Armes Boynton de Sadbury topace a vne fesse entre trois croissans Ruby: Et sus
la dicte fesse vne lion en vmbre. Et sus son heaulme vne chievre dyamond goutee
perle vnglee cornee topace assise en vne torche perle et dyamond.
Dominus Thomas Boynton miles
Christophorus Boynton miles and filia Cognyers de Ormsby filia Wandsworth (Willemus obijt sine exitu) and Christoferus Boynton; and Johnanna filia Roberti Strangwais
Blair, C. H. Hunter, ed. (1930) A Visitation of The North of England circa 1480-1500, Visitations of the North, Part III., The Publications of the Surtees Society vol. 144, p. 114.