References for Boyntons de Yorkshire
We had been to Yorkshire before, and those trips we looked at Boynton and Burton Agnes and left. That was all we knew to do. This time we wanted to have a better idea about where to find Boynton roots. So we started to work in our local libraries and on the internet. The University of Iowa Libraries and the Library of Congress have good collections of materials about Yorkshire: the University of Iowa's collection is more accessible; the Library of Congress' collection is more complete. We just started by searching shelves because we did not know what else to do.
Going through these sources was a considerable amount of work. We wanted to spare you the effort of plowing through them again -- unless you want to. So we produced a list of where we looked. The list got too long for a single page. So it is divided into the following categories:
Major Document Collections
The organization was founded in 1875, and has been active in discovering, preserving and communicating Yorkshire history since.
The Publications of the Surtees Society
This is a series of more than 200 volumes. Publication began in the 1830s. The focus is on the county of Durham and the north of England. They have published a wide variety of documents, but the series sees particularly strong on records of abbeys. But they also have many volumes of wills and other document.
The Harleian Society
The Hull University Archive has a substantial collection of materials about the Boynton family. They provide a thorough description of their holdings. Many of these documents are on-line, and we have pulled together a collection of the on-line documents.
The Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland During the Middle Ages
This is a series of several hundred volumes. It is a very diverse collection of materials ranging from medieval poetry to kings' papers to chronicles written during the middle ages.
Curia Regis Rolls of the Reigns of Richard I., John, and Henry III
This is an eighteen volume series publishing appeals to the king's court. It covers 1201 to 1245. It provides information on a period that preceeds that covered by the Patent Rolls, Close Rolls and Fine Rolls. It has the distinct disadvantage of being published in the original latin. The volumes were published between 1922 and 1999.
Calendar of Liberate Rolls
The Calendar of Liberate Rolls run from 1226 to 1272 in six volumes. No references to Boyntons were found, but we did look.
These are official documents of the king used for administration of the realm. They are often a few sentences specifying who is commissioned and what they are to do. Originally they were a cloth material that was rolled up for storage; hence "rolls." Calendar is in the title, probably, because the documents are published largely in chronological order. A description of the issuance and the subjects they covered was given in an early volume.There are many more references to Boyntons than we expected when we started going through them. They run from 1216 to 1582 in more than 70 volumes.
Calendar of Close Rolls
These are also official documents used in the administration of the realm. The major differences I notice are: there are more commissions of oyer and terminus and more appointments to office in the Patent Rolls and there are more orders for escheators about how to adjust changes in land holding and more orders to sheriffs about what to do now that a person had individuals to vouch [mainprise] for him. They run from 1227 to 1509 in 61 volumes.
Calendar of Fine Rolls
They run from 1272 to 1509 in 22 volumes
Calendar of Charter Rolls
They run from 1216 to 1516 in 6 volumes.
The series records the investigations of land held from the King; escheators investigate for the King. It is a very partial account of the estate of the dead person.
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series
They run from 1547 to 1704 in 90 volumes.
Calendar of Chancery Warrants, A.D. 1244-1326 (1927)
In the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries officers of the crown visited the counties of England collecting family pedigrees and coats of arms. These are the published versions of the visits.
Pipe Rolls
Finances of the king from Henry II through Henry III.
Surtees Society Publications
Raine, James (1853) Wills and Inventories from the Registry of the Archdeaconry of Richmond, Extending Over Portions of the Counties of York, Westmerland, Cumberland, and Lancaster, Surtees Society, vol. 26.
Raine, James (1865) Testamenta Eboracensia. A Selection of Wills from the Registry at York, vol. iii, Surtees Society, vol. 45.
Skaife, Robert H. (1872) The Register of the Guild of Corpus Christi in the City of York, Surtees Society vol. 57.
Greenwell, William (1872) Feodarium Prioratus Dunelmensis, A Survey of the Estates of the Prior and Convent of Durham Compiled in the Fifteenth Century, Surtees Society, vol. 58.
