Torchil in the Domesday Book
William had been king for twenty years when he concluded that he needed an economic census of his realm. That census is known as the Domesday Book. The census was taken about 1086, and it lists both who had the land before 1066 and who had it in 1086. Torchil [or Turchil] appears in the Domesday Book sixty-four times as a person who had [past tense] land. Only a couple of times does it say he continues to hold that land: Agglethorpe and Thorpe, near Scotton.
The translated materials are quoted from William Page, ed. (1912) The Victoria History of the County of York, Volume II, Constable and Company, Limited, pp. 191-327. The page references are from that book.
The number of ploughs per carucate is listed in most of the records and appears to be a measure of the value of the land. "For geld." Most of Torchil's land is "for geld." Our glossary says 'geldable' is liable to the king's taxes. The author of the introduction to the Domesday Book, William Farrer, says that manor is not precisely defined. It is roughly equivalent to 'estate' -- a big piece of land.
It is impossible to avoid the conclusion that the terms 'manor,' 'hall,' and 'land' were used interchangeably in the Survey as general terms for a substantial estate, usually with a hall, demesne lands, villeins, mill, court, fold and suit of mill, court, and fold -- details which bore upon the proprietary value of the estate as distinct from a property without demesne or without suit of freemen or villeins. (p. 144)
Torchil had, roughly, sixty-four such manors.
York: Hugh son of Baldri has 4 dwellings, (namely) of Aldulf, Hedned, Turchil, and Gospatric, and 29 small lodgings (hospitia) and the church of St. Andrew which he bought. p. 192
In Fuleford [(Gate) Fulford], Within the circuit of the city Torfin had 1 carucate of land and Torchil 2 carucates of land. 2 ploughs can plough this land. p. 193
[West Riding] In Santone [in Woolley] and Wiluelai [Woolley] (there are) 12 carucates of land for geld. (There is) land for 8 ploughs. 1 villein is there, and 1 sochman and 1 bordar with 2 ploughs, and 1 acre of meadow. Turchil held (it) T.R.E. and it was worth L3; now (it is worth) 10s. p. 198
M. In Torp [Kilton Thorpe], Torchil (had) 2 1/2 carucates of land for geld. Land for 1 plough. p. 200
M. in Chilton [Kilton], Turchil (had) 3 carucates of land for geld. land for 2 ploughs. 8 acres of meadow there. p. 200
2 M. In Maltune [(Old) Malton], Siward and Torchil (had) 8 carucates for geld. Land for 2 ploughs. There is now 1 1/2 plough on the demesne there, and 7 villeins and 5 bordars with 3 1/2 ploughs. A church (is) there, and onst of 1 mill. T.R.E. it was worth 20s.; now 10s. p. 201
2 M. In Hotun [(High and Low) Hutton], Cnut (and) Torchil (had) 8 1/2 carucates for geld. Land for 4 ploughs. T.R.E. (it was worth) 10s. p. 202
3 M. In Hotone [(Sheriff) Hutton], Turchil, Turolf (and) Turstan (had) 4 carucates for gled. Land for 2 ploughs. T.R.E. it was worth 10s. p. 202
M. In Cleuinde [Cleaving (Grange, par. Landesborough)], Torchil (had) 10 bovates for geld. Land for 4 oxen. 6s. p. 204
M. in Naborne [Naburn], Torchil (had) 2 carucates for geld. Land for 1 plough. 5s. p. 204
M. in Unchelsbi [Uncleby], Turchil (had) 2 carucates for geld. Land for 2 ploughs. 20s. p. 205
M. Cutnelai [Cononley], Torchil (had) 2 carucates for geld. p. 207
3 M. In Bradelei [(both) Bradleys], Archil, Torchil and Gamel (had) 7 carucates for geld. p. 207
In Strenshale [Strensall], Sasford and Turchil held 5 geldable carucates of St. Peter. land (for) 2 ploughs. It is waste. p. 213
In Coungestorp [Coneysthorpe], Torchil had 1 manor of 3 carucates for geld. p. 222
In Bartun [Barton (-le-Willows)], Turchel, Gamel (and) Scanchel had 3 manors of 3 carucates for geld. p. 223
In Huntindune [Huntington], Torchil and Tormord had 2 manors of 5 carucates for geld, and 3 ploughs can be (there). p. 223
[East Riding] In Cave [(North) Cave], Basin and Ulf and Torchil had 2 manors of 6 carucates and 2 bovates for geld, and 4 ploughs can be (there). p. 223
In Umlouebi [Anlaby], Siward and Torchil had 5 bovates for geld.
