM Günler bitmez güller solmaz yarsız olmaz geceler geçmez nefesi ensende hissetsende istesende düşleri nefesi tut ve bırakma kabul et gerçeği. 5876100282 newsdig_de 11/19/2009 7:43 PM Hamid Karsai war einmal der Mann der Nato in Kabul. Zu Beginn seiner zweiten Amtszeit freute sich der Westen hi.. 5876001335 Still4Hill 11/19/2009 7:40 PM The Secretary's Busy Day in Kabul: 5875463403 pakbot 11/19/2009 7:19 PM US asked to take Pakistan into confidence on Afghan policy: Friday, November 20, 2009 KABUL: Presiden.. #PakPoint 5875345063 Khi 11/19/2009 7:14 PM US asked to take Pakistan into confidence on Afghan policy: Friday, November 20, 2009 KABUL: President Asif Ali Zar... 5875172282 SOBamalarky 11/19/2009 7:08 PM Daily Press Briefing|MR. KELLY: Okay. Good afternoon. The Secretary had a full day in Kabul today. She met with, .. 5874860027 fingertipnews 11/19/2009 6:56 PM UPI-Top News: Corruption looms over Karzai inauguration - KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 19 (UPI) -- With world leaders ... 5874831643 ichaautami 11/19/2009 6:55 PM Haha dan yg pria jd berubah baik lg gtu kegw. Yes menang gw! Haha RT @wiradiguna: @ichaautami akhirnya doa lo ter kabul boo...hahaaa 5874752185 Mila_Ceria 11/19/2009 6:52 PM Thank God Its Friday.. deg degan liat sepupu gw mw ijab kabul.. hihiihii.. 5874593711 NRAand2ndAmend 11/19/2009 6:46 PM Kabul Embassy Hosts Employee Family Day: Because after all, this is their country and this is what we hope that.. 5874439336 Still4Hill 11/19/2009 6:40 PM Secretary Clinton's Press Conference at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul: 5874251556 brilund 11/19/2009 6:32 PM one meal a day diet courtesy of my brother. maybe I should remind him he's not in Kabul anymore. 5874029890 joinourpurpose 11/19/2009 6:24 PM Karzai sworn in to second 5-year term - Army News, news from Iraq ...: KABUL.. 5873612729 Eubrasilinfeed 11/19/2009 6:08 PM JBonline Int No dia da posse de Karzai, outro atentado: Jornal do Brasil KABUL - O presidente do Afeganistão, Hamid 5873340685 wiradiguna 11/19/2009 5:57 PM @ichaautami akhirnya doa lo ter kabul boo...hahaaa 5873309976 bmian 11/19/2009 5:56 PM TheNews Afghanistan: 2 coalition troops killed in blasts, clashes: KABUL: Two coalition troops have been killed in ... 5873289885 triancula 11/19/2009 5:56 PM Ahahahahahah, kraldan çok kralcısın - kabul et bunu! :PolemikPolemikBengü: 5873136083 dotsball 11/19/2009 5:50 PM In Kabul darf man nicht in Sandalen rumlatschen...würmchen schlüpfen in die Füsschen..spassig. 5873082361 dotsball 11/19/2009 5:48 PM jaja Kabul 5873070077 tinywindow 11/19/2009 5:47 PM my folks posting photos from their new home in kabul - seem to be adding some every other day - 5873040196 safe_waters 11/19/2009 5:46 PM #reutersIN Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan leader Hamid Karzai w 5872491739 mynameisjohnny 11/19/2009 5:25 PM @laubrambilla Eu tbm num vou sair, sendo que hj eu tava moh afim de ir no Kabul... Foda! =/ 5872182173 KwameOh 11/19/2009 5:14 PM Watching QT on Beeb,did I just hear the emperor in Kabul has no clothes? 5872107141 mosharrafzaidi 11/19/2009 5:11 PM Home field advantage for?? RT @Dawn_com: Pakistani and Indian FMs meet in Kabul 5872106190 yorgundunyali 11/19/2009 5:11 PM "Her ihanet, kabul edilen her yalan, bir sonraki ihanete, bir sonraki yalana yol açar." 5872105345 Denisyoshio 11/19/2009 5:11 PM Vo toma banho e por minha Sunga pra ir pro Kabul, pq com esse calor nao tem outra opção de roupa! 5872043158 szwerink 11/19/2009 5:08 PM Pittig!! RT @MaximeVerhagen: In 27 uur uit en thuis naar Kabul, morgenochtend weer ministerraad. 5871800159 zweitansage 11/19/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 5871796329 Denisyoshio 11/19/2009 4:59 PM Eu estava aki pensando o QUÃO quente vai estar o Kabul hoje... MEDO O.O 5871770904 SarahTulley 11/19/2009 4:58 PM Sergei Lavrov arrived in Kabul - 5871755062 eksiduyuru 11/19/2009 4:58 PM Yeni format atılmış notebook'un ekran kartı driver'ını kabul etmemesi: Evet durum başlıktaki gibi. Bugün elimdeki bir notebook'... 5871735188 I_Love_Tommy_ 11/19/2009 4:57 PM @MaximeVerhagen In 27 uur uit en thuis naar Kabul, morgenochtend weer ministerraad. **** Leuk voor je, droplul! Koop een ui! 5871690239 Soldatenglueck 11/19/2009 4:55 PM Kabul: Hillary Clintons Ansprache an die US-amerikanischen und internationalen Soldaten in Afghanistan (Video):.. 5871645162 ittaleem 11/19/2009 4:54 PM Pakistani and Indian FMs meet in Kabul 5871596379 davcomcj 11/19/2009 4:52 PM Radical Islam installs its corrupt puppet in Tehran. Capitalist Militarism installs it's corrupt puppet in Kabul. Looks like we broke even! 5871575715 dsanson 11/19/2009 4:51 PM Nutcrackers Also Available -- "Hillary Clinton Corkscrews Into Kabul"--headline,, Nov. 18 (BotW) 5871509345 jobjan 11/19/2009 4:49 PM had ook als beoogd premier terug kunnen komen; teleurgesteld? RT @MaximeVerhagen 27 uur uit en thuis naar Kabul, morgenochtend ministerraad 5871507638 alexweishaupl 11/19/2009 4:49 PM New Nike product in Afghanistan (thanks @janchip): 5871504566 MichielBlijboom 11/19/2009 4:49 PM @MaximeVerhagen hoe waren de broodjes in kabul? 5871434483 maximeverhagen 11/19/2009 4:46 PM In 27 uur uit en thuis naar Kabul, morgenochtend weer ministerraad. 5871278562 venky888 11/19/2009 4:40 PM Karzai inaugurated in show of unity: Public holiday declared as Kabul ringed off in security clampdown against fear... 5871278590 venky888 11/19/2009 4:40 PM Karzai inaugurated in show of unity: Public holiday declared as Kabul ringed off in security clampdown against fear... 5871242080 maximeverhagen 11/19/2009 4:39 PM @irule25 @Petertj Dit keer alleen hewn en weer naar kabul vanwege de inauguratie van de president. 5870974013 _swimsuits_ 11/19/2009 4:29 PM $100,000 to an orphanage in Kabul profiled in a previous Making a Difference segment. NBC's Brian Williams reports.  (Nightly News) 5870944479 BreakingReport 11/19/2009 4:28 PM Karzai sworn in as Afghan leader; vows to fight graft: KABUL (Reuters) - Veteran Afghan le.. [Reuters World News] 5870921838 3 11/19/2009 4:27 PM PK- Pakistani and Indian FMs meet in Kabul: Mehmood Qureshi and S.M. Krishna had an informal discussion on prospects of reviving the com... 5870921862 Dawn_com 11/19/2009 4:27 PM [Pakistan News] Pakistani and Indian FMs meet in Kabul 5870906914 Greaterkashmir 11/19/2009 4:26 PM Pakistani and Indian FMs meet in Kabul: Mehmood Qureshi and S.M. Krishna had an informal dis.. #kashmir #dawn 5870898502 jane6io 11/19/2009 4:26 PM A man jumps down off of a damaged Soviet-era tank in Kabul on... 5870833672 HelpCureNow 11/19/2009 4:23 PM CURE Blog: Hope in Kabul ( 5870698548 3 11/19/2009 4:18 PM Pakistani and Indian FMs meet in Kabul: Mehmood Qureshi and S.M. Krishna had an informal discussion on prospects of reviving the composi... 5870698601 Dawn_com 11/19/2009 4:18 PM Pakistani and Indian FMs meet in Kabul 5870698506 Abdullah1213 11/19/2009 4:18 PM Pakistani and Indian FMs meet in Kabul: Mehmood Qureshi and S.M. Krishna had an informal discussion on prospects of... 5870697720 bmian 11/19/2009 4:18 PM Dawn Pakistani and Indian FMs meet in Kabul: Mehmood Qureshi and S.M. Krishna had an informal discussion on prospec... 5870605065 MrSteveMatchett 11/19/2009 4:15 PM Sorry, I should clarify, I haven't actually been kite running (chasing after defeated kites through the streets of Kabul) merely reading of. 5870498495 emrebuyukozkan 11/19/2009 4:11 PM önemli bir karar almaktansa, konuyu o noktaya getiren etkenlere müdahale ederek, elde kalan tek seçeneği kabul etmek daha kolay. kandırmaca. 5870214075 IPJI 11/19/2009 4:00 PM oh habe ich shop geschrieben meinte nat. Job^^#Restalkohol RT IPJI Westerwelle merkt in Kabul wie sch. sein Job doch eigt. ist 5870199641 habercimurat 11/19/2009 4:00 PM Öğretmen adayları için müjde: Meclis Plan Bütçe Komisyonunda, 10 bin öğretmen ataması kabul edildi 5870190870 zweitansage 11/19/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 5870150705 Transitionland 11/19/2009 3:58 PM Dammmmnnnnnn Kabul Dreams' frontman is gorgeous. 5869746175 toxicassets4u 11/19/2009 3:43 PM #ACORN was partying hard with the ArmorGroup in Kabul #acornfacts #p2 #tcot #ocra 5869698613 flensburgonline 11/19/2009 3:41 PM Hillary Clinton Gives Press Conference In Kabul: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (R) listens during a p.. 5869497559 HillForceOne 11/19/2009 3:33 PM new blog: #mp3 #download Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #interview #radio #Kabul #Afghanistan 5869420859 cathgrimes 11/19/2009 3:30 PM Worth a listen: @jebsharp on The World: view fr Kabul, mammogrm guidelines in othr cntries, circus troupe fr Nunavut 5869397454 Bloc_Notes 11/19/2009 3:30 PM [Blog] U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton flew to Kabul,... ( 5869342113 kabulkathy 11/19/2009 3:27 PM What a puppet show in Kabul today ! Hail to the thief ! Head puppet master from US showed up in the front row! 5869312563 promotewomen 11/19/2009 3:26 PM SEXYWOMEN SHOW interest from Italy,Hungary,Texas,Kabul,Turkey,Dubai,Czec Republic. 5869282240 kaptopril 11/19/2009 3:25 PM bugünü milat kabul ediyorum. artık ben yanlız bir adamım. 5869017998 MullaNasruddin 11/19/2009 3:15 PM Wild horses couldn't keep me away !: Hamid Karzai's inauguration in Kabul was attended by 40 foreign dignitaries a... 5868906579 naranjasly 11/19/2009 3:11 PM RT @Niltakipte: 'sevdiğinin balık halini de seversen, o da sihirli güçlerini kaybetme pahasına insana dönüşmeyi kabul eder'.favorisi hal ... 5868609859 zweitansage 11/19/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 5868531794 threetet 11/19/2009 2:57 PM mesela sevgiliye okuttuğum güncede olabilir pek tabii. bir kısmı. evet. kabul. 5868434436 bellavistactes 11/19/2009 2:53 PM Karzai asumió su segundo mandato en Afganistán: La ceremonia se realizó en Kabul en medio de fuertes medidas de.. 5868372545 de_volkskrant 11/19/2009 2:50 PM [21:00] ‘Leger Afghanistan op eigen benen’: KABUL - De Afghaanse strijdkrachten en de politie moeten bin.. 5868302178 space_doggy 11/19/2009 2:48 PM @emrebuyukozkan yılın tesbiti kabul ettim bunu 5868167132 cgac 11/19/2009 2:42 PM RT @linexalpes: Passando o som no kabul... Hj tem @MALKOVICH_... tá de bobeira? Cola la a partir das 22h30 5868078895 linexalpes 11/19/2009 2:39 PM Passando o som no kabul... Hj tem @MALKOVICH_... tá de bobeira? Cola la a partir das 22h30 5867352231 itu_sozluk 11/19/2009 2:11 PM önce reddeden sonra kabul eden kız modeli: doğru zamanı düşünmüş kızdır. 5867336068 hallucinated_ea 11/19/2009 2:10 PM @Gothic4ewa cok malım.kabul.* 5867322318 TantaoNews 11/19/2009 2:10 PM Karzai Prepares to Be Sworn in For Second Term in Kabul: KABUL, Nov. 19, 2009 (Xinhua) — Afghan President.. 5867221795 linksnews 11/19/2009 2:06 PM Kabul-Theater: Westerwelle beim Wahlfälscher - junge Welt. Die linke Tageszeitung. Gegründet 1947 . . . . . . . .... 5867155796 wk_wiegelmann 11/19/2009 2:03 PM Auf der Herrentoilette der deutschen Botschaft (in Kabul) hängt ein Schild: ,Auch in Krisengebieten kann man die Klobürste benutzen.' 5867062325 zweitansage 11/19/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 5867008267 alperocal 11/19/2009 1:57 PM Sao Paolo'nun 3 önemli oyuncusuna verilen 3 maçlık cezaya yaptığı itiraz kabul edildi. Karar daha sonra verilecek ama cezalar askıda. 5866825846 mikerass 11/19/2009 1:50 PM RT @jebsharp: hosting the show today: the view from Kabul, mammogram guidelines in other countries, a circus troupe from Nunavut http:// ... 5866739682 blognew 11/19/2009 1:47 PM Torture fallout and ChinaGlobe and MailIn Kabul, where he watched the inauguration of Afghan Presid... #affair 5866734084 TantaoNews 11/19/2009 1:47 PM Karzai Prepares to Be Sworn in For Second Term in Kabul - 5866430879 geographile 11/19/2009 1:35 PM RT @jebsharp: hosting the show today: the view from Kabul, a circus troupe from Nunavut 5866399911 jebsharp 11/19/2009 1:34 PM hosting the show today: the view from Kabul, mammogram guidelines in other countries, a circus troupe from Nunavut 5866391101 rtsradio 11/19/2009 1:33 PM Karzai makes big promises in Afghan inaugural - KABUL (AP) -- For his critics, President Hamid Karzai's inaugur... 5866252712 fingertipnews 11/19/2009 1:28 PM AP Intl: Karzai makes big promises in Afghan inaugural - KABUL (AP) -- For his critics, President Hamid Karzai'... 5866203710 petesbigmouth 11/19/2009 1:26 PM THURSDAY: Anand Gopal live from Kabul on Karzai inauguration, Seth Wessler on world hunger, John Sakowicz, Sen. Landrieu & Cheech & Chong 5866047317 BarraDeHerram 11/19/2009 1:20 PM Afganistán: Karzai promete combatir corrupción e impunidad: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - El presidente afgano Hamid Karz.. 5865989576 Tonya_Hennessey 11/19/2009 1:18 PM Self-RT @CorpWatch: Special to CW, "Black & Veatch's Tarakhil Power Plant: White Elephant in Kabul," Pratap Chatterjee, 5865845910 CorpWatch 11/19/2009 1:12 PM Special to CorpWatch, "Black & Veatch's Tarakhil Power Plant: White Elephant in Kabul," by Pratap Chatterjee, 5865800968 Rhod_Sharp 11/19/2009 1:10 PM Sacre bleu! Springbok horreur at reggae anthem, checkpoint Kabul for swearing-in & going rogue for Sarah at the mall 5865789804 iflyacy 11/19/2009 1:10 PM RT Afganistán: Karzai promete combatir corrupción e impunidad: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - El preside.. 5865711674 vboykis 11/19/2009 1:07 PM Foodie in Kabul (HT: @nealunger): 5865536109 LawrenceGridin 11/19/2009 1:00 PM Conservative government fiercely defended the treatment of Afghans they had handed over to Kabul's security services for interrogation. 5865524727 e_scape_artist 11/19/2009 1:00 PM Aww such a cute site, Zardari and Karzai re-united in Kabul like two sitting ducks of state.. Oh I'm sorry I meant sitting heads of state... 5865524741 zweitansage 11/19/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 5865506322 USGovNews 11/19/2009 12:59 PM [DoS] Press Releases: Press Conference at U.S. Embassy Kabul: Press Conference at U.S. Embassy Kabul .. 5865436062 abhic4ever 11/19/2009 12:56 PM RT @venkatananth: Krishna and Qureishi meet at Kabul. Krishna asks, "Where is Hafeez Saeed ?". Qureishi "In Balochistan". Wanna talk ? K ... 5865400026 chini_Press 11/19/2009 12:55 PM Cuadernos de Kabul: la esperanza empieza en el teatro@ 5865347854 chini_Press 11/19/2009 12:53 PM Cuadernos de Kabul: cuando ser mujer es el problema@ 5865344283 AllMilitaryNews 11/19/2009 12:52 PM (Marine Corp Times) Karzai sworn in to second 5-year term: KABUL — Afghanist.. #Military 5865339747 AllMilitaryNews 11/19/2009 12:52 PM (Navy Times) Karzai sworn in to second 5-year term: KABUL — Afghanistan will contro.. #Military 5865335451 iPowerGS 11/19/2009 12:52 PM News Clinton pleased with Karzai's promises: CNN International Kabul, Afghani.. 5865333126 AllMilitaryNews 11/19/2009 12:52 PM (Air Force Times) Karzai sworn in to second 5-year term: KABUL — Afghanistan w.. #Military 5865328612 AllMilitaryNews 11/19/2009 12:52 PM (Army Times) Karzai sworn in to second 5-year term: KABUL — Afghanistan will contro.. #Military 5865316849 chini_Press 11/19/2009 12:51 PM Cuadernos de Kabul: un herrero en el mercado de los pájaros@ 5865254046 chini_Press 11/19/2009 12:49 PM Cuadernos de Kabul: el futuro está en la frontera@ 5865049554 terasbanuk 11/19/2009 12:41 PM @habercimurat niye akşam seni de kabul ettik ya aramıza :))) 5865031798 naimsener 11/19/2009 12:40 PM belki kabul edersem acısı azalır ... 5865009403 gulnur 11/19/2009 12:39 PM Oysa Dogobert herkesten farklı. Farklılıklara tahammülümüz yok işte. Kabul ettim ben. 5864976475 TheySayUTweet 11/19/2009 12:38 PM Entertainment Quotes Photo from Getty Images - KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - NOVEMBER 19: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary C... 5864949992 sitivmakkuin 11/19/2009 12:37 PM bihter'in bu kıyafetiyle bir sonraki prodüksüyonda yarasa rolünü oynamasını teklif ediyorum. kabul edenler? kabul edilmiştir. 5864882149 geolarson2 11/19/2009 12:34 PM RT @dailydish: Face Of The Day:   Bagram Air Base, 50 kms north of Kabul on November 17, 2009. Afghansurvivors of a... 5864834512 tcot_steve 11/19/2009 12:33 PM Face Of The Day - Bagram Air Base, 50 kms north of Kabul on November 17, 2009. Afghan survivors of a November 16 ro... 5864752994 BabyBlueLaces 11/19/2009 12:29 PM The unsafest place today on our planet for the unborn child is not in Baghdad or Kabul. It is in its mothers womb. ~ RightTL New Zealand 5864530805 onurcengiz 11/19/2009 12:21 PM @selcukerdem kabul edelim, ömür boyu kampanya paketleri biraz mantıksız. Vizyon sahibi bir dilenciymiş. 5864398585 RooseveltWright 11/19/2009 12:15 PM Clinton Says Karzai's Inauguration Speech Demonstrated 'Good Faith': KABUL -- US Secretary of State.. 5864346134 RuletaOnline 11/19/2009 12:13 PM Penas de muerte por protestas Irán son "preocupantes": Clinton: KABUL (Reuters) - Las sentencias de muerte impu.. 5864325341 axismedia 11/19/2009 12:13 PM KABUL (AP) NATO says 2 US service members have been killed in southern Afghanistan. 5864310150 axismedia 11/19/2009 12:12 PM KABUL (AP) Afghan officials: Suicide bomber in southern Afghanistan kills 10 civilians, wounds 13. 5864301827 mySSMP 11/19/2009 12:12 PM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5864216979 AmyMarieAgee 11/19/2009 12:08 PM Im leaving for kabul on the 17th of december! 5863988938 zweitansage 11/19/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 5863966672 mashalanjum 11/19/2009 11:59 AM RT @dailydish: Face Of The Day:   Bagram Air Base, 50 kms north of Kabul on November 17, 2009. Afghansurvivors of a November 16... htt ... 5839386509 fingertipnews 11/18/2009 4:29 PM AP Intl: Troubled Afghan president readies inaugural speech - KABUL (AP) -- Under intense pressure to fix his c... 5839303839 voteglobal 11/18/2009 4:26 PM ALJAZEERA: Kabul tense ahead of inauguration #afghan09 #afghanistan 5839174146 Khi 11/18/2009 4:21 PM Islamabad asks Kabul to handover Fazlullah: ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Interior Rehman A. Malik on Wednesday d... 5839126849 iraniandotcom 11/18/2009 4:19 PM BLOG: Kabul Diaries: conversation with an ex-soldier 5839087760 AfghanNews24 11/18/2009 4:18 PM Kabul hunkers down as Hamid Karzai prepares for new term as Afghanistan's ... - Los Angeles Times 5839078753 DividendGenius 11/18/2009 4:18 PM Kabul tense ahead of inauguration - Globe and MailKabul tense ahead of 5838937406 sto69 11/18/2009 4:12 PM Kabul on edge as leaders arrive for Hamid Karzai inauguration #timesonline 5838917591 kickinghorse892 11/18/2009 4:12 PM Kabul tense ahead of inauguration: Security tightened a day ahead of Hamid Karzai's presidential swe.. @AJEnglish 5838912974 IbnSiqilli 11/18/2009 4:12 PM RT @AJEnglish Kabul tense ahead of inauguration: Security tightened a day ahead of Hamid Karzai's presidential... 5838882572 FLASH_NEWS 11/18/2009 4:10 PM Kabul tense ahead of inauguration: Security tightened a day ahead of Hamid Karzai's presidential swearing-in ce.. 5838863718 voteglobal 11/18/2009 4:10 PM RT @votgloblSthAsia: ALJAZEERA: Kabul tense ahead of inauguration #afghan09 #afghanistan 5838841578 AJEnglish 11/18/2009 4:09 PM Kabul tense ahead of inauguration: Security tightened a day ahead of Hamid Karzai's presidential swearing-in ce.. 5838834446 votgloblSthAsia 11/18/2009 4:09 PM ALJAZEERA: Kabul tense ahead of inauguration #afghan09 #afghanistan 5838816858 WaseemMansour 11/18/2009 4:08 PM Kabul tense ahead of inauguration: Security tightened a day ahead of Hamid Karzai's presidential swearing-in ce.. 5838815211 altnews_ 11/18/2009 4:08 PM Kabul tense ahead of inauguration: Security tightened a day ahead of Hamid Karzai's presidential swearing.. #news 5838812729 IN0verviews 11/18/2009 4:08 PM Post: "S.M.Krishna reaches Kabul for Karzai inauguration" 5838772917 coordinationtv 11/18/2009 4:06 PM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise visit on the eve of the inauguration of President Hamid Karzai. 5838716936 newsintl 11/18/2009 4:04 PM ALJAZEERA: Kabul tense ahead of inauguration 5838644294 AACSA 11/18/2009 4:01 PM Tonight - Independent Australian Movie Premier of Honeymoon in Kabul at the Chauval Cinema on Oxford Street Sydney... 5838593720 zweitansage 11/18/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 5838524382 cnnjill 11/18/2009 3:57 PM Clinton is in Kabul for inauguration of Hamid Karzai. 5838515065 san_santiago 11/18/2009 3:57 PM hoje vou fazer um som no começa as 23:00hs, 5 conto pra entrar vamo la!!! 5838397638 malumafatrus 11/18/2009 3:52 PM 1 saatlik dilim geçmek bilmezken ne ara haftanın ortası geliyor? kabul et zaman, tuhaf bir tutarsızlığın var senin. 5838371124 san_santiago 11/18/2009 3:51 PM RT @maraconti: Hj tem show do San no Vamos tomar uma ceva?! 5838147791 greensummit 11/18/2009 3:42 PM @Kathryncassidy RT A Mars return today for Hillary Clinton & Mars conj her Plu as she arrives in Kabul to tackle (Mars) corruption (Pluto) 5838136549 305 11/18/2009 3:42 PM Hillary arrives in Kabul: -- Obama is greeted with an arrival ceremony in Seoul: #p2 5837975871 sezins 11/18/2009 3:36 PM hayır hayır hayırrr,kabul etmiyorummmmm:) 5837769625 ericcheah 11/18/2009 3:28 PM Afghanistan's Karzai to take office as US calls for reform: KABUL: On the eve of Hamid Karzai's inauguration fo.. 5837738160 RichardMetzger 11/18/2009 3:27 PM Buzkashi, Or Quidditch, Kabul-Style - 5837577177 furilo 11/18/2009 3:20 PM Viendo pasar gente en Kabul 5837530755 DawnMontgomery 11/18/2009 3:19 PM "Reconstruction" of Kabul's elec. supply shows how foreign aid often lines pockets of intl. contractors & local elite. 5837484194 topinews 11/18/2009 3:17 PM S.M.Krishna reaches Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5837463249 RSScockpit 11/18/2009 3:16 PM Clinton in Kabul gearriveerd voor inauguratie (, 18-11-09 22:00) 5837372839 Catuvolcus 11/18/2009 3:13 PM WASHINGTON / KABUL : «Obama proche d'une décision sur les renforts en Afghanistan» 5837340186 diaryoftimhong 11/18/2009 3:11 PM Afghanistan's Karzai to take office as US calls for reform: KABUL: On the eve of Hamid Karzai's inauguration fo.. 5837288185 RNWIndonesia 11/18/2009 3:09 PM Kabul Bersiap Untuk Inagurasi Hamid Karzai: Ibukota Afganistan Kabul disiapkan untuk inagurasi presiden Hamid K.. 5837096133 ishmeme 11/18/2009 3:02 PM Like this a lot: "Blast walls in Kabul's green zone as sidewalks" on "Future Perfect" by @janchip (thanks @kirstinbutler) 5837081235 ekmekayvasi 11/18/2009 3:01 PM öğrenim hayatımın en zor sınavı olarak kabul ettiğim mikroişlemci sınavıdır....bu bok yarın ben burdayım ama 5837038629 zweitansage 11/18/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 5837027021 WorkingGreen 11/18/2009 2:59 PM Deputy Project Manager - Road Planning - Afghanistan - Kabul Afghanistan... 5836975838 Still4Hill 11/18/2009 2:57 PM Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton: Meet and Greet at Embassy Kabul with Employees and Their Families: 5836970101 FWCS_ITSupport 11/18/2009 2:57 PM FWCS IT Security Hamid Karzai oath for new term sparks tighter security in Kabul - 5836898742 malumafatrus 11/18/2009 2:54 PM Mesela Okan Karacan ölse ben üzülmem, bu kötü insanlıksa kötüyüm kabul ediyorum. 5836664598 Still4Hill 11/18/2009 2:45 PM Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton: Briefing En Route Kabul, Afghanistan: 5836659513 RNW 11/18/2009 2:44 PM Kabul prepares for Karzai inauguration 5836655618 brcbsc 11/18/2009 2:44 PM @setenayk Allah kabul etsin =) 5836641819 GioBruin 11/18/2009 2:44 PM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5836596004 comonews 11/18/2009 2:42 PM Kabul security ramps up- KABUL (AP) — Security forces increased patrols on some streets in the Afghan capita... 5836522389 rep_am 11/18/2009 2:39 PM Obama focused on exit strategy in Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama aims to bring the Af... 5836453558 leadership_1 11/18/2009 2:36 PM Hamid Karzai oath for new term sparks tighter security in Kabul - 5836437453 parentalone 11/18/2009 2:35 PM Hamid Karzai oath for new term sparks tighter security in Kabul - 5836428920 airconsolidator 11/18/2009 2:35 PM Travel news Clinton urges Afghan leader to institute reform: Kabul -- Hillary R.. International travel 5836404018 TantaoNews 11/18/2009 2:34 PM World news summary at 1530 GMT, Nov. 18: KABUL -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton paid unannounced visi.. 5836234175 billmcneely 11/18/2009 2:27 PM I will be going home for Christmas this year. I leave Kabul on 22 DEC 09. I am praying BA, Heathrow and the London weather are cooperative 5836212903 viswajithv 11/18/2009 2:26 PM S.M.Krishna reaches Kabul for Karzai inauguration: New Delhi, Nov 18 (IANS) External Affairs Minister S.M. Kris.. 5836203063 ayaklarfora 11/18/2009 2:26 PM imgede işe kabul edldim,peki snra ne yaptm,aylak madama güvenp işmi ihtyaç sahbi arkadaşa verdm..ben işn aylak madama güvenme kısmındaym.. 5836108775 DCNewsFeed 11/18/2009 2:22 PM Across the Nation... Clinton visits Afghanistan with message on corruption: KABUL-- On the eve of Afghan President ... 5836087489 xefyr 11/18/2009 2:21 PM @cwensel In particular, I really enjoy Kabul, 2301 N 45th st 5836035300 armyAfghanistan 11/18/2009 2:19 PM Forces in Afghanistan Kill, Detain Militants: KABUL - Afghan and international forces worked together to kill o.. 5836007316 kirstinbutler 11/18/2009 2:18 PM Unintentional Design: Blast walls in Kabul's green zone as sidewalks (why I follow @janchip) 5835948750 dsharat 11/18/2009 2:15 PM So the number 1 threat in Kabul is swine flu. Damn you pig farms in Mexico. Look what you have done! 5835920985 maraconti 11/18/2009 2:14 PM Hj tem show do San no Vamos tomar uma ceva?! 5835873513 jdillman 11/18/2009 2:12 PM RT @dipnote: #BriefingNotes: Secretary Clinton to lead U.S. delegation at President Karzai Inauguration tomorrow in Kabul, #Afghanistan ... 5835846085 AllMilitaryNews 11/18/2009 2:11 PM (Air Force Times) Clinton urges Karzai to institute reforms: KABUL, Afghanistan R.. #Military 5835837427 girlfriend_pics 11/18/2009 2:11 PM Leader, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday, and she tied additional U.S. civilian help to results from Kabul. 5835787412 egemenlimon 11/18/2009 2:08 PM @tarieluch biraz 'mini mini bir kuş donmuştu, pencereme konmustu..' kıvamında gibi ama olsun, ne dese kabul eet :) 5835690216 BridgesTVdotcom 11/18/2009 2:05 PM Kabul Prepares for Karzai Inauguration 5835674420 cartelmike 11/18/2009 2:04 PM I've been given a questionaire to fill in about public transport outside Brixton station. You'd get more positive feedback in Kabul 5835615117 inayet 11/18/2009 2:02 PM RT @dipnote: Secretary Clinton to lead U.S. delegation at President Karzai Inauguration tomorrow in Kabul, #Afghanistan. #hillarytravel 5835572627 Nattersweet 11/18/2009 2:00 PM ต่อจากอิสราเอล อัฟกานิสถานและอิรัก คงต้องศึกษารัสเซียดูบ้าง / ชอบมุมมองใน The Bookseller of Kabul 5835561452 zweitansage 11/18/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 5835518638 dipnote 11/18/2009 1:58 PM #BriefingNotes: Secretary Clinton to lead U.S. delegation at President Karzai Inauguration tomorrow in Kabul, #Afghanistan. #hillarytravel 5835504391 fingertipnews2 11/18/2009 1:57 PM UPI-Top News: Afghan minister hit with bribe allegations: KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 18 (UPI) -- Afg.. 5835459470 fingertipnews2 11/18/2009 1:55 PM AP Intl: Clinton: US will keep pushing Afghan govt reform: KABUL (AP) -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillar.. 5835411577 militaryworld 11/18/2009 1:53 PM Forces in Afghanistan Kill, Detain Militants: KABUL - Afghan and international forces worked together to kill o.. 5835378299 usaid_news 11/18/2009 1:52 PM AGRICULTURE: Exporting AfghanistanThe 60 hectare stretch of farmland in north Kabul'sBadam Bagh neighbourhood... 5835213130 NewsBeater 11/18/2009 1:45 PM Afghan security boosted for inauguration: Security forces increase patrols on some streets in Kabul and block o.. 5835138150 EylemCetin 11/18/2009 1:42 PM Fransa'da Soykırım Terörü: Fransa'da, 13 yaşındaki Türk öğrenciye sözde 'soykırım'ı kabul etmeme cezası verildi. 5835039331 India_Headlines 11/18/2009 1:38 PM S.M.Krishna reaches Kabul for Karzai inauguration - External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna reached Kabul Wednesday,... 5835018703 DanRatherReport 11/18/2009 1:37 PM From Dan: Kabul airport's a wild capital of friendly chaos, confusion & delay. If not for smiling friendliness of Afghans it'd be maddening. 5834976020 SteveHills 11/18/2009 1:36 PM Studio is beginning to look less like a kabul boot fair. Mac overload, Sting's is bigger than mine. 5834963853 DanRatherReport 11/18/2009 1:35 PM From Dan: Hit massive snafus at Kabul airport. Finally inside, but confusion reigns about copter transport. Our spirits r good midst chaos. 5834875289 DigitalDiva107 11/18/2009 1:32 PM Security tight as Clinton arrives in Kabul for inauguration 5834741890 capto 11/18/2009 1:26 PM CaptoVeritas News: Kabul on edge as leaders arrive for Hamid Karzai inauguration 5834716219 berktemeller 11/18/2009 1:25 PM @bayraktarbaris seninle kıyaslanınca yapamadığımı kabul ediyorum :) 5834558553 kasturitagore 11/18/2009 1:19 PM S.M.Krishna reaches Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5834289373 aylinarar 11/18/2009 1:08 PM hakkı devrim çok tonton ve bilgili bir adam, kabul ediyorum ama teoman'ı frank sinatra'ya benzetmesin yahuuu! ne alakaaa?? 5834185715 melikegungorer 11/18/2009 1:03 PM ucuz adamsın benjamin kabul edelim. fiyatın çok küçük, üç beş kuruş bile etmiyorsun gözümde. adam da değilmişin anladık. 5834167885 USGovNews 11/18/2009 1:03 PM [DoS] Press Releases: Meet and Greet at Embassy Kabul with Employees and Their Families: Meet and Gre.. 5834166209 USGovNews 11/18/2009 1:03 PM [DoS] Press Releases: Briefing En Route Kabul, Afghanistan: Briefing En Route Kabul, Afghanistan Hill.. 5834085492 zweitansage 11/18/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 5833981768 India_Headlines 11/18/2009 12:55 PM S.M.Krishna reaches Kabul for Karzai inauguration - External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna reached Kabul Wednesday,... 5833961918 cemilco 11/18/2009 12:54 PM twitter'ı açtığım günden beri fotoğraf yükleyemedim. elimde bulunan fotoğrafların hiçbirini kabul etmiyo twitter.. 5833959607 money_fast2009 11/18/2009 12:54 PM Kabul security tightened ahead of inauguration (source: The Globe and Mail) 5833914602 GeoTv 11/18/2009 12:53 PM Pak, Afghan urged on joint anti-terror efforts: KABUL: President Asif Ali Zardari held wide-ranging talks with his ... 5833803775 militaryupdates 11/18/2009 12:48 PM #Military_Times : Clinton urges Karzai to institute reforms: KABUL, Afghanistan — Hillary Rodham Clinton, on her ... 5833647440 dddchicks 11/18/2009 12:42 PM Kabul on edge as leaders arrive for Hamid Karzai inauguration - Times Online 5833597921 Inspired_Quotes 11/18/2009 12:40 PM Kabul on edge as leaders arrive for Hamid Karzai inauguration - Times Online 5833597603 7dtwournament 11/18/2009 12:40 PM Kabul on edge as leaders arrive for Hamid Karzai inauguration - Times Online 5833540583 DottorNews 11/18/2009 12:37 PM NEWS.REAL.TIME Kabul on edge as leaders arrive for Hamid Karzai inauguration: World leaders desce.. 5833500868 dddchicks 11/18/2009 12:36 PM Kabul on edge as leaders arrive for Hamid Karzai inauguration - Times Online 5833432492 EmrCakir 11/18/2009 12:33 PM 5 dersim varken birini withdraw etsem olur mu acaba? advisorum kabul ett 5833428095 7dtwournament 11/18/2009 12:33 PM Kabul on edge as leaders arrive for Hamid Karzai inauguration - Times Online 5833427765 twitermation 11/18/2009 12:33 PM Kabul on edge as leaders arrive for Hamid Karzai inauguration - Times Online 5833394844 jetkonnectindia 11/18/2009 12:31 PM S.M.Krishna reaches Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5833389805 Get2knowIndia 11/18/2009 12:31 PM S.M.Krishna reaches Kabul for Karzai inauguration: External Affairs Minist.. 5833347535 Scoop44 11/18/2009 12:29 PM Clinton In Kabul for Karzai Inauguration 5833291344 underneathatree 11/18/2009 12:27 PM via da Kabul domaniiiii 5833237344 againstdumb 11/18/2009 12:25 PM New on AD: Hillary in Kabul, Einstein and America's Jews, carbon offsets, Twilight, and placentas. 5833219934 HotNewsNet 11/18/2009 12:24 PM Security tight as Clinton arrives in Kabul for inauguration 5833150199 tuubanur 11/18/2009 12:21 PM @felicimi kabul :D 5833105146 AllMilitaryNews 11/18/2009 12:19 PM (Marine Corp Times) Clinton urges Karzai to institute reforms: KABUL, Afghanistan .. #Military 5833091058 AllMilitaryNews 11/18/2009 12:19 PM (Navy Times) Clinton urges Karzai to institute reforms: KABUL, Afghanistan — Hillar.. #Military 5833077591 AllMilitaryNews 11/18/2009 12:18 PM (Army Times) Clinton urges Karzai to institute reforms: KABUL, Afghanistan — Hillar.. #Military 5833067970 lagencolari 11/18/2009 12:18 PM @canereler caner abi mail adresini alabilir miyim, blog olarak seninle röportaj yapmak istiyoruz da. umarım kabul edersin. 5832935969 chats6998 11/18/2009 12:13 PM Clinton in Kabul on eve of Karzai inauguration: Hillary Clinton arrives in Kabul on her first visit to Afghanis.. 5832866710 nomecognome 11/18/2009 12:10 PM Kabul on edge as leaders arrive for Hamid Karzai inauguration - Times Online 5832855748 Catuvolcus 11/18/2009 12:09 PM DIPLOMACY, WASHINGTON / KABUL : «Hillary Clinton visits Afghanistan with message on corruption» 5832692987 yaatra 11/18/2009 12:03 PM S.M.Krishna reaches Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5832604369 zweitansage 11/18/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 5832583853 health_issues 11/18/2009 11:59 AM Good Day, Sunshine [Snap Judgment] : [Kabul, November 18. Image via AP] U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham .. 5832533704 lasvegasdivorce 11/18/2009 11:57 AM Clinton: Afghanistan at 'crucial moment': Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a sur.. 5832502620 eliselabottcnn 11/18/2009 11:55 AM CNN: Clinton lands in Kabul on eve of Karzai inauguration 5832495631 HeadlinesIndia 11/18/2009 11:55 AM S.M.Krishna reaches Kabul for Karzai inauguration #India #news 5832461356 dd0s 11/18/2009 11:54 AM Clinton in Kabul on eve of Karzai inauguration 5832454449 zeolshah 11/18/2009 11:53 AM New blog post: S.M.Krishna reaches Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5832390686 KristyKempster 11/18/2009 11:51 AM RT @cnnbrk : Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5832260111 vattaltimes 11/18/2009 11:46 AM S.M.Krishna reaches Kabul for Karzai inauguration : 5832250542 ecoconcept 11/18/2009 11:45 AM Paying Off The Warlords - CBS News: Kabul, Afghanistan: Every morning, dozens of trucks laden with diesel from .. 5832211429 nevisupdates 11/18/2009 11:44 AM Clinton: Key moment for Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise.. 5832208413 vambannews 11/18/2009 11:44 AM S.M.Krishna reaches Kabul for Karzai inauguration: 5832153527 WADC_news 11/18/2009 11:41 AM Clinton visits Afghanistan with message on corruption : KABUL-- On the .. 5832134750 VNewsNoticias 11/18/2009 11:41 AM VNews: Clinton llega a Kabul 5832121420 dkwdba 11/18/2009 11:40 AM Obama vows Afghan exit; battered Karzai to take oath (source: Reuters): KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack.. 5832118752 majornews101 11/18/2009 11:40 AM Clinton: Key moment for Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise.. 5832090277 News_Daily 11/18/2009 11:39 AM Zardari, Clinton arrive in Kabul for Karzai inauguration - Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and US Secretary of... 5832054528 betrug 11/18/2009 11:38 AM Kabul verschärft Sicherheitsvorkehrungen vor Karsai-Vereidigung - Deutsche Welle: oe24.atKabul verschärft Sicherheitsvor 5832023935 sriharsha73 11/18/2009 11:36 AM Clinton in Kabul on eve of Karzai inauguration: Hillary Clinton arrives in Kabul on her first visit to Afghanistan as US 5832017627 codepinkalert 11/18/2009 11:36 AM @heartofj: Woman in Kabul: You forget that we are Afghans, we fight. Can we please have our country back? You don't need to fix it for us. 5832005930 jweb 11/18/2009 11:36 AM RT @AP_Images: A member of the Afghan army music corps plays his trombone during a rehearsal at their base in Kabul, Afghanistan,... htt ... 5831989449 AP_Images 11/18/2009 11:35 AM A member of the Afghan army music corps plays his trombone during a rehearsal at their base in Kabul, Afghanistan,... 5831948123 kstar425 11/18/2009 11:33 AM Clinton: Key moment for Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise.. 5831937081 yellreport 11/18/2009 11:33 AM Clinton in first Afghan visit as top U.S. diplomat: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a.. 5831927394 codepinkalert 11/18/2009 11:32 AM @heartofj: in Kabul, sewage in the streets and in the air ... 5831911308 ozsezginler 11/18/2009 11:32 AM @_neslin kiskaniormmm,kiskaniormm! pazartesi yalcin rezidansa beni kabul edermisinz sayin yalcin ?? 5831910838 ftasiapacific 11/18/2009 11:32 AM Clinton in Kabul on eve of Karzai inauguration 5831880291 WhatsCurrentaff 11/18/2009 11:30 AM Paying off the Warlords: Anatomy of an Afghan Culture of Corruption: "I can take Kabul, I can take Kunduz if yo.. 5831851530 jus10p 11/18/2009 11:29 AM CNN not good at secrets::RT @cnnbrk Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5831839206 tuannico 11/18/2009 11:29 AM off. tidur. besok pagi mau ijab kabuL. sapa tau aja gue disuruh gantiin mempeLai pria nya. #ngarep. -nyumputdiseLimut- #caw! 5831817416 kzls 11/18/2009 11:28 AM Glad to see Clinton is in Kabul. Wish she could meet with alot of the NGO's while there. 5831812530 fingertipnews 11/18/2009 11:28 AM AP Intl: Afghan capital tightens security for inauguration - KABUL (AP) -- Security forces increased patrols on... 5831790643 TheySayUTweet 11/18/2009 11:27 AM Politician Quotes: Quoted in 'Krishna in Kabul for Karzai's inauguration as President' 5831789059 iNewsStand 11/18/2009 11:27 AM Entertainment Images Photo from Getty Images - KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - NOVEMBER 18: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Cl... 5831787729 TheySayUTweet 11/18/2009 11:27 AM Entertainment Quotes Quoted in 'Krishna in Kabul for Karzai's inauguration as President' 5831709257 Sycorox 11/18/2009 11:24 AM yeni profilfotom...çok havalıyım koca bıyığımla kabul edin:P 5831708818 wsjworldnews 11/18/2009 11:24 AM Clinton Makes Surprise Visit to Kabul 5831694527 ensonhaberr 11/18/2009 11:23 AM Clinton in Kabul on eve of Karzai inauguration: Hillary Clinton arrives in Kabul on her first visit to Afghanistan as US secretary of sta.. 5831686792 SalBarguil 11/18/2009 11:23 AM Kabul security tightened ahead of inauguration: Afghan capital braces for possible militant attacks when Karzai.. 5831678824 RSSMicro 11/18/2009 11:22 AM Hillary Clinton Makes Surprise Visit To Kabul For Karzai Inauguration #karzaiinauguration #hillaryclinton 5831623709 MDThermo 11/18/2009 11:20 AM Clinton urges Karzai to institute reforms: KABUL, Afghanistan — Hillary Rodham Clinton, on her first trip.. 5831586346 rachelejlee 11/18/2009 11:19 AM Good Day, Sunshine [Snap Judgment] : [Kabul, November 18. Image via AP] U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham .. 5831564314 DmitryVoronov 11/18/2009 11:18 AM Kabul on edge as leaders arrive for Hamid Karzai inauguration - Times Online: Globe and MailKabul on edge as le.. 5831523017 AZNLoverdotcom 11/18/2009 11:16 AM Clinton in Kabul on eve of Karzai inauguration: Hillary Clinton arrives in Kabul on her first visit to Afghanistan as 5831485604 timesonline 11/18/2009 11:15 AM Kabul on edge as leaders arrive for Hamid Karzai inauguration 5831469437 HeyErnie 11/18/2009 11:14 AM Clinton urges Karzai to institute reforms: KABUL, Afghanistan — Hillary Rodham Clinton, on her first trip.. 5831463446 HeyErnie 11/18/2009 11:14 AM Clinton urges Karzai to institute reforms: KABUL, Afghanistan — Hillary Rodham Clinton, on her first trip.. 5831451056 zeolshah 11/18/2009 11:13 AM New blog post: Zardari, Clinton arrive in Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5831451131 geolarson2 11/18/2009 11:13 AM RT @financialtimes: Clinton in Kabul on eve of Karzai inauguration: Hillary Clinton arrives in Kabul on her 1st ... 5831416119 gksm 11/18/2009 11:12 AM sempatik arabam lastik basıncının değiştiği gerçeğini 2 gündür kabul edemedi ... 5831355981 dreamtrips4life 11/18/2009 11:09 AM Clinton In Kabul For Karzai's Inauguration: The State Department announced her visit only in the last minut.. 5831325000 danielbachhuber 11/18/2009 11:08 AM "Kabul is now one of the most expensive cities [to live in] in the world" 5831283770 globeandmail 11/18/2009 11:06 AM Kabul security tightened ahead of inauguration: Afghan capital braces for possible militant attacks when Karzai is sw... 5831245769 albertsson 11/18/2009 11:05 AM @girlofgordon a good plan every day but Thursday night., which given the world of Kabul is closed tomorrow is tonight. 5831237021 Ebenezersh5 11/18/2009 11:05 AM Zardari, Clinton arrive in Kabul for Karzai inauguration - SINDH TODAY 5831220096 tosh728 11/18/2009 11:04 AM RT @financialtimes #Clinton in #Kabul on eve of #Karzai inauguration: Hillary Clinton arrives in Kabul on her first v.. 5831181979 financialtimes 11/18/2009 11:02 AM Clinton in Kabul on eve of Karzai inauguration: Hillary Clinton arrives in Kabul on her first visit to Afghanistan ... 5831178132 RSSMicro 11/18/2009 11:02 AM Clinton in Kabul on eve of Karzai inauguration #karzaiinauguration 5831138634 marcyberg 11/18/2009 11:01 AM RT @TorontoStarNews: Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration: H Clinton, on her first trip to Afghanistan ... 5831129880 Jbelsol 11/18/2009 11:00 AM It's culture RT @LATimes Corruption in Afghanistan: "It's like a sickness," Kabul merchant says."Everyone is doing it." 5831127484 aroonkumar123 11/18/2009 11:00 AM Zardari, Clinton arrive in Kabul for Karzai inauguration - Kabul, Nov 18 (DPA) Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari 5831127027 IndiaNewsPost 11/18/2009 11:00 AM Zardari, Clinton arrive in Kabul for Karzai inauguration - Kabul, Nov 18 (DPA) Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari 5831112839 RPNews 11/18/2009 11:00 AM Clinton in Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5831104169 zweitansage 11/18/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 5831098881 dj0rbit 11/18/2009 10:59 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise visit on 5831098936 Jeffnfun631 11/18/2009 10:59 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise visit on 5831055832 vattaltimes 11/18/2009 10:58 AM Zardari, Clinton arrive in Kabul for Karzai inauguration : 5831030372 vambannews 11/18/2009 10:57 AM Zardari, Clinton arrive in Kabul for Karzai inauguration: 5830992228 TheWus 11/18/2009 10:55 AM This is familiar! @LATimes Corruption in Afghanistan: "It's like a sickness," Kabul merchant says. "Everyone is doing it." 5830986241 girlofgordon 11/18/2009 10:55 AM #Kabul roads, traffic, etc a nightmare. What a day. Please let inauguration go smoothly tomorrow. Managed to find a can of tonic for 2nite! 5830917425 Jeffnfun631 11/18/2009 10:52 AM Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a s 5830915085 PressTVNews 11/18/2009 10:52 AM Kabul boosts security ahead of Karzai inauguration 5830907531 Tripletap007 11/18/2009 10:52 AM Watch out for sniper fire!!! RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5830883534 girlofgordon 11/18/2009 10:51 AM RT @W7VOA: US Embassy Kabul says Sect'y Clinton to meet with Pres. Karzai tonight. #Afghanistan 5830857845 AngelaConner 11/18/2009 10:50 AM RT @GrantaMag: THE RAVAGES OF WAR: Inside one of the largest orthopaedic operations in the world, a prosthetic limb factory in Kabul htt ... 5830806364 MINews0verviews 11/18/2009 10:48 AM Michigan Clinton urges Afghan leader to institute reform: Kabul -- Hillary Rodham Clinton, on her first.. 5830767740 FLASH_NEWS 11/18/2009 10:46 AM DPA: Zardari, Clinton arrive in Kabul for Karzai inauguration - Summary 5830759349 amantedellapa 11/18/2009 10:46 AM RT @GrantaMag: THE RAVAGES OF WAR: Inside one of the largest orthopaedic operations in the world, a prosthetic limb factory in Kabul htt ... 5830741942 timesonline 11/18/2009 10:45 AM Kabul on edge as leaders arrive for Hamid Karzai inauguration 5830735551 GrantaMag 11/18/2009 10:45 AM THE RAVAGES OF WAR: Inside one of the largest orthopaedic operations in the world, a prosthetic limb factory in Kabul 5830653769 ezrajo 11/18/2009 10:41 AM Como los mototaxistas en Vzla RT @LATimes: Corruption in Afghanistan: "It's like a sickness," Kabul merchant says. "Everyone is doing it." 5830648829 AllNewsSources 11/18/2009 10:41 AM DPA: Zardari, Clinton arrive in Kabul for Karzai inauguration - Summary 5830647226 Stoosh22 11/18/2009 10:41 AM RT @LATimes: Corruption in Afghanistan: "It's like a sickness," Kabul merchant says. "Everyone is doing it." 5830583593 oceanshaman 11/18/2009 10:39 AM RT @LATimes: Corruption in Afghanistan: "It's like a sickness," Kabul merchant says. "Everyone is doing it." 5830560736 TorontoStarNews 11/18/2009 10:38 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration: Hillary Rodham Clinton, on her first trip to Afghanistan as U.S. ... 5830546276 Cartwheels 11/18/2009 10:37 AM jodie evans&jane fonda-treasonous bitches-they met with the taliban in Kabul! Fonda has always hated the USA-even though she got rich here. 5830519404 myworldnews 11/18/2009 10:36 AM [WSJ] Clinton Makes Surprise Visit to Kabul: On her first trip to Afghanistan as U.S. secretary of state, Hilla.. 5830510800 Kathryncassidy 11/18/2009 10:36 AM A Mars return today for Hillary Clinton and Mars conjuncts her Pluto too as she arrives in Kabul to tackle (Mars) corruption( Pluto)! 5830487613 FLASH_NEWS 11/18/2009 10:35 AM Corruption in Afghanistan: "It's like a sickness," Kabul merchant says. "Everyone is doing it." 5830459481 FELDart 11/18/2009 10:34 AM RT @LATimesworld: Corruption in #Afghanistan: "It's like a sickness," Kabul merchant says. "Everyone is doing it." 5830455383 londonnewsnow 11/18/2009 10:34 AM Kabul on edge as leaders arrive for Hamid Karzai inauguration: World leaders descended on Kabul tonight for the.. 5830428420 latimesworld 11/18/2009 10:33 AM Corruption in Afghanistan: "It's like a sickness," Kabul merchant says. "Everyone is doing it." 5830427541 latimes 11/18/2009 10:33 AM Corruption in Afghanistan: "It's like a sickness," Kabul merchant says. "Everyone is doing it." 5830383929 RMS_Military 11/18/2009 10:31 AM RT @MarineCorps: Clinton urges Karzai to institute reforms: KABUL, Afghanistan — Hillary Rodham Clinton, on her first trip.. http: ... 5830378634 fingertipnews 11/18/2009 10:31 AM UPI-Top News: Clinton in Afghanistan for inauguration - KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 18 (UPI) -- U.S. Secretary of Sta... 5830377093 fingertipnews 11/18/2009 10:31 AM AP Intl: Afghan capital braces for Karzai inauguration - KABUL (AP) -- Security forces increased patrols on som... 5830356564 albertsson 11/18/2009 10:30 AM Better finish my wine, turn off some splits, turn off the generator, and get back on kabul city power, it is still a bit cold in here. 5830268388 MarineCorps 11/18/2009 10:27 AM Clinton urges Karzai to institute reforms: KABUL, Afghanistan — Hillary Rodham Clinton, on her first trip.. 5830240790 RuletaOnline 11/18/2009 10:26 AM Obama promete retiro de Afganistán, Karzai asumirá: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - El presidente de Estados Unidos.. 5830215770 wsjworldnews 11/18/2009 10:25 AM Clinton Makes Surprise Visit to Kabul 5830191784 MDThermo 11/18/2009 10:24 AM Clinton urges Karzai to institute reforms: KABUL, Afghanistan — Hillary Rodham Clinton, on her first trip.. 5830080560 Market_Tweet 11/18/2009 10:20 AM Clinton in Kabul on eve of Karzai inauguration: Hillary Clinton arrives in Kabul on her first visit to Afghanis.. 5830069815 tunaadam 11/18/2009 10:19 AM elbette ki manda ve himaye kabul olunamaz, ama cebimde himaye ettiğim bu manda bana enerji ve tabii kaymaklar bakanlığının hediyesidir. 5830054599 cozybunny 11/18/2009 10:19 AM I'm kind of embarrassed by what Hillary wore to Kabul. Bill should have said something. 5829923610 JeffDomingues 11/18/2009 10:13 AM Any gunfire this time? @jaketapper: Secy Clinton is wheels down in Kabul for her 4th visit - 1st as Secy of State - to Afghan 5829759398 NumanKurtulmus 11/18/2009 10:07 AM RT @SaadetPartisi: Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül, Kurtulmuş ve beraberindeki Başkanlık Divanı üyelerini kabul etti: 5829724506 ARYNews 11/18/2009 10:06 AM Zardari reaches Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5829715926 newsfeeding 11/18/2009 10:05 AM Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesd.. 5829713224 kirantt 11/18/2009 10:05 AM Newsweek: From Kabul to Kashmir, American Focus should be on India: 5829701092 Transitionland 11/18/2009 10:05 AM @Mirza9 This is a long-term contract for a governance project translator. Based in Kabul. Full-time. 5829693439 freedom4USA 11/18/2009 10:04 AM US:#tcot #news Clinton Makes Unannounced Visit to Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- Security forces incr.. 5829566365 zweitansage 11/18/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 5829555101 KO83 11/18/2009 9:59 AM RT @DailyNewsEgypt: Taking flight in Kabul 5829552270 marizalongo 11/18/2009 9:59 AM RT @zweitansage Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 5829541815 Press_TV 11/18/2009 9:59 AM PressTV - Kabul boosts security ahead of Karzai inauguration 5829530849 an_news 11/18/2009 9:58 AM Latest news: Leaders gather in Kabul for presidential inauguration 5829525294 ra_news 11/18/2009 9:58 AM Latest news: Leaders gather in Kabul for presidential inauguration 5829515644 TendaiJoe 11/18/2009 9:58 AM Clinton Arrives in Kabul Before Karzai Inauguration - Bloomberg 5829417966 adananamaz 11/18/2009 9:54 AM 17:54 - Adana için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5829368634 kayserinamaz 11/18/2009 9:52 AM 17:52 - Kayseri için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5829244504 redhatty 11/18/2009 9:47 AM Clinton in Kabul on eve of Karzai inauguration 5829243660 ze_bal 11/18/2009 9:46 AM paswordunun hastasıyam, norton anti virüsün kralıyam...teklifini kabul edirem... 100 kere tweet, 1000 kere tweet... 5829226964 jolingk 11/18/2009 9:46 AM Surprised by how quickly Second of State Clinton moved from Beijing to Kabul. 5829176769 Numunemisiniz 11/18/2009 9:44 AM RT @allahcc: vodafone' dan reklam teklifi aldık. şafak sezer' in bizi de taklit etmeye çalışacağını bildiğimiz için kabul etmedik. 5829175281 albertsson 11/18/2009 9:44 AM @DiiamondDye nah if you were in Kabul where it is 1 to 10. Then you would be having fun. 5829165343 EricSutphin 11/18/2009 9:43 AM Big day tomorrow in Kabul. All quiet. Let's hope it stays that way... 5829014527 globalnn 11/18/2009 9:37 AM CNN Top Stories: Hillary Clinton on surprise Afghan visit - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wedn... 5828934232 cultoftravel 11/18/2009 9:34 AM RT @Gadling: Central Asia Lovers: Steppe 7 is out, features Herat & Kabul, Hui Mosque, Pamiri harvest,. & more 5828929765 eliftemiz 11/18/2009 9:34 AM @yesari kabul ettin mi :P 5828909043 DailyNewsEgypt 11/18/2009 9:33 AM Taking flight in Kabul 5828903179 wardaaa 11/18/2009 9:33 AM RT @cnnbrk Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5828854353 lorenzob7 11/18/2009 9:31 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise.. 5828784732 Loon13 11/18/2009 9:28 AM How is it a surprise if you report it??? @cnnbrk Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5828774421 erzurumnamaz 11/18/2009 9:28 AM 17:28 - Erzurum için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5828767320 classichits7sd 11/18/2009 9:27 AM #australia #news Clinton in Kabul for re-election of Karzai #classichits7sd 5828763147 aligonzalezv 11/18/2009 9:27 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5828754263 SalBarguil 11/18/2009 9:27 AM Clinton in Kabul on eve of Karzai inauguration: Hillary Clinton arrives in Kabul on her first visit to Afghanis.. 5828724312 Gadling 11/18/2009 9:26 AM Central Asia Lovers: Steppe 7 is out, features Herat and Kabul, Hui Mosque, a Pamiri harvest, eagle hunters, more 5828668911 strucktraveler 11/18/2009 9:23 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5828665734 Theodore_May 11/18/2009 9:23 AM RT @jaketapper Sec Clinton is wheels down in Kabul for her 4th visit - 1st as Secy of State - to Afghan will attend Karzai inauguration tmrw 5828614138 twinance 11/18/2009 9:21 AM Financial Times: Clinton in Kabul on eve of Karzai inauguration 5828584896 patelankur 11/18/2009 9:20 AM Clinton in Kabul on eve of Karzai inauguration: Hillary Clinton arrives in Kabul on her first visit to Afghanis.. 5828581503 classichits7ad 11/18/2009 9:20 AM #australia #news Clinton in Kabul for re-election of Karzai #classichits7ad 5828572856 Berktan 11/18/2009 9:20 AM sevgili herkez, yolladığım bu mafa bilmemne oyunu davetini kat-i-yen kabul etmeyin.yada edin. işte öyle . ben yollamadım o kendisi yolladı:( 5828550927 DexterElphin 11/18/2009 9:19 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration (Roundup) - Monsters and 5828517648 redhatty 11/18/2009 9:17 AM Clinton in Kabul on eve of Karzai inauguration 5828480240 Transitionland 11/18/2009 9:16 AM Today's mission: find a Pashto speaker for a legal translator position with a major development project in Kabul. 5828398061 FLASH_NEWS 11/18/2009 9:12 AM DPA: Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration - Summary 5828381844 AllNewsSources 11/18/2009 9:12 AM DPA: Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration - Summary 5828349390 SkyNewsTopStory 11/18/2009 9:10 AM Clinton in Kabul for re-election of Karzai: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday that Afghan.. 5828241894 RonaldAlversado 11/18/2009 9:06 AM New blog post: Clinton in Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5828235561 RonaldAlversado 11/18/2009 9:06 AM From NewsOnQ: Clinton in Kabul for Karzai inauguration ( 5828216771 francism1975 11/18/2009 9:05 AM Afghans say poverty, not Taliban, main cause of war: By Jonathon Burch KABUL, Nov 18 (Reuters) - Most Afghans s.. 5828212168 mariaavello 11/18/2009 9:05 AM Why the hell should Clinton go now to Kabul in such way? Think, think...ARetha already said that... 5828164799 HondurasRobot 11/18/2009 9:03 AM RT: Amanece Kabul sitiada por asunción de presidente afgano #anzoategui #Honduras: Aman.. 5828149140 news_ch 11/18/2009 9:02 AM Clinton zur Vereidigung Karsais in Kabul eingetroffen: Kabul - US-Aussenministerin Hillary Clinton ist anlässli.. 5828122592 chaantiquee 11/18/2009 9:01 AM ta donk :P RT @deejeenaru: Yaelah tau2 segala beginian lg :p RT @chaantiquee: ijab kabul mode on RT @deejeenaru: Hoho.. Dibayar utang ni :p 5828098277 FLASH_NEWS 11/18/2009 9:00 AM AFGHANISTAN: Hillary Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5828090665 france24_en 11/18/2009 9:00 AM AFGHANISTAN: Hillary Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5828068514 deejeenaru 11/18/2009 8:59 AM Yaelah tau2 segala beginian lg :p RT @chaantiquee: ijab kabul mode on RT @deejeenaru: Hoho.. Dibayar utang ni :p 5828056306 Anzoateguivive 11/18/2009 8:59 AM Amanece Kabul sitiada por asunción de presidente afgano #anzoategui #Honduras 5828045805 dandelion101 11/18/2009 8:58 AM @cnnbrk As opposed to Kabul, Kentucky, I suppose? 5828025280 raffale 11/18/2009 8:57 AM RT @AtiaAbawi: Zardari and Clinton in Kabul for Karzai's inauguration...definitely a kodak moment. Lol - Panasonic !!! 5828019982 W7VOA 11/18/2009 8:57 AM US Embassy Kabul says Sect'y Clinton to meet with Pres. Karzai tonight. #Afghanistan 5827976626 wsjasia 11/18/2009 8:55 AM Clinton Makes Surprise Visit to Kabul 5827942287 AtiaAbawi 11/18/2009 8:54 AM Zardari and Clinton in Kabul for Karzai's inauguration...definitely a kodak moment. 5827935532 bursanamaz 11/18/2009 8:54 AM 16:54 - Bursa için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5827923095 Sidhendragon 11/18/2009 8:53 AM Secy Clinton is wheels down in Kabul for her 4th visit - 1st as Secy of State - to Afghan will attend Karzai inauguration tmrw @jaketapper 5827909423 chaantiquee 11/18/2009 8:52 AM ijab kabul mode on RT @deejeenaru: Hoho.. Dibayar utang ni :p RT @chaantiquee: @deejeenaru ga bs cendol..utang ye.. ;p 5827887908 istanbulnamaz 11/18/2009 8:52 AM 16:52 - İstanbul için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5827832857 Morticianhaley 11/18/2009 8:49 AM Secretary Of State Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration. 5827743463 konyanamaz 11/18/2009 8:46 AM 16:46 - Konya için akşam vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5827739096 RBLKentCounty 11/18/2009 8:45 AM RT @Fingertipnews: AP Intl: Afghan capital braces for Karzai inauguration - KABUL (AP) -- Security forces increased patrols on som.. ... 5827652687 Newsxchng 11/18/2009 8:42 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise vi... 5827605667 DailyPakistan 11/18/2009 8:40 AM Karzai to take oath on Thursday, sealed Kabul expects 300 foreign delegates -- 5827601906 ankaranamaz 11/18/2009 8:40 AM 16:40 - Ankara için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5827499740 rafa_dundalk 11/18/2009 8:35 AM HOJE 18/11 SAN Apresentando seu novo trabalho O Traço Local: Kabul ( 21:30 R$5 tô lá! 5827474098 grafxstar 11/18/2009 8:34 AM Clinton Arrives in Kabul for Karzai Inauguration - Bloomberg 5827472888 Selina_Harper 11/18/2009 8:34 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise vi... 5827472763 WeightnFitness 11/18/2009 8:34 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise vi... 5827466334 ivan2266 11/18/2009 8:34 AM Clinton Arrives in Kabul for Karzai Inauguration - Bloomberg 5827465958 rigb 11/18/2009 8:34 AM Clinton Arrives in Kabul for Karzai Inauguration - Bloomberg 5827466152 rickrick888 11/18/2009 8:34 AM Clinton Arrives in Kabul for Karzai Inauguration - Bloomberg 5827441856 dirk41diggler 11/18/2009 8:33 AM Top CNN Headline Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday... 5827416716 kayserinamaz 11/18/2009 8:32 AM 16:32 - Kayseri için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5827394429 RealTalkBLewis 11/18/2009 8:31 AM RT @jaketapper via @MuckRack Secy Clinton is wheels down in Kabul for her 4th visit - 1st as Secy of State - to Afghan will attend Karzai in 5827381713 TheLastNews 11/18/2009 8:30 AM Clinton Arrives in Kabul for Karzai Inauguration - Bloomberg 5827356019 fingertipnews 11/18/2009 8:29 AM AP Intl: Afghan capital braces for Karzai inauguration - KABUL (AP) -- Security forces increased patrols on som... 5827343956 snowballhas2leg 11/18/2009 8:28 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5827341464 josephv_ 11/18/2009 8:28 AM Donald Says Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a... 5827340194 CMYSUCCESS 11/18/2009 8:28 AM Corruption corrodes confidence in Kabul: The Age Photo: Reuters AFGHANS have a name for the huge, gaudy mansion.. 5827324126 togrulguliyev 11/18/2009 8:28 AM #news Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surpr... 5827267125 robtesttweets 11/18/2009 8:25 AM from cnn Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a su... 5827260720 YahooNoticias 11/18/2009 8:25 AM La comunidad internacional espera la acción de Karzai contra la corrupción: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - Hamid Karzai serÃ.. 5827258042 gozdEist 11/18/2009 8:25 AM @ozlmkrkc günlerdir vitamin takviyesi yapıyorum:( evet evet sevgi ve ilgi takviyesi yapılacaksa kabul ediyorum domuz gribi olmayı:))) 5827247696 Politisite_NY 11/18/2009 8:24 AM (NY Politisite) -- Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration: U.S. Secretary of State .. 5827245041 wgrz 11/18/2009 8:24 AM Via USA Today: Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has arri... 5827245064 coreyhaleen 11/18/2009 8:24 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has arrived in Afghanis... 5827245087 HeadlinesNewz 11/18/2009 8:24 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has arrived in Afghanis... 5827245103 yatraa 11/18/2009 8:24 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5827245104 yatracoupons 11/18/2009 8:24 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5827245106 brk_news_now 11/18/2009 8:24 AM USAToday: Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5827244917 cnvnews 11/18/2009 8:24 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5827244918 earna_gabriella 11/18/2009 8:24 AM BeUpdated:- Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has arrived... 5827244938 Follow_Steph 11/18/2009 8:24 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5827215807 verkauffoerdern 11/18/2009 8:23 AM 15.23h Kabul: Die Frisur sitzt. @BR_quer ;) 5827205915 zombiegirrrrl 11/18/2009 8:22 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5827205951 zombiegirrrrl 11/18/2009 8:22 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5827193369 ianinegypt 11/18/2009 8:22 AM RT @Theodore_May: #Kabul is really hunkering down for tomorrow's inauguration... Afghans have told me...they anticipate violence. 5827185584 samsunnamaz 11/18/2009 8:22 AM 16:22 - Samsun için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5827112927 mianarif 11/18/2009 8:18 AM Clinton Arrives in Kabul for Karzai Inauguration: via @addthis 5827028256 Radio13Noticias 11/18/2009 8:15 AM Refuerzan seguridad en Kabul 5826980088 instafeed 11/18/2009 8:12 AM Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise visit on the - 5826935770 NYDNpolitics 11/18/2009 8:10 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has arrived in.. 5826934283 NYDNnews 11/18/2009 8:10 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has arrived in.. 5826932764 IranVideoNews 11/18/2009 8:10 AM Breaking News Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise visit on th... We Follow Back 5826928612 newsrunner_com 11/18/2009 8:10 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration; will meet US Gen. McChrystal - The Baltimore Sun - Baltimore MD 5826921232 ReddingNews 11/18/2009 8:10 AM Redding News Clinton Arrives in Kabul for Karzai Inauguration - Bloomberg: BBC NewsClinton Arrives .. 5826886814 anaderiggi 11/18/2009 8:08 AM Anotem nas agendas! Dia 26 tem show no QUinta dos Infernos! E dia 1o de dezembro tem show no Kabul!!! 5826859483 ClaudiaCostin 11/18/2009 8:07 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5826827522 erzurumnamaz 11/18/2009 8:06 AM 16:06 - Erzurum için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5826826224 westmoon 11/18/2009 8:05 AM RT @breakings: Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wedneday i.. via 5826767442 ichaaF 11/18/2009 8:03 AM @eddenmcfadden hahahaha makanya aku kabul aja ke @nickcarter 5826727836 alessington 11/18/2009 8:01 AM @cnnbrk Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5826688471 zweitansage 11/18/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 5826678386 i_am_queen_s 11/18/2009 7:59 AM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan.Wow 5826651166 Newstwytter 11/18/2009 7:58 AM Clinton in Kabul for Karzai Inauguration,8599,1940241,00.html -- 2UBy Hyuge 5826625754 gachevi 11/18/2009 7:57 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5826537352 moonroof 11/18/2009 7:53 AM Korea is expected to set up its military camp at the Bagram Airbase north of the capital Kabul in Afghanistan 5826530328 BusinessDayDigi 11/18/2009 7:52 AM CLINTON ARRIVES IN KABUL FOR KARZAI INAUGURATION - US EMBASSY 5826518375 WSJEurope 11/18/2009 7:52 AM Clinton Makes Surprise Visit to Kabul: The U.S. Secretary of State arrived in Afghanistan to attend the inaugur.. 5826511686 FLASH_NEWS 11/18/2009 7:51 AM DPA: Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5826495743 ChicagoNewsHeds 11/18/2009 7:51 AM Chicago (IL) Tribune: Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration; will meet US Gen. McChrystal 5826489032 breakings 11/18/2009 7:50 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday i.. via 5826486045 Antonio_gn 11/18/2009 7:50 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5826462066 iPowerGS 11/18/2009 7:49 AM News Clinton in first Afghan visit as top US diplomat: KABUL (Reuters) - US Secre.. 5826434874 in_asia 11/18/2009 7:48 AM (AP) KABUL (AP) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has arrived in Afghanistan to attend Thursday'.. 5826434599 yoga_1 11/18/2009 7:48 AM Corruption corrodes confidence in Kabul - The Age 5826433994 LeedsCDMF 11/18/2009 7:48 AM Hillary Clinton on surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surpris... 5826434198 breakingnews_7 11/18/2009 7:48 AM Corruption corrodes confidence in Kabul - The Age 5826433513 MANADO_NEWS 11/18/2009 7:48 AM Hillary Clinton on surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surpris... 5826433549 318touring 11/18/2009 7:48 AM Hillary Clinton on surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surpris... 5826433133 newsfeeding 11/18/2009 7:48 AM Hillary Clinton on surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a s... 5826433144 iLukianox 11/18/2009 7:48 AM Hillary Clinton on surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surpris... 5826433188 jasonmigg 11/18/2009 7:48 AM Hillary Clinton on surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surpris... 5826433239 Talentodds 11/18/2009 7:48 AM Hillary Clinton on surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wedn... 5826432871 cnni 11/18/2009 7:48 AM Hillary Clinton on surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surpris... 5826417557 rolsteins 11/18/2009 7:47 AM Lai opiju nepagūst noslēpt? RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5826416328 InIndia 11/18/2009 7:47 AM KABUL, Afghanistan - Security forces increased patrols on some streets in the Afghan capital and blocked others.. 5826410195 hidirtok 11/18/2009 7:47 AM düne kadar alevilliği kabul etmeyen, onlara camileri ibadet yeri olarak gösteren, mitingleriyle dalga geçenler alevi hissiyatçısı olamaz. 5826386129 jcurtis1570 11/18/2009 7:45 AM RT @jfoster01: Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise vis... http:/ 5826372044 roughnecksblog 11/18/2009 7:45 AM Clinton in Kabul for Karzai inauguration: KABUL - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Kabul on Wed.. 5826366851 CornichonP 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Hillary in Kabul 5826357036 NewsWithAlina 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise vis... 5826357091 Altuaco 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise vis... 5826356600 maadav 11/18/2009 7:44 AM tv on pc Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a sur... 5826356615 NasreenKharegat 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise vis... 5826356621 CNNTwits 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise v... 5826356629 kamigao 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise vis... 5826356645 Freesms2 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise vis... 5826356657 Savvy_Talent 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesd... 5826356672 bzoink 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise vis... 5826356736 legalinsurances 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise vis... 5826356769 oncevision 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise vis... 5826356770 fawzy_ 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise visit on the eve of the inauguration of ... 5826356852 vicarsyf 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Interested in: Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wed... via @cnn 5826356320 NewsTitan 11/18/2009 7:44 AM [CNN] Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surpri... 5826356426 MaryMandura 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a sur... #retweet 5826356432 DarcyAnee 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise visit on the eve of the inauguration of ... 5826356473 tjlazo 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surpri... 5826356483 johnraav 11/18/2009 7:44 AM iphone Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surpr... 5826356545 fbbenhurr 11/18/2009 7:44 AM CNN: Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surpris... 5826355920 rss_cnn 11/18/2009 7:44 AM #cnn Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surpris... 5826355936 Headline_News 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise vis... 5826355937 news89 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise vis... 5826355962 NewsMashup 11/18/2009 7:44 AM CNNTop: Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surp... 5826355965 breakings 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surp... 5826355981 KRMGtulsa 11/18/2009 7:44 AM CNN: Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surpris... 5826355983 cnnbreak 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise vis... 5826355989 newmediadevotee 11/18/2009 7:44 AM RT @ericpratum: Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday i... 5826355992 iflyacy 11/18/2009 7:44 AM RT Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesda... 5826356064 ssqluck 11/18/2009 7:44 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise visit on the eve of the ... 5826329573 Juicy_Amber09 11/18/2009 7:43 AM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5826319743 kickinghorse892 11/18/2009 7:42 AM Hillary Clinton Makes Surprise Visit To Kabul For Karzai Inauguration: KABUL — U.S. Se.. @huffingtonpost 5826307581 AllNewsSources 11/18/2009 7:42 AM DPA: Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5826301776 6toPoder 11/18/2009 7:41 AM Hillary Clinton llegó a Kabul para asistir a investidura de Karzai 5826252741 saadetpartisi 11/18/2009 7:39 AM Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül, Kurtulmuş ve beraberindeki Başkanlık Divanı üyelerini kabul etti: 5826244634 ArkansasOnline 11/18/2009 7:39 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has arrived i.. 5826225082 rtsradio 11/18/2009 7:38 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise.. 5826216039 dcwilhite 11/18/2009 7:37 AM RT @cnnbrk Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. - expect surprise gunfire 5826197300 MorrisEnterpris 11/18/2009 7:36 AM Hillary Clinton Makes Surprise Visit To Kabul For Karzai Inauguration 5826195852 noticierovv 11/18/2009 7:36 AM Hillary Clinton llegó a Kabul para asistir a investidura de Karzai 5826183132 glcarlstrom 11/18/2009 7:36 AM Glad to see Hillary Clinton is in Kabul lending her imprimatur to Afghanistan's thoroughly illegitimate president. 5826167714 Kaffidiot 11/18/2009 7:35 AM Deutsche Botschaft in Kabul wird abgerissen. Westerwelle wollte Wiederaufbau, aber hat es auf englisch gesagt... #Klassenkameradin_stefanie 5826140299 clauclaudy 11/18/2009 7:34 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5826138933 rex5652 11/18/2009 7:33 AM Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesd.. 5826132494 itsjustenough 11/18/2009 7:33 AM Hillary Clinton Makes Surprise Visit To Kabul For Karzai Inauguration: KABUL — U.S. Secretary of State.. 5826113695 RuletaOnline 11/18/2009 7:32 AM Clinton, en primera visita a Afganistán como secretaria Estado: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - La secretaria de Es.. 5826084091 m_insider 11/18/2009 7:31 AM Obama vows Afghan exit; battered Karzai to take oath: KABUL, Nov 18 — US President Barack Obama aims to bring t.. 5826077018 AllySaysRelax 11/18/2009 7:30 AM Secty Clinton makes surprise trip to Kabul...operative word being SURPRISE. Are you sure we should be tweeting about this, CNN? 5826062037 detroitnewsnow 11/18/2009 7:30 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration: Kabul -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has a.. 5826060084 Dawn_com 11/18/2009 7:30 AM [World News] Kabul comes to halt as VIPs arrive for inauguration 5826053743 aidenk15 11/18/2009 7:29 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise.. 5826046330 noahj55 11/18/2009 7:29 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise.. 5826007055 medwards2009 11/18/2009 7:27 AM Clinton in Kabul for Karzai inauguration: KABUL - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Kabul on Wed.. 5826005478 SATZen 11/18/2009 7:27 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration (AFP) 5825991722 DanaCortez 11/18/2009 7:26 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825990177 snwann 11/18/2009 7:26 AM RT @cnnbrk Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825988924 oplapla 11/18/2009 7:26 AM Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesd.. 5825988116 ChiTribWorld 11/18/2009 7:26 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration; will meet US Gen. McChrystal: KABUL (AP) — U.S. Secretary of St... 5825979403 venkatananth 11/18/2009 7:26 AM RAND | Newsroom | Commentary | Our Man in Kabul: via @addthis 5825968258 fingertipnews 11/18/2009 7:25 AM UPI-Top News: Afghans see poverty as major problem - KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 18 (UPI) -- Seventy percent of Afgha... 5825966454 jenethj21 11/18/2009 7:25 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise.. 5825965714 FeedingNews 11/18/2009 7:25 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has arrived in Afgh.. 5825962796 gavink48 11/18/2009 7:25 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise.. 5825953743 johnathanw83 11/18/2009 7:24 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise.. 5825952124 MrWellDone 11/18/2009 7:24 AM Come on #Hillary!! RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825945889 nicholasy18 11/18/2009 7:24 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise.. 5825943664 gabrielp71 11/18/2009 7:24 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise.. 5825939633 samuelj30 11/18/2009 7:24 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise.. 5825937235 redgehomes 11/18/2009 7:24 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825936000 christianl21 11/18/2009 7:24 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise.. 5825932086 DCNewsOverviews 11/18/2009 7:23 AM Post: "Afghans Anxiously Await Decisions in Kabul and the White House" 5825929107 NewsBlogged 11/18/2009 7:23 AM World News: Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration (AFP): AFP - US Secretary of State H.. 5825928807 tylers00 11/18/2009 7:23 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise.. 5825926339 botnewsrss 11/18/2009 7:23 AM Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesd.. 5825905765 abscbnnewsbrk 11/18/2009 7:22 AM Clinton in Kabul for Karzai inauguration: KABUL - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Kabul on Wed.. 5825904409 suniljmistry 11/18/2009 7:22 AM #TopStory Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wedn.. 5825901048 USFastNews 11/18/2009 7:22 AM Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise visit on .. 5825872408 iloveton 11/18/2009 7:20 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825865717 Chrys_Naples_FL 11/18/2009 7:20 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825860065 pseudomoksha 11/18/2009 7:20 AM From Kabul to Kashmir - 5825859430 TOIWorldNews 11/18/2009 7:20 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration: US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has arrived in... 5825855202 Pascal_Zubi 11/18/2009 7:20 AM Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesd.. 5825848446 OnCampusTags 11/18/2009 7:19 AM Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesd.. 5825842490 Shanigirl8177 11/18/2009 7:19 AM RT @cnnbrk Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. {not a surprise any more} 5825835096 NewsTitan 11/18/2009 7:19 AM [CNN] Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wedne... 5825835103 tweetermagic 11/18/2009 7:19 AM Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday i... 5825834989 take_jp 11/18/2009 7:19 AM Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday i... 5825835049 CNNCentral 11/18/2009 7:19 AM Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday i... 5825835066 HugeNews 11/18/2009 7:19 AM Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday i... 5825835072 twUTDnews 11/18/2009 7:19 AM Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday i... 5825796376 kaceymontoya 11/18/2009 7:17 AM Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton lands in Kabul following visit to China with President Barack Obama. 5825779678 motiv8fitnes 11/18/2009 7:16 AM Charity workout is to get as many people as possible cover a total distance of 1274mile in the gym that basra to kabul come Help for Heros 5825770960 ericfeed 11/18/2009 7:15 AM Clinton makes surprise Afghan visit: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday in a surprise.. 5825763504 KerenJCH 11/18/2009 7:15 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825758028 usnewsdesk 11/18/2009 7:15 AM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825758115 newsofamerica 11/18/2009 7:15 AM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825758335 newsofarkansas 11/18/2009 7:15 AM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825757743 NoticiasUSA 11/18/2009 7:15 AM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825757872 Ifwerepresident 11/18/2009 7:15 AM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825757923 usnewsroom 11/18/2009 7:15 AM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825757532 usnationnews 11/18/2009 7:15 AM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825757553 ustimesnews 11/18/2009 7:15 AM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825744695 Dyvidanthoni 11/18/2009 7:14 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825744553 Downtowngospel 11/18/2009 7:14 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825743533 Danielle_Olson 11/18/2009 7:14 AM RT @jaketapper: Secy Clinton is wheels down in Kabul for her 4th visit 1st as Secy of State to Afghan will attend Karzai inauguration tmrw 5825735240 ekantipur_ 11/18/2009 7:14 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5825714372 CNNMike 11/18/2009 7:13 AM Clinton makes unannounced trip to AfghanistanScy State Hillary Clinton lands in Kabul following visit 2 China w/Pres Obama. 5825710277 NewsTitan 11/18/2009 7:12 AM [CNN] Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wedne... 5825709968 CNNCentral 11/18/2009 7:12 AM Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday i... 5825710036 tomsoul1234 11/18/2009 7:12 AM Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesday i... 5825710092 PoliUn 11/18/2009 7:12 AM CNN: Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednes... 5825702463 sarasidnerCNN 11/18/2009 7:12 AM Waiting to see pictures of Clinton on trip to Kabul. She arrived head of President Karzai's inauguration ceremony tomorrow. 5825691896 Caetra 11/18/2009 7:11 AM RT @AfPakChannel: Poppy palaces in Kabul 5825669528 FarrukhSiddiqui 11/18/2009 7:10 AM RT @AfPakChannel CNN says Hillary is in Kabul for a surprise visit but @mcclatchydc had the news last night 5825662839 awzc 11/18/2009 7:10 AM not in korea?RT @cnnbrk Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825654137 venkatananth 11/18/2009 7:10 AM RT @AfPakChannel: CNN says Hillary is in Kabul for a surprise visit but @mcclatchydc had the news last night 5825651470 lrhicks 11/18/2009 7:09 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825635805 jaketapper 11/18/2009 7:09 AM Secy Clinton is wheels down in Kabul for her 4th visit - 1st as Secy of State - to Afghan will attend Karzai inauguration tmrw 5825629496 AfPakChannel 11/18/2009 7:08 AM CNN says Hillary is in Kabul for a surprise visit but @mcclatchydc had the news last night 5825626477 Abdulmutlib12 11/18/2009 7:08 AM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, #Afghanistan. 5825601783 shermunT 11/18/2009 7:07 AM Its official!! It'll be a Hamilton-Button partnership for McLaren in 2010! Hillary Clinton is in Kabul for a surprise visit?! Nice!! 5825584131 clubfloozy 11/18/2009 7:06 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825581267 MikasThoughts 11/18/2009 7:06 AM Rt @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825576220 SKUNKT 11/18/2009 7:06 AM RT @watergatesummer RT @cnnbrk Secr. of State Hillary Clinton n srprise visit2 Kabul, Afghan.. //deliverg the decision? 5825569569 User7001 11/18/2009 7:05 AM Hillary Clinton makes surprise visit to Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton landed in Kabul Wednesd.. 5825567686 badgethefarmer 11/18/2009 7:05 AM RT @ANCALERTS: RT @cnnbrk Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825558798 BStrider 11/18/2009 7:05 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825555439 TheRepublocrat 11/18/2009 7:05 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825552797 thaisagonzalez 11/18/2009 7:04 AM eu quero ir pro Trending Topics tambéem :'S tweeta #thaisagonzalez . HAHA *-* #musicseilaquedia - Kabul Shit - Lily Allen 5825534835 fingertipnews2 11/18/2009 7:03 AM UPI-Top News: Afghans see poverty as major problem: KABUL, Afghanistan, Nov. 18 (UPI) -- Seventy p.. 5825531812 onojaife2va 11/18/2009 7:03 AM RT @cnnbrk: Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. *offcus its gotta be a surprise, aint no way she givin em heads up* 5825531516 birkanakgul 11/18/2009 7:03 AM Üyeliğimi kabul etti. Vatana millete hayırlı olsun :) 5825526219 wipoolplayer 11/18/2009 7:03 AM RT @cnnbrk Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825520686 nida_rafiq 11/18/2009 7:03 AM RT @cnnbrk Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825506788 daghanirak 11/18/2009 7:02 AM @gursez evet orası kesin. zat-ı âlileri sevimsizliği yeni boyutlara taşımıştır, kabul ediyorum. 5825505704 FLASH_NEWS 11/18/2009 7:02 AM Kabul comes to halt as VIPs arrive for inauguration - 5825491677 ANCALERTS 11/18/2009 7:01 AM RT @cnnbrk Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825481151 km_zap 11/18/2009 7:01 AM へー岡田さんと一緒。。じゃないか RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825477767 BmaBlanco 11/18/2009 7:01 AM RT @cnnbrk cnnbrk Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825470930 TantaoNews 11/18/2009 7:00 AM World news summary at 0930 GMT, Nov. 18: KABUL -- In fresh offensive against Taliban fighters in a border town .. 5825468154 watergatesummer 11/18/2009 7:00 AM RT @cnnbrk Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825467672 danRonline 11/18/2009 7:00 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825461196 retwiiter 11/18/2009 7:00 AM RT @cnnbrk Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825456343 zweitansage 11/18/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 5825456062 nownews 11/18/2009 7:00 AM [World News Update] Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration (AP): AP - U.S. Secreta.. 5825453243 GstarPatrick 11/18/2009 7:00 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825446024 GuyaneezGyal 11/18/2009 6:59 AM RT @cnnbrk: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. -- Surprise for her? Or them? 5825446123 laurademerss 11/18/2009 6:59 AM On the bus. Pretty exciting. Just got an update from CNN; apparently hilary clinton is visiting Kabul today haha 5825427991 FLASH_NEWS 11/18/2009 6:58 AM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825417567 cnnbrk 11/18/2009 6:58 AM Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on surprise visit to Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825339457 garybaumgarten 11/18/2009 6:53 AM Clinton Makes Surprise Visit To Afghanistan: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in Kabul on the eve of the i.. 5825336115 badjerry 11/18/2009 6:53 AM RT @W7VOA: U.S. State Dept. says Secretary Hillary Clinton to attend tomorrow's Karzai swearing-in ceremony in Kabul. #Afghanistan 5825318379 NewsBlogged 11/18/2009 6:52 AM World News: Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration (AP): AP - U.S. Secretary of State H.. 5825317472 SATZen 11/18/2009 6:52 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration (AP) 5825313121 Leverlu6dj 11/18/2009 6:52 AM Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration; will meet US Gen. McChrystal 5825238321 newsfeeding 11/18/2009 6:48 AM Clinton in first Afghan visit as top U.S. diplomat: KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arr... 5825237470 W7VOA 11/18/2009 6:48 AM U.S. State Dept. says Secretary Hillary Clinton to attend tomorrow's Karzai swearing-in ceremony in Kabul. #Afghanistan 5825222855 Dwiqbal 11/18/2009 6:47 AM @dewiahmad seyakin yakin nya... **berasa lg ijab kabul** hahaha 5825191609 DavidStephenson 11/18/2009 6:45 AM Clinton makes surprise visit 2 Kabul: bet Karzai's gonna get an earful from her! 5825161790 allahcc 11/18/2009 6:44 AM vodafone' dan reklam teklifi aldık. şafak sezer' in bizi de taklit etmeye çalışacağını bildiğimiz için kabul etmedik. 5825137710 ebmommy 11/18/2009 6:42 AM @shopcybermonday the book Kabul 24 without a doubt! 5825133094 adriangtroncoso 11/18/2009 6:42 AM #noticiasdenavidad 200 muertos en un ataque suicida en Kabul. Se joden, porque ellos no celebran la Navidad. 5825106050 izmirnamaz 11/18/2009 6:41 AM 14:41 - İzmir için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5825100626 EZF_TopPolitics 11/18/2009 6:40 AM RT @CBSNewsHotSheet: RT @CBSRadioNews: Secretary of State Clinton has landed in Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825098114 NewsSearching 11/18/2009 6:40 AM Schäden nach Anschlag: Deutsche Botschaft in Kabul wird abgerissen 5825088080 CBSNewsHotSheet 11/18/2009 6:40 AM RT @CBSRadioNews: Secretary of State Clinton has landed in Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825052565 CBSRadioNews 11/18/2009 6:38 AM Secretary of State Clinton has landed in Kabul, Afghanistan. 5825052604 ITwitius 11/18/2009 6:38 AM Afghan. Clinton arrives in Kabul on 1st visit as Sec of State. Meanwhile Obama still talking about troops decision 'within several weeks'. 5825000519 NewsMashup 11/18/2009 6:35 AM msnbc: Afghanistan’s Karzai readies to take oath: Foreign dignitaries descended on Kabul on the eve of th.. 5824978300 honeybana 11/18/2009 6:33 AM Facebook'uma gelen "kantin partisi" davetini ne reddedebiliyorum ne kabul :( orda dursun da biraz daha acı çekeyim. 5824939586 fingertipnews 11/18/2009 6:31 AM AP Intl: Afghans on hold, awaiting Karzai, Obama decisions - KABUL (AP) -- Its protracted presidential election... 5824892767 bursanamaz 11/18/2009 6:29 AM 14:29 - Bursa için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5824879282 Retardicans 11/18/2009 6:28 AM TOP NEWS: Afghanistan’s Karzai readies to take oath - Foreign dignitaries descended on Kabul on the eve of the inau... 5824822018 yckong 11/18/2009 6:25 AM Afghanistan’s Karzai readies to take oath: Foreign dignitaries descended on Kabul on the eve of the inauguration ... 5824782407 informarn 11/18/2009 6:22 AM Opiniones holandesas: Karzai no es un delincuente: En Kabul todo está preparado para la nueva inauguraci.. 5824752951 konyanamaz 11/18/2009 6:21 AM 14:21 - Konya için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5824742319 softlabhennef 11/18/2009 6:20 AM RT @Retourkutsche: Schäden nach Anschlag: Deutsche Botschaft in Kabul wird abgerissen... - 5824721571 Retourkutsche 11/18/2009 6:19 AM Schäden nach Anschlag: Deutsche Botschaft in Kabul wird abgerissen... - 5824665246 ensiz_news 11/18/2009 6:15 AM Erigen a Kabul en fortaleza en vísperas de toma de posesión de Karzai 5824660393 valcoj 11/18/2009 6:15 AM AP Top News at 6:32 am EST: The Associated Press KABUL — Its protracted presidential election has finally been .. 5824649853 ankaranamaz 11/18/2009 6:15 AM 14:15 - Ankara için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5824618097 lorrinevil 11/18/2009 6:13 AM Afghanistan is on hold awaiting decisions in Kabul and White House: via @dcexaminer 5824615685 kytv 11/18/2009 6:13 AM From NBC News: Afghanistan’s Karzai readies to take oath: Foreign dignitaries descended on Kabul .. 5824610733 fbbenhurr 11/18/2009 6:12 AM MSNBC: Afghanistan’s Karzai readies to take oath: Foreign dignitaries descended on Kabul on the eve of th.. 5824599331 adananamaz 11/18/2009 6:12 AM 14:12 - Adana için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5824540921 majornews101 11/18/2009 6:08 AM Afghanistan’s Karzai readies to take oath: Foreign dignitaries descended on Kabul on the eve of the inauguratio.. 5824523475 spiegel_politik 11/18/2009 6:07 AM Schäden nach Anschlag: Deutsche Botschaft in Kabul wird abgerissen... - 5824523238 SPIEGEL_alles 11/18/2009 6:07 AM Schäden nach Anschlag: Deutsche Botschaft in Kabul wird abgerissen... - 5824519493 msnbc_msn 11/18/2009 6:07 AM Afghanistan’s Karzai readies to take oath: Foreign dignitaries descended on Kabul on the eve of the inauguratio.. 5824514614 kayserinamaz 11/18/2009 6:07 AM 14:07 - Kayseri için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5824430432 freedom4USA 11/18/2009 6:02 AM US:#tcot #news Afghan Capital Readies for Karzai Inauguration: Filed at 3:35 a.m. ET KABUL (AP) -.. 5824418805 fingertipnews2 11/18/2009 6:01 AM Reuters Intl: Afghans see no change to life of hardship, fear: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghans said on W.. 5824392933 zweitansage 11/18/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 5824371559 m_insider 11/18/2009 5:58 AM Afghans say poverty, not Taliban, main cause of war: KABUL, Nov 18 - Most Afghans see not Taliban militants but.. 5824319527 stevenh123 11/18/2009 5:55 AM MSNBC News: Afghanistan’s Karzai readies to take oath: Foreign dignitaries descended on Kabul on the.. 5824309307 LindaBlog 11/18/2009 5:54 AM New post, "Afghanistan is on hold awaiting decisions in Kabul and White House" - 5824267118 MillarCameron 11/18/2009 5:52 AM Admin managers in kabul -any ideas 5824201418 oplapla 11/18/2009 5:47 AM Afghanistan’s Karzai readies to take oath: Foreign dignitaries descended on Kabul on the eve of the inauguratio.. 5824130149 Zenzadjuned 11/18/2009 5:43 AM enjoy ya :p nanti jg betah kok RT @lumbanradja @zenzadjuned bis, hotel tidak sesuai dgn harapan kita semua (hancur sekali) kabul ikut kok 5824097950 erzurumnamaz 11/18/2009 5:41 AM 13:41 - Erzurum için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5824072781 lumbanradja 11/18/2009 5:39 AM @zenzadjuned bis, hotel tidak sesuai dgn harapan kita semua (hancur sekali) kabul ikut kok. 5823973735 Zenzadjuned 11/18/2009 5:32 AM why? kabul ikut? RT @lumbanradja @zenzadjuned apakah ? Have fun menyiksa sekali kak, 5823926164 reuterswire 11/18/2009 5:29 AM Afghans see no change to life of hardship, fear: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghans said on Wednesday they were resigned to ... 5823925521 safe_waters 11/18/2009 5:29 AM #reutersIN Afghans see no change to life of hardship, fear: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghans said on Wednesday they were resign 5823922260 KimBomin 11/18/2009 5:29 AM Afghans see no change to life of hardship, fear: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghans said on Wednesday they were resig... #Korea 5823898131 riviste 11/18/2009 5:27 AM Rivista: La banda di Kabul - La banda militare afghana in prova per il concerto in occasione dell'insediamento di H... 5823835490 DCgal62 11/18/2009 5:23 AM RT @Fingertipnews2: Reuters Intl: Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignita.. 5823809758 Dizzedcom 11/18/2009 5:21 AM Afghans on hold, awaiting Karzai, Obama decisions: KABUL (AP) -- Its protracted presidential election has final.. 5823740459 Amorous_I 11/18/2009 5:16 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries began descending on Ka.. 5823697639 Yolagiden 11/18/2009 5:13 AM Tamam, Dersim isyanı kanlı bastırıldı. Kabul. Peki isyancıların hiç mi suçu yok? 5823493478 zweitansage 11/18/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 5823463330 fingertipnews2 11/18/2009 4:57 AM Reuters Intl: Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignita.. 5823407487 fariena_ch 11/18/2009 4:53 AM Ayo ijab kabul? RT @Dino_Kuburin: @udhe_disini: @rakarockraka: #tebakfilmtranslate 5823214484 biletli 11/18/2009 4:39 AM evet tamam çok bağırdğımı kabul ediyorum :)) 5823099638 hombrelobo 11/18/2009 4:31 AM [hombrelobo] Viendo gente pasar en Kabul 5823075107 FHeinen 11/18/2009 4:29 AM @bertwagendorp De Muur gaat embedded! Selexyz Kabul.. Alleen de Radio Tour-tune was het luisteren naar het interview volgens mij al waard 5823065640 bysearchengine 11/18/2009 4:28 AM Afghans say poverty, not Taliban, main cause of war: By Jonathon Burch KABUL, Nov 18 (Reuters) - Most Afghans s.. 5822920586 findmeabout 11/18/2009 4:17 AM About karzai, afghanistan, kabul, anti-corruption unit, afghan corruption: KABUL — Afghan authorities a.. 5822919933 findmeabout 11/18/2009 4:17 AM About afghanistan, pakistan, strategy, taliban, war, obama: KABUL, Afghanistan – The residents of the.. 5822859816 husomaho 11/18/2009 4:12 AM Rasim Öztekin yaptığının hata olduğunu kabul etti ve “Ben bayağı biriyim, ama yazdıklarım öyle değildir” dedi. 5822711331 fingertipnews2 11/18/2009 4:01 AM Reuters Intl: Afghans say poverty, not Taliban, main cause of war: KABUL (Reuters) - Most Afghans .. 5822693809 zweitansage 11/18/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 5822656415 brk_news_now 11/18/2009 3:57 AM WashPost: Afghan minister accused of taking bribe : KABUL -- The Afghan minister of mines accepted a .. 5822643933 istanbulnamaz 11/18/2009 3:56 AM 11:56 - İstanbul için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5822550580 KimBomin 11/18/2009 3:48 AM Afghans say poverty, not Taliban, main cause of war: KABUL (Reuters) - Most Afghans see not Taliban militants... #Korea 5822527601 safe_waters 11/18/2009 3:46 AM #reutersIN Afghans say poverty, not Taliban, main cause of war: KABUL (Reuters) - Most Afghans see not Taliban militants 5822526729 rss_abc 11/18/2009 3:46 AM #abc Afghans on Hold, Awaiting Karzai, Obama Decisions: Afghanistan is on hold awaiting decisions in Kabul .. 5822525562 reuterswire 11/18/2009 3:46 AM Afghans say poverty, not Taliban, main cause of war: KABUL (Reuters) - Most Afghans see not Taliban militants but p... 5822510547 amedbaba 11/18/2009 3:45 AM @dotproduction Böyle notlar yazmaya devam edersem, beni de mahallenize kabul eder misiniz? :)) 5822443652 mserdark 11/18/2009 3:40 AM Onumuzdeki iki hafta toplanti taleplerini kabul etmeyecegim. Millet vakit gecirecek diye kendi isimden kaliyorum. 5822429014 albertsson 11/18/2009 3:39 AM @Gnaucky def creepy, but not as creepy as some afghan men here in Kabul. 5822387450 Chiqui 11/18/2009 3:35 AM Ahora en Chiquiworld Kabul. Viendo pasar gente 5822354520 yixuan_s 11/18/2009 3:33 AM Interest(CurNews): World waits for action to back Afghan president's words: KABUL: Hamid Karzai, due on Thursday to... 5822350088 warstudies 11/18/2009 3:32 AM Seminar today at 18.15: 'Afghan Reality' by Jean MacKenzie, Programme director, Institute for War & Peace Reporting, Kabul. Room K6.07 5822333261 IslakBornoz 11/18/2009 3:31 AM misafirlige gittigimde "kusura bakma ev biraz daginik" deyip beni super toplu evine kabul edenlerin bu yapmacik lafina gicigim yaw 5822332309 jeffersonjeffer 11/18/2009 3:31 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters - KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending ... 5822332361 ianingersoll321 11/18/2009 3:31 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters - KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending ... 5822332147 lennylancaster 11/18/2009 3:31 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters - KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending ... 5822332208 kevinkalamanca 11/18/2009 3:31 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters - KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending ... 5822328755 adananamaz 11/18/2009 3:31 AM 11:31 - Adana için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5822320493 Besiktas_JK 11/18/2009 3:30 AM Batugol Florya yolunda!: Beşiktaş’a kendisini kabul ettiremeyen genç yıldız Cimbomlu olmaya çok yakın. Po.. 5822319086 1stNewsHeds 11/18/2009 3:30 AM ABC News: Afghans Anxiously Await Decisions in Kabul and the White House 5822315374 kayserinamaz 11/18/2009 3:30 AM 11:30 - Kayseri için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5822278549 samsunnamaz 11/18/2009 3:27 AM 11:27 - Samsun için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5822256550 fingertipnews 11/18/2009 3:25 AM AP Intl: Afghans on hold, awaiting Karzai, Obama decisions - KABUL (AP) -- Its protracted presidential election... 5822205592 AndersTvegard 11/18/2009 3:21 AM Glemmer fra gang til gang hvor ille Frankfurtflyplassen er. Tok til og med prøver av støvet fra Kabul 5822181558 KimBomin 11/18/2009 3:19 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin desce... #Korea 5822179988 ilgiornale 11/18/2009 3:19 AM Kabul, "Sacchi d’oro ai talebani" Ecco come pacificano gli inglesi #news #esteri 5822101395 FlameGoldenu 11/18/2009 3:13 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descendi.. 5822045892 reuterswire 11/18/2009 3:08 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending o... 5822041517 arsenalturkiye 11/18/2009 3:08 AM Kısa Kısa -16: Yaya Toure'nin menajeri, Mourinho istemişti, City istedi kabul etmedik, şimdide Arsenal istiyor .. 5822037051 safe_waters 11/18/2009 3:08 AM #reutersIN Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descen 5822023883 erzurumnamaz 11/18/2009 3:07 AM 11:07 - Erzurum için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5821966738 FLASH_NEWS 11/18/2009 3:02 AM REUTERS: Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descend 5821931529 zweitansage 11/18/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 5821917379 PaginaNuova 11/18/2009 2:58 AM IL GIORNALE - Kabul, "Sacchi d’oro ai talebani" Ecco come pacificano gli inglesi: Dopo le ac.. 5821845595 SmittysWeb 11/18/2009 2:52 AM KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending on Kabul on Wednesday, the eve of the inauguration o... 5821845613 SalBarguil 11/18/2009 2:52 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending o... 5821845631 newsfeeding 11/18/2009 2:52 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending... 5821845670 webtipsfree 11/18/2009 2:52 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending o... 5821845681 GlobalTechNews 11/18/2009 2:52 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending o... 5821845725 tweettools4U 11/18/2009 2:52 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were ... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 5821845771 151a_bot 11/18/2009 2:52 AM [webtipsfree tweets ] Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending o.. 5821845546 newzdevil 11/18/2009 2:52 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending on... 5821845552 HeadlinesNewz 11/18/2009 2:52 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending o... 5821845572 dave13100 11/18/2009 2:52 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending o... 5821845575 gundelizer 11/18/2009 2:52 AM #Reuters Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to ... #Topnews 5821845579 MobileAuto 11/18/2009 2:52 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending o... 5821845584 reuterstop 11/18/2009 2:52 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending o... 5821845590 BssNews 11/18/2009 2:52 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending o... 5821838925 AllNewsSources 11/18/2009 2:52 AM REUTERS: Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descend 5821833967 BCBreakingNews 11/18/2009 2:51 AM Afghan leader to take oath, reputation in tatters: KABUL (Reuters) - Foreign dignitaries were to begin descending o... 5821817371 FLASH_NEWS 11/18/2009 2:50 AM DPA: PREVIEW: Security boosted in Kabul ahead of Karzai inauguration 5821802255 washingtonpostn 11/18/2009 2:48 AM [WASHINGTON POST]: Afghan minister accused of taking bribe : KABUL -- The Afghan minister of.. 5821703339 AllNewsSources 11/18/2009 2:40 AM DPA: PREVIEW: Security boosted in Kabul ahead of Karzai inauguration 5821629456 MirrorMag 11/18/2009 2:34 AM Afghans on hold, awaiting Karzai, Obama decisions: KABUL (AP) -- Its protracted presidential election has final.. 5821507704 fingertipnews 11/18/2009 2:24 AM AP Intl: Afghans on hold, awaiting Karzai, Obama decisions - KABUL (AP) -- Its protracted presidential election... 5821422215 Theodore_May 11/18/2009 2:17 AM #Kabul is really hunkering down for tomorrow's inauguration. Several Afghans have told me theyll stay home because they anticipate violence. 5821348238 2central_music 11/18/2009 2:11 AM A member of the Afghan army music corps arrives for a rehearsal at his base in Kabul, Afghanis #music #2central 5821209394 zweitansage 11/18/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 5821208588 Muratemre1881 11/18/2009 1:59 AM RT @birolguven: "Baykal Atatürk yaşasaydı.... "dedi. Sonunda kendisinin bir şey yapamayacağını o da kabul etti. 5821182230 mikeupchurch1 11/18/2009 1:57 AM Karzi celebration has kabul shut down 5821160196 fingertipnews2 11/18/2009 1:55 AM AP Intl: Afghans on hold, awaiting Karzai, Obama decisions: KABUL (AP) -- Its protracted presidential e.. 5821116565 Kindahs 11/18/2009 1:52 AM Kabul 5821048110 birolguven 11/18/2009 1:46 AM "Baykal Atatürk yaşasaydı.... "dedi. Sonunda kendisinin bir şey yapamayacağını o da kabul etti. 5820858240 WADC_news 11/18/2009 1:30 AM Afghan minister accused of taking bribe : KABUL -- The Afghan minister .. 5820273942 seanmaroney 11/18/2009 12:48 AM busy times in kabul right now. 5819890009 Kindahs 11/18/2009 12:22 AM kabul 5819842454 DCNewsFeed 11/18/2009 12:19 AM Todays Top News... Afghan minister accused of taking bribe: KABUL -- The Afghan minister of mines accepted a roughl... 5819732522 nancykoen 11/18/2009 12:12 AM Havanin guzel olmasi insana gercekten enerji veriyo, kabul ediyorum 5819558947 FLASH_NEWS 11/18/2009 12:02 AM Corruption in Afghanistan: "It's like a sickness," says a Kabul merchant. "Everyone is doing it." 5819520992 tlgylcn 11/18/2009 12:00 AM her geçen gün bir diğerine biraz daha benzemeye başladı. sınavlar başlasa da heyecanlansak. var biraz mazoşizm kabul ediyorum. 5819201465 wardaaa 11/17/2009 11:40 PM RT @LATimes Corruption in Afghanistan: "It's like a sickness," says a Kabul merchant. "Everyone is doing it." 5819036195 USRealityCheck 11/17/2009 11:31 PM Afghan minister accused of taking bribe : KABUL -- The Afghan minister of mines accepted a roughly $30 mill.. wp 5818996536 DCNewsFeed 11/17/2009 11:29 PM Today's Front Page.. Afghan minister accused of taking bribe: KABUL -- The Afghan minister of mines accepted a roug... 5818942577 Pandora073104 11/17/2009 11:26 PM I favorited a YouTube video -- Kabul Dog Fighting - Afghanistan 5818564414 arkuri 11/17/2009 11:06 PM @ahmethc sizi takip etmemin en onemli nedeni ve begendigim en guzel huyunuz yaptiginiz hatanin farkina vardiginizda delikanlica kabul 5818459860 rbmoreno 11/17/2009 11:01 PM RT @LATimes: Corruption in Afghanistan: "It's like a sickness," says a Kabul merchant. "Everyone is doing it." 5818332687 JenEstroff 11/17/2009 10:54 PM RT @LATimes: Corruption in Afghanistan: "It's like a sickness," says a Kabul merchant. "Everyone is doing it." 5818274610 stukelley 11/17/2009 10:52 PM Sitting in Kabul. 33 days to go. Lots going on in the next two days. Haji's itching to do something stupid. 5818234393 Stacygals 11/17/2009 10:49 PM Corruption in Afghanistan: "It's like a sickness," says a Kabul merchant. "Everyone is doing it." 5818215115 latimes 11/17/2009 10:48 PM Corruption in Afghanistan: "It's like a sickness," says a Kabul merchant. "Everyone is doing it." 5818072166 ashishskynews 11/17/2009 10:41 PM On my way to Kabul. 5817972152 paulinkabul 11/17/2009 10:36 PM @captain00 Of course, Kabul looks at its best under 3 feet of snow, and its comparatively safe.... 5817963074 ojimaruf 11/17/2009 10:36 PM @Kemal2906, bukan buat ijab kabul gw. tapi buat resepsi nikahan gw. 5817888356 Kemal2906 11/17/2009 10:32 PM Buat pesta ijab kabul lo yah? Hehehe *kabur* RT @ojimaruf: Horeee... masih bisa bikin sketsa baju... Teryata tanganku belum kaku2 amat... 5817667603 chloregy 11/17/2009 10:22 PM Deputy Project Manager - Road Planning - Afghanistan - Location: Kabul, KabulCompany: Futuretech Staffing, Inc My c... 5817552511 AfgPop 11/17/2009 10:17 PM RT @AfghanECC: Afghan children music video, singing by girls circus artists in Kabul: 5817306561 CrazeeRick 11/17/2009 10:06 PM Karzai corruption.RT @AfPakChannel: Poppy palaces in Kabul 5817107925 gundelizer 11/17/2009 9:57 PM Poverty, corruption key in Afghan war: Oxfam: KABUL: Poverty and corruption are driving the war in A.. #CNewsAsia 5817107127 gundelizer 11/17/2009 9:57 PM World waits for action to back Afghan president's words: KABUL: Hamid Karzai, due on Thursday to be .. #CNewsAsia 5817098523 SingaporeClub 11/17/2009 9:57 PM ChannelNewsAsia - Poverty, corruption key in Afghan war: Oxfam: KABUL: Poverty and corruption .. 5817054956 CMYSUCCESS 11/17/2009 9:55 PM Ridding Afghanistan of corruption will be no easy task: By Alexandra Zavis Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan - .. 