Raine, James (1884) Testamenta Eboracensia, A Selection of Wills from the Registry at York, vol. v, Surtees Society, vol. 79.
Brown, W. (1889) Cartularium Prioratus de Gyseburne, Ebor. Dioecesseos, Ordinis s. Augustini, Fundati A.D. MCXIX, vol. primum, Surtees Society, vol. 86
Brown, W. (1894) Cartularium Prioratus de Gyseburne, Ebor. Dioeceseos, Ordinis S. Augustini, Fundati A.D. MCXIX, vol. alterum, Surtees Society, vol. 89
(1897) Pedes Finium Ebor. Regnante Johanne A.D. MCXCIX-MCCXIV, Surtees Society, vol. 94
Martin, M. T., (1909) The Percy Chartulary, Surtees Society, vol. 117.
Craster, H. H. E. and M. E. Thornton, ed. (1934) The Chronicle of St. Mary's Abbey, York, from Bodley Ms. 39, Surtees Society, vol. 148.
Lomas, R. A. and A. J. Piper (1989) Durham Cathedral Priory Rentals, vol. i, Bursars Rentals, Surtees Society, vol. 198.
Fraser, C. M. (1991) Durham Quarter Sessions Rolls 1471-1625, Surtees Society, vol. 199.
Other Publications of Documents
Baildon, William Paley (1896) Select Cases in Chancery A.D. 1364 to 1471, Selden Society.
Baker, J. H. ed. (1977) The Reports of Sir John Spelman, vol. 1, The Selden Society.
Barker, Eric E. (1976) The Register of Thomas Rotherham Archbishop of York 1480-1500, vol. 1, for Canterbury and York Society, vol. 69.
Beadle, Richard (1982) The York Plays, E. Arnold London.
Beadle, Richard and Pamela M. King (1984) York mystery plays : a selection in modern spelling, Oxford University Press.
Beadle, Richard and Peter Meredity (1983) The York play : a facsimile of British Library MS Additional 35290 : together with a facsimile of the Ordo Paginarum section of the A/Y Memorandum Book, The University of Leeds, School of English, 1983.
Brown, R. Allen, ed. (1991) Memoranda Rolls 16-17 Henry III [1231-1233], London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
Collectanea Topographica and Genealogica (1838), John Bower Nichols and Sons, 8 volumes.
Davies, Robert (1843) Extracts From The Municipal Records of the City of York, B. Nichols and Son.
Foreville, Raymonde and Gillian Keir (1987) The Book of St Gilbert, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Hughes, Paul L. and James F. Larkin, ed. (1964) Tudor Royal Proclamations, vol. 1 The Early Tudors (1485-1553), Yale University Press.
Johnston, Alexandra and Margaret Rogerson, eds. (1979) York, University of Toronto Press, 2 volumes.
Lyte, H. C. Maxwell (1920), Inquisitions and Assessments Relating to Feudal Aids; with other Analogous Documents A.D. 1284-1431, vol. VI, York and Additions, published by His Majesty's Satrionery Office.
Ker, N. R., ed. (1964, second edition) Medieval Libraries of Great Britain; a List of Surviving Books, Offices of the Royal Historical Society.
McGerr, Rosemarie Potz, ed. (1990), The Pilgrimage of the Soul; A Critical Edition of the Middle English Dream Vision, Garland Publishing.
Oliver, A. M. (1929) Northumberland and Durham Deeds, from the Dodsworth MSS. in Bodley's Library, Oxford, Newcastle Upon Tyne Records Committee,
Palgrave, Francis (1827) The Parliamentary Writs and Writs of Military Summons, together with the records and muniments relating ot the suit and service due and performed to the king's high court of parliament and the councils of the real, or affording evidence of attendance given at parliaments and councils, volume the first, printed by command of His Majesty King George IV.
Palgrave, Francis (1830) The Parliamentary Writs and Writs of Military Summons, together with the records and muniments relating to the suit and service due and performed to the king's high court of parliament and the councils of the real, or affording evidence of attendance given at parliaments and councils, volume the second, printed by command of His Majesty King George IV.