In Hode [Hotham], Turchil had 1 manor of 4 carucates and 5 bovates for geld, and 4 ploughs can be (there). p. 224
In Alvengi [(Kirk) Ella], Siward and Torchil had 2 manors of 4 carucates for geld, and 2 ploughs can be (there). p. 224
In Aschilebi [Asselby], Torchil had 1 manor of 1 carucate for geld. p. 225
In Wattune [Watton], Turchil and Mildgrim, Orm and Gamel, had 4 manors of 13 carucates for geld, and 7 ploughs can be (there). p. 225
In Lecheton [Lockington], Gamel, Orm, Uctred, Ulstan, Torchil (and) Sprot had each 1 manor, (the whole consisting) of 9 1/2 carucates for geld, and 5 ploughs can be (there). p. 225
In Steitorp [in Etton] and Etton [Etton], Turchil had 2 manors of 7 carucates and 6 bovates for geld, and 5 ploughs can be (there). p. 225
In Ragheneltorp [Raventhorpe], Gida, Osber, Turchil (and) Siward had 4 manors of 5 carucates and 2 bovates for geld, and 3 ploughs can be (there). p. 225
In Siwardei [Sewerby], Carle and Torchil had 2 manors of 6 1/2 carucates. p. 226
In Bretlinton [Bridlington], Torchil had 1 manor of 5 carucates for geld. p. 226
In Bovinton [Boynton], Torchil had 1 manor of 4 carucates for geld. p. 226
In Gartune [Garton-(on-the-wolds)], In the same town, Mule, Orm, Sonulf (and) Torchil had 7 carucates for geld, and 10 ploughs can be (there). p. 226
(In Handsworth) Torchil had one manor of 5 carucates for geld, and 7 ploughs can be there. p. 229
In Andrebi [Ainderby (Steeple)], in the soc of Alreton [(North) Allerton], 3 carucates (and there are) 9 carucates for geld, and 6 ploughs can be (there). Torchil had 1 manor there of 6 carucates, and Ulchil 3 carucates.
In Cottune [(East) Cowton], 6 carucates for geld and 3 ploughs can be (there). Torchil had 1 manor there. p. 233
In Apelton [East and West Appleton], 12 carucates for geld, and 8 ploughs can be (there). Torchil had 1 manor there. p. 235
In Burton [west Burton], 6 carucates for geld, and 4 ploughs can be (there). Turchil had this land, now Goisfrid has (it), and it is waste.