5816853794 WANews0verviews 11/17/2009 9:47 PM SayWA! Paying Off The Warlords – CBS News: Kabul, Afghanistan: Every morning, dozens of trucks lade.. 5816832438 RajeevShankar 11/17/2009 9:46 PM An exclusive coverage of Kabul and South Waziristan by BBC this morning. I liked it. 5816670328 derrickcrowe 11/17/2009 9:39 PM RT @AfPakChannel: Poppy palaces in Kabul // Better title: "That for which U.S. gov't sends troops to kill & die" 5816634797 JMOKC 11/17/2009 9:37 PM RT @AfPakChannel Poppy Palaces in Kabul //link with photo 5816564324 AfPakChannel 11/17/2009 9:35 PM Poppy palaces in Kabul 5816120954 istanbulnamaz 11/17/2009 9:17 PM 5:17 - İstanbul için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5816057062 FaRuKS 11/17/2009 9:14 PM Liked "Bunları söylemeyi suç kabul eden kötüleri ve yalancıları ve bile bile yalana inananları artık tınlamıyorum...." 5816024364 ecoconcept 11/17/2009 9:13 PM Paying Off The Warlords - CBS News: Kabul, Afghanistan: Every morning, dozens of trucks laden with diesel from .. 5816021110 kocaelinamaz 11/17/2009 9:13 PM 5:13 - Kocaeli için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5815865812 francism1975 11/17/2009 9:06 PM Poverty, corruption key in Afghan war: Oxfam: AFP KABUL — Poverty and corruption are driving the war in Afghani.. 5815786968 ericcheah 11/17/2009 9:03 PM World waits for action to back Afghan president's words: KABUL: Hamid Karzai, due on Thursday to be sworn in as.. 5815602777 albertsson 11/17/2009 8:56 PM @hotforwords Hi from Kabul. 5815528098 eetoem 11/17/2009 8:53 PM Aduh,mba amiknaaa ☺☺☺ @Amixie: Hari ini, jam segini, 3 thn yg lalu, lg sibuk didandanin getting ready for ijab kabul. How time flies :) 5815444423 albertsson 11/17/2009 8:50 PM @DiiamondDye Hi from Kabul. Follow me. I'm just asking. 5815408023 kayserinamaz 11/17/2009 8:49 PM 4:49 - Kayseri için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5815383257 samsunnamaz 11/17/2009 8:48 PM 4:48 - Samsun için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5815383257 samsunnamaz 11/17/2009 8:48 PM 4:48 - Samsun için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5815352286 BobOpyd 11/17/2009 8:46 PM Kabul city shut down for 3 days for Karzai to pick his cabinet and other govt. posts... This should be fun! 5815273781 kabulkathy 11/17/2009 8:43 PM Sham Inauguration In Kabul! No one should go ! 5815268866 Chow65 11/17/2009 8:43 PM @Mendozaram Y las calles no sirven estan como si de pana hubo una guerra.....!!!! Parece Kabul....!!!! 5814333684 TdhInfoCenter 11/17/2009 8:07 PM Japan donates an additional $4.6 million to continue child immunization drive in Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghani.. 5813291642 Ahyhabiby 11/17/2009 7:27 PM KABUL ( - Seorang tentara salibis Inggris tertembak mati dua minggu setelah tiba di Afghanistan. S.. 5813188277 hacktivism 11/17/2009 7:24 PM Paying Off the Warlords: by Pratap Chatterjee Kabul, Afghanistan -- Every morning, dozens of trucks laden with .. 5813046964 berktemeller 11/17/2009 7:18 PM dinlerin seksi günah kabul etmesi insanları öyle bir etkilemiş ki, daha az günaha girmek için daha hızlı sevişmeye başladılar. 5812921165 arrahmah 11/17/2009 7:14 PM Tentara Salibis Inggris Keteteran Akibat Kurang Peralatan - Berita: KABUL ( - Seorang tentara sali.. 5812917159 Umyrina 11/17/2009 7:13 PM Tentara Salibis Inggris Keteteran Akibat Kurang Peralatan: KABUL ( - Seorang tentara salibis Inggr.. 5812765377 kirstewe 11/17/2009 7:08 PM » Social ill drug addiction Drug Detox Info: 11.17; Kabul in lockdown as Karzai takes over tomorrow 11.17; Tali.. 5812668481 Aby_Ummy 11/17/2009 7:04 PM Tentara Salibis Inggris Keteteran Akibat Kurang Peralatan - Berita: KABUL ( - Seorang tentara sali.. 5811665511 ManMadeMoon 11/17/2009 6:28 PM @mikaelshields thank you fellah! So knackered and frazzled right now Im likely to accidentally get on a plane for Kabul. 5811276089 okckilinc 11/17/2009 6:14 PM @nursenbayar okulun dışından mı aldın o raporu? boun içinse kabul edilmeme tehlikesi var (diye biliyorum...) 5811257305 rafa_dundalk 11/17/2009 6:13 PM Recomendo este show: amanhã (18/11) SAN “O Traço” no Kabul ( R. Pedro Taques, 124 (trav. consolação) 21:30. Entrada: R$ 5 5810979791 ataxpayerliv 11/17/2009 6:03 PM Kabul, Afghanistan - There's a joke making the rounds among Afghans 5810121310 hurriyetavrupa 11/17/2009 5:31 PM Mustafa’ya ‘soykırım’ ödevi: Türklerin 1915 yılında Ermenilere soykırım uyguladığını meclis kararıyla kabul ede.. 5810075879 tamenem 11/17/2009 5:30 PM RT @Amorous_I: Civilian death toll almost trebled in Afghan attack: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan officials said Tues.. 5809406854 Amixie 11/17/2009 5:05 PM Hari ini, jam segini, 3 thn yg lalu, lg sibuk didandanin getting ready for ijab kabul. How time flies :) 5809404192 musicdetoreador 11/17/2009 5:05 PM @tigriso onu kabul edemem, yani gerek de yok zaten ve bir süre görmezden gelmek gerek =) my memory won't let me make the same mistake again. 5809317759 UNjobs 11/17/2009 5:02 PM International Consultant: Management Information Systems, Kabul #jobs 5809260268 zweitansage 11/17/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 5808956683 murphy0454 11/17/2009 4:48 PM NATO psyop conf: interesting advances in means to understand culture by ISAF COIN ctr in Kabul 5808420708 Bstcabinetmaker 11/17/2009 4:28 PM Karzai about to start new term, but will he finish it?: Eikenberry and American officials in Kabul have been wo.. 5808281958 protagonia 11/17/2009 4:23 PM @vayirlis yuh be lan oha! olsun ben onu her haliyle kabul ettim. o kadar güzel de değil lan hem. yapmamıştır bence. 5808036438 mihladiz 11/17/2009 4:14 PM gerçekten uykuya ihtiyacım var, bünyem burn'ü kabul etmiyo artık, burun deliklerimden dışarı atıyo 5807890536 BetulTekeli 11/17/2009 4:09 PM @ElifD1 sosyal alemin gücünü kabul etmek lzm. sana katılıyorum.:) 5807741468 zeynepcetin 11/17/2009 4:03 PM @IremKusoglu koparim diyerek sapik olduunu kabul ediosun yanii:P buarada seneye bilfen cekmekoy i.o.o hayrli olsuun:D 5807644241 zweitansage 11/17/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 5807619184 Stephers74 11/17/2009 3:59 PM Kabul S**t Lily Allen The Fear - EP 5807580246 searchreality 11/17/2009 3:57 PM MASONLAR ALLAH'A İNANMAZLAR, HİÇBİR DİNİ KABUL ETMEZLER ANCAK BUNU AÇIKLAMAZLAR 5807528244 cancaliskan 11/17/2009 3:55 PM @DidemCanturk ne yöneticisi ya bildiğin hasta kabul ben can nasıl yardımcı olabilirim :)) 5807426100 Small_Biz_Coach 11/17/2009 3:51 PM Afghans say attack in east shows Taliban strength: KABUL - A rocket attack apparently targeting French forces that ... 5807426103 BostonMArss 11/17/2009 3:51 PM Herald| Afghans say attack in east shows Taliban strength: KABUL - A rocket attack apparently targeting French forc... 5807010805 mad 11/17/2009 3:35 PM @bonniebbj doh! Yes Kabul is indeed in afghanistan. 5806976192 doguozgun 11/17/2009 3:33 PM Kapalı kutuları böyle güzel kabul etmemizden belli, geçmişe gölge düşer korkusu. 5806720130 Harun_Yahya_ 11/17/2009 3:23 PM MASONLAR ALLAH'A İNANMAZLAR, HİÇBİR DİNİ KABUL ETMEZLER ANCAK BUNU AÇIKLAMAZLAR 5806700401 Miguel_Sequela 11/17/2009 3:22 PM AHAHHAHAHAAHAHAH KABUL???? @partyinmyheadd ha que dar gorjeta ao senhor por vir distribuir no iraque. 5806642403 HULAgate 11/17/2009 3:20 PM POTUS to holder off on troops decision until Kabul perfect, meanwhile DOJ prepares welcoming Manhattan for Mullahs & Mutt's Media Circus. 5806415970 cooperrepublic 11/17/2009 3:11 PM Afghan, NATO forces kill 5 Taliban insurgents, arrest 17 near Kabul #tcot 5806125509 zweitansage 11/17/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 5805716337 ecoconcept 11/17/2009 2:43 PM Anatomy of an Afghan Culture of Corruption - Kabul, Afghanistan -- Every morning, dozens of.. 5805697613 muratncolakoglu 11/17/2009 2:42 PM @noramildanoglu hmm hak verdin yani. bi hoca benim moralimi bozdugu zaman ben onun hakliligini 1 ay sonra anca kabul ederim:) 5805348984 Natapak 11/17/2009 2:28 PM Americans in Kabul having a hard party I just think they have gone mental and need to be moved from there ASAP 5805237209 Tiluan 11/17/2009 2:24 PM RT @Peettv: On our way to Afghanistan again; waiting for our connecting flight to Kabul 5805131986 mythart 11/17/2009 2:19 PM @figmenttt estağfurullah. ama hediyelik eşya dükkanlarında da satılan kızılderili tanrısı totemi gibi bir şey olmayı kabul edebilirim. 5805113830 theobeers 11/17/2009 2:19 PM tonight fred berger was talking about kabul-kandahar hwy. i joked about it having only 1 layer of asphalt... he actually got annoyed! ftw! 5805013388 unreconcilable 11/17/2009 2:14 PM @SezinSivri oylesini kabul ediyorsan ders almama gerek kalmadi. arada bi yalpaliyorum ama olacak o kadar :P :))) 5804841680 Peettv 11/17/2009 2:07 PM On our way to Afghanistan again; waiting for our connecting flight to Kabul 5804653670 zweitansage 11/17/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 5804622958 selimciprut 11/17/2009 1:58 PM @SahnazCakiralp Senden kapsa kapsa Pamuk Prenses Gribi kapar..Öpüsn başına koysun,ilacı kırmızı elma :)))) Güzeldi bu,kabul et :))) 5804561824 davidclinchCNN 11/17/2009 1:56 PM RT: @Theodore_May piece I wrote for @DailyNewsEgypt on flying kites in Kabul: 5804472872 lunink 11/17/2009 1:52 PM RT @ClaraJeffery: Remember Kabul embassy guard scandal? Same contractors will guard Baghdad airport. 5804255504 mythart 11/17/2009 1:42 PM google wave'den sonra şimdiki hedefim'a burslu olarak kabul edilmek. ister misin orada da 8x invitation? 5804220665 yagbebi 11/17/2009 1:41 PM RT @AfghanECC: Afghan children music video, singing by girls circus artists in Kabul: 5804180028 JulesBeaujolais 11/17/2009 1:39 PM RT @ClaraJeffery Remember Kabul embassy guard scandal? Same contractors will guard Baghdad airport. 5804170293 niknikbin 11/17/2009 1:39 PM I favorited a YouTube video -- Naeem Turi - Pekhawar Aw Kabul Dwarra Dwa Yaran De 5804127922 Shahzaz 11/17/2009 1:37 PM RT @ajbreakingnews: Explosion heard at Nato base in Kabul, says US military spokesman. 5804002611 Theodore_May 11/17/2009 1:31 PM A piece I wrote for @DailyNewsEgypt on flying kites in #Kabul: 5803818482 pgcat 11/17/2009 1:23 PM RT @ClaraJeffery: Kabul embassy guard scanda tainted contractors will guard Baghdad airport. Yer tax dollars at work. 5803697906 alextomo 11/17/2009 1:18 PM Miliband concedes changes afoot re UK and Kabul 5803673069 ClaraJeffery 11/17/2009 1:17 PM Remember Kabul embassy guard scandal? Same contractors will guard Baghdad airport. Yer tax dollars at work. 5803657321 afghanmagazine 11/17/2009 1:17 PM rumours of a deal brewing in Kabul (between key opposition figure Dr Abdullah and President Karzai). (via @saadmohseni) 5803642180 sirmathis 11/17/2009 1:16 PM landed in kabul...hello :) 5803502955 rsoden 11/17/2009 1:10 PM Wading through mountains of data @ericg picked up in Kabul. Too much of a good thing is a great problem to have. 5803477883 MalarkyNews 11/17/2009 1:09 PM Kabul in lockdown as Karzai takes over tomorrow 5803362252 jodipop 11/17/2009 1:04 PM 7 DAY 7 DAYS 7 DAYS. Daily Lily Allen Quote: We'll carry on straight down the road. Down the road to nowhere. - Kabul shit 5803264725 Fergalhgg5m 11/17/2009 1:00 PM President to visit Kabul tomorrow 5803252715 zweitansage 11/17/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 5803221731 AngelaHayden 11/17/2009 12:58 PM Angela Remember the Kabul embassy guard scandal? The same contractors will soon guard the most dangerous airport in... 5803100941 AngelaHayden 11/17/2009 12:53 PM Remember the Kabul embassy guard scandal? The same contractors will soon guard the most dangerous airport in the... 5803096788 AngelaHayden 11/17/2009 12:53 PM Remember the Kabul embassy guard scandal? The same contractors will soon guard the most dangerous airport in the world. 5803079254 MoJoRSS 11/17/2009 12:52 PM How to Pay Off Afghan Warlords: This story first appeared on the TomDispatch website.Kabul, Afgh.. #motherjones 5803021973 AngelaHayden 11/17/2009 12:50 PM RT @MotherJones: How to Pay Off Afghan Warlords: This story first -TomDispatch website.Kabul, Afghanistan—Every mo... 5802895828 motherjones 11/17/2009 12:44 PM How to Pay Off Afghan Warlords: This story first appeared on the TomDispatch website.Kabul, Afghanistan—Every mo... 5802871365 Jesmina2434 11/17/2009 12:43 PM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul 5802778221 jmsardo 11/17/2009 12:39 PM RT @MotherJones: Remember Kabul embassy guard scandal? The same contractors will guard most dangerous airport in world. 5802645317 hapkidogal 11/17/2009 12:33 PM RT @MotherJones: Remember the Kabul embassy guard scandal? The same contractors will soon guard the most dangerous airport in the world. ... 5802632874 motherjones 11/17/2009 12:33 PM Remember the Kabul embassy guard scandal? The same contractors will soon guard the most dangerous airport in the world. 5802544299 Imgunslinger 11/17/2009 12:29 PM Dostlarım, lütfen üzerime gelmeyin,Tamam kabul ediyorum, ben bir alkoliğim. 5802543623 Serpentine202 11/17/2009 12:29 PM New Baghdad Airport Security Contractor Has Major Bagagge (same private security empire whose embassy guards in Kabul) 5802016869 olduvai 11/17/2009 12:06 PM Read: Kabul Beauty School by Deborah Rodriguez: 5801864971 zweitansage 11/17/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 5801821021 ncebi 11/17/2009 11:58 AM @crstflln kabul ettim, sömür sömürebildiğin kadar. (: 5801810904 gokayabaci 11/17/2009 11:57 AM LÖSEV Lösemili Çocuklar Vakfı da kurban bağışı kabul eden kuruluşlar arasında yer alıyor. 220 YTL`lik bağış... [pic] 5801545863 naked_ass_ 11/17/2009 11:46 AM A US-run NATO military base in the Afghan capital Kabul wounded at least three foreign soldiers and three civilians on Friday, police said. 5801410995 tutatheatre 11/17/2009 11:40 AM Check out production photos from "Homebody/Kabul" @ National Theatre in Serbia directed by TUTA's Zeljko Djukic. 5801408057 Lorentz1 11/17/2009 11:40 AM Bokhandleren i Kabul. Like interresant rettsak som den om gamblingBaasland. 5801344601 JeremyMcClain 11/17/2009 11:37 AM RT @DavidCornDC: Pvt security empire that gave us vodka buttshots @ Kabul Emb. now has contract at Baghdad airport 5801283221 angrydragon6 11/17/2009 11:34 AM NPR: Clinton: U.S. Wants More Accountability From Kabul-More at 5801246223 oplapla 11/17/2009 11:33 AM Pratap Chatterjee: Anatomy of an Afghan Culture of Corruption: The tale of the "reconstruction" of Kabul's elec.. 5801244535 gercekgundem 11/17/2009 11:33 AM adalet diye dinlemeler yapılıyor.Çok garip ama bir savcının olayı kabul etmesi ve hakim dinleyin demesi ayları bulur 5801152318 Freedomman11 11/17/2009 11:29 AM Pratap Chatterjee: Anatomy of an Afghan Culture of Corruption: The tale of the "reconstruction" of Kabul's elec.. 5801031279 RuletaOnline 11/17/2009 11:24 AM Muertes de civiles en ataque Afganistán se triplican: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - Las autoridades afganas dijer.. 5800818915 QueerjohnPA 11/17/2009 11:15 AM RT @truthout: Paying Off the Warlords: Anatomy of an Afghan Culture of Corruption: Kabul, Afghanistan- Every morning.. 5800687016 crstflln 11/17/2009 11:09 AM @ncebi request'i kabul edersen somurmeye baslayabilirim seni. 5800603964 TPainesDaughter 11/17/2009 11:06 AM 5800490647 BraidenRJ 11/17/2009 11:01 AM New blog post: Kabul Captures the Imagination 5800489673 n_t_p 11/17/2009 11:01 AM @olcayozkan nasıl atladım bilmiyorum, hala kabul görürse eğer; Hoşbulduk ;) 5800478587 truthout 11/17/2009 11:01 AM Paying Off the Warlords: Anatomy of an Afghan Culture of Corruption: Kabul, Afghanistan -- Every morning, dozen.. 5800443983 zweitansage 11/17/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 5800398941 Wee42 11/17/2009 10:58 AM Jeg misstenker denne bokhandleren fra Kabul, i å ha bevisst spekulert i sine muligheter rundt utgivelsen, det ligger noe kynisk bak her. 5800305211 Fahrenheit4512 11/17/2009 10:54 AM @eezeer In-flight entertainment #acs Kabul BLOEMFONTEIN # just rated 12/20 on Air Valid by traveler #iPhone 5800285136 pchatterjee 11/17/2009 10:53 AM Paying Off the Warlords (my latest from Kabul) - 5800093829 BenLS 11/17/2009 10:45 AM RT @CFR_org: Kim Barker – just back from #Kabul - says #Afghans are disillusioned with #Karzai's election: 5799965414 CFR_org 11/17/2009 10:40 AM #CFR’s Kim Barker – just back from #Kabul - says #Afghans are disillusioned with #Karzai's election. 5799901369 Greytdog 11/17/2009 10:37 AM RT @DavidCornDC: The private security empire that brought us vodka buttshots at Kabul Emb. now has security contrac (cont) 5799674796 MustafaOztrk 11/17/2009 10:28 AM Az evvel bedava maraton kombine biletini kabul etmedim. Hey gidi Sakaryaspor. 5799660406 ktiu 11/17/2009 10:27 AM @taosays yes, home for xmas and meeting a friend in beirut / kabul 5799624178 girlofgordon 11/17/2009 10:26 AM Have run out of T for the G :( #Kabul 5799427524 girlofgordon 11/17/2009 10:18 AM @uppaljs Haven't heard about road blocks tomorrow. Airport closes in evening. But roads will be hellish on Thurs obviously... #Kabul 5799424035 fingertipnews 11/17/2009 10:17 AM RT @reuterskl: Reporters barred from Afghan leader's inauguration: KABUL (Reuters) - Journalists will be barred from... 5799403094 bursanamaz 11/17/2009 10:17 AM 18:17 - Bursa için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5799380949 reuterskl 11/17/2009 10:16 AM Reporters barred from Afghan leader's inauguration: KABUL (Reuters) - Journalists will be barred from Afghanist.. 5799378646 istanbulnamaz 11/17/2009 10:16 AM 18:16 - İstanbul için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5799376812 uppaljs 11/17/2009 10:15 AM is govt. blocking all of the major roads in #kabul tomorrow ?? can anyone confirm? #afghanistan 5799371949 laurenist 11/17/2009 10:15 AM RT @DavidCornDC: The private security empire that brought us vodka buttshots at Kabul Emb. now has security contract at Baghdad airport ... 5799310841 girlofgordon 11/17/2009 10:13 AM LOL. Hope you get away OK. RT @lizva: At kabul airport. Electricity keeps cutting out. Ariana plane on fire. A stateside break will be nice. 5799295546 kolbykuwitzky 11/17/2009 10:12 AM RT @DavidCornDC: The private security empire that brought us vodka buttshots at Kabul Emb. now has security contract at Baghdad airport ... 5799252720 davidcorndc 11/17/2009 10:10 AM The private security empire that brought us vodka buttshots at Kabul Emb. now has security contract at Baghdad airport 5799183461 girlofgordon 11/17/2009 10:08 AM G&T and a series of Michael Bolton, disco and classic pop/rock hits. Perfect (well, for #Kabul)... 5799072245 DanRatherReport 11/17/2009 10:03 AM From Dan: Is Abdullah Abdullah Afghanistan's future? I interviewed him in his heavily guarded Kabul villa. T 5798980174 zweitansage 11/17/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 5798974965 fingertipnews2 11/17/2009 9:59 AM Reuters Intl: Civilian death toll almost trebled in Afghan attack: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan offici.. 5798819328 mythart 11/17/2009 9:53 AM dünyanın en prestijli internetlerinden google wave'e kabul edilmişim, hssktr -bir sevinç nidası olarak hssktr- 5798810738 kayserinamaz 11/17/2009 9:53 AM 17:53 - Kayseri için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5798774235 singapore_girls 11/17/2009 9:51 AM @kangsboutique Unicorns in Kabul - Pakistan Daily Mail: Unicorns in KabulPakistan Daily MailWe soon know who the friend is,.. 5798747841 cgmentions 11/17/2009 9:50 AM Unicorns in Kabul - Pakistan Daily Mail: Unicorns in KabulPakistan Daily MailIt's a little rich,” said Hugh.. 5798711353 bigoent 11/17/2009 9:48 AM Carry me caravan; take me away; take me to Bagram; take me to Kabul. 5798671416 motiv8fitnes 11/17/2009 9:47 AM Charity workout is to get as many people as possible cover a total distance of 1274mile in the gym that basra to kabul come Help for Heros 5798669020 aysegulhikaye 11/17/2009 9:47 AM @damlabahar bebeğimm buraya yakın bi yere kurbanlık çadırı kurmuşlar , hüzünlüyüm : ) öyle değiller mi ama kabul et : ) 5798665952 samsunnamaz 11/17/2009 9:47 AM 17:47 - Samsun için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5798532788 dagens_nyheter 11/17/2009 9:41 AM NK: Kabul stängs inför Karzaiceremoni 5798488700 robyfarizki 11/17/2009 9:39 AM Gw inget temennya temen gw di jogja bilang circle K itu "kabul". Singkatan dari "Ka Bulet" -.- 5798429671 deryasezgin 11/17/2009 9:37 AM @ezgibasaran iclal hn.da tablet varmış ama dr. kabul etmiyor. 5798423647 PedroGMurilloZ 11/17/2009 9:37 AM ke tipo mas ignorante... Kabul? que farsa.. Tripoli ANIMALES libia=trípoli pendejos, q farsa la w es una farsaa 5798387095 TantaoNews 11/17/2009 9:35 AM Taliban increase attacks ahead of Karzai’s inaugural ceremony: KABUL Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- Taliban insurgen.. 5798224443 GaeMar01 11/17/2009 9:28 AM Least we forget: Kabul was a cultural capital in the world >> #STOPBLAIR 5798224171 TantaoNews 11/17/2009 9:28 AM Taliban increase attacks ahead of Karzai’s inaugural ceremony: KABUL Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- Taliban insurgen.. 5798204939 vattaltimes 11/17/2009 9:28 AM Zardari to visit Kabul Thursday : 5798204293 erzurumnamaz 11/17/2009 9:28 AM 17:28 - Erzurum için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5797984968 Amorous_I 11/17/2009 9:18 AM Civilian death toll almost trebled in Afghan attack: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan officials said Tuesday 14 civilia.. 5797852690 tn_worldnews 11/17/2009 9:13 AM TheNational World: Kabul ‘on lockdown’ for Karzai's inauguration: Security authorities have i.. 5797823978 globalviewpoint 11/17/2009 9:12 AM AGRICULTURE: Exporting Afghanistan: Global Analyst Online – Global News Blog / IPS P.J. Tobia KABUL, Nov 17.. 5797803852 Benmaviyim 11/17/2009 9:11 AM Kabul et beni Japon!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5797713586 safe_waters 11/17/2009 9:07 AM #reutersIN Civilian death toll almost trebled in Afghan attack: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan officials said Tuesday 14 civil 5797710621 HeadlinesNewz 11/17/2009 9:07 AM Civilian death toll almost trebled in Afghan attack: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan officials said Tuesday 14 civilians h... 5797710572 KimBomin 11/17/2009 9:07 AM Civilian death toll almost trebled in Afghan attack: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan officials said Tuesday 14 civi... #Korea 5797694015 reuterswire 11/17/2009 9:06 AM Civilian death toll almost trebled in Afghan attack: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan officials said Tuesday 14 civilians h... 5797652880 san_santiago 11/17/2009 9:05 AM sangue no zóio para quarta agora 18/11 show San e Banda no 5797550387 ruthowen 11/17/2009 9:01 AM Ah Kabul. This why I take Safi. RT @lizva At Kabul airport. Electricity keeps cutting out. Ariana plane on fire. (via @NaheedMustafa) 5797534992 mucvers 11/17/2009 9:00 AM sokim yönetmeliğine rapor kabul etmeyen birime ve 3 tane sınav kaçıran beyine.. 5797522518 zweitansage 11/17/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 5797404737 bursanamaz 11/17/2009 8:55 AM 16:55 - Bursa için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5797402472 NaheedMustafa 11/17/2009 8:54 AM I really hope that's not your plane RT @lizva At kabul airport. Electricity keeps cutting out. Ariana plane on fire... 5797357316 istanbulnamaz 11/17/2009 8:53 AM 16:53 - İstanbul için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5797287192 kocaelinamaz 11/17/2009 8:50 AM 16:50 - Kocaeli için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5797282103 Theodore_May 11/17/2009 8:49 AM - Shot this photo from a military helicopter flying between Kabul and Bagram. #Afghanistan 5797242138 vambannews 11/17/2009 8:48 AM Zardari to visit Kabul Thursday: 5797217059 sriharsha73 11/17/2009 8:47 AM Kabul to launch anti-graft unit: The Afghan government has announced the launch of an anti-corruption unit after Hillary 5797195139 konyanamaz 11/17/2009 8:46 AM 16:46 - Konya için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5797177844 defensejobs 11/17/2009 8:45 AM OCONUS: Transmission / Network Engineer - Mission 1st Group - Kabul #jobs 5797084458 zeolshah 11/17/2009 8:41 AM New blog post: Zardari to visit Kabul Thursday 5797056337 ankaranamaz 11/17/2009 8:40 AM 16:40 - Ankara için akşam vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5797034435 gokhanizm 11/17/2009 8:39 AM @zeynepsevde Allah kabul etsin ama bence gidemeyenleri de göndersin gitmek için harcayacağı parayla. Daha makbul olur görüşündeyim. 5796987289 adananamaz 11/17/2009 8:37 AM 16:37 - Adana için akşam vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5796884499 nadine1900 11/17/2009 8:32 AM Will Kabul's new anti-corruption task force establish itself as Afghan FBI? 5796843229 slkbrooke 11/17/2009 8:30 AM RT @Fingertipnews Afghan official: Attack underscores Taliban threat - KABUL (AP) -- The deaths of 14 civilians in ... 5796820224 xabitubbi 11/17/2009 8:29 AM > @Rasmussen: we need women to resolve conflicts. Gender advisors are deploying in Kabul. 5796805632 fingertipnews 11/17/2009 8:29 AM AP Intl: Afghan official: Attack underscores Taliban threat - KABUL (AP) -- The deaths of 14 civilians in a roc... 5796667358 ktiu 11/17/2009 8:23 AM goddamn ok that's it i got all my tickets for bangkok-frankfurt-beirut-dubai-kabul-bangkok at a total of $2,365 :( #fb 5796642972 Yannick_Comenge 11/17/2009 8:22 AM Taliban Militants Fire Rockets on Crowded Bazaar Northeast of Kabul - 5796456987 emcartazrio 11/17/2009 8:13 AM TEATRO:"Kabul" até o dia 22.11 no Espaço Sesc em Copa.5a. a domingo.Ingressos: R$4,00 a R$ 16,00. Censura:14 anos. 5796149246 zweitansage 11/17/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 5795964716 Ivesqhmg 11/17/2009 7:51 AM Will Kabul's new anti-corruption task force establish itself as Afghan FBI? - Xinhua 5795921946 letmewatchthis 11/17/2009 7:49 AM Kabul Express 5795699506 Harun_Yahya_ 11/17/2009 7:38 AM Harun Yahya - BİLİM YARATICI'NIN VARLIĞINI KABUL EDİYOR 5795591191 jfuruly 11/17/2009 7:33 AM Hvor sannsynlig er det at Åsne Seierstad skal ha tjent 25 mill på Bokhandleren i Kabul? Opplaget er noe over to mill. internasjonalt. 5795500621 lizva 11/17/2009 7:28 AM At kabul airport. Electricity keeps cutting out. Ariana plane on fire. A stateside break will be nice. 5795489051 uberguineapig 11/17/2009 7:28 AM RT: @Fahrenheit4512 @eezeer In-flight entertainment #132 Kabul Durban # just rated 15/20 on Air Valid by traveler #iPhone 5795454824 Fahrenheit4512 11/17/2009 7:26 AM @eezeer In-flight entertainment #132 Kabul Durban # just rated 15/20 on Air Valid by traveler #iPhone 5795431474 al_qaeda_news 11/17/2009 7:25 AM Osama's Den: The legislation needed to build new Forth road; highway No.16 from Islamabad to so called capital Kabul b... 5795256576 Global_Updaid 11/17/2009 7:16 AM FOREIGN AFFAIRS IT: Afghanistan: insediamento Karzai, a Kabul l’Ambasciatore Iannucci, Invia.. 5795207555 haberbiz 11/17/2009 7:13 AM Yeni haber, "Kanunsuz dinleme kabul edilemez" - 5795117628 rodneystack 11/17/2009 7:09 AM RT @lifeisawesome: PLO Leaders Resilient on Declaration of Statehood (They will get Kabul) 5794941828 zweitansage 11/17/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 5794748337 Rogerovalles 11/17/2009 6:49 AM Funcionarios afganos preocupados por ataque en el este: KABUL (AP) - La muerte de 12 civiles a causa de un ataque c... 5794593373 izmirnamaz 11/17/2009 6:41 AM 14:41 - İzmir için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5794579968 UNjobs_Forest 11/17/2009 6:40 AM GIS Officer, Kabul + Travel, Afghanistan, MADERA @UNjobs #jobs 5794542943 emrysschoemaker 11/17/2009 6:38 AM RT @saadmohseni: rumours of a deal brewing in Kabul (between key opposition figure Dr Abdullah and President Karzai). 5794531802 UNjobs_Forest 11/17/2009 6:37 AM Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (Western area), Kabul + Travel to Ghor & Wardak, Afghanistan @UNjobs #jobs 5794519626 dweleling 11/17/2009 6:36 AM RT @saadmohseni: rumours of a deal brewing in Kabul (between key opposition figure Dr Abdullah and President Karzai). 5794514760 YahooNoticias 11/17/2009 6:36 AM Funcionarios afganos preocupados por ataque en el este: KABUL (AP) - La muerte de 12 civiles a causa de un ataque c... 5794483024 TantaoNews 11/17/2009 6:34 AM Will Kabul’s new anti-corruption task force establish itself as Afghan FBI?: KABUL, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- R.. 5794444222 saadmohseni 11/17/2009 6:32 AM rumours of a deal brewing in Kabul (between key opposition figure Dr Abdullah and President Karzai). 5794414790 News24 11/17/2009 6:31 AM Security tight in Kabul 5794394975 bursanamaz 11/17/2009 6:30 AM 14:30 - Bursa için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5794307155 kocaelinamaz 11/17/2009 6:25 AM 14:25 - Kocaeli için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5794272811 landedim 11/17/2009 6:23 AM din hocasının konuya girmeden bana kader hakkında ne düşünüyosun diye sorması falan aferim adam ol kabul et senden daha mantıklı konusuyorum 5794239283 konyanamaz 11/17/2009 6:21 AM 14:21 - Konya için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5794084588 adananamaz 11/17/2009 6:12 AM 14:12 - Adana için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5793985209 ysmnoz 11/17/2009 6:06 AM @DusumBsr :(((((((((((((((((((((((((( kabul etmek istemiyorum bunu ! 5793964196 freedom4USA 11/17/2009 6:04 AM US:#tcot #news Afghan Officials Worried Over Bold Attack in East: Filed at 3:57 a.m. ET KABUL (AP.. 5793879528 zweitansage 11/17/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 5793847325 samsunnamaz 11/17/2009 5:58 AM 13:58 - Samsun için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5793600796 noujij 11/17/2009 5:42 AM Beveiliging opgevoerd voor beëdiging Karzai: KABUL - De Afghaanse autoriteiten en internationale troepen hebben.. 5793586397 nouwij 11/17/2009 5:41 AM Beveiliging opgevoerd voor beëdiging Karzai: KABUL - De Afghaanse autoriteiten en internationale troepen hebben.. 5793581297 erzurumnamaz 11/17/2009 5:41 AM 13:41 - Erzurum için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5793470054 yigitAYVAZOGLU 11/17/2009 5:33 AM Benden başarılı insanlar olabilir bunu kabul etmeliyim... 5793465007 wiqydesryansah 11/17/2009 5:33 AM @ardhiaamalia hehehe.. mangkanya sukurin apa yg ada!!!jadi kalo kita byk bersyukur maka doa kita akan di kabul kan!!!hehehe pkk ceramah ni 5793464185 fishline 11/17/2009 5:33 AM Things are tight and edgy in Kabul with Karzai'a Inaguration on Thursday. 5793440078 sariverrat 11/17/2009 5:31 AM Security tight in Kabul for Karzai inauguration 5793354618 vermistverloren 11/17/2009 5:26 AM Beveiliging opgevoerd voor beëdiging Karzai: KABUL - De Afghaanse autoriteiten en internationale troepen hebben.. 5793230165 LuceStragista 11/17/2009 5:17 AM Rivincita per me...ieri i ladri hanno svaligiato Palazzo Kabul!!! 5793222002 Benmaviyim 11/17/2009 5:16 AM Kabul et beni Japon!!! 5793196133 BerilBasbudak 11/17/2009 5:15 AM @burakdogan sonunu düşünen kahraman olamazmış:):):) of baya alakasız oldu ok kabul ediyorum. 5793039604 BobOpyd 11/17/2009 5:04 AM Kabul going to be shut down for Karzai's victory celebration... Fun in the OK Corral!!! 5793020432 burakdogan 11/17/2009 5:02 AM @BerilBasbudak Tamam kabul ediyorum gayet çekiciler ama, sonu kötü sonu.. :) 5792862764 senolyaginli 11/17/2009 4:51 AM yalakalıkta sınır tanımayan zilliler. eleştiriyi kabul etmez, yalan oldugunu bile bile övenleri överler.... 5792857659 tholgareloaded 11/17/2009 4:51 AM @zeynepgoze tholgareloaded @zeynepgoze blocku kaldırmışsın ama cevap yazamıyoruz ... ekleme talebini kabul et pls. 5792771933 selvab 11/17/2009 4:44 AM Bazen cok "hata kabul eder" bir millet oldugumuzu dusunuyorum. "O kadar kusur kadi kizinda da olur" diye diye "mukemmel" hedefi olan kalmadi 5792676789 reistweets 11/17/2009 4:37 AM Beveiliging opgevoerd voor beëdiging Karzai: KABUL - De Afghaanse autoriteiten en internationale troepen hebben de ... 5792401134 Theodore_May 11/17/2009 4:17 AM Just back from the Bush/Obama Market in #Kabul. Lots of military stuff for sale: MREs, Army shirts, knives, flashlights. Pretty astounding. 5792374119 noye_noye 11/17/2009 4:15 AM WALI...!!! RT @tegarBangun: Saksi di ijab kabul #tebakanbandtranslate 5792328227 tegarBangun 11/17/2009 4:11 AM Saksi di ijab kabul #tebakanbandtranslate 5792171319 zweitansage 11/17/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 5792121471 istanbulnamaz 11/17/2009 3:56 AM 11:56 - İstanbul için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5792070958 kocaelinamaz 11/17/2009 3:52 AM 11:52 - Kocaeli için öğle vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5792013034 AndersTvegard 11/17/2009 3:47 AM Her i Kabul er det konstant rushtrafikk fra morgen til kveld. Snart skal jeg ut i den for å ta meg til flyplassen. 5791953489 wallfrog 11/17/2009 3:42 AM RT @Fingertipnews: AP Intl: Afghan officials worried over bold attack in east - KABUL (AP) -- The deaths of 12 ci... 5791945222 GolfCourseGuy 11/17/2009 3:42 AM Mulligan+ Golf Courses and Your Golf Handicap: Afgan - Kabul Golf Club: The nine-hole Kabul Golf Club, which op.. 5791944896 konyanamaz 11/17/2009 3:42 AM 11:42 - Konya için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5791931880 ankaranamaz 11/17/2009 3:41 AM 11:41 - Ankara için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5791922157 Bugrasisman 11/17/2009 3:40 AM @BerkGoltepe hepsev dıene kdr rıdrıg cvbından baska cvp dusunemezdm ama 2 sı de kabul puan kırmıyorum. 5791837289 SaadetIstanbul 11/17/2009 3:33 AM Filistin'den İl Başkanlığımıza ziyaret İl Başkanvekilimiz Yakup Özbek, Filistin'den gelen bir heyeti kabul etti.. 5791802978 muguscafe 11/17/2009 3:31 AM neslihan (yavuzcan) bitirdin benii? tamm kabul spor mutluluk veriyo ama ekstra bonus olarakta ağrı ve acı:S 5791788882 kayserinamaz 11/17/2009 3:30 AM 11:30 - Kayseri için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5791771263 wsjworldnews 11/17/2009 3:28 AM Kabul Makes Anticorruption Effort 5791731614 fingertipnews 11/17/2009 3:25 AM AP Intl: Afghan officials worried over bold attack in east - KABUL (AP) -- The deaths of 12 civilians in a rock... 5791730619 indiareporter 11/17/2009 3:25 AM An Afghan man and two women search through second-hand clothes at a street market in old Kabul 5791724498 indiareporter 11/17/2009 3:25 AM An Afghan woman carries a cauliflower as she walks through the streets of old Kabul 5791598807 blodicus 11/17/2009 3:15 AM Blast strikes near U.S. military base in Kabul 5791497109 erzurumnamaz 11/17/2009 3:07 AM 11:07 - Erzurum için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5791459941 siyahbuz 11/17/2009 3:04 AM önceden aramın iyi olupta gereksiz bişi yüzünden sırf kabul etmedi diye ben söyledim diye benden çekinen insanlar olmuştur ve şimdide vardır 5791414557 leongjeng 11/17/2009 3:00 AM NYTimes: Taliban Militants Fire Rockets on Crowded Bazaar Northeast of Kabul 5791401328 zweitansage 11/17/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 5791305186 yagbebi 11/17/2009 2:52 AM RT @AnneDanmark: RT @FartashPhoto 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul . from The New York Times ~ (cont) 5791245481 WeGiveMealPacks 11/17/2009 2:47 AM Agriculture: Exporting Afghanistan: The 60 hectare stretch of farmland in north Kabul's Badam Bagh neighbourhoo.. 5791172345 W7VOA 11/17/2009 2:41 AM Looks like Kabul to be pretty much locked down for the Karzai inauguration Thursday. #Afghanistan 5791093879 senemi_ 11/17/2009 2:35 AM muhafazakar kesim. eğri bir dalı kabul ediyor. fakat bu dalın eğilmesi doğru bir gidişdir denilmesini kabul etmiyor. edemez. 5790955637 Sycorox 11/17/2009 2:24 AM @egemenlimon o demliği yapmıştı derya abla:))şimdi artık sendede bi gizlenen bir derya baykal olduğunu anlıyorum:) hepimiz deryayız kabul:P 5790785224 egemenlimon 11/17/2009 2:10 AM evdeki porselen demliklerden sıkılanlara.. var bi derya baykallık ben de bugün kabul 5790644685 de_volkskrant 11/17/2009 2:00 AM [08:13] Afghaanse regering richt onder internationale druk bureau op tegen corruptie: KABUL - De Afghaan.. 5790640839 zweitansage 11/17/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 5790548406 BobOpyd 11/17/2009 1:52 AM Going to be a busy few days, client in town and have to hit all the bases here in Kabul. 5790214809 joaohartley 11/17/2009 1:27 AM Cuadernos d Kabul Jugar fútbol sin burka 5790172246 AnneDanmark 11/17/2009 1:24 AM RT @FartashPhoto 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul . from The New York Times ~ #IranElection #Afghanistan #Kabul 5790072706 brukins 11/17/2009 1:16 AM RT @huffingtonpost Electronic Polar Bears Replace Real Bears At St. Louis Zoo (PHOTO) #WTF #LOL I thought it #Kabul Zoo 5789849567 NaheedMustafa 11/17/2009 1:01 AM I'm sure it looks snappy! RT @ruthowen Flags 4 inauguration all along airport road & arnd Masoud circle, Kabul looking rather presentable. 5789817659 ruthowen 11/17/2009 12:59 AM Flags for inauguration up all along airport road and around Masoud circle making Kabul look rather presentable. 5789787550 PoliticsHoncho 11/17/2009 12:56 AM The war in Afghanistan: Last chance in Kabul | The Economist 5789600628 forexwikis 11/17/2009 12:43 AM Suicide bombing hits military base in Kabul... 5789583345 teabreakdotpk 11/17/2009 12:42 AM T: Best Books About Etiquette, The Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2009,Unicorns in Kabul, Copenhagen Climate Talks, Sp... 5789436881 BetteDam 11/17/2009 12:33 AM More troops, no more troops. Is that what it is all about here in A? Ask some people here in Kabul::// 5789383718 kikikikakiko 11/17/2009 12:29 AM kucing aku minggat :( aku sedih deh . mw nangis . huhuhuhuhu cedihnya .. aku cedih kucing aku kabul dali lumah . krikkrik 5789316206 coolerchoicenet 11/17/2009 12:25 AM New post: Kabul Makes Anticorruption Effort ( 5789161981 sheillaayu 11/17/2009 12:15 AM jgn salah dong bang nanu, nanti susah pas ijab kabul. weks. Ahkhakhakhak RT @Djanoe: sheila.. salah kan gw.. hakhakhkahk.. 5788501183 ImpuniTweet 11/16/2009 11:37 PM U.S. Demands Bribery Court in Afghanistan: By M.E. Dodge Impunity Watch Reporter, Asia KABUL, Afghanistan - In .. 5788146907 unreconcilable 11/16/2009 11:17 PM @Chiquirei tabi hatun kismisinin isi uzun suruyor. abdest, giyinme, namaz.. :) Allah seninkini de kabul etsin :) 5788132152 johnadamcole 11/16/2009 11:16 PM feeling the cold of Kabul. Starting to get used to it here (scary). 5788087287 unreconcilable 11/16/2009 11:14 PM Allah kabul etsin.. @DoguVural 5787902858 al_qaeda_news 11/16/2009 11:05 PM Cave complex communication: The main road; highway No.16 from Islamabad to so called capital Kabul over Belfast's Orme... 5787718755 Good_Nutrition 11/16/2009 10:56 PM In Kabul's Obama Market,' a treasure trove of bought or stolen US military ... - Kansas City Star 5787711331 markhurlburt 11/16/2009 10:55 PM Anybody have a spare google wave invite for a really cool friend of mine who's working for a nonprofit in Kabul? Seriously... Kabul. 5787578120 faisalario 11/16/2009 10:48 PM siapa bilang? pasti bakalan lancar tanpa hambatan RT @AnggieAnugra: Trs ntar lonya nervous ga bs ijab kabul haha RT @faisalario: okay 5787451529 AnggieAnugra 11/16/2009 10:42 PM Trs ntar lonya nervous ga bs ijab kabul haha RT @faisalario: okay deh hahaha RT @AnggieAnugra: And me menjadi pengiring pengantin 5787166683 fabi_hana 11/16/2009 10:29 PM Terancamnya Kota Kabul: Tak ada tempat yang aman bagi tentara asing di Afghanistan. Para pejuang Taliban terus .. 5786986056 subhadra_72 11/16/2009 10:20 PM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul: 5786908081 TheBuGz 11/16/2009 10:17 PM Wary of Al-Qaeda, US ups pressure on Islamabad, Kabul: Reuters SHANGHAI: President Barack Obama said on Monday .. 5786893038 Infidel007 11/16/2009 10:16 PM RT @YonhapNews: S. Korea mulls deploying troops north of Kabul #SKorea #Afghanistan 5786810149 YonhapNews 11/16/2009 10:12 PM S. Korea mulls deploying troops north of Kabul #SKorea #Afghanistan 5786702218 masridwan 11/16/2009 10:08 PM Terancamnya Kota Kabul: Tak ada tempat yang aman bagi tentara asing di Afghanistan. Para pejuang Taliban terus .. 5786549338 nympsam 11/16/2009 10:01 PM Oh no! RT @AndreaVella My poor darling husband @johntaylorish is back in Kabul. With H1N1, it seems. Send him your love. And your Tamiflu. 5786548423 marcy_deapa0 11/16/2009 10:01 PM Story of King Kabul the First and Gawain the Kitchen-Boy, Max... 5786217335 AndreaVella 11/16/2009 9:47 PM My poor darling husband @johntaylorish is back in Kabul. With H1N1, it seems. Send him your love. And your Tamiflu. 5786115003 idahoBNN 11/16/2009 9:43 PM Huckleberries Online: Parting Shot -- 11.16.09: Children eat a pomegranate at a slum in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday. ... 5785827088 gxjeff 11/16/2009 9:31 PM New(ish) blog post: The Kabul Cup and the other trophies men want. 5785390901 bursanamaz 11/16/2009 9:14 PM 5:14 - Bursa için imsak vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5785315800 kocaelinamaz 11/16/2009 9:11 PM 5:11 - Kocaeli için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5785003801 ankaranamaz 11/16/2009 8:59 PM 4:59 - Ankara için imsak vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5784978276 konyanamaz 11/16/2009 8:58 PM 4:58 - Konya için imsak vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5784719785 Khi 11/16/2009 8:48 PM Wary of Al-Qaeda, US ups pressure on Islamabad, Kabul: Reuters SHANGHAI: President Barack Obama said on Monday that ... 5784693853 kayserinamaz 11/16/2009 8:47 PM 4:47 - Kayseri için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5784669220 adananamaz 11/16/2009 8:46 PM 4:46 - Adana için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5784598557 andypeaps 11/16/2009 8:43 PM My friend Gerard, ex of UN, UK's FCO, blogging from Kabul. People I respect there all skeptical 5784351409 rice_quotes 11/16/2009 8:33 PM "I'm glad we're in a democracy where [people] can protest, and I'm very glad that the people of Iraq and Kabul can ... 5784131733 erzurumnamaz 11/16/2009 8:25 PM 4:25 - Erzurum için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5783623522 thumsgo 11/16/2009 8:05 PM 市場にロケット弾攻撃、市民10人が死亡 アフガニスタン: 【11月17日 AFP】アフガニスタン・カブール(Kabul)北方のカピサ(Kapisa)州タガブ(Tagab)で16日、武装勢力が買い物客で賑わう市場に2発のロケ.. 5783391762 TantaoKidsDay 11/16/2009 7:56 PM Afghan girl attends school with hope for future: KABUL, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) --"My first and foremost.. #ChildrensDay 5783270661 masamune_kido 11/16/2009 7:52 PM AFPBBNEWSだよ~ 市場にロケット弾攻撃、市民10人が死亡 アフガニスタン: 【11月17日 AFP】アフガニスタン・カブール(Kabul)北方のカピサ(Kapisa)州タガブ(T.. 5782522853 leadigloo 11/16/2009 7:23 PM Kabul: City Number One Part 5 - INTERCONTINENTAL Adam Curtis's series continues. I promise it will be worth your while. 5782213534 DavidERoger 11/16/2009 7:11 PM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul 5781934529 nadine1900 11/16/2009 7:01 PM Kabul to Fight Graft 5781779395 Grass_Cutting 11/16/2009 6:55 PM Taliban Militants Fire Rockets on Crowded Bazaar Northeast of Kabul: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a.. 5781769019 winning_team 11/16/2009 6:55 PM Taliban Militants Fire Rockets on Crowded Bazaar Northeast of Kabul: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a.. 5781585751 yelizr 11/16/2009 6:48 PM @ayseozyilmazel Nacizane tavsiyem gazetecilik iddianizdan vazgecip klasik bir 'it girl' oldugunuzu kabul etmenizdir. 5781553459 uytku 11/16/2009 6:47 PM Askim bitti bundan sonraCektin gittin bunu kabul et,yasananlara saygin yoksaAl sana benden aduket. Sabahtan beri dilimde aslında... 5781546459 EurObamaBlog 11/16/2009 6:46 PM Kabul to Fight Graft 5781183510 ramonlobo 11/16/2009 6:33 PM Cuadernos mujeres y fútbol: 5780877308 NedaThomas 11/16/2009 6:21 PM 12 Afghans killed, 30 wounded after rockets slammed into a market northeast of Kabul, missing a meeting between.. 5780708825 friskodude 11/16/2009 6:15 PM Kabul's Poppy Palaces. Drug dealers abodes: 5780143637 nerdychick79 11/16/2009 5:54 PM kudos to Brian Williams NN watchers who gave 100,000 to the orphanage in Kabul!!! ;) 5778964602 akahyaoglu 11/16/2009 5:09 PM Bugun anormal günümdeyim kabul ediyorum. 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1- 0.. Omg Boom. İyi gecelerz. 5778697585 zweitansage 11/16/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 5778606820 24hourz 11/16/2009 4:56 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul #24hourz 5778182148 parantezici 11/16/2009 4:40 PM @yektakopan bir kitapta dizgi hatası kabul edilemez, edilmemelidir, edilmese iyi olur, ama hata olur, kabul edilir, edilmek zorunda kalınır 5777933267 AcclaimTech 11/16/2009 4:31 PM Thanks to all those who made it out to Kabul Restaurant last Saturday in Seattle! We are very thankful for such a warm reception 5777893942 wsjworldnews 11/16/2009 4:29 PM Kabul Makes Anticorruption Effort 5777878614 Rob_Madden 11/16/2009 4:29 PM #WorldNews Kabul Makes Anticorruption Effort #News #WSJ 5777587248 RatTatTata 11/16/2009 4:17 PM Rocket attack in Kabul kills 12, misses meeting with France's top general in ...: AP Rockets slammed into a.. 5777565974 xinco 11/16/2009 4:17 PM Op-Ed Columnist: The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul: If something has been learned from the massacre a.. #NYT 5777485037 SerkutBozkurt 11/16/2009 4:14 PM "Yasal olmayan dinleme" diye arama yaptım. Her 6 ayda bir manşet. Kimse ciddiye almıyor artık. Millet izinsiz dinlenmeyi kabul etmiş sanki. 5777306160 ahmethc 11/16/2009 4:07 PM @suzmeasure Tiyatronun öldüğünü kabul etmezsen, "yanlış tercih" falan diyerek daha çok zulüm çekersin. Sinema varken tiyatro da neymiş... 5777113554 zweitansage 11/16/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 5777100081 bobfine 11/16/2009 3:59 PM Am finally now settled in #Dubai. A bit surreal arriving at the airport and seeing other flights coming in from #Kabul, #Tehran, #Riyadh... 5777099195 gulizcelik 11/16/2009 3:59 PM RT @Niltakipte: 'sevdiğinin balık halini de seversen, o da sihirli güçlerini kaybetme pahasına insana dönüşmeyi kabul eder'. 5777010377 Niltakipte 11/16/2009 3:56 PM 'sevdiğinin balık halini de seversen, o da sihirli güçlerini kaybetme pahasına insana dönüşmeyi kabul eder'.favorisi hala 'spirited away'. 5776907523 taberna_de_moe 11/16/2009 3:52 PM > @Ixowa acertó con: "Kabul" Nuevo Score: 10/130/130 Week/Mes/Total 5776898216 abbygails 11/16/2009 3:51 PM @taberna_de_moe kabul 5776889133 MichelJimenez 11/16/2009 3:51 PM RT @taberna_de_moe: 187.¿Capital de afganistan? // Kabul 5776872683 jellykish 11/16/2009 3:50 PM @taberna_de_moe Kabul 5776868748 Ixowa 11/16/2009 3:50 PM @taberna_de_moe Kabul 5776816410 odanielpavon 11/16/2009 3:48 PM 12 Afghans killed in attack on meeting with French (AP): AP - Rockets slammed into a market northeast of Kabul on Monday, killing 1... 5776387833 KateMaltby 11/16/2009 3:31 PM Ate with 2 Afgani interpreters who live in Kabul. "We remember how terrible Taliban were, but people mutter they kept crime off the streets" 5776335122 muslimstuff 11/16/2009 3:29 PM Dark day for UN in Afghanistan as nine killed: Taliban suicide gunmen stormed a UN guesthouse in Kabul on Wedne.. 5776321333 fingertipnews 11/16/2009 3:29 PM AP Intl: Yet another anti-corruption unit for Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan's newly unveiled anti-cor... 5776283120 mineozdemir 11/16/2009 3:27 PM Türkan Hoca'nın vasiyetini yerine getiren Kulin, doğabilecek istismarları önlemek amacıyla dizi film teklifini kabul etti. 5776164045 courtierminerva 11/16/2009 3:23 PM @b_u_s_e tamam yawru gidicez gidicez..:Dbu arada Ayşegül hocayla iletişmek lazım Sir Gawain için:)bence kabul eder:P 5776123687 selvab 11/16/2009 3:21 PM @yektakopan Niye edilsin ki? RT Bir kitapta -örn. 200 sayfa- en fazla kaç dizgi hatası kabul edilebilir? 5776100039 NYDNnews 11/16/2009 3:20 PM Rocket attack in Kabul kills 12, misses French meeting: Rockets slammed into a market northeast of Kabul on Mon.. 5776068300 erenerdol 11/16/2009 3:19 PM Utrecht üniversitesi kabul edin beni sizde rahatlayın bende. 5776053944 iremeker 11/16/2009 3:18 PM kahve içmeye gidrken karton toplayan küçük bi çock grmek.çocuğun para kabul etmemesi.ağlak gözlerle garsona acı bi türk kahvesi söylemek=/ 5776021283 rtsradio 11/16/2009 3:17 PM 12 Afghans killed in attack on meeting with French (AP): AP - Rockets slammed into a market northeast of Kabul .. 5775949225 muladhara 11/16/2009 3:14 PM Selig Harrison speaks up 4 India:BO Adm'n should make it clear that it is not opposed to more Indian influence in Kabul. 5775914125 san_santiago 11/16/2009 3:13 PM quarta agora 18/11 show San e Banda no 5775636859 omernomer 11/16/2009 3:02 PM arkadaşlar sayfaya arkadaşlarınızıda dawet edin kabul edip etmemek kişiye kalmış siz davetinizi gönderin sanal alem... 5775620698 IbnSiqilli 11/16/2009 3:01 PM Latest issues of #Urdu language jihadi magazine Nawa-i Afghan #Jihad: ( #Afghanistan #Pakistan #Pashtun #Kabul 5775570052 zweitansage 11/16/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 5775567699 nownews 11/16/2009 2:59 PM [World News Update] Kabul Makes Anticorruption Effort - Wall Street Journal: Channel 4 NewsK.. 5775446635 madameethemad 11/16/2009 2:55 PM Aslında Teoman diyince çok iyi bir yazar olduğunu kabul etmeli. 5775361636 vtokmak 11/16/2009 2:51 PM dualar kabul olmayinca tanrinin varligi sorgulanir mi? 5775246639 USNewz 11/16/2009 2:47 PM U.S. Seeking a Lever in Kabul As President Obama reviews American strategy in Afghanistan, the question... #us #news 5775134137 greychampion 11/16/2009 2:42 PM newStream ©: Kabul announces new anti-corruption squad 5775082868 eupaal 11/16/2009 2:40 PM Now we are talking;-)RT @jonas_ap: fra kabul i forrige uke til eøs i brussel. Møte over, norge reiser ut mens resten av europa reiser inn. 5774943020 madameethemad 11/16/2009 2:34 PM ben hala sadece hollanda'da eşcinsellerin evlenebildiğini sanıyorum 4 ülke daha kabul etmiş.sıra bizde,eşcinseller içinde açılım yapalım! 5774928558 wsjasia 11/16/2009 2:34 PM Kabul Makes Anticorruption Effort 5774910190 PressTVNews 11/16/2009 2:33 PM Kabul announces new anti-corruption squad 5774830283 KwameOh 11/16/2009 2:30 PM RT @Jenni_Muscat: Kabul Makes Anticorruption Effort 5774800536 Claudia_Vallejo 11/16/2009 2:29 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeas.. #hacerfortuna 5774795351 newsfeeding 11/16/2009 2:28 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul whe.. 5774596200 TheWorldNews 11/16/2009 2:20 PM 12 Afghans killed in attack on meeting with French (AP): AP - Rockets slammed into a market northeast of Kabul .. 5774420441 DenosaurousRex 11/16/2009 2:13 PM To bad it is just propaganda @Press_TV PressTV - Kabul announces new anti-corruption squad 5774378135 operatr 11/16/2009 2:11 PM Google Wave Rezilliği: Last post by CyberSpace89:@bcaner, önce "Bence" ile başlıyorsun sonra "ister kabul ed.. 5774352157 Press_TV 11/16/2009 2:10 PM PressTV - Kabul announces new anti-corruption squad 5774333708 NYTimesEmailed 11/16/2009 2:09 PM [Feed] Op-Ed Columnist: The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul: If something has been learned from the massacre at F... 5774307129 mfirataydin 11/16/2009 2:08 PM @nedimsaban yanlışsam bağışlayın ama belediye chp'li diye zülfü livaneli adı geçen herşeyi koşulsuz kabul etmesi mi gerekiyor? 5774302143 chucky129 11/16/2009 2:08 PM kabul etmeyenler de var onlar ne olacak re: 5774224347 rmzn35 11/16/2009 2:05 PM @yektakopan benim için bir tanesi bile kabul edilmez, insanı sinir ediyor ;=) 5774214277 freedom4USA 11/16/2009 2:04 PM US:#tcot #news 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul: Taliban militants fired rockets on a bazaar.. 5774203967 NYtimesBlog 11/16/2009 2:04 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul 5774093309 zweitansage 11/16/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 5774042456 tyradesalvo 11/16/2009 1:57 PM @yektakopan kabul edilemezdir. herkes işini düzgün yapsındır çünkü. 5774009807 yektakopan 11/16/2009 1:56 PM Bir kitapta -örn. 200 sayfa- en fazla kaç dizgi hatası kabul edilebilir? 5773820441 venkatananth 11/16/2009 1:48 PM RT @ForeignAffairs_: The L-Word in Afghanistan: Can the United States Provide What Kabul Needs? 5773806459 todkommt 11/16/2009 1:48 PM RT @ForeignAffairs_: The L-Word in Afghanistan: Can the United States Provide What Kabul Needs? 5773747689 ForeignAffairs_ 11/16/2009 1:45 PM The L-Word in Afghanistan: Can the United States Provide What Kabul Needs? 5773699148 britneysanders 11/16/2009 1:43 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul 5773514860 columdonnelly 11/16/2009 1:35 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul (via @nytimes) 5773337207 ruthowen 11/16/2009 1:28 PM @felixkuehn On a Monday? Blimey, you are hitting Kabul hard. 5773272206 HebnesTV2 11/16/2009 1:25 PM @AndersTvegard Du skal vere glad det er elektr i Kabul ! Første gongen eg landa i Peshawar i 83 var flystripa markert med parafinlampar. 5773266898 sylvanaknaap 11/16/2009 1:25 PM Reading: ":((( 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul -" ( 5773177002 sex_porn_pills 11/16/2009 1:22 PM Health.Dating-Viagra 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul 5773175182 TheWorldNews 11/16/2009 1:21 PM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul: If something has been learned from the massacre at Fort Hood, it’s that.. 5773140926 yckong 11/16/2009 1:20 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul where th... 5773132393 luizlemgruber 11/16/2009 1:20 PM NYTimes: 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market north.. 5773107702 salivates 11/16/2009 1:19 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul whe.. 5773060238 DioneSants 11/16/2009 1:17 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul whe.. 5773006431 brk_news_now 11/16/2009 1:14 PM NYT: 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul 5772972369 keithcrc 11/16/2009 1:13 PM RT @AlwayzSusan RT@OrinocoPat: 65 days fr WTC fall American soldiers occupy Kabul, expel Taliban. How long since MacCrystal asked 4help? 5772951081 nytimesglobal 11/16/2009 1:12 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul 5772900235 gundelizer 11/16/2009 1:10 PM Afghan govt launches unit to tackle corruption: KABUL : The Afghan government said on Monday it had .. #CNewsAsia 5772887351 OregonGuard 11/16/2009 1:10 PM Kulongoski spent 36 hours in Iraq before going to Kabul. 5772881845 ApacheClips 11/16/2009 1:09 PM Kabul buzzes with life, even under threat of attacks #military #army 5772800985 rfaloona 11/16/2009 1:06 PM RT @nytimes: 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul 5772781246 SLNewsFlash 11/16/2009 1:05 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul whe.. 5772776665 mikeybbq 11/16/2009 1:05 PM RT @nytimes: 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul 5772714188 milijulidotcom 11/16/2009 1:02 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul whe.. 5772712949 lov3ny 11/16/2009 1:02 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul - New York Times 5772701824 theexaggerator 11/16/2009 1:02 PM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul; or, The Hawks are Hawking Hogwash: RT @buzzflash 5772687990 PaginaNuova 11/16/2009 1:01 PM NEW YORK TIMES - 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday int.. 5772688293 _Berlin_ 11/16/2009 1:01 PM RT @zweitansage Berlin: 20:00 | Brasía: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 # 5772664518 Rob_Madden 11/16/2009 1:00 PM #WorldNews 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul #News #NYTimes 5772660294 newsfeeding 11/16/2009 1:00 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul whe.. 5772658478 Krypto89 11/16/2009 1:00 PM RT @nytimes: 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul 5772641328 zweitansage 11/16/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 5772630051 AndersTvegard 11/16/2009 12:59 PM Begynner å bli lei av å få stikkflammer over fingrene hver gang jeg skal lade opp mobil eller pc. Men det er iallfall strøm på Serena/Kabul 5772604055 fayeatocs48n 11/16/2009 12:58 PM US contractor says he fights off attack in Kabul - 5772594613 DBJanzen 11/16/2009 12:58 PM @astroengine nope... they're "live from Kabul." Great. 5772553739 AlwayzSusan 11/16/2009 12:56 PM RT @OrinocoPat: 65 days from Twin Towers fall 2 American soldiers occupied Kabul, expelled Taliban. How long since MacCrystal asked 4help? 5772478831 Global_Updaid 11/16/2009 12:53 PM USAID: Afghanistan: Kabul Municipal Government Launches New Project to Clean the Kabul River as part of U.. 5772473060 Retourkutsche 11/16/2009 12:53 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul 5772349880 JenEstroff 11/16/2009 12:47 PM Thoughts and prayers to the victims & their families. Of ALL terror RT @nytimes: 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul 5772326431 lizzappi 11/16/2009 12:46 PM RT @nytimes: 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul 5772289049 vadseth 11/16/2009 12:45 PM "Bi cerfull,mister kidnæpper! biheiv, or nårvæi vil send de kings son in lå to de bukkseller in kabul, ænd dæn ju vil ål bi in big trøbbel" 5772257888 Wilcockpaa 11/16/2009 12:44 PM Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption - MSN Malaysia News 5772220615 NewsTitan 11/16/2009 12:42 PM [NYTIMES] 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a .. [NYTIMES] 5772197779 nytimes 11/16/2009 12:41 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul 5772024492 muslimstuff 11/16/2009 12:34 PM Dark day for UN in Afghanistan as nine killed: Taliban suicide gunmen stormed a UN guesthouse in Kabul on Wedne.. 5771967834 therealriyad 11/16/2009 12:32 PM Flash: 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul 5771945432 BobbyASpencer 11/16/2009 12:31 PM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul 5771833563 usaid_news 11/16/2009 12:26 PM Afghanistan: Kabul Municipal Government Launches New Project to Clean the Kabul River as part of USAID Program .. 5771793349 ozlem_t 11/16/2009 12:24 PM @_inci_ nedir sana yaptıkları bu fb'un; konuşturmaz, kabul etmez, uygulamaz :)))) 5771788290 FLASH_NEWS 11/16/2009 12:24 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul 5771763559 nytimesworld 11/16/2009 12:23 PM 10 Killed in Rocket Attack Near Kabul 5771722730 AtiaAbawi 11/16/2009 12:21 PM @BettyNguyenCNN saw the renovated gym, and so jealous. That is definitely not what I get to workout with in Kabul. 5771609093 Realyaverbaum 11/16/2009 12:17 PM Now they are leaking who is leaking the leaks out of Kabul? Must be layers and layers of pr people who know how to leak? 5771395442 TantaoNews 11/16/2009 12:08 PM Child Receives Polio Vaccine in Kabul: KABUL, Nov. 16, 2009 (Xinhua) — An Afghan health worker administer.. 5771383046 OrinocoPat 11/16/2009 12:08 PM 65 days from when the Twin Towers fell to American soldiers occupied Kabul, expelled Taliban. How long since MacCrystal asked for help? 5771226309 TantaoNews 11/16/2009 12:01 PM Child Receives Polio Vaccine in Kabul: KABUL, Nov. 16, 2009 (Xinhua) — An Afghan health worker administer.. 5771203720 sabanur 11/16/2009 12:00 PM @rahsangulsan reklam masterinda bunu tartistik hoca "demek ki hakki devrimli reklam calismamis" dedi. Ama kabul da ediyor Ayip olmus! 5771180207 zweitansage 11/16/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 5771169479 TantaoNews 11/16/2009 11:59 AM Child Receives Polio Vaccine in Kabul - 5771077939 msnnoticias 11/16/2009 11:55 AM Mueren cinco civiles y 28 resultan heridos en un ataque talibán: KABUL, 16 (Reuters/EP) Cinco civiles han muerto y... 5770789903 elquebraley 11/16/2009 11:43 AM Direto de Kabul. Legal aqui viu! 5770631962 Martin_Neujahr 11/16/2009 11:36 AM RT @stratsoc: Clinton: U.S. Wants More Accountability From Kabul: 5770594566 TantaoNews 11/16/2009 11:35 AM Anti-Corruption Conference Held in Kabul: KABUL, Nov. 16, 2009 (Xinhua) — Afghan Chief of National Direct.. 5770488637 williambell12 11/16/2009 11:30 AM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul 5770429309 muslimstuff 11/16/2009 11:28 AM Dark day for UN in Afghanistan: Taliban suicide gunmen stormed a UN guesthouse in Kabul on Wednesday, killing n.. 5770403062 TantaoNews 11/16/2009 11:27 AM Anti-Corruption Conference Held in Kabul: KABUL, Nov. 16, 2009 (Xinhua) — Afghan Chief of National Direct.. 5770271612 PEMBEKIZIL 11/16/2009 11:21 AM Evet, duydukarınız doğru...Okan Bayülgen'in Kanal D'de ki programına çıkmayı kabul ettim (bu gece -Pazartesi 16 Kasım 2009) 5770215850 TantaoNews 11/16/2009 11:19 AM Anti-Corruption Conference Held in Kabul - 5770205227 stratsoc 11/16/2009 11:19 AM Clinton: U.S. Wants More Accountability From Kabul: 5770072039 mezvan 11/16/2009 11:13 AM En algún lugar de Kabul (Afganistán) … 5770022648 korhankurt 11/16/2009 11:11 AM Twitter üzerinden namaz vakitlerinizi takip edin. Allah kabul etsin... 5769984333 ericcheah 11/16/2009 11:10 AM Afghan govt launches unit to tackle corruption: KABUL : The Afghan government said on Monday it had formed a ma.. 5769911720 yoga_1 11/16/2009 11:07 AM Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption - AFP 5769911079 Affiliate77 11/16/2009 11:07 AM Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption - AFP 5769911372 Finance_1 11/16/2009 11:07 AM Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption - AFP 5769824239 teletekst_101 11/16/2009 11:03 AM Doden bij mislukte aanslag Taliban: In Afghanistan zijn bij de hoofdstad Kabul zeker 12 mensen omgekomen door ... 5769824319 101teletekst 11/16/2009 11:03 AM Doden bij mislukte aanslag Taliban: In Afghanistan zijn bij de hoofdstad Kabul zeker 12 mensen omgekomen door ... 5769808794 draenews 11/16/2009 11:02 AM Megite Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians: KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were killed and 28 w.. 5769808946 wwworldpressede 11/16/2009 11:02 AM #Guttenberg in Kundus : Blutiger Abschiedsgruß aus #Kabul #N24 5769737297 zweitansage 11/16/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 5769687889 CMYSUCCESS 11/16/2009 10:58 AM Afghan leaders unveil anti-corruption measures: "The appearance of luxurious mansions around Kabul, with m.. 5769661618 twitermation 11/16/2009 10:57 AM Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption - AFP 5769641289 john_fogerty1 11/16/2009 10:56 AM Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption - AFP 5769640922 Sports_Star1 11/16/2009 10:56 AM Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption - AFP 5769613370 yoga_1 11/16/2009 10:55 AM Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption - AFP 5769612967 Finance_1 11/16/2009 10:55 AM Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption - AFP 5769612446 Affiliate77 11/16/2009 10:55 AM Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption - AFP 5769611744 jealous_girl 11/16/2009 10:55 AM Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption - AFP 5769600070 reportagephoto 11/16/2009 10:54 AM RT: @parallelozero: AFGHANISTAN - The Last Kabul Jew - By S. Ramazzotti 5769569388 bolbol_dunya 11/16/2009 10:53 AM AB Dışişleri Bakanları Arnavutluk’un üyelik başvurusunu kabul etti 5769538865 healthLivng 11/16/2009 10:52 AM Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption - AFP 5769539182 Health_food1 11/16/2009 10:52 AM Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption - AFP 5769513507 leadership_1 11/16/2009 10:51 AM Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption - AFP 5769399124 cronaca24 11/16/2009 10:46 AM A Kabul nasce unita' anticorruzione 5769332304 aykuem 11/16/2009 10:43 AM çarşamba günü kabul günü var annemin; yalnız evi değil bizi de çamaşırsuyuna yatırdı. ailecek hijyen için mustasyon geçiriciricez. 5769298467 parallelozero 11/16/2009 10:42 AM AFGHANISTAN - The Last Kabul Jew - By S. Ramazzotti 5769244968 FLASH_NEWS 11/16/2009 10:40 AM Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption 5769209544 france24_en 11/16/2009 10:38 AM Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption 5769191966 USNewz 11/16/2009 10:38 AM Blast hits U.S. base in Kabul Afghan police source says explosion caused by suicide bomber #us #news 5769088410 independentIE 11/16/2009 10:33 AM Rockets kill 12 at Afghan market: Insurgents have fired two rockets into a crowded market north-east of Kabul, wher... 5768995730 Theodore_May 11/16/2009 10:30 AM 5 hours in front of a computer, typing and editing! Not my favorite way to spend a few of my 214 (I did the math) precious hours in Kabul! 5768985068 NedDagbl 11/16/2009 10:29 AM Nieuws: Aanslag taliban bij bezoek Franse generaal: KABUL - De taliban hebben maandag een raketaanval ui.. 5768859876 USEmbassyKabul 11/16/2009 10:24 AM U.S. Ambassador Karl Eikenberry's remarks at the CJTF Training Conference, at the Serena Hotel in Kabul. Good... 5768829174 DanRatherReport 11/16/2009 10:23 AM Dan: Arrived in Kabul after driving over mountains. Cold but not freezing, clear but haze from traffic pollution. Bleak city & surroundings. 5768713067 ilovemytroops 11/16/2009 10:18 AM RT @militaryupdates: #Military_Times : Bombs kill 2 service members in Afghanistan: KABUL -- NATO says two U.S. servi.. 5768670301 bursanamaz 11/16/2009 10:17 AM 18:17 - Bursa için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5768670155 istanbulnamaz 11/16/2009 10:17 AM 18:17 - İstanbul için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5768563963 GolfHoncho 11/16/2009 10:12 AM Mulligan+ Golf Courses and Your Golf Handicap: Afgan - Kabul Golf Club 5768556481 fingertipnews2 11/16/2009 10:12 AM Reuters Intl: Afghanistan to form anti-graft unit as pressure grows: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan.. 5768448916 Dave_Ensign 11/16/2009 10:08 AM Afghan Attack Aimed at French: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul where the h.. 5768421737 oplapla 11/16/2009 10:07 AM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul: If something has been learned from the massacre at Fort Hood, it’s that.. 5768417202 google_news_au 11/16/2009 10:06 AM News: Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption - AFP: Globe and MailKabul launches unit to t.. #news #google 5768397255 konyanamaz 11/16/2009 10:06 AM 18:06 - Konya için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5768364541 GolfHonchoOne 11/16/2009 10:04 AM Mulligan+ Golf Courses and Your Golf Handicap: Afgan - Kabul Golf Club 5768345002 Blogmamma 11/16/2009 10:03 AM Storie di mamme: ricomiciare a vivere a Kabul 5768323776 dutchnewsfeed 11/16/2009 10:03 AM Kabul bindt opnieuw strijd aan met corruptie: (Novum/AP) - De Afghaanse regering van president Hamid Karzai hee.. 5768321582 ankaranamaz 11/16/2009 10:03 AM 18:03 - Ankara için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5768253266 EricSutphin 11/16/2009 10:00 AM Afghan rumor mill astounds me: ISAF helos w/ containers over Kabul? Surely stealing the nation's antiquities. 5768241649 zweitansage 11/16/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 5768209285 roybragg 11/16/2009 9:58 AM Your 'sister' toilet might be in Burundi, or in space. But not in Kabul. At Large... 5768070566 kayserinamaz 11/16/2009 9:53 AM 17:53 - Kayseri için yatsı vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5767927066 RSScockpit 11/16/2009 9:47 AM Kabul bindt opnieuw strijd aan met corruptie (, 16-11-09 16:38) 5767904683 mC_EmaNueL 11/16/2009 9:46 AM @emanuelrizon Kabul launches unit to tackle corruption (AFP): AFP - The Afghan government said .. 5767861503 bilalgul 11/16/2009 9:44 AM @allahcc Dövme var kabul olmuyor bende. Napacaz? 5767827906 KimBomin 11/16/2009 9:42 AM Afghanistan to form anti-graft unit as pressure grows: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan will form a new anti-co... #Korea 5767813126 jeffersonjeffer 11/16/2009 9:42 AM Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians - KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were killed and 28 wounded when Taliba... 5767813379 ianingersoll321 11/16/2009 9:42 AM Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians - KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were killed and 28 wounded when Taliba... 5767812785 lennylancaster 11/16/2009 9:42 AM Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians - KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were killed and 28 wounded when Taliba... 5767812892 kevinkalamanca 11/16/2009 9:42 AM Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians - KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were killed and 28 wounded when Taliba... 5767780438 Antonio_Matias 11/16/2009 9:40 AM Very interesting opinion piece RT @tosumitgupta: The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul 5767743532 safe_waters 11/16/2009 9:39 AM #reutersIN Afghanistan to form anti-graft unit as pressure grows: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan will form a new anti-cor 5767733648 tchihiro 11/16/2009 9:39 AM kimseyle bir ilgisi yok yani az biraz deliyim kabul ediyorum 5767728639 tosumitgupta 11/16/2009 9:38 AM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul 5767645776 dave13100 11/16/2009 9:35 AM Afghan Attack Aimed at French: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul where the h.. 5767600210 wackywakky 11/16/2009 9:33 AM Jerusalem/Pristina, Kosovo/Nice/Jakarta/Delhi/Kabul BBC News - Day in Pictures(今日の世界) 5767554670 hanayuu 11/16/2009 9:31 AM RT @FLASH_NEWS: REUTERS: Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians: KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were killed and 28 w 5767533129 spaceKebabji 11/16/2009 9:30 AM Digg: The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul 5767465718 FLASH_NEWS 11/16/2009 9:27 AM REUTERS: Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians: KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were killed and 28 wounded when Ta 5767453062 TechieDadNyc 11/16/2009 9:27 AM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul: If something has been learned from the massacre at Fort Hood, it’s that our hawk 5767452546 ihavenews 11/16/2009 9:27 AM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul 5767452704 RockStar_x 11/16/2009 9:27 AM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul: If something has been learned from the massacre at Fort Hood, it’s that our hawk 5767426281 AllNewsSources 11/16/2009 9:26 AM REUTERS: Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians: KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were killed and 28 wounded when Ta 5767406571 Sportsinfo 11/16/2009 9:25 AM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul: If something has been learned from the massacre at Fort Hood, it’s that o... 5767334505 buybooksonline1 11/16/2009 9:22 AM [REUTERS]: Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians - police: KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were .. 5767255137 wcompanyportal 11/16/2009 9:19 AM [REUTERS]: Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians - police: KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were .. 5767104916 FlameGoldenu 11/16/2009 9:13 AM Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians: KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were killed and 28 wounded when Tal.. 5766992807 HeadlinesNewz 11/16/2009 9:08 AM Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians: KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were killed and 28 wounded when Taliban... 5766992478 SmittysWeb 11/16/2009 9:08 AM KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were killed and 28 wounded when Taliban insurgents fired three rockets into a busy... 5766992545 tweettools4U 11/16/2009 9:08 AM Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians: KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were killed and 28... #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 5766992650 reuterstop 11/16/2009 9:08 AM Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians: KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were killed and 28 wounded when Taliban... 5766992653 webtipsfree 11/16/2009 9:08 AM Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians: KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were killed and 28 wounded when Taliban... 5766992665 MobileAuto 11/16/2009 9:08 AM Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians: KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were killed and 28 wounded when Taliban... 5766992674 newsfeeding 11/16/2009 9:08 AM Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians: KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were killed and 28 wounded when Talib... 5766970287 twittfeed 11/16/2009 9:07 AM Reuters Top News Rocket attack kills five Afghan civilians: KABUL (Reuters) - Five civilians were killed and 28 wou... 5766781865 zweitansage 11/16/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 5766734429 inewsroom 11/16/2009 8:58 AM French officer says death toll from rocket attack on market north of Kabul increases to 12. [AP #news] 5766686553 bursanamaz 11/16/2009 8:56 AM 16:56 - Bursa için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5766668314 badjerry 11/16/2009 8:55 AM RT @ftasiapacific: Kabul to launch anti-graft unit 5766658320 GBPIntl 11/16/2009 8:54 AM FT Asia News: Kabul to launch anti-graft unit (via 5766657081 ftasiapacific 11/16/2009 8:54 AM Kabul to launch anti-graft unit 5766640044 istanbulnamaz 11/16/2009 8:54 AM 16:54 - İstanbul için akşam vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5766475587 konyanamaz 11/16/2009 8:47 AM 16:47 - Konya için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5766335622 ankaranamaz 11/16/2009 8:41 AM 16:41 - Ankara için akşam vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5766250185 allforyou4 11/16/2009 8:37 AM Afghan Attack Aimed at French - Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul where the head... 5766202726 umutsuzpenguen 11/16/2009 8:35 AM oha amınakoyayım tumblr şifreyi kabul etmiyo galiba ohaoha. 5766197755 NYTimesOnline 11/16/2009 8:35 AM Afghan Attack Aimed at French - Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul where the head... 5766153491 kayserinamaz 11/16/2009 8:33 AM 16:33 - Kayseri için akşam vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5766104406 aysegulertekin 11/16/2009 8:30 AM Birilerinin sırf "keyfi öyle istiyor" diye işini iyi yapmamasını kabul edemiyorum, asla da edemeyeceğim.. 5766021839 CONTRACOMA 11/16/2009 8:27 AM Afghan Attack Aimed at French: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul where the h.. 5765995859 AJHajir 11/16/2009 8:26 AM Afghan Attack Aimed at French: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul where the h.. 5765948931 _skinny_dipping 11/16/2009 8:24 AM Suicide Blast Near U.S. Afghan Base - At Least 6 Injured, Including Some International Forces, Near Logistics Support Base Outside Kabul 5765897139 paulzink 11/16/2009 8:21 AM Which is the more dangerous place to live: Kabul, or Juarez, Mexico? 5765875552 tweetermagic 11/16/2009 8:20 AM Afghan Attack Aimed at French: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul where the h.. 5765787702 Sayedar 11/16/2009 8:16 AM Bir orospu orospu olduğunu kabul edip ben orospuyum derse işte o zaman dünyanın sonu gelmiş demektir. (Sayefiçyus) 5765774940 itu_sozluk 11/16/2009 8:16 AM asker üniforması fetişizmi: cinsel nesne asker üniforması giymiştir. otorite temsili olarak kabul edilen bir ne.. 5765769256 yckong 11/16/2009 8:15 AM Afghan Market Attack Aimed at French Troops: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul w... 5765745432 DioneSants 11/16/2009 8:14 AM Afghan Attack Aimed at French: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul where the h.. 5765683355 Celladrella 11/16/2009 8:12 AM Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul where the head of French forces in Afghanistan met with tribal elders. 5765645662 AllyOpal 11/16/2009 8:10 AM is in Kabul, waiting for dinner. With cake!!!!! 5765620675 NewsMashup 11/16/2009 8:09 AM NYT: Afghan Attack Aimed at French: Insurgents fired two rockets Monday into a market northeast of Kabul wh.. 5765509443 Yesq_88 11/16/2009 8:04 AM Hepy b'day to ce ding....moga2 apa yg diingin.o t'kabul...amien2...gbu..RT @olipchan: Hepi b'day to ce ding..mg2 CPT KWN..mari bu..wkwkwk.. 5765417521 zweitansage 11/16/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 5765218808 aiseseima 11/16/2009 7:50 AM takezo kensei'yi bu güne kadar neil patrick harris zannediyordum. tamam kabul edıyorum. yüz hafızam bu kdr zayıf işte.... 5765156623 vinessamia 11/16/2009 7:47 AM krem peynirini yazmayı unutmuş de Erasmus Can'ı kabul ederek nasıl bir hata yaptıgının farkında diil, Marion'a şimdiden üzülüyorum. 5765083389 cebrailas 11/16/2009 7:44 AM domuzlarla sevişmeyiniz ki domuz giribi olmayınız. şüphesiz ki domuzlarla hiçbir münasebetiniz kabul edilemez. 5764965579 nipple_slips 11/16/2009 7:38 AM In Kabul early on Friday, wounding civilian contractors, foreign soldiers and Afghan bystanders, the NATO-led force and local police said. 5764926480 joaohartley 11/16/2009 7:36 AM Cuadernos de Kabul: El futuro está en la frontera 5764752631 foot__fetish 11/16/2009 7:27 AM Bombing that wounds 6 near Kabul logistics support base. Suicide attack - Afghanistan - Asia - Taliban - Kabul 5764676104 _breasts_ 11/16/2009 7:23 AM Several casualties among foreigners, police said. Kabul - United States armed forces - Military base - Military - Afghanistan 5764589006 ereces 11/16/2009 7:19 AM millet yakında bu feysbuka tapmaya da başlar. hergün düzenli girenler varmış bea. bir anda o kadar adam arkadaşlık teklifli kabul etti ki... 5764513354 Aubrey_G 11/16/2009 7:15 AM Currently reading:: 'Kabul Beauty School: An American Woman Goes Behind the Veil' by Deborah Rodriguez, Kristin Ohlson 5764504309 fuldenkologlu 11/16/2009 7:15 AM @alialkan ya ama bi an şarkının orjinalini düşününce çok geyik oluyo kabul et:)) 5764490499 lizva 11/16/2009 7:14 AM best kabul story EVER. RT @albertsson: The other night in Kabul, at the Mexican place the midget beat up the blind man's wife. 5764466344 karinaradhita 11/16/2009 7:13 AM RT @IlhaFisherSahab: Alhamdulillah yaa allah kenyang bis makan mlm sm suami tercintah... «- ijab kabul gak ngundang. Hihihi 5764406292 _nude_beach_ 11/16/2009 7:09 AM Military base in Kabul early on Friday, wounding civilian contractors, foreign soldiers and Afghan bystanders, the NATO-led force said. 5764355089 fmellem 11/16/2009 7:07 AM RT @jonas_ap fra kabul i forrige uke til eøs i brussel. Møte over, norge reiser ut mens resten av europa reiser inn. 5764353076 maturepussy 11/16/2009 7:07 AM Troops to Afghanistan, officials said, amid a fierce debate over whether more soldiers should be sent to back up Kabul's flawed government. 5764335966 ingebrigtdalseg 11/16/2009 7:06 AM RT @jonas_ap: fra kabul i forrige uke til eøs i brussel. Møte over, norge reiser ut mens resten av europa reiser inn. 5764331947 Irrintzika 11/16/2009 7:06 AM El Alakrana, o un McDonald's en Kabul (Oskar Matute, Amaia Agirresarobe) 5764300555 a_selim_tuncer 11/16/2009 7:04 AM Madem öyle, şunu paylaşayım: Recep İvedik’le İstiklal Caddesi’nde kol kola yürümeyi kabul etme eğrisi!... re: 5764298223 microthong 11/16/2009 7:04 AM Troops to Afghanistan, officials said, amid a fierce debate over whether more soldiers should be sent to back up Kabul's flawed government. 5764213437 zweitansage 11/16/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 5764171735 fingertipnews2 11/16/2009 6:57 AM AP Intl: Afghan gov't launches anti-corruption squad: KABUL (AP) -- Afghan officials launched a new ant.. 5764147797 silavera 11/16/2009 6:56 AM @enginbas seni izlemez miyimmm burada da buldum seni canım benim! :) imza: belalın :P kurtuluş yok benden kabul et son 10 yıl böyle geçti:) 5763962829 small_breasts 11/16/2009 6:46 AM Military base in Kabul early on Friday, wounding civilian contractors, foreign soldiers and Afghan bystanders, the NATO-led force said. 5763887744 izmirnamaz 11/16/2009 6:42 AM 14:42 - İzmir için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5763886424 strickvl 11/16/2009 6:41 AM Back in Kabul with the mother of all headaches... 5763808492 pr_ny_times 11/16/2009 6:37 AM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul #postrank #ny_times 5763723896 bababengali 11/16/2009 6:32 AM @muralidharreddy @azaadkhayal guess the no of toilets at kabul is 37. You missed 2,probably,you took 2 public ones as private ones 5763713054 kstreetsentinel 11/16/2009 6:32 AM "I wouldn't want to go over to Kabul. I'm perfectly happy with my DirectTV. " 5763675272 bursanamaz 11/16/2009 6:30 AM 14:30 - Bursa için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5763658446 istanbulnamaz 11/16/2009 6:29 AM 14:29 - İstanbul için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5763440627 ankaranamaz 11/16/2009 6:16 AM 14:16 - Ankara için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5763390779 adananamaz 11/16/2009 6:13 AM 14:13 - Adana için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5763357245 blijfbij 11/16/2009 6:11 AM Anticorruptie-eenheid in Afghanistan: KABUL - De Afghaanse regering vormt een speciale eenheid die de taak krijgt de cor 5763307851 kayserinamaz 11/16/2009 6:08 AM 14:08 - Kayseri için ikindi vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5763259105 m_insider 11/16/2009 6:05 AM Afghanistan says to form new anti-corruption unit: KABUL, Nov 16 — Afghanistan will form a high-level anti-corr.. 5763182752 de_volkskrant 11/16/2009 6:00 AM [12:36] Anticorruptie-eenheid in Afghanistan: KABUL - De Afghaanse regering vormt een speciale eenheid d.. 5763172861 zweitansage 11/16/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 5763132724 fingertipnews2 11/16/2009 5:57 AM Reuters Intl: Afghanistan says to form new anti-corruption unit: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan wil.. 5763119525 Learn_chinese09 11/16/2009 5:56 AM Review of Kabul (Paperback) 5763088337 msnnoticias 11/16/2009 5:54 AM Afganistán creará una unidad de alto nivel contra la corrupción: KABUL, 16 (Reuters/EP) El Gobierno de Afganistá... 5763029009 vitaomedeiros 11/16/2009 5:50 AM SESC de Copacabana. 'Kabul'. Última semana. #Imperdível 5762984121 HombreHarmonica 11/16/2009 5:47 AM a new episode of the novel, Brotherhood Arms,in Kabul, even among opposing factions; 5762919943 safe_waters 11/16/2009 5:43 AM #reutersIN Afghanistan says to form new anti-corruption unit: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan will form a high-level anti- 5762902551 HeadlinesNewz 11/16/2009 5:42 AM Afghanistan says to form new anti-corruption unit: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan will form a high-level anti-corrup... 5762902561 KimBomin 11/16/2009 5:42 AM Afghanistan says to form new anti-corruption unit: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan will form a high-level anti-... #Korea 5762900847 reuterswire 11/16/2009 5:42 AM Afghanistan says to form new anti-corruption unit: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan will form a high-level anti-corrup... 5762895050 therpcgroup 11/16/2009 5:41 AM New Vacancy - Bakery Operations Administrator - Kabul, Afghanistan visit for further details 5762705590 WSJEurope 11/16/2009 5:29 AM Afghan Attack Targets French General: Insurgents fired two rockets into a crowded market northeast of Kabul whe.. 5762400076 Europa_Press 11/16/2009 5:07 AM Internacional: Afganistán crea una unidad de alto nivel contra la corrupción: KABUL, 16 Nov. (Reuters/EP) - El ... 5762365386 msezenseckin 11/16/2009 5:04 AM Helin Avşar'ın ropörtaj teklifini kabul eden erkeklerin hangi düşüncelerle kabul edeceklerinin merakı içerisindeyim 5762361821 Theodore_May 11/16/2009 5:04 AM A handful of rockets reportedly fell on #Kabul airport yesterday. Local radio reporting 2 more today. None of the intl press seems on this. 5762299559 zweitansage 11/16/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 5762274596 umitsaat 11/16/2009 4:58 AM @hellinavsar fotoğraflar'ın çok başarısız olduğunu kabul etmelisiniz!!! eğer vizyon sahibiyseniz! 5762195193 iyiinsan 11/16/2009 4:52 AM substr() börkledi, üçüncü değeri kabul etmiyor. 5762155099 hayalortaklari 11/16/2009 4:49 AM Başvuru sonuçları sitede duyurulmuştur. Başvurusu kabul edilen adaylar ulaşım konusunda bilgilendirilecektir 5761936782 Hergin 11/16/2009 4:31 AM Her arkadaşlık teklifini kabul ettim. Sonuç bu oldu re: 5761845098 corduk 11/16/2009 4:24 AM Kabul having tough time with lack of loos: 5761831155 bolbol_siyaset 11/16/2009 4:23 AM Yargının savunma durumuna düşürülmesi kabul edilemez 5761827365 akifozkaya 11/16/2009 4:23 AM KÖŞK'TE 'DİNLEME' ZİRVESİ: Cumhurbaşkanı Gül, Adalet Bakanı Ergin ve Yargıtay Başkanı Gerçeker'i kabul etti 5761826160 suniljmistry 11/16/2009 4:23 AM #Cricket Afghan cricket team to play in Asian tournament: Kabul, Nov 16 (IANS/AKI) Afghanistan's nation.. 5761803527 cricket_score 11/16/2009 4:21 AM News: Kabul, Nov 16 (IANS/AKI) Afghanistan's national cricket team will compete in this year's Asian Cricket Council Twenty20 Cup in.. 5761801317 viswajithv 11/16/2009 4:21 AM Afghan cricket team to play in Asian tournament: Kabul, Nov 16 (IANS/AKI) Afghanistan's national cricket team w.. 5761642761 irmakdonmez 11/16/2009 4:08 AM Dun evlenme teklifi aldim :) kabul edersem ilk ucakla buraya gelicekmis.herseyde bi kosul var yani.. 5761634191 StephenGrey 11/16/2009 4:07 AM Back in London after a flight out of Kabul via Dubai... it seems a bit warmer here 5761531622 zweitansage 11/16/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 5761483374 istanbulnamaz 11/16/2009 3:56 AM 11:56 - İstanbul için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5761470970 bursanamaz 11/16/2009 3:55 AM 11:55 - Bursa için öğle vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5761429002 cricket_score 11/16/2009 3:51 AM Afghan cricket team to play in Asian tournament: Kabul, Nov 16 (IANS/AKI) Afghanistan’s national cricket .. 5761372185 guruartscrafts 11/16/2009 3:46 AM Kabul Beauty School By Jonathon Hardcastle... 5761334932 ElVeiga 11/16/2009 3:43 AM Remembering Afghanistan’s Golden Age (E. Bumiller) #Kabul #Afghanistan 5761319620 ElVeiga 11/16/2009 3:42 AM Tiempos dorados de Kabul #Kabul #Afghanistan 5761313674 konyanamaz 11/16/2009 3:42 AM 11:42 - Konya için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5761288874 ankaranamaz 11/16/2009 3:40 AM 11:40 - Ankara için öğle vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5761241996 selmasemiz 11/16/2009 3:36 AM @kaanvolkan sadece aksamlari ve haftasonlari calismamiza meclis yasak getirse bu bile bizi kurtarir:))) ama ptesi de kabul:)) 5761177549 adananamaz 11/16/2009 3:31 AM 11:31 - Adana için öğle vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5761163782 kayserinamaz 11/16/2009 3:30 AM 11:30 - Kayseri için öğle vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5761017558 berhansoylu 11/16/2009 3:18 AM Playstation 3 oyun konsolu için dünyanın en büyük sosyal ağı olarak kabul edilen Facebook durum güncellemesi... [pic] 5760888034 apipin 11/16/2009 3:07 AM @ichaarch ijab kabul 5760814767 vanderfelix 11/16/2009 3:01 AM Two rockets hit Kabul airport area; no injury: NATO says 5760792338 zweitansage 11/16/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 5760786343 ARTatJONMOSS 11/16/2009 2:59 AM @bobbychiu I'm with you Bobby, working on a Napoleonic sniper illustration. though I have to come clean I'm in Kabul so its actually 13:30 5760612521 mariamaqdalena 11/16/2009 2:45 AM @Beatweeds vizelere rapor kabul etmiyorlarmış kuzu ya,final olsaydı olurmuş ama vizelere geçmiyor =((( 5760502894 WorldVisionUSA 11/16/2009 2:36 AM Afghanis dying of #H1N1 (swine #flu) in #Kabul; #Afghanistan ill-prepared for #pandemic ... #health #disease 5760253910 hindichannels 11/16/2009 2:16 AM ‘2 rockets hit Kabul airport area; no injury’: NATO says two rockets were fired at the military part of Kabul’s.. 5760221422 Olof023 11/16/2009 2:13 AM @Peettv Kan je ondertussen niet beter een appartementje kopen in Kabul? Zo hoog zullen de huizenprijzen niet zijn :-) 5760081937 ftwittpolitics 11/16/2009 2:02 AM Clinton: U.S. Wants More Accountability From Kabul 5760040770 zweitansage 11/16/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 5759780956 noonanjo 11/16/2009 1:39 AM Stepping Out Smartly: A very good article in the WaPo on the French units operating near Kabul. (Excellent phot.. 5759723311 minebal 11/16/2009 1:34 AM @GabrielPeri ikisini de aliyorum da, bunye mi kabul etmiyo nedir. dunden beri faydasini goremedim. mustahaktir belki :)) 5759327609 COMCENTURE_jobs 11/16/2009 1:05 AM AGRARJOB: Landeskoordinator/in in Kabul, Afghanistan ,Landwirtschaft,Beratung, Technik/Inst.../ #agrar #jobs 5759045054 sadibey 11/16/2009 12:45 AM Türk sinemasının başlangıcı kabûl edilen 14 Kasım günü İstanbul dışında herhangi bir sinemasal bir etkinlik olmamalı. 5758976638 paulinkabul 11/16/2009 12:40 AM Rumors of airport being closed all day Thursday, due to Kabul air space being closed. 5758917473 juniorputter 11/16/2009 12:36 AM Golf course in Kabul Afghanistan: Golf course in Kabul AfghanistanShared by : golfwhizOn: 09/18/2009 at: 00:00:.. 5758622769 eurobird 11/16/2009 12:18 AM RT @bccohan: ... What a waste of precious time. It's been 77 days. It took 65 days to defeat the Taliban in 2001...Kabul freed on Nov. 7 5758351956 maryamfitriani 11/16/2009 12:01 AM Haha belajar agama praktek ijab kabul 5758023852 rice_quotes 11/15/2009 11:42 PM "I'm glad we're in a democracy where [people] can protest, and I'm very glad that the people of Iraq and Kabul can ... 5757757622 nengshesa 11/15/2009 11:27 PM Alhamdulillah t'kabul doanya, Cinere cerah! Boleh extension ga doanya? Smg Cinere - Antasari - Kemang cerah & ga macet! Amiiiin! :D 5757479624 JewishBro 11/15/2009 11:12 PM NATO: 2 rockets hit Kabul airport area; no injuries 5757418624 Umyrina 11/15/2009 11:09 PM Penjara Baru AS Pengganti Bagram: KABUL ( - Militer AS di Afghanistan telah meluncurkan sebuah fas.. 5757296822 Aby_Ummy 11/15/2009 11:03 PM Penjara Baru AS Pengganti Bagram - Berita: KABUL ( - Militer AS di Afghanistan telah meluncurkan s.. 5757241518 HelpUSVets 11/15/2009 11:00 PM HelpUSVets The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul : Veterans Today - News for ...: We fight for veter.. 5757199770 FZworldnews 11/15/2009 10:58 PM Feedzilla Clinton: U.S. Wants More Accountability From Kabul (source: NPR) 5756954404 PakAirForce 11/15/2009 10:46 PM U.S. to give Afghanistan 20 #transport planes: KABUL: The U.S. military will give Afghanistan 20 refurbished #transport 5756874555 arrahmah 11/15/2009 10:43 PM Penjara Baru AS Pengganti Bagram - Berita: KABUL ( - Militer AS di Afghanistan telah meluncurkan s.. 5756502593 Ahyhabiby 11/15/2009 10:27 PM KABUL ( - Militer AS di Afghanistan telah meluncurkan sebuah fasilitas penahanan yang telah diperb.. 5756430686 LuxuryPages 11/15/2009 10:23 PM Militants in Kabul house battle Afghan forces - Reuters 5756340920 ragnaar 11/15/2009 10:19 PM Logar ... just south Kabul ... #Aynak .... [as antonio puts it ... 'yeah... its the keystone.... 5756154398 nouwij 11/15/2009 10:11 PM Frans-Afghaans offensief ten oosten van Kabul: (Novum/AP) - Honderden Franse en Afghaanse militairen zijn zonda.. 5755958699 5wa 11/15/2009 10:01 PM RT @Me1956: RT @PhilPerspective The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul: .. Frank Rich's NYT Sun. column 5755771407 NewsInsider 11/15/2009 9:53 PM French, Afghan troops push into hostile valley: The assault aims to secure a new route from Kabul to Pakistan .. 5755758242 WTVY 11/15/2009 9:53 PM WTVY Headlines NATO: 2 rockets hit Kabul airport area; no injury: NATO says two rockets were fire.. 5755524089 steadydialogue 11/15/2009 9:42 PM Clinton: U.S. Wants More Accountability From Kabul 5755522491 noujij 11/15/2009 9:42 PM Frans-Afghaans offensief ten oosten van Kabul: (Novum/AP) - Honderden Franse en Afghaanse militairen zijn zonda.. 5755231957 Terrympeck 11/15/2009 9:29 PM @overlanders much to say. I travelledOverland mostly riding on the back of Russian made pu trucks! Herat to Mazar to Bamiyan to Kabul! 5755120522 vermistverloren 11/15/2009 9:24 PM Frans-Afghaans offensief ten oosten van Kabul: (Novum/AP) - Honderden Franse en Afghaanse militairen zijn zonda.. 5755016944 izmirnamaz 11/15/2009 9:20 PM 5:20 - İzmir için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5754932515 autsmama98 11/15/2009 9:16 PM R @WOTN: 16 Nov 2009 #MoS Moments of Silence #MilitaryMon 1PM-1:11 EDT: 1 PM Eastern is Kabul 22.. #SOT 5754900524 becrias 11/15/2009 9:14 PM Kabul Today:No Trees, No Paved Roads, No Electricity, No Women in Sight --Only Drugs and Guns « RAWA News: via @addthis 5754880316 bursanamaz 11/15/2009 9:14 PM 5:14 - Bursa için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5754819798 bmian 11/15/2009 9:11 PM Dawn French, Afghan troops push into hostile valley: The assault aims to secure a new route from Kabul to Pakistan ... 5754812736 kocaelinamaz 11/15/2009 9:11 PM 5:11 - Kocaeli için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5754711110 uppaljs 11/15/2009 9:06 PM Ooo I see #afghanistan flags in #kabul. Are these for the upcoming inaugration??? 5754629610 uppaljs 11/15/2009 9:03 PM Another Chilly morning in #kabul 5754260756 kayserinamaz 11/15/2009 8:47 PM 4:47 - Kayseri için imsak vakti başladı. Allah namazınızı ve dualarınızı kabul etsin. 5754236465 samsunnamaz 11/15/2009 8:46 PM 4:46 - Samsun için imsak vakti başladı. Allah kabul etsin. 5754131797 rainerbartl 11/15/2009 8:41 PM RT @maennig: ...als gelte es zwischen Kabul und dem Khyberpass einem X5 voller Taliban zu entkommen. Zur Typologie des Kombifahrers. htt ... 5753760447 srubenfeld 11/15/2009 8:26 PM Link: Frank Rich: The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul 5753284299 WorldNews4u 11/15/2009 8:06 PM • French police on Kabul mission 5753039601 fabimanjoe 11/15/2009 7:57 PM udaaah besok ijab kabul RT @mitosphere ditemenin mama sebentar td jenguk si @mooonang ;) 5752883961 nhdogmom 11/15/2009 7:50 PM RT @nprpolitics: Demands Will Accompany Afghan Aid Clinton: U.S. Wants More Accountability From Kabul 5752856736 albertsson 11/15/2009 7:49 PM @sirmathis Certianly avoids pondering, She loves me? ... She loves me not? ... , unless ... She is good for Kabul... Then there are more ?? 5752763178 ramonlobo 11/15/2009 7:46 PM Cuadernos Escapar de Kabul: 5752753707 orbispictus 11/15/2009 7:45 PM secretcv de doğal sağlık ürünleri pazarlamacısı olarak işe kabul edildim. allaam neden beni bu hallere düşürüyorsun 5752216691 RSSMicro 11/15/2009 7:24 PM NATO: 2 rockets hit Kabul airport area; no injury #rockets #kabulairport 5752035596 zeykur_valekov 11/15/2009 7:17 PM Benlen CIBLAK röportaj yapmak isteyen varsa tekliflere acigim. En CIBLAK olani kabul edecegim. 5752008301 LeftIsBetter 11/15/2009 7:16 PM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul: (Frank Rich). "Do you want Americans fighting & dying for the Karzai regime?" #p2 5751731241 Anurakshat 11/15/2009 7:05 PM @googly83in Nice one. Heard it first at Kabul -she performed at the ambassador residence with Sufi singers- Wadali brothers. she from pak 5751484765 acuncan 11/15/2009 6:55 PM @ayronik oha diyerek kabul ediyorum, tebrix. 5751426227 usenemies 11/15/2009 6:53 PM Clinton: U.S. Wants More Accountability From Kabul : NPR: Clinton: U.S. Wants More Accountability From Kabul : .. 5751415949 dkwdba 11/15/2009 6:53 PM Clinton: U.S. Wants More Accountability From Kabul (source: NPR): The United States is limiting its goals in Af.. 5751372149 AllMilitaryNews 11/15/2009 6:51 PM RT @WOTN: 16 Nov 2009 #MoS Moments of Silence #MilitaryMon 1PM-1:11 EDT: 1 PM Eastern is Kabul 22.. #SOT 5751284526 valleystar 11/15/2009 6:48 PM NATO: 2 rockets hit Kabul airport area; no injury 5751229250 RSSMicro 11/15/2009 6:45 PM NATO says 2 rockets hit military part of Kabul airport; no injuries #kabulairport #military 5751192611 unreconcilable 11/15/2009 6:44 PM Rab beni kul diye sevdikten, huzuruna kabul eyledikten sonra, sen begenmissin, begenmemissin beni :) ne farkeder. elhamdulillah :) 5750795826 ankushnarula 11/15/2009 6:28 PM Ankush Narula recommended an article : The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul 5750761519 valleystar 11/15/2009 6:27 PM NATO: 2 rockets hit Kabul airport area; no injury 5750658903 FurkanTopal 11/15/2009 6:23 PM Din, sıradan insanlar tarafından doğru, zeki insanlar tarafından sahte, liderler tarafından kullanışlı kabul edilir. 5750414425 swineflujpn 11/15/2009 6:14 PM アフガニスタンでは、新型インフルエンザによる初めての死者が発表されてから2週で、流行による死者は急速に増加し、兵士1名を含む11人の国民が死亡し、外国人を含む779人がA(H1N1)と確認された(このうち710人は軍人)。首都 Kabulの症例 453人 [9 Nov 2009] 5750350390 Mahmut_Tuncer 11/15/2009 6:11 PM tanrı'nın erkek olduğu kabulunü ben de kabul ettim bu arada. kahrolsun önyargılar, kahrolsun ezberci sistem. türkücü'yü bile bozar. 5750324445 NHNewsTweets 11/15/2009 6:10 PM Clinton: U.S. Wants More Accountability From Kabul: The United States is limiting its goals in Afghanistan and .. 5750283125 radracerbeer 11/15/2009 6:09 PM RT Clinton: U.S. Wants More Accountability From Kabul 5750220751 hottydot 11/15/2009 6:06 PM Clinton: U.S. Wants More Accountability From Kabul ;) 5749951969 mcyorukoglu 11/15/2009 5:56 PM @sgencoglu Mükemmelsin,herzaman olduğun gibi.Canlı performansın mükemmeldi. Zor kabul ederler canlı performansı.Başarıların mutlu ediyor!.. 5749939441 TheJamesGlover 11/15/2009 5:55 PM Commercial flight from Kabul to KL, ferry to Medan in Indo, public buses to Jakarta, flight to Lombok to board boat to Oz. Refugees? 5749894816 GBPIntl 11/15/2009 5:54 PM Asia News: NATO: 2 rockets hit Kabul airport area; no injury (via Yahoo! News) 5749875519 sohailanjum 11/15/2009 5:53 PM RT @eshovelz: #Photographer-David Guttenfelder in #Afghanistan #photojournalism #conflict #military #Kabul #Kandahar ... 5749777662 MuckTheDuck 11/15/2009 5:49 PM FRANK RICH - The New York Times: The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul - 5749617809 kickinghorse892 11/15/2009 5:42 PM RT @nprnews Clinton: U.S. Wants More Accountability From Kabul: The United States is limiting its go.. 5749435712 andres_rueda 11/15/2009 5:35 PM Clinton: U.S. Wants More Accountability From Kabul: The United States is limiting its goals in Afghanistan and .. 5749305078 fahimn 11/15/2009 5:30 PM An Otherwise Peaceful Place: #Photo essay:Nature walk in village of Istalif #Kabul #Afghanistan 5749258825 News4Jax 11/15/2009 5:28 PM NATO: 2 Rockets Hit Kabul Airport Area; No Injury: NATO says two rockets were fired at the military part of Kabul's... 5749230886 nicedoggy 11/15/2009 5:27 PM Clinton: U.S. Wants More Accountability From Kabul: The United States is limiting its goals in Afghanistan and .. 5749050071 infonaturale 11/15/2009 5:20 PM Bright Stars Consulting: Explosion at Nato base in Kabul: via @addthis 5748996259 JDAGKTP 11/15/2009 5:18 PM @ilayKocal çok umutluydum ya :D video tipini kabul etmedi herhal :D 5748925952 karo555 11/15/2009 5:15 PM @RoksiTasci dileğinizi kabul ediorum ve kutsal su siparişi verdim internetten.taa vatikandan gelicek..3 haftaya gelir...:) 5748862498 _breasts_ 11/15/2009 5:12 PM Exploded outside a U.S. military base on the outskirts of Kabul on Friday morning, a spokesman for NATO-led forces in Afghanistan said. 5748659226 musicdetoreador 11/15/2009 5:04 PM sen gelip ruhumun en işlek caddesine gecekondu kurmaya kalkacaksın? ben bunu kabul edemem, orası benim kişisel alanım ve evet biraz bencilim 5748623273 jeffallenyc 11/15/2009 5:03 PM Frank Rich: The Missing Link from Killeen to Kabul - (NYTimes) 5748571597 musicdetoreador 11/15/2009 5:01 PM dudaklarımın baş döndürücü ve uyuşturucu etkisinin farkındayım ama kurbağa olduğumu kabul edemem. öpücükle prens olmadım,prens olarak doğdum 5748538414 zweitansage 11/15/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 5748529701 _breasts_ 11/15/2009 4:59 PM Base in Kabul (Reuters) - Reuters - An explosion hit one of the main U.S. military bases in Kabul early on Friday, the military said. 5748515476 _braless_women 11/15/2009 4:59 PM In Kabul: officials (AFP) - AFP - A suicide bomb blast struck near a US military base in the Afghan capital on Friday, officials said. 5748489291 jb111 11/15/2009 4:58 PM NYTimes: The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul 5748372698 __cheerleaders 11/15/2009 4:53 PM Base in Kabul (Reuters) - Reuters - An explosion hit one of the main U.S. military bases in Kabul early on Friday, the military said. 5748360261 nudecycling 11/15/2009 4:52 PM AP - Afghan police say a suicide bomber has attacked American vehicles near the Combined Joint Task Force Phoenix, just outside of Kabul. 5748345552 _hairy_pussy_ 11/15/2009 4:52 PM In Kabul: officials (AFP) - AFP - A suicide bomb blast struck near a US military base in the Afghan capital on Friday, officials said. 5748336148 Edmontonsun 11/15/2009 4:51 PM French, Afghan troops push into hostile valley to secure bypass road around Kabul: TAGAB VALLEY,.. 5748278489 sexy_teens_ 11/15/2009 4:49 PM Base in Kabul (Reuters) - Reuters - An explosion hit one of the main U.S. military bases in Kabul early on Friday, the military said. 5748233345 mparent77772 11/15/2009 4:47 PM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul 5748174671 _hairstyles__ 11/15/2009 4:45 PM Base in Kabul - KABUL (Reuters) - An explosion hit one of the main U.S. military bases in Kabul early on Friday, the military said. 5748151697 tweetissimus 11/15/2009 4:44 PM I'm sort of gaga about the news that you can build twenty schools for the cost of one soldier in Kabul for one year...see "three cups of tea 5748051506 Astroviolin 11/15/2009 4:40 PM sagt 查了一下,跟LA相同緯度的城市(誤差一度以內者)有--郑州,Sfax(Tunisia),神戶,大阪,Kabul,広島Rabat(Morocco),Riverside,Beirut.說實在,我現在才意識到北非原來... 5747899328 hieboo 11/15/2009 4:34 PM NATO: 2 rockets hit Kabul airport area; no injury 5747861480 toddbria 11/15/2009 4:32 PM Frank Rich on The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul a required read for Dorothy Rabinowitz and Joe Lieberman 5747834111 charyl 11/15/2009 4:31 PM Frank Rich: The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul 5747825618 wfiarman 11/15/2009 4:31 PM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul - 5747770000 QueerjohnPA 11/15/2009 4:28 PM Frank Rich - The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul: ( #digg via @PhilPerspective ) #du1 #dnj #p2 5747747816 toddbria 11/15/2009 4:28 PM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul - 5747733553 LittleDiggDog 11/15/2009 4:27 PM Frank Rich - The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul: #digg via @PhilPerspective ) #.. 5747550152 thereisawayjose 11/15/2009 4:20 PM The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul | 5747545179 20minNews 11/15/2009 4:20 PM News: Afghanistan: Flughafen von Kabul mit Raketen angegriffen Fetched at: 2009-11-15 23:15:02 5747383189 ci_ninho 11/15/2009 4:13 PM @cintferreira olha esse link e vamos combinar o eskema! need your help! rs 5747359196 jonnyactionpnts 11/15/2009 4:12 PM Frank Rich - The Missing Link From Killeen to Kabul: #digg via @PhilPerspective ) #du1 #dnj #p2 5747352533 javalukas 11/15/2009 4:12 PM Yahoo: NATO: 2 rockets hit Kabul airport area; no injury #news 5747328976 gzmymc 11/15/2009 4:11 PM Oh beee kabul edilmisim! Haha zor olmadi. 5747314853 veinsea 11/15/2009 4:10 PM köpekleri ne kadar çok sevsem de kabul ettim. evde köpek olmaz. haklıymışsın anne. 5747283346 RBLKentCounty 11/15/2009 4:09 PM RT @majbc1: Current conditions in Kabul #afghanistan : 37 degrees, clear, and light wind. Tomorrow high of 51 and sunny. #militarymon 5210959314 HoustonChron 10/27/2009 4:06 PM 8 US troops die; new deadliest month in Afghan war: KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in two se.. 5210804435 zweitansage 10/27/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 5210641382 mehmetortac 10/27/2009 3:53 PM parayla elde ettiği herşeyi başarı kabul edenlere 5209695638 gamzemsi 10/27/2009 3:13 PM kabul etti bakalım hayrlısı =) 5209521183 axismedia 10/27/2009 3:06 PM KABUL (AP) 8 US troops die; new deadliest month in Afghan war 5209495262 1BizAngel 10/27/2009 3:05 PM AP Top News at 1:18 pm EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in two separate bomb.. 5209481323 Don_Scott 10/27/2009 3:04 PM #topstories Bomb blasts kill 8 U.S. troops in Afghan south (source: Reuters): KABUL (Reuters) - Eigh.. 5209441461 health_issues 10/27/2009 3:02 PM The Wild Bunch [Snap Judgment] : [Kabul, October 26. Image via Getty] Afghan enterpreneur Hassina Syed, 27, pre.. 5209374270 zweitansage 10/27/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 5208932522 publiusalter 10/27/2009 2:40 PM [Blog] Bomb blasts kill 8 U.S. troops in Afghan south: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. troops were killed in bomb atta... 5208918878 firehardy 10/27/2009 2:40 PM Aman dedim Altan. : )) Fikretyus, onların kıydığı nikah da kabul olmaz diye kolpa yapıyorum. Hemen niye ağ... re: 5208868825 Transitionland 10/27/2009 2:37 PM Joshua Foust, a US official in Kabul said Friday "We're embracing a new policy. Pundits must wear clown costumes at all times" @joshuafoust 5208837976 MarineCorps 10/27/2009 2:36 PM 8 troops killed in attacks in Afghanistan: KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in two separate insu.. 5208746903 sajvachhani 10/27/2009 2:32 PM AP Top News at 2:16 pm EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in two separate bomb.. 5208715091 rtsradio 10/27/2009 2:31 PM 8 US troops die; new deadliest month in Afghan war - KABUL (AP) -- Eight American troops were killed in two sep... 5208558779 MDThermo 10/27/2009 2:24 PM 8 troops killed in attacks in Afghanistan: KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in two separate insu.. 5208387515 HeyErnie 10/27/2009 2:16 PM 8 troops killed in attacks in Afghanistan: KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in two separate insu.. 5208384650 extrajection 10/27/2009 2:16 PM Day in pictures (BBC - 27 Oct) - love the shot of an elderly man in Kabul: #photography 5208300613 ilovemytroops 10/27/2009 2:13 PM V @militaryupdates: #Military_Times : Service member killed by bomb in Afghanistan: KABUL -- A bomb killed an American.. 