Pantin, William Abel (1937) Documents Illustrating the Activities of the General and Provincial Chapters of the The English Black Monks 1215-1540, vol. III, Camden Third Series.
Putnam, Bertha Haven (1938) Proceedings Before the Justices of the Peace in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, Ames Foundation.
Putham, Bertha Haven (1939) Yorkshire Sessions of the Peace, 1361-1364, Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Record Series, vol. C.
Raine, James ed. (1873) Historical Papers and Letters From the Northern Registers, Published by the Authority of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, Under the Direction of the Master of the Rolls.
Rotuli Parliamentorum; ut et Petitiones, et Placita in Parliamento for 1377-1411, vol. iii.
Rotulorum Originalium in Curai Scaccarii Abbreviatio (1805), vol I., Temporibus Regum Hen. III. Ed. I. & Ed. II., Printed by Command of His Majesty King George III
John Rushworth (1721) Historical Collections of Private Passages of State, Weighty Matters in Law, Remarkable Proceedings, vol. VII.
Scargill-Bird, S. R. (1908) A Guide to the Various Classes of Documents Preserved in the Public Record Office, Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office.
Smith, Lucy Toulmin (1885) York Plays: The Plays Performed by the Crafts or Mysteries of York on the day of Corpus Christi in the 14th, 15th, and 16th Centuries, Oxford.
Stenton, Doris Mary ed. (1937) Rolls of the Justices in Eyre Being the Rolls of Pleas and Assizes for Yorkshire in 3 Henry III (1218-19), Seldon Society.
Stenton, Doris Mary, ed. (1967) Pleas Before the King or His Justices 1198-1212, vol. III, The Selden Society, p. 228.
Swanson, R. N. (1981) A Calendar of the Register of Richard Scrope Archbishop of York, 1398-1405, Part 1.
Turton, Robert Bell (1897) The Honor and Forest of Pickering, vols. I-IV, New Series, North Riding Record Society.
Webb, Margaret (1937) Early English Recipes, Cambridge, the University Press.
Durham Records: Calendar of the Cursitor's Records: Chancery Enrolments. The Thirty-Second Annual Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records (1871).
Thirty-Third Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records (1872) For Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
Heraldic Publications
Betham, Rev. William (1801) The Baronetage of England, or the History of the English Baronets, and such Baronets of Scotland, as are of English Families; with Genealogical Tables, and Engravings of their Coats of Arms, vol. I., Ipswich.
Burke, Sir Bernard (1868) A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire, Thirtieth Edition, Pall Mall.
Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Peerage Baronetage and Knightage Privy Council and Order of Precedence, 1949, 99th Edition, Burke's Peerage Limited.
Child, Heather (1965) Heraldic Design, a Handbook for Students, G. Bell, London.
Foster, Joseph (1874) Pedigrees of the county families of Yorkshire, comp. by Joseph Foster and authenticated by the members of each family, published by compiler, 3 volumes.
Lodge, Edmund, Esq. (1907) The Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage & Companionage of the British Empire for 1907, Seventy-sixth Edition, Kelly's Directories Ltd.
Shaw, William Arthur (1971) The knights of England; a complete record from the earliest time to the present day of the knights of all the orders of chivalry in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and of knights bachelors. Incorporating a complete list of knights bachelors dubbed in Ireland, compiled by G. D. Burtchaell. Published Baltimore, Genealogical Pub. Co., 2 vol., 1971 [This is a re-publication. It is a list of who was knighted, when and by whom. It only lists three Boynton knights.]
Monographs and Histories
Bean, J. M. W. (1958) The Estates of the Percy Family 1416-1537, Oxford University Press.
Binns,Jack (1996) A Place of Great Importance; Scarborough in the Civil Wars, 1640-1660, Carnegie Publishing.
Brand, Paul (1992) The Origins of the English Legal Profession, Blackwell.
Brenan, Gerald (1902) A History of the House of Percy From the Earliest Times Down to the Present Century, vol. I, Freemantle, London.
Brown, A. L. (1989) The Governance of Late Medieval England 1272-1461, Stanford University Press.
