The Calendar of Patent Rolls
The Calendar of Patent Rolls published the public documents of the kings of England from the third year of John, 1202, until the twenthieth century. We stopped looking when we reached 1638. The Preface to the series gives a two paragraph summary of the types of documents included in the publications.
They consist of contemporary enrolments of Royal Letters Patent, which are so called because, being of a public nature and usually addressed to all persons, they are delivered open, with the Great Seal attached to the bottom. While the original document so issued by the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper, in the name of the Sovereign, passes to the person principally concerned, the enrolled copy remains in official custody as a record of the highest authority.
The entries on the Patent Rolls comprise grants and confirmations of liberties, privileges, offices, dignities, lands, pensions, and wardships, to corporations and individuals, civil and ecclesiastical, licences for elections of bishops, abbots, and others, restitutions of temporalities, presentations to benefices, letters of protection. of credence and of safe-conduct, pardons, special liveries, licences for alienation, commissions, and other miscellaneous documents concerning the prerogatives of the Crown, the revenue, the different branches of the judicature, and the relations of English Kings with foreign powers and persons. [Preface, Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward III vol. I, pp. v-xi.]
The Preface gives much more detail on pulling together the materials and the effort involved in publishing them.
Edward III vol. XV [1370-1374], Edward III vol. XVI [1374-1377]
Richard II vol. I [1377-1381], Richard II vol. II [1381-1385], Richard II vol. III [1385-1389], Richard II vol. IV [1388-1392], Richard II vol. V [1391-1396], Richard II vol. VI [1396-1399]
Henry IV vol. I [1399-1401], Henry IV vol. II [1401-1405], Henry IV vol. III [1405-1408], Henry IV vol. IV [1408-1413]
Henry V vol. I [1413-1416], Henry V vol II [1416-1422]
Henry VI vol. I [1422-1429]
Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III, vol. I, 1327-1330, For Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1896.
Calendar of Charter Rolls: from Henry III 1226 to Henry VIII 1516 in six volumes; only one Boynton entry
Calendar of Charter rolls, 15 Edward III-5 Henry V., vol V. 1341-1417. For His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1916.