5208265963 app_news 10/27/2009 2:11 PM KABUL: 8 estadounidenses de las fuerzas lideradas por la OTAN murieron en ataques con bomba en el sur de Afganistán- 5208212789 news_ch 10/27/2009 2:09 PM Oktober tödlichster Monat für US-Soldaten in Afghanistan: Kabul - Acht Jahre nach Beginn des Einsatzes in Afgha.. 5208169265 RaysNewsTweeter 10/27/2009 2:07 PM Bomb blasts kill 8 U.S. troops in Afghan south: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. troops were killed in bomb attacks.. 5207841326 TransAlchemy2 10/27/2009 1:53 PM The Wild Bunch [Snap Judgment] : [Kabul, October 26. Image via Getty] Afghan enterpreneur Hassina Syed, 27, pre.. 5207802010 healthissuesnow 10/27/2009 1:51 PM The Wild Bunch [Snap Judgment]: [Kabul, October 26. Image via Getty] Afghan enterpreneur Hassina Syed, 27, pres.. 5207800106 TransAlchemy2 10/27/2009 1:51 PM October Becomes Afghan War's Deadliest Month As 8 Troops Die: KABUL — Eight American troops were killed i.. 5207722005 BaltimoreLocks 10/27/2009 1:47 PM 8 American soldiers killed in bomb attacks in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) — Eight American troops were killed.. 5207712357 psshashanka 10/27/2009 1:47 PM Watched Kabul express... Superb movie :) 5207686376 itsjustenough 10/27/2009 1:46 PM October Becomes Afghan War's Deadliest Month As 8 Troops Die: KABUL — Eight American troops were kille.. 5207536801 health_issues 10/27/2009 1:39 PM The Wild Bunch [Snap Judgment]: [Kabul, October 26. Image via Getty] Afghan enterpreneur Hassina Syed, 27, pres.. 5207524844 OnlineDailyNews 10/27/2009 1:39 PM AP Top News at 1:18 pm EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in two separate bomb attacks.. 5207457081 HoustonChron 10/27/2009 1:36 PM 8 US troops die; new deadliest month in Afghan war: KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in two se.. 5207448840 granmo 10/27/2009 1:36 PM @ali504 its a good point in context. Did he wander into Kabul Borders and pick it up? Was it a gift from a special private? 5207444817 valcoj 10/27/2009 1:35 PM AP Top News at 1:18 pm EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in two separate bomb.. 5207351349 mythart 10/27/2009 1:31 PM @tiarazen sayın sağlık bakanının önerisini fazlasıyla ciddiye aldığımı layıkıyle kabul ediyorum. 5207327672 addamiattualita 10/27/2009 1:30 PM Afghanistan: 55 caduti usa in ottobre, il mese peggiore da inizio guerra: Kabul, 27 ott. (Adnkronos) – Co.. 5207234145 aydogantan 10/27/2009 1:26 PM Hayat hakkında yürürlüğün durdurulması istemli dava açıyorum. YD istemim kabul olur mu? 5207210224 Bama4freedom 10/27/2009 1:25 PM RT @freedom4USA: US:#tcot #news 8 U.S. Troops Reported Dead in Afghan Attacks: Filed at 10:57 a.m. ET KABUL (AP) -.. 5207182127 dailydish 10/27/2009 1:24 PM The View From Kabul: Andrew Exum puts the resignation of Afghanistan Senior Civilian representative Matthew Hoh in co... 5207167186 rachelejlee 10/27/2009 1:23 PM The Wild Bunch [Snap Judgment] : [Kabul, October 26. Image via Getty] Afghan enterpreneur Hassina Syed, 27, pre.. 5207157080 Jay27mcr 10/27/2009 1:23 PM AP Top News at 1:18 pm EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — Eight American troops were killed.. 5207114014 Ofi_ 10/27/2009 1:21 PM Photo: An Afghan boy runs with balloons to join his friends in dusty alley in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday,... 5207104344 brecht21 10/27/2009 1:20 PM Düşlerini gerçekleştirmek değil, unutmakBilgelik olarak kabul ediliyor. 5207080588 emelinePerchins 10/27/2009 1:19 PM The View From Kabul - Atlantic Online (blog): The View From KabulAtlantic Online (blog)Andrew Exum puts the res.. 5207042329 pixelman2007 10/27/2009 1:18 PM AP Top News at 1:18 pm EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in two separate bomb.. 5206787867 fingertipnews2 10/27/2009 1:06 PM UPI-Top News: Eight U.S. troops die in Afghan blasts: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 27 (UPI) -- Eight U.. 5206778703 freedom4USA 10/27/2009 1:06 PM US:#tcot #news 8 U.S. Troops Reported Dead in Afghan Attacks: Filed at 10:57 a.m. ET KABUL (AP) -.. 5206629565 zweitansage 10/27/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 5206445524 StephenMBauer 10/27/2009 12:51 PM @heathercara "Afghan boys ..." The same report notes that 60,000 children live on the streets in Kabul... 5206431981 standartt 10/27/2009 12:51 PM @Sevda_Filiz kabul için teşekkürler redd fanı şahıs=) 5206410445 uppaljs 10/27/2009 12:50 PM @girlofgordon oh yes :-) rain , rain rain !!!! #kabul 5206242094 indrio 10/27/2009 12:42 PM @mhaykal @botrezkii bagi saya cukup satu kali mengucapkan ijab kabul. Namun jika memungkinan 2, 3, atau 4 kali juga boleh. 5206220718 nhkillion 10/27/2009 12:42 PM and says...silence. RT @PElliottAP: KABUL (AP) - Latest US deaths make October deadliest month American forces 8-year Afghan war. 5206176136 AdvocateNewsBot 10/27/2009 12:40 PM 3 bodies found in US plane wreckage in Afghanistan : KABUL (AP) -- NATO-led forces have recovered the remains o.. 5206173954 anlugonz 10/27/2009 12:40 PM RT @KateMcGough: Just listening to a really inspiring @BBC_whys - a real conversation between young people in Kabul, Baghdad and Islamabad. 5206160932 mhaykal 10/27/2009 12:39 PM @indrio @botrezkii kalau anda sering mengucapkan kalimat ijab kabul, berarti anda..... Ahh saya tidak mau sebut disini :) 5206136010 LianeGentrySkye 10/27/2009 12:38 PM awww, DH is planning a night with they boys in Kabul, plans on turning the troops on to #textnovel. 5206113821 haber 10/27/2009 12:37 PM Erdoğan, Mutteki'yi kabul etti 5206111213 indrio 10/27/2009 12:37 PM @mhaykal @botrezkii kalau saya mungkin lebih suka mengucapkan dua kalimat Syahadat dan kalimat Izab Kabul *tuing-tuing* 5206078029 rtsradio 10/27/2009 12:35 PM 8 US troops die; new deadliest month in Afghan war - KABUL (AP) -- Eight American troops were killed in two sep... 5206075351 StealthFusion 10/27/2009 12:35 PM October deadliest month in Afghan War: ---Quote--- KABUL – Eight American troops were killed in two separate i.. 5206055166 itsgma 10/27/2009 12:34 PM şuanki tüm gripler domuz gribi olarak kabul ediliomuşşşşşşşş... buyrun karantinaya:/ 5206029770 televidyon 10/27/2009 12:33 PM Televidyon | HPHG : Bir derbinin ardından...: Dünyanın 3. büyük derbisi olarak kabul edilen Fenerba.. 5206028414 carlaobr 10/27/2009 12:33 PM @nilsinhoo Kabul fashion week 5205991673 kickinghorse892 10/27/2009 12:32 PM RT @huffingtonpost October Becomes Afghan War's Deadliest Month As 8 Troops Die: KABUL &md.. 5205957737 de_volkskrant 10/27/2009 12:30 PM [17:55] Bloedigste maand voor VS in Afghanistan: KABUL/WASHINGTON - Niet eerder zijn in een maand tijd z.. 5205950447 NedDagbl 10/27/2009 12:30 PM Nieuws: Bloedigste maand voor VS in Afghanistan: KABUL/WASHINGTON - Niet eerder zijn in een maand tijd z.. 5205929076 WORLDDAILYTIMES 10/27/2009 12:29 PM 8 US Troops Killed by Afghan Insurgents - AOL: KABUL (Oct. 27) -- Eight American troops were killed in two sepa.. 5205926478 KateMcGough 10/27/2009 12:29 PM Just listening to a really inspiring @BBC_whys - a real conversation between young people in Kabul, Baghdad and Islamabad. great show guys. 5205907407 BBC_WHYS 10/27/2009 12:28 PM We just lost Fareedoones phone line to Kabul 5205827093 NewsTrender 10/27/2009 12:25 PM Afghanistan: Suicide car bomber kills 17 outside Kabul's Indian Embassy KABUL, Afghanistan -- A... #news 5205797722 AdamTheRed 10/27/2009 12:23 PM @SportsNation Hmmm, In Kabul, there is little to no NFL coverage, I have not missed it for a second! 5205742043 BBC_WHYS 10/27/2009 12:21 PM Fareedoone says that it is difficult for men and women to go out in Kabul. He feels afraid of an attack when he goes out. 5205738278 MDThermo 10/27/2009 12:21 PM 3 bodies found in plane wreckage in Afghanistan: KABUL — NATO-led forces say they have recovered the rema.. 5205627602 girlofgordon 10/27/2009 12:16 PM Is it? RT @uppaljs: yaaay!!! rain in #kabul !!!! 5205625166 topstoriestweet 10/27/2009 12:16 PM Military: 8 U.S. troops die in Afghan blasts - MSNBC: KABUL - Eight American troops were killed in multiple bom.. 5205612006 uppaljs 10/27/2009 12:15 PM @girlofgordon you'll miss all of the fun stuff in #kabul !!! 5205600158 militaryupdates 10/27/2009 12:15 PM #Military_Times : 3 bodies found in plane wreckage in Afghanistan: KABUL — NATO-led forces say they have recovered ... 5205594882 uppaljs 10/27/2009 12:15 PM yaaay!!! rain in #kabul !!!! 5205587263 buybooksonline1 10/27/2009 12:14 PM [REUTERS]: Bomb blasts kill 8 U.S. troops in Afghan south: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. troops were k.. 5205584965 HeyErnie 10/27/2009 12:14 PM 3 bodies found in plane wreckage in Afghanistan: KABUL — NATO-led forces say they have recovered the rema.. 5205580246 HeyErnie 10/27/2009 12:14 PM 3 bodies found in plane wreckage in Afghanistan: KABUL — NATO-led forces say they have recovered the rema.. 5205552902 drika_sayuri 10/27/2009 12:13 PM A celebração da paz em Kabul vai ficar pra sempre em nossas memórias (atenção para a pomba) - (via @Manozinha) 5205537159 BBC_WHYS 10/27/2009 12:12 PM Lubna in Baghdad asked how Fareedoone in Kabul how he keeps his spirits high and continue with his education in such difficult times. 5205525017 TheWorldLink 10/27/2009 12:12 PM News: Helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans in Afghanistan: KABUL — Helicopter crashes killed 14 Amer.. 5205434613 JasonMunich 10/27/2009 12:08 PM RT @skipinc: US Navy News: 3 bodies found in plane wreckage in Afghanistan: KABUL — NATO-l.. #usn #military 5205415474 HoustonChron 10/27/2009 12:07 PM 8 US troops die; new deadliest month in Afghan war: KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in two se.. 5205239550 Zener39 10/27/2009 12:00 PM RT @skipinc US Navy News: 3 bodies found in plane wreckage in Afghanistan: KABUL — NATO-l.. #usn #military 5205233519 zweitansage 10/27/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 5205184773 BABYDOLL376 10/27/2009 11:57 AM Afghanistan: uccisi 8 soldati Usa: A Lussemburgo i ministri Ue discutono dei rapporti con Kabul 5204876632 NewsMashup 10/27/2009 11:45 AM Reuters: Bomb blasts kill 8 U.S. troops in Afghan south: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. troops were kille.. 5204858147 AllNewsSources 10/27/2009 11:44 AM REUTERS: Bomb blasts kill 8 U.S. troops in Afghan south: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. troops were killed in bomb attack 5204823344 GlobalTechNews 10/27/2009 11:42 AM Bomb blasts kill 8 U.S. troops in Afghan south: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. troops were killed in bomb attacks.. 5204738621 nrc_nieuws 10/27/2009 11:39 AM Opnieuw Amerikaanse doden in Afghanistan: Kabul, 27 okt. Door bomaanslagen in Afghanistan zijn dinsdag acht A.. 5204631779 AllMilitaryNews 10/27/2009 11:34 AM RT @WOTN: AFG Missing Crew and Aircraft Recovered: KABUL, Afghanistan (October 27) - Internationa.. #SOT 5204620176 atspangler 10/27/2009 11:34 AM pet peeve: dropdown lists that have Afghanistan first. Who's gonna Apple cert in Kabul? Seriously? Bump US and UK to the top. 5204585041 mixxbreaking 10/27/2009 11:32 AM U.S.: 8 soldiers killed in Afghanistan bombings - KABUL -- A series of powerful bombs kille.. 5204575478 ReutersNews 10/27/2009 11:32 AM Reuters: Bomb blasts kill 8 U.S. troops in Afghan south: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. troops were kille.. 5204572898 SwiftRead 10/27/2009 11:32 AM #Obama RT @AllMilitaryNews (Army Times) 8 troops killed in attacks in #Afghanistan #KABUL: U.S. forces... #Military 5204495165 wcompanyportal 10/27/2009 11:28 AM [REUTERS]: Bomb blasts kill 8 U.S. troops in Afghan south: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. troops were k.. 5204479415 myworldnews 10/27/2009 11:28 AM [WP] U.S.: 8 soldiers killed in Afghanistan bombings: KABUL -- A series of powerful bombs killed eight American.. 5204451384 RBLKentCounty 10/27/2009 11:27 AM RT @AllMilitaryNews (Marine Corp Times) 3 bodies found in plane wreckage in Afghanistan: KABUL —.. #Military 5204451458 slkbrooke 10/27/2009 11:27 AM RT @AllMilitaryNews (Air Force Times) 3 bodies found in plane wreckage in Afghanistan: KABUL — NAT.. #Military 5204431695 AllMilitaryNews 10/27/2009 11:26 AM (Navy Times) 3 bodies found in plane wreckage in Afghanistan: KABUL — NATO-led forc.. #Military 5204430058 AllMilitaryNews 10/27/2009 11:26 AM (Navy Times) 8 troops killed in attacks in Afghanistan: KABUL — U.S. forces say eig.. #Military 5204427659 AllMilitaryNews 10/27/2009 11:26 AM (Air Force Times) 3 bodies found in plane wreckage in Afghanistan: KABUL — NAT.. #Military 5204418327 AllMilitaryNews 10/27/2009 11:25 AM (Army Times) 3 bodies found in plane wreckage in Afghanistan: KABUL — NATO-led forc.. #Military 5204416591 herardsiberad 10/27/2009 11:25 AM Ntar gw yg ajarin ngaji... Hahaha...RT @AgungRhythm: @djfafan lagi hijab kabul...kita pada masuk islam....hahahha 5204413453 AllMilitaryNews 10/27/2009 11:25 AM (Army Times) 8 troops killed in attacks in Afghanistan: KABUL — U.S. forces say eig.. #Military 5204407489 saurk123 10/27/2009 11:25 AM AP Top News at 11:17 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in multiple bomb at.. 5204370478 MadMaxde 10/27/2009 11:23 AM Kabul - Acht US-Soldaten bei Anschlagserie getötet 5204355120 dpa_newsticker 10/27/2009 11:23 AM Kabul - Acht US-Soldaten bei Anschlagserie getötet 5204275307 kickinghorse892 10/27/2009 11:19 AM RT @huffingtonpost 8 US Troops Die In Multiple Bomb Attacks: KABUL — Eight American .. 5204238037 pa5fn 10/27/2009 11:18 AM NRC headlines Opnieuw Amerikaanse doden in Afghanistan: Kabul, 27 okt. Door bomaanslagen in Afghanistan zijn dinsdag... 5204228277 ConservaBLIT 10/27/2009 11:17 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in bomb attacks…: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the N.. 5204211106 djfafan 10/27/2009 11:17 AM haha keputusan yg bijaksana.Drpd bingung gak ada yg mau ngalah,mending milih yg netral ya.hahaha.RT @AgungRhythm: @djfafan ni lg hijab kabul 5204139945 getagripe 10/27/2009 11:14 AM 8 troops killed in attacks in Afghanistan: KABUL — U.S. forces say eight American troops have be... 5204092340 militaryupdates 10/27/2009 11:12 AM #Military_Times : 8 troops killed in attacks in Afghanistan: KABUL — U.S. forces say eight American troops have be... 5204067231 familiarismo 10/27/2009 11:10 AM QUINTA-FEIRA -29 DE OUTUBRO - FESTA MELANINA!!FAMÍLIA GANGSTERS E NEGUEDMUNDO NO KABUL!!VAMOS QUE VAMOS!! 5203991521 msn_italia 10/27/2009 11:07 AM Afghanistan: uccisi 8 soldati Usa: A Lussemburgo i ministri Ue discutono dei rapporti con Kabul 5203991802 AgungRhythm 10/27/2009 11:07 AM @djfafan lagi hijab kabul...kita pada masuk islam....hahahha 5203974076 HoustonChron 10/27/2009 11:06 AM 8 US troops die; new deadliest month in Afghan war: KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in two se.. 5203912111 RuletaOnline 10/27/2009 11:04 AM Bando de Karzai dice balotaje afgano debe realizarse "sí o sí": Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - El balotaje de las .. 5203862796 girlofgordon 10/27/2009 11:02 AM Who knew I had Jive Bunny on my iPod? #Kabul 5203826714 WhatsCurrentaff 10/27/2009 11:00 AM 8 US Troops Die In Multiple Bomb Attacks: KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in two separate in.. 5203814074 Flasherblog 10/27/2009 11:00 AM Vimeo Masaüstü Uygulaması: Ozellikle sadece kendi hazırladığınız videoları kabul etmesiyle ünlenen Vimeo‘.. 5203804991 zweitansage 10/27/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 5203782775 PortlandORrss 10/27/2009 10:59 AM 8 US troops die; new deadliest month in Afghan war: KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in two se.. 5203622930 girlofgordon 10/27/2009 10:52 AM Two more days in #Kabul before I escape for a break over election period. Yay! 5203614749 TransAlchemy2 10/27/2009 10:52 AM 8 US Troops Die In Multiple Bomb Attacks: KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in two separate insur.. 5203605593 myheadlinez 10/27/2009 10:51 AM Bomb attacks in Afghan south kill 8 U.S. troops: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. troops are killed in bomb attacks.. 5203482167 in_asia 10/27/2009 10:46 AM (AP) KABUL (AP) - Eight American troops were killed in multiple bomb attacks Tuesday in southern Afghanistan, m.. 5203455615 rtsradio 10/27/2009 10:45 AM 8 US troops die; Oct. Afghan war's deadliest month - KABUL (AP) -- Eight American troops were killed in multipl... 5203411481 newyorkpost4u 10/27/2009 10:43 AM [NEW YORK POST]: 8 US troops killed in Afghanistan bomb attacks: KABUL — U.S. forces say eight .. 5203356156 new_york_post 10/27/2009 10:41 AM News: 8 US troops killed in Afghanistan bomb attacks: KABUL — U.S. forces say eight American troops have b.. 5203324283 middle_school 10/27/2009 10:40 AM RT @NEWSCHANNEL_13 Eight U.S. Troops Killed in Afghan Bomb Attack: KABUL (AP) - US military says 8 American troops... 5203304586 NewsBlogged 10/27/2009 10:39 AM AlertNet: Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks - Source: Reuters KABUL, Oct 27 (Reuters) - Eight U.S. se... 5203304787 NewsBlogged 10/27/2009 10:39 AM AlertNet: Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks - Source: Reuters KABUL, Oct 27 (Reuters) - Eight U.S. se... 5203266724 marcusexam 10/27/2009 10:37 AM October new deadliest month for U.S. in Afghanistan: KABUL -- Eight American troops were killed in multiple bom.. 5203248509 nycnewsnow 10/27/2009 10:37 AM 8 US troops killed in Afghanistan bomb attacks: KABUL — U.S. forces say eight American troops have been killed .. 5203204236 ChikaT333 10/27/2009 10:35 AM @nisaipeh iya.. Blomm tapi pgn, smoga t'kabul aminn kk udah? 5203146843 RuletaOnline 10/27/2009 10:33 AM Ocho soldados EEUU mueren en ataques con bomba en Afganistán: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - Ocho estadounidenses .. 5202948337 reuterskl 10/27/2009 10:24 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the N.. 5202943161 jeffersonjeffer 10/27/2009 10:24 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks - KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the NATO... 5202943390 ianingersoll321 10/27/2009 10:24 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks - KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the NATO... 5202942826 lennylancaster 10/27/2009 10:24 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks - KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the NATO... 5202943015 kevinkalamanca 10/27/2009 10:24 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks - KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the NATO... 5202925105 bbcturk 10/27/2009 10:23 AM 'İran BM'nin teklifini kabul edecek' 5202858434 SmittysWeb 10/27/2009 10:21 AM KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the NATO-led force and one Afghan civilian were killed.. 5202754953 bbcturkce 10/27/2009 10:16 AM 'İran BM'nin teklifini kabul edecek' 5202654309 topstoriestweet 10/27/2009 10:12 AM Military: 8 U.S. troops die in Afghan blasts - MSNBC: KABUL - The U.S. military said on Tuesday that eight Amer.. 5202610345 HeadlinesNewz 10/27/2009 10:10 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the N.. 5202596799 TantaoNews 10/27/2009 10:10 AM Multiple roadside bombings kill 8 U.S. soldiers in S. Afghanistan: KABUL, Oct. 27 (Xinhua) -- Eight U.S. servic.. 5202551570 dave13100 10/27/2009 10:08 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the N.. 5202541097 detroitnewsnow 10/27/2009 10:07 AM October new deadliest month for U.S. in Afghanistan: Kabul -- U.S. forces say eight American troops have been k.. 5202525779 mignews 10/27/2009 10:07 AM October new deadliest month for U.S. in Afghanistan: Kabul -- U.S. forces say eight American troops have been k.. 5202524744 HoustonChron 10/27/2009 10:07 AM 8 U.S. troops die; October Afghan war's deadliest month: KABUL — Eight American troops were killed in mul.. 5202514755 webtipsfree 10/27/2009 10:06 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the N.. 5202507963 reuterstop 10/27/2009 10:06 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the N.. 5202475988 kabulpress 10/27/2009 10:05 AM ملالی جان دیگر مدال نگیر که بد است - کابل پرس: خبری، تحليلی و انتقادی | Kabul Press 5202417324 twittfeed 10/27/2009 10:02 AM Reuters Top News Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. .. 5202406327 mignews 10/27/2009 10:02 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the N.. 5202372154 jahabarsadiq 10/27/2009 10:00 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the N.. 5202367827 newsfeeding 10/27/2009 10:00 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the N.. 5202350266 zweitansage 10/27/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 5202321041 myworldnews 10/27/2009 9:58 AM [WP] U.S.: 8 soldiers killed in Afghanistan bombings: KABUL -- A series of powerful bombs killed eight American.. 5202315382 tweettools4U 10/27/2009 9:58 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service memb.. #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 5202278810 rtsradio 10/27/2009 9:56 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the N.. 5202276789 newzdevil 10/27/2009 9:56 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the N.. 5202228244 kassandra_m 10/27/2009 9:54 AM October new deadliest month for US in Afghanistan: KABUL - U.S. forces say eight American troops have been killed in... 5202189016 bostonherald 10/27/2009 9:53 AM October new deadliest month for US in Afghanistan: KABUL - U.S. forces say eight American troops have been killed in... 5202158298 TantaoNews 10/27/2009 9:51 AM Multiple roadside bombings kill 8 U.S. soldiers in S. Afghanistan: KABUL, Oct. 27 (Xinhua) -- Eight U.S. servic.. 5202153556 TantaoNews 10/27/2009 9:51 AM NATO agrees on need for more troops in Afghanistan but waits for U.S. nod: KABUL, Oct. 27 (Xinhua) -- Although .. 5202143378 totallydublin 10/27/2009 9:51 AM @adamprincebilly Reckon if they play a set in Kabul Afghanistan's problems will be solved too? 5202096571 Dr_Suggestion 10/27/2009 9:49 AM Reuters News: Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Ei.. #read #retweet 5202095833 bbcturkish 10/27/2009 9:49 AM 'İran BM'nin teklifini kabul edecek': İran devlet televizyonu, 'çok önemli değişiklikler' yapılması durumunda B.. 5202077580 BssNews 10/27/2009 9:48 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the N.. 5202044369 LotsaNews 10/27/2009 9:46 AM [REUT][] Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members .. 5202043199 buybooksonline1 10/27/2009 9:46 AM [REUTERS]: Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service memb.. 5201989480 MobileAuto 10/27/2009 9:44 AM Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members working for the N.. 5201977091 HeadlinesNewz 10/27/2009 9:44 AM Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off vote in Afghanistan's presidential.. 5201959766 wcompanyportal 10/27/2009 9:43 AM [REUTERS]: Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service memb.. 5201952177 BRISKUSMC 10/27/2009 9:42 AM mmm mmm mmm barry hussein Obama KABUL (AP) US military says 8 American troops killed in bomb attacks in southern Af (cont) 5201939812 draenews 10/27/2009 9:42 AM Megite Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off vote in Afghanistan.. 5201915341 yuliatria 10/27/2009 9:41 AM @aulyfauziah lai dikelas lu wkt agama yg ijab kabul sapa? Ih kesel dah gua 5201785484 BonjourMonsieur 10/27/2009 9:35 AM "Onun bütün vitamini kabuğunda" diye diye keklendik seneler boyunca, kabul edin. 5201754337 headlinenews 10/27/2009 9:34 AM Reuters: Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off vote in Afghanist.. 5201707168 ReutersNews 10/27/2009 9:32 AM Reuters: Eight U.S. troops killed in Afghan bomb attacks: KABUL (Reuters) - Eight U.S. service members .. 5201689931 BRISKUSMC 10/27/2009 9:31 AM mmmm mmm mmm Barry Hussein Obama KABUL (AP) Latest US deaths make October deadliest month for American forces in 8- (cont) 5201569955 redinbleustate 10/27/2009 9:26 AM RT @LessThanItTakes: RT @PElliottAP: KABUL (AP) - Latest US deaths make October deadliest month for American forces in 8-year Afghan war. 5201549398 LessThanItTakes 10/27/2009 9:25 AM RT @PElliottAP: KABUL (AP) - Latest US deaths make October deadliest month for American forces in 8-year Afghan war. 5201528256 tweettools4U 10/27/2009 9:24 AM Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off vote in Afgha.. #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 5201503574 WhatToDoTC 10/27/2009 9:23 AM Wed @ 7pm Milliken Auditorium Dr. Hiebert, National Geographic Archaeology Treasures from Kabul. 5201493932 PElliottAP 10/27/2009 9:23 AM KABUL (AP) - Latest US deaths make October deadliest month for American forces in 8-year Afghan war. 5201470771 AdamRhew 10/27/2009 9:22 AM R.I.P. /// KABUL (AP) - Latest US deaths make October deadliest month forAmerican forces in 8-year Afghan war. 5201457840 reuterskl 10/27/2009 9:21 AM Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off vote in Afghanistan's presidential.. 5201425796 felixkuehn 10/27/2009 9:20 AM Rain in kabul 5201425854 SmittysWeb 10/27/2009 9:20 AM KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off vote in Afghanistan's presidential election must take place even if President Hamid.. 5201371846 fredontv 10/27/2009 9:17 AM KABUL (AP) - US military says 8 American troops killed in bomb attacks in southern Afghanistan. 5201365888 Dr_Suggestion 10/27/2009 9:17 AM Reuters News: Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A .. #read #retweet 5201361783 BssNews 10/27/2009 9:17 AM Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off vote in Afghanistan's presidential.. 5201318533 LotsaNews 10/27/2009 9:15 AM [REUT][] Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off vote in Afghanist.. 5201294814 MobileAuto 10/27/2009 9:14 AM Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off vote in Afghanistan's presidential.. 5201181551 HeadlinesNewz 10/27/2009 9:09 AM Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off vote in Afghanistan's presidential.. 5201171037 mymonews 10/27/2009 9:08 AM [news] Altro - Kabul: è Karl W. Eikenberry, ambasciatore USA in Afghanistan: Ultim'ora 5201120835 reuterstop 10/27/2009 9:06 AM Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off vote in Afghanistan's presidential.. 5201070606 webtipsfree 10/27/2009 9:04 AM Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off vote in Afghanistan's presidential.. 5201042915 twittfeed 10/27/2009 9:02 AM Reuters Top News Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off v.. 5201019740 mignews 10/27/2009 9:02 AM Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off vote in Afghanistan's presidential.. 5200988340 newsfeeding 10/27/2009 9:00 AM Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off vote in Afghanistan's presidential.. 5200972180 zweitansage 10/27/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 5200963508 Phyllischesler 10/27/2009 8:59 AM A Lesson Learned in Kabul 5200958774 JeffersonObama 10/27/2009 8:59 AM Karzai, derided as the mayor of Kabul, has no real army. He would be swept from office in days were it not for NATO troops that protect him 5200942487 jahabarsadiq 10/27/2009 8:58 AM Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off vote in Afghanistan's presidential.. 5200901614 newzdevil 10/27/2009 8:56 AM Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off vote in Afghanistan's presidential.. 5200897150 Leeloo4 10/27/2009 8:56 AM resmi olarak, "sallama" çay yapamadığımı kabul ettim. Adaçayı tadı bu kadar çirkin olmamalı. 5200888077 SalBarguil 10/27/2009 8:56 AM Karzai camp says Afghan run-off must take place: KABUL (Reuters) - A run-off vote in Afghanistan's presidential.. 5200829902 vb8l 10/27/2009 8:53 AM An Afghan roadside banana vendor waits for customers in Kabul, Afghanistan, Wedn… 5200798310 vb8l 10/27/2009 8:52 AM An Afghan boy jumps to cross a stream, in Surabhi, some 100 kms from Kabul, Afgh… 5200700563 haberbiz 10/27/2009 8:47 AM Yeni haber, Özrü kabul etmedi - 5200671928 BogoMan 10/27/2009 8:46 AM Arvd Kabul this morning - items stolen out of the overhead when I dozed on plane - flt crew said 'welcome to Afghanistan' - I'm slipping 5200441070 PhoneCardsGirl 10/27/2009 8:35 AM Karzai rebuffs calls for vote chief's sacking: AFP KABUL — President Hamid Karzai's office brushed off .. 5200416052 d_not 10/27/2009 8:34 AM @endha_panda hahaha , euweuh si kabul mah teu hirup tuda sma 2 teh d , hahahaha 5200378778 BahaiPCD 10/27/2009 8:32 AM UNjobs: Junior Doctor Orthopedic Department, Kabul #jobs 5200319524 endha_panda 10/27/2009 8:29 AM @d_not haha berarti kurang gaul, gaulna jeung mang kabul wae sih jd kitu hahaha 5200300168 UNjobs 10/27/2009 8:28 AM Junior Doctor Orthopedic Department, Kabul #jobs 5200257061 d_not 10/27/2009 8:26 AM @endha_panda teu apal d da di sma apalna mang kabul jeung mi set wae ,hahahaha 5200211323 UK_Patterson 10/27/2009 8:24 AM protests in Kabul 5199863794 yaseminsefik 10/27/2009 8:07 AM yayında...anlatıyo; bugün itibariyle gripli herkes DOMUZ GRİPLİ kabul edilecekmiş...illaki aşı olunacak yani.... 5199700218 zweitansage 10/27/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 5199524849 MestreTibetano 10/27/2009 7:51 AM Sitios porreirinhos para passar umas férias depois do exame: faixa de Gaza, Baghdad, Kabul, um cruzeiro ao largo da Somália...indeciso... 5199443868 springjail 10/27/2009 7:47 AM Özge saçları hakkında hiçbir olumsuz eleştiriyi kabul etmeyen bir kız. 5199313798 okbreakingnews 10/27/2009 7:40 AM AFGHANISTAN: The Cheap Way to Hell: kabul, oct 27 ips - for the last three weeks, 30-year-old ghulam nabi has l.. 5199204939 headlinenews 10/27/2009 7:35 AM IPS: AFGHANISTAN: The Cheap Way to Hell: KABUL, Oct 27 (IPS) - For the last three weeks, 30-year-old Ghulam.. 5198696765 ranacetin 10/27/2009 7:00 AM Baykal yine konuşuyor. Memlekette hem medyada hem de siyasette yüz ve ses değişimi talep ediyom. Estetik kabul etmiyoruuuuum!!! :) 5198686165 zweitansage 10/27/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 5198596226 teatergarasjen 10/27/2009 6:52 AM Utstillingsåpning nå kl 13.00 på Rom 8 (Vaskerelven 8, Bergen) Art Recipe Kabul Oslo 5198549189 ermansire 10/27/2009 6:48 AM @OrbayKeskin Baştan sonra düzmece bir haber, hiçbir yerini doğru kabul edip yorum yapamam. 5198461490 bestedemir 10/27/2009 6:40 AM @khusnu bunu bir vaat olarak kabul ediyorum 5198398133 _direnc_ 10/27/2009 6:35 AM @HuuLyyA kesin gibi. zaten artik test yapmayip tum gripler direk domuz gribi kabul ediliyormus. ama bugun PCR sonucu cikacak. 5198365410 cnrb 10/27/2009 6:32 AM can tanrıyar artık neyiyle gündeme geleceğini şaşırdı. bitti bitti the end..kabul et artık canlı yayında evlenmekle olmaz bu işler 5198335818 EurActivTR 10/27/2009 6:29 AM Fransa’dan Türkiye’ye yeni engel, yasa dışı göçmenleri geri kabul etmesini istiyorlar: AB ve TürkiyeFransa, yas.. 5198323020 TheOaklandPress 10/27/2009 6:28 AM DEA agents among 14 Americans dead in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) — A U.S. military helicopter crashed Monday.. 5198170667 muratesmer 10/27/2009 6:16 AM - güzel monte olmuş, bünyesi kabul etmiş =) 5198034226 Expressdienst 10/27/2009 6:07 AM G auf mailbox. AC/DC-Konzert in Kabul abgesagt. @spreeblick @SibylleBerg 5197924160 zweitansage 10/27/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 5197822162 israelforum 10/27/2009 5:52 AM Kabul University Students Burn Obama in Effigy 5197749252 amedbaba 10/27/2009 5:47 AM @perizaddemirez Normal kabul etmek lazım.. Sanatçı fırkasının hırkasının bir ucu yırtıktır... 5197729045 UNjobs 10/27/2009 5:46 AM Neonatology, Consultant, Kabul #jobs 5197611377 Kenosha_News 10/27/2009 5:37 AM NewsNow: 14 Americans killed in 2 Afghan helicopter crashes: KABUL (AP) — A helicopter crash and .. 5197601206 NewsInsider 10/27/2009 5:36 AM Abdullah wants sacking of Afghan election chief: KABUL (AFP) - Presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah demand.. 5197560971 armyAfghanistan 10/27/2009 5:33 AM Taliban would take over 'in months' if troops left Afghanistan: The Taliban would control Kabul within months o.. 5197367355 2pont 10/27/2009 5:18 AM chattin withsome from kabul 5197247114 LeafChronicle 10/27/2009 5:09 AM @LeafChronicle Helicopter crashes kill 14 in Afghanistan: KABUL — A U.S. military helicopte.. 5197228629 mackenzey 10/27/2009 5:07 AM I'm #reading Kabul Beauty School by Deborah Rodriguez - 5197135729 zweitansage 10/27/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 5196829504 yankiemelanie 10/27/2009 4:31 AM @cinthyamourani heh! sialan momon momon! hahaha aku tercipta sbg manusia. doa lu k kabul noh ujaaan hahaha 5196648318 nevadaappeal 10/27/2009 4:15 AM 14 Americans killed in Afghan helicopter crashes: KABUL (AP) - Helicopter crashes killed 14 Americans on Monday.. 5196638822 ObamaList 10/27/2009 4:14 AM NEWS -- 14 Americans killed in 2 Afghan helicopter crashes: KABUL (AP) - A helicopter crash and separate collis.. 5196606768 safe_waters 10/27/2009 4:11 AM #reutersIN Karzai dismisses election rival's ultimatum: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan president Hamid Karzai rejected a deman 5196584221 AskMen_TR 10/27/2009 4:09 AM Çirkinlere Yasak Site: Çirkin üyeleri kabul etmeyen arkadaşlık sitesi büyük tepki alacak gibi görünüyor. 5196468346 zweitansage 10/27/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 5196233393 esharamir 10/27/2009 3:37 AM @ebooboy haha iya padahal acaranya cuma ijab kabul doang..!! Hhahaaa 5196047828 Philipsj 10/27/2009 3:19 AM Jon are you out there? Sunny in Kabul? 5195842843 zweitansage 10/27/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 5195819930 Urch2Urth 10/27/2009 2:57 AM Oddly, remakes of Jim Carrey films are hugely popular in Afghanistan. Latest remakes: “The Kabul Guy” & “Eternal Sunni of the Spotless Mind” 5195017827 nancyhunt 10/27/2009 1:40 AM Reflecting back on my trip today - I woke up while passing over Kabul, Afghanistan. Going to Peace conf. and passing over war - strange. 5194926211 Karoli 10/27/2009 1:32 AM ...increasing numbers of reports of mujahidine successes in downing...helicopters and hitting transport near Kabul airport. 5194910186 Karoli 10/27/2009 1:30 AM Kabul residents almost universally blame...w/typical Afghan logic that says "if they had not invaded, this wouldn't have happened." 5194888301 Karoli 10/27/2009 1:29 AM Attacks on ...convoys take place everywhere along the Kabul w/the most dangerous stretches...near the Salang Pass. 5193906784 app_news 10/27/2009 12:13 AM KABUL: Día negro,un helicóptero se estrelló y otros dos chocaron en pleno vuelo.11 militares y tres civiles norteamericanos muertos. 5193671733 fingertipnews2 10/26/2009 11:58 PM UPI-Top News: Abdullah wants election chief out: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 27 (UPI) -- The challeng.. 5193642910 trrewa 10/26/2009 11:56 PM Afghanistan Map: A suicide bomber has blown himself up in Kabul, killing at least 13 people. His target was Af.. 5193398531 nadiaaaaw 10/26/2009 11:40 PM pelajaran agama tentang pernikahan ada percobaan ijab kabul. mempelai wanita Citra, mempelai wanita Zia, wali Haris. Sumpaaah KOCAAAK 5193300967 JobSearchPages 10/26/2009 11:34 PM Seven killed in blast outside Indian embassy in Kabul - Reuters 5193181614 TheHourNews 10/26/2009 11:27 PM Three DEA agents among 14 Americans dead in Afghanistan: KABULBy ROBERT. . . 5193161307 fingertipnews 10/26/2009 11:26 PM Reuters Int'l: Karzai dismisses election rival's ultimatum - KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan president Hamid Karzai reject... 5193080495 BarraDeHerram 10/26/2009 11:21 PM Día negro para EEUU en Afganistán, que pierde 14 hombres y 3 helicópteros: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - Dos accidentes e.. 5193059973 tehranweekly 10/26/2009 11:20 PM RT @iDeskCNN: Our @clawrenceCNN in CNN Kabul filed a piece on the deadly Helicopter crashes in Afghanistan: 5192955317 Anon_Cow 10/26/2009 11:14 PM Gunmen shoot at Brigadier in I-9 Islamabad according to lo9cal news. Ibad is starting to remind me of Kabul. 5192763182 abc_blogs 10/26/2009 11:03 PM Aeropuerto de Kabul bajo control, problemas serios en Badghis 5192717003 POTUFSS 10/26/2009 11:01 PM 14 Americans killed in pair of Afghan helicopter crashes (The Conroe Courier)|KABUL ? Helicopter crashes killed .. 5192655037 fingertipnews2 10/26/2009 10:58 PM Reuters Int'l: Karzai dismisses election rival's ultimatum: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan president Ha.. 5192332918 reuterswire 10/26/2009 10:41 PM Karzai dismisses election rival's ultimatum: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan president Hamid Karzai rejected a demand from ... 5192141111 energyindia37 10/26/2009 10:31 PM Karzai dismisses election rival's ultimatum: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan president Hamid Karzai rejected a demand .. 5192011181 fngkestrel 10/26/2009 10:25 PM I'm at Kabul Afghan Cuisine - Burlingame (1101 Burlingame Ave, California Ave, Burlingame). 5191625173 in_asia 10/26/2009 10:07 PM KABUL, Afghanistan — Fourteen Americans were killed in Afghanistan on Monday in two crashes involving helicopte.. 5191578340 iflyacy 10/26/2009 10:05 PM RT Día negro para EEUU en Afganistán, que pierde 14 hombres y 3 helicópteros: AFP - KABUL (AF.. 5191448328 michellany 10/26/2009 9:59 PM @mublogger Hang in there! Once when talking on phone 2 my DH in Kabul, a bomb went off! I heard BOOM...WOOSH...then dial tone. (He was OK.) 5191048506 drfrances 10/26/2009 9:41 PM Bamyan Province, Afghanistan to be illiteracy-free by 2014 - کابل پرس: خبری، تحليلی و انتقادی | Kabul Press 5190853524 CenterdinSEA 10/26/2009 9:32 PM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $2 with promo code: TREATS #seattle 5190797366 fingertipnews 10/26/2009 9:30 PM AP Int'l: DEA agents among 14 Americans dead in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- A U.S. military helicopter crashed ... 5190416977 YahooNoticias 10/26/2009 9:14 PM Día negro para EEUU en Afganistán, que pierde 14 hombres y 3 helicópteros: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - Dos accidentes e.. 5190363146 wvgazette 10/26/2009 9:11 PM Helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans in Afghanistan: KABUL -- A U.S. military helicopter crashed Monday while r.. 5190110075 wva 10/26/2009 9:01 PM Helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans in Afghanistan: KABUL -- A U.S. military helicopter crashed Monday while r.. 5189425057 MANADONEWS 10/26/2009 8:33 PM Presiden Karzai Tolak Pecat Ketua Komisi Pemilu Afghanistan: KABUL--MI: Presiden Afghanistan Hamid Karzai, Seni.. 5189296031 rtsradio 10/26/2009 8:28 PM DEA agents among 14 Americans dead in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- A U.S. military helicopter crashed Monday whi... 5189268222 fingertipnews 10/26/2009 8:27 PM AP Int'l: DEA agents among 14 Americans dead in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- A U.S. military helicopter crashed ... 5189006243 fingertipnews 10/26/2009 8:16 PM AP Int'l: DEA agents among 14 Americans dead in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- A U.S. military helicopter crashed ... 5188481895 FinanceJobUK 10/26/2009 7:55 PM #jobs 1016 General Manager Fuels North Afghanistan job in Kabul Afghanistan at Resour.. #finance #controller 5188408076 vacantparkbench 10/26/2009 7:52 PM @dyanitsa udh rapi pagi2, mau ijab kabul? 5187594046 Brocktherockk 10/26/2009 7:18 PM @KilgoreUSMC is VIcePres of my Twitter Army.....headquarters are located in Kabul Afghanistan 5187057370 bolbol_gundem 10/26/2009 6:58 PM Gripli herkes domuz gribi kabul edilecek 5186522760 Transitionland 10/26/2009 6:37 PM Greetings frm Pristina! Greetings frm Abuja! Greetings frm Dili! Greetings frm Kabul! Greetings frm Baghdad. Shush, more successful friends! 5186396198 rtsradio 10/26/2009 6:32 PM DEA agents among 14 Americans dead in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- A U.S. military helicopter crashed Monday whi... 5186353641 fingertipnews 10/26/2009 6:30 PM AP Int'l: DEA agents among 14 Americans dead in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- A U.S. military helicopter crashed ... 5186094290 pielurbana 10/26/2009 6:20 PM Foto del dia | Kabul: Un carpintero afgano sostiene entre sus manos su “cuenta oracion” frente a s.. 5185959972 TendaiJoe 10/26/2009 6:15 PM Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- A young boy dressed in women's clothing, his face caked in make-up, dances the night away for a crowd of men. 5185574767 zweitansage 10/26/2009 6:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 5185081229 Official_Tara 10/26/2009 5:39 PM I'm going to go to bed now and read a chapter of "the beauty school in kabul" I love afghanistan books! Read some! eg: Kite Runner etc..!!! 5184967108 fingertipnews 10/26/2009 5:35 PM AP Int'l: DEA agents among 14 Americans dead in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- A U.S. military helicopter crashed ... 5184354664 Rufiwagshistail 10/26/2009 5:10 PM Afg immigration officer in Kabul interviewed: each of these young mens regions are in a state of war and they cannot return to their homes. 5184281978 Rufiwagshistail 10/26/2009 5:07 PM OK Afghans are now being discussed, in particular the subject of the three who were forcibly repatriated to Kabul...... 5184208974 Eminearslaner 10/26/2009 5:04 PM Sahitligi kabul olunmuyordu madem kadinin,Hz. Aise'den rivayet edilen hadislere neden itibar edildi?Ah su erkek müfessirler! Komikler, komik 5184102642 zweitansage 10/26/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 5183921579 aykuem 10/26/2009 4:52 PM @syrsfr üzülürüm. çalışan arkadaşlarımı düşünerek dücane'ye ve bisav'a "seyyar seminer düzeneği" önerisi sunucam. umarım kabul edilir. 5183893378 ctsurvivalist 10/26/2009 4:51 PM Obama effigy burnt in Kabul protest- - RUMOR: US Troops sceaming, "burn baby burn!" 5183782550 gulumdagli 10/26/2009 4:46 PM @GulenayB taam taam kabul ediyorum, iyi yazıyor olabilirim :) 5183713760 KLuHaN 10/26/2009 4:43 PM Uyucam ama bedenim bunu kabul etmiyor:] 5183711923 laestus 10/26/2009 4:43 PM kadın erkek eşitliği miras hukuku, ceza hukuku gibi tarihsel hükümlerin müslümanların geneli için adaletsiz kabul edildiği durumlarda... 5183696533 GulenayB 10/26/2009 4:42 PM @gulumdagli gülüm, biri sana iltifat ediyorsa bunu nezaketle kabul etmelisin :) 5183695395 rtsradio 10/26/2009 4:42 PM DEA agents among 14 Americans dead in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- A U.S. military helicopter crashed Monday whi... 5183656193 fingertipnews 10/26/2009 4:41 PM AP Int'l: DEA agents among 14 Americans dead in Afghanistan - KABUL (AP) -- A U.S. military helicopter crashed ... 5183607828 firehardy 10/26/2009 4:39 PM Makeli öpüşmeler kabul oluyor mu ki? re: 5183519448 HoustonChron 10/26/2009 4:35 PM DEA agents among 14 Americans dead in Afghanistan: KABUL — A U.S. 5183417973 Abihanaf 10/26/2009 4:31 PM Karzai Tolak Tuntutan Abdullah Pecat Ketua KPU: KABUL--Presiden Afghanistan Hamid Karzai menolak tuntutan lawan.. 5183335114 kunegond 10/26/2009 4:27 PM @pulgu oedipus'da erkekler anacıklarına aşıktır. elektra'da ise kızlar annelerinden nefret ederler. yazarın kadın oldunu kabul edersek... :) 5183216353 irfan_waheed 10/26/2009 4:22 PM News - Afghans Protest Qur’an Desecration - KABUL – At least three Afghans were injured Monday, October 26, when po... 5183106170 KLuHaN 10/26/2009 4:18 PM Uyucam ama bedenim bunu kabul etmiyor:] 5183091229 KevinAlcena 10/26/2009 4:17 PM RT @HoustonChron: DEA agents among 14 Americans dead in Afghanistan: KABUL — A U.S. 5182889781 ebonyjiujitsu 10/26/2009 4:08 PM RT @HoustonChron DEA agents among 14 Americans dead in Afghanistan: KABUL — A U.S. 5182865906 muzlimz 10/26/2009 4:07 PM Afghans Protest Qur’an Desecration: KABUL – At least three Afghans were injured Monday, October 26, when police.. 5182814327 HoustonChron 10/26/2009 4:05 PM DEA agents among 14 Americans dead in Afghanistan: KABUL — A U.S. 5182679006 zweitansage 10/26/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 5182533061 Alperinejad 10/26/2009 3:53 PM Hiçleştirmek: Kendi benliğinde hiçliği kabul etmek. 5182489848 edward_dawson 10/26/2009 3:51 PM Kabul erupts over claims of Koran abuse: Afghan police on Monday opened fire and turned a water cannon on demon.. 5182165560 anongbalita 10/26/2009 3:37 PM 14 Americans dead in Afghan chopper crashes: KABUL – Two helicopter crashes killed 14 American troops and narcotics agen 5182040551 HelpCureNow 10/26/2009 3:32 PM #Texan twists up amazing afghan blankets for #babies in our neonatal unit in #Kabul #Afghanistan: 5181976836 TOIWorldNews 10/26/2009 3:29 PM Kabul erupts over claims of Koran abuse: Afghan police on Monday opened fire... 5181917976 RuletaOnline 10/26/2009 3:26 PM Karzai rechaza ultimátum de rival 2da vuelta afgana: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - El mandatario afgano, Hamid Ka.. 5181885573 airanimal 10/26/2009 3:25 PM Felines "Apple Pie" and "Ben and Jerry's" arrived in Dubai (DXB) where the owners met them and took them home to Kabul, Afganistan. 5181556208 Bluebirdshine 10/26/2009 3:10 PM Annem banyodan çıkmış saçını fönlemiş rujunu sürmüş ve üzerinde pijama var ben onu böyle kabul ettim.AHAHAHAHA 5181539959 seracan 10/26/2009 3:10 PM Anlayanlar var, hem de sorgulamadan kabul edenler.Maytin ne demek Silanti ne demek diye sormadan Maytin Serra diyenler. Sevmekten öte bişey. 5181316791 zweitansage 10/26/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 5181212403 Jabrankundi 10/26/2009 2:55 PM When Kabul Baghdad and GAZA were being burnt, EUROPE SPREAD HOPE FOR THE WORLD! Nice... 5181118224 ALREVOLUTION 10/26/2009 2:50 PM @ShashiTharoor Kabul has 24 hrs of electricity due 2 Indian engineers actually delivered the power supply.Now SIR!Please do in HOMELAND TOO! 5181078050 ALREVOLUTION 10/26/2009 2:49 PM Tharoor TO Zakaria:Kabul has 24 hrs of electricity due 2 Indian engineers actually delivered the power supply.Now please do in HOMELAND TOO! 5181051768 OnurAytun 10/26/2009 2:47 PM tüm iddiaları kabul ediyorum.. 5180947464 csgazette 10/26/2009 2:43 PM 14 Americans killed in 2 Afghan helicopter crashes: KABUL — Helicopter crashes killed 14 Americans on Monday, i.. 5180793783 RPMComunicacao 10/26/2009 2:36 PM Semana com duas estreias que prometem: Kabul,do Amok Teatro, na quinta - Espaço Sesc - e Mediano, direção de Naum Alves de Souza, no Poeira. 5180691786 starnewslive 10/26/2009 2:31 PM VIDEO: Afghan police, protesters clash in 5180674806 nykteus 10/26/2009 2:31 PM Afghan university students shout anti-US slogans during a demonstration on October 25, 2009 in Kabul,... [pic] 5180649514 TheySayUTweet 10/26/2009 2:29 PM Entertainment Quotes Photo from Getty Images - KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - OCTOBER 26: Abdullah Abdullah, former Afghan f... 5180615119 nykteus 10/26/2009 2:28 PM Two Afghan women hold hands as they walk through a marketplace in Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2009.... [pic] 5180364592 codekeyguy 10/26/2009 2:17 PM Leaked Report: Taliban Would Control Kabul Within Months if NATO Pulls Out....You listening, Obama? 5180230502 Hakantetik 10/26/2009 2:11 PM Evet kabul ediyorum, ben bir ağrı kesici bağımlısıyım 5180223347 Mitrala 10/26/2009 2:10 PM @Laradio Hola! 'De boekhandelaar van Kabul' van Asne Seierstad vond ik erg mooi. Nu lees ik Expeditie Uruzgan van @bettedam. 5180155132 nykteus 10/26/2009 2:07 PM An Afghan carpenter holds his prayer beads in front of his shop in Kabul October 19, 2009. (REUTERS/Ahmad Masood) [pic] 5180105578 TobBella 10/26/2009 2:05 PM Ignored by society, Afghan sex slaves suffer centuries-old tradition: Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- A young boy d.. 5180088663 SezinSivri 10/26/2009 2:04 PM @tolgatez şaşkınlığıma geldi kabul etmedimmmm :) 5179986286 zweitansage 10/26/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 5179820084 weaselzippers 10/26/2009 1:52 PM Leaked Report: Taliban Would Control Kabul Within Months if NATO Pulls Out.... 5179810072 nitrocario 10/26/2009 1:51 PM Kabul Blast near Indian Embassy: Plot against Pakistan : 5179791779 fingertipnews 10/26/2009 1:51 PM UPI-Top News: UNAMA wants 'cleaner' Afghan runoff - KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 26 (UPI) -- U.N. officials spoke with... 5179591123 onaldeniz 10/26/2009 1:41 PM Fatih Altaylı'nın bugün ki yazısında "Fenerbahçe'nin ezici üstünlüğü" nü kullandığı cümleyle kabul etmesine şaşırdım.. Bu daha ne ki Fatih! 5179582115 HeadlinesNewz 10/26/2009 1:41 PM Karzai dismisses election rival's ultimatum: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan president Hamid Karzai rejected on Monday.. 5179457905 jconline 10/26/2009 1:35 PM [J&C News] 14 Americans die Afghan helicopter crashes: KABUL - Helicopter crashes killed 14 Americans.. 5179439397 haber 10/26/2009 1:34 PM TSK, haberleri ihbar kabul ederek bugün soruşturma başlatmış 5179179853 emerix 10/26/2009 1:22 PM An Afghan roadside banana vendor waits for customers in Kabul, Afghanistan, Wed. Sept. 30 2009. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri) 5179172169 mugeuyal 10/26/2009 1:22 PM @baharella Baharcım ,hayırlısı yeni ofis? bu arada beni follewers kabul etsene.sana direk mesaj atamıyorum. 5178805276 TexasRV 10/26/2009 1:05 PM RT @don1one Bros just put in retirement papers. He served in Gulf war, Kabul & made E-9. A very successful career. (Say hi @pickered ) #tcot 5178733914 icebrgslm 10/26/2009 1:02 PM @rackcloud one of the nicer days in a couple weeks. Been pretty cold lately. Kabul, Afghanistan. 5178719051 ErtugrulDanaci 10/26/2009 1:01 PM @idiyosenkrazi duzeltme ile mesguldum=) ksra bakmayin.yazim hatasi.=) kabul ediyorum ozur diliyorum:) 5178707725 don1one 10/26/2009 1:00 PM @TexasRV Brother just put in retirement papers. He served in Gulf war, Kabul & made E-9. A very successful career. Say hi @pickered #tcot 5178687135 zweitansage 10/26/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 5178678945 fingertipnews2 10/26/2009 12:59 PM UPI-Top News: UNAMA wants 'cleaner' Afghan runoff: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 26 (UPI) -- U.N. offic.. 5178678195 turkudiyari 10/26/2009 12:59 PM Gidiyorum diyorsun git Gideceksin de nereye Hangi yürek kabul eder Hangi gönül seni sever benden başka Ağlıyorum... 5178439866 Transitionland 10/26/2009 12:48 PM RT @ahmadshuja Point of clarification: Kabul protesters were against desecration of the Qur'an; they weren't demanding U.S. pullout. 5178426068 don1one 10/26/2009 12:47 PM @TexasRV Thanks for kudos. Brother just put in retirement papers. He served in the Gulf war and Kabul & made E-9. A very successful career 5178404603 ahmadshuja 10/26/2009 12:46 PM Point of clarification: Kabul protesters were against desecration of the Qur'an; they weren't demanding U.S. pullout. 5178285648 rowenaluk 10/26/2009 12:41 PM Kabul smells like char and looks like death valley. 5178276151 queeneo 10/26/2009 12:40 PM TC or ATM seçmesi çok zorr bence ikiside kabul =))(ama tç daha makbulmuş) 5178270117 don1one 10/26/2009 12:40 PM @TexasRV My brother served in Kabul & volunteered to go back. Atrocities of the Taliban are record, & we helped them gain power in a vacuum 5178188102 6dbl5321 10/26/2009 12:36 PM RT @glenngreenwald & @jimsciuttoABC Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran #tvot 5178077239 cricketcrazzy 10/26/2009 12:31 PM 14 Americans die in helicopter crashes in Afghanistan (McClatchy Newspapers): McClatchy Newspapers - KABUL.. 5177988484 SBCAdvertising 10/26/2009 12:27 PM The International Security Assistance Force in Kabul recognized SBCers who sent a care package the troops by flying... 5177965714 blackmirror_ 10/26/2009 12:26 PM @andrecartman apareció en INFOBAE hoy, también lei algo sobre eso en el foro de Kabul. pero citaban la misma fuente. andá a saber 5177858449 2central_pdent 10/26/2009 12:22 PM Afghan President Hamid Karzai in Kabul September 16, 2009. Karzai said in a statement on M #president #2central 5177443149 DCNewsFeed 10/26/2009 12:03 PM Across the Nation... Two helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans in Afghanistan : KABUL -- Fo.. 5177364529 zweitansage 10/26/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 5177191940 coolsearchinfo 10/26/2009 11:52 AM 14 Americans die in Afghan chopper crashes: updated 4:47 a.m. ET Oct. 26, 2009 KABUL, Afghanistan - At least 14.. 5177101330 GetTheIssues 10/26/2009 11:48 AM #news Pakistan schools reopen - Public schools reopened in Kabul nearly a week after a pair of suicide bombers atta... 5177074871 kczmudzin 10/26/2009 11:46 AM Obama is burned in effigy in Kabul by islamist extremists. Crap, we thought they'd love us! So the economy is in ruin for naught? 5176974871 Asbo_Dalek 10/26/2009 11:42 AM kabul Shit - Lily Allen 5176914150 rtsradio 10/26/2009 11:39 AM 14 Americans killed in 2 Afghan helicopter crashes - KABUL (AP) -- Helicopter crashes killed 14 Americans on Mo... 5176789949 muslimvoices 10/26/2009 11:34 AM #Taliban in #Afghanistan accuse US troops of burning #Quran Thousands gather in Kabul, burn effigy of #Obama 5176718226 iisaabeell 10/26/2009 11:31 AM btw, het was gewelidg om Kabul Shit een keer live te horen! 5176538615 ayureinarto 10/26/2009 11:23 AM @nandasakuntala waaahhh good luck yaaa nan...I hope u pass with flying colors..lbh deg2an kl pas ijab kabul kok hahahaha 5176492342 bolbol_dunya 10/26/2009 11:20 AM CDU koalisyon protokolünü kabul etti 5176477109 burakcorak 10/26/2009 11:20 AM Burak Gassaraylılar avuntular içinde :) Bir kabul edemediniz şunu 10 sene yetmedi mi :). 5176214606 hawaiinewsnow 10/26/2009 11:08 AM Helicopter crashes in Afghanistan leave 14 Americans dead: KABUL — Helicopter crashes killed 14 Americans.. 5176174758 POTUFSS 10/26/2009 11:06 AM Police fire on anti-US protesters in Kabul (Times Online)|Afghan police opened fire on protesters in Kabul today .. 5176158377 atajaan 10/26/2009 11:06 AM redüktör out,seramik in...tabii hoca kabul ederse 5176136440 SSalepcioglu 10/26/2009 11:05 AM Hız yaparken polise yakalansam ve cezaya "ama kaza yapmadım ki" diye itiraz etsem kabul olur mu? Olmaz... Peki Habur'dan gelenler?.. 5176012765 zweitansage 10/26/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 5176003698 fingertipnews2 10/26/2009 10:59 AM Reuters Int'l: Karzai says will not sack top election official: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan Presiden.. 5175918702 derinkok 10/26/2009 10:55 AM pkk konusunun ele alinisi kabul edilemez. genel kurmay belgesi de dogruysa hele, gelecekten endise duymamak imkansiz 5175886375 daimoonn 10/26/2009 10:54 AM service pack 2'nin inmesini 1 saat beklemek, türkçe ingilizce olduğu için kabul etmemesi.. böhü 5175877827 frontsideair 10/26/2009 10:54 AM @aee_himtifis Yaşlandın abi kabul et. =P 5175866134 Leenod 10/26/2009 10:53 AM RT @Majdoj RT @majeedb Carbombs in Kabul &blood bath in Baghdad!who started z cycles of violance there?Invasion &occupation?Yes!Nothing else 5175767863 RomainTitaud 10/26/2009 10:49 AM RT: @elenadelacal Simplemente maravillosooos! RT @petezin Los cuadernos de Kabul de @ramonlobo en el editorweblog 5175690499 elenadelacal 10/26/2009 10:45 AM Simplemente maravillosooos! RT @petezin Los cuadernos de Kabul de @ramonlobo en el editorweblog 5175630969 WarriorBanker 10/26/2009 10:43 AM @AlaskanRick Wow. Coulter is nuts. What a warped way to look at the issue. "Took Kabul in 3 weeks". Sure but that doesn't solve anything! 5175583285 usmcwife8999 10/26/2009 10:41 AM Waiting to hear from my friend in Kabul, I am sure she knows the agents that were killed, I wish I could be there for her.. 5175537279 Expressdienst 10/26/2009 10:39 AM Idee von KTG (laut G): Das nützliche mit dem angenehmen verbinden - AC/DC-Konzert in Kabul. @spreeblick @SibylleBerg 5175525600 fingertipnews 10/26/2009 10:38 AM UPI-Top News: Army to paint Afghanistan Strykers tan - KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 26 (UPI) -- U.S. military official... 5175480188 Selva305 10/26/2009 10:36 AM Abdullah Abdullah Considers Boycotting Afghan Election Runoff - KABUL — Abdullah Abdullah, the challenger to... 5175461800 petezin 10/26/2009 10:35 AM Los cuadernos de Kabul de @ramonlobo en el editorweblog 5175439793 Majdoj 10/26/2009 10:35 AM RT @majeedb Carbombs in Kabul & blood bath in Baghdad! who started the cycles of violance there? Invasion & occupation? Yes! Nothing else? 5175363092 cricketcrazzy 10/26/2009 10:31 AM Helicopter Crash Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan:- Four American troops were killed and two injured when two he.. 5175333295 viral43 10/26/2009 10:30 AM US military says 14 Americans killed in separate helicopter crashes in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) — Separate helicopt... 5175196627 majeedb 10/26/2009 10:24 AM Carbombs in Kabul & blood bath in Baghdad! but who started the cycles of violance there? Invasion & occupation? Yes! Nothing else? 5175125356 serpito 10/26/2009 10:21 AM önyargı bulabileceğin en son şey olması lazım, uzun zamandır yazılarını takip eden biri olarak kabul et... re: 5175019466 cooperrepublic 10/26/2009 10:16 AM The Taliban would control Kabul within months of Nato pulling out of Afghanistan. #tcot 5174886847 lipsh 10/26/2009 10:10 AM Hundreds of protesters in Kabul burn an effigy of President Obama, a sign of rising religious conservatism and anti-Americanism in war zone. 5174805893 jdnews 10/26/2009 10:07 AM US military says 14 Americans killed in a series of helicopter crashes in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) — Separate he.. 5174737725 yidnews 10/26/2009 10:04 AM KABUL, Afghanistan - U.S. military source says DEA personnel were killed in an Afghan helicopter crash (CNN) 5174715948 headlinenews 10/26/2009 10:03 AM Reuters: Karzai rival sets ultimatum ahead of Afghan run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai'.. 5174700101 ReligionClause 10/26/2009 10:02 AM Demonstrations In Kabul In Reaction To Rumor Over Desecration of Quran 5174674656 fingertipnews2 10/26/2009 10:01 AM UPI-Top News: Army to paint Afghanistan Strykers tan: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 26 (UPI) -- U.S. mi.. 5174645474 UtahPress 10/26/2009 10:00 AM 14 Americans killed in 2 Afghan helicopter crashes: KABUL -- Helicopter crashes killed 14 Americans on Monday i.. 5174644208 zweitansage 10/26/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 5174628492 SwiftRead 10/26/2009 9:59 AM Well #Obama ? RT @AllMilitaryNews 14 Americans killed in 2 helicopter crashes: KABUL. A helicopter... #Military #tcot 5174412356 gregoryfst 10/26/2009 9:49 AM siap dikirm ke kabul itu RT @ditdichan: gue baru liat pp lo dari deket asliii serem bt hahahahahahha 5174364653 newsblogsnepal 10/26/2009 9:47 AM TheHimalayanTimes- Abdullah demands EC chief's sacking: KABUL: Presidential candidate Abdulla.. 5174358469 AlmondD 10/26/2009 9:47 AM RT @Boston_Police: FOUND WEAPON: Grenade found at 57 Tyndale St in Roslindale, Bomb Squad responding. // umm... What is this? Kabul? 5174338290 frankenstrat 10/26/2009 9:46 AM Obviously they're all racists...Obama Effigy Burned in Kabul After Rumors of Desecrated Koran 5174269160 ExPoleDancer 10/26/2009 9:43 AM No love for Barry? RT @infidelsarecool Obama Effigy Burned in Kabul After Rumors of Desecrated Koran 5174207821 WADC_news 10/26/2009 9:40 AM Two helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans in Afghanistan : KABUL -- Four.. 5174120187 yidnews 10/26/2009 9:36 AM KABUL - 14 Americans were killed in two Afghan helicopter crashes (AFP) 5174055121 infidelsarecool 10/26/2009 9:33 AM Obama Effigy Burned in Kabul After Rumors of Desecrated Koran 5174053040 agacadalanvar 10/26/2009 9:33 AM tuzlu bişeyler yiyelim dedim.o da kabul etti. 5174017640 kickinghorse892 10/26/2009 9:31 AM RT @huffingtonpost Abdullah Abdullah Considers Runoff Boycott If Demands Not Met: KABUL --.. 5173973945 The_LT 10/26/2009 9:29 AM #obama Protests Against U.S. Troops in Kabul: Hundreds demonstrated in the streets of K.. 5173972796 iHuffingtonpost 10/26/2009 9:29 AM Abdullah Abdullah Considers Runoff Boycott If Demands Not Met: KABUL -- The challenger t.. 5173924312 Haktanipek 10/26/2009 9:27 AM acaba rabarba beni stajyer olarak kabul edermi? 5173753113 joeverran 10/26/2009 9:19 AM Afghans Torch Obama Effigy at Kabul University: they'd be racist if they did that here lol 5173744427 ilGiornaleNET 10/26/2009 9:19 AM Abdullah Abdullah Considers Runoff Boycott If Demands Not Met: KABUL -- The challenger to President Hamid Karza.. 5173737199 WaltsWire 10/26/2009 9:18 AM Dothan AL News: 14 Americans killed in 2 Afghan helicopter crashes: KABUL (AP) — A helico.. 5173698575 World_Policy 10/26/2009 9:16 AM Abdullah Abdullah Considers Runoff Boycott If Demands Not Met: KABUL -- The challenger to President Hamid Ka.. 5173681209 itsjustenough 10/26/2009 9:15 AM Abdullah Abdullah Considers Runoff Boycott If Demands Not Met: KABUL -- The challenger to President Hamid Ka.. 5173628422 tweetvlg 10/26/2009 9:13 AM RT @freedom4USA: US:#tcot #news 4 U.S. Soldiers Die in Afghan Helicopter Collision: KABUL — Four American soldiers.. 5173551489 lastrose123 10/26/2009 9:09 AM Kişi doğrudan doğru bir şekilde bahsedebiliyorsa; akıl ve vicdan bunu kabul edebiliyorsa ve aynı kişi edebe riayet... 5173487213 jerry58apple 10/26/2009 9:06 AM Valiantly fighting off food coma after fantastic Afghani lunch at Kabul restaurant in Mountain View. Slowly losing the battle. #naptime :-P 5173406711 mg_politics 10/26/2009 9:02 AM US military says 14 Americans killed in separate helicopter crashes in Afghanistan - Fort Lauderdale Sun: KABUL.. 5173387928 Elky305 10/26/2009 9:02 AM Where's the love RT @myfoxnation AfghansTorch BHO Effigy Over Koran Abuse Rumor:Protestrs blocked rds at Kabul U. 5173342825 zweitansage 10/26/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 5173303219 higam 10/26/2009 8:58 AM @wongompong @O2zone kalau ijab kabul '..dengan maskawin iPhone 3G SSS, esia, dan 100 aplikasi bebas jailbreak' tunai 5173265950 WaltsWire 10/26/2009 8:56 AM Anniston AL News: 14 Americans killed in 2 Afghan helicopter crashes: KABUL — A helicopter cra.. 5173206651 NewsMashup 10/26/2009 8:53 AM Reuters: Two helicopter crashes in Afghanistan kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Two helicopter cras.. 5173184863 Sinemag 10/26/2009 8:52 AM Pattinson Sonunda Kabul Etti: Twilight filminin yıldızı Robert Pattinson giyimi ve yaşam tarzıyla James Dean'e .. 5173003697 jasminetemint 10/26/2009 8:43 AM @haptiko let's goooo : GSI Coordinator UNDP/Gender Equality Project (re-advertisement), Kabul #jobs 5172948881 RChristianBerg 10/26/2009 8:40 AM Send Chris Berg to Kabul, part 2. 5172941584 UNjobs 10/26/2009 8:40 AM GSI Coordinator UNDP/Gender Equality Project (re-advertisement), Kabul #jobs 5172862512 myfoxnation 10/26/2009 8:36 AM Afghans Torch Obama Effigy Over Korean Abuse Rumor : The protesters blocked roads at Kabul University and... 5172747091 rtsradio 10/26/2009 8:30 AM 14 Americans killed in 2 Afghan helicopter crashes - KABUL (AP) -- A helicopter crash and separate collision in... 5172592584 xSabine 10/26/2009 8:22 AM #musicmonday Lily Allen - Kabul Shit. Oh, and "Who'd Have Known" too. 5172531961 MDThermo 10/26/2009 8:19 AM 14 Americans killed in 2 helicopter crashes: KABUL — A helicopter crash and separate collision involving .. 5172464093 XmariskaX 10/26/2009 8:15 AM I uploaded a YouTube video -- Lily Allen HMH 251009 Kabul Shit 5172445969 HeyErnie 10/26/2009 8:14 AM 14 Americans killed in 2 helicopter crashes: KABUL — A helicopter crash and separate collision involving .. 5172441529 HeyErnie 10/26/2009 8:14 AM 14 Americans killed in 2 helicopter crashes: KABUL — A helicopter crash and separate collision involving .. 5172390754 conservatweet 10/26/2009 8:11 AM [FreeRepublic] 14 Americans dead in copter collisions in Afghanistan: Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) - .. 5172285085 Rxrthepoet 10/26/2009 8:05 AM RT @ConservativFeed 14 Americans dead in copter collisions in Afghanistan: Kabul, Afghanistan #Heroesremembered 5172247442 mercnews 10/26/2009 8:03 AM 14 Americans killed in separate helicopter crashes in Afghanistan: KABUL — A helicopter crash and separat.. 5172236109 convoco 10/26/2009 8:03 AM RT @ConservativFeed 14 Americans dead in copter collisions in Afghanistan: Kabul, Afghanistan #militarymonday 5172235605 OKgrassroots 10/26/2009 8:03 AM NewsOK 14 Americans killed in 2 Afghanistan helicopter crashes: KABUL (AP) — A .. #oktcot #tcot #tlot 5172217122 POTUFSS 10/26/2009 8:02 AM 14 Americans killed in copter crashes in Afghanistan today (The Herald-Mail)|KABUL (AP) A helicopter crash and .. 5172203274 tikkyman 10/26/2009 8:01 AM Sen hiç bilmedin ama, kabul etmek istemesem de, kis ortasinda düsen saskin cemreler gibi, zamansiz düsmüstüm... 5172170953 zweitansage 10/26/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 5172161295 fingertipnews2 10/26/2009 7:59 AM Reuters Int'l: Karzai rival sets ultimatum ahead of Afghan run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President H.. 5172160231 AllMilitaryNews 10/26/2009 7:59 AM (Marine Corp Times) 14 Americans killed in 2 helicopter crashes: KABUL — A h.. #Military 5172159520 AllMilitaryNews 10/26/2009 7:59 AM (Navy Times) 14 Americans killed in 2 helicopter crashes: KABUL — A helicopter cras.. #Military 5172158837 AllMilitaryNews 10/26/2009 7:59 AM (Air Force Times) 14 Americans killed in 2 helicopter crashes: KABUL — A helic.. #Military 5172157150 AllMilitaryNews 10/26/2009 7:59 AM (Army Times) 14 Americans killed in 2 helicopter crashes: KABUL — A helicopter cras.. #Military 5172091691 MorningJournal 10/26/2009 7:55 AM 14 Americans killed in 2 helicopter crashes: KABUL (AP) — The U.S. military says 14 Americans have been k.. 5172009417 mercurynews 10/26/2009 7:50 AM 14 Americans killed in separate helicopter crashes in Afghanistan: KABUL — A helicopter crash and separat.. 5171995546 mimidsupergirl 10/26/2009 7:50 AM @ibeloved ahem ahem.senangnyaaa!bnran tgl ijab kabul ini mah!hahaha..lah,gw kpn ya? *curcol* 5171878257 willwhite 10/26/2009 7:43 AM GIS Job in Afghanistan anyone? RT @UNjobs: Intern for (GIS), Kabul #jobs 5171876807 LaydiHD 10/26/2009 7:43 AM RT @Fingertipnews: Top News: 11 U.S. soldiers die in chopper crashes - KABUL, Oct. 26 (UPI) -- Two helicopter crashe... 5171787403 rtsradio 10/26/2009 7:37 AM 14 Americans killed in 2 Afghan helicopter crashes - KABUL (AP) -- A helicopter crash and separate collision in... 5171779513 fingertipnews 10/26/2009 7:37 AM UPI-Top News: 11 U.S. soldiers die in chopper crashes - KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 26 (UPI) -- Two helicopter crashe... 5171725085 MarineCorps 10/26/2009 7:34 AM 14 Americans killed in 2 helicopter crashes: KABUL — A helicopter crash and separate collision involving .. 5171678953 cricketcrazzy 10/26/2009 7:31 AM Abdullah Demands Sacking of Afghan Vote Commission Chief: KABUL: Abdullah Demands Sacking of Afghan Vote Commis.. 5171572191 yemekhikayeleri 10/26/2009 7:25 AM Kabul eder misin? 5171568352 militaryupdates 10/26/2009 7:24 AM #Military_Times : 14 Americans killed in 2 helicopter crashes: KABUL — A helicopter crash and separate collision i... 5171563487 ianingersoll321 10/26/2009 7:24 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans - KABUL (Reuters) - Two helicopter crashes in Afghanistan killed 11... 5171563224 lennylancaster 10/26/2009 7:24 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans - KABUL (Reuters) - Two helicopter crashes in Afghanistan killed 11... 5171563306 kevinkalamanca 10/26/2009 7:24 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans - KABUL (Reuters) - Two helicopter crashes in Afghanistan killed 11... 5171563409 jeffersonjeffer 10/26/2009 7:24 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans - KABUL (Reuters) - Two helicopter crashes in Afghanistan killed 11... 5171545469 UNjobs 10/26/2009 7:23 AM Intern for (PMO), Kabul #jobs 5171542396 Cybervangelist 10/26/2009 7:23 AM 14 Americans killed in 2 helicopter crashes in Afghanistan - UPDATED: KABUL (AP) -- A helicopter crash and separate... 5171516116 ibeloved 10/26/2009 7:21 AM @mimidsupergirl iya dah! bungkus deh lgsg, tggl ijab kabul aja. Haha *makin malem makin ngaco aja nih* 5171490305 SmittysWeb 10/26/2009 7:20 AM KABUL (Reuters) - Two helicopter crashes in Afghanistan killed 11 U.S. soldiers and three U.S. civilians on Mon.. 5171392278 zeitonline_all 10/26/2009 7:13 AM Torte à la Kabul: Die Hochzeitstortenbäcker haben in der Hauptstadt Afghanistans dieser Tage viel zu tun. De.. 5171381978 Zeit_RSS 10/26/2009 7:13 AM Torte à la Kabul: Die Hochzeitstortenbäcker haben in der Hauptstadt Afghanistans dieser Tage viel zu tun. D.. 5171376966 MobileAuto 10/26/2009 7:12 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Two helicopter crashes in Afghanistan killed.. 5171337904 pixelman2007 10/26/2009 7:10 AM AP Top News at 7:07 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — A helicopter crash and separate collision involving tw.. 5171336397 riosgoldencut 10/26/2009 7:10 AM AP Top News at 7:07 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — A helicopter crash and separate collision involving tw.. 5171293098 POTUFSS 10/26/2009 7:07 AM Karzai rival sets ultimatum ahead of Afghan run-off (Reuters)|KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai's rival in .. 5171273264 HeadlinesNewz 10/26/2009 7:06 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Two helicopter crashes in Afghanistan killed.. 5171260777 OnlineDailyNews 10/26/2009 7:05 AM AP Top News at 7:07 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — A helicopter crash and separate collision involving two other .. 5171240019 valcoj 10/26/2009 7:03 AM AP Top News at 7:07 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — A helicopter crash and separate collision involving tw.. 5171229056 reuterstop 10/26/2009 7:03 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Two helicopter crashes in Afghanistan killed.. 5171211841 UNjobs 10/26/2009 7:02 AM Intern for (PMO), Kabul #jobs 5171203979 reuterswire 10/26/2009 7:01 AM Karzai rival sets ultimatum ahead of Afghan run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai's rival in a November 7... 5171199832 twittfeed 10/26/2009 7:01 AM Reuters Top News Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Two helicop.. 5171189237 Dizzedcom 10/26/2009 7:00 AM 14 Americans killed in 2 Afghan helicopter crashes: KABUL (AP) -- A helicopter crash and separate collision inv.. 5171154751 fingertipnews2 10/26/2009 6:58 AM UPI-Top News: 11 U.S. soldiers die in chopper crashes: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 26 (UPI) -- Two he.. 5171137567 newzdevil 10/26/2009 6:57 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Two helicopter crashes in Afghanistan killed.. 5171107261 lastrose123 10/26/2009 6:55 AM Haklı olduğu halde münakaşayı kabul etmemek ve şahsa söylenen küçültücü laflara rağmen sükût etmek, Muhammed... 5171090747 activistgirl 10/26/2009 6:54 AM Police open fire as protesters storm parliamentin #Kabul-TIME 2 GO #US #afghanis say "no democracy we want just Islam" 5171067668 tweettools4U 10/26/2009 6:52 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Two helicopter crashes .. #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 5171066363 1BizAngel 10/26/2009 6:52 AM AP Top News at 7:07 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — A helicopter crash and separate collision involving tw.. 5171065374 Jay27mcr 10/26/2009 6:52 AM AP Top News at 7:07 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — A helicopter crash and separate c.. 5171062181 mustafaat 10/26/2009 6:52 AM İyi hoş ve fakat bir soru aklımda dönüp durmakta. Yani bir seri standart koyup sonrasında kabul ederim demek... re: 5171059189 Don_Scott 10/26/2009 6:52 AM #topstories Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans (source: Reuters): KABUL (Reuters) - Ele.. 5171049883 SalBarguil 10/26/2009 6:51 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Two helicopter crashes in Afghanistan killed.. 5171047989 unidy 10/26/2009 6:51 AM AP Top News at 7:07 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — A helicopter crash and separate collision involving tw.. 5171037120 RecipesLovers 10/26/2009 6:50 AM Deadly crashes in Afghanistan...Meeting on Afghanistan...Food crisis: KABUL (AP) — There's word that 14 Ame.. 5170988859 rep_am 10/26/2009 6:47 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (AP) — A helicopter crash and separate collision i.. 5170988761 Dr_Suggestion 10/26/2009 6:47 AM Reuters News: Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Tw.. #read #retweet 5170976566 BssNews 10/26/2009 6:46 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Two helicopter crashes in Afghanistan killed.. 5170909038 SIMONE4000 10/26/2009 6:41 AM Fwd: US military says 14 Americans killed in separate helicopter crashes in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) — Separate... 5170862792 mauliakanya 10/26/2009 6:38 AM makasih ya @afirtaedputri @dinarnugroho tyas dan pak kabul udah dianterin pulaaang= 5170799447 neko7777 10/26/2009 6:33 AM Thousands gather in Kabul, burn effigy of Obama, Afghans accue US troops of burning Quran 5170748648 sajvachhani 10/26/2009 6:30 AM AP Top News at 7:07 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — A helicopter crash and separate collision involving tw.. 5170739716 WhatsCurrentaff 10/26/2009 6:29 AM Afghan police opened fire to disperse up to 1,000 protesters in Kabul on Sunday after they burned an effigy of .. 5170739286 Didopy 10/26/2009 6:29 AM @tigrisos bamya teklifinizi kabul ediyoruum heheh. zaten olsa olsa diğer sayılı nüfustan birisi sen olabilirdin:) tavuklu yapar mısığn? 5170660970 SIMONE4000 10/26/2009 6:23 AM Fwd: #news #kabul 14 Americans killed in 2 Afghan helicopter crashes -... 5170618908 katbockli 10/26/2009 6:20 AM 14 Americans Killed in Afghan Crashes: KABUL (AP) — A helicopter crash and separate collision involving t.. 5170609363 OrinocoPat 10/26/2009 6:20 AM Anti-Oblahblah riots in Kabul. Show 'em your Peace Prize! Apologize! Don't just stand there dithering, DO SOMETHING! ANYTHING! 5170591632 BaltimoreLocks 10/26/2009 6:18 AM BREAKING NEWS Military: 14 Americans killed in Afghanistan helicopter crashes: KABUL (AP) — A helicopter .. 5170569213 Rufiwagshistail 10/26/2009 6:17 AM "my heart is broken, there's no space in this world for me" - Afghan crying in Kabul on his forced expulsion to Afg, just on French news. 5170509747 AllNewsSources 10/26/2009 6:12 AM REUTERS: Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Eleven U.S. troops were killed in two helic 5170462833 pixelman2007 10/26/2009 6:08 AM AP Top News at 5:49 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — A series of helicopter crashes killed 14 Americans in .. 5170447228 MadamoiselleBSK 10/26/2009 6:07 AM @WhooperGirl unlu olup desifre bir hayat surmeyi kabul edebilmek kadar bir durum bu (: ne bekliorus ki normali ztn boyle olmalaridir ki! 5170418593 bharianmy 10/26/2009 6:05 AM 14 warga AS maut nahas helikopter di Afghanistan: KABUL: Dua helikopter terhempas menyebabkan 14 askar dan ora.. 5170417804 wcfcourier 10/26/2009 6:05 AM U.S.: 14 Americans killed in 2 helicopter crashes : KABUL (AP) - Separate helicopter crashes killed 14 American.. 5170358134 ISeeNews 10/26/2009 6:01 AM Protest in Kabul - nocommenttv #news 5170348389 saurk123 10/26/2009 6:00 AM AP Top News at 5:49 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — A series of helicopter crashes killed 14 Americans in .. 5170342480 zweitansage 10/26/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 5170247642 tweettools4U 10/26/2009 5:52 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Eleven U.S. troops were.. #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 5170244892 UNjobs 10/26/2009 5:52 AM Intern for (GIS), Kabul #jobs 5170235037 corrisinternet 10/26/2009 5:51 AM Guardian - - President Bliar would stop the traffic - Just like he did in Basra, Kabul etc no doubt - wheres my vote? #EU 5170229822 celebrifi 10/26/2009 5:50 AM US: 14 Americans killed in 2 helicopter crashes - Yahoo! News: Kabul – Separate helicopter crashes killed.. 5170224830 fox43 10/26/2009 5:50 AM US military says 14 Americans killed in separate helicopter crashes in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) — Separate helicopt... 5170185383 eloforum 10/26/2009 5:47 AM Afghanistan: Zehn Tote nach Absturz von US-Hubschrauber: Kabul (dts) - Im Westen Afghanistans sind bei dem Absturz eines 5170178161 Dr_Suggestion 10/26/2009 5:46 AM Reuters News: Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - El.. #read #retweet 5170170107 lizva 10/26/2009 5:46 AM i've yet to see one of these anti-american koran-burning protests in kabul. of course, my average day plays out in a 1/4-mile radius. 5170125615 MobileAuto 10/26/2009 5:42 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Eleven U.S. troops were killed in two helico.. 5170053908 IndiaNewsPost 10/26/2009 5:36 AM 14 Americans die in helicopter crashes in Afghanistan - Kabul, Oct 26 (DPA) Fourteen Americans were killed Monday 5170054016 aroonkumar123 10/26/2009 5:36 AM 14 Americans die in helicopter crashes in Afghanistan - Kabul, Oct 26 (DPA) Fourteen Americans were killed Monday 5170046503 HeadlinesNewz 10/26/2009 5:35 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Eleven U.S. troops were killed in two helico.. 5170041434 detroitnewsnow 10/26/2009 5:35 AM 2 helicopter crashes in Afghanistan kill 14 Americans: Kabul -- A series of helicopter crashes killed 14 Americ.. 5170039636 OnlineDailyNews 10/26/2009 5:35 AM AP Top News at 5:49 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — A series of helicopter crashes killed 14 Americans in insurgen.. 5170033401 valcoj 10/26/2009 5:34 AM AP Top News at 5:49 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — A series of helicopter crashes killed 14 Americans in .. 5170017379 reuterstop 10/26/2009 5:33 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Eleven U.S. troops were killed in two helico.. 5169995910 energyindia37 10/26/2009 5:31 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Two helicopter crashes in Afghanistan killed.. 5169992646 twittfeed 10/26/2009 5:31 AM Reuters Top News Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Eleven U.S... 5169982257 RepublicanBoss 10/26/2009 5:30 AM AFGHANISTAN: No Refuge For Victims of Violence: KABUL, Oct 26 (IPS) - The rate of civilian casualties in .. #tcot 5169976281 newsfeeding 10/26/2009 5:30 AM Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Eleven U.S. troops were killed in two helico.. 5169969729 marcusexam 10/26/2009 5:29 AM 2 helicopter crashes in Afghanistan kill 14 Americans: Kabul -- A series of helicopter crashes killed 14 Americ.. 5169958664 freedom4USA 10/26/2009 5:28 AM faves: US:#tcot #news 4 U.S. Soldiers Die in Afghan Helicopter Collision: KABUL — Fo...: US:#tcot #.. 5169956546 unclematt 10/26/2009 5:28 AM says listen for AP's @rhreid LIVE from #Kabul for the latest from #Afghanistan on @WDEL at 12:15ped: 5169939450 rtsradio 10/26/2009 5:27 AM Afghan challenger calls for election chief ouster - KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai's challenger is callin... 5169933492 fingertipnews 10/26/2009 5:26 AM AP Int'l: Afghan challenger calls for election chief ouster - KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai's challenger... 5169926468 NewsMashup 10/26/2009 5:26 AM Reuters: Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: KABUL (Reuters) - Eleven U.S. troops were kil.. 5169925189 NewsBlogged 10/26/2009 5:25 AM AlertNet: Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans - Source: Reuters KABUL, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Two helicopte... 5169866044 Jay27mcr 10/26/2009 5:20 AM AP Top News at 5:49 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — A series of helicopter crashes ki.. 5169860477 SmittysWeb 10/26/2009 5:20 AM KABUL (Reuters) - Two helicopter crashes in Afghanistan killed 11 U.S. soldiers and three U.S. civilians on Mon.. 5169856965 nidyaelvandari 10/26/2009 5:20 AM doa kt hr ini gak t'kabul dronk,,nasib..RT @tuanmudaindra Lets pray begin...RT @nidyaelvandari Hopefully my boss go out 2 today,,hahaha 5169856520 msn_italia 10/26/2009 5:20 AM Kabul: cade elicottero, 10 vittime: In collisione tra due velivoli, altri 4 morti americani 5169811247 JBN 10/26/2009 5:16 AM KABUL (AP) - US says death toll in helicopter crash in west Afghanistan rises to 10, all Americans. 5169788337 Yolagiden 10/26/2009 5:14 AM PKK ile DTP arasında farkın olmadığı zaten belliydi. Ve bunlarda kabul ediyordu zaten. 5169786417 YahooNoticias 10/26/2009 5:14 AM Diez muertos al estrellarse un helicóptero militar de EEUU en Afganistán: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - Siete soldados es.. 5169773337 clawrenceCNN 10/26/2009 5:12 AM in Kabul, making calls to US military officials to find out how 3 helicopters crashed & killed 14 Americans in Afghanistan today 5169696701 freedom4USA 10/26/2009 5:05 AM US:#tcot #news 4 U.S. Soldiers Die in Afghan Helicopter Collision: KABUL — Four American soldiers.. 5169654444 headlinenews 10/26/2009 5:02 AM IPS: AFGHANISTAN: No Refuge For Victims of Violence: KABUL, Oct 26 (IPS) - The rate of civilian casualties .. 5169641533 blogdisinistra 10/26/2009 5:01 AM Nato approva cambio di strategia a... (Sul Terrorismo): Nato approva cambio di strategia a Kabul (Televideo, 23.. 5169636407 Dizzedcom 10/26/2009 5:00 AM Afghan challenger calls for election chief ouster: KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai's challenger is calling.. 5169623065 Seanotd 10/26/2009 4:59 AM RT @Inquilaab: Enjoyed reading...RT @TIMEWorld: On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War #Afghanistan (via @AFGMatters) 5169612437 alertas_2012 10/26/2009 4:58 AM AlertNet: Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: Source: Reuters KABUL, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Two helicopter cras 5169612106 alertas_2012 10/26/2009 4:58 AM AlertNet: Two Afghan helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans: Source: Reuters KABUL, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Two helicopter cras 5169578044 vdyavnod 10/26/2009 4:55 AM Eh dzolimi gw dong !! Gw mau doa biar keterima FKG UI nih . Hhahaha kan ke kabul doa org dizolimi :) 5169563421 News3ThisAM 10/26/2009 4:53 AM KABUL (AP) - The U.S. military says 14 Americans have been killed in a series of helicopter crashes in... 5169495975 televideorai 10/26/2009 4:47 AM [dal mondo] KABUL, CADE ELICOTTERO AMERICANO: 10 MORTI view.jsp?id=654576&p=150 5169476913 UNjobs 10/26/2009 4:45 AM National Database Developer (Media Monitoring), re-advertisement, Kabul #jobs 5169440029 MobileAuto 10/26/2009 4:42 AM Afghan helicopter crash kills 10: NATO force: KABUL (Reuters) - Seven U.S. service members and three U.S. civil.. 5169427930 IndiaNewsPost 10/26/2009 4:41 AM Four soldiers die in helicopter crash in Afghanistan - Kabul, Oct 26 (DPA) Four US soldiers were killed Monday wh 5169427978 aroonkumar123 10/26/2009 4:41 AM Four soldiers die in helicopter crash in Afghanistan - Kabul, Oct 26 (DPA) Four US soldiers were killed Monday wh 5169367773 HeadlinesNewz 10/26/2009 4:35 AM Afghan helicopter crash kills 10: NATO force: KABUL (Reuters) - Seven U.S. service members and three U.S. civil.. 5169367025 GlobalTechNews 10/26/2009 4:35 AM Afghan helicopter crash kills 10: NATO force: KABUL (Reuters) - Seven U.S. service members and three U.S. civil.. 5169355569 dave13100 10/26/2009 4:34 AM Afghan helicopter crash kills 10: NATO force: KABUL (Reuters) - Seven U.S. service members and three U.S. civil.. 5169339752 reuterstop 10/26/2009 4:33 AM Afghan helicopter crash kills 10: NATO force: KABUL (Reuters) - Seven U.S. service members and three U.S. civil.. 5169325531 occitania 10/26/2009 4:31 AM KABUL, 26 Oct. (Reuters/EP) - Un minim de quate soldats estatunidencs an mòrt e dus mès an demorat ferits agues.. 5169323854 twittfeed 10/26/2009 4:31 AM Reuters Top News Afghan helicopter crash kills 10: NATO force: KABUL (Reuters) - Seven U.S. ser.. 5169314998 BCBreakingNews 10/26/2009 4:30 AM Afghan helicopter crash kills 10: NATO force: KABUL (Reuters) - Seven U.S. service members and three U.S. civil.. 5169313156 vancouverview 10/26/2009 4:30 AM Afghan helicopter crash kills 10: NATO force: KABUL (Reuters) - Seven U.S. service members and three U.S. civil.. 5169273108 rtsradio 10/26/2009 4:27 AM US: 14 Americans killed in 2 helicopter crashes - KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says 14 Americans have been k... 5169268863 fingertipnews 10/26/2009 4:26 AM AP Int'l: US: 14 Americans killed in 2 helicopter crashes - KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says 14 Americans h... 5169254292 FTRNews 10/26/2009 4:25 AM FTR NEWS: Police open fire as protesters storm parliament in Kabul 5169228582 q_SiriuS_p 10/26/2009 4:22 AM sorunlar değilmiş "sorun çözme teknikleri"ymiş. bir hafta önceden kabul edilmişim halbu ki... Artık sorunsuz bir... 5169226320 tweettools4U 10/26/2009 4:22 AM Afghan helicopter crash kills 10: NATO force: KABUL (Reuters) - Seven U.S. service members.. #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 5169224803 PaginaNuova 10/26/2009 4:22 AM IL MESSAGGERO - Afghanistan, precipita elicottero Usa: 10 morti: KABUL (26 ottobre) - Un elicott.. 5169112463 SahnazCakiralp 10/26/2009 4:11 AM @habercimurat bunu kabul etmıyoruz..en azından ben. 5168986553 zweitansage 10/26/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 5168962563 PressTVNews 10/26/2009 3:57 AM Anti-West protest in Kabul turns bloody 5168959375 Dhinhawati 10/26/2009 3:57 AM @cabulitoo kabul ma plen.... 5168941329 Jabrankundi 10/26/2009 3:55 AM When Kabul Baghdad and GAZA were being burnt, EUROPE SPREAD HOPE FOR THE WORLD! Nice... 5168932402 kabulleslie 10/26/2009 3:54 AM RT @W7VOA: Afghan police reportedly shoot demonstrators upset about alleged Koran torching. wounded but no fatalities confirmed in Kabul. 5168899154 resimlihaber 10/26/2009 3:51 AM Derbinin Galibi Fenerbahçe: Türkiye'nin en büyük derbilerinden biri olarak kabul edilen Fenerbahçe-Galatasaray .. 5168849595 W7VOA 10/26/2009 3:46 AM Afghan police reportedly shoot demonstrators upset about alleged Koran torching. There are wounded but no fatalities confirmed in Kabul. 5168750662 WAVY_News 10/26/2009 3:36 AM KABUL (AP) -- US says death toll in helicopter crash in west Afghanistan rises to 10, all Americans. 5168745058 rgsatx 10/26/2009 3:36 AM Shoot out in SW Kabul today - UGGG! Ruined my plans!! Keep focused Rudd! 5168695276 cricketcrazzy 10/26/2009 3:31 AM Helicopter Crash kills 4 U.S. Airmen in Afghan: KABUL: Helicopter Crash kills 4 U.S. Airmen in Afghan, The U.S... 5168642898 rtsradio 10/26/2009 3:26 AM 4 US troops die in Afghan chopper collision - KABUL (AP) -- Two helicopters collided Monday in southern Afghani... 5168641227 sporttoday 10/26/2009 3:26 AM Helicopter Crash kills 4 U.S. Airmen in Afghan: KABUL: Helicopter Crash kills 4 U.S. Airmen in Afghan, The U.S... 5168639170 fingertipnews 10/26/2009 3:25 AM AP Int'l: 4 US troops die in Afghan chopper collision - KABUL (AP) -- Two helicopters collided Monday in southe... 5168613784 BarraDeHerram 10/26/2009 3:23 AM Mueren 4 soldados de EEUU en choque de helicópteros en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Cuatro soldados estadounidenses.. 5168487967 POTUFSS 10/26/2009 3:10 AM Taliban would take over 'in months' if troops left Afghanistan (Daily Mirror)|The Taliban would control Kabul .. 5168482588 iflyacy 10/26/2009 3:10 AM RT Mueren 4 soldados de EEUU en choque de helicópteros en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Cuatro sol.. 5168413414 nrkp3 10/26/2009 3:03 AM Ny mann inn i “Kyniskregisteret”: NRKs Hans Wilhelm Steinfeld. For anledningen avbildet på en høyde over Kabul.. 5168391517 msnnoticias 10/26/2009 3:01 AM Cuatro soldados muertos por la colisión entre dos helicópteros de la ISAF en Afganistán: KABUL, 26 (Reuters/EP).. 5168388306 cricketcrazzy 10/26/2009 3:01 AM Afghan police, protesters clash in Kabul: official (AFP): AFP - Angry protests erupted in Kabul for a seco.. 5168383080 NewsBlogged 10/26/2009 3:00 AM World News: Afghan police, protesters clash in Kabul: official (AFP): AFP - Angry protests erupte.. 5168373742 zweitansage 10/26/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 5168240963 mC_EmaNueL 10/26/2009 2:46 AM @emanuelrizon Afghan police, protesters clash in Kabul: official (AFP): AFP - Angry protests er.. 5168234300 FZworldnews 10/26/2009 2:45 AM Feedzilla On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War (source: TIME) 5168224300 StopWorld 10/26/2009 2:44 AM Afghan police, protesters clash in Kabul: official (AFP)- AFP - Angry protests erupted in Kabul for a second ... 5168218236 Jabrankundi 10/26/2009 2:44 AM When Kabul Baghdad and GAZA were being burnt, EUROPE SPREAD HOPE FOR THE WORLD! Nice... 5168209987 Europa_Press 10/26/2009 2:43 AM Internacional: Cuatro soldados muertos por la colisión entre dos helicópteros de la ISAF en Afganistán: KABUL, 26 ... 5168187782 limolou 10/26/2009 2:41 AM RT Mueren 4 soldados de EEUU en choque de helicópteros en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Cuatr.. 5168156271 EKAZANCIOGLU 10/26/2009 2:37 AM @serdargut Bir sonraki psikolog ziyaretinizde ondan kanapeye uzanmasini isteyip siz koltukta oturmayi deneseniz ?? Belki kabul eder ?? 5168117794 newsoverviews 10/26/2009 2:34 AM New Overview Four soldiers die in helicopter crash in Afghanistan: Kabul, Oct 26 (DPA) Four US sold.. 5168096672 NITHYANK 10/26/2009 2:32 AM @sardesairajdeep Why don't you do a story on Kannur, the Kabul in Kerala in the current election scenario? 5168071614 mindproduction 10/26/2009 2:29 AM @yektakopan Oto-sansür uygular insan sözlerine bazen / tarafsizligi tarafsiz olamaz oyle anlarda / kabul gormek kendinin bile onune gecer 5168019953 rtsradio 10/26/2009 2:24 AM 4 US troops die in Afghan chopper collision - KABUL (AP) -- Two helicopters collided Monday in southern Afghani... 5168018156 fingertipnews 10/26/2009 2:24 AM UPI-Top News: Aides say Karzai confident of victory - KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 26 (UPI) -- Afghan President Hamid ... 5168016611 fingertipnews 10/26/2009 2:24 AM AP Int'l: 4 US troops die in Afghan chopper collision - KABUL (AP) -- Two helicopters collided Monday in southe... 5167930704 bostonherald 10/26/2009 2:16 AM 4 US troops die in Afghan chopper collision: KABUL - Two helicopters collided Monday in southern Afghanistan, killin... 5167734704 fingertipnews2 10/26/2009 1:58 AM UPI-Top News: Aides say Karzai confident of victory: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 26 (UPI) -- Afghan P.. 5167721834 NedDagbl 10/26/2009 1:56 AM Nieuws: Botsing helikopters VS in Afghanistan: KABUL - Zeker vier Amerikaanse militairen zijn maandag in.. 5167702897 JesterSpawn 10/26/2009 1:55 AM @caniscomedit its 11 in Kabul 5167697235 eloforum 10/26/2009 1:54 AM Afghanistan: Vier US-Soldaten bei Hubschrauberabsturz getötet: Kabul (dts) - Im Süden Afghanistans sind bei der Kollisio 5167641152 ericcheah 10/26/2009 1:49 AM Four US troops die in Afghan chopper crash: KABUL: Three NATO helicopters crashed in Afghanistan on Monday, two.. 5167623884 dweleling 10/26/2009 1:47 AM is back in Kabul after a great weekend in Bamyan 5167615267 sglatestnews 10/26/2009 1:47 AM #singapore #news Four US troops die in Afghan chopper crash: KABUL: Three NATO helicopters crashed in Afghanistan on Mon 5167614871 newsblogsnepal 10/26/2009 1:47 AM TheHimalayanTimes- 4 US troops die in chopper collision: KABUL: Two helicopters collided Mond.. 5167578270 YahooNoticias 10/26/2009 1:43 AM Mueren 4 soldados de EEUU en choque de helicópteros en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Cuatro soldados estadounidenses.. 5167521823 girlofgordon 10/26/2009 1:38 AM Another day in paradise ( #Kabul ). Last night's wardrobe panic means I really must do some serious shopping in Dubai next week. 5167506726 uruknet 10/26/2009 1:37 AM Police open fire as protesters storm parliament in Kabul 5167493570 123hearthealth 10/26/2009 1:36 AM 4 US troops die in Afghan chopper collision: KABUL (AP) -- Two helicopters collided Monday in southern Afghanis.. 5167449493 dpa_newsticker 10/26/2009 1:32 AM Kabul - US-Soldaten bei Hubschrauber-Absturz getötet 5167401210 fingertipnews 10/26/2009 1:28 AM AP Int'l: 4 US troops die in Afghan chopper collision - KABUL (AP) -- Two helicopters collided Monday in southe... 5167260685 noujij 10/26/2009 1:17 AM Botsing helikopters VS in Afghanistan: KABUL (ANP) - Zeker vier Amerikaanse militairen zijn maandag in het zuid.. 5167163207 reistweets 10/26/2009 1:10 AM Karzai twijfelt aan betrouwbaarheid VS: KABUL - De Afghaanse president Hamid Karzai heeft zich voor de Amerikaa.. 5167113659 dinerspecials 10/26/2009 1:06 AM Botsing helikopters VS in Afghanistan: KABUL - Zeker vier Amerikaanse militairen zijn maandag in het zuiden van.. 5167107230 Antitheism 10/26/2009 1:06 AM 'Protests against Koran burning in Kabul', Let's start this snowball rolling by protesting their flag burning. 5167000741 mg_politics 10/26/2009 12:58 AM US: military says 4 American troops die in helicopter collision in south Afghanistan: KABUL - Four American tro.. 5166753790 gmanewstvbrk 10/26/2009 12:41 AM US: 4 US soldiers die in Afghan chopper collision: KABUL - Four American troops were killed and two injured Mon.. 5166696812 angokal 10/26/2009 12:37 AM @ebertchicago Let me guess the new Third Man is now set in war torn Bagdad or is it Kabul emphasis on Bull. 5166668443 vermistverloren 10/26/2009 12:35 AM Botsing helikopters VS in Afghanistan: KABUL (ANP) - Zeker vier Amerikaanse militairen zijn maandag in het zuid.. 5166504121 rtsradio 10/26/2009 12:24 AM US: 4 US troops die in Afghan chopper collision - KABUL (AP) -- Four American troops were killed and two injure... 5166498150 fingertipnews 10/26/2009 12:24 AM AP Int'l: US: 4 US troops die in Afghan chopper collision - KABUL (AP) -- Four American troops were killed and ... 5166460616 ADOnline 10/26/2009 12:21 AM Botsing helikopters VS in Afghanistan: KABUL (ANP) - Zeker vier Amerikaanse militairen zijn maandag in het zuid.. 5166446849 thulsen 10/26/2009 12:20 AM headlinez Botsing helikopters VS in Afghanistan: KABUL (ANP) - Zeker vier Amerikaanse militairen zijn .. 5166330825 pakistanpolicy 10/26/2009 12:13 AM Kabul gov't will be volatile and ineffective irrespective of whether Abdullah is pres, part of a coalition w/ Karzai, or in the opposition. 5166279006 tkharmonic 10/26/2009 12:10 AM Afghan police opened fire to disperse up to 1,000 protesters in Kabul on Sunday after they burned an effigy of President Barack Obama 5166275733 reistweets 10/26/2009 12:10 AM Botsing helikopters VS in Afghanistan: KABUL (ANP) - Zeker vier Amerikaanse militairen zijn maandag in het zuid.. 5166185096 money_fast2009 10/26/2009 12:04 AM On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War (source: TIME) 5166040908 UoNALUMNI 10/25/2009 11:56 PM Charity Screenings of feature doco 'Honeymoon In Kabul' featuring many of our Alumni. Visit for more details 5166026882 PublicDiplomacy 10/25/2009 11:55 PM [Today in PD] Former UN Envoy To Kabul Suggests Emergency Administration For Afghanistan 5165984935 AliceIs 10/25/2009 11:53 PM Afghan anti-riot police opened fire during the anti-U.S. demonstration in Kabul on Sunday. 5165943469 shiroin 10/25/2009 11:50 PM im surprised they sell civilian tickets to kabul... 5165900471 hawaiinewsnow 10/25/2009 11:48 PM 4 U.S. soldiers die in Afghan chopper collision: KABUL — Four American troops were killed and two injured.. 5165892261 LeaderTips 10/25/2009 11:47 PM Afghani College Students -Slash- Protesters In Kabul Burn Obama ... 5165820123 tomafg 10/25/2009 11:43 PM Armed police responding to another two demos today (Polytechnic, Takhnikam). There are some really aggrieved people in Kabul this week. 5165750932 asspress 10/25/2009 11:40 PM US: 4 US soldiers die in Afghan chopper collision: US: 4 US soldiers die in Afghan chopper collision: KABUL (AP.. 5165651389 gmanewstv 10/25/2009 11:34 PM US: 4 US soldiers die in Afghan chopper collision: KABUL - Four American troops were killed and two injured Mon.. 5165573987 BradGWilliams 10/25/2009 11:30 PM @Ruffiansea Obama Effigy Burned in Kabul After Rumors of Desecrated Koran - #tcot 5165568551 bmian 10/25/2009 11:30 PM TheNews Afghans torch Obama effigy over Quran abuse claims: KABUL: Furious Afghans torched an effigy of US President... 5165558044 ivan2266 10/25/2009 11:29 PM #fb US: 4 US soldiers die in Afghan chopper collision: KABUL - Four American troops were killed and two inju.. 5165550375 USCGAuxVin 10/25/2009 11:29 PM RT @Fingertipnews: AP Int'l: US: 4 US soldiers die in Afghan chopper collision - KABUL RIP 5165536550 rtsradio 10/25/2009 11:28 PM US: 4 US soldiers die in Afghan chopper collision - KABUL (AP) -- Four American troops were killed and two inju... 5165525356 fingertipnews 10/25/2009 11:28 PM AP Int'l: US: 4 US soldiers die in Afghan chopper collision - KABUL (AP) -- Four American troops were killed an... 5165507301 Ruffiansea 10/25/2009 11:27 PM Obama Effigy Burned in Kabul After Rumors of Desecrated Koran - 5165461772 afashionfan 10/25/2009 11:25 PM Protesters burn an effigy of Obama in Kabul, Afghanistan. Not a spontaneous demonstration #Military #fail #SOG #tcot 5165387355 rigbellen 10/25/2009 11:21 PM #fb US: 4 US soldiers die in Afghan chopper collision: KABUL - Four American troops were killed and two inju.. 5165344611 GemskaF 10/25/2009 11:19 PM Digital Journal Obama Effigy Burned in Kabul After Rumors of Desecrated Koran: Protesters took t.. 5165316252 gmanews7 10/25/2009 11:18 PM US: 4 US soldiers die in Afghan chopper collision: KABUL - Four American troops were killed and two injured Mon.. 5165305087 Lynn_Ross 10/25/2009 11:17 PM On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War 5165277192 d_not 10/25/2009 11:16 PM @oyoyoan @nyidnyid , bener lain ? haha , moment yang dikenang , ngabaso si kabul perpisahan ka si ocim , jajan mi set di kopsis , wowowoo 5165059967 USTalib 10/25/2009 11:06 PM Kabul Police Clash With Protesters at Major Anti-US Rally - 5164898515 uppaljs 10/25/2009 11:00 PM Time for a quick pit stop at the local 'Nan' shop for Roti, our driver's breakfast. :) #kabul 5164848531 fingertipnews2 10/25/2009 10:58 PM AP Int'l: US: 4 US soldiers die in Afghan chopper collision: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four.. 5164799161 axismedia 10/25/2009 10:56 PM KABUL (AP) US: 4 US soldiers die in Afghan chopper collision 5164791038 uppaljs 10/25/2009 10:55 PM Quick break in tweeting brought to you by our friends in ISAF and their jammers!!! Only in #kabul 5164777753 247express 10/25/2009 10:55 PM JUST IN: Kabul:4 soldiers killed in mid air helicopter collision in Afghanistan: US Military. To subscribe to... 5164725255 uppaljs 10/25/2009 10:52 PM No rush in Wazir Akbar Khan :o :O #kabul 5164683395 uppaljs 10/25/2009 10:50 PM Just passed azizi bank's new HQ building and its NICE! #kabul 5164578211 yidnews 10/25/2009 10:45 PM RT @JBN KABUL (AP) - US military says 4 US soldiers killed in mid-air helicopter collision in south Afghanistan. 5164512864 mywlri 10/25/2009 10:43 PM KABUL (AP) US military says 4 US soldiers killed in mid-air helicopter collision in south Afghanistan. 5164462971 uppaljs 10/25/2009 10:40 PM They insisted on checking our truck even though its registered with a govt. plate #kabul 5164438608 uppaljs 10/25/2009 10:39 PM Stuck in morning rush hour #kabul , the security is really tight! 5164329892 JBN 10/25/2009 10:35 PM KABUL (AP) - US military says 4 US soldiers killed in mid-air helicopter collision in south Afghanistan 5164249219 dblight 10/25/2009 10:31 PM Re: Rioting Kabul Students -- R H Haardin: "To be fair, our university students aren't very bright either." 5163721451 MDThermo 10/25/2009 10:07 PM Service member killed by bomb in Afghanistan: KABUL — A bomb killed an American service member in souther.. 5163522350 savethiscountry 10/25/2009 9:58 PM I thought they loved us now? More Hope & Change… Obama Torched in Kabul 5163471865 myworldnews 10/25/2009 9:55 PM [WP] Afghan challenger considers runoff boycott: KABUL -- The challenger to President Hamid Karzai is consideri.. 5163183237 vaxen_var 10/25/2009 9:42 PM BBC reports that students at Kabul Uni burned an effigy of super racist Obama over allegations that NATO troops burnt a Qoran. Sweet PSYOPS. 5163183270 superlaura 10/25/2009 9:42 PM RT @GregWHoward Obama debased the United States and his office overseas. They burned him in effigy in Kabul yesterday. #tcot #ocra #p2 5163047033 vaxen_var 10/25/2009 9:36 PM @GregWHoward Borned Obama in effigy? In Kabul? Little early for Guy Fawkes day, eh? It'll work though... Once a coon... 5162992683 FrazzledHaloz 10/25/2009 9:33 PM RT @exposeliberals RT @GregWHoward: Obama debased the US & his office overseas. They burned him in effigy in Kabul ystrday. #tcot #ocra #p2 5162974868 exposeliberals 10/25/2009 9:32 PM RT @GregWHoward: Obama debased the United States and his office overseas. They burned him in effigy in Kabul yesterday. #tcot #ocra #p2 5162943437 GregWHoward 10/25/2009 9:31 PM Obama debased the United States and his office overseas. They burned him in effigy in Kabul yesterday. #tcot #ocra #p2 5162693472 nazguven 10/25/2009 9:20 PM @atsurengin @sezindongel in tweetlerine cevap at ya da follow et onu ya da facebookta kabul et, bisey yap ltfn aaaa!! Zaten kanyonda (cont… 5162632417 MaryHart1000 10/25/2009 9:17 PM On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War: As John Dempsey, Senior Rule of Law Advisor for the United States I.. 5162491353 birrunevsen 10/25/2009 9:10 PM yayın sonrası response paper yazılır mı düşünüyorum aslında cevap açık bu durumu kabul etmek de istiyorum ama vicdan işte. 5162426355 ya_salaam 10/25/2009 9:07 PM Isu Quran Dibakar Sulut Emosi Mahasiswa: 26/10/2009 09:03 (Afghanistan) Ribuan mahasiswa di Kabul, Afghanistan.. 5162385540 Inquilaab 10/25/2009 9:05 PM Enjoyed reading this piece RT @TIMEWorld: On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War #Afghanistan 5161901669 Sonja_Jo 10/25/2009 8:44 PM Police open fire as #protesters storm parliament in #Kabul -timesonline #Afghanistan 5161710530 doglover5000 10/25/2009 8:36 PM On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War 5161571322 arrowmontstable 10/25/2009 8:30 PM On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War 5161480611 fingertipnews 10/25/2009 8:26 PM UPI-Top News: Afghan protesters burn Obama effigy - KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 25 (UPI) -- Afghan protesters burned ... 5161424594 goleech 10/25/2009 8:23 PM por qué no me enteré de esto? Camp Sullivan, Kabul, Afganistán 5161193587 DogLoversBank 10/25/2009 8:13 PM Time Magazine: On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War (via @DogStory) 5161157489 Petatreats 10/25/2009 8:11 PM On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War - TIME 5160995505 grabulation 10/25/2009 8:04 PM #dogs On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War - TIME 5160978908 Aby_Ummy 10/25/2009 8:04 PM ‘Obama’ Dibakar Mahasiswa Afghanistan - Berita: KABUL ( - Ratusan mahasiswa Afghanista.. 5160962390 DogStory 10/25/2009 8:03 PM On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War 5160942689 isikbilgisayar 10/25/2009 8:02 PM boray hoca video yayını projesi için akademik danışman olmayı kabul etti. 5160931487 DogTimes 10/25/2009 8:01 PM On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War 5160858760 fingertipnews2 10/25/2009 7:58 PM UPI-Top News: Afghan protesters burn Obama effigy: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 25 (UPI) -- Afghan pro.. 5160719020 Antiwar2 10/25/2009 7:52 PM Kabul Police Clash With Protesters at Major Anti-US Rally 5160670325 3 10/25/2009 7:50 PM Afghans burn Obama effigy, accuse US troops of sacrilege: A crowd of 1,000 demonstrators marched through the streets of Kabul over cl.. 5160480362 Global_Security 10/25/2009 7:42 PM Former UN Envoy To Kabul Suggests Emergency Administration For Afghanistan 5160438705 tcot_steve 10/25/2009 7:40 PM Obama Burned In Effigy - In Kabul, by anti-American, anti-NATO demonstrators: There might be some pretty good re... 5160249664 mush_boom 10/25/2009 7:31 PM ai, porquê meu single de The Fear tem fag hag e não tem kabul shit? ): 5160206903 BrainTerminal 10/25/2009 7:30 PM Nobel Peace Prize winner burned in effigy in Kabul, Afghanistan #obama #hope #change #politics #war #tcot #tlot 5160146274 peacecrazy 10/25/2009 7:27 PM On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War 5159967295 rowenaluk 10/25/2009 7:19 PM 6 hours to Kabul 5159917578 mush_boom 10/25/2009 7:17 PM Kabul Shit inteiro e em qualidade melhor! 