Burton, Janet E. (1979) The Yorkshire Nunneries in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, Borthwick Papers no. 56, University of York.
Burton, Janet (1999) The Monastic Order in Yorkshire, 1069-1215, Cambridge University Press.
Churchill, Winston (1950) History of the English Speaking People, McClelland and Stewart.
Clarkson, Christopher (1821) The History of Richmond, in the County of York.
Clay, J.W., ed. (1904) Yorkshire Church Notes 1619-1631, by Roger Dodsworth, Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series, vol. 34.
Cobbett, William (1806) Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England from the Norman Conquest, in 1066, to the Year, 1803, Vol. 1, [Johnson Reprint Company, Ltd, 1966].
Cobbett, William (1809) Cobbett's Complete Collection of State Trials and Proceedings for High Treason and other Crimes and Misdemeanors from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, Vol. 1, London.
Collier, Carus (1914) An Account of the Boynton Family and the Family Seat of Burton Agnes, William Appleyard & Sons.
Cooper, Thomas P. (1911) The History of the Castle of York, Elliot Stock, London.
Coss, Peter (1993) The Knight in Medieval England 1000-1400, Alan Sutton.
Dalton, Paul (1994) Conquest, Anarchy and Lordship: Yorkshire, 1066-1154, Cambridge University Press.
Darby, H. C. and I. S. Maxwell, eds. (1962) The Domesday Geography of Northern England, Cambridge University Press.
Dobson , R. D. (1973) Durham Priory 1400-1450, Cambridge at the University Press.
Dobson, Richard B. (1974) The Jews of Medieval York and the Massacre of March 1190, Borthwick Papers 45, St. Anthony's Press.
Emden, A. B. (1963) A Biographical Register of the University of Cambridge to 1500, Cambridge at the University Press.
English, Barbara (1979) The Lords of Holderness 1086-1260; A Study in Feudal Society, Oxford University Press.
English, Barbara (1990) The Great Landowners of East Yorkshire 1530-1910, Harvester Wheatsheaf, Herfordshire.
Forster, G. C. F (1973) The East Riding Justices of the Peace in the Seventeenth Century, East Yorkshire Local History Society.
Galbraith, V. H., ed. (1927) The Anonimalle Chronicle 1333 to 1381, Manchester: at the University Press.
Golding, Brian (1995) Gilbert of Sempringham and the Gilbertine Order c. 1130-c. 1300, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Gooder, A. ed. (1935) Parliamentary Representation of the County of York 1258-1832 vol 1., Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series, vol. 91.
Harding, Alan (1993) England in the Thirteenth Century, Cambridge University Press.
Herman, Shael (1993) Medieval Usury and the Commericalization of Feudal Bonds, Duncker & Humblot.
Holinshed, Raphael (1808) Chronicles, vol. 3
Holmes, George (1975) The Good Parliament, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Holt, J. C. (1961) The Northerners, Oxford.
Holt, J. C. (1992) Magna Carta, Cambridge University Press, second edition.
Imrie, Margaret (1993) The Manor Houses of Burton Agnes and their Owners, Hutton Press Ltd.
Iredale, Eric W. (1992) Sempringham and St. Gilbert and the Gilbertines, Pointon, Lincolnshire.
King, David J. Cathcart (1983) Castellarium Anglicanum; An Index and Bibliography of the Castles in England, Wales and the Islands, II Norfolk-Yorkshire and the Islands, Kraus International Publications.
Lefroy, William Chambers (1891) The Ruined Abbeys of Yorkshire, Seeley and Co. Limited, London
Lomas, Richard (1999) A Power in the Land: the Percys, Tuckwell Press.
Mackenzie, James D. (1896) The Castles of England Their Story and Structure, The Macmillan Co., pp. 434-442.
Moor, Charles, ed. (1929) Knights of Edward I (A-E), The Harleian Society.
Moran, Jo Ann Hoeppner (1985) The Growth of English Schooling 1340-1545, Learning, Literacy, and Laicization in Pre-Reformation York Diocese, Princeton University Press.