In Aculestorp [Agglethorpe], 3 Carucates for geld, and 2 ploughs can be (there). Torchil had a manor there; now the same (Torchil) has (it) of the Count, and it is waste. p. 237
In Gerdestone [Garriston], 3 carucates for geld, and 2 ploughs can be (there). Turchil had a manor there. p. 238
In Welle [Well], 8 carucates for geld, and 6 ploughs can be (there). Torchil had a manor there. p. 239
In Neuton [Newton (-le Willows)] 12 carucates for geld, and 7 ploughs can be (there). Archil, Torchil, and Asul had 3 manors there. p. 239
In another Tanefeld [West Tanfield], 8 carucates for geld, and 4 ploughs can be (there). Torchil had a manor there. p. 239
In Asebi [Easby], 4 carucates for geld. Torchil had, the Count has (it). p. 240
2 M. In Tatecstre [Tadcaster], Dunstan and Turchil had 8 carucates of land for geld, where 4 ploughs can be. p. 259
3 M. In Bodetone [Bolton Percy], Ligulf, Turchil (and) Ernui had 8 carucates of land for geld, where 4 ploughs can be. p. 260
M. In Disforde [Dishforth], Torchil had 6 carucates of land for geld, where 3 ploughs can be. p. 261
2 M. In Otrengham [Ottringham], Tor and Torchil had 4 carucates of land (for geld), and four ploughs can be there. p. 266
2 M. in Washam [Waxholme], Torchil and Tor had 2 carucates of land for geld, and 2 ploughs can be. p. 266
4 M. In Benestone [Barmston], Torchil, Siward, Bonde and Alchil had 8 carucates of land for geld, and as many ploughs can be there. p. 267
2 M. In Ulreham [Ulrome], Torchil and Turstan had 2 1/2 carucates of land for geld, and 2 ploughs can be there. p. 267
3 M. In Begun [Bewholme], Norman, Chilvert and Torchil had 5 carucates and 6 bovates of land for geld. p. 267
M. In Argun [Arram], Torchil had 1 carucate of land for geld, and 1 plough can be there. p. 267
M. In Houetone [Houghton], Torchil had half a carucate for geld. Land for half a plough. p. 273
M. In Escraingham [Scrayingham], Torchil had 8 carucates of land for geld. There is land for 4 ploughs. p. 276
2 M. In Bagentone [Bainton], Game and Torchil had 11 carucates of land for geld. There is land for 1 plough. 277
2 M. in Screngham [Scrayingham], Scelfride and Turchil had 12 carucates of land for geld. There is land for 6 ploughs. p. 278
3 M. In another Hanbretone [Kirk Hammerton], Turchil, Gamel (and) Heltor had 6 1/2 carucates of land for gelds. There is land for 6 ploughs. p. 281
M. In Stutune [Stutton], Torchil had 1 1/2 carucate of land for geld. There is land for as many ploughs. p. 282
M. In Torp [Thorpe, near Scotton], Ravenchil and Torchil (had) 2 carucates of land for geld. Land for 1 plough. They still have (it), but it is waste. [in margin, f] p. 286
M. in Brunham [(Nun)burnholme], Morcar, Turuet and Turchil had 11 carucates of land for geld. Land for 6 ploughs. p. 286
M. In the same place [Acaster (Selby)], Torchil had 5 bovates of land for geld. Land for 2 oxen. p. 289
Nigel Foussard held unjustly the land of Turulf and Turchil and Tursten in Hotune [(sheriff] Hutton], this is, 3 manors of 4 carucates of land; but he has given (them) up, and they are in the King's hand. p. 292
In Naborne [Naburn], Robert Malet has given up 2 carucates of land which were Thurchil's, and (which) Goisfrid de Belcampo held of the same Robert. p. 292
And William Malet had, as they say, all Stanton [Stutton] -- 3 manors of 3 carucates of land, and 1 mill, and in Tatecastre [Tadcaster] -- 2 manors of 2 carucates and 2 bovates and 1 tillage of land of Torchil. ... In Toglestun [Toulston], 1 carucate of the land of Torchel (is) in like manner within the limits of Ilbert. p. 294
They say that Dunestan had not the land of Turchil in Tatecastre [Tadcaster] T.R.E. p. 294
Within the circuit of the city [York] 3 carucates. Trofin and Turchil held (them). 296
The holdings of Torchil in alphabetical order
Acaster | Agglethorpe | Allerton | Anlaby |
Arram | Asselby | Bainton | Barmston |
Barton-le-Willows | Bewholme | Bolton Percy | Boynton |
Bradleys | Bridlington | Burton | Cave |
Cleaving | Cleaving | Cononley | Dishforth |
Easby | East & West Appleton | East Cowton | Etton |
Fulford | Garriston | Garton-on-the-wolds | Handsworth |
Hotham | Houghton | Huntington | Hutton |
Kilton | Kilton Thorpe | Kirk Hammerton | Kirk Ella |
Lockington | Naburn | Newton-le Willows | Nunburnholme |
Old Malton | Ottringham | Raventhorpe | Scrayingham |
Sewerby | Strensall | Stutton | Tadcaster |
Thorpe, near Scotton | Ulrome | Uncleby | Watton |
Waxholme | Well | West Tanfield | Woolley |
York |
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