5159860438 itu_sozluk 10/25/2009 7:14 PM kime göre neye göre: bu sevimli bkz, açtığım bir başlığın altına usulca bırakılırsa iltifat olarak kabul ediyor.. 5159697012 IzzyCaboodle 10/25/2009 7:07 PM On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War 5159685931 basking2 10/25/2009 7:06 PM RT: @jbatchelorshow: Kabul students chanting “Death to America" burnt an effigy of President Obama #jbshow 5159682513 LJZumpano 10/25/2009 7:06 PM RT @misstella_w: Police open fire as protesters storm parliament in Kabul by @jeromestarkey #Afghanistan #jbshow #tcot 5159677012 fiscalconser 10/25/2009 7:06 PM Won't see this on MSM - BHO Torched in Kabul - 5159670229 PetAgree 10/25/2009 7:05 PM On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War 5159644770 LJZumpano 10/25/2009 7:04 PM RT @misstella_w: Times Online: Police open fire as protesters storm parliament in Kabul by @jeromestarkey # 5159583021 FreetownBill 10/25/2009 7:01 PM RT @BowlMeOverVa: Won't see this on MSM - BHO Torched in Kabul - #tcot #teaparty 5159570727 mg_politics 10/25/2009 7:01 PM Taliban Aim to Disrupt Afghan Runoff: KABUL -- Afghan insurgents are exploring how to disrupt the Nov. 7 presid.. 5159491383 FrazzledHaloz 10/25/2009 6:57 PM RT @KatyinIndy Kabul: Obama Burned In Effigy #tcot #sgp #hhrs #tlot #sgp 5159476417 Paceset9999 10/25/2009 6:57 PM RT @HeyMonet: RT @KatyinIndy Kabul: Obama Burned In Effigy #tcot #sgp #hhrs #tlot #sgp 5159406186 TIMEWorld 10/25/2009 6:54 PM On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War: A dusty, rutted Nadir Shah Hill provides an old and a new metaphor for l... 5159390269 Okredette 10/25/2009 6:53 PM Racist bastards! Don't they know what that means in America? rt @KatyinIndy Kabul: Obama Burned In Effigy 5159361333 eurobird 10/25/2009 6:51 PM RT @KatyinIndy: Kabul: Obama Burned In Effigy #tcot #sgp #hhrs #tlot #sgpThe left had done this to Bush in US 5159351927 gordonhmilton 10/25/2009 6:51 PM On a Kabul Hill, the Dogs and Kites of War 5159346796 InfidelsParadis 10/25/2009 6:51 PM Obama burned in effigy in Kabul in protest 5159340293 Paceset9999 10/25/2009 6:51 PM RT @najahaje: More Hope & Change… Obama EffigyTorched in Kabul 5159333383 drillanwr 10/25/2009 6:50 PM Obama burned in effigy in Kabul in protest 5159325853 misstella_w 10/25/2009 6:50 PM reading- Times Online: Police open fire as protesters storm parliament in Kabul by @jeromestarkey #Afghanistan 5159312417 porchlights 10/25/2009 6:49 PM Kabul time! 5159305896 HeyMonet 10/25/2009 6:49 PM RT @KatyinIndy Kabul: Obama Burned In Effigy #tcot #sgp #hhrs #tlot #sgp 5159292150 KatyinIndy 10/25/2009 6:48 PM Kabul: Obama Burned In Effigy #tcot #sgp #hhrs #tlot #sgp 5159289169 AmyEpp86 10/25/2009 6:48 PM RT @BowlMeOverVa: Won't see this on MSM - BHO Torched in Kabul - #tcot #teaparty 5159234747 eksiolu 10/25/2009 6:46 PM uykusuzdum, hala uykusuzum.. uyutmadığın için özürün kabul edilmedi sevgili okan bayülgen.. :p 5159224732 BowlMeOverVa 10/25/2009 6:45 PM Won't see this on MSM - BHO Torched in Kabul - #tcot #teaparty 5158904055 HelpCureNow 10/25/2009 6:30 PM After several failed pregnancies, Shukria is now a proud mother thanks to CURE in Kabul. 5158636040 joerobertson 10/25/2009 6:18 PM Hundreds of protesters in Kabul burn an effigy of President #Obama #beck #tcot #tlot 5158617461 MDThermo 10/25/2009 6:17 PM Service member killed by bomb in Afghanistan: KABUL — A bomb killed an American service member in souther.. 5158590189 World_Policy 10/25/2009 6:16 PM Obama Burned In Effigy: In Kabul, by anti-American, anti-NATO demonstrators:There might be some pre.. 5158539968 HeyErnie 10/25/2009 6:14 PM Service member killed by bomb in Afghanistan: KABUL — A bomb killed an American service member in souther.. 5158539598 anatheistnews 10/25/2009 6:14 PM Shots fired to disperse Afghan Koran protest in Kabul 5158538934 WADC_news 10/25/2009 6:14 PM Karzai, Abdullah endorse Afghan runoff election: KABUL, Afghanistan -- President Hamid Karzai and his challen.. 5158243633 powerlineblog 10/25/2009 6:00 PM Obama Burned In Effigy: In Kabul, by anti-American, anti-NATO demonstrators:There might be some pretty go.. 5158235784 zweitansage 10/25/2009 6:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 5158056211 RTRFaithWorld 10/25/2009 5:51 PM Shots fired to disperse Afghan protest in Kabul after rumours that foreign troops desecrated a Koran -- 5158035030 FaithWorld 10/25/2009 5:51 PM Shots fired to disperse Afghan Koran protest in Kabul 5157925005 duniablog 10/25/2009 5:45 PM Neuer Beitrag: Kabul: Proteste wegen angeblicher Koran-Verbrennung 5157911120 idiyosenkrazi 10/25/2009 5:45 PM @marbrure o zaman ben de follow edeyim bakalım hangimizi önce kabul edecek :) 5157897206 Didkaty 10/25/2009 5:44 PM R@skipinc: US Air Force NewsService member killed by bomb Afghanistan: KABUL —.. #usaf #militarymon#fallenhero 5157833490 dlueking 10/25/2009 5:41 PM RT @jbatchelorshow: Kabul students chanting “Death to America" burnt an effigy of President Obama #jbshow 5157802154 jbatchelorshow 10/25/2009 5:40 PM Kabul students chanting “Death to America" burnt an effigy of President Obama #jbshow 5157706791 mpk33 10/25/2009 5:35 PM RT @instapundit HEY, WAIT, I THOUGHT EVERYONE WAS GOING TO LOVE US: Hundreds of Kabul University students... #tcot 5157700266 SayfieNewsRed 10/25/2009 5:35 PM HEY, WAIT, I THOUGHT EVERYONE WAS GOING TO LOVE US: Hundreds of Kabul University students led the l… 5157503941 OrinocoPat 10/25/2009 5:26 PM Primitives in Anti-Obama riot in Kabul. Hey Ohblahblah! Show them your Peace Prize! Apologize! Do something, man! 5157327494 instapundit 10/25/2009 5:18 PM HEY, WAIT, I THOUGHT EVERYONE WAS GOING TO LOVE US: Hundreds of Kabul University students led the l…: HEY, WAIT, ... 5157252845 serhanaydemir 10/25/2009 5:14 PM @ecemenn twitter'dan yapılan davetler kabul edilmiyor :p 5157153022 BogoMan 10/25/2009 5:09 PM At Newark airport, heading for Germany and then on to Kabul. Spoke with Special Forces LTC in this morning - good meetings ahead. 5157123947 Foxmuldar 10/25/2009 5:08 PM Gateway Pundit: More Hope & Change, Obama Torched in Kabul I hope the Messiah is getting the message loud & clear 5156963081 AllMilitaryNews 10/25/2009 5:00 PM (Navy Times) Service member killed by bomb in Afghanistan: KABUL — A bomb killed an.. #Military 5156960238 AllMilitaryNews 10/25/2009 5:00 PM (Air Force Times) Service member killed by bomb in Afghanistan: KABUL — A bomb.. #Military 5156953451 zweitansage 10/25/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 5156907707 mg_politics 10/25/2009 4:57 PM Afghan president, challenger endorse runoff: KABUL -President Hamid Karzai and his challenger ruled out a power.. 5156889351 Morticianhaley 10/25/2009 4:56 PM Kabul Students Protest Rumored Koran Burning 5156867008 JeffBardin 10/25/2009 4:55 PM Kabul Students Protest Rumored Koran Burning 5156763820 celebrifi 10/25/2009 4:50 PM Officials say Karzai rival may choose to boycott runoff: Kabul -- The challenger to President Hamid Karzai is c.. 5156665040 patriot101 10/25/2009 4:45 PM RT @WOTN2 RT @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor > Love our #troops.God Bless 5156635356 berk275 10/25/2009 4:44 PM İstediğimiz İşin Tam Tersi Oldu Biliyoruz.Kalecimiz,Defansımız Ve Teknik Direktörümüz Biraz Kötüydü Bunu Kabul... 5156492212 hollander 10/25/2009 4:37 PM “The Kabul Golf Club: Open in 1967, Relocated in 1973, Closed in 1978, Reopen around 1993, Closed again in 1996 and... 5156489821 carherlac 10/25/2009 4:37 PM ADIE / BERNARD and Kabul - please send a message 5156427080 MarineCorps 10/25/2009 4:34 PM Service member killed by bomb in Afghanistan: KABUL — A bomb killed an American service member in souther.. 5156420455 fOTOGLIF 10/25/2009 4:34 PM New on Fotoglif - Afghan anti-riot secure a protest in Kabul: Afghan anti-riot secur.. #Fotoglif 5156339377 codekeyguy 10/25/2009 4:30 PM More Hope & Change… Obama Torched in KabulThey love us. They really love us. 5156297435 FrazzledHaloz 10/25/2009 4:28 PM RT @slkbrooke RT @timesonline: Police open fire as protesters storm parliament in Kabul via @Fingertipnews 5155987094 thecardinaldela 10/25/2009 4:13 PM “The Kabul Golf Club: Open in 1967, Relocated in 1973, Closed in 1978, Reopen around 1993, Closed ag 5155953082 alfredzellinger 10/25/2009 4:12 PM Von Kabul bis Bagdad – die Al Kaida terrorisiert jetzt vornehmlich in der islamischen Welt fällt mir auf #fb 5155777410 knlr 10/25/2009 4:03 PM hidiv kasrinda muhtesem bir evlilik teklifinde bulundum kabul edildi cok mutluyum 5155761882 osvjetljenje 10/25/2009 4:03 PM @laestus genel kabul haline getirmeye çalışmadığınız sürece öznel kullanımınızı icra edebilirsiniz tabi ki de.. 5155759238 voteglobal 10/25/2009 4:03 PM RT @timesonline: Police open fire as protesters storm parliament in Kabul #afghanistan 5155755809 TimesWorldNews 10/25/2009 4:02 PM Police open fire as protesters storm parliament in Kabul 5155689222 zweitansage 10/25/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 5155660695 Cigars4Women 10/25/2009 3:58 PM Afghans protest rumored desecration of Koran by U.S. troops: Hundreds of protesters in Kabul burn an effigy of .. 5155656094 slkbrooke 10/25/2009 3:58 PM RT @timesonline: Police open fire as protesters storm parliament in Kabul via @Fingertipnews 5155654203 politicaltroy 10/25/2009 3:58 PM LA Times quotes Kabul University student "We don't want a slave government" during protest rally at Capitol 5155552765 fingertipnews 10/25/2009 3:53 PM RT @timesonline: Police open fire as protesters storm parliament in Kabul 5155536610 timesonline 10/25/2009 3:52 PM Police open fire as protesters storm parliament in Kabul 5155504062 autsmama98 10/25/2009 3:51 PM R @dullyM: It happens 2 B Monday in Kabul but support 4 R military & families need nevr B restricted 2 any particular day. #militarymon #SOT 5155414606 medyafaresi 10/25/2009 3:47 PM Fenerbahçe - Galatasaray: 3-1 Kadıköy`den çıkış yok!: MEDYAFARESİ- Dünyanın en önemli derbisi olarak kabul edil.. 5155394077 BreakingNewsRSS 10/25/2009 3:46 PM Afghans protest rumored desecration of Koran by U.S. troops: Hundreds of protesters in Kabul burn an effigy of .. 5155170472 carherlac 10/25/2009 3:36 PM Once again: ADRIAN O'SHEA who has been to Kabul, would you please send me a message? 5155105999 Volki_tolki 10/25/2009 3:33 PM kabul edebileceğim gerçek ayhan akman külliyen zarar 5155069445 autsmama98 10/25/2009 3:32 PM R @AllMilitaryNews: v @Ms_Marti: #SOT #militarymon Convoy meets demonstrators in Kabul today See Pictures 5155041566 ndgc12dx 10/25/2009 3:30 PM RT @MelissaTweets: RT @jeffemanuel: Afghans are clearly racists RT @gatewaypundit: More Hope & Change… Obama effigy Torched in Kabul 5155008325 ericcheah 10/25/2009 3:29 PM NATO, Afghans probe deaths of four civilians in shooting incident: KABUL: NATO and the Afghan government announ.. 5154938260 dadadamla 10/25/2009 3:26 PM dünyanın 3.derbisi kabul ediliyo diyolar bugün...ya tamam da bu salakları da adamdan sayıyolar o zaman ona üzülüyorum ben... 5154907807 BuyMonavieGel 10/25/2009 3:24 PM Buy Monavie Gel Video: Students Protest Rumored Koran Burning: Students from Kabul University cl.. 5154848063 dailynewsvideos 10/25/2009 3:21 PM Students Protest Rumored Koran Burning: Students from Kabul University clashed with police as they protested ag.. 5154844299 danceofcookies 10/25/2009 3:21 PM irl okuyorum ama hiç havalı bi anlatım dilim yok: sec con he dese bizim kıbrısın egemenliğini geri 191i kabul etmek zornda.gibi mahalle ağzı 5154837751 casinclair 10/25/2009 3:21 PM Stoked that Skateisrans new center (part funded by gamechangers) will open in Kabul Thursday. 5154813224 Beau775 10/25/2009 3:20 PM RT @autsmama98 R @WOTN In Kabul It's #MilitaryMon #SOT w/ Honor-Remember Respect, Selfless Service, Duty,.. #SOT 5154779681 DottorNews 10/25/2009 3:18 PM NEWS.REAL.TIME Police open fire as protesters storm parliament in Kabul: Police opened fire as hu.. 5154759716 autsmama98 10/25/2009 3:17 PM R @WOTN In Kabul It's #MilitaryMon #SOT w/ Honor-Remember Respect, Selfless Service, Duty,.. #SOT 5154738607 LiisaTemple 10/25/2009 3:16 PM My hubby's convoy drove into Kabul today and into anti-USA demonstrations. Frightening. Link to his blog + pictures 5154720532 NDNNewsVideos 10/25/2009 3:16 PM Students Protest Rumored Koran Burning: Students from Kabul University clashed with police as they protested ag.. 5154666197 freedom4USA 10/25/2009 3:13 PM RT @teapartynews: RT More Hope & Change; Obama Torched in Kabul #tcot #ocra #teaparty #hc09 #news So sad... 5154661172 RBLKentCounty 10/25/2009 3:13 PM RT @autsmama98: R @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5154619013 notleftwing 10/25/2009 3:11 PM {gatewaypundit} More Hope & Change… Obama Torched in Kabul 5154562709 dullyM 10/25/2009 3:09 PM RT @Afghanistanlast: Our convoy got up close and personal with demonstrators in Kabul today - blog and pics now posted 5154493147 POTUFSS 10/25/2009 3:06 PM Police open fire as protesters storm parliament in Kabul (Times Online)|Police opened fire as hundreds of .. 5154464280 inLethe 10/25/2009 3:05 PM kabul ediyorum fanatiğim lalalala en büyük fenerbahçe hehhehee 5154348924 zweitansage 10/25/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 5154294874 Ms_Marti 10/25/2009 2:57 PM R @olgirl: #SOT #SOG #militarymon R @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5154249579 MelissaTweets 10/25/2009 2:55 PM RT @jeffemanuel: Afghans are clearly racists RT @gatewaypundit: More Hope & Change… Obama Torched in Kabul 5154214027 dullyM 10/25/2009 2:53 PM It happens to be Monday in Kabul but support for our military & families need never be restricted to any particular day. #militarymon #SOT 5154172156 fbbenhurr 10/25/2009 2:51 PM CBS: Kabul Students Protest Rumored Koran Burning: Afghan Students Clash With Police on Rumors That U.S. So.. 5154164501 rdlittle 10/25/2009 2:51 PM RT @LizBlaine: More Hope & Change… Obama Torched in Kabul #tcot #ocra #teaparty #iamthemob Awww...feel the love, Bambi. 5154142041 bobc_mass 10/25/2009 2:50 PM #homeland Former UN Envoy To Kabul Suggests Emergency Administration For Afghanistan: When former Span.. 5154126907 MonavieGel 10/25/2009 2:49 PM Monavie Gel Video: Students Protest Rumored Koran Burning: Students from Kabul University clashed wi.. 5154106524 Dan12879 10/25/2009 2:48 PM CBS News - Kabul Students Protest Rumored Koran Burning 5154102292 CBSTopNewsRSS 10/25/2009 2:48 PM Kabul Students Protest Rumored Koran Burning 5154097362 jeffemanuel 10/25/2009 2:48 PM Afghans are clearly racists RT @gatewaypundit: More Hope & Change… Obama Torched in Kabul 5154096474 BrianGansereit 10/25/2009 2:48 PM More Hope & Change… Obama Torched in Kabul | HEADLINE BUNKER #tcot #news 5154071183 mcyorukoglu 10/25/2009 2:47 PM @hulya_avsar Bilerek yapılan kabahatler kesinlikle özürü kabul ettirmez. Siz o konuda çok haklısınız. Selam ve saygılarımla:) 5154059091 ShariJ01 10/25/2009 2:46 PM R @Fingertipnews: R @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor (via @Ms_Marti) 5154055875 JohnDkarFilms 10/25/2009 2:46 PM RT @mtwirth: RT @jimsciuttoABC: Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chantingdownwith US',burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghanistan 5154036737 KRMGtulsa 10/25/2009 2:45 PM CBS: Kabul Students Protest Rumored Koran Burning: Afghan Students Clash With Police on Rumors That U.S. So.. 5154035767 AllMilitaryNews 10/25/2009 2:45 PM RT @Ms_Marti: #SOT #militarymon Convoy meets demonstrators in Kabul today See Pictures 5154035819 fingertipnews 10/25/2009 2:45 PM RT @Ms_Marti: #SOT #militarymon Convoy meets demonstrators in Kabul today See Pictures 5154015385 Ms_Marti 10/25/2009 2:44 PM #SOT #militarymonConvoy meets demonstrators in Kabul today See Pictures 5153999132 olgirl 10/25/2009 2:43 PM #SOT #SOG #militarymon R @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153961133 AllMilitaryNews 10/25/2009 2:41 PM RT @RBLKentCounty: RT @Fingertipnews: RT @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153957676 Ms_Marti 10/25/2009 2:41 PM R @Fingertipnews: R @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153957049 dullyM 10/25/2009 2:41 PM RT @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153955757 fingertipnews 10/25/2009 2:41 PM RT @Ms_Marti: R @AllMilitaryNews: R @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153941816 Ms_Marti 10/25/2009 2:40 PM R @AllMilitaryNews: R @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153938563 Ms_Marti 10/25/2009 2:40 PM R @Fingertipnews2: R @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153933411 Ms_Marti 10/25/2009 2:40 PM R @GAWaldenmeier: @WOTN n Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor COME ALL HOME SAFE ! 5153919183 Ms_Marti 10/25/2009 2:39 PM R @AllMilitaryNews R @WOTN In Kabul It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor-Remember Respect, Selfless Service, Duty,.. #SOT 5153901506 mtwirth 10/25/2009 2:39 PM RT @jimsciuttoABC: Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghanistan 5153899675 Ms_Marti 10/25/2009 2:38 PM R @Jlfish77: Rt @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153893784 aspergers2mom 10/25/2009 2:38 PM RT @autsmama98 R @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153888797 whenpigsflyyy 10/25/2009 2:38 PM RT @jimsciuttoABC Anti-US protest n Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghanistan #obamaswar 5153878150 LovLesmile 10/25/2009 2:37 PM RT @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153872349 autsmama98 10/25/2009 2:37 PM R @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153828452 Jlfish77 10/25/2009 2:35 PM Rt @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153824486 AllMilitaryNews 10/25/2009 2:35 PM RT @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor: Remember Respect, Selfless Service, Duty, .. #SOT 5153808112 silly1956 10/25/2009 2:34 PM @LizBlaine More Hope & Change… Obama Torched in Kabul 5153807560 RBLKentCounty 10/25/2009 2:34 PM RT @Fingertipnews: RT @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153807453 GAWaldenmeier 10/25/2009 2:34 PM @WOTN n Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor ALL HOME SAFE ! 5153798967 AllMilitaryNews 10/25/2009 2:34 PM RT @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153799000 fingertipnews2 10/25/2009 2:34 PM RT @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153798289 LJZumpano 10/25/2009 2:34 PM RT @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153791894 fingertipnews 10/25/2009 2:33 PM RT @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153786342 headlinenews 10/25/2009 2:33 PM CBS: Video: Students Protest Rumored Koran Burning?: Students from Kabul University clashed with police as .. 5153766943 Didkaty 10/25/2009 2:32 PM R @Ms_Marti: R @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153756770 Didkaty 10/25/2009 2:32 PM R @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153749646 Ms_Marti 10/25/2009 2:31 PM R @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153749654 WOTN2 10/25/2009 2:31 PM R @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153733003 WOTN 10/25/2009 2:31 PM In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 5153725391 590KZONews 10/25/2009 2:30 PM Kabul Students Protest Rumored Koran Burning 5153721847 LizBlaine 10/25/2009 2:30 PM More Hope & Change… Obama Torched in Kabul #tcot #ocra #teaparty #iamthemob Awww...feel the love, Bambi. 5153717170 VemmaDistributo 10/25/2009 2:30 PM Vemma Distributors Video: Students Protest Rumored Koran Burning: Students from Kabul Univers.. 5153670216 berenofficial 10/25/2009 2:28 PM @TolgaLenk boşuna face e ekleme :) ben girmiyorum arkadaşlık daveti bile göndersen kabul etmem çünkü girmiyorum hehehe. 5153658185 News24_7 10/25/2009 2:27 PM CBS News: Kabul Students Protest Rumored Koran Burning: Afghan Students Clash With Police on Rumors That U.S. Soldier... 5153658239 fictivedesign 10/25/2009 2:27 PM Kabul Students Protest Rumored Koran Burning: Afghan Students Clash With Police on Rumors That U.S. Soldiers Desecrat... 5153594268 ozgugurdal 10/25/2009 2:24 PM Evet, sonunda! yazarlık başvurumu kabul etti. Selim Şumlu'dan son taktikleri aldım ve... [pic] 5153536431 longtinhealth 10/25/2009 2:21 PM Afghans protest rumored desecration of Koran by U.S. troops: Hundreds of protesters in Kabul burn an effigy of .. 5153491890 HI4me 10/25/2009 2:19 PM RT @jimsciuttoABC:Anti-US protest in Kabul today,chanting 'down w/US',burning Obama in effigy.Felt like Tehran.#Afghanistan[send troops why] 5153428918 World_Policy 10/25/2009 2:16 PM More Hope & Change… Obama Torched in Kabul: So much for Hope and Change…Obama torched.Univer.. 5153422299 anirvanghosh 10/25/2009 2:16 PM @anamus_c good for ur friend - no way I'm going to Kabul 5153419647 conservatweet 10/25/2009 2:15 PM [GP] More Hope & Change… Obama Torched in Kabul: So much for Hope and Change…Obama t.. #tcot 5153399434 itu_sozluk 10/25/2009 2:15 PM 25 ekim 2009 fenerbahçe galatasaray maçı: galatasaray bu hatalarla devam edecek gibi, kabul etmek lazım, yenile.. 5153396375 azerdemir 10/25/2009 2:14 PM ya bi önyargıyla önceden yaramaz diyip sonra tükürdüğümü yaladığım şeyler bini aştı :) sıradaki önceki halini kabul edemediğim echofon 5153374118 gulerzere 10/25/2009 2:13 PM Balcalı önünde eylem yapan TAYAD'lılar anlatıyor: Güler'in damarları serum kabul etmemeye başladı. 5153334655 HeyMonet 10/25/2009 2:11 PM RT @slbren More Hope & Change… Obama Torched in Kabul via @AddToAny burned effigy of Barack Obama. not loved.... 5153297571 anamus_c 10/25/2009 2:09 PM @anirvanghosh a frnd of mine went to kabul recently...he got an offer from a US TV channel...was my senior in SRFTI... 5153233989 slbren 10/25/2009 2:06 PM More Hope & Change… Obama Torched in Kabul via @AddToAny burned effigy of Barack Obama. not loved.... 5153175582 EY6 10/25/2009 2:04 PM G More Hope & Change… Obama Torched in Kabul: So much for Hope and Change…Obama torched.University students play with.. 5153139129 msnnoticias 10/25/2009 2:02 PM Varios rebeldes y un militar de EEUU muertos en las últimas horas en Afganistán: KABUL, 25 (Reuters/EP) Varios .. 5153103467 gatewaypundit 10/25/2009 2:00 PM More Hope & Change… Obama Torched in Kabul 5153089088 zweitansage 10/25/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 5152988004 Seda_L 10/25/2009 1:55 PM yalnız biz direk düğün hazırlıklarına başladık @Beatweeds :DD bakalım onlar kabul edecek mi bizi :P 5152936398 LovLesmile 10/25/2009 1:52 PM RT @Afghanistanlast: Our convoy got up close and personal with demonstrators in Kabul today - blog and pics now posted 5152882454 Afghanistanlast 10/25/2009 1:49 PM Our convoy got up close and personal with demonstrators in Kabul today - blog and pics now posted 5152790305 entornoi 10/25/2009 1:45 PM Manifestación contra EEUU en Kabul, capital de Afganistán #entornointeligente 5152729407 lastrose123 10/25/2009 1:42 PM Mühim olan değerleri değer bilip kabul etmek… Kullar; onlar her zaman hata içersinde bir ömür sürerler; ne kadar... 5152728123 latimesworld 10/25/2009 1:42 PM Afghans protest rumored desecration of Koran by U.S. troops: Hundreds of protesters in Kabul burn an eff.. 5152672398 Vinyderiva 10/25/2009 1:39 PM O show do Deriva que ia rolar hoje no Kabul foi cancelado por motivo de força maior! Próximo show galeria Emmathomas, aguardem!! 5152427915 sheker 10/25/2009 1:27 PM young guru academy'ye başvurdum ama fen bilgisi öğretmenliğinde okuyan birini kabul ederler mi ki yaa :D [pic] 5152090983 ChangeThruInfo 10/25/2009 1:11 PM Former UN Envoy To Kabul Suggests Emergency Administration For Afghanistan 5152090166 HumanityNews 10/25/2009 1:11 PM Former UN Envoy To Kabul Suggests Emergency Administration For Afghanistan 5152043169 frankentele 10/25/2009 1:09 PM Hotel bed in Kabul far worse than any of the army beds of the last two weeks. Oh the irony... 5151993974 scostar 10/25/2009 1:07 PM fener tribününde hep sarışın lolita hatunlar var, kabul edin bunu. 5151953942 karalamadefteri 10/25/2009 1:05 PM @ebrusayan yararlı yararlı olmasına da bünyem kabul etmiyor re: 5151917048 spidernamedspot 10/25/2009 1:03 PM Hilarious- Taliban representative complaining about their rights on TVNot so hilarious- rumors of a suicide bomb in a mazda in Kabul 5151839438 zweitansage 10/25/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 5151790760 Mik1971 10/25/2009 12:57 PM @hucklucianoTem um hotel maneiro em Kabul, Afeganistão... Lá tá bombando geral, rsrsrs 5151772122 ChristianAvard 10/25/2009 12:56 PM RT @glenngreenwald: RT @jimsciuttoABC "Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran" 5151579351 newsblogsnepal 10/25/2009 12:47 PM TheHimalayanTimes- Angry Afghans burn Obama’s effigy: KABUL: Furious Afghans torched an eff.. 5151369584 trapsreport 10/25/2009 12:37 PM Afghan presidential challenger Abdullah warned Sundaythe US strategy in Afghanistan will not succeed without a crediblepartner in Kabul 5151294120 glenngreenwald 10/25/2009 12:33 PM @Atrios on the anti-Obama/anti-U.S. protesters in Kabul: "some more terrorists we need to take out" //total ingrate-Terrorists 5151167170 fingertipnews 10/25/2009 12:27 PM AP Int'l: Afghan president, challenger endorse runoff - KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai and his challenger... 5151167036 fingertipnews2 10/25/2009 12:27 PM AP Int'l: Afghan president, challenger endorse runoff - KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai and his challenger... 5151075980 billfinan 10/25/2009 12:23 PM RT @jimsciuttoABC: Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghanistan 5150949034 montenews 10/25/2009 12:17 PM Pripadnici NATO ubili četvoro civila : Kabul (Rojters/Beta-AFP) - Četiri avganistanska civila ubijena su juče n.. 5150825174 themajlisblog 10/25/2009 12:11 PM Thousands protest in Kabul, Kandahar, Khost over alleged U.S. desecration of Qur'an. #afghanistan 5150742187 RedDotRedState 10/25/2009 12:07 PM RT @jeanniemcbride: Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting "down with US" burning BO in effigy. Guess they don't like ObeyMe much? #tcot 5150713918 POTUFSS 10/25/2009 12:05 PM Afghan president, challenger endorse runoff (The Star Press)|KABUL (AP) ? President Hamid Karzai and his .. 5150714121 jamesaholloway 10/25/2009 12:05 PM RT @jeanniemcbride Anti-US protest n Kabul 2day chanting "down with US" burning Obama n effigy. Guess thy dont like ObeyMe that much? #tcot 5150676987 jeanniemcbride 10/25/2009 12:04 PM Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting "down with US" burning Obama in effigy. Guess they don^t like ObeyMe that much? #tcot 5150627617 blakehounshell 10/25/2009 12:01 PM @jimsciuttoABC Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghanistan 5150615337 HotCornerBlues 10/25/2009 12:01 PM RT @jimsciuttoABC Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. 5150589254 zweitansage 10/25/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 5150586841 Vinyderiva 10/25/2009 11:59 AM O show do Deriva que ia rolar hoje no Kabul foi cancelado por motivo de força maior! Próximo show galeria Emmathomas, aguardem! 5150240780 alienInfix 10/25/2009 11:42 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: Anti-US protest in Kabul today... Spark was a rumor that US troops had burned a copy of the Koran... #Afghanistan 5150205560 tonypagano51 10/25/2009 11:40 AM @KariLeslie Kari I don't think our Anointed President will notice what's happening in Kabul.It's hard to know when your on the ''Golf Course 5150113030 uruknet 10/25/2009 11:35 AM Thousands gather in Kabul, burn effigy of #ObamaAfghans accuse US troops of burning Quran 5150107207 fbhutto 10/25/2009 11:35 AM Kinshasa. I wish I could blame Twitter for that, but... Adam Curtis is brilliant, part one of Kabul in a second 5149991881 RFRube 10/25/2009 11:30 AM RT @ViolettaVelvet Pics? @jimsciuttoABC Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. 5149966735 TCOAmerica 10/25/2009 11:28 AM RT from ABC @jimsciuttoABC "Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran." #tcot 5149963307 fingertipnews2 10/25/2009 11:28 AM AP Int'l: Afghan president, challenger endorse runoff - KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai and his challenger... 5149963428 fingertipnews 10/25/2009 11:28 AM AP Int'l: Afghan president, challenger endorse runoff - KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai and his challenger... 5149815623 rowatch 10/25/2009 11:20 AM Rumor sparks anti-American protests: A Koran-burning incident in Afghanistan prompts demonstrations in 5149741912 ibnkafka 10/25/2009 11:17 AM RT @SubMedina or Canada when bush came to town "Anti-US protest in Kabul, chanting down with US, burning Obama in effigy,felt like Tehran" 5149696023 ChangeThruInfo 10/25/2009 11:14 AM Former UN Envoy To Kabul Suggests Emergency Administration For Afghanistan 5149479385 TgC94 10/25/2009 11:04 AM Bir çığlık bulsam hiç susmayan, ya da bir cümle beni anlatan. Diyen arkadaşıma bir psd bulsam rengimi soldurmayan diyorum.. Kabul. İğrencim. 5149429847 GregMitch 10/25/2009 11:01 AM RT from ABC guy @jimsciuttoABC "Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran." 5149416057 glcarlstrom 10/25/2009 11:01 AM Protests in Kabul over allegations that U.S. soldiers burnt a Quran. Pajhwok reports similar protests in Khost, Kandahar. 5149391896 zweitansage 10/25/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 5149254486 Entah_ 10/25/2009 10:53 AM Protesters burn Obama's effigy in front of Afghan parliament: 25-10-2009 KABUL, (Xinhua): Hundreds of Kabu.. 5149162991 algarabia0 10/25/2009 10:48 AM RT @glenngreenwald RT @jimsciuttoABC AntiUS protest in Kabul today, chanting down with US, burning Obama in effigy. (h/t @adamserwer ) 5149134224 andylancaster 10/25/2009 10:47 AM RT @jaketapper: RT @jimsciuttoABC Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. 5148946594 ericaamerica 10/25/2009 10:37 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. #Afghanistan (via @jaketapper) 5148925237 NewBernsKevinG 10/25/2009 10:36 AM Hatch/McCain/McCrystal/Gates argument to ignore Afghan Elections is very ill-advised now considering the Kabul protests 2day... 5148903765 AllanLlanos 10/25/2009 10:35 AM Rumor sparks anti-American protests: A Koran-burning incident in Afghanistan prompts demonstrations in 5148823891 laylaanwar 10/25/2009 10:31 AM U.S troops burn the Koran in Afghanistan. Demonstrations in Kabul with Down America, Down Israel ! 5148793965 swell 10/25/2009 10:29 AM Obama would love to cut Karzai loose, but Bush's puppet in Kabul will not go quietly. 5148749841 fingertipnews 10/25/2009 10:27 AM AP Int'l: Afghan president, challenger endorse runoff - KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai and his challenger... 5148749710 fingertipnews2 10/25/2009 10:27 AM AP Int'l: Afghan president, challenger endorse runoff - KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai and his challenger... 5148690026 mwcnews 10/25/2009 10:24 AM Afghans condemn 'Quran-burning': Afghan police have fired into the air to break up a protest in Kabul by thousa.. 5148664528 stephencon 10/25/2009 10:23 AM Watched "Obama's War" last night. Graveyard of empires. RT @glenngreenwald: "Anti-US protest in Kabul today, burning Obama in effigy." 5148651492 TransAlchemy2 10/25/2009 10:22 AM Rumor sparks anti-American protests: A Koran-burning incident in Afghanistan prompts demonstrations in 5148651260 Gryphonskull 10/25/2009 10:22 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghanistan 5148636065 jonahkeri 10/25/2009 10:21 AM Yay! Let's escalate! RT @jimsciuttoABC "Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran" 5148633522 ProtestWatch 10/25/2009 10:21 AM #Protest Afghan protest over 'burnt Koran': There have been protests in the Afghan capital, Kabul, over.. 5148632214 HumanityNews 10/25/2009 10:21 AM NonProfit news: Former UN Envoy To Kabul Suggests Emergency Administration For Afghanistan 5148564245 lazyb0y 10/25/2009 10:17 AM Erm. 25.000.000 für bisher immer noch nicht brennende Lampen in Kabul! 5148541257 LJZumpano 10/25/2009 10:16 AM RT @zolqarnain: Former #UN Envoy 2 Kabul Suggests Emergency Administration 4 #Afghanistan #jbshow #tbrs #sop #sot 5148529195 NewBernsKevinG 10/25/2009 10:16 AM Furthering my earlier tweet about anti-US protests in Kabul, the protest including chants of "Down w/ US" and burnings of Obama in Effigy. 5148484850 glenngreenwald 10/25/2009 10:13 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC "Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran" (h/t @adamserwer) 5148481175 KariLeslie 10/25/2009 10:13 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghanistan 5148479020 Wilandika 10/25/2009 10:13 AM NEWS : Ribuan Orang Protes Isu Penistaan Al Quran di Kabul: Polisi melepaskan tembakan ke udara, Minggu, guna membubarka 5148442341 usercom 10/25/2009 10:11 AM NEWS : Ribuan Orang Protes Isu Penistaan Al Quran di Kabul 5148373028 POTUFSS 10/25/2009 10:07 AM US service member killed in Afghanistan bomb (NBC26 Green Bay)|KABUL (AP) - A bomb killed an American service .. 5148346809 lazyb0y 10/25/2009 10:06 AM In ARD Extra läuft ein Report darüber, wieso die Straßenlampen in Kabul, für die 5.000.000 aus Deutschland flossen, immer noch nicht brennen 5148313701 dav1son 10/25/2009 10:04 AM Former UN Envoy To Kabul Suggests Emergency Administration For Afghanistan - RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty 5148257758 LJZumpano 10/25/2009 10:01 AM RT @jaketapper: RT @jimsciuttoABC Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #s** 5148226507 zweitansage 10/25/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 5148038610 bsonder 10/25/2009 9:49 AM RT @AdamSerwer:RT @jaketapper:RT @jimsciuttoABC Anti-US protes N Kabul 2day, chanting 'down wi US', burning Obama ineffigy.Felt like Tehran. 5148028256 azelin 10/25/2009 9:49 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. 5147982655 myndkrime 10/25/2009 9:46 AM RT @jaketapper RT @jimsciuttoABC Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting ´down with US´, burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghan 5147980477 Theodore_May 10/25/2009 9:46 AM RT @jaketapper RT @jimsciuttoABC Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. 5147980400 ViolettaVelvet 10/25/2009 9:46 AM Rt(PICS PLS) @jimsciuttoABC Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghanistan 5147941865 zolqarnain 10/25/2009 9:44 AM Former #UN Envoy 2 Kabul Suggests Emergency Administration 4 #Afghanistan They Put Kharzi In Office #iranelection #tcot 5147941065 wakeup1442 10/25/2009 9:44 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. 5147939869 davidaquinley 10/25/2009 9:44 AM "Children of Kabul"Omeid Intern. Mon.7:30- 9PM>Resource Center for Nonviolence<515 Broadway,Santa Cruz,Ca 5147930176 SissyWillis 10/25/2009 9:43 AM TRIBAL WARFARE? RT @jaketapper: RT @jimsciuttoABC Anti-US protest in Kabul chant'g 'down w US,' burn'g O in effigy. Felt~Tehran #Afghanistan 5147921271 bpgrady 10/25/2009 9:43 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghanistan 5147917899 acfoltzer 10/25/2009 9:42 AM Great. RT @jimsciuttoABC: Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghanistan 5147909026 screwthemullahs 10/25/2009 9:42 AM Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghanistan (via @jimsciuttoABC) 5147898567 mallyskok 10/25/2009 9:41 AM RT @jaketapper: RT @jimsciuttoABC Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. - help 5147880566 jaketapper 10/25/2009 9:40 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghanistan 5147872482 sf_tv 10/25/2009 9:40 AM Afghanische Studenten malträtrieren Obama-Puppe: In der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul haben 1000 Studenten geg.. 5147842997 trihendri 10/25/2009 9:38 AM NEWS : Ribuan Orang Protes Penistaan Al Quran di Kabul 5147823561 SeputarKita 10/25/2009 9:37 AM NEWS : Ribuan Orang Protes Penistaan Al Quran di Kabul: Polisi melepaskan tembakan ke udara, Minggu, guna membu.. 5147822912 heidilore 10/25/2009 9:37 AM RT @Fingertipnews: RT @jimsciuttoABC: Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. 5147820692 caaquino 10/25/2009 9:37 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghanistan 5147819451 lissnup 10/25/2009 9:37 AM anti-US protest in Kabul #Afghanistan @jimsciuttoABC says it 'Felt like Tehran' | Tehran when? 5147808297 AiLapYuPul 10/25/2009 9:36 AM NEWS : Ribuan Orang Protes Penistaan Al Quran di Kabul 5147802840 asteris 10/25/2009 9:36 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran #Afghanistan 5147797932 NewBernsKevinG 10/25/2009 9:36 AM @jimscluttoabc reports that there was an Anti-US protest 2day in Kabul sparked by rumors of US troops burning the Koran. Talibani prop.? 5147791593 LovLesmile 10/25/2009 9:35 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghanistan 5147757291 fingertipnews 10/25/2009 9:33 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghanistan 5147754304 HoneyBearKelly 10/25/2009 9:33 AM RT @jimsciuttoABC: Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghanistan ||:sigh: 5147742365 jimsciuttoABC 10/25/2009 9:33 AM Anti-US protest in Kabul today, chanting 'down with US', burning Obama in effigy. Felt like Tehran. #Afghanistan 5147626750 Imane4Pali 10/25/2009 9:26 AM RT @uruknet Thousands gather in Kabul, burn effigy of Obama. Afghans accuse US troops of burning Quran #afghanistan 5147541606 BookmarkingNet 10/25/2009 9:21 AM News Shots fired to disperse Afghan Koran protest: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan police fired into the air on Su.. 5147472411 aliveinafghan 10/25/2009 9:17 AM #ISAF responds to rumors in Kabul Afghanistan #afghan09 #sharia #jihad #islam 5147407094 YahooNoticias 10/25/2009 9:14 AM Presidente afgano insiste en segunda ronda electoral: KABUL (AP) - El presidente de Afganistán insistió el domi.. 5147268251 kabayan2010 10/25/2009 9:05 AM #ISAF responds to rumors in Kabul Afghanistan #afghan09 #sharia #jihad #islam 5147257203 RFE_RLNEWS 10/25/2009 9:05 AM Former UN Envoy To Kabul Suggests Emergency Administration For Afghanistan 5147236666 TwiddleEastNews 10/25/2009 9:04 AM RT @activistgirl Afghans Accuse US Troops of Burning #Quran. 1000 take to #Kabul streets to protest [Hearts & Minds?] 5147219717 AllMilitaryNews 10/25/2009 9:02 AM RT @WOTN: AFG ISAF Investigating Death of Civilians in Kandahar City: KABUL, Afghanistan — An inc.. #SOT 5147151943 AllMilitaryNews 10/25/2009 8:59 AM (Marine Corp Times) Service member killed by bomb in Afghanistan: KABUL — A .. #Military 5147148978 AllMilitaryNews 10/25/2009 8:58 AM (Army Times) Service member killed by bomb in Afghanistan: KABUL — A bomb killed an.. #Military 5147085980 activistgirl 10/25/2009 8:55 AM Afghans Accuse #US Troops of Burning #Quran. One thousand #Afghan s took to streets of #Kabul Sunday to protest 5147084521 tusilencio 10/25/2009 8:54 AM @gelgelelim şu listeyi verdiğine göre, demek ki bana kötü davrandığını da kabul ediyosun! 5146916696 uruknet 10/25/2009 8:44 AM Thousands gather in Kabul, burn effigy of Obama. Afghans accuse US troops of burning Quran 5146833876 CHRISVOSS 10/25/2009 8:39 AM Q. What should Kabul get for its air defense system? A. A refund. 5146649350 militaryupdates 10/25/2009 8:27 AM #Military_Times : Service member killed by bomb in Afghanistan: KABUL — A bomb killed an American service member in... 5146615368 msn_italia 10/25/2009 8:24 AM A Kabul folla brucia foto di Obama: La polizia spara in aria per calmare manifestanti 5146609776 rtsradio 10/25/2009 8:24 AM Afghanistan president says runoff must be held - KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan's president says a runoff presidenti... 5146553877 cupcakes5 10/25/2009 8:20 AM RT @skipinc: Military News: Service member killed by bomb in Afghanistan: KABUL — A bomb kille.. #military 5146495679 Didkaty 10/25/2009 8:17 AM R @skipinc: Military News: Service member killed by bomb in Afghanistan: KABUL — A bomb kille.. #military#sot 5146444666 HeyErnie 10/25/2009 8:13 AM Service member killed by bomb in Afghanistan: KABUL — A bomb killed an American service member in souther.. 5146436181 themohsinshah 10/25/2009 8:13 AM RT @DrAfaq: Congrats #USA, 1st Baghdad,Karkuk,Mosul then Kabul,Ghazni & now Lahore,Isb,Karchi,Quetta.Your war "on terror" is on & WE suffer! 5146360038 DrAfaq 10/25/2009 8:07 AM Congrats #USA. First Baghdad,Karkuk,Mosul, then Kabul,Ghazni, & now Lahore, Isb,Karchi,Quetta..Your war "on terror" is on and WE suffer !! 5146330307 mymonews 10/25/2009 8:05 AM [news] Esteri - A Kabul folla brucia foto di Obama: La polizia spara in aria per calmare manifestanti 5146221377 RBLKentCounty 10/25/2009 7:58 AM RT @Fingertipnews AP: US service member killed in Afghanistan bomb: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says an American se. 5146197128 girlofgordon 10/25/2009 7:56 AM Going out to dinner. But due to recent weight loss, have choice of jeans or ball gown. Neither appropriate. Wondering what to do. #Kabul 5146195988 fingertipnews 10/25/2009 7:56 AM AP: Afghanistan president says runoff must be held: KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan's president says a runoff pres.. 5146024777 b2607dn 10/25/2009 7:43 AM Jauhi kebiasaan menggunjing,KRN m'yebabkN 3 bNcana: 1, doa tak t'kabul. 2, amal kebaikan tak diTrima. 3 dosa bertambah (Ali bin Abi Thalib) 5145875262 lastrose123 10/25/2009 7:31 AM Ne senliği kabul eder İslam ne de benliği...Ben şuyum, diye kendileri övenler kendilerinden uzak olanların ta... 5145696560 ecoconcept 10/25/2009 7:17 AM Costs for U.S. project in Afghanistan balloon, benefit hyped - McClatchy: KABUL, Afghanistan — Flipping a switc.. 5145659041 CenterdinSEA 10/25/2009 7:14 AM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $10 #seattle 5145644234 skid53 10/25/2009 7:13 AM British Embassy Kabul coffee before briefing 5145637172 glinkan 10/25/2009 7:12 AM Sunday morning freakout - hyperreading Adam Curtis brilliant essays deluxe on Kabul & Afganistan - start here - 5145533160 nickrutton 10/25/2009 7:04 AM @muralidharreddy Even Pakistan batted 4 Karzai b4 elections. He's just a titular Prez with no real power outside Kabul a la Bahadursha Zafar 5145480959 zweitansage 10/25/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 5145383401 InFullBloomUS 10/25/2009 6:51 AM Jim is onsite in Kabul covering the run-off RT @jimsciuttoABC At a minimum, many Afghans are asking me who this vote is for. #Afghanistan 5145244888 Fawz1y 10/25/2009 6:38 AM At least one thousand Afghans took to the streets of Kabul on Sunday to protest against what they said was the .. 5145238626 TantaoNews 10/25/2009 6:38 AM World news summary at 0830 GMT, Oct. 25: KABUL -- Afghan police have arrested more than two dozen Taliban milit.. 5145178601 headlinenews 10/25/2009 6:32 AM Xinhua: Afghan commandos seize 40 heavy guns near capital: KABUL, Oct. 25 (Xinhua) -- Afghan Special For.. 5145108223 oldvictor 10/25/2009 6:26 AM Trucks that were set ablaze by Taliban militants smolder on a main highway in Ghazni province, west of Kabul. 5145052936 Al_Arabiya_Eng 10/25/2009 6:21 AM Afghans accuse US troops of burning Quran: At least one thousand Afghans took to the streets of Kabul on Sunday.. 5145045909 frankentele 10/25/2009 6:20 AM Finally made it to #Kabul #Afghanistan. Anyone free for dinner? 5144822995 zweitansage 10/25/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 5144804187 fingertipnews 10/25/2009 5:58 AM Reuters Int'l: Shots fired to disperse Afghan Koran protest: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan police fire.. 5144803242 fingertipnews2 10/25/2009 5:58 AM Reuters Int'l: Shots fired to disperse Afghan Koran protest: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan police fire.. 5144780223 fingertipnews 10/25/2009 5:55 AM AP: US service member killed in Afghanistan bomb: KABUL (AP) -- A bomb killed an American service member in .. 5144780005 laatansyaa 10/25/2009 5:55 AM Afghans accuse US troops of burning Quran: At least one thousand Afghans took to the streets of Kabul on Sunday.. 5144647223 cittcitt 10/25/2009 5:42 AM saatimi almayı unutup daha bir saatim olduğunu öğrensem de yetişemem işte!biyolojik saatim kabul etmiyor bananeee! 5144645657 karinaaprisiana 10/25/2009 5:42 AM RT @Hugoskd: RT @raisss: 'Setia sampai mati' gak pantes buat umur segini, cocoknya nanti kalo ijab kabul pas nikah 5144634763 ranacetin 10/25/2009 5:41 AM @ahmethc "ürkek ceylan" ifadesini bir tv kanalı için kullanmanız da ilginç olmuş! ama kabul edin daha daha ürkek ceylanlar da var, bolca :) 5144581555 HeadlinesNewz 10/25/2009 5:36 AM Shots fired to disperse Afghan Koran protest: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan police fired into the air on Sunday to b.. 5144572033 reuterswire 10/25/2009 5:35 AM Shots fired to disperse Afghan Koran protest: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan police fired into the air on Sunday to break u... 5144499888 fasarya 10/25/2009 5:27 AM bazen yenilgiyi kabul etmek gerekir. 5144439033 ProtestWatch 10/25/2009 5:21 AM #Protest Shots fired to disperse Afghan Koran protest: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan police fired into the a.. 5144395985 ecoconcept 10/25/2009 5:17 AM Costs for U.S. project in Afghanistan balloon, benefit hyped - McClatchy: KABUL, Afghanistan — Flipping a switc.. 5144312398 gamzekaraduman 10/25/2009 5:08 AM artık kabul ediyorum bazı gerçekleri.kafamız karışık kitle olarak kafamız karmakarışık... 5144291971 POTUFSS 10/25/2009 5:06 AM US service member killed in Afghanistan bomb (FOX 11 Tucson)|KABUL (AP) ? Another American service member has .. 5144234674 Dizzedcom 10/25/2009 5:00 AM US service member killed in Afghanistan bomb: KABUL (AP) -- A bomb killed an American service member in souther.. 5144224089 zweitansage 10/25/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 5144188026 fingertipnews 10/25/2009 4:56 AM AP: US service member killed in Afghanistan bomb: KABUL (AP) -- A bomb killed an American service member in .. 5144178525 fingertipnews2 10/25/2009 4:55 AM AP: US service member killed in Afghanistan bomb: KABUL (AP) -- A bomb killed an American service member in .. 5144084496 MichelleEva 10/25/2009 4:45 AM Baru aja gue jelasin ttg masa tabu ke bokap. Tiba2 bokap nanya : apa? Azab kabul? Loooh, jauuh -_- 5144062055 lastrose123 10/25/2009 4:43 AM Sen hak olanı güzel bir biçimde anlat, dur. Nasibi olan güzel bir kabul ile kabul eder, nasibi olmayan ya... 5143705256 Mark_J_Martin 10/25/2009 4:07 AM is listening to the sound of church bells here in Kaiserslautern, Germany. Gotta love the USAF..get on a plane for Kabul, end up in Germany 5143628545 zweitansage 10/25/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 5143590836 fingertipnews 10/25/2009 3:56 AM AP: US service member killed in Afghanistan bomb: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says an American service m.. 5143585358 nemo1ol 10/25/2009 3:55 AM sende kabul et 5143233100 bakicelik 10/25/2009 3:20 AM Bayraklı Bütçesi Oybirliğiyle Kabul Edildi 5143215911 mikewhills 10/25/2009 3:18 AM RT @Transitionland: For updates on Kabul protests, follow @theobeers @kabulleslie @tomafg @itamena 5143201297 ecoconcept 10/25/2009 3:17 AM Costs for U.S. project in Afghanistan balloon, benefit hyped - Idaho Statesman: KABUL — Flipping a switch on on.. 5143051865 Naraiskuroneko 10/25/2009 3:03 AM yah! jadi inget suruh bawa brng" ama bu Ina buat ijab kabul jual beli wkwk XD 5143015601 zweitansage 10/25/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 5143004588 theobeers 10/25/2009 2:58 AM no longer protesting in dar ul-aman area. police presence remains heavy. once again my corner of kabul is quiet! khudâ râ shukr 5142720685 headlinenews 10/25/2009 2:32 AM Xinhua: Afghan police arrest over 2 dozen insurgents in North: KABUL, Oct. 25 (Xinhua) -- Afghan police .. 5142646494 mcdrwe 10/25/2009 2:25 AM Mesjid POLDA METROJAYA...ijab kabul kakak sepupu.. :) so happy for kapan pemberkatan di gereja yaaaaa??? Hihiiy 5142619242 jukademochila 10/25/2009 2:23 AM chegando do kabul, mas uma vez adorável, desta vez co a presença de @fesbragia @lucilenea e ex globais, rs 5142602922 2central_police 10/25/2009 2:22 AM Afghan policemen search a vehicle at a check point in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Sunday, Oct. #police #2central 5142545813 Transitionland 10/25/2009 2:17 AM For updates on Kabul protests, follow @theobeers @kabulleslie @tomafg @itamena 5142523171 afghcricket 10/25/2009 2:15 AM Started training camp today in Kabul! Sun is shining. Preparing for the Asia 20/20 in Nov. in Dubai! 5142488628 strickvl 10/25/2009 2:12 AM RT @theobeers: violent protests on dar ul-aman. kabul u. students claim u.s. troops desecrated a qur'an in wardak last week. lots of gunfire 5142399374 ahmadshuja 10/25/2009 2:04 AM Protesters are moving toward the Parliament building in Kabul. All major roads around Dehmazang, Karte Seh and Darulaman are blocked. 5142365478 kabulleslie 10/25/2009 2:01 AM RT @theobeers: violent protests on dar ul-aman. kabul u. students claim u.s. troops desecrated a qur'an in wardak last week. lots of gunfire 5142222938 pmoallemian 10/25/2009 1:49 AM (AFP) 1 in 4 #Afghan children ages 7-14 work: 60,000 children work in Kabul alone - #humanrights (via @JonHutson) 5142120196 loosewire 10/25/2009 1:41 AM riots in kabul: RT @kabulleslie: just spoke to a friend watching the riots standing on a chair - alone in a gov. office - stranded by UN 5142057833 theobeers 10/25/2009 1:36 AM violent protests on dar ul-aman. kabul u. students claim u.s. troops desecrated a qur'an in wardak last week. lots of gunfire 5142031223 Transitionland 10/25/2009 1:34 AM Protests turning violent in Kabul, in my collegues' hood RT @itamena Someone has opened fire here in karte sei and protests in de mazang. 5141908529 tomafg 10/25/2009 1:25 AM Kabul protests RT @itamena Someone has opened fire here in karte sei...and protests in de mazang... #fb 5141744284 fbhutto 10/25/2009 1:13 AM Kabul: City number One (Kinshasha too, from Adam Curtis) 5141581030 POTUFSS 10/25/2009 1:01 AM Taliban threat to scupper Afghan run-off vote (Malaysian Mirror)|KABUL - The Taliban called on Saturday for a .. 5141539010 fingertipnews2 10/25/2009 12:58 AM UPI-Top News: Abdullah rejects coalition government: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 25 (UPI) -- Former A.. 5140880330 natekost 10/25/2009 12:13 AM @psanders88 perhaps, but now I know all about some Korean sports car, shopping in Kabul, and Jakarta traffic congestion (hint: it's bad) 5140874256 Jakobscarnival 10/25/2009 12:13 AM RT @JonHutson 1 in 4 #Afghan children ages 7-14 work: 60,000 children work in Kabul alone - AFP #humanrights 5140795760 You2Gov 10/25/2009 12:08 AM RT @JonHutson: 1 in 4 #Afghan children ages 7-14 work: 60,000 children work in Kabul alone - AFP #humanrights 5140785955 JonHutson 10/25/2009 12:08 AM 1 in 4 #Afghan children ages 7-14 work: 60,000 children work in Kabul alone - AFP #humanrights 5140757769 fingertipnews2 10/25/2009 12:06 AM UPI-Top News: Karzai rejects power-sharing: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 25 (UPI) -- Afghan President .. 5140577110 OlcayUnalSert 10/24/2009 11:55 PM ERDOĞAN GERİ ADIM ATTI "ÖYLE BİR GRUP KABUL ETMİYORUZ" 5140547699 felixkuehn 10/24/2009 11:53 PM Apparently big demonstration coming our way in Kabul, people pprntly violent etc. about Qu'ran burning in Wardak 5140491495 theobeers 10/24/2009 11:50 PM @joshuafoust glad to hear your positive review. i'm having a DX shipped to me in kabul... (just hope it gets here!) 5140201721 AloysioLetra 10/24/2009 11:33 PM consolaçã 5140173681 energyindia37 10/24/2009 11:31 PM Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote, urge boycott: KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban called on Afghans on Saturday.. 5140172199 ChikaT333 10/24/2009 11:31 PM Yay! Bonyok pulang bwain Baskin Robbins rsa rainbow chocolate! P'mintaan gw t'kabul kmaren! Haha 5139718687 paulinkabul 10/24/2009 11:06 PM Back in Kabul, interviewed for TV, whatever next.... 5139599402 mg_politics 10/24/2009 11:00 PM Taliban threatens runoff voters: KABUL, Afghanistan | Taliban militants threatened Afghans with violence S.. 5139495373 emasofi 10/24/2009 10:54 PM @rainasurtiani ngajak ribut lu bul (kabul) 5139385974 lyndons 10/24/2009 10:48 PM Is Kabul the new Saigon? --> Londoners march to demand military withdrawal from Afghanistan. @sbsnews 5139361440 dondihananto 10/24/2009 10:47 PM @cynthiabogor yup the mom just broke down during sungkem, at least that's after the ijab kabul :-) 5138806912 rereretha 10/24/2009 10:19 PM Si tetangga depan rumah anaknya ijab kabul. Rame gila. Gak bisa blajar deh. Tidur aja aaahh 5138344571 myworldnews 10/24/2009 9:55 PM [WP] Karzai rules out sharing power: KABUL -- President Hamid Karzai's team shifted aggressively into campaign .. 5138146284 cynthiabogor 10/24/2009 9:45 PM Why mothers don't say a thing!RT @dondihananto: Nah lho pas mau ijab kabul bapaknya gak bisa ngomong karena nangis... 5138125449 cynthiabogor 10/24/2009 9:44 PM Every father's nightmare!RT @dondihananto: Nah lho pas mau ijab kabul bapaknya gak bisa ngomong karena nangis... 5137901765 dondihananto 10/24/2009 9:33 PM Nah lho pas mau ijab kabul bapaknya gak bisa ngomong karena nangis... 5137737272 jvhaya 10/24/2009 9:26 PM Lily cantando Kabul Shit *---------* 5137501160 freedom4USA 10/24/2009 9:14 PM US:#tcot #news Taliban Threatening Afghan Runoff Voters: KABUL | Taliban militants threatened Afg.. 5137479257 ChikaT333 10/24/2009 9:13 PM @shaalma @fitryanii bwahahab khayalan tingkat tinggi! Tp smoga t'kabul ya kak.. Aminn 5137304609 bostonherald 10/24/2009 9:05 PM Taliban warns of election violence: KABUL - Taliban militants threatened Afghans with violence Saturday if they vote... 5137131848 anomwirapati 10/24/2009 8:57 PM Di acara ijab kabul kak nova dan bg basuki(*wth hahaha) at mesjid raya aceh sepakat! 5136813341 lespetersen 10/24/2009 8:41 PM @ michellewegner ordered Kabul 24 today. Turned tv in hotel room on an authors of the book are talking on cspan. Funny! 5136520242 mcyorukoglu 10/24/2009 8:27 PM @hulya_avsar Yalnız entel spikerler yapımcıdırlar ve iletişim mezunu gazetecilerdir. Düşüncelerini kabul edemeyebiliriz.Alçaltmayalım derim. 5136384881 TheBruneiTimes 10/24/2009 8:20 PM Taliban threaten Afghan voters, urge run-off boycott KABUL 5135933935 ArendAbel 10/24/2009 7:58 PM #CenterdinIndy. #indy Favorite restaurants: Ocean World (sushi); Kabob Korner (Afghani, by the folks who used to run "Kabul." 5135681513 eprhum 10/24/2009 7:46 PM VVORK 2009-10-24 23:20:37: “The Kabul Golf Club: Open in 1967, Relocated in 1973, Closed in 1978, Reopen.. 5135605780 burcu_oncu 10/24/2009 7:42 PM Artık kabul etmem gerek. aşıgım! 5134533657 2rKIVA 10/24/2009 6:49 PM Breathing hope into Kabul 5134295665 bolbol_siyaset 10/24/2009 6:37 PM Gelenlerin dağ kıyafetiyle zafer işareti kabul edilemez 5133776654 cuneytyuksel 10/24/2009 6:12 PM @alpguclu'e girip kabul etsen süper olucak 5133576235 silollipop 10/24/2009 6:02 PM @mesyooong aku udah punya banyak lagunya jiber dong ding dang mes haha gimana sama kabul? 5133242814 silollipop 10/24/2009 5:45 PM cie @mesyooong mantaps lah sama kabul hihi 5133140063 mahoka 10/24/2009 5:40 PM Sıdıka Dinler sana özel hediye gönderdi.Lütfen hediyemi kabul et ve bir tanede benim için geri gönder. 5133012306 psikolojik_deli 10/24/2009 5:33 PM facebookta ismail yk beni eklemiş :)) kabul etmedim :)) sıradaki kim acaba ankaralı namık mı :)) 5132965538 DirenenAdam 10/24/2009 5:31 PM çünkü vahhabi mezhebinin imamı arkasında kılınan namaz kabul edilmiyormuş. 5132719787 Whiskyholler 10/24/2009 5:18 PM Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote, urge boycott: KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban called on Afghans on Saturday.. 5132364108 zweitansage 10/24/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 5132071933 Mutfaksirlari 10/24/2009 4:44 PM ben çekerim kabul ederse:) re: 5131800443 reeuq 10/24/2009 4:30 PM Debauchery at U.S. Embassy in Kabul? In what can only be described as a homoerotic homage to Lord of... #gay #news 5131528397 Vinyderiva 10/24/2009 4:15 PM Amanhã tem show do Deriva no Kabul - - Só "artista" no rolê, 10 reais, cola lá! 5131234627 zweitansage 10/24/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 5131205813 nakreskara 10/24/2009 3:58 PM Y RAB, KUSURUMUZU AFFET.BİZİ,KENDİNE KUL KABUL ET.EMANETİNİ KABZETMEK ZAMANINA KADAR BİZİ EMANETTE EMİN KIL. 5131054821 wrench60 10/24/2009 3:50 PM RT @murphyj87: Support Our //Cannon fodder...US may send even more cannon fodder before a Saigon type evacuation of Kabul 5131024648 murphyj87 10/24/2009 3:49 PM RT @wrench60: RT @savagesideshow: Support Our //Cannon fodder...US may send even more cannon fodder before a Saigon type evacuation of Kabul 5131006267 Jerkey 10/24/2009 3:48 PM @rachaelcantu What about Kabul or North Korea? 5130942483 Nemzai 10/24/2009 3:45 PM @HugoDelaTorre Va a venir coldplay a GDL, vamos o que??? aun quedan boletos, kabul ya tiene el suyo. . . y yo tambien jojojojo 5130702971 burcininanozel 10/24/2009 3:32 PM salvatore ferregamo bir ayakkabı üstadı kabul edilmeli. bu akşamki performansta güzel elbiseler ve vasat elbiseler vardı ama ayakkabılar.. 5130670545 hunkarbegendi 10/24/2009 3:31 PM var mısın yok musun karşımda bi saattir açıkmış.sik kafalı herif 128 bin lirayı kabul etmedi daha.sikik lan bunlar 5130506266 uppaljs 10/24/2009 3:22 PM #kabul looks beautiful at night :-) 5130066579 Dizzedcom 10/24/2009 3:00 PM Taliban threaten Afghan voters in November runoff: KABUL (AP) -- Taliban militants threatened Afghans with viol.. 5130058190 NoOneYouKnow 10/24/2009 3:00 PM @LenEdgerly gives you the opportunity to smuggle in Kindles to Kabul!!! 5130048105 zweitansage 10/24/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 5130026022 fingertipnews 10/24/2009 2:58 PM Reuters Int'l: Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote, urge boycott: KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban .. 5130024380 fingertipnews2 10/24/2009 2:58 PM Reuters Int'l: Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote, urge boycott: KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban .. 5129912900 kolr10ksfxnews 10/24/2009 2:53 PM KOLR10/KSFX News Taliban Calls For Boycott Of November Vote In Afghanistan: (Kabul) -- Afghan c.. 5129825352 FloydMcClung 10/24/2009 2:48 PM Spent day w/ Bob & Joanne Leach. Bob came to faith 36 yrs ago in Kabul. Thru Bob I have become spiritual grandfather to 100's! Joyous! 5129627802 arakg 10/24/2009 2:39 PM eskidikçe değişmez oluyor kabul.. 5129604034 bbbalik 10/24/2009 2:37 PM Bütün dualarımın kabul olması msn-kişi-ekleme trafiğimle doğru orantılı. O kadar kaptırmışım yani. 5129595347 in_asia 10/24/2009 2:37 PM KABUL -- ‘Give peace a chance’ may just be another cliché for many, but for women who have suffered the ravages.. 5129571538 HeadlinesNewz 10/24/2009 2:36 PM Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote, urge boycott: KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban called on Afghans on Saturday.. 5129382077 rtsradio 10/24/2009 2:26 PM Taliban threaten Afghan voters in November runoff - KABUL (AP) -- Taliban militants threatened Afghans with vio... 5129326235 kentonh 10/24/2009 2:24 PM Seeong Kabul 24 L: 5129246100 safe_waters 10/24/2009 2:20 PM #reutersIN Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote, urge boycott: KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban called on Afghans on Saturd 5129221759 YusufTemur 10/24/2009 2:18 PM Halil cok haklisin.Taraf gazetesini tamami ile kabul etmek yada reddetmek imkansiz.Ben kanunsuzluklar hakkinda... re: 5129017977 UnderOakStudios 10/24/2009 2:08 PM Some body, Kabul #oneletteroffplays 5128837817 zweitansage 10/24/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 5128836320 carherlac 10/24/2009 1:59 PM ADRIAN O'SHEA who has been to Kabul, would you please send me a message? 5128767508 fingertipnews 10/24/2009 1:56 PM AP: Taliban threaten Afghan voters in November runoff: KABUL (AP) -- Taliban militants threatened Afghans wi.. 5128599012 ozanyalcinoz 10/24/2009 1:47 PM Cuma günü selay'la flyinn. umarım. kabul ederse. 5128399586 in_asia 10/24/2009 1:37 PM KABUL, Afghanistan — An American military convoy patrolling in Kandahar opened fire on a car carrying Afghan ci.. 5128143286 proserp 10/24/2009 1:24 PM f*ck mastering physics!!! vallaha doru yapıyorum ya kabul etseneee vicdansz 5127756068 sinansakar 10/24/2009 1:05 PM @gserdar Bari birlikte uğur yapalım!:) çubuklu formayla izleyelim maçı, kabul? 5127749063 InIndia 10/24/2009 1:05 PM A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake hit northeast Afghanistan shaking buildings in the capital Kabul. 5127640624 zweitansage 10/24/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 5127371479 stevenleedawson 10/24/2009 12:46 PM so happy @lilyroseallen is singing 'Kabul Shit' on her tour :D its one of my favourite songs and its so unknown <3 5127217014 saadetpartisi 10/24/2009 12:38 PM Kurtulmuş, İnsani Değerler Derneği Genel Başkanı Mehmet Bozdemir ve yönetimini kabul etti: 5127171860 AllNewsSources 10/24/2009 12:36 PM REUTERS: Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote, urge boycott: KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban called on Afghans on Saturda 5126816123 MDThermo 10/24/2009 12:18 PM Taliban calls for Afghans to boycott runoff: KABUL — Taliban fighters warned Afghans not to take part in .. 5126788962 newsblogsnepal 10/24/2009 12:17 PM TheHimalayanTimes- Taliban call for Afghan vote boycott, threaten violence: KABUL: The Taliba.. 5126718849 HeyErnie 10/24/2009 12:14 PM Taliban calls for Afghans to boycott runoff: KABUL — Taliban fighters warned Afghans not to take part in .. 5126712947 HeyErnie 10/24/2009 12:13 PM Taliban calls for Afghans to boycott runoff: KABUL — Taliban fighters warned Afghans not to take part in .. 5126599853 Fecray 10/24/2009 12:08 PM @onurmertt yaslandin inat etme Kabul et onur mert .. 5126564315 asspress 10/24/2009 12:06 PM Taliban call for Afghans to boycott runoff poll: Taliban call for Afghans to boycott runoff poll: KABUL (AP) — .. 5126425221 zweitansage 10/24/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 5126225571 fisek 10/24/2009 11:50 AM Xbox Live'ın preview programı için yaptığım başvuru, dün gece kabul edildi ve artık ben de Xbox 360'ta Facebook ve Twitter kullanabiliyorum! 5126217345 djohnson66 10/24/2009 11:49 AM RT @skipinc: US Air Force News: Taliban calls for Afghans to boycott runoff: KABUL —.. #usaf #military 5126159592 paulpitoy 10/24/2009 11:46 AM Astaganagaaa. Siapa mempelai wanitanya? Hahaha RT @andywilliameade: prosesi ijab kabul @deayunda 5125976251 ozany 10/24/2009 11:38 AM RT @ersinduzen: Beşiktaş'ın savunmasındaki 3 İbrahim'in arasına girenin tüm dilekleri kabul olur... 5125951212 ErsinDuzen 10/24/2009 11:36 AM besiktasin savunmasindaki 3 ibrahimin arasina girenin tum dilekleri kabul olur... 5125844374 militaryupdates 10/24/2009 11:31 AM #Military_Times : Taliban calls for Afghans to boycott runoff: KABUL — Taliban fighters warned Afghans not to take... 5125794917 girlofgordon 10/24/2009 11:29 AM Saw a mattress "fuctory" today. And a place that sold "butterys". And a shop that was simply called "POO". #Kabul 5125675063 Zener39 10/24/2009 11:23 AM RT @skipinc Military News: Taliban calls for Afghans to boycott runoff: KABUL — Taliban fight.. #military 5125387136 SinaTheMechanic 10/24/2009 11:09 AM @IsikSaban Yarın sabah filmekimde Five Minutes yapmayı, ardından Kolpaçino izlemeyi düşünüyorum. Filmekimi ve polis bu bir ihbar kabul etsin 5125313928 in_asia 10/24/2009 11:05 AM KABUL - Taliban fighters warned Afghans not to take part in the war-wracked country's upcoming presidential run.. 5125228591 msnnoticias 10/24/2009 11:01 AM Los talibán prometen obstaculizar la segunda vuelta de las elecciones: KABUL, 24 (Reuters/EP) Los talibán afgan.. 5125186263 zweitansage 10/24/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 5125180603 AllMilitaryNews 10/24/2009 10:59 AM (Marine Corp Times) Taliban calls for Afghans to boycott runoff: KABUL — Tal.. #Military 5125180047 AllMilitaryNews 10/24/2009 10:59 AM (Navy Times) Taliban calls for Afghans to boycott runoff: KABUL — Taliban fighters .. #Military 5125179025 AllMilitaryNews 10/24/2009 10:59 AM (Air Force Times) Taliban calls for Afghans to boycott runoff: KABUL — Taliban.. #Military 5125176470 AllMilitaryNews 10/24/2009 10:59 AM (Army Times) Taliban calls for Afghans to boycott runoff: KABUL — Taliban fighters .. #Military 5125108064 massentertainer 10/24/2009 10:56 AM "50 Stunden bis Kabul" oder "Smiling in a war zone" 5124943071 cindysavage 10/24/2009 10:47 AM RT @tutatheatre TUTA artistic dir Zeljko Djukic & co mem/light des. Keith Parham at Homebody/Kabul reh in Belgrade! 5124624900 tutatheatre 10/24/2009 10:32 AM TUTA artistic dir. Zeljko Djukic & co. member/lighting des. Keith Parham at Homebody/Kabul rehearsal in Belgrade! 5124471712 skid53 10/24/2009 10:24 AM In Dubai awaiting the next leg of the trip - Kabul 5124371255 lastrose123 10/24/2009 10:19 AM Niyeti samimi olanlardan, hizmetleri kabul edilenlerden, gönlü hakkın hoşnutluğu için yananlardan ve dahi... 5124345731 Hillhome 10/24/2009 10:18 AM Is this Surfers Paradise or Kabul? 5124123448 MersinliAhmet 10/24/2009 10:07 AM Türk Milleti bağımsız yaşamış ve bağımsızlığı varolmalarının yegane koşulu olarak kabul etmiş cesur insanların... 5124102375 Hillhome 10/24/2009 10:06 AM Is this Surfers Paradise or Kabul? 5123975896 zweitansage 10/24/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 5123894680 fingertipnews2 10/24/2009 9:55 AM AP: Taliban call for Afghans to boycott runoff poll: KABUL (AP) -- Taliban fighters warned Afghans not to ta.. 5123761354 chrysantiriskia 10/24/2009 9:48 AM @andineeeayu macet jg bisa maju yuuuu,senin kita cerita2 serius yu ah jgn ngomongin ijab kabul mulu haha 5123344981 rtsradio 10/24/2009 9:26 AM Taliban call for Afghans to boycott runoff poll - KABUL (AP) -- Taliban fighters warned Afghans not to take par... 5122679644 ecoconcept 10/24/2009 8:47 AM Campaign for Afghan presidential runoff begins - Summary - Earthtimes: Kabul - The campaign for the Afghan pres.. 5122657118 notimeoff 10/24/2009 8:46 AM Taliban call for Afghans to boycott runoff poll: KABUL (AP) -- Taliban fighters warned Afghans not to tak.. #tlot 5122622586 YahooNoticias 10/24/2009 8:44 AM Los talibanes piden boicotear las elecciones afganas y amenazan con violencia: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - Los talibane.. 5122618579 rmjh 10/24/2009 8:43 AM @kentonh on Sunday i think Tony Manero and Fear Me Not. Although i think Kabul 24 looks good too. I will have to consult @jheggen 5122519627 LisaGita 10/24/2009 8:37 AM besok waktunya si kabul disiram! :)) 5122066226 buybooksonline1 10/24/2009 8:08 AM [REUTERS]: Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote: KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban called on Afghans on S.. 5122045909 wcompanyportal 10/24/2009 8:06 AM [REUTERS]: Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote: KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban called on Afghans on S.. 5122017947 dave13100 10/24/2009 8:04 AM Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote: KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban called on Afghans on Saturday to boycott ne.. 5121976883 headlinenews 10/24/2009 8:02 AM Reuters: Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote: KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban called on Afghans on Satur.. 5121968679 ReutersNews 10/24/2009 8:01 AM Reuters: Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote: KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban called on Afghans on Satur.. 5121941708 zweitansage 10/24/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 5121881402 fingertipnews2 10/24/2009 7:55 AM AP: Taliban call for Afghans to boycott runoff poll: KABUL (AP) -- Taliban fighters warned Afghans not to ta.. 5121814858 myheadlinez 10/24/2009 7:50 AM Taliban warn of Afghan vote violence: By Amir Shah and Todd Pitman, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS KABUL, Afghanistan - T.. 5121274506 publiusalter 10/24/2009 7:09 AM [Blog] Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote: KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban called on Afghans on Saturday to boycott... 5121159465 zweitansage 10/24/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 5121115274 fingertipnews 10/24/2009 6:56 AM AP: Taliban call for Afghans to boycott runoff poll: KABUL (AP) -- Taliban fighters warned Afghans not to ta.. 5121055342 celebrifi 10/24/2009 6:50 AM Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote: Kabul (Reuters) - The Taliban called on Afghans on Saturday to boycott ne.. 5120860835 nonarc 10/24/2009 6:33 AM Kabul: City Number One - Part 3 : the lost history of Helmand: The story of this strange forgotten project s.. 5120771804 NewsMashup 10/24/2009 6:25 AM Reuters: Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote: KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban called on Afghans on Satur.. 5120525804 kenansahin 10/24/2009 6:01 AM taraf gazetesinin rezil olduğunu kabul etmesini anlatışı bile rezil.. ne reziller bu reziller! 5120525043 cricketcrazzy 10/24/2009 6:01 AM Taliban Call for Afghans to Boycott Runoff Poll: KABUL: Taliban Call for Afghans to Boycott Runoff Poll, Taliba.. 5120524027 ilmessaggeroweb 10/24/2009 6:01 AM Afghanistan, si apre campagna elettorale talebani minacciano chi andrà alle urne: KABUL (24 ottobre) - I taleba.. 5120515181 addamiattualita 10/24/2009 6:00 AM Afghanistan: talebani minacciano chi votera’ al secondo turno: Kabul, 24 ott. (Adnkronos/Dpa)- Nel giorno in cu.. 5120480057 aliosmangulsoy 10/24/2009 5:57 AM ilkinde pencere açılıyor ikincide ise bi daha açılmıyor yardım kabul edilir :| 5120465995 fingertipnews 10/24/2009 5:55 AM AP: Taliban call for Afghans to boycott runoff poll: KABUL (AP) -- Taliban fighters warned Afghans not to ta.. 5120450510 Rezonet 10/24/2009 5:54 AM Kabul: City Number One - Part 3 : the lost history of Helmand 5120264306 a_selim_tuncer 10/24/2009 5:35 AM "Mezarlıkları severim. Mezarlıklarını tanımadığım bir şehri tanımış kabul etmem kendimi. Kimsenin kuşkusu... re: 5120241404 ladydstardust 10/24/2009 5:32 AM check this out Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote: KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban called on Afgh.. 5120128368 BookmarkingNet 10/24/2009 5:21 AM News Taliban threaten Afghan run-off vote: KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban called on Afghans on Saturday to b.. 5120118056 SmittysWeb 10/24/2009 5:20 AM KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban called on Afghans on Saturday to boycott next month's presidential election run-o.. 5118226987 ultimenotizie 10/24/2009 2:11 AM Afghanistan: al via campagna elettorale per secondo turno: Kabul, 24 ott. (Adnkronos/Dpa) – Si e’ aperta ufficia... 5112087720 wagSouza_ 10/23/2009 8:12 PM Sim! @leticia_mz esqueceu do kabul...ehe... mas vo ve-la dançar de qualquer forma... 5110466815 rtsradio 10/23/2009 6:54 PM Karzai wants "better" Afghan vote, vows "inclusivity": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wan.. 5110312281 ukturk 10/23/2009 6:46 PM siyasi görüşü, fikri olmayan insan boş insandır. Ottur. Meraları çok sever. Aynı zamanda koyundur ne söylersen kabul eder, haklısın der. 5110014987 yonasmichael 10/23/2009 6:32 PM Omg Lily does "Kabul Shit" for the first time on her new tour!!! I wanna go to Euro! 5110000257 BCBreakingNews 10/23/2009 6:32 PM Karzai wants "better" Afghan vote, vows "inclusivity": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wan.. 5109997292 vancouverview 10/23/2009 6:31 PM Karzai wants "better" Afghan vote, vows "inclusivity": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wan.. 5109854411 CGerritsen 10/23/2009 6:25 PM @imarjory Kabul is also in San Carlos and I have been to that location. Similar to Indian food so it might not be your thing. 5109712375 mustafaat 10/23/2009 6:18 PM Bir de lütfen beni bilgilendirin, TBMM'nin aldığı bir karar var mıdır ki TSK karşı çıkmış olsun, yok ben kabul... re: 5109519046 bolbol_dunya 10/23/2009 6:08 PM İran, BM önerisini kabul etmedi 5109049785 marina_uezima 10/23/2009 5:46 PM Uii RT @jaimearodriguez: Argentina Rock station "Kabul FM" just told its listeners, they "KNOW as Fact" U2 will play South America in March. 5109030573 laurajanemck 10/23/2009 5:45 PM in her old room reading TheBookseller of Kabul and feels too big for her bed...I mustve been shorter at one time in my life! 5108946509 columbuslocal 10/23/2009 5:41 PM Invincible Armor: Friday FUGLY: Kabul Poppy Palace - 5108889719 river949fm 10/23/2009 5:39 PM #australia Earthquake rocks Afghanistan city Kabul: A strong 6.Read more: http://www.skyn.. #river949fm 5108665858 SteveHynd 10/23/2009 5:29 PM @AdamSerwer Prof. Bailey, advisor to UN Police Div, Office of Peacekeeping: Kabul needs cops not troops 5108347216 zeykur_valekov 10/23/2009 5:14 PM Bugüne kadar ne "YALAN" haberler gördük biz, canin sagolsun TARAF, büyüklük hatayi kabul etmekte. YALAN haber yazmak yerine YANLIS yapin. 5108268969 Brilho_da_Lata 10/23/2009 5:10 PM Dia 28.10 no Kabul, João Alfredo, 500 Cidade Baixa - POA 5108097126 chucky129 10/23/2009 5:02 PM ayrıca davet ettim kabul et beni sinirlendirme :D hala 8 kişiyiz ama olsun re: 5108066112 U2_News 10/23/2009 5:01 PM @jaimearodriguez FM Kabul es propiedad del empresario que trajo a U2 a Arg en el popmart y en vertigo tour... 5108035386 zweitansage 10/23/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 5107935723 jaimearodriguez 10/23/2009 4:55 PM Argentina Rock station "Kabul FM" just told its listeners, they "KNOW as Fact" U2 will play South America in March. @atu2 5107818150 janewylen 10/23/2009 4:49 PM UK judges rule that Afghanistan is not a dangerous place. Thus, Afghan asylum-seekers may be returned to Kabul. 5107279922 LisaMirandoCNN 10/23/2009 4:25 PM So true! RT @davidclinchCNN Phrases only heard at CNN: "he's on the phone with Kabul...can you call back in 5 minutes?" #officeculture 5107244697 Ministrable 10/23/2009 4:23 PM Liked "feed baba -- bu feed e like verenin duası kabul olur, kısmeti açılır, borcu varsa borcundan kurtulur,..." 5107063574 davidclinchCNN 10/23/2009 4:15 PM Phrases only heard at CNN: "he's on the phone with Kabul...can you call back in 5 minutes?" #officeculture 5107033977 cemkurtaraner 10/23/2009 4:13 PM Ekseriyetle Google Wave davetiyesi kabul edilir. Fenni sünnetçi gibi bişey oldu :) 5106729463 zweitansage 10/23/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 5106609324 eccezione88 10/23/2009 3:54 PM eski defterleri açıp kndimi üzmenin ne anlamı var hiç işte saçmalık bi kabul edebilsem şunu iyice nerdeeeeeee... 5106544346 habernet 10/23/2009 3:51 PM Genelkurmay : Yaşananlar kabul edilemez ... 5106317559 AtlantaITJob 10/23/2009 3:41 PM Fiels Service Engineer - Afghanistan, CDS #Jobs #Tech #Kabul 5106258474 funkyfever 10/23/2009 3:38 PM Fangirl moment of the Lily Allen concert: she did Kabul Shit. (Although she probably mimed that one.) 5106233835 bolbol_gundem 10/23/2009 3:37 PM Eski eşi barışmayı kabul etmeyince kendini bıçakladı 5106056946 JustDa5oundGuy 10/23/2009 3:29 PM @donnamaerizando fremont aka freakmont aka little kabul. LOL 5105780135 omeradiyaman 10/23/2009 3:16 PM @serdarakinan bayrağımız oradaydı.. devlet yoktu..bir kurmay albay görevi kabul etti. binlerce mehmetçiğe destan yazdı.. bu kitabınıızın 5105557177 UNjobs_water 10/23/2009 3:06 PM Chief for Rural Development Programme, Kabul, DACAAR @UNjobs #jobs 5105556894 UNjobs_Gender 10/23/2009 3:06 PM Chief for Rural Development Programme, Kabul, DACAAR @UNjobs #jobs 5105472884 memyselff 10/23/2009 3:02 PM edebiyat atölyesine kabul edildim, yihuu. 5105419537 zweitansage 10/23/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 5105400746 TheHourNews 10/23/2009 2:59 PM Strong quake shakes Afghanistan: KABUL Associated PressA strong earthquake. . . 5105390464 SalBarguil 10/23/2009 2:58 PM Karzai wants "better" Afghan vote, vows "inclusivity": KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wan.. 5104969821 HeadlinesNewz 10/23/2009 2:39 PM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wanted.. 5104658879 serdalguzel 10/23/2009 2:25 PM @TSK "Yaşananlar kabul edilemez!" demiş... Bıktım ben bu laftan... O zaman ya gereğini yap ya da boşa horozlanıp moral bozma! 5104620818 LaceyF8si7G 10/23/2009 2:23 PM working my azz off in kabul Afghanistan.......R&R time coming soon... daughter is graduating and daddy cannot miss it..... 5104162544 bolbol_gundem 10/23/2009 2:03 PM Yaşananlar kabul edilemez 5104138362 mhanclk 10/23/2009 2:01 PM Dağdan PKKlı inmesi olayı tam bir rezalet. Noluyor, kurt inince öldüren milletimize noluyor da kurttan tehlikeli bu hayvanları kabul ediyor? 5104101873 stevenleedawson 10/23/2009 2:00 PM ALL of its not me its you, half of alright still, covers oh my god, naive & womanizer PLUS her b-tracks :| includin kabul shit <3 i may die. 5104092296 zweitansage 10/23/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 5103853397 televideorai 10/23/2009 1:49 PM [dal mondo] NATO APPROVA CAMBIO DI STRATEGIA A KABUL view.jsp?id=654142&p=150 5103772555 itu_sozluk 10/23/2009 1:45 PM emre aydın: eurovision teklifini kabul etmeyecektir ki kendisi defalarca eurovision'un ne kadar abuk subuk bir .. 5103770660 origamiamia 10/23/2009 1:45 PM @SemihBM kendine hayvanat bahçesinden bir hayvan seç! yoksa ben alibabanın çifliğinden öküzü kabul ederim :) 5103441282 UNjobs_Health 10/23/2009 1:30 PM Regional Program Development Officer, Kabul, IMC @UNjobs #jobs 5103433306 BreendaCaldas 10/23/2009 1:30 PM KABUL SHIT AO VIVOOO *-* /morre. 5103399539 BreendaCaldas 10/23/2009 1:28 PM RT @OhLilyDotCom Lily Allen changes up the setlist for new tour dates! Adds Kabul Shit, Naive and Knock Em Out! Full setlist to come! 5103168432 televideorai 10/23/2009 1:18 PM [ultim'ora] Kabul, Nato approva cambio di strategia view.jsp?id=913&p=101 5103099705 robsyep 10/23/2009 1:15 PM RT: @mush_boom KABUL SHIT AO VIVO!!!! CARALHO *-* Que vaca, ela tá 1 mes e 1 semana atrasada pra botar Kabul Shit na set list T_T 5102938840 DennisKamstra 10/23/2009 1:07 PM OMG! Knock Em Out, Naive EN Kabul Shit bij de nieuwe setlist. A-MA-ZING. Kan niet wachten op zondag! 5102917832 jessicafreitas_ 10/23/2009 1:06 PM RT @OhLilyDotCom Lily Allen changes up the setlist for new tour dates! Adds Kabul Shit, Naive and Knock Em Out! Full setlist to come! 5102904044 thaisaze 10/23/2009 1:06 PM RT @OhLilyDotCom Lily Allen changes up the setlist for new tour dates! Adds Kabul Shit, Naive and Knock Em Out! Full setlist to come! 5102885374 mush_boom 10/23/2009 1:05 PM KABUL SHIT AO VIVO!!!! CARALHO *-* Que vaca, ela tá 1 mes e 1 semana atrasada pra botar Kabul Shit na set list T_T 5102871299 mush_boom 10/23/2009 1:04 PM RT @OhLilyDotCom Lily Allen changes up the setlist for new tour dates! Adds Kabul Shit, Naive and Knock Em Out! Full setlist to come! 5102853708 OhLilyDotCom 10/23/2009 1:04 PM Lily Allen changes up the setlist for new tour dates! Adds Kabul Shit, Naive and Knock Em Out! Full setlist to come! 5102760894 zweitansage 10/23/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 5102733892 ayseozyilmazel 10/23/2009 12:58 PM An itibariyle selma semiz ovguleri kabul ediyo. Hepsini bileginin hakkiyla kazandi mi? Eveeeet! Selma semiz en iyisidir 5102709840 ayseozyilmazel 10/23/2009 12:57 PM Hele hele anteplim diye bi turku var ahmet hakan! Ozurleri kabul ediorum :) 5102494219 alex6468 10/23/2009 12:47 PM New post: The Bookseller of Kabul ( 5102489635 venkatananth 10/23/2009 12:47 PM Don't know how much of this can actually is true. Haqqanis on Pak's 'hit-list'? They need him to engineer attacks in Kabul 5102170114 stuerten 10/23/2009 12:33 PM DNS-Kabul prosjektet har auksjon til videre drift i morgen på Logen klokken 1330 kafe med underholdning fra 1230 5102151681 wrinklydragon 10/23/2009 12:32 PM Hi, am back for a mo. Waiting for @chamonixdiva and @xXmilkyxx for sleep over, had great day with my son who's back to Kabul on Tuesday.. 5101942981 muhendisiznet 10/23/2009 12:23 PM YARDIM!!!!! KABUL ÖRNEKLEMESİ: Yazar: ferhat3535Konu: YARDIM!!!!! KABUL ÖRNEKLEMESİTarih: 23/10/2009, 19:28 (.. 5101778485 KerwynSchroeder 10/23/2009 12:16 PM got an email offering me discounted airfare to Kabul....why the hell would I go there if I wasn't getting paid to go there? Damn spammers! 5101460392 SiljeUSteinsbu 10/23/2009 12:03 PM Auksjon for teateret i Kabul - Den Nationale Scene 5101385300 zweitansage 10/23/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 5101081466 DubaiMatchmaker 10/23/2009 11:46 AM Angelika Lancsak presents: KABUL / DUBAI / NYC: Beauty & brains: A rare combination! An eastern born & western 5100596531 AnantaRizky 10/23/2009 11:26 AM @elissarapp kmu aja yg ijab kabul... 5100581237 aslicelenk 10/23/2009 11:25 AM orta sondaki platonik askim facebook'ta arkadaslik istegi gondermis; kabul ettim. Icim pir pir... 5100153606 alkimerdonmez 10/23/2009 11:08 AM @afganaf maalesef teknik terimle bu bir galatimeshurdur, yani herkes tarafindan kabul goren hata, tdk da bu hataya kendini kaptirmistir. 5099957551 zweitansage 10/23/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 5099887301 Israel_News 10/23/2009 10:57 AM aawsat ME: Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL, (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid.. 5099809892 socialindex 10/23/2009 10:53 AM Seven killed in blast outside Indian embassy in Kabul - Reuters 5099769182 RobNeill 10/23/2009 10:52 AM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) – Afghanistan’s Hamid Karzai sa.. 5099586429 TheBanian 10/23/2009 10:44 AM Manmohan half-asleep, mishears report on election problems in Afghanistan, sends shipment of viagra, gets stiff reaction from Kabul... #fb 5099509362 UNjobs 10/23/2009 10:41 AM Medical Director, Kabul #jobs 5099218695 kandanadam 10/23/2009 10:29 AM benim süper bi insan olduğumu kabul edenlerle aramda sürpriz bir ilişki olacak. ama sorgusuz sualsiz. 5099179367 mustafaat 10/23/2009 10:28 AM Gerçekten şaşırdım. ABD güdümünde olmadığınız zaman, size dayatılanı kabul etmediğiniz zaman yüzlerce kez daha... re: 5099054613 kandanadam 10/23/2009 10:22 AM taraf, lütfen yaptığın mallığı kabul et. gereksiz lölö yapma. (aha taraf'a saldırdım) 5098507374 zweitansage 10/23/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 5098506838 fatihserdaroglu 10/23/2009 10:00 AM @cuneytozdemir cüneyt bey o ortamın içine dövme kitabının yazarını da kabul edermisiniz? 5098445285 Retourkutsche 10/23/2009 9:57 AM Afghan show goes for the laughs - by Laura King reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan 5098442265 ingressocerto 10/23/2009 9:57 AM Djs Bernardo Malta, Tucho, Marko Kabul, MC Cidinho e muito mais amanhã no Cais! 5098139913 A_MANNY 10/23/2009 9:44 AM RT @UNjobs: Nurse, Kabul #jobs 5098122477 UNjobs 10/23/2009 9:43 AM Nurse, Kabul #jobs 5098106952 latimesworld 10/23/2009 9:42 AM Afghan show goes for the laughs - by Laura King reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan 5097917691 sceptre95 10/23/2009 9:34 AM Kabul Gets a Spy Cam Network of Its Own | Danger Room | 5097876695 hurriyetavrupa 10/23/2009 9:32 AM gundem - Belediyeyi temizlemediler: Almanya'da yüzde 8,7 zam taleplerinin kabul görmemesi üzerine greve.. 5097870547 hurriyetavrupa 10/23/2009 9:32 AM Belediyeyi temizlemediler: Almanya'da yüzde 8,7 zam taleplerinin kabul görmemesi üzerine greve başlayan temizli.. 5097802007 SdGpeople 10/23/2009 9:29 AM Spaventoso rogo di munnezza e copertoni con esplosioni sull'Asse Mediano. Sembrava Kabul -... 5097570018 midimechanics 10/23/2009 9:19 AM "Outside the #KABUL bubble", two westerners LIVING IN #KANDAHAR for 18 months: #afghanistan #pashtuns #war 5097483071 yucelfakioglu 10/23/2009 9:15 AM @gozguz bunu seven bunu da sevdi: Yaz. (Tamam kabul ediyorum sıcak su önemli ama olsun) 5097446998 ismailimail 10/23/2009 9:13 AM Audio | The most peaceful place in Kabul: 5097256392 amandiyimha 10/23/2009 9:04 AM bide shop ile kendini oldugundan zayıf gösterme cıktı su sıralar.insan neden kendini oldugu gibi kabul etmez ki,insanları yanıltmak? 5097169380 fresh_squeezed 10/23/2009 9:00 AM Adam Curtis blog - KABUL - CITY NUMBER ONE (3 parts) - most engaging history/journalism I've read in a long time. 5097148739 zweitansage 10/23/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 5097107883 downwithtyranny 10/23/2009 8:58 AM Touting the luxurious Serena Hotel, the NY Times implied Kabul was safe for tourists. The hotel was blown up. 5097080348 aufgetaucht 10/23/2009 8:56 AM 14 Uhr, Kabul, die Frisur hält. 5097073540 RuletaOnline 10/23/2009 8:56 AM Karzai dice quiere un "mejor" proceso de balotaje en Afganistán: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - El mandatario de A.. 5097069100 Israel_News 10/23/2009 8:56 AM aawsat ME: Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL, (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid.. 5097034078 MelkorArkin 10/23/2009 8:54 AM @Sycorox ahahah kabul et beceremediğini Sycocan:) 5096870913 halilindefteri 10/23/2009 8:46 AM bazı şeyleri istemesen de yaşarsın ya..işte istemeden yaşadığım her şeyi aslında yaşamam gereken şeyler olarak kabul ettim=kader 5096767853 simuzer 10/23/2009 8:41 AM CENAB-I ALLAH'a (c.c), KABUL EDİLECEĞİNE KESİN OLARAK İNANMIŞ BİR KALPLE DUA EDİN!... [Tirmizî] 5096398089 camarafabio 10/23/2009 8:23 AM Ontem, baladinha no Kabul. Cerveja gelada e companhia de amigos. Muito bom! 5096337578 thataaz 10/23/2009 8:20 AM Listening to: Lily Allen - Kabul Shit [Japanese Version] 5096307581 sacredbird 10/23/2009 8:18 AM can't you hear the theme song playing as they land in kabul? 5096278728 texasps 10/23/2009 8:17 AM RT @soldiersangels Max Boot writes from Kabul about COIN success in Helmand: "The key to success in Nawa #tcot #military 5096182374 bolbol_dunya 10/23/2009 8:12 AM Rusya, UAEK’nın İran ile ilgili önerilerini kabul etti 5096140201 selimcan34 10/23/2009 8:10 AM TSK: Yaşananlar kabul edilemez 5096132842 AllNewsSources 10/23/2009 8:09 AM REUTERS: Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai sai 5096003015 headlinenews 10/23/2009 8:02 AM Reuters: Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karz.. 5095944133 zweitansage 10/23/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 5095852646 aliyerona 10/23/2009 7:54 AM @fecristan Ortakoyde daha sevimli konular konusmak uzere bunu br teklif olarak kabul ediyrm :) 5095581747 buybooksonline1 10/23/2009 7:39 AM [REUTERS]: Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid .. 5095575002 wtp2010 10/23/2009 7:39 AM #wtp2010 #irf01 irf01: Kerry's Successful Mission to Kabul #irf #political news 5095554493 wcompanyportal 10/23/2009 7:38 AM [REUTERS]: Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid .. 5095441516 ReutersNews 10/23/2009 7:31 AM Reuters: Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karz.. 5095352296 AZNLoverdotcom 10/23/2009 7:26 AM Strong earthquake rocks Afghanistan: A strong earthquake rumbled deep beneath mountainous regions northeast of Kabul 5095292740 LitaLena 10/23/2009 7:22 AM Kabul Shit 5095039875 Quilldancer 10/23/2009 7:07 AM Kabul 24 by Henry O. Arnold & Ben Pearson: August 2001, Kabul, Afghanistan: Eight relief workers from Shelter N.. 5094922694 zweitansage 10/23/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 5094897145 fingertipnews2 10/23/2009 6:58 AM UPI-Top News: Afghan runoff supplies being distributed: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 23 (UPI) -- Elect.. 5094782994 ibrahimkocyigit 10/23/2009 6:50 AM Parreira yeniden Güney Afrika'yı çalıştırmaya başlayabilir. Teklifi kabul ederse, 2010, teknik direktör olarak altıncı Dünya Kupası olacak. 5094699554 NurcanUnar 10/23/2009 6:45 AM Yiğit'i ikna etmeye çalıştı tüm gün ama olmadı..sonunda yiğit dayanamadı kabul etti :)) 5094571716 gilmuni 10/23/2009 6:36 AM I am trying to get in touch with Michael hayes in Kabul. Is he still there? 5094518453 yi6i7 10/23/2009 6:32 AM TSK kalkmış "Yaşananlar Kabul Edilemez" diyor..Kusura bakmasınlar ama ütülenmiş pantolonun davası olmaz artık.. 5094444523 Klaravanzuijdam 10/23/2009 6:27 AM RT @kaatmossel: zoek sponsors die gezamenlijk €18000 op jaarbasis voor komende 5 jr gaan realiseren voor #vrouwenhuis @twitveiling #kabul 5094430637 Klaravanzuijdam 10/23/2009 6:26 AM Laat maar eens horen #kaatdoel!@kaatmossel Iksluitmeaanbij @zsonja kan je meer vertellen: wat / waar / hoe ? @kaatmossel #vrouwenhuis #kabul 5094330597 kaatmossel 10/23/2009 6:19 AM haha, #kaatdoel ipv #kabul... die zag ik ineens 5094214630 urbangenie 10/23/2009 6:10 AM rt @moleitau Totally Engrossed by Adam Curtis Blog: KABUL: CITY NUMBER ONE (continued) 5094066842 zweitansage 10/23/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 5094044797 mg_politics 10/23/2009 5:58 AM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wants .. 5093942940 rizgari_online 10/23/2009 5:50 AM Başkan Barzani, ABD’nin üst düzey heyetini kabul etti 5093921305 Tcherina 10/23/2009 5:48 AM TSK 19 Ekim günü ve sonrasında yaşanan olayların kabul edilemez olduğunu açıkladı. 5093872690 gunderstone 10/23/2009 5:44 AM NH Register - News Mountain-centered earthquake rattles 2 nations: KABUL (AP) — A stron.. 5093794401 65cekic 10/23/2009 5:38 AM TSK: Yasananlar kabul edilemez 5093790597 gulumdagli 10/23/2009 5:37 AM @MuratAykul şimdi sizin en kötünüz benim en iyimdir, kabul. ama 150 yıl sonra tekrar görüşelim :) 5093755003 NYNewsOverview 10/23/2009 5:34 AM New York Fraud can’t be ruled out at Afghanistan’s run-off elections – Kabul, Oct... 5093671835 tomafg 10/23/2009 5:28 AM Protests in east and now today in Kabul about ISAF burning the Qu'ran in Wardak. Wonder how that rumour spread. 5093670914 NewsMashup 10/23/2009 5:27 AM Reuters: Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karz.. 5093650386 haberbiz 10/23/2009 5:26 AM Yeni haber, "Kabul edilemez!" - 5093602983 BookmarkingNet 10/23/2009 5:22 AM News Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said .. 5093516741 UNjobs_Security 10/23/2009 5:14 AM Security Responsible, Kabul, AMI @UNjobs #jobs 5093516621 UNjobs_Health 10/23/2009 5:14 AM Security Responsible, Kabul, AMI @UNjobs #jobs 5093504306 dehliiiz 10/23/2009 5:13 AM sonunda TSK den bir açıklama çıktı '' Yaşananları kabul etmemiz mümkün değil!'' çok şükür... 5093335863 ntvmsnbc 10/23/2009 4:59 AM Genelkurmay: Kabul edilemez!: Genelkurmay, PKK'lıların teslim olmalarıyla ilgili ilk kez açıklama yaptı. Karşıl.. 5093321386 Don_Scott 10/23/2009 4:57 AM #topstories Karzai says wants ''better'' Afghan election run-off (source: Reuters): KABUL (Reuters) .. 5093273248 dkwdba 10/23/2009 4:53 AM Karzai says wants ''better'' Afghan election run-off (source: Reuters): KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid K.. 5093223662 dreamerika 10/23/2009 4:48 AM Nude Parties, Hazing Compromising Security at Embassy in Kabul 5093030359 jeffersonjeffer 10/23/2009 4:31 AM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off - KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wants a b... 5093030421 ianingersoll321 10/23/2009 4:31 AM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off - KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wants a b... 5093030240 lennylancaster 10/23/2009 4:31 AM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off - KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wants a b... 5093030291 kevinkalamanca 10/23/2009 4:31 AM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off - KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wants a b... 5092996691 EurActivTR 10/23/2009 4:28 AM Genelkurmay’dan PKK-DTP şovuna sert tepki: Yaşananlar kabul edilemez!: AB ve TürkiyeGenelkurmay Başkanlığı Gene.. 5092915761 SmittysWeb 10/23/2009 4:21 AM KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wants a better and cleaner presidential election run-off i.. 5092906455 ensonhaber 10/23/2009 4:20 AM TSK’dan PKK’lılarla ilgili İLK AÇIKLAMA: TSK: Yaşananların kabul edilmesi mümkün değil!Kaynak 5092895666 tikkyman 10/23/2009 4:19 AM Sevgi kişiye sunulan bir armağandır. Kabul edilmesi yada geri çevrilmesi önemli değildir. Önemli olan sevginin... 5092806603 draenews 10/23/2009 4:10 AM Megite Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai.. 5092742254 reuterswire 10/23/2009 4:04 AM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wants a bett... 5092739658 milliyetcomtr 10/23/2009 4:04 AM TSK: 'Yaşananlar kabul edilemez' 5092704356 CarmenGentile 10/23/2009 4:01 AM The Steelers-Browns game is inexplicably on TV at my hotel in Kabul. I feel like it's my birthday. All I need are some hot wings. 5092700613 bolbol_siyaset 10/23/2009 4:01 AM TSK: 'Yaşananlar kabul edilemez' 5092684550 zweitansage 10/23/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 5092668060 fingertipnews2 10/23/2009 3:58 AM Reuters Int'l: Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan'.. 5092635669 jahabarsadiq 10/23/2009 3:55 AM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wants .. 5092607438 ahmad_ladhani 10/23/2009 3:52 AM The most peaceful place in Kabul......| 5092603037 tweettools4U 10/23/2009 3:52 AM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid .. #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 5092575854 reuterskl 10/23/2009 3:49 AM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wants .. 5092538685 BssNews 10/23/2009 3:46 AM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wants .. 5092434091 HeadlinesNewz 10/23/2009 3:36 AM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wants .. 5092420449 dave13100 10/23/2009 3:35 AM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wants .. 5092419557 habercimurat 10/23/2009 3:35 AM Genel Kurmay: ''19 Ekim günü ve müteakip günlerde yaşanan olayların (PKK'nın dağdan inmesi) hiçbir şekilde kabul edilmesi mümkün değildir'' 5092418780 bolbol_gundem 10/23/2009 3:35 AM Genelkurmay: "Kabul edilemez!" 5092416946 akifozkaya 10/23/2009 3:35 AM TSK'dan "dağdan inme" açıklaması: "Yaşananların kabul edilmesi mümkün değil" 5092402567 GlobalTechNews 10/23/2009 3:33 AM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wants .. 5092402093 reuterstop 10/23/2009 3:33 AM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wants .. 5092391277 webtipsfree 10/23/2009 3:32 AM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wants .. 5092364306 newsfeeding 10/23/2009 3:30 AM Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai said he wants .. 5092360971 DustinMooney 10/23/2009 3:30 AM Check this video out -- Keeping An Eye On Kabul 5092279939 urmilarachmita 10/23/2009 3:22 AM keinginan gua bakalan ke kabul gak iya? haha 5092119815 nufari 10/23/2009 3:07 AM @arimimy asik deh arimy besok ijab kabul HAHAHAHHAHA, ih jorok sia mah 5092058558 uppaljs 10/23/2009 3:01 AM bored in #kabul , thinking of going to Qargha 5092038437 zweitansage 10/23/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 5091854633 leocavallini 10/23/2009 2:42 AM keyword posting: domingo 25/out 18h "R$ 10" kabul "pedro taques, 124" "metrô consolação" leo foto expo + atrações 5091756267 mzrbkh 10/23/2009 2:33 AM your kabul isn't neccesary at all. 5091735381 EurActivTR 10/23/2009 2:31 AM Bağış: Erener ile Demirkan AB gönüllü elçileri olmayı kabul ettiler: Kültür ve Sanat Egemen Bağış, sanatçılar S.. 5091454541 xlfth 10/23/2009 2:06 AM Dualarımız kabul, günahlarımız af olsun cümle din kardeşimizin Cuması mübarek olsun. 5091371510 zweitansage 10/23/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 5091345673 riantyrusmalia 10/23/2009 1:57 AM @mamorabasaria oow jd bulan depan nih nikahnya tante?!pgn cepet2 ijab kabul yak? =) 5091217461 THELARRICOTTON 10/23/2009 1:46 AM (in samuel l. jackson voice)I WAS IN AN EARTHQUAKE LAST NIGHT NIGGA...A FUCKIN EARTHQUAKE IN KABUL CHECK CNN....YES THEY DESERVE TO DIE!!! 5091113826 Afghanculture 10/23/2009 1:37 AM Ghazni Afghanistan, Ghazni city Afghanistan: Ghazni Province is a main stratigic city to the capital Kabul with.. 5090975343 timothythompson 10/23/2009 1:26 AM @Mirza9 The TB governor of Bamyan in 2001 was assassinated in Kabul in 2007. Buddha's revenge. 5090716763 aIdarion 10/23/2009 1:05 AM @YigitDemirag içme konusunda da sen eger dersen ben sizle icmek istiom die kabul icmem ama ecemle icicem demistin bi kere o acidan beklioz:) 5090527388 wanderinghew 10/23/2009 12:51 AM Have I mentioned how much I love offices/libraries with windows. 8.5 years working in the dark has made me grateful--even when in Kabul. 5090339815 TheBuGz 10/23/2009 12:37 AM Earthquake Hits Afghanistan and Pakistan: (KABUL) — A strong earthquake centered in the towering Hindu Kush mou.. 5090975343 timothythompson 10/23/2009 1:26 AM @Mirza9 The TB governor of Bamyan in 2001 was assassinated in Kabul in 2007. Buddha's revenge. 5090716763 aIdarion 10/23/2009 1:05 AM @YigitDemirag içme konusunda da sen eger dersen ben sizle icmek istiom die kabul icmem ama ecemle icicem demistin bi kere o acidan beklioz:) 5090527388 wanderinghew 10/23/2009 12:51 AM Have I mentioned how much I love offices/libraries with windows. 8.5 years working in the dark has made me grateful--even when in Kabul. 5090339815 TheBuGz 10/23/2009 12:37 AM Earthquake Hits Afghanistan and Pakistan: (KABUL) — A strong earthquake centered in the towering Hindu Kush mou.. 5089916549 spafm 10/23/2009 12:07 AM ^^Kurier Die Erde bebte in Afghanistan und Pakistan: Ein starkes Erdbeben war sowohl in Kabul .. ^^Kurier 5089871890 mg_politics 10/23/2009 12:04 AM Afghan Ballots Go Out, by Air and Donkey: KABUL -- Afghan authorities and the United Nations, supported by U.S... 5089790857 edumazza 10/22/2009 11:59 PM show incrivel com os @malkovich_ no Kabul! Se voce nao tava la, perdeu uma sonzeira... 5089766248 rpo_topnews 10/22/2009 11:57 PM In Kabul schwankten die Häuser - Starkes Beben erschüttert den Hindukusch 5089742326 KURIERat 10/22/2009 11:56 PM Die Erde bebte in Afghanistan und Pakistan: Ein starkes Erdbeben war sowohl in Kabul als auch in Islamabad zu s.. 5089679743 KURIERat 10/22/2009 11:52 PM Die Erde bebte in Afghanistan und Pakistan: Ein starkes Erdbeben war sowohl in Kabul als auc.. 5089512527 kurier_at 10/22/2009 11:41 PM Die Erde bebte in Afghanistan und Pakistan- Ein starkes Erdbeben war sowohl in Kabul als auch in Islamabad zu spür... 5089000724 Martin_Kramer 10/22/2009 11:10 PM Kerry in Kabul by Marty Peretz 5088496373 Opyd 10/22/2009 10:43 PM Friend just told me that it was a 6.2 near Feyzabad, which is north of Kabul. Fun times... 5088477640 barmencrapwell 10/22/2009 10:42 PM Kabul was a planned American here 5088441443 NaheedMustafa 10/22/2009 10:40 PM - Oven maker in Kabul. 5088088197 usinpac 10/22/2009 10:24 PM A major earthquake hits Hindu Kush region of AfPak and is felt as far afield as Kabul and Islamabad 5088051189 RiWrites 10/22/2009 10:22 PM @VeneNadia28 I'm ready for the weekend. Is Kabul in Winter a novel or nonfiction? Let me know if it's any good. 5087888043 VeneNadia28 10/22/2009 10:14 PM @RiWrites I do not either. Tomorrow is Friday and I am so glad! I bought "Kabul in Winter" today which I have been wanting to read. :-) 5087655207 todayoffers 10/22/2009 10:03 PM KKK, Kerry, Karzai, Kabul, no Clinton? - 5087149430 newsbulletin 10/22/2009 9:42 PM CNN: A strong earthquake rumbled deep beneath mountainous regions northeast of Kabul early Friday, waking r.. 5086981206 kHat43 10/22/2009 9:34 PM I don't make much compared to Matthews, but I'd be more than happy to pay for his ticket to Kabul to test his theory. 5086810061 Ahyhabiby 10/22/2009 9:27 PM KABUL ( - Produksi opium di Afghanistan selama 10 tahun terakhir ini telah mencapai angka 6.900 to.. 5086663903 bharatanatyam0 10/22/2009 9:21 PM Sent a response to his article on Narthaki and received an angry reply from Prasanna Kasthuri. He is going to Kabul to teach Bharatanatyam ! 5086446105 Umyrina 10/22/2009 9:13 PM Produksi Opium Meningkat Seiring Dengan Hadirnya Pasukan Asing Di Afghanistan: KABUL ( - Produksi .. 5086444211 arrahmah 10/22/2009 9:12 PM Produksi Opium Meningkat Seiring Dengan Hadirnya Pasukan Asing Di Afghanistan - Berita: KABUL ( - .. 5086158069 mg_politics 10/22/2009 9:00 PM Election officials deliver Afghan runoff ballots: KABUL -Election authorities began delivering ballots with U.N.. 5085361399 happyjamz 10/22/2009 8:26 PM KKK, Kerry, Karzai, Kabul, no Clinton? | - 5085298614 WRS 10/22/2009 8:23 PM WRS: The most peaceful place in Kabul 5084823178 playwright000 10/22/2009 8:03 PM Magnitude 6.2 Quake Strikes Afghanistan, Pakistan: Kabul, Afghanistan (AHN) - An earthquake measuring 6.2 magni.. 5084626091 BVeenbaas 10/22/2009 7:54 PM I've been reading: Third Culture Kids, Eye of the World, Thunderbolt Kid, Bookseller of Kabul, all at the same time. Slightly confusing. 5084559567 wagSouza_ 10/22/2009 7:51 PM espero que @leticia_mz não tenha se esquecido que tem kabul no sabadabado... 5083682709 GulenayB 10/22/2009 7:14 PM @MuratAykul valla, beni üye kabul etmeyen hatta daha ileri gidip şöyle söyleyeyim, benim üye olmayacağım hiçbir kulübe hayran olmam murat... 5083670784 chumagri 10/22/2009 7:13 PM Kabul ae galera? 5083609921 draenews 10/22/2009 7:11 PM Megite Security big worry as Afghans gear up for run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan will hardly hav.. 5083533448 AndreaVella 10/22/2009 7:07 PM Googled "Kabul Quake" (LY iphone) & it was a 6.1 Emailed @johntaylorish & he was indeed, okay. i did this in the aisles of ValueVillage. 5082926811 BrianGansereit 10/22/2009 6:41 PM Video: Kabul Gets a Spy Cam Network of Its Own 5082760214 BCBreakingNews 10/22/2009 6:34 PM Security big worry as Afghans gear up for run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan will hardly have enough time t.. 5082756964 vancouverview 10/22/2009 6:34 PM Security big worry as Afghans gear up for run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan will hardly have enough time t.. 5082213644 RDhani 10/22/2009 6:10 PM Aku bahkan udah di TKP. RT @FarisNP: Jujur, jam brp se ijab kabul d islamic ? @xhelmix @rdhani 5082045503 news_portugal 10/22/2009 6:02 PM #expresso Afeganistão: Sismo de magnitude 6,2 na zona fronteiriça com o Paquistão: Kabul, 22 Out (Lusa.. 5081712868 news_portugal 10/22/2009 5:48 PM #antena1 Sismo de magnitude 6,2 na zona fronteiriça com o Paquistão: Kabul, 22 Out (Lusa) - Um.. 5081651076 e_yazar 10/22/2009 5:45 PM dedim ya arkadaş olarak kendimce kabul ettiğim birkaç kişi ile takılmaya devam edeceğim şimdilik. 5081614417 rudturner 10/22/2009 5:44 PM 6.1 Magnitude Quake Rocks Afghanistan 5081463141 StopWorld 10/22/2009 5:37 PM Strong earthquake strikes Afghanistan and Pakistan- KABUL — A strong earthquake centered in the towering H... 5081289353 SkyNewsTopStory 10/22/2009 5:30 PM Earthquake rocks Afghanistan city Kabul: A strong 6. 5081209206 akgunozsoy 10/22/2009 5:26 PM @pancreator haklı bir savaş için gerekirse ölünür. sevri kabul etseydik, kurtuluş savaşına atılmasaydık kansız bir "çözüm" olacaktı! 5081116881 parizot 10/22/2009 5:22 PM 60 seconds! RT @RAGreeneCNN:Long, strong earthquake shakes Kabul -CNN friends of mine who lived in California startled at how long it lasted 5081070345 FarisNP 10/22/2009 5:20 PM Jujur, jam brp se ijab kabul d islamic ? @xhelmix @rdhani 5081003580 bloodine 10/22/2009 5:18 PM bu odtü öğrencilerin ingilizce bildiğini ne zaman kabul edecek? lanet 101 :! 5080908424 headlinenews 10/22/2009 5:14 PM AFP: 6.2-magnitude quake hits Afghanistan, Pakistan border: USGS: KABUL (AFP) - A strong 6.2-magnitude eart.. 5080783100 bestanzon 10/22/2009 5:08 PM Terremoto in Afghanistan di magnitudo 6.2 a 167 miglia a nodest di Kabul: 5080632341 legal_herald 10/22/2009 5:02 PM Obama consults Kabul ambassador - AFP 5080489667 fingertipnews2 10/22/2009 4:55 PM AP: Strong earthquake strikes Afghanistan and Pakistan: KABUL (AP) -- A strong earthquake centered in the to.. 5080448431 RuletaOnline 10/22/2009 4:54 PM Afganos se preparan para 2da vuelta, seguridad gran preocupación: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - Afganistán difíci.. 5080439629 MilitaryFamU 10/22/2009 4:53 PM RT @soldiersangels Max Boot writes from Kabul about COIN success in Helmand: "The key to success in Nawa..." 5080382777 toshihikoizutsu 10/22/2009 4:51 PM @cuneytozdemir genellemeyi eleştiren adamın, genelleme yapması ne kadar kabul edilebilir acaba? 