Morris, William Alfred (1927) The Medieval English Sheriff to 1300, Manchester University Press.
Palmer, Robert C. (1982) The County Courts of Medieval England, 1150-1350, Princeton University Press.
Plantagenet-Harrison, G. H. De S. N. (1895) The History of Yorkshire. Wapentake of Gilling West, Hazell, Watson, and Viney, Limited.
Pollard, A. J. (1990) North-Eastern England During the Wars of the Roses; Lay Society, War, and Politics 1450-1500, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Poulson, George (1840-41) The history and antiquities of the seigniory of Holderness, in the East-Riding of the county of York, including the abbies of Meaux and Swine, with the priories of Nunkeeling and Burstall; compiled from authentic charters, records, and the unpublished manuscripts of the Rev. William Dade, remaining in the library of Burton Constable, 2 volumes, Hull, London, R. Brown; W. Pickering, 1840-41.
Ramsay, Sir James H. (1892) Lancaster and York: A Century of English History, The Clarendon Press.
Roebuck, Peter (1980), Yorkshire Baronets 1640-1760; Families, Estates & Fortunes, Oxford University Press
Ross, Frederick (1892) Legendary Yorkshire, Hull.
Spencer, M. Lyle (1911) Corpus Christi Pageants in England, Baker & Taylor Company.
Surtees, Robert (1820) The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, London, J. Nichols and Son.
Sutherland, Donald W. (1963) QuoWarranto Proceedings in the Reign of Edward I 1278-1294, Oxford.
Thomas, Hugh M. (1993) Vassals, Heiresses, Crusaders, and Thugs; the gentry of Angevin Yorkshire, 1154-1216, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia.
Thompson, Edward Maunde, ed. (1874) Chronicon Angliae, Ab Anno Domini 1328 Usque ad Annum 1388, Auctore Monacho Quodam Sancti Albani., Published by the Authority of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury Under the Direction of the Master of the Rolls.
Tillotson, John (1989) Marrick Priory: A Nunnery in Late Medieval Yorkshire, Borthwick Paper no. 75, University of York.
Young, Charles R. (1996) The Making of the Neville Family 1166-1400, The Boydell Press.
White, Albert Beebe (1933) Self-Government at the King's Command, University of Minnesota Press.
Victoria Histories
William Page, ed. (1914) The Victoria History of the County of York: North Riding, Volume One, reprinted by Dawsons of Pall Mall.
R. B. Pugh, ed. (1961) A History of Yorkshire, the City of York, The University Press, Oxford, pp. 357-360.
Baildon, W. Paley (1920) Compositions for not Taking Knighthood at the Coronation of Charles I, Miscellanea, vol. I, Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series, pp. 84-107.
Clay, Charles Travis (1945-47), The Family of Amundeville, Lincolnshire Architectural and Archaeological Society, Reports and Papers, vol. 3, pt. 2, pp. 109-136.
Constable, Giles (1978) Aelred of Rievaulx and the nun of Watton: an episode in the early history of the Gilbertine order, in Derek Baker, ed. Medieval Women, published for the Ecclesiastical History Society by Basil Blackwell.
Conway, Agnes Ethel (1923) The Family of William Longchamp, Bishop of Ely, Chancellor and Justiciar of England, 1190-1191, Archaeologia Cantiana: Being Transactions of the Kent Archaeological Society.
Maddicott, J. R. (1978) The County Community and the Making of Public Opinion in Fourteenth-Century England, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, fifth Series vol. 28.
Pantin, W. A. (1927) The General and Provincial Chapters of the English Black Monks, 1215-1540, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Fourth Series, Volume X, pp. 195-263.
Putnam, Bertha Haven (1929) The Transformation of the Keepers of the Peace Into the Justices of the Peace, 1327-1380, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Fourth Series, Volume XII, London
St. John Hope, W. H. (1901) The Gilbertine Priory of Watton, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, The Archaeological Journal, vol. lviii, pp. 1-30.
Walker, Simon (1993) Yorkshire Justices of the Peace, 1389-1413, The English Historical Review.
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