5080288789 NewsTitan 10/22/2009 4:47 PM [NYTIMES] Strong Earthquake Strikes Afghanistan and Pakistan: KABUL (AP) -- A strong earthqu.. [NYTIMES] 5080260766 dagens_nyheter 10/22/2009 4:46 PM NK: Kabul darrade till vid jordskalv 5080192832 660KSKYDFW 10/22/2009 4:43 PM Kerry's Successful Mission to Kabul: Fred Kaplan, SlateRichard Holbrooke Sen. John Kerry's .. #660ksky #tcot 5080130636 hazalaltun 10/22/2009 4:40 PM @tugceorguc hiç mazeret kabul etmez behlül 5080084080 HTGazete 10/22/2009 4:38 PM Seçimler 4 yılda bir yapılacak: Kanun teklifi TBMM Genel Kurulunda kabul edildi 5080028701 akifozkaya 10/22/2009 4:35 PM Seçimler 4 yılda bir yapılacak: Kanun teklifi TBMM Genel Kurulunda kabul edildi 5079960426 LJZumpano 10/22/2009 4:32 PM RT @imrananwar: A strong earthquake shakes buildings in Kabul #Afghanistan, Islamabad #Pakistan. Preliminary magnitude of 6.1 #tcot #tbrs 5079937049 keewatinrose 10/22/2009 4:31 PM RT @iDeskCNN:CNN Kabul and CNN Islamabad teams checking on the Earthquake - hard to get reports from remote areas in Afghanistan + Pakistan 5079899270 sachinbee 10/22/2009 4:30 PM earthquake tonight....i did not feel it tho...but it was bad in Kabul, 6.1 !! 5079871738 asoutherndude 10/22/2009 4:28 PM Making preparations to go to kabul next week. 5079852719 wheatlandmissio 10/22/2009 4:28 PM Ben Pearson, director of Kabul 24, will be speaking at 8th Day tonight at 7 PM. 5079841617 bostonherald 10/22/2009 4:27 PM Election officials deliver Afghan runoff ballots: KABUL - Election authorities began delivering ballots with U.N. ass... 5079820558 ssg37 10/22/2009 4:26 PM kabul ediyorum,kötü espri ama.... 5079820558 ssg37 10/22/2009 4:26 PM kabul ediyorum,kötü espri ama.... 5079768292 businari 10/22/2009 4:24 PM RT: @imrananwar: Strong 6.1 earthquake shakes buildings in Kabul #Afghanistan, Islamabad #Pakistan. Worse than political tremors coming ther 5079720377 MuratAykul 10/22/2009 4:21 PM @SevimGozay Groucho Marx'ı dinleyip, "Kendini üyeliğe kabul eden hiçbir kulübe üye olmaya tenezzül etmese" insan, bunlar gelmez başına. :) 5079672975 DenizUstundag 10/22/2009 4:19 PM yarın projelerimi kabul etmeyen muşterileri deniz nezlesi bulsturmakla tehtid edicem ki domuz nezlesinden on kaplan daha guclu benimki. 5079649581 tgsv 10/22/2009 4:18 PM Wondering if there will be aftershocks. 6.2 The epicenter was 122 miles deep and 165 miles North of Kabul. : 5079572151 ronce 10/22/2009 4:15 PM JK All The Way. Fred Kaplan on Kerry's shuttle diplomacy in Kabul. 5079532839 imrananwar 10/22/2009 4:13 PM Strong 6.1 earthquake shakes buildings in Kabul #Afghanistan, Islamabad #Pakistan. Worse than political tremors coming there. 5079483290 barralicious 10/22/2009 4:11 PM Strong earthquake strikes Afghanistan and Pakistan: KABUL (AP) -- A strong earthquake centered in the towering .. 5079412588 nrc_nieuws 10/22/2009 4:08 PM Aardbeving in Afghanistan en Pakistan : Kabul, 22 okt. Een zware aardbeving, van 6.1 op de schaal van Richter.. 5079395836 RAGreeneCNN 10/22/2009 4:07 PM Long, strong earthquake shakes Kabul - CNN friends of mine who lived in California startled at how long it lasted. Watch this space. 5079376849 pakbot 10/22/2009 4:06 PM A strong earthquake shakes buildings in Kabul #Afghanistan, Islamabad #Pakistan. Preliminary magnitud.. #PakPoint 5079308371 playwright000 10/22/2009 4:03 PM Strong earthquake strikes Afghanistan and Pakistan: KABUL — A strong earthquake has shaken buildings in Afghani.. 5079201308 ErsinDuzen 10/22/2009 3:58 PM laudrup atletico madrid'in teklifini kabul etmedi. şu an şu dakika roma'nın eski hocası spaletti ile görüşüyorlar. 5071227997 wcompanyportal 10/22/2009 10:09 AM [REUTERS]: Security big worry as Afghans gear up for run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan will hard.. 5071176205 burcininanozel 10/22/2009 10:07 AM @irmakunal bugün iltifatları kabul ediyorum. 5071172341 mattaikins 10/22/2009 10:06 AM Have all the barriers and barbed wire actually made Kabul a more dangerous place? 5071007059 zweitansage 10/22/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 5070899243 ValClifton 10/22/2009 9:55 AM RT @KelseySeybold: Day 2 in Afghanistan: @ksc_DrDickinson reports from Cure International Hospital in Kabul. 5070880764 kelseyseybold 10/22/2009 9:54 AM Day 2 in Afghanistan: @ksc_DrDickinson reports from Cure International Hospital in Kabul. 5070879522 sayninja 10/22/2009 9:54 AM we had dinner tonight with a guy who served in the balkans war, iraq and afghanistan. and currently does "security" in kabul. AWESTRUCK. 5070751355 bostonherald 10/22/2009 9:48 AM Afghan official says military aircraft crashes: KABUL - A senior Afghan intelligence official says a military aircra... 5070325189 icdfreelance 10/22/2009 9:29 AM NATO aircraft crashes in N Afghanistan: KABUL, Oct. 22 (Xinhua) -- A NATO-led forces aircraft crashed on mounta.. 5070023535 News3ThisAM 10/22/2009 9:15 AM KABUL (AP) - Afghan official says military helicopter crashes into northern mountains. 5069850050 uniemk 10/22/2009 9:07 AM @janchip - when are you in AFG until? Specifically Kabul? 5069685131 zweitansage 10/22/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 5069598191 WSILNews 10/22/2009 8:55 AM KABUL (AP) - Afghan official says military helicopter crashes into northern mountains. 5069575941 DurhamTowing 10/22/2009 8:54 AM 3 US soldiers killed in roadside bombings in Afghanistan: KABUL, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) -- Two roadside bombings in e.. 5069428426 newsblogsnepal 10/22/2009 8:47 AM TheHimalayanTimes- Afghan runoff ballots delivered: KABUL: Election authorities began deliver.. 5069411383 newsblogsnepal 10/22/2009 8:46 AM Afghan runoff ballots delivered - TheHimalayanTimes: KABUL: Election authorities began delivering ballots with .. 5069381477 zey0zey 10/22/2009 8:45 AM sevgilim şuanda benim onu daha çok sevdiğimi kabul etseydi onda ağz burun bırakmzdm.takdr ettm sni sevgili =) 5068894737 TransAlchemy2 10/22/2009 8:20 AM Afghan Runoff: Corrupt Officials Fires, Ballots Delivered As Nation Rushes To Prepare: KABUL — Election a.. 5068887463 CNFA 10/22/2009 8:20 AM Learn about how CNFA training brought safe pesticide use to farmers in Kabul, Afghanistan: 5068698527 abscbnnewsbrk 10/22/2009 8:10 AM Afghan contender mulls run-off boycott: KABUL - An anti-corruption campaigner who came third in Afghanistan's e.. 5068563710 Tvangfrid 10/22/2009 8:03 AM What is needed is a fresh and more able mind in Kabul. 5068493364 zweitansage 10/22/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 5068415704 fingertipnews2 10/22/2009 7:55 AM AP: Election officials deliver Afghan runoff ballots: KABUL (AP) -- Election authorities began delivering ba.. 5068391766 melakcan 10/22/2009 7:54 AM Valla MP'nin yaptigi sunum kabul edilirse orasi yi-ki-la-caaak! :))) 5068125465 fecristan 10/22/2009 7:39 AM bu makale bitmeyecek gibi bu gidişle :) ağlanacak halim var kabul :) 5068108573 muzlimz 10/22/2009 7:38 AM ‘Credible’ Afghan Run-off Doubtful: Analysts: KABUL – As Afghanistan is gearing up for an election run-off next.. 5068073267 joaq_guerreiro 10/22/2009 7:36 AM Great photos from Kabul 5067865721 janewylen 10/22/2009 7:24 AM Martine Aubry says, "A disgrace." UK-chartered plane takes 24 Afghans from the UK & 3 from France back to Kabul. 5067734314 Dizzedcom 10/22/2009 7:15 AM Election officials deliver Afghan runoff ballots: KABUL (AP) -- Election authorities in Afghanistan began deliv.. 5067473691 wrinklydragon 10/22/2009 6:59 AM @exsanguinator Hi, yep am ok, of to see Joe Pasqu (er wots his name) tonight in Dudley, Yr bro here tomorrow, off back to Kabul nxt wk.. 5067412446 fingertipnews2 10/22/2009 6:55 AM AP: Election officials deliver Afghan runoff ballots: KABUL (AP) -- Election authorities in Afghanistan bega.. 5067392226 Rufiwagshistail 10/22/2009 6:54 AM One of the Afghan's repatriated to Kabul intvwd in French paper: 22yrs, lorry driver from Peshawar,wasn't seeking exile in France but UK... 5067323367 Kawdess 10/22/2009 6:49 AM I have to admit this 1977 photo of Kabul confuzzled me Wonder Lovely, tho. Source: 5067321064 aykun_ 10/22/2009 6:49 AM hesabımı kapatmak için şifremi soruyo hergün sisteme girdiğim şifreyi yanlış diye kabul etmiyo.uff.biri bana nasıl ffi kapatıcağımı söylese 5066969830 arzugoger 10/22/2009 6:25 AM annemi özledim niyeyse:-( tesellsine ihtiyacm var...gözüm mailde of ya vermdi hala var sanki kabul etse randvu verse çokmu zor:-( 5066721805 in_asia 10/22/2009 6:07 AM (AP) KABUL (AP) - The United Nations began delivering ballots and voting kits across Afghanistan on Thursday, a.. 5066712862 febriss 10/22/2009 6:06 AM seni şu halinde ölü kabul ederim ve bir ölüden de asla namelanmaya çalışmam ben . ahlakım böyle yapılacak bişey yok 5066623749 zweitansage 10/22/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 5058195911 saucer 10/21/2009 8:38 PM heading over to kabul in sunnyvale - dinner with @microtherion. wipeout of a day… really looking forward to some talk and tasty food. 5045104369 pmateus 10/21/2009 9:35 AM RT @dangerroom Video: Kabul Gets a Spy Cam Network of Its Own 5045040172 AfghanNews24 10/21/2009 9:31 AM In DC and Kabul, uncertainty reigns - Washington Post - The Associated PressIn DC and Kabul, uncertainty reignsWash... 5045024846 TransAlchemy2 10/21/2009 9:30 AM Abdullah Abdullah, Karzai Rival, Accepts Runoff Election: KABUL — President Hamid Karzai's chief politica.. 5045018799 poli_scandals 10/21/2009 9:30 AM Karzai needed convincing twice, nearly backed out just before vote announcement in Kabul 5045008462 reuterswire 10/21/2009 9:30 AM Afghan election officials fired ahead of run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Half of the most senior Afghan district ele.. 5044978957 dangerroom 10/21/2009 9:28 AM Video: Kabul Gets a Spy Cam Network of Its Own 5044936306 tomafg 10/21/2009 9:26 AM Security reports seem sure of another imminent 'spectacular' attack in Kabul, now that the world is watching again. We'll see. 5044773336 MollyDugganLLC 10/21/2009 9:17 AM Danger Room: Video: Kabul Gets a Spy Cam Network of Its Own Full 5044771007 estherproject 10/21/2009 9:17 AM Book Review: Kabul 24 5044633212 nancytrejos 10/21/2009 9:09 AM was happy to hear a knock on my door this am, from neighbor and dear friend Daphne, finally back in DC after a month in Kandahar and Kabul! 5044618061 TrustSulha 10/21/2009 9:08 AM RT @ISAFmedia: New Video, Keeping An Eye On Kabul,The Afghan National Police monitor surveillance cameras 5044467877 clancycnn 10/21/2009 9:00 AM @rosemarycnn here again, in for Jim. I'll chat w/ Chris Lawrence in Kabul about the critical runoff election planned - no guarantees #cnn 5044453843 zweitansage 10/21/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 5044385616 rocglobal 10/21/2009 8:56 AM Don't get schooled again! -- NBC News' Richard Engel: "The Baghdad class of 2003 is now the Kabul class of 2009.” 5044335154 reuterskl 10/21/2009 8:53 AM Afghans question run-off poll amid insecurity: KABUL (Reuters) - Gul Mohammad is one Kabul resident who will no.. 5044331346 greychampion 10/21/2009 8:53 AM newStream ©: The First Draft: Kerry reports in after Kabul visit 5044310653 london_news 10/21/2009 8:52 AM Britain, France deport failed Afghan asylum seekers: KABUL (AFP) - Nearl.. 5044262714 televideorai 10/21/2009 8:49 AM [dal mondo] ONU RIMPIAZZA META' OSSERVATORI VOTO KABUL view.jsp?id=653613&p=150 5043985833 mynewss 10/21/2009 8:34 AM Karzai en abdullah praten weer met elkaar: KABUL ANP - De twee rivalen in de strijd om het presidentschap van A.. 5043979009 rtsradio 10/21/2009 8:33 AM Afghan president's rival accepts Nov. 7 runoff - KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai's chief political rival a... 5043964996 Front_Row 10/21/2009 8:33 AM The First Draft: Kerry reports in after Kabul visit 5043891995 brianpo22 10/21/2009 8:29 AM In DC and Kabul, uncertainty reigns - 5043798226 NewsBlogged 10/21/2009 8:23 AM AlertNet: Afghans question run-off poll amid insecurity: Source: Reuters By Hamid Shalizi KABUL, Oct 2.. 5043794253 domradio 10/21/2009 8:23 AM Afghanistan: Kirchenvertreter begrüßt Stichwahl: Die katholische Gemeinde in Kabul begrüßt die Entscheidung für.. 5043785168 whatupobama 10/21/2009 8:23 AM In DC and Kabul, uncertainty reigns #obama 5043697000 usfora 10/21/2009 8:18 AM New Video, Keeping An Eye On Kabul,The Afghan National Police monitor surveillance cameras placed around the city 5043603818 nightlinedxb 10/21/2009 8:13 AM 8pm Kabul Wazir about his own independent charity mission for a month to the Swat Valley & Afghanistan. Then 9pm UAE ban on Plastic Bags 5043601934 bolbol_dunya 10/21/2009 8:13 AM Polonya ABD’nin yeni füze kalkanı anlaşmasını kabul etmeye hazır 5043471982 qhardy 10/21/2009 8:06 AM some tunesmith in Kabul making new rhymes for Karzai campaign song- "our guy," "so fly," "stink eye," "or you die"... 5043456916 qhardy 10/21/2009 8:05 AM some tunesmith in Kabul making new rhymes for Karzai campaign song- "our guy," "so fly," "stink eye," or you die"... 5043384118 el_pais 10/21/2009 8:01 AM Morir por Kabul - De Alfiler a Elefante: El Blog de Lluis Bassets en 5043348375 zweitansage 10/21/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 5043192640 moiludi 10/21/2009 7:51 AM Afghanistan, Abdullah A Karzai: "il Ballottaggio Sia Credibile E Trasparente": Kabul, 21 ott. (Adnkro.. 5043187150 TantaoNews 10/21/2009 7:51 AM Afghan challenger refuses to make coalition gov’t: KABUL, Oct. 21 (Xinhua) -- Incumbent president Hamid K.. 5043187192 moiludi 10/21/2009 7:51 AM Afghanistan, Abdullah Contatta Karzai "secondo Turno Unico Scenario Possibile": KABUL - In vista del .. 5043178735 avillanash 10/21/2009 7:50 AM @aticesachiko AMIN! aaaa kabar2in kalo maju ijab kabul,ntar gw teriak SAH hahahahhaa lebay deh gw hahhaa 5043100213 WaPo44 10/21/2009 7:46 AM In DC and Kabul, uncertainty reigns: By Ben Pershing The Afghanistan war has become plagued by uncertainty both.. 5043021979 canguv 10/21/2009 7:42 AM @asliyor suçumu kabul ediyorum. Cezam 7 gün tweet yazmamak, kamu hizmeti ve bu süre içinde ajans sitelerine 10 metreden fazla yaklaşmamak. 5042970176 News4Paris 10/21/2009 7:39 AM FRANCE : Three Afghan migrants deported to Kabul ( #Paris #France 5042960653 axlmc 10/21/2009 7:38 AM M.Mats - EGO TRIPPING - DOMINGO DIA 25\10 no ESPAÇO KABUL - Rua pedro taques, 124 - Consolação-SP, vai chegar? 5042956974 ideade 10/21/2009 7:38 AM Flug aus #Kabul landet in am Freitag in #Hamburg: Wo herzkranke #Kinder aus #Afghanistan gesund werden. 5042911219 chacilla 10/21/2009 7:35 AM @corinorine hahaha.. Jual aja ke gw hihi.. Gw bayar deehh 1000 tar ada ijab kabul ny.. *gw soalny dulu dijual 1000 hahaha 5042714912 tikkyman 10/21/2009 7:24 AM Sevmiştim gönülden ben terk edildim, mutluluk görmeden tükendim bittim ölmeden ölmeyi ben kabul ettim herşeyden... 5042700621 TantaoNews 10/21/2009 7:23 AM Asia-Pacific news summary at 1000 GMT, Oct. 21: KABUL -- Incumbent president Hamid Karzai's top rival Abdullah .. 5042634609 TantaoNews 10/21/2009 7:19 AM Asia-Pacific news summary at 1000 GMT, Oct. 21: KABUL -- Incumbent president Hamid Karzai's top rival Abdullah .. 5042439682 postbrowser 10/21/2009 7:07 AM In DC and Kabul, uncertainty reigns: 8 a.m. ET: The Afghanistan war has become plagued by uncertainty both on t.. 5042420024 DAcurrentevents 10/21/2009 7:06 AM Afghan election officials fired ahead of run-off: KABUL (Reuters) – Half of the most senior Afghan .. #news 5042341586 fingertipnews2 10/21/2009 7:01 AM AP: Afghan president's rival accepts Nov. 7 runoff: KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai's chief political r.. 5042318225 zweitansage 10/21/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 5042181581 TVMonitoringPM 10/21/2009 6:50 AM IEC holding news conference in Kabul. Official results to be announced. Live on Al Jazeera 5042181567 detroitnewsnow 10/21/2009 6:50 AM Afghan president's rival accepts Nov. 7 runoff: Kabul -- President Hamid Karzai's chief political rival ag.. 5042109447 cricketcrazzy 10/21/2009 6:46 AM Afghan Rival Accepts Run-off: KABUL: Afghan Rival Accepts Run-off, Political rival of President Hamid Karzai is.. 5042042405 RuletaOnline 10/21/2009 6:41 AM Rival de Karzai pone condiciones para segunda vuelta Afganistán: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - El principal rival.. 5041897521 odeiobrasilia 10/21/2009 6:31 AM GOOOOOOOOOD MORNING VIETNAN!!!!! DIRETO DA CAPITAL mais VAZIA DO MUNDOOOOO!!! bora pra KABUL! 5041841871 chrysantiriskia 10/21/2009 6:27 AM @andineeeayu ngomongin anak lagi,itu ijab kabul dulu yu apa kabar klo lu keketawaan mulu HAHA nama anak gue siapa yaaaa hm jadi ketularan lu 5041637072 1BizAngel 10/21/2009 6:12 AM AP Top News at 6:00 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — President Hamid Karzai's chief political rival agr.. 5041591977 Lyn_Sue 10/21/2009 6:08 AM What Is Victory? Our real mission is to defeat the global #jihad, not 2 repair sidewalks in Kabul #phnm #tcot 5041548879 saurk123 10/21/2009 6:05 AM AP Top News at 6:00 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — President Hamid Karzai's chief political rival agr.. 5041483225 addamiattualita 10/21/2009 6:00 AM Afghanistan: abdullah, ballottaggio sia credibile e trasparente: Kabul, 21 ott. (Adnkronos) – Abdullah Ab.. 5041371999 Jay27mcr 10/21/2009 5:52 AM AP Top News at 6:00 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — President Hamid Karzai's chie.. 5041248511 OnlineDailyNews 10/21/2009 5:42 AM SCENARIOS-Outcomes for the Afghan presidential run-off: KABUL, Oct 21 (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai has agr.. 5041245290 EUrAlmanac 10/21/2009 5:42 AM France flies threee illegal Afghan immigrants back to Kabul: [@EarthTimes] 5041209549 unclematt 10/21/2009 5:39 AM says listen for AP's @rhreid in #Kabul LIVE on C-SPAN when he calls them at 6:55aed with the latest from #Afghanistan. 5041202512 amunizdelgado 10/21/2009 5:38 AM "Hasta Britney Spears estaba registrada y votó en Kabul" es quizás la única noticia interesante de la nueva Gaceta 5041196955 AllenPD 10/21/2009 5:38 AM Farce in Kabul, Tragedy in Pakistan. Obama is Only Making It Worse. 5041195426 unclematt 10/21/2009 5:37 AM says listen for AP's @rhreid in #Kabul LIVE on @WPTF Radio at 6:40aed for the latest from #Afghanistan: 5041163900 valcoj 10/21/2009 5:35 AM AP Top News at 6:00 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — President Hamid Karzai's chief political rival agr.. 5041148056 QypeHamburg 10/21/2009 5:34 AM Bewertung zu Kabul-Afghanische Spezialitäten (St. Georg, von polly_the_greek): 4 von 5 Punkten Hier.. 5041011505 alfinrz 10/21/2009 5:22 AM @wahyuningtyassa lah lo ko bilang sabar ke gue? Lo bilang ke kabul dong hahaha 5041010249 desertsarah 10/21/2009 5:22 AM needs Ramallah or Kabul???? 5040954355 USTalib 10/21/2009 5:17 AM Afghans race to organize Karzai-Abdullah runoff: KABUL (AP) - Facing Taliban threats and approaching winter sno.. 5040933134 Dizzedcom 10/21/2009 5:15 AM Afghan president's political rival accepts runoff: KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai's chief political rival.. 5040931741 brownpublishing 10/21/2009 5:15 AM Afghans race to organize Karzai-Abdullah runoff: KABUL (AP) - Facing Taliban threats and approaching winter sno.. 5040913016 alfinrz 10/21/2009 5:14 AM @wahyuningtyassa iya sar kabul neneknya kembali ke maha kuasa sar 5040897629 News4Paris 10/21/2009 5:12 AM France flies three illegal Afghan immigrants back to Kabul ( ( #Paris #France 5040888052 wahyuningtyassa 10/21/2009 5:11 AM @alfinrz ye emang gue pengen tau fin hahaha eh kabul tuh knp?ko status fb nya gt amat, ada yg meninggal ye? 5040816600 LuceStragista 10/21/2009 5:05 AM Palazzo Kabul apre le porte a giovani lavoratori disoccupati...chi offre di meno? per saperne di più... 5040783716 PoliticsHoncho 10/21/2009 5:02 AM The Kabul Class of 2009 5040762413 fingertipnews2 10/21/2009 5:00 AM AP: Afghan president's political rival accepts runoff: KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai's chief politica.. 5040747732 lydiamolina 10/21/2009 4:59 AM Autoescuelas en Kabul 5040695045 alfinrz 10/21/2009 4:54 AM @dhenysa dhany si kabul tadi diskolah diem mulu kasian gue katanya neneknya masuk rumah sakit? 5040692760 balukacit 10/21/2009 4:54 AM Karzai's rival Abdullah urges action to prevent Afghan election fraud: KABUL: The main challenger to President .. 5040685606 rtsradio 10/21/2009 4:53 AM Afghan president's political rival accepts run-off - KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai's chief political riv... 5040615680 Cengiz_Eren 10/21/2009 4:47 AM Fatih Terim başarısız olduğunu kabul etti. Bu çok daha önceden belliydi. adresinde buna ait çok yazı var. 5040405702 webdesignroma 10/21/2009 4:26 AM [Karzai Abdullah] Primo contatto Karzai-Abdullah: da Tiscali (ANSA) - KABUL, 21 OTT - Abdullah, che il 7 nov.. 5040349422 hidegger 10/21/2009 4:20 AM Karzai Declared Winner of Next Month's Runoff - KABUL (The Borowitz Report) - In a stunning victory, Afghan... 5040316625 pakstruck 10/21/2009 4:17 AM #Obama is Only Making It Worse,Farce in #Kabul ,Tragedy in #Pakistan #US #Karzai.. http://.. 5040316308 pakstruck 10/21/2009 4:17 AM #Obama is Only Making It Worse,Farce in #Kabul ,Tragedy in #Pakistan #US #Karzai a total d.. 5040296099 lizva 10/21/2009 4:15 AM it is super dusty in kabul this afternoon. it's just hanging over the city. 5040256643 magnificentnews 10/21/2009 4:11 AM Karzai rival sets conditions ahead of Afghan run-off in Kabul. 5040208250 pakbot 10/21/2009 4:06 AM #Obama is Only Making It Worse,Farce in #Kabul ,Tragedy in #Pakistan #US #Karzai.. #PakPoint 5040192776 activistgirl 10/21/2009 4:04 AM #Obama is Only Making It Worse,Farce in #Kabul ,Tragedy in #Pakistan #US #Karzai a total disaster 5040191779 BurakGokce 10/21/2009 4:04 AM @erdilyasaroglu Obama' dan sonra.... Bu yine 1 derece kabul edilebilir sanırım. Yinede,acaba ??? diyoruz 5040185221 marklittlenews 10/21/2009 4:03 AM Behind the scenes in Kabul ... how Karzai was persuaded to accept the need for a run-off election in #afghanistan 5040165449 msnnoticias 10/21/2009 4:02 AM Abdulá prepara recomendaciones para impedir "el fraude generalizado": KABUL, 21 (Reuters/EP) El principal rival.. 5040150198 fingertipnews2 10/21/2009 4:00 AM AP: Afghan rival accepts run-off, says he ready: KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai's chief political riva.. 5040140876 zweitansage 10/21/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 5040027152 televideorai 10/21/2009 3:48 AM [ultim'ora] Kabul, Abdullah: voto sia trasparente view.jsp?id=737&p=101 5040013519 Yolagiden 10/21/2009 3:47 AM PKK’lılar, Pişmanlık Yasası’ndan yararlanmayı kabul ettikleri takdirde serbest kalabileceklerdi. Bu da, bütün açılımın suya düşmesi demekti? 5040012127 paulchaston 10/21/2009 3:47 AM [Blog] Afghans race to organize Karzai-Abdullah runoff: KABUL – Facing Taliban threats and approaching winter ... 5040011628 paulchaston 10/21/2009 3:47 AM [Blog] Afghans race to organize Karzai-Abdullah runoff: KABUL – Facing Taliban threats and approaching winter sno... 5040006966 Iranalyst 10/21/2009 3:46 AM Farce in Kabul, Tragedy in Pakistan (by Tariq Ali) - 5039960373 paulchaston 10/21/2009 3:42 AM [Blog] Karzai rival in Afghan run-off fraud plea: KABUL (AFP) – The main challenger to President Hamid Karzai ... 5039959891 paulchaston 10/21/2009 3:42 AM [Blog] Karzai rival in Afghan run-off fraud plea: KABUL (AFP) – The main challenger to President Hamid Karzai Wed... 5039874845 Erudite_Enigma 10/21/2009 3:34 AM Torn electoral posters are seen on a Kabul street: Torn electoral posters are seen on a Kabul street. The main .. 5039858075 achienayla 10/21/2009 3:32 AM Ya udh besok ijab kabul lg yah, ntr gw dtg deh ga pk acr slh almt lg RT @weelee02: @achienayla ah lo gmn si 5039832068 NedDagbl 10/21/2009 3:30 AM Nieuws: Karzai en Abdullah praten weer met elkaar: KABUL - De twee rivalen in de strijd om het president.. 5039726899 reuterskl 10/21/2009 3:20 AM Karzai rival sets conditions ahead of Afghan run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai's main rival in .. 5039724562 paulchaston 10/21/2009 3:19 AM [Blog] Afghans to have runoff: KABUL -- Facing Taliban threats and approaching winter snows, Afghan election o... 5039724099 paulchaston 10/21/2009 3:19 AM [Blog] Afghans to have runoff: KABUL -- Facing Taliban threats and approaching winter snows, Afghan election offici... 5039683284 Dizzedcom 10/21/2009 3:15 AM Afghan president's political rival accepts run-off: KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai's chief political riva.. 5039672128 YahooNoticias 10/21/2009 3:14 AM Opositor afgano acepta segunda ronda de comicios presidenciales: AP - KABUL (AP) - El líder opositor Abdalá Abd.. 5039642083 cyn_shihui 10/21/2009 3:11 AM stella? jd inget ma dia yg djodohin ma donghaeku cm bwt ngetes q cemburu ap ega, OLD JOKES uu! sori qt dulu dah ijab kabul XD 5039632446 THEDESSO 10/21/2009 3:10 AM posted to Britain and France fly illegal Afghan immigrants back to Kabul with thousands of pounds of taxpayer… 5039628062 reistweets 10/21/2009 3:10 AM Karzai en Abdullah praten weer met elkaar: KABUL (ANP) - De twee rivalen in de strijd om het presidentschap van.. 5039625700 de_volkskrant 10/21/2009 3:10 AM [09:23] Deel waarnemers Afghanistan vervangen om fraude: KABUL - De Verenigde Naties gaan meer dan de he.. 5039581868 wcompanyportal 10/21/2009 3:05 AM [REUTERS]: Karzai rival sets conditions ahead of Afghan run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Ka.. 5039550108 newsblogsnepal 10/21/2009 3:02 AM TheHimalayanTimes- Karzai’s rival accepts run-off: KABUL: President Hamid Karzai's chief po.. 5039539062 ReutersNews 10/21/2009 3:01 AM Reuters: Karzai rival sets conditions ahead of Afghan run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai.. 5039529080 volkanyilmaz 10/21/2009 3:00 AM arkadaşlar biz nazlı'yı destekliyoruz boşuna mail atmayın. (20bin i paylaşırsan ancak, 5bin e kabul ederim) 5039524489 fingertipnews2 10/21/2009 3:00 AM AP: Afghan president's political rival accepts run-off: KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai's chief politic.. 5039517089 zweitansage 10/21/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 5039463500 TheDutch0122 10/21/2009 2:54 AM Karzai en Abdullah praten weer met elkaar: KABUL (ANP) - De twee rivalen in de strijd om het presidentschap van.. 5039439209 ADOnline 10/21/2009 2:52 AM Karzai en Abdullah praten weer met elkaar: KABUL (ANP) - De twee rivalen in de strijd om het presidentschap van.. 5039429421 sukanga 10/21/2009 2:51 AM tabii bu arada bugun beni kabul etmezse ekim lahanasi kadar buyuk gozyaslari dokucek :) 5039421355 alfinrz 10/21/2009 2:50 AM @dhenysa ih dhany kesel gue masa gue mriksa manual itu diatas 70 -.--' kabul tresno raka berapa? udh plang? 5039419325 rtsradio 10/21/2009 2:50 AM Afghan president's political rival accepts run-off - KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai's chief political riv... 5039417742 UNjobs 10/21/2009 2:50 AM International Consultant, Legal Aid, Kabul #jobs 5039266650 VancouverSun 10/21/2009 2:36 AM Afghan election officials fired ahead of run-off vote: KABUL — The heads of more than half of Afghanistan's dis.. 5039237883 cripple_me 10/21/2009 2:33 AM hab geträumt dass jörg immendorf in kabul ein theaterstück inszeniert und ich hab für spreeblick darüber berichtet. nach der schiesserei. 5039181999 eloforum 10/21/2009 2:28 AM Taliban nennen Wahl in Afghanistan einen "Witz": Kabul (dts) - Die radikal-islamischen Taliban haben in einer 5039164273 newsomega 10/21/2009 2:26 AM Farce in Kabul, Tragedy in Pakistan 5038943964 kiwiria 10/21/2009 2:06 AM Starting Drager over Kabul by Morten Hesseldahl 5038943681 kiwiria 10/21/2009 2:06 AM I'm #reading Drager over Kabul by Morten Hesseldahl - 5038912177 beratelici 10/21/2009 2:04 AM Manavgat'ın Tarihi Kentler Birliği'ne Üyeliği Kabul Edildi 5038903116 allknower 10/21/2009 2:03 AM Hillier argued for Kabul, instead of Kandahar deployment: memoir - The Canadian Press 5038876358 rtsradio 10/21/2009 2:01 AM Afghan president's rival accepts run-off - KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai's chief political rival is agre... 5038865850 fingertipnews2 10/21/2009 2:00 AM AP: Afghan president's political rival accepts run-off: KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai's chief politic.. 5038864054 usfora 10/21/2009 2:00 AM New photos on Flickr, Afghan National Army Training at Kabul Military Training Center 5038860331 zweitansage 10/21/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 5038835772 Volki_tolki 10/21/2009 1:57 AM ergenekoncular örgüt olduklarını kabul etsinler onlarda serbest bırakılacak mı bakalım? 5038805226 rizgari_online 10/21/2009 1:55 AM Bayık: “Kürt iradesi kabul edilmedikçe dağdan iniş olmaz” 5038795283 tayfuns 10/21/2009 1:54 AM Yıl:2020 Gündem:Türk Açılımı Türkler yıllardır her açılımın kabul edilmesininden sonra kendilerine de yardımcı olunmasını istediler 5038638205 publiusalter 10/21/2009 1:40 AM [Blog] Afghan election officials fired ahead of run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - The heads of more than half of Afghanist... 5038588922 yelchin 10/21/2009 1:36 AM @trendometre Buraya kadarmis. Sonunda ben de sonbaharin geldigini kabul edip ona gore giyinmeye basliyorum. 5038485457 MurattSahinn 10/21/2009 1:27 AM ... kabul edilemez... o yüzden, bloklanmayı hakettiğimi düşünüyorum.. =)) 5038442680 rtsradio 10/21/2009 1:24 AM Afghan election officials fired ahead of run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - The heads of more than half of Afghanistan'.. 5038326700 Nuvigil 10/21/2009 1:14 AM Remember when Bush refused more troop support to our General in Kabul? Of course not, you slept for 8 yrs. #tcot #p2 5038250321 albertocorsini 10/21/2009 1:08 AM vista iberica Morir por Kabul: Las cuentas son claras: 850 soldados norteamericanos, 221 británico.. 5038079074 MalarkyNews 10/21/2009 12:55 AM Tariq Ali : Farce in Kabul, Tragedy in Pakistan 5038034960 rtsradio 10/21/2009 12:51 AM Afghans race to organize Karzai-Abdullah runoff - KABUL (AP) -- Facing Taliban threats and approaching winter s... 5037993806 uppaljs 10/21/2009 12:48 AM @BinaShah french bakery in #kabul has them!!! i just asked my driver to bring me one :P 5037878192 AB1972 10/21/2009 12:40 AM @KarlRove these people think Afghanistan will pause until the mayor of Kabul is decided. Same morons treat terrorism as law enf issue in 90s 5037877581 rizgari_online 10/21/2009 12:40 AM Bayık: “Kürt iradesi kabul edilmedikçe dağdan iniş olmaz” 5037801342 uppaljs 10/21/2009 12:34 AM @BinaShah any chance of dhl-ing some of it to #kabul ? 5037616946 TheWorldNews 10/21/2009 12:21 AM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a seco.. 5037457115 TravelOTC 10/21/2009 12:10 AM Photo You Must See: Burqas and a Baby in Kabul : #TOTC_New 5037423922 in_asia 10/21/2009 12:07 AM Obama said the breakthrough offers new hope that a credible Kabul government will emerge to partner with the U... 5037373068 LeaderTelegram 10/21/2009 12:04 AM Runoff ordered in Afghan election: KABUL - Now comes the hard part. 5037339614 MPIWSC 10/21/2009 12:02 AM RT @CenterdinSEA: Deal of the hour: $25 certificate to Kabul for $3 with promo code: PUMPKIN #seattle 5037329542 fingertipnews2 10/21/2009 12:01 AM AP: Afghans race to organize Karzai-Abdullah runoff: KABUL (AP) -- Facing Taliban threats and approaching wi.. 5037130152 HeadlinesNewz 10/20/2009 11:49 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a seco.. 5037015115 CenterdinSEA 10/20/2009 11:41 PM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $3 with promo code: PUMPKIN #seattle 5036937048 carbonmarket 10/20/2009 11:37 PM RT @Agent350 You know world has changed when a kid w/ a laptop (me) is sourcing footage from Kabul for CNN: yeah, #350 has events in Kabul 5036902313 Agent350 10/20/2009 11:34 PM You know the world has changed when a kid w/ a laptop (me) is sourcing event footage from Kabul for CNN -- yeah, #350 has events in Kabul 5036862544 ladydstardust 10/20/2009 11:32 PM check this out Afghanistan’s Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President.. 5036611367 Arshad_Majid 10/20/2009 11:17 PM Thanks to the Khawaja and Sheikh families and the other Friends of Majid who tunred out tonight for a wonderful evening at Kabul Grill! 5036578331 vswish 10/20/2009 11:16 PM @localization there is a great "Kabul" in Sunnyvale - much closer to the locworld venue. On El Camino and Mary. 5036463014 AllNewsSources 10/20/2009 11:09 PM REUTERS: Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a sec 5036445850 safe_waters 10/20/2009 11:08 PM #reutersIN Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a se 5036439090 femalicious 10/20/2009 11:08 PM 4 more Kabul embassy guards to be removed from jobs 5036439234 retweetstreet 10/20/2009 11:08 PM 4 more Kabul embassy guards to be removed from jobs 5036438927 racism_radar 10/20/2009 11:08 PM 4 more Kabul embassy guards to be removed from jobs 5035739569 energyindia37 10/20/2009 10:32 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a seco.. 5035674884 waterfowl212 10/20/2009 10:29 PM off to Kabul later. super scared. 5035666502 boyadamsam 10/20/2009 10:28 PM Afganistan to have runoff election due to suspected voting fraud. Huh, I didn't even know Acorn had a Kabul branch office. 5035505855 reuterskl 10/20/2009 10:20 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a seco.. 5035266533 FA18ORDI 10/20/2009 10:09 PM RT @thecnnwire: "4 more Kabul embassy guards to be removed from jobs" - #Afghanistan 5035250306 bhatiakunal 10/20/2009 10:08 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a seco.. 5034722956 thecnnwire 10/20/2009 9:44 PM "4 more Kabul embassy guards to be removed from jobs" - 5034253118 BookmarkingNet 10/20/2009 9:22 PM News Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to fa.. 5034119866 ImpuniTweet 10/20/2009 9:16 PM Run-off Election to Occur in Afghanistan: By Michael E. Sanchez Impunity Watch Reporter, Asia KABUL, Afghanista.. 5034028383 Don_Scott 10/20/2009 9:12 PM #topstories Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off (source: Reuters): KABUL (Reuters) - Pre.. 5033904226 tufantas 10/20/2009 9:06 PM Evet, 40 yaşına gelmeden yapılacakları yarından itibaren tek tek listelemeye başlıyorum..Ayşe'cim hakları sana aittir şimdiden kabul.. 5033788590 ftasiapacific 10/20/2009 9:02 PM Kabul forced on hard road to credibility 5033373647 zaobao 10/20/2009 8:45 PM U.S. lobbied Karzai to accept runoff: In a blizzard of personal meetings in Kabul, Afghanistan, and in telephon.. 5033290639 MANADONEWS 10/20/2009 8:41 PM Karzai Siap Terima Putusan Pemilu Dua Putaran: KABUL-MI: Presiden Afghanistan Hamid Karzai mengatakan ia akan m.. 5033287163 draenews 10/20/2009 8:41 PM Megite Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed.. 5033281772 myutie 10/20/2009 8:41 PM Sekarang gw percaya klo doa orang teraniaya di kabul Allah,, buktinya gw dengan kejadian ga jadi ulangan ini.. 5033260998 WHEREreviews 10/20/2009 8:40 PM Kabul Grill Inc * - This place is no longer Kabul Grill. It has changed ownership and renamed as... #WHEREinNYC 5032947550 WORLDDAILYTIMES 10/20/2009 8:26 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off - Reuters: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to f.. 5032861745 RaysNewsTweeter 10/20/2009 8:22 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a seco.. 5032579383 EricV216 10/20/2009 8:08 PM War as an Instrument of Foreign Policy and Social Change: "Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul" #fhsush5 5032495455 EricV216 10/20/2009 8:04 PM War as an Instrument of Foreign Policy and Social Change: "Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul"- war in Iraq being moved to Afghanistan #fhsush5 5032495119 headlinenews 10/20/2009 8:04 PM Reuters: Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agre.. 5032491911 fingertipnews2 10/20/2009 8:03 PM Reuters Int'l: Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid.. 5032436120 jelatinhanim 10/20/2009 8:01 PM @Tugbazeydanli Sen kabul aldın demek ki Bilkent İktisat'a, öyle mi? Kızım, senin görüşmeden çıktığın günü hatırlıyorum! 5032421475 publiusalter 10/20/2009 8:00 PM [Blog] Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a s... 5032350346 anne_75aw 10/20/2009 7:57 PM working my azz off in kabul Afghanistan.......R&R time coming soon... daughter is graduating and daddy cannot miss it..... 5032209166 bharianmy 10/20/2009 7:50 PM Afghanistan adakan semula pilihan raya presiden : KABUL: Afghanistan akan mengadakan pusingan kedua pilihan ray.. 5032200859 CNNAsian 10/20/2009 7:49 PM U.S. lobbied Karzai to accept runoff: In a blizzard of personal meetings in Kabul, Afghanistan, and in telephon.. 5032163481 pollitto 10/20/2009 7:47 PM U.S. lobbied Karzai to accept runoff: In a blizzard of personal meetings in Kabul, Afghanistan, a.. #hacerfortuna 5032140108 tweettools4U 10/20/2009 7:46 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a second ro... 5032137669 RaysNewsTweeter 10/20/2009 7:46 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a second ro... 5032137767 BssNews 10/20/2009 7:46 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a second ro... 5032137496 HeadlinesNewz 10/20/2009 7:46 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a second ro... 5032137115 newsfeeding 10/20/2009 7:46 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a second ... 5032136755 GlobalTechNews 10/20/2009 7:46 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a second ro... 5032136835 dave13100 10/20/2009 7:46 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a second ro... 5032136418 jahabarsadiq 10/20/2009 7:46 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a second ro... 5032136477 webtipsfree 10/20/2009 7:46 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a second ro... 5032135870 SalBarguil 10/20/2009 7:46 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a second ro... 5032135948 SmittysWeb 10/20/2009 7:46 PM KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a second round of voting in Afghanistan's disputed election ... 5032135965 reuterstop 10/20/2009 7:46 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a second ro... 5032135810 NewsMashup 10/20/2009 7:46 PM Reuters: Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a ... 5032133828 MANADONEWS 10/20/2009 7:46 PM U.S. lobbied Karzai to accept runoff: In a blizzard of personal meetings in Kabul, Afghanistan, and in telephon.. 5031965451 polly_kemp 10/20/2009 7:38 PM RT @AnnCurry: Secretary Gates: "We're not just going to sit on our hands waiting for.. the emergence of a government in Kabul." 5031873797 breakings 10/20/2009 7:34 PM U.S. lobbied Karzai to accept Afghanistan runoff: In a blizzard of personal meetings in Kabul, Afgh.. via 5031832307 ReutersNews 10/20/2009 7:32 PM Reuters: Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agre.. 5031777339 UNjobs 10/20/2009 7:29 PM Biomedical Engineering Systems & Physical Plant Advisor, Kabul #jobs 5031638045 Jay27mcr 10/20/2009 7:22 PM AP News in Brief: Obama said the breakthrough offers new hope that a credible Kabul govern.. 5031562428 pakspectator 10/20/2009 7:19 PM Terrorism in Kabul, Peshawar & Pindi 5031514151 b3ta_links 10/20/2009 7:17 PM Before and After Kabul: #b3ta 5031504850 ghazala_khan 10/20/2009 7:16 PM Terrorism in Kabul, Peshawar & Pindi 5031493529 pixelman2007 10/20/2009 7:16 PM AP News in Brief: Obama said the breakthrough offers new hope that a credible Kabul government will emerge to p.. 5031397478 1BizAngel 10/20/2009 7:11 PM AP News in Brief: Obama said the breakthrough offers new hope that a credible Kabul government will emerge to p.. 5031377923 buybooksonline1 10/20/2009 7:11 PM [REUTERS]: Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai .. 5031325052 wcompanyportal 10/20/2009 7:08 PM [REUTERS]: Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai .. 5031309438 indiareporter 10/20/2009 7:07 PM France, UK to fly Afghan migrants to Kabul ( 5031285749 saurk123 10/20/2009 7:06 PM AP News in Brief: Obama said the breakthrough offers new hope that a credible Kabul government will emerge to p.. 5031252170 valcoj 10/20/2009 7:05 PM AP News in Brief: Obama said the breakthrough offers new hope that a credible Kabul government will emerge to p.. 5031195926 fingertipnews2 10/20/2009 7:02 PM AP: Afghans race to organize Karzai-Abdullah runoff: KABUL (AP) -- Facing Taliban threats and approaching wi.. 5031036609 itu_sozluk 10/20/2009 6:55 PM karl marx: fikirleri enternasyonel bazda kabul gören ve de kapitalizmin içinde bulunduğu son buhrandan sonra ek.. 5031030062 muladhara 10/20/2009 6:55 PM @venkatananth: Mr Kerry extended a visit to Kabul to negotiate the final run-off deal. 5030741727 conservatweet 10/20/2009 6:42 PM [FreeRepublic] Forces Kill Militants, Detain Suspects in Afghanistan : KABUL, Oct. 20, 2009 .. 5030008322 bpaigehansen 10/20/2009 6:09 PM RT @ellenm53: RT @brianstelter "Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul," about journalists rediscovering the forgotten war: 5029937679 fistfak 10/20/2009 6:06 PM geçmişlerinde amon amarth olan kızlar da ürkütücü, kabul ediyorum. 5029882676 pakspectator 10/20/2009 6:03 PM Terrorism in Kabul, Peshawar & Pindi 5029878606 pakspectator 10/20/2009 6:03 PM Terrorism in Kabul, Peshawar & Pindi 5029502383 ellenm53 10/20/2009 5:46 PM RT @brianstelter My Monday story, "Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul," about journalists rediscovering the forgotten war: 5029337611 Olso4ka 10/20/2009 5:38 PM sezen aksu : '' bu sürecin karşısında duranları iki cihanda lekeli kabul ediyorum ''... - sezen sen ne yaptın be güzelim..?? 5029303346 flensburgonline 10/20/2009 5:37 PM Stichwahl in Afghanistan zwischen Hamid Karzai und Abdullah Abdullah: Kabul (dts) - Der amtierende Präsident Af.. 5029300689 uruknet 10/20/2009 5:37 PM [] Obama is Only Making It Worse Farce in Kabul, Tragedy in Pakistan: October 20, 2009 - ...While the farce 5029235082 lionel_zidane 10/20/2009 5:34 PM @santylivita sudH mba malah dah ijab kabul segala hehehe lam kenal yaa!! 5029218159 karmalised 10/20/2009 5:33 PM New blog posting, Tariq Ali: Farce in Kabul, Tragedy in Pakistan - 5029193027 eloforum 10/20/2009 5:32 PM Präsident Hamid Karzai stimmt Stichwahl in Afghanistan zu: Kabul (dts) - Der amtierende Präsident Afghanistans Hamid Kar 5029063687 WORLDDAILYTIMES 10/20/2009 5:26 PM U.S. lobbied Afghanistan's Karzai to accept runoff: In a blizzard of personal meetings in Kabul, Afghanistan, a.. 5028776344 cnnjill 10/20/2009 5:13 PM Four more Kabul embassy guards to be removed from jobs - State dept. 5028606062 rizgari_online 10/20/2009 5:05 PM Kürd sorununa kalıcı çözüm ve ateşkes kabul edildi 5028591914 fingertipnews2 10/20/2009 5:04 PM UPI-Top News: Ban: U.N. wants to ensure credible runoff: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 20 (UPI) -- The .. 5028581555 40andoverblog 10/20/2009 5:04 PM It makes no sense to carry on the fiction that centralized govt can exist in Afghanistan outside Kabul. we need to deal with the tribes. 5028523875 fingertipnews2 10/20/2009 5:01 PM AP: Afghans race to organize Karzai-Abdullah runoff: KABUL (AP) -- Facing Taliban threats and approaching wi.. 5028500915 zweitansage 10/20/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 5028306670 Vincenzomjj 10/20/2009 4:51 PM tüm bu olan kayıtlı olması için kabul edilir, teşekkürler, eğer diğer fanlar biliyorsanız, bu forumu biliyorum.... 5028051883 MGGoode 10/20/2009 4:38 PM @liliales Whoever picks the artists should be erm... send to Kabul. Who would you pick? 5027809670 awolkunazz318 10/20/2009 4:27 PM rt @AnnCurry: Secretary Gates: "We're not just going to sit on our hands waiting for.. the emergence of a government in Kabul." 5027789334 bobthomson70 10/20/2009 4:26 PM History, Kabul - -- Adam Curtis WIP, v interesting use of the web / BBC archive (via @charltonbrooker) 5027594072 fikret1970 10/20/2009 4:16 PM CÜBBELİ YALANINI KABUL ETTİ! 5027266647 zweitansage 10/20/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 5027162280 latimesworld 10/20/2009 3:54 PM President Hamid Karzai agrees to a runoff next month - by Laura King reporting from Kabul 5027024095 louis_abelman 10/20/2009 3:47 PM Kabul in the golden age 5026973200 zekapiriltisi 10/20/2009 3:45 PM download'da doksanlar pop çalışmam lazım biraz da, böyle delisi olan bi insanın bilgisayarında pek şarkı olmaması kabul edilir şey değil 5026969964 GuardianUSA 10/20/2009 3:44 PM RT @AnnCurry Secretary Gates: "We're not just going to sit on our hands waiting for.. the emergence of a government in Kabul." 5026909288 kls010 10/20/2009 3:41 PM Consider this insurance for Maj K's forthcoming, extended visit to Kabul. RT @HONOUROURFORCES 5026809058 stratfor 10/20/2009 3:36 PM If an Afghan election runoff is an attempt to restore credibility in Kabul, the chances of that are not looking good. #GeopolDiary 5026776412 deanesmay 10/20/2009 3:35 PM The Rum-bul in Kabul, round 2 5026736699 robert3242 10/20/2009 3:33 PM RT @AnnCurry: Secretary Gates: "We're not just going to sit on our hands waiting for.. the emergence of a government in Kabul." 5026681875 FREE2BNORML 10/20/2009 3:30 PM RT @AnnCurry Secretary Gates: "We're not just going to sit on our hands waiting for.. the emergence of a government in Kabul." 5026642415 anncurry 10/20/2009 3:28 PM Secretary Gates: "We're not just going to sit on our hands waiting for.. the emergence of a government in Kabul." 5026631036 Hande_Kazanova 10/20/2009 3:27 PM @Temass nasıl bir mesaj geldi oyun davetiyesiyse,bugün öyle bir aptallık yaptım ve uygulamayı kabul ettim,sanırım herkese gidiyo,sorry! 5026492771 cankirim 10/20/2009 3:20 PM 80.Yıl Cumhuriyet Lisesi Müracatı Kabul Gördü 5026244292 RadioSeefunkRSF 10/20/2009 3:07 PM News: Stichwahl in Afghanistan am 7. November : Kabul - Die Staatengemeinschaft hat durchweg erleichtert a.. 5026194109 gamzekaraduman 10/20/2009 3:04 PM şunu kabul etmeliyiz ki sanat bu ülkenin ihtiyacı olan EN son şeydir.kişisel tatminden öteye geçemeyiz şu aşamada 5026182312 gamzekaraduman 10/20/2009 3:04 PM şunu kabul etmeliyiz ki sanat bu ülkenin ihtiyazı olan EN son şeydir.kişisel tatminden öteye geçemeyiz şu aşamada. 5026105957 soglosen 10/20/2009 3:00 PM France, UK to fly Afghan migrants to Kabul 5026104727 zweitansage 10/20/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 5026071637 beuptodate 10/20/2009 2:58 PM | Kabul: Karzai ist bereit für Stichwahl 5025890788 opednews 10/20/2009 2:48 PM The Kabul Class of 2009 5025824055 lilbutterfly 10/20/2009 2:45 PM @nahbois Not the many Afghan women I spent time with in Kabul over the two years that I lived there. 5025795987 alptugtatli 10/20/2009 2:43 PM @VenusKiss o zaman senin nazik davetini bileklerini bağışlamış haliyle kabul etmeli :D 5025725550 lilbutterfly 10/20/2009 2:39 PM A US soldier pointed a gun at my chest when I was in Kabul--If they can't respect their own, how will they help the Afghan women? 5025717219 pakbot 10/20/2009 2:39 PM [] Obama is Only Making It Worse Farce in Kabul, Tragedy in Pakistan: October 20, 2009 - .. #PakPoint 5025673177 paola44y 10/20/2009 2:37 PM [] Obama is Only Making It Worse Farce in Kabul, Tragedy in Pakistan: October 20, 2009 - ...While t.. 5025591034 uruknet 10/20/2009 2:32 PM Farce in Kabul, Tragedy in #Pakistan #afghanistan 5025589228 Kozanova 10/20/2009 2:32 PM Russan Roulette / beklemeye değdi mi? Bence HAYIR.. Etkileyici bi şarkı kabul ediyorum ama beklentilerin altinda.. Ama iş yapacağı kesin.. 5025546640 bricioz 10/20/2009 2:30 PM Presidente do Afeganistão aceita segundo turno e Obama elogia decisão: KABUL - O presidente afegão Hamid Karzai.. 5025487268 BurnNoticeFan1 10/20/2009 2:27 PM Afghan runoff set...Accused spy worked on Star Wars...Swine flu's toll: KABUL (AP) — A runoff election is s.. 5025442755 comonews 10/20/2009 2:24 PM Karzai agrees to new election - KABUL (AP) — Afghanistan’s election commission today ordered a Nov. 7 r... 5025385158 esrabekar 10/20/2009 2:21 PM sonunda bunu kabul eden kisiyide gördüm ya.. gözüm acik gitmem.. :) re: 5025367156 UrFundraisers 10/20/2009 2:20 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to .. 5025366410 sandyboncharlie 10/20/2009 2:20 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to .. 5025365825 Rutraveling2010 10/20/2009 2:20 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to .. 5025365160 csmorrisnbo 10/20/2009 2:20 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to .. 5025364024 charsand2010 10/20/2009 2:20 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to .. 5025363238 charsan10 10/20/2009 2:20 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to .. 5025361586 charliemorris10 10/20/2009 2:20 PM Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to .. 5025290931 infantry1 10/20/2009 2:16 PM KABUL (Oct. 20) - A grim President Hamid Karzai bowed to intense U.S. pressure and agreed Tuesday to a runoff election Nov. 7...'Bout time ! 5024972996 zweitansage 10/20/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 5024962699 WORLDDAILYTIMES 10/20/2009 1:59 PM Karzai Agrees to Runoff in Afghanistan - AOL: KABUL (Oct. 20) - Afghanistan's election commission Tuesday order.. 5024884942 mg_politics 10/20/2009 1:55 PM Karzai Agrees to Runoff in Afghanistan: KABUL (Oct. 20) - A grim President Hamid Karzai bowed to intense U.S. pressu... 5024857534 AnthonyLBryant 10/20/2009 1:54 PM Hello Anthony here from Kabul 5024746957 rwash 10/20/2009 1:48 PM International News WOMEN'S PEACE OFFENSIVE: KABUL, (Oct. 18, 2009) IPS/GIN - 'Give peace a ch.. 5024694738 militaryworld 10/20/2009 1:45 PM Afghan, International Security Forces Kill, Detain Militants: Militants Killed, Detained KABUL, Afghanistan &nd.. 5024689595 militaryworld 10/20/2009 1:45 PM New NATO Headquarters – NATO Training Mission - Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan - The Commander of Internationa.. 5024521791 rtsradio 10/20/2009 1:36 PM Karzai accepts runoff in Afghan election - KABUL (AP) -- A grim President Hamid Karzai bowed to intense U.S. pr... 5024510255 ataxpayerliv 10/20/2009 1:35 PM AFGHANISTAN a university student in Kabul who voted for Karzai. "If we vote again, next time the Taliban will cut our heads off." 5024383053 EMRE_berlin 10/20/2009 1:29 PM Kendi resimleriniz olacak arkadaşlar kimlik forma vs resimleri kabul edilmioo 5024378370 SLNewsFlash 10/20/2009 1:29 PM Afghanistan set Nov. 07 for run-off election : Kabul, 21 October, ( Afghanistan Pre.. 5024250847 simi_laila 10/20/2009 1:22 PM facebookun bile kabul etmediği bi kızım işte:D 5024241529 BlogCraver 10/20/2009 1:21 PM Blog Craver Media: Tariq Ali: Farce in Kabul; Tragedy In Pakistan (via @taintedsaints) 5024132688 News4Paris 10/20/2009 1:16 PM France, UK to fly Afghan migrants to Kabul (The Star) ( #Paris #France 5024098640 mg_politics 10/20/2009 1:14 PM Hamid Karzai accepts runoff in Afghan election: KABUL — A grim President Hamid Karzai bowed to intense U.S. pressu... 5024095756 24america 10/20/2009 1:14 PM A Kabul il mediatore è stato Kerry 5024072869 Europa_Press 10/20/2009 1:13 PM Internacional: Karzai acepta finalmente que hubo fraude y se presentará a la segunda vuelta: KABUL, 20 Oct. (EUROPA ... 5023929698 eyedip 10/20/2009 1:05 PM Photo You Must See: Burqas and a Baby in Kabul Full 5023871427 zcruising 10/20/2009 1:02 PM Travel - Photo You Must See: Burqas and a Baby in Kabul 5023829667 zweitansage 10/20/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 5023827185 sabanpetek 10/20/2009 12:59 PM Can Ataklı artık tedavi kabul etmez. Tv'de Kürt mevzuunu konuşuyor, K.Irak'taki Kürt sayısının Türkiye'dekinden fazla olduğunu sanıyor!!! 5023765900 JedOber 10/20/2009 12:56 PM Kabul bound 5023728244 reuterskl 10/20/2009 12:54 PM France, UK to fly Afghan migrants to Kabul: PARIS (Reuters) - France and Britain plan to deport 16 illegal Afgh.. 5023679955 fingertipnews2 10/20/2009 12:52 PM RT @RtrsIN_World: France, UK to fly Afghan migrants to Kabul 5023674070 Matthew_Lim 10/20/2009 12:51 PM RT @newmediajim Also investigation into Amor Group (security contractor in Kabul) continue prompting removal of more guards from the embassy 5023535951 Bruce_Elliott 10/20/2009 12:44 PM LMAO!! Check out these scandalous images of the US Embassay Guards in Kabul! I'm sorry, but it looked like fun! 5023413357 RheaBecker 10/20/2009 12:37 PM Just finished reading "The Bookseller of Kabul." Lots of insight into the highly patriarchal Afghan culture. 5023403884 Traveltopics 10/20/2009 12:37 PM Photo You Must See: Burqas and a Baby in Kabul: Two Afghan women and a child walk down a set of mud stairs in K.. 5023402347 vampqueen78 10/20/2009 12:37 PM Round 2 for Afghans...Not even discussing it...NASA's new moon rocket: KABUL (AP) — Two months after Afghan.. 5023329019 RtrsIN_SthAsia 10/20/2009 12:33 PM France, UK to fly Afghan migrants to Kabul 5023323532 irish_lass_rain 10/20/2009 12:32 PM Hiller wanted Canadians in safer Kabul 5023239600 anggienak 10/20/2009 12:28 PM Wew.. Mantabs!! Ijab kabul lah *amien* RT @kakatika: @anggienak ooohhh... ahahha... maap dong anggi sayang, dia gol 3 bebi, ihihihi... 5023134295 EMRE_berlin 10/20/2009 12:22 PM artık kabul ediyolar mal olduklarını :D buyurun bakın yorum sizin .. 5023076905 veruka2 10/20/2009 12:19 PM Watched the beauty academy of kabul in class today. So very awesome. And a great excuse to cut office hours short. I'm going home! 5022996688 goncimik 10/20/2009 12:15 PM kabul etmesem de yine hersey benim yüzümden berbat oluyordu. savaşacagm, beceriksizliğim yüzünden kaybedemem seni 5022952271 newmediajim 10/20/2009 12:13 PM Also investigations into Amor Group (security contractor in Kabul) continue prompting removal of more guards from the embassy 5022907261 in_asia 10/20/2009 12:11 PM KABUL — A grim President Hamid Karzai bowed to intense U.S. pressure and agreed Tuesday to a runoff election No.. 5022903517 in_asia 10/20/2009 12:11 PM KABUL (AP) — A grim President Hamid Karzai bowed to intense U.S. pressure and agreed Tuesday to a runoff electi.. 5022899713 aroonkumar123 10/20/2009 12:10 PM Karzai accepts runoff vote to be held on Nov 7 - Kabul, Oct 20 (DPA) Afghan President Hamid Karzai announced Tues 5022896567 IndiaNewsPost 10/20/2009 12:10 PM Karzai accepts runoff vote to be held on Nov 7 - Kabul, Oct 20 (DPA) Afghan President Hamid Karzai announced Tues 5022896159 ambogdan 10/20/2009 12:10 PM Great to see old photos taken in Kabul during the 60's 5022761509 fingertipnews2 10/20/2009 12:04 PM AP: Karzai accepts runoff in Afghan election: KABUL (AP) -- A grim President Hamid Karzai bowed to intense U.. 5022760877 ARIANAPOLIS_COM 10/20/2009 12:04 PM Finally a decision was made in Kabul: The second round of the afghan presidential elections scheduled for 7 November 2009! 5022754117 indiareporter 10/20/2009 12:03 PM Afghan fruit seller arranges his fruit at the market in Kabul ( 5022739000 indiareporter 10/20/2009 12:03 PM Afghan man sells pepper at the market in Kabul ( 5022724247 militaryworld 10/20/2009 12:02 PM Afghan, International Security Forces Kill, Detain Militants: Militants Killed, Detained KABUL, Afghanistan – An A 5022679333 zweitansage 10/20/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 5022606828 PUNKSarava 10/20/2009 11:56 AM Amanhã tem Gil Duarte e Sistema Asimov de Som no Kabul! ... 5022518496 sfforums 10/20/2009 11:52 AM New Elections and our Troops are held in the balance: Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan - A United Nations-back.. 5022509821 Travel_Tweet 10/20/2009 11:51 AM Photo You Must See: Burqas and a Baby in Kabul: REUTERS/Ahmad Masood Two Afghan women and a child walk down a s.. 5022486860 rtsradio 10/20/2009 11:50 AM Afghan election commission orders runoff - KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan's election commission Tuesday ordered a No... 5022475834 zeynepsevde 10/20/2009 11:49 AM @ayseozyilmazel süpermiş! keşke kadın milleti her an savaşta gibi hissetmese kendini, bi kimseye kendini kabul ettirmeden yaşamaya çalışsa.. 5022317626 msn_italia 10/20/2009 11:42 AM Kabul: soldati tornano a fine voto: La Russa, la previsione e' ritorno a casa entro l'inverno 5022306399 ruzigar4 10/20/2009 11:41 AM sen kaç beni tanıdılar, kabul çok eski, bayat ama yazmak istedim :d 5022166277 newsblogsnepal 10/20/2009 11:34 AM TheHimalayanTimes- Afghan election goes to run-off: KABUL: Afghanistan will hold a second rou.. 5022106882 TonyStarks1 10/20/2009 11:31 AM Mayor of Kabul agrees to re-run of fraudulent election... 5021883243 publiusalter 10/20/2009 11:20 AM [Blog] Afghanistan's Karzai agrees to election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai agreed to face a s... 5021792265 allforyou4 10/20/2009 11:16 AM Karzai Agrees to Nov. 7 Runoff in Afghanistan - A man looked at a newspaper reporting election results in Kabul on ... 5021713402 mymonews 10/20/2009 11:12 AM [news] Politica - Kabul: soldati tornano a fine voto: La Russa, la previsione e' ritorno a casa en.. 5021660136 citera 10/20/2009 11:09 AM Saya terima nikahnya @nadaarini binti... Dengan mas kawin... Dibayar tunai! :D RT @tirarenton: h-4. what was the ijab kabul words, again? 5021627116 ryhnztrk 10/20/2009 11:08 AM Katillerin el üstünde tutulmasını Apo'nun yol gösterici olarak kabul görmesini ve terör örgütünün temize çekilme çalışmalarını kınıyorum. 5021461666 zweitansage 10/20/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 5021378246 irfan_waheed 10/20/2009 10:55 AM News - Afghanistan to Hold Runoff, Rivals Welcome - KABUL — The Afghan Election Commission decided on Tuesday, Octo... 5021341923 Transitionland 10/20/2009 10:53 AM I am on the fucking plane! @BaghdadBrian want to go to Kabul in 10 days? 5021327124 ILNews0verviews 10/20/2009 10:53 AM Article Runoff ordered in Afghan election marred by fraud: KABUL (AP) - Afghanistan's election commissio.. 5021301609 tirarenton 10/20/2009 10:51 AM h-4. what was the ijab kabul words, again? should start practising those. 5021068471 medmouad 10/20/2009 10:40 AM Pas trop tôt pour attendre maire de Kabul! RT @citoyen_hmida AFGHANISTAN après deux mois,un 2ème tour est nécessaire! 5021053719 spartakan 10/20/2009 10:39 AM Delicious: Nation Building in Afghanistran - 1950's style | KABUL: CITY NUMBER ONE | Adam Curtis Blog.. 5020933366 teenforum 10/20/2009 10:33 AM Election drama in Kabul - BBC News: Election drama in Kabul - BBC News 5020930678 teenforum 10/20/2009 10:33 AM Election drama in Kabul - BBC News: Election drama in Kabul - BBC News 5020886720 addamiattualita 10/20/2009 10:30 AM Afghanistan: ballottaggio karzai-abdullah il 7 novembre: Kabul, 20 ott. – (Adnkronos/Aki) – Si terr.. 5020852423 steveshoots 10/20/2009 10:29 AM Kabul makes Baghdad look like Paris. I'd go back to Iraq if I had to but no way Afghanistan. That shithole is about to get a lot shittier. 5020744692 paulchaston 10/20/2009 10:23 AM [Blog] Afghanistan's election commission Tuesday ordered a Nov. 7 runoff: KABUL — Afghanistan's election commissi... 5020739649 NairobiLIVE 10/20/2009 10:23 AM nairobiLIVE_2: Karzai hails Nov 7 run off: KABUL, Oct 20 - Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Tuesd.. 5020684585 televideorai 10/20/2009 10:20 AM [ultim'ora] Premier: sosterremo ballottaggio Kabul view.jsp?id=702&p=101 5020674713 steveshoots 10/20/2009 10:20 AM OMFG. Just had conf. call w/ all engineering staff. News is expanding Kabul buro looking for volunteers to ramp it up and staff it. No way. 5020538097 new_headline 10/20/2009 10:13 AM The Huffington Post: RUNOFF IN KABUL U.S. Pressured Afghan President After Widespread Fraud Was Found... O…. 5020496959 gsimerson 10/20/2009 10:11 AM The runoff election in Afghanistan is crucial to boosting the credibility of the federal government in Kabul. Smart decision by Karzai. 5020495377 ansa_it 10/20/2009 10:11 AM Kabul: soldati tornano a fine voto 5020431470 alonfeuerwerker 10/20/2009 10:08 AM NYT: Karzai Agrees to Nov. 7 Runoff in Afghanistan - KABUL, Afghanistan — Under heavy international pressure,... 5020407383 mercnews 10/20/2009 10:06 AM Runoff ordered in Afghan election marred by fraud: KABUL — Afghanistan's election commission today ordere.. 5020392667 fingertipnews2 10/20/2009 10:06 AM UPI-Top News: Karzai agrees to election runoff Nov. 7: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 20 (UPI) -- Afghan.. 5020381662 JonHutson 10/20/2009 10:05 AM Lyse Doucet: Has election drama in Kabul become a tragi-comedy? - BBC #Afghanistan 5020334144 fingertipnews2 10/20/2009 10:03 AM AP: Afghan election commission orders runoff: KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan's election commission Tuesday ordere.. 5020290625 addamiattualita 10/20/2009 10:01 AM Afghanistan: karzai, decisione ballottaggio e’ legittima e costituzionale: Kabul, 20 ott. – (Adnkronos) &.. 5020268138 zweitansage 10/20/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 5020245443 eceglryz 10/20/2009 9:58 AM @BlackByS - burda kabul ediyorum dayıyı ama öyle olsun İbrahim alındım açıkçası =D 5020139724 reuterskl 10/20/2009 9:53 AM INSTANT VIEW - Reactions to Afghanistan run-off decision: KABUL (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai will face hi.. 5019931533 dillapress 10/20/2009 9:42 AM Karzai Agrees to Runoff Election in Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan — Under heavy international pressure, Presi.. 5019867478 BaghdadBrian 10/20/2009 9:39 AM @Transitionland I think maybe they need a burn NOTICE. PS want to go to Kabul in 10 days? 5019589260 BBC_WHYS 10/20/2009 9:23 AM Also - Riaz will be on the phone from Kabul - he says the results don't surprise him. 5019418484 MinnPostRSS 10/20/2009 9:14 AM Karzai about face could salvage Afghanistan election: KABUL, AFGHANISTAN — Afghanistan's presidential election .. 5019273331 AfPakChannel 10/20/2009 9:07 AM Alex Thier @USIP says the rule of law has prevailed in Kabul 5019272216 riosgoldencut 10/20/2009 9:07 AM AP Top News at 8:43 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — Afghanistan's election commission has ordered a ru.. 5019268686 AfPakChannel 10/20/2009 9:07 AM @mtwirth Yeah there are going to be some stressed out bureaucrats in Kabul 5019223811 eloforum 10/20/2009 9:05 AM Afghanistan: Stichwahl soll am 7. November stattfinden: Kabul (dts) - In Afghanistan soll am 7. November eine Stichwahl 5019219914 aliveinafghan 10/20/2009 9:05 AM Hey ECC next time can you give me more than 2 weeks to get someone to go to Kabul and coordinate the runoff cov.. 5019196674 eloforum 10/20/2009 9:03 AM Stichwahl in Afghanistan am 7. November: Kabul (dts) - In Afghanistan wird es am 7. November eine Stichwahl um die Präsi 5019184241 I_exist_thru_u 10/20/2009 9:03 AM Afghan commission orders election runoff: Fraud investigation stripped incumbent Karzai of victory: KABUL - Afg.. 5019116018 zweitansage 10/20/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 5019097241 NYTimesOnline 10/20/2009 8:59 AM Karzai Agrees to Run-Off Election in Afghanistan - A man looked at a newspaper reporting election results in Kabul ... 5019071842 serhanaydemir 10/20/2009 8:57 AM sabah portakal suyunu 1.5 saatte getiren atom jest olsun diye dondurma göndermiş. özrünüz kabul edilmedi. çünkü sipariş eksik. 5019069944 rtsradio 10/20/2009 8:57 AM Afghan election commission orders runoff - KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan's election commission Tuesday ordered a No... 5019044780 Emsolheim 10/20/2009 8:56 AM RT @andershammer Det blir en andre valgomgang i Afghanistan om litt over to uker, 7. nov. Det var ingen tegn på tvil i Kabul. 5019038378 jzatkoff 10/20/2009 8:56 AM "There were fewer deaths in Kabul's last marathon. I think we can all agree Detroit sucks." -RumorsandRants || Disagree! 5019015575 andershammer 10/20/2009 8:54 AM Det blir en andre valgomgang i Afghanistan om litt over to uker, 7. nov. Det var ingen tegn på tvil om det på pressekonferansen i Kabul. 5019003061 ensonhaber 10/20/2009 8:54 AM Ergenekon Partisi kuruluyor: ER Parti’nin manevi lideri Mustafa Kemal Atatürk olarak kabul edilmiştir... 5018946937 reuterskl 10/20/2009 8:51 AM Afghan poll run-off Nov 7, Karzai welcomes decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai must face .. 5018874868 fcb_turkiye 10/20/2009 8:47 AM Portekizli futbolcu Cristiano Ronaldo, henüz Barcelona seviyesinde olmadıklarını kabul etti... "Barcelona bizden iyi" 5018851309 YahooNoticias 10/20/2009 8:46 AM Afganistán: Karzai acepta competir en segunda vuelta presidencial: AP - KABUL (AP) - El presidente afgano Hamid.. 5018782561 BaghdadBrian 10/20/2009 8:43 AM Hey ECC next time can you give me more than 2 weeks to get someone to go to Kabul and coordinate the runoff coverage? #kthxbai #afghan09 5018691380 ObamaList 10/20/2009 8:38 AM NEWS -- Afghan election commission orders runoff: KABUL (AP) - Afghanistan's election commission has ordered a .. 5018685257 marcusexam 10/20/2009 8:38 AM Afghan election commission orders runoff: Kabul -- Afghanistan's election commission Tuesday ordered a Nov.. 5018643397 A_MANNY 10/20/2009 8:35 AM Runoff ordered in #Afghanistan election marred by fraud #kabul 5018516026 Volksblatt 10/20/2009 8:29 AM Präsident Karsai nennt Stichwahl "legal und verfassungsgemäss": KABUL - In Afghanistan kommt es am 7. November 5018475801 unidy 10/20/2009 8:27 AM AP Top News at 8:43 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — Afghanistan's election commission has ordered a ru.. 5018473425 unclematt 10/20/2009 8:27 AM says listen for AP's @HeidiVogt in #Kabul on @POTUSPressPool via Sirius 110 & XM 130 at 12:05ped for the latest from #Afghanistan. #Karzai 5018443363 swrcontra 10/20/2009 8:25 AM Präsidenten-Stichwahl in Afghanistan: Karsai hat offenbar doch nicht die absolute Mehrheit der Stimmen. #Kabul #Abdullah 5018433874 rizgari_online 10/20/2009 8:25 AM Türkiye önergesi kabul edildi 5018405723 Jay27mcr 10/20/2009 8:23 AM AP Top News at 8:43 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — Afghanistan's election commis.. 5018405225 OnlineDailyNews 10/20/2009 8:23 AM AP Top News at 8:43 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — Afghanistan's election commission has ordered a runoff ele.. 5018364845 utahnews 10/20/2009 8:21 AM Afghan election commission orders runoff: KABUL » Afghanistan's election commission has ordered .. (SLTrib) 5018355002 unclematt 10/20/2009 8:20 AM says listen for AP's @HeidiVogt LIVE from #Kabul on @kmoxnews at 8:30am St. Louis time: #Karzai #Afghanistan 5018346883 charlenaindah 10/20/2009 8:20 AM @sharsharfina mau yang kayak gimana fin?ekok?kabul?atau ranting? 5018342391 balukacit 10/20/2009 8:20 AM Afghanistan to hold election run-off on November 7: KABUL: Afghanistan will hold a second round of its presiden.. 5018330478 FilSG 10/20/2009 8:19 AM CNA - Afghanistan to hold election run-off on November 7: KABUL: Afghanistan will hold a second round of i.. 5018325829 unclematt 10/20/2009 8:19 AM says listen for AP's @HeidiVogt LIVE from #Kabul as #Karzai holds a newser in #Afghanistan on @KNX1070 in moments: 5018301523 madayo 10/20/2009 8:18 AM @adamserwer @attackerman: True! Now A)Wondering who bitched out Karzai B) Giving all love to John Kerry, live from Kabul. #Afghanelection 5018274139 pixelman2007 10/20/2009 8:16 AM AP Top News at 8:43 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — Afghanistan's election commission has ordered a ru.. 5018269057 kickinghorse892 10/20/2009 8:16 AM RT @huffingtonpost Afghanistan Runoff Accepted By Hamid Karzai, Will Be November 7: KABUL .. 5018244801 diaryoftimhong 10/20/2009 8:15 AM Afghanistan to hold election run-off on November 7: KABUL: Afghanistan will hold a second round of its presiden.. 5018164553 BNR_Nieuwsradio 10/20/2009 8:10 AM Karzai greep maar net naast presidentschap: KABUL (ANP) - De Afghaanse president Hamid Karzai heeft tijdens de .. 5018159937 RuletaOnline 10/20/2009 8:10 AM Karzai acepta decisión de ir a segunda vuelta en Afganistán: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - El presidente afgano, .. 5018159231 fernandotrz 10/20/2009 8:10 AM Amanhã Sistema Asimov de Som no Kabul as 21h, mais infos em: 5018113068 in_asia 10/20/2009 8:07 AM KABUL, Afghanistan — Under heavy international pressure, President Hamid Karzai conceded Tuesday that he fell s.. 5018102346 saurk123 10/20/2009 8:07 AM AP Top News at 8:22 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — Afghanistan's election commission has ordered a ru.. 5018082582 RadioSeefunkRSF 10/20/2009 8:06 AM News: Karsai: Stichwahl in Afghanistan : Kabul - Die Menschen in Afghanistan müssen noch einmal wählen: Pr.. 5018079475 muratakturk 10/20/2009 8:06 AM Önce Metin tekin eğer kabul etmezse ikinci plan olarak Mitroviçe teklif götürülecek. 5018073196 valcoj 10/20/2009 8:05 AM AP Top News at 8:43 am EDT: The Associated Press KABUL — Afghanistan's election commission has ordered a ru.. 5018065376 bostonherald 10/20/2009 8:05 AM Afghan election commission orders runoff: KABUL - Afghanistan's election commission has ordered a runoff electi.. 5018003048 larrybond7 10/20/2009 8:01 AM Why is any one surprised Bush/Cheney would install Karzai in Afghanistan? 2 illegitimate administrations, Florida & Kabul both hot & sandy. 5018002678 newsblogsnepal 10/20/2009 8:01 AM Abdullah, Afghanistan's comeback kid - TheHimalayanTimes: KABUL: Three years after being axed as Afghan foreign.. 5018001906 newsblogsnepal 10/20/2009 8:01 AM Afghan to hold 2nd round poll Nov 7 - TheHimalayanTimes: KABUL:  Afghanistan will hold a second round run-.. 5017985608 fingertipnews2 10/20/2009 8:00 AM AP: Afghan election commission orders runoff: KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan's election commission Tuesday ordere.. 5017979986 TransAlchemy2 10/20/2009 8:00 AM Afghanistan Runoff Accepted By Hamid Karzai, Will Be November 7: KABUL — Afghanistan's election commissio.. 5017979524 publiusalter 10/20/2009 8:00 AM [Blog] Karzai agrees to Afghan election runoff: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai said on Tuesday tha... 5017938464 gulnur 10/20/2009 7:58 AM Tamam kolay bi iş değil kabul. Ama en büyük zevki büyüdüklerinde görüşünce hissettiğiniz acayip duygular.Bugün okuttuğum çocukları gördüm:) 5017876216 beuptodate 10/20/2009 7:54 AM | Kabul: Karzai muss in Afghanistan in die Stichwahl 5017868416 TantaoNews 10/20/2009 7:54 AM Afghan election authority says run-off to be held on Nov. 7: KABUL, Oct. 20 (Xinhua) -- Afghan Independent Elec.. 5017859555 yesrebecca 10/20/2009 7:53 AM woo bilang aja demennn! RT @lydiaajeng @yesrebecca lo aja yang ijab kabul ma dia .. wooo 5017852139 24Stunden 10/20/2009 7:53 AM Kabul: Karzai muss in Afghanistan in die Stichwahl 5017848527 NewsSearching 10/20/2009 7:53 AM Kabul: Karzai muss in Afghanistan in die Stichwahl 5017841286 FELDart 10/20/2009 7:52 AM RT @repubblicait: Kabul, verso governo di coalizione Pajhwok: "Accordo Karzai-Abdullah" #Afghanistan 5017836869 ADOnline 10/20/2009 7:52 AM Karzai greep maar net naast presidentschap: KABUL (ANP) - De Afghaanse president Hamid Karzai heeft tijdens de .. 5017835232 bluemoonlinks 10/20/2009 7:52 AM Kabul: Karzai muss in Afghanistan in die Stichwahl: Die USA haben sich durchgesetzt: Zwei Monate nach der umstr.. 5017832550 trueskinbeauty 10/20/2009 7:52 AM Afghanistan Runoff Accepted By Hamid Karzai, Will Be November 7: KABUL — Afghanistan's election commissio.. 5017826753 EnviroChem 10/20/2009 7:51 AM RT @markknoller: Just in from Kabul: Afghan election commission orders presidential run-off Nov. 7. WH still waiting for Karzai statement. 5017818659 yesrebecca 10/20/2009 7:51 AM hahaha cieee dah! mantap. ijab kabul gih sana. RT @lydiaajeng @yesrebecca iyalah . sapa lagi ?! 5017812480 reuterskl 10/20/2009 7:51 AM Afghanistan's Karzai welcomes runoff decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai said on Tuesday .. 5017811996 reuterskl 10/20/2009 7:51 AM Karzai and U.S. Senator Kerry in run-off talks: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai and U.S. Senato.. 5017804819 DerSPIEGEL 10/20/2009 7:50 AM Kabul: Karzai muss in Afghanistan in die Stichwahl 5017803217 TantaoNews 10/20/2009 7:50 AM Afghan election authority says run-off to be held on Nov. 7: KABUL, Oct. 20 (Xinhua) -- Afghan Independent Elec.. 5017802297 SPIEGELONLINE 10/20/2009 7:50 AM Kabul: Karzai muss in Afghanistan in die Stichwahl 5017743432 World_Policy 10/20/2009 7:47 AM Afghanistan Runoff Accepted By Hamid Karzai, Will Be November 7: KABUL — Afghanistan's election commis.. 5017728320 Dizzedcom 10/20/2009 7:46 AM Runner-up in Afghan election seeks interim gov't: KABUL (AP) -- The runner-up in Afghanistan's presidential ele.. 5017672367 Livestation 10/20/2009 7:42 AM - Live from Kabul, reactions to the announcement of second round of voting in #Afghan elections #livestation 5017641455 ilmessaggeroweb 10/20/2009 7:41 AM Afghanistan, ballottaggio il 7 novembre Karzai cede: «Decisione legittima»: KABUL (20 ottobre) - Il presidente .. 5017633278 burakdogan 10/20/2009 7:40 AM Şu kameraları kabul etmeyen Deniz Baykal olsaydı neler olurdu... 5017632354 reistweets 10/20/2009 7:40 AM Afghanen 7 november weer naar stembus: KABUL (ANP) - In Afghanistan wordt op 7 november de tweede ronde van de .. 5017600963 ShantheBum 10/20/2009 7:38 AM people need 2 stop talkin bout Balloon Boy lol...pleasssee that aint news...wats goin on in Kabul lol 5017540252 reutersflash 10/20/2009 7:34 AM Kabul: U.S. Senator Kerry says Karzai's run-off decision shows "great leadership" - 5017540445 tageschau 10/20/2009 7:34 AM Kabul: Karzai muss in Afghanistan in die Stichwahl 5017524531 hitsolutions 10/20/2009 7:34 AM Kabul: Karzai muss in Afghanistan in die Stichwahl: Die USA haben sich durchgesetzt: Zwei Monate nach der umstr.. 5017513661 newsblogsnepal 10/20/2009 7:33 AM TheHimalayanTimes- Abdullah, Afghanistan's comeback kid: KABUL: Three years after being axed .. 5017512971 newsblogsnepal 10/20/2009 7:33 AM TheHimalayanTimes- Afghan to hold 2nd round poll Nov 7: KABUL:  Afghanistan will hold a .. 5017494553 jorrisvandoorn 10/20/2009 7:32 AM External: Afghanen 7 november weer naar stembus: KABUL - n Afghanistan wordt op 7 november de tweede r.. 5017487988 ChikaT333 10/20/2009 7:31 AM @FitRy4niDhini oalaahhh.. haha kata.a klo di aminin cpet t'kabul iya toh?? jd ya amin aminan ajalah drtd wkkwkw 5017475715 slkbrooke 10/20/2009 7:31 AM RT @SteveSchippert @markknoller Karzai now holding news conference in Kabul w Sen. John Kerry. Run-off may delay O decision on more troops 5017473179 political50 10/20/2009 7:30 AM Karzai to speak on Afghan political limbo: KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai is expecte.. 5017438197 SteveSchippert 10/20/2009 7:28 AM RT @markknoller: Karzai now holding news conference in Kabul with Sen. John Kerry, D-MA. Run-off may delay Obama decision on more troops. 5017378836 GarCasey 10/20/2009 7:25 AM RT @AP_Mobile: KABUL (AP) _ Afghan election commission orders presidential run-off Nov. 7. 5017344639 eliferen 10/20/2009 7:22 AM Ayakta sayfa yapınca kabul oluyo' mu? Kıçım dümdüz oldu da! :) 5017339635 dinerspecials 10/20/2009 7:22 AM Afghanen 7 november weer naar stembus: KABUL - In Afghanistan wordt op 7 november de tweede ronde van de presid.. 5017337961 NewsBlogged 10/20/2009 7:22 AM AlertNet: Karzai and U.S. Senator Kerry in run-off talks: Source: Reuters KABUL, Oct 20 (Reuters) - Af.. 5017328280 news_ch 10/20/2009 7:21 AM Karsai akzeptiert offizielles Wahlergebnis in Afghanistan: Kabul - Im Streit um eine mögliche Stichwahl in Afgh.. 5017327181 kursed 10/20/2009 7:21 AM Karzai announces that run-off elections will take place on Nov 07. #Afghanistan #Kabul 5017308916 abscbnnewsbrk 10/20/2009 7:20 AM Afghanistan to hold second-round election Nov 7: official : KABUL - Afghanistan will hold a second round run-of.. 5017301799 TantaoNews 10/20/2009 7:20 AM Runoff may delay decision to send more U.S. troops to Afghanistan: KABUL, Oct. 20 (Xinhua) -- Although lowering.. 5017280853 yarabbana 10/20/2009 7:18 AM Result New Delhi University Correspondence 2009, New Delhi sets to built Agro University in Kabul via @AddToAny 5017280895 newsch 10/20/2009 7:18 AM Karsai akzeptiert offizielles Wahlergebnis in Afghanistan: Kabul - Im Streit um eine mögliche Stichw.. by 5017280940 PaginaNuova 10/20/2009 7:18 AM REPUBBLICA - Kabul, verso governo di coalizione Pajhwok: "Accordo Karzai-Abdullah": Kabul, verso go.. 5017257214 nu_nieuws 10/20/2009 7:17 AM Afghanen 7 november weer naar stembus: KABUL - In Afghanistan wordt op 7 november de tweede ronde van de presid.. 5017235778 wkfegler 10/20/2009 7:16 AM Back to Bagram, Kabul is crazy and the traffic is crazier. 5017194251 fredontv 10/20/2009 7:13 AM RT @markknoller Karzai now holding news conference in Kabul with Sen. John Kerry, D-MA. Run-off may delay Obama decision on more troops. 5017176457 markknoller 10/20/2009 7:12 AM Karzai now holding news conference in Kabul with Sen. John Kerry, D-MA. Run-off may delay Obama decision on more troops. 5017166417 Dawn_News 10/20/2009 7:11 AM KABUL: DECISION FOR RUN-OFF IN AFGHAN POLL IS LEGAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL - AFGHAN PRESIDENT KARZAI 5017157890 fredontv 10/20/2009 7:10 AM KABUL (AP) - Afghan election commission orders presidential run-off November 7. 5017153957 CNNRick 10/20/2009 7:10 AM preparing to have a very busy hectic day today. Our Chris Lawrence just reported from Kabul: Afghan election commission orders run off 5017142477 markknoller 10/20/2009 7:09 AM Just in from Kabul: Afghan election commission orders presidential run-off Nov. 7. WH still waiting for Karzai statement. 5017124559 Dawn_News 10/20/2009 7:08 AM KABUL: AFGHANISTAN TO HOLD SECOND ROUND RUN-OFF OF PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION ON NOV 7 - ELECTORAL OFFICIAL 5017119655 MMyklebust 10/20/2009 7:08 AM Karzai, Kai Eide og John Kerry held pressekonferanse i Kabul no... Litt av ein trio... 5017107430 PUNKSarava 10/20/2009 7:07 AM amanhã tem @osonso na @radiolevis !!!!! projeto +MASSA na Livraria da Esquina com @osonso e @losporongas e @gilduarte com o asimov no kabul 5017106711 KrisKetz 10/20/2009 7:07 AM KABUL (AP) - Afghan election commission orders presidential run-off Nov. 7. 5017065580 fingertipnews2 10/20/2009 7:04 AM UPI-Top News: Report: Abdullah prepared for runoff: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 20 (UPI) -- The man w.. 5016992045 zweitansage 10/20/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 5016987564 freedom4USA 10/20/2009 6:59 AM US:#tcot #news Runner-Up in Afghan Election Seeks Interim Gov't: Filed at 5:21 a.m. ET KABUL.. 5016894560 BarraDeHerram 10/20/2009 6:53 AM La autoridad electoral de Afganistán anunciará este martes el resultado final: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - La autoridad.. 5016892083 rtsradio 10/20/2009 6:53 AM Runner-up in Afghan election seeks interim gov't - KABUL (AP) -- The runner-up in Afghanistan's presidential el... 5016778342 mg_politics 10/20/2009 6:45 AM US, UN edging Karzai to runoff: KABUL — U.N.-backed fraud investigators Monday threw out nearly a third of Preside... 5016632695 rizgari_online 10/20/2009 6:35 AM Kemalist Türk savcılığı, yasakçılığını dünya medyasına kabul ettirmek istiyor 5016552547 BBCNEWSNIGHT 10/20/2009 6:29 AM Lyse Doucet from Kabul on full blown political crisis and waning public patience: 5016495490 centerofright 10/20/2009 6:25 AM might be an old link but It is the online identity for Afghani Hindus. Asa Mai Temple - almost 400o yrs old in Kabul 5016473727 ucozkazanc 10/20/2009 6:23 AM @erhantaskin için nick: 01110011 (binary olarak erhan yazıo) şaka be şaka.. attım o sıfırlarla birleri, ama yaratıcıydı kabul et :) 5016432951 publiusalter 10/20/2009 6:20 AM [Blog] Afghan leader Karzai seen accepting need for new poll: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election commission w... 5016416620 luke_bozier 10/20/2009 6:19 AM "Asymmetry is the key word from Kabul to Gaza .... Might is not right." Go Bono - 5016375694 cricketcrazzy 10/20/2009 6:16 AM President Karzai Under Pressure After Poll Fraud Probe: KABUL: President Hamid Karzai was on Tuesday, under inc.. 5016187234 ClearedJobsTX 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016187346 ClearedJobsVA 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016187023 ClearedJobsPA 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016187138 ClearedJobsSC 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016186927 ClearedJobsOH 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016186394 ClearedJobsNJ 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016186564 ClearedJobsNV 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016186161 ClearedJobsNC 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016186280 ClearedJobsNet 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016185947 ClearedJobsMD 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016186063 ClearedJobsMO 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016185699 ClearedJobsMA 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016185486 ClearedJobsFL 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016185600 ClearedJobsGA 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016185368 ClearedJobsDC 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016185109 ClearedJobsCO 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016184882 ClearedJobsAZ 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016184985 ClearedJobsCA 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016184659 ClearanceJobsVA 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016184794 ClearedJobsAL 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016184497 ClearanceJobsTX 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016184333 ClearanceJobsSC 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016183893 ClearanceJobsPA 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016183573 ClearanceJobsOH 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016183324 ClearanceJobsNV 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016183153 ClearanceJobsNJ 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016182803 ClearanceJobsMO 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016182654 ClearanceJobsMD 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016182249 ClearanceJobsGA 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016182447 ClearanceJobsMA 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016182133 clearancejobsfl 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016181922 ClearanceJobsDC 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016181676 ClearanceJobsCA 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016181835 ClearanceJobsCO 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016181526 ClearanceJobsAZ 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016181330 ClearanceJobsAL 10/20/2009 6:01 AM CACI is looking for Sr CI/LE Ops Security Support Officer w/ Secret Security Clearance #Kabul #jobs #techjobs #ClearedJobs 5016163613 SwineFlu_news 10/20/2009 6:00 AM Canada AM: Janis Mackey Frayer in Kabul 5016162115 zweitansage 10/20/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 5016134357 unclematt 10/20/2009 5:57 AM says listen for AP's @HeidiVogt LIVE from #Kabul for the latest from #Afghanistan on @WDEL at 12:38ped: 5016106400 rtsradio 10/20/2009 5:55 AM Runner-up in Afghan election seeks interim gov't - KABUL (AP) -- The runner-up in Afghanistan's presidential el... 5016061727 celebrifi 10/20/2009 5:51 AM Sens. play good cop, bad cop in Kabul: With the heightened stakes in Afghanistan, top Senate chairmen are makin.. 5016006105 SandyMorris2010 10/20/2009 5:47 AM Karzai seen open to Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election commission was preparin.. 5016006200 UrFundraisers 10/20/2009 5:47 AM Karzai seen open to Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election commission was preparin.. 5016005954 Rutraveling2010 10/20/2009 5:47 AM Karzai seen open to Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election commission was preparin.. 5016006039 sandyboncharlie 10/20/2009 5:47 AM Karzai seen open to Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election commission was preparin.. 5016005773 charsan10 10/20/2009 5:47 AM Karzai seen open to Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election commission was preparin.. 5016005827 charsand2010 10/20/2009 5:47 AM Karzai seen open to Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election commission was preparin.. 5016005896 csmorrisnbo 10/20/2009 5:47 AM Karzai seen open to Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election commission was preparin.. 5016005699 charliemorris10 10/20/2009 5:47 AM Karzai seen open to Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election commission was preparin.. 5015970814 unclematt 10/20/2009 5:44 AM says listen for AP's @HeidiVogt LIVE from #Kabul for the latest from #Afghanistan on @KFWB at 6:47am L.A. time: 5015966292 livevegasescort 10/20/2009 5:44 AM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off (source: Reuters): KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A 5015964032 moneytoyourdoor 10/20/2009 5:43 AM Karzai seen open to Afghan run-off (source: Reuters): KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election comm 5015950436 CityNews 10/20/2009 5:42 AM Former Top Soldier Hillier Releases Memoir, Says He Argued For Kabul Instead Of Kandahar Deployment: The book, "A Sol... 5015933569 BetteDam 10/20/2009 5:41 AM @Hairan really. good! i am in kabul soon. lets continue on 5015687222 publiusalter 10/20/2009 5:20 AM [Blog] Karzai seen open to Afghan run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election commission was preparing to ann... 5015685203 LebTweets 10/20/2009 5:20 AM RT @GRNLive The world today - Kabul, Waziristan, Jakarta, Jerusalem, Juba, Beirut for Tehran, Sydney, Manila, Takaka, Mogadishu - http://.. 5015600430 elfxs 10/20/2009 5:12 AM şunu artık kabul etmeli eşarp kullanımını yakından bilmeyen en iyi modacı dahi olsa maalesef tesettürlü bayanı giydiremez 5015586714 dunya_gazetesi 10/20/2009 5:11 AM Erdoğan, kameralı görüşmeyi kabul etmedi 5015568101 RuletaOnline 10/20/2009 5:09 AM Comisión electoral afgana anunciará hoy resultados: funcionarios: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - La comisión elect.. 5015466717 rahulgaitonde 10/20/2009 5:01 AM Photo feature: Kabul in the 1960s and 70s. Normal. Placid, even. What Khaled Hosseini yearns for, in pics. 5015460742 fingertipnews2 10/20/2009 5:00 AM AP: Runner-up in Afghan election seeks interim gov't: KABUL (AP) -- The runner-up in Afghanistan's president.. 5015456621 publiusalter 10/20/2009 5:00 AM [Blog] Karzai said open to Afghan run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election commission was preparing to ann... 5015448030 zweitansage 10/20/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 5015302914 antoniojl 10/20/2009 4:48 AM RT @stuartcurran: Strange dream last night - I was accompanying an alcoholic Johnny Vegas on a diplomatic mission to Kabul. 5015255503 lloydata 10/20/2009 4:44 AM Monde: British-French charter flight taking failed asylum seekers to Kabul (French) (earlier, Eng) 5015234263 kuli_koding 10/20/2009 4:42 AM @dydanz terutama yang ini RT:saya terima nikahnya... hiahahaha... ijab kabul pake Retweet penghulu.. 5015194761 abdulsahil 10/20/2009 4:39 AM Suicide attack kills at least 12 in Kabul 5015166765 bakotw 10/20/2009 4:37 AM Erdoğan Baykal ile görüşmeyecek: Başbakan Erdoğan, Baykal'ın kameralı kayıt önerisini kabul etmedi ve CHP lider.. 5015156266 Abihanaf 10/20/2009 4:36 AM IEC Segera Umumkan Hasil Pemilu Afghan: KABUL--Komisi Pemilihan Independen Afghanistan (IEC) menyatakan akan se.. 5015152412 GabrielPeri 10/20/2009 4:36 AM @kayaberna Bekir Coşkun'un duası kabul olsa gökten komandolar inip başbakanlık binasını kuşatırlardı herhalde :-) 5015139545 paulchaston 10/20/2009 4:35 AM [Blog] U.N.-backed panel confirms election fraud in Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan – U.N.-backed fraud investiga... 5015134536 armyAfghanistan 10/20/2009 4:34 AM New NATO Headquarters – NATO Training Mission - Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan - The Commander of Internationa.. 5015052755 GRNLive 10/20/2009 4:28 AM The world today - Kabul, Waziristan, Jakarta, Jerusalem, Juba, Beirut for Tehran, Sydney, Manila, Takaka, Mogadishu - 5014931475 tikkyman 10/20/2009 4:18 AM Bir insanı sevmek onunla yaşlanmayı kabul etmek demektir benim için. Ben seni seviyorum ve bir ömür boyu seninle... 5014931295 paulchaston 10/20/2009 4:18 AM [Blog] Afghan poll commission to announce result: KABUL (Reuters) – Afghanistan's election commission was prep... 5014930703 paulchaston 10/20/2009 4:18 AM [Blog] Afghan poll commission to announce result: KABUL (Reuters) – Afghanistan's election commission was prepari... 5014874794 theskiver 10/20/2009 4:13 AM @StudleyBigAir "We just dropped 50 tons of Bremners on Kabul, but it don't seem to be making no goddam difference" 5014860736 UNjobs 10/20/2009 4:12 AM Procurement Specialist (re-advertisement), Kabul #jobs 5014850553 kayaberna 10/20/2009 4:11 AM Bekir coşkun'un duası kabul olsa gökten neler yağardı.... 5014799909 eloforum 10/20/2009 4:07 AM Internationaler Druck auf Karzai nimmt zu: Kabul (dts) - Der internationale Druck auf den afghanischen Präsidenten Hamid 5014712446 paulchaston 10/20/2009 4:00 AM [Blog] Afghanistan's Karzai likely to agree run-off election: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Hamid Kar... 5014711749 paulchaston 10/20/2009 4:00 AM [Blog] Afghanistan's Karzai likely to agree run-off election: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Hamid Karzai... 5014711093 thetime 10/20/2009 4:00 AM in Kabul, Asia is 1:30pm 5014707044 zweitansage 10/20/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 5014610830 nairobistar 10/20/2009 3:51 AM Wire_2: Karzai to accept vote result: KABUL, Oct 20 - Afghan President Hamid Karzai will accept the fina.. 5014547994 bianet_org 10/20/2009 3:46 AM PKK: Kürt İradesi Kabul Edilmeden Dağdan İnmeyiz 5014546662 point0fsale 10/20/2009 3:46 AM Retail Karzai ready to accept runoff after election audit: Kabul, Oct. 20 : Afghanistan President Hamid K.. 5014479887 publiusalter 10/20/2009 3:40 AM [Blog] Afghan poll commission to announce result: officials: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election commission wa... 5014454842 haberbiz 10/20/2009 3:38 AM Yeni haber, Karzai, resmi sonucu kabul edecek - 5014359231 NedDagbl 10/20/2009 3:29 AM Nieuws: Tijd dringt voor verdeeld Afghanistan: KABUL - Na twee maanden lijkt eindelijk de definitieve ui.. 5014337309 SmartNewsNet 10/20/2009 3:27 AM Sens. play good cop, bad cop in Kabul (Politico) 5014242379 PaginaNuova 10/20/2009 3:19 AM IL GIORNALE - Kabul al ballottaggio, Karzai è alle strette: "Accetterò il risultato": Sotto la pre.. 5014220490 ilgiornale 10/20/2009 3:18 AM Kabul al ballottaggio, Karzai è alle strette: "Accetterò il risultato" #news 5014152041 News_canadian 10/20/2009 3:12 AM Hillier says he argued to keep troops in Kabul 5014110768 bolbol_dunya 10/20/2009 3:09 AM Karzai: Resmi sonucu kabul edeceğim 5014057974 Aussie_Heroine 10/20/2009 3:04 AM ABC1Australian TV tonight 4Corners Corruption in Kabul Afghanistan: on now repeated on Tuesday 20 October at 5014028504 newsblogsnepal 10/20/2009 3:02 AM TheHimalayanTimes- Karzai to accept final vote result: KABUL: Afghan President Hamid Karzai w.. 5013993301 zweitansage 10/20/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 5013983380 paulchaston 10/20/2009 2:59 AM [Blog] Afghan rivals urged to respect election result: KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- The United States and Franc... 5013982895 paulchaston 10/20/2009 2:59 AM [Blog] Afghan rivals urged to respect election result: KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- The United States and France urg... 5013969057 Pureabsinthe 10/20/2009 2:57 AM -Alev- O da zoruma gidiyor =) Dengesizim evet kabul ediyorum re: 5013832759 Hairan 10/20/2009 2:46 AM The election crisis is being discussed in several diplomatic emergency meetings in different parts of Kabul; rush of calls from outer world 5013732982 stuartcurran 10/20/2009 2:38 AM Strange dream last night - I was accompanying an alcoholic Johnny Vegas on a diplomatic mission to Kabul. 5013691589 UrFundraisers 10/20/2009 2:35 AM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Ham.. 5013691400 sandyboncharlie 10/20/2009 2:35 AM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Ham.. 5013691478 SandyMorris2010 10/20/2009 2:35 AM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Ham.. 5013691207 csmorrisnbo 10/20/2009 2:35 AM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Ham.. 5013691275 Rutraveling2010 10/20/2009 2:35 AM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Ham.. 5013691059 charsand2010 10/20/2009 2:35 AM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Ham.. 5013690775 charliemorris10 10/20/2009 2:35 AM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Ham.. 5013690921 charsan10 10/20/2009 2:35 AM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Ham.. 5013646119 news89 10/20/2009 2:31 AM Guardian Daily: Dads trying to 'have it all': Jon Boone reports from Kabul, where there's increasing pressure o.. 5013615122 ermansire 10/20/2009 2:29 AM Frank Rijkaard önümde bağırıyor, Hagi arkamdaki locada alkışları kibarca el sallayarak kabul ediyordu.. Tanrıya şükür ki Galatasaraylıyım... 5013506998 HJSNews 10/20/2009 2:20 AM Guardian Daily: Dads trying to 'have it all': Jon Boone reports from Kabul, where there's increasing pressure o.. 5013503386 publiusalter 10/20/2009 2:20 AM [Blog] Karzai likely to agree run-off election: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai, under intense ... 5013485500 paulchaston 10/20/2009 2:19 AM [Blog] Amanpour Abdullah ready for runoff with Afghan President Karzai: KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Afghan Pre... 5013484597 paulchaston 10/20/2009 2:19 AM [Blog] Amanpour Abdullah ready for runoff with Afghan President Karzai: KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Afghan Presiden... 5013484111 reuterskl 10/20/2009 2:19 AM Afghanistan's Karzai likely to agree run-off election: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai, und.. 5013415760 trackerdads 10/20/2009 2:13 AM RT Guardian Daily: Dads trying to 'have it all': Jon Boone reports from Kabul, where there's increasing press.. 5013404944 knutcracker 10/20/2009 2:12 AM Guardian Daily: Dads trying to 'have it all': Jon Boone reports from Kabul, where there's increasing pressure o.. 5013238260 zweitansage 10/20/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 5013228029 bolbol_saglik 10/20/2009 1:58 AM Ben aşı oldum, eşim kabul etmiyor 5013097634 jeffersonjeffer 10/20/2009 1:48 AM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off - KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai, und... 5013097692 ianingersoll321 10/20/2009 1:48 AM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off - KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai, und... 5013097385 lennylancaster 10/20/2009 1:48 AM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off - KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai, und... 5013097471 kevinkalamanca 10/20/2009 1:48 AM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off - KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai, und... 5012451274 Mikaaal 10/20/2009 12:58 AM Jag har börjat skramla till en enkel flygbiljetter till Kabul. Jimmie Åkesson fyller väl år någon gång han... 5012331637 rukiorg 10/20/2009 12:49 AM hASTA INSANLARDAN UZAK DURUN, GORUSMEYIN, BEBEGINIZI HASTALARDAN UZAK TUTUN, GOTURMEYIN, MISAFIR KABUL ETMEYIN, EV GEZMELERINI KESIN 5012295037 World_Policy 10/20/2009 12:46 AM Karzai Appears Set To Agree To Runoff In Afghan Election: KABUL, Afghanistan -- Under heavy international pr.. 5012288015 kickinghorse892 10/20/2009 12:46 AM RT @huffingtonpost Karzai Appears Set To Agree To Runoff In Afghan Election: KABUL, Afghan.. 5012278625 itsjustenough 10/20/2009 12:45 AM Karzai Appears Set To Agree To Runoff In Afghan Election: KABUL, Afghanistan -- Under heavy international pr.. 5012064881 TransAlchemy2 10/20/2009 12:30 AM Karzai Appears Set To Agree To Runoff In Afghan Election: KABUL, Afghanistan -- Under heavy international press.. 5012042374 WANews0verviews 10/20/2009 12:29 AM Flash: "Afghans stand in front of poster of President Hamid Karzai in Kabul/Getty Images" 5011645916 fingertipnews2 10/20/2009 12:04 AM UPI-Top News: Karzai likely to accept audit finding: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 20 (UPI) -- Afghan P.. 5011233525 Laradio 10/19/2009 11:42 PM We spreken live vanuit Kabul, Maarten Halff. Zit in de ECC, de klachtencommissie die rapporteerde over fraude bij verkiezingen Afghanistan. 5011229026 draenews 10/19/2009 11:42 PM Megite Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President.. 5011167408 MeOclockLive 10/19/2009 11:39 PM Sens. play good cop, bad cop in Kabul (Politico) ( 5011037975 ladydstardust 10/19/2009 11:32 PM check this out Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Af.. 5010853698 harshjshah 10/19/2009 11:23 PM On foreign correspondents moving to Kabul: “It’s like the Baghdad class of 2003 is now the Kabul class of 2009” 5010488407 muzlimz 10/19/2009 11:07 PM Karzai Stripped of Outright Election Win: KABUL – An Afghan election watchdog invalidated Monday, October 19, t.. 5010440005 magic_negro 10/19/2009 11:04 PM Hillier argued for Kabul, instead of Kandahar deployment: memoir 5010319961 thetime 10/19/2009 11:00 PM in Kabul, Asia is 8:30am 5010187656 rtsradio 10/19/2009 10:54 PM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai, .. 5010060876 CRAcorruption 10/19/2009 10:49 PM - US wants a credible government in Kabul before ...: Brandon : .. 5009915283 m_insider 10/19/2009 10:43 PM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off: KABUL, Oct 20 — Afghan President Hamid Karzai, under intense.. 5009839217 publiusalter 10/19/2009 10:40 PM [Blog] Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karza... 5009816981 Transitionland 10/19/2009 10:39 PM If I end up in Kabul, I think I'll forgo showering unless I'm on R&R. Should prevent both heater-related death & kidanpping. @lizva @tomafg 5009779736 EconomyUS 10/19/2009 10:38 PM UN watchdog tells Kabul to discard ballots (source: FT): Fraud investigators ordered Afghan of.. #economy #stocks 5009607539 alexaowe 10/19/2009 10:30 PM Karzai expected to concede today: ... New York Times KABUL - Under international pressure, Afghan President Ham.. 5009593477 myfungames 10/19/2009 10:30 PM Sens. play good cop, bad cop in Kabul 5009381506 UrFundraisers 10/19/2009 10:21 PM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Ham.. 5009380824 SandyMorris2010 10/19/2009 10:21 PM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Ham.. 5009380322 sandyboncharlie 10/19/2009 10:21 PM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Ham.. 5009379800 Rutraveling2010 10/19/2009 10:21 PM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Ham.. 5009379196 csmorrisnbo 10/19/2009 10:21 PM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Ham.. 5009378564 charsand2010 10/19/2009 10:21 PM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Ham.. 5009377844 charsan10 10/19/2009 10:21 PM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Ham.. 5009377499 charliemorris10 10/19/2009 10:21 PM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Ham.. 5009374844 mattaikins 10/19/2009 10:21 PM lovely photos of 60s Kabul Bumiller's article on the "Golden Age" 5009362097 RaysNewsTweeter 10/19/2009 10:20 PM Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai, .. 5009263401 USTalib 10/19/2009 10:16 PM Lets ship her to Kabul, give her a gun, tell Taliban she's a lesbo & see what she does RT @iNews880 War deserte.. 5009254738 FilSG 10/19/2009 10:16 PM CNA - Karzai under pressure after poll fraud probe: KABUL - President Hamid Karzai was Tuesday under growi.. 5009209447 FACLC 10/19/2009 10:14 PM Lets ship her to Kabul, give her a gun, tell Taliban she's a lesbo & see what she does RT @iNews880 War deserter seeks santuary in Canada 5009173880 JoseRafael20 10/19/2009 10:13 PM presi mande a isa pa otra @ChavezOfficial @JoseRafael20 tengo la de gaza, pyonyang y Kabul vacantes! La de madrid es de @Isaías rolo e vivo 5009145544 AllNewsSources 10/19/2009 10:12 PM REUTERS: Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai, 5009032462 buybooksonline1 10/19/2009 10:07 PM [REUTERS]: Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan Pre.. 5009004234 wcompanyportal 10/19/2009 10:06 PM [REUTERS]: Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan Pre.. 5008944988 headlinenews 10/19/2009 10:03 PM Reuters: Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan Preside.. 5008906804 ReutersNews 10/19/2009 10:02 PM Reuters: Karzai set to announce decision on Afghan run-off: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Afghan Preside.. 5008902862 EvanPiccarreto 10/19/2009 10:02 PM my BRO rode the jetskies in KABUL! 5008886008 newsblogsnepal 10/19/2009 10:01 PM Karzai under pressure after poll - TheHimalayanTimes: KABUL: President Hamid Karzai was Tuesday under growing p.. 5008777132 JimAlger 10/19/2009 9:56 PM Sens. play good cop, bad cop in Kabul: With the heightened stakes in Afghanistan, top senators are making thems.. 5008735033 iNewsStand 10/19/2009 9:54 PM Political Agenda: Sens. play good cop, bad cop in Kabul - With the heightened stakes in Afghanistan, top Senate cha... 5007950614 publiusalter 10/19/2009 9:20 PM [Blog] Karzai open to Afghan run-off: sources: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai is expected to a... 5007793697 roulefx 10/19/2009 9:13 PM Karzai open to Afghan run-off: sources: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai is expected to anno.. 5007700158 Don_Scott 10/19/2009 9:09 PM #topstories Karzai open to Afghan run-off: sources (source: Reuters): KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - P.. 5007559952 fingertipnews2 10/19/2009 9:04 PM Reuters Int'l: Karzai open to Afghan run-off: sources: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Ham.. 5007488473 fingertipnews2 10/19/2009 9:01 PM AP: UN-backed panel confirms massive Afghan fraud: KABUL (AP) -- U.N.-backed fraud investigators on Monday t.. 5007406662 fbajak 10/19/2009 8:57 PM Pre-1978 NYT photos in and around Kabul 5007367055 WORLDDAILYTIMES 10/19/2009 8:56 PM Karzai open to Afghan run-off: sources - Reuters: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai is expect.. 5007302309 InterShortNews 10/19/2009 8:53 PM Reuter: Karzai open to Afghan run-off: sources: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai is e.. 5007279124 BookmarkingNet 10/19/2009 8:52 PM News Karzai open to Afghan run-off: sources: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai is expecte.. 5007166259 Politico 10/19/2009 8:47 PM Sens. play good cop, bad cop in Kabul 5007052170 HeadlinesNewz 10/19/2009 8:43 PM Karzai open to Afghan run-off: sources: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai is expected to anno.. 5007045101 hawaiinewsnow 10/19/2009 8:42 PM Sens. play good cop, bad cop in Kabul: With the heightened stakes in Afghanistan, top Senate chairmen are makin.. 5007042858 freedom4USA 10/19/2009 8:42 PM faves: US:#tcot #news Nearly a Third of Afghan President’s Votes Voided: KABUL...: US:#tcot #news N.. 5006897571 in_asia 10/19/2009 8:36 PM KABUL, Afghanistan — Under heavy international pressure, President Hamid Karzai appears set to concede as early.. 5006841125 celebrumorsnet 10/19/2009 8:34 PM Celeb Rumors Update!, Sens. play good cop, bad cop in Kabul - 5006836919 safe_waters 10/19/2009 8:34 PM #reutersIN Karzai open to Afghan run-off: sources: KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Hamid Karzai is expected to an 5006751922 186kps 10/19/2009 8:30 PM Sens. play good cop, bad cop in Kabul 5006584777 globeandmail 10/19/2009 8:23 PM Hillier says he argued to keep troops in Kabul: Canada's former top soldier tells his side of the story in new memoir... 5006499611 globepolitics 10/19/2009 8:20 PM Hillier says he argued to keep troops in Kabul: Canada's former top soldier tells his side of the story in new memoir... 5006391076 UrFundraisers 10/19/2009 8:15 PM Karzai open to Afghan run-off: sources (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed watchdog invalida.. 5006390221 SandyMorris2010 10/19/2009 8:15 PM Karzai open to Afghan run-off: sources (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed watchdog invalida.. 5006389296 sandyboncharlie 10/19/2009 8:15 PM Karzai open to Afghan run-off: sources (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed watchdog invalida.. 5006388107 Rutraveling2010 10/19/2009 8:15 PM Karzai open to Afghan run-off: sources (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed watchdog invalida.. 5006386935 csmorrisnbo 10/19/2009 8:15 PM Karzai open to Afghan run-off: sources (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed watchdog invalida.. 5006385279 charsan10 10/19/2009 8:15 PM Karzai open to Afghan run-off: sources (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed watchdog invalida.. 5006383813 charliemorris10 10/19/2009 8:15 PM Karzai open to Afghan run-off: sources (source: Reuters) KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed watchdog invalida.. 5006376157 washdcnews 10/19/2009 8:15 PM Sens. play good cop, bad cop in Kabul: With the heightened stakes in Afghanistan, top senators are making thems.. 5006282727 yrtv 10/19/2009 8:11 PM Sens. play good cop, bad cop in Kabul: With the heightened stakes in Afghanistan, top senators are making thems.. 5006254295 SigourneyWeave 10/19/2009 8:10 PM Hillier wanted Canadians in safer Kabul: memoir: Canada's former top soldier Rick Hillier says in his new boo ... 5006241462 faithbasedfilm 10/19/2009 8:09 PM New Release: Kabul 24 - DVD: You prayed to God for their release. Now you will know the mira.. (@ChristianCinema) 5006197792 ChristianCinema 10/19/2009 8:07 PM [News] New Release: Kabul 24 - DVD 5006153213 LaneLipton 10/19/2009 8:06 PM @jaketapper Kabul? But what about the Balloon Boy?!! 5006048058 twolitix 10/19/2009 8:01 PM Politico: Sens. play good cop, bad cop in Kabul 5006027552 Erudite_Enigma 10/19/2009 8:01 PM Sens. play good cop, bad cop in Kabul: With the heightened stakes in Afghanistan, top senators are making thems.. 5006021168 fingertipnews2 10/19/2009 8:00 PM AP: UN-backed panel confirms massive Afghan fraud: KABUL (AP) -- U.N.-backed fraud investigators on Monday t.. 5005984248 modernhacker 10/19/2009 7:59 PM @johannes_mono Burning kerosene eh? Don't forget the next Monochrom conference: Blowing Shit Up (outside Kabul) 5005945001 jaketapper 10/19/2009 7:57 PM our WN chat w/Charlie on the view of Kabul from the WH: 5005795755 writercris 10/19/2009 7:51 PM Kabul still shocked it did not win the 2016 Olympic bid. #humor #comedy 5005778063 bharianmy 10/19/2009 7:50 PM Sejuta undi diperoleh Karzai tidak sah : KABUL: Kira-kira sejuta undi yang diperoleh oleh Presiden Afghanistan,.. 5005526527 jeihann 10/19/2009 7:40 PM Uts dl ahh. Pas sampe ny.blm msk.. Hha icun mampus doa lo ga ke kabul , jht c . 5004945740 punditkix 10/19/2009 7:17 PM PUBLISHED: Gateway Pundit: Obama Fiddles As Kabul Burns - 5004558221 freedom4USA 10/19/2009 7:01 PM US:#tcot #news Nearly a Third of Afghan President’s Votes Voided: KABUL | U.N.-backed fraud.. 5004555436 fingertipnews2 10/19/2009 7:01 PM AP: UN-backed panel confirms massive Afghan fraud: KABUL (AP) -- U.N.-backed fraud investigators on Monday t.. 5004484173 dkwdba 10/19/2009 6:58 PM Karzai open to Afghan run-off: sources (source: Reuters): KABUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed watchdog i.. 5004322523 jerry58apple 10/19/2009 6:51 PM Valiantly fighting off food coma after fantastic Afghani lunch at Kabul restaurant in Mountain View. Slowly losing the battle. #naptime 8-] 5004196990 ayayolculuk 10/19/2009 6:46 PM @OzanOnen - -de eki ile kendin abarttigini kabul etmis bulundun zaten. 5004142369 123hearthealth 10/19/2009 6:44 PM UN-backed panel confirms massive Afghan fraud: KABUL (AP) -- U.N.-backed fraud investigators on Monday threw ou.. 5004138966 m_insider 10/19/2009 6:43 PM Abdullah ready for runoff with Afghan President Karzai: KABUL, Oct 20 — Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s primary.. 5004105052 ChristinaAsquit 10/19/2009 6:42 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul - 5004095224 BloggerCentral 10/19/2009 6:42 PM Political Punch The Latest from Kabul: the View from the White House #BC 5004005262 andrescatelli 10/19/2009 6:38 PM Show da @dualtape domingo no Kabul. Mais detalhes em 5004004981 dualtape 10/19/2009 6:38 PM Show da @dualtape domingo no Kabul. Mais detalhes em 5003966707 AZNLoverdotcom 10/19/2009 6:36 PM UN watchdog tells Kabul to discard ballots: Fraud investigators ordered Afghan officials to deny Hamid Karzai, 5003739109 ScoutJennings 10/19/2009 6:26 PM RT @ArmyInfantryMom: Its gr8 they raised $$ 4 firewood that sustained 3 orphanages through the winter in Kabul.RT 5003712241 PUNKSarava 10/19/2009 6:25 PM RT @gilduarte Preparando as idéias pro show do Sistema Asimov de Som no kabul nessa 4ª!!! 5003679551 ArmyInfantryMom 10/19/2009 6:24 PM @ScoutJennings Its great they raised $$ for firewood that sustained 3 orphanages through the winter in Kabul.RT 5003665421 stressuk 10/19/2009 6:23 PM The Latest from Kabul: the View from the White House 5003552885 brianstelter 10/19/2009 6:18 PM "The Baghdad class of 2003 is now the Kabul class of 2009." My take on Afghanistan media coverage: 5003350805 de_volkskrant 10/19/2009 6:10 PM [00:12] Karzai zakt onder de vijftig procent: KABUL - De Afghanen moeten mogelijk opnieuw naar de stembu.. 5003199126 rtsradio 10/19/2009 6:03 PM UN-backed panel confirms massive Afghan fraud - KABUL (AP) -- U.N.-backed fraud investigators on Monday threw o... 5003183841 AllNewsSources 10/19/2009 6:02 PM CP: Hillier argued for Kabul, instead of Kandahar deployment: memoir 5003150655 fingertipnews2 10/19/2009 6:01 PM AP: UN-backed panel confirms massive Afghan fraud: KABUL (AP) -- U.N.-backed fraud investigators on Monday t.. 5003006104 JamShowbiz 10/19/2009 5:54 PM Hillier argued for Kabul, instead of Kandahar deployment: memoir 5002979433 inovosti 10/19/2009 5:53 PM Ponedjeljak, 19 Listopad 2009 19:03 - Hrvatske Patrije idu u Mazar-i-Sharif i Kabul 5002891841 MakeSuccess 10/19/2009 5:49 PM The Latest from Kabul: the View from the White House: White House officials say that Karzai has to be seen as l.. 5002881629 moiludi 10/19/2009 5:49 PM Afghanistan, Si Va Al Ballotaggio Karzai: "accetto Il Riconteggio": KABUL - Sar� un ballottaggio a de.. 5002838402 USTalib 10/19/2009 5:47 PM Hillier argued for Kabul, instead of Kandahar deployment: memoir - Metro Canada - Calgary 5002836297 USTalib 10/19/2009 5:47 PM Hillier argued for Kabul, instead of Kandahar deployment: memoir - The Canadian Press 5002817062 marianacobra 10/19/2009 5:46 PM RT @gilduarte Preparando as idéias pro show do Sistema Asimov de Som no kabul nessa 4ª!!! 5002790071 YahooNoticias 10/19/2009 5:45 PM Votos anulados no despejan incertidumbre sobre elecciones en Afganistán: AFP - KABUL (AFP) - Dos meses después .. 5002778709 fpbowen 10/19/2009 5:44 PM WFP Hillier argued for Kabul, instead of Kandahar deployment: memoir: OTTAWA - Canada's former top soldier s.. 5002431029 ABCNewsNews 10/19/2009 5:29 PM Tonight on World News: the results from the latest ABC-WP poll, turmoil in Kabul & new rules for medical marijuana 5002293728 tia_62i 10/19/2009 5:23 PM mrb arkadaşlar bu sayfada internet aleminde yapılan en ilginç yorumları sizlerle paylaşacağım.Kabul ettiginiz için teşekkür ederi 5002261496 ruthidho 10/19/2009 5:22 PM Kalah eke mah, yey kan tggl icap kabul.. Hihi ;) RT @feronita : @ruthidho makanya jangan mau kalah sama gw hahahaha.. 5002234035 TheWorldNews 10/19/2009 5:21 PM Afghan poll picture darkens with run-off looming: KABUL (Reuters) - International observers called for an elect.. 5002039794 ScottTHuey 10/19/2009 5:12 PM Asymmetry is the key word from Kabul to Gaza . 5001954793 OscarTOppenheim 10/19/2009 5:09 PM and she's also done a stint at Kabul. 5001923408 F_22 10/19/2009 5:07 PM The Latest from Kabul: the View from the White House 5001744332 zweitansage 10/19/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 5001721291 khaLgistomp 10/19/2009 4:59 PM Murat Bardakçı tarih derslerini eleştiriyor. Tamam, haklı, kabul. Lakin, bir de kendine bak be adam! Sen "tarihten bihaber tarihçi"sin... 5001673250 safe_waters 10/19/2009 4:56 PM #reutersIN Afghan poll picture darkens with run-off looming: KABUL (Reuters) - International observers called for an ele 5001652379 wkfegler 10/19/2009 4:55 PM Kabul traffic makes DC look like childsplay 5001603847 marianacobra 10/19/2009 4:53 PM quarta agora tem show do @gilduarte e sistema asimov de som lá no Kabul, bora!!!! 5001539702 mert2407 10/19/2009 4:51 PM Dmoz ‘da Artık Bende Varım!: Her blogger gibi bende Dmoz dizinine kabul edilmemle beraber bu yazıyı yazıyorum. .. 5001500394 Czarhunter 10/19/2009 4:49 PM Obama Fiddles While Kabul Burns #tcot #sgp #gop #teaparty #foxnews #glennbeck #hannity 5001322353 exigeante 10/19/2009 4:41 PM at the 1st public viewing of Kabul 24 5001264452 CHRISVOSS 10/19/2009 4:39 PM Q. What should Kabul get for its air defense system? A. A refund. 5001261509 lawguide 10/19/2009 4:39 PM The Latest from Kabul: the View from the White House: Based on conversations US Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl .. 5001202077 PoliticalPunch 10/19/2009 4:36 PM The Latest from Kabul: the View from the White House: Based on conversations US Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl .. 5001169508 rizgari_online 10/19/2009 4:35 PM Başbuğ gizli görüşmeyi kabul etmek zorunda kaldı! 5001158597 greychampion 10/19/2009 4:34 PM newStream ©: The Latest from Kabul: the View from the White House 5001035160 jaketapper 10/19/2009 4:29 PM Today in Kabul: the view from the White House > 5001017096 uppaljs 10/19/2009 4:28 PM #kabul tweetup anyone ? 5000993794 WORLDDAILYTIMES 10/19/2009 4:27 PM Italy mourns 6 killed in Afghanistan - Los Angeles Times: Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan - A United Nations-.. 5000919284 sayfienews 10/19/2009 4:24 PM Political Punch: The Latest from Kabul: the View from the White House 5000857704 Going_Rogue 10/19/2009 4:21 PM RT @jaketapper The Latest from Kabul: the View from the White House: Based on conversations.. #tlot 5000795240 benredd 10/19/2009 4:18 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: News agencies shift focus from #Iraq to #Afghanistan. #journalism 5000698923 michaeloon 10/19/2009 4:14 PM UN watchdog tells Kabul to discard ballots: Fraud investigators ordered Afghan officials to deny Hamid Karzai, .. 5000697310 WeremyJebb 10/19/2009 4:14 PM #webbery UN watchdog tells Kabul to discard ballots: Fraud investigators ordered Afghan officials to de.. 5000695905 GregoryBT 10/19/2009 4:14 PM FT : UN watchdog tells Kabul to discard ballots: Fraud investigators ordered Afghan officials to deny Hamid.. 5000420171 fingertipnews2 10/19/2009 4:02 PM AP: Nearly a third of Afghan president's votes voided: KABUL (AP) -- U.N.-backed fraud investigators on Mond.. 5000390421 DalydeGagne 10/19/2009 4:00 PM ALERT: MSNBC says Sen John Kerry has returned to Kabul to continue negotiations with Afghani president. 5000379663 BayouPerspectiv 10/19/2009 4:00 PM Senator Kerry went to talk with his buddy Karzai in Kabul re the possible runoff.. 5000073955 AStoney14 10/19/2009 3:46 PM Had no idea it snowed in kabul. 4999970883 blogsoftheworld 10/19/2009 3:41 PM KABUL -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai may not accept the results of a vote recount from the summer's gene... #its 4999921010 feedpoker 10/19/2009 3:38 PM 'Fraude kost president Karzai meerderheid': KABUL - Bij de presidentsverkiezingen in Afghanistan op 20 augustus.. 4999875000 OrangeCtyNYCars 10/19/2009 3:36 PM - US wants a credible government in Kabul before ... 4999872521 bbcamerica 10/19/2009 3:36 PM RT @BBC_WNA BBC_WNA Andrew North reports on Afghanistan's political uncertainty from Kabul tonight on WNA @ 7pm 4999750494 addamiattualita 10/19/2009 3:30 PM Afghanistan: casa bianca, serve governo legittimo, kerry a kabul: Washington, 19 ott. – (Adnkronos) ̵.. 4999636799 BBC_WNA 10/19/2009 3:25 PM Andrew North reports on Afghanistan's political uncertainty from Kabul tonight on WNA @ 7pm 4999636869 Europa_Press 10/19/2009 3:25 PM Internacional: Karzai no obtuvo el porcentaje de votos mínimo para gobernar: KABUL, 19 Oct. (Reuters/EP) - La Com... 4999594973 NewsBlogged 10/19/2009 3:23 PM AlertNet: Karzai poll rival ready for 2nd Afghan vote talks: Source: Reuters KABUL, Oct 19 (Reuters) -.. 4999585501 TRZafer 10/19/2009 3:23 PM La bu Twitter aynı yazıları kabul etmiyy :D 4999491918 WOTN2 10/19/2009 3:18 PM #MilitaryMon From Kabul MondayMidnight through 8:30AM: 2,213 tweets. From San Diego's Midnight through 1PM 2,017 tweets. #SOT w/Pride! 4999332732 tayyarheadlines 10/19/2009 3:11 PM Nearly a third of Afghan president's votes voided: KABUL – U.N.-backed fraud investigators on Monday threw ou.. 4999254780 rtsradio 10/19/2009 3:07 PM Nearly a third of Afghan president's votes voided - KABUL (AP) -- U.N.-backed fraud investigators on Monday thr... 4999209639 fingertipnews2 10/19/2009 3:05 PM UPI-Top News: Afghanistan: Karzai vote at 48.3 percent: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 19 (UPI) -- An in.. 4999181010 alperocal 10/19/2009 3:04 PM Türk yöneticilerin en büyük klişesi hatalarını ve keşkelerini kabul edip bir tane örnek verememeleridir. 4999163141 ardaytkn 10/19/2009 3:03 PM kufurlerde ufak harf oyunlari yapip, sirinlestirmek, kabul edilebililir hale getirmek... sittiri bohktan boyle puhst gibi ipne gibi bisey :) 4999148603 t2010nine 10/19/2009 3:02 PM FT: UN watchdog tells Kabul to discard ballots Full 4999089217 zweitansage 10/19/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 4999032641 daksit 10/19/2009 2:57 PM İçinde 2008 yazan herhangi bir şey görünce bir asır önceymiş gibi gelmesini kabul etmiyorum. 4999022447 beuptodate 10/19/2009 2:56 PM Kabul: Betrug bei Präsidentschaftswahl aktenkundig 4998964898 Zeynita 10/19/2009 2:54 PM Halloween tatlısı yapçam dervişten şeker istedim hemen kabul etmeli.müşteriler bekliyo olm. 4998690520 new_york_post 10/19/2009 2:40 PM News: Nearly a third of Afghan president's votes voided: KABUL -- U.N.-backed fraud investigators on Monda.. 4998498557 beyzaBe 10/19/2009 2:31 PM yazlık evin bahçesine sığınan ve bu talepleri kabul edilen köpeğimiz anne olmuş. birbirinden şirin 8 yavrusu var :) 4998283842 abscbnnewsbrk 10/19/2009 2:21 PM Afghan fraud probe seen depriving Karzai of outright win: Runoff seen as Karzai 'down to 48% of vote'KABUL - .. 4998076091 Don_Scott 10/19/2009 2:11 PM #topstories Afghan poll picture darkens with run-off looming (source: Reuters): KABUL (Reuters) - In.. 4997994693 FAMU_OIAP 10/19/2009 2:07 PM Agriculture Min. Counselor for Kabul, Afghanistan will speak about careers on Oct. 20, 2009 at 11 a.m. in the #FAMU Perry Paige Auditorium 4997882831 fingertipnews2 10/19/2009 2:02 PM AP: Nearly a third of Afghan president's votes voided: KABUL (AP) -- U.N.-backed fraud investigators on Mond.. 4997839745 zweitansage 10/19/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 4997756762 ebvr 10/19/2009 1:55 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul, schrijft NYT. Afghanistan ineens overspoeld door VS-journalisten 4997740600 irfan_waheed 10/19/2009 1:55 PM News - Karzai Stripped of Outright Election Win - KABUL – An Afghan election watchdog invalidated Monday, October 1... 4997651794 NYNewsOverview 10/19/2009 1:50 PM New York Fraud Pushes Karzai Below 50 Percent in Afghan Vote – New York Times: KABUL, Afghanistan.. 4997575984 uscthanhtan 10/19/2009 1:47 PM "It's like the Baghdad class of 2003 is now the Kabul class of 2009."-NBC's Richard Engel on the rise of reporters covering Afghanistan 4997488357 JohnHLynn 10/19/2009 1:43 PM Kerry and Rahm are settup men for #obama abandoning A'stan by saying we can't win with the Karzai central government in Kabul. 4997328563 zekapiriltisi 10/19/2009 1:35 PM okuldan bi cipli facebooka eklemiş, kabul edeyim de metrobüse kadar yürümemiş olurum 4997227745 garengg 10/19/2009 1:30 PM stajım kabul edildi! bugün aldığım en iyi haber bu... 4996988510 moiludi 10/19/2009 1:19 PM Afghanistan, Annullati Migliaia Di Voti: Karzai Scende Sotto Il 50%. Verso Il Ballottaggio Con Abdullah: Kabul,.. 4996979003 televideorai 10/19/2009 1:18 PM [ultim'ora] Kabul, Karzai:"Rispetter?? Costituzione" view.jsp?id=651&p=101 4996842305 TampaWebNet 10/19/2009 1:12 PM Afghan election fraud-audit results point to runoff (McClatchy Newspapers): McClatchy Newspapers - KABUL, Afg.. 4996815485 kibitzette 10/19/2009 1:11 PM @slkbrooke RT @Fingertipnews2 AP-Nearly third of Afghan president's votes voided-KABUL UN-backed fraud investigators.. 4996807814 Vakantiefotos 10/19/2009 1:10 PM Karzai zegt zich aan de grondwet te houden: KABUL (ANP) - De Afghaanse .. 4996802473 reistweets 10/19/2009 1:10 PM Karzai zegt zich aan de grondwet te houden: KABUL (ANP) - De Afghaanse president Hamid Karzai heeft de Verenigd.. 4996698901 slkbrooke 10/19/2009 1:05 PM RT @Fingertipnews2 AP: Nearly a third of Afghan president's votes voided: KABUL U.N.-backed fraud investigators.. 4996662830 Slingersss 10/19/2009 1:03 PM DESPITE VIOLENCE, KITE FLYING ENDURES IN KABUL I loved the novel "The Kite Runner". 4996634333 jorrisvandoorn 10/19/2009 1:02 PM External: Karzai zegt zich aan de grondwet te houden: KABUL/NEW YORK - De Afghaanse president Hamid Ka.. 4996621498 fingertipnews2 10/19/2009 1:01 PM AP: Nearly a third of Afghan president's votes voided: KABUL (AP) -- U.N.-backed fraud investigators on Mond.. 4996587589 gracerid5h 10/19/2009 1:00 PM Kabul Press: India a "weak democracy" because of corruption: study 4996580635 zweitansage 10/19/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 4996518454 alibomaye 10/19/2009 12:57 PM @SaraLang I am going to propose to my wife that way, only in Kabul and with Mario 2. 4996429296 ADOnline 10/19/2009 12:52 PM Karzai zegt zich aan de grondwet te houden: KABUL (ANP) - De Afghaanse president Hamid Karzai heeft de Verenigd.. 4996424691 dinerspecials 10/19/2009 12:52 PM Karzai zegt zich aan de grondwet te houden: KABUL/NEW YORK - De Afghaanse president Hamid Karzai heeft de Veren.. 4996418800 bensucsuzum 10/19/2009 12:52 PM Makarna demiştim. Bulgur pilavıymış. Patates demiştim kızartma değil sulu yemekmiş. Olsun ben onları bu haliyle de kabul ediyorum. 4996405567 BruddahBeau 10/19/2009 12:51 PM Iran, Kabul,Pakistan....history repeating it stay out...efendi ! 4996382075 reuterskl 10/19/2009 12:50 PM Afghan poll picture darkens with run-off looming: KABUL (Reuters) - International observers called for an elect.. 4996333037 nu_nieuws 10/19/2009 12:48 PM Karzai zegt zich aan de grondwet te houden: KABUL/NEW YORK - De Afghaanse president Hamid Karzai heeft de Veren.. 4996227466 ernmander 10/19/2009 12:43 PM If they can't sort out the Royal Mail strike, threaten to move their jobs to Kabul, might concentrate their minds. 4996193156 RuletaOnline 10/19/2009 12:41 PM Afganistán debe realizar segunda vuelta, dicen observadores: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - El grupo de observació.. 4996172440 BNR_Nieuwsradio 10/19/2009 12:40 PM Karzai zegt zich aan de grondwet te houden: KABUL (ANP) - De Afghaanse president Hamid Karzai heeft de Verenigd.. 4996104592 cetinkohl77 10/19/2009 12:37 PM belki de 6. kez aynı hatayı yapıyorum hayatımda..artık uzulmem..hakettiğimi biliyorum.bağımlılık bu evet.kabul ediyorum 4996080509 luke_bozier 10/19/2009 12:36 PM @DMiliband Any reason why Kouchern & John Kerry were in Kabul and you weren't there with them? We should be more high profile! :) 4995863354 tylerjohnson22 10/19/2009 12:26 PM Afghan Election Audit Said to Show Karzai Has 48 Percent - ---Quote--- KABUL, Afghanistan — A special audit commit... 4995849992 PatrickBaty 10/19/2009 12:25 PM RT @The_Spectator: The political position in Kabul deteriorates: It seems that a second Afghan election is now probable 4995849590 louiebfree 10/19/2009 12:25 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul 4995806479 kapalikutu 10/19/2009 12:23 PM Aşk mutluluğun anasıdır kabul et. 4995788679 JudeConrad 10/19/2009 12:22 PM Yesssss!!! Istedıgım oldu ve Robbie Ema'da performans sergilemeyi kabul etti.İşte şimdi heyecanlı oldu herşey!!!! 4995737064 JohnUmana 10/19/2009 12:20 PM #militarymon Many al Qaeda and Taliban fled to northwest Pakistan after U.S.-led troops ousted the Taliban in Kabul in 2001. Get them now. 4995674256 ljmaximus 10/19/2009 12:17 PM Goodbye #Baghdad, Hello #Kabul: #Afghanistan has emerged as the top story for news organizations 4995661916 mcdehoyos 10/19/2009 12:17 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul 4995617528 GaivotaFarragul 10/19/2009 12:15 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul - mundo do jornalismo muda as malas: 4995605545 The_Spectator 10/19/2009 12:14 PM Live: The political position in Kabul deteriorates: It seems that a second Afghan election is now probable.. 4995582266 naranjasly 10/19/2009 12:13 PM @permanentherosana gizliden mesaj vermeye çalışmış. "çirkin kız senin yanına yakışmaz, gelin die çirkin bi kız getirirsen kabul etmem" msajı 4995461930 trf1net 10/19/2009 12:07 PM Trulli "Sutil Tehlikeli, Bu Konuda Özür Kabul Edemem": Jarno Trulli, Adrian Sutil'in Brezilya'da olduk.. 4995360553 fingertipnews2 10/19/2009 12:02 PM AP: Nearly a third of Afghan president's votes voided: KABUL (AP) -- U.N.-backed fraud investigators on Monda.. 4995270465 buzzingnews 10/19/2009 11:58 AM Variety of sources feeding Taliban war chest: NYT - Washington/Kabul, Oct.19 (ANI): A sophisticated financial netw... 4995211798 Small_Biz_Coach 10/19/2009 11:55 AM Afghan fraud panel voids thousands of Karzai votes: KABUL - U.N.-backed fraud investigators threw out hundreds o.. 4995014557 WNBA_NATL_UN 10/19/2009 11:46 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul Afghanistan [where] a squadron of journalists has already arrived #wnbaun 4994993012 Rufiwagshistail 10/19/2009 11:45 AM Sorry to report that a flight of failed asylum seekers will be leaving Lille for enforced deportment to Kabul tomorrow :-( 4994803333 coolsearchinfo 10/19/2009 11:36 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: As the Obama administration debates whether to send more troops to Afghanistan, a .. 4994773229 jenniferhollett 10/19/2009 11:35 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul 4994725354 jazzmentynes 10/19/2009 11:33 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: You should read this story. @BrianStelter wrote it in my living room. 4994505547 BreakingNewsInd 10/19/2009 11:22 AM Audit Committee shows 48 percent Vote for Hamid Karzai in Afghan Elections: Kabul: A special audit committee on .. 4994501193 reuterskl 10/19/2009 11:22 AM SNAP ANALYSIS - U.N. watchdog submits Afghan fraud findings: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's U.N.-backed electio.. 4994499490 anupkaphle 10/19/2009 11:22 AM Covering the war: "“It’s like the Baghdad class of 2003 is now the Kabul class of 2009." - Richard Engel #fb 4994483441 wahyukusumo 10/19/2009 11:21 AM Ya Allah..cobaan apalagi ini.. Jenazah sepupu gw stuck d kabul-afghanistan. 4994465937 reporterer 10/19/2009 11:20 AM TVNewser | Afghanistan a 'Top Story' Once Again: "It's like the Baghdad class of 2003 is now the Kabul class of 2009.... 4994388917 StealthFusion 10/19/2009 11:17 AM Afghan Election Audit Said to Show Karzai Has 48 Percent: ---Quote--- KABUL, Afghanistan — A special audit comm.. 4994372099 YahooNoticias 10/19/2009 11:16 AM Afganistán: Karzai cae a 48% de votos por invalidación (observador EEUU): AFP - KABUL (AFP) - La invalidación de.. 4994358217 eceglryz 10/19/2009 11:15 AM @BlackByS - tamam bu kabul:D:D ama korkunç çıkmış=D 4994245236 AllanLlanos 10/19/2009 11:10 AM Afghanistan a 'Top Story' Once Again: "It's like the Baghdad class of 2003 is now the Kabul class of 2009." - NB.. 4994156674 pauloss1 10/19/2009 11:06 AM RT @PastorRadical RT @2000e16 #Rio2016 COI volta atrás com nova eleição com mais 2 cidades na disputa: Bagdá no Iraque, Kabul no Afeganistão 4994130775 haberbiz 10/19/2009 11:05 AM Yeni haber, Başbakan, MİT müsteşarını kabul etti - 4994112335 castrina123 10/19/2009 11:04 AM Run-off needed in Afghanistan poll (Tiscali)|KABUL (Reuters) - U.S. election observers Democracy International .. 4994018155 zweitansage 10/19/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 4993929308 _NBH 10/19/2009 10:55 AM RT @taz_news Wahlergebnisse Afghanistan: Chaos und Zahlensalat in Kabul: Die Beschwerdekommission erklärt Teile d.. 4993923536 eurasier1 10/19/2009 10:55 AM Kabul - Hunderttausende Stimmen ungültig 4993907496 drg_nachrichten 10/19/2009 10:54 AM Bericht zur Afghanistan-Wahl: Kabul wartet auf Endergebnis 4993795382 CenterdinSEA 10/19/2009 10:49 AM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $10 #seattle 4993765244 ValClifton 10/19/2009 10:48 AM RT @ksc_DrDickinson I leave for Kabul on Saturday. Follow my blog at 4993764891 kelseyseybold 10/19/2009 10:48 AM RT @ksc_DrDickinson I leave for Kabul on Saturday. Follow my blog at 4993496720 indierod 10/19/2009 10:36 AM y estaría dividido en secciones como "La Última Aguja de Kabul" y "Rocket Sciencie" para que sean más fáciles de adaptar a cine o televisión 4993419516 taz_news 10/19/2009 10:32 AM Wahlergebnisse Afghanistan: Chaos und Zahlensalat in Kabul: Die Beschwerdekommission erklärt Teile der Wahlen vo.. 4993395267 tivatv 10/19/2009 10:31 AM editorial just received footage from our #videojournalist in Kabul. 4993384994 TransAlchemy2 10/19/2009 10:31 AM Karzai Vote Falls Below 50 Percent After Hundreds Of Thousands Of Ballots Thrown Out: KABUL — U.N.-backed .. 4993320610 kilecerme 10/19/2009 10:28 AM 10 gün staj yaptım, 30 gün olarak kabul etmişler. saü'ye bomba falan mı düştü ya. 4993196156 Cozello 10/19/2009 10:22 AM Seksi, don-gömlek hatunların dikkatime sundukları twitter'dan beni takip etme teklifini kabul etmek zina mıdır? 4993120614 rtsradio 10/19/2009 10:19 AM Afghan fraud panel voids thousands of Karzai votes - KABUL (AP) -- Fraud investigators threw out hundreds of th... 4993095955 Angelica0911 10/19/2009 10:17 AM RT @BetoFontes: COI estuda transferência da Olimpíada #Rio2016 p/ Bagdá/Iraque ou Kabul/Afeganistão.Seria mais seguro.(#Brincadeira) 4993082299 pastorradical 10/19/2009 10:17 AM RT @2000e16 #Rio2016 COI volta atrás e fará nova eleição com mais 2 cidades na disputa: Bagdá no Iraque e Kabul no Afeganistão 4993071418 imonthday 10/19/2009 10:16 AM @burcues eline sağlık.federasyonun istifasını hemen kabul etmesi iyi oldu,varsa tazminat alamaz ;) 4993061409 2000e16 10/19/2009 10:16 AM Plantão de notícias #Rio2016 COI volta atrás e fará nova eleição com mais 2 cidades na disputa: Bagdá no Iraque e Kabul no Afeganistão 4993030970 ntv_de 10/19/2009 10:14 AM Bericht zur Afghanistan-Wahl: Kabul wartet auf Endergebnis: Die Wahlbeschwerdekommission ECC legt ihren mit Span.. 4992891745 blogori_tr 10/19/2009 10:08 AM Google Adsense başvurumuzu kabul etti. Geçersiz tıklamalardan korunmak için kullanıyoruz. Denemek ücretsiz... 4992874801 in_asia 10/19/2009 10:07 AM KABUL, Afghanistan — A special audit committee submitted its election fraud findings after a lengthy investigati.. 4992843554 padams29 10/19/2009 10:06 AM Big feet tracking from Baghdad to Kabul 4992802577 randomsubu 10/19/2009 10:04 AM Would be OK report if they didn't use "Karachi" for (I think) Kabul. RT @GregMitch: Afghan fraud audit report... runoff 4992785733 foodforyoureyes 10/19/2009 10:03 AM Golden days in Kabul in the 60's -70's thru the lens of NYT correspondants 4992711342 zweitansage 10/19/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 4992683248 Dawn_News 10/19/2009 9:58 AM KABUL: FOLLOWING INVESTIGATIONS INTO ALLEGED FRAUD, THE VOTE FOR KARZAI''S MAIN RIVAL ABDULLAH ABDULLAH RISE TO ALMOST 32 PERCENT 4992672283 celebritycouple 10/19/2009 9:58 AM Jolie History: KABUL, Afghanistan, October 24 (UNHCR) – The UN refugee agency's G.. @_AngelinaJolie_ 4992444782 steveklein 10/19/2009 9:47 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul - 4992431893 HollyEdgell 10/19/2009 9:46 AM Moving to new gigs: Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul - 4992333440 stalia 10/19/2009 9:42 AM @strickvl I don't know if you'll like it, but I've found this useful. 4992332067 derekpayne1 10/19/2009 9:42 AM Kabul. Like Florida, except you get found out. 4992314388 draenews 10/19/2009 9:41 AM Megite Karzai camp says U.N.-led Afghan poll probe incorrect: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan remained loc.. 4992200146 abc_blogs 10/19/2009 9:36 AM Aprender a conducir en Kabul 4992041378 muhaber 10/19/2009 9:28 AM Kayıp ehliyetim için emniyet, kan grubu belgesi istedi. Öğretmen kartımda kan grubum yazılı dedim. Kabul etmediler.... 4992001081 MilitaryFamU 10/19/2009 9:26 AM Packer in @NewYorker on book "Why Vietnam matters" - re admin not listening to those closest to ground in Kabul - 4991729008 lizva 10/19/2009 9:13 AM zanja is gone. my internet is crap. work is too busy. it is cold in kabul. i am cranky this week. 4991667002 ilmessaggeroweb 10/19/2009 9:10 AM Afghanistan, commissione elezioni presidenziali invalida voti in 210 seggi: KABUL (19 ottobre) - La Commissione .. 4991627921 MaryannePA 10/19/2009 9:08 AM "Obama Fiddles as Kabul Burns" 4991609691 finance_yard 10/19/2009 9:07 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the top s.. #finance #money 4991447112 SwineFlu_news 10/19/2009 9:00 AM CTV News Channel: Janis Mackey Frayer in Kabul 4991443910 zweitansage 10/19/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 4991273086 InterShortNews 10/19/2009 8:51 AM NyTimesEconWorld: Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has &#.. 4991259259 abscbnnewsbrk 10/19/2009 8:50 AM Afghan body orders votes at 210 polling stations invalidated: KABUL - Afghanistan's UN-backed Electoral Complain.. 4991254902 PaginaNuova 10/19/2009 8:50 AM IL GIORNALE - Kabul, ora Karzai trema: annullati migliaia di voti Si va verso il ballottaggio: La C.. 4991218466 ilgiornale 10/19/2009 8:48 AM Kabul, ora Karzai trema: annullati migliaia di voti Si va verso il ballottaggio #news 4991176499 kickinghorse892 10/19/2009 8:46 AM RT @huffingtonpost Karzai Team Rejects UN Panel's Election Fraud Findings: KABUL — Fr.. 4991162384 BetoFontes 10/19/2009 8:45 AM COI estuda transferência da Olimpíada #Rio2016 p/ Bagdá/Iraque ou Kabul/Afeganistão.Seria mais seguro.(#Brincadeira) 4991156094 YahooNoticias 10/19/2009 8:45 AM Afganistán: Pesquisa de fraude anula miles de votos de Karzai: KABUL (AP) - Una comisión investigadora respaldad.. 4991095419 meghanbarr 10/19/2009 8:42 AM “It’s like the Baghdad class of 2003 is now the Kabul class of 2009”: 4991073193 Yolagiden 10/19/2009 8:41 AM @habercimurat Kabul ediyorum ve açıkçası aynı fikirdeyim. Daha iyi olabilirdi sanırım biraz aceleye geldi. İlginiz için teşekkürler. 4991058495 reistweets 10/19/2009 8:40 AM 'Tweede ronde in Afghanistan noodzakelijk': KABUL (ANP) - Het Afghaanse staatshoofd Hamid Karzai heeft in de eer.. 4991054136 de_volkskrant 10/19/2009 8:40 AM [15:18] 'Tweede stemronde Afghanistan noodzakelijk': KABUL - Het Afghaanse staatshoofd Hamid Karzai heeft.. 4991020289 in_asia 10/19/2009 8:38 AM (AP) KABUL (AP) - Fraud investigators have thrown out hundreds of thousands of ballots for Afghanistan's preside.. 4990769284 InterShortNews 10/19/2009 8:25 AM Reuter: Karzai camp says U.N.-led Afghan poll probe incorrect: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan remained loc.. 4990687677 rowatch 10/19/2009 8:21 AM Monday morning roundup: The Electoral Complaints Commission in Kabul says it will make its big announcement toda.. 4990681260 Memmedrehimov 10/19/2009 8:20 AM KÖPEĞİN DUASI KABUL OLSA GÖKTEN KEMİK YAĞARDI... 4990659964 reuterskl 10/19/2009 8:19 AM U.N.-backed watchdog submits Afghan fraud findings: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's U.N.-backed election watchdo.. 4990511009 helmipermadi 10/19/2009 8:11 AM @amelenaputri hahahaa makasih mel saya masih normal wkwk ama elo ajaaaa kasian dia udah 39 taun gak kawin2 udah sana ijab kabul -__- 4990374446 americanmama911 10/19/2009 8:04 AM 7 Months, 10 Days in Captivity - should i remind my child and all children why mothers dont want their babies in kabul 4990359325 JanRoos 10/19/2009 8:03 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the top story .. 4990342714 msnnoticias 10/19/2009 8:02 AM El equipo electoral de Karzai arremete contra la ECC y su procedimiento "incorrecto": KABUL, 19 (Reuters/EP) Uno.. 4990335327 Aussie_Heroine 10/19/2009 8:02 AM ABC1 WestAusTV now 4Corners Corruption in Kabul Afghanistan: on now repeated on Tuesday 20 October at 11.35pm. 4990293106 zweitansage 10/19/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 4990212738 KiyoshiTomono 10/19/2009 7:55 AM KABUL (AP) - Fraud probe voids thousands of Afghan president'svotes in ruling expected to force runoff. 4990156672 bentelaslari 10/19/2009 7:52 AM @Rotrikan niyetin kabul ola... 4990150200 jonasQuinn23 10/19/2009 7:51 AM RT @economyinfo: Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul #economy 4990043834 carol_konik 10/19/2009 7:45 AM Afghanistan's the new media trend: Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul #NYUIR 4989917531 ensiz_news 10/19/2009 7:38 AM Karzai, bajo presión a la espera de fallo por elección afgana: Kabul.- Afganistán seguía sumido en una crisis po.. 4989898671 warrenmichaels 10/19/2009 7:36 AM Advertising News Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul (source: New York Times) Follow Warren 4989866595 bostonherald 10/19/2009 7:35 AM Showdown looms over Afghan election: KABUL - The Afghan electoral crisis intensified Monday as officials respons.. 4989864875 chrisgolden 10/19/2009 7:34 AM NYT "With the Afghan War Heading Up, Coverage Grows...Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul" 4989669625 HispanicGroup 10/19/2009 7:22 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul (source: New York Times): For the first time in years, Afghanistan has "emerged as .. 4989667188 Hispanic_Group 10/19/2009 7:22 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul (source: New York Times): For the first time in years, Afghanistan has "emerged as .. 4989665430 economyinfo 10/19/2009 7:22 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul #economy 4989473520 imeechan 10/19/2009 7:10 AM - Kabul, Afghanistan 2004! My first Birthday in mission area! 2009 is the 2nd time I'm stuck in mission area on my 4989411096 erictanaka 10/19/2009 7:06 AM RT @edumazza: hoje e amanha tem noturno e 5a tem @malkovich_ no Kabul. Bora Mazzaaa! 4989291508 zweitansage 10/19/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 4989290204 Seanotd 10/19/2009 6:59 AM RT @ISAFmedia New video from NATOChannel.TV, Roots of Reconstruction, farmers in Kabul province (via @usfora) 4989180231 tasaiueo 10/19/2009 6:53 AM wtf ? sertijab pake ijab kabul,emang kawinan ! 4989013382 zoltonite 10/19/2009 6:42 AM wondering how the UN ruling on Afghan election will play out in Kabul. Can Karzai survive without DC support? Does he have a lock on it? 4988992253 HeadlinesNewz 10/19/2009 6:41 AM Karzai camp says U.N.-led Afghan poll probe incorrect: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan remained locked in politica.. 4988934031 badmayo 10/19/2009 6:37 AM Obama sits, waits, watches while Kabul burns #tcot 4988757737 bolbol_dunya 10/19/2009 6:26 AM Norveç, Guantanamo’dan tutsak kabul etmeyecek 4988723417 Israel_News 10/19/2009 6:23 AM aawsat ME: Karzai under pressure as Afghan election ruling due: KABUL, (Reuters) - Afghanistan remaine.. 4988669771 InterShortNews 10/19/2009 6:20 AM NYTimesAsiaPacific: Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan ha.. 4988589949 stewartupton 10/19/2009 6:14 AM ECC results expected at 5 p.m. local Kabul time 4988552260 notleftwing 10/19/2009 6:12 AM {gatewaypundit} Obama Fiddles As Kabul Burns 4988495177 nescinar 10/19/2009 6:08 AM Yeni hafta yeni heyecanlar vık vık zık zık...kendime daha motive edici bir cümle arıyorum, bu konuda yardım kabul ediyorum:) 4988454019 GeenCommentaar 10/19/2009 6:05 AM Nieuw artikel: Quote van de Dag: Partner in Kabul 4988421654 bahcesel 10/19/2009 6:03 AM Esad, Ürdün Başbakanı El Zehebi'yi Kabul Etti: Resmi Bir Ziyaret Amacıyla Suriye'ye Gelen Ürdün Başbakanı Nadir .. 4988387035 fingertipnews2 10/19/2009 6:00 AM AP: Electoral crisis in Afghanistan intensifies: KABUL (AP) -- The Afghan electoral crisis intensified Monday.. 4988371867 zweitansage 10/19/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 4988282907 rtsradio 10/19/2009 5:53 AM Electoral crisis in Afghanistan intensifies - KABUL (AP) -- The Afghan electoral crisis intensified Monday as o... 4988184906 World_Policy 10/19/2009 5:46 AM Obama Fiddles As Kabul Burns: “His plan comes up short. There’s not enough troops, not enough resources and not .. 4988143033 AchielAvissena 10/19/2009 5:43 AM @wulandariAputri klo siap ditalak namanya rujuk bego.. bukan ijab kabul... grrr 4988009942 elagunad 10/19/2009 5:33 AM @virginpulp vee gerçek cevaba gelince.. ne var leyyn benzemio mu?doğrusu muydu? kabul şuandaki, yığılmış bir bok ifadesi 4987954088 caninoz 10/19/2009 5:29 AM A crumbling hospital, no new schools in Kabul, banquets for hundreds & luxury villas Where do the $'s go in Afghanistan 4987854681 EMRE_berlin 10/19/2009 5:21 AM Arkadaşlar Hala Bilen Yok Bundan Sonraki Cevapları Buraya Yazın Buraya Yazdıklarınız Kabul Edilecektir. İpucu :... 4987835208 BogoMan 10/19/2009 5:20 AM Last week of prep for travel to Kabul. I had assumed my days of war zone stays were behind me. Looking for connections there - call me? 4987775932 Dizzedcom 10/19/2009 5:15 AM Electoral crisis in Afghanistan intensifies: KABUL (AP) -- The Afghan electoral crisis intensified Monday as off.. 4987742597 tadghog 10/19/2009 5:13 AM @stephenfry RAWA77 Middle aged and mentally ill in Kabul IRIN: He sleeps in derelict outbuildings. 4987737272 sebnemdc 10/19/2009 5:12 AM @meettheturk Türk'lüğü şaibeli olanlar da "hazmede hazmede" kabul ettireceklermiş açılımı. Kabul etmiyoruz.Hadi bakalım ne yapacaksınız? 4987712880 hello_ellery 10/19/2009 5:10 AM There are a lot of problems in Kabul 4987712418 ziggytheking 10/19/2009 5:10 AM @dreamstohopefor böyle güneşli halinde geçip de gidecen. öbür türlüsü kabul olmaz :D 4987657932 paulchaston 10/19/2009 5:06 AM [Blog] White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner: Sun Oct 18, 1:04 pm ETWASHINGTON (Reuters)... 4987657422 paulchaston 10/19/2009 5:06 AM [Blog] White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner: Sun Oct 18, 1:04 pm ETWASHINGTON (Reuters) ... 4987609904 paulchaston 10/19/2009 5:03 AM [Blog] 14 Taliban, one US soldier killed in Afghanistan: Sun Oct 18, 9:52 am ETKABUL (AFP) – A roadsi.... 4987609283 paulchaston 10/19/2009 5:03 AM [Blog] 14 Taliban, one US soldier killed in Afghanistan: Sun Oct 18, 9:52 am ETKABUL (AFP) – A roadsi... 4987581775 freedom4USA 10/19/2009 5:01 AM US:#tcot #news Electoral Crisis in Afghanistan Intensifies: Filed at 4:11 a.m. ET KABUL (AP) -- Th.. 4987581313 fingertipnews2 10/19/2009 5:01 AM AP: Electoral crisis in Afghanistan intensifies: KABUL (AP) -- The Afghan electoral crisis intensified Monday.. 4987570875 NedDagbl 10/19/2009 5:00 AM Nieuws: Eindelijk uitslag verkiezingen Afghanistan: KABUL - Op de kop af twee maanden na de presidentsver.. 4987566263 zweitansage 10/19/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 4987556029 agungnurdin 10/19/2009 4:59 AM @sesanasution gak ada apa2 se, Cuma kumpul aja ama aria, Kata dia malam minggu terakhir ketemu kita seblom ijab kabul, lo gue bbm gak bales 4987480796 rtsradio 10/19/2009 4:52 AM Showdown looms over Afghan election - KABUL (AP) -- The Afghan electoral crisis intensified Monday as officials... 4987414587 hurriyetavrupa 10/19/2009 4:46 AM Norveç 'tutsak' kabul etmiyor: Norveç, ABD'nin isteğine rağmen Guantanamo'dan "şimdilik" tutsak kabul etmeyeceği.. 4987407741 ianingersoll321 10/19/2009 4:46 AM Afghan election ruling due on Monday - KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-led fraud panel said it would announce on Monday it... 4987407691 jeffersonjeffer 10/19/2009 4:46 AM Afghan election ruling due on Monday - KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-led fraud panel said it would announce on Monday it... 4987407563 lennylancaster 10/19/2009 4:46 AM Afghan election ruling due on Monday - KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-led fraud panel said it would announce on Monday it... 4987407618 kevinkalamanca 10/19/2009 4:46 AM Afghan election ruling due on Monday - KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-led fraud panel said it would announce on Monday it... 4987385899 Asfbabay 10/19/2009 4:44 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the top story .. 4987318223 edumazza 10/19/2009 4:39 AM O meu projeto 2010 comeca hoje: 6h50 eu cheguei na academia, hoje e amanha tem noturno e 5a tem @malkovich_ no Kabul. 4987205980 paulchaston 10/19/2009 4:30 AM [Blog] Result of disputed Afghanistan poll due on Monday: KABUL (Reuters) – A U.N.-led fraud panel said it wou... 4987205437 paulchaston 10/19/2009 4:30 AM [Blog] Result of disputed Afghanistan poll due on Monday: KABUL (Reuters) – A U.N.-led fraud panel said it would ... 4986955880 delie31 10/19/2009 4:10 AM With a pic of @AtiaAbawi! RT @brianstelter: My Monday story, "Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul" 4986954500 de_volkskrant 10/19/2009 4:10 AM [10:26] Eindelijk uitslag verkiezingen Afghanistan: KABUL - Op de kop af twee maanden na de presidentsver.. 4986861853 delie31 10/19/2009 4:02 AM RT @brianstelter: My Monday story, "Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul," about journalists rediscovering the forgotten war: 4986853447 taberna_de_moe 10/19/2009 4:02 AM > @RoMaNNiNsKy acertó con: "Kabul" Nuevo Score: 20/30/30 Week/Mes/Total 4986848646 ontobelli 10/19/2009 4:01 AM @taberna_de_moe kabul 4986842518 RoMaNNiNsKy 10/19/2009 4:01 AM @taberna_de_moe Kabul 4986840198 NewsMashup 10/19/2009 4:01 AM NYTBiz: Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the.. 4986740506 ngo_hoang_lien 10/19/2009 3:52 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the top story .. 4986724566 km_shuravi 10/19/2009 3:51 AM #shuravi #afghanistan #bacha #kabul #war 4986704060 ensonhaber 10/19/2009 3:50 AM TÜRKEŞ de bizi sattı demesinler: Türkeş “GATA’ya yat, cezaevine girme” teklifini kabul etme.. 4986515332 Ashrael01 10/19/2009 3:35 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the top story .. 4986480862 ladydstardust 10/19/2009 3:32 AM check this out Afghan election ruling due on Monday: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-led fraud panel said.. 4986478244 energyindia37 10/19/2009 3:32 AM Afghan election ruling due on Monday: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-led fraud panel said it would announce on Monday .. 4986422242 rakstarppip 10/19/2009 3:27 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul 4986351735 Mkting_Success 10/19/2009 3:21 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the top story .. 4986331926 Grass_Cutting 10/19/2009 3:20 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the top story .. 4986326218 MirrorMag 10/19/2009 3:19 AM Electoral crisis in Afghanistan intensifies: KABUL (AP) -- The Afghan electoral crisis intensified Monday as the.. 4986321470 thumsgo 10/19/2009 3:19 AM 救急車も止めて「おヒツジ様が通る」、アフガニスタン: 【10月19日 AFP】アフガニスタンの人びとにとって、ヒツジは生活に欠かせない貴重な動物だ。羊毛を提供し、肉は食料となる。首都カブール(Kabul)の幹線道路でも、車両.. 4986320067 AllNewsSources 10/19/2009 3:19 AM REUTERS: Afghan election ruling due on Monday: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-led fraud panel said it would announce on Monda 4986319753 reuterskl 10/19/2009 3:19 AM Afghan election ruling due on Monday: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-led fraud panel said it would announce on Monday .. 4986318580 pollitto 10/19/2009 3:19 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the .. #hacerfortuna 4986316940 ComboAdds 10/19/2009 3:19 AM Electoral crisis in Afghanistan intensifies: KABUL (AP) -- The Afghan electoral crisis intensified Monday as the.. 4986293556 BusinessScoop 10/19/2009 3:17 AM NYTimes: Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul 4986287434 claudi 10/19/2009 3:16 AM RT @StephenGrey: Passed thru Kabul, #Afghanistan, yesterday - looks increasingly like Baghdad - blast barriers, sealed-off roads everywhere. 4986275216 Dizzedcom 10/19/2009 3:15 AM Showdown looms over Afghan election: KABUL (AP) -- The Afghan electoral crisis intensified Monday as the commiss.. 4986200715 roulefx 10/19/2009 3:09 AM Afghan election ruling due on Monday: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-led fraud panel said it would announce on Monday .. 4986192880 bhatiakunal 10/19/2009 3:08 AM Result of disputed Afghanistan poll due on Monday: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-led fraud panel said it would announ.. 4986189946 barfota 10/19/2009 3:08 AM @bana_nnie @thebollywoodfan @apunbindaas John's definitely underrated! I love NY, Karam, Taxi 9211, Paap, Kabul Express, Madhoshi, Zinda,... 4986181012 SahnazCakiralp 10/19/2009 3:07 AM @habercimurat bunu bır ıltıfat olarak kabul edebılır mıyız?:)* 4986169770 TheInfoSage 10/19/2009 3:06 AM News Updates: Variety of sources feeding Taliban war chest: NYT: Washington/Kabul, Oct.19 (ANI): A .. 4986156770 fcb_turkiye 10/19/2009 3:05 AM Olası Robinho transferinde yeni bir gelişme; Manchester City patronu, görüşmelerini kabul etti... 4986137146 fingertipnews2 10/19/2009 3:03 AM Reuters Int'l: Afghan election ruling due on Monday: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-led fraud panel said.. 4986129594 headlinenews 10/19/2009 3:02 AM Reuters: Afghan election ruling due on Monday: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-led fraud panel said it would an.. 4986119720 energyindia37 10/19/2009 3:02 AM Result of disputed Afghanistan poll due on Monday: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-led fraud panel said it would announ.. 4986108259 fingertipnews2 10/19/2009 3:01 AM AP: Showdown looms over Afghan election: KABUL (AP) -- The Afghan electoral crisis intensified Monday as the .. 4986108106 freedom4USA 10/19/2009 3:01 AM US:#tcot #news Karzai Delaying Afghan Vote Inquiry Report: KABUL | Afghanistan's political op.. 4986092336 zweitansage 10/19/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 4986023976 CeifiT 10/19/2009 2:53 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan “emerged as the top story” for news organizations 4986012697 247dotpt 10/19/2009 2:51 AM #News #Society Middle aged and mentally ill in Kabul (source: Chicago Chronicle) 4985997016 Nandininessa 10/19/2009 2:50 AM posted to SKATEISTAN: Kabul's Skate Park Opens 10/29 4985985607 reuterskl 10/19/2009 2:49 AM Result of disputed Afghanistan poll due on Monday: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-led fraud panel said it would announ.. 4985955083 leora1987 10/19/2009 2:46 AM RT @yagbebi: KABUL- Afghan President Karzai may not accept results of a vote recount from summer's general election (cont) 4985953943 dRWarp 10/19/2009 2:46 AM #kisiseltarih normalinden daha sert bir grip geçiriyorum kabul. ama her nefes aldığımda saklanacak yer arayanlardan bir türlü kurtulamıyorum 4985916707 reutersseanm 10/19/2009 2:43 AM Back from Kabul/Delhi trip. We've launched our new Afghan Journal blog . See my launch post 4985849959 wcompanyportal 10/19/2009 2:36 AM [REUTERS]: Afghan election ruling due on Monday: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-led fraud panel said it woul.. 4985793927 ReutersNews 10/19/2009 2:31 AM Reuters: Afghan election ruling due on Monday: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-led fraud panel said it would an.. 4985711961 rtsradio 10/19/2009 2:24 AM Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid K.. 4985584847 yagbebi 10/19/2009 2:12 AM KABUL- Afghan President Karzai may not accept results of a vote recount from summer's general election: HE WILL DO (cont) 4985524091 buybooksonline1 10/19/2009 2:06 AM [REUTERS]: Result of disputed Afghanistan poll due on Monday: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-led fraud panel.. 4985504858 esrabekar 10/19/2009 2:04 AM bir umuttur belki kabul edersin demistir cocuk be :D re: 4985467570 hayatboktan 10/19/2009 2:01 AM "slm merve bende fotoğrafcıyım. arkadaş olalımmı?" mesajını gönderince 6. kez gönderdiğin arkadaşlık teklifini kabul edeceğimi mi sandın? 4985445030 zweitansage 10/19/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 4985081501 ehleena 10/19/2009 1:28 AM All clear in Kabul for now. Day 1 of being safe for our guys there. 4985064353 ranasweis 10/19/2009 1:26 AM "Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul": @brianstelter #JO #Journalists 4984936018 gwatzlawek 10/19/2009 1:16 AM Emanuel:Obama's Afghanistan strategy + decision on US troops depends on whether Kabul government is effective and credile 4984935864 FollowAmerika 10/19/2009 1:16 AM Emanuel:Obama's Afghanistan strategy + decision on US troops depends on whether Kabul government is effective and credile 4984934754 lov3ny 10/19/2009 1:16 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul - New York Times 4984817483 nytwriters 10/19/2009 1:06 AM brianstelter: My Monday story, "Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul," about journalists rediscovering the forgotten war: ht... 4984794286 burtherman 10/19/2009 1:04 AM NYT notes war journos moving from Baghdad to Kabul (old news). I wonder impact on how story is covered? 4984580852 LingerieBabe 10/19/2009 12:48 AM latest news update Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul - Lara Logan, a CBS correspondent, is among the journalists reporti... 4984580443 Selina_Harper 10/19/2009 12:48 AM latest news update Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul - Lara Logan, a CBS correspondent, is among the journalists reporti... 4984563082 e3639e 10/19/2009 12:47 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul 4984099423 SLNewsFlash 10/19/2009 12:14 AM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the top story .. 4984056295 RJE42 10/19/2009 12:11 AM Lehe: Controlling Kabul key to advancing war in Afghanistan: First, Kabul.. 4983986621 flavianoflavian 10/19/2009 12:06 AM NY Times: Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as.. 4983979236 rawa77 10/19/2009 12:05 AM AFGHANISTAN: Middle aged and mentally ill in Kabul: IRIN: He sleeps in derelict outbuildings,.. 4983950417 fingertipnews2 10/19/2009 12:03 AM UPI-Top News: Karzai may not accept election recount: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 18 (UPI) -- Afghan P.. 4983945178 headlinenews 10/19/2009 12:03 AM NY Times: Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as.. 4983932423 mywlri 10/19/2009 12:02 AM Peace on the streets of Kabul (NOW ON WLRI (#FM) 4983929726 adnewszilla 10/19/2009 12:02 AM [NYTIMES] Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as.. 4983766409 Grass_Cutting 10/18/2009 11:51 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the top story .. 4983762964 winning_team 10/18/2009 11:51 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the top story .. 4983749507 tvtomas 10/18/2009 11:50 PM Leaving Kabul today. Within next two weeks: Dubai, Czech rep. Slovakia, China, Singapore, Indonesia. Work and pleasure. 4983728312 pollitto 10/18/2009 11:49 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the .. #hacerfortuna 4983728122 bocadesabao 10/18/2009 11:49 PM RT: @Oraculomango: Jogos Olímpicos 2020, cidades candidatas: Gaza, Kabul, Angola, ué, o rj conseguiu?! então tb conseguiremos. 4983610475 localization 10/18/2009 11:41 PM in town for #locworld? good SV global places to eat - kabul, belmont (afghan), surjan, redwoodcity (indian), marnee thai san francisco. 4983585655 localization 10/18/2009 11:40 PM in town for @locworld? good SV global places to eat - kabul, belmont (afghan), surjan, redwoodcity (indian), marnee thai san francisco. 4983549050 myworldnews 10/18/2009 11:37 PM [NYT] Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the top story” for .. 4983084344 Vets4Afstan 10/18/2009 11:09 PM Join us in Brooklyn on Tuesday night for Afghanistan Stories! #Afghanistan #veteran #Kabul #orphan #fundraiser 4983076929 intzy 10/18/2009 11:08 PM Ijb kabul sdh selesai. Skr resepsi. @intzy dpt bag.pelayanan makanan. 4982925676 alwanty 10/18/2009 11:00 PM tanya dr pagi tadi aku deg..deg..kan antara iya dan tidak..akhirnya...alhamdullillah Ya Allah..doaku kau kabul... 4982887280 MiguelZiegler 10/18/2009 10:58 PM O COI já decidiu: depois desse fim de semana as olimpiadas d 2020 serão em Bagda ou Kabul! 4982846539 pbr67 10/18/2009 10:55 PM R @WOTN2: #MilitaryMon Stats 1616 since 1:30PM Eastern/Midnight Kabul It's picking up steam quickly! #SOT Keep them rolling! 4982843547 autsmama98 10/18/2009 10:55 PM R @WOTN2: #MilitaryMon Stats 1616 since 1:30PM Eastern/Midnight Kabul It's picking up steam quickly! #SOT Keep them rolling! 4982808214 gofight 10/18/2009 10:53 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: ... the news media, too, are spending less. For the first time in years, Afghanist.. 4982607405 Lokamoto 10/18/2009 10:42 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the top story .. 4982567157 delta44 10/18/2009 10:40 PM I cooked Mac and Cheese in the oven like a big boy! I so rule!Course the kitchen looks like a bad day in Kabul.. Just saying!! 4982555212 cressman 10/18/2009 10:39 PM RT @brianstelter's Monday story, "Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul," about journalists rediscovering the forgotten war: 4982469988 Mkting_Success 10/18/2009 10:35 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the top story .. 4982415972 timsteno 10/18/2009 10:32 PM “It’s like the Baghdad class of 2003 is now the Kabul class of 2009.” NBC's Richard Engel in tomorrow's @BrianStelter 4982380685 daledyer 10/18/2009 10:30 PM Emanuel says US must gauge viability of government in Kabul: ... fill that space that the US troops would create.. 4982370170 1stNewsHeds 10/18/2009 10:30 PM New York (NY) Times: Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul 4982230964 dixiedelic 10/18/2009 10:23 PM #DixNews Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul 4982192906 Jbeard411 10/18/2009 10:21 PM Emanuel says US must gauge viability of government in Kabul 4982115389 TeamAustin 10/18/2009 10:17 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: But with the media business under great strain, this war is being covered on a bud.. 4982053026 JstMe2691 10/18/2009 10:14 PM RT @armygirlnay: RT @kissmygumbo: Good morning to the men and women serving overseas. Kabul time 7:21 High will be 69 degrees #militarymon 4982022017 rob21fb 10/18/2009 10:12 PM Emanuel says US must gauge viability of government in Kabul: ... a decision is made on whether to send more US t.. 4982015873 nytimesworld 10/18/2009 10:12 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul 4981992809 emilyjak 10/18/2009 10:11 PM Emanuel says US must gauge viability of government in Kabul: "It would be entirely irresponsible for the pr.. 4981938072 bhatiakunal 10/18/2009 10:08 PM Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid K.. 4981926274 e_yazar 10/18/2009 10:08 PM Sabah ezanları okundu Antalya'da... Kılanların namazını Allah kabul etsin... 4981914435 WOTN2 10/18/2009 10:07 PM #MilitaryMon Stats 1616 since 1:30PM Eastern/Midnight Kabul It's picking up steam quickly! #SOT Keep them rolling! 4981845719 Zener39 10/18/2009 10:04 PM RT @AfghanNews24 Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul - New York Times - MWC NewsGoodbye Baghdad, Hello KabulNew York Times.... 4981799066 energyindia37 10/18/2009 10:02 PM Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid K.. 4981672336 dizneluver 10/18/2009 9:56 PM RT @TammyMunson RT @kissmygumbo: Good morning to the men and women serving overseas. Kabul time 7:21 High will be 69 degrees #militarymon 4981644854 armygirlnay 10/18/2009 9:54 PM RT @kissmygumbo: Good morning to the men and women serving overseas. Kabul time 7:21 High will be 69 degrees #militarymon 4981628135 autsmama98 10/18/2009 9:53 PM R @kissmygumbo: Good morning to the men and women serving overseas. Kabul time 7:21 High will be 69 degrees #militarymon 4981619912 TammyMunson 10/18/2009 9:53 PM RT @kissmygumbo: Good morning to the men and women serving overseas. Kabul time 7:21 High will be 69 degrees #militarymon 4981607352 iHuffingtonpost 10/18/2009 9:52 PM Karzai Camp Hardens Its Line On Afghan Election Recount: KABUL -- Afghan President Hamid K.. 4981593668 kissmygumbo 10/18/2009 9:52 PM Good morning to the men and women serving overseas. Kabul time 7:21 High will be 69 degrees #militarymon 4981537530 trueskinbeauty 10/18/2009 9:49 PM Karzai Camp Hardens Its Line On Afghan Election Recount: KABUL -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai may not accept t.. 4981500472 playwright000 10/18/2009 9:47 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: Television networks have opened small bureaus, and major newspapers have assigned .. 4981489378 USTalib 10/18/2009 9:47 PM Lehe: Controlling Kabul key to advancing war in Afghanistan - University of Pittsburgh The Pitt News 4981470777 magazinetweet 10/18/2009 9:46 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul - New York Times 4981352503 Online_Boss 10/18/2009 9:40 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul 4981228658 thepittnews 10/18/2009 9:34 PM Lehe: Controlling Kabul key to advancing war in Afghanistan 4981145148 TormentedOne 10/18/2009 9:31 PM R @WOTN: #MilitaryMon Stats so far: 1,340 Tweets today, since Midnight Kabul/1:31PM Eastern, 712 contributors this week #SOT with Honor 4981103733 Miremara 10/18/2009 9:29 PM rt @brianstelter My Monday story, "Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul," about journalists rediscovering the forgotten war: 4980911373 nilsonlage 10/18/2009 9:20 PM Há algumas décadas, o Afeganistão era um quase paraíso e Kabul "a Paris da Ásia Central". Aí acabaram com ele. 4980824940 EmilyBaucum 10/18/2009 9:15 PM RT @brianstelter My Monday story, "Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul," about journalists rediscovering the forgotten war: 4980811678 WOTN 10/18/2009 9:15 PM #MilitaryMon Stats so far: 1,340 Tweets today, since Midnight Kabul/1:31PM Eastern, 712 contributors this week #SOT with Honor 4980801925 CedarCreekCaptl 10/18/2009 9:14 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: But with the media business under great strain, this war is being covered on a bud.. 4980735200 joechilzzz 10/18/2009 9:11 PM @Edwardnjoman wasuuuuw loe...haha sesama atlit kan malah disarankan bukan sama penghulu klo mau ijab kabul...huahua :P 4980617599 seriouslymedia 10/18/2009 9:06 PM Just found by Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul #media 4980584480 nytimesbusiness 10/18/2009 9:04 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul 4980572090 searchdog 10/18/2009 9:04 PM NYT:: Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the top.. 4980570461 brianstelter 10/18/2009 9:04 PM My Monday story, "Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul," about journalists rediscovering the forgotten war: 4980365970 ilGiornaleNET 10/18/2009 8:54 PM Karzai Camp Hardens Its Line On Afghan Election Recount: KABUL -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai may not accept t.. 4980194181 World_Policy 10/18/2009 8:46 PM Karzai Camp Hardens Its Line On Afghan Election Recount: KABUL -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai may not accep.. 4980175932 kickinghorse892 10/18/2009 8:46 PM RT @huffingtonpost Karzai Camp Hardens Its Line On Afghan Election Recount: KABUL -- Afghan.. 4980162907 itsjustenough 10/18/2009 8:45 PM Karzai Camp Hardens Its Line On Afghan Election Recount: KABUL -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai may not accep.. 4980089527 NYTimesAd 10/18/2009 8:42 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul 4979924611 cnninchinese 10/18/2009 8:34 PM Kabul's Bush Bazaar 4979918494 Rob_Madden 10/18/2009 8:34 PM #WorldNews Kabul's Bush Bazaar #News #CNN 4979876749 ngngfrancis 10/18/2009 8:32 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the top story .. 4979829769 nytimes_wire 10/18/2009 8:30 PM Goodbye Baghdad, Hello Kabul: For the first time in years, Afghanistan has “emerged as the top story” for news o.. 4979829384 TransAlchemy2 10/18/2009 8:30 PM Karzai Camp Hardens Its Line On Afghan Election Recount: KABUL -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai may not accept t.. 4979423583 Noact2 10/18/2009 8:11 PM Emanuel: Gov't in Kabul Must Be Credible - CBSNews: #news #government #US 4979339669 Oraculomango 10/18/2009 8:07 PM Jogos Olímpicos 2020, cidades candidatas: Gaza, Kabul, Angola, ué, o rj conseguiu?! então tb conseguiremos. 4978730378 KJ401 10/18/2009 7:39 PM A senior aide 2 Barack Obama...will not make any decision on sending more troops...until there is a credible government in Kabul. Mmmmmmm... 4978638007 gulmakai 10/18/2009 7:35 PM I rated a YouTube video (5 out of 5 stars) -- Kabul - Afghanistan 4978140727 mariamaqdalena 10/18/2009 7:12 PM sınıfta hoca dedi;erkeklerin beyinleri şeyleriyle yer değiştirebilir bazen,bu doğaldır yaratılıştandır"ezik doğduğunuzu kabul ettiniz 4977959429 fingertipnews2 10/18/2009 7:04 PM Reuters Int'l: Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure.. 4977915055 mariamaqdalena 10/18/2009 7:02 PM Amerika'da bir üniversiteye makale göndericem;kabul edilirse konuşmacı olarak gidicem.İnsanlık için küçük,ama benim için kocaman bir adım =) 4977862903 Visionetics 10/18/2009 6:59 PM White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner: "This is a moment for President Karzai to frankly step.. 4977632556 MakeSuccess 10/18/2009 6:48 PM White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner: The overriding question is not, "how many troops you s.. 4977529390 lc1520 10/18/2009 6:43 PM My bad! Property n Kabul seemed like a gr8 deal!LOLRT @GregWHoward warning:If u DM me bout biz deal, gr8 foreclosure,etc, Im likely 2 drop u 4977283096 AliIsingor 10/18/2009 6:31 PM Doğa boşluk kabul etmiyor. Fransızlar Roman Polanski'den kurtulduklarına sevinemeden Cem Uzan ülkelerine sığındı. 4977060340 JstMe2691 10/18/2009 6:20 PM RT @slkbrooke: UPI-Top News: U.S. service member dies in Afghan attack KABUL Oct. 18 (UPI) - An im.. via @Fingertipnews2 4977056957 OrganicLoudoun 10/18/2009 6:20 PM Emanuel: Gov't in Kabul Must Be Credible: CBS News We could be rebuilding America -- spending our tax dollar.. 4976980733 slkbrooke 10/18/2009 6:16 PM UPI-Top News: U.S. service member dies in Afghan attack: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 18 (UPI) - An im.. via @Fingertipnews2 4976967901 bolbol_gundem 10/18/2009 6:16 PM Türkeş 'GATA'ya yat, cezaevine girme' teklifini kabul etmemiş: Arkadaşlarıma ihanet etmem 4976863278 PastorAtLarge 10/18/2009 6:11 PM Emanuel: Gov't in Kabul Must Be Credible 4976830531 puu19 10/18/2009 6:09 PM @aiShaiShha agh.. kq uda tua se. dewasa ajah knp ish. Cxmakasi ais.amin.moga doa ais t'kabul. :) 4976769676 Selway1 10/18/2009 6:06 PM Meanwhile I continue to work on my design for a Black Watch tartan burka. Looking to win the Kabul Fashion Awards 2009. 4976722001 fingertipnews2 10/18/2009 6:04 PM UPI-Top News: U.S. service member dies in Afghan attack: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 18 (UPI) -- An im.. 4976691204 ChrisSavas 10/18/2009 6:02 PM #Photography: MyDD :: Afghan Women Report Starvation in Kabul 4976627325 sohodoo 10/18/2009 5:59 PM @tiriks sataşmalar başladı çok hoşuma gidiyo bu :D:D biz şu anda hesap yaparken 10. haftayı oynanmış kabul ettik 3 puanı yazdık hanemize 4976460124 AllMilitaryNews 10/18/2009 5:51 PM RT @WOTN: 19 OCT 2009 #MoS Moments of Silence #MilitaryMon 1300-1306 EDT: 1 PM Eastern is Kabul 21:30/9.. 4976281006 FZsociety 10/18/2009 5:42 PM Feedzilla Middle aged and mentally ill in Kabul (source: 4976265252 MLMMasteryPro 10/18/2009 5:41 PM Emanuel: Gov't in Kabul Must Be Credible 4976098712 kyleleeberlin 10/18/2009 5:33 PM A fascinating look at pre-Communist coup Afghanistan (Kabul was called "Paris of the East", who knew?). Eye-opening: 4975899424 evarkadasi_Biz 10/18/2009 5:23 PM ben ekonomi üniversitesinde okuorum 3+1 evime arkadaş arıorum. kira 900 dür yarı yarıya paylaşıcaz eger kabul ... 4975877221 indiefshionnews 10/18/2009 5:22 PM Emanuel: Gov't in Kabul Must Be Credible 4975804133 mehmetalp 10/18/2009 5:18 PM emelim sana birşey diyeyim mi sen 2 dk önce dediğini unutuyorsun. Mesela burda sen şişmanları aşağılamısın kabul... re: 4975537012 kitty10095 10/18/2009 5:05 PM 14 Taliban, one US soldier killed in Afghanistan: AFP KABUL — A roadside bomb attack claimed the life of one US .. 4975495866 kitty10094 10/18/2009 5:03 PM 14 Taliban, one US soldier killed in Afghanistan: AFP KABUL — A roadside bomb attack claimed the life of one US .. 4975480627 kitty10093 10/18/2009 5:02 PM 14 Taliban, one US soldier killed in Afghanistan: AFP KABUL — A roadside bomb attack claimed the life of one US .. 4975321673 nytonline 10/18/2009 4:55 PM Remembering Afghanistan’s Golden Age - A street scene in downtown Kabul, 1977. 4975243601 sharliethomas 10/18/2009 4:51 PM Afghanistan looks to squeeze new markets from pomegranates: AFP KABUL — Clogged with overloaded trucks, construc.. 4975057599 pdjmoo 10/18/2009 4:42 PM AFGHANISTAN: Middle aged and mentally ill in Kabul - A DEADLY COMBINATION 4974717987 eksiduyuru 10/18/2009 4:25 PM birlesmiş milletler proje kabul hadisesi: şimdi efendim benim bir projem var bu adamlara sunmak uzere . lakin ne izleyecegim yolu biliyor.. 4974629584 consult_analyst 10/18/2009 4:21 PM Emanuel: Gov't in Kabul Must Be Credible 4974543359 RichAlert 10/18/2009 4:17 PM Cape Town Open Question: Where would you most like to visit?: Afghanistan - Kabul A.. 4974533575 asiseeitnow 10/18/2009 4:16 PM Where did Kerry loose focus on the goal of defeating al Qaeda and the Taliban. The US military mission is the same, whoever rules in Kabul. 4974527542 wolfozy 10/18/2009 4:16 PM Fenerbahçe yenildi, bence toparlanmak için bir işaret olarak kabul edilmeli. 4974303263 ezgiv 10/18/2009 4:05 PM @kucukbirkadin hahahah tamam kostüm partisi de olur tamam onada kabul=D 4974295043 nichopoulouzo 10/18/2009 4:05 PM @nichopoulouzo NYT Remembering Afghanistan’s Golden Age - A street scene in downtown Kabul, 1977. 4974291697 MoniqueFrugier 10/18/2009 4:05 PM Massive fraud in Afghan poll, says Kouchner on Kabul trip 4974268538 batuhanbal 10/18/2009 4:04 PM İnsanlar 'küsmüyüz?' diye yazdıklarında aslında bir hataları olduğunu kabul ediyorlar. Ne de güzel bi' enstantane. Değil mi!? 4974220741 alertas_2012 10/18/2009 4:01 PM AlertNet: AFGHANISTAN: Middle aged and mentally ill in Kabul: Source: IRIN He sleeps in derelict outbuildings, eats dirt 4974215296 Helplessness 10/18/2009 4:01 PM Gerçekten ilginç. Matbaayı kabul etmeyen insanların olabileceğini bile hayal edemezken, etiyle kemiğiyle mail... re: 4974189700 allforyou4 10/18/2009 4:00 PM Remembering Afghanistan’s Golden Age - A street scene in downtown Kabul, 1977. 4974182332 zweitansage 10/18/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 4974136984 NYTimesOnline 10/18/2009 3:57 PM Remembering Afghanistan’s Golden Age - A street scene in downtown Kabul, 1977. 4974079664 aidnews 10/18/2009 3:54 PM AFGHANISTAN: Middle aged and mentally ill in Kabul 4974067295 committeeoffive 10/18/2009 3:54 PM Kabul. 4974037713 BarrieAinsworth 10/18/2009 3:52 PM Remembering Afghanistan’s Golden Age - A street scene in downtown Kabul, 1977. 4973904358 GreenCorps 10/18/2009 3:46 PM #tech - Emanuel: Gov't in Kabul Must Be Credible - CBS News: CBS NewsEmanuel: Gov't in Kabul Must Be .. 4973772519 worldfinance 10/18/2009 3:40 PM :: White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner 4973400291 247dotpt 10/18/2009 3:22 PM #News #Society Middle aged and mentally ill in Kabul (source: Chicago Chronicle) 4972992356 HumanityNews 10/18/2009 3:04 PM News: AFGHANISTAN: Middle aged and mentally ill in Kabul 4972898197 zweitansage 10/18/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 4972847027 AllMilitaryNews 10/18/2009 2:57 PM RT @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor: Remember Respect, Selfless Service, Duty, Loyalt.. 4972716388 robdiwa 10/18/2009 2:51 PM RT @Somuchpain: GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS in Afghanistan and Iraq and around the globe #Military Monday in Kabul 4972628100 SanaRahim 10/18/2009 2:47 PM Kabul was once the Paris of Central Asia 4972625074 hadisler 10/18/2009 2:47 PM Kim yaptığı haksız hareketinden sonra tövbe eder kendini düzeltirse, hiç şüphesiz Allah onun tövbesini kabul eder ... 4972563303 YahooNoticias 10/18/2009 2:44 PM Karzai demora adrede pesquisa electoral, dice la oposición: AP - KABUL (AP) - La oposición afgana acusó el domin.. 4972524161 News24 10/18/2009 2:42 PM US troop levels up to Kabul: US President Barack Obama's chief of staff says before the president makes a decision a... 4972506831 irinnews 10/18/2009 2:42 PM AFGHANISTAN: Middle aged and mentally ill in Kabul 4972435992 mdl914 10/18/2009 2:38 PM @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor (via @TormentedOne) 4972431167 Ms_Marti 10/18/2009 2:38 PM R @Fingertipnews: RT @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 4972396297 TormentedOne 10/18/2009 2:37 PM RT @LovLesmile: R @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 4972360410 LovLesmile 10/18/2009 2:35 PM R @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 4972359212 FZpolitics 10/18/2009 2:35 PM Feedzilla White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner (source: Reuters) 4972298689 AllMilitaryNews 10/18/2009 2:32 PM RT @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 4972267625 WOTN 10/18/2009 2:31 PM In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 4972253561 AllNewsSources 10/18/2009 2:30 PM AlertNet: AFGHANISTAN: Middle aged and mentally ill in Kabul 4972149035 rodrigo__vieira 10/18/2009 2:25 PM ♫ Lily Allen - Kabul Shit (via @letrasterra) 4972115504 Dulceflur 10/18/2009 2:23 PM a blog written by Nasim Fekrat from Kabul. 4972069812 NewsBlogged 10/18/2009 2:21 PM AlertNet: AFGHANISTAN: Middle aged and mentally ill in Kabul: Source: IRIN He sleeps in derelict outbui.. 4971685529 Ibidar 10/18/2009 2:01 PM PolitiqueLa Maison Blanche dit que Kabul doit être un partenaire crédible 4971667544 TND_Obama 10/18/2009 2:00 PM White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner #obama 4971664323 zweitansage 10/18/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 4971539789 247dotpt 10/18/2009 1:52 PM #News #Politics White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner (source: Reuters) 4971495001 ljlewis 10/18/2009 1:49 PM Kabul, Afghanistan, was once known as "the Paris of Central Asia:" 4971461277 charsan 10/18/2009 1:47 PM Afghanistan: Bringing proper sanitation to rural children: KABUL, Afghanistan, 16 October .. 4971247931 White_Gangs 10/18/2009 1:35 PM From the 1930s to the 1970s, Afghanistan had a semblance of a national government and Kabul was known as “.. 4971161072 tonygatz 10/18/2009 1:31 PM Kabul used to have a lot more besides the world's most dangerous golf course. 4970891842 wwnewsoverviews 10/18/2009 1:18 PM New Article: "Emanuel: Gov’t in Kabul Must Be Credible – CBS News" 4970843727 Dizzedcom 10/18/2009 1:15 PM Afghan opposition: Karzai delaying election probe: KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan's political opposition accused Pres.. 4970757310 terriferic 10/18/2009 1:12 PM #children Afghanistan: Bringing proper sanitation to rural children: KABUL, Afghanistan, 16 October .. 4970621452 fingertipnews2 10/18/2009 1:05 PM UPI-Top News: Afghan election final results delayed: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 18 (UPI) -- The annou.. 4970578900 didadkk 10/18/2009 1:03 PM İçimizdeki tüm parçalarımızı olduğu gibi sevgiyle kabul edersek o zaman bu parçalar bizim isteğimiz doğrultusunda... 4970517717 fingertipnews2 10/18/2009 1:01 PM AP: Afghan opposition: Karzai delaying election probe: KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan's political opposition accus.. 4970512253 Politicalism 10/18/2009 1:00 PM White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner 4970490046 zweitansage 10/18/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 4970460716 Politisite 10/18/2009 12:58 PM (Politisite) -- White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner: WASHING.. #tcot #politics #sgp 4970362056 pollitto 10/18/2009 12:54 PM White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack .. #hacerfortuna 4970289549 ReutersPolitics 10/18/2009 12:51 PM White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner 4970172100 alibicim 10/18/2009 12:45 PM @razorhead benle postlaşırken, bir başkasıyla postlaşmanı pek tavsiye etmem. saygısızlık kabul ederim. Ne kadar sözlük varsa. 4970165770 newsfeeding 10/18/2009 12:45 PM White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama's Afghan.. 4970149056 LotsaNews 10/18/2009 12:44 PM [REUT][politics] White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S.. 4970105562 newszilla 10/18/2009 12:42 PM [UPI] Afghan election final results delayed: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 18 (UPI) -- The announcement of final.. 4970001421 yourchapter11 10/18/2009 12:37 PM Emanuel: Gov't in Kabul Must Be Credible - CBS News: Washington PostEmanuel: Gov't in Kabul Must Be Credible.. 4969968351 marbrure 10/18/2009 12:35 PM @amedbaba iflah olmaz iyimserlik,milli duyguların baskınlığı, herkesi olduğu gibi kabul etmek,tüm bu duygularım bile yeterli gelmiyor desem 4969872910 AllNewsSources 10/18/2009 12:30 PM AlertNet: White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner 4969810146 RtrsIN_SthAsia 10/18/2009 12:27 PM White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner 4969765074 girlofgordon 10/18/2009 12:24 PM Busy days and nights here in #Kabul at the moment. Anticipation over election results and how they will be received. Hope I get sleep tonite 4969757284 LeJeudi 10/18/2009 12:24 PM White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner (Reuters): Reuters - U.S. President Barack Obama's Afghan.. 4969724001 NewsBlogged 10/18/2009 12:22 PM AlertNet: White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner: Source: Reuters (For more on Pakistan an.. 4969723012 Pakistancrisis 10/18/2009 12:22 PM #Pakistan White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner: Source: Reuters (For more on Pakistan an.. 4969703830 TheWorldNews 10/18/2009 12:20 PM White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner (Reuters): Reuters - U.S. President Barack Obama's Afghanist.. 4969669498 ivan2266 10/18/2009 12:18 PM #fb White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner (Reuters): Reuters - U.S. President Barack Obama's.. 4969647896 e9725138rss 10/18/2009 12:17 PM Kabul: Karzai und Abdullah erwägen Einheitsregierung 4969604261 poli_scandals 10/18/2009 12:15 PM White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner 4969601084 LotsaNews 10/18/2009 12:15 PM [YAHOO][world] White House says Kabul needs to be credible partner (Reuters): Reuters - U.S. Pr.. 4969600778 mserdark 10/18/2009 12:15 PM Son uc hafta kapima gelen herkesi kabul etseydim evrim teorisini reddeden Ataturkcu bir Yehova Sahidi olmustum. 4969483414 vanity_house 10/18/2009 12:08 PM @Trendeh Lily Allen - Kabul Shit! I adore this song so much, yet there's no swearing it despite the misleading title. EPIC! 4969477995 SJBedard 10/18/2009 12:07 PM Going to try and finish reading Kabul 24 this afternoon. Interesting and true story. 4969355119 590KZONews 10/18/2009 12:00 PM Emanuel: Gov't in Kabul Must Be Credible 4969341301 zweitansage 10/18/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 4969191601 allknower 10/18/2009 11:51 AM Pakistan's offensive...Watching Kabul...Hope fades - 9&10 News 4969107720 dutchguy22 10/18/2009 11:46 AM Emanuel: Gov't in Kabul Must Be Credible - CBSNews: 4969077477 CBSnews 10/18/2009 11:44 AM FTN: Rahm Emanuel: Gov't in Kabul Must Be Credible for Afghanistan to be Effective Partner in Securing Region 4969028373 HeadlinesNewz 10/18/2009 11:41 AM Emanuel: Gov't in Kabul Must Be Credible: White House Advisor Says It's Up to Afghans to Have Leaders Seen as Le.. 4968985925 annomatthew 10/18/2009 11:38 AM @Baskoropinan ya saya sudah mencoba mengerti kok,anda ada acara kan?okay ,2minggu lagi bass,ketemu di the kabul's hahaha 4968962731 fbbenhurr 10/18/2009 11:37 AM CBS: Emanuel: Gov't in Kabul Must Be Credible: White House Advisor Says It's Up to Afghans to Have Leaders S.. 4968931064 avnairanand 10/18/2009 11:35 AM scared to walk on bangalore roads on diwali days... Kabul is even safer... 4968919474 CBSTopNewsRSS 10/18/2009 11:34 AM Emanuel: Gov't in Kabul Must Be Credible 4968735693 noncenonce 10/18/2009 11:23 AM Dpt berita ngejutin, baru sbln sahabat gw berpulang, hari ini tiba2 adiknya meninggal dunia di Kabul, ga ada yg tau rencana Allah..:( 4968379902 meindayani 10/18/2009 11:03 AM Jaga Kesehatan Bang, Cek Kolesterol, Efek Ke Jantung, Temen Meninggal Di Kabul Saudi Umur Sepantaran Aku ..... Take Care yah 4968361824 WashTimesWorld 10/18/2009 11:02 AM Emanuel: Kabul must be effective partner 4968322471 zweitansage 10/18/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 4967776765 jim_nh 10/18/2009 10:26 AM John Kerry in Kabul: They have finally sent in the Clowns 4967663458 newsoverviews 10/18/2009 10:19 AM New Overview Emanuel: Kabul must be effective partner – Washington Times: President Obama does.. 4967397528 Monsterjobs_uk 10/18/2009 10:02 AM #jobs #ukjobs Security Cleared Configuration Manager - Afghanistan: Kabul, Security C.. 4967396931 Monsterjobs_uk 10/18/2009 10:02 AM #jobs #ukjobs Security Cleared System Administrator – Afghanistan: Kabul, Security Cl.. 4967361424 1stNewsHeds 10/18/2009 10:00 AM Washington (DC) Times: Emanuel: Kabul must be effective partner 4967356975 WADC_news 10/18/2009 10:00 AM Emanuel: Kabul must be effective partner: President Obama does not intend to decide about sending additional t.. 4967356443 zweitansage 10/18/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 4967322375 johnadamcole 10/18/2009 9:57 AM Made it to Kabul. Although I'm exhausted,(39 hours and counting, no sleep) I am happy to say that I actually sat down at a restaraunt (Thai) 4967121008 djmondraga 10/18/2009 9:44 AM to indo p praia!!! hoje anoite tem nossa sem hora....mondraga e kabul nas pickups 4966869393 damadoglu 10/18/2009 9:26 AM Ahmet : asker olarak yaptigi her sey I kabul ediyorum ve basarili buluyorum, siyasi olarak yaptigi her sey e siddetle karsiyim 4966749001 pollitto 10/18/2009 9:18 AM French foreign minister visits Kabul: French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner has urged Afghan Pr.. #hacerfortuna 4966673727 alheyha 10/18/2009 9:12 AM Inaillahi wa innailahi rojiun... Telah meninggal temen kita yang tersayang Adi Wisaksono.. Di kabul jam 5am waktu? ... 4966531681 judithsayshello 10/18/2009 9:02 AM @panoramicsequel The Kabul Beauty Scohol is pretty good (: 4966496533 zweitansage 10/18/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 4966451855 newszilla 10/18/2009 8:56 AM [EARTH] Karzai under pressure to accept vote results - Feature: Kabul - President Hamid Karzai is under i.. 4966385808 eringrace0715 10/18/2009 8:51 AM Federasyon Terim'in istifasını kabul ettiğini açıklamış ve kendisine teşekkür etmis.. Sıradaki...! 4966381153 celebrifi 10/18/2009 8:51 AM AFP: Afghanistan awaits first election results: Kabul — Afghanistan prepared Monday to roll out partial r.. 4966337084 televideorai 10/18/2009 8:47 AM [ultim'ora] Kabul,mediatori per crisi post-elezioni view.jsp?id=575&p=101 4966202329 alevilerinsesi 10/18/2009 8:37 AM solcuyuzz bunu kabul lenmeye gelmicek devrimciyiz bunu kabullenmiyen gelmicek yeri yokkkk aleviyzzzzzzzzz bunu... 4966183834 htc_61 10/18/2009 8:35 AM @neslihanim ya yok uçacm inşallh sana da istk yollayaym da kabul et puan kazanaym :) yanına gelirm bak son 13 gün.. kafam bozuk be nesli :(( 4966118927 jsaffron 10/18/2009 8:30 AM Kandiliniz Mübarek Olsun. ALLAH(c.c) Dua'larınızı Kabul Etsin. 4966078170 frontsideair 10/18/2009 8:27 AM @Schwanzerberg Hadi ya, dolmuşlar işlemiyor muydu? =/ Adamlar yenilgiyi baştan kabul etmiş desene.. 4965934762 alykhansatchu 10/18/2009 8:15 AM From the #archive The Lens #Kabul #Afghanistan 1961 1977 4965934239 MadamoiselleBSK 10/18/2009 8:15 AM @melihak ben cok bidibidi konusan biriyim uzun cumleler fln.. twitlonger destegi olmayan hic bise kullanmayi kabul (cont) 4965933743 newszilla 10/18/2009 8:15 AM [M&C] Karzai under pressure to accept vote results (News Feature) : Kabul - President Hamid Karzai is under.. 4965913365 PanoramicSequel 10/18/2009 8:13 AM And... The Kabul Beauty School - The Art of Friendship and Freedom, Deborah Rodriguez. Will tell you how they go:D 4965551577 aylizz 10/18/2009 7:41 AM tmm kabul ediorum..dibe vurdum.. 4965483774 mavianka 10/18/2009 7:35 AM @veinsea atma 90'larin her seyi kabul edilemez burdan saysam bizim koye yol olur :) 4965300254 televideorai 10/18/2009 7:17 AM [ultim'ora] Kabul,Kouchner:distensione tra sfidanti view.jsp?id=572&p=101 4965221061 isidat 10/18/2009 7:10 AM DMOZ'a kabul edildi 4965174497 veinsea 10/18/2009 7:05 AM sanırım doksanların gangsta rap'i kabul edilebilir bir müzik. Doksanların herşeyi kabul edilebilir zaten. 4965166546 POTUFSS 10/18/2009 7:04 AM France to Afghan rivals: accept election results (Boston Herald)|KABUL - France's foreign minister urged .. 4965159595 bostonherald 10/18/2009 7:03 AM France to Afghan rivals: accept election results: KABUL - France's foreign minister urged Afghanistan's politica.. 4965126712 fingertipnews2 10/18/2009 7:00 AM AP: France to Afghan rivals: Accept election results: KABUL (AP) -- France's foreign minister urged Afghanist.. 4965116691 zweitansage 10/18/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 4965095922 StephenGrey 10/18/2009 6:57 AM Passed thru Kabul, #Afghanistan, yesterday - looks increasingly like Baghdad - blast barriers, sealed-off roads everywhere; 4964922790 asely 10/18/2009 6:39 AM 12 saatten az uykuyu kabul etmeyen sevgili bünyem, sınav zamanında biraz anlayışlı olamaz mısın acaba ? 4964744478 news_ch 10/18/2009 6:20 AM Kouchner tritt sich in Kabul mit Karsai und Abdullah: Kabul - In Afghanistan sind die Bemühungen für eine Lösung.. 4964740873 newsch 10/18/2009 6:19 AM Kouchner tritt sich in Kabul mit Karsai und Abdullah: Kabul - In Afghanistan sind die Bemühungen für .. by 4964734307 Israel_News 10/18/2009 6:19 AM aawsat ME: France to Afghan Rivals: Accept Election Results: KABUL, (AP) – France's foreign mini.. 4964708985 rigbellen 10/18/2009 6:16 AM #fb Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid Karz.. 4964692586 ivan2266 10/18/2009 6:14 AM #fb Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid Karz.. 4964660432 arltdla 10/18/2009 6:11 AM Typhoon/Tropical Storm Lupit/Ramil update « The Pageman in Kabul: Wimba, Inc., the leader in web-based collabora.. 4964637232 bilimdiyari 10/18/2009 6:08 AM facebook/erdincgs sadece samimiliğine güvendiğim kişileri arkadaşlığa kabul edeceğim :) 4964602878 kitty10095 10/18/2009 6:04 AM Bomb kills US soldier in Afghanistan: NATO: AFP KABUL — A bomb attack killed a US soldier in Afghanistan on Sund.. 4964589748 kitty10094 10/18/2009 6:03 AM Bomb kills US soldier in Afghanistan: NATO: AFP KABUL — A bomb attack killed a US soldier in Afghanistan on Sund.. 4964585317 kitty10093 10/18/2009 6:02 AM Bomb kills US soldier in Afghanistan: NATO: AFP KABUL — A bomb attack killed a US soldier in Afghanistan on Sund.. 4964581970 kitty10092 10/18/2009 6:02 AM Bomb kills US soldier in Afghanistan: NATO: AFP KABUL — A bomb attack killed a US soldier in Afghanistan on Sund.. 4964559640 zweitansage 10/18/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 4964481528 abscbnnewsbrk 10/18/2009 5:50 AM Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid Karzai on S.. 4964447633 democratically 10/18/2009 5:47 AM Lessen India's influence on Kabul? 4964265228 AllNewsSources 10/18/2009 5:26 AM REUTERS: Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid 4964193718 newsoverviews 10/18/2009 5:18 AM New Overview France to Afghan rivals: accept election results – Forbes: KABUL -- France's fore.. 4964031077 zweitansage 10/18/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 4964005575 bolbol_gundem 10/18/2009 4:56 AM 225 bin TL'yi kabul etmedi 200 TL kazandı 4963800286 kadarisonfire 10/18/2009 4:33 AM @olelile gajadi le, kmaren ke kabul 4963777462 feridun 10/18/2009 4:30 AM @BilalErkin amin... allah dualarini kabul etsin.. 4963631123 CCCFunding 10/18/2009 4:13 AM Typhoon/Tropical Storm Lupit/Ramil update « The Pageman in Kabul: ... Maximizer Group is primarily on our flagsh.. 4963578649 confeng 10/18/2009 4:07 AM Twilight'ı izledim. Kabul ediyorum fazla ön yargılıydım filme karşı. Güzel film, ama eksiği de çok. Giriş filmi olması sebebiyle affedilir. 4963572210 Saralahasci 10/18/2009 4:06 AM RT @praznashafira: #cumadi8 selesai mid kyk abis selesai baca ijab kabul pas nikah, lega bgtttt 4963564085 liveadsense 10/18/2009 4:05 AM 20 Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid Karzai on S... 4963564159 liveadsense 10/18/2009 4:05 AM 20 Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid Karzai on S... 4963561019 sudhanshupandey 10/18/2009 4:05 AM Keeping busy in Kabul 4963522269 fingertipnews2 10/18/2009 4:01 AM AP: France to Afghan rivals: accept election results: KABUL (AP) -- France's foreign minister urged Afghanist.. 4963512380 zweitansage 10/18/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 4963448762 Kaphoen 10/18/2009 3:52 AM France to Afghan rivals: accept election results: The Associated Press KABUL — France's foreign minister urg.. 4963397681 boa_muenchen 10/18/2009 3:47 AM Crisis looms in Kabul over election results RT @guardiannews #Afghanelection #Afghanistan 4963180842 indiareporter 10/18/2009 3:26 AM French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner attends a news conference at the French embassy in Kabul ( 4963130269 Newapostolic 10/18/2009 3:21 AM Cash prize set to curb terrorist activities: KABUL, Oct. 18 (Xinhua) -- In efforts to overc.. 4963125137 CedarCreekCaptl 10/18/2009 3:20 AM Typhoon/Tropical Storm Lupit/Ramil update « The Pageman in Kabul: We build commercial loan pricing software that.. 4963072752 hashphotography 10/18/2009 3:15 AM Excellent #photography of Kabul from 50-70's (NY Times): - RT @extrajection 4963072470 Dizzedcom 10/18/2009 3:15 AM France to Afghan rivals: accept election results: KABUL (AP) -- France's foreign minister urged Afghanistan's po.. 4963036154 Don_Scott 10/18/2009 3:12 AM #topstories Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision (source: Reuters): KABUL (Reuters) - Glo.. 4962913920 fingertipnews2 10/18/2009 3:01 AM AP: France to Afghan rivals: accept election results: KABUL (AP) -- France's foreign minister urged Afghanist.. 4962879254 65cekic 10/18/2009 2:58 AM Yine Hamdi Bey kazandı10 tane 500 bin TL ile yarışan Metin, tüm uyarılara rağmen Hamdi Bey'in teklifini kabul... 4962692136 draenews 10/18/2009 2:40 AM Megite Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on Pr.. 4962668365 EnergyAuditTX 10/18/2009 2:38 AM Typhoon/Tropical Storm Lupit/Ramil update « The Pageman in Kabul 4962441919 yargierel 10/18/2009 2:18 AM Buraya ickliyken yazmamayi prensip kabul ediyorum.. 4962434482 AdamTheRed 10/18/2009 2:18 AM Calm and sunny Sunday in Kabul! 4962409072 Jembcotech 10/18/2009 2:16 AM Afghan president under pressure over fraud rulings: KABUL – Afghanistan"s election crisis deepened Saturda.. 4962372698 paperplaneindia 10/18/2009 2:12 AM Typhoon/Tropical Storm Lupit/Ramil update « The Pageman in Kabul: Wimba's Product Development team is expand.. 4962318695 bhatiakunal 10/18/2009 2:08 AM Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid K.. 4962268773 POTUFSS 10/18/2009 2:04 AM Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision (The Star)|KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President .. 4962228878 Africabiz 10/18/2009 2:01 AM Afghan president under pressure over fraud rulings: KABUL – Afghanistan"s election crisis deepened Saturda.. 4962213659 zweitansage 10/18/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 4962205227 vb8l 10/18/2009 1:59 AM Kabul, November 1961. A sidewalk photo studio. 4962147203 rtsradio 10/18/2009 1:54 AM Afghan president under pressure over fraud rulings - KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan's election crisis deepened Satur... 4962142752 rtsradio 10/18/2009 1:54 AM Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid K.. 4962106125 BookmarkingNet 10/18/2009 1:51 AM News Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on Presiden.. 4962081289 trafficsystem 10/18/2009 1:49 AM Typhoon/Tropical Storm Lupit/Ramil update « The Pageman in Kabul 4962054198 lennylancaster 10/18/2009 1:47 AM Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision - KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid Kar... 4962054271 kevinkalamanca 10/18/2009 1:47 AM Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision - KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid Kar... 4962054325 jeffersonjeffer 10/18/2009 1:47 AM Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision - KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid Kar... 4962054377 ianingersoll321 10/18/2009 1:47 AM Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision - KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid Kar... 4961952066 RuletaOnline 10/18/2009 1:39 AM Canciller francés dice Karzai está listo para negociar con rival: KABUL (Reuters) - El ministro francés de Relac.. 4961951785 RuletaOnline 10/18/2009 1:39 AM Discusiones diplomáticas retrasan decisión sobre elección afgana: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - La presión mundial.. 4961864815 ladydstardust 10/18/2009 1:32 AM check this out Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure.. 4961775938 byronichero 10/18/2009 1:25 AM As the battle with the Taliban rages, a serious political crisis is escalating in Kabul. 4961757804 GlobalTechNews 10/18/2009 1:24 AM Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid K.. 4961471626 freedom4USA 10/18/2009 1:03 AM US:#tcot #news Karzai Under Pressure Over Fraud Rulings: KABUL | Afghanistan's election crisi.. 4961468390 headlinenews 10/18/2009 1:02 AM Reuters: Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on .. 4961461126 roulefx 10/18/2009 1:02 AM Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid K.. 4961441754 fingertipnews2 10/18/2009 1:01 AM Reuters: Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on .. 4961440006 fingertipnews2 10/18/2009 1:00 AM AP: Afghan president under pressure over fraud rulings: KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan's election crisis deepened .. 4961435134 publiusalter 10/18/2009 1:00 AM [Blog] Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President Ham... 4961347214 snjsharma 10/18/2009 12:54 AM Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid K.. 4961313103 Kaphoen 10/18/2009 12:51 AM US, France, and Britain urge Karzai to recognize election audit results: By Sabrina Tavernise KABUL - Western of.. 4961297012 RaysNewsTweeter 10/18/2009 12:50 AM Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid K.. 4961246040 egitimhaberleri 10/18/2009 12:47 AM ODTÜ Başörtülü Öğrenciyi Kabul Etmedi 4961143525 HeadlinesNewz 10/18/2009 12:40 AM Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid K.. 4961099332 buybooksonline1 10/18/2009 12:37 AM [REUTERS]: Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted.. 4961075564 wcompanyportal 10/18/2009 12:36 AM [REUTERS]: Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted.. 4961013556 energyindia37 10/18/2009 12:32 AM Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on President Hamid K.. 4961007910 ReutersNews 10/18/2009 12:31 AM Reuters: Diplomatic wrangling delays Afghan vote decision: KABUL (Reuters) - Global pressure mounted on .. 4960979053 ersinyilmaz 10/18/2009 12:30 AM 225 bin TL'yi kabul etmedi 200 TL kazandı 4960917937 democratically 10/18/2009 12:26 AM @venkatananth My contention that its a monolith society from Dhaka to Kabul, holds water.This contention gets mirrored in Bollywood always 4960860178 TopLessGuru 10/18/2009 12:22 AM Typhoon/Tropical Storm Lupit/Ramil update « The Pageman in Kabul 4960830602 HTGazete 10/18/2009 12:20 AM 225 bin TL'yi kabul etmedi 200 TL kazandı: Var mısın Yok Musun'da ilginç gece! 4960803912 akifozkaya 10/18/2009 12:18 AM 225 bin TL'yi kabul etmedi 200 TL kazandı: Var mısın Yok Musun'da ilginç gece! 4960665904 2central_police 10/18/2009 12:11 AM An Afghan policeman mans an observation post in Kabul. The US military wants to spend 1.3 billi #police #2central 4960387877 HelloLingga 10/17/2009 11:55 PM emang lwnya udah siap ta ? :D RT @ditha_nadia: @HelloLingga numpang ijab kabul sebentaran disana masa ga boleh si bos?? 4960377819 paulwhamill 10/17/2009 11:55 PM With the olde bozy from Kabul for drinks 4960336220 AliciaAlen 10/17/2009 11:52 PM Typhoon/Tropical Storm Lupit/Ramil update « The Pageman in Kabul 4960285324 rtsradio 10/17/2009 11:50 PM Afghan president under pressure over fraud rulings - KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan's election crisis deepened Satur... 4959766032 bbcvietnamese 10/17/2009 11:21 PM Những mảnh đời lam lũ: Nhiều gia đình ở Kabul, Afghanistan, cùng chung số phận là phải vất vả kiếm sống từng ngày. 4959585621 greensisters 10/17/2009 11:12 PM RT @risovic Kabul November 1961- Avganistan 4959506115 risovic 10/17/2009 11:09 PM Kabul November 1961- Avganistan 4959382879 aliveinafghan 10/17/2009 11:02 PM #Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - #afghan09 4959344367 fingertipnews2 10/17/2009 11:01 PM AP: Afghan president under pressure over fraud rulings: KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan's election crisis deepened .. 4959268208 votgloblSthAsia 10/17/2009 10:57 PM #Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - #afghan09 4958788430 aliveinafghan 10/17/2009 10:33 PM #Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - #afghan09 4958205247 Widianaa 10/17/2009 10:05 PM aku ngincer bapaknya ardi ajaa hahaa RT @noiyy: Tnang2 dee br lamaran blm ijab kabul..hahaha..RT @Widianaa: wahh lha nia ramadhanii makmurr 4958182967 MAshrafHaidari 10/17/2009 10:04 PM IRIN Asia | Asia | Afghanistan | AFGHANISTAN: Cash vouchers for 10,000 families in Kabul | Food Secu 4958157802 noiyy 10/17/2009 10:03 PM Tnang2 dee br lamaran blm ijab kabul..hahaha..RT @Widianaa: wahh lha nia ramadhanii makmurr abis itu dilamar ma ardi bakrie . . :DD 4958143318 aliveinafghan 10/17/2009 10:02 PM #Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - #afghan09 4957909672 voteglobal 10/17/2009 9:51 PM #Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - #afghan09 4957804044 reuterskl 10/17/2009 9:47 PM Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Senior foreign officials pressed President H.. 4957585281 okbreakingnews 10/17/2009 9:36 PM DEVELOPMENT-SOUTH ASIA: Women’s Peace Offensive: kabul, oct 18 ips - ‘give peace a chance’ may just be another c.. 4957573604 RepublicanBoss 10/17/2009 9:35 PM DEVELOPMENT-SOUTH ASIA: Women’s Peace Offensive: KABUL, Oct 18 (IPS) - ‘Give peace a chance.. #tcot 4957511111 2central_pdent 10/17/2009 9:33 PM Afghan President Hamid Karzai gestures during a news conference in Kabul in this September 1 #president #2central 4957505252 DaveAnthold 10/17/2009 9:32 PM @KindleChaos - reading Kabul 24 & listening to Alexander Hamilton. You? 4957446390 thetime 10/17/2009 9:30 PM in Kabul, Asia is 7:00am 4957281686 ditha_nadia 10/17/2009 9:21 PM @HelloLingga numpang ijab kabul sebentaran disana masa ga boleh si bos?? 4956979134 gita_prihartono 10/17/2009 9:07 PM @FagiArians yg lg ijab kabul sapa tuh gie?ngiler yah.. 4956960358 myworldnews 10/17/2009 9:06 PM [WP] 'Brick Wall' Feared in Afghan Election: KABUL, Oct. 17 -- There is a growing fear among Western officials i.. 4956902252 headlinenews 10/17/2009 9:03 PM IPS: DEVELOPMENT-SOUTH ASIA: Women’s Peace Offensive: KABUL, Oct 18 (IPS) - ‘Give peace a chance.. 4956730182 filter_c 10/17/2009 8:55 PM More importantly, can India's leadership show foresight and use its good offices to facilitate such an agreement in Kabul? 4955993348 newsoverviews 10/17/2009 8:18 PM New Overview ‘Brick Wall’ Feared In Afghan Election – Washington Post: KABUL, Oct... 4955703348 POTUFSS 10/17/2009 8:03 PM 'Brick Wall' Feared in Afghan Election (Washington Post)|KABUL, Oct. 17 -- There is a growing fear among Western .. 4955472826 francineorr 10/17/2009 7:52 PM This looks interesting- "Taken Hostage South of Kabul" by By David Rohde/ NYT's 4954672397 Don_Scott 10/17/2009 7:11 PM #topstories Afghanistan braces for possible election runoff (source: Reuters): KABUL (Reuters) - Seni.. 4954531017 cshawyer 10/17/2009 7:03 PM Had a lovely chat with @ecostaofficial "edoardo costa" before he flies to Kabul to film a new socio political movie - great project 4954514244 cshawyer 10/17/2009 7:03 PM Had a lovely chat with @ecostaofficial "edoardo costa" before he flies to Kabul to film a new socio political movie - updates soon. 4954509762 palpitero 10/17/2009 7:02 PM Helicóptero é abatido à tiros de artilharia pesada, 2 oficiais morrem. Kabul? Bagdá? Darfur? Não, Rio pré-olimpico mesmo, do lado do Maraca 4954446039 cshawyer 10/17/2009 6:59 PM Had a lovely chat with @ecostaofficial "edoardo costa" before he flies to Kabul to film his new a new socio political movie - great project 4954421695 dkwdba 10/17/2009 6:58 PM Afghanistan braces for possible election runoff (source: Reuters): KABUL (Reuters) - Senior foreign officials pr.. 4954347815 bolbol_yasam 10/17/2009 6:54 PM 225 bin TL'yi kabul etmeyince büyük şok yaşadı 4954218219 pakstruck 10/17/2009 6:47 PM RT @safiakhan: Reality of the Taliban #Afghanistan #NATO #Kabul #zardari #karzai #Pakistan #.. 4954217125 pakstruck 10/17/2009 6:47 PM RT @safiakhan: Reality of the Taliban #Afghanistan #NATO #Kabul #zardari #karzai #Pakistan #.. 4954072093 48kutay 10/17/2009 6:40 PM @DouglasMcGiven onlar sociedad formasıyla dagıttılar bizi 2003'te, kabul edemem...) ama şabanın hosuna giderse eyvallah, o ne derse kabulum 4953755052 JimPivonka 10/17/2009 6:24 PM Earlier today a friend's relative died in this suicide vehicle attack on Kabul's airport road. 4953720901 Hamletuvez 10/17/2009 6:22 PM yeni Makina'yı daha çözemedim.Ama farklılk göremediğm gibi konuk seçimleri bayülgen'in bunaklığı hızla kabul ettiğinn göstergesi.izlenmeyesi 4953680429 publiusalter 10/17/2009 6:20 PM [Blog] Afghanistan braces for possible election runoff: KABUL (Reuters) - Senior foreign officials pressed Presiden... 4953623353 pakstruck 10/17/2009 6:17 PM RT @safiakhan: Reality of the Taliban #Afghanistan #NATO #Kabul #zardari #karzai #Pakistan #.. 4953617837 USTalib 10/17/2009 6:17 PM RT @safiakhan: Reality of the Taliban #Afghanistan #NATO #Kabul #zardari #karzai #Pakistan #.. 4953586107 AgoShangri 10/17/2009 6:15 PM Las capacidades del exterior para cagarme la existencia. Si Kabul no existe más, por qué "actualizar" la web y sacarme el especial de Scott? 4953569889 mtrcn 10/17/2009 6:15 PM Google'a iş başvurusu yapmayı düşünüyorum. Kabul ederler mi? Fikri olan :D 4953568497 ryukidn 10/17/2009 6:15 PM RT @safiakhan: Reality of the Taliban #Afghanistan #NATO #Kabul #zardari #karzai #Pakistan #Tal (cont) 4953551726 davidcliffordph 10/17/2009 6:14 PM RT @fotozine: NYT Lens - Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, in 1961 - 4953419233 fdelaminne 10/17/2009 6:07 PM RT @fotozine: "NYT Lens - Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, in 1961 -" 4953396358 AZNLoverdotcom 10/17/2009 6:06 PM Findings on poll fraud likely to lead to second vote: Speculation was growing in Kabul yesterday that election 4953121644 rwanderman 10/17/2009 5:52 PM Harrison E. Salisbury's images of Kabul, Afghanistan from the '60s through '70s. Fantasic #photography 4953116378 celebrifi 10/17/2009 5:51 PM Karzai May Disregard U.N.-Backed Panel's Findings on Election Fraud: Kabul, Oct. 17 -- There is a growing fear a.. 4953000382 24hour_news 10/17/2009 5:46 PM Karzai waits for election report: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 17 (UPI) -- Foreign leaders have reportedly been pre.. 4952807492 Sicy853 10/17/2009 5:36 PM The Italian Job! Afghanistan Berlusconi Insurgents Italy Kabul Nato Payments Pentagon Roma Taliban war on terror 4952708672 ECostaofficial 10/17/2009 5:31 PM CiaoRagazzi! Domani mattina parto per girare un film americano a Kabul inAfghanistan! Rimarrò li per qualche... 4952371099 Klobert_Report 10/17/2009 5:14 PM - Tweeps in the NYC area-- cool fundraiser at the Bellevue in Brooklyn on Tuesday for orphans in Kabul 4952341546 va_gastlosen 10/17/2009 5:12 PM Photo: Rio de Janeiro… Today 2014? 2016? It looks like Kabul :( 4952328472 simpsonology 10/17/2009 5:11 PM - Tweeps in the NYC area-- cool fundraiser in Brooklyn on Tuesday benefiting orphans in Kabul. 4952263129 newszilla 10/17/2009 5:08 PM [WP] Karzai May Disregard U.N.-Backed Panel's Findings on Election Fraud : KABUL, Oct. 17 -- There is a gro.. 4952209507 erolrim 10/17/2009 5:05 PM Bende kabul etmemiştim hiç pişman değilim Marka patenet danışmanıyım büyük firmaların danışmanlığını yapıyorum ama bir gün kendi bestelerimi 4952134338 duve 10/17/2009 5:01 PM - Tweeps in the NYC area-- cool fundraiser in Brooklyn on Tuesday for orphans in Kabul. 4952100384 zweitansage 10/17/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 4951960783 va_gastlosen 10/17/2009 4:52 PM Que vergonha, parece Kabul #rio Rio de Janeiro drug traffickers down helicopter and... 4951910502 va_gastlosen 10/17/2009 4:50 PM Que vergonha. Parece Kabul. #rio Heavy clashes between Brazilian police and drug traffickers kill at least 12, turns streets into chaos. 4951893249 rensefeed 10/17/2009 4:49 PM Crisis In Kabul Over Karzai Election Fiddling 4951852385 fotozine 10/17/2009 4:47 PM NYT Lens - Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, in 1961 - 4951828772 milesmesservy 10/17/2009 4:45 PM Soldi ai talebani, Kabul: «Accuse prive di fondamento e irresponsabili»-Il Messaggero: Soldi ai talebani, Kabul:.. 4951652485 Fontalabus 10/17/2009 4:36 PM çenem düştü, kabul ediyorum. 4951521778 Sicy853 10/17/2009 4:29 PM RT The Italian Job! Afghanistan Berlusconi Insurgents Italy Kabul Nato Payments Pentagon Roma Taliban war on terror 4951456623 peyton_02a 10/17/2009 4:26 PM Blast near Indian Embassy in Kabul. 3 dead. 4951352871 RaysNewsTweeter 10/17/2009 4:20 PM Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Senior foreign officials on Saturday pressed.. 4951286019 hambers 10/17/2009 4:17 PM @NaiveLondonGirl But of course, the night is young... And there's more fireworks going off round here than bombing run in Kabul... ;-) 4951104688 cengizsemercio 10/17/2009 4:07 PM Tamam arkadaslar kiskanmak kazanacak dedim, gazi ben verdim kabul AMA olmadi... Fatih terim gibi istifa mi edeyim.. 4951072496 Eminearslaner 10/17/2009 4:05 PM Eskiden cok kibirliydim kabul ediyorum ama artik mükemmelim... 4951042505 kitty10095 10/17/2009 4:04 PM Remembering Afghanistan's Golden Age: New York Times November, 1977 General street scenes in Downtown Kabul .. 4950960918 turkudiyari 10/17/2009 4:00 PM HALİL*****BU PARAÇAA BENDEN SİZLERE ĞELSIN KABUL EDERSENIZ... 4950953450 zweitansage 10/17/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 4950788403 EthanRayne 10/17/2009 3:51 PM Cats must hate this time of year, explosions going off left, right and centre. It's like Kabul out there (but with fewer Marines).. 4950766525 24hour_news 10/17/2009 3:50 PM Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Senior foreign officials on Saturday pressed.. 4950756426 buzzingnews 10/17/2009 3:49 PM Three US soldiers, 25 militants killed in Afghanistan - Kabul, Oct 17 (DPA) Three US soldiers were killed in bomb b... 4950608766 HeadlinesNewz 10/17/2009 3:42 PM Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Senior foreign officials on Saturday pressed.. 4950265553 caaquino 10/17/2009 3:25 PM RT @rekha6: Learned from @ericg that OpenStreetMap data for Kabul city streets is better than any private co's data (e.g. Navteq) #pubcamp 4950071607 24hour_news 10/17/2009 3:16 PM Afghan president under pressure over fraud rulings: KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan's election crisis deepened Saturd.. 4950016871 beyondbroadcast 10/17/2009 3:13 PM RT @rekha6: Just learned from @ericg that OpenStreetMap data for Kabul city streets is better than any private co's data #pubcamp 4949856370 rekha6 10/17/2009 3:05 PM Just learned from @ericg that OpenStreetMap data for Kabul city streets is better than any private co's data (e.g. Navteq) #pubcamp 4949761656 fingertipnews2 10/17/2009 3:01 PM AP: Afghan president under pressure over fraud rulings: KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan's election crisis deepened .. 4949740771 dilektunc 10/17/2009 3:00 PM @gelgelelim Namus bir kadını yüz üstü bırakmaksa evet;) ama en azından dünkü adam açık konuşuyordu, kabul edersen;)) 4949738941 zweitansage 10/17/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 4949716688 seydagumus 10/17/2009 2:58 PM tamam bu da bizim oscar ımız hadi kabul ama oyunculara şarkı söyletmek olmuyoor olamıyooor..Allah verdi de M.Altıoklar a söyletmediler ıyykk 4949629395 ayseazak 10/17/2009 2:54 PM odulu alanin ay ne dicemi bilemedim simdi, ona tesekkurler buna biseyler turunden konusmalari kabul etmiyorum, alma o odulu o zaman. 4949552885 gulbakisli 10/17/2009 2:51 PM Kabul Et.... (Dejawu) 4949229951 BusraKorkut 10/17/2009 2:35 PM @ilknurzfr basvuru bitmis? istesem bugun basvururum, bi de ustune kabul olurum. burası istanbul arkadaşım İS TAN BUL !! :) 4948892494 GiovanniCirillo 10/17/2009 2:19 PM Kabul difende l'Italia: ''False e irresponsabili le accuse del Times'' | CNN Italy 4948757229 UNjobs_Health 10/17/2009 2:13 PM Regional Program Development Officer, Kabul, IMC @UNjobs #jobs 4948756062 vietnamnews 10/17/2009 2:13 PM Afghanistan có thể có bầu cử vòng hai: Tin từ Kabul cho hay sớm nhất là sáng mai, Ủy Ban Bầu Cử Afghanistan mới .. 4948720109 LA_STAMPA 10/17/2009 2:11 PM Mazzette, Kabul difende l'Italia:"Le accuse del Times sono false": ROMALe accuse agli italiani di aver 'compra.. 4948702024 TweetTrailBot 10/17/2009 2:10 PM Someone just searched for ' Kabul ', here are the top tweeters: 4948693760 UNjobs_Security 10/17/2009 2:09 PM Medical Director, Kabul, IMC @UNjobs #jobs 4948693511 UNjobs_Health 10/17/2009 2:09 PM Medical Director, Kabul, IMC @UNjobs #jobs 4948629336 SKYTG24 10/17/2009 2:06 PM Kabul smentisce il Times: "False le accuse all'Italia": Kabul smentisce il Times: .. 4948603190 kitty10095 10/17/2009 2:05 PM French FM pays unannounced visit to Afghanistan: KABUL, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) -- French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouc.. 4948561360 POTUFSS 10/17/2009 2:03 PM Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off (KYIV Post)|KABUL, Oct 17 (Reuters) - Senior foreign officials on .. 4948485207 zweitansage 10/17/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 4948376209 PressTVNews 10/17/2009 1:54 PM Kouchner travels to Kabul for vote mediation 4948338515 PaginaNuova 10/17/2009 1:52 PM SKY TG 24 - Kabul smentisce il Times: "False le accuse all'Italia": Kab.. 4948205129 re_volta 10/17/2009 1:46 PM Bagdá? Kabul? Não, é Rio de Janeiro. Que venha a Copa e as Olimpíadas. Guerra é aqui! #paznorio 4948191183 Press_TV 10/17/2009 1:45 PM PressTV - Kouchner travels to Kabul for vote mediation 4948125349 JulesBeaujolais 10/17/2009 1:42 PM French Forgn Minister Bernard Kouchner joins Kerry in Kabul re election fraud, but frustratingly sketchy details; 4948101803 greychampion 10/17/2009 1:41 PM newStream ©: Kouchner travels to Kabul for vote mediation 4947924189 Sicy853 10/17/2009 1:32 PM The Italian Job! Afghanistan Berlusconi Insurgents Italy Kabul Nato Payments Pentagon Roma Taliban war on terror 4947911613 Beatweeds 10/17/2009 1:32 PM Bebek bakımı konusunda eksiklerim var kabul ama bu sabır ve sevgiyle iyi bir anne geleceği var gibi bende.. 4947770752 jacquelineyv 10/17/2009 1:25 PM RT @iammilitary AFGHANISTAN Kabul: no military victory possible against the Taliban #military 4947627965 e9725138rss 10/17/2009 1:18 PM Kabul: Kopfgeld auf Taliban ausgesetzt 4947578820 Dizzedcom 10/17/2009 1:16 PM Afghan president under pressure over fraud rulings: KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan's election crisis deepened Saturda.. 4947348881 kitty10094 10/17/2009 1:05 PM French FM pays unannounced visit to Afghanistan: KABUL, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) -- French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouc.. 4947324159 kitty10093 10/17/2009 1:04 PM French FM pays unannounced visit to Afghanistan: KABUL, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) -- French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouc.. 4947297665 kitty10092 10/17/2009 1:02 PM French FM pays unannounced visit to Afghanistan: KABUL, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) -- French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouc.. 4947297485 newsblogsnepal 10/17/2009 1:02 PM TheHimalayanTimes- 12 Afghan workers kidnapped: police: KABUL: At least 12 Afghan construction.. 4947232894 zweitansage 10/17/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 4947198380 newszilla 10/17/2009 12:58 PM [EARTH] Election body fails to finalize results for Afghan votes - Summary: Kabul - A UN-backed complaint.. 4947019517 LeggoOnline 10/17/2009 12:49 PM KABUL SMENTISCE IL 'TIMES': "LANCIATE FALSE ACCUSE" : •Raid aereo, 20 talebani uccisi «Il ministero degli E.. 4946878894 lifelessness 10/17/2009 12:43 PM Hadi kabul edin, en azından bir kez öğretmeniniz "örnek" dediğinde siz de içinizden "ördek" dediniz. Not: V.Ö.... 4946621249 StevieKirkwood 10/17/2009 12:31 PM Another banging saturday night watching DVDs alone in Kabul, I live such a glamourous life, 13 days to push 4946550195 reichardt0405 10/17/2009 12:28 PM Krisengespräche vor Wahlergebnis in Kabul.. 4946461983 ivangottardo 10/17/2009 12:23 PM Derrubaram até helicóptero da PM no Rio, bela escolha do COI para 2016. Desse jeito, em 2020 as preferências devem ir para Bagdá ou Kabul. 4946287896 translator_girl 10/17/2009 12:15 PM ah minel çap...çapsızlardan uzak durmak lazım..kendini kabul ettirme kompleksinde olanlardan.twitterda güzel şeyler de göreceğim umarım.. 4946285481 newszilla 10/17/2009 12:15 PM [M&C] Election body fails to finalize results for Afghan votes (Roundup) : Kabul - A UN-backed complaint co.. 4945970662 fingertipnews2 10/17/2009 12:01 PM AP: Afghan president under pressure over fraud rulings: KABUL (AP) -- Afghanistan's election crisis deepened .. 4945936283 zweitansage 10/17/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 4945827087 cikolatakiz 10/17/2009 11:54 AM @KOKHUCRE sanki evleniyoruz ha :D çocuk fesybukuna kabul etçek de, beğencek de.. ki beğenmez :D 4945704376 HalloWEva 10/17/2009 11:49 AM kabul ediliyorummm 4945697261 buzzingnews 10/17/2009 11:49 AM Air strike kills 20 Taliban militants in Afghanistan - Kabul, Oct 17 (IANS) At least 20 Taliban militants were kill... 4945671441 neymis 10/17/2009 11:47 AM akademik dunyanin cirkinliklerini kabul etmemek icin cok ugrasip da sonra pes ettim. evet, kabul, cirkinmis... 4945547433 boa_news 10/17/2009 11:42 AM Crisis looms in Kabul over election results RT @guardiannews 4945373772 zillo89 10/17/2009 11:34 AM Kabul smentisce il Times: "All'Italia rivolte accuse irresponsabili e infondate" 4945317324 uppaljs 10/17/2009 11:31 AM mmmm :) [ bbq in kabul :-) ] 4945107752 RobNeill 10/17/2009 11:21 AM Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) – Several international political figure.. 4944740742 blogsguatemala 10/17/2009 11:04 AM Se esperan resultados de pesquisa de fraude en Afganistán: AP - KABUL (AP) - Las presiones internacionales aumen.. 4944702864 searchtempo 10/17/2009 11:03 AM Air strike kills 20 Taliban militants in Afghanistan: Kabul, Oct 17 (IANS) At least 20 Taliban militants were ki.. 4944635954 buberzionist 10/17/2009 11:00 AM An Afghan Jewish immigrant to USA got into trouble for running a hawwala. That's consistent with some Kabul Jews having been moneychangers 4944633991 zweitansage 10/17/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 4944625644 Me_catwoman 10/17/2009 10:59 AM Wrangling, horse-trading over Afghan vote result (source: Big News Network): KABUL (AFP) - Two months after Afgh.. 4944486937 buberzionist 10/17/2009 10:53 AM An Afghan man who was there in the 60s said back then most moneychangers in Kabul were Jews. When he left Afghanstn he got money from a Jew. 4944484537 mccormics 10/17/2009 10:52 AM @japonkedisi kimse bana parlağın o şeyleri anlatmakta yeterli olduğunu kabul ettiremez! 4944391501 televideorai 10/17/2009 10:48 AM [dal mondo] KABUL: FALSE ACCUSE ALL'ITALIA DA TIMES view.jsp?id=652885&p=150 4944385106 virgilio_it 10/17/2009 10:48 AM Afghanistan/ Kabul: False e irresponsabili accuse Times a Italia 4944384875 stranoblasti 10/17/2009 10:48 AM Afghanistan/ Kabul: False e irresponsabili accuse Times a Italia 4944250501 conservatweet 10/17/2009 10:41 AM [FreeRepublic] The Kabul Quagmire JASON STRAZIUSO , AP 17 October 2009, 02:15pm IST: The Kabul Qua.. 4944110757 chicagonewsnow 10/17/2009 10:34 AM Bombs kill 3 U.S. troops in Afghanistan: KABUL -- The NATO-led coalition says bomb attacks have killed thre.. 4944053417 Opyd 10/17/2009 10:32 AM Things in Kabul seem "interesting"... Need to head back and help square things away there! Then back here in January!!! 4943989738 scarfacesmiles 10/17/2009 10:29 AM but the loud bursts annoy me,, but its better here,, shudder to think of bagdad,kabul or pakistan 4943850581 trf1net 10/17/2009 10:22 AM Hamilton "Alonso, Onun Kadar Yetenekli Olduğumu Kabul Etmedi" - - Türkiye'nin En Güncel For 4943828565 redbullo 10/17/2009 10:20 AM L'Afghanistan difende l'Italia: «Dal Times accuse irresponsabili»: Il ministro degli Esteri di Kabul sulle presu.. 4943797482 PaginaNuova 10/17/2009 10:19 AM IL GIORNALE - Kabul smentisce il Times : "All'Italia rivolte accuse irresponsabili e infondate": Co.. 4943767423 ilgiornale 10/17/2009 10:17 AM Kabul smentisce il Times : "All'Italia rivolte accuse irresponsabili e infondate" #news 4943629099 brianstelter 10/17/2009 10:10 AM On train to Md, wowed that I'm able to interview correspondents in Kabul so easily. Cell phones have come a long way since the war started. 4943527399 mymonews 10/17/2009 10:05 AM [news] Esteri - Kabul, false accuse allItalia: Ministro smentisce il Times su mazzette pagate a tal.. 4943508741 trf1net 10/17/2009 10:04 AM Hamilton "Alonso, Onun Kadar Yetenekli Olduğumu Kabul Etmedi": Lewis Hamilton, 2007'de takım arkadaşlığını .. 4943411851 zweitansage 10/17/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 4943365278 HWhitters 10/17/2009 9:57 AM #TheBert in place there should be a long expansion of road were drivers just compromise much like the dusty streets of Kabul 4943313170 corriereit 10/17/2009 9:54 AM L'Afghanistan difende l'Italia: «Dal Times accuse irresponsabili»: Il ministro degli Esteri di Kabul sulle presu.. 4943266829 dotproduction 10/17/2009 9:52 AM @katkaya ve @ezgi bsaran ertuğrul'a kabul ettirdiğim eski bir proje: f.altaylı ile birklikte route 66' ageçip foto-... 4943265174 serdargut 10/17/2009 9:52 AM @katkaya ve @ezgi bsaran ertuğrul'a kabul ettirdiğim eski bir proje: f.altaylı ile birklikte route 66' ageçip foto- yazı disisi yapacaktık 4943165022 turkiyef1 10/17/2009 9:46 AM Hamilton: 'Alonso eşitliği kabul edemedi' 4943072523 ChicagoNewz 10/17/2009 9:41 AM Bombs kill 3 U.S. troops in Afghanistan: KABUL -- The NATO-led coalition says bomb attacks have killed thre.. 4942379975 ladydstardust 10/17/2009 9:03 AM check this out Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Several interna.. 4942324183 zweitansage 10/17/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 4942081336 rizgari_online 10/17/2009 8:45 AM Bush`dan Rusya`ya tepki: ''Bu eylemler 21. yüzyılda kabul edilemez'' 4941695032 rosemaryCNN 10/17/2009 8:19 AM Will also have a liveshot w/ Atia Abawi in Kabul on more casualties while we await results of an investigation into disputed Pres elex #cnn 4941410524 zweitansage 10/17/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 4941281860 SchlagzeilenDE 10/17/2009 7:50 AM International Krisengespräche vor Wahlergebnis in Kabul - ZEIT ONLINE: AFPKrisengespräche vor Wahle.. 4941233403 pangeaonlus 10/17/2009 7:46 AM Sulla pagina FB di Pangea nuove foto da Kabul 4941195965 YahooNoticias 10/17/2009 7:44 AM Afganistán aguarda resultados de pesquisa de fraude electoral: AP - KABUL (AP) - Afganistán y el mundo estaban a.. 4941143833 AllNewsSources 10/17/2009 7:40 AM REUTERS: Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan plunged into a bout of intense 4941062165 samihazinses 10/17/2009 7:33 AM dün gece 4 paket sigaraya kredi kartı kabul etmeyen tekel bayii sahipleri: hepinizin ayrı ayrı götüne koyayım. 4940948200 paulchaston 10/17/2009 7:24 AM [Blog] Three US troops killed in Afghanistan: NATO: KABUL (AFP) – Bomb attacks have killed three more US troop... 4940947697 paulchaston 10/17/2009 7:24 AM [Blog] Three US troops killed in Afghanistan: NATO: KABUL (AFP) – Bomb attacks have killed three more US troops i... 4940899444 ndigun 10/17/2009 7:20 AM untuk pertama kalinya menyaksikan ijab kabul . mempelai pria tersendatsendat dan saya pun gemas berkeringat ! 4940865217 Retourkutsche 10/17/2009 7:17 AM Bombs kill 3 U.S. troops in Afghanistan: KABUL — The NATO-led coalition says bomb attacks have kill.. 4940846020 USTalib 10/17/2009 7:15 AM Kabul: no military victory possible against the Taliban 4940845567 Dizzedcom 10/17/2009 7:15 AM Rulings in Afghan election fraud probe expected: KABUL (AP) -- International pressure was mounting Saturday on A.. 4940801208 latimesworld 10/17/2009 7:12 AM Bombs kill 3 U.S. troops in Afghanistan: KABUL — The NATO-led coalition says bomb attacks have kill.. 4940780958 ForexHoncho 10/17/2009 7:10 AM Kabul: no military victory possible against the Taliban 4940743666 paulchaston 10/17/2009 7:07 AM [Blog] Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) – Afghanistan plunged into a bout of ... 4940743137 paulchaston 10/17/2009 7:06 AM [Blog] Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) – Afghanistan plunged into a bout of int... 4940714783 nillufer 10/17/2009 7:04 AM kullanıcı tüm sorumluluğu kabul eder.. 4940667136 publiusalter 10/17/2009 7:00 AM [Blog] Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan plunged into a bout of inten... 4940658589 zweitansage 10/17/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 4940655292 roulefx 10/17/2009 6:59 AM Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan plunged into a bout of intense d.. 4940602500 snjsharma 10/17/2009 6:54 AM Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan plunged into a bout of intense d.. 4940595538 rtsradio 10/17/2009 6:54 AM Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan plunged into a bout of intense d.. 4940411277 andres_rueda 10/17/2009 6:37 AM Bomb kills four US troops in Afghanistan: Pakistan Daily Times Saturday, Oct 17th, 2009KABUL: A roadside bomb .. 4940346296 chrysantiriskia 10/17/2009 6:31 AM duh si @andineeeayu bahasnya ijab kabul mulu gara2 kerjaannya gossip di kelas,kaya gue mau nikah besok aja -,- 4940325831 chrysantiriskia 10/17/2009 6:29 AM jarkom apa?gue nikah hari ini?udh ga jaman jawaban uts hahaRT @andineeeayu: @chrysantiriskia hahaha kebayang pas ijab kabul lu nya malah sib 4940221790 lastlimeystand 10/17/2009 6:19 AM RT @iammilitary AFGHANISTAN Kabul: no military victory possible against the Taliban #military 4940147729 girlofgordon 10/17/2009 6:11 AM Looks like there won't be a presidential election result announced today after all. How disappointing. #Kabul 4940086018 guardiannews 10/17/2009 6:05 AM Crisis looms in Kabul over election results #Afghanelection 4940082537 in_asia 10/17/2009 6:05 AM (AP) KABUL (AP) - The NATO-led coalition says bomb attacks have killed three American troops in Afghanistan. The.. 4940035145 fingertipnews2 10/17/2009 6:01 AM AP: Rulings in Afghan election fraud probe expected: KABUL (AP) -- International pressure was mounting Saturd.. 4940007494 PHLLimo 10/17/2009 5:58 AM 609-383-1457 Se esperan resultados de pesquisa de fraude en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) -.. 4939926979 bharianmy 10/17/2009 5:50 AM 3 lagi askar AS maut di Afghanistan: KABUL: Pasukan tentera Nato hari ini menyatakan serangan bom membunuh tiga.. 4939925906 IndiaNewsPost 10/17/2009 5:49 AM Air strike kills 20 Taliban militants in Afghanistan - Kabul, Oct 17 (IANS) At least 20 Taliban militants were 4939925970 aroonkumar123 10/17/2009 5:49 AM Air strike kills 20 Taliban militants in Afghanistan - Kabul, Oct 17 (IANS) At least 20 Taliban militants were 4939875535 chrysantiriskia 10/17/2009 5:44 AM @andineeeayu aduh yu,gue ijab kabul sm calon suami gue sendiri aja lu tar keketawaan hahahahaha ;;D 4939875130 iflyacy 10/17/2009 5:44 AM RT Se esperan resultados de pesquisa de fraude en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Las presiones inter.. 4939776957 blogsguatemala 10/17/2009 5:34 AM Tensa espera en Afganistán por resultado elecciones: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - El ambiente era tenso en Afgani.. 4939751859 mrmohdtweet 10/17/2009 5:32 AM 3 lagi askar AS maut di Afghanistan: KABUL: Pasukan tentera Nato hari ini menyatakan serangan bom membunuh tiga.. 4939577127 YahooNoticias 10/17/2009 5:13 AM Se esperan resultados de pesquisa de fraude en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Las presiones internacionales aumentaban.. 4939469842 nickschifrin 10/17/2009 5:02 AM @mirza9 Well, does flying PIA Islamabad-Peshawar-Kabul at 6am count? 4939467702 freedom4USA 10/17/2009 5:02 AM US:#tcot #news Results in Afghan Election Fraud Probe Expected: Filed at 3:55 a.m. ET KABUL (AP) -.. 4939465478 RFI_Espanol 10/17/2009 5:02 AM Afganistán - Canciller francés a Kabul para pedir respeto de resultados electorales. 4939463083 newsblogsnepal 10/17/2009 5:01 AM TheHimalayanTimes- Afghan vote decision expected: KABUL: Two months after Afghans voted in con.. 4939440596 zweitansage 10/17/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 4939400894 BarraDeHerram 10/17/2009 4:55 AM Se esperan resultados de pesquisa de fraude en Afganistán: KABUL (AP) - Las presiones internacionales aumentaban.. 4939340946 sanidoktrin 10/17/2009 4:49 AM hep çabalamak zorundasın.Tamam bunu kabul ettim.ya vadedilenler? 4939277792 simoliver 10/17/2009 4:42 AM Just spoke to my friend who is teaching English in Kabul. Says he's quite enjoying the life there. #ratheryouthanme 4939186849 muswardi 10/17/2009 4:33 AM baru balik dari JPC Kemang, bareng @aeroplant juga, akhirnya jadi juga @herdiansah ijab kabul sama Canon. 4939100789 remon_nessa 10/17/2009 4:24 AM Ijab kabul Ruby n Indra 4939085140 FTRNews 10/17/2009 4:22 AM FTR NEWS: Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results 4939045523 dailyscoops 10/17/2009 4:18 AM Times of India: The Kabul Quagmire 4939018586 edward_dawson 10/17/2009 4:15 AM The Kabul Quagmire : My closest Afghan friend held out his Taliban-era photo. A decade younger, he had a thick b.. 4938997509 headlinenews 10/17/2009 4:13 AM AFP: Decision expected on Afghan vote: KABUL (AFP) - Two months after Afghans voted in controversial preside.. 4938973619 LA_STAMPA 10/17/2009 4:10 AM Ballottagio a Kabul, monta la tensione: KABULMonta la tensione in Afghanistan mentre si avvicina l'annuncio dei .. 4938963470 audirachma 10/17/2009 4:09 AM Merinding dn bercucuran air mata ngliat org terdekat gw ijab kabul. Gileee.. Merinding disko meeen!! 4938871355 fingertipnews2 10/17/2009 4:00 AM AP: Results in Afghan election fraud probe expected: KABUL (AP) -- International pressure was mounting Saturd.. 4938865170 zweitansage 10/17/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 4938787066 BookmarkingNet 10/17/2009 3:51 AM News Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Election officials in Afghanistan w.. 4938740833 stranoblasti 10/17/2009 3:46 AM Afghanistan/ Attesa per esito presidenziali, Kouchner a Kabul 4938740905 virgilio_it 10/17/2009 3:46 AM Afghanistan/ Attesa per esito presidenziali, Kouchner a Kabul 4938641017 in_asia 10/17/2009 3:36 AM (AP) KABUL (AP) - International pressure was mounting Saturday on Afghanistan's political rivals to broker a dea.. 4938638570 andershammer 10/17/2009 3:36 AM Pressekonferansen er utsatt og så sant det ikke kommer lekkasjer, ventes det i dag ingen avklaring fra Kabul om det blir en andre valgomgang 4938608425 nntpnews 10/17/2009 3:33 AM Re: Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results (Guardian) 4938306546 headlinenews 10/17/2009 3:02 AM Reuters: Afghanistan braces for possible election run-off: KABUL (Reuters) - Election officials in Afgha.. 4938300537 nowlebanon 10/17/2009 3:01 AM Ticker: Kouchner due in Kabul over vote tensions 4938288167 fingertipnews2 10/17/2009 3:00 AM AP: Results in Afghan election fraud probe expected: KABUL (AP) -- International pressure was mounting Saturd.. 4938277633 zweitansage 10/17/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 4937720107 oliviawalter09 10/17/2009 2:07 AM Crisis looms in Kabul over election 4937628712 zweitansage 10/17/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 4937447737 idiyosenkrazi 10/17/2009 1:44 AM @yuksekokceden evet güzel yazı,algı açıklıklarımın artmasına sebep olduğn için sağol:)ama hakan ahmet de bu,ne yapsın,ne yapalım.kabul edelm 4936897732 AndersTvegard 10/17/2009 1:01 AM @HebnesTV2 Ja, for ingen av dem i Kabul syns dette er en drømmesituasjon, akkurat. Hører fra @andershammer at de bestemmer seg i ettermiddag 4936830808 iammilitary 10/17/2009 12:56 AM AFGHANISTAN Kabul: no military victory possible against the Taliban #military 4935982507 Lostbishop 10/17/2009 12:00 AM via @socialmedia2day Kabul 24: A Story of Faith, Hope, Courage and Survival 4935551217 ifa_fachir 10/16/2009 11:34 PM Alhamdulillah sempet k akadnya Bagus & Dita walau tanpa liat ijab-kabul.. Here's me, the groom to-be, & Mba Ayu! 4935318670 Seanotd 10/16/2009 11:21 PM RT @ISAFmedia NATO Military Committee answer journalist's questions during a press conference in Kabul (via @usfora) 4935113879 FA18ORDI 10/16/2009 11:10 PM Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results - Guardian - 4935111841 RuletaOnline 10/16/2009 11:09 PM Tensa espera en Afganistán por resultado elecciones: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - El ambiente era tenso en Afgani.. 4935058829 newszilla 10/16/2009 11:07 PM [WP] Karzai Aide Casts Doubt on Findings of Electoral Panel : KABUL, Oct. 16 -- President Hamid Karzai's of.. 4934746614 usgov_in_ja 10/16/2009 10:50 PM [@usfora]RT @ISAFmedia NATO Military Committee answer journalist's questions during a press conference in Kabul 4934729952 FA18ORDI 10/16/2009 10:49 PM RT @ISAFmedia: NATO Military Committee answer journalist's questions during a press conference in Kabul 4934618922 BeverlyMacy 10/16/2009 10:44 PM RT @usfora RT @ISAFmedia NATO Military Committee answer journalist's questions during a press conference in Kabul 4934595759 m_insider 10/16/2009 10:43 PM Tension high as Afghanistan awaits election result: KABUL, Oct 17 — Tension was high in Afghanistan yesterday as.. 4934578970 usfora 10/16/2009 10:42 PM RT @ISAFmedia NATO Military Committee answer journalist's questions during a press conference in Kabul 4934205061 gamingwithbaby 10/16/2009 10:23 PM Hey Air Force! GEN Schwartz called. He left a message. It said, I'm shipping your asses to Kabul. 4933762538 newsblogsnepal 10/16/2009 10:02 PM TheHimalayanTimes- Afghan vote decision expected : KABUL: Two months after Afghans voted in co.. 4933586974 womenadvocates 10/16/2009 9:53 PM KABUL: "We have not denied access to anyone" - Capt Elizabeth Mathias on US military & journalists 4933570000 TdhInfoCenter 10/16/2009 9:52 PM Afghanistan: Bringing proper sanitation to rural children: KABUL, Afghanistan, 16 October 2009 – The se.. 4933479164 Hairan 10/16/2009 9:48 PM Situation in Kabul tense as officials are close to push the country into second round of the elections 4933134352 ReutersNews 10/16/2009 9:32 PM Reuters: Tension high as Afghanistan awaits election result: KABUL (Reuters) - Tension was high in Afgha.. 4933126474 amadl 10/16/2009 9:31 PM Ijab kabuL itu kaya' acara serah terima barang ya 4932638138 buybooksonline1 10/16/2009 9:08 PM [REUTERS]: Tension high as Afghanistan awaits election result: KABUL (Reuters) - Tension was high in A.. 4932607138 wcompanyportal 10/16/2009 9:06 PM [REUTERS]: Tension high as Afghanistan awaits election result: KABUL (Reuters) - Tension was high in A.. 4932096882 pthread 10/16/2009 8:43 PM Dulles->Doha->Dubai->Kabul. Haven't eaten anything yet today and everything at the airport is closed. :/ 4931837145 myheadlinez 10/16/2009 8:30 PM Tension high as Afghanistan awaits election result: KABUL (Reuters) - Tension was high in Afghanistan on Friday .. 4931765639 astisurya 10/16/2009 8:27 PM @harlianoARNO di-amin-ken smoga lo ijab kabul kaga blepotan dahhh.. 4931536717 MuskratNews 10/16/2009 8:16 PM Only 30,000 more troops needed to finish Macedonian conquest of Bactria, says 2,300 year old Greek General in Kabul. "We can't give up now." 4931372882 Aby_Ummy 10/16/2009 8:09 PM Bocah Afghan Tewas Ditembak Tentara Denmark - Berita: KABUL ( - Salibis memang tidak pernah berhent.. 4930133384 TheHourNews 10/16/2009 7:10 PM Four Americans die in Afghanistan blast: KABULBy ROBERT H. REID and HEIDI. . . 4930105596 trapper_x 10/16/2009 7:09 PM @melisbirkan eğer selam gönderme kararını alırsanız (Allahım ne olur kabul etsin) programdan önce bana haber verirseniz kaçırmamış olurum :) 4930103799 roulefx 10/16/2009 7:09 PM Tension high as Afghanistan awaits election result: KABUL (Reuters) - Tension was high in Afghanistan on Friday .. 4930097632 TampaWebNet 10/16/2009 7:09 PM Afghan economy stumbles amid election uncertainty (McClatchy Newspapers): McClatchy Newspapers - KABUL, Afghan.. 4929992790 POTUFSS 10/16/2009 7:04 PM Tension high as Afghanistan awaits election result (Tiscali)|KABUL (Reuters) - Tension was high in Afghanistan on .. 4929877752 janewylen 10/16/2009 6:58 PM Afghan immigrants who came to France due to violence in Afghanistan sent back to Kabul 4929744804 aylizz 10/16/2009 6:52 PM youtube ta önce altay sora 90 lar üstü muse üstü blues üstü mozart üstü beatbox!!! tmm kabul ediorum kayış koopptuu... 4929641176 sewda 10/16/2009 6:47 PM bazı harflere burnum reaksiyon gösterio.yaradılış naparsın kabul ettim artık.. 4929252947 emrysschoemaker 10/16/2009 6:29 PM from mixed tea to green tea- Islamabad to Kabul. 4929169140 ccparadiselibry 10/16/2009 6:25 PM Added to Library: DVD2009-020 Halloween - Chuck Smith & Don Stewart; books by Wiersbe "50 People Every Christian Shd Know";Arnold "Kabul 24" 4929160681 neguedmundo 10/16/2009 6:25 PM @nacaozumbi show dia 29 no kabul! 4929068701 neguedmundo 10/16/2009 6:20 PM show no kabul dia 29 de outubro! 4928968328 cricketcrazzy 10/16/2009 6:16 PM Afghan economy stumbles amid election uncertainty (McClatchy Newspapers): McClatchy Newspapers - KABUL, Afg.. 4928388035 okbreakingnews 10/16/2009 5:49 PM WorldNews Abdullah would bring new style in Afghanistan: kabul ap he could bring a fresh face to the pi.. 4928049099 warvideo 10/16/2009 5:34 PM War in Text Business Trip - Forbes: Business TripForbes"Kabul is not Afghanistan," says Joh.. 4927818225 usa_headlines 10/16/2009 5:23 PM Four U.S. troops killed in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Four U.S. service members have been killed in a bomb 4927723797 muserangelique 10/16/2009 5:19 PM 'take a bow'u milli marş kabul etsin bi ülke, anında vatandaşlığına geçicem yeminle. 4927722647 RaysNewsTweeter 10/16/2009 5:19 PM Abdullah would bring new style in Afghanistan: KABUL (AP) -- He could bring a fresh face to the pin.. (World News) 4927722094 SteveHynd 10/16/2009 5:19 PM Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results Karzai "in total denial", sees US plot 4927392362 tnyCloseRead 10/16/2009 5:04 PM Close Read: Personal Responsibility in Kabul : How long are we supposed to stay in Afghanistan? And why, exactly.. 4927295831 zweitansage 10/16/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 4925984174 news89 10/16/2009 4:01 PM Crisis looms in Kabul over election: Frantic diplomacy under way as report looks set to give Afghan president le.. 4925983361 bruneifm 10/16/2009 4:01 PM World~ Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results 4925957504 usa_headlines 10/16/2009 4:00 PM Four U.S. troops killed in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Four U.S. service members have been killed in.. 4925938794 zweitansage 10/16/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 4925775595 MOTopStories 10/16/2009 3:53 PM Latest news: Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results 4925720708 moomoobrowncow 10/16/2009 3:50 PM Social Security Payments: $250 Checks Proposed By Obama For Seniors: KABUL (AFP) The Taliban Friday condemned Ba.. 4925501974 Chrsthmsn 10/16/2009 3:42 PM RT @guardian [world] Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results: Frantic diplomacy under way as report looks s.. 4925456499 wkenneth 10/16/2009 3:40 PM Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results: Frantic diplomacy under way as report looks set to give Afgh.. 4925440977 rizgari_online 10/16/2009 3:40 PM Barzani`den ABD heyetine Kerkük mesajı: Anayasanın ihlal edilmesi kabul edilemez! 4925429774 Obsesif_Mango 10/16/2009 3:39 PM Topkapı Sarayı'nı böyle boynu bükük görünce sinirim bozuluyor! Tarihimize sahip çıkmıyoruz, kabul edelim... 4925372443 guardian 10/16/2009 3:37 PM [world] Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results: Frantic diplomacy under way as report looks s.. 4925276919 oldumudersin 10/16/2009 3:33 PM @suburbanskies büyük puntolarla sevişme isteğiniz kabul edilmiştir. 4924762767 Turuncuaz 10/16/2009 3:11 PM şu bilgisiyle hani. ha teklifi gelse kabul etmezdi zira, varsayım yaptık, eğlendik. 4924687108 bportlandslider 10/16/2009 3:08 PM NPR: Afghan election fraud study continues, Kabul, commiss says bulk of panel work is done, analysing results. Preliminary, Kazi leads 4924581478 idiyosenkrazi 10/16/2009 3:03 PM 100. follower'ımı izmir'e gelmeyi kabul ederse Ege Palas 21. kattaki roof bara davet etmeyi düşünüyorum 4924485350 zweitansage 10/16/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 4924471896 tikkyman 10/16/2009 2:59 PM İnsanlar her ne kadar sonbaharı ayrılık mevsimi kabul etmişlerse de, kaderde ayrılık varsa sonbaharı beklemez. 4924375302 rtsradio 10/16/2009 2:55 PM 4 Americans die in Afghanistan blast - KABUL (AP) -- A roadside bomb killed four American troops in southern Af... 4924329604 froggyfrog01 10/16/2009 2:53 PM Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results - 4924329343 froggyfrog02 10/16/2009 2:53 PM Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results - 4924143367 london_news 10/16/2009 2:45 PM Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results: Frantic diplomacy und.. 4924055772 selin_diyor_ki 10/16/2009 2:41 PM tamam kabul guzeliz 4923984033 Pinny_ 10/16/2009 2:38 PM @korendian does wonders for my street cred back in kabul 4923670565 JohnIshIshmael 10/16/2009 2:24 PM TORTURE: HARPER, MACKAY ET ALL SAW NO EVIL: Diplomat Colvin, whoworked in Kabul, wrote 16 more memos 2006-2008 re torture of Afghans. 4923582997 HJSNews 10/16/2009 2:20 PM Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results: Frantic diplomacy under way as report looks set to give Afgh.. 4923386936 jakriffer 10/16/2009 2:11 PM Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results: Frantic diplomacy under way as report looks set to give Afgh.. 4923275167 mikeklonsky 10/16/2009 2:06 PM Will Obama really send 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan to save corrupt regime in Kabul? Failed Russian strategy. How sad. 4923141132 nownews 10/16/2009 2:00 PM [World News Update] Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results - ABC .. 4923130821 zweitansage 10/16/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 4923090879 teenforum 10/16/2009 1:58 PM Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results - Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results 4923070966 LondonUKrss 10/16/2009 1:57 PM Guardian| Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results: Frantic diplomacy under way as report loo.. 4922688386 mesudcelik 10/16/2009 1:40 PM Güzel bir web projem kabul edildi. 4922580841 mactwitto 10/16/2009 1:35 PM RT @Joss_s: Me choca la violencia... hasta granadas,...los helicopteros se escuchan super bajito!!! <- ps q vives en Kabul o Baghdag 4922509403 LingoNews 10/16/2009 1:32 PM Crisis looms in Kabul over Karzai election results - 4922298024 hegeulstein 10/16/2009 1:22 PM @AndersTvegard vanskelig å se hvem i Kabul som burde fått den, men i Harare mener jeg de har en forbigått fyr. 4922249275 brrohama 10/16/2009 1:20 PM Social Security Payments: $250 Checks Proposed By Obama For Seniors: KABUL (AFP) The Taliban Friday condemned Ba.. 4922153883 Jembcotech 10/16/2009 1:16 PM Bomb kills 4 U.S. troops in Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Four U.S. service members died in a roadsid.. 4922130051 semihtali 10/16/2009 1:15 PM Brazilya yavaş yavaş Gana'ya üstünlüğünü kabul ettirmeye başladı.. 4921915481 kunalpunjabi 10/16/2009 1:05 PM RT @flyyoufools More history facts: Babur was totally gay for a young boy in Kabul named "Baburi" it's true! Fuckin google it - 4921816411 Africabiz 10/16/2009 1:01 PM Bomb kills 4 U.S. troops in Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Four U.S. service members died in a roadsid.. 4921790297 zweitansage 10/16/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 4921506485 wakan_tanka 10/16/2009 12:47 PM internete bağımlı olduğum an itibariyle kabul edilmiştir, ancak 24 saat dayanabildim, onun da 8 saati okulda, 8 saati uykuda geçti zaten =) 4921492271 flyyoufools 10/16/2009 12:46 PM More history facts: Babur was totally gay for a young boy in Kabul named "Baburi" it's true! Fuckin google it - 4921441920 vboykis 10/16/2009 12:44 PM Just started following. RT: @Transitionland: If I lived in Kabul, I would try to become friends with @girlofgordon. She sounds like a riot. 4921422733 BackStory 10/16/2009 12:43 PM Love our segment from @AtiaAbawi- she takes us to such interesting places. Now I know where to get Canadian ballistic glasses in Kabul! Sho 4921378971 Transitionland 10/16/2009 12:41 PM If I lived in Kabul, I would try to become friends with @girlofgordon. She sounds like a riot. 4921094146 ohlemann 10/16/2009 12:29 PM Am Flughafenschalter in Ffm.Noch wird dort nach Kabul eingecheckt.Warte lieber bis es nach Abu Dhabi/Sydney geht;-) 4921093537 AndersTvegard 10/16/2009 12:29 PM @hegeulstein Zimbabwe-modellen er nede for telling akkurat idag, ser jeg, men ideen kunne kanskje fungert i Kabul også? Evt en fredspris... 4920785726 jeremybryant 10/16/2009 12:16 PM #socialmedia Kabul 24: A Story of Faith, Hope, Courage and Survival 4920594835 girlofgordon 10/16/2009 12:08 PM Really wish the Kabul wine stock could be refreshed to include something other than chardonnay. 4920492725 andershammer 10/16/2009 12:03 PM @AndersTvegard kommer nok bare rykter her fra Kabul i kveld. Planlagt en pressekonferansen i morgen og forhåpentligvis en avklaring. 4920485615 a_selim_tuncer 10/16/2009 12:03 PM "Dünyanın en eski mesleği olarak kabul edilen mimarlık yapı sektörünün de ayrılmaz bir parçasıdır. Yapı sektörü... re: 4920394100 zweitansage 10/16/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 4920287465 ODEIESEUoDIO 10/16/2009 11:55 AM 4920225720 hawaiinewsnow 10/16/2009 11:52 AM Four U.S. troops die in Afghan blast: KABUL — Four American troops died in a bombing in southern Afghanist.. 4920176122 asspress 10/16/2009 11:50 AM 4 Americans die in Afghanistan blast: 4 Americans die in Afghanistan blast: KABUL (AP) — Four more American troo.. 4920164617 AndersTvegard 10/16/2009 11:50 AM Kunngjøring fra Kabul lar vente på seg. Skulle gjerne visst om Afghanistan går for en 2. valgrunde eller Zimbabwe-modellen før jeg logger ut 4919974742 yasarisgorenler 10/16/2009 11:42 AM hümeyra,fikret kuşkan,derya alabora,uğur yücel,nurgül yeşilçay ve bikaç kişi daha kabul etse b.ktan bi senaryoyla daha iyisini yaparım 4919968158 peggy_bundy 10/16/2009 11:42 AM çokeşlilik normal kabul edilseydi türkiyede dizi sektörü bitmişti 4919589645 bloggingtweets 10/16/2009 11:26 AM Nu SocialMediatoday: Kabul 24: A Story of Faith, Hope, Courage and Survival 4919201163 reistweets 10/16/2009 11:10 AM Al-Qaeda leidt kinderen van 7 op in Afghanistan: KABUL - In het grensgebied tussen Afghanistan en Pakistan train.. 4919067854 rtsradio 10/16/2009 11:04 AM 4 Americans die in Afghanistan blast - KABUL (AP) -- Four more American troops died in a bombing in southern Af... 4919013306 whistlerschool 10/16/2009 11:02 AM Check out the Passionate Eye story on Afghan Star (Idol in Kabul)... 4918968700 TyDowning 10/16/2009 11:00 AM Kabul 24: A Story of Faith, Hope, Courage and Survival 4918951346 zweitansage 10/16/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 4918854263 itu_sozluk 10/16/2009 10:55 AM türkiye dostluk istiyorsa terim i bize vermeli: sözde ermeni soykırımını kabul etmeyen bir çok insanın, 10 yıl s.. 4918852465 bViral 10/16/2009 10:55 AM Social Media Today - Kabul 24: A Story of Faith, Hope, Courage and Survival: We are desensit.. 4918834894 ChristianGAdams 10/16/2009 10:55 AM Kabul 24: A Story of Faith, Hope, Courage and Survival: We are desensitized thanks to sound bites and casualty.. 4918719627 BryantAvey 10/16/2009 10:50 AM SMT: Kabul 24: A Story of Faith, Hope, Courage and Survival #Social 4918623808 socialmedia2day 10/16/2009 10:46 AM Kabul 24: A Story of Faith, Hope, Courage and Survival 4918545653 rizkyadraha 10/16/2009 10:42 AM Ku kabul kan permintaan mu! RT @FadilFebi: Makanya pake twixtreme lah cuy, hehe RT @rizkyadraha: Kenapa ini ubertwitter kuu?? Arrgghh 4918445349 NewsNewMedia 10/16/2009 10:38 AM Kabul 24: A Story of Faith, Hope, Courage and Survival: We are desensitized thanks to sound b.. #socialmedia #news 4918403087 sayitsocial 10/16/2009 10:36 AM Kabul 24: A Story of Faith, Hope, Courage and Survival 4918402594 biraneyal 10/16/2009 10:36 AM Kabul 24: A Story of Faith, Hope, Courage and Survival: We are desensitized thanks to sound bites and casualty.. 4918353515 SocialMediacs 10/16/2009 10:34 AM Kabul 24: A Story of Faith, Hope, Courage and Survival: We are desensitized thanks to sound.. (SocialMediaToday) 4918326169 Cibereconomy 10/16/2009 10:33 AM Kabul 24: A Story of Faith, Hope, Courage and Survival #socialmedia 4918316681 2central_police 10/16/2009 10:33 AM Croatia's Army military police officers watch from a hill during a patrol in Kabul Oc #police #2central 4918306852 NewMediaHowTo 10/16/2009 10:32 AM Kabul 24: A Story of Faith, Hope, Courage and Survival: We are desensitized thanks to sound bites a.. #socialmedia 4918292011 socialmedia2day 10/16/2009 10:32 AM The real Kabul 24 Tragedy Happened Before Twitter Was Born...Read and Tweet About It Now... 4918044502 asspress 10/16/2009 10:21 AM 4 Americans die in Afghanistan blast: 4 Americans die in Afghanistan blast: KABUL (AP) — Four more American troo.. 4917598968 rtsradio 10/16/2009 10:02 AM 4 Americans die in Afghanistan blast - KABUL (AP) -- Four more American troops died in a bombing in southern Af... 4917531527 zweitansage 10/16/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 4917418374 cherrymeichan 10/16/2009 9:55 AM geçen akşam gittiğim iş görüşmesinin neticesini biraz önce aldım. şartlarım kabul edilmiş.başlayabilirim. ama asıl... 4917071547 rizgari_online 10/16/2009 9:40 AM Türk hava kuvvetleri komutanı: İstisna kabul etmez bir sır saklama özelliğimiz vardır! 4917050198 HerkEng130 10/16/2009 9:39 AM Prey for their families @Lt_TJ_Wilkins: Salute to the 4 heroes lost in Kabul today #SOT #honorthefallen 4916987951 coolsearchinfo 10/16/2009 9:36 AM US military says 4 Americans die in blast: KABUL (AP) -- Four more American troops died in a bombing in southern.. 4916832428 max140karakter 10/16/2009 9:29 AM boğazlarımın durumu kötü, geçmiş olsun ziyaretleri kabul edilir. 4916718271 seattlenewz 10/16/2009 9:24 AM Four U.S. service members killed in Afghanistan blast: KABUL, Afghanistan — Four American service members .. 4916716845 joyce_dierschke 10/16/2009 9:24 AM New blog post Kabul 24: A Story of Faith, Hope, Courage and Survival: We are desensitized thanks to.. 4916635611 paulchaston 10/16/2009 9:20 AM [Blog] 4 Americans die in Afghanistan blast: KABUL – Four more American troops died in a bombing in southern Afgh... 4916599683 langendijk 10/16/2009 9:18 AM Ga vanavond naar opening Amsterdam Biennale 2009 #mediamatic om 20.00 hrs. o.a. paviljoens Kabul, Belgrado, Melbourne en meer. Komjeook? 4916568063 paulchaston 10/16/2009 9:17 AM [Blog] Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) – A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Friday... 4916540901 paulchaston 10/16/2009 9:16 AM [Blog] 'NATO troops paying for peace in Afghanistan': KABUL (AFP) – NATO officially denies that any of its member... 4916526409 Akoris 10/16/2009 9:15 AM Welcome to Kabul and Good Luckâ- Robert Webb: A voice came over the loudspeaker and spoke in Dahri, or some other lan.. 4916442494 draenews 10/16/2009 9:11 AM Megite Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog sa.. 4916441715 buzz_popular 10/16/2009 9:11 AM Stuck in Kabul, with Saigon blues again (Escobar / Asia Times) 4916313327 DottorNews 10/16/2009 9:05 AM NEWS.REAL.TIME Kabul, torna l'ipotesi del ballottaggio Times insiste: soldi italiani ai taleban: I.. 4916251692 newsblogsnepal 10/16/2009 9:02 AM TheHimalayanTimes- 4 Americans die in Afghan blast: KABUL: Four more American troops died in a.. 4916185155 zweitansage 10/16/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 4915975762 UNjobs_water 10/16/2009 8:50 AM Senior Flood & Drought Policy Analyst, Kabul, IRD @UNjobs #jobs 4915975375 UNjobs_Climate 10/16/2009 8:50 AM Senior Flood & Drought Policy Analyst, Kabul, IRD @UNjobs #jobs 4915935231 valeskasyifa 10/16/2009 8:48 AM Gue dng sm PUDONG,pindy,ketty,dixie,schlepp,aussie.lo mah kalah cuma sm si KABUTEK RT @monicgultom: Wiff kabul 4915918369 togrulguliyev 10/16/2009 8:47 AM Antalyaspor'un İsrailli futbolcusu Balili'nin Türk vatandaşlığı başvurusu kabul edildi. Pini Felix Balili,.. #news 4915868589 thinkpeacemedia 10/16/2009 8:44 AM “Welcome to Kabul and Good Luck”- Robert Webb 4915809301 RuletaOnline 10/16/2009 8:41 AM Afganistán se prepara para conocer resultado final de elecciones: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - Un organismo de co.. 4915767916 UNjobs_Health 10/16/2009 8:39 AM M&E Consultant, Kabul, AED @UNjobs #jobs 4915750468 thinkpeacemedia 10/16/2009 8:39 AM “Welcome to Kabul and Good Luck”- Robert Webb via @AddToAny 4915528871 gokerpacin 10/16/2009 8:28 AM Biri bana Tayyibi sevmem icin 3 neden saysin. 2'si mantiksiz olsun kabul edicem yine :) 3. yu mantikli bulan olursa bi ceyrek altin takacam. 4915443524 mikewhills 10/16/2009 8:23 AM RT @BaghdadBrian: Attn Google Maps, Kabul and Zabul are NOT the same place. #googlemapsFAIL 4915383594 BaghdadBrian 10/16/2009 8:20 AM Attn Google Maps, Kabul and Zabul are NOT the same place. #googlemapsFAIL 4915352955 televideorai 10/16/2009 8:19 AM [dal mondo] KABUL,DEL VECCHIO: MAI view.jsp?id=652697&p=150 4915325964 EurActivTR 10/16/2009 8:17 AM BM İsrail'i suçlayan raporu kabul etti: AB ve TürkiyeBM İnsan Hakları Konseyi geçen yıl Gazze'deki operasyondan .. 4915302132 TampaWebNet 10/16/2009 8:16 AM Four U.S. troops killed in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Four U.S. service members have been killed in.. 4915259666 mg_politics 10/16/2009 8:14 AM 4 Americans die in Afghanistan blast: KABUL -- A U.N.-backed panel has completed most of its investigation into .. 4915178114 liveadsense 10/16/2009 8:09 AM 20 Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Friday it was clo.. 4915157937 AllNewsSources 10/16/2009 8:08 AM REUTERS: Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Friday it 4914990502 zweitansage 10/16/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 4914983517 vittawin 10/16/2009 7:59 AM Four U.S. troops killed in southern Afghanistan - KABUL (Reuters) - Four U.S. service members have been killed in a... 4914982970 usaforex 10/16/2009 7:59 AM Four U.S. troops killed in southern Afghanistan - KABUL (Reuters) - Four U.S. service members have been killed in a... 4914863763 a_selim_tuncer 10/16/2009 7:52 AM Burada tüm sorumluluğu mimarlara yüklemek elbette doğru değil. Ama şunu kabul etmeliyiz ki, onların bir adım... re: 4914820511 kevinkalamanca 10/16/2009 7:50 AM Afghanistan gears up for final election result - KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Friday it was ... 4914820627 jeffersonjeffer 10/16/2009 7:50 AM Afghanistan gears up for final election result - KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Friday it was ... 4914820728 ianingersoll321 10/16/2009 7:50 AM Afghanistan gears up for final election result - KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Friday it was ... 4914820049 lennylancaster 10/16/2009 7:50 AM Afghanistan gears up for final election result - KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Friday it was ... 4914779183 PaginaNuova 10/16/2009 7:47 AM LA STAMPA - Kabul, torna l'ipotesi del ballottaggio Times insiste: soldi italiani ai taleban: Inchies.. 4914736372 gibsit 10/16/2009 7:45 AM çete savaşlarına arkadaı davet ettim.davete icabet sünnettir dedi kabul etti.ama hala level 1 de girdiği oynadığı falan yok... 4914630170 NewsMashup 10/16/2009 7:39 AM Reuters: Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog .. 4914628971 PryFry 10/16/2009 7:39 AM Four U.S. troops killed in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Four U.S. service members have been killed in.. 4914559215 militaryworld 10/16/2009 7:35 AM 4 Americans die in Afghan bombing: KABUL — The U.S. military says four American service members have been killed i 4914512602 TheOaklandPress 10/16/2009 7:32 AM 4 Americans die in Afghan bombing: KABUL (AP) — The U.S. military says four American service members have .. 4914406048 eksiduyuru 10/16/2009 7:25 AM PSN'den ürün satın alma??: Selamlar. PSN'den (Elbete Türkiye üyeliği kabul edilmediği için adresimi California gösterdim) 5.99$'lık bir ü.. 4914386561 KayNoire 10/16/2009 7:24 AM I'm sorry! Kabul, Afghanistan: ISAF confirms 4 US-soldiers died due to the explosives-attack yesterday. 2 were immediately dead, the other 2 4914359429 BookmarkingNet 10/16/2009 7:22 AM News Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Fri.. 4914330485 news_ch 10/16/2009 7:21 AM Karasai hat die absolute Mehrheit verfehlt: Kabul - Der afghanische Präsident Hamid Karsai hat bei der Wahl vor .. 4914320081 dave13100 10/16/2009 7:20 AM Four U.S. troops killed in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Four U.S. service members have been killed in.. 4914302161 newsch 10/16/2009 7:19 AM Karasai hat die absolute Mehrheit verfehlt: Kabul - Der afghanische Präsident Hamid Karsai hat bei de.. by 4914296682 televideorai 10/16/2009 7:19 AM [dal mondo] KABUL,DEL VECCHIO: MAI PAGATO I TALEBANI view.jsp?id=652679&p=150 4914271015 BssNews 10/16/2009 7:17 AM Four U.S. troops killed in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Four U.S. service members have been killed in.. 4914224537 LotsaNews 10/16/2009 7:14 AM [REUT][usnews] Four U.S. troops killed in southern Afghanistan: KABUL (Reuters) - Four U.S. servic.. 4914165076 MashaHamilton 10/16/2009 7:10 AM Meena writes of a burqa hanging outside a Kabul shop. "Whose face would it hide? Whose identity would it take?" 4914159761 militaryupdates 10/16/2009 7:10 AM #Military_Times : 4 U.S. troops die in Afghan bombing: KABUL — The U.S. military says fou.. 4914119614 birolozdemir 10/16/2009 7:07 AM 5 ekim, 10 ekim derken 15 ekim de gitti... kabul ediyorum, dante gibi! 4914084990 bostonherald 10/16/2009 7:05 AM 4 Americans die in Afghanistan blast: KABUL - A U.N.-backed panel has completed most of its investigation into w.. 4914038599 twittfeed 10/16/2009 7:02 AM Reuters Top News Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed.. 4914036602 AFAchannel 10/16/2009 7:02 AM 4 Americans die in Afghan bombing: 4 Americans die in Afghan bombing Associated Press KABUL The U.S. military sa.. 4914001102 beingerdem 10/16/2009 7:00 AM tamam. kabul ediyorum. fazla akıllı sayılmam. ama kulağımdaki kulaklıkları şuursuzca arıyor olmam başka bir şey olmalı... 4914000115 zweitansage 10/16/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 4913965876 SLNewsFlash 10/16/2009 6:57 AM 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have been .. 4913957134 jahabarsadiq 10/16/2009 6:56 AM Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Friday it wa.. 4913956709 snjsharma 10/16/2009 6:56 AM Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Friday it wa.. 4913941205 reuterswire 10/16/2009 6:55 AM Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Friday it wa.. 4913874040 rtsradio 10/16/2009 6:51 AM 4 Americans die in Afghan bombing - KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have bee... 4913857880 dave13100 10/16/2009 6:50 AM Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Friday it wa.. 4913833144 luke_bozier 10/16/2009 6:48 AM Meeting an Afghan colleague from Kabul for some Lebanese lunch. Looking fwd to the inside track on the Afg. elections! 4913822906 AbuQirqas 10/16/2009 6:47 AM journalism | Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchd.. 4913813102 BssNews 10/16/2009 6:47 AM Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Friday it wa.. 4913789173 LotsaNews 10/16/2009 6:45 AM [REUT][] Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog .. 4913788693 newsfeeding 10/16/2009 6:45 AM Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Friday it wa.. 4913783433 newszilla 10/16/2009 6:45 AM [REUTERS] Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdo.. 4913781921 newszilla 10/16/2009 6:44 AM [UPI] Bomb kills 4 U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 16 (UPI) -- A roadside bomb in so.. 4913779709 HeadlinesNewz 10/16/2009 6:44 AM Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Friday it wa.. 4913759584 MobileAuto 10/16/2009 6:43 AM Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Friday it wa.. 4913757887 buybooksonline1 10/16/2009 6:43 AM [REUTERS]: Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watch.. 4913750850 webtipsfree 10/16/2009 6:42 AM Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Friday it wa.. 4913750654 GlobalTechNews 10/16/2009 6:42 AM Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog said Friday it wa.. 4913735119 tweettools4U 10/16/2009 6:41 AM Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watch.. #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 4913730743 wcompanyportal 10/16/2009 6:41 AM [REUTERS]: Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watch.. 4913730064 yckong 10/16/2009 6:41 AM 4 U.S. Soldiers Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have b.. 4913618313 Mehmetkus 10/16/2009 6:33 AM BM, İsrail'i Gazze'de suçlu bulan raporu kabul etti... 4913612614 ReutersNews 10/16/2009 6:33 AM Reuters: Afghanistan gears up for final election result: KABUL (Reuters) - A U.N.-backed fraud watchdog .. 4913588941 NYUS_news 10/16/2009 6:31 AM 4 U.S. Soldiers Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military sa.. 4913521568 onlinetrainer4u 10/16/2009 6:26 AM 4 U.S. Soldiers Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have b.. 4913513036 scherefe 10/16/2009 6:25 AM @elifkey kapalicarsinin onunde ki taksilerde turk musteri kabul etmiyor git yoldan bin diyor 4913468091 addspaces 10/16/2009 6:22 AM 4 U.S. Soldiers Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have b.. 4913425157 MDThermo 10/16/2009 6:19 AM 4 U.S. troops die in Afghan bombing: KABUL — The U.S. military says four service members have been killed .. 4913396477 IISS_org 10/16/2009 6:17 AM Magic solution or immoral? Read what a top adviser in Kabul said to the IISS about talking to the Taliban #Afghanistan 4913314939 jakriffer 10/16/2009 6:10 AM 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have been .. 4913264795 NewYorkLocks 10/16/2009 6:06 AM 4 U.S. Soldiers Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have b.. 4913255481 in_asia 10/16/2009 6:06 AM (AP) KABUL (AP) - The U.S. military says four American service members have been killed in a bombing in southern.. 4913233591 DioneSants 10/16/2009 6:04 AM 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have been .. 4913172837 zweitansage 10/16/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 4913139961 GRNLive 10/16/2009 5:57 AM News today from Peshwar, Jerusalem, Sydney, Kabul, Lagos, Utah - 4913115752 tweetermagic 10/16/2009 5:55 AM 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have been .. 4913094191 nasty_aaron 10/16/2009 5:53 AM 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have been .. 4913068988 charlieandsandy 10/16/2009 5:51 AM RT @PaginaNuova - NEW YORK TIMES - 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four Am.. 4913057524 shenem 10/16/2009 5:50 AM @tolgatez o bulmuştur başka kabul eden sen düşünürken:P 4913051214 PaginaNuova 10/16/2009 5:49 AM NEW YORK TIMES - 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four Am.. 4913048942 CONTRACOMA 10/16/2009 5:49 AM 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have been .. 4913037991 Ashrael01 10/16/2009 5:48 AM 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have been .. 4913037512 pollitto 10/16/2009 5:48 AM 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service memb.. #hacerfortuna 4913033413 MarineCorps 10/16/2009 5:48 AM 4 U.S. troops die in Afghan bombing: KABUL — The U.S. military says four service members have been killed .. 4913032902 doris_jones 10/16/2009 5:48 AM 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have been .. 4913016517 cnen 10/16/2009 5:47 AM [CNEN] 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service membe.. 4913005671 tolgatez 10/16/2009 5:46 AM Hiç tanımadığım bir kadın, bir gün küllerini kyndos a benim serpmemi istedi. Hala düşünüyorum.. Hemen kabul etmedim. 4912993667 newsfeeding 10/16/2009 5:45 AM 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have been .. 4912986697 NewsMashup 10/16/2009 5:44 AM NYT: 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members h.. 4912976656 Rufiwagshistail 10/16/2009 5:43 AM UK government expelling people to Baghdad and Kabul. Doesn't surprise me at all. 4912971773 BreakingNewsRSS 10/16/2009 5:43 AM 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have been .. 4912891204 nytimesnewsfeed 10/16/2009 5:36 AM 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have been .. 4912888923 marcusexam 10/16/2009 5:36 AM 4 Americans die in Afghan bombing: Kabul -- The U.S. military says four American service members have been kille.. 4912888860 ajsbreakingnews 10/16/2009 5:36 AM 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have been .. 4912872882 White_Gangs 10/16/2009 5:35 AM KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have been killed in a bombing in southern Afg.. 4912871335 kundi9 10/16/2009 5:34 AM 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have been .. 4912867749 DioneSants 10/16/2009 5:34 AM 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have been .. 4912867049 AJHajir 10/16/2009 5:34 AM 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four American service members have been .. 4912841137 NewsTitan 10/16/2009 5:32 AM [NYTIMES] 4 Americans Die in Afghan Bombing: KABUL (AP) -- The U.S. military says four Americ.. [NYTIMES] 4912711497 alexlolong 10/16/2009 5:21 AM Jiaaaaaaahhhhh..Gus Dur salah nyebut Ijab Kabul pas ngawinin anaknya yang ke-2 ! parah xD 4912659778 starseed 10/16/2009 5:17 AM @subsky geldi, kabul ettim, wave bana ben wave'e bakioz an itibariyle :D 4912629793 paxnews 10/16/2009 5:14 AM 'NATO troops paying for peace in Afghanistan' (AFP via Yahoo! Canada News): KABUL (AFP) - NATO officially denies.. 4912584226 habercimurat 10/16/2009 5:11 AM @meettheturk kesinlikle kabul edilemez, ayrıca Türk polisinin cemaat kıskacına alınma çabalarının iddiası bile kabul edilemez 4912440597 zweitansage 10/16/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 4912412081 meettheturk 10/16/2009 4:57 AM istanbul emniyetinin travestilere ve parklarda yaşam özgürlüğüne olan tavri kabul edilemez 4912370529 Retourkutsche 10/16/2009 4:54 AM Women Behind The Wheel In Kabul 4912304315 aliozcandemir 10/16/2009 4:48 AM sıcaklar ve soğuklar kabul, ama ana yemeğin yerini tutamazlar ki @yuksekokceden 4912170405 Rufiwagshistail 10/16/2009 4:35 AM UK government expelling people to Baghdad and Kabul. Doesn't surprise me at all. 4912050161 fuzzy_person 10/16/2009 4:24 AM RTE den sıcak sabah yumurtlaması:Ilısu Barajı'na karşı olmak teröre destek vermekmiş.Lafın etrafından dolaşmayı iyi biliyor ama,kabul edelim 4912043402 unreconcilable 10/16/2009 4:24 AM herkesin Cuma'si mubarek olsun, tum Cuma'ya gidenler Allah kabul etsin. 4911960379 haberbiz 10/16/2009 4:16 AM Yeni haber, "Şartları kabul etmezse kendi bilir" - 4911907145 nuhgonultas 10/16/2009 4:11 AM @orayegin Allah kabul etsin bro.. 4911489275 lastrose123 10/16/2009 3:32 AM İnsan Rahmanın kuluysa, kendine yakışan, tevazu içinde bulunup, hakkı kimden işitirse işitsin kabul etmesidir.... 4911326036 nnaw 10/16/2009 3:16 AM @ririrawr ya allah semoga dia tidak datang, aku malu ya allah, doa anak malang pasti di kabul kan 4911290235 uchilal 10/16/2009 3:13 AM Hayırlı Cumalar Arkadaşlar Allah Dua'larınızı Ve İbadetinizi Kabul Etsin...(AMİN) 4911176213 girlofgordon 10/16/2009 3:02 AM Its popcorn time in #Kabul .....! Mmmmmmm popcorn, yummy. 4911168675 SimoneBressan 10/16/2009 3:02 AM Perché è importante che la NATO resti a Kabul 4911158646 Pureabsinthe 10/16/2009 3:01 AM Gmail girdigim sifreyi kabul etmiyor. Oysa ki dogru sifreyi girdigimden eminim. Sifremi unuttum dedim gizli soruya... 4911102947 DirNATOC3S 10/16/2009 2:56 AM Back from Kabul-incredible progress establishing joint coord centre to enhance situation awareness and coordinate activities of ISAF&ANSF 4910963909 MaYoMo 10/16/2009 2:43 AM Bazar - Kabul 4910915533 bolbol_kultur 10/16/2009 2:38 AM Kabul etmese de Türk sinemasının vamp kadınıydı 4910835461 nazimcoskun 10/16/2009 2:31 AM Size biraz para verilir. Birazını başkasına vermeniz istenir. Kabul ederse ikiniz de alacaksınız, etmezse almayacaksınız. % kaç önerirsiniz? 4910647971 rizgari_online 10/16/2009 2:15 AM İşin usulünü kabul ederse görüşeceğim 4910070462 inayet 10/16/2009 1:26 AM I favorited a YouTube video -- kabul zoo monkey fight 2007 4909736269 girlofgordon 10/16/2009 1:00 AM #foramilliondollars I would leave Kabul 4909615457 liviudruga 10/16/2009 12:51 AM @bluegod inseamna ca si eu tot prin Kabul ma copilăream în timp ce ne obligau să il citim pe românul Creangă :)) 4909569333 bluegod 10/16/2009 12:48 AM Dacă mă gândesc la jocurile copilăriei, tunul cu carbid, pneul aprins şi lăsat la rostogolit de pe deal, zici că am crescut în Kabul... 4909490398 ISNCDO 10/16/2009 12:42 AM Hans aangekomen in Kabul, samen met fotograaf Sven: op zoek naar signalen dat het met Afghanistan misschien toch de goede kant op gaat. 4909421808 jacobwindham 10/16/2009 12:37 AM KABUL - He's a heavyweight in al-Qaida but little known outside jihadi and ... 4908857561 thinkpeacemedia 10/16/2009 12:01 AM “Welcome to Kabul and Good Luck”- Robert Webb 4908601852 isabella_83oa 10/15/2009 11:45 PM "A licky boom boom down" ile "i like that boom boom pow" ikilisini akraba kabul ediyorum. Ayrı yumurta ikizi olabilir. 4908319815 thetime 10/15/2009 11:30 PM in Kabul, Asia is 9:00am 4907984860 NaheedMustafa 10/15/2009 11:12 PM @timothythompson Tell me about it...india embassy attack in kabul last summer...cldn't get the smell out of my clothes. You in Pk? 4907966868 reginawhite 10/15/2009 11:11 PM Somebody who played somebody on the Brady Bunch took off in my balsa wood copter headed for Kabul. 4907828388 _BuRcUu_ 10/15/2009 11:04 PM Kabul eder veya etmeyiz ama ortada su götürmez bir gerçek, apaçık duruyordur: Canın yanıyorsa asla değer vermemiş olamazsın... 4907788449 tweetgre 10/15/2009 11:02 PM ASSERT, to affirm, attest, yes I ASSERT, sambil suara serek di ijab kabul :P 4907267833 felixkuehn 10/15/2009 10:37 PM Kabul international airport - frankfurt inbound 4907155407 jeffreykoterba 10/15/2009 10:32 PM A great event for Kaneko and Omaha. @RT KANEKOjs Sweeta Noori, returning from Kabul, will talk 10.23 about two Afghanistans 4907065207 Bukumcu 10/15/2009 10:28 PM Böyle içki içilmez kabul etmiyorum ! 4906905195 developmentseed 10/15/2009 10:21 PM Afghanistan map tiles now rendering. snapshot: Kabul summer: 1,800 meeter winter snow line: 4906780286 ultra_wisudha 10/15/2009 10:16 PM Owhhhh mommy kabul kan lah hasrat anak mu ini yg pgn beli lensa fish eye T_T 4906196127 BarrieAinsworth 10/15/2009 9:51 PM Karzai Aide Says Afghan Runoff Vote Appears Likely - Afghan presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah in Kabul on Th... 4906092670 KANEKOjs 10/15/2009 9:46 PM Sweeta Noori, returning from Kabul, will talk 10.23 about two Afghanistans: What we think we see, and what is invisible to us.Info 341-3800. 4906061161 tiaravylette 10/15/2009 9:45 PM Hihihi br tau kali ini liat ijab kabul posisi nungging :D RT @nonadado: @tiaravylette iyaaaaa, aku jg br liat LOL #mantu nungging 4905997889 tiaravylette 10/15/2009 9:42 PM Tema nikahnya adlh tradisi,jd mgkn tradisinya begitu :D RT @melialivita: @tiaravylette ambeien kali (re : ijab kabul nungging) 4905891407 KSC_DrDickinson 10/15/2009 9:38 PM I leave for Kabul on Saturday. Follow my blog at 4905617182 melialivita 10/15/2009 9:27 PM @tiaravylette ambeien kali (re : ijab kabul nungging) 4905483669 CONTRACOMA 10/15/2009 9:21 PM Terrorism in Kabul, Peshawar & Pindi: On the lines of recent successful talks between Afghan government and repr.. 4905241924 democratically 10/15/2009 9:11 PM India has been the hub of all cultures and races right from Kabul to Dhaka. India [Bollywood] is the final comfort for all @timothythompson 4905233730 BibleF451 10/15/2009 9:11 PM Check it out yourself .Kabul Afghanistan 1980s (5oviets Video) Men&Women walking in Western clothes,today is just the opposites LETSGETOUT 4905172838 im_always_late 10/15/2009 9:08 PM ciddi derecede internet alışverişi konusunda sorunlarım var, kabul ediyorum. ... 4904863317 thomas_lori 10/15/2009 8:56 PM We will not be intimidated by Kabul attack, says Tharoor - 4904691064 democratically 10/15/2009 8:49 PM Dhaka-Delhi-Peshawar-Kabul have something in common for centuries, which gets reflected in Bollywood @americagov @AfPakChannel @naveenaqvi 4904291000 MANADONEWS 10/15/2009 8:32 PM NAMA & PERISTIWA : Ijab Kabul Diulang 4903998096 im_always_late 10/15/2009 8:20 PM ciddi derecede internet alışverişi konusunda sorunlarım var, kabul ediyorum. 4902361201 CCCFinancing 10/15/2009 7:09 PM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama (source ...: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officia.. 4901931733 RaysNewsTweeter 10/15/2009 6:50 PM Little-known Egyptian is key al-Qaida figure: KABUL (AP) -- He's a heavyweight in al-Qaida but litt.. (World News) 4901885802 televideorai 10/15/2009 6:48 PM [ultim'ora] Kabul,ambasciatore Usa:si torna a voto? view.jsp?id=443&p=101 4901776694 m_insider 10/15/2009 6:43 PM Nato mulls troop increase in Afghanistan: KABUL, Oct 16 — Nato’s top defence officials will examine proposals to.. 4901382916 gorkalimotxo 10/15/2009 6:24 PM El Corte Inglés de Kabul: 4901259497 wkerslake 10/15/2009 6:18 PM @Harvey1966 Military has hard enough job w/o KBR Blackwater/Xe ArmorGroup making it worse. Heard about the Kabul guards 4901225543 dailypk 10/15/2009 6:17 PM Terrorism in Kabul, Peshawar & Pindi 4901144386 bolbol_gundem 10/15/2009 6:13 PM Baroya çağrı: Kayasu'nun avukatlık talebi kabul edilsin 4901115374 conservatweet 10/15/2009 6:11 PM [FreeRepublic] NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) – NATO.. 4899699321 diconnectus 10/15/2009 5:03 PM @emsanto hangi ülke çıktı? mülteci kabul edilebileceğimiz bir yığın bilgi ve belgem var. 4899625239 zweitansage 10/15/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 4899561305 carolinefo 10/15/2009 4:56 PM @stinginthetail Hmm, not many academics killed, but the situation in Kabul sounds pretty grim. 4899516683 Roslinn 10/15/2009 4:54 PM düzensizliği düzen kabul etsek te mi kabul etsek etmesek te kabul etsek:P 4899356848 StealthFusion 10/15/2009 4:46 PM Little-known Egyptian is key al-Qaida figure: ---Quote--- KABUL – He's a heavyweight in al-Qaida but little kno.. 4899260153 paxnews 10/15/2009 4:40 PM NATO troops 'bribing for peace' (Brisbane Times): KABUL - NATO officially denies that any of its members pay ins.. 4898935795 ChurchTuring 10/15/2009 4:22 PM OYUNCULUK: Önceleri oyunculuğa hazır değildim. Doğru zamanlama ve doğru ekiple bir araya gelince bu dizi filmde oynamayı kabul ettim. 4898721045 carolinefo 10/15/2009 4:11 PM Ooh, they're advertising for faculty at the American University of Afghanistan, in Kabul. 4898503738 zweitansage 10/15/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 4898479515 scostar 10/15/2009 3:58 PM myspace'e arçelik 3G reklamını kabul eden Tom abimizi andım bir anda, iyi değil bu. 4898362728 NewsSummaries 10/15/2009 3:52 PM Kabul airport suicide blast.. 4898339135 fusersan 10/15/2009 3:51 PM maynet manşeti: '6 dakikada tecavüz mü olur!' kaç dakika etsek kabul olur??. 4898176435 lifelessness 10/15/2009 3:43 PM Honduras kadar gereksiz bir ülke yok bence. Honduras halkını tenzih ederim ama kabul edin isminiz hiç de ülke ismi... 4897697579 nakreskara 10/15/2009 3:22 PM Habibim, kulların sana benden sorunca haber ver ki, ben onlara yakınımdır. Bana dua edince ben dualarını kabul... 4897476339 newszilla 10/15/2009 3:12 PM [WP] As Afghan Recount Nears End, Officials Prepare for 2nd Vote : KABUL, Oct. 15 -- Afghan election offici.. 4897350335 Snuphaluphagus 10/15/2009 3:07 PM AFGHANISTAN: IS POWER-SHARING DEAL IN THE OFFING IN KABUL? 4897281084 allforyou4 10/15/2009 3:03 PM Karzai Rival Hints at Flexibility on Afghan Vote - Afghan presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah in Kabul on Thur... 4897203821 NYTimesOnline 10/15/2009 3:00 PM Karzai Rival Hints at Flexibility on Afghan Vote - Afghan presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah in Kabul on Thur... 4897189762 zweitansage 10/15/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 4896952167 baalcrom 10/15/2009 2:49 PM beni bu aileye katan ve kabul eden dostlarıma gerçek anlamda teşekkürlerimi sunarım.Özümü Rockeradio'ya... 4896929952 baalcrom 10/15/2009 2:48 PM Beni bu aileye katan ve kabul eden dostlarıma gerçek anlamda teşekkürlerimi sunarım.Özümü Rockeradio'ya... 4896883487 lov3ny 10/15/2009 2:46 PM AFGHANISTAN: IS POWER-SHARING DEAL IN THE OFFING IN KABUL? - EurasiaNet 4896721924 tosommerfugle 10/15/2009 2:39 PM Selvmordsbomber som fodkaster: Afghanistan, Kabul, den 22. juli 2008. En selvmordsbomber gik i aktion. Tre civil.. 4896089581 muladhara 10/15/2009 2:13 PM Zalmay Khalilzad hd exercsd influence ovr HKarzai durg his tenure as US Amb in Kabul. He is headg bck to Kabul to put things in order! 4896016801 ilfoglio_it 10/15/2009 2:10 PM Dall’incertezza americana a Kabul nascono le voci, i luoghi comuni e gli scambi di… [La giornata] 4895951551 thewip 10/15/2009 2:07 PM Byline Portal: In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4895852992 ladydstardust 10/15/2009 2:03 PM check this out NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top de.. 4895777712 zweitansage 10/15/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 4895744720 irasare 10/15/2009 1:58 PM @Paris Hilton hoş çocuksun demiş twitte, birbirimizi videoya alalım internete yaylım teklifinde bulunsam kabul eser mi ? 4895509686 CenterdinSEA 10/15/2009 1:48 PM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $4 with promo code: SWEET #seattle 4895392069 HeadlinesNewz 10/15/2009 1:42 PM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine .. 4895313675 drmobil 10/15/2009 1:39 PM Oddsen för denna händelse måste vara högre än att hitta en tuperingskam i bakfickan på Oldsberg,eller hitta en renrakad man i Kabul . 4895199620 headlinenews 10/15/2009 1:34 PM Reuters: NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense offici.. 4895061933 eurasianet 10/15/2009 1:27 PM Afghanistan: Is Power-Sharing Deal in the Offing in Kabul? 4894724068 Making_Contact 10/15/2009 1:12 PM American Peace Activists on the Streets of Kabul 4894609391 irfan_waheed 10/15/2009 1:07 PM News - Afghanistan’s Urgent “To Do” List - KABUL – Recognizing the deteriorating situation, fifteen Afghan and inte... 4894443423 zweitansage 10/15/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 4894176232 stewartupton 10/15/2009 12:47 PM LTG Rodriguez with the NATO Chairman of the Military Committee today in Kabul. 4893794579 wendha20wijaya 10/15/2009 12:29 PM Pasti cha asalkan niat pasti bisa RT @mrsbaracael: @wendha20wijaya hahaha amiennnnnn... mudah2an doa lo di dengar dan di kabul kan *LOH .. 4893768879 Israel_News 10/15/2009 12:28 PM aawsat ME: Little-Known Egyptian is Key Al-Qaeda Figure: KABUL, (AP) – He's a heavyweight in al.. 4893756034 mrsbaracael 10/15/2009 12:27 PM @wendha20wijaya hahaha amiennnnnn... mudah2an doa lo di dengar dan di kabul kan *LOH .. 4893315382 RES911CUE 10/15/2009 12:08 PM Afghan runner-up has faith in election fraud panel: KABUL (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai's top challenger in Af.. 4893119181 zweitansage 10/15/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 4892961716 PankajSaksena 10/15/2009 11:52 AM In the last eight years I haven't read so overwhelming a read. Afghanistan and Kabul had never seemed so enchanting to me. 4892888164 felixkuehn 10/15/2009 11:49 AM Is where he wanted to be 9 hours ago in Kabul... and not very motivated 4892821884 LotsaNews 10/15/2009 11:46 AM [AP][intl] Little-known Egyptian is key al-Qaida figure: KABUL (AP) -- He's a heavyweight in al-Qaida.. 4892809263 danfrin 10/15/2009 11:45 AM @glontzrulz I've read about that. Thank God he wasn't playing in Kabul 4892783624 aysemdr 10/15/2009 11:44 AM mal kabul.iyi iyi.. 4892611118 dilektunc 10/15/2009 11:36 AM @gelgelelim Usta olmanın verdiği büyüklükleri baştan kabul ederek Çekirge olmuştur:) bir önceki iletinin devamıdır:))) 4892529571 mazceccotti 10/15/2009 11:33 AM Kabul Shit ♥ 4891814290 UNjobs 10/15/2009 11:01 AM Interpreter-Translator (Female) UNDP/ELECT Project (IEC Gender Unit), Kabul #jobs 4891463645 Miramou 10/15/2009 10:47 AM Afghan candidate Abdullah says he has faith in UN-backed fraud panel: September 8th, 2009 KABUL - The US and the.. 4891430855 newsfeeding 10/15/2009 10:46 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine .. 4891293922 zeyerdem 10/15/2009 10:40 AM Photo: i love my coasters! ama henuz onlarla daha sonra ne yapacagimi bilmiyorum, ama guzeller simdi kabul... 4891225611 bahcesel 10/15/2009 10:37 AM Uslu: "Gıda Hakkı En Temel İnsan Hakkıdır": Hak -İş Genel Başkanı Salim Uslu, 'Açlık Kabul Edilemez Bir Durumdur.. 4891198270 rawa77 10/15/2009 10:36 AM Video: Elaha Sorur presents a song in a RAWA event in Kabul الهه سرور 4890435847 wakan_tanka 10/15/2009 10:04 AM okuduğunda çok şaşırdı, böyleleri de mi var dedi, sonra da keşke ve inşallah dedi, belki onun da başına gelir ve şifreli olduunu kabul etti. 4890418231 mountainrunner 10/15/2009 10:03 AM Thier from USIP spoke on the need to engage Afghan society and make them engine for change, top-down Kabul approach won't work in 4890337817 zweitansage 10/15/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 4890174658 thaisagonzalez 10/15/2009 9:52 AM Kabul Shit ♪ 4889985453 LostBlackSheep 10/15/2009 9:44 AM #Farmville farmville'da arkadaşına komşuluk teklifini kabul etmedi di.. >>> Meeewwwhhhhh 4889953210 pangeaonlus 10/15/2009 9:43 AM Kabul, h.19.10: Ora è scattato il coprifuoco, guardo dalla finestra della mia camera e fuori è il nulla: polvere e silenzio. 4889928837 meminoglu 10/15/2009 9:41 AM farmville'da arkadaşına komşuluk teklifini kabul etmedi diye küsen var. diğerinin savunması ise "valla hiç yer yok".ahahahahah 4889901485 uppaljs 10/15/2009 9:40 AM At an afghani wedding in #kabul , definitely a different experience. 4889742826 ortenes 10/15/2009 9:33 AM kabul alacak biz sonra istediğimizi mi silecez yoksa en başta kontrol mu edilecek, öyleyse real-time control lazım 4889680195 valeskasyifa 10/15/2009 9:30 AM @monicgultom owkeeey bsk gue liat si KABUL 4889627805 haberbiz 10/15/2009 9:28 AM Yeni haber, Tasarının 3 maddesi kabul edildi - 4889615466 roulefx 10/15/2009 9:27 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine.. 4889350753 pangeaonlus 10/15/2009 9:15 AM A Kabul donne tutte coperte dal burqa e bambine in divisa che tornano da scuola ... una società in bilico tra passato e futuro. 4889343422 aylinerkul 10/15/2009 9:15 AM yorgunken iş yapmak zorunda olunca ,sihir yapabilme becerim olsa diye dua ediyorum..daha kabul olmadı..üff 4889158169 RES911CUE 10/15/2009 9:06 AM Afghan runner-up has faith in election fraud panel: KABUL (AP) -- The runner-up in Afghanistan's unsettled pres.. 4889020080 darricklee 10/15/2009 9:00 AM Just returned from a 2-day trip. Met the Minister of Public Works in Kabul, then spent the night in South Tag Ab at Lake Sirobi. All is well 4889014386 zweitansage 10/15/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 4889013654 esrabekar 10/15/2009 9:00 AM Rabbim kabul etsin :) re: 4888880198 RIVanessa 10/15/2009 8:53 AM RT @nickschifrin: OK, there's something wrong with the Taliban... or my job... if I had to fly Islamabad-Kabul-Islamabad -- today. 4888785227 chrishorst 10/15/2009 8:48 AM One of the wonders of globalization...just had a perfectly clear chat with a colleague living and working in Kabul via Skype. Awesome. 4888768029 SalBarguil 10/15/2009 8:47 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine.. 4888717785 mehmetalp 10/15/2009 8:45 AM allah kabul etsin. bana da bir dua ederseniz sevinirim:) re: 4888624804 GlobalTechNews 10/15/2009 8:40 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine.. 4888575440 clarissa_but 10/15/2009 8:38 AM @BarbarosSansal haklısın barbaros, en maço geçinenden daha maço olduğun kesin: maçoluğu öküzlük değil de dürüstlük olarak kabul edersek tabi 4888548466 indiradewi 10/15/2009 8:36 AM Aq tau ada banyak malaikat yg menyaksikan proses ijab kabul. Dan beruntunglah aq turut berada di sini. Tak lupa kupanjatkan doa untukmu, (1) 4888320152 rtsradio 10/15/2009 8:25 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine.. 4888223250 RaysNewsTweeter 10/15/2009 8:20 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine.. 4888216489 dave13100 10/15/2009 8:19 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine.. 4888190494 nickschifrin 10/15/2009 8:18 AM Looks like no ECC announcement until Saturday. The political vacuum continues in the meantime. Zal, Jalali all in Kabul to talk next govt... 4888177576 FA18ORDI 10/15/2009 8:17 AM RT @nickschifrin: OK, there's something wrong with the Taliban... or my job... if I had to fly Islamabad-Kabul-Islamabad -- today. 4888163182 nickschifrin 10/15/2009 8:16 AM OK, there's something wrong with the Taliban... or my job... if I had to fly Islamabad-Kabul-Islamabad -- today. 4888158855 BssNews 10/15/2009 8:16 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine.. 4888127374 aufakirana 10/15/2009 8:14 AM @kundil Lha ko sok tau-_- Doaku biasanya lgsg ke kabul lohhhhh wikiki:P:P 4888030497 amancool5 10/15/2009 8:09 AM @MAK009X Concrete proof with CIA that last yr's blast at Indian Kabul Embassy was by Haqqani with ISI support 4887937751 DavidTheLeo 10/15/2009 8:04 AM Oh, those boys at the U.S. Embassy at Kabul Afghanistan are at it again: 4887855985 zweitansage 10/15/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 4887829812 RES911CUE 10/15/2009 7:58 AM Afghanistan: "Situation is critical and demands urgent action" - NGOs: KABUL, 15 October 2009 (IRIN) - In a mem.. 4887661513 vidyaaviandari 10/15/2009 7:48 AM Kabul Shoot. hahahaha 4887636426 serdarakinan 10/15/2009 7:47 AM @ESRACASA serdar turgut bu sukutu ile bskn'ligi kabul etti mi emin degilim :)) 4887585913 aroonkumar123 10/15/2009 7:44 AM Over 20 militants killed in Afghanistan - Kabul, Oct 15 (IANS) Twenty-two Taliban militants were killed in fighti 4887585715 IndiaNewsPost 10/15/2009 7:44 AM Over 20 militants killed in Afghanistan - Kabul, Oct 15 (IANS) Twenty-two Taliban militants were killed in fighti 4887509045 RuletaOnline 10/15/2009 7:39 AM Decisión de OTAN sobre tropas en Afganistán depende de Obama: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - Los máximos funcionar.. 4887489182 yalch 10/15/2009 7:38 AM Hay Bin Kunduz 10 gün Twitten uzak kaldık. Bütün follower'lar dağılmış... İtina ile follower kabul edilir... 4887465453 phantaso85 10/15/2009 7:36 AM Daha iyi bir iş teklifi geleceğine adım gibi eminim. Bunu kabul etmeden alternatif sunun bana :-( imza attıktan sonra karşıma çıkan biter! 4887362624 addamiattualita 10/15/2009 7:30 AM Afghanistan: vicepresidente camera kabul, contro italiani accuse infondate: Kabul, 15 ott. – (Adnkronos/A.. 4887303130 felixkuehn 10/15/2009 7:27 AM Is still at KAF while his plane is still in Kabul apparently taking off right now 4887293737 sarphanuzunoglu 10/15/2009 7:26 AM Dualarım kabul oldu. Artık bir öğrenci asistanıyım hem de kadrolusundan... 4887257603 UNjobs_Health 10/15/2009 7:24 AM Coordinateur Logistique, Kabul, AMI @UNjobs #jobs 4887130703 johnadamcole 10/15/2009 7:16 AM packing my bags, getting ready to head to Kabul. Still a bit jet lagged, might have caught something from the plane...cough cough =( 4886932508 viaggisu 10/15/2009 7:02 AM ViaggiSu: LA CITTA’ PIU’ PERICOLOSA DEL MONDO, KABUL: LA CITTA' PIU' PERICOLOSA DEL MONDO .. 4886646824 Mehmeterdogmus 10/15/2009 6:43 AM @ahmethc acaba seni fransa kabul eder mi ? 4886421604 canongatebooks 10/15/2009 6:26 AM RJI on The Bookseller of Kabul (and the real Bookseller of Kabul). 4886102329 jacquessmits 10/15/2009 6:01 AM 'Italianen betaalden Taliban voor rust rond Kabul' Berlusconi zijn corrupte vinger heeft ook invloeden op het leger. Erg gesteld met Italië. 4886097582 ultimenotizie 10/15/2009 6:01 AM Afghanistan: vicepresidente camera kabul, contro italiani accuse infondate: Kabul, 15 ott. – (Adnkronos/A.. 4885628710 adimisakladim 10/15/2009 5:21 AM @orayegin hilmi özkök darbe planlarını kabul etti zaten ne gerek var mahkemelere.. tiz vurun kafalarini! 4885276410 absurdindian 10/15/2009 4:49 AM The other unusual things in Kerry-Lugar Act is the mention of Kabul Embassy bombings, 26/11 and censure of terrorism against India. Funny! 4885081245 Marco_MV 10/15/2009 4:31 AM I dieci soldati francesi uccisi in un'imboscata vicino a Kabul, in Afghanistan, nel 2008 avevano valutato male la... 4884570793 sitemarketblog 10/15/2009 3:42 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama (source: Reuters): KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's to 4884563250 newszilla 10/15/2009 3:42 AM [REUTERS] NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense off.. 4884542210 elsevier_nieuws 10/15/2009 3:40 AM 'Italianen betaalden Taliban voor rust rond Kabul': De Italiaanse geheime dienst betaalde de Taliban rond de Af.. 4884466836 AllNewsSources 10/15/2009 3:33 AM REUTERS: NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examin 4884434708 siirdostu 10/15/2009 3:30 AM Beni de Böyle Kabul Et bayram_tunca (siir dostu) 4884430908 bitse_de_gitsek 10/15/2009 3:29 AM @gidenle_gitmez hava tahmininde kötüyüm, kabul. kusura bakmayın, benimki anlıktı, hani twitter bu, bütün gün geçerli değil ki, anlık :D 4884386680 TarekFatah 10/15/2009 3:25 AM believes the road to Kabul passes through Islamabad 4884346919 BookmarkingNet 10/15/2009 3:21 AM News NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials wil.. 4884334823 Elsevier 10/15/2009 3:20 AM 'Italianen betaalden Taliban voor rust rond Kabul' 4884308216 ilgiornale 10/15/2009 3:18 AM Times : pagate i taliban Il Governo smentisce Kabul, morto un parà #news 4884302475 dadidedo 10/15/2009 3:17 AM @fifialvianto gw sih mikir pas ijab kabul itu sapi2 di taro dimana ya say? nanti jangan2 pas tengah2 ijab ada suara moooo.... hihihihi... 4884296174 AbuQirqas 10/15/2009 3:16 AM journalism | NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense of.. 4884290850 reuterskl 10/15/2009 3:16 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defence officials will examine.. 4884277687 newsfeeding 10/15/2009 3:15 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine.. 4884264199 LotsaNews 10/15/2009 3:13 AM [REUT][] NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense offic.. 4884253011 MobileAuto 10/15/2009 3:12 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine.. 4884245517 webtipsfree 10/15/2009 3:12 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine.. 4884198958 bhatiakunal 10/15/2009 3:07 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defence officials will examine.. 4884193230 tweettools4U 10/15/2009 3:06 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense o.. #U2 #Tweet #News #FF 4884188970 POTUFSS 10/15/2009 3:06 AM General McChrystal submits plea for more Afghanistan troops (Tiscali)|KABUL (Reuters) - The commander of Western .. 4884177822 HeadlinesNewz 10/15/2009 3:05 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine.. 4884161494 SmittysWeb 10/15/2009 3:03 AM KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine proposals Saturday for a big troop surge to contain.. 4884155274 reuterstop 10/15/2009 3:03 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine.. 4884140349 energyindia37 10/15/2009 3:02 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defence officials will examine.. 4884137050 twittfeed 10/15/2009 3:01 AM Reuters Top News NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's t.. 4884121750 publiusalter 10/15/2009 3:00 AM [Blog] NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will exam... 4884115112 zweitansage 10/15/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 4884104521 roulefx 10/15/2009 2:58 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine.. 4884074713 jahabarsadiq 10/15/2009 2:55 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine.. 4884065929 snjsharma 10/15/2009 2:55 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine.. 4884056957 reuterswire 10/15/2009 2:54 AM NATO mulls Afghan troops, decision hinges on Obama: KABUL (Reuters) - NATO's top defense officials will examine.. 4883937753 blackbunny 10/15/2009 2:43 AM ağzı doluyken konuşmaya çalışan öküzler, yapmayın. kabul edin iki işi aynı anda yapamazsınız... 4883742228 eksiduyuru 10/15/2009 2:24 AM Hesabi ariyorum: Merhabalar, da aktif bir hesap aramaktayim, kendim kabul edilmedim. Hesabini devretmek ist.. 4883674882 PaginaNuova 10/15/2009 2:18 AM IL GIORNALE - Kabul, si ribalta Lince morto militare italiano Times : pagate i ribelli: Un militar.. 4883458872 zweitansage 10/15/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 4883184618 asliberry 10/15/2009 1:36 AM Tamam opera kültürüm yok kabul. Ama İDOB her sezon aynı çocuk oyunlarını mı sahneleyecek böyle? 4883173634 ahmadshuja 10/15/2009 1:35 AM Muslim culture ministers elect #Kabul "cultural capital of the Islamic world" for 2024. --Arman FM. Dunno the significance, though. 4883084811 dos1970 10/15/2009 1:28 AM Yesterday spend a day in Kabul. 4882324345 aydogantan 10/15/2009 12:31 AM Finlandiya'da 1 Mbit internet bağlantısı artık yasal bir hak olarak kabul edilmiş. 4882141562 uppaljs 10/15/2009 12:18 AM Heard there is a security threat in #kabul today. Security lock down. :( :( 4882040968 felixkuehn 10/15/2009 12:12 AM Is at KAF - soon to be Kabul inbound and possibly at l'atmo tonight 4881162666 katieliving 10/14/2009 11:20 PM trust the italians! RT @SBSNews Ten French soldiers died near Kabul... after Italy had bribed the Taliban 4881152385 rod3000 10/14/2009 11:20 PM Umm RT @SBSNews 10 French soldiers died near Kabul-entering an area which seemed quiet b/c Italy had bribed the Taliban 4881084250 USTalib 10/14/2009 11:16 PM Ten French soldiers died near Kabul after entering an area which seemed quiet because Italy had bribed the Tali.. 4881028307 SBSnews 10/14/2009 11:13 PM Ten French soldiers died near Kabul after entering an area which seemed quiet because Italy had bribed the Taliban 4880550856 yrfilms 10/14/2009 10:49 PM Kabul, Afghan Cuisine1101 Burlingame Ave,Burlingame, CA 4880350309 core_APPLER 10/14/2009 10:39 PM RT @AtiaAbawi:So cold this AM filming on one of the Kabul mtns..felt bad 4 those poor little kids who have to walk to school in the ice air! 4880280411 AtiaAbawi 10/14/2009 10:35 PM So cold this morning filming on one of the Kabul mountains...felt bad for those poor little kids who have to walk to school in the ice air! 4879676327 4filmeu 10/14/2009 10:07 PM Kabul, wir drehen weiter 4878657182 anniinc 10/14/2009 9:21 PM Kabul 4878531481 ligiagiatti 10/14/2009 9:16 PM Amanhã tem @mauriciopereira no @casadefrancisca! E depois @slowfoda no Kabul Bar!! Um show lindo (os 2) vale a pena ir! Eu vou de novo ¬¬ :p 4877608834 thetime 10/14/2009 8:30 PM in Kabul, Asia is 6:00am 4877244238 GorillaMoe 10/14/2009 8:14 PM @menaadina @MadiMadz got this doctor str8 from kabul tryna be a tech to do his practical..speaks french and english.. I got u guys 4876736112 arrahmah 10/14/2009 7:53 PM Surat Terbuka Imarah Islam Afghanistan Untuk Shanghai Summit - Berita: KABUL ( - Sebuah gebrakan b.. 4876654375 Dendin_mk 10/14/2009 7:49 PM Kamu yg ijab kabul-an Fir ?? RT @safiraidawiduri: Wow..ijab qobulnya pake bahasa mengerti sama skali..hihihihihi.. 4876593057 MahRezende 10/14/2009 7:46 PM estudar sobre a poluição e depois ouvir Kabul Shit é legal. 4876563949 london_news 10/14/2009 7:45 PM Military backs PM plan for more troops: • PM insists Kabul must take mor.. 4876461900 pedroncastro01 10/14/2009 7:40 PM Para quê? In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4876430600 theyareviewless 10/14/2009 7:39 PM KARL ROVE IS THE MAN! THIS IS A JIMMY CARTER JOKE ALL OVER AGAIN, AND HUSSAN WILL DESTROY KABUL LIKE CARTER CAUSED TEHRAN WHAT A SAD JOKE 4876244151 TheBruneiTimes 10/14/2009 7:30 PM UK vows 500 extra troops to Kabul 4876225752 CarmenJeanette8 10/14/2009 7:30 PM Nadia Kabul 4875710763 ociso 10/14/2009 7:07 PM Ko doa gue buat temen tersayang gue belum terkabul-kabul yah? Masih sama aja kelakuannya. Minus! 4875646068 haber 10/14/2009 7:04 PM Hakan Şükür:Hazır değilim ama teklif gelirse görev kabul ederim 4874263345 BeholdARedHorse 10/14/2009 6:03 PM Kabul Attack May Intensify India-Pakistan Proxy Battle Via WashingtonPost #Spy #ISI #Military #Terror #News 4873936240 carolinanjos 10/14/2009 5:49 PM RT @thiagotriani: Kabul na eleição de melhores da época sp, clique no link e vote em melhor bar com balada!!! 4873808264 knutcracker 10/14/2009 5:43 PM Military backs Afghanistan plan: • PM insists Kabul must take more responsibility• Hint that Obama will also ag.. 4873682735 dotproduction 10/14/2009 5:37 PM @cuneytozdemir hadi Allah kabul etsin afiyet olsun zeybekefe benim tereddüt listemdeydi ama emin değildim .... Afiyet olsun:) 4873554242 news89 10/14/2009 5:31 PM Military backs Afghanistan plan: • PM insists Kabul must take more responsibility• Hint that Obama will also ag.. 4873308895 HJSNews 10/14/2009 5:20 PM Military backs Afghanistan plan: • PM insists Kabul must take more responsibility• Hint that Obama will also ag.. 4873157949 thepolemicalrep 10/14/2009 5:14 PM Adam Curtis on Kabul 4873021717 armadillosoft 10/14/2009 5:07 PM "Sharia law w/all its violence has just been made law of the land by President Karzai - you know, our man in Kabul." 4872857256 zweitansage 10/14/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 4872554328 musicdetoreador 10/14/2009 4:45 PM @devoteeGS eğer ben senin evlenme teklifini ağzım D şu şekilde açık,asalak bir mutlulukla koşulsuz kabul edersem fifty fifty olur. ama etmem 4872480198 meyercafe 10/14/2009 4:42 PM Na onda do rio2016, Kabul, Caracas, Jerusalem e Baghdad entram na briga para ser sede da olimpiada de 2020! "Violent Candidate City's!" 4872402129 Talascend 10/14/2009 4:38 PM Engineering Job Alert: Civil Water & Dam Engineer in Kabul. Visit for details and search Job # 42792. 4872252916 CUPPACareers 10/14/2009 4:32 PM GIS: FLIR Operator (BT-67/DC-3): FLIR Operator (BT-67/DC-3) - DynCorp International, Kabul, Afghanistan pos.. 4871637729 rhianonjameson 10/14/2009 4:04 PM @hotspurOT Resist the siren call of beautiful Kabul! I'd guess the Net connection would wreak havoc w/ the Melees. 4871542209 zweitansage 10/14/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 4871260788 ESRACASA 10/14/2009 3:46 PM erkeklerin arkadaşlık anlayış ve bağları ile kadınlarınkini düşününce... sevgili hemcinslerim kabul etmeliyiz ki erkeklerinki daha tutarlı 4871228419 gjc_dot_org 10/14/2009 3:45 PM FLIR Operator (BT-67/DC-3) - DynCorp International, Kabul, Afghanistan posted on 2009-10-14 4870988062 Shagans 10/14/2009 3:33 PM TS roles..Field Engineers and Mgr. Iraq and Kabul, Afghanistan..FT Perm $80-120K lots of perks!! Danger and more.. Top Secret Clearance reqd 4870727853 pinargencer 10/14/2009 3:21 PM @melodikaya ohoo her ekleyeni kabul edersen..neyse o degil de senin bu çocuksu yönünün arkasında olgun bi melo oldugunu keşfeder gibiyim :)) 4870494728 thiagotriani 10/14/2009 3:11 PM Kabul na eleição de melhores da época sp, clique no link acima e vote (melhor bar com balada) 4870480972 hotspurOT 10/14/2009 3:10 PM thinks God is telling him something. Another job offer for Kabul Afghanistan, even more $$ than last time.... 4870339280 brianteeman 10/14/2009 3:03 PM lol - at least that shows you watched the video RT: @talktosully: @brianteeman whatever keeps you out of Kabul airport, I spoze. 4870245887 zweitansage 10/14/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 4870235502 talktosully 10/14/2009 2:59 PM @brianteeman whatever keeps you out of Kabul airport, I spoze. 4870163103 Ygtylmz 10/14/2009 2:56 PM @banuka Okumak isteyenler okuyor .Ama bence Emreyi böyle kabul etmeliyiz . Fenerliler kabul ediyor gsliler etmiyor 3-4 sene önce de tersiydi 4870159871 rex_robinson 10/14/2009 2:56 PM We will not be intimidated by Kabul attack, says Tharoor - 4869713663 InIndia 10/14/2009 2:36 PM The recent terrorist attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul has once again drawn attention to the high risks ass.. 4869087611 RES911CUE 10/14/2009 2:06 PM Afghan presidential runoff would face challenges: KABUL (AP) -- Afghan officials would face a daunting task in .. 4869060407 clownfish79 10/14/2009 2:05 PM Marg bar Taliban, che Kabul, che Tehran RT @AtlSafa From Tehran: مرگ ابر طالبان چه کابل چه تهران #Iran 4868751492 extramlmfuture 10/14/2009 1:51 PM Bana seni kabul etmemiz için bir sebep söyle...eğer kararsız,çabuk vazgeçen,geleneksek inanışlara göre yaşayan biriysen,seninle çalışamayız 4868580543 amortgagedebt 10/14/2009 1:42 PM Fmr Ambassador in Kabul for Election Talks « Liveshots: Viral Stash Financial News » Troops May Not Be Enough. Report. [...] Best Since .. 4868547435 unreconcilable 10/14/2009 1:41 PM @almulamerter imam nikahi gunumuz sartlarinda pek cok alim tarafindan, kadinin hakkini savunabilecegi imkan vermediginden kabul gormuyor. 4868459482 beefriendlier 10/14/2009 1:36 PM The Kerry-Looter Bill” - ABC News Blogs: I returned to my home in Islamabad after two months in Kabul, and it t.. 4868441931 lawguide 10/14/2009 1:35 PM “The Kerry-Looter Bill”: I returned to my home in Islamabad after two months in Kabul, and it took only about a.. 4868435657 PoliticalPunch 10/14/2009 1:35 PM “The Kerry-Looter Bill”: I returned to my home in Islamabad after two months in Kabul, and it took only about a.. 4868429356 ayousu 10/14/2009 1:35 PM RT @dailydish Letter from Kabul 4868217011 ChalanMoon 10/14/2009 1:24 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair (via @nytimes) Hopes are culturally based. 4867896396 gozdethedoc 10/14/2009 1:08 PM "A licky boom boom down" ile "i like that boom boom pow" ikilisini akraba kabul ediyorum. Ayrı yumurta ikizi olabilir. 4867820259 explorefrontier 10/14/2009 1:04 PM Stories From Kabul with Ian Pounds | stories, music, photos, & video footage of Afghanistan | Tonight at 7pm, Free 4867712991 zweitansage 10/14/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 4867531122 FernandaJimena 10/14/2009 12:51 PM show flamenco urbanorua pedro taques 114 - consolação KABUL!22 hrs 4867340724 4204180 10/14/2009 12:43 PM arkaDsLaR lUtfEn ark IsdEı OnDeRmEyın kAbul EdmıoRum gErcEkdEn lütFen!!!!{EceAyan} 4867313533 DVIDSHub 10/14/2009 12:42 PM Kabul Central Workshop – Welding 4867226731 4204180 10/14/2009 12:38 PM arkaDsLaR lUtfEn ark IsdEı OnDeRmEyın kAbul EdmıoRum gErcEkdEn lütFen!!!! 4866609541 sucukekmek 10/14/2009 12:10 PM çarşamba gününü tatil kabul eden bir üniversite dininin etkisinde, sonuç: miskinler cenneti 4866535520 WizInfo 10/14/2009 12:07 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair #WizInfo #World News 4866534019 freedom4USA 10/14/2009 12:07 PM US:#tcot #news In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: fraud in this country’s pr.. 4866367253 zweitansage 10/14/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 4866170781 HTGazete 10/14/2009 11:51 AM "Azerbaycan pazarlığı yapılacak ülke değil": Baykal, Azeri milletvekilleri kabul etti 4866128106 NYTcom 10/14/2009 11:49 AM In Kabul Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4866043168 NewsMashup 10/14/2009 11:45 AM NYT: In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Many Afghan voters said that a second vote would onl.. 4866011168 lilyan 10/14/2009 11:44 AM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4865882647 nytimesnewsfeed 10/14/2009 11:39 AM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Many Afghan voters said that a second vote would only lead to.. 4865844230 myworldnews 10/14/2009 11:37 AM [WP] Win or Not, Afghan Challenger Could Determine Country's Future: KABUL -- Abdullah Abdullah stood before a .. 4865843498 bubu666 10/14/2009 11:37 AM Obama invia 13mila soldati a Kabul. I militari costituiranno il nuovissimo battaglione Peace Nobel Prize. 4865838896 TravelNewsFeeds 10/14/2009 11:37 AM student travel tips Vacancy: ESP Instructors -..., Kabul, Afghanistan - NEED MORE .. 4865830544 kundi9 10/14/2009 11:36 AM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Many Afghan voters said that a second vote would only lead to.. 4865743325 onlinetrainer4u 10/14/2009 11:33 AM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Many Afghan voters said that a second vote would only lead to.. 4865729048 msnnoticias 10/14/2009 11:32 AM Karzai tendrá que presentarse a la segunda vuelta de las presidenciales: KABUL, 14 (Reuters/EP) El presidente d.. 4865637958 NYUS_news 10/14/2009 11:28 AM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Many Afghan voters sai.. 4865550143 FTRNews 10/14/2009 11:24 AM FTR NEWS: In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4865529371 nasty_aaron 10/14/2009 11:23 AM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Many Afghan voters said that a second vote would only lead to.. 4865522868 gopalrajguru 10/14/2009 11:23 AM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Many Afghan voters said that a second vote would only lead to.. 4865509512 celebrifi 10/14/2009 11:22 AM 30 Militants killed in Afghan: Kabul 4865487024 addspaces 10/14/2009 11:21 AM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Many Afghan voters said that a second vote would only lead to.. 4865434126 Ashrael01 10/14/2009 11:19 AM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Many Afghan voters said that a second vote would only lead to.. 4865418055 doris_jones 10/14/2009 11:19 AM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Many Afghan voters said that a second vote would only lead to.. 4865117441 ESTinAFG 10/14/2009 11:06 AM Estonian projects at Afganistan Centre of Kabul University completed! 4865103346 paulmcleary 10/14/2009 11:05 AM The anger and apathy of Afghan voters found in this piece is exactly what I heard in Kabul 4865033848 adiemus 10/14/2009 11:02 AM // il presidente pacifista spedirà altri 13mila soldati a Kabul (ma non lo dice perché sta brutto) 4864935980 MaximsNews 10/14/2009 10:58 AM - In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair by SABRINA TAVERNISE - NY Times #news #Afghanistan #election 4864643014 uppaljs 10/14/2009 10:45 AM in office again :'( , looking forward to the vacation !!! #kabul 4863971260 fea_nor 10/14/2009 10:16 AM MavitunaSecurity'nin Netsparker - Web Application Security Scanner beta testlerine kabul edildim. İnceleyelim bakalım nasıl bir şeymiş bu.. 4863917945 berrrls 10/14/2009 10:13 AM L-O-L RT @kimoradhena: Yah bego udah malem ini ya yg ada 22:22 bukan 10:10 -..- ga ke kabul deh make ɑ wish ★ nya huhu 4863888134 kimoradhena 10/14/2009 10:12 AM Yah bego udah malem ini ya yg ada 22:22 bukan 10:10 -..- ga ke kabul deh make ɑ wish ★ nya huhu 4863759602 shashishushe 10/14/2009 10:06 AM @dionsastra wah, doa mu lmyn ke kabul yon,, syg sx km ga jd presentasi hr ne.. Pdhl ak meh tny".. *balaz dendam mode: ON wakakakakaka.... ;b 4863604900 zweitansage 10/14/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 4863420382 Misseslavigne 10/14/2009 9:51 AM Thomas Nelson Book Review - Kabul 24 #fb 4863300026 AaronActully 10/14/2009 9:46 AM (NYT) In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4863292494 DirNATOC3S 10/14/2009 9:45 AM Outstanding visit to Kabul; real demonstration of Afghan leadership and Security Forces' desire for "Afghanistan security by Afghanis." 4863279878 newszilla 10/14/2009 9:45 AM [EARTH] Two Afghan soldiers, 45 Taliban killed in blasts, clashes: Kabul - Two Afghan soldiers lost thei.. 4863137241 girlofgordon 10/14/2009 9:38 AM Have decided that tonight is a night to watch Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. #Kabul-style (on the bed, on a tiny screen, with no wine). 4862924958 lastrose123 10/14/2009 9:29 AM Bizler müslümanlar olarak Allah'ı hem ilahımız hem de tek efendimiz kabul edenleriz. Ona yakışır kullar olmanın... 4862818308 cesiantika 10/14/2009 9:24 AM Yaoloh siapa jg yg mau kawin.tesis maksudnya, jgn suuzon RT @taatalita: kaya mau ijab kabul lo pake belom siap lahir batin hahaha 4862737852 ayaelectro 10/14/2009 9:20 AM Sejujurnya gw mau gosip, tp gak mood RT @taatalita: kaya mau ijab kabul lo pk blm siap lahir batin haha RT @cesiantika Blm siap lahir batin 4862728545 Madone_99301 10/14/2009 9:20 AM @wildknees - I love grass roots marketing - my good friend Anthony is serving as a helicopter pilot in Kabul and discovered "Road" via FB 4862709480 taatalita 10/14/2009 9:19 AM kaya mau ijab kabul lo pake belom siap lahir batin hahaha RT @cesiantika Belom siap lahir batin 4862434585 girlofgordon 10/14/2009 9:06 AM RT @nytimes: In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4862377341 headlinenews 10/14/2009 9:03 AM Xinhua: 68 militants surrender in W. Afghanistan : KABUL, Oct. 14 (Xinhua) -- Over 68 Taliban insurgents.. 4862350803 pocketcultures 10/14/2009 9:02 AM also endures in Kabul. Check out these favourites: 4862296184 zweitansage 10/14/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 4862271118 pocketcultures 10/14/2009 8:58 AM RT @Journeywoman RT @27clouds Despite violence, kite flying endures in Kabul 4862182006 daghanirak 10/14/2009 8:54 AM yıldırım demirören "temizleyeceğim" dedikten sonra bu açıklamayı yapanlar "pislik" olduklarını kabul etmiş oldular maalesef. 4862110768 Journeywoman 10/14/2009 8:50 AM RT @27clouds Despite violence, kite flying endures in Kabul 4862065294 tcot_steve 10/14/2009 8:48 AM Letter From Kabul - Over the weekend, George Packer got an e-mail from Rufus Phillips, a foriegn policy expert who ... 4861959728 kanchangupta 10/14/2009 8:43 AM Amazing how CNN downplayed attack on Ind Emb in Kabul, but waxed on when Paki Army HQ was attacked. BBC focused on Kenya. WSJ buried story. 4861947195 501Places 10/14/2009 8:42 AM RT @joanna_haugen RT @Marilyn_Res RT @27Clouds Despite violence, kite flying endures in Kabul 4861910702 joanna_haugen 10/14/2009 8:40 AM RT @Marilyn_Res RT @27Clouds Despite violence, kite flying endures in Kabul 4861895285 tonytomlin 10/14/2009 8:40 AM We will not be intimidated by Kabul attack, says Tharoor - 4861794155 mowjowdew 10/14/2009 8:34 AM @talithaprafi tulisan di banner-nya ijab kabul aja tal biar ntar lo langsung nikah ama martin 4861716358 Marilyn_Res 10/14/2009 8:31 AM RT @27Clouds Despite violence, kite flying endures in Kabul 4861705538 InstantWeb 10/14/2009 8:30 AM Andrew Sullivan: Letter From Kabul: Over the weekend, George Packer got an e-mail from Rufus Ph.. 4861691529 amedbaba 10/14/2009 8:29 AM @ahmethc "Allah gerçekten tevbe edenlerin tevbesini kabul eder." Allah Alla^h'tan razı olsun ki bizim gibi zalim değil.. 4861639048 indiareporter 10/14/2009 8:26 AM General McChrystal, U.S. and NATO military chief in Afghanistan, attends a memorial ceremony in Kabul ( 4861525286 Echy_483 10/14/2009 8:20 AM @irem_483 @cansu_483 işte onu kabul edebilirim dedim ya. İnsan gibi okuyun len! XD 4861483066 televideorai 10/14/2009 8:18 AM [dal mondo] LONDRA INVIERA' ALTRI 500 MILITARI A KABUL view.jsp?id=652316&p=150 4861480766 televideorai 10/14/2009 8:18 AM [ultim'ora] Londra invierà altri 500 uomini a Kabul view.jsp?id=353&p=101 4861400682 elginism 10/14/2009 8:14 AM Stolen artefacts returned to Kabul 4861296920 RuletaOnline 10/14/2009 8:08 AM Posible segunda vuelta en noviembre Afganistán: ex diplomático: Reuters - KABUL (Reuters) - El líder afgano Ham.. 4861283605 jayantab15 10/14/2009 8:07 AM Vive la afghan spirit and hatsoff to Indian embassy in Kabul under able leadership of Jayant Prasad. 2 hi intensity blasts in 15mnths! 4861199733 dailydish 10/14/2009 8:03 AM Letter From Kabul: Over the weekend, George Packer got an e-mail from Rufus Phillips, a foriegn policy expert w.. 4861193017 serdarakinan 10/14/2009 8:03 AM Uzulerek kabul edemeyecegimizi soylemek durumundayim...:)))) 4861183220 hadicanimordan 10/14/2009 8:02 AM Yılmaz Vural daha adı m. takım için telaffuz edilirken tarzı uluslararası alanda kabul görmeye başlandı; Maradona atıverdi kendini çimlere. 4861146558 ricedavidw 10/14/2009 8:00 AM Watched PBS' Frontline on the Afghanistan War last night. Humbled as I was holding SePai, one of our two rescue cats from Kabul. 4861131850 zweitansage 10/14/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 4861087676 mheydarian 10/14/2009 7:57 AM RT @AtiaAbawi Bush Bazaar in in George W Bush, as in stolen goods frm the bases for sale on th streets. Does tht scream @BackStory 4860968080 yakirovich 10/14/2009 7:50 AM Halilhodzic: Göreve ilk geldiğimde kendimi kabul ettirmek istiyordum ve yaptığım konuşmanın ardından oyuncular bana inandı.. 4860876706 bbcturkish 10/14/2009 7:45 AM Frankfurt Kitap Fuarı açıldı: Dünyanın en büyük kitap fuarı olarak kabul edilen Frankfurt Kitap Fuarı, bugün aç.. 4860863940 space_doggy 10/14/2009 7:44 AM Edward kulübene yabancı bir kız kabul edersen, sana ellerinle kesebileceğin ince ve uzun kurabiyelerden yaparım. Tim bile görmez bizi. 4860852725 HeadlinesNewz 10/14/2009 7:44 AM Future Karzai cabinet to balance "warlords" and West: KABUL (Reuters) - It may have looked like a done deal for.. 4860819032 milktime 10/14/2009 7:42 AM hasta corbasi kabul edilir. 4860595979 ollaprioko 10/14/2009 7:28 AM ih lucu ya melati untuk marvel. lg ijab kabul eh penghulunya sakit jantung 4860518332 buybooksonline1 10/14/2009 7:24 AM [REUTERS]: Karzai cabinet to balance "warlords" and West: KABUL (Reuters) - It may have looked like a.. 4860476027 wcompanyportal 10/14/2009 7:21 AM [REUTERS]: Karzai cabinet to balance "warlords" and West: KABUL (Reuters) - It may have looked like a.. 4860458318 votgloblSthAsia 10/14/2009 7:20 AM Future Karzai #Afghanistan cabinet to balance 'warlords' and West: KABUL (Reuters) - 4860376242 aliveinafghan 10/14/2009 7:15 AM RT @LingoNews: Fmr Ambassador in Kabul for #afghan09 #Election Talks - FOXNews #afghanistan 4860360935 UNjobs 10/14/2009 7:14 AM Aviation Safety Inspector (Maintenance), Kabul #jobs 4860326617 hgyildiz 10/14/2009 7:12 AM süper bi tasarim.. pratige dökülübelirligini merak ettim ben de.. tez kabul görmüstür ama bence, kabul görmemis... re: 4860291276 reistweets 10/14/2009 7:10 AM 'Tweede ronde in Afghanistan onvermijdelijk': KABUL (ANP) - Het is bijna onvermijdelijk dat de presidentsverkie.. 4860192626 hasanbasusta 10/14/2009 7:03 AM Tez kabul görmüş mü onu merak ediyorum :) re: 4860173360 lastrose123 10/14/2009 7:02 AM Aminleri yürekten olmayanların, kabul edilmeyen temenni ve isteklerine biri daha eklenmiş olur. Eylemlerimiz ve... 4860165286 ReutersNews 10/14/2009 7:01 AM Reuters: Karzai cabinet to balance "warlords" and West: KABUL (Reuters) - It may have looked like a don.. 4860132983 zweitansage 10/14/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 4860084335 schaafics 10/14/2009 6:56 AM hmm... sepertinya saya bakal sering ijab kabul... RT anggep ijab kabul 4859947988 SemihYAZICI 10/14/2009 6:47 AM ya nabtın da kabul edildin :) re: 4859793740 delie31 10/14/2009 6:36 AM From Kabul to Shanghai... Now watching Nadal - Blake! 4859773652 flavianoflavian 10/14/2009 6:35 AM Reuters: Future Karzai cabinet to balance 'warlords' and West: KABUL (Reuters) - It may have looked lik.. 4859746426 roulefx 10/14/2009 6:33 AM Future Karzai cabinet to balance 'warlords' and West: KABUL (Reuters) - It may have looked like a done deal for.. 4859745083 izzetdiyebiri 10/14/2009 6:33 AM Akademik veritabanından indirdiğim makaleyi internet kaynağı kabul eden bir zihniyetle uğraşıyorum. Sins 1996 4859743673 Amanda_Dany 10/14/2009 6:33 AM pingin dank cpet pndah,.ayo doaku ke kabul donk.. 4859735997 headlinenews 10/14/2009 6:32 AM Reuters: Future Karzai cabinet to balance 'warlords' and West: KABUL (Reuters) - It may have looked lik.. 4859692708 PATSERGY 10/14/2009 6:29 AM @AtiaAbawi Bush Bazaar in in George W Bush, as in stolen goods frm the bases for sale on the streets. Does that scream @BackStory 4859591365 sonofmuff 10/14/2009 6:22 AM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair - #pmqs 4859545012 TrustSulha 10/14/2009 6:18 AM New York Times - In Kabul, Little Hope That a Run-Off Will Be Fair by Sabrina Tavernise 4859521644 reuterskl 10/14/2009 6:16 AM Afghan election run-off likely in Nov - ex diplomat: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan leader Hamid Karzai is likely to .. 4859369812 AfPakChannel 10/14/2009 6:05 AM Developing a little crush on BBC's Kabul correspondent on BBC News right now -- silver lining? 4859299685 zweitansage 10/14/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 4859223833 lov3ny 10/14/2009 5:54 AM Fmr Ambassador in Kabul for Election Talks - FOXNews 4859215444 AfghanNews24 10/14/2009 5:53 AM Fmr Ambassador in Kabul for Election Talks - FOXNews - ABC NewsFmr Ambassador in Kabul for Election TalksFOXNewsKAB... 4859099754 swatcrisis 10/14/2009 5:43 AM #swat Attack at the doorstep of Indian Embassy in Kabul, a threat to whom? - Thelatest News 4859003601 voteglobal 10/14/2009 5:35 AM RT @LingoNews: Fmr Ambassador in Kabul for #afghan09 #Election Talks - FOXNews #afghanistan 4858975090 LingoNews 10/14/2009 5:33 AM Fmr Ambassador in Kabul for Election Talks - FOXNews 4858852453 247express 10/14/2009 5:22 AM JUST IN: Kabul: 50 Taliban, 2 Afghan soldiers killed in incidents across Afghanistan. To subscribe to headlines,... 4858725386 swatcrisis 10/14/2009 5:10 AM #swat Kabul attack a bid to undermine Indo-Afghan ties - Zee News 4858711545 GdsPlanet2 10/14/2009 5:09 AM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Musadeq Sadeq/Associated Press A billboard for the candidate .. 4858668918 sonofmuff 10/14/2009 5:05 AM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair - And this is what our troops die & suffer for. 4858607501 zweitansage 10/14/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 4858507482 BookmarkingNet 10/14/2009 4:50 AM News Future Karzai cabinet to balance 'warlords' and West: KABUL (Reuters) - It may have looked like a done.. 4858500471 mr3tt 10/14/2009 4:49 AM RT @technoagent Fmr Ambassador in Kabul for Election Talks #FOXNews #FOX #Afghanistan 4858490860 MotorcycleFans 10/14/2009 4:48 AM RT @sgalpin Motorbikes by the Light of the Afghan Moon - learning to motorbike in Kabul. 4858300616 probo_widodo 10/14/2009 4:29 AM @angistira pengalaman tidak datang dari sendiri tapi bisa jg dari cerita orang lain :D re:pengalaman ijab kabul [*diplomatis jwbnnya bkan?] 4858267010 EricSutphin 10/14/2009 4:26 AM Golfing pics from 9 holes in Kabul: Highly recommended. 4858178600 samdbarratt 10/14/2009 4:17 AM Launching 7 point plan tomorrow to win peace in Afghanistan - press conference in Kabul now - troop boots only 1 part of the answer @oxfamgb 4858160153 angistira 10/14/2009 4:15 AM pengelaman yah bo.. :p RT: @probo_widodo: @schaafics anggap malam pertama fi, hihihi eh jgn ketang bisi ketagihan...mhh, anggap ijab kabul 4858117986 ezgiv 10/14/2009 4:11 AM Her yerde 18 yaşında kabul ediliyorum da iksv başvurusunda neden edilmiyorum neden en son 1990 seçeneği var sorarım? 4858039983 reuterswire 10/14/2009 4:04 AM Future Karzai cabinet to balance 'warlords' and West: KABUL (Reuters) - It may have looked like a done deal for.. 4858036057 davidmacdougall 10/14/2009 4:03 AM @AtiaAbawi I like the vegetable pasta or the bbq rib-meat MRE. delicious! stuck in pak with visa issues. can't escape to kabul for a while. 4858032778 athirsizi 10/14/2009 4:03 AM yolda dinci radyolar açan ve kapatmayı reddeden(sadece sesini kısmayı kabul eden) taksici,eğer geberirsen çoğumuz üzülmeyiz.ben söyliym de.. 4858009402 probo_widodo 10/14/2009 4:01 AM @schaafics anggap malam pertama fi, hihihi eh jgn ketang bisi ketagihan...mhh, anggap ijab kabul we...:D re:interview pertama kali 4857993938 zweitansage 10/14/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 4857922455 freedom4USA 10/14/2009 3:52 AM Intl News:#tcot #sgp Karzai questions credibility of UN vote fraud panel: Kabul, Oct.14 : A.. 4857483176 sgalpin 10/14/2009 3:10 AM Motorbikes by the Light of the Afghan Moon - learning to motorbike in Kabul. 4857471650 Mtn2Mtn 10/14/2009 3:08 AM Motorbikes by the Light of the Afghan Moon - learning to ride in Kabul 4857437682 zeynepbzkrt 10/14/2009 3:05 AM @MuratAykul bence tanrı inancı hepsininin üstünde seni seven ve her daim tüm hatalarınla kabul eden, koruyan kollayan başka kim var 4857411194 voteglobal 10/14/2009 3:02 AM Future Karzai #Afghanistan cabinet to balance 'warlords' and West: KABUL (Reuters) - 4857377759 zweitansage 10/14/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 4857299713 5aner 10/14/2009 2:52 AM @oyungezer denedim 0.01$'ı kabul ediyor. 4857260830 reuterskl 10/14/2009 2:48 AM Future Karzai cabinet to balance 'warlords' and West: KABUL (Reuters) - It may have looked like a done deal for.. 4857257241 uppaljs 10/14/2009 2:48 AM @AtiaAbawi where's the bush bazar in #kabul exactly? 4857238729 uppaljs 10/14/2009 2:46 AM came back from the office this morning at 5am , after 3 days :( , #FAIL #NSN #NOKIASIEMENSNETWORKS #kabul 4857227534 fatihgezgin 10/14/2009 2:45 AM @banukaranfil kabul edemem... pasa pasa giderim ben dermisim ama demem :) 4857206422 sady_sadz 10/14/2009 2:43 AM OMG! He's in Kabul! LMAO! Was so good talkin to him :D Yay me! Hehehe... 4857185826 rintatita 10/14/2009 2:41 AM @ririanggraini Wkt sodara nikah sama bule, trus kan mau ijab kabul lesehan di lantai mesjit. Eh dia malah ngangkang. Hahaha 4857090249 energyindia37 10/14/2009 2:32 AM Future Karzai cabinet to balance 'warlords' and West: KABUL (Reuters) - It may have looked like a done deal for.. 4857004049 VMMoncrieff 10/14/2009 2:24 AM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair - 4856980134 olgadipedh 10/14/2009 2:22 AM Pacaran ama kabul ya,?? Kyknya aq kenal tuh... Klo ga salah sii... Tp nama aq d skbm "irin"RT @uly_nauly: Miss himm so mucHhhhh... 4856959920 CNNSaadAbedine 10/14/2009 2:20 AM RT @AtiaAbawi: Bush Bazaar in Kabul as in stolen goods frm the bases for sale on the streets. Does that scream @BackStory w/ @tvtomas 4856901948 eprenen 10/14/2009 2:14 AM LOL RT @AtiaAbawi: Bush Bazaar in in George W Bush, as in stolen goods frm the bases for sale on the streets. 4856848386 AtiaAbawi 10/14/2009 2:09 AM Bush Bazaar in in George W Bush, as in stolen goods frm the bases for sale on the streets. Does that scream @BackStory w/ @tvtomas 4856761424 MSFRussia 10/14/2009 2:02 AM RT @MSF_usa: #Afghanistan: No Guns No Fees in Kabul's Ahmed Shah Baba Hospital #MSF 4856255942 bimoarf 10/14/2009 1:20 AM ya Allah smoga ngkau kabul doaku. amin. 4856193793 rendyyusuf 10/14/2009 1:15 AM @marshmars ijab kabul bolee.... hahahaah... ini aturan em er a tuh non! yaaah. paling nggak aksesori mbatik joega boleee 4856016877 CenterdinSEA 10/14/2009 1:01 AM Deal of the hour: $25 gift certificate to Kabul Restaurant (Seattle) for $10 #seattle 4855442747 newsfeeding 10/14/2009 12:20 AM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Many Afghan voters said that a second vote would only lead to.. 4855165650 asiseeitnow 10/14/2009 12:02 AM Outside Kabul, Aghanistan has long been a tribal land. A lot of local tribal leader & warlords would like our help to restore local rule. 4855138186 nzwebz 10/14/2009 12:01 AM NEW ZEALAND SAS DEPLOY TO KABUL - David Pugliese's Defence Watch: The most news and entertainment portal fr.. 4854976016 pakistaninews 10/13/2009 11:51 PM Kabul attack a bid to undermine Indo-Afghan friendship - Zee News 4854742657 beefriendlier 10/13/2009 11:37 PM Kabul attack a bid to undermine Indo-Afghan friendship - Zee News: SINDH TODAYKabul attack a bid to undermine I.. 4854687042 Ada_Taylor 10/13/2009 11:34 PM RT @nytimes: In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4854686688 ichaview 10/13/2009 11:34 PM The endgames begime. London waits Washington.Obama waits Kabul. Be bold, Obama. Resist the hawks crying one-last-push. 4854145671 michaelfishman 10/13/2009 11:04 PM Great dinner at Kabul Afghan Cuisine in Sunnyvale, California 4853982417 charleslang 10/13/2009 10:56 PM RT @nytimes: In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4853816192 vb8l 10/13/2009 10:47 PM An Afghan girl exerted all her force to fetch water from a tube well in Kabul, Afghanistan. Eight years after the... 4853611592 johnnysanfran 10/13/2009 10:37 PM Jennifer C.'s Review of Kabul Afghan Cuisine - Burlingame (4/5) on Yelp: I've passed by this place many times, .. 4853604435 Germzp 10/13/2009 10:37 PM @KaitingKasey what kinda books are you into? i would recommend the bookseller of Kabul, princess, kite runner, Cleopatra's daughter 4853464509 britneysanders 10/13/2009 10:30 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4853284366 breakings 10/13/2009 10:21 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Many Afghan voters said that a second vote wo.. via 4853067303 jakriffer 10/13/2009 10:11 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Many Afghan voters said that a second vote would only lead to.. 4853051234 SteveHynd 10/13/2009 10:11 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4852808503 SLNewsFlash 10/13/2009 10:00 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Many Afghan voters said that a second vote would only lead to.. 4852766843 newszilla 10/13/2009 9:59 PM [NYT] In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Many Afghan voters said that a second vote would o.. 4852544138 a4w 10/13/2009 9:50 PM Listening: BBC Radio 7 - World News For Children - WNC: Kids News - 12 people are killed in Kabul car bomb 4852440254 sex_porn_pills 10/13/2009 9:45 PM Health.Dating-Viagra In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4852380134 janchip 10/13/2009 9:43 PM Wanted: local fixer for Kabul, late October, usual thing. Ping leads to info at Ta. 4852365300 littlecosas 10/13/2009 9:42 PM From Kabul to Los Angeles [nytimes pictures of the day] 4852109426 RTsweets 10/13/2009 9:32 PM nytimes: In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair via @YoTwits #nytimes 4851770636 newsoverviews 10/13/2009 9:18 PM New Overview In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair – New York Times: A billboard f.. 4851462210 hindichannels 10/13/2009 9:05 PM Reconciliation Efforts in Afghanistan Flounder (Washington Post): KABUL -- As Washington policymakers debate th.. 4851460109 sequenceinc 10/13/2009 9:05 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: 20 election had been fraud-free. But years of disappoi.. #fraud 4851309697 ngnguyen 10/13/2009 8:59 PM @msnbc_tv.We should send +troops now for a show of force, then negotiate w/theTaliban to form a coalition gov in Kabul. 4851285353 HeadlineHoncho 10/13/2009 8:58 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4851219181 WORLDDAILYTIMES 10/13/2009 8:55 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair - New York Times: A billboard for the candidate Abdullah Abdul.. 4851120433 nichopoulouzo 10/13/2009 8:51 PM @nichopoulouzo NYT In Kabul, Little Hope Found in Runoff - A billboard for the candidate Abdullah Abdullah towering... 4851062853 NYTimesOnline 10/13/2009 8:49 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair - A billboard for the candidate Abdullah Abdullah towering over a ... 4850754982 in_asia 10/13/2009 8:36 PM A billboard for the candidate Abdullah Abdullah towering over a broom seller in Kabul, where many voters said t.. 4850744243 24hourz 10/13/2009 8:36 PM In Kabul, Little Hope Found in Runoff #24hourz 4850714542 LJZumpano 10/13/2009 8:35 PM RT @AfPakChannel: Okay turning to Kabul, the political side of coin #obamaswar @thejointstaff reminds us it's important too 4850677044 joygreenmcgann 10/13/2009 8:33 PM I found a picture of my friend Nacho with the pics of Sally. He's an agronomist working in Kabul trying to get them to grow stuff other.... 4850490142 AfPakChannel 10/13/2009 8:25 PM Okay turning to Kabul, the political side of coin #obamaswar @thejointstaff reminds us it's important too 4850427226 tweetermagic 10/13/2009 8:23 PM In Kabul, Little Hope Found in Runoff: Disappointment in the Afghan government has hardened into cynicism, as m.. 4850414730 thynews 10/13/2009 8:22 PM In Kabul, Little Hope Found in Runoff : Disappointment in the Afghan government has harden.. - 4850365203 kiisplay 10/13/2009 8:20 PM NYTimes: In Kabul, Little Hope Found in Runoff 4850356296 youthvoices 10/13/2009 8:20 PM The book I am reading is "West of Kabul, East of New York" written by Tamim Ansari.The last cha.. 4850332339 CONTRACOMA 10/13/2009 8:19 PM In Kabul, Little Hope Found in Runoff: Disappointment in the Afghan government has hardened into cynicism, as m.. 4850321895 PokerCrusher 10/13/2009 8:18 PM Seven killed in blast outside Indian embassy in Kabul - Reuters 4850178100 BreakingNewsRSS 10/13/2009 8:13 PM In Kabul, Little Hope Found in Runoff: Disappointment in the Afghan government has hardened into cynicism, as m.. 4850133939 yckong 10/13/2009 8:11 PM In Kabul, Little Hope Found in Runoff: Disappointment in the Afghan government has hardened into cynicism, as m.. 4850028003 TransAlchemy2 10/13/2009 8:06 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4850018595 in_asia 10/13/2009 8:06 PM A billboard for the candidate Abdullah Abdullah towering over a broom seller in Kabul, where many voters said t.. 4850018168 ajsbreakingnews 10/13/2009 8:06 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Disappointment in the Afghan government has hardened into cyn.. 4850001286 screwthemullahs 10/13/2009 8:05 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair (via @nytimesworld) 4849995930 AJHajir 10/13/2009 8:05 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Disappointment in the Afghan government has hardened into cyn.. 4849981428 luizlemgruber 10/13/2009 8:04 PM NYTimes: In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Disappointment in the Afghan government has .. 4849949804 DioneSants 10/13/2009 8:03 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Disappointment in the Afghan government has hardened into cyn.. 4849945949 DioneSants 10/13/2009 8:03 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Disappointment in the Afghan government has hardened into cyn.. 4849927900 ngngfrancis 10/13/2009 8:02 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Disappointment in the Afghan government has hardened into cyn.. 4849914807 NewsTitan 10/13/2009 8:01 PM [NYTIMES] In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Disappointment in the Afghan gov.. [NYTIMES] 4849883322 myheadlinez 10/13/2009 8:00 PM Reconciliation Efforts in Afghanistan Flounder: KABUL -- As Washington policymakers debate the U.S. role in Afg.. 4849792094 FA18ORDI 10/13/2009 7:56 PM RT @nytimes: In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4849745799 nytimes 10/13/2009 7:54 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4849679007 milijulidotcom 10/13/2009 7:52 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Disappointment in the Afghan government has hardened into cyn.. 4849669396 Grass_Cutting 10/13/2009 7:51 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Disappointment in the Afghan government has hardened into cyn.. 4849662054 winning_team 10/13/2009 7:51 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Disappointment in the Afghan government has hardened into cyn.. 4849594058 televideorai 10/13/2009 7:48 PM [ultim'ora] "Kabul, Usa non ci chiedono più truppe" view.jsp?id=323&p=101 4849588912 NYTcom 10/13/2009 7:48 PM In Kabul Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4849585563 pakstruck 10/13/2009 7:48 PM Kabul bomb aimed to influence US Afghan policy Via Kuwait Times #Terror #India #Pakistan #T.. 4849575692 playwright000 10/13/2009 7:47 PM India, Pakistan should jointly fight terrorism: Official: Pakistan condemns Kabul bomb attack on Indian embassy.. 4849557332 brk_news_now 10/13/2009 7:46 PM NYT: In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4849543905 cnen 10/13/2009 7:46 PM [CNEN] In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Disappointment in the Afghan government has hard.. 4849514437 newsfeeding 10/13/2009 7:45 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Disappointment in the Afghan government has hardened into cyn.. 4849468497 nytimesglobal 10/13/2009 7:43 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4849422328 nytimesworld 10/13/2009 7:41 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair 4849371796 NYTcom 10/13/2009 7:39 PM In Kabul Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair li li li 4849345167 egita_aw 10/13/2009 7:37 PM Dating w/ Mr. Kabul Suryolelono 4849250564 headlinenews 10/13/2009 7:34 PM NY Times: In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Years of disappointment in the government .. 4849164973 nytimes_wire 10/13/2009 7:30 PM In Kabul, Little Hope That a Runoff Will Be Fair: Years of disappointment in the government has hardened into c.. 4848561141 UNjobs 10/13/2009 7:05 PM International Graphic Designer, Kabul #jobs 4848298808 BeholdARedHorse 10/13/2009 6:54 PM Kabul bomb aimed to influence US Afghan policy Via Kuwait Times #Terror #India #Pakistan #Tcot #News #Military 4847969568 retirednjarmy 10/13/2009 6:39 PM Recruit competent 2 Divisions of Iraqi soldiers, adequately fund their "TDY" to Kabul and clean house. 4847906003 strojen 10/13/2009 6:37 PM her türlü fitre ve zekat kabul edilir .. 4847830886 Imane4Pali 10/13/2009 6:33 PM RT @Abu_Ayoub: Everywhere is Kabul, Bagdad..., and everyday we suffer from crusades 4847814468 Abu_Ayoub 10/13/2009 6:33 PM Everywhere is Kabul, Bagdad..., and everyday we suffer from crusades 4847575694 BookmarkingNet 10/13/2009 6:22 PM News Afghan frustration mounts over vote result delay: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan politicians on Tuesday expr.. 4847367164 m_insider 10/13/2009 6:13 PM Afghan frustration mounts over vote result delay: KABUL, Oct 14 — Afghan politicians yesterday expressed frustr.. 4846903517 ErtugrulDanaci 10/13/2009 5:52 PM @cuneytozdemir cuneyt bey yoldas isterken..bizim gibi sizi takip eden yoldaslarida yoldasliga kabul etmiyorsunuz sadece folowda kaliorz 4846782987 umitb 10/13/2009 5:47 PM Bugün çok mutluyum! Geç yaptığım başvuru kabul edildi... "Gökova Pedallarımın Altında" Organizasyonuna... [pic] 4846768582 thetightroper 10/13/2009 5:46 PM yarın sabah uyandığımda tezimin bitmiş hatta tez jürisi tarafından kabul edilmiş olmasını istiyorum mesela. aslında bu bi rüyaymış filan... 4846730422 dertsiztasasiz 10/13/2009 5:45 PM bu kendini begenmis medyatikler neden kabul etmiyorlar/follower olmuyorlar ki :Scevap hakki doguyor bazen :)) 4846629319 mg_politics 10/13/2009 5:40 PM Afghan leader defends election: KABUL – President Hamid Karzai acknowledged fraud Tuesday in the still-un.. 4846463818 ncrnmcn 10/13/2009 5:32 PM boktan bir hayata sürüklenmeye başladığımı kabul etmem lazım. 4846334679 auliacipitdong 10/13/2009 5:26 PM Selamat Pagi kak @dimasbeckdong ^_^ have a nice day, semoga keinginan kk hr ne t'kabul,.. amin :) 4846010354 SJBedard 10/13/2009 5:12 PM Reading Kabul 24. 4846010472 phantaso85 10/13/2009 5:12 PM bi gece kahvesi için misafir kabul edebilirim... kahvem kalmamış. Kimin kapısını çalsam ? ya da... 4845737496 zweitansage 10/13/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 4845724992 denizimin 10/13/2009 4:59 PM Tanıtımında aa pardon fragman, pardon vtr hangısını kabul edersniz gözüme çarpanlar:SergenY.Vedat,RıdvandD.(yorumcu) 4845682943 encantada2006 10/13/2009 4:57 PM NY Times pictures of the day from Kabul, Afghanistan to the LA Fashion Week. 4845621241 Alferdes 10/13/2009 4:54 PM @Ecolina cuma pi. itiraz kabul etmiyorum. mızıldamanı sökeceğiz beraber mümkünse. 4845037481 stacey_2hp 10/13/2009 4:28 PM Blast near Indian Embassy in Kabul. 3 dead. 4844828511 hardmoneyhunt 10/13/2009 4:18 PM Washington Post Foreign Service: KABUL -- As Washington policymakers debate the US role in Afghanistan, most ag.. 4844707919 Safelight 10/13/2009 4:12 PM SL A Little Fun: Young boys play with bicycle tires in Kabul, Afghanistan. 4844551338 ezelhayta 10/13/2009 4:05 PM himym sezon acilisini 4.bolumle yapti die kabul ediorum. Miyav! 4844426681 zweitansage 10/13/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 4844130899 okckilinc 10/13/2009 3:46 PM benden size: 8 Saat Uyuyorum: Kabul etmem gereken gerçeklerden bir tanesi bu... Sadece benim kabul .. 4844067409 emirosh 10/13/2009 3:43 PM Geniş Aile çok komikti Cevahir bebeği ilk kabul etmiyor sonra annesi gelince benim çocuğum diyor DNA testini gösteriyor :D Koptum 4843190104 canercidam 10/13/2009 3:03 PM @FaikKaralar ben hala ediyorum. allah kabul etsin. 4843107593 zweitansage 10/13/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 4842742372 ygt 10/13/2009 2:43 PM İstifa dilekçesi verdim kabul ettiremedim. Şimdi de askerliği aradan çıkar diyorlar; anlayamadım. Hiç bitmeyen senfoni! 4842706000 mustafaalkan 10/13/2009 2:41 PM Bir arkadaşım tez konusu arıyor. 30'dan fazla konu götürmüş hocasına ama hocası kabul etmemiş. Orijinal bir fikirle... 4842678193 bildano 10/13/2009 2:40 PM @oyqboyq Çikolatayı kabul eder midem :D Her türlüüüü 4842214223 MSF_usa 10/13/2009 2:19 PM #Afghanistan: No Guns No Fees in Kabul's Ahmed Shah Baba Hospital #MSF 4842211712 logosfabula 10/13/2009 2:19 PM Alfano: "stranieri scontino pena nel Paese d'origine."Dunque se lancio una bestemmia, che so, a Kabul, mi si lapida qui? 4841955519 mymonews 10/13/2009 2:07 PM [news] Politica - Kabul: La Russa,no richieste da Usa: Ministro, 'disponibilita' a mantenere attua.. 4841817102 MarinaTravisani 10/13/2009 2:00 PM The bookseller of Kabul fought for his impire of books during the russian war and the Taliban government. 4841812812 girlofgordon 10/13/2009 2:00 PM Sleep time in #Kabul. Let it be peaceful with no loud neighbours, low-flying aircraft or other scary noisy things. 4841798590 zweitansage 10/13/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 4841616876 TheBuGz 10/13/2009 1:51 PM Pakistan's Offensive, Afghanistan's Risk: KABUL, Oct 13 (IPS) - For generations, Pakistan's sout.. 4841492353 ultimenews 10/13/2009 1:45 PM Kabul: La Russa,no richieste da Usa 4841473774 girlofgordon 10/13/2009 1:44 PM Wish my internet connection was faster. #Kabul internet is crap. 4841468275 kotucocuk 10/13/2009 1:44 PM @acz_ve_fakr hepimiz bir hiçiz. kabul mu? 4841427655 dusunceler 10/13/2009 1:42 PM Kabul etmek gerekiyor ki kucuk Ceylan'in olumu hadisesinde Taraf onyargili davrandi. Ve halen de davranmaya devam... 4841367844 girlofgordon 10/13/2009 1:39 PM Life is busy in #Kabul. Long hours, anticipation over election results and weather starting to cool. Not great at the moment. 4841284176 frankgaffney 10/13/2009 1:35 PM Check out Ben Lerner's new article Ambulance-chasing, from Kabul to Gaza 4841215546 denizoncu 10/13/2009 1:32 PM offf geldiler artık:S:S tak etti bu kadar dayanabilcekmişim demekki..:S:S kabul ediyorum özledim çook :S 4840818964 derfreitag_rss 10/13/2009 1:13 PM Com >> Fabio De Masi: Neues aus Toki0 und Kabul 4840637377 Khi 10/13/2009 1:05 PM Pakistan's Offensive, Afghanistan's Risk: KABUL, Oct 13 (IPS) - For generations, Pakistan's sout.. 4840592437 oyqboyq 10/13/2009 1:02 PM @bildano Onu kabul etmiş neyseki. :D 4840552195 bildano 10/13/2009 1:01 PM @oyqboyq Çok çok iğrenç bi durum kafayı yeme sebebi lan. Sadece çikolatayı kabul etti midem, onu da etmeseydi şaşardım zaten :p 4840013821 cansu_483 10/13/2009 12:36 PM @irem_483 iremcim salamin benim lafim oldugunu herkes bilio kabul et bunu ay sanki suc 1.siniflar gibi benim lafim kavgasi mo yapaz :S 4839935845 matt_domerofski 10/13/2009 12:32 PM Return of Looted Art Brings Hope to War-Weary Afghanistan- Visit a new exhibition in Kabul and see a selection of ... 4839783242 davidclinchCNN 10/13/2009 12:25 PM Rt @atiaabawi (CNN Kabul) Logging intv on 'Bacha Bazi'; a boy told us how he was kidnapped, raped and forced into this horrible practice... 4839439913 buybooksonline1 10/13/2009 12:09 PM [REUTERS]: Afghan frustration mounts over vote result delay: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan politicians on .. 4839396890 wcompanyportal 10/13/2009 12:07 PM [REUTERS]: Afghan frustration mounts over vote result delay: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan politicians on .. 4839270954 ReutersNews 10/13/2009 12:02 PM Reuters: Afghan frustration mounts over vote result delay: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan politicians on Tues.. 4839217949 zweitansage 10/13/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 4839187061 roulefx 10/13/2009 11:58 AM Afghan frustration mounts over vote result delay: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan politicians on Tuesday expressed fru.. 4838991883 Joeclor5 10/13/2009 11:49 AM Code Pink Returns From Kabul - At War Blog - Medea Benjamin, a founder of the .. 4838965436 Nogsinkabul 10/13/2009 11:48 AM so far:awesome landing into Kabul over incredible mountains and into a field of military helicopters. whisked around the Kabul press scene. 4838916643 william_eric 10/13/2009 11:46 AM We will not be intimidated by Kabul attack, says Tharoor - 4838768411 RepublicanBoss 10/13/2009 11:39 AM /CORRECTED REPEAT*/POLITICS: Pakistan's Offensive, Afghanistan's Risk: KABUL, Oct 13 (IPS) - For generati.. #tcot 4838643885 headlinenews 10/13/2009 11:34 AM IPS: /CORRECTED REPEAT*/POLITICS: Pakistan's Offensive, Afghanistan's Risk: KABUL, Oct 13 (IPS) - For gener.. 4838398910 bildano 10/13/2009 11:22 AM Karnım çok aç ama lanet midem hiçbir şeyi kabul etmiyor! Öff 4838075989 letheslostthing 10/13/2009 11:08 AM Interessante Schattenseitendoku über Soldaten und Auslandseinsätze "Papa kämpft in Kabul" (und Mama?) - 4838071837 DaLuvMan 10/13/2009 11:08 AM @holycanoli church & state could work together, instead of at odds. Benevolent dictatorship anyone? LOL dman-u can always move 2 Kabul, LOL 4837925549 UNjobs_water 10/13/2009 11:01 AM WASH Project Manager, Kabul, Solidarités @UNjobs #jobs 4837925203 UNjobs_Food 10/13/2009 11:01 AM WASH Project Manager, Kabul, Solidarités @UNjobs #jobs 4837880466 zweitansage 10/13/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 4837716613 WarriorBanker 10/13/2009 10:52 AM Well, so much for that. Watching a doc on the effort to rebuild the Kabul Zoo, think it happened in 2002? On Natl Geo channel. 4837457812 BNR_Nieuwsradio 10/13/2009 10:40 AM Karzai bijt van zich af: KABUL (ANP) - De Afghaanse president Hamid Karzai plaatst vraagtekens bij het onderzoe.. 4837455031 UNjobs_Climate 10/13/2009 10:40 AM Director of Facilities and Administration, Kabul, DAI @UNjobs #jobs 4837452978 reistweets 10/13/2009 10:40 AM Karzai bijt van zich af: KABUL (ANP) - De Afghaanse president Hamid Karzai plaatst vraagtekens bij het onderzoe.. 4837248014 UNjobs_Food 10/13/2009 10:30 AM Aviation Safety Inspector (Operations), Kabul, USAID @UNjobs #jobs 4837157979 reuterswire 10/13/2009 10:26 AM Afghan frustration mounts over vote result delay: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan politicians on Tuesday expressed fru.. 4837128680 fatma11 10/13/2009 10:25 AM Baykal sonunda Erdogan`la gorusmeyi kabul etmis ama bir sartla:) "gorusme kayda gececek" demis:)) 4836838049 mc_melocan 10/13/2009 10:11 AM @brkhn911 bryce larkin dediğin için kabul ediyorum :P ayrıca john casey'de öyle bi durum söz konusu değil gibi... 4836780233 rtsradio 10/13/2009 10:08 AM Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe - KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai's top challenger... 4836741402 sherryvanstone 10/13/2009 10:07 AM Watching Kabul Zoo Rescue on National Geographic Channel. Absolutely crushing. 4836740406 eagle903 10/13/2009 10:07 AM 5 th day in Kabul.She was living in 17th century in 2004 , now they came to 4836725556 RES911CUE 10/13/2009 10:06 AM Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe: KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai's top challenger .. 4836691039 doganburak 10/13/2009 10:04 AM yilmaz vural'in milli takım teknik direktorluk talebini kabul etsin federasyon, luuuuuuuuuutfeen 4836577185 zweitansage 10/13/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 4835753017 youthvoices 10/13/2009 9:21 AM I am still reading "West of Kabul, East of New York" because I am a very slow reader.This period.. 4835314137 youtomama0307 10/13/2009 9:00 AM @AtiaAbawi Good evening to you. how was in Kabul ? cold? if you have time, please tweet about "day of Kabul". and i pray u r being safe. 4835297263 zweitansage 10/13/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 4835033851 hurriyetavrupa 10/13/2009 8:46 AM spor - Kaybetmeyi kabul edemem: Fenerbahçeli futbolcu Diego Lugano, herkesin kıskanacağı bir performansla.. 4834585982 Fenerbahceorg 10/13/2009 8:23 AM Lugano Avrupa kupası istiyor!: Fenerbahçe'nin başarılı defans oyuncusu Diego Lugano, kaybetmeyi asla kabul etme.. 4834548017 asspress 10/13/2009 8:21 AM Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe: Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe: KABUL (AP) .. 4834494007 ilgiornale 10/13/2009 8:18 AM Kabul, Obama invia altri 13mila militari #news 4834471561 kafcamus 10/13/2009 8:17 AM cem uzan'ın esas vaadi "fransa beni kabul edecek"miş meğer: 4834298309 ztatyana 10/13/2009 8:07 AM @Annisaviolina asik hehe nanti aku taun depan abis uan langsung ijab kabul trs pas resepsi ka ninis nanyi ya hihihi gelooooooo! 4834288290 Heterodoxus 10/13/2009 8:07 AM 10/12/1879 British troops occupy Kabul, Afghanistan 4834264078 balcimahmut 10/13/2009 8:05 AM @ozdemirmusta turk futbolunun mustakbel patronu, TFFnin aydinlik yuzu mustafa, imparatorenin istifasini kabul ederken neler hissetti acaba?? 4834150730 zweitansage 10/13/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 4834075575 kymyky 10/13/2009 7:55 AM #DiPietro e #Belpietro indagati dalla procura di Roma per 'Offese a Napolitano': scudo fiscale e i caduti di Kabul. 4834065118 lailalarissa 10/13/2009 7:54 AM Ih kamyu kabul"an deh dali akyu, akyu kejal yaah? Cihuyy. Beibeh aim komingggg! HAHAHA RT @LiantyS: @lailalarissa nda mauu akh akyuu . a ... 4833784770 WilliamsJon 10/13/2009 7:38 AM Karzai: "The election was a victory for the Afghan people - don't turn a victory into a nightmare". But still no sign of a result from Kabul 4833723201 bobc_mass 10/13/2009 7:34 AM #homeland Undeterred India must help Kabul: ... by both the authorities in Kabul and US intelligence. .. 4833712370 haberbiz 10/13/2009 7:33 AM Yeni haber, "Ergenekoncu" sözü hakaret kabul edildi - 4833649568 rizgari_online 10/13/2009 7:30 AM Türk Diyaneti, Kürdçe vaaz talebini kabul etmedi! 4833188889 zweitansage 10/13/2009 7:00 AM Berlin: 14:00 | Brasília: 09:00 | Canberra: 22:00 | Kabul: 17:00 | Tokyo: 20:00 | Washington D.C.: 08:00 #world #time 4833153300 Tunch 10/13/2009 6:57 AM sabahın 7sinde pantalonumun içine arı girmesini kabul edebilirdim ama ne diye sokuyosun be kardeşim! ne derdin vardı... 4833063426 rtsradio 10/13/2009 6:51 AM Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe - KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai's top challenger... 4832957911 ozy_34 10/13/2009 6:43 AM daha bosna maçı öncesine kadar fatih hocayla 2012'ye kadar devam edicez deyip belçika maç sonrası tv'den istifayı kabul etmek neyin nesidir 4832919682 renkliyazi 10/13/2009 6:40 AM Fransa Cem Uzan'ın sığınma talebini kabul etmiş, yazık olacak Avrupa Birliği'ne de Fransa'ya da :) 4832763617 tusilencio 10/13/2009 6:29 AM @gelgelelim 3g gelse ne olur ki bartına? benim tlfnun bünyesi 3g falan kabul etmiyo, altı üstü bi devlet memuruyum ben ya:) 4832753281 bakotw 10/13/2009 6:28 AM Fatih Terim: Ben istifa ettim mi ki...: "Güven tazelemek" için istifa sinyali veren, ancak Özgener'in kabul' ha.. 4832676594 Jasbina 10/13/2009 6:22 AM Kabul Trip (02/09/2009) 4832650055 linksnews 10/13/2009 6:20 AM Notizen aus dem NATO-Protektorat: Afghanistan, Frühjahr 2009. Kabul. Sechs-Millionen-Stadt mit rund 500.000 Fah.. 4832639135 rizgari_online 10/13/2009 6:20 AM Barzani: Maliki’nin zorba kararını kabul etmeyeceğiz! 4832574012 galaca 10/13/2009 6:15 AM yani fazlası verilse kabul edicek::):))) 4832545659 derfreitag_rss 10/13/2009 6:12 AM Com >> Fabio De Masi: Neues aus Toki und Kabul 4832473528 _zombie__ 10/13/2009 6:07 AM Stardoll'da "CadilikOkulu Kabul Sahnes" sahnesini düzenledim. Tıkla ve izle! 4832452970 RES911CUE 10/13/2009 6:05 AM Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe: KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai's top challenger .. 4832448987 democratically 10/13/2009 6:05 AM @BDUTT This morning I tweeted to @svaradarajan : .............we are all an extended family from Dhaka to Kabul with BOLLYWOOD as MOTHER 4832448730 RES911CUE 10/13/2009 6:05 AM Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe: KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai's top challenger .. 4832380195 zweitansage 10/13/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 4832310893 corriereit 10/13/2009 5:54 AM «Armi non ammesse e cure gratuite» Medici senza Frontiere torna a Kabul: Nove guardie all'ingresso devono convi.. 4832265056 asspress 10/13/2009 5:50 AM Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe: Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe: KABUL (AP) .. 4832182529 m_insider 10/13/2009 5:43 AM Karzai challenger opens door to unity government: KABUL, Oct 13 — Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s main election.. 4831908760 redbullo 10/13/2009 5:19 AM «Armi non ammesse e cure gratuite» Medici senza Frontiere torna a Kabul: Nove guardie all'ingresso devono convi.. 4831892110 pangeaonlus 10/13/2009 5:18 AM Mandateci i vostro messaggi per Jamila. Scriveteli su Li porteremo a Kabul alle donne del progetto! 4831874495 PaginaNuova 10/13/2009 5:16 AM CORRIERE SERA - «Armi non ammesse e cure gratuite» Medici senza Frontiere torna a Kabul: Nove gu.. 4831792223 yucitek 10/13/2009 5:09 AM @fuldenkologlu, ben de ıssız bi adama arda'yım, ahah, taam bu çok igğrenç oldu kabul.. 4831690807 zweitansage 10/13/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 4831672933 pangeaonlus 10/13/2009 4:58 AM Stiamo per partire in visita al nostro progetto Jamila a Kabul. Seguite il viaggio sul blo 4831581629 Excalander 10/13/2009 4:49 AM - Afghanistan highway Kabul to Jalalabad 4831568686 LA_STAMPA 10/13/2009 4:48 AM "Obama invia 13mila soldati a Kabul" Ma non d� la comunicazione ufficiale: Lo rivela il Washington Post, che so.. 4831566174 PaginaNuova 10/13/2009 4:48 AM LA STAMPA - "Obama invia 13mila soldati a Kabul" Ma non d� la comunicazione ufficiale: Lo rivela il .. 4831159498 bolbol_gundem 10/13/2009 4:09 AM Okkır iddianamesi kabul edildi 4831119778 RES911CUE 10/13/2009 4:05 AM Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe: KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai's top challenger .. 4831118266 RES911CUE 10/13/2009 4:05 AM Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe: KABUL (AP) -- Afghan President Hamid Karzai's top challenger .. 4831056031 zweitansage 10/13/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 4830772091 RivaFrancesco 10/13/2009 3:33 AM militare di kabul) 4830711898 MyhostingComTr 10/13/2009 3:27 AM Woopra artık davetiyesiz yeni üye kabul ediyormuş.Gerçi site eklemek için hala davetiye koduna ihtiyaç var. 4830698267 kayakerim 10/13/2009 3:26 AM Ey kabul heyeti, geleceksen masaya üç defa vuuuur... 4830634781 asspress 10/13/2009 3:20 AM Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe: Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe: KABUL (AP) .. 4830589675 Dizzedcom 10/13/2009 3:15 AM Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe: KABUL (AP) -- A campaign official for the runner-up in Afghan.. 4830508971 CORKY242 10/13/2009 3:08 AM RT @Cinematraxx: Kabul, wir drehen weiter 4830490191 Cinematraxx 10/13/2009 3:06 AM Kabul, wir drehen weiter 4830487399 RES911CUE 10/13/2009 3:06 AM Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe: KABUL (AP) -- A campaign official for the runner-up in Afghan.. 4830417245 zweitansage 10/13/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 4830401768 melikemu 10/13/2009 2:58 AM @mericcolak kabul mu etti redbull iş başvurunu :) 4830371839 medyafaresi 10/13/2009 2:55 AM Türkiye`yi MTV ödüllerinde kimin temsil edeceği belli oldu!: Avrupa`nın en büyük müzik ödül töreni olarak kabul.. 4830268427 SusanneDickmann 10/13/2009 2:45 AM If you do anything great today , please help my friend Martha in Kabul help them -Thank you. You can use paypal! 4830221644 123hearthealth 10/13/2009 2:41 AM Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe: KABUL (AP) -- A campaign official for the runner-up in Afghan.. 4830201345 nyt_arts 10/13/2009 2:39 AM Returned Artifacts Displayed in Kabul.. 4830185209 burcues 10/13/2009 2:38 AM başkan "televizyondan duyduğumuz istifayı kabul ediyoruz" dediğinde bu meselenin uzayacağı belliydi ama "istifa ettim mi?" ne demek oluyor? 4830135600 Nildogruoz 10/13/2009 2:33 AM Karakteri 5 para etmez insanlar, gerçekleri kabul etmezler, yüzlerine vurursan gerçekleri 'sen kötüsün' derler =) ezikler... 4829998390 gamzeatacan 10/13/2009 2:21 AM Bunu Msn'e ekleyin arkadaşlar ve titreşim gönderin. Gelen isteği kabul ettiğinizde... 4829961085 televideorai 10/13/2009 2:18 AM [dal mondo] USA:PIU'TRUPPE A KABUL MA SENZA ANNUNCIO view.jsp?id=652043&p=150 4829959674 televideorai 10/13/2009 2:18 AM [ultim'ora] Usa: più truppe a Kabul senza annuncio view.jsp?id=261&p=101 4829946330 burcues 10/13/2009 2:16 AM mezun olduğun okulun festivalinde konuşmacı olarak katılmayı kabül etmek,yaşlandığını anlayacağın günü kendin belirlemektir!!!hazır mıyım?!? 4829875892 bolbol_dunya 10/13/2009 2:11 AM Pyongyang, Güney Kore’nin görüşme teklifini kabul etti 4829822218 in_asia 10/13/2009 2:06 AM Afghan leader accused of meddling in fraud probe KABUL ? A campaign official for the runner-up in Afghanistan’s.. 4829739196 zweitansage 10/13/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 4829690657 fahadzuberi 10/13/2009 1:55 AM @AtiaAbawi wow it must b an amazing experience reporting in Kabul 4829657802 JenDelgadoCNN 10/13/2009 1:53 AM @AtiaAbawi 20C in Kabul.with a high of only 24. Enjoy 4829574069 democratically 10/13/2009 1:46 AM @svaradarajan Yet India should be alowed to play a bigger role as we are all an extended family from Dhaka to Kabul with BOLLYWOOD as MOTHER 4829553476 democratically 10/13/2009 1:45 AM @svaradarajan Yet India should be allowed to play a bigger role as we are all an extended family from Dhaka to Kabul with India as hub 4829508901 GreenMtnBoy359 10/13/2009 1:41 AM RT @AtiaAbawi Kabul is getting so cold... 4829500594 dwkgroningen 10/13/2009 1:41 AM Acht jaar in Afghanistan: KABUL - Op 7 oktober 2001 begon George Bush met zijn bombardementen op Afghanistan. H.. 4829493784 AtiaAbawi 10/13/2009 1:40 AM Kabul is getting so cold... 4829264604 whistlerscout 10/13/2009 1:23 AM Watched afgahn star tonight. Can someone give us a place to stay in Kabul. We are 4 family honest there in 3 weeks. Responds. 4829192456 Peettv 10/13/2009 1:18 AM Another delay in Kabul? Commission: confusion over the statistical methods could mean missing this week's end for announcing outcome. 4829183221 LTLV613 10/13/2009 1:18 AM RT @tvnewser: Richard Engel accepts continung coverage award. Thanks NBC colleagues. Roberts says Engel is now heading back to Kabul. 4828493129 sosyomat 10/13/2009 12:32 AM madam haymatlos: kabul ediyorum! sarı çiçek ağzımı bozdu: sordum sarı çiçeğe : an.. 4828082773 jessicashenking 10/13/2009 12:06 AM I am halfway through a great pregnancy now! Felt the baby move for the 2nd time while bouncing thru the pitted streets of Kabul yesterday. 4828070150 handy_k 10/13/2009 12:05 AM RT @filthysize: NY, I LOVE YOU is much better than PARIS, J'TAIME. I wonder how good KABUL, GET IN THE KITCHEN will be. 4828063084 varalu 10/13/2009 12:04 AM @varunkumar: @labnol: Remember the recent bombings in Kabul? Afgan. had requested for additional NATO troops. Stop linking it to Nobel. 4827945705 faonews 10/12/2009 11:58 PM [coverage] Kabul attack condemned: The UN Security Council has condemned in the strongest terms the s.. 4827899501 filthysize 10/12/2009 11:55 PM NY, I LOVE YOU is much better than PARIS, J'TAIME. I wonder how good KABUL, GET IN THE KITCHEN will be. 4827570948 GracielaGilbert 10/12/2009 11:36 PM We will not be intimidated by Kabul attack, says Tharoor - 4826793200 rizgari_online 10/12/2009 10:55 PM Nurettin Yılmaz: ‘Talabani federasyonu kabul etmişti’ 4826324539 VentiRed 10/12/2009 10:33 PM @nwitiuk pastor at Calvary chapel kabul 4825988534 williamswords 10/12/2009 10:18 PM We will not be intimidated by Kabul attack, says Tharoor - 4825399669 blogceiri 10/12/2009 9:52 PM Atentado em Kabul revive suspeitas sobre apoio paquistanês à insurgência afegã 4824781140 WORLDDAILYTIMES 10/12/2009 9:25 PM UN: 'Widespread Fraud' in Afghan Vote - AOL: KABUL (Oct. 11) -- The top U.N. official in Afghanistan on Sunday .. 4824632744 newsoverviews 10/12/2009 9:19 PM New Overview UN: ‘Widespread Fraud’ in Afghan Vote – AOL: KABUL (Oct. 11) -- The .. 4824529901 NisaNazri 10/12/2009 9:15 PM Semoga Allah kabul kan niat suci murni kami..My parents pn excited aku kan kawinn of corz sal rumah baru jua wer d events will b held =) 4824277186 dewirettob 10/12/2009 9:04 PM Lg ngapalin ijab kabul yaaaa :)? All the best!!! ~ RT @bayutemadja: belon apal oey.. kata2nya.. 4824246188 MauraHernandez 10/12/2009 9:03 PM Instant messaging w/my journo friend reporting in Afghanistan; he's telling me about what it's like when American convoys roll through Kabul 4823985744 KathyReuter 10/12/2009 8:52 PM Want to know more about Afghanistan? Read RoryStewart's 'The Places In Between': describes journey walking from Herat to Kabul. thanksErnie 4823800764 rizgari_online 10/12/2009 8:45 PM MIT resmi belgeyi kabul etti, üyeliğe ise yan çizdi 4823570952 musicoleman 10/12/2009 8:35 PM I've been on a #lilyallen music kick recently, and I cannot get enough of the song Kabul Shit --> 4823544118 julierastoll 10/12/2009 8:34 PM We will not be intimidated by Kabul attack, says Tharoor - 4822620727 FinanceJobUK 10/12/2009 7:56 PM #jobs 931 Aviation Safety Manager job in Kabul Afghanistan at Resource Planning Consultants Ltd #Tax #Manager 4822456226 BrianGansereit 10/12/2009 7:49 PM RT Suicide attack kills 17 outside Indian embassy in Kabul 4821818917 gvenespanol 10/12/2009 7:22 PM India: Ataques a la embajada india en Kabul: Publicado originalmente porRezwan · Traducido por Adriana Gut.. 4821749391 rizgari_online 10/12/2009 7:20 PM ABD-Irak güvenlik anlaşması kabul edildi 4821503776 TampaWebNet 10/12/2009 7:09 PM Evidence of fraud could force Afghan runoff vote (McClatchy Newspapers): McClatchy Newspapers - KABUL, Afghan.. 4821018011 newsbento 10/12/2009 6:48 PM Blitzbesuch in Afghanistan: Aussenminister Okada sprach in Kabul mit Präsident Karzai über Hilfe und schwieg üb.. 4820957555 cricketcrazzy 10/12/2009 6:45 PM Evidence of fraud could force Afghan runoff vote (McClatchy Newspapers): McClatchy Newspapers - KABUL, Afg.. 4820946191 ogulcans 10/12/2009 6:45 PM Sanal Yaşamın gerçekliğini kabul etmeyen, "sanal insanlar genelde sahtedir" cümlesini sarfeden , işin kötüsü hem... 4820922676 Jaineen 10/12/2009 6:44 PM Seeking a Finance Director to work in Kabul. #jobs #jobangels Pls RT 4820764345 FernandaJimena 10/12/2009 6:37 PM SHOW FLAMENCO URBANO QUARTA 16/10 22HRS KABUL RUA PEDRO TAQUES 124 TRAVESSA CONSOLAÇÃO 4820721506 danicaselli 10/12/2009 6:35 PM Pô Kabul, facilita ae pra nós! 4820469680 News1Now 10/12/2009 6:24 PM Evidence of fraud could force Afghan runoff vote (McClatchy Newspapers): McClatchy Newspapers - KABUL, Afgha.. 4820347583 emokidsloveme 10/12/2009 6:18 PM RT @tvnewser: Richard Engel accepts continung coverage award. Thanks NBC colleagues. Roberts says Engel is now heading back to Kabul. 4820341800 roomerholmes 10/12/2009 6:18 PM RT @tvnewser: Richard Engel accepts continung coverage award. Thanks NBC colleagues. Roberts says Engel is now heading back to Kabul. 4820340535 bruneifm 10/12/2009 6:18 PM World~ Homebody/Kabul [Snap Judgment] 4820322833 tvnewser 10/12/2009 6:17 PM Richard Engel accepts continung coverage award. Thanks NBC colleagues. Roberts says Engel is now heading back to Kabul. 4820177202 serhanozden 10/12/2009 6:11 PM şu masada bir kahve içip, birkaç sayfa kitap okuduktan sonra, ölebilirim pekala.. kabul. [pic] 4820159979 fotomops 10/12/2009 6:10 PM Airport Service: Over years the old man is working as cleaner at the Kabul Airport | Afghanistan 4819938076 bolbol_ekonomi 10/12/2009 6:00 PM Maliye teminatı kabul etmedi, Doğan'a haciz süreci başladı 4819758958 ArkinCalapalaa 10/12/2009 5:52 PM amerikada kütüphaneler varmış, sadece yeni yazarların dosyalarını kabul eden. doğru mu? editörler takılıyormuş. türkiyede de kurulsun yaa!.. 4819747421 taylor_owen 10/12/2009 5:51 PM RT @DougSaunders: Lone Afghan on the Kabul election fraud panel resigns, citing interference from Canada, USA, Nethds 4819346050 ArkinCalapalaa 10/12/2009 5:33 PM selma bana evlenme teklif etse ne derdim acaba? kabul etmezdim sanırım. eder miydim? ederdim ederdim. 4819332378 rachelejlee 10/12/2009 5:33 PM Homebody/Kabul [Snap Judgment] : [Kabul, October 12. Image via Getty] An Afghan girl is pictured in the old cit.. 4819312227 tony_lott 10/12/2009 5:32 PM We will not be intimidated by Kabul attack, says Tharoor - 4818872112 LibbySpencer 10/12/2009 5:11 PM Why OnTheGround investigating matters||RT @SteveHynd Code Pink Returns From Kabul w/ diff POV on ending occupation 4818611396 zweitansage 10/12/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 4818542541 MrCoopan 10/12/2009 4:56 PM 2 yaşında mensa'ya kabul etmişler - 4818399131 NYNewsOverview 10/12/2009 4:50 PM New York Resignation, confusion beset Afghan election recount – CJAD: KABUL, Afghanistan - Effort.. 4818221315 Transitionland 10/12/2009 4:42 PM Oh god, the landlords are talking in hushed tones about Legionnaire's disease getting into the water. WTF? Get me to Kabul, please! 4818106332 yusufkirkyasar 10/12/2009 4:36 PM ne bicim universitelere gidiyor insanlar,nasil kabul aliyorlar oyle yerlere su zavalli beynim anlamiyor,anlayamiyor...yazik lan bana! 4818091844 NewsSummaries 10/12/2009 4:36 PM Kabul airport suicide blast.. 4817942661 auliacipitdong 10/12/2009 4:29 PM @dimasbeckdong morning kak ^_ ^ semoga doa kk smlam utk hr ne, t'kabul y.. smga hr ne kk senang, sukses n senyuumm :) have a nice day kak 4817836054 MSF_Mexico 10/12/2009 4:24 PM Afganistán: MSF apoya una clínica distrital al este de Kabul: 4817514070 SteveHynd 10/12/2009 4:10 PM Code Pink Returns From Kabul Afghans "talked about responsible withdrawal" 4817291244 zweitansage 10/12/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 4817278449 nakreskara 10/12/2009 3:59 PM Allahım!Doymak bilmeyen nefisten, huşu olmayan kalbden faidesiz namazdan, kabul olmayan duadan,gam ve göğüs darlığından sana sığınırım 4817044643 BenjaminJames92 10/12/2009 3:48 PM kabul shit 4816852622 TravelNewsFeeds 10/12/2009 3:39 PM trip advice Code Pink Returns From Kabul: New York Times By James Dao With the debate over what to d.. 4816652833 Cihankaan 10/12/2009 3:30 PM Ariana Delawari's "Lion of Panjshir" is a psychedelic folk journey from LA to Kabul via @arianadelawari #LionofPanjshir 4816611160 pa5fn 10/12/2009 3:28 PM Code Pink Returns From Kabul: The leaders of one anti-war group just back from Kabul offer this advice: Don't s.. 4816410065 USTalib 10/12/2009 3:18 PM Code Pink Returns From Kabul - New York Times 4816181112 RES911CUE 10/12/2009 3:08 PM Problems beset Afghan vote recount: KABUL (AP) -- Efforts to resolve Afghanistan's fraud-marred presidential el.. 4816153007 comonews 10/12/2009 3:06 PM Afghanistan now at a turning point- Kabul, February 1970. I arrived in Afghanistan after three years in Southeast ... 4816135121 nytimesatwar 10/12/2009 3:06 PM Code Pink Returns From Kabul 4816005480 zweitansage 10/12/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 4815956705 gurgumlu 10/12/2009 2:57 PM gündelik hayattan nefret ediyorum galiba, öyle yorucu ve yıpratıcı ki... insanlar böyle yaşamayı nasıl kabul ediyor... 4815773886 123hearthealth 10/12/2009 2:49 PM Problems beset Afghan vote recount: KABUL (AP) -- Efforts to resolve Afghanistan's fraud-marred presidential el.. 4815702565 Dizzedcom 10/12/2009 2:46 PM Problems beset Afghan vote recount: KABUL (AP) -- Efforts to resolve Afghanistan's fraud-marred presidential el.. 4815269875 laysaelias 10/12/2009 2:23 PM @_brub AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, obrigaada. Bruu, vc foi no kabul ontem? 4815268475 asspress 10/12/2009 2:23 PM Problems beset Afghan vote recount: Problems beset Afghan vote recount: KABUL (AP) — Efforts to resolve Afghani.. 4815228831 roadtechs_o 10/12/2009 2:21 PM MEP ENGINEERS FOR KABUL AND NY BRUCE ROSEN Multi-Discipline Engineer familiar with the design and construction of m 4815225611 roadtechs_p 10/12/2009 2:21 PM MEP ENGINEERS WITH SECRET KABUL /NYC BRUCE ROSEN Multi-Discipline Engineer familiar with the design and construction o 4815054512 hrn 10/12/2009 2:09 PM Gelen ilk çıkma teklifini kabul edicem.Hızlı olan kazanır :P Neden mi bugün gördüğüm her 3 ikiliden 2 si el eleydi diğerleri zaten iki kızdı 4815038267 Neslosh 10/12/2009 2:08 PM Cem Uzan Fransa'ya sığınmış... Kıprıs sen de beni kabul et...Pajalutsa, pliiis, bitte, sil vous plait... 4814983685 india_live 10/12/2009 2:05 PM ISI is behind attack on Indian Mission: Kabul tells New Delhi 4814891879 zweitansage 10/12/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 4814734453 NewsCalifornia 10/12/2009 1:51 PM California Problems beset Afghan vote recount – Atlanta Journal Constitution: KABUL — Efforts t.. 4814704818 roshanherat 10/12/2009 1:49 PM Thinking of how the people in Herat pursue their demands from the Central Government in Kabul 4814551081 haberbiz 10/12/2009 1:40 PM Yeni haber, Okkır iddianamesi kabul edildi - 4814461593 guidobesponja 10/12/2009 1:35 PM KSKRock 101.9 ya me hizo olvidar a la Kabul. Mas info en: 4814360496 greychampion 10/12/2009 1:29 PM newStream ©: India hints at Pakistan link to Kabul embassy blast « Right Sided ... 4814044149 RES911CUE 10/12/2009 1:10 PM Problems beset Afghan vote recount: KABUL (AP) -- Efforts to resolve Afghanistan's fraud-marred presidential el.. 4813893364 multikultur 10/12/2009 1:02 PM Bundeswehr small arms given to Afghan army traded on black market in Kabul - get a Walther P1 for $1,600 4813883236 27Clouds 10/12/2009 1:01 PM Despite violence, kite flying endures in Kabul 4813651970 Aycammm 10/12/2009 12:48 PM @tunix sorma yaa pcspim diye bir program var vista kabul etmiyor ya xp ya da ubuntu yukleyecektim ubuntu vardi ona yukledm bende napim=) 4813607338 itsjustenough 10/12/2009 12:45 PM Maulavi Mustafa Barakzai, Afghan Member Of Panel Investigating Election Fraud, Resigns: KABUL — One of.. 4813518986 OlcayUnalSert 10/12/2009 12:40 PM BAYKAL MEKTUP'LA ERDOĞAN'IN RANDEVUSUNU KABUL ETTİ 4813414376 ismailsancak 10/12/2009 12:34 PM @ismetberkan öldürdüğünü kabul edip efendice özür dileyen bir merci yok.. asıl meselemiz budur bence.. 4813351745 TransAlchemy2 10/12/2009 12:31 PM Maulavi Mustafa Barakzai, Afghan Member Of Panel Investigating Election Fraud, Resigns: KABUL — One of th.. 4813334027 lizva 10/12/2009 12:30 PM kabul restaurant review: Los Amigos. the calamari appetizer was incredible. as was banana split and chocolate mousse. paella entree was ok. 4813268924 irlandayolcusu 10/12/2009 12:26 PM rachel evlenseydi,ross boşanmasaydı,monica şişman kalsaydı,joey diziden çıkarılmasaydı,chandler istifa etseydi,phoebe hisseyi kabul etseydi. 4813255863 1SupremeGoddess 10/12/2009 12:25 PM RT @leahita: War of the Worlds: London, 1898; Kabul, 2009: On How Alien Invaders & Occupiers Must Be Perceived! Def read! 4812989080 yunitaharada 10/12/2009 12:11 PM Stres. Jalan2 aja men RT @ceasyalyathr: aku nyesel putus smVANDRO! kangenVANDRO! pengen balikan sm VANDRO! aaaaaa kabul 4812987216 buybooksonline1 10/12/2009 12:11 PM [REUTERS]: Watchdog alters Afghan recount rules, member quits: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's electi.. 4812949263 wcompanyportal 10/12/2009 12:08 PM [REUTERS]: Watchdog alters Afghan recount rules, member quits: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's electi.. 4812944227 WAGNERGIRLE 10/12/2009 12:08 PM RT @leahita: War of the Worlds: London, 1898; Kabul, 2009: On How Alien Invaders & Occupiers Must Be Perceived! Def read! 4812858317 ReutersNews 10/12/2009 12:03 PM Reuters: Watchdog alters Afghan recount rules, member quits: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election w.. 4812785974 zweitansage 10/12/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 4812775687 OTentador 10/12/2009 11:59 AM odeiobrasilia: @OTentador Morar em DF realmente é perto do inferno...será que Kabul consegue ser pior? | Não, lá não tem o Lula! 4812500524 newszilla 10/12/2009 11:44 AM [UPI] Afghan judge quits complaints panel: KABUL, Afghanistan, Oct. 12 (UPI) -- The resignation of a key m.. 4812479889 haberportal 10/12/2009 11:43 AM Okkir iddianamesi kabul edildi 4812397459 emimitosis 10/12/2009 11:39 AM Afghanistan is now so dangerous that many aid workers cannot leave Kabul: 4812377424 Nisaarchie 10/12/2009 11:38 AM makes me feel Better :) Makasih ya Allah SWT ,atas semua doa2 ku yg Engkau kabul kan,Amin :) 4812332130 vedatkorkut 10/12/2009 11:35 AM yahoyt cemiyetine kabul edildim =) 4812332137 odeiobrasilia 10/12/2009 11:35 AM @OTentador Morar em DF realmente é perto do inferno, pelo conjunto da obra.. será que Kabul consegue ser pior? 4812106861 planetrussell 10/12/2009 11:24 AM - Bunker? THIS is a bunker: Hole #8 on PSU's White Course, 10/11/09. Looks like the Kabul Golf Club...or maybe ... 4812104284 rtsradio 10/12/2009 11:24 AM Afghan member of panel investigating vote resigns - KABUL (AP) -- One of the two Afghans on a U.N.-backed commi... 4812059853 planetrussell 10/12/2009 11:22 AM Meet the bunker to end all bunkers: Hole #8 on Penn State's White Course, Sunday. Looks like Kabul... Oorah! 4812003945 shimaildaud 10/12/2009 11:20 AM October has been a bad month for AfPak attacks: Kamdesh, World Food Program, Indian embassy in Kabul, Peshawar market, Rawalpindi, Shangla 4811995336 lubeayar 10/12/2009 11:19 AM Doğan Grubu'nun teminatının kabul edilmediği açıklandı.. Borsa kapandıktan sonra ihtiyati haciz işlemleri başlatılmış... kara pazartesi mi? 4811918177 AfPakChannel 10/12/2009 11:16 AM October has been a bad month for AfPak attacks: Kamdesh, World Food Program, Indian embassy in Kabul, Peshawar market, Rawalpindi, Shangla 4811842195 RES911CUE 10/12/2009 11:12 AM Afghan member of panel investigating vote resigns: KABUL (AP) -- One of the two Afghans on a U.N.-backed commis.. 4811667782 headlinenews 10/12/2009 11:04 AM Reuters: Watchdog alters Afghan recount rules: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election watchdog change.. 4811645729 reuters_de 10/12/2009 11:03 AM Nato-Generalsekretär stärkt UN-Vertretung in Kabul den Rücken 4811577375 zweitansage 10/12/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 4811245383 roycunningham 10/12/2009 10:44 AM Kites in Kabul 4811137030 tweetvlg 10/12/2009 10:39 AM RT @trcbpaknews: Linkages Between Peshawar & Kabul Blasts 4811087996 mg_politics 10/12/2009 10:37 AM Afghan member of panel investigating vote resigns: KABUL -One of the two Afghans on a U.N.-backed commission lo.. 4811064242 tagesschau_rss 10/12/2009 10:36 AM Bundeswehrwaffen: Verteidigungsministerium dementiert Schwarzhandel: Das Verteidigungsministerium in Kabul hat .. 4810981433 rssmuc 10/12/2009 10:32 AM Bundeswehrwaffen: Verteidigungsministerium dementiert Schwarzhandel: Das Verteidigungsministerium in Kabul hat .. 4810963996 news89 10/12/2009 10:31 AM Bundeswehrwaffen: Verteidigungsministerium dementiert Schwarzhandel: Das Verteidigungsministerium in Kabul hat .. 4810605715 celebtown 10/12/2009 10:15 AM UN official says ‘widespread fraud’ in Afghan vote: Associated Press Writers= KABUL (AP) 4810587290 irlandayolcusu 10/12/2009 10:14 AM rachel evlenseydi,ross boşanmasaydı,monica hamile kalsaydı,joey diziden çıkarılmasaydı,chandler istifa etseydi,phoebe hisseyi kabul etseydi. 4810534850 BennyHollywood 10/12/2009 10:12 AM UN official says ‘widespread fraud’ in Afghan vote: Associated Press Writers= KABUL (AP) 4810533782 CRFranke 10/12/2009 10:12 AM War be damned: The simple and lovely art of kite flying in Kabul | #kiteflying #Kabul 4810500504 rtsradio 10/12/2009 10:10 AM Afghan member of panel investigating vote resigns - KABUL (AP) -- One of the two Afghans on a U.N.-backed commi... 4810411151 RES911CUE 10/12/2009 10:06 AM Afghan member of panel investigating vote resigns: KABUL (AP) -- One of the two Afghans on a U.N.-backed commis.. 4810253390 zweitansage 10/12/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 4809806950 daledyer 10/12/2009 9:39 AM Afghan resigns from Electoral Complaints Commission: KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- One of five members of the Ele.. 4809596138 htayyar 10/12/2009 9:29 AM google adwords şartlarını yenilemiş okuyup kabul ettiniz mi bari 4809172823 RES911CUE 10/12/2009 9:09 AM Afghan member of panel investigating vote resigns: KABUL (AP) -- One of the two Afghans on a U.N.-backed commis.. 4809165911 RES911CUE 10/12/2009 9:08 AM Afghan member of panel investigating vote resigns: KABUL (AP) -- One of the two Afghans on a U.N.-backed commis.. 4809029299 I_exist_thru_u 10/12/2009 9:02 AM UN official says 'widespread fraud' in Afghan vote: Associated Press Writers= KABUL (AP) — The head of .. 4808988667 zweitansage 10/12/2009 9:00 AM Berlin: 16:00 | Brasília: 11:00 | Canberra: 00:00 | Kabul: 19:00 | Tokyo: 22:00 | Washington D.C.: 10:00 #world #time 4808966355 DougSaunders 10/12/2009 8:58 AM Lone Afghan on the Kabul election fraud panel resigns, citing interference from Canada, USA, Netherlands. 4808921423 Purnas 10/12/2009 8:56 AM Grandes curros, oficial de quejas en Kabul RT @UNjobs: Complaints Officer, Kabul #jobs 4808919869 UNjobs 10/12/2009 8:56 AM Gender and Justice Specialist, Kabul #jobs 4808842081 BookmarkingNet 10/12/2009 8:52 AM News Watchdog alters Afghan recount rules, member quits: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election watchdog .. 4808785250 ertanfunda 10/12/2009 8:49 AM Gaziantep'e gidiyorum. Dost ve arkadaşların siparişleri kabul edilmektedir... 4808711411 YahooNoticias 10/12/2009 8:45 AM Renuncia miembro de panel investigador de elecciones afganas: KABUL (AP) - Uno de los dos afganos que participa.. 4808648937 favianpua 10/12/2009 8:41 AM says Lily Allen - Kabul Shit (music) 4808587644 Adydevil 10/12/2009 8:38 AM @trcbpaknews "Linkages Between Peshawar & Kabul Blasts" Pak. always finds links..... 4808401525 UNjobs 10/12/2009 8:28 AM Women Economic Rights and Security Unit Manager, Kabul #jobs 4808297286 stewartupton 10/12/2009 8:22 AM The standup of the ISAF Joint Command took place at 5 p.m. local Kabul time (0830 ET). 4808232456 UNjobs 10/12/2009 8:18 AM Special Funds Coordinator, Kabul #jobs 4808206335 carbuff06 10/12/2009 8:16 AM Afghanistan: Making money in Kabul markets 4808168799 Edgar_Rodriguez 10/12/2009 8:14 AM RT @newmediajim: Watching my colleague Jim Miklasiewski LIVE from Kabul on MSNBC 4808110273 trcbpaknews 10/12/2009 8:11 AM Linkages Between Peshawar & Kabul Blasts 4808080114 newmediajim 10/12/2009 8:09 AM Watching my colleague Jim Miklasiewski LIVE from Kabul on MSNBC 4808047450 rtsradio 10/12/2009 8:07 AM Afghan member of panel investigating vote resigns - KABUL (AP) -- One of the two Afghans on a U.N.-backed commi... 4808025926 ctbritt 10/12/2009 8:05 AM Despite violence, kite flying endures in Kabul – 4808011241 LaConsuelo 10/12/2009 8:05 AM REALLY????? Complaints Officer (Complaints Office, Ministry of Finance), Kabul #jobs (RT @UNJobs) 4807980873 IzzyGreyling 10/12/2009 8:03 AM Good News From Afghanistan (source: Concierge): The National Museum in Kabul, which has lost 70 percent of its .. 4807945645 lovinben 10/12/2009 8:01 AM Just posted my review of Kabul 24 a must read for anyone who loves a great story of adventure! 4807945089 RFK_ 10/12/2009 8:01 AM @olcayozkan 808s ise seve seve kabul edilir :) 4807923145 zweitansage 10/12/2009 8:00 AM Berlin: 15:00 | Brasília: 10:00 | Canberra: 23:00 | Kabul: 18:00 | Tokyo: 21:00 | Washington D.C.: 09:00 #world #time 4807909362 UNjobs 10/12/2009 7:59 AM Complaints Officer (Complaints Office, Ministry of Finance), Kabul #jobs 4807901731 RES911CUE 10/12/2009 7:58 AM Afghanistan: Analysis - Afghan health NGOs - a mixed blessing?: KABUL, 12 October 2009 (IRIN) - Funded by inter.. 4807866253 danielking100 10/12/2009 7:56 AM Saw most of Kabul, Afghanistan today. In a land torn apart by war, there is new hope! 4807621605 de_volkskrant 10/12/2009 7:40 AM [14:00] Afghaan stapt uit kiescommissie: KABUL - Een Afghaanse rechter is maandag uit de kiescommissie g.. 4807242476 issuesfirst 10/12/2009 7:14 AM Indian statement on Kabul embassy bomb meek compared to Afghanistan's. No wonder foreigners--terrorists, media, et al--take us for granted 4807138081 RES911CUE 10/12/2009 7:06 AM Afghan member of panel investigating vote resigns: KABUL (AP) -- One of the two Afghans on a U.N.-backed commis.. 4807130920 RES911CUE 10/12/2009 7:05 AM Afghan member of panel investigating vote resigns: KABUL (AP) -- One of the two Afghans on a U.N.-backed commis.. 4807059497 roulefx 10/12/2009 7:00 AM Watchdog alters Afghan recount rules, member quits: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election watchdog changed i.. 4806992527 reuterswire 10/12/2009 6:55 AM Watchdog alters Afghan recount rules, member quits: KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's election watchdog changed i.. 4806885923 BrevardC4L 10/12/2009 6:46 AM War of the Worlds: London, 1898; Kabul, 2009 by Tom Engelhardt how alien invaders & occupiers must b perceived 4806804817 swatcrisis 10/12/2009 6:40 AM #swat War of the Worlds: London, 1898; Kabul, 2009 - Prison 4806798460 swagattt 10/12/2009 6:39 AM Pork products are illegal in Afghanistan and the country's only known pig lives in a Kabul zoo. #trivia 4806796734 dweleling 10/12/2009 6:39 AM is enjoying the switch from Summer to Fall in Kabul 4806713140 tkaracan 10/12/2009 6:32 AM En kabul edilebilir olumcul hastalik su olabilirdi; `kaskose` Vucuttaki kaslarin gittikce siserek kisinin... 4806672109 whitney_05od 10/12/2009 6:29 AM working my azz off in kabul Afghanistan.......R&R time coming soon... daughter is graduating and daddy cannot miss it..... 4806571077 theopolitico 10/12/2009 6:20 AM [Via IW] War of the Worlds: London, 1898; Kabul, 2009: An unremarkable paragraph in a piece in my homet.. 4806502252 strickvl 10/12/2009 6:14 AM In Kabul on my way to London... next stop Dubai... 4806383442 ravikarthik 10/12/2009 6:03 AM Whoa we now have India backed Hindu Taliban that bombs own indian embassy in Kabul to malign ISI . Stunning! 4806333835 zweitansage 10/12/2009 6:00 AM Berlin: 13:00 | Brasília: 08:00 | Canberra: 21:00 | Kabul: 16:00 | Tokyo: 19:00 | Washington D.C.: 07:00 #world #time 4806329902 dendyamarillo 10/12/2009 5:59 AM Ih bener rey kan biar icap kabul kita lancar tau RT @rayraynaldi: boong abis nih orang haha RT @safzo: ngakak yuk guys! RT @dendyamarill ... 4806178097 fightingtyranny 10/12/2009 5:45 AM Afghan Outlook Bleak as Taliban Grabs Territory: Monday, October 12, 2009 AP KABUL — Editors' Note: Associate.. 4805981657 GRNLive 10/12/2009 5:27 AM Islamabad, Sao Paulo, Milan, Kabul, New York, Paris, Manila - 4805968906 vdgrl 10/12/2009 5:26 AM @beduken hiç de tebrik etmiyorum ben. manga nedir yahu?! zevkini rengini kabul etmiyorum işte; müzik değil o çocukların yaptığı şey. 4805847494 filterednews 10/12/2009 5:14 AM Okada makes a surprise visit to Kabul to discuss aid policy | The Japan Times Online 4805791555 gercekgundem 10/12/2009 5:09 AM Türk insanı kabuğuna çekilip eskiden beri radikal olan neslini kaybetti.Artık yeni nesil çok farklı kabul edilmiyor bu 4805781687 gercekgundem 10/12/2009 5:08 AM İnsanlar kendileri sorun olduğun da kabul etmezler ama başkalarına bir şey oldumu delisin derler 4805771708 Useful_Info 10/12/2009 5:07 AM Afghanistan: Making money in Kabul markets 4805747511 gercekgundem 10/12/2009 5:04 AM Ama kimse psikolojik sorunları olduğunu kabul etmiyor.Oysa davranışlar sorunların olduğu yönün de 4805733343 reutersseanm 10/12/2009 5:03 AM 2day from kabul is again abt the result of the Aug 20 election. That's rt - the vote was nearly 2 months ago. Still checking dodgy ballots 4805691844 rizgari_online 10/12/2009 5:00 AM PKK de,hatalarını, insanlığa karşı işlenen suçlardaki payını kabul edecek! 4805691732 uppaljs 10/12/2009 5:00 AM What's up with the traffic rush on #kabul paghman road?? Stuck in traffic for the last 30 minutes :( 4805691435 zweitansage 10/12/2009 5:00 AM Berlin: 12:00 | Brasília: 07:00 | Canberra: 20:00 | Kabul: 15:00 | Tokyo: 18:00 | Washington D.C.: 06:00 #world #time 4805641745 teluguwave 10/12/2009 4:54 AM Obama calls PM Manmohan to express concern over Kabul attack 4805456522 devinadev 10/12/2009 4:36 AM Wuaakakaa gpplah ini kan cm ke gambir ϑ ajak om kabul naik kpala kreta aku sneng bgt!! Hahaha RT @DJHaneul: @devinadev ... 4805455911 bruneifm 10/12/2009 4:36 AM World~ JAPANESE FOREIGN MINISTER OKADA PLEDGES SUPPORT FOR AFGHANISTAN ON SURPRISE VISIT TO KABUL 4805439848 trf1net 10/12/2009 4:34 AM Trulli, Lotus Olasılığını Kabul Etti: Jarno Trulli, Malezyalı sahiplerin takımı yeni Lotus'a geçme ihimali.. 4805425939 reutersseanm 10/12/2009 4:33 AM but i have blogged from kabul already, at 4805408890 reutersseanm 10/12/2009 4:31 AM and I will figure out how to load my avatar photo shortly. connection from kabul not so robust that i can do it quickly 4805354104 reutersseanm 10/12/2009 4:26 AM and now trying out twitter again, this time from kabul, where i am visiting our bureau, doing some stories and blogging 4805289865 thumsgo 10/12/2009 4:19 AM テントの教室、黒板のない学校 アフガニスタン: 【10月12日 AFP】アフガニスタンの首都カブール(Kabul)市内のある学校では校舎や教材が満足に揃わず、テントで作った教室や、窓や暖房のない教室で、3500人の子供たち.. 4805272632 mysarawak 10/12/2009 4:18 AM Ancient art brings new hope for Afghanistan: KABUL: In his spacious office at the National Museum of Afghanista.. 4805189591 GuantanamoAndy 10/12/2009 4:10 AM A Letter From Afghanistan: Bagram, Afghan suffering and the futility of war - from a correspondent in Kabul: 4805138222 RES911CUE 10/12/2009 4:05 AM Afghanistan: UN-backed fraud panel member resigns: KABUL (AP) -- A member of a U.N.-backed panel set up to inve.. 4805089471 stewartupton 10/12/2009 4:01 AM Gen. Rodriguez at the 'National Day' Ceremony for Spainish forces here at Kabul Airport 4805076386 zweitansage 10/12/2009 4:00 AM Berlin: 11:00 | Brasília: 06:00 | Canberra: 19:00 | Kabul: 14:00 | Tokyo: 17:00 | Washington D.C.: 05:00 #world #time 4805060605 aadiljamal 10/12/2009 3:58 AM I'm not interested in what happens in Kabul. i want to know whats being done about the Naxals. 4804996358 noujij 10/12/2009 3:51 AM Verenigde Staten verwachten meer van Karzai: KABUL (ANP) - De Verenigde Staten verwachten meer daden van de Afg.. 4804988510 nouwij 10/12/2009 3:51 AM Verenigde Staten verwachten meer van Karzai: KABUL (ANP) - De Verenigde Staten verwachten meer daden van de Afg.. 4804972846 vermistverloren 10/12/2009 3:49 AM Verenigde Staten verwachten meer van Karzai: KABUL (ANP) - De Verenigde Staten verwachten meer daden van de Afg.. 4804872290 Kangenwaterhelp 10/12/2009 3:40 AM Public Health Ministry: 66% Afghans suffering from psychological problems: KABUL, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- Surveys c.. 4804658987 hot_world_news 10/12/2009 3:20 AM News: Obama Concerned Over Embassy Attack In Kabul: White House 4804444034 zweitansage 10/12/2009 3:00 AM Berlin: 10:00 | Brasília: 05:00 | Canberra: 18:00 | Kabul: 13:00 | Tokyo: 16:00 | Washington D.C.: 04:00 #world #time 4804133559 Africabiz 10/12/2009 2:31 AM U.N. official admits Afghan vote fraud: KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- The top United Nations official in Afghanis.. 4803993938 newsoverviews 10/12/2009 2:18 AM New Overview Obama Concerned Over Embassy Attack In Kabul: White House – RTT News: (RTTNews) .. 4803985762 Africabiz 10/12/2009 2:17 AM U.N. official admits Afghan vote fraud: KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- The top United Nations official in Afghanis.. 4803963423 Jembcotech 10/12/2009 2:15 AM U.N. official admits Afghan vote fraud: KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- The top United Nations official in Afghanis.. 4803961187 madeinafrika 10/12/2009 2:15 AM U.N. official admits Afghan vote fraud: KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- The top United Nations official in Afghanis.. 4803901113 reistweets 10/12/2009 2:10 AM Verenigde Staten verwachten meer van Karzai: KABUL (ANP) - De Verenigde Staten verwachten meer daden van de Afg.. 4803777609 zweitansage 10/12/2009 2:00 AM Berlin: 09:00 | Brasília: 04:00 | Canberra: 17:00 | Kabul: 12:00 | Tokyo: 15:00 | Washington D.C.: 03:00 #world #time 4803713946 WORLDDAILYTIMES 10/12/2009 1:54 AM Obama Concerned Over Embassy Attack In Kabul: White House - RTT News: (RTTNews) - U.S. President Barack Obama h.. 4803709372 FinanceJobUK 10/12/2009 1:54 AM #jobs 1004 Configuration Manager job in Kabul Afghanistan at Resource Planning Consul.. #Financial #Services 4803705686 gundelizer 10/12/2009 1:53 AM Afghan election announcement expected within days: KABUL: Afghanistan's electoral authorities are ex.. #CNewsAsia 4803665419 asspress 10/12/2009 1:50 AM UN chief acknowledges fraud in Afghan vote: UN chief acknowledges fraud in Afghan vote: KABUL (AP) — The top U... 4803611511 TheBuGz 10/12/2009 1:46 AM Pakistan's Offensive, Afghanistan's Risk: KABUL, Oct 12 (IPS) - For generations, Pakistan's sout.. 4803576794 AddledObserver 10/12/2009 1:43 AM RT @leahita War of the Worlds: London, 1898; Kabul, 2009: On How Alien Invaders & Occupiers Must Be Perceived! Def read! //! 4803526552 ScoutJennings 10/12/2009 1:39 AM RT @leahita: War of the Worlds: London, 1898; Kabul, 2009: On How Alien Invaders & Occupiers Must Be Perceived! Def read! 4803495844 TheInfoSage 10/12/2009 1:36 AM News Updates: Top UN official admits to fraud-tainted election in Afghanistan: Kabul, Oct.12 (ANI).. 4803432131 BrandNewWelt 10/12/2009 1:31 AM Galbraith forces the UN to admit they lied, just to support the mayor of Kabul #afghanistan #electionfraud 4803316829 girlofgordon 10/12/2009 1:22 AM Might have been a bad idea to drink Desperados last night #Kabul 4803284263 AZNews0verviews 10/12/2009 1:20 AM Flash Afghan vote fraud ‘widespread’ – KABUL, Afghanistan - The top U.N. .. 4803253248 TheGreatEmperor 10/12/2009 1:18 AM Another Indian embassy blast at Kabul and what does India do? India is a weak state! 4803252348 FilSG 10/12/2009 1:17 AM CNA - Afghan election announcement expected within days: KABUL: Afghanistan's electoral authorities are ex.. 4803248246 FilSG 10/12/2009 1:17 AM CNA - Afghan election announcement expected within days: KABUL: Afghanistan's electoral authorities are ex.. 4803208770 DCNewsFeed 10/12/2009 1:14 AM Business Section... U.N. Official Says He Did Not Ignore Afghan Fraud : KABUL, Oct. 11 -- T.. 4803109263 saritoteles 10/12/2009 1:07 AM ngomongin ijab kabul w/ @andineeeayu @mandautami @musfiandini @chrysantiriskia @mrwatzon @yolaaand dkk 4803067078 Khi 10/12/2009 1:04 AM Pakistan's Offensive, Afghanistan's Risk: KABUL, Oct 12 (IPS) - For generations, Pakistan's sout.. 4802963408 VeraSoldMyHouse 10/12/2009 12:57 AM RT @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 4802912210 okbreakingnews 10/12/2009 12:53 AM WorldNews POLITICS: Pakistan's Offensive, Afghanistan's Risk: kabul, oct 12 ips - for generations, pak.. 4802779085 sglatestnews 10/12/2009 12:44 AM #singapore #news Afghan election announcement expected within days: KABUL: Afghanistan's electoral authorities are expec 4802677802 RepublicanBoss 10/12/2009 12:36 AM POLITICS: Pakistan's Offensive, Afghanistan's Risk: KABUL, Oct 12 (IPS) - For generations, Pakistan's sou.. #tcot 4802667648 M1FineArt 10/12/2009 12:36 AM Afghan treasures restored to glory at Kabul museum 4802613304 headlinenews 10/12/2009 12:32 AM IPS: POLITICS: Pakistan's Offensive, Afghanistan's Risk: KABUL, Oct 12 (IPS) - For generations, Pakistan's .. 4802446793 Excalander 10/12/2009 12:21 AM - Sunset between Kabul & Jalalabad during our car trip 4802385311 nellysartika 10/12/2009 12:17 AM @jeanettehelmina kesel..! Doa nya cie dotulong k kabul again..kesel..!! 4802354485 misslonelyof3 10/12/2009 12:15 AM Blast near Indian Embassy in Kabul. 3 dead. 4802288466 newszilla 10/12/2009 12:11 AM [WP] U.N. Official Says He Did Not Ignore Afghan Fraud : KABUL, Oct. 11 -- The embattled head of the Unite.. 4802118345 JAPANTIMES 10/12/2009 12:01 AM Okada makes a surprise visit to Kabul to discuss aid policy 4801978397 Love_Japan 10/11/2009 11:52 PM Japan News: Okada pledges support for Afghanistan on surprise visit to Kabul - Thai News Agency MCOT 4801336552 lov3ny 10/11/2009 11:17 PM India hints at Pak link to Kabul attack - Chandigarh Tribune 4801092745 newsweb2x 10/11/2009 11:04 PM Obama calls Manmohan to express concern over Kabul attack. Lalit K Jha Washington, Oct 12 (PTI) American President 4801062691 ngngfrancis 10/11/2009 11:02 PM U.N. Official Says He Did Not Ignore Afghan Fraud : KABUL, Oct. 11 -- The embattled head of the United Nations.. 4800827225 HTTweets 10/11/2009 10:50 PM HT Edit: Our Take | The embassy attack in Kabul shouldn’t restrain us from working for the Afghans 4800613053 gamma 10/11/2009 10:40 PM [世界这一刻]Rescue workers recovered a body at the scene of a suicide bombing on Thursday in Kabul. The explosion left 17 dead and more tha ... 4800562352 lov3ny 10/11/2009 10:37 PM Obama expresses concern over Embassy attack in Kabul - Press Trust of India 4800453204 nikhilwad01 10/11/2009 10:32 PM Obama calls PM Manmohan Singh to express concern over Kabul attack! 4800080613 duyguemir 10/11/2009 10:14 PM ESSELAMU ALEYKÜM HAYIRLISABAHLAR...GÜNÜNÜZ HAYIRLARA GEBE OLSUN..DUALARINIZ KABUL GÜNAHLARINIZ AFFOLSUN..MELEKLER... 4799603287 rtsradio 10/11/2009 9:52 PM UN chief acknowledges fraud in Afghan vote - KABUL (AP) -- The top U.N. official in Afghanistan on Sunday ackno... 4799534324 warvideo 10/11/2009 9:49 PM Obama in text Obama concerned over Kabul attack - India Today: Obama concerned over Kabul attackIn.. 4799296527 jakriffer 10/11/2009 9:38 PM Obama concerned over Kabul attack: Obama, on whose invitation the Prime Minister is visiting Washington next mo.. 4799117516 MauraHernandez 10/11/2009 9:30 PM The internet connection in Kabul is really slow but he's trying to send me some photos. So amazing he is a world away--it's 7 am there. 4798952379 keepthemcurrent 10/11/2009 9:22 PM Another deadly attack on Indian Embassy in Kabul - ... 4798929403 Chazri 10/11/2009 9:21 PM Japan's Okada in Kabul, gives no clue on Afghan mission 4798802183 ITJobsTweet 10/11/2009 9:15 PM 1004 Configuration Manager job in Kabul Afghanistan at Resource Planning Consultants Ltd #Project #Manager 4798799107 MauraHernandez 10/11/2009 9:15 PM Feeling so relieved my dear journo friend who is in Afghanistan just checked in via instant message from Kabul 2 let me know he's safe 4798616020 Koseyazilari 10/11/2009 9:07 PM Ölümsüzlük bir gün mümkün olacak mı - Prof. Dr. Osman MÜFTÜOĞLU: Yeni binyılın en önemli “düşünce makinesi” kabul edilen 4798590620 zopag 10/11/2009 9:06 PM Kabul mission attack: Obama dials Manmohan 4798588015 uppaljs 10/11/2009 9:06 PM morning everyone, the temperature is dropping every day in #kabul 4798567338 RES911CUE 10/11/2009 9:05 PM UN chief acknowledges fraud in Afghan vote: KABUL (AP) -- The top U.N. official in Afghanistan on Sunday acknow.. 4798179263 RonPaul_2012 10/11/2009 8:47 PM War of the Worlds: London, 1898; Kabul, 2009 by Tom Engelhardt #tlot #RonPaul #tcot 4798017450 vipjapan 10/11/2009 8:39 PM Japan - Okada pledges support for Afghanistan on surprise visit to Kabul 4797990579 laysaelias 10/11/2009 8:38 PM quem vai no Kabul hojeee? 4797959332 MANADONEWS 10/11/2009 8:37 PM Pasukan AS, Afghanistan Serang Kompleks Al-Qaeda: KABUL--MI: Pasukan gabungan Amerika Serikat dan Afghanistan m.. 4797956582 MANADONEWS 10/11/2009 8:36 PM Pasukan AS, Afghanistan Serang Kompleks Al-Qaeda: KABUL--MI: Pasukan gabungan Amerika Serikat dan Afghanistan m.. 4797780343 votgloblSthAsia 10/11/2009 8:28 PM #Japan FM Okada makes a surprise visit to Kabul #Afghanistan to discuss aid policy 4797780023 voteglobal 10/11/2009 8:28 PM #Japan FM Okada makes a surprise visit to Kabul #Afghanistan to discuss aid policy 4797592218 inilahindonesia 10/11/2009 8:19 PM Kabul - Surya- Pemerintah Afghanistan kian cemas. Kekuatan kelompok Taliban bertambah dengan masuknya ribuan wa.. 4797270916 warvideo 10/11/2009 8:04 PM War in Text Kabul bomb aimed to influence US Afghan policy - Kuwait Times: Kabul bomb aimed to influ.. 4797075606 OctavianD 10/11/2009 7:55 PM RT @Zener39 RT @AfghanNews24 Kabul bomb aimed to influence US Afghan policy - Kuwait Times 4797053099 HomerWhite 10/11/2009 7:54 PM rt @Zener39 RT @AfghanNews24 Kabul bomb aimed to influence US Afghan policy - Kuwait Times 4797012309 Zener39 10/11/2009 7:52 PM RT @AfghanNews24 Kabul bomb aimed to influence US Afghan policy - Kuwait Times 4796937231 AfghanNews24 10/11/2009 7:48 PM Kabul bomb aimed to influence US Afghan policy - Kuwait Times 4796606296 blognew 10/11/2009 7:32 PM NECNNo easy answer in Afghan WarNECN(NECN/ABC: Kabul, Afghanistan) - In Washington the debate goes ... #easy 4796397762 Dawn_com 10/11/2009 7:21 PM [World News] Japanese FM on surprise visit to Kabul 4796384252 pakistaninews 10/11/2009 7:21 PM Kabul bomb aimed to influence US Afghan policy - Kuwait Times 4796353843 Daddony58 10/11/2009 7:19 PM RT @AfghanOldBlue: New COIN Library in Kabul needs books. pass it on! #militarymon #sot #military #cityofstgeorge 4796268965 Obama_Vids 10/11/2009 7:15 PM No easy answer in Afghan War: (NECN/ABC: Kabul, Afghanistan) - In Washington the debate goe.. #obama #gov #dc #VS 4796061995 RES911CUE 10/11/2009 7:04 PM UN chief acknowledges fraud in Afghan vote: KABUL (AP) -- The top U.N. official in Afghanistan on Sunday acknow.. 4796057966 RES911CUE 10/11/2009 7:04 PM UN chief acknowledges fraud in Afghan vote: KABUL (AP) -- The top U.N. official in Afghanistan on Sunday acknow.. 4795885430 FinanceJobUK 10/11/2009 6:56 PM #jobs 1004 Configuration Manager job in Kabul Afghanistan at Resource Planning Consultants Ltd #Tax #Manager 4795786339 TormentedOne 10/11/2009 6:50 PM R @slkbrooke: R @WOTN In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 4795620810 Transitionland 10/11/2009 6:42 PM That MSNBC piece contains some silly lines: "There are no bodies in the streets of Kabul." Ummmmm... @joshuafoust 4795524377 denizimin 10/11/2009 6:38 PM Güzel bir zeka ürünü kabul edlım..zaten bızımkılerın kafası boyle işlere işler..iyi yöntem tam halkın sevdığı şey..ruya, fal.. 4795481688 orhansencer 10/11/2009 6:35 PM "follow me!" yazıyorum kabul etmiyor twitter"her şey" kafayı yemiş 4795397808 saidnur 10/11/2009 6:31 PM "Asıl şeriatın meslek-i hakikîsi, hakikat-ı meşrutiyet-i meşruadır." Demek meşrutiyeti, delail-i şer'iye ile kabul... 4795360552 newsweb2x 10/11/2009 6:30 PM Two U.S. soldiers die while on patrol in Afghanistan. KABUL | An Afghan wearing a police uniform shot and killed tw http://www.kansascit ... 4795117842 Koseyazilari 10/11/2009 6:17 PM TÜRKİYE: Büyük devlet... Ardan ZENTÜRK: Kabul edelim, parmağımızın arkasına saklanmayalım: Zürih’te imzalanan Türkiye-E 4795104021 edward_dawson 10/11/2009 6:16 PM Obama calls PM Manmohan to express concern over Kabul attack: American President Barack Obama made a telephone .. 4795091886 Beanies4Baghdad 10/11/2009 6:16 PM @WOTN In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor Please can't we support them together. #militarymonday 4795054068 Beanies4Baghdad 10/11/2009 6:14 PM R @ @WOTN In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor Please can't we support them together. #militarymon 4795006320 Beanies4Baghdad 10/11/2009 6:11 PM R @slkbrooke RT @WOTN In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 4795003543 CLHunting 10/11/2009 6:11 PM RT @slkbrooke: RT @WOTN In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 4795003158 bolbol_dunya 10/11/2009 6:11 PM İşte Ermenilerin kabul etmediği Davutoğlu'nun konuşması 4794971365 hot_world_news 10/11/2009 6:10 PM Kabul Attack May Intensify India-Pakistan Proxy Battle - Washington Post 4794956141 slkbrooke 10/11/2009 6:09 PM RT @WOTN In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 4794686556 lsatren 10/11/2009 5:55 PM having the blue angels in town kinda gives you a taste of how it is to live in Kabul ( 4794668308 TOIWorldNews 10/11/2009 5:54 PM Obama calls PM Manmohan to express concern over Kabul attack: American... 4794667158 TOIRecentStory 10/11/2009 5:54 PM Obama calls PM Manmohan to express concern over Kabul attack: American... 4794629670 Mahtwitta 10/11/2009 5:52 PM Tharoor tweets on Kabul, beats others to it (Capital Buzz) 4794603831 snjsharma 10/11/2009 5:51 PM Obama calls PM Manmohan to express concern over Kabul attack 4794541749 allknower 10/11/2009 5:48 PM Kabul Attack: Sarkozy Expresses Solidarity - Outlook 4794516899 TheCiytBoy 10/11/2009 5:46 PM RT @aliyeakcil terim'in istifası kabul edildi. Oh Be Allaha sükür. #Kurtuluş #TFF #Futbol #Kaydi 4794373951 US_WallStreet 10/11/2009 5:39 PM U.N. Chief of Kabul Mission Claims 'Widespread' Vo... 4794318986 RedScareBot 10/11/2009 5:36 PM "The Red Menace" RT @americanmama911 1979 -- soviets "invited" to communist kabul to begin their very own vietnam 4794297464 InIndia 10/11/2009 5:35 PM Are Obama advisers downplaying Afghan dangers?McClatchy Washington BureauIndia — whose Kabul embassy was hit on.. 4794258613 jyotimy 10/11/2009 5:33 PM Obama calls PM Manmohan to express concern over Kabul attack: American President Barack Obama made a telephone .. 4794223815 americanmama911 10/11/2009 5:31 PM 1979 -- soviets "invited" to communist kabul to begin their very own vietnam 4794197789 americanmama911 10/11/2009 5:30 PM 1979 -- hostages in tehran, soviets invited to kabul for their very own vietnam 4794182518 saidnur 10/11/2009 5:29 PM Evet eğer eski hayatım gibi, izzet-i ilmiyeyi muhafaza etmek için hiçbir hakareti kabul etmemek olsaydı ve... 4794077011 ahier 10/11/2009 5:23 PM Good photo from Kabul zeitgeist: "BE HAPPY ALL THE TIME," says Chelsea Supermarket (via @nickschifrin) 4794025568 tokyonewsnow 10/11/2009 5:20 PM Okada makes a surprise visit to Kabul to discuss aid policy: KABUL (Kyodo) Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada made .. 4793945616 USTalib 10/11/2009 5:16 PM UN Chief of Kabul Mission Claims 'Widespread' Vote Fraud - Wall Street Journal 4793938895 lov3ny 10/11/2009 5:16 PM UN Chief of Kabul Mission Claims 'Widespread' Vote Fraud - Wall Street Journal 4793930550 lov3ny 10/11/2009 5:15 PM UN Chief of Kabul Mission Claims 'Widespread' Vote Fraud - Wall Street Journal 4793801323 TuThanhHa 10/11/2009 5:08 PM There was widespread electoral fraud, top UN official in #Afghanistan says.Transcript from Kabul: 4793757692 lov3ny 10/11/2009 5:06 PM Obama calls Manmohan to express concern over Kabul attack - SamayLive 4793636432 poli_scandals 10/11/2009 5:00 PM Kabul blast: Plot against Pakistan 4793633393 zweitansage 10/11/2009 5:00 PM Berlin: 00:00 | Brasília: 19:00 | Canberra: 08:00 | Kabul: 03:00 | Tokyo: 06:00 | Washington D.C.: 18:00 #world #time 4793465203 CONTRACOMA 10/11/2009 4:51 PM ISI behind attack on Indian embassy in Kabul: Pakistan`s intelligence agency ISI was behind the attack embassy .. 4793321696 fuentenoticias 10/11/2009 4:43 PM EC: Obama analiza estrategia en Afganistán con embajador de EEUU en Kabul - ecodiario 4792860958 muladhara 10/11/2009 4:19 PM WaPo:Sm analysts+intel officials said assault bore hallmark of Indian fighters, who might hv bn acting in retaliation 4 bmbg IndianEmb Kabul 4792486135 zweitansage 10/11/2009 4:00 PM Berlin: 23:00 | Brasília: 18:00 | Canberra: 07:00 | Kabul: 02:00 | Tokyo: 05:00 | Washington D.C.: 17:00 #world #time 4792465832 aliyeakcil 10/11/2009 3:58 PM terim'in istifası kabul edildi. 4792110464 dodgygeezer 10/11/2009 3:40 PM Adam Curtis: A short history of Kabul 4792029474 el_hamra 10/11/2009 3:37 PM @unreconcilable tevben kabul olursa tabi.. :) 4791803656 Daddony58 10/11/2009 3:26 PM RT @AfghanOldBlue: New COIN Library in Kabul needs books. pass it on! #militarymon #sot #military 4791708594 TonyStarks1 10/11/2009 3:21 PM @crimeficreader .in the mean time.soldiers and innocent Afghan civilians are being Karzai can be the mayor of Kabul..TRAGIC 4791482337 dodistic 10/11/2009 3:10 PM bence hiç kimse kimsenin kendini kırmasına izin vermesin özürleri de kabul etmesin 4791454350 woneal 10/11/2009 3:09 PM RT @BreeOlson9 Delta gave my seat away Im stuck in detroit. I WILL get compensated for this [There are worse places to get stuck: Kabul?] 4791402138 beefriendlier 10/11/2009 3:06 PM Send this page - CJAD: KABUL, Afghanistan - The top U.N. official in Afghanistan on Sunday acknowledged "widesp.. 4791397605 uruknet 10/11/2009 3:06 PM Encircling Kabul 4791337827 warvideo 10/11/2009 3:03 PM War in Text Not prize-winning - Business Standard: Not prize-winningBusiness Standard... in Kabul wo.. 4791294034 JapanKoreanNews 10/11/2009 3:02 PM Okada makes a surprise visit to Kabul to discuss aid policy - The Japan Times: Straits TimesOkada makes a surpr.. 4791265153 uruknet 10/11/2009 3:00 PM [] Encircling Kabul: October 11, 2009 - The latest analysis from what used to be known as the Senlis Council 4791243013 zweitansage 10/11/2009 3:00 PM Berlin: 22:00 | Brasília: 17:00 | Canberra: 06:00 | Kabul: 01:00 | Tokyo: 04:00 | Washington D.C.: 16:00 #world #time 4791108095 habernet 10/11/2009 2:53 PM Terim in istifası kabul edildi ... 4791103696 TormentedOne 10/11/2009 2:53 PM R @fjstreeter: R @ScoutJennings: R @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 4791012874 fjstreeter 10/11/2009 2:49 PM R @ScoutJennings: RT @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 4790880150 RBLKentCounty 10/11/2009 2:43 PM RT @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 4790673583 ScoutJennings 10/11/2009 2:33 PM RT @WOTN: In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 4790660167 Lyn_Sue 10/11/2009 2:33 PM RT @WOTN In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor #military #tcot #phnm 4790655176 AfghanNews24 10/11/2009 2:32 PM Japan's Okada in Kabul, gives no clue on Afghan mission - Reuters India 4790649944 indian_pad 10/11/2009 2:32 PM BREAKING NEWS : Suicide blast near Indian embassy in Kabul 4790642000 JapanKoreanNews 10/11/2009 2:32 PM Japan's Okada in Kabul, gives no clue on Afghan mission - Reuters India: Straits TimesJapan's Okada in Kabu.. 4790618448 WOTN 10/11/2009 2:31 PM In Kabul, It's #MilitaryMon #SOT with Honor 4790196021 ktswalih 10/11/2009 2:10 PM Im just start Reading Asne Seirestad`s The Bookseller of kabul 4790042865 Fontalabus 10/11/2009 2:03 PM belki de artık tatilde olmadığımı kabul etmem gerekiyordur. çok üzücü! 4790027592 almulamerter 10/11/2009 2:02 PM cahillik ve kıroluğun ne kadar prim yaptığını İbo Show'a denk geldiğimde bir kez daha kabul etmek zorunda kalıyorum. 4789976309 zweitansage 10/11/2009 2:00 PM Berlin: 21:00 | Brasília: 16:00 | Canberra: 05:00 | Kabul: 00:00 | Tokyo: 03:00 | Washington D.C.: 15:00 #world #time 4789751928 Bluebirdshine 10/11/2009 1:48 PM Yakında burun kanamalarımı ticarete döküp film setlerine satıcam. Kızılay'ı da düşündüm ama burundan çıkan kanı kabul etmezler galiba... 4789715024 tylerjohnson22 10/11/2009 1:46 PM UN chief acknowledges fraud in Afghan vote - ---Quote--- KABUL – The top U.N. official in Afghanistan on Sunday ac... 4789705798 StealthFusion 10/11/2009 1:46 PM UN chief acknowledges fraud in Afghan vote: ---Quote--- KABUL – The top U.N. official in Afghanistan on Sunday.. 4789516568 limolou 10/11/2009 1:36 PM RT "Fraudes significativos" en la presidencial afgana (ONU): AFP - KABUL (AFP) - El repr.. 4789409372 dazebao 10/11/2009 1:31 PM Afghanistan. Elezioni presidenziali: L’Onu accerta frodi significative e diffuse: di Ferdinando Pelliccia KABUL.. 4789359898 leylacielma 10/11/2009 1:29 PM sesi müthişmiş, giyimi müthişmiş; sinir olurdum o kadını mı seviyorlar diye... yaşlandıkça ben de kabul ettim... 4789119438 ambrosin 10/11/2009 1:17 PM Afghanistan. Elezioni presidenziali: L’Onu accerta frodi significative e diffuse: di Ferdinando Pelliccia KABUL.. 4789092539 Dizzedcom 10/11/2009 1:15 PM UN chief acknowledges fraud in Afghan vote: KABUL (AP) -- The top U.N. official in Afghanistan on Sunday acknow.. 4788959300 RuletaOnline 10/11/2009 1:09 PM Jefe misión ONU niega encubrimiento de fraude electoral afgano: KABUL (Reuters) - El jefe de la misión de Nacio.. 4788882065 pakbot 10/11/2009 1:05 PM German pistols being sold on Afghan, Pakistan black markets: Hamburg/Kabul, Oct 11 : German military .. #PakPoint 4788861928 Khi 10/11/2009 1:04 PM German pistols being sold on Afghan, Pakistan black markets: Hamburg/Kabul, Oct 11 : German military pistols ar.. 4788837173 adressa 10/11/2009 1:03 PM 20 Eide: – Vesentlig grad av fusk i Afghanistan-valget : Kabul (NTB-AFP): Presidentvalget i Afghanistan.. 4788764294 zweitansage 10/11/2009 1:00 PM Berlin: 20:00 | Brasília: 15:00 | Canberra: 04:00 | Kabul: 23:00 | Tokyo: 02:00 | Washington D.C.: 14:00 #world #time 4788671768 RobertKMorga 10/11/2009 12:55 PM Given Callahan's comment, there was little doubt that the new stipend was a reward for Kabul's anti-drug efforts. 4788581408 asspress 10/11/2009 12:51 PM UN chief acknowledges fraud in Afghan vote: UN chief acknowledges fraud in Afghan vote: KABUL (AP) — The top U... 4788579493 CommoditiesNews 10/11/2009 12:51 PM Gold prices continue to rise in Kabul: (Asia Pulse Data Source) KABUL, Oct. 8, 2009 (Pajhwok Afghan News) -- Pr.. 4788465763 gibelletato 10/11/2009 12:45 PM @guidelrusso Hahahaha não tem não!!! Bora pro KABUL ver os MALKOVICH!!! 4788279064 in_asia 10/11/2009 12:36 PM KABUL — The head of the U.N. mission in Afghanistan acknowledged Sunday that there was “widespread fraud” in th.. 4788250080 edumazza 10/11/2009 12:35 PM Checkout agora e voo saindo as 21h. Sera que chego pro show do Kabul, @jucaldas? 4788241512 guidelrusso 10/11/2009 12:34 PM @gibelletato que mané Kabul!! vamo no gambiarra! 4788201191 FA18ORDI 10/11/2009 12:32 PM RT @W7VOA: Kyodo: Japan's new foreign minister pledges support for Afghanistan in surprise visit to Kabul - 4788159791 addamiattualita 10/11/2009 12:30 PM Afghanistan: inviato onu, diffusi i brogli alle elezioni presidenziali: Kabul, 11 ott. – (Adnkronos/Dpa) .. 4788129045 bakotw 10/11/2009 12:29 PM Federasyon Terim'in istifasını kabul etti!: Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu Başkanı Mahmut Özgener, A Milli Futbol T.. 4788007590 gibelletato 10/11/2009 12:23 PM Puuuta Hangover!!!!!! E hoje tem KABUL... vamos???? 4788002161 NewsCalifornia 10/11/2009 12:22 PM Cal News UN: ‘widespread fraud’ in Afghan election – CNEWS: KABUL, Afghanistan - The .. 4787967897 plsonic 10/11/2009 12:20 PM @ShashiTharoor They did intimidate in Kabul,,yeah. 4787945459 NewsCalifornia 10/11/2009 12:19 PM California UN: ‘widespread fraud’ in Afghan election – CNEWS: KABUL, Afghanistan - .. 4787879464 keepthemcurrent 10/11/2009 12:16 PM Another deadly attack on Indian Embassy in Kabul - 4787780785 newszilla 10/11/2009 12:11 PM [WP] U.N. Envoy: Accusations of Pro-Karzai Bias Are Untrue : KABUL, Oct. 11 -- The embattled head of the U.. 4787774404 draenews 10/11/2009 12:11 PM Megite U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nation.. 4787601114 FaikKaralar 10/11/2009 12:02 PM Fatih Terim'in istifası kabul edilmiş. Yakında Rijkaard Galatasaray'dan uçar gider, yerine Terim gelir. Yani şaşırmayın... 4787550167 GlobalCommunist 10/11/2009 12:00 PM Encircling Kabul - #comrade 4787548498 zweitansage 10/11/2009 12:00 PM Berlin: 19:00 | Brasília: 14:00 | Canberra: 03:00 | Kabul: 22:00 | Tokyo: 01:00 | Washington D.C.: 13:00 #world #time 4787528965 FaikKaralar 10/11/2009 11:59 AM Fatih Terim'in istifası kabul edilmiş. Yakında Rijkaar Galatasaray'dan uçar gider, yerine Terim gelir. Yani şaşırmayın... 4787518385 Love_Japan 10/11/2009 11:58 AM Japan News: Japan's Okada in Kabul, gives no clue on Afghan mission - Reuters India 4787495626 wnwek 10/11/2009 11:57 AM Rao says Kabul blast handiwork of those opposed to Indo-Afghan friendship | NetIndian | India News | 4787395494 NewsGeorgia 10/11/2009 11:52 AM GA News Text Size – Daily Press: KABUL (AP) — My closest Afghan friend held out his Taliban -era p.. 4787374073 NewsGeorgia 10/11/2009 11:50 AM Article Text Size – Daily Press: KABUL (AP) — My closest Afghan friend held out his Taliban -era p.. 4787347066 jesusrose 10/11/2009 11:49 AM Althouse: "No serious leader in Kabul is asking us to leave ... 4787342021 toyohara 10/11/2009 11:49 AM Japan's Okada in Kabul, gives no clue on Afghan mission water issue? 4787338587 MyJourneyNews 10/11/2009 11:49 AM Global Voices Online » India: Attacks On Indian Embassy In Kabul 4787262773 radikalson 10/11/2009 11:45 AM Fatih Terim'in istifası kabul edildi 4787219622 yehso 10/11/2009 11:43 AM Fatih Terim'in istifası kabul edildi. 4787048439 catlaklar 10/11/2009 11:34 AM siz olsanız teklifimi kabul edersiniz yoksa kutunuza mı qidersiniz..xD: 4787022855 ladydstardust 10/11/2009 11:32 AM check this out U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the.. 4786842448 PressTVNews 10/11/2009 11:23 AM India hints at Pakistan link to Kabul embassy attack 4786827482 BookmarkingNet 10/11/2009 11:22 AM News U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations miss.. 4786754950 NewsMashup 10/11/2009 11:18 AM Reuters: U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nati.. 4786718924 ImPaolo 10/11/2009 11:16 AM India hints at Pakistan link to Kabul embassy attack: India's foreign minister says that a recent suicide attac.. 4786674982 Press_TV 10/11/2009 11:14 AM PressTV - India hints at Pakistan link to Kabul embassy attack 4786651207 momotoshi 10/11/2009 11:13 AM reputative to Okada's action..Japan's Okada in Kabul, gives no clue on Afghan mission 4786542494 ultimenotizie 10/11/2009 11:07 AM Afghanistan: inviato onu, diffusi i brogli alle elezioni presidenziali: Kabul, 11 ott. – (Adnkronos/Dpa) .. 4786516977 in_asia 10/11/2009 11:06 AM KABUL — The head of the U.N. mission in Afghanistan acknowledged Sunday that there was “widespread fraud” in th.. 4786516528 in_asia 10/11/2009 11:05 AM KABUL - The head of the U.N. mission in Afghanistan acknowledged Sunday that there was "widespread fraud" in th.. 4786494299 Slewboys 10/11/2009 11:04 AM India hints at Pakistan link to Kabul embassy attack 4786487958 RadioSeefunkRSF 10/11/2009 11:04 AM News: UN-Sondergesandter räumt Wahlbetrug in Afghanistan ein : Kabul - Der UN-Sondergesandte in Afghanista.. 4786485576 yklmzyklmz 10/11/2009 11:04 AM Forumselcuk Futbol : Fatih Terim'in İstifası TFF Tarafından Kabul Edild 4786473184 gscimbomcom 10/11/2009 11:03 AM Fatih Terim'in istifası kabul edildi!: *Terim'in istifası kabul edildi! * *TFF Başkanı Mahmut Özgener, Terim'.. 4786470608 maifuruya 10/11/2009 11:03 AM Japanese FM pays surprise visit to Kabul: Xinhua KABUL, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- Japanese Foreign Minister Katsuya O.. 4786465905 searchtempo 10/11/2009 11:03 AM US soldier, over dozen Taliban killed: Kabul, Oct 11 (DPA) A US soldier was killed in western Afghanistan and m.. 4786442700 msnnoticias 10/11/2009 11:02 AM El jefe de la misión de la ONU en Afganistán reconoce "amplio fraude": KABUL, 11 (Reuters/EP) El director de la.. 4786399136 zweitansage 10/11/2009 11:00 AM Berlin: 18:00 | Brasília: 13:00 | Canberra: 02:00 | Kabul: 21:00 | Tokyo: 00:00 | Washington D.C.: 12:00 #world #time 4786321055 keremgokbuget 10/11/2009 10:55 AM Zaira Nara'ya evlenme teklif etsem kabul eder mi acaba.. Justo á tiempo'yu izledim. çok beğendim. 4786273976 rtsradio 10/11/2009 10:53 AM UN official says 'widespread fraud' in Afghan vote - KABUL (AP) -- The top U.N. official in Afghanistan acknowl... 4786142181 ianingersoll321 10/11/2009 10:46 AM U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up - KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations mission in Afgha... 4786141873 kevinkalamanca 10/11/2009 10:46 AM U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up - KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations mission in Afgha... 4786142012 jeffersonjeffer 10/11/2009 10:46 AM U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up - KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations mission in Afgha... 4786141721 lennylancaster 10/11/2009 10:46 AM U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up - KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations mission in Afgha... 4786092888 safe_waters 10/11/2009 10:43 AM #reutersIN U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations mission in 4786085819 GroundReport 10/11/2009 10:43 AM Kabul attack handiwork of enemies of Indo-Afghan ties: At least 17 people were killed and over 80 injured when .. 4786069980 japantechnology 10/11/2009 10:42 AM Japan's Okada in Kabul, gives no clue on Afghan mission - Reuters India 4785964004 bakotw 10/11/2009 10:36 AM Terim'in istifası kabul edildi: Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu (TFF) Başkanı Mahmut Özgener, Milli Takımlar Teknik .. 4785959064 myworldnews 10/11/2009 10:36 AM [WP] U.N. Envoy: Accusations of Pro-Karzai Bias Are Untrue: KABUL, Oct. 11 -- The embattled head of the United .. 4785952759 W7VOA 10/11/2009 10:36 AM Kyodo: Japan's new foreign minister pledges support for Afghanistan in surprise visit to Kabul - 4785693690 TantaoNews 10/11/2009 10:21 AM UN envoy: Widespread fraud in Afghan elections: KABUL, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- The top UN envoy in Afghanistan Kai .. 4785687829 NewsBlogged 10/11/2009 10:21 AM AlertNet: Japan's Okada in Kabul, gives no clue on Afghan mission: Source: Reuters (For more on Afghan.. 4785667281 kdrdgn 10/11/2009 10:20 AM @ayseozyilmazel Pepsi, Coca-Cola'nın hitap ettiği genç kitleye erişemediğini bu reklamla kabul etmiş gibi sanki 4785661017 Politik_Presse 10/11/2009 10:20 AM UN-Sondergesandter räumt Wahlbetrug in Afghanistan ein: Kabul (dpa) - Der UN-Sondergesandte in Afg 4785640460 asspress 10/11/2009 10:19 AM UN official says 'widespread fraud' in Afghan vote: UN official says 'widespread fraud' in Afghan vote: KABUL (.. 4785625115 alertas_2012 10/11/2009 10:18 AM AlertNet: Japan's Okada in Kabul, gives no clue on Afghan mission: Source: Reuters (For more on Afghanistan, click [ID:n 4785614066 dpa_newsticker 10/11/2009 10:17 AM Kabul - UN-Sondergesandter räumt Wahlbetrug in Afghanistan ein 4785606480 reuterskl 10/11/2009 10:17 AM Japan's Okada in Kabul, gives no clue on Afghan mission: KABUL (Reuters) - Japanese Foreign Minister Katsuya Ok.. 4785566346 RtrsIN_SthAsia 10/11/2009 10:15 AM Japan's Okada in Kabul, gives no clue on Afghan mission 4785502871 Isostar 10/11/2009 10:11 AM Terim'in istifası kabul edildi!TFF Başkanı Mahmut Özgener, Terim'in istifasının kabul edildiğini açıkladı.Peki Terim'in yerine kim gelecek? 4785494349 varun_vijay 10/11/2009 10:11 AM RT @filter_c Nawaiwaqt first Urdu daily to opine on GHQ attack: says attack was Indian response to embassy attack in Kabul. 4785434057 EnsonHaberCom 10/11/2009 10:07 AM Terim'in istifası kabul edildi 4785392795 RES911CUE 10/11/2009 10:05 AM UN official says 'widespread fraud' in Afghan vote: KABUL (AP) -- The top U.N. official in Afghanistan acknowle.. 4785386847 RES911CUE 10/11/2009 10:04 AM UN official says 'widespread fraud' in Afghan vote: KABUL (AP) -- The top U.N. official in Afghanistan acknowle.. 4785375890 fearraigh 10/11/2009 10:04 AM Just saw in a feed an American journo at a presser in Kabul - he looked really like Scottie Templeton from The Wire. Boy done well... 4785360938 SmittysWeb 10/11/2009 10:03 AM KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations mission in Afghanistan denied accusations on Sunday that he ha.. 4785341299 GermanRedneck 10/11/2009 10:02 AM Israel future part of EU/NATO? Apply by sending troops 2 Kabul :) Why did they/it not do this already in 1948 during Cold War. FOOLS! 4785339919 JapanKoreanNews 10/11/2009 10:02 AM Japan's Okada in Kabul, gives no clue on Afghan mission - Reuters India: Straits TimesJapan's Okada in Kabu.. 4785317501 sporxcom 10/11/2009 10:01 AM Terim'in istifası kabul edildi: Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu Başkanı Mahmut Özgener, A Milli Takım'ın dün akşa.. 4785308503 AllNewsSources 10/11/2009 10:00 AM AlertNet: Japan's Okada in Kabul, gives no clue on Afghan mission 4785296382 zweitansage 10/11/2009 10:00 AM Berlin: 17:00 | Brasília: 12:00 | Canberra: 01:00 | Kabul: 20:00 | Tokyo: 23:00 | Washington D.C.: 11:00 #world #time 4785212002 rizgari_online 10/11/2009 9:55 AM PKK de,hatalarını, insanlığa karşı işlenen suçlardaki payını kabul edecek! 4785207935 reuterswire 10/11/2009 9:54 AM U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations mission in Af.. 4785205303 kzls 10/11/2009 9:54 AM Finally winding down from trip. Happy to see Code Pink admitting virtually everyone in Kabul told us the troops must stay for security 4785149800 rtsradio 10/11/2009 9:51 AM UN official says 'widespread fraud' in Afghan vote - KABUL (AP) -- The head of the U.N. mission in Afghanistan ... 4785143380 HTGazete 10/11/2009 9:51 AM Terim'in istifası kabul edildi!: TFF Başkanı Mahmut Özgener, Terim'in istifasının kabul edildiğini açıkladı. Pe.. 4785111314 akifozkaya 10/11/2009 9:49 AM Terim'in istifası kabul edildi!: TFF Başkanı Mahmut Özgener, Terim'in istifasının kabul edildiğini açıkladı. Pe.. 4785109910 FA18ORDI 10/11/2009 9:49 AM RT @AfPakChannel: Kabul is the new Kashmir, according to Ahmed Rashid 4785109564 medyasaha 10/11/2009 9:49 AM TFF Terim'in istifasını kabul etti 4785077231 AbuQirqas 10/11/2009 9:47 AM journalism | U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United N.. 4785054696 GSlicksta 10/11/2009 9:46 AM Tharoor tweets on Kabul, beats others to it (Capital Buzz) | Sindh ...: New Delhi, Oct 11 (IANS) Minister of St.. 4785054196 GSlicksta 10/11/2009 9:46 AM Tharoor tweets on Kabul, beats others to it (Capital Buzz): NEW DELHI - Minister of State for External Affairs .. 4785025473 TheBuGz 10/11/2009 9:44 AM German military pistols reportedly on Afghan, Pakistan black market: Hamburg/Kabul - German military pistols ar.. 4785008497 charles_star 10/11/2009 9:43 AM Awesome. I need two more reasons and I'll move to Kabul. RT @pourmecoffee Cool playground swings in Afghanistan. 4784973131 newszilla 10/11/2009 9:41 AM [REUTERS] U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Na.. 4784941173 ryf_feed 10/11/2009 9:39 AM [xh] Japanese FM pays surprise visit to Kabul 4784919602 bakotw 10/11/2009 9:38 AM Terim'in istifası kabul edildi!: Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu Başkanı Mahmut Özgener, A Milli Takım'ın dün akşam .. 4784897970 ErrorFix 10/11/2009 9:36 AM Tharoor tweets on Kabul, beats others to it (Capital Buzz) 4784859388 ecelibologlu 10/11/2009 9:34 AM ve terim'in istifası kabul edildi 4784823602 melihbildiren 10/11/2009 9:32 AM Federasyon Terim'in istifasını kabul ettiğini açıklamış ve kendisine teşekkür etmis.. Sıradaki...! 4784808844 bolbol_gundem 10/11/2009 9:31 AM TFF Terim'in istifasını kabul etti 4784799510 yunusemreugurlu 10/11/2009 9:31 AM @orayegin çok iyi niyetli bir eleştri kabul eder misin bilemiyorum ama yine de içimde tutmak istemediğime karar verdim...Eğer edersen yzarım 4784785301 delabebe 10/11/2009 9:30 AM feyk feysbuk hesabım var.dikkatli olun.önünüze geleni kabul etmeyin.FEYKBUK hatta.belki de yoktur.çok sinsiyim. sins2. 4784779565 ilkerugur 10/11/2009 9:30 AM Terim'in istifası kabul edildi... 4784712739 jahabarsadiq 10/11/2009 9:25 AM U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations mission in Af.. 4784701087 snjsharma 10/11/2009 9:25 AM U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations mission in Af.. 4784677489 pa5fn 10/11/2009 9:23 AM NRC headlines NAVO doodt Talibaanstrijders in Afghanistan: Kabul, 11 okt. Amerikaanse en Afghaan.. 4784609737 aroonkumar123 10/11/2009 9:19 AM Taliban spokesman captured in Afghanistan - Kabul, Oct 11 (IANS) The Afghan troops have captured a Taliban spok 4784609633 IndiaNewsPost 10/11/2009 9:19 AM Taliban spokesman captured in Afghanistan - Kabul, Oct 11 (IANS) The Afghan troops have captured a Taliban spok 4784599390 hashnews 10/11/2009 9:18 AM U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United .. #U2 #Tweet #News #FF(v ... 4784592398 WorldSuccesses 10/11/2009 9:18 AM US, Afghan troops kill 16 insurgents: NATO: AFP KABUL — Afghan and US forces killed 16 insurgents on Sunday in .. 4784588689 dioxp 10/11/2009 9:18 AM Lucu lucu kok namanya kabul, merusak saja -_- RT @monicgultom: Kabul bajunya di masukkin dooong :p 4784560542 reuterskl 10/11/2009 9:16 AM U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud coverup: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations mission in Afg.. 4784540306 newsfeeding 10/11/2009 9:15 AM U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations mission in Af.. 4784528288 AllNewsSources 10/11/2009 9:14 AM REUTERS: U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations mission in A 4784527525 LotsaNews 10/11/2009 9:14 AM [REUT][] U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nati.. 4784505447 MobileAuto 10/11/2009 9:13 AM U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations mission in Af.. 4784491233 webtipsfree 10/11/2009 9:12 AM U.N. mission chief denies Afghan fraud cover-up: KABUL (Reuters) - The head of the United Nations mission in Af.. 4784467120 ilmessaggeroweb 10/11/2009 9:10 AM Afghanistan, Onu: «Accertate frodi considerevoli nel voto di agosto»: KABUL (11 ottobre) - Ci sono state «frodi.. 4784458418 LJZumpano 10/11/2009 9:10 AM RT @AfPakChannel: Kabul is the new Kashmir, according to Ahmed Rashid<